Publisher’s note: Apparently the date was set on August 12th, 1 month ago. However, the media and the City of Gardner were not notified so we did not publicize until now. Have News? Email News@GardnerMagazine.com and we will be happy to publicize your event.
Gardner MA Fall Yard Sale
Gardner Magazine found out about this by accident as there has been no publicity. However, there are apparently about 20 households who are having Yard Sales in Gardner on Saturday, September 14th.Addresses include: 73 Prospect St, 56 Ken Dr, 53 Lovewell St, 99 Lovewell St, 194 S Main St,152 Summer St, 96 Chelsea St, 27 Jay St, 139 Euclid St, 45 Glenwood St, 112 Kelton St, 127 Temple St, 286 Temple St, 57 Willis Rd, 314 Betty Spring Rd, 44 Foss Rd, 109 Monadnock St, 33 Acadia,57 Leo Dr, 127 Vernon St