About Gardner Magazine

Gardner Magazine is a publication of WebTech Online and part of the WebTech Network, of community sites. Gardner Magazine covers the communities listed above plus Massachusetts, National, and world News: View our Coverage Area – View Internet Statistics – View our 20th Anniversary page.
Gardner Magazine.com Circulation – Exceeding 16,000 Unique Households Monthly as of July 2022 (and maintained in August, September, and October 2022).* UPDATE April 2023, now exceeds 20,000+ unique households.
Around the Towns
Gardner Magazine was founded in 2000 as GreaterGardner.net. GardnerMagazine.com was added in 2009. Today GardnerMagazine.com incorporates GardnerHerald.com, ChairCity.net, GreaterGardner.net, and GardnerMAnews.com and covers 19 cities and towns in the expanded Greater Gardner area. Easy mobile phone link is 3mx.us
From the Publisher: As you know, we don’t ask you to subscribe, and we don’t run annoying intrusive ads. But, we would be grateful if you would support us no matter how small. If even a small percentage of our 20,000+ circulation said yes, it would make a huge difference. Just click the secure Link: Support this site
CLICK on an image below for the page for that community. Have news about your town? Contact Us. Jump to Advertising Rates.
Gardner Magazine offers affordable advertising options on this site, on our network of community publications listed below, and a number of other online publications profiled on our company site at WN12.com. Our WebTech Online Network was founded in 2000.
Our other WebTech Online publications include:

In the Community
Our “In the Community” section covers all aspects of living in area communities.
Area attractions, Area Photos, Churches, Clubs and Organizations, Driving Tour, History-Gardner MA, Hotels and Motels, Jobs, Map-Gas Prices, Map-Interactive, Movie Theaters, Moving to the Area, On This Day in History, Petfinder, Photos-Gardner MA, Photos – Gardner MA Historical, Photos – Gardner MA Fireworks, Photos – Massachusetts, Photos – Historical, Schools, Sports, Today’s Features, Visitor’s Guide and Map.

Local – State – U.S. – World News
Our “Local-State-U.S.-World News” section covers a wide array of news.
. Local News: On the home page with links to more detailed articles as necessary. About the U.S.: Breaking News, FDA News, Top Showbiz Stories, Top U.S. Stories, U.S. Economy News, and U.S. News. Alternate Sources: BBC, CNN, Fox. Sports: All Sports Page World: Around the World Countries of Interest: Australia, Canada, China, European Union, Mexico Extensive Weather: Greater Gardner Weather Center Health: Health, Cancer, CDC, Climate Change, Covid-19 Jobs: Jobs Page Lifestyle: Lifestyle and Entertainment Live Audio and Video: Live Audio Channels, Live Video Channels Massachusetts: Massachusetts News U.S. News: National News Neighboring States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts 1, Massachusetts 2, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont. Politics and Politicians: Bernie Sanders, Capitol Hill, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, U.S. Politics Real Estate: Real Estate Search Technology: Technology News Topics: Aliens, Money, Science, Travel, U.F.O.s Vaccine: Vaccine News Weather: Weather Around the Region World: World News

Our “Resources” section provides a number of interesting, entertaining, informational, and reference resources on a wide variety of topics.
Play Games: Backgammon, Blackjack, Battleships, Checkers, Chess, Classic Domino, Classic Pac, Connect Four, Huge Spider, Endless Breakout, Minesweeper, Original Mahjong, Pinball, Tapman, Dimensions, Trump Sweeper, Vegas Poker, and Zuma Ball. How to Videos: Avoid Home Burglary, Child Proof, Dress for an Interview, Find a Hobby, Gift Wrap, Plant a Garden, Prevent Hypothermia, Prevent Sports Injuries, View MA History Photo Galleries: Comic Pix, Famous Art, Gallery of Trains, Mountain Vista, National Landmarks, National Parks, Scenic Photos, Virtual Animal Park and Zoo, Virtual Aquarium, Virtual Aviary, Virtual Cruise Night, Virtual Flower Garden, World Photo Gallery. Reference: Dictionary Lookup, Exact Time, Financial Page, 15 Best Finance Sites, Holy Bible, Information Resources, Learning Tools, Libraries CW Mars, Lottery Numbers, Payment Calculator, Periodic Table, TV Guide, World Factbook Comics: Comics Guide Fantasy Animal: Fantasy Animal Page Audio/Video: Historical Audio, Vintage Radio, Live Audio, Live Video. Regional Videos Real Estate: Real Estate search Maps: Road Map, Satellite Map

Public Service
Our “Public Service” section provides a guide to area public service organizations, our editorial section, area events, public meetings, and various topics of historical and public interest.
Complete Guide to Public Service Organizations, Editorials, Event Machine, Gardner Furniture Heritage, Salute to Public Service, Massachusetts Debt, Public Meeting Calendars, Downtown Gardner and Share the Chair City, Share the Fireworks, Thanks for Nature, Treat People with Kindness, U.S. Debt Clock and other Statistics, Vaccination Statistics

Our “Directory” section provides a directory of local businesses, an archived listing of past businesses for research purposes, classifieds, location information, and various resident and visitor information.
Business Directory and Referral Index, City of Gardner Business Categories, Classified Ads Gardner MA, Where is Gardner Massachusetts, Business Listing Archives, Gardner MA – Live, Work, Play, and Visit, Aliens at the Gardner MA Dog Park, Visiting Gardner Massachusetts, Gardner MA – Journey to the Future, Making You Hungry Junk Food page, Parker St. Mural, the Lost Murals of Main Street, Gardner MA Election 2021, Against Shock Collars

Advertise with Us
Gardner Magazine accepts advertising.
GardnerMagazine.com has served the region since 2000. The site started out as GreaterGardner.net and added Gardner Magazine in 2009. It now also incorporates ChairCity.net and GardnerHerald.com. Gardner Magazine has a circulation of 16,000+ households monthly.
ADVERTISE with Gardner Magazine. We offer various forms of advertising including Banner Ads, Audio, Video, eBrochures, Menus etc. and listings in our Directory. Call us at (978) 632-6324. Serving Greater Gardner since 2000.
Advertising Rates
Banner Ads (Ad runs site wide) right column in-content ads, column is 1/3 width of page.
Up to 450×600 pixels

Up to 450×300 pixels

Up to 450×150 pixels

Business Directory Only

HOME Page Advertising
Home Page Advertising includes in content advertising in the left column which is 2/3 the width of the page. Available sizes: Full 900×600 pixels: $449 monthly, Half 900×300 pixels; $279 monthly, or Quarter 900×150 pixels: $175 monthly. See examples of banners below.
Full 900 x 600 pixels
Half 900 x 300 pixels
Quarter 900 x 150 pixels

Listing in the GardnerMagazine.com Business Directory including image(s), textual information, and links to audio, video, other documents, and of course, your website. Clients purchasing Banner Advertising also receive a Directory listing. Discounts are available for clients running banner ads on multiple sites of the WebTech Online network. All advertising is paid in advance of the period requested. (Similar to how a cable tv bill works.)
We reserve the right to refuse to sell advertising to any person or business. Political Advertising is accepted, but we will add the following disclaimer above any political ad. “The following is a political ad. Views are those of the candidate.”
Advertising Terms: Monthly til further notice advertisers – Payments due monthly in advance of the month. Contract discounts available.
Example of Half- Home page 900x 300 pixels – 900×600 would have twice the height.

Example of Quarter- Home page 900x 150 pixels

Website Hosting

Hosting of your website including email and a normal amount of space and bandwidth. Every client gets cpanel access. WordPress capable. As a Domain Name Reseller we offer domain names at $19.99 per year.
Website Design

Basic Website Design for a small business website including up to10 hours of work. We offer content writing, image editing, plus audio and video editing. Experienced since 1998. Additional hours $65 per hour.
Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Business Premium from GoDaddy including Office 365 installed on up to 5 devices, Office 365 (online only) web-apps, 1 TB online Storage, and HD video conferencing, Professional email using your domain name, 50 GB of storage for email, contacts, and calendar, and more. Visit our site: USHosting.org for more details and more options.
Email Marketing

Email Marketing Pro for savvy marketers with growing mailing lists. Up to 5000 contacts. Send up to 50,000 emails per month. Unlimited signup forms, image storage, and unsubscribe handling. Works with Facebook and more. Other options from $120 per year. Visit our site: USHosting.org for more details and more options
Questions: Please call (978) 632-6324 and leave a call back number. Due to the extraordinary amount of call traffic, to cut down on spam, the number has been set to answer automatically after 2 rings. Ongoing advertisers will be provided an easier number to call for prompt service.