Go Forward with Gardner MA – A Complete Series Exploring the Chair City’s Future
Gardner MA is a growing City with incredible upside potential. Gardner Magazine’s Go Forward with Gardner series gives a voice to those who will influence Gardner Going Forward. Our goal is to interview as many individuals as possible to provide our readers with the widest possible perspective on issues pertaining to the Chair City. We want to share this complete picture with residents, visitors, and those contemplating bringing business and industry. Gardner MA is a welcoming and cooperative City and we hope these interviews will show that.
Gardner City Councilors’ Interviews
This page features interviews with Mayor Michael Nicholson, City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, City Councilor Nathan Boudreau, City Councilor Dana Heath, Senior Citizens Director Michael Ellis, Realtor and Artist Carolyn Kamuda, Keep Gardner Beautiful’s Dianne “Neon” Leblanc, and Gardner’s Chief Procurement Officer Joshua Cormier.
Mayor Michael Nicholson
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
On September 12, 2022 , we were honored to interview the Mayor of the Chair City. We have a complete page on it including the full text. CLICK HERE. You can also play it on any device. Click Play.
The Mayor has also done other interviews with Gardner Magazine and you can play them here.
On October 14, 2022, we interviewed Mayor Nicholson about Gardner’s successful and transformative program of Accelerated Development. Complete article, CLICK HERE. Or, listen on any device. Click Play.
On November 21, 2022, we interviewed Mayor Nicholson about What’s Next. In more than 40 questions, Michael Nicholson let’s us know What’s Next. Complete Article, Click Here. Or, listen on any device. Click Play.
Gardner MA City Council
Gardner MA has 11 City Councilors. 5 Ward Councilors and 6 Councilors at Large. We will put interviews on this page as we are able to do them.
Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas
As City Council President, Elizabeth Kazinskas presides over meetings, is precluded from being part of the debate during meetings, but is a voting member. We asked Kazinskas about what issues she feels most impact the constituents of the City of Gardner and about various topics of concern. The Council President had a lot to say in a 59 minute interview which covered many topics of interest as Gardner Goes Forward. Listen here on any device. Click Play.
Councilor Dana Heath – Ward 2
This time, our interview is with Ward 2 Councilor Dana Heath. Councilor Heath gave us a very honest, open, uplifting, positive and interesting interview and was willing to answer all of our questions. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Councilor Nate Boudreau – Ward 3
This time, our interview is with Ward 3 Councilor Nate Boudreau. Councilor Boudreau gave us his perspective on a variety of issues, clearly loves Gardner, wanting the best for its future, and was willing to answer all of our questions. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Gardner Public Schools
Dr. Mark Pellegrino, Superintendent of Schools
We spoke about Accelerated Development in Gardner Education – Progress in the Schools, the Gardner Success Story. We spoke at length and with specifics on how Gardner has managed to draw the attention of other Districts in the United States and abroad for its record of accelerated improvements to Education in Gardner. The rigorous curriculum begins with Kindergarten and continues throughout all the grades, culminating in some very unique programs for High School students including Innovative Pathways and various means of taking college courses and getting college credits.
Community Leaders
Trevor Beauregard
Trevor Beauregard has been Gardner MA Director of Community Development for years and speaks on Gardner’s past, present, and future.
We were pleased to interview Director Trevor Beauregard on the Accelerated Development in Gardner on November 1, 2022 and how this success has come to be. Beauregard has a unique perspective as he has been with the Chair City for well over a decade and has followed certain projects from conception, planning, execution, and completion. The Director spoke about housing, public facilities, business, and industrial development. He explained how things are coordinated and how Gardner’s proactive and organized effort has led to the awarding of many recent grants to benefit the City.
Michael Ellis
Michael Ellis has worked with the City of Gardner in Planning and Grants and was the President of the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce for over 16 years. Currently Ellis serves as Gardner’s Senior Citizens Director. As Gardner has a substantial Senior population, we thought his unique perspective would be invaluable to our ongoing “Go Forward with Gardner” interview series. We asked Mr. Ellis about the services provided by the Center and what can be expected as its space grows when it moves to the old Waterford Street School by sometime next year. What we got was a treasure trove of valuable information you will want to hear. Listen here on any device, CLICK Play.
Carolyn Kamuda
As a Gardner icon, Carolyn Kamuda is unique. She has been a Real Estate Broker for decades, has an art gallery, projects a love for the arts and culture, and showcases a deep toolbox of common sense. The interview puts the positives of Gardner’s future in an analytical light with Kamuda’s insight providing valuable considerations for Gardner City Council, the Mayor, and businesses coming to the City. According to Kamuda, Gardner’s best asset of all is ‘its people.” Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Dianne “Neon” Leblanc
Dianne Leblanc and many volunteers helped Keep Gardner MA Beautiful on October 1, 2022. Weather cooperated for the annual event which once again attracted civic-minded individuals to do their part in cleaning up the Chair City. Gardner Magazine interviewed Dianne in an uplifting Go Forward with Gardner interview on the event and Gardner’s future. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Gardner’s Chief Procurement Officer Joshua Cormier
We interviewed Joshua Cormier, Gardner’s Chief Procurement Officer on who gets credit for the Perfect Audit, about the role of the purchasing department, and about how to save money in our daily lives. He also spoke about his role as Gardner’s Movie Liaison, predicting more movies will be made in Gardner MA in the coming years. Listen to the interview on any device. Click Play

Gardner Magazine Publishes AUDIO of Gardner MA Meetings, Updates, and Events.
Now you can listen to AUDIO on any device.
Gardner City Council Meetings – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too.)
Gardner Mayor’s Updates – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too)
Gardner School Committee Meetings – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too)
Special Events and Special Occasions – AUDIO available for 2020, 2021, and 2022, CLICK HERE.