City of Gardner MA – Alternate Universe
The City of Gardner MA is one of the few cities in this area making such a strong effort to achieve transparency. Interestingly, it is not the only Gardner in the Country doing so. Gardner, Kansas is a city of similar size and has had a YouTube channel for 10 years now. When looking at its website, it is apparent there are some things Gardner, MA does much better. And there are also some valuable items to be learned. After all, Gardner MA is doing well, but it’s not perfect.
Interestingly, Gardner, Kansas was settled primarily by emigrants from Massachusetts, and it was named for Henry Gardner, the Governor of Massachusetts at the time. Here’s another twist: Gardner MA was founded in 1785 – mix up the exact same digits and you get the date Gardner Kansas was founded, 1857. So, is this a case of an alternate universe existing right here in front of us, or just an interesting factoid, presented here for your reading enjoyment? We’ll let you be the judge.
. Here’s are some links so you can explore yourself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardner,_Kansas https://www.gardnerkansas.gov/ https://www.youtube.com/user/CityofGardnerKS https://www.facebook.com/CityofGardnerKSGovernment/
Gardner Magazine believes that the people of Gardner, MA are inspiring others throughout the country every single day. Gardner, Massachusetts is a great place to live, work, play, and visit. And as far as the folks in the other City of Gardner. We wish them well.
Some interesting Gardner MA pages: History of Gardner Furniture and the Big Chair — Share the Chair —- Gardner Business Wish List — Weekly Mayor’s Update — City Council Meetings — Gardner MA, Great Place to Live, Work, Play, and Visit —Area Attractions — Visit Downtown Gardner MA