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Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson update on 4 Furry Legs

While not bringing up the pending Gardner PD investigation, the Mayor reported that the Gardner Police Department welcomed a new member, police dog “Rocky”, who will be assisting in patrol efforts, drug assignments, and tracking missing people. 

Office Willis and Rocky will be attending an 18 week canine training course.   Cost of Rocky and associated expenses are being covered by the Stanton Foundation.


Downtown paving will begin during the third week of May.  Unitil will also be digging up Central Street to repair and replace gas lines.  The Mayor assures residents that the utility will be paying to repave the area from curb to curb as this is City policy when work was recently done. 

Other paving projects are in the works before the end of the fiscal year.  Mayor wants to get as much done as possible to take advantage of the lower rates contracted before recent oil price increases.
