Money and Finance Greater Gardner MA Local News
Money-Finance Around Greater Gardner MA
- Hotline 3-22-25 (3/22/2025)
Projects – Events – Veterans – Budgets – Pets Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Show
The WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 22, 2025 was filled with great interviews. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 3-22-25 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on projects in Gardner including the Rome Building at Willow and Main, Gardner Spray Park, the Mayor speaks about a large number of events in Gardner. — Jim Benton, Vietnam Veterans of America about various programs and events such as annual Memorial Ride — Abbott and Costello with famous baseball routine “Who’s on First”
2nd Hour: Big budget problems Winchendon and Templeton. —- Templeton: interview with Matthew Rivard who is resigning from the Templeton Board of Selectmen. Rivard speaks on his reasons for resigning and concerns about the Templeton budget. Rivard criticizes the mentality of the people of Templeton with respect to funding the town and “their inability to be forward looking”. Winchendon: Deep Dive with Jack and Jill: Winchendon School Budget —- Werner Poegel Commentary on People and Pets in the Chair City.
- Energy Letter (3/1/2025)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson using new role to Advocate for Greater Gardner area residents
Gardner residents have expressed frustration with high electricity and gas bills and Mayor Michael Nicholson is taking the fight to Boston. As President of the Massachusetts Mayors Association, Nicholson signed a letter on February 28, 2025 which expresses “deep concern regarding increased energy costs experienced throughout the state”
The letter continues, “All across Massachusetts, working families struggle to balance the rising costs of basic needs including housing, food, and transportation. Now, our residents face exorbitant energy utility costs far beyond what they typically budget for each month. …. We strongly urge the Department to use every tool available to immediately reduce energy costs beyond the baseline 5% reduction and establish reasonable rates that can be maintained within a sensible range in the coming years.” The letter bears the names of 2 dozen Massachusetts Mayors. See complete letter on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson has expressed a desire to use his roles on various Boards, Commissions, and Associations to further the interests of Gardner. For example, as Chair of MART for 2 years, the Mayor was instrumental in bringing increased stops to Gardner and increasing the level of service by adding routes. (And this Press Release regarding energy was sent to us at 8:38am on a Saturday.)
- Finance 1-15-25 (1/16/2025)
Gardner Finance Committee Discusses Various Matters for the New Year
Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 1-15-25 Complete Agenda, CLICK HERE. The Finance Committee spoke about an Ordinance proposed by Councilor George Tyros which would require the Community Development Block Grant Steering Committee to meet monthly. Other items concerned grant writing & lobbying services, collective bargaining agreement with the teamsters, the fiscal 2026 budget, prison mitigation funds, snow and ice account, and the creation of a new Human Resources Manager position.
- Finance 10-16-24 (10/18/2024)
How diligently are they working to get grants for the City? The Mayor stated, “There have been $158 million worth of applications currently pending for the city right now. We’re not going to get half of those, but at least we tried. Maybe we get half, maybe we get three-quarters, maybe we get one of those things. But in the end, we get something more than what we have right now.” Councilor Dernalowicz remarked, “We would have possibly applied for a fraction of that amount and got half of that. So it’s a big difference to get all those applications out there and having someone, whatever group it may be, lobbying for it as well. It’s fantastic.”
Serious Discussion and Light Moments at Finance Committee October Meeting
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance 10-16-24 Serious items such as debt service and new growth were discussed by the Mayor and members. Mayor Nicholson spoke of the revenue from Meals Tax, indicating that during the year, “We’re projected to get around $250,000 meal tax in based on receipts the commonwealth has received from… their statewide sales tax that they do on meals.” However, for planning purposes, the Mayor is only counting on $125,000 of that just to be safe. Total free cash amount is $2.5 million which is right in line with the percentage recommended by the State of MA. Finances regarding the Waterford Community Center were also discussed.
Light moments arrived when the return on the 3rd party grant writers was discussed. It was smiles all around when the Mayor stated, “So for a $75,000 investment between what was first appropriated for CMRTC and what was first appropriated for the Keller Partners contract, to have, you know, spend $75,000, get $20 million back is quite the return on that investment. So I’d like to keep that going..”
These and other matters will be discussed at the City Council meeting on October 21, 2024. Complete 414 page Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
“IT’S FANTASTIC” – Councilor Dernalowicz
- Tax Free 2024 (8/6/2024)
Two Days to Beat the Tax Man in Greater Gardner MA
On Saturday August 10th and Sunday August 11th, most items under $2500 purchased for personal use in Massachusetts will be exempt from the 6.25% sales tax.
Great time to buy that TV you don’t need or that new washer and dryer you’ve been putting off. You’ll even save on renting a backhoe for the weekend.
How much can you save? On a $500 item, you save $31.25. On a $1000 item, you save $62.50. On a new $30 toaster, you’ll save $1.88. If you choose to put your purchases on a high interest credit card, the interest will soon wipe out any savings you get.
For specifics and exclusions direct from the State of Massachusetts website, CLICK HERE.
- AMLP Rates (8/3/2024)
Many Electric Customers in Ashburnham to see Lower Rates
Effective September 1, 2024, the Ashburnham Municipal Light Plant is separating the Customer Charge, Distribution Charge, and Purchased Power Charge. The result creates a small decrease in the monthly bill for many customers. For example the total bill for a residential customer using 750 kilowatt hours is currently $146.03 and would decrease to $135.22. Details are shown in the graphic. Details can be found at the AMLP website, CLICK HERE. A helpful rate calculator is also provided so any customer can input their information and make a custom comparison. Rate calculator, CLICK HERE.
AMLP states on their website: “As a local non-profit, we are dedicated to ensuring our customers receive reliable power, affordable rates, and excellent customer service.”
- Capital 7-31-24 (8/1/2024)
Capital Improvement Committee Discusses How to Spend $8 million
Faced with the good news that Gardner Elementary School is about $8 million under budget, the Capital Improvement Committee discussed how to spend the money. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Capital Improvement Committee 7-31-24 Committee was generally in agreement that $4 million of the amount should go towards needs of the School Department and some were discussed. In addition, the committee decided to communicate with all City Department Heads to see if there are any needs not currently on the Capital Improvement Plan which should be there given this development.
The alternative to spending any of the $8 million which is currently in the City’s bank account is to pay down the principal on the school loan. However, that would not reduce the City’s monthly payment obligation but would end the payments 2 years earlier. Mayor Nicholson would like to use the funds already borrowed to fund urgent needs of the School Department.
- CDBG Grants 7-29-24 (7/29/2024)
CDBG Grants Announced in Front of School Street School
School Street School has been vacant for almost 40 years, has fallen in to disrepair, often has vandals and police calls. Gardner applied for a Community Development Block Grant to demolish the building and received it along with others to benefit the City. Listen to the announcements and comments from officials on any device. CLICK PLAY.
CDBG Grants July 29 2024 Pictured are 2nd Row: Gardner Mayor Nicholson, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, and City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas. 3rd row: City Councilor George Tyros who serves as Chair of the CDBG Steering Committee, Julie Meehan of the Community Action Committee, Bernice Richard of Voices of Truth, and both James Deveau and Janet Stankaitis from the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission. The CDBG Grants will also benefit athletes as fees will be completely covered again this year. Demolition of the building will be the middle of next year. Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE
Breakdown of the $925,000 total funds: School Street School Demolition and Associated Costs 95% or $877,000 —- Gardner Emergency Housing Mission $5,000 — Gardner CAC $16,000 — Athletic Fees $15,000. Voices of Truth $12,000
- 7% Tax (7/4/2024)
Which Cities and Towns Have Opted for Local .75% Option
In the City of Gardner as of July 1, 2024, here is the accurate information regarding how your cost of a meal and/or takeout has been impacted by the adoption of the .75% option. A $40.00 tab used to cost $42.50 total with the 6.25% MA tax. Now with the added .75%, the total is $42.80, a difference of 30 cents. However, during the course of a year, even a seemingly tiny amount can help the City of Gardner’s budget. For example, if 10,000 residents had a $40 tab each week for a year, the total amount spent before taxes would be $20,800,000. State of MA would collect 6.25% meals sales tax of $1,300,000 and City of Gardner would receive .75% meals tax of $156,000.
Other communities which had already adopted the option to tax meals at 7% instead of 6.25% are:Athol, Orange, Phillipston, Rutland, Templeton, and Winchendon
The nearby cities of Fitchburg and Leominster have not adopted the .75% option on meals. Boston has had the added amount in place since 2009, Framingham since 2010, Springfield since 2009, and Worcester since 2009. A total of 257 out of 352 cities and towns have the added tax in place. Current List, CLICK HERE.
Change in Meals Tax Reporting July 1, 2024
Under the new title of “Meals, Food & Beverage”, multiple locations may be combined on one return. Details from State of MA, CLICK HERE.
- Assessors 6-18-24 (6/20/2024)
No Huge Crowd at Exciting Board of Assessors Meeting in Gardner MA
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Assessors 6-18-24 Sometimes the shortest meetings are the most exciting and the most revealing about how efficient a City is run. In this meeting, learn why Chair Chuck Leblanc has a new signature. Find out about the number of forms approved by the State. Get updates from Assessor Christine Kumar. Learn about 2 dozen boxes headed for the shredder. Meeting adjourned at 2:11pm.
- MART – more FREE (6/7/2024)
MART Free Rides Extended Through August 2024 in Greater Gardner MA
The following is from MART “MART is pleased to announce that our Fare Free transit services have been extended through the summer to August 31st, 2024. Ride MART buses and ADA service FREE. No Fares, No Passes – Just Ride!”
Here are the years member communities became members of M.A.R.T. — Ashburnham: 1980, Ashby: 1986, Athol: 2013, Barre: 2021, Gardner: 1978, Hardwick: 1988, Hubbardston: 1983, Phillipston: 2022, Royalston: 1984, Templeton: 1985, Westminster: 1986, and Winchendon: 1985. Other member communities include Ayer, Bolton, Boxborough, Fitchburg, Harvard, Lancaster, Leominster, Littleton, Lunenburg, Shirley, Sterling, and Stow. Visit the website, CLICK HERE.
- Informal Meeting (6/4/2024)
Gardner MA City Council Scrutinizes Budget Line by Line in Informal Meeting
Council President Kazinskas presided over an informal City Council meeting on June 3, 2024 for the purpose of going over the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Informal Meeting 6-3-24 The City Council took a methodical approach which took them about 1 hour to review the budget, line by line and ask questions of Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson who was on hand in person at the meeting. Previous to this meeting, subcommittees had already met to go over various items in detail concerning the different City Departments. Actual vote on budget is during the regular City Council meeting which followed this one.
- Hotline 3-9-24 (3/9/2024)
To be a guest on Hotline email or call (978) 632-1340. It’s beamed to planet EARTH!
WGAW HOTLINE RADIO brings local guests to planet March 9, 2024
Steve Wendell hosts Hotline Radio, Saturdays from noon to 2pm on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere on planet earth. CLICK HERE.
Guests and Reports on the HOTLINE March 9, 2024 Show Included: Mayor Michael Nicholson – Various updates regarding the City of Gardner including the start of paving on various streets. Also, the Uptown Rotary project will resume in April. Weekly Update Article City Councilor Karen Hardern – The Councilor said she voted against increasing the marijuana establishment quota because she didn’t want to hurt the existing cannabis establishments. Hardern also said she would like parking meters removed in Downtown Gardner. Hardern spoke of the meters in a January interview, CLICK HERE. A report on Switching to Daylight Savings Time on 2am Sunday March 10th. Article, CLICK HERE. A Commentary on the State of the Union featuring Don and Joe. See complete article and hear Fictional Theater Episode 3 Report on Student Loan Forgiveness – $10,000 in student loan forgiveness is being activated now, it’s called the SAVE plan and is based on income. Here’s more information and the link to apply. State Senator Peter Durant spoke about the State Budget. Durant also spoke about the danger of Massachusetts becoming a magnet for migrants, “You get a roof over your head, $64 per day/ per person” He also spoke about migrants being able to get cash out of ATM’s using EBT cards and then purchasing whatever they want. The Senator is scheduled to have office hours at Gardner City Hall from 1-2pm on Monday March 11, 2024 State House Contact page, CLICK HERE. A report on the Oscars which is happening on Sunday. Here is the official website, CLICK HERE.
- U.S. Debt (3/3/2024)
Website has current statistics which are updated continuously, CLICK HERE.
Unique website keeps track of U.S. National Debt in Real Time
We took a snapshot at about 8pm on March 3, 2024. The United States National Debt is approaching $34.5 trillion, over $100k per citizen, over $250k per taxpayer. To put this in perspective, just the interest on the debt this budget year is at $761 billion while the defense budget is about 100 billion above that at $864 billion. Also listed is state and local debt and many other current statistics. There’s even a mortgage/loan calculator
- Open Checkbook (1/17/2024)
Show Me the Checkbook – Gardner MA Has for Awhile
How much has Gardner paid for various expenses in the last decade? Show me the exact expense and the check number? And I want it now. Sounds like a request not easily achieved right? —- And you would be wrong. The City of Gardner is so transparent that you can see how every dollar is spent. Every dollar and every check going back to 2014. Now, how about that.
Here is the Open Checkbook: Click here to open the checkbook . Sort by category. Sort by vendor. You can even export the data to your favorite spreadsheet.
For more information on financial transparency in the City of Gardner, here is the financial transparency page, CLICK HERE.
And the City of Gardner says, “If you have questions about a particular transaction, please direct your question to the responsible department. “
- Budget Dog (1/12/2024)
Budget Dog for Greater Gardner MA – Saving Money in 2024
Budgets are tight in every household, or, if not now, at some time your budget might be tight. The advice of Budget Dog will help you save money so you have a greater cushion in an emergency.
Here are the subjects and categories we will cover: Regular Savings, Entertainment/TV, Cable, Internet, Electricity, Heating, Water and Sewer, Phone Service, Car Buying, Groceries, Clothing, Furniture, Yard Sales or Flea Market, Transportation, Taxes, and Insurance.
Visit our complete Budget Dog page, CLICK HERE.
Quick Tip: Save a little every week, assume everything is negotiable, and assume you’re paying too much. You’ll easily save some money.
- Assessors 12-5-23 (12/7/2023)
With Grinch Banner in background, Gardner MA Board of Assessors has Exciting Meeting.
Assessor Christine Kumar reported tax rate of $16.13 for 2023 is down for this year with a rate of $14.99 for 2024 certified by the State. City Council once again recently approved a single tax rate for residential, commercial, industrial, personal property, and land. Kumar stated, “So we are certified by the state, which is always a lovely thing”
No mention of the Grinch was made by any of the members but Kumar did state, “And then really, I’m just kind of in a holding pattern, waiting to provide vision, billing information to the treasurer-collector, probably this week or next week. Once that happens, I can speak to vision and have them flip to the next fiscal year. So then I can start adding and changing things that affect growth. Because right now, until they do that, I still can’t touch anything. So we’ll get moving on that probably next week.And then fiscal 25 starts in vision. It always gets me so far ahead.” Listen to the exciting meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
- Unclaimed Bucks (12/5/2023)
State of MA Holding more than $3 Billion in Unclaimed Property
It could be a cable deposit or an insurance refund, but it’s yours so why not claim it. Fill out the appropriate form on the State’s website and the Treasurer’s office will send you a check. Don’t think you have any unclaimed funds? It’s easy to check. Just go to
The State of Massachusetts has returned more than $787 million in unclaimed property in the last 5 years. You can also search for property held by other states at
Many people have no idea that there’s money waiting for them. Check for unclaimed property today.
- Turkey Price (11/15/2023)
Greater Gardner MA Shoppers Benefit from Discounted Turkeys
Nationally, the price of a 15 pound turkey this year is about $35.40, or an average of $2.36 per pound. In the State of Hawaii, it runs about $52.85.
In the Greater Gardner area, grocery stores are continuing their habit of substantially discounting Thanksgiving Turkeys. On November 15, 2023, here are the prices: At Hannaford: Frozen Turkeys in store are as low as 49 cents per pound. At Walmart, as low as 98 cents per pound. At Price Chopper and Market Basket, as low as 69 cents per pound. So, Greater Gardner shoppers will pay much less than half the average price of turkeys nationally. Of course, other items needed for the meal will add to cost.
- Assessors 10-17-23 (10/18/2023)
Exciting Board of Assessors Meeting Has Assessor Smiling over DOR Approval
Beaming from ear to ear, Gardner MA Assessor Christine Kumar reported that the Department of Revenue did not have a single question on the values submitted – Values and New growth were approved. In the words of one of the members, “WOW.” Kumar stated that she had met with the City Auditor John Richard before the meeting and he’s “going to start answering things on his end for the recap sheet…”
In another item, the Board of Assessors is once again recommending a single tax rate for Gardner’s property tax payers. “We’re trying to attract commercial and industrial.” This will be decided by the Gardner City Council with a classification hearing tentatively scheduled for November 20th. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Assessors 10-17-23
- Electric Reminder (10/3/2023)
Single Decision of Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson has potential to save households Millions
The electric contract Mayor Nicholson signed on May 1, 2023 (known as Municipal Electric Aggregation) at a rate of just over 14 cents per kilowatt hour goes into effect on November 1, 2023 and goes through October 31, 2025. It represents over a 9 cent per kilowatt hour reduction over the recent one year contract. The Mayor made a decision last year to go for one year because as he stated, “I notified the Council that while the rates were much lower than the rate National Grid was offering, they were still high, so I made the decision to only sign a one-year contract at this rate, rather than lock the City for three years at this rate.” The previous 2019-2022 contract had a rate of 13 cents per kilowatt hour.
With 8500+ households in Gardner MA and an average savings of $57 per month based on usage of 600kw, this new plan could save Gardner consumers over $480,000 per month over the previous rate or over $200,000 per month over National Grid’s recently announced basic rate.
Are there less costly options? There are 2 sources where you could save a negligible 1/10 of a cent per kilowatt hour for 12 months. Other options are more expensive. Check it out for yourself: To join the City of Gardner plan, visit this website:
Those already enrolled in the City’s program will be in the new program automatically. It is 22% lower than National Grid’s recently announced basic Residential Basic Service rate of just over 18 cents per kilowatt hour. For those switching to the City plan from another supplier, the City recommends customers verify terms before switching because of possible penalties or early termination fees. And remember, while the program is November 2023 through November 2025, “rates apply to service beginning and ending on the days of the month that your meter is read in your service area.” If you choose to leave the City plan at any time there is no fee to switch to another supplier. Also note: If you fail to pay your bill in a timely manner, you may be switched back to the National Grid basic service.
More information on City of Gardner website
- Finance 10-2-23 (10/3/2023)
Gardner MA Finance Committee Meets on October 2, 2023
The Mayor spoke to the Finance Committee regarding the recent certification by the State of Free Cash and retained earnings of Enterprise Funds. He detailed the various accounts and amounts. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 10-2-23 Passage of the Mayor’s various requests were recommended to be approved by the full City Council.
- The Conductor (9/28/2023)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson has been called one of America’s most effective Small City Mayors, even being invited to the White House to speak about Gardner’s success. We asked him about everything in detail.
We came away from the interview realizing that it was hard to document all that has been accomplished in Gardner in 3 years and that Mayor Nicholson still has the energy and desire to do even more in the next couple of years.
Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.
The Conductor – The Serious Business of Government in Gardner Massachusetts – An Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
We had the honor of speaking with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with an in-depth interview concerning his time in office so far. It showcases the serious business of government and it reveals exactly what has been achieved and what it takes to lead a small City like Gardner. And, it reveals Mayor Nicholson’s vision of Gardner’s positive future trajectory. Listen to the interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.
The Conductor – Mayor Michael Nicholson 9-26-23 We asked the Mayor about: 3 perfect Federal Audits — New Businesses —- Going after Junky Buildings — Public Safety Improvements —- Impactful People Policies — Enviro Champ — Respecting Taxpayers — Improving Education — Being tested as a leader — Delegating while remaining in the know — Getting Gardner noticed — Blight to Promise — Increase in Amenities — Company Success — Housing Needs — Setting transparency standard — Parks and Recreation — As the Conductor — Projects in the Works —- 2 dozen areas where there’s MORE of a good thing — A dozen areas where’s there LESS of a bad thing — Live Music — Continuing Momentum — Future Business — Continuing Efforts on behalf of Gardner Citizens. Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.
- Electric 2023 (8/3/2023)
Options for Electric Rates in Gardner MA
As of November 1, 2023, the new negotiated rate drops to 14.18 per kWH. See letter from Mayor Michael Nicholson to Gardner City Council, CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner negotiated a 1 year contract last year as Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson believed rates would fall again by this year. Current rate is just under 24 cents, but will drop to 14.18 cents when a new 2 year contract begins on November 1, 2023 and goes through October 31, 2025. By way of historical comparison, from 2019 to 2022, the rate was 13 cents per kWh.
Other rates: A number of options at have 10 companies with rates from 13.57 cents per kWh to about 15 cents per kWh. Note that the slightly lower rates are for a shorter term than the City of Gardner guaranteed rate for 2 years.
To get electric rate options for any community, simply go to the State of MA website, CLICK HERE.
- Tax Holiday (8/2/2023)
Sales Tax Holiday in Greater Gardner MA 2023
On the weekend of Saturday August 12, 2023 and Sunday August 13, 2023, individuals will skip the Massachusetts 6.25% sales tax on items for personal use priced less than $2500. For Complete details from the State of MA, CLICK HERE. All retailers are participating. Meals, gas, tobacco, booze, and pot are still taxable.
So if you’ve been thinking about buying an appliance, television, lumber for your project, or any item costing up to $2500, this is your weekend. And remember, you can spend a Zillion dollars if you want and not pay any sales tax as long as no individual item costs more than $2500 and if the items are for personal use.
- Fall Yard Sale (8/1/2023)
Gardner MA Fall City Wide Yard Sale to be Saturday September 23, 2023
The Gardner Massachusetts Fall City Wide Yard Sale date has been announced as the first Saturday of Fall, September 23, 2023. That day is in fact the first day of Fall this year! This event will be held rain or shine with no rain date like the Spring. Yard sale permit requirement is waived per Mayor Nicholson for 9-23-23 only. To add your name to the map, email organizer Julie Mazza: The deadline to sign up so you get on the map is Thursday September 21st.
We interviewed some Yard Salers in the Spring, CLICK HERE for article
- Minimum Wage (7/9/2023)
Impact of Minimum Wage in Massachusetts – 4th Highest in U.S.
A decade ago in 2013, the Federal Minimum Wage was $7.25, having been raised in 2009. As of 2023, it is still $7.25. In 2013, it was $8 in Massachusetts. Today in 2023, it’s $15. Graphic shows every State plus Puerto Rico and D.C. 20 States are still at $7.25, most are much less than Massachusetts. Our complete analysis shows the inflation rates by year which have been minimal until the past couple of years, while the MA minimum wage has nearly doubled in the last decade.
Visit the page with our complete report and analysis, CLICK HERE.
- Route 66 (7/7/2023)
USPS Might as well call it Route 66 in Greater Gardner MA
First-class mail goes up to 66 cents on Sunday July 9, 2023 from the current 63 cents. The United States Postal Service, like many private companies, has had rising costs due to inflation.
Other USPS prices are also increasing. While there currently is no “Route 66” stamp, why not?
- Summer Eats 2023 (7/2/2023)
Summer Eats Program Underway in Greater Gardner MA
Project Bread offers free breakfast at 8:45am – 9:15am weekdays and free lunch from noon to 1pm weekdays at Gardner High School and Gardner Elementary School. Also lunch at Old English Village from 1pm to 1:45pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Free meals to all kids and teens, no identification or registration is required. Brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Education and local school and community meal providers.
Other sites are available in the area: Link for Map, CLICK HERE
- City Council 6-5-23 (6/6/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Unanimously Approves Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
The Fiscal Year 2024 Budget approved covers the period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 and includes both Municipal and School Budgets. An informal meeting was held first. Listen here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Informal City Council June 5, 2023 Following the informal meeting, the regular City Council meeting was held. Listen here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Regular City Council June 5, 2023 View the complete agenda and packet in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Easy Links to FY 2024 Gardner MA Budget Articles and AUDIO – Finance Committee – Public Service Committee – Public Safety Committee – Public Welfare Committee. City Council Meeting with Budget info (5-15-23) – School Committee Meeting with Budget (5-8-23) Because the City Council was able to finalize the budget on June 5, 2023, meetings scheduled for June 6th were canceled.
- Public Service 6-1-23 (6/2/2023)
8 Areas Focus of Public Service Committee in Gardner MA
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Inflation is still impacting the budget for the City of Gardner. However, many areas are being level-funded and non-union salaries are being increased by 2 percent. The Public Service Committee heard from Dane Arnold who gave one example: Line painting which was $18,000 came in at $35,000, nearly double. If he could have all the funding he really wanted, Arnold said he’d ask for another one million dollars for road surfacing expenses and he does have some big ticket items coming up regarding DPW facilities. Mayor Nicholson says the City is rotating working parking meters in to more used areas. Annual parking meter revenue used to be $90,000, now it’s about $30,000. The Mayor stated he won’t look at buying new meters until free cash is certified in November of this year.
The Committee heard reports regarding Public Works, Engineering, Conservation, the Airport, Water, Sewer, Recreation, and Municipal Rec. The Gardner City Council has a series of scheduled meetings coming up regarding the budget and its approval.
- Accomplished (5/26/2023)
The Interview you’ll want to explore: Accomplished in Gardner MA
Much has been accomplished in Gardner Massachusetts. We cover 2 dozen categories of success concerning the Chair City of Gardner MA. Mayor Michael Nicholson became Mayor in 2020 after a Special Election. He was reelected in 2021 and will be on the ballot this Fall seeking another term. Page with text of all questions and answers, plus AUDIO for each category, CLICK HERE.
Listen to the entire interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Accomplished in Gardner MA – May 2023 We have the entire text of the interview available on this page, CLICK HERE. For your convenience, we also have jump links below so you can go directly to read any section of greatest interest and/or listen just to that section.
Jump to: Aesthetic Improvements — Alert Service — Amenities Betterment — Benefitting Arts — Blight to Promise —- Boosting Athletics — Business Growth —- City Transparency — Community Events — Easy Voting — Elder Concerns — Educational Achievements — Fiscal Responsibility — Future Planning — Improving Recreation —Infrastructure Upgrades — Interactive Services — Life Issues Headway — Medical Advancements — Planet Awareness — Public Safety — Supporting Music — Veterans Services — Wayfinding Focus — Recognition by Others — Running for Mayor
THANK YOU Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson for putting in the effort to complete this project.
- Jobs 2023 (4/14/2023)
824 Jobs are listed within 5 miles of Gardner MA on April 14, 2023. The graphic at right shows a sampling: Search for your own
- Accomplished (4/6/2023) Launches to Showcase Accomplishments of City of Gardner MA
It’s now there for all in the nation to see, the accomplishments of Gardner, Massachusetts in 24 different categories including Aesthetic Improvements, Alert Service, Amenities Betterment, Benefitting Arts, Blight to Promise, Boosting Athletics, Business Growth, City Transparency, Community Events, Easy Voting, Elder Concerns, Educational Achievements, Fiscal Responsibility, Future Planning, Improving Recreation, Infrastructure Upgrades, Interactive Services, Life Issues Headway, Medical Advancements, Planet Awareness, Public Safety, Supporting Music, Veterans Services, and Wayfinding Focus.
Visit the Website at, CLICK HERE.
Downtown Gardner
For information on Downtown Gardner including events throughout 2023, visit . For information on the Downtown Association including memberships, visit
- Gas Prices (3/18/2023)
Average Gas Prices Greater Gardner MA
The average price of gas in Greater Gardner MA on March 18, 2023 is $3.21, down over a dollar from $4.26 1 year ago.
3 years ago the price was around $2.00. Data from Gas Buddy.
Fuel Oil prices 1 year ago were over $5 per gallon. Now the price is around $4.00 per gallon.
- March to Success (3/5/2023)
March to Success – Projects and Progress Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
With so much happening in the Chair City, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of it all. Fortunately, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson agreed to help us out. This interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is March to Success – Projects and Progress. – Things happening in Gardner which directly affect your life. We will cover Notable Past Projects, Current Projects, Future Groundbreaking, and Future Planning and what’s on the capital planning list in 2023. Play on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete Interview with text of all questions and answers plus graphics, CLICK HERE.
March to Success – Projects and Progress – Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson What you will learn: The medical services and resources being added in Gardner this year…. The status of public and private sector projects started in 2022 and what’s upcoming this year…. The projects affecting people in the Chair City directly…. The focus on Education which will benefit your kids…. What events are happening this year…. Really cool additions to existing parks and the new parks…. How Gardner is meeting people needs…. It’s a deep dive into what’s happening this year in Gardner! Complete Text
Jump to a Text Topic Section in the Interview: Notable Past Projects **** Medical Care **** Ongoing Private Sector Projects **** Work at the Schools **** Future Groundbreaking **** Future Planning **** The On-call Realtor **** Infrastructure Projects of the Past **** Good Impressions at City Hall **** Infrastructure Projects Being Discussed **** Infrastructure Projects in the Works **** Spaceport in the Future **** Future Planning **** People Projects **** The Cost of Cuts **** Education An Ongoing Project **** Strategic Use of Resources **** Event Projects **** Community Amenities **** Business Recruitment **** Grants – Past, Present, and Future **** Peoples Needs in the City of Gardner **** Addressing Project Needs Effectively **** Greatest Challenge Going Forward **** Setting Gardner Apart **** What Citizens Should Know.
- Aldi (2/28/2023)
Aldi Food Store Coming to Timpany Plaza in Gardner MA
Aldi has reportedly signed a lease to move in to the remainder of the old Stop and Shop space at the Timpany Plaza in Gardner. An opening date has not yet been announced.
Aldi has currently has stores within the region in Keene, Leominster, Shrewsbury, and Nashua. The Gardner store will put its products within easy local reach. Google reviews average a solid 4.4.
Aldi sells grocery items, meat, and dairy as well as some harder to find items. Customers generally compliment the prices and quality of the products.
- Local aid (2/26/2023)
Proposed State Budget Contains Huge Increase in Aid to Gardner MA Public Schools
In a departure from past practice, the Healey – Driscoll Administration has released proposed numbers in advance of the full Fiscal Year 2024 budget. According to Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, “Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll followed through on their commitment to let cities and towns know what to expect for local aid….Gardner will receive $33,981,210 under their proposal, with $27,428,246 of that going to our schools. This represents a $4.1 million increase from last year.”
Increases by Year
In fact, Gardner saw a nice increase last year as well after seeing State aid flat for the 3 previous years. State Funding by Fiscal year: Proposed FY24: $27.4 million (an increase of over 17.5% over FY 23) , FY23: 23.3 million (an increase of 10.6% over FY22), FY22: 21.07 million, FY 21: $21million and FY20: $21 million.
Current School Budget
For reference, here is the current Fiscal Year 2023 Gardner Public Schools Budget, Click Here.
- Oops…Excise (2/23/2023)
Excise Taxes Due in Greater Gardner MA
Check your bills. Your Excise tax bill might be due today, depending on your town in Greater Gardner.
City of Gardner Excise tax bills are due by Thursday, March 2, 2023. Note, that if your City or Town does not have your correct address, it is your responsibility to contact your local Tax Collector so you can pay the bill. If you no longer have the vehicle, you may need to produce proof that you have disposed of it.
According to Jennifer Dymek, you must go through the RMV to change your address so it is correct in the future and in a format acceptable to USPS. Here’s a link from the State of MA with more info on Motor Vehicle Excise Taxes.
Questions in the City of Gardner? Call the Tax Collector at (978) 630-4008. And here is the link to the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax bill page. Even easier, if you have the bill in front of you. Here’s a link to the secure Unipay page. Just enter the info from your bill and pay it. Real easy!
- Employment Strategy (2/22/2023)
We spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about this Winning Strategy – Listen and learn why many consider Gardner a great employer. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nicholson on Jobs 2-24-23 The Gardner MA Winning Strategy to Attract Employees
Listen to the Win Win Promo created by Gardner Magazine on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winning – Working with Gardner The City of Gardner is looking for employees. Gardner pays by the hour with available overtime or via weekly salary depending on the position. The Winning Strategy: Give people more than just pay. Health, Dental, and Life Insurance premiums are covered 75%. Retirement is vested after 10 years. There’s education and training opportunities and other great options. There’s only one problem: There’s a limited number of positions, so you’ll want to get your application in today. As of this article, there are at least 6 positions posted. For more information, visit this page on the City of Gardner website.
“When we invest in people, we invest in ourselves and our future” – Gardner Mayor Nicholson
- Hiring for Rec (2/19/2023)
Gardner MA Hiring for Summer Program – 16 Year Olds Can Apply and Learn Leadership
This year’s Summer Recreation Program in Gardner (see previous article and interview) is expanding and Gardner is hiring. You must be 16 years of age or older with a “strong ability, patience, and desire to work with children in an outdoor environment…Ability to instruct children in an engaging, fun, and interesting manner…follow and enforce all safety rules…” You must apply by April 30, 2023. Here’s all the details on the City of Gardner website.
Jobs like these build strong leadership skills.
- Lessons – Gardner (2/1/2023)
Lessons About Gardner History – An Interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
In a revealing interview, we interview Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson to learn more Lessons About Gardner History, how we can learn from the past to have more successes in the present and contribute to a better future. The entire interview is available to read in its entirety, CLICK HERE, or listen on any device. Click Play.
Lessons About Gardner History – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Topics covered include the storms of January 2023, Paving in the Chair City, the City Charter, updating Gardner City Hall, Fire Department needs, giving uses to unused City Buildings, Music Education in Gardner Public Schools, About the Covid Pandemic, Staff Development in the City of Gardner, Construction and use of school buildings, Signage in the City, Sludge Landfill Expansion, Lighting in the Chair City, Blighted Properties, Satisfaction in the Gardner Police Department, MMA and Grants, Things which didn’t turn out as well as expected, advice on purchasing a home, Spending money or waiting for grants, funding of Athletics, Gardner Disaster Preparedness, the Budget Process, Perfect Audit, Promotion of the Chair City, Growing Business in Gardner, Serving the Public, Gardner Events, Effectiveness of City Ordinances, Serving Senior Citizens, Visitors’ Center and Tourism, Downtown Gardner Traffic Flow, Funding Priorities, Environmental Concerns, Supporting Industry, Criticism from the Public, Topics of Phone Calls, Challenging Financial Times, and the Effectiveness of Various Approaches. Downloadable eBook 62 pages, CLICK HERE
We covered more than 3 dozen topics and Mayor Nicholson was good enough to answer every question and we very much appreciate it. Listen to the interview or read it right here.
- Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 (1/20/2023)
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 State of the City 1-10-23 Seaman Bridget McLean receives award. Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson with 20 Minute Important Update on 20th of January, 2023
This week Mayor Nicholson’s update is filled to the brim with useful information for all citizens of Gardner Massachusetts. “A substantial update for you here today.”
Here’s a list of topics covered this week:
Thanks for everyone who was involved in making last week’s State of the City Address as successful as it was. To listen, here’s the article. A completely filled Council Chamber and 2nd floor hallway. Director of Public Health Lauren Saunders is now a registered sanitarian, passing the exam on the first try. Gardner resident Seaman Bridget McLean receipt of Military Excellence Award from Navy boot camp, placing first in graduating class. Congratulations to new officers of Gardner Golden Age Club Congratulations to Centennial Committee on successful kick-off event. Here’s our article. Congratulations to new Crown Chicken franchisee on reopening the store in Gardner. View our article. Fire Department Grants for badly needed hoses and Fire Education in schools and for seniors. View our article. Grants for Dispatcher Training. Grants and other funding for improvements at Gardner Airport. Report on the usage of facade grants and available funding still available for other businesses. Almost 3 dozen businesses have opened in Gardner in the past 2 years. Start of the work with Department Heads to develop fiscal 2024 budget. Property Cards have been updated – abatement applications are due by February 1st. View your property card, CLICK HERE. News on reports due and inspections forthcoming for multi-family properties. View our article on inspections, CLICK HERE. Listen to the Update on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23
- Electricity 23 (1/19/2023)
Electric Bill High in Greater Gardner MA? There may be something cheaper… allows you to shop for an electric supplier for your home or business. You put in your zip code and a list of suppliers and rates pops out.
Electric Angst in the Toytown of Winchendon
For example, the basic service rate in Winchendon MA may be as high as 34 cents. However, at the site there’s a supplier under 17 cents (saving 50%) and several others in the 17 to 20 cent per kilowatt hour range. Click here.
Electric Frustration in the Chair City of Gardner MA
In Gardner, basic service has a supply rate of about 34 cents. The City of Gardner negotiated rate is just under 24 cents. However, there’s a supplier for 17 cents and a number well under 20 cents per kilowatt hour. Click here. For example IGS Energy offers a 16.99 cents per kilowatt hour with a 12 month contract or a 17.99 cents per kilowatt hour rate with a 36 month contract. Click here.
For your community, go to, select Home or Business, put in the zip code, and get the results instantly. CLICK HERE.
- R.E. Taxes 2-1 (1/14/2023)
City of Gardner MA Real Estate Taxes Due the First of February
The tax rate was certified at $16.13, 3 cents lower than the $16.16 anticipated. This is the 3rd quarter bill and should be considerably lower than the 1st and 2nd quarter bills which were based on a higher rate due to the way Massachusetts State Law operates.
Should you have any questions regarding your tax bill, the Gardner Treasurer-Collector’s office can be reached at (978) 630-4008. If you’d like to check your property record card, CLICK HERE.
- Budget Dog -2023 (1/12/2023)
Gardner Magazine’s Budget Dog will Save you Money!
Our Budget Dog Page, CLICK HERE – has tips to save you money in the following categories: Cable TV – Streaming, Internet, Electricity, Heating, Water and Sewer, Phone service, Car buying, Grocery savings, Clothing, Furniture, Yard Sales – Flea Market, Savings, Real Estate Taxes, House Insurance, Transportation, and FREEBIES.
Budget Dog wants to save you money, CLICK HERE.
- Employment (1/5/2023)
A report on the Status of the Greater Gardner MA Work Force
According to the State of MA, the Labor Force in Gardner consists of just under 9800 people with 374 unemployed. The unemployment rate dropped by close to half or more than half in 6 area communities. Gardner was at 6.2% in January 2022 and dropped to 3.8% almost a year later. 4 communities contiguous to Gardner are under 3 percent.
To find your community unemployment info, visit this state website and click a town on the map for data. CLICK HERE.
Need a job? lists various positions open with 10 miles of Gardner, Massachusetts. CLICK HERE.
- Turn of Century (12/18/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on the Turn of the Century in the Chair City
Turn of the Century Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson What you’ll hear about:
Learn about new Technologies, Perceptions of Gardner, Employment for women, the new “Roaring Twenties”, use of radio, an item on the Mayor’s bucket list, protection against hard times, drug enforcement and addiction prevention & treatment, Gardner’s Credit Rating, Utility services, love of the Flag, Speed limits, what approaches stay and what changes, Youth in Gardner, Things about Gardner companies, new online services with Gardner, successful voting processes, City structures, Centennial events tease, and Gardner values.
Complete Interview page with text of all the questions, all the answers, and all the graphics. Turn of the Century Interview, CLICK HERE.
- Finance Committee 12-14-22 (12/16/2022)
Finance Committee 12-14-22 – a light moment with Veterans Agent Lynette Gabrila (left) Mayor Nicholson (center), Council President Kazinskas (right) Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
Finance Committee 12-14-22 Gardner City Council to Meet on Monday December 19, 2022 to vote on the recommendations of the Finance Committee and other matters including the approval of various licenses recommended by the License Committee
Listen to the License Commission Meeting of December 13th on any device. Notably, the Southside Grille is closing on December 31st and is not renewing its licenses. CLICK Play.
License Commission 12-13-22 City Council Packet for December 19, 2022 meeting, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Finance Committee Discusses Veterans Services and other Matters
Veterans Services: The Finance Committee discussed Veterans Services which the Gardner Veterans Agent is providing to an increasing number of contiguous communities. Permission is being sought to add the town of Ashby to the roster. Soon there will be full-time staff of 3 including Gabrila if City Council votes approval. Additional communities could be added with a population totaling no more than an additional 40,000 people before a 4 staff member would be mandated. Ashburnham, Westminster, and Princeton are already served by Gardner. Funding City Clerk’s Office: Funding for the City Clerk’s office was discussed to ensure adequate staffing levels since both Assistant City Clerks are retiring within the next calendar year. Mayor Nicholson stated, “I don’t think we’ve had a time where we’ve had both assistant department heads retire within a week of each other, so this would be able to just help with that continuity there.” Airport Manager sought: Gardner MA is still looking for an Airport Manager. Security Software Renewal Needed: IT Director Robert O’Keefe appeared requesting funds for the renewal of security software. Abandoned Factory: The Mayor is requesting authorization to sell the abandoned factory at the corner of Stewart and Nadeau Street which has a zero appraised value due to condition.
- Electric Bills (12/12/2022)
Gardner MA Consumers Using National Grid feeling pinch of 64% rate increase
Social Media is buzzing with people not very happy about the higher electrical rates. If you are living in the City of Gardner, there is a plan which the City negotiated which will save you some money. The rate is higher than last year, but lower than National Grid.
View info on the plan on the City of Gardner MA website, CLICK HERE
In addition, The state of Massachusetts has a page with great advice on Help paying your utility bill, CLICK HERE.
- Unclaimed Property (12/5/2022)
You may have FREE Money due you in Greater Gardner MA! – It’s Easy to check…
After a period of time, certain unclaimed financial assets get turned over to the State, but you can easily get the money back. According to the State of MA, it has returned over $735 million in the last 5 years. Simply go to the State Website, CLICK HERE. or for any state in the Country, CLICK HERE.
It is very common for people to be owed small amounts of money from various refunds such as from utilities. We checked and the Mayor of Gardner is owed money, certain City Councilors are owed money, and many Gardner citizens are owed money. How do you get your money? Just fill out a simple claim form at the link above.
Unclaimed property consists of unclaimed financial assets such as checking and savings accounts, unpaid wages, securities, uncashed dividends, life insurance policies, uncashed checks, safe deposit boxes, etc that are without activity for a certain period of time. It does not include real estate or vehicles. Typically assets become unclaimed when the owner cannot be contacted for a three-year period by the holder of the asset, or for fifteen years in the case of traveler’s checks.
- Gardner Airport (12/3/2022)
Gardner Airport to Receive about $7 million in Funding for Runway
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson announced on the Saturday, December 2, 2022 WGAW Hotline Radio Show that he found out Friday evening about great news for the Gardner MA Airport facility: about $7 million in grant funding. About $5 million will come from the Federal Government and about $2 million from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Transportation. According to the Mayor, The City of Gardner will have to layout zero with 100 percent being covered by grants. Plans will be to completely dig up the existing runway and put up new paved runway. The Mayor said, “I’m actually really excited for that one….I was very happy to get that notification last night.”
- Mayor’s Update 11-25-22 (11/25/2022)
The Exact Moment in Time of a Big “Thank You” from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson 11-25-22 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson: “Gardner is a very special place and we’re very blessed to be here.”
Watch the Mayor’s Updates on our Mayor’s Update page, all AUDIO and prior Update articles on our AUDIO page, or listen here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 11-25-22 Tree Lighting 2021: This year’s Tree Lighting will be held at Monument Park Greenwood Pool and Bathhouse 100 years ago. Listen to this week’s Mayor’s Update on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update November 25, 2022 Complete Article on City Council Meetings of November 21, 2022, CLICK HERE.
With a Grateful Spirit, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Both Thanks and Updates the Chair City
A Message of Gratitude
No less than a dozen times in this week’s update, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson used the words Thank You. He thanked citizens for tuning in to the update, Lindsay Butler and Trevor Beauregard of Community Development, City Councillors for “your cooperation and partnership.”, department heads for their continued work, to GFA for sponsoring the horse-drawn carriage for the upcoming tree-lighting ceremony, Gardner Square Two for sponsoring additional Christmas decorations, to everyone who participated in the Memorial Lights campaign, to the members of the public for “all you do for the community….and staying involved,” to everyone who’s involved, and then a general “Thank You.” at the end.
Reminders to the Chair City
Salvation Army Kettle campaign underway. Most of funds collected go to Gardner CAC. – Volunteers still needed. Small Business Saturday is Saturday 11-26-22. However, it’s Small Business Month in Gardner with FREE Downtown parking entire month of December. (2 hr. parking limit still applies.) Congratulations to various Gardner Sports Teams. The Mayor mentioned the soccer teams, the Cross Country team, and that the Gardner Cheerleaders will be headed for the National Competition in Dallas in January. He said he was “very proud of all of our student athletes…” Sunday’s Christmas Parade – From City Hall setup at 4pm eventually to Monument Park for the tree lighting after 4:30pm. Festival of Trees – at Gardner Museum until December 3rd. City Council Approvals
Community Development Block Grant 2 year plan approved. Funding to go to demolition of Greenwood Pool Building and construction of new Pavilion, demolition of Rome building at corner of Main and Willow Street, covering athletic fees for low to moderate income students, and to the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission. Tax Rate set at $16.16, down from $18.59. Next bills should go down. Public Hearing coming up 12-5-22 as to whether residential, business, and industrial properties will continue to be taxed at same rate. Mayor is in favor of a single tax rate to continue to encourage business. Supplemental Budget approved. Additional inspector to be added in Health Department, will help in keeping up with food inspections. Domestic Violence Advocate position reinstated at Gardner Police Department after a 15 year absence. “Positions to be posted shortly.” - What’s Next Interview with Michael Nicholson (11/21/2022)
We have a dedicated page for the What’s Next Interview which shows all of the questions. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson commits to running again and explains What’s Next in a fast-paced interview.
On November 21, 2022 Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviewed the Chair City Mayor about What’s Next… The Mayor answered more than 40 questions. If you want to know what great things to look forward to in Gardner, give it a listen on any device. You’ll learn What’s Next… Click Play.
What’s Next Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson 11-21-22 We have a page dedicated to the interview and plan to transcribe it in its entirety. For now, you’ll see most of the questions and some of the answers. We’re releasing the interview prior to Thanksgiving because there is so much to be thankful for in the progress made due to the Mayor and his entire City Team, the support of the City Council, the proactive efforts of the Gardner School Committee, the cooperation of the State and Federal Government, and the valuable partnerships fostered with business leaders, industry, and developers willing to invest in Gardner. Gardner has so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and the good news is, more Good News is coming. Don’t miss, What’s Next.
Interview Specifics
We asked the Mayor if he was committed to running again and continuing the transformative work and he said yes. We asked the Mayor about plans for the Schools, Athletics, Recreation, Buildings, Projects, Keeping Gardner Beautiful, Public Safety, Transparency and Finances, Employment, Technology, Health, Music and the Arts, the Public Schools Curriculum, Climate Change, City Charter, Faith, Bugs, Covid, Business, Industry, Technology, Infrastructure, the South Main Street Bridge, City Needs and Facilities, and the Mayor’s daily priorities. It was as a state official recently addressed the Mayor, “Very Impressive.”
- City Council 11-21-22 (11/20/2022)
City Council 11-21-22 Informal Meeting 11-21-22 Regular Meeting 11-21-22 The Budget Single Family Homes – Average Tax Bill History Home Values by Community Fiscal Year 2022 Here is a copy of the current Gardner MA City Charter. CLICK HERE.
Watch Gardner City Council Meetings on our City Council page. Listen to Council meetings on our City Council Meetings AUDIO and article page. Listen to this meeting when available on any device. Click Play.
City Council Regular Meeting 11-21-22 Gardner MA City Council – 2 Meetings on November 21, 2022
Informal Meeting 6:00pm
In August 2022, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson communicated to the City Council his desire for them to approve an “Act Relative to Establish a Special Act Charter Drafting Committee.” It was discussed at two meetings in September, removed from the calendar in October and was back on the calendar for this meeting.
Other matters before the Council included some routine financial matters and a Communication from the Mayor Regarding the Fiscal Year 2023 Supplemental Budget Proposal.
The Agenda listed here is for the informal meeting, contains the Mayor’s suggestions on Charter modifications, various Money orders, the Fire Department Union Contract, includes the Fiscal 2023 City Budget and expenditures through 10/20/22, and communications from City Auditor John Richard. Complete Informal Meeting Agenda, click here. Listen to the Informal Meeting on any device, CLICK Play.
City Council Informal Meeting 11-21-22 Regular Meeting Items 7:30pm
Free Parking: Whether there will be Free Parking at Downtown Gardner Parking meters for month of December 2022 APPROVED Tax Rate: Whether to accept a single tax rate for residential, business, and industrial property as recommended by the Finance Committee. Request to set the tax rate at $16.16, reflecting various required certifications regarding property in the City. This would be welcome news to residents expecting a reduction to offset the larger than expected 1st and 2nd quarter bills. It would be the lowest tax rate in a decade. Various information regarding property taxes in Gardner is included in the 432 page packet. Decision: A Public Meeting will be scheduled. Various money orders and notifications Taxis and Ride Share: The Ordinance to amend the Code of the City of Gardner entitled, “Hackney and Other Carriages.” This would affect taxis and ride share vehicles, specifically excluding ride share vehicles from the same regulations applied to taxi and livery vehicles and contains provisions regarding taxi companies. One of the provisions concerns junky taxis – The Chief of Police will have the power to take an unsafe taxi out of service immediately. This was approved and sent to first printing. City Charter; Discussion and possibly a decision on whether to establish a Special Act Charter Drafting Committee. More time was requested so no action was taken. Fire Equipment; Various communications concerned the costs of needed replacement fire trucks and various options. Veterans Treatment Court: Communication regarding a proposal for a Veterans Treatment Court in Gardner to serve surrounding communities and nearby Counties. Motion passed. Money for pumps at the landfill was approved and authorization was given to proceed with the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Mini-Entitlement Block Grant. City Council Regular Meeting 11-21-22 - Gardner C.A.C. 2022 (11/20/2022)
Learn more at Gardner CAC website. CLICK HERE.
Gardner CAC Needs You
For decades, the Gardner Community Action Committee – Gardner CAC has served countless less fortunate individuals in the area. The CAC is focused on serving the needs of economically disadvantaged individuals throughout the Greater Gardner community. In addition to the City of Gardner, their service area includes the towns of Ashburnham, Baldwinville, Hubbardston, Otter River, Templeton, and Westminster. Donations make a huge difference. You can donate securely with any debit or credit card. Here’s the link, CLICK HERE.
Help Those Who Would Otherwise Be Forgotten
The origin of the Salvation Army kettles dates back to the late 1890s in San Francisco and by 1900, the idea spread from the West Coast to the Boston area. Today, public contributions in the Greater Gardner MA area at Price Chopper and Walmart to the Kettle Campaign supports local charities. If you wish to sign up as a volunteer CLICK HERE.
Public Service Organizations in the Greater Gardner area help throughout the year. For our page with a complete list of organizations in the Greater Gardner area. CLICK HERE.
Is your organization, charity, or church having an event or doing something you wish the public to know about? Just email and we would be glad to include you in an article.
- 5 and Below (11/16/2022)
Inflation-Busting Event Sunday 11-20-22 at Gardner MA American Legion
Gardner Magazine interviewed Kimberly Blake, the organizer behind the Big $5 and Below Bazaar taking place this Sunday November 20, 2022 from 10am to 3pm at the Gardner American Legion, 22 Elm Street, Gardner. Our curiosity was peaked because there’s FREE Admission, dozens of vendors with stuff under 5 bucks, food reportedly also under 5 bucks, a FREE treasure hunt of sorts, and 1 dollar holiday photos. Listen to the 6 minute interview on any device. CLICK Play.
Interview with Kimberly Blake 11-16-22 - M.A.R.T. FREE (11/11/2022)
All MART Bus Rides are Fare-FREE in Greater Gardner MA this Holiday Season
The Montachusett Regional Transit Authority has announced , “For this upcoming holiday season, all MART bus rides will be FARE-FREE! Running from November 21st to December 31st, 2022. Please visit our website for any information regarding scheduling, bus routes, and all additional services that may fit your needs.”
And it’s not the only thing which is FREE. In September MART announced that there’s free Wi-Fi on board all fixed-route buses. In 2022, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and Councilor Alek Dernalowicz lobbied to increase MART services to the Chair City. One new bus shelter was erected in front of the old Prospect Street School and is among several to be added. Nicholson was elected this year to the Chair of MART’s Advisory Board. View Article from July 2022 on additional stops.
This latest announcement is expected to help Greater Gardner residents whose budgets have all been affected by rising costs due to inflation.
- Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 (10/28/2022)
Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 Successes in the City of Gardner View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 Cooperation and Teemwork Leading to Gardner’s Success Smiling from Ear to Ear, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Treats Chair City to Great News in Weekly Update
The Mayor spoke about some local events, but the Big News in this update was positive business and development news for Gardner. Nicholson mentioned the large number of businesses which have opened in the past year and those which have opened recently. He told of the revitalization efforts in Downtown saying, “I’m really excited to see what Gardner looks like in three years as a result of all of these different revitalization projects, these businesses opening and everything else that’s happening in the City right now. It really is an exciting time for us all .”
Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 Grant Announcements
Mayor’s Nicholson really lit up as he explained the City’s good fortune in being awarded various grants this past week from the Commonwealth’s Community One Stop Program.
$155,500 Site Readiness Grant for a feasibility study to see where the City could put a new industrial business park and how successful that would be as other industrial parks in Gardner are full. $40,000 Technical Assistance Grant to explore whether or not Gardner should be looking to implement a District Increment Financing Program. $30,000 Commonwealth Places Grant to buy parklets to create barrier seating areas to be put in parallel parking spaces as rented by a restaurant. $25,000 Mass Downtown Initiative Grant for Wayfinding Signs to make it easier for residents and visitors to find what’s available in Downtown. $17,000 Collaborative Workspace Grant for the Wachusett Business Incubator to revamp the incubator’s work to help local businesses grow. Various Items Covered
In various items, the Mayor spoke of the Yard Waste pickup being on residents’ normal pickup days in the coming week and that tax bills are due November 1st. He reminded everyone that the next two bills should be lower as the tax rate is adjusted in December, and that new growth was recently certified as $415,000. He also stated the he will propose $875,000 in initial spending of the $2.6 million in certified free cash with the remainder reserved for later in the year when needs are better known such as extra snow and ice which is projected to be just under $600,000. The Mayor also stated that this year’s Tree Lighting will be a bit more special as it is Gardner’s 100th Christmas as a City. He also reminded the City of Early Voting hours and congratulated the Gardner High School Wildcat Marching Band which received the Silver Medal at the Statewide Marching Band finals.
- Accelerated Interview (10/14/2022)
Gardner Magazine has a treat for you. Feel great about Gardner MA
On October 14, 2022, we interviewed the Chair City Chief Executive about Gardner’s successful and transformative program of Accelerated Development, an unprecedented partnership of Government, Business, Community, and Private collaboration to achieve an expedited prosperity. Thank you, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. Complete article, CLICK HERE. Or, listen on any device. Click Play.
Accelerated Development Interview 10-14-22 - Cheap Inflation (10/8/2022)
It Ain’t Cheap Being Poor – Everyone Feeling Inflation in Gardner MA
The Mayor of the Chair City just bought a home and is paying hundreds of dollars more per month than he would have just a year ago. Rents have skyrocketed – a recent post on recently renovated properties showed 1 bedrooms starting at $1100 with larger units going for more. The negotiated electric rate for Gardner is 10 cents more per kilowatt hour beginning November 1, 2022. Fuel for cars and homes has been high all year. Groceries create shockwaves for shoppers as they see the prices going up with almost every stop to the store. We can’t do anything about all of that, but since we’re ALL feeling poor, we licensed a song to play here on any device. CLICK Play.
It’s Ain’t Cheap Being Poor – The Inflation Song - Board of Assessors (10/5/2022)
Gardner MA Board of Assessors Board of Assessors Meeting 10-4-22 Gardner Property Valuations Chart 10-5-22 Gardner MA Receives Preliminary Certification of Property Values by Department of Revenue
According to the Assessor’s office: “The preliminary assessed values for FY2023 will be available for public review beginning Monday October 3, 2022, through Friday October 7, 2022, at the Assessor’s Office and on the Assessor’s page of the City of Gardner website. Contact the Assessor’s office during the public disclosure period to ask questions, review, discuss and request changes in proposed values. The Assessor’s Office is open from, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Friday.” Printable pdf of announcement
Some will be happy and some will not be pleased with the valuations as they vary by property type. On average, the increases by class are approximately as follows: Single-Family – 22%, Condominiums – 33%, Two & Three-Family – 23%, Apartments (4+ Units) – 38%, Commercial Class – 13%, Industrial Class – 12%, Vacant Land – 26%.
The Board of Assessors met briefly on 10-4-22. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Board of Assessors 10-4-22 Once the valuations and numbers such as New Growth are approved, Gardner’s tax rate can be set and exact tax bills can be sent out for the 3rd and 4th payments of the tax year. Our previous article describes the unique circumstances this year which led to the “Tax Inversion” phenomenon. We also have links to informative info on how Property Taxes work in MA. For article, CLICK HERE.
- 2nd Perfect Audit (10/3/2022)
Gardner MA Perfect AUDIT Complete Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE
2nd Perfect Audit – Communication from Mayor – CLICK IMAGE for larger view Gardner MA is Fiscally Responsible Gardner MA Does It Again! Perfect Financial Audit 2nd Year in a Row.
The Mayor sets the budget. The City Council approves it. The Auditing Department performs audits of all invoices and payrolls submitted for payment by the City Departments The Purchasing Department Helps the City Buy things. And a third party audits the City of Gardner. Last year, for the first time in recorded history, Gardner got a PERFECT AUDIT. And then, defying the odds, Gardner did it again, proving it is one of the most fiscally responsible City governments in America. View a communication from the Mayor to the City Council regarding the audit.
We interviewed Joshua Cormier, Gardner’s Chief Procurement Officer on who gets credit for the Perfect Audit, about the role of the purchasing department, and about how to save money in our daily lives. He also spoke about his role as Gardner’s Movie Liaison, predicting more movies will be made in Gardner MA in the coming years. Listen to the interview on any device. Click Play
Joshua Cormier – The Perfect Audit – Go Forward with Gardner MA - Mayor’s Update 9-30-22 (9/30/2022)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson 9-30-22 View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update September 30, 2022 Electrical Rates to Rise Mayor Nicholson Shares Various News in Weekly Update of 9-30-22
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of this week’s Bomb Threat made against various schools and thanked Public Safety officials who responded.
Nicholson congratulated Eric Commodore, a Gardner representative to the Monty Tech School Committee who was just elected Chair.
The Mayor went on to speak of the Concession Stand Construction at Gardner High School, stating they had to take out 15 feet of ledge. Goal is to get it operational by the Thanksgiving game this year.
Nicholson spoke of the progress in Downtown Gardner and thanked all responsible for the $17 million in total grant funding this year and $11 million last year.
The Mayor spoke of various events going on and thanked those involved in the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest.
Electric Rates to Go Way Up
Mayor Nicholson had some sobering news for electric rates. The City apparently went out to bid 3 times in an effort to get the lowest aggregation kilowatt hour rate for residents for the coming year starting in November. However, the lowest rate it could get was 23 cents, up from 13 cents. Nicholson noted however, that the rate is still 11 cents lower than the 34 cents per kilowatt hour National Grid is quoting. Copy of new rates pdf — Mayor’s Email to City Council regarding the rates, CLICK HERE.
- GFC 9-15-22 (9/15/2022)
Gardner MA Finance Committee September 15, 2022 Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen to it right here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 9-15-22 Gardner MA Finance Committee Goes Over a Wide Range of Topics
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson appeared before the Finance Committee regarding various funding requests. He also detailed that Tender Heart Veterinary Care is donating regular office visits for K-9 Rocky and discounting any future procedures by 30%, and went over his request to handle Senior Center finances in such a way that funds are available as unanticipated expenses come up.
The Mayor explained the Flower Pots in Downtown and South Gardner are featuring flowers from Valley Florists. Sponsorships are $75 for remainder of this year.
Inquisitive Counselors asked the Mayor to change his hat to that of Chairman of the School Committee for an update on the New Elementary School. Mayor Nicholson indicated that the inside was 98% done, explaining that hot lunches are now available. However, the outside construction will take an additional 8 months to a year and they are working on getting one playground operational. Student dropoff and pickup is getting better after a chaotic first day.
- Home Sales (9/3/2022)
With home prices and interest rates up, monthly payments are up. Here’s a link to an online mortgage payment calculator. CLICK HERE.
Prices Up, Home Sales Cooling, Interest Rates Double for Greater Gardner MA
In the City of Gardner MA, the median home price was just over 289k as of July 2021 and is up 14% to just under 330k as of July 2022. Interest rates have doubled since last summer.
The numbers: With a 10% down payment and 30 year fixed mortgage at 3%, that median-priced home had a payment of $1098. A year later, with interest rates doubling to 6%, the same home would have a payment of $1779, allowing for both the increase in home price and interest rate. That’s a payment increase of 62%. Payments do not include mortgage insurance for less than 20% down, real estate taxes, or insurance.
The Cooling: According to the Warren Group, “Increases in wages and salaries are not keeping pace with inflation that is now running at 8.5%. Plus, homebuyers face a very low inventory of homes for sale. All this leads to a cooler real estate market.”
In the State of Massachusetts, the median home price was 540K as of July 2021 and is up 8.3% to 585k as of July 2022. With same down payments and rates as quoted above, the monthly payment is up 42%.
Rents up as well. Local craigslist ads on September 3, 2022 show that a 1 bedroom can easily go for $1200/month, 2 bedroom $1400/month, and 3 bedroom $1600/month. However, the latest listing was on August 30th. Social Media posts frequently show people frustrated over availability when trying to find an apartment.
- Tax Free Weekend (8/13/2022)
The Massachusetts Sales Tax is suspended for Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14, 2022. It’s like a BIG SALE built in to almost everything you buy!
The Sales Tax Holiday in Greater Gardner MA will give you just a little bit more money in your pocket for those school supplies, that brand new toaster, or even a TV!
- Growing Places (8/5/2022)
Growing Places Non-Profit Growing Places is in different communities on a daily basis. If you need food now, view the calendar. CLICK HERE.
Growing Places Pop-Up Market Stretches Gardner MA Food Budgets
This Summer and Fall, the Growing Places Refrigerated Van Pop-up Market brings fresh local produce to 74 West Street Gardner (across from the Gardner Ale House) every Friday from 10:00am to 11:00am. You can pay with cash, credit/debit, Farmers Market Coupons, or SNAP/HIP dollars. In fact if you have SNAP, you can get extra benefits for local produce. Complete flyer, CLICK HERE. Growing Places website, CLICK HERE.
- Music Job (8/4/2022)
Gardner MA Has Opening for Dream Job
As of August 4, 2022, Gardner needs a Gardner Middle School Band Director and a Marching Percussion Instructor at Gardner High School. Doesn’t have to be the same person. The Middle School Band Director is a full teacher position. The High School Percussion Instructor is part-time throughout the marching band season.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work in one of the Commonwealth’s most wonderful School Districts – The Chair City.
These are highly prestigious jobs in this sought-after School District so the positions are expected to be filled rapidly. Here is a link to the General Employment Application. CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner MA has other positions available. For more information, CLICK HERE – For private sector jobs available within 5 miles of Gardner MA and listed on Indeed, CLICK HERE
- No Tax (8/4/2022)
No Sales Tax in Greater Gardner MA on Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14
The Massachusetts State Legislature approved the break from state sales tax on most retail items less than $2,500. If you can wait for that $200 air conditioner, you save $12.50. If you can wait to buy that $1500 washer/dryer combo, you’ll save close to a hundred bucks! Schedule a purchase of that furniture you’ve been wanting which costs 2 grand, and you’ll save a whopping $125. Wait a few days to buy that $500 laptop for school, and you save over 30 bucks.
The Sales Tax Holiday in Greater Gardner MA will give you just a little bit more money in your pocket for those school supplies, that brand new toaster, or even a TV!
- Departments Interview (8/3/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Citizen Concerns and Departments – Interview 8-3-22 City of Gardner Department Links:
Departments A to G, CLICK HERE
Departments H to Z CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Interviewed on Citizen Concerns and City Departments
On August 3, 2022, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson answered our questions regarding Citizen Concerns and the Interaction of City Departments with Community Members. We present the AUDIO of the complete interview in mp3 format. Listen on any device.
Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson 8-3-22 Subjects covered included National Night Out, the Timeline of Gardner Public Schools, Social Media Posts, Water Pooling Issues at the Dog Park, the DPW, Addressing Citizen Concerns and needs, Parks and Recreation, Job Openings with the City, DPW Vacancies, Gardner Housing Authority, Department Heads and the Press, the Building Department, Animal Control, Reappointment of City Treasurer, Assessor/Tax Collector and Taxes, City Clerk, Various Departments working together, Public Safety, Health Department, Funding for positions, Purchasing Department, Human Resources, School Staffing, Gardner Sludge, and Praise for Departments.
Complete Article with text of entire interview, CLICK HERE.
- Housing Market (7/26/2022)
Housing Market Stats Show Wide Appeal of Gardner MA
According to Redfin: “In June 2022, Gardner home prices were up 12.4% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $340K. On average, homes in Gardner sell after 20 days on the market compared to 11 days last year. There were 33 homes sold in June this year, up from 26 last year.”
Redfin rated the Gardner Housing Market as 85/100 or Very Competitive, a higher score than Fitchburg and just 1 point behind Leominster. Here’s why: Many homes get multiple offers, some with waived contingencies. The average homes sell for about 8% above list price and go pending in around 18 days. Hot homes can sell for about 13% above list price and go pending in around 8 days.
Gardner is hotter than Fitchburg, with Fitchburg home prices up 7.7% in June 2022, selling for a median price a little lower than Gardner at $334k. 50 homes sold in Fitchburg this June, down from 51 last year. Score 81/100. Gardner home prices went up slightly more than Leominster with Leominster home prices up 12.1% compared to last year. However, the Leominster median home price is higher at $380k. Score 86/100
Nearby Communities: Winchendon, up 1%, Ashburnham up 0%, Templeton up 9.1% with a median home price of $450k, Westminster up 24.2% with a median price of $655k, Hubbardston up 27% with a median price of $463k. Athol, up 2% with a median price of $260k. In Phillipston with a total of 5 homes sold, the home prices were down 15.9% with a median price of $290k, however it’s still considered very competitive with a score of 81/100.
Future Not as Rosy
However, not all is rosy when it comes to the future housing market, due to market uncertainty. Business Insider reports that since mortgage interest rates began rising, the nation’s largest homebuilder. D.R. Horton says more buyers are cancelling deals amid growing real-estate market pessimism. The builder says a growing number of would-be homebuyers are backing out of deals for newly constructed homes as they confront higher mortgage rates and an uncertain future for the housing market, stating that in its recent quarter, 24% of its contracts fell through – up 7 percentage points from a year prior.
Mortgage Rates Up
According to Freddie Mac, the average US fixed rate for a 30 year mortgage came in at 5.54% this week, notably higher than the pandemic low of 2.68% in December 2020. See our graphic of today’s mortgage rates. June’s inflation report shows 9.1% inflation, the highest level in 40 years. The Federal Reserve increased its benchmark short-term interest rate by 50 basis points in May, 75 basis points in June, and is expected to raise them again by 75 basis points in late July. Mortgage rates went up as a result.
- Free Training (7/19/2022)
Monty Tech offering FREE 200 Hours of Training to Greater Gardner MA Residents
The Vocational-Technical School got a $600,000 grant from Commonwealth Corporation to offer FREE TRAINING for six different careers. You must be a Massachusetts resident, earn less than $46,700, and want to go into the industry when your training is done. You end up with certifications and job placement help. Career pathways offered include HVAC and Oil Burner Tech, Property Management, CNC Operation, Culinary Arts, Electrical, and Welding.
- Satellite Internet (7/19/2022)
Unlimited Satellite Internet now available in Gardner MA and some area towns
Elon Musk’s venture Starlink Satellite Internet is available to Gardner residents, and other area towns such as Winchendon, Phillipston, and Templeton. Currently, the price is $110 per month for residential plus the cost of equipment. Other satellite services are available to Gardner, but here is the difference: the bandwidth limit and latency. Starlink offers unlimited internet while others have considerable limits, making the use of streaming apps not feasible in the past. With Starlink, you can do whatever you did before with Cable internet. Cost is not cheap, but it is a viable alternative, and a great backup for any business relying on the World Wide Web. Note that Fitchburg and Leominster still have to wait. There is more information on their website and you can check your exact address for availability. CLICK HERE.
We checked out exact cost. You’ll pay a total of $686.44 upfront for equipment and then billing will start within about 2 weeks of shipping out to you. Currently $110 monthly.
- R.E. Tax (7/15/2022)
Gardner MA Real Estate Taxes Explained
Currently, Gardner can’t tax real estate and personal property more than $31,271,792 due to Prop 2 1/2 (Not including New Growth). The 1st and 2nd quarter bills just sent out totaled $17,788,278 per the City Assessor’s office, leaving a limit of $13,483,514 for the next billing for 3rd and 4th quarter. Any questions, get in touch with the Assessor’s Office or Treasurer/Collector
The Reason for the Disparity
Gardner must by State Law send out the bills based on an awkward combination of the tax rate already set AND the higher real estate values from calendar year 2021. Result: Higher bills first two quarters and lower bills second two quarters when everything gets sorted out. Total bill: What it should be, it all gets sorted out in the end.
Learn more about Prop 2 1/2
Gardner Magazine has a page covering everything you ever wanted to know about Proposition 2 1/2 in Massachusetts including videos prepared by the State on What is Proposition 2 1/2?, What Is a Levy Limit and how is it calculated?, What is New Growth and how is it calculated?, what is the levy ceiling and how is it calculated?, How can a community levy above its levy limit/ceiling?, What is a Levy Limit Override or Underride?, What is an exclusion?, What are the differences between and Override and an Exclusion?, and What is Excess Levy Capacity? These videos will help you no matter what Greater Gardner town you live in. For the page of short videos, CLICK HERE.
Prop 2 1/2 PDF
We also have a complete primer on Prop 2 1/2. CLICK HERE.
- Summer Eats (7/10/2022)
Summer Eats with Project Bread in Gardner MA Feeds Kids
The Summer Eats Program at Gardner High School provides FREE breakfast from 8:15 to 9:00am and FREE lunch from noon to 1pm Monday through Friday through August 12th Anyone 18 years of age or younger can enjoy breakfast and lunch for FREE in the Gardner High School cafeteria at 200 Catherine Street, Gardner. (Gym 1 entrance).
No Registration or ID
No registration or ID is necessary. Similar programs are available with lunch available at the Royalston library and various locations in Athol, Orange, Fitchburg, and Leominster. For your community, use the convenient online map. CLICK HERE.
- Tax Inversion (7/8/2022)
Definition: Merriam Webster From a Press Release from Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson: “According to Massachusetts General Law and the restrictions of Proposition 2 ½, the City cannot raise taxes more than 2 ½% each year. For the current fiscal year, the total amount of property taxes that Gardner can collect is $31,271,792.” Read the entire Press Release.
City of Gardner MA Hit With Tax Inversion Phenomenon, Confusing Taxpayers
If conditions are ideal, a City’s Real Estate tax rate set by the City Council is fairly accurate, with preliminary 1st and 2nd quarter bills usually being somewhat lower than the final bills for 3rd and 4th quarter. However, due to state-mandated calculations, this time around, the Chair City gets stuck with a Tax Inversion.
The Problem
Instead of being able to immediately lower the tax rate per $1000 of valuation to compensate for the higher valuations of calendar year 2021, Gardner is forced by State law to send out the bills with both the already approved tax rate AND the higher valuation. The Result: Tax Inversion, where the bills for 1st and 2nd quarter are higher than expected. Good News: 3rd and 4th quarter actual real estate tax bills get adjusted so that the total you pay for the year is accurate. Conclusion: You pay more now, but pay less later.
More Information
Note: This is the first time Tax Inversion has hit Gardner since 2006. It’s because the average house prices in calendar year 2021 went up a lot. Help: If this situation presents a financial problem, don’t worry, the City of Gardner will work with you. Local Resources: The best place to get questions answered regarding your Gardner MA Real Estate taxes is the Treasurer/Collector office. Here is a link to the website page.
Future Tax Rate
Future Tax Rate: Once New Growth, Free Cash, etc. is certified by about November/December of 2022, the Gardner City Council is allowed to adjust the tax rate to compensate. The last two quarters get adjusted, and the universe goes back into balance. Tax Levy Limited: Remember, Gardner can’t tax more than a certain amount for the year due to Prop 2 ½, so you can be sure the adjustments will be made at the appropriate time. This may be inconvenient, but it all gets worked out in the end.
Understanding the Issue
The State of Massachusetts has a guide to Municipal Property Taxes. CLICK HERE. You can also read the actual State Law which restricts how Cities and Towns in Massachusetts can handle the situation. CLICK HERE. A third party site, Smart Asset, explains how property taxes vary throughout Massachusetts and some other interesting related tidbits. CLICK HERE.
While it can be a shock to get an unexpectedly high bill given current worries about inflation, the transparency of Gardner City Hall on this issue and its willingness to work with taxpayers should relieve some stress.
- Projects (7/6/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson – The Projects Interview – July 6, 2022
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviews Mayor Nicholson. The Chair City Mayor speaks about the new Gardner Elementary School, taxes, projects, and paving. In the complete article, we now have in writing the complete section on the New School explaining how your bills won’t go up because of it, how your higher preliminary real estate bills will get adjusted in the end, and how the City will work with those needing help in paying.
Gardner MA School Excellence and Safety
The Mayor cites numerous examples of excellence, going above and beyond, and School Safety.
For complete article, CLICK HERE.
To listen to the complete interview, just click the play button below:
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Project 7-6-22 - City Council 7-5-22 (7/6/2022)
Gardner MA City Council 7-5-22 in first meeting of Fiscal Year 2023. Listen to Meeting Audio
For past City Council Meetings you can listen to on any device, CLICK HERE.
No Big Raises for Gardner MA HR Director and Assistant City Solicitor
An amendment made by Gardner City Councilor James Walsh won the day and the large raises proposed for the Assistant City Solicitor and Human Resource Director were voted down, in favor of a 2% raise comparable to what other City employees are getting. Despite both the Assistant Solicitor and Human Resource Director taking on additional duties, the larger raises were denied, but Councilor discussion indicates a City-wide salary survey may be undertaken soon. After this survey according to Walsh, any raises could be made retroactive to July 1 if desired.
In New Business, 4 of the 10 Gardner MA City Councilors made comments.
Dana Heath – I want to thank the Mayor for earlier explaining the taxes. I actually had a constituent earlier today who just got her tax bill. And I feel like everything you just said touched every topic that she brought to me. ….and everyone get out to the Food Truck Fest the 9th.
Nathan Boudreau – On June 25th, an explosive good time was had by all. ….I would like to thank the Mayor and the Council, and the police, fire, different members clubs from the community, and for all getting together to put on a great time. There didn’t seem to be any issues, the fireworks show was outstanding, I looking forward to what we will do over the next year for the 100th anniversary, noting that for year 237 we went off. So, thank you everybody involved in that. It was a good time.
James Walsh – I appreciate the Mayor explaining at tonight’s meeting as well as the other efforts made to explain the inversion of the tax rate versus the preliminary tax bill, versus the valuations that are used to, or the assessments that are used to, calculate the preliminary tax bills, it’s a little complicated, a little confusing, but we have to explain it to our constituents the best we can and I think the efforts being taken to do so hopefully will meet the challenges. The other thing, when I received my email, the Mayor’s announcement….I reminded the Mayor, that while we’re allowed to increase taxes by 2 ½ percent, we’re not obligated to, and we can do lower than that if circumstances justify. There’s a supplemental budget based upon the new growth anticipated tax levy, and we’ll have the opportunity to address that topic at that time. See the Gardner Magazine article on Tax Inversion.
Ron Cormier. “ Yeah briefly, we had two items placed on file this evening. One of them was the notification of a Mass Trails Grant award. The city has been working long and hard for years and years to develop a rail trail system and it came out this week that we received a $245,000 grant to help plan the further process. Wherever these rail trails are, they’re always well received. It’s a multi-use trail, and expand the ones we have is commendable. This is great news. The other one is to a notification to approve vacant storefront program. It’s something to help merchants, storefront owners, to improve the looks of their Downtown. We took action a couple weeks ago to try to improve a couple of parks, to try to improve the appearance of our community. We know we have new landlords in town who already made efforts to bring these buildings up to snuff. And this is another step forward, in trying to make Gardner, we have to make ourselves look better. This is another part of it. I just thought it was important to make note of that.
- Mayor’s Update July 1, 2022 (7/1/2022)
Update is about 11 minutes long, but worth every minute of it if you are a Gardner taxpayer. Please take the time to watch it. You’ll be glad you did.
Tax Bills Focus of Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Update
Mayor Nicholson mentioned recent grants and various events, but focused on explaining upcoming real estate tax bills, which will be higher than expected for the first two quarters, but commensurately lower for the last two quarters. This is an important update for all taxpayers to watch so we’re making it available to you right here. Just click play at left.
UPDATE: Notice Regarding Preliminary Tax Bills – from City of Gardner website, for pdf, CLICK HERE
- Preliminary Tax Bills (6/30/2022)
Gardner Property Taxes: First two quarterly bills higher, second two quarterly bills lower. Mayor Nicholson explains.
Due to a slight conflict in the way the laws regarding municipal taxation are set up, Gardner property owners will get the first two quarterly real estate tax bills based both on the $18.59/thousand tax rate set by City Council AND the new higher property valuations. Therefore, the first two quarterly bills will be higher than expected (7/22 and 10/22), but as the tax rate is lowered by the City Council to adjust for the higher values (once new growth and free cash are certified around November/December), the next two quarterly bills (1/23 and 4/23) will be much lower than expected.
Tax for the year will be the correct total and residents will not pay more in total than expected. As the Mayor stated, “In the end, the amount collected is still capped at the same amount.” Mayor’s full Press Release is attached for your convenience and has an example which gives a clear explanation.. CLICK HERE
- Council Busy (6/18/2022)
The Gardner City Council will be working on the budget this week in four different meetings. While any discussions of budgets can conjure up visions of the “Fat Budget Man”, Gardner residents should know that Mayor Nicholson’s proposed budget has the lowest proposed increase of comparable cities. See our article.
Gardner MA City Council Facing Busy Week – Focus on Budget Fiscal Year 2023
The Gardner Massachusetts City Council is taking Monday off this week due to the Juneteenth Holiday. Then, it’s WORK and more WORK Tuesday and Wednesday with Informal and Regular Meetings. You can view the various City Council Agendas and packets. 6-21 Informal, 6-21 Regular, 6-22 Informal, 6-22 Regular.
In addition, Mayor Nicholson submitted additional information on Friday evening regarding Maki Park, Park Street Park, Disc Golf, Tennis Courts Part 1, and Tennis Courts Part 2.
With respect to Maki Park and Park Street Park, the Mayor’s submissions intend to demonstrate that City Council approval of both would be consistent with the City Council’s past actions relating to both proposed expenditures.
Gardner Magazine had a previous article on the City of Gardner Fiscal Year 2023, demonstrating its efficiency compared to other communities. CLICK HERE.
- Gas Prices Vary (6/12/2022)
- Gas Bump (6/5/2022)
Gardner MA Gas Prices Cross $5 threshold on Sunday 6-5-22
With the highest posted price in Gardner MA being $509.9 per gallon for a credit sale, most prices were at or near the $5.00 mark. The least expensive gas at the 2 o’clock hour on Sunday, June 5, 2022 was the Shell gas station at the corner of West Street in Gardner with a price of $4.899.
Gas prices have been steeply rising across Massachusetts. Prices elsewhere in states such as California are markedly higher with many stations at $8 and one at the $10 mark per gallon.
Gas Map
For the latest nationwide Gas Price Heat Map from Gas Buddy, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner MA Budget (5/30/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Administration had a a recent perfect FInancial Audit. The proposed 2023 Gardner MA Budget has the lowest increase of nearby cities. Gardner MA Budget Increase Compared to Other Cities
Mayor Michael Nicholson has stated he made an effort to keep costs down in the 2023 Gardner Budget. Is that true? We did a comparison to other cities in Massachusetts to see how Gardner stacks up. With a proposed budget of $74.85 million, the Gardner budget is an increase of 5.9% over 2022. Leominster’s budget of $150.6 million is up 9.9%, Fitchburg’s budget of $149.6 million is up 7.25%, and Boston with a $4 billion budget is up 6.4%. The Chair City of Gardner MA has the lowest proposed budget increase of any of these cities. So did the Mayor make an effort to keep costs down, even in the face of inflation? The numbers say yes. And don’t forget, Gardner just had a perfect audit of its finances, the first in decades. Citizens can feel confident that Gardner is well managed. Not opinion, objective fact.
- Mayor’s update 5-27-22 (5/27/2022)
Complete FY 2023 Budget Information in pdf format: FY23 Compensation Schedule —- FY23 Public Service Committee Submissions —- FY 23 Public Welfare Committee Submissions —- FY23 School Budget Presentation of 3-14-22 —– FY 23 Public Safety Committee Submissions —- FY23 Finance Committee Submissions —- FY 23 City Budget Submission.
Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Focuses on Events and Progress – Alerts Citizens to Effects of Inflation on City Costs.
The Mayor spoke of the upcoming Memorial Day Parade (see our previous article for details), the non-essential 9am-5pm water use ban (see article for details), various events, the new community garden to benefit the CAC (see our article for details), and Candor Realty’s outreach efforts.
Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner Youtube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE.
Mayor Nicholson spoke about the Fiscal Year 2023 City Budget and has made all documents available to us. See at left. See how your money will be spent.
The Gardner City Council will meet in June and must approve the budget before the fiscal year begins on July 1st. Note that the City Council can reduce the budget, but it is not empowered to increase the budget.
Inflationary Pressures on City Budget are Ongoing
To outsource the line painting of yellow and white lines has cost less than $18,000 in each of the past 5 years. This year, the minimum bid came in at $32,000. The Mayor said, ““that’s almost double what we normally pay.” The Fiscal Year 2023 Budget has been submitted by the City Council who will review it and act upon it before the new fiscal year starts on July 1, 2022.
Countdown to Sidewalk Sales and Fireworks Display
Sidewalk Sales will be held on Saturday June 25, 2022 in Downtown Gardner, and the Fireworks Display at the PACC is that evening at Dusk. It’s all part of Gardner’s birthday celebration. On June 27th, John Philip Sousa Honor Band will be performing FREE at Monument Park.. And next year will be Gardner’s 100th as a City, a celebration committee will be forming soon to start planning the City Centennial.
- Oil – Gas Prices (5/13/2022)
Oil and Gas in Gardner MA Hit All Time Highs
Fuel Oil and Gas prices have hit the roof. A site reportedly showing the cheapest fuel oil prices in Massachusetts shows a price of $5.49 per gallon, which is only 30 cents lower than being charged by local oil companies in Gardner MA. One year ago the price was around $2.50. See current prices. Gas prices are running close to or over $4.50 per gallon throughout the area. One year ago, the price was around $3 per gallon, Two years ago, the price was around $2 per gallon. Massachusetts is less expensive than California, where prices are approaching $7.00 per gallon. See current local area gas prices on the Gas Buddy Map. .
- Update 4-29-22 (4/29/2022)
For the Mayor’s weekly update, visit the City of Gardner YouTube page or our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Finances Get a Perfect Score, First time at least in Decades
This week, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson delivered his weekly update from the site of the new Community Health Connections medical building on Timpany Boulevard. While the Mayor maintained his composure, his pride in the City’s Finance Team was evident: Here’s why. Gardner received its annual independent outside audit this week as required by Mass. General Laws.
This is the first known year in the City’s history that not only were there no findings found, but also no suggestions of how things could go better. It’s the best audit result Gardner could possibly have received and objectively shows that the Chair City is well-managed. Mayor Nicholson said, “Big congratulations to our City Auditor John Richard and to the other Department Heads who are part of our Finance Team. It will help improve our bond rating as we move forward as well.”
Gardner PD Investigation Executive Summary released. Nicholson stated, “As things are finalized, we’ll be sure to let the public know.” Gardner Magazine has 2 stories on the matter if you scroll down.
Other items included in the weekly update were: At airport: The Mayor related the excitement of the plane which noticed it had a bullet on the wing near its gas cap. Gardner was closest airport. Airport is actually located within the Town of Templeton and that’s why Templeton PD responded. Paving: Mayor Nicholson went over various paving updates. Pearson Boulevard to be milled on May 3rd. Pearl Street to be milled on May 9th. Congratulations: Congratulations to Isaac Knight and his family on the ribbon cutting for Knight’s Nutrition in Downtown Gardner. Congratulations to Gardner’s own Dawn George who works for the Department of Corrections, who was recently inducted into the Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame. Light the Town Purple: Light the Town Purple Event coming to Gardner this coming Monday right before the City Council meeting at Gardner City Hall at 7pm. This is the kick-off event for the Gardner Relay for Life event to be taking place in June. Keep Gardner Beautiful: Keep Gardner Beautiful Nip Hunt and litter cleanup event taking place Saturday May 7th beginning at 9am. Register through Keep Gardner Beautiful Facebook page.
- Finance Committee (4/13/2022)
Mayor Michael Nicholson. who just returned from Washington D.C. is masked at Finance Committee meeting. The price of asphalt has soared,, requiring more money for previously approved Gardner MA paving projects. Who’s at fault? ASPHALT.
Gardner MA Finance Committee Confronts Asphalt at 4-13-22 Meeting
The Gardner MA Finance Committee met on Wednesday 4-13-22 and approved various recommendations to the City Council including $10,000 in additional funding for Downtown trash receptables due to price increases, the $75,000 annual amount to maintain the former dump, and $1.8 million in additional paving costs for various streets where water lines were recently replaced. Asphalt is now at a high of $83 per ton. Nationally it has ranged from just over $30 almost 20 years ago to about $70 in 2015, down to about $60 in 2016, and more recently about $65 per ton. Watch the meeting on YouTube. CLICK HERE.
- Inflation Impact (4/10/2022)
The Gardner City Council will meet again on Tuesday April 19, 2022. For our City Council page and to view the most recent meetings, CLICK HERE.
Rising Prices Impact Gardner MA Current and Upcoming Budget
Where possible, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has attempted to take advantage of lower contracted prices on certain items such as road materials. However, the Chair City is not immune to inflation, and the current budget is impacted by rising prices. And the budget for the next fiscal year which the Mayor reportedly will submit to the City Council next month has the same challenges. In an interview Saturday 4-9-22 on WGAW AM 1340 and 98.1 FM, City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas specified a few specific areas of immediate concern which will be discussed at the next meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2022:
Kazinskas stated, ““The City Council voted at our February 22nd meeting to install new trash receptacles downtown….The mayor has an order on the agenda to revisit that,….appropriate 10 thousand dollars…due to the increase in prices….The Department of Corrections has increased the price of the trash receptacles.” “Another item…water infrastructure throughout the city, replacing old pipes and valves…due to rising price of asphalt…original loan is no longer sufficient to cover costs. So there is a request for an additional $1.8 million to be borrowed from the water enterprise account in order to complete the project…still within the city’s debt limit…another effect of what’s going on throughout the world on our cities..”
Kazinskas praised the current Mayor, the previous mayor, and the Economic Development Department for their abilities to obtain various grants to help cover city costs. “They helped get money, whether it’s state or federal.” Kazinskas stated that it was important to note that the City Council can’t add to the City budget, it can only cut from the budget. “Any amendments that we make would be a cut to the budget, not an addition to the budget… By the time we vote on the budget, we’ve had the budget in front of us for over a month.” On a lighter note, the Council President stated she was happy to be celebrating the 98th birthday next Saturday of her grandmother who is “100 percent Polish.”
To hear the Hotline Radio program from Saturday 4-9-22, please visit the WGAW Hotline Radio page: CLICK HERE The program featuring local interviews airs every Saturday from 12:10pm to 2:00pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and on a live stream.
- Oil and Gas (3/15/2022)
Greater Gardner MA Oil and Gas Prices still up there
Home Heating Oil and Gas prices are still up there. Gas price map: CLICK HERE. Fuel Oil prices: CLICK HERE.
- Gas Prices (3/11/2022)
- Oil Prices (3/8/2022)
Local Oil Prices Hit the Roof Topping $5 per gallon!
Wow! We just got these screenshots from local oil company websites in the Greater Gardner area. Lowest price just over 5 bucks per gallon. UPDATE 3/12/22 – Local home heating oil prices have dropped a bit to around $4.50 per gallon.
- Gas Price Tool (3/8/2022)
Looking for cheap gas in Greater Gardner MA?
Try this tool from Gas Buddy to find some of the lowest prices in the area. CLICK HERE
- City Council Fees 2-22-22 (2/23/2022)
Watch the February 22, 2022 Gardner MA City Council meeting on YouTube or visit our Gardner MA City Council page. CLICK HERE.
The subject of fee increases will come up again at a meeting of the whole in March with input for the Gardner MA City Council.
Will the Gardner MA City Council Increase Fees and shut off the valves of Growth, Progress, and Community Improvement or would it be a much- needed course correction?
The Gardner MA City Council is not moving hastily on the matter. A meeting of the committee as a whole will gather additional input in March regarding Fire Department, Building Department, and other fee schedules before increasing them. We have a section going in to more detail on the pros and cons of fee increases. CLICK HERE.
More News – Approved Items of Interest
The City Council rescinded its order to spend free cash for a new police department vehicle as the funds can come instead from the American Rescue Plan funds. Downtown Gardner trash containers will be replaced at a cost of $15,000. Money for the athletic fields at the high school was not immediately approved as councilors wanted more information on the project. The Witches Wardrobe was granted a second-hand goods license and now also has the first fortune teller license in the Chair City. The Ordinance increasing fines dramatically for not clearing snow in Downtown was sent to a second printing, making it a done deal.
Much Disagreement over S. Graves Lawsuit
Councilor James Boone explained that the scope of the S. Graves lawsuit against the City of Gardner concerns desired information about heating unit coils allegedly damaged by questionable city water. Boone asked why zero information is being released and why doesn’t anybody question why there are no answers. Boone motioned to ask the City Solicitor why it’s a conflict of interest to represent the City – it was defeated 4-6. The overall motion to transfer $5000 to the S Graves lawsuit account passed 6-4. Issues with Gardner water causing premature failure of heating coils continues to this day as evidenced by disgruntled residents who comment in news on Social Media.
Other Matters Before the Gardner City Council
During a brief joint convention of the City Council and School Committee, Eric Commodore was appointed to a 4 year term on the Monty Tech School Committee.
It was disputed whether the other appointment on the meeting agenda, that of an unexpired 2 term was actually a valid vacancy. The recording of the meeting was corrupted at this point so we don’t have details on how that vote turned out. Play the video, CLICK HERE
More News on the Fees
Growth Formula or Fees Too Low?
Some would argue that when things are going your way, you don’t mess with the formula. For years, the City of Gardner’s winning recipe kept various Fire Department and Building Department fees below the actual cost of the work involved, sometimes far below. Packet from last meeting with examples of other towns
In fact, when the matter was brought before the City Council, examples of fees charged by other area communities demonstrably proved that Gardner was charging far lower fees than it could. Documents proved that the fees simply were not covering the cost of the work. Gardner was subsidizing almost every building built and every home improvement made. The Chair City had its highest year ever of building permits recently with over one thousand in the recent year.
Unprecedented growth with the Subsidy
Whether it was a major contributing cause or not, the fact is the City of Gardner did have unprecedented growth during the period of this fee subsidy. The Chair City had highest total number of building permits of any year, ever.
…Many announcements of businesses choosing Gardner. …Government leaders choosing Gardner in approving grants. …The City of Gardner had begun a snowball of success with the valves of Growth, Progress, and Community Improvement seemingly wide open with a very good future ahead of the Chair City.
Argument for Increasing fees
The argument for increasing fees was this: The business desiring the service should pay for it, not the citizens of the city. And the cost of services provided by the Fire and Building Departments was not being covered by the fees charged.
Department budgets had to be increased to cover the costs. And similarly, the homeowner desiring the renovation should pay fully for the cost involved in inspections etc., which could be garnered through increased fees. Lastly, Gardner was so far below what other area communities are currently charging that the City’s success shouldn’t be affected negatively if it simply brought fees up to par.
Argument for Leaving Fees alone and continuing subsidy
The argument against increasing fees included this: The cost of subsidizing fees impacting business was far outweighed by the huge benefit to the City of Gardner MA from getting more business in a community which had been losing it before.
And the argument against increasing fees for homeowners is that when a property is improved, its assessment goes up. Those who choose not to improve or who can’t afford to improve get the benefit when their taxes are lowered, such as when the tax rate dropped substantially this year. Arguably, citizens who didn’t improve had a net financial benefit by the City incentifying others to improve with the lower fees. Arguably, the lower fees charged business was more attractive policy than some believed.
The Future will be the Judge
Time will tell whether higher fees impact negatively the amount of business or industry attracted to Gardner. History will be the judge of whether increasing fees to homeowners negatively affects the number of those who choose to improve. The future will be the judge of whether subsidizing fees for the Building and Fire Departments was pure genius that demonstrably helped Gardner, or whether the City was just flushing money down the drain.
- Real Estate (1/26/2022)
Real Estate in Gardner MA
On January 26, 2022, there are less than 20 real estate listings for Gardner MA. For the 01440 Zillow page, CLICK HERE. On the Worcester County Craigslist Real Estate page, there were less than 500 listings. CLICK HERE. For those looking to rent, there were several hundred listings on Craigslist. CLICK HERE.
In fact, the Massachusetts Association of Realtors reports that in December 2021, there were less homes for sale than in any period in the last 17 years. See report, CLICK HERE. —- Real Estate Search, CLICK HERE.
- Supply Chain (1/20/2022)
Supply Chain Issues Not Affecting Consumer to Consumer Used Junk in Greater Gardner MA
We’ve all heard about the Supply Chain issues affecting New car and electronics prices. But what about junk? Is regularly priced junk now high priced junk? A cursory look on Craigslist says no. For example, on the Worcester County site, if you’re willing to buy a box full you can get 3 music cds or 3 VHS tapes for about a dollar, cassette tapes for about a quarter, DVD’s for about 50 cents (more or less).
In appliances, you could get an almost new washer and dryer pair for 500 bucks, a like new fridge for under 300 bucks, or even a Roomba robot vacuum for 100 dollars. If you want to save money on baby and kids stuff, there were about 500 listings. Even the FREE stuff hasn’t gone up in price due to inflation. There are about 300 listings for FREE things. We even saw a beautiful antique-style couch being sold for Zero, as in FREE. So if it doesn’t have to be perfect or BRAND NEW, and sometimes if you don’t mind paying NOTHING at all, the Supply Chain of Used Junk (Stuff) is very healthy and budget friendly.
- Moving Here (1/18/2022)
Moving to the Greater Gardner MA area
If you’re relocating to the Greater Gardner MA area, you’ll likely want to know about the availability of various needs in your community. Our Moving to the Area Guide covers utilities, housing and home, transportation and taxes, municipal services, financial services, education, vices, medical, outdoor activity and exercise, shopping, entertainment and social, and attractions.
Moving to Area Guide page, CLICK HERE
- Budget Dog (1/1/2022)
Greater Gardner MA Budget Dog
Gardner Magazine’s Budget Dog has some great tips for saving money in 2022. Save on cable, phone, electric, cars, internet, water, and so much more. For the complete article, CLICK HERE
- Trash Talk (11/27/2021)
Greater Gardner MA Trash Talk
Solutions for trash and recycling after making all those Small Business and Holiday purchases. What do you do with the old TV, mattress, furniture, or tires? Complete information, CLICK HERE
- Streaming Deals (11/24/2021)
Black Friday Streaming Deals 2021
After you do all your local shopping, you might want to sit down, relax, and watch tv. Our readers can get a year of hulu for 99 cents per month or any of a number of other deals for cheap money. CLICK HERE.
- Unemployment Rate (7/12/2021)
Return to the Gardner MA Work Force
Gardner residents continue to return to the work force. While the Gardner – Fitchburg – Leominster unemployment rate is hovering at 7% and is 3.2% higher than the March 30, 2020 rate of 3.8%, it is much lower than the pandemic high of 17.6% reported for April 2020.
The Massachusetts Unemployment rate before the pandemic was 2.7%, but that quickly rose to 16.4% one month later as reported for April 2020. The current Massachusetts unemployment rate is still higher than before the pandemic and is hovering around 6%. Each of the charts can be viewed in large size by clicking the image.
Local News by Topic: Arts & Entertainment – Business & Growth – Covid – Geography – Government – Health – Holidays – Life – Money & Finance – Musings – Non-profits – Public Safety – Schools – Weather.
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