Turn of the Century Gardner MA
Turn of the Century
Mayor Nicholson approach
The Mayor Michael Nicholson approach

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on the Turn of the Century in the Chair City

Turn of the Century Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson

What you’ll hear about:

Learn about new Technologies, Perceptions of Gardner, Employment for women, the new “Roaring Twenties”, use of radio, an item on the Mayor’s bucket list, protection against hard times, drug enforcement and addiction prevention & treatment, Gardner’s Credit Rating, Utility services, love of the Flag, Speed limits, what approaches stay and what changes, Youth in Gardner, Things about Gardner companies, new online services with Gardner, successful voting processes, City structures, Centennial events tease, and Gardner values.

Complete Interview page with text of all the questions, all the answers, and all the graphics. Turn of the Century Interview, CLICK HERE.

Complete Interview Text and Graphics, CLICK HERE.