Greater Gardner MA News June 2022
- Downtown Progress (6/30/2022)
Gardner Square Two Recognizes Downtown Gardner MA Progress
Gardner Square Two Inc. posted some photos of progress happening right before our eyes in Downtown Gardner stating in a Facebook post, “Wow! There is so much happening in our Downtown. And we are very excited about all the revitalization going on. Temporary inconveniences for an amazing future. YES!”
From Gardner Square Two Inc.”Our success is instrumental in returning the Downtown to an economically vital business, cultural, and residential district. Square Two’s goal is to provide Gardner’s (Gardner MA) citizens with a safe, accessible, and diverse resource that will further enhance economic development.”
Gardner Magazine loves to showcase positivity. Email
Gardner Magazine created a page called “Share the Chair” to profile Downtown Gardner Businesses. There’s even a 9 minute reenactment of positive reviews. For the page, CLICK HERE. We will be continuing to chronicle more of Gardner’s successes as they occur.
For those inclined to open a business in Gardner and don’t know where to start, visit our page, City of Gardner Business Wish List for some ideas and also this page: Open Business in Gardner.
If you see something we should cover, please email Thank you.
- Happy 4th (6/30/2022)
Americans Celebrate 4th of July in Greater Gardner MA
Gardner City Hall, municipal offices of other communities will be closed, and Post Offices nationwide will be closed. The holiday is formally Independence Day, commemorating the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. Gardner had its celebration early on Saturday June 25, 2022 with Fireworks at Kendal Pond to coincide with the Chair City’s 237th Birthday.
In 1781, it was the Massachusetts General Court which became the first state legislature to recognize July 4 as a state celebration, 4 years before Gardner’s incorporation in 1785
Here is a transcript of the text of the Declaration of Independence from the National Archives.. CLICK HERE.
- Preliminary Tax Bills (6/30/2022)
Gardner Property Taxes: First two quarterly bills higher, second two quarterly bills lower. Mayor Nicholson explains.
Due to a slight conflict in the way the laws regarding municipal taxation are set up, Gardner property owners will get the first two quarterly real estate tax bills based both on the $18.59/thousand tax rate set by City Council AND the new higher property valuations. Therefore, the first two quarterly bills will be higher than expected (7/22 and 10/22), but as the tax rate is lowered by the City Council to adjust for the higher values (once new growth and free cash are certified around November/December), the next two quarterly bills (1/23 and 4/23) will be much lower than expected.
Tax for the year will be the correct total and residents will not pay more in total than expected. As the Mayor stated, “In the end, the amount collected is still capped at the same amount.” Mayor’s full Press Release is attached for your convenience and has an example which gives a clear explanation.. CLICK HERE
- Community Health (6/29/2022)
Community Health Connections new building closer to completion
The sign states an opening date in December 2022 and construction progress to date puts the project right on track. Gardner Magazine was granted access to take these photos on June 28, 2022 of a great facility in the making. The construction foreman told us, “Just wait another 2 weeks and see what we have done.”
Community Health Connections currently has a facility on Connors Street in Gardner. This building will add additional service capabilities. Here’s a link to their website.
- Genuine Gardner (6/29/2022)
Genuine Gardner Showcases Gardner MA Positivity
What do you spot in Gardner that makes you smile or makes you feel good? It’s easy to find fault, it’s harder to find good.
Gardner Magazine wants to profile even the quirkiest good things in the community. This could be about people, businesses, projects, your church…. the sky’s the limit! Email your ideas to You may include photos and a description of the good you see and we’ll make every effort to publish your submission. CLICK on any image for larger view.
New England Wooden Ware, now known as NEWW Packaging & Display has tons of trailers and is celebrating 185 years in business. Looks like it’s “Blue Skies Ahead”.
NEWW website states,”A Traditional Company with Modern Capabilities.” CLICK HERE.
We noticed National Lumber has a beautiful sign showcasing “Kitchen Views“, a Cabinetry Design Showroom. And, they have spiffed up the outside look of the store.
Heywood Healthcare is showing their pride in the Grade A they got in Patient Safety by utilizing a huge billboard.
- The Bear (6/29/2022)
Bear Spotted on Century Way in Gardner MA
According to a social media post by a Gardner resident, “This big guy just came through the woods behind my fenced in backyard, walked across Century Way, past the brook and headed toward Brookside. Be careful.”
Some other resources in printable pdf format: Prevent Negative Encounters with Bears — Coexisting with black bears — Living with black bears fact sheet —- If you need to reach Gardner MA Animal Control, here is the page. CLICK HERE.
- Bike Trail Money (6/28/2022)
Gardner Mayor Mike Nicholson and Assistant Director of Community Development and Planning Lyndsy Butler stand with Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and the other recipients of the Mass Trails Grant Awards in Milton at the official award ceremony. (Photo by Zack Lawrence, Mayor’s Intern) Gardner MA Awarded $200,000 more Bike Trail Design Funds
“I’m very excited to see this project moving forward thanks to the grant funding we have received,” said Mayor Michael Nicholson. “This project has been something we have talked about for quite some time in Gardner, and this funding allows us to get it off the ground and brings this proposal one step closer to reality.” View entire Press Release
- John Philip Sousa Concert (6/28/2022)
The Band poses with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson John Philip Sousa Band in Gardner June 27, 2022 The performance was well-attended. National High School Honor Band performed at Monument Park in Gardner MA
The John Philip Sousa National High School Honor Band performed at Monument Park in Gardner on June 27, 2022. The outdoor event was possible as the rain which fell across the region earlier in the day gave way to sunshine. The well-attended event included those who wanted to see musicians Oliva Charette on clarinet and Emily Shouse on tuba from Gardner, Alma White on Trombone from Athol, Tiana Graessle on Bass Clarinet from Winchendon, Brianna Nunez on Bass Clarinet from Templeton, Dylan Wornham on Alto Saxophone from Athol, Declan Leclair on French Horn from Westminster. Other musicians were from all over the United States.
Historical Marker Presented
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson was presented an historical marker documenting the John Philip Sousa concerts conducted in Gardner in 1898, 1899, and 1912. The Band played an inspiring selection of music including Patriotic favorites. The band plans a concert at the Athol Town Hall at 5pm on June 28, 2022 and at Mechanics Hall in Worcester from 7 to 9pm on June 29, 2022 before heading out from Logan Airport on Thursday. Schedule and Website:
About John Philip Sousa Foundation
From the website, “The John Philip Sousa Foundation is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the promotion of international understanding through the medium of band music. Through the administration of band related projects, the foundation seeks to uphold the standards and ideals of that icon of the American spirit, John Philip Sousa.”
Coming Up at Monument Park
Concerts are usually on Saturdays at Monument Park. Coming up this Saturday July 2, 2022 is Holdin’ Back for a “feel good” performance to include rock ‘n’ roll, oldies, patriotic, and pop, featuring classically trained vocalist Emma Riffelmacher . Band website. Here is the Monument Park Concert Schedule for 2022, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Plan (6/27/2022)
Age of Gardner MA Buildings identified in 2011 Gardner MA Project Areas Gardner MA Police Station Heywood Hospital Gardner MA Future Maki Park on Parker Street, Gardner MA Gardner MA City Centennial marks halfway point in Urban Renewal
Often Social Media posts reflect the impatience of Gardner residents. Whether it’s paving, rundown buildings, or desired improvements, the comments are numerous. So Gardner Magazine thought it would be a great time to remind our readers that there is a 25 year plan. Over a decade ago, in 2011, a 143 page Urban Renewal Plan for Gardner Massachusetts was published. In the background section it stated, “Gardner is poised to promote revitalization opportunities within a significant portion of the Downtown area, including areas of commercial/retail, office, residential, manufacturing, and public space land uses.” It went on to describe the past history of Gardner including the steady decline of the Downtown area after the 1950s, the decline of furniture manufacturing, and Gardner’s slow growth rate compared to the rest of the region, including population. Fast forward to 2022: Significant progress has been made in revitalization of Downtown Gardner with various projects underway. Manufacturing is coming back to Gardner with some significant success stories. A number of businesses have come to the Chair City in the past couple of years, even with the challenges of the pandemic. The population of Gardner is the highest in its history.
Gardner Challenges Were Identified
The plan identified various challenges including, “88 percent of the structures predating World War II” and “approximately 39 percent of the properties with buildings in the URA were found to be in moderate or severe disrepair.” A significant number of successes have already been documented, but in short, progress takes time. The National Grid substation on Park Street was identified as something to redevelop as recreational open green space. This was recently approved by the Gardner City Council with an appropriation of $260,000 from free cash. It was also desired to upgrade the Greenwood Memorial Bath House. However, since that time, the huge cost involved has precluded progress on that front and various other plans have been discussed with nothing finalized as of yet. Redevelopment of the Goodnow-Pearson Building was identified as a goal and was completed. Redevelopment of the Maki Building was identified, however, the building was instead torn down and will soon be Maki Park as $180,000 was recently approved by the City Council. A park has replaced the former theater on Parker Street. Rear Main Street was specifically mentioned and now a huge project is in the works. The plan was to construct a new Police Station and Gardner has a beautiful building today. The goal of redeveloping Heywood Wakefield III and IV into residential and assisted living was achieved.
Goals and Successes
One of the goals of the URP is to ““set forth a series of public improvements that together with private investment will transform Gardner into a thriving 21st century City.” Just look at the 99 Restaurant and surrounding buildings, the new Health Center being constructed near Walmart, and the various construction projects either completed or currently underway at Heywood Hospital. Various buildings in Downtown Gardner have recently changed hands with plans for renovation into modern structures with some renovation currently underway. Manufacturing employers in Gardner are thriving and are hiring. The Urban Renewal Plan contains various maps, charts, and property lists. If all of the goals in the 25 year plan are achieved, the results for Gardner will be truly transformative. In any case, there can be no dispute – Gardner MA is on a positive, upward trajectory. Read the 2011 plan for yourself. Here’s the pdf.
- Gardner Elementary (6/26/2022)
Mayor Nicholson on why it was canceled. “Due to a scheduling conflict with the main contractor, who still has site control of the location, the contractor asked that the public meeting/tour be postponed due to wanting to make sure they were 1) available to attend and 2) were able to ensure full cooperation with the required OSHA safety protocols of closed toe shoes and hardhats since it is still an active construction zone.”
New Gardner Elementary School On Track – However, June 27, 2022 Public Tour Canceled
A special meeting of the Gardner School Committee scheduled for 4pm on June 27, 2022 at which members of the public would have been able to tour the new Gardner Elementary School has been canceled. No word if it will be rescheduled for a later date.
The notice of meeting canceled was posted on the School Committee website on Friday around noon. The media was not notified of this change and we have inquired why. Previously it was announced that only wearing a Hard hat and signing a waiver would get you in. The Gardner School Committee meeting was to be convened for that purpose and the Gardner City Council had planned to attend. In the meantime, our photos show the substantial progress being made on the new facility which is scheduled to be “substantially completed” by July 15th.
- Gardner Celebrates (6/26/2022)
Gardner MA Residents and Visitors Share FUN on Gardner’s Birthday Saturday June 25, 2022.
It was a super day in Gardner MA with perfect weather. The food was abundant throughout the Chair City. Smiles were to be found on many a face as residents and visitors enjoyed the FUN in Downtown Gardner and elsewhere in the City. The Greenwood Swim Club had Swim Meets. Retailers forgot about inflation and discounted prices to the delight of savvy shoppers. It was another Small Business Saturday in Downtown Gardner from 10am to 4pm with sales, demonstrations, performances, giveaways, games, and activities. It was FUN! The formal opening of Pleasant Plaza was held. Popular host Steve Wendell of WGAW did a LIVE Man-on-the-Street broadcast LISTEN to it. The Gardner PD set up a popular safety demonstration which simulated the effects of impaired driving. Monument Park and the Lithuanian Club had FREE concerts and FIREWORKS were enjoyed by hundreds at Kendall Pond. Gardner MA is a Great Place to Live, Work, Play, and Visit. View our complete list of June 25, 2022 events.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and others get Dunked for Charity
Money raised from the Dunk Tank will go to the CAC Food Pantry Fireworks Brought in Hundreds of People to the Chair City
Downtown Gardner MA has been the recent subject of many positive announcements including upcoming building renovations and projects, new sidewalks, fresh paving, storefront grants, the just-approved new Maki Park to be across from the Gardner Ale House, and so many more ideas becoming reality. Today may have been the start of Downtown Gardner’s new found positive trajectory towards the future. More June 25, 2022 Photos, CLICK HERE.
- Mayors Update 6-24-22 (6/24/2022)
View the Weekly Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s Youtube page or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson focuses on Budget and various items approved by Gardner City Council and Paving Projects.
Mayor Nicholson went over Budget items and spoke of paving projects coming up in the next week. (See color-coded map below). The Mayor highlighted events taking place on June 25, 2022, the start of Concerts at Monument Park, and mentioned the John Philip Sousa Band playing at Monument Park on Monday June 27th. The Mayor also had well wishes for retiring Gardner Police Chief Richard Braks. See article.
Other upcoming items of note: The Summer Reading Kickoff is June 29th at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library. The Mayor also congratulated new Eagle Scout Brady Billings of Gardner, a new Eagle Scout.
Paving Progress on Route 140 in Gardner MA – from Winchendon line to Green Street
Food Truck Festival in 2 weeks
The Gardner Food Truck Festival will be taking place on July 9th with about 2 dozen food trucks featuring an assortment of delights. View Article.
- Just Dance Approved (6/23/2022)
Rebecca Wilson after hearing 3 yes votes. Rebecca Wilson showing plans. Property owner Robert Ouelette is at left. Just Dance Owner Rebecca Wilson with a Big Smile as Special Permit is Approved for new location in Gardner MA
The Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals on June 21, 2022 approved a SPECIAL PERMIT for 69 Lincoln Street, Gardner, which will soon house the new location of Just Dance Performing Arts Center. During the hearing, Rebecca Wilson presented letters of support from the Mayor, Council President, a City Councilor, and even former Mayor Hawke. There were 35 letters of support from abutters and interested people. The Special Permit details parking and changes to the building which will house 2 dance studios. The ZBA was satisfied with parking available not only on the property, but also nearby parking. After a round of questions and answering member questions to their satisfaction, approval was given. Gardner Magazine will inform you when we hear of the Grand Opening date.
- Braks Retires (6/22/2022)
A no confidence vote of 40 of 41 Police Department Employees earlier this year resulted in the immediate resignation of the Gardner Dispatch Director. The retirement of the Deputy Chief followed a couple months later. This latest announcement of the retirement of Chief Braks brings this chapter of the Gardner PD to a close.
Once a new Chief receives a temporary appointment, the Mayor plans to post the Deputy Chief position.
Chief Braks Retires from Gardner MA PD – Panel of Five to Convene
Mayor Nicholson sent this email to the Gardner City Council around 3pm on June 22, 2022: “I am writing to inform you that Chief Richard Braks of the Gardner Police Department has decided to retire from the City after 23 years of service. I’d like to thank Chief Braks for his years of dedicated service to the Department and the City and wish him well on his retirement and next endeavors.”
The Mayor has appointed a search committee of five to conduct the review and preliminary interview process for applicants for the position. This Panel of the Gardner Five will submit the top two or three candidates to Mayor Nicholson for a final interview. “This committee will be comprised of Human Resources Director Debra Pond, Retired Chief Vincent Alfano – who served as Gardner’s Acting Chief for a time, Chief Richard Briggs of the Ashland Police Department, Chief Ralph LeBlanc of the Westminster Police Department, and Director Michael Moriarty of the Rutland Regional Emergency Communications Center.” The Mayor intends to make a 60 day temporary appointment of the successful candidate before asking the Gardner City Council to approve a full 3 year term.
Read the Mayor’s complete email to the City Council here.
- City Council 6-21-22 (6/22/2022)
The Gardner City Council got everything done in one night, so the second night of meetings were able to be canceled. The regular meeting was an hour and half long. View the Gardner City Council meetings on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our City Council page. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA City Council Gets It Done in One Night – Budget and Parks Approved.
Council President Kazinskas. “We are meeting informally tonight to discuss the City’s FY 23 Budget proposed by Mayor Nicholson. As in years past, we will go page by page through the budget packet.”
Review of Budget at Informal Meeting
Since the budget was released to the City Council and the public, various committees have met with the Mayor to discuss various aspects of the budget. The Council went on to review the budget page by page and took a straw poll vote on various adjustments. Based on the Council’s wishes and likely vote at the Regular meeting to take place later, the Mayor said the City Auditor would amend the money orders in time for the meeting. This allowed the Gardner City Council to proceed with all matters before it in one night.
Matters Approved at Regular June 21, 2022 Gardner City Council Meeting
City Getting New Tennis Courts
$90,000 from fresh cash was approved for a “full redo of tennis courts at Gardner High School but not before enthusiastic comments from a few City Councilors.” Ronald Cormier, “These are the original tennis courts put in there nearly a half century ago….they are beyond just being filled… Judy Mack, “I really support this. For the last couple of years, the condition of the tennis courts has just gotten worse.” Alek Dernalowicz, “I’m in support of this….glad to see they’re getting fixed, hopefully we’ll get another 50 years out of them.” James Boone, “Councilor Dernalowicz’s grandfather was hugely instrumental in the recreation department and in fact promoted a gymnastics program that my father used to run. …I’m fully in support of it.”Mayor Nicholson, “This is the only public tennis court in the City…” Approval was unanimous. Another $15,000 was approved from free cash for the purchase of equipment for a disc golf course.
Uniforms for Cheerleaders Narrowly passes
There was considerable disagreement over $25,000 being spent from free cash on uniforms as Mayor Nicholson stated, “price covers cost of 8 varsity cheerleaders and 10 junior varsity cheerleaders.” While approved on a vote of 6 to 5, there were varied opinions. Judy Mack, “would like to see more up to date invoice estimate.”James Boone,“why free cash and not part of school budget.” James Walsh “I’m troubled by this one.”Judy Mack “motion to refer item back to finance committee,” George Tyros, “this is getting my vote.” And then he voted no.
New Health Department Vehicle Explained
Mayor Nicholson spoke. Price: $47,645, trade-in $7,000, $7,500 rebate, state rebate $1500, total cost $31,645 “least expensive vehicle the city has purchased in at least the past 5 years.” The Mayor stated the City would be waiting to receive the vehicle until at least September or October. Dana Heath commented, “rebate period runs out. Don’t tell my fiancé because I missed out on my rebates. Just to make sure you cash in on those rebates within the time frame.”
Net cost: $31,645.
Centennial Celebration Expense Account Approved
$100,000 was approved for the 100th anniversary celebration of Gardner as a City: 1923 to 2023. A nonpaid committee to be appointed by the Mayor.
Maki Park Proposal Approved 8 to 3
Approved was $180,000 from free cash to Maki Park expense account. Mayor Nicholson explained that the “City purchased the property in 2016. After building was torn down, purchased the land from the Gardner Redevelopment Authority on February 15, 2017. … This is a property the City has tried to dispose of 3 separate times before, and has received no interest on it. The biggest hurdle that we’ve received …is that per the state’s building code and our local zoning code, while the West Street parking lot is directly adjacent to the property, anything constructed on that property would have to have its own dedicated parking ….To terrace the current lot, design was approved by the City Council on August 2, 2021. Since then the design has been completed, and the proposal that is before the Council is to do the work that is there. It is being done in a way that the property can be sold if we do have an interested buyer. It is still considered declared surplus.” Councilors had differing opinions on this item. Alek Dernalowicz “Finance committee favorable.” Nathan Boudreau, “a good step forward in our economic development and recreation that’s been going on in our city. “ Boudreau questioned why the City would ever sell the land again after spending 180 grand on it. James Boone, “I’m opposed to this. Taking another property off the tax roll.” Alek Dernalowicz, “Just wanted to clarify. With the parking requirements, the Ale House is an existing building and doesn’t need the requirement of those spots. Building a new building there has the requirement of having spots on site.” Councilor Walsh “opposed to this money order…There are two prongs. Merits and needs. Financial part of it.” Walsh spoke of what he stated was the need for the City to save money based on the inflation occurring.” Judy Mack ”agree with many of Councilor Walsh’s points.” …”There’s so much going on Downtown. I think we need to see what happens with those 34 storefronts. Let’s bring the businesses in. Let’s give the Pleasant Street trial project a chance. I just think this is an incredible amount of money ….There are greater needs in the City.” George Tyros, “I do think it’s important to acknowledge the economic headwinds that we are currently facing., but I also very much view this as an investment in the future of Gardner. Just because the storefronts aren’t filled yet, doesn’t mean they can’t be, doesn’t mean that businesses can’t be attracted by having these parks available. Could be an Ice Cream Shop, coffee shop, a bakery, we don’t know what that is yet. It is a large investment, but these scaled projects to have the investment needed for that opportunity. I think when you go to places like Hudson Massachusetts…that attract businesses. It is something people talk about, having space.” “I’d like to see ideas building on this, free public wifi for example. I’ll be supporting this motion and the next motion.”
Park Street Park Proposal Approved 7-4
Approved was $268,000 from free cash to Park Street Park expense account. Mayor Nicholson stated, “The restrictions put in place on the land that we conveyed as part of the land swap….“Parking lot would need to be permeable” “No other use for the site… Can used for passive recreation as long as there is no digging….would take out eyesore of barbed wire fence.” Councilor Walsh, “There are parks in the immediate area. I don’t know why we need a 45 spot parking lot on land that we don’t own. …..Makes no sense, we’re going to need this money.” James Boone, “Concur with Councilor Walsh….I don’t get it either. It’s taxpayer dollars…it makes no sense.” Dana Heath,”Just had a question… Is that parking going to alleviate…I didn’t know if anybody knew where they park when they have the big events” Mayor Nicholson, “When they have big events, we have reached out to the Commonwealth…to see if parking could be available at the skating rink, but that is something the state restricts due to their insurance, so unless we get specific permission from DCR, you can’t use the skating rink.”Judy Mack, “I just want to say that, 45 parking spots for a limited amount of meets at the pool. … I just think $268,000 is a lot of money for parking spots for the swimming pool. I know we have events at Monument Park, but this is a lot of money for land that we do not own. We don’t even know how long the lease would be for…There’s so many needs out there….I’m against this order.” Craig Cormier “I do consider this an investment that I hope will continue the draw of new businesses into the area as well as reinvestment in the area like we’ve seen from Candor Realty. … I’m going to support this in hopes that we can continue the path that we’re on.” Nathan Boudreau, “I’d like to echo Councilor Craig Cormier in stating that it is a positive investment, but I would like to point out that there would be possible funding options here. Maybe we install one of those singular parking meters. Maybe the Elks get involved. We all know this is going to be a parking lot for large parties at the Elks, more than it’ll be for a lot of other things….I’ll be supporting this because I think it is a beautiful area, and will add to a beautiful area….” George Tyros, “I just have two points. One was to an earlier comment about spending taxpayer dollars. I think everyone on this Council does that with a great responsibility. The second point I’d like to make is just provide a different perspective on this potential park. I walk Crystal Lake Cemetery nearly every day. I think it’s beautiful. I was actually surprised one day to find 50 cars in the cemetery. The Senior Class had decided to take prom pictures at Crystal Lake Cemetery Park because it was so beautiful. …Often every day there’s a minimum of 2-3 cars parked on the road on that Crystal Lake Drive going in. It is kind of tight to fit by. I think this is a lot of money, but it will provide a lot of beauty to the area and might be able to leverage it greater for Monument Park events having this parking. It will certainly be a safety alleviation for the area. It pains me every time we have a city event at Monument Park to look over and see the barbed wire fence next to a very beautiful lake. I’m hoping this can be incorporated with some purpose in future projects like the North Central Pathway. I’ll be supporting this.” James Boone, “Just another point for the second time. At some point sadly we’re going to have to tear down the Greenwood Pool. I spent a lot of time there myself. So we’re going to spend $268,000 on a parking lot and yet we’re going to have to tear down that pool…cause it’s just, the building’s falling apart. I didn’t want to see that. I donated to the fund to try and save it. But again, I just think it’s foolish to spend that kind of money on a parking lot when we have bigger needs.” James Walsh, “For the second time, I don’t want to beat a dead horse. This is an investment, an investment in somebody else’s land in a case where there’s a license that doesn’t exist, that we hope to have, maybe we’ll have….. At best this is premature.” Nathan Boudreau asked a question of the Mayor, “Would it be possible to get some sort of Council vote approving your office to seek an agreement with National Grid,versus doing this money order upfront? ….putting the horse before the cart?” Mayor Nicholson, “As I said earlier, National Grid holds off on their lease agreement until the whole plan is in place. …Without the plan in place, they really don’t issue the license agreement.”
Litter and Handbills Ordinance Approved for First Printing
Litter and handbills added to City Ordinance – patterned after Fitchburg and Leominster, Craig Cormier, “ability to enforce some ordinances based on litter to help keep the city clean with all the investment we’re doing in trying to improve the Downtown and other areas.”
City of Gardner Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Orders Approved with some cuts
All approved unanimously were $23,168,101.03 out of $23,188.101.03 proposed for various departments, $13,546.060.04 out of 13,610.641.08 for the salary and labor budget. $27,819,676.29 for School Department. $9,958,735.62 out of $9,967,235.62 for available enterprise funds: sewer, water, golf, landfill closure, and solid waste.
Scooters will be Coming
The shareable dockless mobility devices ordinance was approved unanimously to go to the second and final printing – This would enable the scooters proposed by the Mayor.
New Business
Nathan Boudreau, “Thank Mayor Nicholson and his administration and all the Department heads for the professional handling of this year’s City Budget….Also like to wish our Great city and our great country a very Happy Birthday. Everyone that is heading out to the festivities this weekend whether it be the celebration in Downtown Gardner in the morning on Saturday or the Fireworks at the PACC on Kendall Pond in the evening, please be safe and celebrate accordingly. Have a great summer.” James Walsh, “I have a question for the Chair. Will you be canceling the notices meetings for tomorrow?” Council President Kazinskas stated “yes”
- Seaman Paper (6/20/2022)
From left to right in above photo: Mike Wright, Global Chief Operating Officer, Seaman Paper —- Jo Pagnotta, Corporate Human Resources Director, Seaman Paper —- Dana Heath, Gardner City Councilor —- Jessica DeRoy, Gardner Economic Development Coordinator —- Michael Nicholson, Mayor, City of Gardner MA —- Zack Lawrence, Mayor’s Intern —- Glen Welsh, Plant Manager, Specialized, Seaman Paper —- Ryan Lichwell, Chief Administrative Officer, Seaman Paper —- Mike Gerry, Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce Interim Executive Director —- Scott Percifull, North Central MassHire Career Center Business Services Representative —- Rob Anderson, MassDevelopment Vice President, Business Development —- Rebecca Beaton, North Central Mass Development Corporation Vice President of Lending —- Elizabeth Conner, Assistant Plant Manager, Specialized, Seaman Paper —- Trevor Beauregard, City of Gardner Community Development & Planning Director
Successful Seaman Paper Toured in Gardner MA
City and state officials recently took an in-depth tour of the 75,000 square foot Specialized Paper Converting Facility. According to Seaman Paper, it’s “an important part of Gardner’s manufacturing industry and Seaman Paper’s primary production plant for food service converted products. “I saw a lot of excitement in their faces for all of the amazing activity on the floor. I feel they appreciated what we were doing, the success of our business, and for providing great jobs for the greater Gardner area,” said Specialized Plant Manager Glen Welsh.
Jessica DeRoy, Gardner Economic Development Coordinator said, “I am in awe of what you can do daily, and how all the machinery operates. Your sustainability packaging and plans are impressive. You told me ahead of time that you made the Super Bowl confetti and the Hershey Kiss plumes, but it was amazing to add the restaurant paper to the mix and be able to watch the process. As a consumer, I never really took the time to question where tissue paper and these other items come from, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to see the process.”
The Seaman Paper Company has its Corporate Headquarters at 35 Wilkins Road in Gardner, Massachusetts. The successful Chair City manufacturer has nearby locations in Gardner, Baldwinville, and Orange, MA. What some don’t know is Seaman Paper is in Fujian, China, Hong Kong, Dongguan, China, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, Rastatt, Germany, and Carpi, Italy. Seaman Paper website.
The City of Gardner is interested in showcasing its history of manufacturing success to other companies who might want to locate in the Chair City and also become successful around the globe. Gardner is a City of Success and a great place to Live, Work, Play, and Visit.
- Outdoor Dining (6/20/2022)
Outdoor Dining Initiative Begins in Downtown Gardner MA
The Street was closed at both ends. Signage went up. The planters are there and soon will showcase beautiful plants. Crews put up the lights. And tables started to hold customers enjoying outdoor eating. Official grand opening is during Gardner’s Birthday Celebration on June 25, 2022. Complete Article, CLICK HERE.
Lights are ON! Outdoor Dining has started!
Mayor Nicholson released the photo at left and also stated, “Still more tables to be added, flowers to be planted on the barriers, flower beds from Aubuchon Hardware to be laid out throughout the area, and new trash cans from Masscor but the Pleasant Plaza Outdoor Seating Area is open! “
“Thank you to Gilbert Gravel from the Gardner DPW for putting it all together today and Jon Bombaci of Candor Realty for letting us string the lights from their building! Already a few people out eating at the tables.”
- 2 Meetings (6/20/2022)
The Story of why Back to Back Gardner City Council Meetings are scheduled this week
Mayor Nicholson stated on Social Media, “You’ll notice there’s identical informal meetings posted for both Tuesday and Wednesday and the budget also appears on the Tuesday night regular meeting. Every year when we do the budget the Council always posts duplicative meetings that way if they have questions after day 1, they can take the time and get answers and come back the next day. However if they feel all their questions are answered and they get it done in one day, the subsequent meetings are canceled.
Since the open meeting law requires that public meetings be posted 48 hours in advance, they’re all pre scheduled for a worst case scenario.”
See our Article on the upcoming Gardner City Council meetings with various agendas and supplemental material. CLICK HERE.
- Juneteenth (6/19/2022)
Juneteenth celebrated June 20, 2022 “The Sentient Soul of American Freedom” – a Poem by Werner Poegel Juneteenth to be celebrated Monday, June 20, 2022 in Greater Gardner MA
City Hall and Town Halls will be closed and U.S. mail will not be delivered. It is the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was adopted in 1983. The actual date of Juneteenth is June 19 and commemorates the emancipation of enslaved Black Americans. It became a Federal Holiday when the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act became law in 2021. More on Juneteenth, CLICK HERE.
Original Poem “The Sentient Soul of American Freedom” CLICK HERE.
- Pleasant Plaza (6/19/2022)
Pleasant Plaza is Born in Downtown Gardner MA
Monday, June 20, 2022 is the official date of birth which will be shown on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE for Pleasant Plaza on Pleasant Street, Gardner MA as the street is closed off after 5am and a new Outdoor Dining area is BORN. The idea was hatched by Gardner Business and Government leaders, gestated by the Mayor and City Council, born into reality by the efforts of many and named by the spontaneous utterances of local business people.
The timing is perfect as Gardner celebrates its 237th Birthday on June 25th and hopes to draw thousands of people to the Chair City on that day to enjoy all that Gardner has to offer. Complete list of Events, CLICK HERE.
- Goose Goodies (6/19/2022)
The Velvet Goose has been a business in Downtown Gardner MA for over 3 decades and carries clothing, accessories, jewelry, and gifts. Visit their Facebook page.
The Velvet Goose in Gardner MA Having Massive 6 hour sale on Saturday June, 25, 2022
Patti Bergstrom announced on her store’s Facebook page: “Check out our SALE Racks. Discounts up to 90% off. $5, $10, $20 Deals. Enter to win Goose Goodies!” It was also posted, “Join us on Saturday, June 25! We are celebrating Small Business Saturday (because 1 Small Business Saturday in November is not enough) and we are celebrating Gardner’s 237th birthday.” For Gardner Magazine’s complete article on all of the day’s events, CLICK HERE.
Patti Bergstrom, the President of Downtown organization Gardner Square Two has been a supporter of the Chair City and Downtown and recently stated this at a Grant Event in April 22: “It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood, made more beautiful by Congresswoman Trahan coming with all this grant funding.” … “We have so much positivity in Downtown, it is just a beautiful day every day in our Downtown.” Some would say that Patti herself has brought just a little more Sunshine to Gardner all these years, just like the sunflower she posted on her own page.
- Witches’ Wardrobe (6/19/2022)
Bringing the Magic of local artisans to Downtown Gardner MA with the new store, the Witches’ Wardrobe
Kate Saab has brought some magic to Downtown Gardner with the Witches’ Wardrobe at 314 Central Street, Gardner as she has given a place for local artists to showcase their handmade items such as jewelry, stained glass mobiles, silk paintings, bath & beauty products, and candles.
Kate is enthusiastic about the Sidewalk Sale event taking place on Saturday June 25, 2022 in Downtown Gardner. hosting a Witch Dance group and featuring a hula hoop station for kids to play with. The store will have deeply discounted clothing and other items on sale.
The Witches Wardrobe hosts workshops and has a Tarot Reading room by appointment. Website —- Facebook page.
When you’re in Downtown Gardner MA, plan a visit to the Witches’ Wardrobe for a unique shopping experience in the Chair City!
- Council Busy (6/18/2022)
The Gardner City Council will be working on the budget this week in four different meetings. While any discussions of budgets can conjure up visions of the “Fat Budget Man”, Gardner residents should know that Mayor Nicholson’s proposed budget has the lowest proposed increase of comparable cities. See our article.
Gardner MA City Council Facing Busy Week – Focus on Budget Fiscal Year 2023
The Gardner Massachusetts City Council is taking Monday off this week due to the Juneteenth Holiday. Then, it’s WORK and more WORK Tuesday and Wednesday with Informal and Regular Meetings. You can view the various City Council Agendas and packets. 6-21 Informal, 6-21 Regular, 6-22 Informal, 6-22 Regular.
In addition, Mayor Nicholson submitted additional information on Friday evening regarding Maki Park, Park Street Park, Disc Golf, Tennis Courts Part 1, and Tennis Courts Part 2.
With respect to Maki Park and Park Street Park, the Mayor’s submissions intend to demonstrate that City Council approval of both would be consistent with the City Council’s past actions relating to both proposed expenditures.
Gardner Magazine had a previous article on the City of Gardner Fiscal Year 2023, demonstrating its efficiency compared to other communities. CLICK HERE.
- Dinner on Us (6/18/2022)
Gardner MA CAC to help struggling families with “Dinner’s on Us!” Program
The Dinner’s On Us! Program offers eligible applicants healthy, ready-to-cook fresh and frozen crockpot dinners. Meals prepared at the CAC kitchen are delivered to each registered, approved household once per week. Communities served include Ashburnham, Gardner, Hubbardston, and Westminster. More Details and application, CLICK HERE.
The Gardner CAC’s Mission is to provide services and resources to those in need. Donations are accepted. For secure paypal link, CLICK HERE.
- More Paving (6/18/2022)
Positive Paving Postulations Possible in Gardner MA
More paving means more roads will be looking better in Gardner. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is advising residents of plans for Tuesday June 21 through 24 in a “Traffic Advisory” so people can “plan for traffic delays or seek alternate route.”
Route 140 Winchendon Line to Green Street
Nicholson states, “MassDOT Rt. 140 paving will begin Tuesday June 21st through Friday June 24th. Paving will occur form the Winchendon town line to Green St. in Gardner. Traffic will be reduced to an alternating single travel lane for large portions of the roadway.”
Pearson Boulevard, Gardner
MassDOT will also be resuming work on Pearson Blvd shortly following a recent pause in the work caused by granite curbing supply issues.
Other Gardner MA Street Work
Mayor Nicholson stated, “Gardner crews will also be raising structures on Parker St., West St., Central St., West Lynde St., and Woodland Ave. and will be installing crossing ramps at the intersections of Oak and West Street and along Woodland Ave by Heywood Hospital.”
- Radio 6-17-22 (6/17/2022)
We have a new newscast for you with 10 different stories, just like you hear them on the RADIO.
- Square Two (6/17/2022)
Gardner Square Two says June 25, 2022 in Gardner MA will be so much fun for the whole family!
Gardner Square Two has put out some more info about the awesome day about to happen in Downtown Gardner on Small Business Saturday, June 25, 2022 from 10am to 4pm. (with other events throughout the evening elsewhere in the City) See our Complete Article. Gardner Square Two encourages residents and visitors to Shop! Eat! And Play! and advises ”Downtown merchants and restaurants will be offering specials. Local organizations and vendors will be displaying their merchandise and conducting demonstrations. Meet Superheroes and Princesses. Participate in the games, sidewalk art, and other fun activities. Join the Mayor at the big ribbon cutting and celebrate Gardner’s 237th birthday celebration at Pleasant Plaza. So much fun for the whole family!”
- Monument Park (6/17/2022)
Gardner MA Monument Park FREE Concerts begin Saturday June 18, 2022 with the Green Sisters
“The Green Sisters” starts it off and they have an impressive bio. From their website, “Hailing from a small farm in rural Massachusetts, the four Green Sisters were raised with music accompanying their chores. Their sound spans a wide range of bluegrass, barbershop, blues, country, and lots of original songs which fit right into the mix. They’ve been playing venues in New England regularly for the last several years and have garnered quite the following; it’s hard not to smile when treated with their tight harmonies and high energy tunes. Their live show is where they really shine, bouncing their jovial banter around the stage as only siblings can.
The sisters’ second studio album, Blink of an Eye, was released in late 2020.
Directions and Schedule
Monument Park is located near Downtown Gardner MA at 1 Cottage Street, Gardner MA 01440. Google Map — 2022 Monument Park Schedule Printable PDF CLICK HERE
- Smith 6-17-22 (6/17/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor’s Update with Colin Smith 6-17-22
The Mayor’s Executive Aid Colin Smith filled in as Mayor Nicholson was away as a Chaperone for Boys State. He also spoke of the Boys and Girls Club Gala which had a goal of $100,000. This was easily surpassed as Ed Atter donated $100,000 himself. A total of $207,000 was raised for the Boys and Girls Club. — Smith spoke of it being an honor to be at the Flag Day Ceremony at the Senior Center where he introduced his Father, Brigadier General Greg Smith who was the guest speaker. The entire Flag Day ceremony is available for viewing on the City’s YouTube page. CLICK HERE.
Smith also went on to speak of the City’s celebration on Saturday June 25, 2022 – See our complete page of the day’s events. And for this week’s update, visit the City of Gardner YouTube page or our Mayor’s update page, CLICK HERE
- Braks Done (6/16/2022)
Update from Mayor Nicholson 6-17-22: Mayor Nicholson responded to our email with the following: “I’m actually away this week but he was not terminated and there’s nothing official on that at this time. I will look into who said this at the meeting so I can reach out to them to correct this.” Mayor Nicholson followed up again with “I do expect the public announcement on the conclusion of the police situation to be announced mid next week.”
Gardner Police Department Chief Braks had been on Administrative Leave since February after a No-Confidence vote by 40 out of 41 officers in the Gardner Police Department.
Gardner MA Hits Brakes on Chief Braks – no longer employed by City?, apparently we’ll find out next week…
Update: Mayor Nicholson has informed us that Dr. Hemman made a poor word choice. The Mayor stated, “The confusion came that since Chief Braks had a voting appointment on the School Building Committee, that position was not represented since the Chief was placed on Administrative leave.To fill that structural vacancy, I appointed Officer Lawrence, the School Resource Officer, to the position so that the Police Department could have a say in the decisions of the Committee. The not employed by the City was a misnomer and word choice error in reference to the administrative leave. That said, I do expect the public announcement on the conclusion of the police situation to be announced mid next week.”
At a School Building Committee Meeting on June 15, 2022, Steve Hemman stated, “As a matter of public record, Richard Braks is not employed by the City any more, therefore he does not serve on the Building Committee, he’s a non-voting member and the Mayor has appointed John Lawrence to take that spot to be on the building committee, and we have filed that paperwork with MSBA which we are required to do. There’s no action required by this committee, but just to have it in our minutes that that change took place.” Gardner Magazine will provide more information as we receive it. Watch Meeting
- Moving Day (6/16/2022)
Packing starts in earnest at Elm Street and Waterford Street Schools in Gardner MA
Chairing the School Building Committee Mark Hawke stated that packing started in earnest on June 15, 2022. “At Elm Street School we filled 2 dumpsters. Waterford filled 2 dumpsters. They will both be emptied tomorrow and/or Friday, so we can continue cleaning out.
I was somewhat surprised at the success we had in cleaning out all the classrooms and packing, and I’m gonna say, somewhere in the vicinity of 80 to 85 percent of the classrooms are clean, green, ready to go. All in all, things went fairly well. “
Christina Thomas stated, “I want to send a huge thank you to the high school and middle school faculty and staff who came to our aid today. It was very touching to have them come in and help move. And pack, and carry. “ It is reported that even the Superintendent of Schools Mark Pellegrino assisted in the moving.
Earl Martin To watch the entire meeting, CLICK HERE.
Mark Hawke said, “Everyone who wasn’t at Elm Street or Waterford street which included Cathy and Joyce and Mark Pellegrino, myself, and everyone at Central Office, and the High School and the Middle school were dispersed and sent to all the other classrooms to assist in any way possible. So we got a great deal done in one day., a surprising amount done.”
Earl Martin, “I should second all that, it showed the character of the School District as one that values team and helping each other out. Thanks to the Central Office and all the schools for helping out.”
- School Update (6/16/2022)
Dream of new Gardner MA Elementary School fast becoming Reality
Project Leader spokesman Tim Alix stated at 6-15-22 Building Committee meeting, “We feel comfortable that we’ll be ready, if not for the contractual date of substantial completion of July 15th, if not by then, certainly by the time school opens and we have occupancy prior to the start of school.” “Financially we’re doing well. We’re on target.”
IT Infrastructure Possible Issue and Biggest Project Challenge
Tim Alix announced that they are making a switch from HP equipment for the switches in the closets for IT infrastructure. “HP is just not being able to provide us with delivery dates, so we switched, and as it turns out, we’re switching to the District’s preferred option, which is a Cisco product, a Cisco system, so right now the contractors are confirming that they have the quantity that we need, and that we’ll have it in the time that we need, …we’re going down that road because when they checked a week ago, they had the equipment we’d be needing and they were able to get it in on time….It will just able to coordinate with everything that we have. That was our biggest challenge. And it looks like that’s been resolved. ..As soon as we get confirmation 100 percent, we’ll let people know.
Some Photos of Progress at the New Gardner Elementary School
Building B – Southwest Corner Building B – Northwest Corner Building B – Insulating and Gym Ductwork Building B – East Canopy Footings Building B – Gym Divider B to C Connector Building B – Stair Number 3 Wall Building B – Art Room with polish Concrete slab Building A – South Elevation Building A – Second Floor Looking East Building B – Cafeteria Skylight Building C – Typical Classroom Floor Public Meeting Open to Public Attendance
UPDATE: (As long as you sign a waiver)
Mayor Nicholson was kind enough to personally call us at Gardner Magazine to advise that the General Public is most welcome on the tour of the new Gardner Elementary School on June 27th. They just need to sign a waiver. The reason is that it is a full Public Meeting that is not being adjourned for the tour, it is actually being convened for the purpose of the tour. Any public meeting may be attended by any member of the public. We were previously advised by both City Hall and the Superintendent’s office that the public could not attend due to safety protocols – however, the Mayor has now stated that as long as the waiver is signed, full public meeting rights apply. So in case any of you are wondering if the Mayor is always working, that question just got answered – he knows what’s going on even when he is out of town.
So the Gardner School Committee, Gardner City Council, and members of the General Public will be touring the new Gardner Elementary School on June 27th. Hard hats to be worn by all. Dr. Hemman was asked about this during a Building Committee meeting and answered “yes’ regarding whether the public could attend the meeting. Gardner Magazine will attempt to screenshot any video of the meeting to provide you with as many photos of the new school as possible or we may just attend after signing our waiver.
Next meeting of the Building Committee will be on July 20th after the substantial completion date. Watch the entire meeting, CLICK HERE.
- Pool Opening (6/15/2022)
Gardner MA Greenwood Memorial Pool opens Monday June 27, 2022
The Greenwood Memorial Pool and Spray Park is open June 27th for the season. Hours of Operation will be noon to 5pm Monday through Saturday. According to Diana Ringer, prices have not changed for 2022.
Public Swim (including the Splash Park) is $3 for Children 17 and under, $4 for adults, and $2 for Seniors. A 20 visit Swim Pass is $40 for children and $60 for adults. Non-swimming walk ins are $1 for all, under 2 FREE.Three sessions of Swim Classes are offered. Each session runs 2 weeks in duration. Printable pdf. More information on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
- Elks Safety (6/15/2022)
Gardner MA Elks Expands Kids Safety Day for 2022
In conjunction with Gardner’s Birthday Celebration on June 25, 2022, the Gardner Elks is holding Kids Safety from 11am to 12:30pm. FREE food, FREE door prizes, FREE helmets Printable pdf flyer – All of the day’s events in our Article, CLICK HERE
- School Committee 6-13-22 (6/14/2022)
The City of Gardner MA School Committee met on Monday June 13, 2022 – Biggest News at End
Due to the absence of Mayor Nicholson, the meeting was chaired by Vice Chair Jennifer Pelavin. None of the warrant articles listed on the agenda were taken up and the Executive Session listed was not held.
Gino is Honored
During the Superintendent Recognition segment, student representative Gino Divitto was recognized by Mark Pellegrino.”I would like to recognize Gino Divitto.” He then presented him with a plaque for outstanding service to the Gardner Public Schools.
Divitto received positive comments from many of the members in their final comments at the end of the meeting. He is now a Gardner High graduate and will be attending college in the fall.
Now Wait a Minute, Minutes!
Shannon Ward-Leighton stated that the minutes noted that John Lafrenniere was absent, however she says “he was in fact present.” Chair Pelavin did not immediately thank Ward-Leighton for noticing this. Instead she stated, you’ll have to handle that at the subcommittee meeting, to amend minutes.” In a previous article, Gardner Magazine compared School Committee Meeting minutes with actual transcripts and found considerable inaccuracies. Mayor Nicholson has stated the problem will be corrected.
Other School Items
The Superintendent gave a Covid 19 update, stating that there were 3 cases consisting of 3 students and 0 staff. Testing will not continue next year. Mark Pellegrino stated, “and I’m ready to end Covid, so yeah.” He also stated that Kindergarten registration is expected to be between 170 to 200 total. Student meal pricing will be up next year to $2.50 for breakfast and $4.00 for lunch – the item was passed unanimously by the School Committee. The School Committee will be touring the new Gardner Elementary School on June 27th.
Superintendent evaluation
Most members submitted evaluations stating significant progress towards goals or met goals and in regards to different standards: proficient and exemplary. Anne Hurst commented, “Dr. Pellegrino has been consistently leading the District in a positive direction and I think it’s well-reflected in the evaluation, so we also would need to vote on his raise.”
The evaluation passed unanimously and so did a 5% raise per contract. However, the Superintendent commented after the vote, ““Thank you. I appreciate you recognizing the hard work that my office does. I want to be really clear that any of the work that I do, if it wasn’t for ….all my whole team we would not be moving in the direction that we’re moving. I don’t accept a raise that is higher than my staff, so I will only be accepting the 2 percent raise that my staff is getting. “
Final Comments of the School Committee
Shannon Ward – Leighton “ Just to echo what Dr. Pellegrino said, I think we can’t really thank the people enough in this district…. My eyes have been incredibly opened this year as to how things operate. Normally I stay positive with my comments, but I think I want to bring something up. This has been a really terrible year for teachers, and in many ways. And I obviously can’t remove my bias as an educator from that, this past month particularly, ….to see the things that have happened across the country. We are really lucky here to have the people that we do. I am lucky to have the teachers for my daughters that we do, and, the only thing I can think of is just thank you to Gardner’s teachers, for keeping our kids safe, keeping our kids happy as much as they can, I’m sorry, I won’t get emotional, it’s not like that in other districts. It’s not. And just um, I’m going to give a special shout out to Miss Cannell and Miss Nordstrom at the Middle School from Sophie and Miss Chicoine at the Elementary School and just thank everyone in this District for what you do…you’re doing amazing work for children. And thank you everyone here for being so welcoming to me this year, for this school year and letting me cut my teeth during a difficult time.”
Anne Hurst, “First I wanted to thank Gino again. I ‘ve always felt it so important to have a student voice here, and he’s been great and I asked him if he heard us yelling ‘Go Gino’ at graduation. ..Just to kinda of echo was Shannon was saying too: at graduation the speeches were inspiring. The young woman who didn’t start out in this district and ended up here. And her words just meant so much. And to see the amount of kids with awards and, I’m sorry, losing my words again, and then tonight at the Middle School to see all those kids and how happy they are to be going on to High School. The people who are negative and the recent Facebook stuff that’s negative, it doesn’t reflect what is actually happening here, and all you have to do is just be at any one of these events, talk to anybody, and you will find out a totally different story. And I am thankful to Dr. Pellegrino for getting things moving forward that I have been advocating for, for many, many years, for inclusion and social-emotional learning, and I just appreciate everybody here in this District. And Gino, good luck what ever it is you’re heading off to and whatever you may find.”
Gino Divito, “ I wanted to thank everybody for this, first of all. I wasn’t expecting this at all. It’s also been a pleasure being on this, for this year. Back in sophomore year before Covid, I had a friend who did this as well and I was just like, ‘ I wanna do that when I’m a senior,’ so I asked him…is this still a thing? And I’m glad I did because I learned a lot of skills about how like a Board and how teams operate. So I’ll be able to carry that at college and beyond. I’m grateful for that. Definitely glad to have been part of the District for the last 12 years, ‘cause the thing is, like, the more involved you are the better it is. Like I’m involved in probably too many things, but I’m involved enough and everything you do, there is something to be taught with it, so…thank you.” Dr. Pellegrino asked Gino, “What are your plans for next year, do you want to share them with the board?” Gino Divito, “I’m going to Nichols College in Dudley to study sports management and sports marketing.”
Robert Swartz, “Well, June 8th, I attended the D.A.R.E. graduation at the Middle School. That was quite an event. It really was. And it has an extra meaning too, as John Lawrence who has been our School Resource Officer for the past 22 years….I recall and incident, probably before all of you. This was probably in his 4th or 5th year. And I don’t know if many of you know, he was also in the Reserves, the Navy Reserve, I believe. And, it was that time in his career, police career, he was thinking about giving up being a Resource Officer ‘cause he just didn’t think it was that important. Well, all the kids in the School District heard about what he was thinking about, and they wrote letters and sent him cards, told him how important he was to them, for their safety. Well, 22 years later he’s now retiring, I think around January or February, so I wish John Lawrence well. He’s done a great job for us. So that takes care of the D.A.R.E. program. And he was the prime instructor for the D.A.R.E. program, all of these years. So, he’s quite a character when he’s hosting the graduation, he really is, but he gets it done….As I said earlier in the evening, I attended the GHS awards night, and it was an amazing thing as I mentioned it to my son, ‘cause I attended my granddaughter’s graduation at North Middlesex, and I just mentioned to my son that the little City of Gardner presented to the students that were graduating 600 thousand dollars in awards, he almost choked when I told him. But, we have a grateful community and they certainly , all those great people take care of our graduation, graduates, I thank them for that. I attended the GHS and the GALT graduations and I really enjoyed the GALT, even though there were only 14, but they have worked so hard to achieve their graduation. That’s why I really liked attending. Although the GHS was great, it was good, it was large, but I like GALT too. And as Anne Hurst said, most of us attended the great ‘?’….promotion which is rather odd, but it was quite interesting, of about 180 students I believe, something like that, going into the 8th grade, but they’re going in to the High School. That was their theme, we’re going to the high school. That’s all I have, thank you.”
John Lafreniere, “ I want to also say thanks to Officer Lawrence for all the things he’s done for the district over the years. He’s fantastic to have here. Good luck to Gino. It was nice having you here., working with you. Also, thank Dr. Pellegrino for another job well done, reflected in the evaluation. I think this is my 19th year on the School Committee, and I have to say, with what you’ve had to deal with over these past few years, and how well you’ve done,… thank you very much. Done a great job, worth every bit of the raise that you’re getting, if not more. I know you have a great team behind you, helps you and gets the district where they are, I appreciate that, I appreciate them just as much, and also as a leader you’re also there to support them, for their needs. So, that shows what a great leader you are.”
Rachel Cormier, “You know, a year ago when we talked about going in to the school year, I had a hard time, like, envisioning how it was going to go after going through all the changes with Covid, and I was very apprehensive, and I just want to acknowledge the staff and the teachers and everybody in central office that made this work incredibly well for our kids. I think going to a lot of the end-of-school programs at the various schools seeing how happy and excited these kids were to have a normal year and have something to celebrate made everything worth it. There were headaches, there were struggles, there were tears, through the whole process, but seeing that they had a good year made it all worth it and I’m really appreciative of the staff and teachers for doing that…Gino, thank you, I know everybody else has said it, but your dedication to being here was great all the time, always having something to provide. I don’t always follow the sports, but I knew once a month that I was going to get an update, so I appreciate that, thank you. And that’s all, looking forward to another good school year coming up and that brand new school.”
Jennifer Pelavin, “ And I just wanted to say, to thank all of the staff, everyone who works for Gardner Public Schools, it’s amazing. I always love when we get to this point, ‘cause it’s amazing to kinda look back and see tomorrow’s the last day for the students. And I did wanna mention that as you all saw in the update from Mr. Martin that the DIBL score which is the reading aptitude testing, that it’s some of the best DIBL’s scores they’ve had, correct?” Mark Pellegrino stated, “ever” K through grade 2 had growth that, we have never, just not seen that level of growth. Usually, at the end of the year we were hitting about 60 percent, this year through grade 1 there were over 80 percent. In grade 2, they were just a little under 80 percent. So those kind of growth scores we just haven’t seen before, and I think that speaks a lot to Mr. Martin’s leadership and that team, ….following through and really working together as a team to develop lesson plans that are effective.
The Biggest News: Efforts in the Gardner School System to improve academic performance are showing their value in documented results such as the big bump in 1st and 2nd grade reading scores documented by Vice Chair Pelavin and Superintendent Pellegrino in the above exchange.
- Gardner’s Birthday (6/13/2022)
Gardner MA Birthday Celebration Planning in Full Swing
Saturday June, 25, 2022 is just around the corner and so is the 237th Birthday of the City of Gardner MA. There’s a huge amount of Downtown Gardner events beginning at 10am including those sponsored by the Gardner Recreation Department, Chair City Church, Gardner Square Two, Gardner PD and Fire,and various Gardner Businesses. And with the official opening of the Outdoor Dining on Pleasant Street, it’s even more special! There are various events around the City of Gardner including a Craft Fair at the Gardner Museum, Boothill Express playing a FREE CONCERT at Monument Park, Fireworks at dusk at the P.A.C.C., and the Whiskey Johnson Concert at the Lithuanian Club. Visiting food trucks at many City locations add to the appeal. For a detailed listing of events, here’s our complete article. CLICK HERE.
- Crane at Flat Iron (6/12/2022)
Flat Iron Work Closes Part of Pleasant Street in Gardner MA
Pleasant Street, Gardner MA was closed for a period on Saturday June 11, 2022 and again on Monday June 12, 2022 as work was done on the Flat Iron Building. The building recently changed owners, and from the looks of things, the new owners are getting right down to business in fixing up the structure.
Work on Main Street Building
Just around the corner from the Flat Iron Building, some type of building work is taking place on Main Street with the outside showing scaffolding and a blue covering material. For those wondering when Downtown Gardner is going to look better, it’s happening one building at a time. Sometimes there’s a delay between the announcement of a building sale and the completion of the rehab.
- Relay Draws Hundreds (6/11/2022)
Relay for Life Gardner MA Survivors’ Lap at Gardner Relay for Life Gardner MA Relay for Life June 10, 2022 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with Leominster Mayor Mazzorella who wears Gardner shirt Greater Gardner MA Relay for Life Draws Hundreds, Exceeds Goal
The Gardner MA Relay for Life was held from Friday June 10, 2022 at 6pm to Saturday June 11, 2022 at 2pm. One of 2500 events of its type held in the United States, the event has raised almost 15 million dollars in 29 years. This year’s goal of $100,000 was announced to be already exceeded at $105,000 when the event began. The opening ceremonies included a celebration of local cancer survivors and Cancer Survivors took a victory lap to kick off the Relay for Life.
The community -based walk event was successful once again. The Mayoral Challenge was won by Gardner with 141 Relayers. Town of Westminster was 2nd with 64, Leominster 3rd with 42, and Fitchburg 4th with 32. When this was announced by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, Leominster Mayor Dean Mazzorella put on the iconic Orange Gardner shirt.
Friday Evening Theme Hours
This year’s theme was “Tune Out Cancer, Tune in Hope” and a great day of entertainment and activities was had by all including on Friday night hours such as “Party Like It’s the 1980s”, “the 1950’s Hour” “1960’s Hour”, and a Western Hour/Country Style just before midnight when the sound system went silent until 6am Saturday.
Saturday Themes
There were various silent themes overnight followed by “Revelry, Good Morning Relayers” at 6am. The Caregiver Reception started in the Big Tent at 9am. The Band “Back to the Garden” performed at 11am. Noon brought line dancing. Closing Ceremonies were held from 1pm to 2pm with special recognition, awards, and a very special last lap in which each team could participate. There were food vendors galore on both days of the event.
Due to the pandemic, the last full Relay for Life was held back in 2019 and many were happy to see it back again.
Gardner MA Relay for Life – was held from Friday June 10, 2022 at 6pm through Saturday June 11, 2022 until 2pm Relay grounds after Completion Event Cleanup
It happens – an event is held and there’s evidence the next day because there’s trash and debris all over the place. The site of the Relay for Life, however, is already clean. At just about 4pm, just 2 hours after the culmination of the event, it was obvious a great cleanup team did miracles in restoring the grounds at Mount Wachusett Community College to pristine condition.
Putting Things Away June 11, 2022 - Mayor 6-10-22 (6/10/2022)
View the Mayor’s Update via the City of Gardner YouTube page or our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Delivers 27 Minute Address in Weekly Update
In an inspirational and motivational, but lengthy weekly update of 27 minutes on June 10, 2022, Mayor Michael Nicholson put forth great confidence in the Chair City with a focus on serious financial, civic, and budget matters.
The Mayor noted that while other areas have seen population declines, Gardner’s population has grown significantly in the last two decades. He stated, ““individuals can keep their Boston jobs and their Boston pay while coming out to the North Central Mass, North Quabbin areas.” Recently, Mayor Nicholson met with the North Central Massachusetts Association of Realtors to discuss various projects and properties. Realtors helped answer questions such as,”“what are your clients who are moving to the Gardner area asking you? What are they looking for? What types of services seem to stick out for them when they are looking for a community? It helps us get information on our end, but also we can give information to the Realtors about projects like the new school, the Outdoor seating pilot programs, the different business grants that are available, and different redevelopment projects that we have going on so we can get that symbiotic relationship between the two.”
Successful Gardner Manufacturers Look to Expand
Mayor Nicholson spoke of touring different manufacturing facilities in the Chair City such as Advanced Cable Ties, Blessington Corporation, and Specialty Paper, who are all looking at expanding. “We are seeing how we can promote that expansion here in Gardner.” And the Mayor noted the companies are hiring, ““every place we visited yesterday….one of the issues they faced was adequate staffing levels.”
Nicholson spoke of a number of events taking place in the city in the next month. He also spoke about the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget and explained that various meetings will be taking place. The Mayor advocated for his free cash requests for the Maki lot and the Park Street property, indicating that he felt spending money on the properties would help spruce up the City. Explaining the concept of free cash, the Mayor stated, ““Free cash is money that we budgeted on the revenue side that came in higher than budgeted or expenses that came in lower.”
Operation: Storefront Gets a Big Boost!
Gardner has entered into an agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to participate in the Vacant Storefront Incentive Program – “ this is a program where if a storefront has been vacant for more than 12 months, the city and the state will kick in 10 thousand dollars a piece for up to 3 storefronts a year so that we can help with fit out costs for those businesses as a way to incentivize those businesses coming in to those vacant storefronts… We’re looking forward to seeing how we can utilize this program to help incentivize businesses to come in to the area and help revitalize our economy one step at a time. “ The City will match the state’s 10 grand with 10 grand from its American Rescue Plan funding.
- Gardner’s Birthday (6/10/2022)
Gardner Square Two Releases June 25, 2022 Gardner MA Event Schedule
It will be a huge day of fun in the Chair City on Saturday June 25, 2022 from 10am to 4pm. Complete event details, CLICK HERE
- Firefighters’ Memorial (6/9/2022)
Ceremony at Gardner Firefighters Memorial
From Gardner Fire Department: “The Gardner Fire Department and the Gardner Firefighters Benefit Association would like to invite you to the 2022 Firefighters Memorial Sunday Ceremony to be held on June 12th at Fire Headquarters. It is requested that members, retirees, and guests begin to assemble at 08:00 hours. The ceremony will begin at 09:00 hours. Family members and guests are welcome to attend.”
- Officer Honored (6/9/2022)
Gardner MA PD and Gardner Public Schools Honor School Resource Officer
School Resource Officer John Lawrence was honored during the DARE graduation ceremony on June 8, 2022 with a Lifetime Achievement Award for 22 years as a School Resource Officer and DARE instructor.
Lawrence got a standing ovation from fellow officers, school staff, community leaders, and students. The officer has plans to retire in January 2023.
Gardner PD stated, “Officer Lawrence congratulations, you will be deeply missed by the schools, the PD and youth of the community. The positive impact you have had on the city’s youth will not be forgotten.”
- Fishing Derby (6/9/2022)
FREE Trout Fishing Derby for Kids in Gardner MA Sunday, June 12, 2022
The John Polchlopek Annual Kid’s Free Trout Fishing Derby takes place Sunday June 12, 2022 from 9am to 2pm at the Gardner Fish and Gun Club, 538 Clark Street, Gardner. 13 and under fish free. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and refreshments provided to kids. Bait is provided and lots of prizes will be awarded. The Gardner Fish and Gun Club says, “Come join us and bring a kid fishing.” Website. Facebook page.
- Adventure IRL (6/9/2022)
Eight Week Gardner MA Outdoor Adventure Program offered for 5th through 8th graders
The J.U.M.P. Adventure IRL! Program runs from July 9, 2022 to August 27, 2022 on eight consecutive Saturday mornings from 8:30am to 10:00. Location is Rome Conservation Area, 65 Brookside Drive, Gardner.
Volunteer trained adult mentors guide the kids in the outdoors with topics including fire building, shelter building, plant identification, animals signs, sensory awareness, and ecology.
Cost of the program is $260. (Full and partial scholarships available.) For more information, CLICK HERE. Printable pdf, CLICK HERE.
J.U.M.P. Mission Statement, “J.U.M.P. inspires young people to realize their full potential through mentorship and a variety of outdoor adventures that provide life lessons, personal insights, and confidence which serve as a foundation for taking on leadership roles in the community.”
- Just Dance Approval (6/8/2022)
Just Dance Center Awaits Approval of Plans for New Dance Studio in Gardner MA
Contractor Robert Ouellet has submitted an application for a variance at 69 Lincoln Street in Gardner, seeking permission to convert the premises to a Dance Studio. If approved at the Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on June 21, 2022, 69 Lincoln Street would be the new home of Just Dance Center which formally left its Downtown Gardner location on May 31,2022. The application was submitted prior to the middle of May 2022 and before being marked complete included a Copy of DEED, photographs, and plans. Gardner officials have publicly spoken in favor of keeping the Just Dance Center in Gardner.
Just Dance Fan Base
The public Facebook page of Just Dance! Performing Arts Center demonstrates many parents are eager for the business to reopen. Here are some of the comments. “Thank you for creating so many amazing years, and memories in this building. I’m hopeful the new space can happen soon. We are so lucky to be a part of the Just Dance family.”, Hoping there will still be summer classes…. The family you have created for these kids is truly inspirational. Once you can re open there will be joy, happiness and the most beautiful welcome back messages ever! We will see you soon!…. So much love for this place and business you created, thank you for all that you do for these kiddos and including me as well. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for your love and dedication for dance…. Bigger and better things are coming. You will probably be happy you have moved forward to bigger and better things. … So many memories there. We are so thankful to be a part of the Just Dance family! Hope that the new space is approved soon!”
City of Gardner Support
The City of Gardner has been extraordinarily supportive of the business as well, as chronicled in a previous article. Just Dance received almost $200,000 in expenses support over the past 5 years from GRA, various Micro Enterprise funds, a relocation specialist, and even a check for $69,500 to assist in the move. Gardner Magazine will let you know the progress of the new location of this beloved local business.
About the Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals
The Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals consists of 3 members and 2 alternate members: Raymond F. LaFond, Chairperson, Randall Heglin, Third Member, and Michael Gerry, Clerk. Alternate members include Melory Cornett and David Antaya. June 21,2022 Agenda —- Schedule of Fees —- 2022 Meeting Dates —- Instructions. (Note that the Deadline to Apply for a variance is one month before the scheduled meeting) Copy of DEED, Photographs, plans, and a complete application must be submitted with the application. The application must be reviewed and marked complete by the Zoning Board of Appeals Administrative staff prior to being submitted and time stamped at the City Clerk’s Office. The fee to apply for a variance is $350, and if the applicant requests a continuance, that is subject to a $150 fee.
- Gardner’s Birthday (6/7/2022)
The Greater Gardner MA Region gets ready for Gardner’s Birthday on June 25, 2022
One of the biggest days in decades is coming…. Gardner’s 237th Birthday. COMPLETE ARTICLE CLICK HERE.
Fun-filled Activities!
Downtown Gardner Shopping!
Great Food!
Music Events!
Evening Fireworks!
- City Council 6-6-22 (6/7/2022)
Music Programs Scored a Big Win at the Gardner City Council Meeting on June 6, 2022 with a $100,000 capital expenditure. View Gardner City Council Meetings on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our City Council page. CLICK HERE.
The $100,000 for the School Capital Project Music Account was approved unanimously by the Gardner City Council after discussion, a substantial victory for MUSIC in the Chair City.
MUSIC Wins Big at Gardner MA City Council meeting of June 6, 2022
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson asked for $100,000 from free cash for the School Capital Project Music Support Account and this request resulted in considerable discussion and comment among the City Councilors.
Councilor Ronald Cormier stated, “…all of us I think are cognizant of the fact that last week there were so many kids involved in the newly reinstituted music program in the elementary school that they had to spread the concert over two nights. And with the new school being opened in the Fall, we need to provide the tools, if you will, needed by the Music Department, and there is a list of items, many of which I’m not even familiar with, because I’m not much of a musician, …but these are the tools that’ll be needed….the equipment stays with the school to be used year after year by the children. It’s exciting to see this happening in our school system. “
Councilor Nathan Boudreau, “ I am in support of this, I’d just like to thank the Mayor for his dedication to the arts during his tenure, I think it’s gonna come back tenfold. It’ll be great for the future of our city and for the future of the programs.”
Councilor Mack, “I’m also in support of this. I just want to make sure this is quite a number of instruments and that the school department is going to be able to budget for any repairs and maintaining the equipment ‘cause it is quite a few items, so that the money is being spent wisely and the instruments will be able to be used for many years to come.”
Councilor Walsh, “This is somewhat along the lines of Councilor Mack’s comment about budgeting. This is a substantial amount of money for new equipment, presumably there is existing equipment that these, all these additional people were using during the course of the current year. So this is supplementing that, beyond what is in existence already. I’m wondering why this is being done as a free cash appropriation rather than included in the school budget”
Mayor Nicholson responded, “That’s an excellent question from Councilor Walsh. And it is one that we did look into as well…. What we ended up doing for our plan is doing a one time expenditure like this to get us to that point and then budgeting the maintenance going forward in the regular school budget….The school does have an on-call contract with City Music for its repair of its instruments…. The compromise if you will in terms of a plan that we have for this was that the purchase up front would get us to a place where we need to be to get the students who are in the program right now the equipment and instruments they need to run the programs…”
Councilor Boone, “Yeah, I was kinda curious why the money wasn’t coming out of the Williams Rockwell Fund for the Arts. Maybe somebody can speak to that. “
Councilor Walsh, “As a member of that committee I can tell you that the Williams Rockwell group has funded substantial improvements in the school with the auditorium, …at least a half dozen different appropriations over the last couple of years….a substantial request was denied…because it was felt that was something that should be in the school budget….”
Other items which came before the Council included the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget which was referred to the entire Council as a Committee as a whole. $18,000 was approved to go to the medical exams account. $18,000 from free cash to medical exams account. Councilor Dernalowicz stated, “City has hired 160 new employees. This includes the school department as well.….this is to cover mandatory physical and drug testing, random drug testing for DPW, psych evaluations for the fire and police department…will cover expenses for remainder of fiscal year.” The $45,000 for the unclassified termination leave account to cover unexpected retirements passed unanimously. Park Opposition: There was opposition voiced by Councilors Walsh, Boone, and Mack regarding the proposed monies for Maki Park and Park Street Park and the matter was referred. The Board of Health will gets its new vehicle, an electric one to replace its 2013 vehicle which has been described as just having salvage value.
Councilor Comments:
Dana M. Heath, “No new business, I just want to go ahead and say I was lucky to go and attend with you and a couple other councilors the graduation over the weekend. It was a a beautiful event, so a big shout out to Gardner High for going ahead and putting that all together. It was nice this year. No masks, being able to see everyone’s smile. George Tyros: “nothing new this evening.” Alek Dernalowicz: “nothing this evening.” Judy Mack: “nothing new this evening.” Craig Cormier: “Yeah, I’d like to just briefly mention that the Public Safety Committee did pass temporary removal of parking meters, both on Parker Street and on Main Street, at the request of a couple businesses to allow some sidewalk dining this summer in conjunction with our closing of Pleasant Street. So it’ll be interesting to see how that does. Look forward to that.” James Boone, “I got to attend the Memorial Day ceremonies along with many of you. I’m hoping that we can do something about the sound system for next time we have an event there because it was very, you couldn’t hear a thing, so, hopefully we’ll put some money in the budget to fix that.” Nathan Boudreau, “ No new city council business this evening.” Karen Hardern: “Nothing new this week.” James Walsh, “I have nothing more.” Ronald Cormier: “I have nothing.”
- School Budget Session (6/7/2022)
Gardner MA City Council Hears Superintendent Pellegrino speak of “an efficiently -run system”
Dr. Mark Pellegrino went over the budget adjustment process and went over each page of the budget in detail. Members of the school committee asked questions regarding the budget, which were answered by Superintendent Pellegrino, stating one goal is “Make sure students stay in Gardner” and encourage “teachers planning together.”
Dr. Pellegrino demonstrated that the City of Gardner School District is spending an average of 23% less on Administration costs than comparable School Districts. It spends 50% less than the average on Instructional Leadership. “We’re trying to keep administration down and make sure that we’re an efficiently-run system.” “We’re paying a lot less per student on administration as well as school administration.” Pellegrino pointed out that the City of Gardner is under spending on Teachers and Other Teaching Services by about 16% as compared to Districts similar to Gardner.
Other notable items: The City of Gardner spends 63% less on Instructional Materials and Technology. However, when it comes to Guidance Counseling and Testing, Gardner spends $665 per student when the average among comparable districts is $628. Pellegrino also went over the other categoriesThe Superintendent pointed out that Operations and Maintenance efforts have been bettered and Gardner spends only 5% less than the average comparable District. . “We’re really trying to make it so we are maintaining our buildings.”
Pupil Services expenditures are at 69% less than average and Pellegrino stated, “Pupil Services is more transportation and things like that and so again it’s something we wanna be more efficient in. “ Dr. Pellegrino went over the various school positions in detail and explained the rationale behind needing the various positions.
- City Council (6/5/2022)
Gardner MA City Council Holding 2 Sessions on Monday June 6, 2022
The City Council will meet for an informal session for the purposes of the School Budget Presentation at 6pm. The Regular Session is at 7:30pm and includes several public hearings at which the public can speak and provide input. Regular Session Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
- Relay for Life (6/5/2022)
Gardner MA Relay for Life – Friday June 10, 2022 at 6pm through Saturday June 11, 2022 until 2pm Full Greater Gardner MA Relay for Life is Back!
Since the mid 1980s, communities across the globe have participated in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. The Gardner MA Relay for Life is scheduled to run Friday June 10 at 6pm to Saturday June 11 at 2pm at Mount Wachusett Community College off Green Street in Gardner. The event kicks off with a celebration of local cancer survivors. This community-based walk event has been a very successful Gardner event in years past. More information. CLICK HERE.
“Save Lives, Celebrate Lives & Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer.” American Cancer Society website, CLICK HERE.
- Gas Bump (6/5/2022)
Gardner MA Gas Prices Cross $5 threshold on Sunday 6-5-22
With the highest posted price in Gardner MA being $509.9 per gallon for a credit sale, most prices were at or near the $5.00 mark. The least expensive gas at the 2 o’clock hour on Sunday, June 5, 2022 was the Shell gas station at the corner of West Street in Gardner with a price of $4.899.
Gas prices have been steeply rising across Massachusetts. Prices elsewhere in states such as California are markedly higher with many stations at $8 and one at the $10 mark per gallon.
Gas Map
For the latest nationwide Gas Price Heat Map from Gas Buddy, CLICK HERE.
- Orange MA Fire (6/4/2022)
Vacant Factory Fire in Orange MA June 4, 2022
A fire at 16 West River Street in Orange MA involved firefighters from more than 20 regional fire departments. A number of nearby vacant buildings also caught fire. None of the buildings were reportedly occupied. Origin of the fire is under investigation. Ash was reported landing in Athol. Here’s a video from WWLP Channel 22 News. CLICK HERE —- Map of Location
- GHS Grads (6/4/2022)
Gardner MA Holds Graduation of Gardner High School and Gardner Academy
Graduation was held on Saturday June 4, 2022 for Gardner High School and Gardner Academy in the Chair City of Gardner MA.
To watch the entire Gardner High School Graduation on YouTube, click here.
Ceremony is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
To watch the entire Gardner Academy Graduation on YouTube, click here.
Recently at Gardner Scholarship Night, over one half million dollars total of Scholarship Funds were awarded to the graduates.
- Heywood Construction (6/4/2022)
Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Limits Plant Growth During Construction Through Signage
In signage seemingly directed towards these beautiful blooming plants at Heywood Hospital, speed of growth is limited to 5 miles per hour. Just in case, vehicles are advised to slow down as well during construction. The periodic explosions heard throughout the day don’t seem to have affected these plants at all, although occasional announcements are made on the Hospital-wide PA system when explosives are used.
Heywood Hospital has been undergoing construction and now anticipates its new upcoming Surgical Pavillion to replace the current surgical area which was built over 50 years ago.
- Hotline Radio 6-4-22 (6/4/2022)
Radio Station WGAW is heard on AM 1340 and 98.1FM 24/7, and also all over the world via its internet live stream. To listen right now, CLICK HERE.
WGAW Hotline Radio Highlights Races, Relays, Budgets, Business, and Gardner MA PD
In another information-filled program Saturday, June 4, 2022 from noon to 2pm, listeners learned more details about the Wildcat 5k coming up Saturday June 18th at Gardner High School. Race website, CLICK HERE. Host Steve Wendell interviewed Mark Bonneau of Hannaford Supermarkets regarding their support for the upcoming Gardner Relay for Life (6/10 & 6/11/22). And Mayor Nicholson related School and City Budget info, spoke about the Just Dance Center stating, “goal is to keep them in the City of Gardner.” and said there was no word yet on the Police Chief situation and the Deputy Chief position would be posted within the next 3 to 4 weeks.
- Mayor’s Update 6-3-22 (6/3/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Watch the Mayor’s Weekly update on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE.
Reminder – Gardner Relay for Life:
The 2022 Gardner Relay for Life takes place on Friday June 10 and Saturday June 11, 2022. This is a FULL EVENT again this year.
Gardner Massachusetts Education Gardner High School Downtown Gardner in November 2021 Gardner’s FY23 Budget reflects a smaller increase than other nearby cities. View our article.
Gardner MA Michael Nicholson offers Reverence to Gardner Veterans, Inspiration to Gardner Students, Exciting Anticipation of June 25, 2022 Events, and Review of Gardner’s Fiscal 2023 Budget.
Reverence to Gardner Veterans
Mayor Nicholson thanked those involved in the Memorial Day Parade and services and also welcomed Bob Chase, a new Assistant Director of Veterans Services who will be an addition to the existing staff. The Mayor suggested people contact Veterans Services in Gardner for needs such as Metal Military Cemetery markers. Here are some helpful links: Veterans Services in Gardner —– Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center —- Gardner VFW on Facebook —–Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services —– U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Inspiration to Gardner Students
The Mayor spoke about the Gardner High Baccalaureate Service and thanked those involved. Mayor Nicholson commented on the large amount of scholarships given out at Gardner High School Scholarship Night, (over one half million dollars) due to community generosity. Some of the chair factories no longer in existence and other organizations had set up perpetual endowments for Gardner students. The Mayor offered these inspirational words, “You don’t find communities anywhere that give out well over a half million dollars, let alone even close to that, at their scholarship awards night, so we’re very lucky and very blessed here and we hope our students understand that we’re willing to invest in them as they move forward, and we’re willing to cheer for them as they move on so that they can come back to the City and know that Gardner will always be their home no matter where they choose to go in life.”
June 25, 2022 Events
The Mayor mentioned the events which will kick off summer. First of all, All of the Outdoor Seating proposals have been approved by the City Council. A portion of Pleasant Street will be closed to traffic beginning on June 20th and Downtown visitors will be able to sit outside at various tables. This is just in time for the Downtown Sidewalk Sales which will take place on Saturday June 25, 2022. Later that night, there will be Fireworks at Kendall Pond near the PACC. And, the Gardner Fish and Gun Club will be celebrating their 100th Birthday!
Review of 2023 Budget
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke about the 2023 Fiscal Year Budget. The School Budget will be reviewed Monday and other hearings begin as early as next Wednesday. With respect to the budget, the Mayor stated, “We tried to be as careful and as conservative as possible.” And with very obvious pride in his voice for his team, the Mayor stated this about the recent audit of City Finances. ““Very Proud this year we did receive a perfect score on our audit, which is something the City has never received before, and we’re hoping to continue that trend as we move forward.”
- Memorial Day (6/2/2022)
City of Gardner MA 2022 Memorial Day Ceremony
City of Gardner MA 2022 Memorial Day Ceremony – CLICK Play button above. - Just Dance (6/1/2022)
The Entire Just Dance Center Story
The picture at left shows the 52 Parker Street, Gardner building just prior to Just Dance becoming a Downtown tenant, which they did become in 2010. However, in August of 2017, the Gardner Redevelopment Authority purchased the properties at 42-50 and 52 Parker Street and Just Dance was informed that the property was acquired for the purpose of being marketed for redevelopment and that a sale could occur at any time. That was the day Just Dance knew they would eventually be moving. When the recent sale was announced, Mayor Nicholson met personally at his office with Just Dance owner Rebecca Wilson on November 15, 2021 and informed her how the City would be providing a relocation specialist.
Documents Show the Timeline
The following documents are provided to show the actual timeline involved, to demonstrate the huge amount of support provided by the City of Gardner to Just Dance Center, and to refute statements made by the Just Dance owner and family members which conflict with the facts set forth here. We are publishing various documents including the following: Entire 6-1-22 Press Release from Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson in which the Mayor details the tremendous amount of support the City of Gardner has given to Just Dance. —— Email from R Wilson dated September 15, 2021 in which Rebecca Wilson expressed a desire to own the Parker Street building. —— –Email from R Wilson dated October 29, 2021 in which Rebecca Wilson asks the Mayor and Trevor Beauregard how much longer she has in her space. (Obviously she knew then that at some point she would have to move) —— A claim form signed by Rebecca Wilson on May 4, 2022 in which she acknowledges that she will be receiving $69,500 in moving expenses ——– The order of free cash of $80,000 providing a relocation specialist for Just Dance —— Just Dance Microenterprise Agreement to receive just under $20,000 ——- Just Dance Microenterprise Agreement to receive just over $5,000 ——-Documentation of Dance Studio searches from Realtor ——- Dance Studio Property Suggestions from Economic Development Department documenting locations suggested to or visited by Just Dance.
Thank you to Mayor Nicholson and all in the City of Gardner who have provided such wonderful support to the Just Dance Center. We wish the Just Dance Center well in their upcoming new location and we will let you know when we have more information.
Just Dance Sign coming down May 31, 2022 Writings left on wall of Just Dance Center From Mayor Nicholson, “Just Dance is reportedly looking at the property located at 69 Lincoln Street but first needs a variance for the parking requirements from the Zoning Board of Appeals and there are some questions as to whether or not such a use of the property would require that the building have a sprinkler system installed pursuant to the Commonwealth’s Fire and Building Codes. These actions and questions are still ongoing.”
Possible new location of Just Dance – see Property Record for 69 Lincoln Street, Gardner. Just Dance Performing Arts Center Gardner MA to get New Home
Just Dance Center is out of the location on Parker Street in Downtown Gardner where it has been for 12 years. But it’s not leaving without controversy.
Just Dance owner Rebecca Wilson states she has paid rent every single month. Actual numbers show that from August 2017 to May 2022, the GRA expended $261,688.92 on the property with Just Dance paying a total of $73,000. Just Dance paid electricity, but GRA paid for gas, water, sewer, trash, property maintenance, insurance, and others, without extra charge to Just Dance. Just Dance received almost a $200,000 benefit over a period just under 5 years.
Despite a claim made that the City provided no support, the Free Cash approved by the Gardner City Council on December 20, 2021 for $80,000 was to be used to hire a relocation specialist. Since then, close to 30 properties were shown to Rebecca Wilson. The business also received Microenterprise funds totaling $25,000 and PPP loans as shown below.
Despite the issue of Just Dance Center moving being discussed in the media for the past few years, owner Rebecca Wilson today claimed she didn’t know about the need to move until December 2021. It is very clear from Mayor Nicholson’s Press Release that she knew in August 2017 that eventually she would have to move, nearly 5 years ago.
Despite receiving a recent check from the City of Gardner of $69,500 to assist in relocation and fit out costs for their new location, Social Media posts on June 1, 2022 continued to challenge whether the City had provided any support. Unfair public outrage was created towards the City and this publication until the actual facts could be publicized in their entirety and the matter laid to rest.
Just as other businesses did during the pandemic, Just Dance also received a PPP loan to help with payroll in the amount of $20,833.00. Complete PPP data for all Gardner businesses, click here.
With all of the financial support provided by the City of Gardner and with all the positive public sentiment expressed, Just Dance should have no problem succeeding in its new location. A social media post showed goodbye messages from dancers on the walls and a statement saying, “Looking forward to bigger and better things to come. Hoping to get our new space passed through the Gardner Zoning Board in June. More info in an email to come.” Website, CLICK HERE. The Just Dance Center website shows Rebecca Wilson as the owner and lists 4 other employees.
Gardner Magazine reached out to Rebecca Wilson who stated she did not want to be interviewed. We informed her that the invitation was open and that we would be happy to promote their new location when announced.
The building in which the business was located had been sold by the Gardner Redevelopment Authority to a new owner who will be renovating it, a positive outcome for one of Gardner’s long-standing blighted buildings. The transfer will not be a giveaway as there is a $900,000 grant covering some expenses, but Mass Ave. Realty is putting $4.2 million dollars of their own money into the project. Note however, that the City of Gardner records do not yet show that an actual sale has taken place. 52 Parker Street — Property Record Card. , but still show ownership by the Gardner Redevelopment Authority. Regarding the transfer, according to Mayor Nicholson, “However, to help make it so Just Dance! Had enough time to figure everything out, the GRA informed Mass Ave Realty that they would delay closing on the property until June 1st, in order to make sure Just Dance! Had until May 31st to find a new location. This is why the deed has not been recorded on the property yet….”
Gardner Magazine will keep you informed as to the progress of the new Just Dance location.
Back in November 2021: Massachusetts Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and other officials showed up in Gardner on Giving Tuesday to formally announce the $4.1 million MassWorks Grant, plus an award of over $900,000 for the NEW Underutilized Properties Program Grant. The look of Downtown Gardner will improve again as some funds will be used to rehab the Temptations and Ryan Block Buildings at the corner of Parker and Connors Streets.
Mayor Nicholson has a stated goal of renovating buildings when feasible. When this solid building is put back into service it will enhance the look of Downtown. At the time in November 2021, some citizens expressed concerns about the direct support of more retail store fronts by the City. Recent announcements about buildings sold to developers eager to renovate should easily lead to more available storefronts in Downtown Gardner.
- Mobile Repair (6/1/2022)
Five Star Mobile Repair comes to you in Greater Gardner MA
For more information, please visit their Facebook page. CLICK HERE.
Around the Towns – News

In the Community