Greater Gardner MA News April 2022
- Security Risk (4/29/2022)
This is just one item on the agenda for the upcoming Gardner City Council meeting on Monday May 1, 2022. For the complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Gets Rid of Potential Russian Security Risk
At the City Council meeting May 1, 2022, Mayor Nicholson is asking for about 12 grand to fund the new security software for the City’s IT needs. Gardner is replacing Kaspersky software with a variety of items from Crowdstrike. On March 30, 2022, the threat was deemed severe as Kaspersky was added to the Federal Watchlist and every City Hall employee was asked to reboot their computer before going to lunch so that Kaspersky could be automatically removed. The default Microsoft Antivirus automatically turned on after the offending software’s removal. However, it is not deemed sufficient and therefore Crowdstrike is being implemented to keep the City secure.
- Gardner Fields (4/29/2022)
City of Gardner MA Athletic Fields
Gardner is investing over $600,000 to improve School Athletic Fields. Press Release has details. CLICK HERE
CLICK PHOTO at left for larger view.
- Update 4-29-22 (4/29/2022)
For the Mayor’s weekly update, visit the City of Gardner YouTube page or our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Finances Get a Perfect Score, First time at least in Decades
This week, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson delivered his weekly update from the site of the new Community Health Connections medical building on Timpany Boulevard. While the Mayor maintained his composure, his pride in the City’s Finance Team was evident: Here’s why. Gardner received its annual independent outside audit this week as required by Mass. General Laws.
This is the first known year in the City’s history that not only were there no findings found, but also no suggestions of how things could go better. It’s the best audit result Gardner could possibly have received and objectively shows that the Chair City is well-managed. Mayor Nicholson said, “Big congratulations to our City Auditor John Richard and to the other Department Heads who are part of our Finance Team. It will help improve our bond rating as we move forward as well.”
Gardner PD Investigation Executive Summary released. Nicholson stated, “As things are finalized, we’ll be sure to let the public know.” Gardner Magazine has 2 stories on the matter if you scroll down.
Other items included in the weekly update were: At airport: The Mayor related the excitement of the plane which noticed it had a bullet on the wing near its gas cap. Gardner was closest airport. Airport is actually located within the Town of Templeton and that’s why Templeton PD responded. Paving: Mayor Nicholson went over various paving updates. Pearson Boulevard to be milled on May 3rd. Pearl Street to be milled on May 9th. Congratulations: Congratulations to Isaac Knight and his family on the ribbon cutting for Knight’s Nutrition in Downtown Gardner. Congratulations to Gardner’s own Dawn George who works for the Department of Corrections, who was recently inducted into the Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame. Light the Town Purple: Light the Town Purple Event coming to Gardner this coming Monday right before the City Council meeting at Gardner City Hall at 7pm. This is the kick-off event for the Gardner Relay for Life event to be taking place in June. Keep Gardner Beautiful: Keep Gardner Beautiful Nip Hunt and litter cleanup event taking place Saturday May 7th beginning at 9am. Register through Keep Gardner Beautiful Facebook page.
- Gardner PD – Next Chapter (4/28/2022)
Gardner MA Police – Producing the Next Chapter
Executive Summary of Police Report – CLICK HERE.
For the past 3 months, the Gardner Police Department has been without an appointed Chief and Deputy Chief. But it hasn’t stopped working to “first and foremost, protect all citizens who live or visit this community.” A new K-9 officer was appointed, a drone program was utilized, partnerships were still undertaken, such as the Drug Take Back Program taking place this Saturday 4-30-22 at Price Chopper from 10am to 2pm. Officers have stepped up including Lieutenants Eric McAvene Jr. and Nicholas Maroni who together have helped manage the department. While the future of the leadership of the department is still unclear, according to Mayor Nicholson, “It’s something that’s now a discussion that needs to be had, until any finalized plans happen.” Complete 4-28-22 interview with Mayor Nicholson below:
Dispatchers Adrianna LeBlanc, Taryne Swan, Nicholas Gray & Natalie Andrews were honored about a week ago by the state 911 Department for their outstanding service and dedication to the profession of 9-1-1.
The dozens of individuals who comprise the officers and staff of the Gardner Police Department serve the Chair City of Gardner MA in all seasons at all hours of the day and night. Despite some of the negative press due to the recent Police Investigation, these community members continue to serve “With Pride and Integrity.” When you see a Gardner Police employee this week, tell them, “Thank you for your service. You are appreciated. We love you.”
An interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
Gardner Magazine publisher Werner Poegel asked Mayor Nicholson a number of questions regarding the Chair City including some regarding the Gardner Police Investigation and Review: Link to Executive Summary of Report – CLICK HERE
Poegel: First of all, in what way do you believe that Gardner benefitted by your insistence that the investigation be conducted above board with an outside investigator?
Nicholson: “Anytime situations like these come up, we want to make sure things are done right because our jobs is to make sure we are watching the best interests of the taxpayers who are here.” “We want to make sure all the I’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed …we just cover our bases…remembering that even the people who are subjects of investigation…in this case have decades of service to the City…that they have all their due process rights”
Poegel: The administrative leave was described as “non-disciplinary.” With facts now in hand, does that characterization still hold true?
Nicholson: “It still holds true. It still holds true. It’s something that’s now a discussion that needs to be had until any finalized plans happen…It’s not disciplinary in nature, but it’s problem-solving in nature.”
Poegel asked about names on the City of Gardner website.
Nicholson: ““Jennifer Law can certainly be removed because she resigned from her position. … Everything else, the changes will be made once everything gets completed. Any potential changes I should say because there are no one way or the other, whenever we do investigations,…”
Poegel: Let me ask it this way: Obviously you have to appoint someone to the job of Chief of Police and someone to the job of Deputy Chief of Police. Is it fair to say that Richard Braks and James Trifiro are still potential candidates for those positions or have you ruled them out completely?
Nicholson: ““Until the investigation’s done, there’s a 100% absolutely chance that that’s still in the running.”
Poegel: How do you feel the two lieutenants have done filling in?
Nicholson: ““I honestly feel they’ve been doing an excellent job over there. We checked in with some of the different agencies who interact with the Police Department …Since the two lieutenants have been in charge, we’ve checked in with some of the subordinate employees…., we’ve checked with people who have had interactions with the police since then , we’ve gotten very good feedback with how the department has been run since.”
Poegel: Do you intend to get involved with drafting future policy with regard to how the Gardner PD is managed, so that consistent with the report, praise can be imparted publicly and criticism privately, in an effort to maintain the highest morale of officers and staff?
Nicholson, ““Absolutely. We should always be working to improve the morale of the people here,…It helps us improve our operations in the end. So there will be a complete review of the policies of the Police Department no matter what the investigation process is.”
Poegel: How do you feel about the Gardner PDs usage of drones?
Nicholson: “It’s been a strong tool, helpful in missing persons cases there, particularly the infrared camera in locating people in a wooded area. It’s something that several other police departments across the state have already used, so we’ve been able to kind of not reinvent the wheel, but build off of what they’ve been able to learn…It’s not something that goes out every day. It goes out when needed and when a tool is required to be utilized. Between the drone and Rocky coming to the Police Department, it’s really gonna help us, that if ever there is a situation where someone’s missing or there’s someone who’s run away from the police,…caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing, it severely reduces the time our officers are on the street…it helps get the individuals being looked for quicker. It is efficient and more safe for the public involved”
Poegel: Do you have some other additional tools you believe the Gardner Police could use to enhance services, and if so, where would that funding come from?
Nicholson: ““One of the jobs Lieutenant Maroni has is as the police department’s grant writer…we’re constantly, probably 3 or 4 times a week submitting grant applications for new equipment. One of the highlights of my next goals for the Police Department is to upgrade our radio system.” The city uses a single band radio system currently while other departments in the area use dual band or multi-band.” The Mayor says the City looks towards the COPS grant, the Office of Community Oriented Policing, a federal agency. To learn more about the COPS OFFICE, CLICK HERE
FYI: The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) is the component of the U.S. Department of Justice responsible for advancing the practice of community policing by the nation’s state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies through information and grant resources.
Poegel: During all of this, the Gardner PD still had to do its job over the last 3 months. Are there individuals you’d like to single out publicly for praise?
Nicholson: ““The two lieutenants have really stepped up in running things there. We’ve gotten several different thank you letters re officer Dennis Siaw to thank him for really introducing himself. Alot of these times, particularly with Officer Siaw and Officer Alexa Morgan, the officers were doing details and just reached out when they saw something that was happening. The sergeants have all stepped up to make sure their communication has increased…. Dispatcher Adrianna Leblanc is currently filling in as the person overseeing the dispatch department….Adrianna’s done a great job…even the Fire Chief Greg Lagoy has checked in, making sure that things seem to be going OK, particularly with the dispatch department. “
Gardner PD – A Department of Pride and Integrity
Officers put in an extra effort during Distracted Driving Month in April to help prevent car accidents and save lives.
More on distracted driving from the NHTSA, CLICK HERE.
Officers continued to reach out to the community to even their smallest fans.
The Gardner PD even has a Police Explorers unit. For more information, CLICK HERE.
Lieutenant Maroni and Officer Lawrence were honored as part of School Resource Officer Appreciation Day.
For more on the School Resource Officer of the Gardner PD, CLICK HERE.
Gardner PD participated in Autism Awareness, showing their concern for the mental health of citizens and situational awareness of circumstances they may come across in the course of their work.
For more about Autism resources, visit the Autism Speaks website. CLICK HERE.
- Police Report Public (4/23/2022)
In very clear wording, the Executive Summary of the Gardner Police Investigation Report states that the votes of no confidence were either substantiated or had merit.
Gardner MA Releases Executive Summary of Gardner Police Report
The Executive Summary of the Gardner Police Investigation Report has been released. For the document, CLICK HERE. In addition, the Mayor’s Office released a response to a public records request by another member of the local media. CLICK HERE.
What the Report Shows
The Executive Summary dated April 26, 2022 is in the form of a memo from Gardner’s Director of Human Resources Debra A. Pond to Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson. She indicates that she has “reviewed the investigation file and findings for the Police Department investigation as provided by Paul J. L’Italien, Licensed Private Investigator. …the report cannot be produced publicly so I am providing the following executive summary…”
Beginning of the Investigation was January
The summary shows that the investigation dates back to Wednesday, January 20, 2022 when the Investigator spoke with City Solicitor John Flick regarding certain complaints received by the City “so that the City could properly address the personnel issues raised.” “The complaints received by the City consisted of votes of no confidence by all four (4) unions in certain Police Department personnel.
Subjects of Inquiry
As reported previously, the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, and Head Police Dispatcher all received no confidence votes. The Head Police Dispatcher subsequently resigned and the Chief of Police and Deputy Chief were both placed on administrative leave on or about the beginning of February 2022. “The investigative directive was to conduct interviews of the employees…to hear their concerns and reasons for participating in the vote(s) of no confidence….During the course of the investigation, the Investigator interviewed forty-eight (48) current and, in some cases former employees.”
Conclusions Reached
“The Investigator reported that after careful review and consideration of all available materials from the vote(s) of “no confidence” and the interviews of forty-eight (48) current and former employees of the Department it is his opinion that the vote(s) of “no confidence” against two of the employees are substantiated. The Investigator also reported that the vote of “no confidence” by the Dispatch union against a Dispatch employee also has merit.”
The Investigator provided the following conclusions
“The Investigator provided the following conclusions: Inconsistent management is a problem in itself, but more importantly it delivers a message to the officers and employees which causes confusion, has an adverse effect on morale and most importantly can negatively impact the delivery of safe, efficient and effective police services to the community.
Day to day management should be a hands-on, face to face opportunity to direct, guide, oversee and supervise. Interactions should include praising good performance in public and taking appropriate corrective actions for poor performance in private. Both need to be done contemporaneous to the event to have a maximum impact.
The current management approach in place at the Gardner Police Department is not working. It has exasperated the work environment and has caused a negative effect on the work product of high-quality police services, emergency communications and animal control services to the Gardner community.
It is the Investigator’s opinion that the current management approach needs to be abandoned as a continuation of the current management approach would further exasperate the workforce and the city would be faced with the strong probability that additional employees (sworn and non-sworn) would leave the police department.”Gardner Magazine will publish more information on the future of the Gardner PD Chief and Deputy Chief as it becomes available.
- Mayor Nicholson 4-22-22 (4/22/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson From left to right: Gardner City Council President Kazinskas, Patti Bergstrom, State Rep. Zlotnik, Congresswoman Trahan, and Mayor Nicholson Patti Bergstom Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson in closing remarks, ““There’s never been this much opportunity in the City…” Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson updates City from Grant Event
Once again not addressing the Gardner Police Investigation at all, Mayor Nicholson opened his update by speaking about growth in the Chair City, releasing that 300 Building permits have been pulled so far in 2022, a faster clip than 2021, which was a record-breaking year. He thanked residents and businesses for continuing to invest in the City and spoke about progress regarding blighted properties.
Among his announcements: The Gardner Dog Park will get a 10 foot by 12 foot shade pavilion with grading issues and water improvement addressed. Various road projects were detailed. A new MART bus stop with be available soon in South Gardner in front of the old Prospect Street School. Knight’s Nutrition smoothie and tea shop in Downtown Gardner will have its ribbon cutting Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 1pm.
Mayor Nicholson stated that he was doing the update from in front of William’s Restaurant because Congresswoman Lori Trahan was there for an event with various Grant announcements. 3 different programs offer funding for business impacted by Covid 19 from April 1, 2020 to the end of 2021. Details on the Economic Development page.
Lori Trahan recognized the various individual leaders she works with stating, “small businesses are the the heart of any community.”
Representative Zlotnik spoke on State Resources which have been available to the City of Gardner. He praised the Federal Government’s response to the Covid crisis is helping make funding available.
Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas spoke and praised those who have worked on behalf of the City. She specifically spoke about outdoor restaurant seating. Restaurants had showed interest and an ordinance was passed by the City Council. Permitting process is now live.
Gardner Square Two President Patti Bergstrom spoke and stated she has had her shop (the Velvet Goose) for 35 years. She opened by stating, “It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood, made more beautiful by Congresswoman Trahan coming with all this grant funding.” She stated there are 9 businesses in Downtown Gardner with agreements for changes in ownership, 6 businesses have opened since the start of the pandemic, “we have so much positivity in Downtown, it is just a beautiful day every day in our downtown.”
Mayor Nicholson closed by stating that “this is how government should work. A group of people at the local, state, and federal level coming together …our theme through all of this has been coming together to grow Gardner, and that’s really what this is. It’s all of us coming together to build a place that people are proud to call their home, proud to open a business in, and proud to stay in.”
Nicholson spoke on the number of businesses which have come to Gardner in the past 2 years and the opportunities coming with building renovations happening at various Downtown Gardner buildings. “There’s never been this much opportunity in the City to grow what we have here, to build on what we have here, and just put our next foot forward and set us forward into the next decade let alone generation and beyond here.” View the Mayor’s weekly update on the City of Gardner YouTube channel or on our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE.
- Ashburnham Town Meeting (4/21/2022)
Ashburnham MA Holds May 3, 2022 Town Meeting
To be held at 7pm at Oakmont Regional High School Auditorium
For the pdf of warrant articles, CLICK HERE.
- Covid Complete (4/21/2022)
For the latest Covid 19 data at any time from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, please visit the MA Covid Dashboard. For data for the entire United States, visit the CDC Covid Data Tracker
Understanding the Covid Seesaw in Greater Gardner MA
We’re calling it the Covid-19 Seesaw – the ever changing recommendations and rules regarding this pesky virus and the infection rate of Covid going up and down. In an effort to put it all into perspective, we have an 18 page pdf showing current data and information over time. There’s also a PowerPoint presentation with the same data. 18 page pdf report 4-20-22 —– PowerPoint presentation 4-20-22..
If you need software to open Microsoft office files or simply want a FREE office suite, LibreOffice is a great non-profit source and it’s completely FREE. Website
Tired of Covid? You’re not the only one. A recent poll by Monmouth University showed 70% of Americans agree with the following sentiment, “it’s time we accept that Covid is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.”
According to the CDC, the Community Level of Covid-19 in Worcester County MA is currently low. View PDF. However, the 7 Day Case rate on 4-21-22 has the state of Massachusetts as a whole listed at the beginning of the high category. See map below: Now you know why we call this the Covid-19 Seesaw – Cases up, cases down, levels up, levels down etc.
- Gardner City Council 4-19-22 (4/20/2022)
Two Sessions, 4 Lawsuits, 2 million bucks takes up Gardner MA City Council 4-19-22
The Gardner MA City Council held two separate sessions on April 19, 2022. First was a Joint Convention of the City Council and School Committee. The only action taken at the joint session was to approve sending a response to the Scott Graves complaint identified in the packet. Passed by unanimous vote.
Following the joint session, the Gardner City Council held its regular meeting which lasted for one hour until the cameras went dark for an Executive Session to discuss various matters including 4 lawsuits against the Chair City.
Watch City Council meetings on City YouTube page or on our City Council page. CLICK HERE.
During the regular City Council meeting, an extra $10,000 was approved for trash receptacles to be installed in Downtown, $75,000 was approved from free cash for landfill expenses, and $1.8 million was unanimously approved to borrow for completion of paving of certain streets. A large slate of appointments was also approved.
Dispute over language in Mayor Nicholson’s request drew some comments from City Councilors
Councilor Boone questioned whether blaming the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the increase was factual. Councilor Boone stated he thought it was wrong to make this political as it is obvious oil prices had gone up well before the Russian invasion. “Why are we bringing this political Russian invasion into our discussion. It happened way before. Everybody knows it. They just don’t want to say it.”
Mayor Nicholson responded that asphalt has recently increased in price from $70 per town to $94 per ton. He said the cost would have been $104 per ton, but the contract signed 2 years ago had offered some price protection due to an escalation clause.
Councilor Boudreau stated “Political or not, left, right, or center, I don’t like spending money either, but it’s a dead fact that things are more expensive than they were 2 years ago. Whether that’s because of a politician or a policy is really unknown. Some of it is the war, and some of it is Covid, but at the end of the day, we are in the middle of a job and we budgeted a certain amount, and outside factors changed that. I know I am not a war strategist or a Covid doctor, but I know that we do have to deal with a ongoing and open project where the cards fall. And that’s what we’re doing here tonight.”
Councilor Dernalewicz “I just like to make it clear to Councilor Boone the point was to mention the existing factors that are in the world that led to the increase, not to make any political statement. I’m not sure where you’re getting that, but the point was to say that this is what led to the increase in costs and I’m not making any comment on it any further.
So Who Is Right?
Answer: All. The average closing price of oil per barrel was just under $40 in 2020, up to $68 in 2021, and about $96 in 2022. As we all know from seeing the price of gas and home heating oil climb in the last year, the War in Ukraine simply made already high prices even worse. Oil is used in the production of asphalt and therefore any increase in the price of oil will increase the cost of paving. The Mayor was explaining that due to smart contracting on the part of the City of Gardner, the City is protected somewhat from higher prices of asphalt (about $10 less per ton) until the beginning of the next fiscal year. Therefore, any projects completed before July 1st stand to save Gardner money.
- Monty Tech School Committee (4/19/2022)
Boone’s appointment in 2020 We wrote an earlier article on this subject with more information on the timeline, and facts supporting that James Boone has been showing up at Monty Tech School Committee meetings.
The article contains the complete agendas for both meetings scheduled on 4-19-22 and the packets the Councilors receive.
Gardner MA City Councilor Boone asks for apology from Mayor Nicholson
At a February meeting of the Gardner City Council, James Boone was almost replaced as a Representative to the Monty Tech School Committee despite having been confirmed to an additional 4 year term in 2020. Up for two positions that night were two relatives of the Mayor, one was given the term which was actually open. To be fair, Councilor Boone admits he never got sworn in to the new term in 2020, that’s why he was sworn in on March 1, 2022. However, Gardner holds 2 seats on the Monty Tech School Committee and the terms have always been staggered, so Boone feels they should have known and he still feels hurt, saying he doesn’t think the Mayor should resign over it, but, “an apology would be nice.” The Gardner School Committee and City Council will meet tonight to discuss various allegations regarding the matter and the Gardner City Council will have a regular meeting as well. We gave Mayor Nicholson an opportunity to be interviewed on this and other issues, but have not heard back.
- Covid Update (4/19/2022)
With Covid cases low, small increases appear to be large. Here’s actual data.
Covid Cases Still Low in MA
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health released its Covid Dashboard on 4-15-22 (which looks back 2 weeks) showing in MA: under 2500 new Covid cases (in last day), under 350 patients currently hospitalized with Covid, and under 40 patients currently in ICU units, with under 10 new deaths reported. 7 day average of percent positivity is 3.89%. Average age of death was 78. Gardner Magazine is committed to not overstate the risk of Covid and still urges proactive measures such as vaccines, boosters, and quick treatment for those afflicted.
- Time Travel (4/18/2022)
Fictional Time Traveler Journeys to Gardner MA Past and Future
1900: Our time traveler is on a mission to find the perfect time in Downtown Gardner, Massachusetts. Journeying incognito to the Center of Gardner 100 years ago, he finds commerce in full swing. Some of the buildings exist to this day, some have been replaced.
1950/60: Turning the crank of his time machine, our Time Traveler finds himself viewing a Gardner police officer directing traffic over 60 years ago, near the intersection people have been fussing about. Traffic existed then as it does now, but ideas of how to handle it have evolved and changed over time. Notice a thriving business district in Downtown Gardner.
2020s: Our Time Traveler journeys to present day and finds an attractive Downtown Gardner MA with a different traffic pattern and different businesses. The future of Gardner MA is only limited by the imagination and fortitude of its residents, community leaders, and government officials. With the recent progress made and additional projects announced, who knows what the future could hold for Gardner MA.
2200: Our Time Traveler ends up in the year 2200. History shows that a forwarding-looking Gardner Mayor, City Council, and Business Community in 2022 continued to foster a period of positive growth in the Chair City. By the way, it is said that in the year 2200, Gardner MA is once again the undisputed Furniture Capital of the World.
Residents of Gardner MA have every reason to believe the future of the Chair City is going to be bright as the community works together.
- Crossword Puzzles (4/18/2022)
Gardner Magazine Announces NEW Daily Crossword Puzzle Feature!
For the Daily Crossword Puzzle page, CLICK HERE.
- Council Agenda (4/18/2022)
Gardner City Council to confront Rising Costs at Meeting of April 19, 2022
Faced with the rising costs of trash containers for Downtown Gardner and a shortage of almost 2 million dollars for the upcoming water infrastructure project, the Gardner City Council will need to take action at this meeting for the projects to go forward as planned. Meeting Agenda, click here.
Meeting Agenda of Joint Session of School Committee and City Council, CLICK HERE.
- Patriot’s Day (4/17/2022)
Patriot’s Day in the Greater Gardner MA area is Monday April 18, 2022
For more information on Patriot’s Day, CLICK HERE
Monday, April 18, 2022 is also the 126th Boston Marathon. Official website, CLICK HERE. The race will be covered LIVE on WBZ-TV Channel 4.1 Boston More info, CLICK HERE.
- H.O.P.E. (4/17/2022)
More info about H.O.P.E. on their Facebook page. Hero Greater Gardner MA Kids Set Great Example
From the House of Peace & Education Inc.: ”H.O.P.E kiddos helped out the community yesterday and did a trash clean up! 7 bags of trash and tons of cardboard!”
- Kids Colds (4/17/2022)
Are Snot Nose Kids Coming Back in Greater Gardner MA?
One of the unintended consequences of masking children during the pandemic has been the effect on immune systems and the transmission of other illnesses. Not only was Covid spread possibly prevented, but also the incidence of colds and flu was greatly diminished. Less kids were getting sick with other illnesses. With masks coming off, colds and flu are expected back.
Snotty noses in babies and toddlers can be treated with saline spray or nose drops available over the counter. For older children, there’s Children’s Tylenol Cold and Flu or Dimetapp Cold and Cough. Other items to stock in the medicine cabinet are ibuprofen, acetaminophen, petroleum jelly, hydrocortisone 1 percent, antibiotic ointment, cough syrup, menthol rub, honey, kids vitamins, thermometers, and other over the counter remedies. Of course, for specific concerns, check with your family doctor or pediatrician.
Information on Colds and Flu from the CDC. CLICK HERE.
Good news is actual flu cases in Massachusetts are shown as low on the most recent CDC Influenza Map. Let’s hope the trend continues.
- Easter Sunday (4/16/2022)
Easter Sunday in Greater Gardner MA is April 17, 2022
Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is described in the New Testament of the Holy Bible as having occurred on the third day of his burial after the crucifixion. The supernatural resurrection from the dead of Jesus is one of the chief tenets of the Christian faith.
What about Easter eggs? The egg is an ancient symbol of new life and rebirth. In Christianity it became associated with Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Happy Easter!
For the churches in the Greater Gardner MA area, please visit our CHURCHES page. CLICK HERE.
- Noise Complaints (4/16/2022)
Solutions to Excess Noise in Greater Gardner MA
A situation which occurs often is the NOISE COMPLAINT. When is the line crossed from when someone is simply enjoying some music on their own property having a good time to when they are infringing on someone else’s rights. According to Massachusetts Environmental Protection Regulations, there is a clear line and it is measurable and also enforceable by local police under 310 CMR 7.52. In fact, there was a Virtual Seminar conducted on the subject and we have the 49 page pdf. Air Quality Nuisance Complaints Concerning Noise CLICK HERE. Here’s a link to sound level meters on Amazon. CLICK HERE.
Measuring the Problem
Utilizing the above regulations through sound measurement can be done at any time of day, irrespective of any other local ordinances limiting complaints to, for example, loud noise between the hours of 11pm and 7am such as some communities do with ordinances. Keep in mind you can’t complain about circumstances for which individuals have a valid permit such as a parade, public gathering, or sporting event, a licensed Fireworks Display, or Band Concert. You can’t complain about Emergency vehicles or national defense activities. And, you can’t complain about domestic equipment such as lawn mowers and power saws used between the hours of 7:00am and 9:00pm. – these uses are specifically permitted by statute.
Local Ordinances
Your local community may have a local ordinance establishing a quiet time between certain hours, such as 11pm and 7am. In those cases, common sense applies and Police officers can easily step in and get the music turned down without having to do specific measurements. The evidence is that you heard it and it bothers you. We advise the City of Gardner to either enact a simple local excess noise ordinance or have officers carry Sound level meters which would allow them to take action at any time of day when noise levels exceed the ambient noise present at the complainants property line by 10db.
- Water Line (4/16/2022)
Gardner MA Applying for funds to replace main Water Transmission Line
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson says the City of Gardner is making a $1.2 million dollar application to replace the main water transmission line for Gardner as it was identified as a weakness by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a 2002 report. We have obtained a copy of the Federal Government’s Infrastructure Report Card from 2017 which showcases U.S. needs. REPORT.
Nationwide, drinking water is delivered via about one million miles of pipes, many of which were laid in the early to mid 20th century with a lifespan of 75 to 100 years. There are still over an estimated 200 thousand water main breaks per year in the United States wasting over 2 trillion gallons of treated drinking water. With these facts noted, it is anticipated that Gardner will have competition for the needed funds from other municipalities around the country. Mayor Nicholson is seeking sufficient funding to not only replace the current main water transmission line, but also construct a simultaneous spare line.
Gardner MA would like to preemptively replace the main water transmission line as its breakage would compromise the delivery of water to thousands of Gardner residents.
- Breaking News (4/16/2022)
BREAKING NEWS:; Mayor Nicholson just announced in a Hotline Radio interview on WGAW taking place right now just after noon on 4-16-22 that the 3 individuals contemplated in the Gardner Police Department investigation have copies of the report. Meetings are scheduled this Tuesday and Thursday this week to discuss report. Mayor says they were supposed to receive copies of report while he was away in Washington D.C., but due to an issue with the redaction service the City uses, this did not occur. Once meetings take place this week, the report will be released to public in another week after that.
- GPD Drone (4/16/2022)
Gardner MA Police Department using drones to catch crooks or find people.
From Gardner PD 4-15-22: “Today the GPD drone operators were out getting flight hours in and took a picture of the drone in flight high above the PD. The drone program allows to the PD to quickly deploy to aid in locating missing persons and suspects.”
- Mayor’s Update 4-15-22 (4/15/2022)
Gardner PD 2022 Issue Timeline:
2/1/22: Chief Braks and Deputy Chief Trifiro placed on Admin. leave following no confidence vote of 40/41 officers. Public not informed. 2/18/22: Published Reports that Vincent Alfano is Acting Police Chief. 2/25/22: In weekly update, Mayor discloses investigation by retired State Police Detective Paul L’Italien. 35 of what would end up totaling approx. 50 interviews already conducted. 3/2/22: At Finance Committee meeting, Mayor states vacancy of Police Dispatch Director will be filled when “everything’s ironed out with Chief and Deputy Chief.” Alfonzo Acting Chief through 3/11/22. Target date for report, ,”Potentially two weeks.” 3/12/22: 2 Lieutenants fill in to share Chief’s duties. Police issue not addressed in weekly updates of 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 announces Police Dog, not addressed 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, and 4/15. Where’s the report?
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Updates City, Police Report not addressed
Doing his update from the practice fields, Mayor Nicholson reported on the various meetings he had in Washington D.C. seeking monies on behalf of the City of Gardner to “make sure we that we can get as much of that Federal grant funding into Gardner so that we can really boost some of the programs we’ve had on the backburner for several decades now, to see if we can move Gardner forward and increase what we have to offer in that way.”
The Mayor offered various congratulations, reminded regarding road work and that water main tie-ins would be done before paving work, spoke of the Keep Gardner Beautiful Nip Hunt on May 7th, and mentioned Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce Award Winners.
Wondering when the Police Investigation Report will be released? Contact the Mayor’s office.
To reach the Mayor’s office at Gardner City Hall, Call (978) 630-1490 or via fax at Fax: (978) 630-3778 or via email at
Watch the Mayor’s Weekly update on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE.
- MassDot (4/15/2022)
- Good Friday (4/15/2022)
Good Friday is 4-15-22 in Greater Gardner MA
Thank you Jesus for what you did for us. More on Good Friday, CLICK HERE.
Our article on Easter, CLICK HERE.
Our Churches page, CLICK HERE.
- Upcoming Meeting (4/14/2022)
Gardner MA City Council Facing Costs at Tuesday 4-19-22 Meeting
Due to unanticipated increases in costs, the City of Gardner repaving project needs an additional $1.8 million dollars and the Gardner City Council will tackle this at the upcoming session. Complete Agenda, CLICK HERE.
A Real **** Show! and Head Shaker
Monty Tech sent letter to Gardner’s Mayor, but can’t seem to spell his name correctly, referring to Mayor Nicholson as “Mickelson”
letter from Monty Tech confirming James Boone’s term began in 2020 and thus expires in 2024 Joint Convention of February 18, 2020 clearly shows Boone got 4 year appointment to 2024.
Gardner City Council Joint Convention of 2-18-2020 showing Boone’s appointment was until 2024 Boone sent email questioning whether he wanted to continue as Rep to Monty Tech.
Boone Email to City Clerk questioning whether he wants to keep the appointment Boone advised City Council he already had the post through 2024.
Boone communicates prior to meeting that he wants to keep the appointment he already has and thus does not need to send letter expressing interest to be re-appointed.. Monty Tech claims they didn’t have a record of the February 2020 reappointment. However, records show he was admitted to the March 4, 2020 meeting and would certainly have been remembered as he was the only member to vote Nay on the budget. SEE BELOW.
Joint Convention to Address Allegations of Wrongdoing
Also on 4-19-22 will be a Joint Convention of the Gardner City Council and the Gardner School Committee. One item to be addressed are allegations by Scott Graves of Open Meeting Law violations which the City of Gardner states are untrue. Graves allegations and the City’s proposed response(s) are contained in the Complete Agenda. CLICK HERE.
Another item is the confusion over James Boone’s position on the Monty Tech School Committee which has been confirmed to expire in 2024. Graves alleges wrongdoing occurred with respect to an attempt to fill Boone’s vacant seat which apparently was not vacant after all. It appears communication from Mayor Nicholson indicating the term had expired in January 2022 was in error. Graves alleges the Mayor was illegally trying to replace Boone with the Mayor’s cousin and makes other allegations which are in the meeting agenda documents.
Monty Tech states they did not have an official record of the 2020 appointment. But, the official minutes of a March 4, 2020 Monty Tech meeting clearly show James Boone in attendance after the reappointment took effect. See below. People would clearly remember him as he was the only member voting NO on the budget at that time. Later communications show Monty Tech informed Gardner that information on Gardner’s own website showed Boone’s appointment was through 2024. It’s possible the Mayor may have relied on incorrect information he thought was accurate, but Boone actually voted at a Monty Tech meeting on February 2, 2022. But, Boone himself may have added to the confusion by sending an an email to the City Clerk on February 7, 2022 casting doubt on whether he wanted the position or was up for it again, only to send a contradictory note to the City Council two weeks later confirming his appointment was through 2024.
Following a letter from Monty Tech, James Boone was sworn in again on March 1, 2022. Certificate of appointment Presumably someone at the upcoming meeting will explain all this further. Complete Agenda, CLICK HERE
The Complete Agenda linked to above shows the complete communications involved in these matters and details from the State of MA on the actual OPEN MEETING LAW.
Screenshot from 3-4-2020 official Monty-Tech meeting minutes showing they knew James Boone was there. Monty Tech School Committee Agendas and Minutes are available online. CLICK HERE We didn’t check every meeting, but minutes from February 2, 2022 meeting show James Boone in attendance. He had continued as an active member of the Monty Tech School Committee and it was obvious his appointment had not expired in January. The upcoming Tuesday April 19, 2022 meetings will most likely be available the next day for viewing in their entirety and we will post on our City Council page. You can subscribe to the City of Gardner’s YouTube page for FREE if you want to keep abreast of public meetings.
- 4th of July (4/14/2022)
Gardner Magazine launches 4th of July Independence Day Initiative for Greater Gardner MA
In anticipation of more community celebrations, functions, activities, and events this year, we have created a page called The Independence Day Initiative with listings from 19 different communities. We’re seeking info from communities, organizations, businesses, and individuals. You tell us, we’ll tell the region. For the 4th of July page, CLICK HERE.
- Recreation (4/13/2022)
Gardner Athletic/Recreation Director Daniel Forte was recently recognized for excellence by both the School District and the City of Gardner.
Reach Athletic/Recreation Director Daniel Forte at (978) 632-1600 ext. 1800
Gardner Police Explorers: Website
Gardner Youth Commission: Website
Greater Gardner MA Recreation in Full Play
Whether it’s a Summer Program or an individual sport, there’s plenty to do in the Greater Gardner MA area.
Chair City Soccer – The Chair City Soccer Club provides spring & fall soccer programs for Gardner, Templeton, Baldwinville, Phillipston and surrounding communities. Chair City Soccer has teams for both girls and boys from grade 3 through high school. Website
Greater Gardner Street Hockey – The 2022 season will run from April 25, 2022 through 6/25/2022 with Finals and Cookout. Website
Gardner Youth Baseball and Softball.– Children between 4 and 18 can play baseball or softball at both developmental and competitive levels. Website
Ice Sports – Opportunities to Learn to Skate and/or play Youth Hockey. Website
Scouting – Gardner Boy Scouts – Website OR Gardner Area Girl Scouts – Website
Gardner Summer Recreation Program 7/5/22 to 8/12/22
The Gardner Recreation Summer Program plans to offer specialty camp activities to children on a week-to-week basis. The general camp experience will still be available to all participants, but if a camper chooses to opt into one of the specialty camps for the week, they will have the opportunity to engage in a half-day segment of that specific activity for the duration of the week. Offered are: Soccer, Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Track & Field, Dek/Field Hockey, Gardening, Art, Drama, Building/Robotics, and Nature. Cost is $25/week for Half Day or $50/week for Full Day with additional options available. For more information, CLICK HERE.
- Finance Committee (4/13/2022)
Mayor Michael Nicholson. who just returned from Washington D.C. is masked at Finance Committee meeting. The price of asphalt has soared,, requiring more money for previously approved Gardner MA paving projects. Who’s at fault? ASPHALT.
Gardner MA Finance Committee Confronts Asphalt at 4-13-22 Meeting
The Gardner MA Finance Committee met on Wednesday 4-13-22 and approved various recommendations to the City Council including $10,000 in additional funding for Downtown trash receptables due to price increases, the $75,000 annual amount to maintain the former dump, and $1.8 million in additional paving costs for various streets where water lines were recently replaced. Asphalt is now at a high of $83 per ton. Nationally it has ranged from just over $30 almost 20 years ago to about $70 in 2015, down to about $60 in 2016, and more recently about $65 per ton. Watch the meeting on YouTube. CLICK HERE.
- Furniture Turnings (4/13/2022)
Furniture Turnings Plaza Conceived for Gardner MA
Furniture Turnings Plaza is an inspirational concept. CLICK HERE.
- Appointments (4/12/2022)
Watch the Meeting on YouTube. CLICK HERE. The Appointments Committee consists of George Tyros, Chair, and members Judy Mack and James Walsh.
Gardner MA Appointments Committee sifts through more than 20 appointments.
Mayor Michael Nicholson attended via phone. The Mayor has been out of the office, but according to his aide Colin Smith, “he’ll be back in the office tomorrow,(4-13-22) bright-eyed and bushy tailed.”
When the Mayor was asked by Councilor Walsh if there would be any appointments submitted within the next 30 days or so, he responded. “There will be at least 5. There’ll be a Youth Commission appointment, 2 license commission appointments, and I forget what the other 2 are off the top of my head, but I’ll try to trim them down to once a month so you don’t have the large agenda such as the one you had today.”
- School Committee 4-11-22 (4/12/2022)
Gardner MA School Committee 4-11-22 – Watch the meeting on the City of Gardner YouTube channel or on our School Committee page. CLICK HERE. Busy Gardner MA School Committee Meeting on April 11, 2022
As is often the case, the School Committee opened the meeting with recognitions. It was noted that out of 10 School districts participating in the Winter Reading Challenge, Gardner students read 1/3 of all the books. Students were awarded gifts. And, older students who took the MCAS Exam found success, with several students winning scholarships for tuition.
The Finance sub-committee’s report was made by Robert Swartz who reported that the athletic director was pleased that the athletic field work was underway. The locker contract has been signed. During the next school year, 5 pre k classes are anticipated. The School Committee unanimously voted to raise the rates from $220 to $260 per month for full day, and from $110 to $130 for half day.
The Policy sub-committee’s report was made by Anne Hurst. The school district will be changing policy to include a provision that regardless of age, if a child has completed kindergarten in another school district, the child can attend first grade. Previously, an age requirement applied.
Gino Divito reported for the Student Advisory Board. He commented on the success of the music programs and the start of spring sports.
Dr. Goguen had a Covid update and referred to the bi-weekly dashboard of covid cases in the district and noted that the number of positive cases had dropped in the past week.
Dr. Goguen also remarked on Kindergarten registration: As of today 88 students are registered and we try to plan for 200. There are 176 students in current kindergarten.
There was a special education update and member Shannon-Ward Leighton praised the proactive approach to in-class behavior issues, rather than waiting for things to happen.
School Committee Member Comments
Shannon Ward-Leighton regarding Diversity event in March, “I walked in and didn’t realize it was going to be as big as it was…it was wonderful though. The musical was great, all the concerts were great. It was just good to see the kids faces.”
Anne Hurst “went to the cultural events and the school play and I saw one of the concerts…it was so much fun…it’s good to see everybody out and doing things….it feels a little more normalcy. Very proud of the students who won the awards for reading and the students with the scholarships. There are a lot of good things that happen in this district.”
Gino Divito “ So, I wanna say, parents for the graduating class this year, we are putting on baccalaureate again. I was told to formally invite everyone here including everyone who’s not here….It will be May31st at Annunciation Parish….NHS is also trying to bring back recycling at the high school.”
Robert Swartz, “Like Mrs. Hurst I saw the high school play. It was great. To see the students do their theatrical skills, it was really wonderful, to see that again. This Thursday the facilities committee will meet at the Helen Mae Sauter School, hopefully for the last time.”
Rachael Cormier, “I want to recognize all the students that were honored…it’s no coincidence we have so many high school students honored when we have the great reading programs for the younger grades. It’s starts there. We can’t expect them to succeed in high school if we’re not starting in kindergarten and first grade.”
Jennifer Pelavin, “…I did attend the Elm Street School play which was adorable. The kids did such a great job… I’m so glad that everybody is getting to do this all again.”
- Covid Seesaw (4/12/2022)
Should you have Covid symptoms, your best source of advice is your family doctor who can advise of appropriate treatments and protocols.
Covid in Context, Cases Up, Hospitalizations Relatively Low in MA
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reports that 243 people are in the hospital right now in Massachusetts with Covid 19 and the 7 day positivity percent average is 3 percent. For the Massachusetts Covid Dashboard giving you the latest data at any time, CLICK HERE.
- Grilled Cheese (4/12/2022)
April 12, 2022 is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day in Greater Gardner MA
Enjoy a grilled cheese sandwich today at home or at your favorite restaurant. For more on this day, CLICK HERE.
- Inflation Impact (4/10/2022)
The Gardner City Council will meet again on Tuesday April 19, 2022. For our City Council page and to view the most recent meetings, CLICK HERE.
Rising Prices Impact Gardner MA Current and Upcoming Budget
Where possible, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has attempted to take advantage of lower contracted prices on certain items such as road materials. However, the Chair City is not immune to inflation, and the current budget is impacted by rising prices. And the budget for the next fiscal year which the Mayor reportedly will submit to the City Council next month has the same challenges. In an interview Saturday 4-9-22 on WGAW AM 1340 and 98.1 FM, City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas specified a few specific areas of immediate concern which will be discussed at the next meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2022:
Kazinskas stated, ““The City Council voted at our February 22nd meeting to install new trash receptacles downtown….The mayor has an order on the agenda to revisit that,….appropriate 10 thousand dollars…due to the increase in prices….The Department of Corrections has increased the price of the trash receptacles.” “Another item…water infrastructure throughout the city, replacing old pipes and valves…due to rising price of asphalt…original loan is no longer sufficient to cover costs. So there is a request for an additional $1.8 million to be borrowed from the water enterprise account in order to complete the project…still within the city’s debt limit…another effect of what’s going on throughout the world on our cities..”
Kazinskas praised the current Mayor, the previous mayor, and the Economic Development Department for their abilities to obtain various grants to help cover city costs. “They helped get money, whether it’s state or federal.” Kazinskas stated that it was important to note that the City Council can’t add to the City budget, it can only cut from the budget. “Any amendments that we make would be a cut to the budget, not an addition to the budget… By the time we vote on the budget, we’ve had the budget in front of us for over a month.” On a lighter note, the Council President stated she was happy to be celebrating the 98th birthday next Saturday of her grandmother who is “100 percent Polish.”
To hear the Hotline Radio program from Saturday 4-9-22, please visit the WGAW Hotline Radio page: CLICK HERE The program featuring local interviews airs every Saturday from 12:10pm to 2:00pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and on a live stream.
- Awaiting Police Report (4/9/2022)
As Gardner MA Awaits Investigative Report…
As Gardner residents await the results and consequences of the Investigative Report on the Gardner Police Department, the dozens of serving officers help keep Gardner safe Day and Night. Many thanks for your service.
For the Gardner Police Department Facebook page, CLICK HERE
From the Gardner Police Department. “This week, April 10-16, is Dispatch and Animal Control Officer appreciation week. This week and every week GPD is appreciative of the hard work and dedication our Dispatchers and Animal Control Officers do day in and day out. We will post pictures throughout the week showcasing our great employees.”
- Package Gate (4/9/2022)
Investigation into Gardner MA Package Drops
Gardner Magazine reached out to Fedex regarding Gardner resident complaints about packages being delivered to incorrect locations in the Chair City and accusations that Fedex refused to pick up the packages once contacted. One resident reported receiving 9 packages, all with different destination addresses on them.
Thanks to the resident who posted the photo on Facebook, we were able to provide one of the tracking numbers shown in the photo. The Fedex spokesman we contacted offered to look in to the matter and put us on hold several times during our interview, presumably to check with superiors on the matter. The spokesman admitted Fedex has received numerous complaints and “Fedex is investigating what happened.” As to whether the driver will be terminated, “Can’t give an answer.” The spokesman was also asked why Fedex does not pick up packages in a timely manner once notified and replied that it was due to package volume.
- Distracted Driving (4/9/2022)
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Greater Gardner MA
Distracted driving kills thousands in the U.S. every year. Drivers both young and old use handheld devices while driving. Other distractions which take time away from the seconds needed to avoid an accident can be talking to others in the car, setting navigation, adjusting what you’re listening to, drinking a beverage, or even applying makeup.
You may see increased law enforcement presence on the road in the next several days to help prevent injuries and save lives. Social media posts indicate an increased law enforcement presence in Gardner MA today. More from the NHTSA, CLICK HERE. More from the State of MA, CLICK HERE
- Smith 4-8-22 (4/8/2022)
Watch the Gardner MA Mayor’s update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or visit our Mayor’s update page, CLICK HERE.
*On the film “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”, click here.
While Mr. Nicholson goes to Washington, *Mr. Smith Fills in for Gardner MA Weekly Update
The Mayor’s aide, Colin Smith stepped in with Mayor Nicholson in Washington, D.C. – Smith announced that the Gardner Municipal Golf Course is open for the season. He reminded citizens about the Small Business Assistance Program, the July 9th Food Truck Festival, the Keep Gardner Beautiful Nip Hunt on May 7th, and the Monument Park Concert Series.
- Surgical Pavilion (4/7/2022)
Surgery to be State-of-the-Art at Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA
Construction crews are visible daily at Heywood Hospital, laying the groundwork for the new Surgical Pavilion being built in the coming months.
The current surgical area at Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA was built over 50 years ago and is utilized for thousands of procedures every year. After construction, the Surgical Pavilion will be approximately 22,000 square feet and feature 6 operating rooms, 2 minor procedure rooms, 2 endoscopy rooms, and other areas. The improved facility is expected to help Heywood’s bottom line and help keep good physicians. While construction is going on for up to a 6 month period and possibly in to 2023, employees are parking on Green Street and Mathews Street due to construction affecting available parking. The projected cost of the project is over $30 million.
More on the Heywood Hospital Website. CLICK HERE. Original public announcement
More Health stories on our Local Health page
Covid stories on our Covid page.
- Egg Hunt (4/7/2022)
Templeton MA Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt
The Templeton Lions Club spent an evening stuffing nearly 2000 eggs for their annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held April 16, 2022 at 10am (Weather permitting) Updates will be posted on their Facebook page. CLICK HERE
- Food Truck (4/7/2022)
Printable poster PDF format CLICK HERE
Printable poster jpg format CLICK HERE
Google Interactive Map
Gardner MA 5th Annual Food Truck Festival to be Saturday, July 9, 2022
According to Gardner City Hall, “Gardner MA will be hosting it’s 5th Annual Food Truck Festival on Saturday, July 9th from 1pm until 8:30pm in downtown Gardner. With over 20 trucks there is bound to be something for everyone in your family. Some of the trucks include The Dogfather, Minuteman Kettle Corn, Nom Nom Hut and Shishkaberry’s. Gardner Ale House will be on site to provide your favorite beverage. The trucks will be parked along the front of City Hall on Pleasant Street and will continue along City Hall Avenue. Live entertainment! Mark your calendar”
Within 24 hours of posting the announcement on Facebook, there were about 150 Likes or Loves, dozens of positive comments, and 104 shares. This is a popular Gardner MA event. Last year there were 14 participating food trucks – an increase of 6 with 3 months to go suggests the event will be even bigger this year. The City of Gardner Food Truck Festival is handled through the Economic Development Coordinator Jessica DeRoy who can be reached at (978) 630-4074 ext. 1.
- Zoe’s on the Green (4/6/2022)
Watch this 5 minute meeting on YouTube. CLICK HERE.
The Gardner MA License Commission held a special meeting on 4-5-22
Discussed was the seasonal alcohol license for Zoe’s on the Green to operate at the Gardner Municipal Golf Course. It was approved subject to a facility inspection. Angela DiPrima commented that it shouldn’t be a problem as the facility is City-owned and assumed to be in compliance.
- National Pet Day (4/6/2022)
National Pet Day in Greater Gardner MA is Monday April 11, 2022
This day is dedicated to our pets and is also a day to highlight pet adoption. It’s a day to schedule missed veterinary care or grooming. National Pet Day is a day to make your pet a special meal or treat, buy your dog a new collar/leash or toy, or even take your canine to the local dog park to play with friends.
Adoptable Pets
To search for dogs available for adoption within 25 miles of Gardner MA, CLICK HERE.
To search for cats available for adoption within 25 miles of Gardner MA, CLICK HERE.
- Job Scene (4/6/2022)
Gardner MA Employers looking for Workers
Jobs are available in the Greater Gardner MA area. The lion’s share of these positions are in the hospitality/restaurants/and retail arena with many open positions. More than a half dozen local manufacturers are looking to hire. Other positions are in construction, health/medical, and recreation.
Do your own search at where you can easily narrow your preferences by zip code and type of employment desired. Some of the Gardner jobs currently available are listed below:
In Hospitality/Restaurants/Retail: Friendly’s is looking for restaurant crew members and paying from $14.25 an hour. Dunkin’ Donuts is looking for part-time crew members and paying $14.25 to $15.25 per hour. Colonial Hotel is looking for a part-time Restaurant Hostess and paying from $14.25 per hour. Ninety Nine Restaurant is looking for a part-time server and states they are paying $20 to $40 per hour. Southside Grille and Margarita Factory is looking for a part-time dishwasher and paying $15 per hour. Anthony’s Liquor Mart pays $14 to $18 per hour and is looking for a full-time liquor store associate. Dow Shoe Store is hiring a part-time footwear fitting sales associate and paying $15 to $16 per hour. A. Jandris & Sons is looking for a full-time Store Associate and paying $17 to $19 per hour. Price Choppers is looking for part-time cashiers and paying an estimated $26.5k to $33.5k per year. Walmart is looking for part-time Mid shift cashiers, cart associates, sales floor associates and paying $15 to $17 per hour.Other places looking for associates and cashiers but not posting wages include Hannaford, Walgreen’s, Dollar Tree, GameStop, Family Dollar, Wendy’s, Tractor Supply, and Cumberland Farms.
In manufacturing: Standard Chair of Gardner is looking for a full-time order entry person and pays $16 to $16.50 per hour and full-time Assemblers at $15 to $16 per hour. Advanced Cable Ties, Inc. is looking for a part-time picker/packer and paying $14.75 per hour. Garlock Printing & Converting is looking for full-time Press Assistant Machine Operator for all shifits and paying $17.50 to $18.50 per hour. Gardner Screw Corp. is looking for a full-time Shipping and Receiving person and paying $18 to $20 per hour. NEWW Packaging and Display is hiring full-time General Laborer for 2nd and 3rd shift at $18.40 per hour. Seaman Paper is looking for a full-time Customer Service Associate and paying from $18 per hour.
In construction: Seney Construction is looking for part-time laborer at up to $25 per hour. Aho Seamless Gutters LLC is looking for full-time Gutter Technician and paying $16 to $28 per hour.
In Health/Medical: The Gardner Animal Care Center is looking for a part-time boarding/dog daycare attendant and paying $14.25 a hour. Care Central VNA & Hospice is looking for a full-time receptionist and paying $30.4k to $38.6k a year. Butterfly Effects is looking for a part-time Child Interventionist and paying $18 to $25 per hour. The Eye and Lasik Center is looking for a full-time Medical front desk receptionist and paying $13.50 to $18 per hour. GAAMA, Inc. is looking for a full-time recovery coach and paying from $19 per hour.
In recreation: The City of Gardner is looking for part-time Recreational Support Staff for the summer recreation program and paying $14.25 per hour.
- City Council 4-4-22 (4/5/2022)
City Clerk opens meeting City Council elects a President Pro Tem for the meeting Ronald Cormer takes the gavel Watch this meeting on the City of Gardner YouTube page or our City Council page. CLICK HERE
What the Gardner City Clerk’s office does:
Issues Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates. Issues Marriage Licenses. Issues Business Certificates. Issues Dog Licenses. Issues Raffle and Bazaar Permits. Elections Administration and Supervision. Administers the Annual Street Listing. Administers the Voter Registration Process. Provides administrative support to the City Council and its 4 Standing Committees. Certifies Municipal documents as Keeper of the Seal.
Titi Siriphan proved once again at this meeting just how valuable she is to the Chair City.
Gardner MA City Council met on Monday April 4, 2022
The meeting started off in an unusual fashion. The YouTube recording shows a placeholder for the first minute or so. City Clerk Titi Siriphan opened the meeting and then the City Council elected Ronald Cormier as President Pro Tem to act as Chair for the meeting due to the absence of President Kazinskas.
18 appointments from the Mayor were combined in one motion and unanimously referred to the appointments committee.
In new business, 3 councilors had comments:
Councilor Craig Cormier “I would just like to thank Councilor Ronald Cormier and the Mayor who have been helping Holy Family Academy continue their tradition of Student Government, it goes way back, I sat in my father’s chair in 8th grade many years ago. Assembly April 13th in Perry Auditorium at 9:30.”
Councilor Boudreau. “Public welfare committee will be attending a pledge presentation and tour of Monty Tech tomorrow at 5 (4-5-22 5pm)”
Councilor Walsh, “Just as a follow up to appointments committee matters. We will be scheduling a meeting I expect for next Monday where most, if not all of the appointments will be considered. We hope to have a report on most, if not all of them for our next meeting.”
The meeting closed with a prayer and adjourned.
- Covid 4-1-22 (4/4/2022)
- Rietta Opening 2022 (4/4/2022)
Rietta Flea Market opens for another season
Rietta Flea Market of Hubbardston MA opened for the 2022 season on 4-3-22. Even around noon time the parking lot was busy. Admission to the flea market is FREE. Vendors pay $35 for a space. Rietta celebrated its official 50 year anniversary in 2016. It started as a small music venue in 1966. Later, the flea market was added and has operated for well over 5 decades.
Thousands of people visit Rietta Flea Market every week. There are usually hundreds of dealers offering a wide range of merchandise. People go to Rietta for “pleasure or treasure.” Rietta is also known for the quality food at its concession stand where you can get Fried Dough, Hot dogs, Burgers, French fries, and more.
ALERT 4-4-22: Rietta Flea Market management has reached out to us to report that online crooks are attempting to sell Online Rietta Gift Cards. Please do not purchase as this is a SCAM. Rietta does not honor online gift cards. If you encounter any of these scams, please report to POLICE. Thank you.
For the official Rietta Flea Market website, CLICK HERE
- Construction (4/4/2022)
Home Construction
Home construction is humming along on Route 2A at the Gardner/Templeton line. Some of the homes are in Gardner and others are in Templeton. Groundbreaking happened last fall, but construction continued over the winter. Some of the properties are already noted as under agreement.
- South Gardner (4/3/2022)
- Mill Street Corridor (4/3/2022)
Mill Street Corridor in Gardner MA a mix of Success and Unfinished Business.
Almost 10 years ago, the Mill Street Corridor Renewal Plan was published in August 2012 as prepared for the City of Gardner Redevelopment Authority. As you read the report, you will see that a lot has been accomplished with some of the goals still to be achieved. The website url highlighted on the sign no longer exists, but the report still does. Mill Street Report, CLICK HERE
Success on Mill Street
Superior Kitchens at 166 Mill Street, Gardner just celebrated its 30th anniversary in February 2022. Their website states,”Superior Kitchens Designs often works as part of the team of contractors building new construction. We use our extensive experience and design knowledge to produce modern kitchens for new homes.” Visit the Superior Kitchens website: CLICK HERE
Unfinished Business
At the site of what was once the S. Bent Furniture Factory on Mill Street, Gardner, a sign indicates it will be the future home of Tetramed. Almost 3 years ago, the company’s CEO stated Tetramed planned to invest 16 million dollars in the facility. The company reached an agreement in 2018 with the Gardner Redevelopment Authority to buy the property in order to build a marijuana cultivation facility.
So what’s happening with the project? The Tetramed Facebook page was last updated in January of 2020. A domain mentioned on the Facebook page leads to a default landing page, but no website.
- Mayor on Hotline (4/2/2022)
Approximately 50 people were interviewed for the report on the Gardner Police Department. Both the Chief and Deputy Chief have been on paid Administrative leave for the past couple months. Until March 11th, an Acting Chief was running the Department. Currently, two lieutenants share the duties.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson provides Police update on WGAW’s Hotline Radio
In a live interview on Saturday April 2, 2022, the Gardner Mayor addressed the progress of the report on the Gardner Police Investigation. Individuals involved will be able to review report. Executive Summary might be out at the end of next week. If the Chief and Deputy Chief would like to return to their posts and if the Mayor wants them, they would need to be reappointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council as their 3 year appointments expired in January.
Mayor Nicholson stated, “Have received draft from investigator. It is currently in redaction stage. The Police Chief, Deputy Chief, and Dispatch Director will each get a chance to review the document. However, they’ll only be able to review their specific sections of the document, and then the executive summary will be prepared and released after they have a chance to review the full report, that way they get their full due process rights there, so they can be able to fully understand everything that’s in the report…and then after that the official confidentiality items of the executive summary can be released.”
What will be released: “There will be an executive summary of the report released to the public. The full investigation materials are considered personnel records. Those will have to remain confidential in their own specific personnel files. However, there are certain portions of it, the findings of the report in particular that will be public.”
Regarding whether individuals will return to work, “That’s a decision I think that will start with the individuals themselves after they read the report. I’d rather not make too many judgments before they get a chance to be able to read the report themselves and be able to defend themselves on their own, so those will be discussions that happen after they get a chance to read all the report.”
When report will come out: ”probably end of this week, as long as we can schedule times for them to come and read the report. Now that we have it on hand, making sure they have an opportunity to review everything themselves.”
On appointments: “They are actually not contracted employees, they are appointed employees, just like any other department heads in the city, and those appointments expired in January.” The dispatch director is an employee at will… and deputy chief and chief are appointed employees for a period of 3 years and that time expired this past January.”
Nicholson Goes to Washington: The Mayor stated, ““I’m going to be out of the City this coming week. I’ve been invited down to the White House to have a couple of meetings with the Biden Administration Intergovernmental affairs office. We’ll be meeting with several different secretaries of the President’s cabinet.“
- WGAW (4/2/2022)
WGAW Programs can be heard on 1340 AM, 98.1 FM, and through a LIVE STREAM
Gardner MA Radio Station WGAW Now available Everywhere
Pictured is popular local host Steve Wendell of the Weekday Morning News program and Hotline Radio which airs Saturdays noon to 2pm. WGAW is now in its 76th year of service and can be heard on 1340 AM, 98.1 FM, and through Live Streaming. Programming is News and Talk 24/7.
For the website, CLICK HERE. To Listen Live, CLICK HERE.
- Illegal Dumping (4/1/2022)
Illegal Dumpers in Gardner MA soon to get Rude Awakening
The fine is $250 for the first offense. The problem has been capturing the crooks in the act. That’s about to change. The Gardner Board of Health is going high-tech, employing sophisticated cameras rotating throughout the city to capture license plates of people dumping illegally.
At a recent Board of Health meeting, Director Lauren Saunders said “looking to catch people who are illegally dumping in the city. It’s a big problem. I think we’ve talked about it before. …There are certain hot spots that people are continuously dumping furniture, televisions, electronics, big items like that. “ Have one camera, will work with PD and DPW to get it up, will move locations. “ Board member Susan Avalon also commented saying she walks down Betty Spring Road “and there’s toilets, chairs, all kinds of things.”
- Update 4-1-22 (4/1/2022)
To watch the weekly Mayor’s update, utilize the City of Gardner Youtube channel, or go to our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE.
No word on Gardner MA Police, Good news on construction and Grants
The status of the Gardner Police Department and/or the Investigative Report remains unclear with no mention of the topic in this week’s update by Mayor Michael Nicholson. It is believed the report is currently being reviewed by the City Solicitor and will be released at some point very soon.
Mayor Nicholson outlined various construction projects including the 12 month Route 2 paving which will start in June and end next year at the same time. After 11 years in the pipeline, the State of MA will be paving Pearson Boulevard from the rotary just past William’s Restaurant – work starts May 1. And Route 140 gets paved up to the Winchendon border beginning in May. A brand-new Small Business grant program was announced for businesses of 50 employees or less, providing up to $25,000 in Covid impact funds. Past recipients not eligible.
- Stop and Buy (4/1/2022)
Cloud Hanging over Stop and Buy in Gardner MA
The Gardner Board of Health met at length on 3-28-22 regarding repeated violations of the food code at Stop and Buy, 56 Union Square Gardner. Specifically, inspections going back 5 years have revealed expired food at every inspection. Watch meeting on YouTube
Inspector Rick Rossi said he told manager. “next time I come here, I don’t want to find anything expired.” And then he picked up a random item and it was expired. Board of Health Director Lauren Saunders suggested that the store license be suspended if further violations occur. Some inspections have found over 20 expired food items.
Not the only problem at the location
The attorney for the business owner indicated, “client was in a tough business, and he’s also been hammered by the pandemic.” Members of the Board did not find this a valid excuse for expired food, especially since it has been a problem at every inspection over past 6 years. Other problems at the location included a clogged sink, a 3 bay sinking leaking at a drain, a leaking roof, and Honey Buns not labeled for individual sale were being sold separately without any date code. The attorney for the landlord stated that according to a lease, the tenant is responsible for repairing the roof. Board member Geoffrey Tobia indicated there’s “not much tolerance for any further violations.” The Board voted to wait until after Thursday 3/31 when a plumber is supposedly scheduled for do repairs. “Mr. Rossi will go in and reinspect regarding hot water and sink and the plumbing in the 3 bay sink area and any food expiration dates. As far as the roof, attorney for business and landlord will discuss and have some sort of agreement or plan within 2 weeks to get back to Board of Health”
Property is on the Market
In a surprising revelation considering the property’s condition, it was noted that the property is on the market for $1 million. See the listing here.
- Tops in Coffee (4/1/2022)
Gardner MA Residents Love Their Coffee
Whether it’s making coffee at home, getting coffee to go, or drinking coffee at an area establishment, each has their own opinion.
We asked the following on Gardner, MA, What’s going on Facebook page, “So many in Gardner LOVE Coffee. My question is: Where do you get your best cup of coffee in Gardner? I will put all of your positive comments in an article on Gardner Magazine. Let’s showcase another great part of the Chair City.” Here are the comments:
“Home but otherwise dunkins.” – “I was just gonna say my kitchen LOL” – “Starbucks! Love their lattes!!” – “Café Edesia, Dunkin, Starbucks…all good” – “The new Starbucks is great! Coffee is amazing, inviting space, and cheerful staff!” – “Cumberland Farms. You make it the way you like it and it’s only a $1.” – “Home or dunkins” – “Dunkin’s” – “Home” – “Starbucks” – “The Dunkins…” – “My own!! Grind the beans and slow drip…” “Happy Trails on Parker St. also sells bags of their coffee. I can’t drive so I do the next next thing.” “Cumberland Farms. Exactly how you want it for $1.” “Our kitchen it’s perfect everytime” “Cup of Hope, they serve Dean’s Beans. My favorite and I love that it supports something good.”- “29 pleasant St. Gardner ” – “Home and Starbucks. Coffee is always made correctly, and is great, staff is excellent, and friendly!!” We’ll keep adding comments as they come in.
- April Fools (4/1/2022)
It’s April Fools Day in Greater Gardner MA
Not to be outdone by their Southern Neighbors, Greater Gardner MA Consumers got together for the Great Broccoli Harvest held every year on April Fool’s Day. A few carrots took part as well.
Greater Gardner MA Consumers have Smart cars, smart homes, and smart phones. But how many have taken the time to provide books for their cats? We advocate for Cat Literacy. What’s the problem? You don’t want your cat to read what’s in their daily cat food, or are you hiding something else from your feline friends?
A giant coffee cup has taken over the water tower. There is no word on what this means for Gardner water and we certainly will not be spilling the beans. However, you might be interested in our real story on how Gardner MA Residents Love Their Coffee.
Organic tomatoes have lined up outside Gardner City Hall. They won’t leave until City Employees promise to eat more salad.
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