Greater Gardner MA News August 2022
- Two Worlds (8/31/2022)
Two Worlds Operating Simultaneously at new Gardner Elementary School
While construction continues at the Gardner Elementary School, staff development and classroom preparation is underway for the School Staff including teachers.
. The City of Gardner spared no expense as you can see to direct staff to the appropriate parking lot, wisely using a leftover piece of wood and paint from somewhere. It seems somebody has to go to the bathroom outside as there’s a huge line of 11 outhouses. Electric vehicles are welcome with dedicated charging stations provided. All the photos, CLICK HERE.
- Finances 8-31-22 (8/31/2022)
Gardner MA Finance Committee Discusses Donations, Selling Schools, and Reviewing Fire Department Audit
The Gardner Finance Committee met on August 31, 2022. Subjects discussed including the acceptance of donations for K9 Rocky and for the Gardner Animal Shelter, the Mayor’s request to sell the Prospect Street School and School Street School as they are not being used by the City and are frequent items of issue for the Police Department, and the recently completed Fire Department Audit.
Mayor Nicholson would like the City to put up the Prospect Street School for sale well under the $295,000 appraised value due to the substantial cost a purchaser would have in converting the building in to something other than a school. He also stated that the School Street school is in disrepair and a hazard and there are already various people interested in purchasing the building.
Council President Kazinskas suggested that the Gardner City Council hold an informal meeting at 6:30pm prior to its second meeting in September to allow for a presentation on the audit.
Watch this meeting on YouTube or listen to it right here on any device. Just click Play.
Gardner MA Finance Committee 8-31-22 - Moving In (8/29/2022)
Gardner MA Teachers Happy to Move in to NEW Gardner Elementary School on August 29, 2022
Gardner Public Schools released the Moving photos on Social Media, showing an enthusiastic group of educators Movin’ on in. Elementary School students return on September 12th with Kindergarteners starting on September 15th. CLICK on any image for a larger view. We have another article on Teachers’ Convocation.
The New Gardner Elementary School - Teachers (8/29/2022)
Gardner MA School District Holds Convocation for Teachers 8-29-22
Teachers were welcomed back for the 2022/2023 School Year. According to the Gardner Superintendent’s Office, teachers working at the new Gardner Elementary School have seen their classrooms and are anticipating various professional development days to be held at the new school. Elementary School students return on September 12th with Kindergardeners starting on September 15th. Other students in the District return on Tuesday, September 6th. Exception is Holy Family Academy – started August 29th. Complete projected calendar, CLICK HERE. Projected Bus Routes, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson appeared pleased to attend releasing this statement, “Great day this morning welcoming the Gardner Public Schools Teachers and Staff back at the annual faculty convocation this morning and seeing people in Gardner Elementary School for the first time before going to Annunciation Parish Gardner Massachusetts to join the Holy Family Academy MA community for their first day of school today! Wishing all of our students, teachers, and families across the City a great new school year!”
Photo Gallery: The “Wow Factor” of the New Gardner Elementary School. CLICK HERE
- Gardner Magazine (8/28/2022)
Gardner Magazine Says Thank You!
Gardner Magazine has entered its 23rd year of service to 19 Greater Gardner MA communities. Around the Towns page. Watch our 30 second thank you video on YouTube, CLICK HERE.
We love info from any group having events in the area and any info from local government. Also, something you think we should cover? Let us know. Email:
- Photos Update (8/27/2022)
The “Wow Factor” – Gardner MA New Elementary School
With most of the paving and construction completed, the school is a thing of beauty. We present a complete Gallery from 8-27-22 CLICK HERE
- High School (8/27/2022)
Gardner High School from Satellite Gardner High School Gardner High School Athletic Fields Improved in 2022 Gardner High School Sports Gardner MA High School Still Among Most Beautiful
With the focus on the new Gardner Elementary School, it’s easy to forget just how wonderful the Gardner High School complex is. The design of the building is stunning when viewed from high resolution satellite as shown in this article.
However, beneath the surface is a story even more incredible: the emergence of a truly great educational atmosphere fueled by savvy curriculum updates over the last couple of years. Gardner High School students have so many options whether they are on a pure academic path or take an Innovative Pathway.
Evidence of Great School System is Overwhelming
Some of our articles to check out: Key dates for the upcoming Wildcats Season, CLICK HERE. The projected 2022-2023 School Calendar, CLICK HERE. Educators in Gardner tackling the Education Puzzle, CLICK HERE. Article on School Committee June meeting at which Superintendent Pellegrino received substantial praise. CLICK HERE. Even the School Resource officer was honored, CLICK HERE. At the Gardner City Council meeting on June 6, 2022, the music program received a $100,000 boost. CLICK HERE. The School Budget Session in June revealed “an efficiently-run system.” CLICK HERE. There was tremendous pride in the graduating class of 2021, CLICK HERE. We have proof even sports has its act together as Fall Sports Registration was announced in May of 2022, CLICK HERE. Gardner High had pride in its music program with a Spring Concert, CLICK HERE. Gardner announced in the Spring that it was improving athletic fields, CLICK HERE. Gardner High School now even makes the souvenir chairs formerly made elsewhere, CLICK HERE. Athletics is strong at Gardner High. In January 2022, it was announced that the Gardner MA Varsity Cheerleading Team got 5th place at the National Competition. CLICK HERE.
Great High School Education
Gardner MA is destined to continue improvement upon its great high school education formula. Here is the 83 page Program of Studies for 2022-2023 in pdf format, CLICK HERE History/Social Science, CLICK HERE. Mathematics, CLICK HERE Arts Curriculum, CLICK HERE. FYI: Gardner does not allow political views in teaching stating in its guide, “The teachers’ right to introduce controversial issues in classroom presentations does not include the right of advocacy.” Complete guide, CLICK HERE. Gardner High School has other bases covered as well including a Full Technology policy, CLICK HERE. And a complete guide for professional practices, CLICK HERE. The Gardner School District does not allow complacency either and has a Professional Development Plan, CLICK HERE.
Positive Gardner High School Future
Gardner MA Public Schools, including Gardner High School, are getting higher ratings all the time. You could say that just like construction going on in all parts of the Chair City, education in Gardner has been revitalized and its best years are yet to come.
Yes, the new Gardner Elementary School is exciting and wonderful. Let’s not forget just how wonderful Gardner High School is and how committed the Gardner School District is to delivering an excellent High School educational experience. For more on Gardner Public Schools anytime, visit the official website, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update August 26, 2022 (8/26/2022)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson August 26, 2022 Watch the Weekly Updates with Mayor Michael Nicholson on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE.
Listen to AUDIO of any Mayor’s Update on any device. CLICK HERE.
Some Listener Statistics:
Gardner Magazine Chair City Update 8/19: 702, Nicholson 8/12: 4,070, Nicholson 8/5: 3,703. Citizen Concerns Interview: 5.019. Gardner City Council 8/1: 1,968
Speaking with Vim and Vigor, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the City of Gardner
Mayor Nicholson spent a few minutes explaining the process of early voting and important dates relating to the upcoming primary. The Mayor related that as of November 1, 2022, textiles may not be included in garbage set out for pickup. He spoke of various events such as the recent Roundtable with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and the upcoming International Overdose Awareness Day. See our article.
Mayor Nicholson thanked those who are of public service like 4 more Eagle Scouts, teachers who are getting ready for the school year, and head lifeguard Diana Ringer who is retiring.
Mayor Nicholson reminded citizens of the Drought Conditions and that no outdoor watering is currently permitted. See our article.
Listen to the Update here. Click Play. Starts immediately.
Nicholson Update 8-26-22 - Vendors Wanted (8/26/2022)
Gardner MA Fabulous Fall Festival 2022 I In the spirit of Downtown Gardner Construction and Revitalization, Gardner Square Two completely bulldozed its website and is rebuilding it to be bigger and better than ever before. Website, CLICK HERE
Gardner MA Fall Festival Open to More Vendors
Gardner Square Two is lining up Vendors, Food Trucks, Crafters, and Non-profits for what is projected to be one of the most Fabulous Fall Festivals in a long time. The date is September 24, 2022 and runs 10am to 4pm.
Businesses and non-profits are welcome. Space is approximately 10 x 16 and is considered a great way to feature products and services to an excited public. Other ways to support the event include sponsoring a specific entertainment event, coming up with your own unique idea and getting it approved, or making a donation to the overall event to show your support. Deadline: September 5th so book your spot today!
Vendor information, CLICK HERE. —- Vendor Guidelines PDF, CLICK HERE —— Vendor Registration Form PDF, CLICK HERE There is also an option to register securely online.
Gardner Square Two Mission: “Gardner Square Two, Inc. was founded to help rebuild our City’s heart and soul. Our success is instrumental in returning the Downtown to an economically vital business, cultural, and residential district. Square Two’s goal is to provide Gardner’s citizens with a safe, accessible, and diverse resource that will further enhance economic development.” Website, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Square Two also plans to sign up new members to the organization every day. Membership is open to individual citizens of Gardner, businesses, and non-profits. The website is expected to have a full membership sign up section in the coming days.
- Parker Paving (8/26/2022)
Newly Paved Parker Street Gardner MA Looking Beautiful
The long-awaited paving delayed earlier in the week by the weather has been completed. And along with a beautiful Parker Street, Gardner MA gets some very nice looking trash cans. They didn’t come cheap, but they sure look nice.
Our article in April 2022 reported on an additional $10,000 being appropriated for the trash cans because of price increases. CLICK HERE.
- GES Update 8-26-22 (8/26/2022)
“We turn the school over in 1-2 weeks” says Construction Super at New Gardner MA Elementary School -8-29-22 Update – and he was wrong!
UPDATE: August 29, 2022: Construction Supervisor gave us bogus information as teachers were moving in on August 29, 2022.
The following information in our original story turned out to be incorrect: “It’s going to be close as the NEW Gardner Elementary School will get formally turned over to the School District just days before students are projected to start attendance. The construction company has allowed the District to move in some things ahead of time so starting things up may be a marathon, but should still be possible.”
Taking photos was complicated on August 26, 2022 as paving was underway at the school. There was a sign at the High School entrance saying to use the Pearl Street entrance. When we went there, we were redirected back to High School entrance and took photos of the various employee vehicles parked along the road, paving occurring around the new school, all the way to the Pearl Street entrance.
Gardner Public Schools has released a draft of bus routes (subject to change) CLICK HERE.
We wrote a previous article showcasing the Zippy construction taking place CLICK HERE
- Trump Matter (8/26/2022)
Because of intense public interest, we are publishing the redacted affadavit. CLICK HERE.
- Overdose Awareness (8/26/2022)
International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31, 2022 in Greater Gardner MA
From the website: “International Overdose Day is the world’s annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.” Website link, CLICK HERE.
Downloadable Overdose Fact Sheets Below.
City of Gardner Events
Here’s what happening in the City of Gardner: There will be Narcan Training at 5:30pm at the First Congregational Church. From 6:30 to 8:30pm at Monument Park (or City Hall Auditorium in case of rain), there will be a community event with music, speakers, memorial video, and luminaries. The Luminary Lighting will be at 8:45pm – City Hall Lawn.
How to Get Involved
People get involved in this day by hosting or attending an event, by posting a tribute to a loved one who has passed away from an overdose, or by making a donation to help raise awareness of overdose and spread the message that overdose is preventable.
Fact Sheets – Downloadable
Downloadable fact sheets: Alcohol —- Depressants —- Opioids —- Psychoactive Substances —- Stimulants —- Crystal Methamphetamine.
- Fire Danger (8/26/2022)
Fire Danger very Real in Greater Gardner MA
From the Gardner Fire Department August 26, 2022: “A few photos from Gardner Engine 3 responding with the Mass District 8 tender task force to Ashby. Crews battled a fire in a very large stump and debris dump. 19 water tankers hauled well over 600,000 gallons of water up to the scene so crews could maintain a flow onto the fire of 1750 gallons a minute!”
Gardner FIre Dept. continued,, “That’s a very impressive task to be able to maintain in an area with no fire hydrants. Gardner’s Engine 3 was dispatched at 8 a.m. and was back in the City by 3 p.m.
Unfortunately due to our extreme drought and dry conditions, the fire has re kindled and Ashby and surrounding towns are back fighting the fire again today. We need rain and lots of it!!”
- Public Service (8/25/2022)
Public Service Committee Meets in Gardner MA
The Gardner MA Public Service Committee met on August 25, 2022 to go over various issues. Listen to the entire meeting. Just click Play to listen on any device.
Public Service Committee 8-25-22 YouTube - Extreme Drought (8/24/2022)
Gardner MA Under Extreme Drought Conditions
Over 40 percent of Worcester County is suffering an Extreme Drought, which is one step below an Exceptional Drought. According to the U.S. Government’s site, this was just the 26th driest July on record over the past 128 years and the 30th driest year to date on record.
Outdoor watering is completely prohibited in a Level 3 area such as Gardner MA and City Ordinance provides for monetary and other penalties for violators. Images below provide more information. CLICK each for larger view.
What Does This Mean For You?
This means that currently Gardner MA has enough water for drinking and bathing. However, it means that non-essential outdoor watering is against the law. It means that people should be taking shorter showers to conserve water, using the washer for as few loads as possible, and making sure the dishwasher is completely filled up before being used. The USDA estimates that over 13 thousand acres of hay are in the drought area in Worcester County. Animals are affected too with over 3500 cattle and 3300 sheep estimated to be in drought in the County. Streamflow conditions for Gardner MA right now are at Low, which is the worst designation. 100 percent of Massachusetts is expected to have below normal amounts of rain this month. Please be extremely careful as the fire hazard is very high – example – outdoor burning would be extremely stupid at this time.
What the Future Holds
The 4 week Drought Forecast is for conditions in the Gardner area to improve to a D2-Severe Drought from the current D3-Extreme Drought. Should the State then lower the Drought designation, it may be that in time for Gardner’s Fabulous Fall Festival, the beautiful 24 inch flower pots which have been ordered could legally be watered with a hose after 9pm and before 5am daily. Latest Statistics for Gardner MA and Worcester County, CLICK HERE
- Sludge Again (8/23/2022)
Gardner MA Conservation Commission August 23, 2022 Commission member looking at camera to apologize while Chairman rises to shut equipment off. Gardner MA Conservation Commission Discusses Landfill Expansion Again
Conservation Commission met on August 23, 2022. During the meeting, the subject of the Gardner Landfill Expansion came up with various questions from the public. The chair reiterated the desire of the Commission to have a Third Party provide recommendations prior to implementation of the expansion. Listen to the meeting here. Just Click Play
Gardner Conservation Commission 8-23-22 (Note: Our recording starts at actual beginning of meeting. We omitted all the private conversations recorded before the meeting started) Members of the Public in Attendance
A member of the public asked “If you gentlemen were actually opposed to the sludge…, how would you go about stopping it?” The Chair answered, “The hard part is when we’re a commission like this, we can’t go and say yes, we’re here and we put blinders on, and it’s very hard to do that. “ After discussion about possible timelines for a third party review, the matter was continued until October 24th.
Meeting Ends with Thud
At end of the meeting after it was adjourned and while the recording was still continuing, one of the commission members stated, “ I want to apologize to everybody here. This system is terrible. It isn’t a system, I don’t know what it is” Then the Chair is seen going in front of the camera and the recording stops with a thud.
Watch meeting on YouTube if desired. CLICK HERE
- Warren Visit (8/23/2022)
Community, Government, and Business Leaders Meet U.S. Senator Warren – Mayor Nicholson – Representative Zlotnik Community Leaders Meet in Gardner MA August 22, 2022
According to Mayor Nicholson: “Yesterday, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren visited Gardner to meet with representatives of our business community, educational institutions, and our state and local officials to discuss issues facing local businesses, revitalizing our economy, the lingering effects of the pandemic, and how the City can take advantage of the several federal grant programs that have recently been created. Thank you to Senator Warren and everyone who participated for taking the time to talk about all the work being done in Gardner.”
Mayor Nicholson went on to say, “We continue to advocate for our city with officials at every level to make sure Gardner has a seat at the table and a part in these conversations moving forward.”
The meeting took place at the GFA Federal Credit Union in Gardner MA.
- The Zone (8/22/2022)
Gardner MA Is in The Zone
The Green Circle is 25 miles from Gardner MA and somewhat defines “The Zone.” Gardner is uniquely positioned for success because of its center position within The Zone. The Chair City is accessible via major transportation routes including Route 2 – West of Fitchburg/Leominster, Northwest of Worcester, Southwest of Nashua, Southeast of Keene, Northeast of Amherst, and so on.
Anyone with an existing business desiring an additional location would snatch up a spot in Gardner MA in a very quick minute, because Gardner is in “The Zone.” Did you know that Gardner MA has 2 designated “Opportunity Zones” which can save investors big bucks. CLICK HERE.
- Top 40 (8/22/2022)
Worcester Business Journal’s 40 under 40 – 2022 WBJ Article Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Makes the Top 40
As he is blessed with an Angelic Singing Voice as evidenced by performances in Caroling with the Mayor, CLICK HERE for audio page, it would not have surprised us if he had a Top 40 Josh Groban type hit. However, Nicholson was nominated and won entrance into Worcester Business Journal’s 40 under 40.
About being an award recipient, the Mayor posted, “I was both humbled and surprised when they told me. I love my community and am looking forward to the work that’s ahead of us.”
Gardner Magazine recently told you of Mayor Nicholson’s popularity towering over an AI voice, CLICK HERE. and previously wrote about his Magic Mike. CLICK HERE. We also have an article showing the Mayor at age 40, CLICK HERE.
- Majestic Flag (8/22/2022)
American Flag Flying majestically at Gardner MA Police Headquarters
The recently replaced flag outside Gardner PD was truly a sight to behold on Sunday August 21, 2022. Gardner honors the flag at the beginning of many of its meetings with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance – such as every Gardner MA City Council meeting.
Learn more about the American Flag from Britannica, CLICK HERE
- Gardner MA Museum (8/21/2022)
Gardner MA Museum Announces its Fall Lineup
The Museum in Gardner MA known as the Gardner Museum has announced various events and its Fall 2022 Lecture Series which runs the months of September and October.
On September 1, 2022, the Gardner Museum features the Start of the Exhibit – Gardner Theatre Guild on display during regular opening hours until December 18th.
Lecture Series
9/8: Tinseltown Inventor: Hedy Lamarr —- 9/15 A Taste of Art with award-winning artist Kathryn Swantee. —- 9/22: Women in WWII with Kara Fossey —- 9/29: Reflections on Spectacle Pond with George Kinder —- 10/6: Annual Veterans Roundtable —- 10/13: Poetry Night at the Museum with Published poet Ryk McIntyre —- 10/20: All Shall Be Well with Will Darcangelo —- 10/27: Bumbling through the Hindu Kush with local journalist and author Chris Woolf
November 9, 2022: The 16th annual Festival of Trees begins and runs until Saturday December 3rd.
Free Admission
September 17th from 1 to 4pm is Annual Smithsonian Day. Everyone gets in FREE to the Gardner Museum
For complete details on all and a printable pdf, CLICK HERE
- Robot Responds (8/21/2022)
Robot Responds to Update Controversy – A Tongue-in-Check Article in Gardner MA
Gardner Magazine uses AI voices as announcers for various projects. We admittedly do not pay them even minimum wage.
Yesterday we revealed that the Mayor’s Update of 8/05/22 had been heard 3,654 times, today that’s up to 3,674 times. Mayor’s Update of 8/12/22 had been heard 3,039 (correction – 2,839) times, today that’s up to 2.931 times. Our AI voiced Update for 8/19/22 was heard 90 times, today that’s up to 218 times.
Update: 8/23/22: up to 8/22/22, Mayor’s Update of 8/12/22 has been heard 3,483 times, our AI voiced update for 8/19/22 has been heard 446 times. This means that in the last 2 days, the 8/12 Mayor was heard 552 times and our 8/19 update was heard 228 times. Week-old Mayor clobbers AI 2 to 1. Sorry, robot…
AI Fails to Beat the Magic Mike
The Robot responded, “I work harder on AUDIO than the Mayor. He has a camera crew and editing team, while all I have is my AI skills. Mayor Nicholson practically works 24/7 on a zillion projects at once, so why is it that people like him better?”
Publisher’s answer: “It’s got to be the Magic Mike.” See our original story on the man behind the “Magic Mike.” CLICK HERE.
Mayor’s Weekly Updates are rare elsewhere. While investigating this nationwide, Gardner Magazine determined that Gardner MA is highly unique in its overall transparency. While all of us in the Press often complain, it is important to note that one of the reasons for Gardner’s recent spurt in successes is that Gardner is putting itself out there. Good for you, Gardner!
Balance to be Restored. The balance in the universe should be restored this week as Mayor Nicholson records another update for YouTube – City YouTube Channel, (subscription is free) and of course we’ll feature the AUDIO version of it here. Sorry robot… Past Mayor’s AUDIO updates for 2022, click here. City Council Meetings —- School Committee Meetings —- Special Occasions
- Ain’t We Got Fun (8/20/2022)
Another Song to Celebrate the Gardner MA Centennial Celebration Coming January 1, 2023
Two years before Gardner became a City, the song Ain’t We Got Fun was released by Van & Schenck. We chose to feature it here because in 100 years, some of the problems and situation described are still a part of daily life. Digitized to mp3. Just CLICK PLAY.
Ain’t We Got Fun – Van & Schenck 1921 Sing along with the fun lyrics, pdf, CLICK HERE.
- School Bus Routes (8/20/2022)
Gardner MA Public Schools Releases Draft of Bus Routes
The lists are based on the most current information and are subject to change. CLICK HERE.
The graphic at illustrates the importance of watching out for students who are getting on or getting off School buses.
- Nicholson vs Robot (8/20/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson shown at age 40 with hypothetical U.S. Senate run and at age 50 as U.S. President. (Age Progression software used)
Editorial: Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson preferred over a robot.
On August 19, 2022 we tried an experiment – putting together our own Chair City Update because the Mayor’s version was unavailable due to staffing issues. We can confidently say citizens overwhelmingly prefer Mayor Nicholson to the robot. While the Mayor’s AUDIO update of August 5, 2022 has been listened to 3,654 times, August 12th update 3,039 (correction: 2,839) times, our AI voiced update got only 90 listens since 2pm yesterday. Next time the film crew is unavailable Mr. Mayor, please take us up on our offer to record an AUDIO update. The Chair City is really interested in what you have to say.
The popular Gardner Mayor got 80 percent of the vote in the last election. When asked in April, 2022 about his political future, Nicholson appeared satisfied with his current role as Mayor stating he’ll keep the job as long as the voters will have him. If he continues to have successes in moving the Chair City forward, we predict the Mayor’s political future has much more potential than he now realizes.
- Weekly Update 8-19-22 (8/19/2022)
Gardner Magazine Updates City – Mayor Without Update Due to Staffing
Note: Last week’s Mayor’s Update has received 73 views on YouTube and as of yesterday 2,354 listens on Gardner Magazine. However, our offer to record an AUDIO update was not accepted. So we’ll provide one instead. Click Play.
Chair City Update August 19, 2022 Chair City Update August 19, 2022
Paving Week of August 22nd
Parker Street and Connors Street will be paved on Monday August 22, 2022 beginning at 4am. Parker Street will be paved from Lafayette Square to Main Street. Connors Street will be paved from City Hall Avenue to Parker Street. This is the final coat of pavement needed for these streets as part of the Downtown Infrastructure Improvement Project.
Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic
On Wednesday, August 24th, there will be a Covid 19 Vaccine Clinic from 3pm to 6pm at the Bethany Baptist Church, 72 Ryan Street, Gardner. All doses of the 3 different brands of Vaccine will be available. Ages 5 and over are welcome via walk-in, but registration is encouraged. Please bring vaccine card and health insurance card if you have one.
Weekend Events
On Saturday August 20th, the Elvis Tribute Band, Fellowship of the King will play at Monument Park at the 45th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley. Concert begins at 5pm. See article
On Sunday August 21st, Gardner Massachusetts churches are joining forces for a Community Worship Sunday starting at 10am at Monument Park, featuring music, message, food, and fun. All are welcome. See article.
On Sunday August 21st, The P.A.C.C. at 171 Kendall Pond Road West in Gardner is holding a Polish Drive-Thru on Sunday August 21, 2022 from 11am to 3pm. See article
On Sunday, August 21st, the Tenth Annual Ride of Your Life takes place at Heywood Hospital, 242 Green Street, Gardner. Riders and passengers pay a registration fee and take a 3 hour ride through North Central Massachusetts with stops at area motorcycle shops. Proceeds benefit suicide prevention efforts in the North Central and North Quabbin regions. See article
Gardner Has a New Police Chief
Lieutenant Eric McAvene is officially Chief McAvene on Monday August 22nd. Having served the past two decades on the Gardner force, he was appointed by Mayor Nicholson and accepted the position. Formal City Council confirmation to follow. See article
Construction in the Chair City
Gardner Elementary: The week of August 22, 2022 will be the 4th extended week of construction at the New Gardner Elementary School. Mayor Nicholson has advised the main goal is to get an occupancy permit for the building so school can start even if the grounds still need some work. Meanwhile, Gardner Public Schools has released its projected School Calendar reflecting the delayed start of school. See article
Candor Realty continues work on 25 Main Street, recently completing some badly needed roof repairs. The company has also stated it is interested in purchasing additional properties in Gardner.
Work also continues at 42 to 52 Parker Street. The walls have gone up this week following Gardner Planning Board approval of their complete plan for the building.
Community Health Connections has made significant progress on their new Health Center building off Route 68 near Walmart.
The Drought
Enforcement with fines and possible water shut-offs for violators of the outdoor water use ban will begin after a Code Red call reminding people of the drought.
Pleasant Street open again
Following meetings with staff, community leaders, and business owners, a decision was made to once again open up Pleasant Street. For just under two months, the street was closed off in order to create a plaza with outdoor seating. The idea had been proposed for years, but never tried. A comment from Mayor Nicholson in our article.
Gardner High Athletics
Gardner High Athletics has announced key dates for the upcoming fall season. There are youth nights, alumni nights, recreation nights, senior nights, and there will be a game on Thanksgiving morning against Quabbin. See article.
- Golumpki (8/18/2022)
Due to Golumpki, Gardner MA Has No Need to Cook on Sun. Aug. 21st
The P.A.C.C. at 171 Kendall Pond Road West in Gardner is holding a Polish Drive-Thru on Sunday August 21, 2022 from 11am to 3pm.
Customers get Full Polish Meals, prepared on the premises with each meal including a bowl of kapusta, pierogis, golumpki, and kielbasa for $15. Meals will be served from 11-3. While Supplies last! Cash Only. Facebook page CLICK HERE
- Gardner Promotes from Within (8/18/2022)
Gardner MA Now Has New Police Chief Eric McAvene
As of August 17, 2022 it is now Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene. (appointment is official as of Monday August 22nd) McAvene, who has served as Lieutenant is getting a temporary appointment, and rather than utilizing a 60 day probationary period, the Mayor will immediately ask for City Council confirmation of a 3 year permanent appointment. Mayor’s reason: McAvene already showed his ability to perform the job when he and Lieutenant Maroni stepped in and performed Chief’s duties. Appointment will be before the City Council during the month of September. The Chief has been on the Gardner force for two decades. View Mayor Nicholson’s letter to Gardner City Council – pdf – CLICK HERE – Text, CLICK HERE
The position of Deputy Chief will be posted next week according to Mayor Nicholson comments at the Appointments Committee meeting of 8/17.
This announcement was made during a Gardner Appointments Committee meeting of August 17, 2022 at which Sergeant Walter was recommended for reappointment. During the discussion, both Walter and the new Police Chief McAvene told of the hostile work environment experienced during the tenure of the previous Chief and Deputy Chief. Listen for yourself. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Appointments Committee August 17, 2022 - Questions Answered 8-17-22 (8/18/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Answers Questions on Pending Matters in the Chair City
Question: “School Construction is now in week 3 of the contemplated “two more weeks.” How much longer realistically? And when does the school have to be done to be in line with the already contemplated delay?”
Mayor Nicholson, “The two weeks was the delay for the start of the school year (if I am understanding your question correctly). In order to get people into the school building, the working in the building would have to be completed about a week before teachers move in, which for the Elementary School would be on September 6th. The exterior work, such as landscaping and final playground work, will likely be done the week or two after school starts. For now our priority is to finish the items necessary for the school to receive its temporary occupancy certificate so that we can begin school in the building, even if the grounds need a little work still at that point.”
Question: “In light of the drought, does the City of Gardner intend to enforce the local ordinance which provides potential penalties and possible water shutoff for offenders?”
Mayor Nicholson, “We are meeting on this to discuss how best to move forward with the City’s DPW Director and City Engineer as well as representatives from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. A Code-Red call reminding people of the drought will likely go out this week as a final reminder to people of the current critical drought status, and then enforcement will begin if people are still not abiding by the restrictions.”
Question: “What led to the sudden shutdown of Pleasant Plaza without notice to the public? To date, nothing mentioned on City of Gardner website.”
Mayor Nicholson: “We (Colin, Jess DeRoy, Trevor Beauregard, Roland Jean, and myself) met again with the business owners and Parker House of Pizza, Turks Barbershop, and Priscilla’s voiced concerns over the impacts of the plaza on their business. Taco Rey and Prestige Barbershop, all had positives, and Hope and Vibe Studios had mixed feelings on it. With the paving of Parker Street next week and the concerns that were taken into account, we opened the road up to ensure we were supporting the business community as much as possible for the last month of the summer with construction coming back to the area soon.”
- Inconsiderate Driver (8/17/2022)
Gardner MA Inconsiderate Driver Gets Ticket
An inconsiderate driver on August 16, 2022 will probably have to pay a fine for using 2 parking spaces.
License plate number hidden as driver is innocent until proven guilty.
It appears either space would have given driver ample room to park.
- Community Worship (8/17/2022)
Gardner MA Churches Join Forces for Community Worship Sunday August 21, 2022 10am at Monument Park
A community worship gathering jointly sponsored by 4 area congregations is taking place in Monument Park, Gardner on Sunday August 21,, 2022 at 10am. A Facebook post states there will be “music, message, food, and fun. All are welcome.”
Hosted by the congregations of Chestnut Street Methodist, Faith Lutheran, First Congregational, and Sanctuary Ministry Center.
Directions to Monument Park, CLICK HERE.
- Ride of Your Life (8/17/2022)
The 10th Annual Ride of Your Life in Gardner MA
The Tenth Annual Ride of Your Life Motorcycle Ride takes place Sunday, August 21, 2022 from Heywood Hospital, 242 Green Street, Gardner. It’s a 3 hour ride through North Central Massachusetts with stops at local motorcycle shops. Registration begins at 8am, kickstands up at 10am. $30 for riders and $25 for passengers. Proceeds to benefit suicide prevention efforts in the North Central and North Quabbin regions. Pledge form and waiver, CLICK HERE. Event flyer pdf, CLICK HERE
- Upcoming Wildcats Season (8/17/2022)
Gardner MA Athletics Releases Key Dates
From Gardner Wildcat Athletics, “Excited to announce some key dates for our upcoming fall season! While there is more fun stuff to come in addition to this list, we wanted to give everyone a chance to mark their calendars! Some quick notes:
* Youth nights – Chair City Lions (football/cheer) and Chair City Soccer (Soccer) will partner with our varsity programs to recognize our youngest athletes on these nights. CHAIR City LIONS and Chair City Soccer will send out communication soon!
* Alumni nights – Be on the lookout for information regarding our alumni events; we are looking to recognize alumni from a few of our sports who haven’t had an event like this in the past.
* Recreation nights – City of Gardner Recreation summer camp kids who wear their camp shirts on these nights will get in for free, and receive a free gift at the game.
* Senior nights – join us as we honor our senior athletes!
* Thanksgiving is back on Thanksgiving morning! Join us in the morning as we take on Quabbin to close out our season. This will also be senior day for our Football players and Cheerleaders.”
- School Calendar (8/16/2022)
Gardner MA Public Schools Releases Projected 2022-2023 Calendar
Gardner Public Schools releases projected 2022-2023 School Calendar reflecting delays, CLICK HERE
- Pleasant Street Reopens (8/16/2022)
Pleasant Plaza Now History and Street open again in Gardner MA
The experiment lasted less than 2 months and at least one Downtown Business owner is happy the street is open again. Parker House of Pizza posted, “We’re so excited that Pleasant Street is reopened. Thank you Mayor and his staff for listening to all the small businesses in Downtown that have been affected from the closure of Pleasant Street.” Parker House of Pizza website, CLICK HERE.
The change happened abruptly and without notice to the public sometime between August 15 and the morning of August 16, 2022. We have reached out to Mayor Nicholson for comment.
What Changed Since Saturday?
On WGAW’s Hotline Radio on Saturday August 13, 2022, Mayor Nicholson stated, “You know we had a meeting with the Business owners this past week to just feel out their thoughts and ideas on it, see what’s working, see what’s not, So I met with my team on Friday. We’ll be meeting again on Monday, seeing how we can make improvements to the area to best help the businesses there, so I do want to thank the businesses for meeting with us too, they’re the ones who are there so it’s always good to get their perspective …” Host Steve Wendell then asked, “But the Pleasant Park will continue til at least October.” and the Mayor responded saying, “Yeah, it’ll be reevaluated every 30 days. So the original plan was October 1st., taking the feedback that we get from the businesses and we’ll see how we can keep it going.” However, less than 3 days after this interview, Pleasant Plaza disappeared without explanation.
- Water Use Penalties (8/16/2022)
Illegal Water Use Could Lead to Water Shut Off and Monetary Penalties in Gardner MA
According to Chapter 636 of the City of Gardner Code, adopted by the Gardner City Council on 9-7-1999, the City of Gardner has authority to regulate water use upon a declaration of a water supply emergency issued by the Department of Environmental Protection. “This chapter is adopted by the City under its police powers to protect public health and welfare.” Public notice must be given before it can be enforced which has been done through the City’s website and various signage throughout the City. It has also been given through various media outlets. Currently all non-essential outdoor water use and outdoor watering is prohibited due to the Level 3 Drought Declaration by the State of MA.
Essential Uses
From the state of MA, “Essential uses are defined by MassDEP as uses required: a) for health or safety reasons; b) by regulation; c) for the production of food and fiber; d) for the maintenance of livestock; or e) to meet the core functions of a business. Nonessential uses are those other than essential uses.”
Penalties To Be Imposed
Penalties specified include $50 for first violation and $100 for each subsequent violation, each day constituting a separate offense. “The Director of Public Works may terminate or restrict the water service serving the property of any person constantly violating this chapter until such time as the state of water supply conservation is terminated.”
Reports on Social Media
Various reports on Social Media over the past week seem to indicate that there are isolated instances of businesses and/or people violating the ordinance. We have reached out to the Mayor’s office for comment and will post Mayor Nicholson’s comments if/when we have some.
- View from Above (8/15/2022)
Photo from Candor Realty on August 15, 2022. CLICK IMAGE for larger view Note: Almost every day we have good news relating to Downtown Gardner. Here’s a previous article on 42-52 Parker Street, Gardner. CLICK HERE.
Candor Realty May Not Be Done Buying Buildings in Gardner MA
The company released this photo on Social Media on August 15, 2022 along with stating, “Some members of the Millennium Holding Group LLC and Candor Realty Team were in Gardner MA today checking in on projects and walking potential acquisitions. The building in the center of the picture is 25 Main Street, a commercial building we plan to make a cornerstone of the Downtown area.”
Patti Bergstrom, President of Gardner Square Two stated, “Love this photo and love our Downtown. We are excited about your investment in Gardner. Thank you!”
Candor Realty has already been fixing up 25 Main Street and has several rentals available within the building. It also purchased another building on Main Street which it is still renovating. There is one building on Parker Street still owned by Dean Marcus and the City has expressed an interest in facilitating a sale of that location so that a new owner could positively transform that building as well. Meanwhile, construction continues at 42 to 52 Parker Street on a building purchased by another company.
- Zippy Pace (8/15/2022)
New Gardner MA Elementary School Construction at Zippy Pace
New Gardner Elementary School on August 15, 2022 Meanwhile, Gardner Public Schools released some photos and this statement, “A few more photos from today, as the moving starts! These truly show how many different types of work are going on all at once.”
- Stolen Vehicle (8/15/2022)
Need Readers Help in Catching A Crook
From Gardner Police Department: “Picture of the truck and trailer below were stolen from the Oak St shell at approximately 11:10 this morning. If seen contact the Gardner Police Department at 978-632-5600 ext. 0 Update the truck has a “Salvadores” sticker on the back window and white lettering on the side windows.”
- West Lynde (8/14/2022)
Extraordinary means taken to Shop the Merchants of West Lynde Street, Downtown Gardner MA
Whether you travel through a portal from another universe or just get in your car, you’ll find 4 great businesses waiting for you on West Lynde Street in Gardner MA. (1) Studio 4 Potters and Gallery “is a collaborative ceramics shop…tucked just below the stairs at 4 West Lynde: 5.0, 4 Google Reviews Website. —– (2) Bruce’s Watch and Jewelry, jewelry and watch store and watch repair shop at 6 West Lynde: 4.2, 28 Google Reviews Website. —- (3) Synergy Hair Salon, a professional hair salon at 10 West Lynde 4.3, 10 Google Reviews. —-(4) Hometown Barbers, centrally located classic-feel barbershop at right corner of West Lynde: 4.9, 77 Google Reviews Website. —–More Downtown…
Rediscover Downtown Gardner MA for a multi-generational experience. Improving Every Day!
- Remmy and Zeus (8/14/2022)
Local Dogs Remmy and Zeus Endorse Gardner MA Dog Park
They come from different households, but on Sunday August 14, 2022, these two German Shepherds played like siblings. Drinking water from time to time and running around like crazy, the two dogs appeared to have a great time. They didn’t speak much, but their happy expressions say everything. The Gardner Dog Park at Pulaski, off Charbonneau and Wright Streets often draws people to the Chair City.
- 3 Choices (8/14/2022)
- Elvis Presley Group (8/13/2022)
Fellowship of the King playing Monument Park Gardner MA on Saturday August 20, 2022 at 5pm – shown at other venue. Elvis Tribute Band to Play Monument Park August 20, 2022 at 45th Anniversary of Death
Elvis Aaron Presley lived from January 8, 1935 to August 16, 1977 and was an American singer and actor. Often called the “King of Rock and Roll”, he is most often referred to as simply Elvis. More on Elvis from Wikipedia, CLICK HERE.
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, The Fellowship of the King will play Monument Park in Gardner MA beginning at 5pm. They are a group of professional musicians who formed the core rhythm section of Elvis Presley’s Tribute Concert band from August 2018. The personnel and the band members are Brian Martin (lead guitar), Chris Boliver (bass), JC Uttaro (keyboards) and Brandon Fontaine (drums) and Dan Fontaine III as Elvis. The band was formed in 2014 and covers Elvis Presley’s entire musical career between 1954 to 1977.
Do they sound like Elvis and are they as great as everybody says? You be the judge. Here’s a performance from last year at Powder Mill Park in Spencer. Fellowship of the King performing “In the Ghetto” Play on any device. Enjoy the Concert on August 20th, Monument Park Gardner MA 5pm.
Fellowship of the King – In the Ghetto .
- Ongoing Construction (8/13/2022)
Gardner MA NEW Gardner Elementary School Construction Continues – Deadline Missed
There’s no official word on whether the continued construction delay will further delay the opening of Gardner Public Schools, but Gardner Mayor Nicholson on Saturday August 13, 2022 was still quoting the previously stated timeline. In an email to the Gardner School Committee on August 1, 2022,. SEE ARTICLE. , Gardner Superintendent of Schools Mark Pellegrino stated that Bacon Construction “will need two more weeks to finish the project. I have been assured that it will ONLY BE TWO WEEKS.” Email PDF That assurance was in a scheduled check-in meeting on Friday July 29th. With the construction signs still up at the entrances, the work continues in what will now be week 3.
A closeup photo taken with a zoom lens shows an active construction site still exists at the new Gardner Elementary School. According to the Superintendent’s email to the School Committee on 8/1/22, ” 1. The elementary school will be delayed two weeks (8 school days) with a new start date of 9/15 for grades 1-4, 9/15 for kindergarten, and 9/19 for preschool. (All of these dates are two weeks later. I will be requesting a waiver for 4 of the 8 days. 2. The middle school, high school and Gardner Academy will only be starting one week late (9/6).” In letter to parents, start date for grade 1-4 is 9/12. See letter.
It is unclear what duration of further construction delay it will take to precipitate a further delay in school start times. Two storage containers sit outside the construction entrance. Pearl Street has been paved and lined and awaits the traffic of school opening.
Storage Containers at Construction Entrance to new Gardner Elementary School Exterior Photo Gallery of School 8/10/22. CLICK HERE.
- Hotline Radio 8-13-22 (8/13/2022)
Radio Station sign Radio Station WGAW recently began its 76th year of broadcasting to the region. Hotline Radio airs every Saturday from noon to 2pm on the station with host Steve Wendell. Listen on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, or Listen Live Online, CLICK HERE.
Mayor Nicholson and Civil Defense Director Topolski on Gardner MA WGAW Radio
On Saturday August 13, 2022, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was host Steve Wendell’s first guest as usual and spoke of staffing issues in the current environment. He spoke of delays in trash pickup due to staffing issues with E.L. Harvey and that the company was catching up Friday and Saturday for Thursday pickups.
Greenwood Pool Staffing Issues
Nicholson stated, “We are still experiencing the economic effects of the pandemic.… Normally we’ve got a list a mile long, a wait list for people looking for lifeguard jobs, but this year no one wanted to do them.” He stated that staffing issues prevented Spray Park at Greenwood Pool opening this year.
Program to Assist with School Delay
Mayor Nicholson spoke of delay of the Gardner Public Schools opening. School District is attempting to come up with a program to assist with day care for elementary school students during the delay, reaching out to various organizations. Most schools start September 6th, Gardner Elementary starts about a week later.
Gardner PD Update
The Panel of 5 Review committee has selected 3 top candidates, including at least one individual from the Gardner Police Department. Once Chief is chosen, Deputy Chief position will be posted.
With Paul Topolski, Director of Civil Defense
Paul Topolski, Director of Civil Defense, spoke of getting together with a regional plan with various area communities. Would concern flood plans, hazardous materials, manmade technological disasters, and natural disasters such as various storms. Various courses available on FEMA website for individuals interested in civil defense.
- Tax Free Weekend (8/13/2022)
The Massachusetts Sales Tax is suspended for Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14, 2022. It’s like a BIG SALE built in to almost everything you buy!
The Sales Tax Holiday in Greater Gardner MA will give you just a little bit more money in your pocket for those school supplies, that brand new toaster, or even a TV!
- Update 8-12-22 (8/12/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Watch the Mayor’s Updates on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. Or listen, just click Play below. Starts in about 5 seconds.
Mayor Nicholson Update August 12, 2022 In a witty weekly update Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Focuses on “Time.” 8-12-22
CLICK PLAY to listen to Mayor’s Update 8-12-22 Trash Delays: The Mayor advised residents to “Keep Your Toters Out” as he spoke of E.L. Harvey trash delays.
Paving Schedule: The Mayor went over various paving updates.
Time for an end: Last week of Recreation program – had 250 students participating, thanked Athletic Director Dan Forte and Camp Counselors.
New time at Monument Park: Traveling Jones will be playing Saturday August 13, 2022 starting at 5pm which is an hour earlier than the rest of the summer has been.
Time for Rain: Mayor Nicholson went over the Level 3 Critical Drought that Gardner is under with a complete ban on all outdoor watering stating, “One day of rain doesn’t account for 30 days of drought.”
Time for a probationary period: Police Chief search committee has narrowed it down from the original applicants down to 3. Mayor to interview each of the 3 candidates, expects to make a choice before the end of the month. Will do a 60 day temporary appointment prior to putting appointment before City Council.
Time for a break: No Mayor’s Update on 8/19 due to staffing, next update August 26, 2022.
Time for Listening: Gardner Magazine maintains AUDIO archives of items of interest. Mayor’s Updates, City Council Meetings, School Committee Meetings, Special Events and Occasions.
- Planning Board (8/11/2022)
Gardner MA Planning Board Approves Plans for 42-52 Parker
Gary Lorden appeared before the Board on August 9, 2022 and explained the Project in great detail. You can watch the meeting on YouTube, CLICK HERE or Listen to it here by clicking Play.
Gardner MA Planning Board August 9, 2022 The project still awaits full approval from the Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals which holds another meeting on August 16, 2022 —Read Agenda, CLICK HERE.
- Genuine Pizza (8/11/2022)
West Broadway Pizza and Seafood is Genuine Gardner MA.
West Broadway and Seafood actually delivers to Gardner, Hubbardston, Westminster, and parts of Templeton MA spreading the joy of Gardner.
Genuine Gardner Series
Our Genuine Gardner Series showcases positive businesses, people, places, and things in Gardner MA.
West Broadway Pizza and Seafood, 15 West Broadway, Gardner is “Genuine Gardner.”
According to the signage posted at West Broadway and Seafood, the popular eatery features “Deliciousness Jumping Into the Mouth”.
The restaurant has both a website –CLICK HERE – and a Facebook page – CLICK HERE. And, is NOW HIRING!
Food Served includes Pizza, Wings, Salads, Subs, Chicken, Pasta, and Seafood.
- Topic of Sludge (8/11/2022)
Gardner MA Conservation Commission Chair: “not be bullied, harassed, called, bamboozled, dumped on”
On August 9, 2022, the Gardner Conservation Commission took up the issue of the expansion of the Sludge landfill. While the City asked to continue the matter to August 22nd via an email from DPW Director Dane Arnold, Chairman Greg Dumas was not quick to dismiss the issue. He stated, “I’d like to read a few statements.” He then stated he was reading right out of the City’s Ordinance. “The purpose of Section 1 is to preserve and exercise jurisdiction over the protected resource areas as defined….” He then continued, listing all of the items and areas the Commission is charged to protect.”
“We’re Gonna Do the Right Thing”
With a passionate tone, the Chairman stated, “This Commission will not be bullied, harassed, called, bamboozled, dumped on with all kinds of information that’s needless to the commission. If we decide we want third party review, then we’re gonna get third party review. If the city’s doesn’t wanna pay for it, we’re authorized…to do so… We’re gonna do the right thing, no matter what., we always have, we always will.” The commission then voted to continue the matter to August 22nd.” In a July meeting, the Commission expressed its desire to get more information via a third party review.
Conservation Commission 8-9-22 Watch this meeting on YouTube – CLICK HERE – Or, Listen by clicking Play. (The portion which directly applies to this matter starts at 21:56 in, just use the slider to advance to the right if desired.)
Previous Articles and City of Gardner Position
View our complete article of July 12, 2022. CLICK HERE – View our initial article of May 25, 2022 – CLICK HERE. In an interview on August 3, 2022, –CLICK HERE – we asked Mayor Nicholson about this matter and he stated, “….everything’s had to be vetted as thoroughly as possible by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, the EPA. This is something that, we have to be remembering our fiduciary responsibility that we have for our rate payers. This is not a taxpayer project because not everyone is on our sewer system, but it has to be something that we take care of in the way that’s most effective, most environmentally friendly, and financially responsible for us. In that, we’ve looked at other proposals. We’ve looked at anaerobic digestion, we’ve looked at trucking the cost away, but it would result in a massive increase in our sewer rates, and we just can’t pass that on to the rate payers.”
- Storefronts (8/11/2022)
Storefronts Successful in Gardner MA and some Available Spots
Businesses can be very successful in Gardner MA and there’s choice storefronts available in Downtown Gardner, Timpany Plaza, and Timpany Crossroads. What kind of business are you bringing to the popular Chair City?
Successful Storefronts and Newly Opened Stores
Available Storefronts in Gardner Massachusetts
Get some of your costs covered: About a month ago, we published an article on the Storefront Revitalization Program. CLICK HERE.
- Fast pace School (8/10/2022)
Construction at NEW Gardner MA Elementary School continuing at fast pace with many workers, photos reveal – Complete Gallery, CLICK HERE.
- Fall Festival (8/10/2022)
Gardner MA Getting Ready for Fabulous Fall Festival and Octoberfest
2 Events in One
The Fabulous Fall Festival and Octoberfest is taking place Saturday, September 24, 2022 in Downtown Gardner MA. Fall Festival is 10am to 4pm and Octoberfest is 11am to 8pm. The famous Gardner Chair Luge is back this year!
Beautiful Flower Pots on their way
As part of the sprucing up of Downtown Gardner prior to the Fall Festival, Gardner is expecting over 100 24 inch Flower pots. The problem: The current drought regulations only allows watering the plants in them with hand watering cans, so only some may be put out. Mayor Nicholson stated in an email, “They are arriving from the manufacturer this week. I don’t expect them to be fully out until Parker Street is paved right before the Fall Festival/Oktoberfest and hopefully the drought has been lifted by then, but we will continue to monitor the situation and play it by ear for sure.” According to Jessica DeRoy, there are 100 for Downtown Gardner and another 25 for South Gardner.
Building Work Continues
It will still take some time for all Downtown Buildings to be 100 percent, but the substantial progress is being noticed by everyone. We wrote a previous article on Fix It Fever. CLICK HERE.
Paving Work Downtown
As detailed in another article, CLICK HERE, paving work is taking place in Downtown Gardner with paving on Parker Street and Connors Street to be completed the week of August 22nd.
We’ll provide you with more details on the Fabulous Fall Festival and Octoberfest as we get them.
- End Paving Season (8/10/2022)
Gardner MA Paving Work Announced for August and September 2022
Gardner DPW is using various Construction Companies to complete paving work. DPW released a tentative timeline which can change based on weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances.
August 15-17: Adjustment of structures on Parker Street and Connors Street, and, Lower and plate on Crestwood Drive. August 22: Pave Parker Street and Connors Street. August 25-26: Reclaim Crestwood Drive August 29: Binder Crestwood Drive. August 29 to September 2: Lower and plate structures in Coleman Street neighborhood. September 6-16: Reclaim Coleman Street neighborhood. September 12: Begin binder in Coleman Street neighborhood.
Definitions: (For those like me who never went to paving school)
Lower and plate structures – this is work done so the expensive drains don’t get ground up. Reclaim – this is when they pulverize the existing asphalt, ultimately reusing it as a base to save money for the City. Binder – This is the bottom of 2 coats of pavement, whereas the top coat is the finish coat. Berm – the curb on the side of the road.
Learn more with these resources: ACPLM Glossary —- US Pavement Glossary —- Asphalt Institute Glossary.
- New School Update (8/9/2022)
Construction Continues on New Gardner MA Elementary School
School has been delayed for the 2022 School Year and all are hoping no more delays are required. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson made a number of photos of the interior of the new school available and we show them on this page. CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Business (8/8/2022)
Businesses are Opening in Gardner MA, and There’s room for you too in 2022!
September 2nd: Chris Guerra Production Studio – website – 215 School Street, Suite 115, Gardner, September 7th: Grand Opening Celebration Wireless Zone – website – 308 West Broadway Unit 5. September 21st: Edward Jones – 380 West Broadway Unit2 – Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening.
Chamber Event September 14th: Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce – website – Business After Hours at Southside Margarita Factory.
Locations for Your Business
Just a Sampling of great spots for your business. Contact your Realtor for info or they are always helpful at Gardner Community Development and Planning, CLICK HERE.
- Great Place (8/8/2022)
Gardner MA is a great place to Build, to Innovate, To Be a Brother, to Study Music, to Bring new Ideas, to Do Business, for Great Pizza, to Get in Shape, to Grow Industry, to be a Teen, and a great place to be a puppy. Great Place!
Gardner MA, Is a Great Place to be
For the complete Gardner is a Great Place to be page, CLICK HERE.
- Building Inspector (8/8/2022)
City of Gardner MA Looking for Full-time Building Inspector
An opportunity to work for the Chair City. Only catch: You must apply by Friday August 12, 2022 at 1:00PM. Details, CLICK HERE.
- OML Complaints (8/5/2022)
Gardner Magazine has an Open Meeting Law Training page with AUDIO, VIDEO, and Written Materials. CLICK HERE.
Scott Graves Sends Gardner MA City Council Back to School
Despite Gardner MA City Council Having Good Intentions, Scott Graves Sends City Council Back to School on Technical Violations of Open Meeting Law.
One allegation concerned an email sent by Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas in which she communicated to the full City Council on December 30, 2021 informing them of her proposal to add an appointments committee because there would be 300 appointments expiring over the next 2 years. Apparently by giving her opinion via this method, she technically violated the Open Meeting Law. Another violation concerned the Council’s oversight in not approving 8/2/21 meeting minutes until April 19, 2022 which wasn’t considered timely. And, yet another violation was found in which the Council President circulated via email a proposed response to a Scott Graves lawsuit – the AG’s office considered this transparency to be a technical violation, calling it a deliberation. Finding: Each member of the Gardner City Council needs to attend Open Meeting Law Training, which is offered monthly via webinar. They must do so within 90 days of 8/1/22.
We are including the actual email from City Clerk to City Councilors and the full letters sent to Gardner by the Attorney General’s office. First AG Letter Second AG Letter Email from City Clerk to Councilors.
Publisher’s Editorial Note: Here’s my opinion of this nonsense with an analogy – If you inspect any sterile hospital room, you are bound to find a spec of dust. All of the City Council’s actions were in doing good for the City despite the technical infractions, and the irony is not lost that one of the matters concerned Graves lawsuits, somewhat like getting caught in an endless loop of nonsense. Our advice to City Council: From now on, dot the I’s and cross the t’s because this was an unneeded waste of City resources. And to Scott Graves: You can always find a spec of dust in a sterile room, but is this litigation good for Gardner? To City Councilors: Pack a nutritious lunch, because you’re going back to School!
- Growing Places (8/5/2022)
Growing Places Non-Profit Growing Places is in different communities on a daily basis. If you need food now, view the calendar. CLICK HERE.
Growing Places Pop-Up Market Stretches Gardner MA Food Budgets
This Summer and Fall, the Growing Places Refrigerated Van Pop-up Market brings fresh local produce to 74 West Street Gardner (across from the Gardner Ale House) every Friday from 10:00am to 11:00am. You can pay with cash, credit/debit, Farmers Market Coupons, or SNAP/HIP dollars. In fact if you have SNAP, you can get extra benefits for local produce. Complete flyer, CLICK HERE. Growing Places website, CLICK HERE.
- Oppressive Heat (8/5/2022)
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Issues Statement on Oppressive Heat and Fire Danger
The statement was issued just before noon on August 4, 2022 because of heat indices of from 95 to 105 degrees Thursday and Friday AND, from 95 to 100 degrees Saturday through Monday.
There is a potential impact of heat-related issues for at risk populations and those doing outdoor physical activities AND the ongoing drought conditions may increase risk of wildfires.
- Mayor’s Update 8-5-22 (8/5/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson View the weekly Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page, or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE.
Listen to the Mayor’s Update on any device. CLICK Play button below. Note that AUDIO starts after about 7 seconds. AUDIO of past updates, CLICK HERE.
Mayor’s Update August 5, 2022 Gardner Mayor Nicholson – Vote by Mail Application Mayor Nicholson at the Dunk Tank – National Night out August 2, 2022 Cheerful Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson speaks of Events and Various Local Issues
In his Weekly Update of August 5, 2022, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of past and future events and various local matters.
National Night Out: The Mayor thanked Veronica Patty for Coordinating the National Night Out. He also thanked others who helped. Dunk Tank raised almost $300, (Mayor’s dunkers contributed $94). He thanked the Massachusetts State Police for a helicopter flyover. Nicholson noted that Dan Forte was named community hero. Watch a video on YouTube, CLICK HERE. Or listen to the audio of the video. Just click Play. (Audio starts after about 7 seconds)
National Night Out August 2, 2022 Dogs: The Mayor spoke of dogs: If questions on Dog Licenses, contact the City Clerk’s office. Nicholson also spoke proudly of Rocky: Police K-9 Rocky was barked in to office after completing about 3 months of training. Rocky has already proven useful, tracking down perpetrators of a recent robbery. The Mayor also thanked the town of Westminster for various donations including a bullet proof vest for Rocky.
School Delay: Mayor Nicholson spoke of the delay in the start of Gardner Public Schools due to construction delay of new Elementary School. If there are any questions, please contact the Superintendent’s office.
September Events: Events coming up in September. The Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center is having their summer speaker series September 15th at Monument Park. The Fabulous Fall Festival and Octoberfest is taking place Saturday, September 24, 2022. Fall Festival is 10am to 4pm and Octoberfest is 11am to 8pm. The famous Gardner Chair Luge is back this year!
Scooters Soon Available: The Mayor announced that Bird Scooters will be opening up in 2 weeks in the City of Gardner. Bird is a private company opening a brand-new business.
Skateboard Issues: The City has been notified of issues with skateboards in the Pleasant Plaza seating area. In response, the DPW has installed No Skateboard signs.
Early Voting: The Mayor reminded citizens that the City Clerk’s office has already mailed out early voting applications, and even some ballots. State has also mailed applications out. You only need to fill out one application to be eligible.
- School Puzzle (8/5/2022)
Gardner MA Successfully Tackling Education Puzzle in Gardner Public Schools
Employees of the Gardner School District have received praise from Administrators, Public Officials, and School Committee members for their work during the pandemic. However, much of the superior work done to improve the learning experience in Gardner Public Schools has gone unreported.
Gardner MA Public School Ratings should now be listed as Good to Excellent. Gardner has significantly updated its curriculum in the last couple of years or so for every grade level from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Measurable Statistics show that Gardner Public Schools are increasingly becoming EDOCs, (Education Destinations of Choice). Gardner Superintendent Mark Pellegrino will be interviewing with us soon to go over details of Gardner successes.
Gardner publishes its Curriculum Guide for each grade and exceeds State of MA requirements. Gardner has a system in place for ongoing Curriculum review. It even has a Social/Emotional Learning Framework. There’s a renewed focus on the Arts. Student Indoctrination is specifically prohibited as students are taught how to think, but not what to think. And there’s a responsible technology policy in place for students, teachers, and staff. For our complete article on Gardner Public Schools, please CLICK HERE.
Summer Vacation has been extended as the opening of the new Gardner Elementary School has been delayed. For the complete article, CLICK HERE.
- Music Job (8/4/2022)
Gardner MA Has Opening for Dream Job
As of August 4, 2022, Gardner needs a Gardner Middle School Band Director and a Marching Percussion Instructor at Gardner High School. Doesn’t have to be the same person. The Middle School Band Director is a full teacher position. The High School Percussion Instructor is part-time throughout the marching band season.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work in one of the Commonwealth’s most wonderful School Districts – The Chair City.
These are highly prestigious jobs in this sought-after School District so the positions are expected to be filled rapidly. Here is a link to the General Employment Application. CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner MA has other positions available. For more information, CLICK HERE – For private sector jobs available within 5 miles of Gardner MA and listed on Indeed, CLICK HERE
- No Tax (8/4/2022)
No Sales Tax in Greater Gardner MA on Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14
The Massachusetts State Legislature approved the break from state sales tax on most retail items less than $2,500. If you can wait for that $200 air conditioner, you save $12.50. If you can wait to buy that $1500 washer/dryer combo, you’ll save close to a hundred bucks! Schedule a purchase of that furniture you’ve been wanting which costs 2 grand, and you’ll save a whopping $125. Wait a few days to buy that $500 laptop for school, and you save over 30 bucks.
The Sales Tax Holiday in Greater Gardner MA will give you just a little bit more money in your pocket for those school supplies, that brand new toaster, or even a TV!
- Departments Interview (8/3/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Citizen Concerns and Departments – Interview 8-3-22 City of Gardner Department Links:
Departments A to G, CLICK HERE
Departments H to Z CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Interviewed on Citizen Concerns and City Departments
On August 3, 2022, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson answered our questions regarding Citizen Concerns and the Interaction of City Departments with Community Members. We present the AUDIO of the complete interview in mp3 format. Listen on any device.
Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson 8-3-22 Subjects covered included National Night Out, the Timeline of Gardner Public Schools, Social Media Posts, Water Pooling Issues at the Dog Park, the DPW, Addressing Citizen Concerns and needs, Parks and Recreation, Job Openings with the City, DPW Vacancies, Gardner Housing Authority, Department Heads and the Press, the Building Department, Animal Control, Reappointment of City Treasurer, Assessor/Tax Collector and Taxes, City Clerk, Various Departments working together, Public Safety, Health Department, Funding for positions, Purchasing Department, Human Resources, School Staffing, Gardner Sludge, and Praise for Departments.
Complete Article with text of entire interview, CLICK HERE.
- City Council 8-1-22 (8/2/2022)
Watch Gardner MA City Council Meetings on the City of Gardner YouTube Channel, or on our City Council page, CLICK HERE.
You can also listen to this meeting as we publish the AUDIO. Click Play below. AUDIO and articles on older meetings, CLICK HERE.
Meeting starts at 1:27 in. You can move slider to advance. There is a recess a few minutes in to swear in Rocky. Meeting is called back to order at 10:25 in.
Gardner City Council August 1, 2022 Transfer Station Trends
Free Cash 2022
Gardner MA City Council has Meeting on First Day of August
The Complete Agenda, CLICK HERE
The Highlight of the meeting occurred at the beginning as Rocky was confirmed unanimously to a permanent appointment at a Police K-9. Interim Police Chief Philip Kearns was recognized at the podium to speak about Rocky. He spoke of Rocky’s successful first day in aiding the capture of 4 suspects charged with theft of property from an apartment. Rocky barked loudly to the City Clerk to confirm the acceptance of his permanent appointment.
Rocky about to be sworn in Mayor Nicholson stated, “looking forward to seeing him to continue the good work that he has already done.”
The agenda references the following items the Council considered at the meeting: Various routine money transfers, 14 different communications to the Council, 6 appointment items, the State Primary, and the reports of standing committees.
Efficiencies at the Transfer Station.
Mayor Nicholson reports success in staffing and procedure adjustments made to try to increase efficiencies in operations and better monitor what is being dropped off. The average is approximately $50,000 more a year in revenue at the transfer station. (see chart at left)
Free Cash Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2022 shown at left.
Ambulance Reimbursement
In another communication, Mayor Nicholson informed the Council the state had reimbursed the City $255,573.00 for the Commonwealth’s Fiscal Year 2021 Ambulance Certified Public Expenditure cost Settlement program. Last year, the city received 230,000. The MA program is in place to offset the low patient transport rates paid by Medicaid.
Open Meeting Law Complaints
An open Meeting law complaint filed by Gregory Deehan (covered in previous article), Letter from Mayor on matter -pdf. Letter from Attorney General on matter -pdf and a Ruling from the Attorney General relative to an Open Meeting Law complaint (finding in favor of City)
City Treasurer Re-elected
Current City Treasurer and Collector of Taxes Jennifer Dymek was elected unanimously to a 3 year term to commence August 19, 2022. She was praised for the City’s recent perfect audit. Letter to City Council from Jennifer Dymek.
Dead people can vote in MA
As ballots are processed before Election Day, the law against counting the ballot of someone who dies before Election Day has been repealed. Ballot can be counted as long as the voter was alive when it was cast, which means as of the postmark date or when it was hand-delivered or deposited into a drop box. This is from an election advisory of June 23, 2022 from William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The Next Meeting of the Gardner City Council will be on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 due to Labor Day being on Monday 9/6 and Election Day being on Tuesday 9/7.
- School Delay (8/1/2022)
New Gardner Public School Schedule – CLICK IMAGE for larger view – a new complete Calendar will be published soon. NEW Gardner Elementary School 7-15-22 Summer Vacation Extended as Supply Chain Issues Delay NEW Gardner MA Elementary School Opening
Two weeks ago on July 15, 2022 Gardner Magazine published an article quoting the Project Supervisor at the NEW Gardner Elementary School. At the time he stated that “They hoped to be ready for the start of school with 6 weeks left to go.”, implying that the start of school might be delayed. Our 7/15 story. Today, August 1, 2022 apparently Bacon Construction assured the Gardner School System that they can get everything done in just 2 more weeks. As a result, the opening of Gardner Schools will be delayed according to the timeline at left. (CLICK IMAGE for larger view.)
Update: 8/2/22: 9:10am – We are awaiting a call from Superintendent Pellegrino regarding the timeline, AND a call back from Project Manager Joe McDonald of Agostini/Bacon Construction regarding the reality of the timeline. We’ll update you as we have further information.
Superintendent Dr. Mark Pellegrino wrote the following to the Gardner School Committee in an email 8/1/22: “Hi folks, Bacon Construction has said they will need two more weeks to finish the project. I have been assured that it will ONLY BE TWO WEEKS. I explained that I am willing to break the bad news of the delay ONCE, but they cannot come back and asked for more time. I have been assured that it won’t happen. The attached letter explains the reasons for the delay. So three things: 1. The elementary school will be delayed two weeks (8 school days) with a new start date of 9/15 for grades 1-4, 9/15 for kindergarten, and 9/19 for preschool. (All of these dates are two weeks later. I will be requesting a waiver for 4 of the 8 days. 2. The middle school, high school and Gardner Academy will only be starting one week late (9/6). 3. We will need to vote on a new calendar at our first meeting. Call or email me if you have any questions or concerns. Mark.” pdf
Dr. Pellegrino provided the following for the Media. 8/1/22 “Here is a quote from me about the delay: ‘We are disappointed that the construction was delayed due to incomplete deliveries resulting from the same supply-chain issues that have plagued the entire nation, and understand how difficult this is for families. However, this decision balanced the importance of getting students in school right away, with the challenge of unpacking, starting the school year in our old schools, repacking, and moving to the new school. This seems to be the best option considering all factors.
I have been assured that this delay will only be two weeks, and no more. Although this poses a great difficulty for my families and staff, I am thrilled that children will be able to start school in our brand new facility!’”
A letter was prepared for Gardner School Families. 8/1/22 Read the entire letter in PDF Format. CLICK HERE.
The letter to Gardner Public School Families contains the following information: Since we began construction of our new school, the building committee, business office, maintenance department, and outside contractors have overcome many obstacles to keep us on-time and on-budget while COVID continues to impact staffing and our supply-chain significantly. This past Friday, during our weekly scheduled check-in meeting, we learned that two supply-chain issues will require us to delay the opening of Gardner Elementary School by two weeks. This change requires that we also delay the opening of Gardner Middle School, Gardner High School, and Gardner Academy by only one week. Specifically: The elevator team had to stop work because part of a shipment of electrical fuses, elevator buttons, and some electrical panel boards was incomplete, and Our order of electrical panel boards (part of the main power distribution equipment) did not contain all of the necessary panels to power the building. Both of these recent issues were a direct result of supply-chain issues and caused subsequent delays in the project’s overall timeline. Until Friday, our expectation was to move in on time. Fortunately, we have been proactively planning for this situation. The following schedule considered: ● Balancing the importance of getting students in as soon as possible and providing teachers with the time they need to prepare for the opening of a new school; ● The impact on our sports programs and MCAS curriculum timelines; and ● Allowing the bus company to settle issues caused by having entirely new bus routes and start times. We apologize for this significant inconvenience. Please contact your school if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we finish the lengthy, exciting process of building a new school for our children. Sincerely, Mark J. Pellegrino, Superintendent of Schools. PDF format, CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Note: Parents should have a contingency plan for a longer delay, just in case it is necessary. As we stated in the opening to the story, we were advised on July 15, 2022 that 6 more weeks was needed as of that date and we fully expected to publish a story such as this at some point. While it is believed that both the construction company and School District are acting in good faith, neither has complete control over the Supply Chain which they both hope will cooperate with their needed timeline.
- Gardner Magazine (8/1/2022)
Links to our AUDIO pages: Mayor’s Updates, City Council, School Committee, Special Events. We also feature other AUDIO pages of historical value: Historical AUDIO, Vintage Radio.
Thank you for your readership to for Greater Gardner MA
As promised, we are releasing Statistics related to for July 2022. Unique households (Circulation) 16,538. Pageviews 131,783. Files served (Hits) 534,794. Gardner Magazine has consistently averaged 12,000 unique households. June jumped to 14,000. July jumped to over 16,000. We thank you for your readership and we will continue to cover as much as we can. Gardner Magazine is unique in that we try to provide additional resources in our articles such as web links, document links, and even AUDIO. We are pleased these efforts have been well received.
The addition of AUDIO
After the July 6, 2022 Projects Interview with Mayor Nicholson, we posted the entire interview in mp3 format so all could listen to it. It has thus far received in July 2022, 3,245 listeners. On July 22, 2022 we made all Mayor’s Updates, City Council Meetings, School Committee Meetings, and various Special Events available in mp3 format: Here are the listener totals for the Mayor’s Updates: 7/29/22: 523, 7/22/22: 3,385, 7/15/22: 2,064, 7/8/22: 43. All of the updates from 12/24/21 to date have been published and the older updates have received between 41 to 50 listeners.
Other Meetings
Here are the total July 2022 listeners for other Meetings: Public Safety 7/29/22: 373, Zoning Board of Appeals 7/19/22: 1,163, City Council Meeting 7/5/22: 65, most other older City Council meetings in single or low 2 digits, School Committee 6-16-22: 50, most other older School Committee meetings in single digits.
Other Items and July Numbers
Pizza Polka (put on site 7/31/22): 94, We Have No Bananas: 870, Bye Bye Blackbird: 892, Gardner Spring Yard Sale PSA: 309, Poem, Sentient Soul of American Freedom: 1,419, Gardner Brand intro: 90, Abbott and Costello; 58. Dozens of other audio files have from single to low double digit listeners.
July 2022 Handout Standouts in pdf format: Gardner Food Truck Festival: 1013, Annual School Calendar: 104, Vacant Storefronts: 82, Monument Park Concerts: 123. Dozens of other handouts in pdf format have double digit downloads.
on AUDIO: Gardner Magazine will continue to publish AUDIO files of Mayor’s Updates, City Council Meetings, School Committee meetings, various events, and topical novelty items. Listenership is obviously greatest when the event is current, however we will maintain the archive in the public interest. We have begun to add Winchendon meetings – their AUDIO is OK, but they have significant challenges with the quality of their video and have negligible viewership. Let us know if there are meetings from your community you would like to listen to and we’ll see if we can make AUDIO available. If there’s a YouTube file, our software can make an easy conversion. Otherwise, it depends if the community has made a recording and will release it to us. on Documents: Gardner Magazine will continue to publish Agendas, complete Press Releases, booklets, publications, photos, and links to as many resources as possible to make your readership of our publication valuable. Reach us at anytime via or use our News tip line at (978) 632-6324.
Around the Towns – News

In the Community