Greater Gardner MA News July 2022
- Pizza Polka (7/31/2022)
Charles Magnante – Pizza Polka More Info, CLICK HERE Parker House of Pizza of Gardner MA Reopens in time for Polka, offers $3 Discount on every order….
On Thursday, August 4, 2022 the Parker House of Pizza may just be the most popular pizza place in town. That’s the day they reopen after vacation. In a radio ad run on WGAW, the restaurant is offering a $3 discount on any order for a whole week. That’s just in time for the Monument Park Polka Concert on Saturday August 6, 2022 at 6pm so patrons can literally have pizza and polka.
To put you in the Pizza and Polka spirit, we are featuring the Pizza Polka right here. Just click play. And so you can take advantage of getting your pizza whether you take out or eat at the outdoor dining area at Pleasant Plaza, here’s a link to their site. CLICK HERE. FREE Concert info here.
- Terrapinfest (7/31/2022)
TerrapinFest ’22 Saturday August 6 2022 at PACC in Gardner MA
Tickets are $30, kids free 12 and under.
Tickets can be purchased at the gate or in advance down at Terrapin Traders or any of the bands. Music starts at noon. Lots of vendors. More info, CLICK HERE.
Bands are playing inside and outside. Updated schedule: Inside: 12:00 The Swaying Trees, 1:30 The Ruthless Poe, 3:00 Nikki Howard, 4:30 Secret Sage, 6:00 The Quarry, 8:00 A Phine Connection – Outside: 12:00 Jared Moore & Ira Kittrell, 1:00 Klumpty Dumpty, 2:30 The Brü, 4:00 The Traveling Jones. 5:30 The Knot, 8:00 Way Up South
- Maestro’s Men (7/31/2022)
Maestro’s Men Playing Polka at Monument Park on Saturday August 6, 2022 at 6pm
This Polka concert by this Grammy nominated band will be the last of the summer starting at 6pm. Subsequent weeks, the concerts will be at 5pm. Complete schedule, CLICK HERE.
According to their website, “Each member of our band has added their own style and musical influences that together makes our unique blend. We are proud to be able to entertain many audiences over the years with our own style and presentation of Polka music. Together, it’s all about our love of the music. Thank you for all your support we appreciate it”..Dennis Polisky – for the Maestro’s Men website, CLICK HERE.
- Dog Park Problems (7/29/2022)
Photos at Gardner Dog Park taken Friday, July 29, 2022 show persistent drainage and water puddling issues.
Puddling Water Persistent Problem at Gardner MA Pulaski Dog Park
For a couple years now, puddles of water, sometimes muddy, have been problematic at the Gardner Dog Park. Owners have consistently complained to the DPW, but nothing has been done. Recently, park visitors were hopeful as new mulch was spread in the agility area. However, as is now apparent, no drainage work was done ahead of time, so the rainstorm of July 28, 2022 created a stream across the section and the pond of water is back. Gardner Magazine has reached out to Mayor Nicholson, seeking comment.
In the other section of the large dog area near the water station, pooling water has continued to be a problem and has never been addressed, despite dog owners reporting calls to DPW. We have attempted to reach out to the DPW Director for over a year now and have yet to receive a return call. Dog owners report high vet bills due to Guardia transmitted by bacteria in the standing water, and some have openly stated they have avoided coming to the Gardner Dog Park as a result of the unresolved issue.
In an interview on August 3, 2022, Mayor Nicholson responded to our questions regarding these issues. The text of the Dog Park portion is below. Complete Interview, CLICK HERE.
Poegel: Mayor Nicholson, as you are aware, citizens have raised concerns about continued water pooling issues at the Dog Park. Did it rattle your Nicholson that you were not fully informed about continued challenges of water issues at the Gardner Dog Park? Nicholson: You know it is something that we are going to continue looking at. I think it was just an oversight that was done on the construction work there. We do have some money that’s left over in the grant that we can certainly put towards addressing those drainage issues that are there. We did receive more from the Stanton Foundation than the cost came in under for those Shade Pavilions that you have there. So we’ll certainly be taking a look at it, and, be sure to make sure that those issues get fully addressed that’s over there. Poegel: So aside from grant funding in these types of situations, does the City have its own funds to, for example, buy crushed stone for drainage, repair a fence at one of the other parks… Nicholson: Yep. Poegel: Or could the City for example, ask Heywood Hospital, can we have some of that crushed stone from all that stuff you blew up and can we use it at the Dog Park? Nicholson: I mean, all the above. We always accept donations from different people, especially if there is you know, surplus items, like we just talked about with Heywood Hospital. Whenever we go out and we repair a road, we dig up something up or something like that, we save all of that over at the City’s gravel mine that we have. So all of that we have in house too, on hand, and if we need to pay for a fix, we certainly can use money in our own budget, but if we can get someone else to pay for a project that we have going on, …that’s always certainly the best option. But we won’t have to wait and rely on that for something like this.
- Public Safety (7/29/2022)
Gardner MA Public Safety Committee Friday July 29, 2022 Seated from left to right: Karen Hardern, Craig Cormier, and James Boone. Watch the meeting on YouTube, CLICK HERE or listen to this meeting by clicking PLAY below.
Gardner MA Councilors Hardern and Boone in Hot Seat After Admitted Open Meeting Law Violation
An Open Meeting Law Violation was filed regarding a conversation Councilor James Boone had with Councilor Karen Hardern outside of a Public Safety Committee meeting. The conversation concerned scooters, a subject which came before the committee. Both Councilors admitted to the violation and were asked to recreate the contents of the discussion for the public.
- Mayor’s Update 7-29-22 (7/29/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE.
Listen to the Update on any device by clicking Play below. (Audio starts after 8 second delay)
Listen to previous Mayor’s Updates on our AUDIO page. CLICK HERE
Mayor Nicholson Records Weekly Update at Dog Park on July 28, 2022 for July 29, 2022 Release Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Speaks Paw -sitively about the Chair City from Gardner Dog Park
Nicholson speaks Paw-sitively about a busy week in the City of Gardner and about growth in the Chair City in general.
He spoke about a letter taxpayers should have received explaining recent real estate tax bills. The Mayor spoke about Paving Updates including the expectation that Parker Street should be paved sometime within the next 3 weeks as the concrete sidewalks have been fully poured. Nicholson spoke of the opportunity of open storefronts and the increased amount of apartment units.
The Mayor talked about the critical drought condition in Gardner and Worcester County. Stated Crystal Lake and Snake Pond are doing quite well. Advised residents to do their part to conserve water.
National Night out is coming Tuesday August 2, 2022 at Gardner High School. Wachusett Mountain has agreed to sponsor bus transportation from Monument Park. Event 5:30pm to 9:00pm.
Mayor Nicholson announced that the update was being done from Gardner Dog Park and spoke of the mulch at the Dog Park which was made by DPW from trees and of the construction of concrete pads which will soon be covered. He referenced that the puddling situation had been fully resolved. However, Dog Park users report that a dangerous situation still exists on the large dog side with standing water and mud. Despite repeated requests to DPW, the issue has not been resolved even though dog owners have reported illnesses and resulting vet bills over the past two years. Update 7/29/22 5pm: Issue worse than first thought, warranted a separate article. CLICK HERE.
- Progress (7/28/2022)
Ideas > Concepts > Planning > Construction > Successful Conclusions in Gardner MA
There’s pent-up impatience in Gardner MA for approved projects to be completed. At left we show the results of a completed construction project started in 2021 at the Gardner/Templeton line. First, there was land, which was subsequently cleared. Now, there are families living in these homes, adding to Gardner’s “New Growth.” All projects take time and when successful, they are a beautiful thing. Patience is too.
In the next couple of years, be prepared to be pleasantly surprised as already approved projects get underway or reach completed status, additional projects get approved, and new project ideas are revealed for the very first time. It’s an exciting time for PROGRESS in the Chair City and its citizens are living witnesses to it. Note that in an interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on July 6, 2022, he told us that he has 5 to 6 ideas in his head he hasn’t told anybody about – we’ll keep you posted…
Want to hear exactly what the Mayor said about projects? Drag the slider to 45 minutes in. Click the Play Button.
Nicholson On Projects 7-6-22 - Junior Police Academy (7/28/2022)
Graduates of Junior Police Academy, Gardner PD Officers, and Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Gardner Police Headquarters Gardner PD – Junior Police Academy – Why It’s Such a Big Deal
20 students have been congratulated for completing the Gardner Police Department Junior Police Academy and the officers have been thanked for putting it on. This is the third year the Gardner PD has run the program and its largest class to date. The Academy was fully funded from the Commonwealth’s Shannon Grants, which totaled $11.2 million dollars across the State of Massachusetts.
Community Safety Initiative Grant
In February, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the Senator Charles E. Shannon Jr. Community Safety Initiative Grant (CSI) would fund 15 municipal grants consisting of 27 cities and 14 research partners. Governor Baker in February 2022 stated,” “The long-term positive impacts of the programs funded by Shannon grants demonstrate the importance of a collaborative approach to addressing youth violence and improving the safety of our communities.” And Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito stated, “Shannon grants support the collaborative spirit and vital teamwork that achieves safer communities, violence reduction, and sustained positive life decisions for at-risk youth.” The 2022 award for Fitchburg with Gardner as a partner community was $416,812.00 More details, CLICK HERE.
Why Demographics Prove it is so Important to Engage Youth
The percentage of the population which lives in poverty in Massachusetts is: 9.4%, Fitchburg: 15.7%, Gardner: 13.9%. There have been changes in crime for young people ages 10 to 24 from 2017 to 2021. Simple assaults in Massachusetts decreased 25%, but in Fitchburg/Gardner decreased 37%. Aggravated assaults in Massachusetts decreased 20%, but in Fitchburg/Gardner decreased 61%. It’s important to productively engage youth as the High School Dropout Rate in Massachusetts was 1.6%, Fitchburg 3.7%, and Gardner 3.6%. Details in pdf, CLICK HERE.
Core Strategies
The OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model is “a set of five core strategies—community mobilization, opportunities provision, social intervention, suppression, and organizational change and development—that offer a comprehensive, collaborative approach designed to prevent and reduce gang violence.”
Here’s an overview of the Five Core strategies, CLICK HERE. And here is a Law Enforcement Guide, CLICK HERE. Fortunately, Gardner is blessed with a community not filled with all of the negative experiences of elsewhere, and even discussing it may come as a surprise to some, but as much as Gardner would wish it, it’s not totally crime free. That’s why efforts like the Junior Police Academy are such a Big Deal – Gardner wants the character of the Chair City to continue moving in a positive direction and for there never to be a huge gang problem.
Cadet Training
Handouts for Cadets from the Junior Police Academy are intense and include many aspects of law enforcement training. CLICK HERE. Graduates certainly have an appreciation for the rules of society and perhaps some will decide to become Greater Gardner MA Police Officers as adults.
- Night Out (7/26/2022)
Greater Gardner MA National Night Out 2022 Taking Place at Gardner High School Tuesday August 2, 2022
The Greater Gardner National Night Out is being held Tuesday August 2, 2022 from 5:30pm to 9:00pm with a rain date of August 9th. The event is a cooperative effort among the Gardner Community Action Committee, the Gardner Police and Fire Departments, and the City of Gardner.
The event has been held nationally since 1984 and is aimed at heightening crime and drug prevention awareness in the community. This will be Gardner’s 9th year participating. It’s slated to be an evening of fun for the entire family. There will be a live band, resource tables, a pizza contest, raffles, kids games, an obstacle course, a climbing wall, helicopter landing, touch a truck and more. —- Printable poster pdf, CLICK HERE.
Wachusett Mountain has agreed to sponsor bus transportation from Monument Park to Gardner High School.
National Night Out is meant to increase awareness about police programs in communities such as drug prevention and other anti-crime efforts. According to the National Night Out website, “National Night Out culminates annually on the first Tuesday in August. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.” For the website, CLICK HERE To support the national effort, there’s even official merchandise. CLICK HERE.
- K-9 Death (7/26/2022)
K9 Frankie Killed in Line of Duty – Massachusetts State Police
Statement of Massachusetts State Police Colonel Christopher Mason on the July 26, 2022 K9 Line-of-Duty Death of MSP K9 Frankie: “It is with tremendous sadness that I announce that a Massachusetts State Police K9 was killed in the line of duty today. K9 Frankie was fatally shot during an attempt to apprehend a wanted fugitive who had barricaded himself inside at residence. Frankie’s handler, Sergeant David Stucenski, was not physically injured.
Sequence of Events
The sequence of events that led to this tragic line of duty loss of a member of the Massachusetts State Police family began this morning. Shortly before 9 a.m. today members of the Massachusetts State Police Violent Fugitive Apprehension Section established surveillance of a three-story multi-family house at 40 Oliver St., Fitchburg after developing information that fugitive suspect MATTHEW MACK, 38, was at that location. MACK was wanted on warrants charging him with firearms offenses and accessory after the fact stemming from a shooting incident July 21 in Fitchburg. State Police fugitive unit Troopers joined the investigation to assist Fitchburg Police locate MACK.
Fugitive Unit Troopers made verbal contact with MACK, who refused to exit the house. Based on information developed by Troopers indicating that MACK was currently armed, as well as current intelligence that indicated a propensity for violence, the Massachusetts State Police Special Tactical Operations responded to the scene at approximately noon and established tactical positions. Negotiators from the State Police Crisis Negotiation Unit also responded to the scene and established communication with MACK via telephone. Negotiators had multiple conversations with MACK, as well as with members of his family whom they contacted, in an attempt to persuade him to surrender peacefully.
At approximately 2:48 p.m., MACK was observed at a rear exit of the residence and a decision was made to try to apprehend him. Sergeant Stucenski and K9 Frankie, who are assigned to the STOP Team, approached the area where MACK was observed. During the attempt to apprehend him, MACK fired multiple shots toward team members and struck Frankie. The suspect then retreated back into the residence. STOP Team members immediately picked up Frankie and evacuated him from the scene to an ambulance, at which point he was transported to Wachusett Animal Hospital in Westminster, where he was pronounced deceased.
Meanwhile, negotiators were not able to establish further contact with the suspect. At approximately 5:20 p.m., while the STOP Team was planning further operations to resolve the situation, the State Police Drone Unit deployed an unmanned aerial vehicle on the exterior of the building at 40 Oliver St. The drone made visual observation of the suspect deceased inside the house from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot. No police officers fired their weapons during this incident.
About Frankie
Frankie was a Belgian Malinois. He would have turned 11 years old next month. He was a member of our Department for about nine years. Frankie was a highly decorated member of the Massachusetts State Police. In 2017, he and Sergeant Stucenski were awarded the Medal of Valor at the state’s annual George L. Hanna Awards for Bravery, the state’s top law enforcement award ceremony. They were honored for apprehending a hit-and-run suspect who, during a foot chase, turned and fired a shot at Sergeant Stucenski and Frankie as they pursued him on a Springfield street. The shot missed the Sergeant and Frankie and Frankie apprehended him. Sergeant Stucenski and Frankie won the State Police Medal of Merit for that same incident.
In 2014, then Trooper Stucenski and Frankie won three awards from the United States Police Canine Association for evidence recovery, agility, and other law enforcement skills. And only last month, our Department honored Sergeant Stucenski and Frankie and other members of the Special Tactical Operations Team for apprehending an armed child pornography suspect who had opened fire on them when they went to arrest him at a West Springfield motel in 2019.
When Frankie was transported by Fitchburg EMS via ambulance to an animal hospital this afternoon, it was the first instance of such emergency care made possible by Nero’s Law, which was passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Baker last year. Frankie is the first Massachusetts State Police canine killed in the line of duty. His sacrifice will never be forgotten. Frankie had every trait we seek in a good law enforcement officer, canine or human: intelligence, immense courage, and dedication to protecting the public. He was as loyal a partner as any Trooper ever had. He was a beloved member of the Massachusetts State Police family and the Stucenski family. He was, as much as any human of the member of the Department, one of us and part of us.
When one of our K9s pass – until today, never in the line of duty – our K9 handlers have a saying. “Free Time.” It means that these brave dogs who work so hard to protect the rest of us have earned their eternal peace. Free time and Godspeed, Frankie.”
- Mosquitos (7/26/2022)
Mosquito Control Team Back Again to Greater Gardner MA
The Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project is sending its team to the area on August 4, 11, 18, 25, and September 1. Dates are tentative and weather permitting. Requests for service may be recorded by calling the CMMCP office at (508) 393-3055 between 7am and 3:30pm weekdays. For more info visit the website. CLICK HERE.
- Housing Market (7/26/2022)
Housing Market Stats Show Wide Appeal of Gardner MA
According to Redfin: “In June 2022, Gardner home prices were up 12.4% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $340K. On average, homes in Gardner sell after 20 days on the market compared to 11 days last year. There were 33 homes sold in June this year, up from 26 last year.”
Redfin rated the Gardner Housing Market as 85/100 or Very Competitive, a higher score than Fitchburg and just 1 point behind Leominster. Here’s why: Many homes get multiple offers, some with waived contingencies. The average homes sell for about 8% above list price and go pending in around 18 days. Hot homes can sell for about 13% above list price and go pending in around 8 days.
Gardner is hotter than Fitchburg, with Fitchburg home prices up 7.7% in June 2022, selling for a median price a little lower than Gardner at $334k. 50 homes sold in Fitchburg this June, down from 51 last year. Score 81/100. Gardner home prices went up slightly more than Leominster with Leominster home prices up 12.1% compared to last year. However, the Leominster median home price is higher at $380k. Score 86/100
Nearby Communities: Winchendon, up 1%, Ashburnham up 0%, Templeton up 9.1% with a median home price of $450k, Westminster up 24.2% with a median price of $655k, Hubbardston up 27% with a median price of $463k. Athol, up 2% with a median price of $260k. In Phillipston with a total of 5 homes sold, the home prices were down 15.9% with a median price of $290k, however it’s still considered very competitive with a score of 81/100.
Future Not as Rosy
However, not all is rosy when it comes to the future housing market, due to market uncertainty. Business Insider reports that since mortgage interest rates began rising, the nation’s largest homebuilder. D.R. Horton says more buyers are cancelling deals amid growing real-estate market pessimism. The builder says a growing number of would-be homebuyers are backing out of deals for newly constructed homes as they confront higher mortgage rates and an uncertain future for the housing market, stating that in its recent quarter, 24% of its contracts fell through – up 7 percentage points from a year prior.
Mortgage Rates Up
According to Freddie Mac, the average US fixed rate for a 30 year mortgage came in at 5.54% this week, notably higher than the pandemic low of 2.68% in December 2020. See our graphic of today’s mortgage rates. June’s inflation report shows 9.1% inflation, the highest level in 40 years. The Federal Reserve increased its benchmark short-term interest rate by 50 basis points in May, 75 basis points in June, and is expected to raise them again by 75 basis points in late July. Mortgage rates went up as a result.
- Eaton Street Paving (7/25/2022)
Surface of Moon Facing Earth – Red Dot is approximate location of Eaton Street, Gardner MA– CLICK any IMAGE for larger view. Tree Roots on Eaton Street, Gardner MA disturb soil under road, causing potholes up top. Trees are very well established in their positions. Note potholes caused by these trees. Closeup of Trees on Eaton Street near Road The “pothole pile” DPW has to leave on Eaton Street due to the ongoing battle with the trees. Eating Eaton: The Challenge of Paving – Battling Stubborn Trees in Gardner MA
Sometimes when trees put down their roots, they’re not ready to leave without a fight. Such is the case on Eaton Street in Gardner. The street near the Gardner Municipal Golf Course was paved 5 years ago, but according to Mayor Nicholson, “right now it looks like the surface of the moon.” Stubborn tree roots near the road push up the pavement causing potholes. However, these trouble-making trees are still taking in carbon dioxide and producing oxygen for us to breathe.
Mayor Nicholson says they’ve actually had the pothole issue studied, “…we had an environmental consultant come out and the number of trees that line that street, the way that the roots have grown, has pushed the soil out of the way, that have artificially created potholes there, brings the pothole situation that we have there. So I could go back and have them pave that road again this year, but then in two year’s time we’re going have the same situation , because the roots are still there. So we have to come up with a longer plan solution there. “
Paving in Gardner – Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel asked Mayor Nicholson on 7-6-22 about paving in Gardner:
Poegel: One of the complaints that residents constantly come out with is about paving. And of course, that’s been a challenge with the budget. It’s been a challenge getting the product. How many miles of roads does Gardner have, and realistically, how many miles of roads can Gardner pave every year?
Nicholson: We have 101 miles of roads and we can probably do, if we’re lucky ,3 ½ miles per year, because it does cost us about a million dollars per mile to pave. And that covers all the costs of police detail, that’s the trucks, equipment, and labor, to put the pavement down, pull the old pavement up, haulaway costs, the cost of asphalt. It costs about a million dollars per mile. We can probably do about 3 ½ miles a year, of that 101 miles that we have.
Paving It All More Than a Year’s Budget
Poegel: So the total City Budget is what $74 million? Nicholson: Yes. Poegel: So you’re telling me that you’d have to spend the equivalent of more than a year’s city budget to do all the roads, like instantly. Nicholson: Yup. Poegel: You’d have to more than double everybody’s taxes to do all the roads all at once. Nicholson: That’s 100 percent true. Poegel: So, obviously, you can’t do that. Nicholson: Yeah, that’s it. Would we love to have all the roads done in one year, it would be a great two year project. In the year, everyone would be complaining about the traffic detours that come from it. But, we’d like to get all the roads done, it’s just cost prohibitive. We do what we can, every year since 2012, Gardner has received $600,000 from Chapter 90 State funding for road surfacing. Well, $600,000 in 2012 is probably half the purchasing price of what it is in 2022. But, we’ve received the same flat line amount every year for that decade. Poegel: So that’s basically a half a mile. Nicholson: It is, it is. And so we’ve lost that purchasing power, while our costs have just continued to go up. We do what we can with what we can. I was happy to see Governor Baker put in the winter recovery funding this year which added an additional $313,000 to what we’re able to do, but we will never be able to fully catch up to what we need to.
Photos at left show the challenge of having mature trees near a road with a root structure extending underneath.
How Roads Get Prioritized
Poegel: So how does it work. Obviously you interact with the DPW. How do roads get prioritized? Is there some sort of system in place? Nicholson: There is. It’s a formula that the DPW Director and the City Engineer go through, it’s based off of the number of houses on a street, average number of cars that drive over that road, that’s why we have those ticker lines that we count those, the number of cars that go over a road, and the length of the road itself as well. So all of those are compiled into priority lists that we have. I receive an updated version from the DPW and City Engineer’s office every July, around July 15th. When we get that this year, I can certainly send that to you. … The number of businesses on a street, the number of houses on a street, the number of cars that travel that street, and then the length in miles of that street. So those are the different factors in the formula that determine the priority list the we have. And then, the final factor of that is: when was the last time that we paved that road? “ Gardner Magazine will publish the Gardner MA Paving Priority List as soon as it is released.
The Cost of Paving
Curious about the cost of paving various types of roads and highways? The U.S. Department of Transportation has a dedicated page. CLICK HERE.
- Greenwood Action (7/25/2022)
Greenwood Bathhouse on Park Street, Gardner MA Greenwood Bathhouse Roof Greenwood Bathhouse Roof Falling In Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was interviewed July 6, 2022 about various topics including Greenwood.
“It’s Embarrassing to call a Memorial.” Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson calls for action on Greenwood.
The Greenwood Pool is popular and the Swim Meets draw people to Gardner. But the old Greenwood Bathhouse looks bad, really bad. And Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson wants something done about it.
Regarding blighted properties in other sections of the Chair City besides Downtown, Nicholson stated,” “….There’s buildings in there that are safety hazards that we need to look at as well. And I think we need to not just look at those that are privately owned, but we need to start holding the City to the same standard that we’re holding the private sector. That’s one of the reasons that I’ve looked at the Greenwood Pool, we have a building where the roof is quite literally caving in on itself. If that was owned by a private citizen, we’d be fining every week for the nuisance code. But, because it’s us, we’ve let it sit in the background. We need to hold ourselves to the same standard we are holding the private sector. Because if I tell someone else that their lawn needs to be mowed, their property needs to be kept to a safe standard and things like that, I should be doing the same for my own property here.”
When asked what the Mayor suggests the City Council approve as far as the Greenwood Bathhouse, he stated, “We’re working on a plan utilizing Community Development Block Grant funding. To put that in the plan there too, so we are making a least a good faith effort that we go forward with the bathhouse. And it’ll involve the demolition of the building and the installation of a pavilion in the area, that utilizes portions of the existing building in the construction of that pavilion, the cupola, the signs. Having it be over the body of where the pool is and filling it with a blue-dyed concrete so you can see where the pool itself was, and finding ways to make a new memorial , not one that is quite frankly embarrassing to call a memorial.” We are told that a decision on grant funding may be months away.
A study done in 2018 for the City of Gardner showed that restoring the indoor facility to complete functionality would cost millions. SEE STUDY.
- Song of ’23 (7/24/2022)
Here’s an online link to a list of other hit songs from 1923. CLICK HERE.
Hit Song in Gardner MA in 1923: Yes, We Have No Bananas
Gardner MA celebrates its Centennial as a City on January 1, 2023. One of the hit songs 100 years ago was “We Have No Bananas”. We found the original song, digitized it, and you can play it right here.
We Have No Bananas – Hit Song 1923 Another song enjoyed in the period was Bye Bye Blackbird, and here is the original.
Bye Bye Blackbird – released 1919 - Circulation (7/24/2022)
Gardner Magazine Circulation at All time High in Gardner MA
In the first 23 days of July, Gardner Magazine eclipsed its Unique Households record achieved in June 2022 which was 14,000 unique households. We will report this month’s total when the month is concluded. We also report that our readers like to use the new AUDIO features. Total downloads so far in July up to July 23, 2022 are: Mayor Nicholson Projects Interview – 2,586 —- Weekly Mayor’s Update July 15, 2022: 1,241 —- Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals July 19, 2022: 229 —- Weekly Mayor’s Update July 22, 2022: 632 —- City Council Meeting July 5, 2022: 30 —-Many early Mayor’s updates have gotten 20 or more downloads. We have separate pages of AUDIO for Mayor’s Updates, City Council Meetings, School Committee Meetings, and Special Events.
- Peace on Earth (7/24/2022)
Genuine Gardner MA – Church Bells Play “Let There Be Peace on Earth”
At around 10:15am on Sunday July 24, 2022, Church Bells at Mission of Grace Church at 358 Pleasant Street, Gardner captured the moment with “Let There Be Peace on Earth”. This is Genuine Gardner and qualifies for our theme of positivity as it matches well with Gardner’s History of faith-based life since 1785. We missed recording this beautiful rendition, but we have the song from Church Bells elsewhere. Just click PLAY. And may peace be with you…
- Gardner Fix It (7/23/2022)
Construction Continues on the new Community Health Center I CAUGHT FIX IT Fever Gardner MA printable pdf.
Gardner MA Hit with “Fix It Fever”
The condition is highly contagious and is prevalent throughout the Chair City. Grant money, Investor money, Taxpayer City money – it’s being spent. First it’s the roads and the sidewalks. Then entire buildings are getting complete overhauls. New buildings are being built. Parks are being constructed. Lighting is being enhanced. Even fire hydrants are being repurposed. Building Permit Applications – setting records. It’s all at a fever pitch. What’s happening in Gardner? Everybody’s noticing it and everybody likes it. Gardner MA doesn’t need a cure for “Fix it Fever.” This contagion is actually a blessing.
- Critical Drought (7/23/2022)
Map Showing Worcester County in Critical Drought Area COMPLETE MAP, CLICK HERE Current Drought Status from the State of MA, CLICK HERE.
Greater Gardner MA now in Critical Drought – Non essential water use banned July 23, 2022
From the State of MA, “With the majority of the state currently experiencing elevated temperatures and forecasts predicting little to no meaningful precipitation, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Beth Card today declared a Level 3-Critical Drought in the Northeast and Central Regions of the state. The Southeast, and Connecticut River Valley Regions will remain at a Level 2-Significant Drought, and the Cape Cod Region will join the Islands and Western Regions at Level 1-Mild Drought.”
Non-essential Water Use is Completely Halted
What this means is people who were watering their plants or lawns after 5pm or before 9am have to stop that too. No non-essential water use is advisable during a Critical Drought. Water Restrictions Map from 7-6-22
- Mayor’s Update 7-22-22 (7/22/2022)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson July 22, 2022 Update Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. Listen to the update by clicking play below. Playable on any device. There is about a 6 second delay before sound starts. AUDIO of all updates, 2022, CLICK HERE.
AUDIO: Mayor’s Update 7/22/22 Junior Police Academy Printable PDF CLICK HERE – Complete Article click here. Gardner MA Mayor speaks of Issues, Voting, Events, and Applicants in Info-packed Update.
Spray Park: In his weekly update of Friday, July 22, 2022, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson explained the issues with the Spray Park at Greenwood Pool.
Dog Licenses: Nicholson reminded residents over 70 that Dog registration is still required even though the license is now free for those over 70.
Voting: The Mayor explained that citizens may be receiving mail-in ballot info both from State and the City. Fill out one and you’ll be set for the State Primary in early September and General election in November.
Academy: Mayor Nicholson related that the Junior Police Academy was very successful with various officers involved in helping students.
Police Chief: 2 applications slid in at the last minute to increase the total to 12 applicants for the Chief of Police job. Search Committee of the Panel of Five will meet next week, decide on first round of interviews and eventually send top two choices to the Mayor who will interview further. Then comes a 60 day temporary appointment for his choice, later approval by Appointments Committee, and confirmation for 3 year term by City Council.
National Night Out: The Mayor announced that buses will be available to help transport people to Gardner High School for this year’s National Night Out which is Tuesday August 2nd starting at 5;30pm. Our Article, click here.
CLICK Play button, use slider to advance AUDIO, Adjust volume, download file, even change playback speed using controls above. Mayor’s Update 7/22-22 - AUDIO – Meetings – Updates – Events (7/22/2022)
Gardner Magazine Publishing AUDIO of Gardner MA Meetings, Updates, and Events.
Now you can listen to AUDIO on any device.
Gardner City Council Meetings – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too.)
Gardner Mayor’s Updates – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too)
Gardner School Committee Meetings – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too)
Special Events and Special Occasions – AUDIO available for 2020, 2021, and 2022, CLICK HERE.
- Chair City Chair Bear (7/21/2022)
Editorial: Input Wanted – Chair City Chair Bear, Good Idea or Bad Idea?
I found a cover for a plush animal being sold online. What’s the chance there’s someone in Gardner who could make an original Chair City Chair Bear design which could be made into a custom cover? The Chair City Chair Bear could be an item for the City’s 100th. The seat on this particular item is 20 inches square and is available on Amazon for $14.99. That’s just for the cover, it would have to be filled with PP cotton batting. Obviously, the City would want something made locally if possible. Your thoughts on this. Good idea or bad idea? Email:
- Chair City Café (7/21/2022)
New Restaurant Coming to Gardner MA
The Chair City Café is under construction at this moment. On the Chair City Church website, it says “Coming Summer 2022” Location is at the site of the former Sacred Heart School on Lynde Street in Gardner. There is plenty of parking at the site available for the purpose.
Chair City Church is asking for donations towards the project stating, “Thank you so much for supporting the Chair City Cafe project. The cafe will provide us with a unique opportunity to connect with our community in a personal way. Jesus is doing amazing things here and we are so thankful that you have chosen to be a part of it through your giving. We now offer the ability to give safely and securely online.”
Gardner Magazine has reached out to Chair City Church and will provide more information as it is provided to us. Visit the church website. CLICK HERE.
- Storm (7/21/2022)
Severe Thunderstorm with Tornado Warnings Hit parts of Worcester County including Greater Gardner MA on July 21, 2022
Orange Airport had a wind gust of 58 miles per hour. Athol MA had a storm producing up to 1 inch hail. Route 2 West near Warwick MA closed due to trees falling across highway. The storm passed over many of the towns in the Greater Gardner area including the City of Gardner. A tornado warning was in effect until 4:15pm, having been issued an hour earlier. Tornado Warning now expired. Severe Thunderstorm Warning Eastern Worcester County and Southern New Hampshire until 4:45pm
Strong storms are expected in other areas of Massachusetts including Middlesex County and Southern New Hampshire until early evening. It is unknown at the time of this report whether a tornado actually touched down. In Eastern Franklin County there were downed trees and some power outages.
- Promise Kept (7/21/2022)
In 36 Hrs., Lorden Keeps Promise of Removing Dangerous Plate Glass
At a Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing on July 19, 2022, Gary Lorden of Mass. Ave. Realty stated he noticed the dangerous plate glass on the 2nd floor of the building on Parker Street and vowed to get rid of the hazard ASAP. Not 36 hours, later, it’s gone and already safely out of the way. Gardner Magazine spoke with Lorden’s 25 year old son shortly before noon on July 21, 2022 and he was all smiles with enthusiasm for the project. When asked about the glass, he said, “We took it out this morning and it’s already in the dumpster.”
We inquired of City Hall regarding this and Mayor Nicholson released this quote, “I’m excited to see the ongoing construction on the Ryan Building and eager to see how it will improve the look of our City.”
UPDATE July 22, 2022: Mayor Nicholson released photos of the construction work (shown below) on Social Media and stated, “Approximately 8 buildings in the downtown have changed owners in the last 6-12 months- closer to 12 new owners by the end of the year. This opens up opportunities for 34 storefronts, 40 office/commercial spaces, and approximately existing 100 housing units (not including the 30 new ones in these buildings) to be renovated and bring new life to the area.”
- Beautiful Building (7/20/2022)
Gary Lorden of Mass. Ave. Realty shows Artist Rendering of front of building 42-50 and 52 Parker Street, Gardner Roland Jean, foreground and Trevor Beauregard, standing spoke in support Gary Lorden shows Rear of Building view Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals Beautiful Building Coming to Downtown Gardner MA and an offer of up to 2 Years FREE Retail Rent at another.
In September of last year, the City of Gardner was notified that it would be awarded $900,000 from the Underutilized Property Grant Program for 42-50 and 52 Parker Street. This was made public at the end of November. Mass Ave. Realty was awarded the sale and provided a full plan to renovate both buildings on Parker Street commonly known as the Ryan Block and Temptations. They are also required to put in $4.2 million dollars of their own money into the project, which Gary Lorden stated at Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting on July 19, 2022, they would be amortizing over 30 years to make the math work out.
Gary Lorden Impressed with City of Gardner
At the hearing on July 19th, Lorden indicated that upon Zoning Board of Appeals approval of his plan, the construction would take one year. He related how he originally got involved in Gardner with the Goodnow Pearson’s Building project, praising former Mayor Hawke and Planner Bob Hubbard for their welcoming style. He also stated Trevor Beauregard and Mayor Nicholson are great to work with: “did this project not because of economics, but because it’ll mean something.” Building Commissioner Roland Jean and Gardner Redevelopment Authority Executive Director Trevor Beauregard spoke in favor of the project. A 6 page joint letter of support was submitted by Mayor Nicholson/Council President Kazinskas.
Board to Make Site Visit
Lorden spoke of the various quality materials to be used in the building and was very clear he wanted the building to look good describing the various construction proposed in detail. The Board will make a site visit, keep the public hearing open, and may grant approval at its next meeting on August 16th.
Lorden also made it clear that his previous Gardner investment, the Goodnow Pearson’s Building has not been a huge moneymaker for him. He stated that he has a completely refurbished spot suitable for retail or a restaurant which has remained vacant since the building was renovated. However, during his time speaking before the Board, Lorden praised all of the positive projects the City of Gardner is undertaking, even mentioning how good the sidewalks look.
Listen by pressing Play button above: Zoning Board of Appeals July 19, 2022 Generous FREE Retail Rent Offer
Gary Lorden of Mass. Ave. Realty made a very generous public offer regarding the open spot in the Goodnow Pearson Building: 1 year FREE rent for a retail establishment or 2 years FREE rent for a restaurant. Watch the complete meeting on YouTube. CLICK HERE.
- The Heat (7/20/2022)
Staying Cool in Greater Gardner MA
In Massachusetts, a “heat wave” is defined as a period of 3 or more consecutive days above 90 degrees. And it looks like from now through the weekend we’ll be close to or over 90. People at greatest risk for heat-related illnesses include older adults, young children, those who are sick or overweight.. Forecast for Gardner now 90 and above for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday the week of July 18, 2022.
Stay Safe in the Heat
What you can do: Use an air conditioner and insulate around it if needed. Cover windows that get sun. Never leave children or pets alone in a closed vehicle or even with the windows cracked open. They can DIE in just a few minutes. Drink plenty of water. Stay indoors and keep pets indoors. Go out when it’s cooler. Tips, visit this site. CLICK HERE. — Greater Gardner Weather Center. CLICK HERE
Get Cool in the Pool!
The Greenwood Pool in Gardner MA is one choice when you want to cool off. Here’s more information from the City of Gardner on hours and more. CLICK HERE.
- Mr. Strickland (7/20/2022)
Monument Park Gardner MA For the complete Monument Park FREE Concert Schedule, CLICK HERE.
Classic Rock “Mr. Strickland” to play Monument Park Gardner MA Saturday 6 to 8pm
Mr. Strickland is performing this Saturday July 23, 2022 from 6 to 8pm at Monument Park in Gardner. The band is named after a character in the 1985 “Back to the Future” movie. Featured will be Classic Rock from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Members of the Mr. Strickland band are Jay Sharon – guitar/vocals, Kris Lucander – bass/vocals, Nik Hunt – keyboards, Andrew Caouette – drums, and Ethan Caouette – guitar/vocals. The band says, “Be there, don’t be a slacker!”
- Free Training (7/19/2022)
Monty Tech offering FREE 200 Hours of Training to Greater Gardner MA Residents
The Vocational-Technical School got a $600,000 grant from Commonwealth Corporation to offer FREE TRAINING for six different careers. You must be a Massachusetts resident, earn less than $46,700, and want to go into the industry when your training is done. You end up with certifications and job placement help. Career pathways offered include HVAC and Oil Burner Tech, Property Management, CNC Operation, Culinary Arts, Electrical, and Welding.
- Satellite Internet (7/19/2022)
Unlimited Satellite Internet now available in Gardner MA and some area towns
Elon Musk’s venture Starlink Satellite Internet is available to Gardner residents, and other area towns such as Winchendon, Phillipston, and Templeton. Currently, the price is $110 per month for residential plus the cost of equipment. Other satellite services are available to Gardner, but here is the difference: the bandwidth limit and latency. Starlink offers unlimited internet while others have considerable limits, making the use of streaming apps not feasible in the past. With Starlink, you can do whatever you did before with Cable internet. Cost is not cheap, but it is a viable alternative, and a great backup for any business relying on the World Wide Web. Note that Fitchburg and Leominster still have to wait. There is more information on their website and you can check your exact address for availability. CLICK HERE.
We checked out exact cost. You’ll pay a total of $686.44 upfront for equipment and then billing will start within about 2 weeks of shipping out to you. Currently $110 monthly.
- Audio Updates (7/19/2022)
Publisher’s Note: All 2022 Gardner MA Mayor’s Updates now available in AUDIO you can play on any device. CLICK HERE.
- 988 Lifeline (7/18/2022)
Nation including Greater Gardner MA has new number for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The new number, 988, is easy to remember and is designed to save lives. The number is accessible across the United States and will connect callers with a trained counselor at any time. You can even text the number and get a response.
Gardner Magazine found it difficult to find a high quality image, so we’re making it available here in a pdf you can print for the office or workplace. CLICK HERE. — Note: even if you have only a B/W laser printer, print and display this and you may just save a life.
Note: To avoid confusion, we are not publishing the old longer number which is still working for now.
- Drought (7/17/2022)
Greater Gardner MA in a Significant Drought
The Greater Gardner Area is experiencing a LEVEL 2 – Significant Drought. According to the State of MA, this means that rain has been well below normal for over 2 months, streams are low, nearing extreme low flows in some areas, the Fire Danger is steadily increasing, and the Strain on some water supplies is greater.
In this instance, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Bethany Card made an announcement after lower than normal rainfall for the past 4 months. According to the State, “Stream flow is severely impacted with dry stream beds and ponding visible in many locations. Fire Danger especially in the northern half of the state is steadily on the rise, with noticeable drought stress in shrubs and grasses. Also drought conditions are starting to impact our farms, with losses in soil moisture, more heavy irrigation needed in some areas due to lack of precipitations, and some initial signs of crop loss.”
Maps Show the level of drought in Massachusetts and the National Map shows other sections of the United States are in worse shape. More from the state of MA, Drought Plan CLICK HERE. MA Drought Status History, CLICK HERE Printable U.S. Drought Map (with legend) pdf, CLICK HERE. U.S. Drought Monitor website link, CLICK HERE.
How you can help: Minimize overall water use. Limit outdoor watering from 5pm to 9am, and temporarily stop installing new landscapes and plants. To minimize fire hazard, exercise caution when using charcoal grills, backyard fire pits, and other open frame outdoor activities.
- Greenwood Meet (7/17/2022)
Swim Meet at Greenwood Pool in Gardner MA Swells Population
Over 500 swimmers 10 and under competed in a USA Swimming/New England sanctioned meet the weekend of July 16 and July 17, 2022 at Greenwood Memorial Pool on Park Street in Gardner. The Meet Director was Patty Lemieux.
Medals were awarded for places 1 to 8 in individual events with Ribbons awarded for places 9 to 16. For relay events, medals awarded for 1st to 3rd place and ribbons for 4th through 8th place. There were also team awards and special prizes for random announced heats. For more info on the meet, CLICK HERE.
- Yard Sale (7/17/2022)
Fall Date Set – Gardner MA City-Wide Yard Sale
The Spring 2022 event had 133 participating homes. The Fall Date for the Gardner City-Wide Yard Sale is Saturday, October 1, 2022 and is once again being organized by Julie Mazza who has a Facebook page for the event. —- Gardner Yard Sale website.
- Ice Cream Day (7/16/2022)
National Ice Cream Day is Sunday July 17, 2022 in Greater Gardner MA
Vanilla is the most popular flavor with just over 25 percent of all ice cream sales in the United States. According to New England Today, Maple Walnut Ice Cream is a favorite in Massachusetts featuring creamy maple ice cream studded with crunchy walnuts. It is said that Quaker colonists introduced ice cream to the United States. Even our First President George Washington liked ice cream, records from a New York merchant showing him spending $200 on it in the summer of 1790.
Besides the neighborhood grocery store, Popular local places for Ice Cream include: Friendly’s at 18 Pearson Boulevard in Gardner, Kay’s Dairy Bar in Westminster, Lickity Splitz at 231 Main Street, Winchendon, Murdock Dairy Farm at 62 Elmwood Road, Winchendon, Ice Cream at the Kitchen Garden,268 Baldwinville Road, Templeton, King Phillip Dairy Bar on Route 2A Phillipston, Anne’s Dairy Drive in Orange, and the Ice Cream Shop at Ashburnham Wine and Spirits, 3 Memorial Drive, Ashburnham.
Enjoy your Ice Cream!
- Elementary Gallery (7/15/2022)
Today was the day, but there’s maybe 6 weeks to go for New Gardner MA Elementary School.
We have a complete Photo Gallery taken July 15, 2022
Project Supervisor we spoke with on 7-15-22 stated that both inside and outside work needs to be done as well as substantial site work. He states they hope to be ready for the start of school with about 6 weeks of work left to go. The Official Gardner MA School Calendar shows a first day of school of August 29, 2022. CLICK HERE.
- Nicholson Super Heroes (7/15/2022)
Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE.
Or listen to the audio – short 8 second delay before it starts:
AUDIO – Mayor’s Update July 15, 2022 Play Audio File of any 2022 Mayor’s Update. CLICK HERE
Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Reveals Community Super Heroes in Weekly Update July 15, 2022
He didn’t say those words, but he revealed the Best of the Gardner Community in this week’s Uplifting Update just the same. Mayor Nicholson complimented his Super Hero Aide Colin Smith who organized this year’s successful Gardner Food Truck Festival. The Chair City Mayor also thanked all those who helped make it possible.
Mayor Nicholson spoke of the Phoenix Cross Fit Class held Tuesday Nights at 7:30pm this summer at Fitness Concepts for “those who are in recovery, those who want to support those in recovery, or those who just want to live a sober lifestyle.” Nicholson was invited this past Tuesday by the Alyssa’s Place Recovery Center (Super Heroes).
Nicholson told of the Heywood Surgical Pavilion Progress. He also mentioned a Super Effort, the new island in place at the intersection of Woodland Avenue and Green Street to help cut down on accidents. (by DPW Super Heroes)
NoWoCo Pride held an event at Gardner City Hall attracting dozens of people. (NoWoCo Super Heroes)
Mayor Nicholson explained that several Eagle Scout projects have made a difference in Gardner this summer including from newest Eagle Scout Quinton Lemmick (Scout Super Heroes)
Turns out the DPW has some Super Heroes of their own. We call them the “Mulch Makers”, turning trees they’ve had to take down into wood chips to be used at the Dog Park and at the Golf Course, saving the City lots of money by not having to purchase them.
Beautiful Mulch Job at Dog Park completed with the “Mulch Makers” Mulch – made in Gardner MA by DPW Super Heroes The DPW has also been instrumental in other Super Hero work including starting construction of 2 new Shade Pavilions at the Gardner Dog Park, replacing 4 dead ash trees at Monument Park with new trees, and replacing Downtown Gardner sidewalks. However, the City was faced with a Super Villain who went under the caution tape to walk on the wet concrete. The Villain was promptly arrested by Gardner PD Super Heroes and will be held financially responsible for the repairs which needed to be made.
The 2 Concrete Pads Installed as part of Covered Pavilion Construction. Many in the community who serve Gardner are Super Heroes, don’t you think?
Let us showcase your Gardner MA Super Hero. Email
- R.E. Tax (7/15/2022)
Gardner MA Real Estate Taxes Explained
Currently, Gardner can’t tax real estate and personal property more than $31,271,792 due to Prop 2 1/2 (Not including New Growth). The 1st and 2nd quarter bills just sent out totaled $17,788,278 per the City Assessor’s office, leaving a limit of $13,483,514 for the next billing for 3rd and 4th quarter. Any questions, get in touch with the Assessor’s Office or Treasurer/Collector
The Reason for the Disparity
Gardner must by State Law send out the bills based on an awkward combination of the tax rate already set AND the higher real estate values from calendar year 2021. Result: Higher bills first two quarters and lower bills second two quarters when everything gets sorted out. Total bill: What it should be, it all gets sorted out in the end.
Learn more about Prop 2 1/2
Gardner Magazine has a page covering everything you ever wanted to know about Proposition 2 1/2 in Massachusetts including videos prepared by the State on What is Proposition 2 1/2?, What Is a Levy Limit and how is it calculated?, What is New Growth and how is it calculated?, what is the levy ceiling and how is it calculated?, How can a community levy above its levy limit/ceiling?, What is a Levy Limit Override or Underride?, What is an exclusion?, What are the differences between and Override and an Exclusion?, and What is Excess Levy Capacity? These videos will help you no matter what Greater Gardner town you live in. For the page of short videos, CLICK HERE.
Prop 2 1/2 PDF
We also have a complete primer on Prop 2 1/2. CLICK HERE.
- PACC Bands (7/14/2022)
Enjoy Bands FREE at the PACC in Gardner MA During Friday Night Cruise Nights
The Car Shows are from Friday Nights 5pm until dusk and then, Friday Night Bands play from 7pm to 11pm on the Outside Stage. FREE Admission, open to the public, Weather Permitting. In case of rain, band will play indoors. A Food Truck will be there. The Polish American Citizens’ Club is located at 171 Kendall Pond West in Gardner. Website:
Bands include: July 15: Traveling Jones, July 22: Dazed Till Dawn, July 29: Barbwire & LACE, August 5: Getaway, August 12: Whiskey Johnson, August 19: Danny LeBlanc, August 26: to be announced, September 2: Mad Hatter, September 9: Cashwood, September 16: The Big Random, September 23: A Night of Zeppelin, and September 30: Timeless.
- Nicholson 2 Years (7/14/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Hits 2 Year mark – thanks Citizens
“Today makes it 2 years since I was first sworn in as Mayor of Gardner after the 2020 Special Election. I’m proud of the work we’ve been able to accomplish together since then and am looking forward to seeing what the future brings.
Thank you to my family, everyone who has supported me along the way, voted for me, partnered on different projects, and worked to achieve all we have. I’m grateful beyond words and am truly blessed to serve this City and it’s residents. Thank you!”
- MART (7/14/2022)
Press Release: MART expanding services and Bus stops in Gardner MA
In a Press Release dated July 13, 2022, the City of Gardner is formally announcing the expansion of services and bus stops in Gardner. View Press Release
According to the Press Release, the shelter above was only the first of several to be added in Gardner. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is currently the Chair of MART’s Advisory Board. City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas stated, “…The new bus stops will support our current residents and visitors, and the expected growth from residential and commercial development happening throughout the City.” According to the Press Release, MART will use grant funds to install 20 more shelters along their lines this year and next, with 4 to 10 of them to be placed in Gardner.
- Top 10 (7/14/2022)
Panel of 5 starts with 10 applicants for Gardner MA Police Chief
According to statements made by Mayor Michael Nicholson at an Appointments Committee Meeting on July 12, 2022, the Panel of Five has received a total of 10 applications and will review them later this week. First round of interviews will come sometime next week. At some point, the top 2 candidates will go to the Mayor, who anticipates making a recommendation to the City Council prior to the September meeting. The Mayor has previously stated that once he makes his pick from the top 2, he will make a 60 day temporary appointment.
Assistant City Solicitor Has Resigned
While Mayor Nicholson stated that the resignation was not due to the recent City Council vote denying a large raise, but instead due to an offer made by a different law firm out of the area, the departure was not a big surprise. Despite at least one City Councilor expressing his concern that denying the raise would lead to a departure, the City Council unanimously voted on July 5, 2022 to restrict the raise to the same 2% given to other City employees. The reason given for the raise request was a substantial increase in workload.
Other Topics
One of the other topics discussed was the reappointment of Sergeant Lauren Walter, who could not be present for the meeting due to working a double. Councilor Walsh said he would like to postpone decision on the reappointment until another meeting as he had some questions. The Committee agreed. Also, Paulette Burns came up for a reappointment to the Board of Assessors and was widely praised and easily approved for a reappointment recommendation. There was also a discussion about a Civil Service bill being considered by the Massachusetts House.
- Gardner Cloud (7/13/2022)
Editorial: Is Mother Nature Delivering Gardner MA a Loving Message with the Gardner Cloud?
Think about it. The June 25, 2022 Gardner Birthday Celebration had perfect weather. The Gardner Food Truck Festival had perfect weather. This Saturday looks to be rain free. Do you think the cloud in Gardner on July 13, 2022 depicts Gardner’s Outline, or is it just whimsical thinking. You decide. I for one am willing to say thank you to God for all of Gardner’s good fortune of late. For more beautiful Gardner clouds today, CLICK HERE.
- Dog Park (7/13/2022)
Gardner MA Dog Park Improvements Underway at Pulaski Park
DPW Workers were at the Gardner Dog Park at Pulaski Park on July 13, 2022 making preparations for two covered structures and spreading out some fresh mulch. These welcome additions to the Dog Park will provide much-needed shelter from the sun, rain, and elements to patrons of both the Large and Small dog areas. The Dog Park was created in 2019 in large part due to funding from the Stanton Foundation, which reportedly agreed last Fall to grant funds for this most recent project.
Pulaski Park has a picnic area, playground for children, a walking track, and a basketball court. On any given day, visitors to Gardner’s Dog Park come from within the Chair City, surrounding communities, and even from greater distances such as New Hampshire and Fitchburg – Leominster. Directions – Map.
Dogs Relaxing at Pulaski Park Note: The Large Dog Park has easy entrances from the Charbonneau and Wright Street sides with two separate parking lots. Easiest entrance to the Small Dog Park is from Charbonneau Street.
- Local Treasures (7/13/2022)
Anne Leblanc and the Kayak full of goodies she gave away If We All Shop Small, It Can Make a BIG Difference. The Heart and Soul of Gardner MA: Independent, Locally-owned Small Businesses
According to, a number of things happen when you decide to Shop Local. $68 of every $100 spent at locally owned businesses stays in the community helping to create local jobs. Local business owners know you and you know them, and local business owners tend to support community causes. See example below: Greater Gardner MA residents can take advantage of the expertise at a locally owned business by letting one of your friends or neighbors serve your needs.
Gardner Square Two Recognizes Positivity
Patti Bergstrom, President of Gardner Square Two and owner of the Velvet Goose stated, “I do feel as if there has been a positive change in the energy and attitudes in our community. As a small business owner, I have met so many new people in the past few months…people who live locally and are just now discovering some of the local treasures. Grateful for the support of our community. I have spent 35 years at The Velvet Goose and it is definitely My Happy Place. You are all invited!” Want to take Patti up on her invite? Here’s the Facebook page. — Directions
Local Business Owner Gives Back
Anne LeBlanc of John’s Sport Shop recently won a big prize in a contest – a kayak full of goodies. Boys & Girls Club of Gardner had a Fundraising Gala last month raising over $224,000, $7000 of which was from the Summer Fun Raffle with the Kayak and merchandise worth $1500. But, guess what Anne did? Anne donated most of her win to Cancer Support Fund of Central Mass. Inc. so that more people could benefit by yet another charity drawing. Patti Bergstrom stated on July 13, 2022, “So grateful that I live and work in this kind and generous community.” John’s Sport Shop website. — Directions
Gardner Loves its Local Businesses
Gardner Magazine has a page we call “Share the Chair” featuring numerous reviews of Gardner Businesses. CLICK HERE. If you’d like to display the Gardner MA “Premium Quality” image, CLICK HERE.
- Twiddling Thumbs (7/12/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson: We’re not Twiddling our Thumbs
The Chair City Mayor speaks on how Gardner is setting an example to bring in business and relates numerous examples of success in making Gardner better. Complete article, CLICK HERE.
- Sewage Sludge Update (7/12/2022)
Gardner Landfill Gardner MA Illustration from City of Gardner Document “What the Sludge” CLICK IMAGE for larger view Gardner MA Decides to Move Forward on Seeking Approval for Landfill Expansion
We first reported on this in May, 2022 and asked for comment from the DPW Director, but did not hear back. However, the City of Gardner released this statement on July 11, 2022 on its website: “In 2023, the City of Gardner will construct a 4.3 acre expansion to the existing West Street sludge landfill, which receives biosolids, a nutrient rich biproduct of the city’s wastewater treatment process. While treated organic biosolids should not pose a threat to human or environmental health, safe and effective management prevents inadvertent industrial compounds from infiltrating our soils, water and air. The City of Gardner has explored numerous alternatives for managing biosolids and determined that landfill expansion best balances our community’s infrastructural, environmental, and economic priorities.” A 3 page pdf from the City of Gardner provides more information on the City’s Plan. CLICK HERE.
Illustration from City of Gardner Document “What the Sludge” showing proposed plan to monitor site. CLICK IMAGE for larger view Opposition to the Expansion
As soon as Gardner put forth the idea of possibly increasing the size of the landfill to allow for more sludge, Environmental groups opposed the move due to concerns over how the sludge might affect the surrounding area.
In particular, The Millers River Watershed Council opposes the expansion of the Gardner Landfill to add more sludge because they state, “this ill-conceived project, which will, if approved, have substantial negative consequences for our region and beyond.” They have devoted an entire webpage to the issue. CLICK HERE. Printable pdf, CLICK HERE.
The first step in understanding the issue is to understand what Sewage Sludge is and what can be done with it. Penn State offers the most complete explanation we can find, and it’s useful because it offers a number of solution alternatives… View Sewage Sludge Guide.
In order to proceed with the landfill expansion, Gardner must receive approval from the State of MA. Given opposition from Environmental Groups, it is reasonable to assume an eventual decision will take some time to reach. Therefore, the announced date of 2023.
- Beautiful School (7/12/2022)
Gardner MA NEW Elementary School Update in Pictures July 12, 2022
The New Gardner Elementary School is slated to open in time for classes this Fall. Seeing the school in photos is worth the look. It’s beautiful…. Complete Photos, CLICK HERE.
- Deliver Girl (7/12/2022)
Hubbardston MA Fire Chief and EMT make the Best kind of delivery 7-12-22!
From the Hubbardston Fire Dept. “Shortly after 5am this morning Hubbardston Firefighters and police were called to a residence for a woman in active labor. With delivery imminent the crew of A1 consisting of Chief Hayes and FF/EMT Mike Parker had HPD Officer Bergeron drive the ambulance so they could both focus on patient care. A short distance from Heywood Hospital the baby decided it couldn’t wait any longer and the crew of A1 helped deliver a healthy baby girl!.”
Within 6 hours, Social Media was abuzz with the news, with overwhelming praise and support for these dedicated public servants.
- Municipal FM (7/10/2022)
Low Power FM Transmitter Map of Gardner showing 3.5 radius from Gardner City Hall (red circle) and Gardner High School (blue circle) Sample of a Low Power FM Antenna Costs involved
Because of the relatively low power involved, cost would not be a huge factor as the transmitter and antenna would be fairly inexpensive. Engineering is relatively simple and the F.C.C. engineers in Washington D.C. could help for FREE. Gardner already has a television studio at the High School on Catherine Street. Gardner MA produces high quality video of City Council, School Committee, and other Municipal Meetings, and a weekly Mayor’s update. Visit the City of Gardner YouTube page here.
Gardner MA may consider its own Low Power Municipal Radio Station
Last year, an F.C.C. window closed on applications for regular licenses on the non-commercial band. Sometime soon, a window will open for additional low power FM applications on the 92 -108 part of the band. That’s where the interests of Gardner come in. Does Gardner want to have a station like the City of Leominster has had since January 26, 2017, which is licensed for 21 watts with an antenna 210 feet above average terrain? See what Leominster is doing with it. Website.
How Far would it Transmit?
If the license was granted, Gardner High School on Catherine Street could serve as a transmitter site as it’s roughly in the middle of Gardner geographically. Gardner City Hall might also cover the City. According to the Federal Communications Commission, Low power FM has a radius of about 3.5 miles. Gardner is only 23 square miles which in this case presents an advantage – less square footage to cover with a transmitter. The calculated coverage area would be A=πr2=π·3.52≈38.48451mi² using 3.5 as the radius of a circle and calculating the area of the circle. The math shows much of the Chair City could be covered, perfect for emergencies or whatever Gardner would deem to be in its interests. Due to the low power, the coverage might have dead spots due to terrain. That is why commercial stations which cover more than one community operate with substantially more power.
We asked the Mayor in an interview on many subjects July 6th:
Poegel: “Mayor, so sometime soon, an FCC window is going to open, allowing the City of Gardner to apply for a low power FM license, similar to what the City of Leominster already has. Does the Chair City have an interest in pursuing this to protect its interests?”
Nicholson: “I know we’ve talked about that with our Emergency Management Director Paul Topolski, because we do have a radio transmitter that we can use when we have larger events, but we don’t have a signal that is our own. So it is something we preliminarily looked at, but it’s not something we’ve had on the radar until we just heard the rumblings that the F.C.C. might be opening up a little more, so it’s a very recent conversation that we don’t have any details on yet on our end, but it is something that did spark a conversation.” Listen to the entire interview.
What frequency would it be?
Low power FM is between 92 and 108 on the FM dial. You find out what’s available by doing a search on the FCC website. You need to know the latitude and longitude of the proposed transmitter location. Finding a frequency is as simple as going on the F.C.C. site, inputting latitude and longitude specs, and doing a search. Gardner City Hall at 95 Pleasant Street is at 42 34 26, -71 59 45 and Gardner High School is at 42 34 39, -71 58 45. Both searches yield the same available frequencies, 97.3 and 102.9. However, Steve Wendell, owner of WGAW has a construction permit for a commercial station at the 97.3 frequency for Orange MA, so our bet is the City would pick 102.9 if it’s interested in pursuing the project.
As the Crow Flies
If we each had a flying car, we could make it to work much quicker because the distance “As the Crow Flies” is always shorter. There’s an online tool to calculate the straight line distance between two locations. CLICK HERE.
- Gardner PD Chief (7/10/2022)
It is unknown how long exactly it will take the Panel of Five to review applications, conduct interviews, and then send the final two picks to Mayor Michael Nicholson’s desk, but it is in the works and the Mayor won’t be told any of the candidate’s names until the end of the process.
Gardner Magazine recently published an article on the positive Community Outreach of the Gardner Police Department, much of it publicized by the Department since March of this year. See article.
Will Gardner MA PD Promote from Within? Applications Closed.
At least one member of the Gardner PD wants to be its next Chief of Police. Question is: Will the Panel of Five reviewing the applications end up choosing someone already on the Force as one of its two final picks?
Before the applications closed on Friday, July 8, 2022 at 4:30pm we asked Mayor Nicholson: “So moving on to the Gardner PD. There was a period of challenges earlier this year, when both the Chief and Deputy Chief were on paid Administrative Leave, and it appears the Gardner Police Department thrived, with a huge increase in the documentation of its community outreach efforts and a lot of positive accolades for the Gardner PD members. Does this mean it’s possible the new Chief will be a promotion from within?”
Nicholson: That’s always a possibility. To be honest with you Werner, I have removed myself from knowing who has applied for the position, just because I know who are current officers are, I’ve appointed some of them. But, I just want to make sure that there’s no appearance of a favoritism or anything like that. With that said, there’s always a chance that someone from inside could absolutely be promoted. Basically what happened is, the panel that’s going to be doing the preliminary review of the applicants, and I believe we have 8 or 9, I do get the numbers, I don’t get the names, we have 8 or 9 applicants so far, some are internal, some are external. Whoever the top two are from that panel, I’ll get them and do a final interview here and make the appointment based off of that final second interview. But there’s always a chance that someone from inside, it doesn’t have to be someone from the outside, but it could be. And I think that’s the chance we’ve given the City options to go off of rather than restrict one way or the other.”
Mayor Nicholson has previously stated that he intends to make a temporary 60 day appointment of the person chosen, with a full 3 year appointment to follow, requiring approval of the Gardner City Council.
- Summer Eats (7/10/2022)
Summer Eats with Project Bread in Gardner MA Feeds Kids
The Summer Eats Program at Gardner High School provides FREE breakfast from 8:15 to 9:00am and FREE lunch from noon to 1pm Monday through Friday through August 12th Anyone 18 years of age or younger can enjoy breakfast and lunch for FREE in the Gardner High School cafeteria at 200 Catherine Street, Gardner. (Gym 1 entrance).
No Registration or ID
No registration or ID is necessary. Similar programs are available with lunch available at the Royalston library and various locations in Athol, Orange, Fitchburg, and Leominster. For your community, use the convenient online map. CLICK HERE.
- Got Covid (7/10/2022)
Covid and Paxlovid Experience Shared
Got Covid Last Week and Recovering. Taking Paxlovid to fight it as prescribed. Experience: It tastes nasty (one of the noted side effects), but it appears to work. Sharing in the hope it helps some people. Our extensive article explains what this medicine is and how it works – it’s fascinating and a bit concerning too. CLICK HERE. Includes the latest MA Covid update too.
- Food Truck Festival Held (7/9/2022)
Moon Hill Brewery Beer Garden BootHill Express Band at Gardner City Hall Gardner MA Food Truck Festival Gardner Food Truck Festival – City Hall Avenue Gardner MA Holds Its Largest Food Truck Festival Ever
The Gardner Food Truck Festival on Saturday July 9, 2022 brought out many people from Gardner and surrounding communities to enjoy a wide variety of cuisine. The weather was almost perfect for the event. The Moon Hill Brewery Beer Garden delighted folks with some of their local beers produced in the Chair City. BootHill Express provided an enjoyable sound at the steps of Gardner City Hall. And the appetites of many were satisfied by the huge selection from more than two dozen Food Trucks. Gardner Magazine thanks Claude Vautour for taking photographs of the Food Truck Festival so we could share them with you.
Food Trucks expected were Travelin’ Bones, The Grub Guru, Smokin Food Truck 51,Uncle E’s BBQ Express, Nom Nom Hut LLC, Wacky Candy Shack, Sun Kim Bop, Minuteman Kettle Corn, Inc., Sabor Latino, Pops Sweet Harts Ice Cream Truck, Kona Ice of Shrewsbury, Moe’s Sweet Eats, Grill Daddy, The Dogfather, Jackson Effie Coffee Cabin, Say Cheese!, Potato Potato, Boston Coffee Rescue Corp, Birds Nest Italian Street Food, Shishkaberrys of New England, Trolley Dogs, Shane’s Hot Dogs, Sammy’s Polish Express, Tu Antojo Boricua, Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, and Clyde’s Cupcakes.
The streets were blocked off as Food Trucks lined up on Pleasant Street and City Hall Avenue with convenient Restroom locations at 3 different spots. It was a bring your own chair event, but there was seating and tables in the new Pleasant Plaza. See Previous article on Gardner Food Truck Festival with menu descriptions.
The next big event in Gardner is Retro Stew, scheduled to play at Monument Park in Gardner on Saturday July 16, 2022. We interviewed one of the band members about the planned classic rock music selections. CLICK HERE
For the complete Monument Park Concert Schedule, CLICK HERE.
Enjoy more photos of the Gardner Food Truck Festival below.
- Retro Stew (7/9/2022)
Retro Stew to play at Monument Park in Gardner on Saturday, July 16, 2022 at 6pm
Get ready for a true delight. Retro Stew is coming to Gardner and the concert is FREE as part of the Monument Park series. For complete schedule, CLICK HERE.
Retro Stew is a four piece acoustic/electric classic rock band known for their interesting arrangements and tight harmonies. The band has been entertaining in central Mass. for eight years at various restaurants, taverns, farms/orchards, breweries, and town events.
Band member Gayle S. Picard stated, “We play classic rock and pop from the 1960s through the 1990s as well as some more current tunes.”
We asked – what are the bands’ favorite classic rock tunes and Gayle stated, “We love anything that lends to harmonies. Eagles, Mamas and Papas, Beatles, Seals and Crofts, America, Moody Blues, Fleetwood Mac, to name a few bands we cover. We love to play California Dreaming, Groovin’, Help!, Bus Stop, Ventura Highway, Black Water… So many we love!”
- Mayor’s Update 7-8-22 (7/8/2022)
Watch Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson’s weekly updates on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE.
Upbeat Summer Message Focuses on Food Truck Festival, Senior Center, Anniversaries, Promo Videos, Veterans, and a flyer about Taxes.
In the Gardner MA Mayor’s weekly update before the Gardner Food Truck Festival of Saturday, July 9, 2022 – see article -, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke about adding yet another Food Truck, bringing the total to 26. Simmy’s Polish Express is the latest addition. Moon Hill Brewing will be serving adult beverages. The Mayor reminded that “this is a bring your own chair event.” The Pleasant Street seating area is available as well.
Latest addition to Gardner Food Truck Festival – July 9, 2022 from 1pm to 8:30pm on City Hall Avenue and Pleasant Streets in Gardner MA. 26 Trucks are expected, which is double of last year. The Mayor thanked the staff of Gardner Senior Center for organizing the Inter Generational programs which bring relatives of seniors into activities, and congratulated the Gardner Elks Club and WGAW Radio on their respective milestone anniversaries.
Nicholson spoke of promotional videos by CGI Productions. Businesses may receive a letter informing them of an opportunity to be a sponsor. It’ll be accompanied by a letter from the City informing them it’s not a scam. The Mayor said, “looking forward to be able to market the city in a new way.”
American Day in the Park is coming back to the City of Gardner on Sunday July 17th. The mayor says to keep an eye out for the flyers for the event. It’s a way of celebrating our Veterans and those who work with our veterans.
The Mayor also touched on the real estate tax bills once again. The city has also put together an explanatory pamphlet. Press Release
- Tax Inversion (7/8/2022)
Definition: Merriam Webster From a Press Release from Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson: “According to Massachusetts General Law and the restrictions of Proposition 2 ½, the City cannot raise taxes more than 2 ½% each year. For the current fiscal year, the total amount of property taxes that Gardner can collect is $31,271,792.” Read the entire Press Release.
City of Gardner MA Hit With Tax Inversion Phenomenon, Confusing Taxpayers
If conditions are ideal, a City’s Real Estate tax rate set by the City Council is fairly accurate, with preliminary 1st and 2nd quarter bills usually being somewhat lower than the final bills for 3rd and 4th quarter. However, due to state-mandated calculations, this time around, the Chair City gets stuck with a Tax Inversion.
The Problem
Instead of being able to immediately lower the tax rate per $1000 of valuation to compensate for the higher valuations of calendar year 2021, Gardner is forced by State law to send out the bills with both the already approved tax rate AND the higher valuation. The Result: Tax Inversion, where the bills for 1st and 2nd quarter are higher than expected. Good News: 3rd and 4th quarter actual real estate tax bills get adjusted so that the total you pay for the year is accurate. Conclusion: You pay more now, but pay less later.
More Information
Note: This is the first time Tax Inversion has hit Gardner since 2006. It’s because the average house prices in calendar year 2021 went up a lot. Help: If this situation presents a financial problem, don’t worry, the City of Gardner will work with you. Local Resources: The best place to get questions answered regarding your Gardner MA Real Estate taxes is the Treasurer/Collector office. Here is a link to the website page.
Future Tax Rate
Future Tax Rate: Once New Growth, Free Cash, etc. is certified by about November/December of 2022, the Gardner City Council is allowed to adjust the tax rate to compensate. The last two quarters get adjusted, and the universe goes back into balance. Tax Levy Limited: Remember, Gardner can’t tax more than a certain amount for the year due to Prop 2 ½, so you can be sure the adjustments will be made at the appropriate time. This may be inconvenient, but it all gets worked out in the end.
Understanding the Issue
The State of Massachusetts has a guide to Municipal Property Taxes. CLICK HERE. You can also read the actual State Law which restricts how Cities and Towns in Massachusetts can handle the situation. CLICK HERE. A third party site, Smart Asset, explains how property taxes vary throughout Massachusetts and some other interesting related tidbits. CLICK HERE.
While it can be a shock to get an unexpectedly high bill given current worries about inflation, the transparency of Gardner City Hall on this issue and its willingness to work with taxpayers should relieve some stress.
- WGAW Spirit of 76 (7/6/2022)
In the Spirit of 76 on 7/6/22, We Honor Gardner’s Iconic WGAW Radio
Heard on AM 1340, 98.1FM, and everywhere on the internet, LISTEN LIVE LINK, WGAW is celebrating a 75 year history and entrance into its 76th year. Complete History from the station’s website., CLICK HERE.
View our previous articles about the station; Local Gold, 75th Anniversary, Exciting FM, a selected episode of Hit Show Hotline Radio described.
More on the Spirit of 76 , CLICK HERE.
- Projects (7/6/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson – The Projects Interview – July 6, 2022
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviews Mayor Nicholson. The Chair City Mayor speaks about the new Gardner Elementary School, taxes, projects, and paving. In the complete article, we now have in writing the complete section on the New School explaining how your bills won’t go up because of it, how your higher preliminary real estate bills will get adjusted in the end, and how the City will work with those needing help in paying.
Gardner MA School Excellence and Safety
The Mayor cites numerous examples of excellence, going above and beyond, and School Safety.
For complete article, CLICK HERE.
To listen to the complete interview, just click the play button below:
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Project 7-6-22 - City Council 7-5-22 (7/6/2022)
Gardner MA City Council 7-5-22 in first meeting of Fiscal Year 2023. Listen to Meeting Audio
For past City Council Meetings you can listen to on any device, CLICK HERE.
No Big Raises for Gardner MA HR Director and Assistant City Solicitor
An amendment made by Gardner City Councilor James Walsh won the day and the large raises proposed for the Assistant City Solicitor and Human Resource Director were voted down, in favor of a 2% raise comparable to what other City employees are getting. Despite both the Assistant Solicitor and Human Resource Director taking on additional duties, the larger raises were denied, but Councilor discussion indicates a City-wide salary survey may be undertaken soon. After this survey according to Walsh, any raises could be made retroactive to July 1 if desired.
In New Business, 4 of the 10 Gardner MA City Councilors made comments.
Dana Heath – I want to thank the Mayor for earlier explaining the taxes. I actually had a constituent earlier today who just got her tax bill. And I feel like everything you just said touched every topic that she brought to me. ….and everyone get out to the Food Truck Fest the 9th.
Nathan Boudreau – On June 25th, an explosive good time was had by all. ….I would like to thank the Mayor and the Council, and the police, fire, different members clubs from the community, and for all getting together to put on a great time. There didn’t seem to be any issues, the fireworks show was outstanding, I looking forward to what we will do over the next year for the 100th anniversary, noting that for year 237 we went off. So, thank you everybody involved in that. It was a good time.
James Walsh – I appreciate the Mayor explaining at tonight’s meeting as well as the other efforts made to explain the inversion of the tax rate versus the preliminary tax bill, versus the valuations that are used to, or the assessments that are used to, calculate the preliminary tax bills, it’s a little complicated, a little confusing, but we have to explain it to our constituents the best we can and I think the efforts being taken to do so hopefully will meet the challenges. The other thing, when I received my email, the Mayor’s announcement….I reminded the Mayor, that while we’re allowed to increase taxes by 2 ½ percent, we’re not obligated to, and we can do lower than that if circumstances justify. There’s a supplemental budget based upon the new growth anticipated tax levy, and we’ll have the opportunity to address that topic at that time. See the Gardner Magazine article on Tax Inversion.
Ron Cormier. “ Yeah briefly, we had two items placed on file this evening. One of them was the notification of a Mass Trails Grant award. The city has been working long and hard for years and years to develop a rail trail system and it came out this week that we received a $245,000 grant to help plan the further process. Wherever these rail trails are, they’re always well received. It’s a multi-use trail, and expand the ones we have is commendable. This is great news. The other one is to a notification to approve vacant storefront program. It’s something to help merchants, storefront owners, to improve the looks of their Downtown. We took action a couple weeks ago to try to improve a couple of parks, to try to improve the appearance of our community. We know we have new landlords in town who already made efforts to bring these buildings up to snuff. And this is another step forward, in trying to make Gardner, we have to make ourselves look better. This is another part of it. I just thought it was important to make note of that.
- Rocky on Duty (7/6/2022)
Gardner MA PD Canine Rocky Helps Catch Some Crooks
Thanks to Rocky the K9 Cop, his handler Officer Josh Willis, and other members of the Gardner Police Department, some crooks got caught and some property got recovered.
From the Gardner PD, “K-9 Rocky made a grand entrance! Today (July 5, 2022) was Rocky’s first patrol shift and he walked in with a statement. Less then an hour into his shift he was deployed on a track after a break in. Rocky wasted no time and successfully tracked the suspect. This along with the excellent teamwork of everyone working (especially Rocky) we are happy to report we have suspects in custody and recovered most of the stolen items.”
Rocky might have a second career as a Social Media star as the post about his successful first day drew lots of likes as of 6:30am on 7/6/22:
Facebook Likes as of 6:30am on 7/6/22 According to Officer Josh Willis, the much sought-after K-9 tee shirts will be available during an appearance this Saturday during the Gardner Food Truck Festival.
- Gardner PD Genuine (7/4/2022)
Gardner MA PD Featured in Genuine Gardner
The Gardner Police Department epitomizes the positivity of Gardner we want to showcase in Genuine Gardner. Full Article with lots of photos, CLICK HERE.
Search for the Chief
In an interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on July 6, 2022, the Mayor commented on the search for the new Gardner Police Chief stating that while he does not know the identities of the applicants, he has been informed that there are already 8 or 9 applications, both inside and outside of the Gardner PD. The panel of five will review the applications. When the choices are narrowed down, the Mayor gets to see those submissions and make a decision. Mayor Nicholson has previously stated he intends to make a 60 day temporary appointment. If all goes well, a full 3 year appointment would be made, to be reviewed by the Appointments Committee of the Gardner City Council and then sent on for confirmation by the full Council. Deadline to submit an application is Friday July 8, 2022 at 4:30pm.
- Mayor’s Update July 1, 2022 (7/1/2022)
Update is about 11 minutes long, but worth every minute of it if you are a Gardner taxpayer. Please take the time to watch it. You’ll be glad you did.
Tax Bills Focus of Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Update
Mayor Nicholson mentioned recent grants and various events, but focused on explaining upcoming real estate tax bills, which will be higher than expected for the first two quarters, but commensurately lower for the last two quarters. This is an important update for all taxpayers to watch so we’re making it available to you right here. Just click play at left.
UPDATE: Notice Regarding Preliminary Tax Bills – from City of Gardner website, for pdf, CLICK HERE
- Storefront Revitalization (7/1/2022)
State Approves Gardner MA Application for Storefront Revitalization Districts
In an announcement dated June 30, 2022 but sent out on the first day of the new fiscal year, Mayor Nicholson announced that the Chair City has been approved for two new Vacant Storefront Revitalization Districts, covering both the Timpany Boulevard Corridor and another which covers the majority of the City’s Downtown. Complete Press Release in pdf form. CLICK HERE.
An Avalanche of Government and Community Leaders Respond Positively
Mayor Nicholson, “…these programs just continue to make Gardner a more marketable place to do business.” State Rep. Jonathan Zlotnik, “…this program will help further revitalize two important commercial areas.” State Senator Anne Gobi, “The City of Gardner continues to put out the welcome mat to new businesses….” Jonathan Bombaci of Candor Realty, ” We have a number of businesses interested in coming into the downtown and this program will help them with the fit-out costs which are necessary for them to be successful…” Patti Bergstrom of Gardner Square Two, “….This program should go a long way toward helping….” Amy Fantoni, owner of Timpany Crossroads, “…We are excited to grow with the city….” Gardner City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, “….The program both compliments and encourages growth in our city moving forward.” Congresswoman Lori Trahan, “…I applaud Mayor Nicholson for his commitment to making Gardner an even better place to live, work, and do business.” Mayor Nicholson, “…the fact that we were able to get both applications approved is quite an accomplishment for the City.” Read all the comments in the Press Release.
Program applies to all storefronts that have been vacant for a period of 12 months or more. There’s a total of 42 eligible locations. For all the complete comments, please read the Press Release.
The Two Vacant Storefront Districts Recently Approved for Funding by the State.
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