Greater Gardner MA Local News May 2024
- Public Service 5-30-24 (5/31/2024)
Informative Public Service Committee Meeting Held in Gardner MA
The Public Service Committee heard details about the Recreation Program, Conservation and Development, Engineering, and DPW. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Public Service 5-30-24 Gardner Fact: DPW Director Dane Arnold also serves as Gardner’s Tree Warden.
- Update 5-31-24 (5/31/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the City of Gardner
In his update of May 31, 2024 Gardner Mayor Nicholson covered various grand openings and ribbon cuttings, construction, improvements, and events. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The Mayor spoke of various ribbon cuttings coming up. He also stated of Timpany Crossroads, “It’s great to see that plaza completely fill up now.” At Timpany Plaza, “You can actually see the new Chipotle’s building already framed out, and Five Below already has their new facade put up.” In Downtown re Maki Park, “that will be a three-tiered park over there with outdoor seating options, cornhole facilities and an outdoor stage with full electrical capabilities for outdoor performances.” Goal is to have it done by the Oktoberfest and Chair Luge this Fall.
Congratulations: Gardner Middle School 5th Grade Class had DARE graduation. Gardner High School graduation is June 1st. This week over $500,000 in scholarships were awarded
Events: June 1st: Gardner High School and Gardner Academy Graduation —- Gardner Citywide Yard Sale Saturday June 1st, Website —- June 3rd: Holy Family Academy graduation —- Yoga in the Park runs June 3 through August 26th — Tuesday, June 4th: Higher Ground Ministries 40th Anniversary —- Yard Waste Collection is June 4th through June 7th —- Thursday, June 6th: Joint Operations Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting —- Gardner Relay for Life June 7th and 8th at MWCC —- Sunday June 9th: Gardner Firefighters Memorial Ceremony at 9am —- Thursday June 13th: Maki Building Centers 75th Anniversary Celebration at 5pm, Linus Allain Avenue right off Betty Spring Road —- Gardner Farmer’s Market Grand Opening June 15th Website —— June 22nd from 10am to 4pm: Small Business Saturday in Downtown Gardner —-
- Winchendon Budget Update (5/30/2024)
Key Facts Regarding the Winchendon School Budget Issue
What is not disputed: Without having a Proposition 2 1/2 override, not all desired expenditures can be made and priorities must be decided. A school budget needs to be passed prior to July 1, 2024. Publisher’s note: While an override has not been requested this year, it has been suggested as a possibility for next year.
What is disputed: People have differing opinions as to priorities. Most everyone cares about the students of Winchendon and wants the best for them.
Progress Made: Discussions have been held between various interested parties resulting in the latest proposed budget.
Documents: Winchendon School Budget changes 1 sheet Latest copy of the budget dated May 29, 2024, CLICK HERE. —- Letter from Interim Superintendent of Schools Goguen Budget Fact Sheet —– Joint Statement from Winchendon Teachers Association and Superintendent.
Key Dates: Winchendon School Committee public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget is Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 5pm in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Warrant articles for the Town Meeting will be accepted until Monday June 3rd at 10am. Last day to register to vote for the upcoming Town Meeting is June 7th. Because, the town clerk’s office will be closed during 6-5 to 6-7, residents need to stop at the Police Dispatch Station at 72 Central Street to get voter registration forms.
Town Meeting is Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at Murdock Middle High School Auditorium.
- Matt York (5/30/2024)
Gardner MA Library to Feature Live Country Music
Renowned New England singer-songwriter Matt York will perform “Willie Nelson: Songs and Stories” Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 6pm on the lawn of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA. ADMISSION is FREE.
Listen to Matt York introducing himself on any device and singing a few bars. CLICK PLAY.
Matt York – Songs and Stories Matt York website, CLICK HERE. Matt York YouTube Channel with videos going back 8 years, CLICK HERE. Matt York is also an author. Information on Matt’s book, CLICK HERE.
York has previously been nominated for a Boston Music Award for Best Country Artist and his album “Gently Used” was named as one of Worcester Magazine’s best albums of 2022. If you want to know what he sounds like, click the video link above and pick from dozens of videos.
Celebrating the Legacy of Willie Nelson: Matt York to Perform Live at Gardner Library. Get ready for an unforgettable evening of music and storytelling as the Levi Heywood Memorial Library proudly presents renowned New England singer/songwriter Matt York, paying homage to the legendary Willie Nelson. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 12, starting at 6:00 PM, on the Library lawn. Matt York, a seasoned musician with deep roots in the New England music scene, will take center stage to share songs and stories inspired by the incomparable Willie Nelson. As one of the most iconic figures in country music history, Nelson’s illustrious career spanning over seven decades has left an indelible mark on generations of music lovers.
Attendees are invited to bring their lawn chairs and blankets, along with friends and family, to bask in an evening of good music and community spirit. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to Willie Nelson’s music, this event promises to be a captivating journey through his remarkable musical legacy.This free program is made possible by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the magic of Willie Nelson’s music brought to life by Matt York. Join us for an evening of nostalgia, camaraderie, and the timeless melodies that have defined generations. For more information, please contact the Library at 978-632-5298. Library website, CLICK HERE.
- City Progress (5/30/2024)
Downtown: Construction is underway at what will be an attraction in Downtown Gardner: Maki Park. Maki Park will be a 3 tiered park offering seating, cornhole, and a bandstand. Stunning facade improvements have been made to the M Building of Empire Management. The company recently purchased the former Bank of America Building and anticipates readying the bottom floor for a new restaurant.
Timpany Plaza: Chipotle Construction is underway. The Iconic Blue of Five Below is reflected in the ongoing work. A few other remaining vacant locations in the plaza are being marketed at this time.
Timpany Crossroads: Joint Operations is open and work is anticipated soon to ready this storefront for the new Jersey Mike’s.
As we head towards Summer in Gardner MA, 2024 is slated to be known as another year of progress in the Chair City. Gardner has had a record number of business openings in the last 4 years.
Interested in bringing your business to Gardner? A great place to start is Economic Development at Gardner City Hall – here’s a link to the webpage.
- Heywood – Independent (5/29/2024)
Heywood Healthcare to Emerge Independent by Summer
Heywood Healthcare will remain independent according to a Press Release announcing its filing to Exit Chapter 11 (Filing occurred just before midnight on May 28, 2024). Heywood has expanded services since its inception over a century ago in 1907. Now, Heywood Healthcare has taken a major step towards providing excellent patient care for the next century. Heywood will officially emerge from Chapter 11 upon court approval of this latest filing, CLICK HERE. which is expected in early to mid summer. In a Press Release received by Gardner Magazine, – CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE – Heywood Healthcare stated, “In the nearly 8 months since the filing, the system has optimized multiple service lines, re-opened its inpatient mental health unit, and experienced growth in inpatient, surgical, and ambulatory volume, including a 16% increase in labor and delivery. Equally critical to its success, the system retained and expanded the medical staff.” The final status of the Surgical Pavilion will be addressed at a later date. This Exit Plan as an independent community-governed Healthcare System envisions a continuation of its programs and services to meet the needs of the community.
The plan articulates the system’s readiness to emerge independently. Rozanna Penney, President and CEO states,” Heywood Healthcare’s progress is attributed to its dedicated medical staff and employees, along with strong financial and operational prudence. We will proceed thoughtfully and planfully, maintain focus on patient care, and continue to forecast potential risks. The board and leadership team extend our gratitude for the steadfast support of our federal, state, and local representatives, as well as our appreciation for the patients who continue to choose Heywood Healthcare.”
The Press Release also addressed the initial filing stating, “On October 1, 2023, the Heywood Healthcare system filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code. This deliberate and strategic approach allowed the system to address numerous historic contractual agreements swiftly, seek commercial rate enhancements, reorganize its finances, and focus on service optimization.”
For all of the filings in this case visit this official court website, CLICK HERE. For the latest filing on pdf, CLICK HERE. OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson commented on the news. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor Nicholson stated, “For more than a century, Heywood Hospital has been providing quality health care services to the residents of the City of Gardner and the surrounding region in North Central Massachusetts and the North Quabbin region. I’m very happy and excited to hear the latest good news coming from Heywood Hospital about the process to exit the bankruptcy process as an independent health care organization. I’m sure they will succeed in their efforts and continue to strive as they move forward. In the over 100 years that Heywood Hospital has been servicing our area, they’ve met countless challenges along the way, but they’ve come out stronger each and every time those challenges have arisen. I’d like to thank President Rozanna Penney and the staff of Heywood Health Care for the continued support and dedication to the residents who live here in providing quality health care services to those who call this place their home. Congratulations on making it to this point and I look forward to your continued partnership in the future. Thank you.“
- Early College (5/29/2024)
MWCC Announces Graduates of Early College and Pathways Programs
13 Pathways Graduates are pictured at top. MWCC’s Pathways Early College Experience offers motivated students interested in getting a head start on college the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and an associate degree while completing their junior and senior years in high school taking courses at MWCC.
Gateway to College graduates are pictured at bottom. MWCC’s Gateway to College program, established in 2006 as the first Gateway site in New England, provides a second chance for students ages 16 to 21 who have dropped out of high school, are at risk of dropping out, or experienced a setback, as well as an opportunity for home schooled students to complete high school and college studies.
Read the entire Press Release with all the details, including names of all the graduates CLICK HERE.
- Winchendon Budget (5/29/2024)
Town of Winchendon Working Towards Budget Resolution
With the initial School Budget rejected at Town Meeting, another Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. As a budget needs to be approved prior to July 1, 2024, sufficient attendance at this upcoming Town Meeting will be critical. Prior to Town Meeting, the Winchendon School Committee will be holding a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 5pm in the Town Hall Auditorium.
The Town Manager’s office will be accepting warrant articles and citizen petitions from now through Monday June 3, 2024 at 10am.
- Paving 2024 (5/28/2024)
Gardner MA Paving List Announced – Staffing Vacancies Affected Choices
The Gardner DPW has a 40% staff vacancy level. Therefore, when tasks are contemplated, the available staff is considered. According to DPW Director Dane Arnold, the streets chosen “don’t have a lot of preparation work by the DPW in order to resurface the roads and sidewalks. This year and moving forward until we get our staff levels back up to where they need to be, we can’t undertake such a large project and tie up the crew all construction season. The alternative is to pay a contractor to do the preparation work, but then you are paying a much higher cost to the project and can’t pave as many streets in a year unless the funding is greatly increased.”
In his submitted Fiscal Year 2025 budget, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson cut the amount for paving until free cash is known later in the year. However, in his update of May 10th, the Mayor stated, “we actually may have an additional funding source that we’re looking into right now for paving some additional streets that way.” If the funding comes through, Mayor Nicholson will let Gardner know in an upcoming update.
In our “Funding the City” interview Mayor Nicholson said this about DPW pay. “We’re currently working out with the two DPW unions’ plan for the wage and benefits items that are in their contract, anything that’s included in that union contract there. Their union contract is actually up on July 1st of this year, so we’re hoping to get that done by the time the new fiscal year starts around so that we can make those positions a lot more marketable because we just need to.”
The DPW did conduct a pothole week the week of May 13, 2024 during which all four DPW crews filled potholes on City streets.
- Severe Storms (5/27/2024)
Federal Help Available for last September’s Storms
From September 11 to September, 13, 2023 -Worcester County, (particularly the City of Leominster) was affected by severe storms and flooding. President Joe Biden just approved the assistance which was initially denied. Various resources are available. General Resource page, CLICK HERE.
Individuals impacted can apply at this link: CLICK HERE.
Also available is the FEMA Helpline: (800) 621-3362
Here is the original Press Release when President Joe Biden made the announcement, CLICK HERE.
Here’s a link to our original story when a Flash Flood warning was issued and before we knew of the extent of the damage at the 9-11 inches of rain which fell on Leominster MA. CLICK HERE.
- Memorial Ceremony 2024 (5/27/2024)
Gardner MA Holds Memorial Day Ceremony
On Memorial Day 2024, May 27, 2024, Gardner had a parade with a ceremony at Monument Park. The event featured distinguished service members, public officials, and the public gathering to honor those who have served and who we remember. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
To view video, click play button below.
- Yard Sale Frustration (5/27/2024)
Publisher’s Note: List of participants is posted below. Visit for more information, resources and link to the official Facebook page which may have updates.
Gardner City-Wide Yard Sale is Saturday June 1st – Participating Residents
The anonymous organizer of this year’s Gardner City Wide Spring Yard Sale has posted a list of participating addresses. Update 5-30-24: Here is a link to the Map, CLICK HERE. Last year former organizer Julie Mazza provided us with ongoing information as to participants and links to a Yard Sale map. . Anyone may email us information about their sale to and we will be glad to publish the info FREE.
Participating Addresses
110 Temple St —- 286 Temple St —- 18 Jackson Park (Patio furniture, household items, skis All items are free with cash donations to benefit the Cancer Support Fund of Central MA gratefully accepted.) —- 194 S Main St Apt 1 —-194 S Main St Apt 2 —- 99 Lovewell St —- 115 Lovewell St —- 228 Lovewell St —- 112 Kelton Rd —- 6 Charbonneau —- 525 Main St —- 16 Barthel Ave —- 72 Eastwood Cir —- 22 Myrtle Rd —- 48 Pearl St —- 262 Elm St —- 14 Chestnut St —- 82 Chestnut St —-176 Chestnut St —- 25 Ken Dr —- 56 Ken Dr —- 52 Prospect St —- 205 Woodland Ave —- 11 Middle Rd —- 159 Waterford St —- 170 Waterford St —- 179 Waterford St —- 163 Pleasant St —- 104 Leo Dr —- 38 Cleveland St —- 22 Kendall St —- 20 Church St —- 47 Douglas Rd —- 164 Logan St —- 96 Jonathan St —- 250 Pine St —- 293 Pine St —- 27 Carter Rd —- 13 Leamy St —- 70 Leamy St —- 139 Leamy St —- 40 Robillard St —- 46 Norman St —- 24 Bear Hill Rd —- 109 Monadnock St —- 120 Sawyer St —- 18 Blake St —- 50 Kendall Pond West
- Honor Never Expires (5/27/2024)
A Hero is Returned – Jacob Casavant’s story of his great uncle, Army Corporal William C. Knight.
26 Year old Jacob James Casavant of Winchendon has a story to tell about just one of America’s heroes. He was kind enough to share this with Gardner Magazine. It’s called, “Ghosts of the Chosin” Honor Never Expires and it’s about his late great uncle Army Corporal William C. Knight who was flown home after being MIA from the Korean War. We thought it only fitting to publish this story on Memorial Day as we honor all of the fallen who have given so much to preserve America’s freedoms.
“Ghosts of the Chosin” Honor Never Expires
The tarmac at Logan International airport stretched out before us as we stood in solemn anticipation. The Boeing 737, touched down with a sense of gravity that echoed the weight of history onboard. Shrouded in a flag that bore the stars and stripes, lay the remains of a hero – my great uncle, Army Cpl. William C. Knight. After sixty-three years of being missing in action from the Korean War, his journey home was finally over.
Cpl. Knight was a young man of just twenty when he was killed in action in December 1950, he fell at the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir. His remains were lost in the annals of war until a mass grave was unearthed in North Korea in 2002. It took until 2013 for modern science, in the form of DNA testing, to definitively identify his remains. With due honor, his body was brought home to be laid to rest alongside his parents in the peaceful soil of Oakham, Massachusetts. Yet, there was an omission, a haunting reminder of the horrors of war: North Korea refused to return his skull to American soil, a stark symbol of the inhumanity that lingers long after the battle’s last shots.
The Battle of the Chosin Reservoir is etched in history as one of the most brutal and unforgiving chapters of American military engagements. The unforgiving terrain, relentless enemy advances, and merciless cold stand out in the collective memory. It was on the 14th of November 1950 that a brutal Siberian cold front descended upon the Chosin Reservoir, driving temperatures down to a bone-chilling -36 °F. Soldiers not only faced the threat of the enemy but also the creeping danger of frostbite as they trudged through frozen ground and icy roads. The weapons, essential for their survival, often malfunctioned under the extreme conditions.
Cpl. Knight’s story, as recounted within my family, unfolds against this backdrop of a frozen hellscape. Under a storm of ice and enemy fire, Cpl. Knight took a selfless moment to assist a comrade with a rifle malfunction and, in a cruel twist of fate, was felled by an enemy bullet. The Chinese forces, numerically superior and wielding burp guns and grenades, swarmed the American positions with bugles blaring, an eerie symphony of death. The bravery exhibited by the U.S. soldiers at Chosin is almost beyond words. Out of 25,000 American troops, a staggering 6,000 were killed, wounded, or captured, while another 6,000 suffered the cruel embrace of frostbite. The Chinese, despite their eventual victory, paid a terrible price – 72,500 casualties, 60% of their 120,000 strong army. The Chosin Reservoir marked a pivotal moment, taking General MacArthur and the United Nations forces completely by surprise, and instantaneously reshaping the trajectory of the war.
My grandfather, a young boy when his brother embarked on his fateful journey to war, had aged into a gray-haired old man by the time Cpl. Knight’s remains were finally brought home. The retrieval of William’s remains was, for him, a profound closure. A lifetime of questions finally answered. A year ago, my grandfather passed away, and it brings comfort to know that he had the chance to say a final goodbye to his brother before his own time came. But the bitter truth remains, more than 7,900 Americans remain unaccounted for from the Korean War, as reported by the Department of Defense. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, with a solemn mission, strives to provide the fullest possible accounting for those missing in action from past conflicts – a task that encompasses World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf Wars, and other recent conflicts. As of the latest update on May 22, 2023, the number of missing American soldiers stands at more than 81,000.
The story of my great uncle, Army Cpl. William C. Knight, serves as a stark reminder that honor never expires. We bear a sacred duty to bring the fallen home, to return them to their final resting place. The act of retrieval and the act of remembrance are but the smallest gestures we can offer in the face of their ultimate sacrifice. These men, my great uncle included, are the ghosts of the Chosin – their spirits linger in the chilling winds of history, and their memory will never fade.
By Jacob Casavant.
- Gardner PD 5-26-24 (5/26/2024)
At 9:15pm on 5-26-24, the Gardner Police Department posted, “Attention: Please seek alternate routes with caution at both the Timpany Blvd rotary & the Central St rotary due to flooding“
- 20th Ride (5/26/2024)
20th Annual Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial Ride
Hundreds of motorcycle riders took part in the 20th annual Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial Ride on the morning of Sunday May 26, 2024. The approximate 3 hour ride included VVA Chapter 907 and Patriot Riders Chapter 3 and began at the Polish American Citizens Club in Gardner.
The Winchendon Fire Department posted “The Winchendon Fire Department was honored to display the American Flag at the 20th Annual Vietnam Veterans of America Memorial Ride this morning. Such a humbling experience for the crews. In between numerous calls today members were able to proudly hang bunting on the fire station. WFD pride.”
- Memorial Day 2024 (5/26/2024)
Greater Gardner Chamber With a List of Memorial Day Events
As Memorial Day approaches, let us honor and remember those who have served our nation. Here is a list of Memorial Day events in the Greater Gardner Community. Thank you to all who served. Memorial Day Schedules, Monday, May 27th.
Ashburnham: – 9:00 a.m. – Ceremonies at Meeting House Hill cemetery – Parade to new cemetery and town hall (10:00 a.m.) – 1:00-3:00 p.m. – Chicken BBQ at American Legion Post 142, 132 Williams Rd. Meals: $15 (call 978-827-9966 to reserve).
Barre: – 9:15 a.m. – Ceremonies at South Barre Common – 10:00 a.m. – Saint Joseph Cemetery- 10:30 a.m. – Glen Valley Cemetery – 12:00 p.m. – North Park with guest speaker Brigadier General John J. Driscoll – Followed by Chicken BBQ at American Legion Post #2, $18/ticket (purchase at the Legion).
Gardner: – 9:15 a.m. – Assembly at American Legion – 9:40 a.m. – Parade down Central Street to Monument Park for Memorial Day program- Rain location: Perry Auditorium, Gardner City Hall.
Hubbardston: – 11:00 a.m. – Parade from Curtis Recreation Field – Followed by Ice Cream Social at the Senior Center hosted by the Golden Age Club. Parking: Go Green Pallet Company.
Templeton: – 7:00 a.m. – Veterans meet at American Legion Post – 7:30-8:50 a.m. – Honor Guard and Chaplain visit cemeteries and monuments – 9:00 a.m. – Parade assembly at Narragansett front parking lot – 10:00 a.m. – Parade steps off, ending at the common (Memorial Day program starts at 10:25).
Westminster: – 6:30-8:00 a.m. – Free breakfast for Veterans at VFW Post 7389 – 8:30 a.m. – Departure from VFW, visiting various monuments and cemeteries – 11:15-11:30 a.m. – Parade from Lovell St to Academy Hill with recitals, guest speaker, and music – Chicken BBQ at VFW (get tickets in advance).
Winchendon: – 10:00 a.m. – Parade (participants at Fire Station by 9:45 a.m.) – 10:45 a.m. – Ceremony at Gazebo, GAR Park – Inclement weather: Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. at Winchendon American Legion.
- Library Drone (5/25/2024)
REAL Drone Photo of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA For more information about the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, CLICK HERE.
Library Drone Photo Enhanced with AI to Showcase Technology in Greater Gardner MA
At left is a beautiful REAL Drone photo taken by the Gardner Police Department. To showcase the capabilities, uses, and dangers of AI, Gardner Magazine used various tools to create the images below. All are FAKE, using a REAL central image with various Artificial Intelligence interpretations of possible backgrounds. This technology makes it increasingly difficult for law enforcement to distinguish FACT from FICTION, but it gives film producers additional tools to make the movies we love. Warning: Be aware of scams. Always call your local police department if you are unsure.
View a complete gallery of fictitious images showing a universe of possibilities, CLICK HERE.
The following are all fictitious depictions. CLICK for LARGER VIEW.
- GHS Grad ’24 (5/24/2024)
Important Gardner High School Graduation Events
Tuesday, May 28, 7pm Holy Rosary Church- Baccalaureate Ceremony
Thursday, May 30 5:30pm Gardner High School – Senior Awards Night
Saturday, June 1, 10am Watkins Field – Gardner High Graduation (remember to RSVP if you plan to attend graduation so they can have a seat available for you)
- Market Details (5/24/2024)
Note: The Gardner Farmers Market will feature over 20 local vendors, including participants in the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), ensuring equitable access to fresh, nutritious food for all residents. For more information about the Gardner Farmers Market, CLICK HERE.
Details on the New Farmers Market Opening June 15, 2024 at Waterford
The new Farmers Market will be run by Erica Bosse of Flicker Hill Homestead LLC and opens on Saturday June 15, 2024 from 9:30am to 1pm. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on the opening day.
“We are excited to bring the community together to support our local farmers, bakers, and other small businesses,” said Mayor Mike Nicholson. “This market is a testament to the collaborative spirit of Gardner, and the unprecedented amount of growth the City has seen over the last few years.”
The Gardner Farmers Market wrote, “The Gardner Farmers Market will be held on the third Saturday of each month from June through September, featuring over 20 vendors at each market. These rain or shine events will offer a variety of local products and family-friendly activities, including a bubble machine, story time, and craft activities for children, all organized by Gardner Librarian Stephanie Young. We are also excited to announce that we will have live music at at least two of the events and are working to schedule performances for the remaining two markets. We are grateful to MART for adding stops to their routes for our four scheduled markets this season, making it easier for residents to access the market.”
Vendors included in the Farmers Market – AGRICULTURE & FARM PRODUCTS: Guy’s Bee Apiary, Rock Harvest Farm, Five Chicken Farm, My Friends Farm, Hubbards Farm, Plant Matter Microgreens, Partridgeville Farm, Bee Nice Farm, Lone Larch Farm, Tiny’s World, Growing Places Mobile Market, Carl E. Dahl House, Singing Kettle Botanicals, Flicker Hill Homestead — BAKERIES & PREPARED FOODS: Deer Creek Farm, Victoria Coffee Co., Hubbards Farm, Giacomo’s Gourmet Foods LLC, Five Chicken Farm, Josilyn Straka Baked Goods, Growing Places Prepared Foods —- HANDMADE ARTS & CRAFTS, NON PROFITS, & ENTERTAINMENT: MART, Levi Heywood Public Library, Carl E. Dahl House, Growing Places, Ascentria – SMART Resources, Obscure Notation, Rebel Bath & Body, Kyla’s Creations, House of Handmade Cards For more information, visit the website, CLICK HERE. There are a limited number of vendor spots still available.
- Break 5-24-24 (5/24/2024)
From City of Gardner 5-24-24 at about noon, “DPW crews are responding to a water main break on Century Way. Water services and traffic flow on Century way between Fernwood Drive and Clark Street may be impacted until repairs are fully made.”
- Update 5-24-24 (5/24/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with a 24 Minute Memorial Day Weekend Update on the 24th
Listen to the update on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Update 5-24-24 Mayors Convention – Nicholson attended “All of the mayors from around the Commonwealth get together for a couple of days just to go over some best practices, looking into the years ahead, some issues facing different cities and towns as we move forward… it’s great to see all the mayors get together just to be able to share ideas with each other and see how we can make our communities better.”
Congratulations: MWCC graduates from last week and Gardner High School coming up. —- New monks at Buddhist community in Gardner. —- Grand openings and ribbon cuttings. —– Gardner Elementary Band students win Gold —- 45th annual Student Government at Holy Family Academy — 4th Graders had annual lunch with the Mayor — Proclamation for National EMS Week “It’s a time to show our gratitude toward EMTs and paramedics who provide life-saving care...”
Events: Junior Police Academy July 15-20th for teenagers 14-17- applications online or at Gardner PD. —- Gardner Firefighter Memorial Sunday June 9th with assembly at 8:30am and ceremony at 9am at Gardner Fire Department. —- Library Summer Reading Kickoff is June 26th at 5pm —- Yoga in the Park Monday nights June 3rd to August 26th. 6-7pm at the shores of Crystal Lake in the new Park Street Park — Small Business Saturday is June 22nd. —- Sunday May 26th is the 20th Memorial Ride of the Patriot Riders of America Chapter 3 —- Dunn Park has passed water test and it is open for swimming.
Memorial Day Parade: “It will begin at the American Legion Post 129 at the intersection of Elm Street, Pearl Street, and Central Street at the Uptown Rotary. No construction is taking place on Memorial Day. Therefore, the parade can still start at the American Legion and go around the new rotary that is partially constructed. They’re going a lot quicker than we expected them to. And then that will go down Central Street and end at Monument Park.”
Paving Update and Flooding: “Paving work is going to be continuing throughout the city. We know that Century Way and Leo Drive should have been started this past week. We are continuing to work over on Lower Parker Street, as well as Fredette Street and Wilkins Road. As we move forward with different streets this year, we’ll be sure to announce those as they come up. But Century Way and Leo Drive will be the first ones paved, and we’ve already begun working on Lower Parker, Fredette, and Wilkins as well. So expect to see some crews in that area. There was some flooding that temporarily caused a portion of Pearl Street to be closed this past week over at the Uptown Rotary Project. There are special silt fabrics that are put over the catch basins to make sure that debris from the construction site doesn’t fall into the catch basins, but those fabrics are only rated for a certain amount of water per minute, and when we had as much rain as we had up front, as we did with the torrential downpours that we had a couple days ago, it just was too much for those silts to be able to let through at the time, but the water has since subsided. MassDOT was called in and fixed the problem, so that shouldn’t be something that happens again. But I want to thank our city engineer, Rob Oliva, and everyone from MassDOT who got out and fixed that problem as quickly as they could.”
- ZBA 5-21-24 (5/24/2024)
Farmers Market APPROVED at Zoning Board Meeting
Zoning Board of Appeals 5-21-24: The First case at the meeting was that of the Farmers Market. Erica Bosse went over the details. Gardner Mayor Nicholson also provided details. The Farmers Market was approved. (Complete Article later today.) Listen to this particular case on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Farmers Market Approval 5-21-24 Other cases included that of a single family dwelling and a proposal for 9 one bedroom apartments. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Entire Meeting ZBA 5-21-24
- Commentary – Excellence (5/24/2024)
Editorial Commentary – Excellence in Gardner Government and Schools
I want to tell you very specifically why I am so proud and honored to report on the City of Gardner and its dedicated Team. Gardner has changed for the better in the last 4 years. The Gardner City Council does an excellent job of oversight. Gardner Schools have become excellent. Gardner is welcoming to new residents, business, and industry. Listen to the commentary on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Commentary on Excellence 5-24-24
- Gardner Bear (5/23/2024)
Bear Spotted at Various Locations Near Downtown Gardner
A Big Black Bear was spotted at a number of locations near Downtown Gardner on Thursday May 23, 2024. A Gardner resident reported that MA Environmental Police suggested he leave the Dog Park due to a bear in the area. Numerous reports of the bear indicated he was seen on Leamy Street, Pleasant Street, and other areas.
More information as it becomes available.
- Letter Released (5/23/2024)
Gardner MA Board Of Health Releases Cease and Desist Letter
The Gardner Board of Health has been praised for acting swiftly when they discovered the illegal food pantry being operated at 25 Baker Street in Gardner. A local resident had not obtained permits or inspections as required. Board of Health Director Micah Blondeau released the actual Cease and Desist letter to Gardner Magazine.
See letter on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Blondeau wrote, “I encourage anyone considering any activities that involve distribution of food to the public to contact their local health department prior to doing so.”
Gardner Board of Health Director Micah Blondeau provided this explanation.
MA food code is a set of minimum standards, which incorporates the 2013 FDA Model Retail Food Code and its 2015 supplement, and is intended to protect the public from foodborne illnesses or injury. These minimum standards are set to ensure that all individuals, regardless of financial means, are being provided with food that is stored, inspected, and handled properly.
A food establishment is defined as: (1) “Food establishment” means an operation that: (a) stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends food directly to the consumer, or otherwise provides FOOD for human consumption such as a restaurant; satellite or catered feeding location; catering operation if the operation provides FOOD directly to a CONSUMER or to a conveyance used to transport people; market; vending location; conveyance used to transport people; institution; or FOOD bank; and (b) relinquishes possession of FOOD to a CONSUMER directly, or indirectly through a delivery service such as home delivery of grocery orders or restaurant takeout orders, or delivery service that is provided by common carriers. (2) “Food establishment” includes: (a) An element of the operation such as a transportation vehicle or a central preparation facility that supplies a vending location or satellite feeding location unless the vending or feeding location is permitted by the REGULATORY AUTHORITY; and (b) An operation that is conducted in a mobile, stationary, temporary, or permanent facility or location; where consumption is on or off the PREMISES; and regardless of whether there is a charge for the FOOD.
6-202.111 Private Homes and Living or Sleeping Quarters, Use Prohibition. A private home, a room used as living or sleeping quarters, or an area directly opening into a room used as living or sleeping quarters may not be used for conducting FOOD ESTABLISHMENT operations.
I encourage anyone considering any activities that involve distribution of food to the public to contact their local health department prior to doing so. We have many great properly permitted resources available for those in need including but not limited to;
Gardner CAC – Gardner CAC food pantry provides groceries for families and individuals (
Gardner MVOC –
Gardner COA – Food Services | Gardner MA (
Bethany Baptist Church –
Mount Wachusett Community College –
- Band Medal (5/23/2024)
Investment in Gardner Music Pays Off in Form of Gold Medal
Youngsters with musical talent were congratulated after winning a GOLD MEDAL. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson wrote about the honor stating” Congratulations to the 4th Grade Band at Gardner Elementary School for earning a Gold Medal at the Great East Festival last weekend! This is only the 2nd year since band has been back at Gardner Elementary for students in grades 3 and 4, and these students were in the first iteration of the band last year. To have them bring home a gold medal just one year later is a tremendous accomplishment, and I am so proud of these students.”
Investment in Music: “When I was first elected mayor, one of my priorities was to bring band back to our elementary school, and we did it in the first budget I was able to propose. The City Council also approved my proposal for $100,000 across the music programs in all of our schools for new equipment and programming upgrades last year. Today, over 200 students in 3rd and 4th grade are participating in the program- over 1/3 of the school’s overall population. Music education and music in our schools/community is so important, and I’m proud to see what we have accomplished in Gardner with the amazing team we have.”
Thank yous: “Thank you to Michelle Heffner and the Administration of Gardner Elementary School and Gardner Public Schools for your continued support of the arts and music- in particular this program! Go Wildcats!“
- Disrupting Mosquitos (5/23/2024)
Control Project Disrupts Happy Mosquitos in Greater Gardner MA
Mosquitos are happy flying around biting animals and people and spreading disease. There are about 176 species of mosquitos in the United States and they may be breeding in your own backyard. There is a resource available to help control them. The Central Mass Mosquito Control Project helps to battle the infestation. They tentatively plan to spray in the Greater Gardner MA area on June 6, 13, 20, and 27 with all dates subject to change based on weather conditions.
For more information, visit the website. CLICK HERE, or visit the 2024 Spray schedule page, CLICK HERE. Requests for service may be recorded by calling the CMMCP office at (508) 393-3055 between the hours of 7am and 3:30pm Monday through Friday.
- Funding the City (5/22/2024)
View the entire proposed budget in pdf format with all of the details the Mayor speaks about in this interview, CLICK HERE.
Funding the City in Challenging Times – Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson
It’s budget season and Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke to us about how he is proposing to fund the Chair City at a time when costs are up. Listen to the interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Funding the City 5-21-24 The budget process started in December of 2023 and currently the various subcommittees of the Gardner City Council are having meetings on various portions of the budget. The Mayor cut $13 million from what was proposed. He speaks of the challenges in retaining staff and we go over specific ways of increasing revenue to lessen the property tax burden. The mayor stated, “So while we’re able to do what we need to do and live within our means, it was a situation where we had to weigh out what’s a want versus what’s a need, and that’s something that we have to do every year, because when you’re dealing with the taxpayer’s money, we really have to maintain our fiduciary responsibility to the people who live here.” View the entire budget in pdf format, ,CLICK HERE.
- City Council 5-20-24 (5/22/2024)
Council President Kazinskas Handles Disruptors with Class at City Council Meeting
During the Gardner City Council Meeting of May 20, 2024, supporters of defeated formal Mayoral Candidate Kimberly Blake attempted to illegally disrupt the proceedings. The Council President took a recess to handle the matter off camera after stating, “We can discuss at the end of the meeting, but right now we can’t disrupt the purpose of the meeting. Thank you.” and then resumed the proceedings after a few minutes. Meanwhile, Paul DeMeo disrupted the proceedings with flashes from a camera. He was not rebuked. (Publisher’s Note: DeMeo operates a Facebook Group in which he continually posts inflammatory negative statements about Gardner, public officials, Media outlets, and various people. When challenged about the truthfulness of his postings, DeMeo bans the individuals from his group.) Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council May 20, 2024 Regarding Helen Mae Sauter School Property
Councilor Brad Heglin spoke about the Helen Mae Sauter School property which the City Solicitor advised must remain under the jurisdiction of the School Committee due to deed restrictions and for which the School Committee is seeking an outside counsel’s opinion. “I just want to also add and make sure that we stress to the city and that we as City Council members that these two properties don’t continue to fall into further disrepair. So that while we seek these legal opinions and further information, hopefully we can still get our ad hoc committee set up and the city can look at options both for school uses and or private uses.” Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson advised, “The school department has contracted with the services of Attorney Christine Tree to provide an opinion to the city to show what options are available for the city, if there’s any way out of the deed restrictions that are there, if the deed restrictions are permanent, if so, what the impacts of that are in the long-term plan. So that report will be coming out soon once attorney Tree is able to complete that review and go over relevant documents.”
Stabilization Account for Capital Improvements
Councilor George Tyros spoke in favor of the proposal stating, “As one of the Council’s representatives on the Capital Improvements Committee, I fully support this measure. There’s a long list of capital improvement projects that the city just hasn’t gotten to because the funding was not there. There’s a long list of outdoor pools, buildings, things like making the bathrooms more ADA and modern in City Hall and other buildings and roofs and such nature. This is a great thing to establish and it will allow that committee to make some good decisions on improvements in our community.” The account was established by unanimous approval. A similar item establishing a stabilization account for the schools also passed unanimously.
Zoning Board Increase in Members
A measure increasing the number of Zoning Board members to 5 was adopted. It will go in to effect if passed again at the next meeting.
Budget Matters were granted more time without objection.
An informal City Council meeting was held prior to the regular meeting. Councilors received a presentation on the School Budget from Superintendent Mark Pellegrino and Mark Hawke. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Informal City Council Meeting 5-20-24
- BOH 5-20-24 (5/22/2024)
Publisher’s Note; Kimberly Blake’s illegal food pantry has been shut down. However, what continues is her inaccurate posts about the issue. The Board of Health took action based on Massachusetts Law and to protect the public. Gardner Magazine and WGAW simply inquired about the issue and were immediately informed the activity was not allowed. If you’re still not convinced, listen to the Food Safety portion of the meeting and you’ll understand the Board of Health and its inspectors act on their own to protect the public good. There’s no politics involved. Only a concern for public safety, period. As noted during the meeting, if you’re ever concerned whether a place has been inspected, just ask the Board of Health.
Gardner MA Board of Health Routinely Has Concerns About Un-permitted Food
The Gardner Board of Health has been concerned for a time about un-permitted food being sold in the community and routinely takes action when required. There was about an 11 minute discussion about the Blake illegal Food Pantry and concerns about pop-up bakeries and other unpermitted activities at the May 20th meeting. Listen on any device to food safety section of meeting, CLICK PLAY.
BOH Food Safety 5-20-24 Bottom line: What Kimberly Blake did in opening a food pantry in a residential area is not allowed based on Massachusetts law and food safety protocols and the Board of Health decided on its own to take action. There was no involvement by the Mayor. Note that most people are obtaining permits as required for activities and locations which are allowed. The Board of Health and Gardner does not get rich on permits either. A permit and the inspection requiring about an hour of a staff member’s time costs $25 which means the City actually loses money on the transaction. Note: A legit non-profit food pantry is not even charged an inspection fee under Massachusetts Law.
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
BOH Meeting 5-20-24
- Fiber Begun (5/21/2024)
Fiber Optic Progress in the Chair City has Begun
Work utilizing the $200,000 fiber grant Gardner was awarded in the summer of 2023 has begun. Some have reached out to ask what the crews are doing.
Gardner Director of Information Technology Bob O’Keefe wrote, “The City has Com-Tract installing Fiber from the Fire house to the former Waterford School and from the Police Station to the High School. The entire project will take approx. 6 weeks.”
Mayor Nicholson explained in a statement, “Some of you have reached out asking about crews running wires throughout the City recently. This work is related to the $200,000 grant the City was awarded last August from the Commonwealth’s Municipal Fiber Grant to connect all of our City buildings with fiber optic cable.”
Here is our complete Article from August 2023 with all the details, CLICK HERE – Original Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- Pearl Street Flooding (5/21/2024)
Pearl Street Flooded – Mayor Nicholson issues Statement
Gardner Mayor Nicholson stated at 7:33pm on 5-21-24, “Pearl Street has been closed from Cedar Street to the Uptown Rotary due to substantial flooding in the area. (See attached photo) Mayor Nicholson made this statement. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nicholson re Flooding 5-21-24 The flooding appeared to be caused by the Filter fabric that was placed over the storm drains due to the ongoing construction not allowing the water to drain through with how much water we received as quickly as it came down.
City Engineer Rob Oliva has informed the MassDOT project manager for the project so they can address the issue. “
- Illegal Food Pantry Shut Down (5/21/2024)
The Gardner Board of Health formally notified Kimberly Blake on Tuesday May 21, 2024 that her food pantry was illegal and must be discontinued. Another published source has quoted Blake as saying she plans to fight the shutdown. We will publish more details as they become available. Our previous articles have links to Massachusetts Law which does not allow food pantries to operate at residences. And, where they are allowed proper permits must be obtained prior to opening. Blake opened without any of the required permits and inspections which have been put in place to protect the public.
- Bear in Barre (5/20/2024)
Black Bears in Barre MA and other Greater Gardner MA Communities – Some Advice
This bear photo was captured by Evan Hunt and posted on the Barre MA Residents Forum. Bears have been spotted in Gardner, Winchendon, and other nearby communities as well.
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife has recommendations for human – black bear encounters. In general: Remain calm. Don’t run from a bear. Ensure the bear has an escape route, Back away when possible. If attacked, immediately fight back. Don’t feed bears. SEE COMPLETE FLYER. also has a tip sheet regarding black bears. View tipsheet, CLICK HERE More on the State of MA website, CLICK HERE..
- City Council 5-20-24 (5/19/2024)
Gardner City Council May 20, 2024
The Gardner City Council is scheduled to have an informal meeting at 6:15pm and the regular meeting at 7:30pm. Informal meeting concerns the School Budget presentation. Informal Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. The Regular meeting and packet is 263 pages long and concerns a long list of items. Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
- First Responder Day Held (5/19/2024)
First Responder Day Held at Levi Heywood Memorial Library
The First Responder Event was held Saturday May 18, 2024 from 9 to 11am at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library.
Coordinators of the Event included: Gardner PD Lieutenant John Czasnowski, , Firefighter and S.A.F.E. Program Coordinator Sean Kelley, Library Director Stephanie Young and others from the Gardner PD, Gardner FD, and Library staff.
There was an opportunity to view various vehicles, see demonstrations, meet some of the first responders, and hang out with comfort dog Sully.
The Library commented, “What an incredible morning at the library! Huge thanks to the Gardner Police Department and the Gardner Fire Department for making our 1st Responders day such a success! We appreciate all that you do to keep our community safe.”
- Hotline 5-18-24 (5/18/2024)
Illegal Food Pantry Discussed on WGAW Hotline Radio
Host of Hotline Radio on WGAW (Saturdays noon to 2pm) Steve Wendell commented on the illegal food pantry started by former Gardner mayoral candidate Kimberly Blake saying “It’s an illegal operation without the required permits to operate.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Steve Wendell 5-18-24 Steve Wendell states, “She is going against state law again. You’ll remember Kimberly Blake’s child bingo illegal political fundraising scam operation that bilked supporters out of hundreds of dollars for her campaign. She has constantly lied that she was not forewarned about the illegality of the child bingo fundraising, but decided to hold the event anyway. She lied that the mistake was made by her campaign manager, and now Kimberly Blake is operating her food pantry without any consideration to local zoning, building, or even the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires easy access to those with physical disabilities. Kimberly Blake has not applied for the required permits because she is well aware that food pantries are not allowed to operate from homes.”
- Update 5-17-24 (5/17/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City
Scheduling conflicts did not permit a recorded message this week. However, the Mayor did want to pass along the following information:
From the Mayor of Gardner: This week is National Police week with Peace Officers Memorial Day being Wednesday May 15th. We would like to say thank you to the men and women of the Gardner Police Department for everything you do! You all do a great job every day! The Junior Police Academy is now accepting applications! This free program will start July 15th to- July20th, for teens between the ages of 14 and 17. This Academy will be an interactive learning environment and opportunity to learn about local law enforcement. Some of the activities for the week will include Physical fitness training, mock traffic stops, defensive tactics, and investigative techniques. Applications are available at the Gardner P D or submit an application through the link on the Gardner Police Department Facebook page. Apply soon as space is limited! This Academy is open to all teens, with priority given to Gardner residents. All applications are due by June 17th. Any questions regarding the Junior Police Academy can be directed to Lt. John Czasnowski at 978-632-5600 ext. 124 or by email at Separate Article, CLICK HERE
Gardner Fire Department: Some exciting news for the Gardner Fire Department! Our new ambulance has finally arrived at Greenwood Emergency vehicles in Attleboro. Chief Lagoy and EMS Coordinator Lieutenant Hulette went down Monday to Greenwood and made the final inspection on the new truck. It’s has taken almost two years to get the ambulance built. We hope to have it here in Gardner by the beginning of June and prepare it for City service. We also are awaiting delivery of our new engine and heavy rescue that’s due (hopefully) in September. The new vehicles will be a great and welcomed addition to our fire department with updating our fleet with new and modern equipment to serve the citizens of Gardner. The Fire Department would also like to remind everyone the annual Gardner Firefighter‘s Memorial Sunday ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 9th. Assembly will be at 8:30 and the ceremony will be at 9:00. The public is invited to join us for the ceremony. Separate Article, CLICK HERE.
First Responder Day: Also this weekend is the First Responder Day at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, Saturday, May 18th 9 am. to 11 am. Last week I mentioned the Library’s summer reading kickoff is scheduled for June 26‘“ which starts at 5 pm. not 4:30 pm. as I stated last week. Separate Article with details and 3 interviews, ,CLICK HERE.
Yoga In the Park Summer Series starting soon. This will be Monday nights from June 3rd to August 26th from 6 to 7 pm at Park Street Park (Near the Elks Lodge) No class in inclement weather or threat of. This is Donation based, all monies collected will benefit various non-profits. This is an all levels class, must bring yoga mat or yoga props.
Small Business Saturday: Also in June, you’ll want to mark your calendar for Small Business Saturday and Happy Birthday Gardner Festival which takes place on Saturday, June 22nd from 10 am. to 4 pm. Downtown shops, restaurants, local non-profits, food trucks, crafters, and other vendors display their merchandise in the streets. Roads are open only to pedestrians for the day. A variety of performances and demonstrations take place. This event is free and family-friendly. We look forward to seeing you! Separate Article, CLICK HERE.
GALA Art and Music Festival: Also this weekend, is the GALA Art and Music Festival May 17-19th Sat, 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday 12-4 pm. The event will take place at the Red Apple Farm, 455 Highland Avenue, Phillipston, MA. Artist reception Friday. Art Exhibit with more than 100 artists, demonstrations, vendors, children’s activities, face painting, music and more all weekend. Free admission. On Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30 pm. The Gardner Museum will present Local “modern pioneer’, Lauren Roy who will empower, and educate the audience on living more naturally and in the art of foraging as a way of saving money. Reservations are required. Separate Article, CLICK HERE.
AED Foundation Recovery Comedy Night is May 18th Doors open at 6:15, show starts at 7 pm. General seating $20. Location is Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall. Show Poster, CLICK HERE.
The Flagpole at Gardner City Hall is fixed. Separate Article, CLICK HERE. —-I intended to give an update on paving. Will do in future updates. —- Flower pot and banner sponsorships are still available. —-If you have any questions, contact the Mayor’s office at (978) 630-1490 or email
- Blake 5-17-2 (5/17/2024)
UPDATE May 17, 2024 – Simple Explanation of Issue – 1. Food Pantry not allowed by State Law in residential area 2. If home was somehow deemed OK for food pantry, permits must first be obtained and inspections must be conducted prior to opening 3. No approvals of any kind were sought or obtained. 4. Person in this instance appears to have known opening was considered unlawful and proceeded anyway. 5. Idea of food pantry to help those in need a wonderful idea. 6. Even those with good ideas must follow the law. 7. Person was not disparaged by Gardner Magazine or WGAW as claimed by Blake. 8. Mayor Nicholson not involved at all as claimed by Blake.. 9. Blake was not even mentioned by Gardner Magazine or WGAW until it was falsely claimed she had been disparaged. (see original article simply referencing a Gardner resident)
EDITORIAL: Kimberly Blake Making False Statements Yet Again – this time about Gardner Magazine, WGAW, and the Mayor
Kimberly Blake has announced that she is above the law and will open a food pantry at 25 Baker Street in Gardner despite warnings against doing so stating, “I’m aware that the city has plans to try and fine me or have my pantry taken down.” All of us including those who want to help others have to follow the rules. In Massachusetts, according to Massachusetts State law, a food pantry is not allowed in an area of residential homes. And where it is allowed, various inspections and permits must be obtained prior to opening. One of the reasons for certain activities and businesses not being allowed in residential areas has to do with the obvious problem of parking and the effect on neighbors. We checked, Blake has not sought appropriate permits from the City. However, she has falsely attacked Gardner Magazine and WGAW stating, “Gardner Magazine and WGAW can continue to write disparaging articles, I’m not worried.” This publication wrote an article and did not mention Blake by name. We spoke with WGAW and they have simply attempted to post information about what’s not allowed under Massachusetts law.
And then, as usual she is attacking Gardner Mayor Nicholson when she knows he isn’t even involved in the independent actions the Board of Health or the Gardner Building Department may take. Helping people is always a great idea. But, in my opinion, no matter how great the idea sounds, we are all still subject to the law. Imagine if everyone in the City opened up something wherever they would like, ignoring Zoning, ignoring requirements for inspections. It would be chaos and we would all be unsafe. We all have to follow the law. We can’t make up our own laws when we feel like it. The laws are there to protect all residents. And current food pantries are inspected and follow all sanitary laws and requirements and have safeguards in place. Why Blake thinks she is above the law? Who knows. In my opinion, it Makes no sense.
- Food Pantries (5/16/2024)
Food Pantry liability, click here.
Gardner CAC has a Food Pantry located at 294 Pleasant Street in Gardner and would love your donations. Website with secure donation ability, CLICK HERE.
Open a Food Pantry at Your House – NO, you can’t do that…
A Gardner resident has announced that a food pantry would open at her residence on Friday, May `17th. However, that might not be lawful. Activities allowed on private property are governed by Zoning which may not allow this, so the first stop would be to the Building Department in Gardner to find out what the rules are. Secondly, the distribution of food in Massachusetts requires a permit obtained after proper inspections. As of midday today, neither the Building Department nor the Board of Health had heard from the resident.
According to Mass Law, a non-profit is not charged for food pantry inspections. Usually, a food bank would be opened by a non-profit holding 501(c) status with the IRS at a location suited for the activity and only after visiting the proper City departments for the appropriate approvals. It’s all to protect the public including existing food pantries which have very real operating costs associated with maintaining standards and rely on donations. Excess traffic at a residential property infringes on the rights of abutters to quiet enjoyment of their properties and can be a public safety hazard. That’s why for example, in the City of Gardner no more than 4 yard sales per year are allowed and even the times are restricted to 8am to 4pm. Open a food pantry at your house, NO, you can’t do that.
The Gardner Building Department and the Gardner Board of Health are aware of the situation. It is unclear at this hour if the resident has been informed about the potential issue or if the pantry must first open before action is taken.
Support Existing Food Pantries
Residents are urged to patronize existing and inspected local food pantries where food safety is assured. Those having donations are urged to make cash or food donations to existing food pantries who already have structures in place to provide food to those who need it. In addition, a proper food pantry with 501(c) status would provide a tax deduction for donations. Some area food pantries which accept food donations and money to buy supplemental food items include: Ashburnham Community Church Food Pantry, 84 Main Street, Ashburnham —- Barre Food Pantry, 30 Park Street, Barre —- Christ Church Food Pantry ,569 Main Street, Fitchburg —- Gardner Community Action Committee Food Pantry located at 294 Pleasant Street in Gardner (the CAC) Website with secure donation ability, CLICK HERE. —- Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center Food Pantry, 268 Central Street, Gardner —- Our Father’s Table at Faith Christian Church, 40 Boutelle Street, Fitchburg —- Our Lady Immaculate Food Pantry, 192 School Street, Athol —- Ruth’s Harvest Food Pantry at Leominster United Methodist Church, 77 Hall Street, Leominster —- Winchendon Community Action Council Food Pantry, 273 Central Street, Winchendon —- Worcester County Food Bank, 474 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury (Also distributes foods to area food banks)
- Small Biz 2024 (5/16/2024)
Gardner Square Two Announces Small Business Saturday and Happy Birthday Gardner Festival
The event will be Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 10am to 4pm in Downtown Gardner. Vendor space is still available and Square Two members get a free space. More information from the Gardner Square Two website, CLICK HERE.
How to get a completely FREE SPACE: Just become a Gardner Square Two member which is $100 for a business, $50 for a non-profit. Since a single space is $100, joining Gardner Square Two makes your membership pay for itself right away, plus you get another FREE space at the Fall Festival, putting you $100 ahead. So, join today and reap the FREE benefit. CLICK HERE.
Gardner Square Two had other good news for vendors, “The City of Gardner Police Department no longer requires that you obtain a hawker/peddler license to set up at our festivals. That saves you over $50, and a lot of time and effort.” However, here is the vendor application for Square Two, CLICK HERE.
This Small Business Saturday event in Downtown Gardner is Saturday June 22, 2024 from 10am to 4pm. This year, the Fireworks will not be held the same day as the Festival. They are scheduled for the following Saturday, June 29th. Visit our 2024 Events page for details on upcoming events.
- MWCC 2024 (5/15/2024)
450 Degrees and 229 Certificates Conferred to 620 Students at MWCC 2024 Graduation
On May 15, 2024, the 59th Commencement was held at Mount Wachusett Community College in Gardner MA. Guests were welcomed by MWCC President James Vander Hooven. Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll shared words of welcome. Student speaker was Winchendon resident Katlin Bosworth, ” a mother of three and first-generation college student who received both a Human Services associate degree and a Liberal Arts and Sciences associate degree.
“MWCC will always be my safe place, the place where I am supported and encouraged, the place where I became an adult, the place that has helped me raise three children, the place that taught me success was within me, the place that supported me through the loss of my mother, the place that believed I was worth fighting addiction and the place that has given me acceptance and grace. The place that has picked me up time and time again through my own failures and struggles,” Bosworth told her fellow graduates.
For the complete Press Release listing the names of all the graduates, CLICK HERE.
- Flag 2024 (5/15/2024)
Flag up Again at Gardner City Hall
With interior mechanisms of the pole irreparably damaged during a wind storm on February 29th, Gardner’s iconic flag as pictured at left was missing from the Chair City skyline for the past 2 1/2 months. According to Gardner City Hall, “Due to the age of the flagpole all of the replacement parts had to be custom manufactured for the repairs.” And once the parts were in, the contractor had to wait for a day when the ground was dry and stable and the winds were within the safety threshold. While waiting for the flag to be proudly waving outside again, a temporary flag was installed in the Rotunda of Gardner City Hall.
With the flag pole back to full operation, the Stars and Stripes will be seen again as visitors and residents alike drive past Gardner City Hall on Pleasant Street in Gardner. Gardner has a history of honoring the flag at numerous locations in the City. In August 2022 when a damaged flag was noticed in front of the Gardner Police Headquarters, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson made sure a new and bigger flag was purchased. See previous article about this Majestic American Flag at Gardner PD.
- Library Fine Free (5/15/2024)
For the complete Press Release on pdf, CLICK HERE. — For the website, CLICK HERE.
Listen to Library Director Stephanie Young on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Library Fine Free 5-15-24 Gardner MA Levi Heywood Memorial Library Goes Fine Free
The Levi Heywood Memorial Library stated in a Press Release on May 15, 2024 “proud to announce that it is eliminating fines on overdue materials, effective immediately. This decision reflects a growing national trend towards promoting equitable access to library services and follows the lead of many public libraries across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.” Press Release, CLICK HERE.
Serving Everyone: “Libraries are community resources designed to serve everyone, regardless of their economic status,” remarked Stephanie Young, Director of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library. “By going fine free, we are removing barriers to access and ensuring that all members of our community can benefit from the resources and services the library provides.”
Taking the Fear out of it is the reason: “We want to create a welcoming environment where everyone feels encouraged to explore, learn, and grow without the fear of financial penalties.”
Not So fast: While the Levi Heywood Memorial Library will no longer charge fines on overdue materials, patrons will still be responsible for paying for lost or damaged items. Additionally, certain special collections, such as Museum Passes, may accrue fines for late returns to ensure equitable access for all patrons.
- GALA 2024 (5/15/2024)
GALA Art and Music Festival 2024 is 3 Big Days
The HUGE GALA Art and Music Festival is May 17, May 18, and May 19 taking place at Red Apple Farm located at 455 HIghland Avenue in Phillipston MA. Admission is FREE.
Performances on May 17th include Sweet Euphoria, Mark Frederick Fisher, and Jukebox Jake.
Performances on May 18th include Maggee Neff, Two for the Road, and the Big RanDom.
Performances on May 19th include Cara & Val, Scott Alan Savoy, and Amber Chaves.
There will be plenty of delicious food and beer available for purchase at the event.
GALA is the Gardner Area League of Artists. For more information about the organization, becoming a member, or about this and other events, CLICK HERE. for the GALA website
- New Ambulance (5/14/2024)
Gardner Fire Department Gets New Ambulance and Shows it off
The Gardner Fire Department released this statement in a Facebook post, “Some exciting news for the GFD!! Our new ambulance has finally arrived at Greenwood Emergency vehicles in Attleboro. Chief Lagoy and EMS Coordinator Lt. Hulette went down Monday to Greenwood and made the final inspection on the new truck. It’s has taken almost two years to get the ambulance built. We hope to have it here in Gardner by the beginning of June and prepare it for City service.
We also are awaiting delivery of our new engine and heavy rescue that’s due (hopefully) in September. The new vehicles will be a great and welcomed addition to our fire department with updating our fleet with new and modern equipment to serve the citizens of Gardner.”
- Templeton Rotary (5/14/2024)
Templeton MA Rotary Project Pulls Ahead of Gardner
Templeton MA has announced major progress in its rotary project on May 14, 2024 as shown in the visual from the Templeton PD which posted, “TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE 05/14/2024 After two days of paving, the East Templeton Rotary Project has started to take form and will begin to enter the next phase of the project. Please note the layout, and traffic directions moving forward. Gardner Road (Route 101) will remained closed. Thank you!“
Completion of the Rotary Project in Gardner is expected to be this Fall.
Meanwhile, in Gardner, the work continues. Shown at right is construction and the concept illustration of what the finished project will look like.
CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
- Junior Academy ’24 (5/14/2024)
Gardner PD gets Ready for Junior Police Academy 2024
The Gardner Police Department posted the photo collage at left on its Facebook page. and wrote “The Jr. Police Academy is now accepting applications! This free program will start July 15 – July 20, for teens between the ages of 14 and 17. This Academy will be an interactive learning environment and opportunity to learn about local law enforcement. Some of the activities for the week will include: Physical fitness training, mock traffic stops, defensive tactics, and investigative techniques. Applications are available at the Gardner PD or submit an application through the link. Apply soon as space is limited! This Academy is open to all teens, with priority given to Gardner residents. All applications are due by June 17th.
Any questions regarding the Jr. Academy can be directed to Lt. John Czasnowski at 978-632-5600 ext. 124 or by email at ” As soon as this was released on Social Media, one person related a story of how his son participated in Junior Police Academy in 8th grade and is now a state trooper in Connecticut some decades later. Others commented enthusiastically about the program.
- School 5-16-24 (5/12/2024)
Gardner School Committee Met on Monday May 13, 2024
The Gardner MA School Committee Met on Monday May 13, 2024. Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner School Committee 5-13-24 Robert Swartz detailed progress relating to various projects in the schools. pointing out that some estimated costs have been filled in (see packet). Pictures in the graphic at left show some of the progress. There is a listing of miscellaneous theatrical upgrades for $500,000. “I think everybody on the committee choked on that. So hopefully we’ll get more details as to what that miscellaneous means by next month or so.” Mayor Nicholson added that the City Hall flagpole should be fixed by the end of this week.
Various academic progress was detailed and policies were discussed. Dr. Pellegrino commented on improving attendance and what was discussed at an administrative council meeting, “But just tonight, we were talking about the high school and how the entire MTSS team really focused on improving attendance, and specifically, attendance of students with disabilities. Last year, there were 31 students with disabilities who were chronically absent at the high school. This year, working with the teachers, working with the administrators, everybody pulling together, that number dropped to 12. That’s a big deal, and those numbers sound like small numbers, but they’re huge wins.”
Anne Hurst spoke about Mental Health Month and had some stats on the subject for the meeting: “Thank you to everybody in the district for doing such a phenomenal job. When she was given the presentation and she talked about students with disabilities, you know, and being part of the college program and stuff like that, of course, that’s, you know, yeah. That’s, yeah. I also wanted to just say that May is Mental Health Month. I have a couple of statistics that I have from NAMI, which is the National Alliance of the Mentally Ill. 50% of all lifetime mental illnesses begin by the age of 14 and 75% by the age of 24. One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year and only half of them receive treatment. The average delay between the onset of a mental illness symptom and treatment is as high as 11 years. So we need to really recognize and take care of our friends and neighbors and relatives and really, really have mental illness be part of a discussion. I noticed that the trend now with a lot of family physicians is it’s all about the mind and the body and, you know, they’re understanding how that all goes together. And it’s just a really important thing to start really talking about and to never expect that someone’s gonna tell you they’re suffering“
- Crazy Social Media (5/11/2024)
From the Publisher: Gardner Magazine has been publicly criticized on Social Media for its positive reporting on Mayor Nicholson, the Gardner City Council, and the Gardner Team of great municipal and school employees. Our response is simple: It’s not our fault they’re doing a good job. But it is somewhat fun to report on all the successes of the past 4 years.
Gardner MA Social Media Goes Crazy – WGAW’s Steve Wendell Responds
Since 2011, WGAW’s Steve Wendell has interviewed the Gardner Mayor nearly every single week on Hotline Radio which airs Saturdays from noon to 2pm, most recently interviewing Mayor Michael Nicholson for the last 4 years. Wendell sees the Facebook lies being circulated right now and decided to speak up. Listen to the comments from Steve Wendell aired Saturday May 11, 2024 on any device. CLICK PLAY
Steve Wendell 5-11-24 Ironically, former mayoral candidate Kimberly Blake often chimes in with comments about Mayor Nicholson, but as Wendell states, “She was the one who actually set up that illegal children’s bingo and basically was fined by the state…and I don’t think she gave back the money to the people who came to the children’s bingo, no refunds were made.” During the campaign last year, Blake often made wild statements including a false one about a portrait, CLICK HERE.
Comment from Publisher Werner Poegel: Opposing viewpoints on ideas are the hallmark of our political system as is free speech. However, the false allegations being perpetrated on one particular local Facebook Group are simply made up nonsense. We had a previous commentary regarding possible criminal consequences for the false statements, CLICK HERE.
- Update 5-10-24 (5/10/2024)
Bonanza of Community Events and Project Progress Highlight of Weekly Gardner MA Update
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson updated the Chair City on May 10, 2024. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 5-10-24 Community Events: Annie Fields at Gardner Museum on Thursday May 16th —- Gardner Area League of Artists Art and Music Festival May 17th to 19th — AED Foundation Recovery Comedy Night is May 17th at Perry Auditorium —- Saturday, May 18th is First Responder Day at Levi Heywood Memorial Library —- Sunday, May 19th is a Journey of Life Concert at Bethany Baptist Church —- Popular Cruise Nights and Concerts at PACC set to begin on May 24th — Relay for Life June 7th and 8th at MWCC —- High School Graduation is Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 10am at Watkins Field at Gardner High School. —- Greenwood Outdoor Pool scheduled to open June 19th —- Library Summer Reading kickoff is June 26th at 4:30pm. —- First Concert at Monument Park is June 22nd —- Visit our Events page, CLICK HERE
Project Progress: Construction of 3 tier Maki Park has begun and will consists of outdoor seating, picnic tables, cornhole boards, and a complete outdoor stage area with electricity. —-
Road paving: Work has begun on completing Fredette Street, Wilkins Road, and Lower Parker Street. Pothole Week: All 4 DPW crews, not just the highway department will do nothing but potholes next week. Paving schedule will be released ahead of time in weekly updates.
New Businesses in 2024: Mayor Nicholson recapped the businesses which have opened and/or have had ribbon cuttings so far this year.
- Fictional Theater 14 (5/8/2024)
Fictional Theater Episode 14 – Joe and Don Take Calls at the Call Center
Our best friends Don and Joe with a new hit episode from our series called Joe and Don at the Call Center. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Episode 14: Joe and Don at the Call Center For the complete page featuring Episodes 1-12, (Episode 13 is in the works) and this episode, please visit the Joe and Don page, CLICK HERE.
The series is entirely fiction. We only wish that Joe and Don would be best friends and that our politics would be more civil in nature.
- Public Service 5-6-24 (5/8/2024)
Public Service Committee in Gardner Hears from Citizens and Department Heads
The Gardner Public Service Committee chaired by Councilor Paul Tassone hears water and sewer appeals by ratepayers in Gardner. It also hears reports from Conservation, DPW, and Engineering. Listen to the May 6, 2024 meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Public Service 5-6-24 DPW Director Dane Arnold spoke once again of staffing shortages – department is down 14 out of 39 staff members. “We really hope something is done with salary of employees, we just can’t get help.” Staffing shortages will impact the ability to pave certain streets in 2024.
City Engineer Rob Ovila spoke of projects including the Uptown Rotary. Various streets will be impacted by detours.
The Sludge Landfill Project was discussed. As DPW Director Arnold stated, “Massachusetts does not have a plan.” Conservation Agent Doug Dillon gave an update.
- Transmission 5-8-24 (5/8/2024)
Two years from now, it is expected the replacement of these structures will be well underway. They will not be taken down until new structures are put up to avoid any disruption in electric service.
Gardner MA Transmission Lines Await Replacement – Electrical Grid to be Upgraded
It’s hard to tell from the photos, but these structures are more than a century old. In fact, the electric grid across the United States is badly in need of upgrades because of age and the need for increased capacity to meet this century’s needs.
As we wrote in August 2023, “In 1909, the 69 kilovolt transmission lines were constructed and materials were brought in at the time by horse and buggy. Today, modern equipment will be used to bring this part of the grid up to date before there are problems due to the aging system.” Previous article, CLICK HERE.
Public Comment hearings were held in April 2024: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board hosted three hybrid public comment hearings for the A1/B2 Asset Condition Refurbishment Project. The hearings were held on different dates at the Athol Public Library, Mount Wachusett Community College, and Fitchburg State University.
Project progress: The A1/B2 ACR project team is continuing the permitting process and preparation for forestry work was done over the winter. Tree work began in March 2024 on the New Hampshire portion with Vermont and Massachusetts tree work and access road work to be done later. Massachusetts construction is expected to begin next Fall pending permit approvals. Actual line work is expected to begin in 2026. Bottom Line: This will take some time to complete. For updates about the project at any time, here’s the website, CLICK HERE.
This 61 mile project originates in Vernon, Vermont, travels through Hinsdale and Winchester, New Hampshire then continues through a number of towns within Northern Massachusetts including, Warwick, Royalston, Winchendon, Gardner, Westminster, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Sterling.
Coming off the mainline, this project also includes the Athol Tap and the Crystal Lake Tap. The Athol Tap runs from Royalston Substation to Chestnut Hill Ave Substation in Athol, Massachusetts. The Crystal Lake Tap runs from Gardner Switching Station to Crystal Lake Substation in Gardner, Massachusetts.
- Beautify Gardner (5/8/2024)
Beautification of Gardner is Underway – Difference is Easily Apparent
Top view is the fencing obscuring land which became the Park Street Park. Originally an electrical substation, the substation was abandoned in favor of another site, but the fence and barbed wire remained. Gardner Mayor Nicholson proposed the expenditure of $260k and got approval from the Gardner City Council to literally change the landscape.
Now, the beautiful view of Crystal Lake greets visitors and residents alike at Park Street Park. The beautification of Gardner is underway and the difference is easily apparent. Dozens of additional parking spaces are now available for events at Monument Park. And, Monument Park itself was upgraded with ADA compliant sidewalks and more.
- Maki Park 5-7-24 (5/7/2024)
Construction Fencing Goes Up Around what will be Maki Park
From a grassy field of green at the location of the torn-down Maki Building to the promise of a new Maki Park in the near future, the next step was taken this week as temporary construction fencing surrounds the rectangular area.
The Concept Drawing shows a three-tier terraced park with each section fulfilling different recreational needs including plans for a Bandstand and cornhole play. Because the land is at more than a 15 degree angle, it could not be left flat due to ADA requirements.
More than one year ago, the Gardner City Council allocated almost $200,000 for the project. Another part of the plan is to put in electricity which would allow for electric vehicle charging in the nearby parking lot.
- Timpany 5-7-24 (5/7/2024)
Progress at Gardner MA Timpany Plaza Continues
Grocery Store Aldi opened in Timpany Plaza in April 2024. The construction crew immediately moved over to its next project, the location leased by Five Below for its new Gardner MA location. Completion is projected to be within several months.
With the former Santander Bank building completely gone, the new Chiptotle Mexican Grill is well under way. Shown in the top photo is the start of the framing for the building. An interesting tidbit for those interested in Chipotle: They claim to use 53 ingredients you can actually pronounce. Visit their website, CLICK HERE.
Timpany Plaza still has room for other new tenants. It is home to some popular businesses including Gardner Cinemas which upgraded to luxury reclining seats over a year ago. Get your movie times right here, Website.
Previous article showing available locations in Timpany Plaza, CLICK HERE.
- School Update (5/7/2024)
School Committee OK doing Voice Vote on Budget
In our article about the last School Committee meeting, we questioned the vote as it was not a roll call vote as the Mayor did last year. However, Mayor Nicholson has kindly informed us that only a voice vote is actually required, “The General Laws of the Commonwealth only require roll call votes on specific votes- mainly on borrowing loans or on appropriations (the final vote to actually spend money on something). Since the vote of the School Committee is technically to send their final recommendation to the City Council for their vote on the appropriation, this could be done by a simple voice vote, but the City Council’s vote must be done via a roll call vote.” However, according to City Solicitor John Flick, a roll call vote can be requested at any time by 2/3 of the members of the committee.
- Council Results 5-6-24 (5/7/2024)
Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. – The discussions within this meeting are very informative. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Informal and Regular City Council 5-6-24 Gardner MA City Council Makes Decisions in Informal and Regular Meeting
The Gardner MA City Council held an Informal meeting on: (1) Increasing room occupancy tax from 4 to 6 percent (2) adding Local .75% sales tax on meals and (3) resolving to review the Zoning Map. Listen to the combined AUDIO of both meetings on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Informal and Regular City Council 5-6-24 It was noted that Leominster increased its room tax to 6% in 2017 and Fitchburg did so last month. Here’s how Gardner voted: At the regular City Council meeting, the room occupancy tax increase to 6% was approved unanimously. It is estimated this will bring in about $50k per year. The Sales Tax on meals at the rate of .75% was approved on a vote of 10 to 1. It is estimated this will bring in $500k per year. A resolution was adopted to review the Zoning Map. Mayor Nicholson earlier in the meeting had told the Council that grant funding was being sought as cost could be around $150,000 and given the time involved the State recommends an outside firm do the job.
In other matters, the Open Meeting Law finding was placed on file. Other items including the big budget items were referred to either subcommittees or the Council as a Committee of the whole.
Open Meeting Law Matter – Inaccurate Statements by Paul DeMeo
Listen to what was actually stated by Councilor Alek Dernalowicz at the City Council Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Councilor Alek Dernalowicz actually stated, “I just wanted to quickly point out that the complaints, the items listed in the complaint were not found to be in violation. There was a finding that we failed to review the minutes in a reasonable interval, which is how it’s stated in the Mass General Laws. Even the Attorney General has difficulty, it seems, defining what a reasonable interval is in their ruling. At one point, they say it’s a certain set of months, and at another point, they say a different amount. I think, in reality, it could possibly turn on what the executive session was about, but that being said, we will follow the guidance from the Attorney General and do this as they prescribe going forward.” While Councilor Dernalowicz clearly states (words in bold) that the City Council will follow guidance of the Attorney General, Paul DeMeo in a post inaccurately states “he should have cautioned the city council to comply with the law.” – an inaccurate statement because that is exactly what he did do. Publisher’s Editorial Note: DeMeo also makes other disparaging remarks which we won’t dignify by repeating here. As Paul DeMeo had made the original complaint, we can understand why he reacted negatively, but that is no excuse for making inaccurate statements simply to disparage an effective, honest, and hard-working City Councilor. Once again, Pauly Potato is simply wrong and the AUDIO above proves it. Further comment regarding DeMeo: Gardner is not a dystopia. Gardner’s officials and employees are hard-working, honest people leading the Chair City on an effective trajectory of success. When a City like Gardner is held in high esteem by other municipalities often as the “Gold Standard” of how things should be done (including its transparency), it is very odd when negative comments often appear out of nowhere with no foundation in fact.
- City Council 5-6-24 (5/5/2024)
Gardner Regular City Council Meeting for May 6, 2024
The regular City Council meeting on 5-6-24 will concern various aspects and complete details of the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. Previous article with pdf of budget, CLICK HERE.
Other proposed items include an ordinance to change the fee for solid waste collection and an ordinance to increase the number of Zoning Board of Appeals members from 3 to 5. ZBA decisions now require a unanimous vote. With the change a majority vote would be the new threshold.
OPEN MEETING LAW. Once again, a ruling from the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office regarding an Open Meeting Law complaint by Paul DeMeo resulted in a technical violation finding but no action. According to the Attorney General, the Gardner City Council is required to review Executive Session minutes at regular intervals to determine if secrecy is still needed, but they do not have to do so in a timely manner as was alleged by DeMeo – the “timely manner’ requirement is for the public portion of meetings only.
- Gardner Quarter (5/5/2024)
Informal City Council Agenda for May 6, 2024, CLICK HERE.
What Could a Quarter Mean in Gardner MA?
Gardner Mayor Nicholson is proposing the City adopt a .75% tax on lodging and meals. This would mean a $30.00 restaurant bill would increase by 23 cents to $31.23, a minimal increase of about a quarter. What does that mean in terms of revenue? In the United States, the average American spends $3639 eating out each year, roughly $300 each month. Therefore, The City of Gardner would collect about $2.30 per person per month. Multiply it out and you have a 5 figure sum in the course of a year. Add the amount Gardner would collect in lodging tax revenue and it really could add up to enough to restore a supplemental paving budget. Who says quarters here and there can’t add up to a bundle of money?
The Gardner City Council is having an informal meeting on these items on 5-6-24 as well as reviewing the Gardner Zoning map for accuracy.
- Beautiful 5-4-24 (5/5/2024)
Keep Gardner Beautiful Cleans Up City
On Saturday May 4, 2024, Keep Gardner Beautiful Volunteers led by Diane “Neon” Leblanc cleaned up trash and collected nips in the Chair City. Citizens met at the Gardner Transfer station to begin the cleanup and again there at noon. Local participating officials included Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, and City Councilor Calvin Brooks
According to Keep Gardner Beautiful, their were 70 bags of nips collected with 400 nips per bag. At 5 cents each for a total of 28,000 nips, a total of $1,400 was raised via a donation from Anthony’s Liquor Mart. The proceeds will benefit 2 year old Henry “Hank” Roy of Gardner who has a rare kidney disorder.
Diane Leblanc posted, “My profound gratitude for these incredible photos that captured the essence of the love and pride that these amazing volunteers spread throughout our community today – Neon”
Gardner Mayor Nicholson commented live from the transfer station on WGAW’s Saturday Hotline Radio program: “The Keep Gardner Beautiful Committee had a tremendous turnout at its new location over at the transfer station….almost a full dumpster of trash collected, several mattresses and other items of furniture that were left on the street.” The Mayor explained that a brand new storage container had been purchased to stay at the landfill. It will hold trash pickup devices and equipment.
- Airport 5-1-24 (5/4/2024)
Gardner Airport Commission Holds Wingy Meeting
Various discussions were conducted in a sit-anywhere format with a huge amount of interesting information about significant airport progress. See Photo. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Airport Commission 5-1-24 Some of the matters which came up at the meeting included: MassDOT offered to do a reconstruction of the main apron…”there’s no local share, no cost to the airport, no cost to the city.” Underruns from the runway project will be used to fund the AT&T survey. Fence repairs will be done by Rainmaker.
Various other aspects of ongoing airport work were discussed including requirements of the FAA with respect to the Gardner Airport Master Plan.
Recommendation was to maintain the runway length of 3,000 feet. It was stated that 3,400 feet is approximate for small aircraft. However, it was stated, “Just really achieving what you would need to achieve between actual pavement, runway safety areas, acquisition of easements, airspace easements, tree clearing, everything that would go along with that. There’s a lot of terrain issues already, you know, as far as instructions are concerned. So, it just, you know, it just doesn’t seem like feasible. It doesn’t seem feasible to recommend adding runway length.” Many other items related to the airport were discussed at the lengthy meeting.
- Gunshots 5-3-24 (5/4/2024)
Gunshots on Sherman Street
In a Press Release from the Gardner Police Department on May 3, 2024, the Gardner PD referenced an incident on Sherman Street in Gardner which discovered bullet holes in a vehicle and a house. “Approximately 7 am this morning, the Gardner Police Department received 911 calls for what was believed to be gunshots in the area of 102 Sherman St. Officers were dispatched and located a total of 3 bullet holes in a nearby vehicle and siding of an adjacent house. There were no injuries involved in this incident and it is currently being investigated by the Gardner Police Department.” Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- Handle with Care (5/3/2024)
Handle with Care Conference in Gardner a Successful Cooperative Effort
May began with the 1st Annual Handle with Care Conference held at Gardner City Hall. Gardner PD stated, “Proud to say the 1st Annual Handle with Care Conference was a success! Our partnership with Heywood Hospital, the Montachusett Suicide Prevention Task Force, and our other collaborators helped promote this important school-community-based effort to support children exposed to trauma.” If you would like to learn more about the Handle with Care Initiative, click this link.
Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early’s office provided further information, “It was an honor to attend the North Central – North Quabbin 1st Annual Handle with Care Conference yesterday at Gardner City Hall, hosted by Gardner Police Department, Heywood Hospital and the Montachusett Suicide Prevention Task Force. This event featured Keynote Speaker Professor Heather C. Forkey of UMass Chan Medical School, Sue from our Outreach Team, JBS International, Inc.’s Edward Jacoubs, Anna Maria College Professor Tara Rivera, Fitchburg State University Professor Kyle Moody and special guest Bill Gardiner of L.O.V.E Is The Answer. Thank you for a fantastic conference!”
The Handle with Care Collaborative Partners of North Central and North Quabbin Massachusetts is a lengthy list of schools, agencies, government, and non-profit including: Ashburnham-Westminster School District, Ashburnham Police Department, Athol Area YMCA, Athol Police Department, Athol-Royalston School District, Barre Police Department, Boys & Girls Club – Gardner, Leominster/Fitchburg, CAPS Collaborative (Ashburnham, Orange, Westminster), Clinical Support & Options, Gardner Police Department, Gardner Public Schools, Heywood Healthcare, Holy Family Academy, Mahar Regional School District, MOC Early Education, Mount Wachusett Community College, Narragansett Regional School District, North Quabbin Community Coalition, Northwestern County District Attorney, David E. Sullivan’s Office, Parent Professional Advocacy League, Petersham Police Department, Phillipston Police Department,Quabbin Regional School District, Royalston Police Department, Templeton Police Department, Orange Police Department, Westminster Police Department, Winchendon Police Department, Winchendon Public Schools, and Worcester County District Attorney, Joseph Early’s Office
- Update 5-3-24 (5/3/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Informs the Chair City in his Weekly Update
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson presented his update from the GETV studios this week. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Weekly Update 5-3-24 May 7-10 is May Yard Waste Pickup (Mailer had a typo)
Events: Keep Gardner Beautiful Nip Hunt and Litter Cleanup is Saturday May 4th —- First Responder Day Saturday May 18th from 9am to 11am at Levi Heywood Memorial Library. —– 20th Annual Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ride Sunday May 26th —- Citywide Yard Sale is June 1st —- Gardner Relay for Life is June 7th and 8th.
FREE WI-fi is coming to Monument Park – goal is to have it up and running by Memorial Day.
There’s so much information in this week’s update it is best to listen to the entire update to get all the details.
- Facebook Commentary (5/2/2024)
Civil and Criminal Penalties – Commentary on Problem Facebook Posts
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel with a commentary on problem Facebook posts. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Commentary – Werner Poegel 5-2-24 In my opinion, if there are local Facebook posts which make false allegations or harmful statements without evidence it may cost admins or members civil liability. However, it doesn’t stop there. If you use social media platforms to track, monitor, or harass individuals causing them significant emotional distress that’s called cyberstalking, and that’s a crime. If you intentionally and repeatedly make posts aimed at causing distress or fear to another person including threats, abusive messages, making derogatory comments, or spreading false information with the intention of harm, that’s criminal harassment. If you conspire with others to do this and have discussions about how to “get this guy”, that’s a criminal conspiracy. And if you go after people who object to your posts or comments or perhaps as an admin suspend or remove a group member, that could be criminal witness intimidation. Think before you post.
- Budget FY25 (5/1/2024)
$13,088,995.23 was cut from department requests. Proposal has a buffer of $4,284.51 between anticipated revenue and budgetary expenses. Otherwise, it is balanced.
It’s Only May First – And Gardner Mayor Nicholson Releases Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
Last December, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson informed the City Council that he would be providing much more detailed information for the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and he has delivered with over 500 pages of detailed explanation. View the entire document in PDF format, CLICK HERE.
In a statement the Mayor said, “The goal of this format is to provide the most transparent information on the City’s current financial standing. I believe this new format will help provide the clearest pictures as to how the budget was constructed, where the money is coming from, and how it is being spent, both for your deliberations, as well as for our constituents to understand and see. Also included this year is a breakdown of the impact that each department has on the average tax bill for a single- family home in the City.”
The Mayor wrote, “The total of the FY2025 Budget as a balance of $88,013,663.74 (the money orders associated with the budget add up to $86,103,997.00 because they do not include the impact of the Cherry Sheet from the Commonwealth in the votes). This is inclusive of all General Fund, Cable, School, and Enterprise Funds.”
Each City Councilor is getting a copy of the following per the Mayor: “By Monday evening’s Council Meeting, every councilor will receive 1) a purple folder that has a copy of the budget in the previous format for ease of transition between formats, 2) a large white binder with the full information included on the website, 3) a large binder containing all of the City’s collective bargaining agreements and non-union personnel policies, and 4) a smaller binder color-coded per committee with the budget information for the departments for which each committee has oversight.”
- First Responders (5/1/2024)
Levi Heywood Memorial Library – Gardner MA For more about the following, click the respective links: Gardner Fire Department —- Gardner Police Department —– Levi Heywood Memorial Library.
First Responder Day Cooperative Effort Among Gardner Fire Department, Gardner Police Department, and the Levi Heywood Memorial Library
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with 3 key individuals about this FREE event. First Responder Day at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, Saturday May 18th from 9am to 11am. You can hear it all on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Stephanie Young – John Czasnowski – Sean Kelley on First Responder Day at Levi Heywood Memorial Library Gardner PD Lieutenant John Czasnowski, , Firefighter and S.A.F.E. Program Coordinator Sean Kelley, and Library Director Stephanie Young all spoke about the event.
Lieutenant Czasnowski let us know the plan is to have cruisers, a drone demonstration, the School Resource officer and an opportunity to see K-9 Rocky. There will be stickers for the kids.
Firefighter Sean Kelley spoke of the touch-a- truck event, the appearance of Sully the therapy dog, various vendors and games for the kids to play.
Library Director Stephanie Young was excited about the event and stated, “It’s so important that our community members, children and families get to meet our emergency personnel in a non-emergency situation. They can build connections and, you know, if there is an incident that people are involved in, they already have a connection and it helps during an emergency time.”
- Lithuanian 2024 (5/1/2024)
2024 Saturday Night – 7-11pm Concerts at the Lithuanian Outing Association, 23 Airport Road, Gardner run from May through September.
Lithuanian Outing Association Concerts – 2024
Date: Band(s): May 25 AK Cody and the Wicked Northmen June 8 Dank Sinatra June 15 Mid Life Crisis June 29 Whiskey Johnson (Fireworks) July 13 The Angry Debutantes / Point the Finger July 20 Litz Blitz July 27 Matt Callahan / Sufferin Bastards August 10 The Boogie Brown Band August 24 Danny LeBlanc September 7 Lacquerhead September 28 Plead the 5th
Other News from Area Towns and the Region
- Winchendon Winds (5/31/2024)
Admission is FREE.
HUGE OPPORTUNITY: FREE Concert Series Featuring 40 piece band
Winchendon Winds will play in Winchendon at the Unitarian Universalist Church of 4 consecutive Sundays in June: June 9, June 16, June 23, and June 30, all at 2pm. Under direction of Dr. Lindasy Bronnenkant, who is a member of the UMass Amherst music faculty.
In a Press Release it was stated, “Winchendon Winds plays on four consecutive Sundays: June 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 2:00 pm in the acoustically “live” sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Winchendon, 126 Central Street. Their concerts are free, thanks to grants and donations from supporters, including the Gardner Cultural Council.
Winchendon Winds is a 40-piece professional-level wind ensemble (brass, woodwinds, percussion) under the direction of Dr. Lindsay Bronnenkant, UMass Amherst music faculty. They give family-friendly, educational concerts, performing a wide variety of music: marches, medleys, orchestral transcriptions and original band works” For more information visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Templeton Fire 5-30-24 (5/31/2024)
Templeton Fire Destroys Barn – All Horses Safe
On May 30, 2024 at around 9pm there was a 5+ alarm fire at 551 Patriot’s Road in Templeton. The barn was fully involved. Almost 2 dozen horses were safely removed from the barn.
A local restaurant KROs on the common is donating 50% of all sales on May 31, 2024 – “Last night our neighbors Liberty-Belle Stables suffered a horrific fire. Happy to report that no animals or people were hurt. The community really came together to support & help overnight! Now let’s rally together for them today! Today we are donating 50% of our sales to Liberty Belle Stables & Templeton First Responders eat for FREE! Alone we can do so little, TOGETHER we can do so much!”
There is a Go Fund Me to help the horses, CLICK HERE.
- Winchendon Budget Update (5/30/2024)
Key Facts Regarding the Winchendon School Budget Issue
What is not disputed: Without having a Proposition 2 1/2 override, not all desired expenditures can be made and priorities must be decided. A school budget needs to be passed prior to July 1, 2024. Publisher’s note: While an override has not been requested this year, it has been suggested as a possibility for next year.
What is disputed: People have differing opinions as to priorities. Most everyone cares about the students of Winchendon and wants the best for them.
Progress Made: Discussions have been held between various interested parties resulting in the latest proposed budget.
Documents: Winchendon School Budget changes 1 sheet Latest copy of the budget dated May 29, 2024, CLICK HERE. —- Letter from Interim Superintendent of Schools Goguen Budget Fact Sheet —– Joint Statement from Winchendon Teachers Association and Superintendent.
Key Dates: Winchendon School Committee public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget is Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 5pm in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Warrant articles for the Town Meeting will be accepted until Monday June 3rd at 10am. Last day to register to vote for the upcoming Town Meeting is June 7th. Because, the town clerk’s office will be closed during 6-5 to 6-7, residents need to stop at the Police Dispatch Station at 72 Central Street to get voter registration forms.
Town Meeting is Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at Murdock Middle High School Auditorium.
- Winchendon Budget (5/29/2024)
Town of Winchendon Working Towards Budget Resolution
With the initial School Budget rejected at Town Meeting, another Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. As a budget needs to be approved prior to July 1, 2024, sufficient attendance at this upcoming Town Meeting will be critical. Prior to Town Meeting, the Winchendon School Committee will be holding a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 5pm in the Town Hall Auditorium.
The Town Manager’s office will be accepting warrant articles and citizen petitions from now through Monday June 3, 2024 at 10am.
- Ashby Commendation (5/23/2024)
Ashby Police Chief Issues Letter of Commendation to 3 Officers
The Ashby Police Department posted, “Chief Derek Pepple would like to recognize these officers for their actions on May 9, 2024. Ofc. Davis was the lone officer on shift that evening, and as the situation began to escalate, he notified the dispatcher at Patriot Regional Emergency Communications that he needed backup. Officers from Townsend Police Dept and Fitchburg Police Department arrived shortly after the Taser had been deployed, and assisted Ofc. Davis with taking the subject into custody. Sgt. Vautour and Ofc. Garhart responded from their homes to further assist. The subject was transported to the hospital to be treated for minor injuries, then booked at the Ashby Police Department. He was later tansported to Billerica House of Corrections.
This incident ended with no injuries to civilians or police officers, and only minor injuries to the subject. Also, we’d like to say thank you to Patriot RECC, Townsend PD, and Fitchburg PD for the quick response.”
- Bear in Barre (5/20/2024)
Black Bears in Barre MA and other Greater Gardner MA Communities – Some Advice
This bear photo was captured by Evan Hunt and posted on the Barre MA Residents Forum. Bears have been spotted in Gardner, Winchendon, and other nearby communities as well.
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife has recommendations for human – black bear encounters. In general: Remain calm. Don’t run from a bear. Ensure the bear has an escape route, Back away when possible. If attacked, immediately fight back. Don’t feed bears. SEE COMPLETE FLYER. also has a tip sheet regarding black bears. View tipsheet, CLICK HERE More on the State of MA website, CLICK HERE..
- Templeton 5-20-24 (5/19/2024)
Templeton Annual Town Election and Community Update.
Annual Town Election is Monday May 20, 2024 from 11am to 7pm in the Narragansett Regional high School Gymnasium. Sample Ballot is featured at left.
The most recent report of the Town Administrator goes over street sign replacements, buildings and grounds, activities of the Board of Health, site visits of the Conservation Commission, and Community Services including the library and seniors.
- 5 Alarm Templeton (5/18/2024)
5 Alarm Fire in Templeton on Patriots Road
From the Templeton Fire Department: “At 15:40 Friday May 17th Templeton Fire Department was Notified of a possible building fire on Patriots rd. Upon arrival of police fire was reported to be coming out the front and side first floor windows. A second alarm was immediately requested. The first arriving crews were told of possible trapped people in the building. With this new information we quickly went to a 5-alarm response to bring in the much-needed help to search for victims and extinguish the fire. Shortly after, all the people were accounted for, and crews were on scene for approximately 4 ½ hours extinguishing the fire. There were no responder or civilian injuries during this incident.” See complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- Templeton Rotary (5/14/2024)
Templeton MA Rotary Project Pulls Ahead of Gardner
Templeton MA has announced major progress in its rotary project on May 14, 2024 as shown in the visual from the Templeton PD which posted, “TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE 05/14/2024 After two days of paving, the East Templeton Rotary Project has started to take form and will begin to enter the next phase of the project. Please note the layout, and traffic directions moving forward. Gardner Road (Route 101) will remained closed. Thank you!“
Completion of the Rotary Project in Gardner is expected to be this Fall.
Meanwhile, in Gardner, the work continues. Shown at right is construction and the concept illustration of what the finished project will look like.
CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
- Templeton Rotary Update (5/6/2024)
The Templeton Police Department released this statement:“-EAST TEMPLETON ROTARY UPDATE 05/06/2024- Starting on 5/6 and through 5/10 the milling will begin in East Templeton at the rotary project. There will be significant delays in traffic for Patriots Road (Route 2A), North Main Street, South Main Street and Gardner Road (Route 101). Closures/delays could be over ten minutes at a time. PLEASE AVOID AREA. PLEASE SHARE.”
- Winchendon 4-29 (5/5/2024)
The Winchendon Board of Selectmen met on April 29, 2024. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winchendon BOS 4-29-24
- Westminster 2024 (5/5/2024)
Results of May 2024 Westminster Elections
Complete Election Results, CLICK HERE.
Elected were: Michael Cooley, Select Board , Michael Popik – Board of Health, Donald Frigoletto – Board of Assessors 3 years, Caroline Albert – Board of Assessors 2 years, Tiffany Davis and Neepa Shah, Library Trustees 2 years, Michelle Miller Library Trustee 1 year, Christopher Mossman – Hager Park Commission 3 years, Amy Fantoni – Planning Board 3 years, Derrick Andrews – Planning Board 1 year, Brian Vincent – Cemetery Commission 3 years, Courtney Rose McGee – Regional School Committee 3 years,
May 2024 Westminster Sentinel Publication, CLICK HERE. Includes a huge amount of information about what’s going on in Westminster MA including the Westminster Farmers’ Market which starts up on May 10th. It will be every Friday from 3-6pm on Academy Hill.
- Ashburnham Election 2024 (5/5/2024)
Winning election were: Moderator: Richard Cook Jr., Select Board 3 year: Phil Papoojian, Select Board 1 year: Leo Janssens, Planning Board 3 year: Marshall Dennis, Board of Health 3 year: Thomas Flanagan. Complete List of all results, CLICK HERE.
- Hubbardston Concerts (5/5/2024)
Hubbardston Concerts for Summer 2024
The Summer Concert Series has been announced: July 13th: High Powered Mutants, July 27th: The Big RanDom, August 10th: Ambient Sojourn Band.
Each concert is scheduled from 5-8pm with a rain date the next night.
Food vendors will be there. Fun Entertainment for kids, too.
Concerts are at Curtis Recreation Field at 24 Gardner Road in Hubbardston. Admission and parking is FREE.
- Hubbardston Truck (5/5/2024)
The Big Custom Brush Trucks In Hubbardston
from the Hubbardston Fire Department, “Truck 4 doing Truck 4 things yesterday in Ashburnham. We take great pride in our brush units here in Hubbardston. All of our brush trucks were custom built with the unique needs of our geography in mind, with the majority of the build work being done in house by our own members. Truck 4 is a government surplus military dump truck that we converted into an 800 gallon brush fighting machine that can go pretty much anywhere.”
The day before on April 27th, Hubbardston Fire posted, “A busy afternoon for north central MA Fire Departments. In the span of 30 minutes HFD responded to 3 emergencies. The on duty firefighters responded to a serious medical call requiring transport to UMass, Truck 4 was requested mutual aid to Winchendon Road in Ashburnham for a large brush fire and Engine 2 responded to Acadia Road in Gardner for a brush fire.”
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