National Grid Project Details

National Grid to Update over 100 Year-Old Transmission Lines

In 1909, the 69 kilovolt transmission lines were constructed and materials were brought in at the time by horse and buggy. Today, modern equipment will be used to bring this part of the grid up to date before there are problems due to the aging system.

National Grid is proposing the A1/B2 Asset Condition Refurbishment project to replace these lines “as they are approaching the end of their asset life. The scope to rebuild these lines includes structure replacements, structure foundations, new conductor, and right-of-way access improvements where necessary along the approximate 61 miles of existing right-of-way.” An Open House is scheduled at Gardner City Hall on Thursday August 24, 2023 at 5pm. National Grid will have team members present from a variety of departments to answer questions. Note that the new infrastructure will be built, put into service, and then service to the old lines will be discontinued with the old structures subsequently removed. In that manner, power remains up during the project duration which is expected to take from 2024 to 2028.

National Grid has a short, informative video on a website put up for this project. There are also additional details on the page, CLICK HERE.

This 61 mile project originates in Vernon, Vermont, travels through Hinsdale and Winchester, New Hampshire then continues through a number of towns within Northern Massachusetts including, Warwick, Royalston, Winchendon, Gardner, Westminster, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Sterling.

Coming off the mainline, this project also includes the Athol Tap and the Crystal Lake Tap. The Athol Tap runs from Royalston Substation to Chestnut Hill Ave Substation in Athol, Massachusetts. The Crystal Lake Tap runs from Gardner Switching Station to Crystal Lake Substation in Gardner, Massachusetts.