Mayor Nicholson Portrait 9 12 23
Payment Voucher Mayors Portrait June 2021

When It Comes to Discretionary Spending, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson is Careful with the Taxpayers’ Money.

So how much did the Mayor spend on his portrait after he took office? A total of $350. That included a session fee of $150 and 36 edited high resolution digital images for $200. Total cost: $350. Why are we bringing this to your attention? Because one of the Mayor’s opponents, Kimberly Blake has made a number of egregious false statements on Social Media and elsewhere. She stated the Mayor did only photo ops for Alzheimer’s so we showed his decade-long record of service and that his interest grew out of of love for his grandfather who had the disease. She stated the Mayor didn’t care for the homeless so we showed his efforts there. She stated he didn’t care for the food insecure, so we showed him actually loading food at the CAC Food Bank. This time, Kimberly Blake falsely stated that the Mayor spent thousands on a portrait. Not true. He spent a total of $350 and we’re going to show you the actual invoice and payment voucher to prove it. Publisher’s Note: Disagreeing on issues is one thing, but shame on Kimberly Blake for consistent false statements. Is the Mayor perfect? No. But who is? Look at the last 3 years and all the progress on almost every single issue people care about and the objective score would be a high A.

Portrait Invoice Mayors Portrait June 2021