Publisher’s Note; Kimberly Blake’s illegal food pantry has been shut down. However, what continues is her inaccurate posts about the issue. The Board of Health took action based on Massachusetts Law and to protect the public. Gardner Magazine and WGAW simply inquired about the issue and were immediately informed the activity was not allowed. If you’re still not convinced, listen to the Food Safety portion of the meeting and you’ll understand the Board of Health and its inspectors act on their own to protect the public good. There’s no politics involved. Only a concern for public safety, period. As noted during the meeting, if you’re ever concerned whether a place has been inspected, just ask the Board of Health.
Gardner MA Board of Health Routinely Has Concerns About Un-permitted Food
The Gardner Board of Health has been concerned for a time about un-permitted food being sold in the community and routinely takes action when required. There was about an 11 minute discussion about the Blake illegal Food Pantry and concerns about pop-up bakeries and other unpermitted activities at the May 20th meeting. Listen on any device to food safety section of meeting, CLICK PLAY.
Bottom line: What Kimberly Blake did in opening a food pantry in a residential area is not allowed based on Massachusetts law and food safety protocols and the Board of Health decided on its own to take action. There was no involvement by the Mayor. Note that most people are obtaining permits as required for activities and locations which are allowed. The Board of Health and Gardner does not get rich on permits either. A permit and the inspection requiring about an hour of a staff member’s time costs $25 which means the City actually loses money on the transaction. Note: A legit non-profit food pantry is not even charged an inspection fee under Massachusetts Law.
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY