Greater Gardner MA News April 2023
- People Greatness (4/30/2023)
“People are Gardner’s Greatness” says Gardner MA Michael Nicholson in Uplifting Interview
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Going Great with Michael Nicholson Mayor Nicholson believes that “People are Gardner’s Greatness” and that people should be treated as people. He appreciates the honest opinions of City employees, he credits many on his team for Gardner’s successes, and believes that “people are policy.”
We spoke about Business, Industry, and thinking outside of the box, and about the Mayor’s recent trip to the White House promoting Gardner and finding out about additional resources to aid the City in the future. More details about the interview, click here
- Westminster April 2023 (4/30/2023)
Complete Westminster MA April 2023 Election Results on our Government page, click here, or on our Westminster page, click here. – Newcomers on Planning Board
- Kayak Race (4/30/2023)
West End Beagle Club Kayak Rat Race
On a man-made pond of over 200,000 square feet built over 50 years ago, the West End Beagle Club is scheduled to hold the first annual Kayak Rat Race on Saturday June 10, 2023 beginning at 1pm
Cash prizes will be awarded to winners. Food and beer will be available. Live Music is planned.
Pre-registration of racers is required. Volunteers for various duties are also needed. Call (978) 632-9792. We spoke with Wendy McCullough of the West End Beagle Club about the upcoming event and how to become a “Kayak Rat Racer”. Listen on any device.
West End Beagle Club 5-4-23
- Sprinkler – Garbose (4/29/2023)
Fire Trucks at Garbose Building
April 29, 2023 2:00pm
4 vehicles of the Gardner Fire Department have been at the Garbose Building in Downtown Gardner. The building owner stated to us that a sprinkler had let go and the Gardner Fire Department is sorting it out. There is NO FIRE reported, REPEAT, NO FIRE. We’ll let you know if there are any more details to report.
- Mayor’s Update 4-28-23 (4/28/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson on What’s Going On in the Chair City
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 4-28-23 The Mayor thanked Seaman Paper Company employees and the Keep Gardner Beautiful Foundation for the work they did on Earth Day litter cleanup. Yard Waste pickup in Gardner will occur on regular trash pickup day between May 2nd and May 5th.
Flashback Dance drew 400 people. “When I walked into the auditorium I was blown away by the number of people there.” —- Purple Paws Walk Event will take place this Saturday at Pulaski Dog Park. —- Gardner Relay for Life will hold annual Light the Town Purple Event Monday May1st at 6:30pm. —- Higher Ground Ministries holding National Day of Prayer event at noon Thursday May 4th at Monument Park. —-Chair City Conceptual Arts Festival takes place May 6th from 11am to 4pm.
Visit to City Hall
4th Grade Class visited Gardner City Hall this week and Holy Family Academy had student government week a couple of weeks ago.
The Mayor was proud to Share Success Stories of Gardner at a meeting of the Commonwealth’s Mayors held in Fitchburg.
- Great Schools (4/28/2023)
Graphic shows the Parent Communication Flow: Individual Teacher – School Counselor – School Principal – Superintendent of Schools. The idea is to solve any issues earliest in the flow. It’s working. Superintendent Pellegrino reports few phone calls.
Gardner has one of the only Calculus with Physics programs. Gardner is strong on the traditional 3Rs while providing a 21st Century Education.
The Great Schools Interview with Gardner MA Superintendent Mark Pellegrino
Listen on any Device. CLICK PLAY.
Great Schools Interview with Dr. Mark Pellegrino 4-27-23 A huge transformation has taken place in Gardner Public Schools. Gardner has progressed from a past with a concern about meeting standards to the present in which Gardner is setting standards. For the 2nd year in a row, Gardner School Superintendent Dr. Mark Pellegrino has been asked to speak to the City of Chicago schools so that they might benefit from the initiatives which Gardner has in place. Every student is considered as important as every other. Proactive efforts are in place to make sure each student rises to the level of his/her ability. Data is analyzed to see what works and what doesn’t. Administrators have been coached to step up. Teachers are expected to be excellent. And, students are achieving what some other districts would describe as almost miraculous success. 37 students, or more than 1/3 of the graduating class will also have a 2 year college degree upon graduation from High School. This is unheard of elsewhere. But it is being achieved in Gardner. And now the “Chair City” is becoming the “Share City”, sharing its model of success with other communities so that students nationwide can benefit. It’s an incredible true story Gardner Magazine is proud to share.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel had the honor of interviewing one of America’s most consequential School Superintendents, Dr. Mark Pellegrino speaking with such an enthusiasm and love for students the positive vibe is contagious. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Great Schools Interview with Dr. Mark Pellegrino 4-27-23 About the Learning Process and Test Results
“When you focus on making sure kids have what they need in the classroom for support, so they’re available to learn….even last year, our MCAS scores, our growth scores, were very strong, which was somewhat of an anomaly for the state….we had some very strong outcomes…and our internal results of testing show that kids are further along than one might expect…So we’ve really turned a corner in making Gardner actually an anomaly.” Gardner made sure students had internet access during the pandemic so each could participate in learning, often providing internet hot spots for the kids to take home. What Gardner also did during the pandemic. “We focused a great deal on helping teachers, giving teachers more time to review their lessons and work collaboratively to design solid lessons that align with our state standards.”
Gardner has added 50 positions in the District in the last 6 years (out of 360 total positions) to enhance the learning process. “Many of these positions are support physicians, whether its a second teacher in the classroom, or supports like school psychologists, school adjustment counselors or school counselors. Putting folks where they can have direct contact to support our students. I think that’s made a huge difference.”
Gardner’s outcomes show a low dropout rate, a low discipline rate, and no disparities in learning among students with disabilities, students from low income families, or students of different races. “That’s what gets you to level one is those outcomes, those positive outcomes.” While not revealing names for reasons of confidentiality, Superintendent Pellegrino says “some pretty big districts are now coming out to interview us, to say, what are you doing, how are you doing this, and how can we replicate it in our district? So that’s been a really positive thing for the district, and something I’m very proud of. It’s all the work that, ultimately the teachers and staff are doing in the schools to make it so Gardner is actually having those outcomes.”
Reading at early grades a priority
“My teachers have been absolutely wonderful, making sure that kids are learning to read at those early grades, so later on, they can read to learn at the upper grades. And so we’ve really made that a priority for the district. And with added staff members, with added supports, and again, through our model of this tiered system of supports, we make sure that kids are reading by the 3rd grade.”
Help When Needed
Superintendent Pellegrino explained that his phone doesn’t ring off the hook like at other districts. The reason he gives is the proactive support which starts with the individual teacher, school counselor, principal, and if needed, he as the Superintendent. “I have very strong leadership and I have a very strong team at each school that then responds to any parents needs. So they’re not calling me because they know if they call the school, the school will help them.”
Gardner has strong partnerships including Early College with 37 students this year graduating with an Associates Degree from Mount Wachusett Community College with “many others having close to an Associate’s Degreee or most of their prerequisites done, which only prepares them better for college.” He also points out this this saves parents considerable amounts of money. Other partnerships with Monty Tech and others and the manufacturing program provides students with immediate skills upon graduation so they can immediately go into a career. About 120 high school juniors and seniors are currently taking college courses.
Advanced Ideas and Learning
In Gardner, there is a calculus-based physics course which is unique and it even counts as their college class for calculus. “No other school I know of provides that course.” The difference, Gardner talks with “the folks who work with our students after graduation, and talk to them about, well what do our kids need?…. We’re talking with them to say, well, what do kids need upon graduation. That gives us a much more reliable indication of are we going in the right direction or not.”
The approach is clearly different
“So our history teachers are talking to kids about being historians, not just learning history. Our math teachers are teaching kids to be mathematicians.”
Gardner makes the SAT test free so every student takes it. “I think we’re the only district around that pays for all of our students.” And why are students continually doing better whether it’s the SAT or the MCAS? “We teach to the standard…we get our kids to master that standard…..Well you are trying to figure out if you are actually teaching them, and when you figure that out, then they are actually getting a better learning environment.” “So I think were doing a lot of the right things for our families and that is something of which Im extremely proud.”
Learning to write and think on their own
“We all are supposed to be able to read, inform our own informed opinions based on fact. And you know, I think for a long time we lost sight of that in education.”
Math Program
Just this year, the District has launched an even more successful math program “First of, I believe math teaches us logic, so what helps us make informed decisions in life. The math program we have called “Into Math” helps kids understand the concepts of math, rather than just rote memorization of formulas…Because if you understand math, it informs higher level math, and it also informs your logic later on when you’re making decisions.”
Analyzing Data – How they do it
“So we have a lot more data, and we’ve purchased some … software programs that help give us the data in a user-friendly format, so we can read and actually use the data. So it’s great to have data like, we have a lot of data, but it’s how we take that data and use it to inform how were moving forward, that’s what makes the difference.”
Superintendent in the Trenches
Something else Superintendent Pellegrino does is spends a week here or there at each school so he can observe first-hand what’s going on. “Almost all my meetings are at the school itself. I’m operating out of the school. I’m walking around, I’m seeing the culture, the practices, the rituals in the schools. All of that is data for me to inform.”
Regarding Art and Music
Superintendent Pellegrino plays the guitar. “I’m actually a musician, so I believe very firmly… My math skills, I think, were developed because of my music abilities. And so I’m a huge proponent for developing your artistic abilities. And even if you’re not going to be an artist, to develop some of those skills, and understanding again, creates well rounded individuals as they graduate.”
About Sharing with Other Communities
“We’ve been asked to speak in Chicago, California, Ireland, a bunch of conferences here in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, because of the things that were doing. Again, these national and international conferences put us together with some of the brilliant minds that are at the forefront of leadership on MTSS, and were a part of that group. Now we’ve been asked again to speak at the National PBIS conference, which is Positive Behavior Interventions in sports. Its part of our FTSS process that happens in Chicago annually. We’ve been asked to come back again and present on the leadership part of this and how were doing it district wide, because schools are fascinated with how quickly we’ve come very far.”
- Dog Mayor (4/28/2023)
Update 4/28: Election Heats Up: 2867 votes cast as of end of voting on 4/28. Real Mayoral election of 2021 had a total of 2,851 votes cast. Winner Maverick: 1400, Rocky 1100, Cashew 198, Lucky 99, and Ozzy 70. In addition, since voting started “Friends of Gardner Dog Park” Facebook group has added hundreds of new members. Publisher’s Comment: Unfortunately, the election devolved into a game to get votes in any way possible instead of the original intention to elect a ceremonial Dog Mayor by people who actually come to the Dog Park.
Gardner MA Dog Park Election Involving Close to 1000 votes
Periodically, the Gardner Dog Park elects a ceremonial Dog Mayor. This year, Cashew was initially omitted from the final candidates due to a missing hashtag, so the final slate is down to 5 candidates with voting to end Friday April 28, 2023 at 5pm. Winner will be announced during the Purple Paws event at the Dog Park the following day. Complete Article on April 29th Purple Paws event, CLICK HERE.
Just 1 Vote Separates the Leaders!
Voting is intense as of midnight 4/25/23 with the following totals at this time: Cashew: 122, Rocky: 314 , Ozzy: 25, Maverick: 315 , and Lucky: 40.
Update: 4/26/23 10:30pm: Cashew: 154, Rocky: 498, Ozzy: 44, Maverick: 494, Lucky: 65 1255 total votes cast. Voting ends Fri. 4/28/23 at 5pm.
Maverick Takes Lead
Update: 4/28/23 9:15am: Cashew: 181, Rocky: 892, Ozzy: 61, Maverick: 944, Lucky: 88 Total votes cast: 2,166. Voting ends Fri. 4/28/23 at 5pm.
Those rooting for the current leaders have taken the contest seriously, sharing and lobbying for votes across many Facebook Groups. Still time to vote for your favorite. Just find Nate Boudreau’s post of 5 photos and like your choice. at Friends of Gardner Dog Park Facebook group. Only humans are allowed to vote. The campaign for canine suffrage has not yet begun in Massachusetts.
- Conceptual Art (4/28/2023)
A Saturday of Art and Music Comes to Gardner MA – May 6, 2023
It’s called the Chair City Conceptual Forefront Art Festival and it features Art and Live Music. The event is Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 11am to 4pm with a rain date of Sunday the 7th. It takes place at Orpheum Park at 34 Parker Street, Gardner. Over 2 dozen artists and musicians are expected with some artists offering live demonstrations.
An Outdoor Art Gallery will be featured and anyone can purchase a piece to compliment your home decor. Art lovers of all ages can make their own pieces of Art with planned FREE activities.
This event has been coordinated by Sophie Dorow and Jessica DeRoy.
This is the first year for this event.
- NEADS Dogs (4/27/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Recognizes Value of Service Dogs
While hob-nobbing at the State House in Boston promoting the interests of the Chair City, Mayor Nicholson had the opportunity to spend a moment with these two service dogs. He posted, “Great to be with NEADS World Class Service Dogs Verna and Loring at the State House. This great central Mass non-profit organization was established in 1976 and has trained over 1,900 Service Dog teams since its founding. Today, NEADS offers the widest array of Service Dog programs in the industry, while still holding true to their core mission of producing Service Dogs for individuals with disabilities. “
And apparently Diane “Neon” Leblanc had a volunteer life well before the focus on keeping Gardner Beautiful as she posted, “I was a volunteer at NEADS in the 80’s, and witnessed the incredible training the dogs experience. Then each dog gets matched with a recipient. Then they go through training as a team. I’ve had the honor of attending many memorable NEADS graduations. Absolutely astounding what those dogs can do. The bonds that are formed always bring happy tears. “
NEADS is headquartered in nearby Princeton, MA and has a website, CLICK HERE.
- Finance 4-26-23 (4/26/2023)
Gardner MA Finance Committee Reviews Various Matters April 26, 2023
Purchasing Director Joshua Cormier, Director of Development Trevor Beauregard, and Mayor Nicholson (via phone) were on hand for the Finance Committee of Councilors Elizabeth Kazinskas, Alek Dernalowicz, and Ron Cormier. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Finance Committee April 26, 2023 Positive Recommendations were made to the City Council on the measures brought before the Committee. The Intermunicipal Veterans Agreement with the Town of Templeton will not add to costs as existing staffing will still cover the added duties. Mayor Nicholson reported on the Sale of City Property, explaining that the City Council will have to approve small boundary changes in order to put the School Street property up for bid again. The District Improvement Finance Study was discussed. Monument Park area Improvements were detailed. Councilor Dernalowicz suggested they have Department Heads come in with periodic updates and the other Councilors agreed with the concept. Mayor Nicholson promised to provide an update regarding the 3rd party grant vendor at the next Finance Committee meeting.
Upcoming Budget
Mayor Nicholson stated that the School Committee will finalize their budget portion at their May 8th meeting and the City Council will get the budget at the May 15th meeting.
- Paving 2023 (4/26/2023)
And so it Begins…, Paving 2023 in the City of Gardner MA
Paving is beginning in Gardner in the next month or so on a number of streets in the City. First up is the state project redoing parts of Route 2A from West Broadway to the Templeton line – underway now.
Coming up in the Chair City
According to the Gardner DPW on April 26, 2023 the list includes: Eaton Street, Park Street, Partridge Street, Keyes Road, and Princeton Street
Paving Frenzy
Social Media is abuzz with residents wanting to know when their streets will be paved. Those streets left out this year will disappoint some. However, it is noted that during the past couple of years, Mayor Nicholson has prioritized paving and has successfully sought a greater percentage of funds for paving than at any time in the past decade. Part of the problem has been that State funding which is relied upon as an additional source has remained at about $600,000 in recent years which with the high cost of asphalt due to inflation doesn’t buy much.
- Candidate Policy (4/24/2023)
Gardner Magazine Releases Candidate Submission Policy
With Municipal Elections happening this year in Gardner, we wanted to make our policy very clear: We will publish the Press Releases of any campaign in their entirety unless rejected for violations of our decency guidelines which are very simple: If the submission advocates violence, appeals to the prurient interest, uses foul language, or attacks the character of another candidate, we will not publish it at all, period, in our sole discretion. Our position is that candidates should be able to argue the issues respectfully and civilly without casting dispersions on the motivations of another person. The public is tired of the nonsense they often see on TV and we will aspire to a higher standard here.
Who is a candidate? Once you have taken out nomination papers, returned them, and had signatures verified to get on the ballot, you are a candidate by our definition.
Submissions: We will accept most types of documents and suggest pdfs for Press Releases. Photos should be high quality.
Interviews: We are happy to interview any verified candidate. Call and leave a voicemail at (978) 632-6324 or email Same rules of decency apply to interviews.
Elections Page: Once the Press Releases start coming in, we will create an Elections Page so our readers can find them all in one place with links to campaign websites and/or Facebook pages as applicable.
- School Street (4/24/2023)
Finance Committee packet in which the Mayor references this issue, CLICK HERE. He also details the results of the RFP process for other properties.
School Street Condos Halted in Gardner MA Due to Title Issue
Chad King’s successful proposal to turn the old School Street School at 53 School Street into condos is not happening due to a problem discovered during the buyer’s title search. Apparently, a portion of the back of the property was originally purchased as part of Jackson Playground for the purpose of creating a playground. According to a communication to the City Council by Mayor Nicholson, “As such it falls under the protections of Article 97 of the Commonwealth’s Constitution. Since Jackson Park and School Street School sit on land that was purchased through three separate sales by the City, the Administration has begun to work with our local legislative delegation to conduct the statutorily required land swap vote that will come before the City Council for consideration as a Home Rule Petition once the vote document is completed. After this process is done, the Administration will put the property back out for disposition.”
Once the issue is cleared up, Chad King will be free to submit a new request for proposal if he wishes. The former School Street School may yet become condos, but we will all just have to wait.
- Budget FY24 (4/23/2023)
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget to be in line with Fiscal 2023 in Gardner MA
“There’s not much new in there”, says Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. “We’re always a lot more fiscally conservative when we propose the budget just because of the situations that are happening around us. While gas prices are starting to come down, there’s still some prices that are still high, there’s still some concerns about how interest rates are going to be going. So this is a very fiscally conservative budget. Its got the regular tax increases that we would see annually under the provisions of proposition 2 and 1/2. But there’s not much new in there.” The plan is to have a bare bones budget now and then do a supplemental budget in the November – December time frame. The Mayor stated that the increase of 4 million dollars from the State going towards education will “free up some of those tax dollars to help us on our city side.” Hear all of the Mayor’s comments in the Gardner Going Great Interview, CLICK HERE.
In the next month or so, the budget will be discussed in City Council and School Committee meetings and details will be released. For the current 2023 Fiscal Year budget, we refer you to a May 2022 article which included all of the Mayor’s submissions last year, CLICK HERE. Budget must be approved by the City Council prior to the start of the 2024 fiscal year on July 1, 2023. One item we know won’t be in the budget – close to $20,000 for the cost of a Federal audit, the savings the City of Gardner will realize after having a Perfect Federal Audit for the 3rd year in a row and now not having to undergo one for at least 3 years.
- Pretzel Day (4/23/2023)
National Pretzel Day is April 26, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA
Pretzels are available almost everywhere food is sold in the Greater Gardner area. What do you know about the history of the pretzel? says, “On April 26th, millions of pretzel lovers across America come together to celebrate their favorite twisted treat. This special holiday is the perfect opportunity for you to honor your passion for pretzels, and with today’s variety of forms and flavors, there are so many ways to celebrate!“
According to the site, pretzels came about in the 7th century as a creation by a Christian monk in Italy who gave them as rewards for children who had learned their prayers. Called “pretolia”, or “little rewards”
In the 18th Century, pretzels were made in bakeries started by German immigrants and to this day, 80% of all pretzels in America are made in the state of Pennsylvania which declared “National Pretzel Day” in 1983. And what do put on your pretzel? Well, there is actually a National Mustard Museum in Wisconsin. CLICK HERE.
- Library Week (4/23/2023)
National Library Week is April 23 -29, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA
The theme this year is “More to the Story” as most libraries offer more than books including the Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner, the Beal’s Memorial Library in Winchendon, the Hubbardston Public Library, the Boynton Public Library in Templeton, the Steven’s Memorial Library in Ashburnham, and the Forbush Memorial Library in Westminster. From various media to technology, your local public library is a terrific resource and membership is FREE.
Some Library Facts
There are over 123,000 libraries in the United States of which 85% are located in schools. Some of the more notable libraries in the United States include the Library of Congress at #1 with almost 40 million volumes, the New York Public Library at #2 with over 36 million volumes, the Boston Public Library at #3 with almost 32 million volumes, and Harvard University at #4 with over 20 million volumes. The number of public libraries was 8.946 in 1992, and 3 decades later, that number is 9,057.
“More to the Story” at Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA
Gardner’s library is more than a beautiful building. Besides books, you can borrow music and movies, download audio and e-books, research databases, study in a quiet space, use the free WI-FI and/or public access computers, or take advantage of any number of programs for various ages and different displays throughout the year. The story is: Gardner’s library is ALIVE, vibrant, and much more than books, although it has an extensive collection to please almost any palate. Website.
- Earth Day (4/22/2023)
Super Heroes “Neon Leblanc’ and Conservation Agent Sophie Dorow Assist Volunteers in Gardner MA Earth Day Cleanup
Gardner Mayor Nicholson thanked all the volunteers from “Keep Gardner Beautiful”, Seaman Paper and the City who got 6 one-ton dump truck loads of trash off the streets. DPW staff took the trash to the transfer station.
The Huge Spring Keep Gardner Beautiful event will be held Saturday May 20, 2023 from 8:30 to noon. It will consist of a litter cleanup and nip hunt. People will meet up again at the Gardner Plaza where Staples is. And this year, Staples itself will join in with a recycling event.
Interviewed recently on WGAW’s Hotline Radio, Organizer Diane “Neon” Leblanc stated that this year they’ll be using Signup Genius for preregistration. She also told of the City’s new Hotline number to report illegal dumping at (978) 630-4023 and the City has already given out 3 fines for people littering in the City. Participants in Keep Gardner Beautiful will once again receive free matinee tickets to Gardner Cinemas. A sobering statistic: Since the nip hunt was started, Diane says 150,000 empty nips have been collected. Facebook page, click here.
- Flashback Arrives (4/22/2023)
The Flashback Dance was well-attended including by Gardner’s Mayor, City Council President, State Representative, City Councilors, and other notables. More exciting events to come this year in Gardner….
Flashback Dance Well Attended in Gardner MA – A Big Hit!
The Flashback Dance featuring “DJ of the Stars Jimmy Jay” and the band “Kenny and the Night Riders” was held April 22, 2023 at Gardner City Hall. It was part of a series of events to be held this year in Gardner to celebrate Gardner’s 100 years as a City (January 1, 1923 to January 1, 2023) Gardner was founded way back in 1764, became a town in 1785, and well over 100 years after that, became a City, now with a population of over 21,500 people.
While “DJ of the Stars” Jimmy Jay opened the event, it wasn’t his first gig of the day as from 2-4pm, he took over the airwaves at Gardner’s WGAW and played some popular Rock n’ Roll of the 60’s, had live interviews with a few music stars of the time, and interacted with some listeners and famous Gardner residents of the past. Then, he prepared for his first dance in Gardner since sometime in the 1970s to kickoff the Flashback Dance at 6:30pm. (Doors were open at 6pm) Tickets were $10, but a few lucky WGAW listeners got in FREE with tickets they had won.
Gardner has a great summer of music ahead of it with the FREE Summer Concerts at Monument Park, and various groups being brought in by private clubs such as the P.A.C.C. For the Gardner Magazine Centennial event page, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Going Great (4/22/2023)
How Gardner is Going Great in an interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
“Gardner Going Great” interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson Gardner is Going Great and we spoke to Gardner Mayor Nicholson about it. We reviewed the recent White House trip. “So being able to sit down and share what Gardner’s done in terms of investments into our infrastructure, how we’ve worked with our federal partners, but what are we missing and how can we bridge that gap. That was really an exciting time to be able to be in the White House itself on Pennsylvania Avenue, and just have those discussions on, this is what Gardner has done, this is what we need, and to be able to speak to the president’s office directly on that, I really hope there is a lot of, benefits for Gardner in the long run.”
We asked Mayor Nicholson what’s going great in terms of attracting business to Gardner? “You know, I think this is something that we’ve been doing quite well the past couple of years, and that we’ve also begun to reach out to businesses ourselves, rather than waiting for them to come to us.”
Mayor Nicholson spoke about the Route 140 Zoning issue and how it “involves people thinking outside of the box.” He stated he wants to proactively set the city up for success. He also spoke of creative ways to make his idea work while also taking the views of others into consideration.
The Mayor affirmed that we can conclude “Gardner is Great for Business.” We spoke with the Mayor about successful companies in Gardner and the fact that many are expanding. He stated, “There’s a lot happening in terms of industry in Gardner that people my just not realize.” Once businesses are here, Mayor Nicholson believes the City’s involvement should continue saying, “Let’s check in on you and how you’re doing, and let’s see what you need and how can we better work with each other…we’re willing to continue our initial investment on a long-term basis…” The Mayor affirmed that we can conclude “Gardner is Great for Industry.”
Mayor Nicholson announced that the City of Gardner has received a perfect Federal Audit for the 3rd year in a row. “actually saves the City up to close to $20,000 a year.” Now the audit will be conducted every 3 to 5 years due to the City’s fiscal responsibility. “We’re doing everything we can to make sure that we continue to uphold our fiduciary responsibility to the residents and taxpayers and Gardner. And I think that really says a lot about us”
The conversation turned to one about people in the Chair City. “One of the things that’s been my mantra since I’ve been in office, …is that everything that crosses my desk, the budget, the ordinances, the money orders, and everything. People are policy, is the take that I like to to have when it comes to government, and in that, it’s we’re working every day to build a place that people feel proud and happy to call their home. And that means investing in people. And everything that we do with a policy change, as a project, as an initiative, is with that heart behind it”
We spoke about so many things going great in terms of athletics and the schools and Mayor Nicholson identified many people he feels have contributed to Gardner Going Great in these areas. We spoke of Public Safety. We spoke of what we call the “Nicholson Directive” which is “people should be treated as people …We have to set ourselves to a standard that meets that expectation…by being respectful we build a great community….because we get all different, you know, spectrum of ideas and perspectives that’s there, that really helps get the bigger picture.”
When speaking of City employees, he wants honest opinions. “I’m not here to have a team of yes men. I’m here to have a team of people who are willing to do what’s right for the city …. we can come up with the best proposal by hearing all sides of the story rather than pushing one agenda” In May 2023, Gardner Magazine will speak with Mayor Nicholson about Gardner’s specific accomplishments, many are listed at and the narrative is growing every day.
- Exciting Renderings (4/21/2023)
Exciting Renderings of Approved Gardner MA Projects Released
CLICK on any Image for larger view.
Maki Park Park Street Park For further information on Projects in the City of Gardner, review our interviews with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and our various Projects pages:
You can also use the site search at top of home page to look for articles and City Council packets on specific projects.
Here’s how the funding is broken down: Greenwood Pool Demolition and Pavilion Construction Project – funded by CDBG funds ($733,160) and City Free Cash appropriation ($116,000)
Park Street Park – $268,000 from City Free Cash Appropriation.
Downtown Improvement Project Phase 3 of 6 – CDBG ($922,050), MA Complete Streets Grant ($400,000), City funding ($350,000) Includes extension of Bike Path from Skating Rink, down Park St, behind Greenwood Pool to Crystal Lake Park.
Maki Park – CDBG ($256,300), City Free Cash Appropriation ($183,000)
CDBG is the Community Development Block Grant
Project Pages:
- Mayor’s Update 4-21-23 (4/21/2023)
Listen to the Update on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 4-21-23 For more on Centennial Celebration Events, CLICK HERE for our Centennial page.
“Let’s make sure that our tax dollars come back into our city rather than going to somewhere else across the country. So we’re going to continue to advocate for Gardner in the best ways we can…” – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson in “tion” Update of April 21, 2023
The Mayor provides extensive information in this update including the participation of the City of Gardner in a delegation to the White House after receiving a last minute invitation. Gardner received recognition at an event scheduled to discuss different projects and initiatives. With its representation, the Mayor stated, “the fact that Gardner had 2 of these 30 seats representing the state really says a lot about the work that we’re doing in Gardner.”
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY
Mayor’s Update April 21, 2023 Celebration: The Mayor reminded everyone about the Flashback Dance on Saturday, April 22, 2023 taking place at Gardner City Hall in Perry Auditorium
Beautification: Mayor Nicholson spoke of various beautification efforts in the Chair City
Appreciation: The Mayor expressed his appreciation to the State for paving work starting soon on Route 2A
Construction: Nicholson spoke of various construction projects in progress or soon to be underway.
Explanation: The Mayor explained that the Paws Walk taking place at the Gardner Dog Park on Saturday, April 29th is designed to help victims of domestic violence keep their pets out of the same dangerous situation.
- April 22nd (4/20/2023)
Excitement Building for Saturday April 22, 2023 in Gardner MA
As Gardner continues to celebrate its 101st Year as a City, Saturday April 22, 2023 holds special excitement. Radio Station WGAW which has been a part of Gardner since 1946 features “DJ of the Stars” Jimmy Jay live on the air Saturday from 2-4pm. And then Jimmy Jay is featured at the Flashback Dance taking place at Gardner City Hall’s Perry Auditorium beginning at 6:30pm. The band, Kenny and the Night Riders will also be performing, including their National Hit, “Swamp Rat”. Tickets are $10 each at the door.
For more on the Gardner Centennial, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE.
- Covid 5-11-23 (4/19/2023)
The National Covid Emergency was declared on March 13, 2020. It had been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization 2 days before. For the Massachusetts Covid Dashboard CLICK HERE.
Covid-19 Public Health Emergency to End May 11, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA and Massachusetts
The State Health Emergency end date will coincide with the Federal Government. For more details from the State, click here. Governor Healey stated, “We know that we have the tools to manage this virus – vaccines, masking, testing, getting treatments and staying home when sick – and we’ve reached the point where we can update our guidance to reflect where we are now. I’d also like to acknowledge the leadership of Governor Baker and his administration, who saved countless lives by putting these important measures in place in a time of immense crisis.”
There have been over 22,500 deaths from Covid in Massachusetts since the start of the pandemic. One year ago at this time there had been 19,000 deaths, so while there are still cases, the number of deaths has been declining. As of April 11, 2023, there were less than 300 patients hospitalized with Covid in Massachusetts hospitals and about 10% of those were in ICU’s.
Massachusetts Confirmed Covid Cases by Age March 26, 2023 to April 8, 2023
- D.C. Trip (4/19/2023)
The Biden Administration has a page on the White House website which explains the infrastructure initiatives, CLICK HERE.
We recently interviewed the Mayor about Projects and Progress. CLICK HERE.
For a list of Gardner’s Accomplishments getting noticed nationally, visit
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Represents the Chair City in Washington, D.C.
Mayor Nicholson has often stated the he believes it is the City’s best interest to show up at as many of these events as possible so that Federal officials can put a face to a grant application. Gardner has benefitted from a slew of Federal funding recently from the American Rescue Act to other funding helping with projects throughout the Chair City. Recent Projects and Progress interview, click here.
Mayor Nicholson posted, “Today I had the distinct opportunity to participate in a meeting at the White House with Senior Advisors to President Biden, members of the President’s Cabinet team, and twenty-nine other local and state officials to discuss the ways in which the Biden-Harris Administration’s infrastructure programs have impacted local communities. As a Mayor who supports local infrastructure, I am appreciative of the time to meet with our federal partners to discuss what works, what could be improved upon, and the potential projects that would be beneficial to local communities like Gardner. Partnerships are crucial to delivering government services and today marked a poignant day for progress.
“I’m very proud of the investments we’ve made in our infrastructure and community and economic development goals in Gardner during my time as Mayor, and it was great to be able to share those stories on a national level. I look forward to our continued success with these projects in the future.”
Mayor Nicholson concluded, “Thank you to the President’s Office for this invitation to participate in the “Communities in Action” program.”
- Helping Creatures (4/19/2023)
Gardner MA Conservation Agent Endeavoring to Help Nature’s Creatures
Some creatures we don’t often think about are valuable components of our Eco-system. As Conservation Agent, Sophie Dorow is tasked with “helping these critters cross our roads safely to their vernal pools and back this spring. For more information visit the Conservation page on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE, or contact about how you can volunteer to be an “Amphibian Monitor”.
Why Does the Amphibian Cross the Road?
Answer: To get to the other side. (Bet you saw that one coming) Unfortunately, unlike larger animals, it’s often hard to see them as they cross roadways this time of year to migrate to new breeding sites or go to new areas. As they often do this at night, it can turn into a big problem for these creatures. So as a first this year, you can be an Amphibian monitor on rainy nights and help out Sophie Durow and these amphibians.
Learn More
For Adults: About landscapes for Massachusetts wildlife, CLICK HERE. How to report Vernal Pool Observations to the State of MA, click here. Vernal Pool Certification, click here.
For Students: Ask your teacher about amphibians or visit Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner and read some books. Sophie Dorow suggests 2 titles available in Gardner – Amphibians & Reptiles of North America: Gunzi, Christiane. – this is a pocket guide. -middle school age? and Slippery babies : young frogs, toads, and salamanders: Johnston, Ginny- for younger audiences.
Amphibian Monitoring Protocol – How You Can Help Driving: Please drive cautiously and carefully. Whenever possible over the next 2 months, please consider not driving on rainy nights when air temperatures are 40°F or higher. If you must travel during such conditions, delaying beyond the first 2 hours after sunset is recommended. Larger roadways: Travel on larger highways rather than small, wooded roads if possible. Plan routes that minimize the number of wetlands or vernal pools passed. Timing: If observing amphibian migrations, consider arriving at your destination prior to sunset, and then conduct your monitoring on foot. Cleanliness: If assisting amphibians across roadways or handling them for other reasons, be sure your hands are free of lotions, bug repellent, or other chemicals. Reporting: Report high levels of amphibian activity or mortality to the Linking Landscapes for Massachusetts Wildlife initiative, which compiles data to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions on problem roadways.
If you encounter any of our state-listed rare amphibian species (eastern spadefoot, blue-spotted salamander, Jefferson salamander, and marbled salamander), please take a clear photograph of the animal, carefully record the location, and submit an observation report to MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.Certify Vernal Pools: Go the extra mile to help preserve amphibian habitat by certifying vernal pools on your property. The data you collect is used to help MassWildlife and local conservation organizations better understand habitat resources for our native amphibians. from the State of Massachusetts
- City Council 4-18-23 (4/19/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Holds Shorter Meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
City Council April 18, 2023 Councilor Mack participated in the meeting via telephone. Councilors Heath and Tassone were absent from the meeting. Gardner Mayor Nicholson usually appears, but he was at his lodging awaiting a Wednesday meeting at the White House in Washington D.C.
The Mayor’s motions for leave to withdraw on the 3 Zoning Articles were all approved unanimously.
More time was again requested regarding the Regan Street 1 way issue because a 60 day test was begun on April 10, 2023. Councilor Craig Cormier commented, “I’d like to just say to residents of Regan Street or the abutting streets, now that this trial has started, please make sure to reach out to your Ward Councilor or the Safety Committee with any feedback, good or bad, or suggestions for improvements.”
Complete Meeting Packet, CLICK HERE.
- to White House (4/17/2023)
The Executive Office of the President has defined the event as: “Communities in Action: Building a Better Massachusetts is part of a White House series that will feature local elected officials and community leaders working on behalf of their communities to create opportunities and improve people’s everyday lives.”
For a list of Gardner’s Accomplishments which are increasingly getting noticed on a National level, visit
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson and Representative Zlotnik on the Way to White House in Washington
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has been invited by the Office of the President of the United States to be part of a delegation including State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik from the Commonwealth for discussions with the Biden-Harris Administration regarding infrastructure and community investment funding and programs. Meeting is Wednesday April 19, 2023 from 9am to 12:30pm at the White House. Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
“I am proud to be able to represent the City of Gardner in Washington and give the Chair City a seat at the table on a national level,” said Mayor Nicholson. “I’m proud of the work we’ve accomplished in Gardner and I look forward to sharing the progress we’ve made with the President’s Office and the Cabinet. In my first inaugural address, I stated that by investing in ourselves, we set the example and give others a reason to invest back into our community. I hope this shows that we’ve stayed true to that promise and will continue to keep that momentum going.”
- Fake News (4/17/2023)
Rogue Gardner MA Facebook Group Allowing Spread of Fake News
It only takes a few people to believe nonsense for it to be a problem. Such is the case with FAKE NEWS re property near Route 140. There are no secret deals or secret developers or Aliens from Outer space having dibs on the land there. However, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson issued a letter to the City Council to make sure the nonsense goes no further. CLICK HERE for the pdf. —- Hannigan Engineering Proposal for the City —- School Street ANR Finding.
Publisher’s Note: To those spreading the FAKE NEWS – We just published the real news….
- WGAW Trivia (4/17/2023)
It’s TRIVIA WEEK at Gardner MA Radio Station WGAW
Tune in throughout the day this week of April 17th and you could win a FREE ticket to the City Hall Flashback Dance happening Saturday, April 22, 2023. The incredible Flashback Dance organized by the Gardner City Centennial Committee features “DJ of the Stars” Jimmy Jay and the music group Kenny and the Night Riders. It all starts at 6:30pm. If you don’t win a ticket, don’t worry, they are very affordable at just $10. But nothing’s better than FREE! So, tune in all week long! listen to the TRIVIA WEEK promo on any device, CLICK PLAY
WGAW TRIVIA WEEK promo WGAW is heard at AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and online from everywhere in the world, CLICK HERE.
For more on Centennial and other events in Gardner MA throughout the year, visit the Gardner Magazine Centennial page, CLICK HERE.
- Library News (4/17/2023)
Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA offers Huge Amount of Content and Programs
For Example: On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, the Library features “Artful Mechanisms with Playful Engineers”, a program for ages 6-13 happening from 3-5pm with drop-ins welcome. The library supplies the materials and is supported in part by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council. Kids learn about mechanical linkages and automate prototypes.
For the younger set, more than 3 dozen new children’s books have arrived just in time for April vacation.
You can sign up for a weekly email letting you know about the newest books, movies, and music at the library. CLICK HERE —- Library Facebook page —- Library Website, CLICK HERE.
- Recreation ’23 (4/17/2023)
There’s plenty to do in Greater Gardner MA
Chair City Soccer – The Chair City Soccer Club provides spring & fall soccer programs for Gardner, Templeton, Baldwinville, Phillipston and surrounding communities. Chair City Soccer has teams for both girls and boys from grade 3 through high school. Website —– Greater Gardner Street Hockey – The 2023 season will run from April 24, 2023 through June 24, 2023 with Finals and Cookout. Website —– Gardner Youth Baseball and Softball.– Children between 4 and 18 can play baseball or softball at both developmental and competitive levels. —- Website Ice Sports – Opportunities to Learn to Skate and/or play Youth Hockey. —- Website Scouting – Gardner Boy Scouts – Website —– OR Gardner Area Girl Scouts – Website
- GHS Cheer (4/16/2023)
Gardner High School Cheerleaders Win National Championship and Judges Choice Award in Florida Competition
This picture is worth a 1000 words – CONGRATULATIONS!
The event was held at Florida Live Arena in Sunrise, Florida on April 16, 2023. Take a look at the entire lineup of schools and you’ll understand why this is such a huge achievement, CLICK HERE.
- Mid April Update (4/16/2023)
Mid – April Update with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 4-14-23 (released 4-15) In an update released on Saturday rather than Friday, Gardner Mayor Nicholson spoke of Government Week run by Holy Family Academy which puts students in the roles of government. He stated he has been appointed to the Advisory Board of the Vet Tech Program at Mount Wachusett Community College. Nicholson related the business tour of MACK Prototype. The Mayor noted that nomination papers are available at the City Clerk’s office for the upcoming City Election in November. He went over a few events in the Chair City and reminded citizens that due to the Patriot’s Day holiday, the City Council meeting will be on Tuesday April 18th.
Mayor Nicholson’s account of the RFP process relating to the Prospect Street School proved very interesting as he explained why two of the bids had to be rejected. He also spoke of the winning 35 thousand dollar bid by Long Long Noodle of Baldwinville to purchase the vacant lot at the corner of Nichols Street and Parker Street for the purposes of putting up a restaurant. By way of background, Long Long Noodle is a Chinese Restaurant and its owners used to own Kenny’s Chinese Restaurant which is located at the other corner of Nichols and Parker Street. Could there be 2 Chinese restaurants within a few feet of each other?
- Wise Heath (4/16/2023)
Gardner MA Dana Heath Honored by Fellow Legislators
Elected in the last Gardner Municipal Election to represent Ward 2, City Councilor Dana Heath was nominated by 2nd Worcester State Representative Jon Zlotnik. Zlotnik wrote, “Dana Heath is an individual who is truly deserving of this honor. Dana is well known throughout the Greater Gardner area for his tireless work with youth sports. He has served as a coach and a mentor for years, making a true difference in the lives of local young athletes….Dana has stepped up to become even more involved in the community….Dana’s election was historic, as he is the first African-American elected official in the history of the City of Gardner.
In response to being recognized by the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus as a Black Excellence on the Hill Honoree, Councilor Heath posted, “A HUGE thank you to Jon Zlotnik for the nomination. Thank you MAYOR Michael J. Nicholson for surprising me at the event by coming to the event and showing Major support. So many inspirational backgrounds of so many different people to be amongst them along with Senators,State Reps,Congress and Governors I am appreciative. Life is good.”
- Hotline 4-15-23 (4/15/2023)
Mayor Michael Nicholson has proposed that certain parcels of land on Route 140 towards Winchendon be rezoned from residential to commercial. Planning Board voted 3-2 not to recommend at recent meeting. Final Decision rests with City Council. Today, the Mayor stated, “If our population is going to grow, we have to grow with it.” He also detailed other successes of Gardner which we have covered in other articles.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson in the Hotline Seat – April 15, 2023
Mayor Nicholson spoke about his “leave to withdraw” with respect to the 3 Zoning Change requests on the April 18th City Council calendar saying, “Because there’s very specific ways in which a zoning amendment has to be proposed. So what we’re doing is simply cleaning that up, taking it off the City Council agenda for now, and then seeing how it can be reproposed after we get some feedback from the public. ” According to the actual State law, worst case scenario is the Mayor needs signatures from 10 citizens of Gardner to make the zoning request. Others interpret the Mayor’s original request to be valid as he is a property owner in Gardner and all property owners are arguably affected by all Zoning changes which is one of the qualifying standards applying to change requests. For the actual applicable State Law you can read for yourself, CLICK HERE. —- City Council Agenda and packet for 4-18-23
- Good Earth (4/15/2023)
Good Earth Has Grand Opening in Gardner MA
The Good Earth Farm and Garden Center purchased the former Agway location at 633 West Broadway, Gardner in September of last year and owner Steve Altobelli was interviewed April 15, 2023 on WGAW’s Hotline Radio with Steve Wendell regarding its official Grand Opening this April 15 & 16. Good Earth Website, CLICK HERE
Altobelli stated, “My family has been customers of the Gardner Agway for 35,40 years…we heard that the previous owner was retiring….the family was interested in taking over the business, so we purchased it last September…..we ultimately want to be a resource and a driver of economic activity in North Central Mass and in the Gardner Templeton area…..And so we have local vendors that supply honey, soaps, a variety of different types of products, maple syrup, catnip, toys, a variety of things that are available all year round … a growing part of the north Worcester County economy is family farming and farming in general. And that’s part of what we’re trying to do here, is to offer different types of grains for animals, different types of seeds and fertilizers for the family farmer”. He also stated part of the mission of his business: ….”It’s not all about selling products. It’s about sharing knowledge. It’s about being a resource where people can come in and ask questions and get the information they need to make good decisions.”
Gardner Magazine wishes Good Earth Farm and Garden Center much success in Gardner.
- Wildcat Wardrobe (4/14/2023)
First Ever “Wildcat Wardrobe” Event tops 200 attendees! – Demand forces early opening.
The event was so popular that it had to open early. By 2:45pm, 15 minutes after the scheduled opening, well over 120 people had already come through and received FREE clothing. It was held at the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria on Friday, April 14, 2023.
Organizer Macy Ghilardi posted, “The first ever Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrifting Event for the Gardner community was a BLAST today!!!! We are excited to say that over 200 people attended and went home with clothes today. The event was organized by School Based Community Health Worker (SBCHW) Macy Ghilardi, who was assisted by SBCHW Joslyn Houle, GMS guidance counselor Jinnee Strus, Heywood Healthcare School Based Services Program Director Christie Cutting, Peter Cutting, Peter Ghilardi, and Richard Budd.THANK YOU ALL!!!!” Macy previously stated that another similar event may be scheduled for Fall.
UPDATE: For the article on the September 2023 event, CLICK HERE
- Golf 2023 (4/14/2023)
Heading for an “Out of This World” Golf Season in Greater Gardner MA
Some golfers started in February this year due to the milder temperatures and lack of snow, (except for around March 14th). Spring has sprung and the grass will grow and the conditions just might be “Out of This World” for 2023. There are some choices for golf enthusiasts in the Greater Gardner area.
There are more than 8 golf courses in the immediate area: Gardner Municipal Golf Course, 152 Eaton Street, Gardner Website: Rates: Facebook – Templewood Golf Course, 160 Brooks Rd., Templeton, MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Westminster Golf & Country Club, 51 Ellis Rd., Westminster MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – The Woods of Westminster, Woods of Westminster Course, 23 Rock Maple Lane., Westminster MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Ellinwood Country Club, 1928 Pleasant St., Athol MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Camp Coldbrook RV Resort, Camp Coldbrook Course, 864 Old Coldbrook Rd., Barre MA Website: Facebook: – Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club, Quail Hollow Course, 1822 Old Turnpike Rd., Oakham MA Website: Rates: Facebook: – Bedrock Golf Club, Bed Rock Course, 87 Barre Paxton Rd., Rutland MA Website: Rates: Facebook:
Can golf really be “Out of This World”. It’s already happened. Astronaut Alan Shepard put golf on the moon more than 50 years ago and 2 golf balls he hit in 1971 are probably still there.
- Update 4-14-23 (4/14/2023)
Gardner Magazine Updates the City on Friday April 14, 2023
With the Mayor’s Update not available, Gardner Magazine AI’s Toby White and Sarah Lepley stepped in with an update. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Magazine Update 4-14-23 Items Covered
The huge change in weather —- April Vacation —- Jobs in Gardner —- Food Truck Festival Band —- Flashback Dance —- Downtown Gardner Improvements —- Mayor Nicholson’s bid for reelection —- Zoning Matters —- Gardner School Committee —- GHS Concession Stand —- Gardner Youth — High School Trip —- Art Classes —- Sports Teams and Coaches —- Thanks and Congratulations.
- Jobs 2023 (4/14/2023)
824 Jobs are listed within 5 miles of Gardner MA on April 14, 2023. The graphic at right shows a sampling: Search for your own
- Mack Prototype (4/14/2023)
MACK Prototype is Genuine Gardner in Gardner MA
In Gardner for close to a quarter century, the company is successful and adding jobs. According to its website, MACK Prototype is involved in 3D Printing Additive Manufacturing, Plastic Injection Molding, Urethane Casting, and CNC Machining. They even have an innovative NPI Launch Lab which offers companies the opportunity to manage their early-stage manufacturing needs in a flexible workspace. MACK Prototype gets our Genuine Gardner distinction for its commitment to excellence, its record of success, and its positive effect on the community. Website Link.
Mayor Michael Nicholson posted: “Thank you to Mack Prototype Inc. for opening their doors to the City this week as part of our business highlight tour program. Mack Prototype opened their doors on Main Street in Gardner in 1999 and in the last three years have doubled their workforce in the Chair City. Specializing in complex prototyping and low-volume production, they work hand in hand with their customers to develop rapid manufacturing solutions based on customer’s budget, timeline, quantity, and quality requirements. “
- The Remedy (4/13/2023)
Playing at the Gardner Food Truck Festival – Saturday, July 8, 2023 Article, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Scores Huge with “The Remedy” playing the Gardner Food Truck Festival on July 8, 2023.
Vendors are about to rush to get booked for the Gardner Food Truck Festival and Gardner Magazine now knows why. The City of Gardner has scored, “The Remedy” as the musical performance. Listen to a sampler of their music on any device. Click Play.
The Remedy – Music Sampler What is the remedy when you want the perfect band for the Gardner Food Truck Festival in 2023 during Gardner’s Centennial Celebration as a City? The City of Gardner has chosen “The Remedy” consisting of the uplifting duo of Rob Gale and Jody Thompson playing Country – Rock, a unique combination of Country, Blues, and Classic Rock sure to delight all the attendees of the Festival.
The band’s duo has sung with other bands and created “The Remedy” during Covid with the theme “Music Cures All”. So for those desiring a combination of a “feel – good” music time and some of the best food on the planet, make a date for the Gardner Food Truck Festival. For vendors not signed up yet, better book soon while you still can. This has the “Wow Factor.”
- Downtown Upgrades (4/13/2023)
For more information about Downtown Gardner visit For information about Gardner’s Downtown organization and their events, visit
Excitement over 2023 Further Upgrades Improving Downtown Gardner MA
Improvements in Downtown Gardner MA have been noticed. And they are continuing. From 2022 to 2023 and going forward, residents are seeing the difference. Listen to Mayor Nicholson on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor Nicholson on Downtown Gardner 2023 Items are slated to begin within the next month or so and improvements are slated to continue right through 2024.
Already Completed Improvements Sidewalks Paving Facades Lighting Junk Removed 25 Main Street Storefronts available On the List for 2023 New Downtown Banners available for sponsorship as well as Flower Pots for the season. Sidewalk work at Monument Park to make them ADA compliant as well as added Victorian Light Posts. 5 diseased trees to be replaced. New short-term simple added wayfinding signs will be fabricated by the City to aid residents and visitors alike. Also, added lighting. Rear Main Street Project to begin with eventual amphitheatre seating for an additional music venue, food truck parking, additional apartments, and a potential rooftop restaurant. – a “Downtown Crossing’ Park Street park begins with new parking lot and a tie-in to the bike trail. Late Fall demolition of Greenwood Pool Building Fountain at Bullnose Park Fountains, planting, swings, and benches at Orpheum Park Maki Park (across from Gardner Ale House) will be terraced. 2024 and Being Discussed 42-52 Parker Street Apartments available for rent. More than 2 dozen should be available. Downtown Bakery? – This is the most requested type of business spoken about in Social Media posts. Downtown Steakhouse? – The new owner of the former Bank of America building said he had someone in mind. More extensive wayfinding signs in Downtown to be implemented as a result of 2023 Wayfinding study. This study concluded on April 10, 2023 and results are now being compiled and analyzed. Completion of new outdoor pavilion at site of former Greenwood Pool building. This will give residents and visitors a clear view of Crystal Lake. New Storefronts open at Garbose Building and new apartments available in same building. Depending on progress of the Rear Main Street project, new storefronts and apartments will be available in 2024/2025.
- Food Trucks 2023 (4/13/2023)
Gardner Food Truck Festival to be held Saturday, July 8, 2023
The Gardner Food Truck Festival is back for 2023 and plans are for it to be bigger and better than last year. Colin Smith, the Mayor’s Executive Aide is working right now on finalizing the list of trucks who will come to the event in order to delight people from all over the Greater Gardner area. Our article from 2022 chronicles a very successful event.
In his February Have a Heart Interview, Colin Smith stated, ” Our hope is to have most, if not all, of the vendors we had last year back….I think last year was great in terms of variety that we were able to offer in the total number of food trucks. So that’s something I would like to replicate in a lot of respects again. I mean, I think I said it last year, but bigger, bigger, and better….”
Band playing this year at the Food Truck Festival is “The Remedy”. Gardner Magazine will have an interview with the band coming soon. For now, here’s our article with a music sampler, CLICK HERE.
The 2023 event is expected to attract considerably more people as word of Gardner’s increasingly beautiful Downtown is getting out throughout the region.
- Nicholson Announces (4/13/2023)
Gardner Magazine has launched a website listing the Accomplishments of Gardner, many of them achieved during the past couple of years. While it would not be fair to give Mayor Nicholson credit for all of them, objectively, he has certainly led the effort and leads Team Gardner., CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Announces Bid for Reelection
Michael Nicholson has served as Gardner Mayor since July 2020 after winning a special election and was sworn into his first regular term in January 2022. On April 13, 2023, he has announced that he’s running again posting the following: “Nomination papers are officially out for this year’s election! I am humbling asking for your support to continue the progress we’ve made here in Gardner. We’ve certainly accomplished a lot but there’s a lot left to do.”
“If you are interested in signing my nomination papers, let me know by filling out this link or contacting me so we can coordinate a time to meet. Also, if you are able, please consider donating to my campaign to help us get our message out this year: Gardner hasn’t seen this level of economic growth, investments in our schools and infrastructure, and opportunities in decades- let’s keep that going.” Donation Link
Gardner Magazine has conducted a number of interviews with Gardner Mayor Nicholson in which he has chronicled the progress over the past couple of years. March to Success – Projects and Progress —- Lessons About Gardner History —- Go Forward with Gardner, Accelerated Development, and What’s Next
Gardner Magazine publishes the AUDIO of the Mayor’s Weekly Updates, CLICK HERE. We publish AUDIO of the City Council meetings, CLICK HERE. On the City Council page, there are links to various City Council articles containing the packets in which the Gardner Mayor often provides detailed documentation of his efforts on behalf of the City.
Gardner Magazine allows you to review past news stories through the links at the top of the page and we’ll list them here for your convenience: 2023 April – March – February — January — 2022 December – November – October – September – August – July – June – May – April – March – February – January —- 2021 December – November – October– September. These archives serve as a chronicle of progress over the past couple of years.
This Year’s Election
For information on this year’s Gardner Election including which positions are up for grabs, view our Elections 2023 article.
- Patriot’s Day 2023 (4/12/2023)
Patriot’s Day in the Greater Gardner MA area is observed Monday April 17, 2023
For more information on Patriot’s Day, CLICK HERE
Monday, April 17, 2023 is also the 127th Boston Marathon. Official website, CLICK HERE. The race will be covered LIVE on WCVB-TV Channel 5.1 Boston More info, CLICK HERE.
Gardner City Hall and various Town offices will be closed on Monday.
- Planning 4-11-23 (4/12/2023)
Gardner MA Planning Board Makes Final Recommendations on 3 Zoning Matters
The Planning Board met on April 11, 2023. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Planning Board April 11, 2023 The Route 140 zoning measure was taken up and the vote was 3 to 2 on a recommendation to NOT approve the Zoning change. Chairman Mark Schafron voted to NOT recommend after stating at the beginning of the meeting he was “on the fence.” Paul Cormer voted to NOT recommend after stating that the land should remain as is. Stephen Cormier voted to NOT recommend after also stating the land should remain as is. Vice Chairman Robert Swartz voted in favor of the Zoning Change stating that “saying no was a disservice to the City”, and Robert Bettez voted in favor of the Zoning Change.
Vote was taken last on the final recommendations on the Sports Betting and Marijuana Zoning change measures. Vote was unanimous in favor of both of these.
All 3 items will be taken up and voted on by the City Council at its meeting of Tuesday, April 18, 2023. The Gardner City Council may take the Planning Board recommendations under consideration, but will vote as it chooses. (Tuesday meeting due to Patriot’s Day on Monday) Previously, the matters were considered by the Planning Board at 2 meetings in March and at a Joint Public Hearing with the City Council on April 3, 2023.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is in favor of the Gardner City Council approving his Route 140 zoning change request stating in a previous communication, “If we as a City want to revitalize our economy, grow our tax base, lessen the tax burden on our residents, provide jobs for those who live here, and provide resources to meet our growing population, then something like this must be done or the City will soon be left behind without reaching its true and full potential”
- Animal Control (4/11/2023)
Dogs and Cats with a short Thank You – Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Dogs and Cats Say Thank You It’s Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week in Greater Gardner MA
During National Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week, the officers are recognized for their work which does involve protecting humans from animals that may be violent, but in many cases, animal control officers spend much of their time protecting animals that are sick or injured.
From sometimes risking their lives to giving of their time, Animal Control Officers deserve to be recognized. April 9 to April 15, 2023 is the week this year which recognizes those officers in the Greater Gardner area who have made a commitment to the community and its animals.
Thank you Valerie Gardner, Cheryl Slack, and Alana Meserve. These are the Gardner Animal Control Officers responsible for providing and maintaining a safe environment: “For citizens, protection against animal disease or harm, uncontrolled pets and wildlife – For animals, conditions free of abuse.”
Gardner Animal Control serves Gardner, Hubbardston, Ashburnham, and Westminster.
Visit the City of Gardner Animal Control page for more information
- Red Flag Warning (4/11/2023)
National Weather Service Issues Red Flag Warning for Greater Gardner MA
The National Weather Service issued a Red Flag Warning good until 7pm on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. The affected area includes all of Massachusetts except for Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Winds are expected to gust up to 30mph and relative humidity is expected to be between 15 and 25 percent, resulting in very dry winds which has the potential of potentially critical fire weather conditions. Any fires that start may spread rapidly and become difficult to extinguish.
The Gardner MA Fire Department posted “no outside burning is allowed today in the City of Gardner due to the Red Flag conditions.”
UPDATE: April 12, 2023 – Another Red Flag Warning was issued for Wednesday April 12, 2023. However, at this time, due to decreased winds on Thursday, April 13, 2023, a Red Flag Warning may not be issued. Please be sure to call your local Fire Department prior to initiating any burning on any day during the Open Burning Season. This is a requirement of the permit.
UPDATE: April 13, 2023 – The Gardner Fire Department posted that there is “NO Outside burning in the City of Gardner today.”
- School Committee 4-10-23 (4/11/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Met on Monday, April 10, 2023
Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK Play
Gardner MA School Committee 4-10-23 The Gardner School Committee reviewed various policies, took up various articles, reviewed various reports, and heard various updates. The Committee took a vote on the Gardner High School Cheerleaders trip to Florida for Nationals happening April 15-18, 2023 and APPROVED it.
Notable Items: 4 more John and Abigail Adams scholarship recipients were announced – Hannah Gauss, Ivy Lynn, John Dixon, and Roland Larson. —- 128 Kindergarten students are already enrolled which is 40 to 45 ahead of last year at this time. —-Watkins Field Concession Stand restroom work is almost complete and they are waiting for the asphalt plants to open up and for an electrical panel which was ordered over a year ago. —- 2 Run- Hide- Fight Drills have already occurred. —- Information was given about the telemedicine at the schools provided by Heywood Hospital. — A GPS Employee Wellness Guide was unveiled at the meeting. Publisher’s note: Reviewing the packet will help in understanding the references to items brought up at the meeting.
Revised Agenda adding authorization vote for GHS Cheerleaders Trip – Original Agenda with packet
The official Ribbon Cutting at Gardner Elementary School will be held June 8, 2023 at 5:30pm. Public Tours will be included.
Dr. Catherine Goguen took Superintendent Pellegrino’s place at the meeting as he has been on vacation this week.
April vacation will be next week April 17 through April 21. Students will have the week off.
- Wayfinding Answers (4/11/2023)
Wayfinding Survey – Answers from an Artificial Intelligence Revealed in Gardner MA
Listen to the Questions and Answers on any device. Click Play.
Wayfinding Survey – AI Interview The City of Gardner conducted an online Wayfinding Public Survey which ended April 10, 2023. Gardner Magazine had an Artificial Intelligence take the survey and answer the questions which revolved around whether the existing gateway wayfinding signs in Gardner are serving their purpose and various associated questions. Read the entire set of questions and the AI answers. CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner is expected to immediately use the results to help it develop a short-term plan and fabricate simple signs in the near future as a short-term approach, with the potential of evolving the complexity and detail of the signs in the long-term through a future, more comprehensive community process.
- Planning Board 4-11-23 (4/9/2023)
Pictured are the parcels for which a change has been requested by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson from residential to commercial. After a final recommendation is made at this meeting, the Gardner City Council will vote on the matter at its next meeting on April 18th.
Various Documents: Planning Board 3-29-23 Agenda ——– 4-3-23 Public Hearing Agenda and Packet —- 4-3-23 Regular City Council Meeting —- Mayor’s Written Documentation and Testimony: Marijuana Zoning – Sports Betting Zoning – Route 140 Zoning. —- Planning Board 4-11-23 Agenda.
Route 140 Zoning Issue to be Heard Again on Tuesday, April 11, 2023
The Gardner Planning Board will meet again and may make final recommendations regarding the 3 zoning matters under consideration before the Gardner City Council. The City Council will consider the recommendation and vote the following week on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 because of the Monday holiday. Agenda
Previously, the Planning Board recommended changing zoning to add Sports Betting to the Zoning table and add the number of allowed marijuana establishments. At a March 29, 2023 meeting, they voted against recommending a change to zoning on Route 140.
What Publisher Werner Poegel said Sat. 4-8-23 in support of the Mayor’s Zoning Proposal.
Planning Board 3-29-23 Public Hearing – City Council Meeting 4-3-23 “If we as a City want to revitalize our economy, grow our tax base, lessen the tax burden on our residents, provide jobs for those who live here, and provide resources to meet our growing population, then something like this must be done or the City will soon be left behind without reaching its true and full potential” – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson
- Youth – Gardner (4/8/2023)
To the Youth of Gardner: Thanks for being great! Your efforts at being great people has been noticed. And thank you to the adults in the Gardner Public School system for being great mentors to Gardner’s kids – and all the parents for your support.
Youth: What Gardner MA Is Getting Right – A Few Examples
Gardner Youth are getting noticed and recognized. Gardner High School has a periodic “Wildcat Winner” to showcase various student achievements.
40 Gardner High School Sophomores and Juniors went to Umass Lowell to get a tour of the campus. According to Gardner High School, their tour guides said,” “This was the nicest, best behaved group of students we’ve ever had.”
Grade 8 and Art 1 classes are making May baskets to bring to Wachusett Manor and Gardner Rehab the first week in May. “Making May Baskets with all donated materials from Seaman Paper in our Grade 8 and Art 1 classes. Seaman Paper is going to collect them when we are done and fill them, and then we will deliver them to the two long-term facilities in town “
Gardner Sports Teams and coaches have put in a considerable amount of work over the past year and it showed with various levels of success. Jeanny Sainvil put together a Clothing Drive. Students launched a United Way Youth Venture Project. Other students from the woodworking program helped to fix tables in the library. There was a successful Community and Culture Festival. Diversity was celebrated with a Flag Parade. There was excellence in Music and in Art. And best of all, there has been so much student enthusiasm and support for each other.
- Mayor’s Update 4-7-23 (4/7/2023)
Various Milestones in Gardner MA Mayor’s Update of April 7, 2023
Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update April 7, 2023 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of various Milestones in this week’s update. The Final Beam was installed during a “Topping Off Ceremony” at the New Surgical Pavilion being constructed at Heywood Hospital with a projected opening in 2024. Gardner Middle School had its first musical in 4 years, Beauty and the Beast Junior. The Mayor congratulated Heywood Commons resident Helen Rouat on her 100th Birthday. He also spoke of the periodic business tours being conducted in the City.
In local events, the Centennial Committee is holding its Flashback Dance on April 22nd. The Gardner Lions Club is holding an Easter Egg Hunt on April 8th. The Gardner Health and Wellness Fair is April 12th.
Mayor Nicholson also explained the 3 Zoning Items being reviewed again by the Planning Board on April 11th followed by consideration and vote by the City Council at their next meeting.
He closed by wishing everyone a Happy Easter.
- 2 Events (4/6/2023)
Health and Wellness Fair for Mind, Body, and Spirit in Gardner MA
The Greater Gardner Health and Wellness Fair is being held Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 5 to 8pm at Perry Auditorium in Gardner City Hall. The event is being put on by the Gardner Community Action Team. It was originally scheduled earlier during the Storm of 2023. Now it has a total of 48 Vendors and Resources covering many topics in how to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit including Healthy eating, Exercise, Alternative Healing, Mental Health, & Health Care and Nursing Services, . Admission is FREE and there’s FREE raffles with prizes. Jump to complete list of 4 dozen vendors
Dog Park Event Gardner MA Domestic Violence Task Force and Gardner Community Action Team Organizes Dog Park Event
“The Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force is planning its first Annual Purple Paws Walk/Event. The event will be held on April 29th, 2023, in Gardner MA, and all funds raised by this event will go directly to support the Purple Paws Foster Project. This pet fostering project was created to help support victims of domestic violence by assisting them and their pets, who would otherwise be left behind when the victim decides to leave their abuser.
9-10am: Walk Day of Registration, check-in, vendors and resources, Raffles. 10-11am: The Purple Paw Walk – Info and Registration, click here. 11-noon: K-9, Blood Hounds, Service Dog demonstrations, Pet Costume Contest registration Noon-1pm: Pet Costume Parade, Winners Announced. 1-1:30pm: Raffle Winners Announced List of Vendors (Health and Wellness Fair): Wachusett Medical Reserve Corps, Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership, Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline, Thrive Occupational Therapy, Many Gifts Speech & Language Therapy, Supernatural All Stars, H.E.A.L., Adaptive Disability Solutions Inc., Gardner Police Department, Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center, Gardner CAD, North Central WIC, SNAP-Ed, Juice Plus, Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force, Girls on the Run Worcester County, Heywood Wakefield Commons, Mount Wachusett Community College, EZ Steam Club, Care Central VNA & Hospice, Growing Places, Open Sky Community Services, Heywood Hospital, Ajna Sound Healing, Line Dancing with Cathy Garland, Good Body LLC, MOC Youth Services, North County Land Trust, Health Equity Partnership of North Central Mass Inc., YWCA Central MA, Hannaford Supermarkets, Community Health Connections , Nourish by Aly, LLC, GAAMHA, Clark Memorial YMCA, Care Central VNA & Hospice, COBRA Self-Defense & Cobra Fit, Borges Martial Arts, District Attorney Joseph Early’s Office, Simply Grounded Yoga/Pilates, Parent Professional Advocacy League, Spinfit Kickbox Fitness, Heywood Hospital/Handle with Care, LUK Inc. Crisis Center, Recovery Centers of America, Healthy Families, and Open Sky Crystal House
- Wildcat Wardrobe (4/6/2023)
Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store Event at Gardner MA Middle School
Heywood Healthcare School Based Services is sponsoring this event on Friday April 14, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30pm in the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria. The event is open to Gardner students, families, and community members. Coordinator Macy Ghilardi can be reached via email at
Heywood Healthcare School Based Services offers according to their page, “youth support with mental health and medical needs, substance use treatment, youth mentors, and assistance with community resources.” Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
We spoke with Macy Ghilardi regarding the event. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Macy Ghilardi Interview 4-7-23
- Accomplished (4/6/2023) Launches to Showcase Accomplishments of City of Gardner MA
It’s now there for all in the nation to see, the accomplishments of Gardner, Massachusetts in 24 different categories including Aesthetic Improvements, Alert Service, Amenities Betterment, Benefitting Arts, Blight to Promise, Boosting Athletics, Business Growth, City Transparency, Community Events, Easy Voting, Elder Concerns, Educational Achievements, Fiscal Responsibility, Future Planning, Improving Recreation, Infrastructure Upgrades, Interactive Services, Life Issues Headway, Medical Advancements, Planet Awareness, Public Safety, Supporting Music, Veterans Services, and Wayfinding Focus.
Visit the Website at, CLICK HERE.
Downtown Gardner
For information on Downtown Gardner including events throughout 2023, visit . For information on the Downtown Association including memberships, visit
- Board – Assessors (4/6/2023)
Endearing Gardner MA Board of Assessors Meets in Gardner MA
The Board of Assessors of Gardner MA consists of Charles Leblanc, Paulette Burns, and Christine Kumar. They are tasked with some rather mundane, but extremely important functions for the Chair City. Listen to the April 4, 2023 meeting on any device. Click Play.
Board of Assessors April 4, 2023
- Studio 4 Potters (4/5/2023)
The Wheels are Turning with Creativity at Studio 4 Potters Gallery in Gardner MA
A genuine Gardner business is the Studio 4 Potters and Gallery on West Lynde Street. Steve Landry told us about the business which has working Potters and spoke about Art in the Chair City. Listen on any device. CLICK HERE.
Steve Landry – Studio 4 Potters Gallery There are 5 potters including the husband and wife team of Steve and Kristen Landry, Patty Leonard, Bonnie Keaveny, and Brigitte Flick. Each piece is a unique work of art. Potters are joyful when someone appreciates their work, and often they do the work listening to music. For more information visit their website, CLICK HERE.
Steve says the prospect of a Chair City Arts Center is an exciting possibility and says it would be a big draw for the Chair City and be supported by artists. He also supports a Chair City Arts and Music Festival. “There’s Art Among Us” says Steve Landry of Studio 4 Potters Gallery
- No Drought (4/5/2023)
No Drought – Greater Gardner Having Better Year in 2023
The United States Drought Map shows current conditions as being much better than last year in the Northeast with the some of the Greater Gardner area showing wetter than normal conditions – the opposite of last year. This is good news for gardeners as it looks like no water restrictions will be in place in the foreseeable future.
Right now, over 40% of the U.S. is abnormally dry, shown in yellow on the map, with 25% in moderate drought and almost 12% in severe drought. Less than 5% of the country is in extreme drought, with 1.5% in Exceptional Drought. For the latest drought conditions in Gardner MA, CLICK HERE.
- Canine Friends (4/5/2023)
Canines Make Friends at Gardner MA Dog Park
The top social spot for dogs in the Chair City is the Gardner Dog Park with FREE admission and parking lot access from Wright and Charbonneau Streets in Gardner. These 4 dogs decided they could all fit on one of the pieces of agility equipment. They are also known to engage in many hours of play every week. None of the dogs uses a Smartphone but instead rely on their owners to bring them to the park by car or by foot.
- 1 Way Test (4/5/2023)
Regan Street to Become 1 Way on April 10, 2023 for 60 Day Test in Gardner MA
The street has parking on both sides of the street which has proven to be a tight situation with the street being two way. A few options were considered including restricting parking to one side of the street. The current proposal is to make Regan Street 1 Way and continue parking on both sides. And the Gardner City Council is waiting to act in order to allow the Gardner Police Department to do a test.
From Gardner PD: “Starting Monday April 10 Regan Street will become a 1 way Street. The direction of travel will only be allowed for vehicles traveling North on Regan St from Baker st to Parker St. Limiting Regan St to a 1 way will help with the congested street without having to eliminate parking. Please pay attention to the traffic pattern change and follow the new traffic signs to help keep everyone safe. “
- Fire Equipment (4/5/2023)
Gardner MA Fire Department Showing off Highly Anticipated Equipment
Thanks to grants and other funding, a major equipment upgrade will occur in the late Fall of this year and Spring of next year. The Gardner Fire Department posted, “We have recently ordered 3 new pieces of Fire Apparatus. The 3 new trucks were purchased with money from the American Recovery Act (ARPA).We have purchased a new Heavy Rescue, An Engine and an Ambulance. The New Ambulance will arrive around 11/23 and the other two trucks around 5/24. We would like to thank Mayor Michael Nicholson and the Gardner City Council for supporting this and also approving $150,000 for outfitting the trucks with state of the art fire fighting equipment. The trucks and new equipment will replace old and outdated equipment.”
- Happy Easter (4/5/2023)
Easter Sunday is April 9, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA
Gardner Magazine wishes you a Happy Easter.
“For Christians, Easter represents Jesus Christ’s victory over death. His resurrection is proof He is the Son of God, and it is the reason we can find hope in an eternity spent with Him. During Easter, we celebrate what we believe to be the biggest moment in history.”
For more about Easter, visit this page from Christianity Today, CLICK HERE.
For a Greater Gardner Church near you, please visit our Churches page, CLICK HERE.
- The Lottery (4/5/2023)
The net profit was over 1.1 billion dollars in fiscal year 2022 and Gardner received $4,657,235 in unrestricted local aid. Unrestricted local aid is distributed by the Department of Revenue according to a formula established by the State Legislature. According to the State of MA, Massachusetts is the only self-operated lottery in the nation, boasting the lowest administrative costs in the industry at less than just 2 cents per dollar. Out of each dollar, 73 cents goes to players, 19 cents to cities and towns, 6 cents to commissions and bonuses to retailers, and 2 cents for administrative expenses.
- Paraphrased in Error (4/4/2023)
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel Victim of Paraphrasing
There is a difference in our journalism here. It is fundamentally positive. But more than that, it is intended to be 100 percent accurate. We publish the actual AUDIO of meetings and the entirety of Press Releases so there is no question as to the intent of the people involved. However, at a Joint Public Hearing of the Gardner Planning Board and City Council, I spoke in support of the Mayor’s Route 140 Zoning Proposal stating, “The Planning Board did not act with common sense in this matter”. However, in an article authored by Stephen Landry in the Gardner News the following false statement was made “Werner Poegel of Templeton said the Planning Board, which had previously voted unanimously to not recommend the proposed zoning changes, did not act with the city’s best interests in mind when coming to its decision.” I reached out to the reporter stating that in my opinion, “People can exercise what in the opinion of others is bad judgment while still in their view acting in the City’s best interests.”
The Reporter’s Response
The reporter emailed back and wrote, “I didn’t quote you, I paraphrased you. You said Winchendon and Templeton acted too slow, ergo it would be in the city’s best interest to vote the other way. “I wrote back to the reporter, “Give me a break. You didn’t use quotes but you said I said something I didn’t say. You used the words “Werner Poegel of Templeton said…” You made it seem that I said the Planning Board did not act with the city’s best interests in mind and I disagree with that statement. What you don’t understand is people can believe they are acting in the best interest of the City, but be taking the wrong action in the opinion of others. I wrote to the reporter,”So where do we go from here? Do you issue a retraction or do I have to call you out on my site?” The reporter responded in an email,” Do what you have to do” Had the position been reversed, we would have immediately corrected our error and don’t understand why he would not do so.
Publisher’s Comment
At Gardner Magazine, we believe in accurately quoting people. We make every effort not to paraphrase, as just in the case of my own situation here, it can result in inaccuracy. In this case, I had to reach out to the Planning Board to make them aware I was not criticizing their intentions, but only disagreeing with their conclusions. There is a fundamental difference as I believe all of the members of the Planning Board have the best interests of Gardner in mind when making their decisions. We do hope that their final recommendation is to support Mayor Nicholson’s position on the Route 140 Zoning change when they reconsider and reevaluate the facts.
Responsible Paraphrasing
Now how would my statement have been responsibly paraphrased? There is an online AI tool called which took my statement, “ The Planning Board did not act with common sense in this matter” and restated it as “The Planning Board handled this situation without using common sense.” As you can see, it is not exactly the same, but it does not erroneously change my statement to make it appear I was judging the intent of the Planning Board.
Final Comment
We believe the Gardner News is a fine publication and that Stephen Landry is a fine reporter. However, we fundamentally disagree with some of their approaches and would have preferred not to be forced into making a public big deal of this. I am smart enough to recognize that I approach life with my unique lens and have a built-in bias even though I don’t intend it. Therefore, I believe that by publishing Press Releases in their entirety,(usually in PDF format) and by publishing the actual AUDIO of interviews and the AUDIO of various meetings, we do a much better public service. Werner Poegel, Publisher.
- City Council 4-3-23 (4/4/2023)
Route 140 and other Zoning Issues Kicked Back to Planning Board in Gardner MA City Council Meeting
It was a busy evening for Gardner City Council members on April 3, 2023. The Finance Committee met first. Then there were 3 separate Public Hearings regarding Route 140 Zoning, Sports Betting, and Pot Shops. Public Hearing Packet, CLICK HERE. Regular Meeting Packet, CLICK HERE.
The Joint Public Hearings with the Planning Board and the Regular City Council Meeting are presented in one YouTube video, CLICK HERE, or Listen Here on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner MA City Council April 3, 2023 The Finance Committee met prior to the City Council. Listen Here on any device. CLICK PLAY
Finance Committee 4-3-23 Decisions Reached
Following the various Public Hearings, the Regular Gardner City Council Meeting was held. IT Software License Renewal: $23,091 – APPROVED , $30,000 from Water Surplus Repairs to Mains: $30,000 – APPROVED , $50,000 from Sewer Surplus to Main – New Manhole Frames and Covers APPROVED, and $150,000 from Sewer Surplus Repairs to Main – Relining – APPROVED. Intermunicipal Agreement between City of Gardner and Town of Ashburnham for Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal – APPROVED. Appointments of 2 police officers were CONFIRMED, Regarding Regan Street becoming one-way street – there will be a 60 Day Trial by Police Department. A petition to install 4 new poles – MORE TIME Councilor Walsh stated he was pleased a representative from the utility came to a Committee meeting.
Zoning Items
Zoning: Change classification of certain parcels of land along 140: Add “Sports Betting’ to the Zoning Table of Uses – Amend Code of City of Gardner to increase quota of marijuana establishments. All sent back to Planning Board for final recommendation. City Council President Kazinskas said this was required to be done prior to a vote being taken.
- GALA Gardner (4/3/2023)
Gardner Area League of Artists Puts Art in Full Swing for Spring in Greater Gardner MA
The organization promotes Art and Music and this season they appear to be going big. While considering a move back to the Chair City, the group has “Art Critiques” scheduled for Saturday April 15, 2023 at the Stevens Memorial Library in Ashburnham. Artists are encouraged to bring 3 pieces of finished or unfinished artwork to share with the group.
GALA is seeking Artist/Artisan Vendors for the Arts & Music Festival taking place May 19-21, 2023 at the Red Apple Farm, 455 Highland Avenue in Phillipson. Vendor Application, CLICK HERE.
Live Music will be heard all day during the Festival.For complete details, visit our GALA Gardner page for all the information.
- Junky Building Sold (4/3/2023)
View our previous article from February when this property was being marketed for sale.
Gardner MA Plan to Turn Blight into Promise Paying Off Again
73 Stuart Street has an appraised value of -0- due to the cost of demolishing it. Candor Realty is buying it for the back taxes of $17,000 following City approval of its Request for Proposal. Plan is for 6 New Triplex construction condos which Jonathan Bombaci of Candor Realty stated could have a value of $300,000 each or a possibility of adding $1,800,000 to the tax base. At $16.13/1000, that’s almost 30 grand a year in additional taxes. View the entire Proposal, CLICK HERE.
Bombaci stated in the proposal that “for each and every property we invest in, we do everything we can to help the owner, help the tenants, help the community, help our investors….Every situation is different, but we make it a priority to make an impact.
Bombaci stated they were new to Gardner, “but looking to grow significant portfolio … we have a good reputation with past clients and current residents.” View our article on the sale of the Garbose Building
- Active Drills (4/2/2023)
Watch a video recognized by Homeland Security as an excellent training resource, CLICK HERE, or listen to the AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Active Shooter Preparedness – Run – Hide – Fight Gardner MA Public Schools Running Active Shooter Drills in April 2023
In a letter to the Gardner Public School Community, Superintendent Mark Pellegrino and Director of Health and Safety Rebecca McCaffrey wrote of the “Run, Hide, Fight” drills being run during the month of April “through collaboration with the Gardner Police Department, Gardner Fire Department, District Administrators, Building Administrators, and Building staff….”
According to the letter, drills and announcements will be conducted in an age-appropriate way and teachers will lead students in practicing “hide” in the classroom and “run” by exiting the building. The “fight” component will not be practiced. Read the entire letter on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Pellegrino suggests parents can prepare children for these drills by talking to them beforehand and assuring them that drills help school staff and students be prepared and that it’s a routine drill just like a fire drill. Plans are to conduct the drills in the Fall and Spring of each year.
In this article, we have included the AUDIO taken from a video recognized by Homeland Security. It is an excellent guide for educators, parents, and students.
Around the Towns – News

In the Community