National Pretzel Day Gardner MA

National Pretzel Day is April 26, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA

Pretzels are available almost everywhere food is sold in the Greater Gardner area. What do you know about the history of the pretzel? says, “On April 26th, millions of pretzel lovers across America come together to celebrate their favorite twisted treat. This special holiday is the perfect opportunity for you to honor your passion for pretzels, and with today’s variety of forms and flavors, there are so many ways to celebrate!“

According to the site, pretzels came about in the 7th century as a creation by a Christian monk in Italy who gave them as rewards for children who had learned their prayers. Called “pretolia”, or “little rewards”

In the 18th Century, pretzels were made in bakeries started by German immigrants and to this day, 80% of all pretzels in America are made in the state of Pennsylvania which declared “National Pretzel Day” in 1983. And what do put on your pretzel? Well, there is actually a National Mustard Museum in Wisconsin. CLICK HERE.