Paving 2023 City of Gardner

And so it Begins…, Paving 2023 in the City of Gardner MA

Paving is beginning in Gardner in the next month or so on a number of streets in the City. First up is the state project redoing parts of Route 2A from West Broadway to the Templeton line – underway now.

Coming up in the Chair City

According to the Gardner DPW on April 26, 2023 the list includes: Eaton Street, Park Street, Partridge Street, Keyes Road, and Princeton Street

Paving Frenzy

Social Media is abuzz with residents wanting to know when their streets will be paved. Those streets left out this year will disappoint some. However, it is noted that during the past couple of years, Mayor Nicholson has prioritized paving and has successfully sought a greater percentage of funds for paving than at any time in the past decade. Part of the problem has been that State funding which is relied upon as an additional source has remained at about $600,000 in recent years which with the high cost of asphalt due to inflation doesn’t buy much.