The 1 Way Test

Regan Street to Become 1 Way on April 10, 2023 for 60 Day Test in Gardner MA

The street has parking on both sides of the street which has proven to be a tight situation with the street being two way. A few options were considered including restricting parking to one side of the street. The current proposal is to make Regan Street 1 Way and continue parking on both sides. And the Gardner City Council is waiting to act in order to allow the Gardner Police Department to do a test.

From Gardner PD: “Starting Monday April 10 Regan Street will become a 1 way Street. The direction of travel will only be allowed for vehicles traveling North on Regan St from Baker st to Parker St. Limiting Regan St to a 1 way will help with the congested street without having to eliminate parking. Please pay attention to the traffic pattern change and follow the new traffic signs to help keep everyone safe. “