Greater Gardner MA News September 2022
- Mayor’s Update 9-30-22 (9/30/2022)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson 9-30-22 View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update September 30, 2022 Electrical Rates to Rise Mayor Nicholson Shares Various News in Weekly Update of 9-30-22
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of this week’s Bomb Threat made against various schools and thanked Public Safety officials who responded.
Nicholson congratulated Eric Commodore, a Gardner representative to the Monty Tech School Committee who was just elected Chair.
The Mayor went on to speak of the Concession Stand Construction at Gardner High School, stating they had to take out 15 feet of ledge. Goal is to get it operational by the Thanksgiving game this year.
Nicholson spoke of the progress in Downtown Gardner and thanked all responsible for the $17 million in total grant funding this year and $11 million last year.
The Mayor spoke of various events going on and thanked those involved in the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest.
Electric Rates to Go Way Up
Mayor Nicholson had some sobering news for electric rates. The City apparently went out to bid 3 times in an effort to get the lowest aggregation kilowatt hour rate for residents for the coming year starting in November. However, the lowest rate it could get was 23 cents, up from 13 cents. Nicholson noted however, that the rate is still 11 cents lower than the 34 cents per kilowatt hour National Grid is quoting. Copy of new rates pdf — Mayor’s Email to City Council regarding the rates, CLICK HERE.
- Nate Boudreau (9/30/2022)
Go Forward with Gardner Interview with Councilor Nate Boudreau
This is another of what we hope will be a similar interview with each of Gardner’s City Councilors.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel is conducting “Go Forward with Gardner” Interviews with various individuals in the Chair City. Our plan is to interview as many City Councilors as possible and various Community Leaders to get a complete picture of the Forward Vision of Gardner MA. It is a picture we want to share with residents, visitors, and those contemplating bringing business and industry. Gardner MA is a welcoming and cooperative City and we hope these interviews will show that.
This time, our interview is with Ward 3 Councilor Nate Boudreau. Councilor Boudreau gave us his perspective on a variety of issues, clearly loves Gardner, wanting the best for its future, and was willing to answer all of our questions. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Interview with Councilor Nate Boudreau Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE
- STEM Grant (9/29/2022)
Gardner MA Gets Share of $14.6 million in Workforce Development and STEM Grants
The State of Massachusetts announced the list of recipients of the Workforce Development Capital Grants and the STEM Equipment and Teacher Professional Development Grants. Gardner Public Schools is receiving $80,528 to be used by GHS and GMS and is the only community in the Greater Gardner area to receive a grant from this round of the program. We have the full list, CLICK HERE
- Community Center (9/29/2022)
Gardner Community Center Moves Closer to Reality in Gardner MA
From a Press Release from Gardner City Hall, we learned that “Gardner Mayor Mike Nicholson, City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, and the leaders of community organizations will meet at the front doors of Waterford Street School to announce the future plans for the building on MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2022, at 10:00am. The City will be converting the school into a new Community Center to house different service organizations that currently serve the City’s residents. This new move will allow all organizations to grow their services they provide to the City and collaborate in new ways among each other.”
The building became available because students who would have gone there this year are going to the new Gardner Elementary School. Approval of the Gardner City Council is still required.
Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE
- Dana Heath (9/29/2022)
Go Forward with Gardner MA Interview with Councilor Dana Heath
This is the first of what we hope will be a similar interview with each of Gardner’s City Councilors.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel is conducting “Go Forward with Gardner” Interviews with various individuals in the Chair City. Our plan is to interview as many City Councilors as possible and various Community Leaders to get a complete picture of the Forward Vision of Gardner MA. It is a picture we want to share with residents, visitors, and those contemplating bringing business and industry. Gardner MA is a welcoming and cooperative City and we hope these interviews will show that.
This time, our interview is with Ward 2 Councilor Dana Heath. Councilor Heath gave us a very honest, open, uplifting, positive and interesting interview and was willing to answer all of our questions. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Interview with Councilor Dana Heath Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE
- Appointments (9/29/2022)
Gardner MA Appointments Committee Meets
Focus of the September 28, 2022 meeting was on appointments to the Cultural Committee. Mayor Nicholson advised that he expects an appointment coming their way for Deputy Chief of Police at the next meeting. Watch on YouTube or listen here on any device. Click Play.
Appointments Committee 9-28-22 - School Committee (9/29/2022)
School Committee Meeting Mixed Bag of Enthusiasm for School Opening and Mystery of What’s “in the Packet“
In a meeting released to the public more then 2 weeks after it occurred, the Gardner School Committee officially approved the previously released amended School Calendar, elected Robert Swartz as delegate to the Association of School Committees, stated it hoped a student member would be there for the next meeting, and focused on the new Gardner Elementary School with Superintendent Pellegrino and members expressing thanks.
However, Gardner Magazine has reached out to Mayor Nicholson as to why the posted School Committee Agendas do not contain the complete packets as the City Council does in practice. Many references were made to “in the packet” during the meeting, leaving viewers and listeners confused by the mystery. We were assured a few months back by Superintendent Pellegrino that the agenda would contain the full packet come fall, but this has not occurred. Watch the meeting on our School Committee page or listen here on any device. CLICK play.
School Committee 9-12-22 View Meeting Agenda, CLICK HERE
- Paving Update (9/29/2022)
Gardner MA DPW Updates City on Paving on September 28, 2022
Base Coat to be completed in the Robillard Area. Berm is to be completed on Crestwood Drive. Kendall St/Warwick Rd to be pulverized. Thursday/Friday: Raising catch basins in the Robillard Area. Friday: – Base coat of asphalt Kendall Street and Warwick Road. Saturday: – Top/Finish Coat Crestwood Drive.
Paving has been an expensive undertaking for the City of Gardner in 2022 as the cost of asphalt has risen substantially.
- Pumps Update (9/29/2022)
Pump House at Transfer Station Gardner MA The Gardner MA Transfer Station is located at 744 West Street, Gardner. A Landfill Expansion Plan favored by DPW and Mayor Nicholson is currently under review by the Conservation Commission. Article on Recent Meeting
Board of Health Director Lauren Saunders Diligently on top of Pumps Issue at Gardner MA Landfill.
Saunders had discovered that prior to her tenure, a previous vendor handling maintenance of the pumps did a poor job, leaving the City of Gardner with a potentially huge upcoming bill. Director Saunders responded to our inquiry for more information with the following message indicating she’ll have more to say in a week or so. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Saunders Statement Re Landfill - Public Safety Committee 9-28-22 (9/28/2022)
Public Safety Committee 9-28-22 Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen to it here, playable on any device.
Public Safety Committee 9-28-22 This is an important meeting to listen to as there are several issues discussed which concern Gardner Citizens.
Gardner MA Public Safety Committee Hears From Building, Police, and Health Departments at September 28, 2022 Meeting
In an information-packed session, the Gardner Public Safety Committee consisting of Councilors James Boone, Karen Hardern, and Chairman Craig Cormier heard from Building Commissioner Roland Jean, Police Chief McAvene, and Public Health Director Lauren Saunders.
Building Commissioner Roland Jean: He stated that 841 building permits have been issued this year. He spoke of the threat of a recession and rising interest rates. Jean stated that the search to fill a local inspector’s job continues as first applicant was not deemed qualified and 2nd applicant withdrew upon hearing salary amount. The Building Department is also looking for a custodian. Jean reported that they were at School Street School again yesterday for another break-in and stated he hopes the bid goes out for that building soon. The Courts have sent the issue of Park Street Development back to the Zoning Board who will hear the matter on October 20, 2022.
Police Chief Eric McAvene: The Chief spoke of staffing issues and about the training of new officers. Currently the Department has a shortage of 5 officers which will be up to 7 by February. With respect to donations for K-9 Rocky, “the generosity of the community has been flabbergasting, truthfully.” Animal Control also has staffing issues due to injury and illness. Councilor Karen Hardern spoke of speeders being a problem since the Pleasant Street Bridge has been open, stating that “Greenwood Street is like a racetrack.” .
Public Health Director Lauren Saunders: The Director gave a Prevention update speaking of September being Recovery Month. A Prevention Conference will be held at City Hall this year on October 21, 2022. Saunders went on to discuss issues with the pumps at the landfill. A company was out there in the past week and looked at all the pumps. The inspector called it the cadillac of pump systems, however he concluded that the system has been neglected and the maintenance has been shoddy. According to Saunders, “It’s kind of a mess.” The Director stated she will be asking for a maintenance line in her budget which she says does not currently exist. Saunders will be asking for some free cash to take care of the problem as soon as possible and says she has already spoken of the problem with the Mayor. Cost: $100,000 to $200,000 to bring in to full compliance. “This is a big need….We can’t ignore it.” The Director spoke of housing issues, litter enforcement, and the upcoming textile ban. Keep Gardner Beautiful Cleanup is this Saturday, October 1st. Covid cases are up again, Gardner’s positivity rate is higher than the State average, and FREE test kits are still available.
Councilor Karen Harden Comments Regarding Public’s reaction to first-day traffic at Elementary School.
“You go on the internet and you see everybody complaining. …the first day…I just want to say you did a fabulous job, and a lot of times, people, if they’re not complaining, I’m so sorry, they’re not happy.”
Listen to meeting on any device. Just click Play.
Gardner Public Safety Committee 9-28-22 ….
- GHS Construction (9/28/2022)
- Gardnerites United (9/27/2022)
Gardner MA Facebook Group Gardnerites United Shuts Down
The local Social Media group had about 2600 members and was formed about 4 years ago. Topics on the site were generally about the City of Gardner. We reached out to long-time admin Andrea Edwards who stated her reasons were both “personal and professional.”
The photo is what she stated to members before starting to dismantle the site by deleting members one by one at around 10pm on September 27, 2022. Edwards had posted in comments on the site that she could have passed on the site to someone else, but was concerned about her continued liability if she did so. (There have been court cases in which Facebook Admins have been held liable for posts on their groups, it is unclear if there is liability after leaving a group, some say no.)
We asked Andrea if she had a message to the community and she stated to us, “This community is a wonderful place to live. That is in large part to the people who live here.”
There are at least 3 other Gardner MA based Facebook Groups. Should any of our readers start up a group in response to Andrea’s decision, let us know and we’ll let our 16,000 plus circulation know. Just email for that and any other news tips.
- Higher Bird Ed (9/27/2022)
Birds Seek Higher Education at the Mount in Gardner MA
Previously we reported on Wild Turkeys at the New Gardner Elementary School. See article. —Apparently this flock had higher aspirations.
- Respectful Teenagers (9/27/2022)
Respectful Teenagers in Gardner MA are Genuine Gardner Assets
Our ongoing “Genuine Gardner” feature showcases what is genuinely good about Gardner. In this case, an observation of Genuinely Respectful Teenagers (GRT’s) at the Jackson Skateboard Park off School Street. These teenagers invited us to take a picture of their activities. They were kind to one another and it was another proud moment for Genuine Gardner MA. We were actually there to take a photo of the place where the portable ice skating rink will be located this winter, by the basketball courts at Jackson Playground.
Site of Portable Skating Rink this Winter - Conservation (9/27/2022)
Gardner MA Conservation Commission Considers Work at Residence and Sludge Landfill-Again
The Commission took up a matter regarding 231 Whitney Street Gardner and approved $700 for a 3rd Party opinion on the proposed Landfill Expansion. Agenda. Watch on YouTube or listen here on any device.
Gardner Conservation Commission 9-26-22 - Molina in Gardner (9/27/2022)
Tony Molina of Molina Realty Group Investing in Gardner MA
Tony Molina says he bought the Gardner News Building just under a year ago and recently has begun to undertake renovation of the building and going through the permitting process. He expects to close on the Bank of America Building by the end of October. He also recently purchased the land on which the restaurant Gabby’s Place is located.
- Fourball (9/27/2022)
Gardner MA Municipal Golf Course Readies for Columbus Day Weekend Fourball Championship
The Gardner Golf Course has announced an entry deadline of Sunday 10-2-22 at 5pm. Entry fee is $100 per member or $120 per non-member.. Entry includes Practice Round, Flight Prize Pool, and Dog Fight Prize Pool. This is the Gardner Golf Course’s 11th Annual Columbus Day Weekend Fourball Championship. More details in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
- Fields of Play (9/27/2022)
As Flag Waves, Gardner MA High School Practices in Full Swing
Part of the experience at Gardner High School is Athletics. Sports is a way to expel energy and stay healthy. According to Gardner Public Schools, “Athletics have always been an important part of education. Having real-life opportunities to teach collaboration, nurture the competitive spirit, and instill a deep-seated work ethic is essential in success on the field and in school. Here in Gardner, we strive to ensure that our student-athletes earn these essential skills for the future in a friendly environment that fosters self-esteem and encourages respect. “
Dan Forte is the Athletic Director and has this message, “At Gardner Public Schools, we value a commitment to hard work, integrity, and personal growth in our athletic programs. As the A.D., I am inspired by watching our players and coaches push each other to new achievements, both on and off the field. My commitment is to ensure that all of our student-athletes are challenged by the opportunity to excel in their sports, as well as in their classrooms and community. Go Wildcats! “. For more information about Athletics at Gardner Public Schools, CLICK HERE.
- Turkeys at GES (9/26/2022)
Very comfortable group of Wild Turkeys infiltrates Gardner Elementary in Gardner MA
Word might be spreading even through the Animal Kingdom of the New Gardner Elementary School. We asked the following question of the Mayor’s office: “What is the GES official position on accepting Turkeys in the classroom?”
- Vote November 8th (9/26/2022)
Election November 8, 2022 Gardner MA Magazine Election Center
Gardner Magazine has a special page dedicated to the upcoming November 8, 2022 election. Visit our Election Center 2022 page for lists and links for all you want and need to know. CLICK HERE.
- Pumpkin Patch (9/26/2022)
Gardner MA Erica and Jason Bosse Straight from the Pumpkin Patch
They moved to Gardner less than 4 years ago, but their pumpkins are becoming topics of conversation Erica says, “Weights of the pumpkins are 142lbs, 72.2, 72.2, 83, 59.9, 52, the type is Atlantic F1 Giant Pumpkins, seeds from Johnny Seeds. These can get over 1000lbs if you feed them and pump lots of water to them. We also cut off small baby ones to focus the growth on the large ones. Those went to our friends farm for their pigs, so no waste (Ruschioni Homestead). They have the Homestead Market on rt140 Winchendon. We trade veggies with them all the time.”
We had squash vine borers and I did some ‘surgery’ a few times to pull the worms out of the vines, we also use BT spray a few times which is an OMRI rated spray and kills them (same stuff we use on brasicas).
Erica also states that they get their fertilizer from Emerald City in Westminster where owner Mike “helps us out all the time.” She says they only use organic methods with omri rated fertilizers.
- October Events (9/25/2022)
October 2022 Greater Gardner Event Listings
Gardner MA Fall Yard Sale is This Saturday, October 1, 2022. As of 9/24/22, there were over 3 dozen homes already participating. Update: 9/27: 44 participating homes. Latest map, CLICK HERE. For links to getting your permit, Yard Sale resources, and Gardner Yard Sale Facebook page link, CLICK HERE for
Gardner Magazine has a dedicated page for October 2022 Events including the Gardner Yard Sale on October 1, 2022, various events during the month, and Halloween Trick or Treat times for the area as we get the info from the various communities.
October 2022 Listings Page, CLICK HERE. Send any info of your October event to and we will be glad to add it. No event is too small. All are important to us.
- Successful Festival (9/24/2022)
Gardner MA Fabulous Fall Festival – Oktoberfest Success in Photos
Hundreds upon hundreds of people attended the September 24, 2022 event in Gardner Massachusetts. Complete Gallery of over 110 photos, CLICK HERE.
The Chair Luge
Gardner Ale House Owner Rick Walton stated that the Chair Luge crowd was the largest ever in its history. There were over a dozen contestants racing their various versions of a Chair Luge. First place: Gene’s Green Mean Machine Second Place: The Knievels Third Place: Gardner Ten Pins
The entire day’s Festival/Oktoberfest event ran from 10am to about 9pm.
The Oktoberfest
The Oktoberfest taking place at the Gardner Ale House included the Moonlighter challenge in which the contestant is challenged with a device and attempts to maneuver the beer to be able to get at least a sip, thus claiming a free beer. More photos in the Complete Gallery, CLICK HERE
The Beer Tent and various other vendors are seen in the Complete Gallery.
The Food
The Food Trucks were busy including the Ice Cream Lady at Pops Sweet-Harts, Tata’s Fonda, and Simmy’s Polish Express. People seemed to enjoy the food. And of course, lots more food was to be had at the German Beer Garden at Gardner Ale House.
Hundreds and hundreds enjoyed the food in Downtown Gardner MA.
Dot Line Curve Creations Merchants will now be getting ready for Gardner’s 100th Christmas Season as a City – Make It a Downtown Christmas coming soon….
The Shopping
One of the popular businesses frequented by Fabulous Fall Festival goers was Dot Line Curve Creations on Parker Street, a relatively new Gardner MA business. Other popular spots were the Velvet Goose and John’s Sport Shop. More photos in the Complete Gallery, CLICK HERE.
An unfortunate incident did occur. Around 1pm, a vehicle accident occurred due to a medical issue. In our photo gallery, you’ll see the quick response from Gardner, Fire, Police, and Ambulance personnel. The driver was taken to Heywood Hospital. Driver is not shown in photos, just the vehicle and Public Safety Response. It has been reported that the driver is deceased. Our condolences to the family.
- Mayor’s Update 9-23-22 (9/24/2022)
Mayor’s Update 9-23-22 Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. Or, listen right here, playable on any device.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson 9-23-22 Mariachi Band at City Hall Gardner MA Welcome Sign A Celebratory Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Addresses the Chair City
The Mayor was full of thanks, congratulations, and reflection on a successful couple of years. However, he began by thanking those who came out to the Hispanic Heritage Event this past week and said he looks “forward to seeing how we can continue to grow that event year after year.”
Mayor Nicholson congratulated the organizations which have had ribbon cuttings. He mentioned the ground breaking ceremony for the new Surgical Pavilion at Heywood Hospital and the dedication of Yavorsky Way.
Nicholson reminded everyone about the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest Saturday, September 24, 2022 in Downtown Gardner, and thanked those involved in the event’s organization. See other article, CLICK HERE. New this year will be a segment called New Kids on the Block to recognize all the new businesses which have opened up and the Mayor went through a big list of the new businesses and of the buildings which have been purchased for renovation.
The Mayor also mentioned the Recovery Event taking place Friday, September 23, 2022 at 5pm in Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall featuring guest speaker Brandon Novak and told of the Domestic Violence Vigil taking place October 3rd at 6pm on the front steps of City Hall.
Mayor Nicholson spoke of the pulverizing of Kendall Street and Warwick Street and the continuing paving work in the Douglas and Robillard Street area.
Listen to the update on any device by clicking Play.
Nicholson Update 9-23-22 Interested in coming to Gardner? Contact the helpful folks at Economic Development. CLICK HERE.
- Happy Birthday Mayor (9/24/2022)
Happy Birthday Amidst a City Bustling Anew with Activity, Gardner Magazine releases an original poem in honor of Mayor Michael Nicholson’s 28th Birthday. CLICK HERE
- Win… Win.. (9/23/2022)
Gardner Magazine Releases Downtown Gardner Win Win Song and Narrative to celebrate the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest. Play on any device.
Downtown Gardner MA Win Win Win - Downtown (9/23/2022)
Saturday, October 24, 2022 is it! The Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest in Downtown Gardner MA.
Combined Event Flyer/Brochure pdf CLICK HERE
Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest
It is slated to be one of the biggest and most fun events of the year! Dozens of businesses and organizations are participating. It’s an opportunity to shop Downtown Shops and Restaurants, peruse the wares of various Street Vendors, enjoy the cuisine of Food Trucks, contribute pasta to the Gardner CAC’s Macaroni Mile, view creatures from Reptiles Shows of New England, partake in Sidewalk Art, Crafts, and Super Heroes, attend a paint party, rock painting, and crafts, take a chance on the Lions Club Raffle, use the Selfie Station on Central Street, View a Pottery Making Demonstration, meet Rocky the Police K-9, enjoy the German Beer Garden at the Gardner Ale House, listen to the GHS/GMS Band and Chorus, enjoy DJ Ryan Hood, participate in the Chair Luge, and hear LIVE MUSIC on stage. An event like this only comes up every once in a while. Don’t miss it.
Event Schedule provides details on all participants and the times of every single event: Complete Event Schedule/Brochure, CLICK HERE
All the Happy Trails lead to Downtown Gardner MA this Saturday September 24, 2022
The merchants of Downtown Gardner are ready to welcome you this Saturday, September 24th for the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest. Happy Trails has been in Downtown for decades, and visibly has great looking merchandise.
Dozens of shops with friendly store owners are waiting to greet you on Saturday. Don’t miss this great event for everyone in your family!
Event Schedule provides details on all participants and the times of every single event: Complete Event Schedule/Brochure, CLICK HERE
Downtown Flower Pots The friendly folks from Valley Florist and Greenhouses were in Downtown Gardner putting out these fabulous flower pots for the Fabulous Fall Festival. Their smiles are contagious aren’t they?
Schedule of Events Saturday, September 24, 2022 – Festival/Oktoberfest
Highlights of Events at specific times include: 10:30 am – New Kids on the Block! hosted by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with a chance to meet the newest Downtown Business owners and Property owners, 10:45 am – GHS Cheer! and SAS All Stars Cheer! 11:00 am until 9:00 pm – German Beer Garden at the Ale House 11:00 am GHS Band Concert 11:20 am GMS Chorus Concert 12 noon to 2pm Ryan Hood plays all your favorites from the 1950’s to today. 11:30 am -Tapping of the Oktoberfest Keg 1:00pm – Men & Women’s Stein holding Competition 2:00 pm Gardner Chair Luge – on Parker Street in front of Gardner Ale House. 3:30 pm – Live Music on the Stage begins – 3:30pm – Headliner Gino Matteo, 5:15pm – Matt Swanton Band, 6:30pm New Pond Fondle. And it all wraps up by 9:00pm.
Food Trucks expected include Pops Sweet-Harts, Tata’s Fonda, and Simmy’s Polish Express.
Event Schedule provides details on all participants and the times of every single event. Printable Info: Combined Event Flyer pdf, CLICK HERE
Looking Great – Downtown Gardner MA – September 2022 Fresh Paving & Sidewalks – Easy Shopping and Dining – Exciting Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest Saturday Sept. 24, 2022. … Don’t Miss It! Click on any photo for larger view.
Decanted Wine Truck was granted a special one day Liquor license at a special meeting of the Gardner License Commission on 9-22-22.
Don’t Miss the Gardner MA Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest – All Events: Combined Event Flyer pdf, CLICK HERE
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson made a statement about the combined event including traffic considerations: Click Play.
The Mayor has another reason to celebrate on 9-24-22. It’s his 28th Birthday! Happy Birthday, Mayor Nicholson. We wish you many more!
Mayor Nicholson Regarding Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest. - Heywood Construction (9/20/2022)
Heywood Construction Making Progress in Gardner MA
Sometime in the next year or so, Heywood Hospital will have a new Surgical Wing. During the past months, employees, patients, and visitors to the Hospital would hear announcements about upcoming blasting which was to be done. Operating Rooms would receive special warnings 30 seconds before a blast to avoid costly mistakes in ongoing surgeries or procedures. Now, the next phase has begun and we have a complete Photo Gallery, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE: 9-22-22 – Heywood Hospital has held the ground breaking for the Surgical Pavilion and dedicated a new access road. We obtained these photos from a Social Media post of Mayor Nicholson. Click on any photo for larger view.
- City Council 9-19-22 (9/20/2022)
Gardner MA City Council Meets Twice on September 19, 2022
Informal Meeting of 9/19/22 – The City Council met to hear a presentation on the Gardner Fire Department Audit. Scope of the audio included 4 major items: Emergency Medical System Review, Overview of Facility Needs, Civil Service Pros and Cons, and Current Staffing Model. Mayor Nicholson introduced presenter Chief John Parow of the consulting firm which did the audit over the last 6 months. Following the presentation, Councilor Walsh complimented the thoroughness of the report. Agenda,, CLICK HERE. Watch the meeting on YouTube, on our City Council page, or listen on any device by clicking Play.
Informal City Council Meeting 9-19-22 Regular Meeting of 9/19/22 – The Gardner MA City Council met in its regular meeting on September 19, 2022.
The City Council reviewed and approved various appointments, approved payments for two bills received for an expense for last year, took up the appointments of two firefighters who were sworn in, and Council President Kazinskas reminded the Council that the Charter item will be taken up in an October informal meeting. Agenda, CLICK HERE.
Councilor New Business and Comments
In new business. Councilor Heath invited the Greater Gardner Community to the Fabulous Fall Festival this Saturday. He reminded everyone that the Chair Luge was back. Also, that the Gardner Price Chopper’s 10th anniversary was this Sunday. Councilor Mack commented on the amount of donations that we’ve had the last couple of months. “It’s great that they’ve been so in the fore front of our agenda lately.” Councilor Walsh commented on the plan to buy a new ambulance with ARPA funds and that those funds are not subject to appropriation by the City Council. He stated that City Council should know where the funds are being spent. Gardner has received just under $6.2 million. Curious to know how money has been spent. Mayor Nicholson stated that the City has about another $1 million in unobligated ARPA funds. And the City just received a perfect audit for the second year in a row. Hear the new business right here. Just click Play.
- Community Center? (9/19/2022)
News of possible Gardner MA Community Center shared at Council on Aging Meeting
At the Gardner Council on Aging Meeting of 9-12-22, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson and State Representative Zlotnik spoke about the possibility of Waterford Street School becoming a Community Center for Gardner Residents as well as a place to relocate a much roomier Senior Center.
View the entire meeting on YouTube, CLICK HERE, or listen on any device by clicking Play.
Council on Aging September 12, 2022 - Hispanic Heritage (9/18/2022)
Hispanic Heritage Month What did the Mariachi Band sound like? Well here’s a short sample.
Mariachi Band At City Hall Many Gardner Residents Had Supper at City Hall on Tuesday September 20, 2022
The City of Gardner celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 5:30pm on the front steps of City Hall on Pleasant Street. In addition to exciting Hispanic Food Trucks, there was live Mariachi music. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted the day after the event, “Great time last night for the City’s second annual Hispanic Heritage Month celebration! Great to see people enjoying the music. Thank you to Holy Family Academy MA for providing by coffee from Brilla Coffee Roasters and to Stephen DiNatale – Mayor of Fitchburg for joining as well! Also thank you to the Gardner High School Senior Nelli Esquedero for writing a poem for the event as well!”
National Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15th to October 15th nationwide. The Library of Congress hosts a website with more information. CLICK HERE. (This article was updated after the event)
- Mayor’s Update 9-16-22 (9/17/2022)
Mayor’s Update 9-16-22 Watch the Mayor’s Updates on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. Or, listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update September 16, 2022 Mayor Nicholson reminded the public that the Gardner City Council will meet on Monday, September 19th. Informal Meeting 6:30pm re the Gardner Fire Department Audit. Agenda and Packet CLICK HERE. Regular Meeting at 7:30pm. Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
Rear of City Hall Gardner MA Enthusiastic Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson speaks from Gardner Elementary School library.
In a lengthy, but fast-moving, exciting, informative, and interesting update, Mayor Nicholson spoke first about the Gardner Elementary School. He spoke about initial pickup issues. The Mayor also explained the safety protocols in place to protect students stating, “It’s a very safe school. A very effective 21st Century environment.”
The Mayor thanked Tender Heart Veterinary Care and Dr. Wood for offering to provide free checkups for K9 Rocky of the Gardner PD.
Nicholson explained that due in part to watering restrictions being eliminated, flower boxes are being deployed in Downtown and South Gardner. Sponsorships through mid-November are $75.
The Mayor spoke of various milestones, dates, and events including: SK Pierce Mansion had their ribbon cutting after 12 years of renovations and is now open to public tours. Monday, 9-19 is adult care day. Edward Jones Ribbon Cutting is 9-21. On September 23rd, Prevention month will be celebrated at Gardner City Hall. The Fabulous Fall Festival and Octoberfest is Saturday, September 24th with the Chair Luge back this year as well.
2nd Annual Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 will be a celebration at City Hall with live Mariachi music this year.
Mayor’s Update 9-16-22 - Road Safety (9/17/2022)
Greater Gardner MA Communities to Receive Municipal Road Safety Grant Awards
State Senator Anne Gobi announced on 9-15-22 that just over $300,000 is being awarded to Police Departments across the Worcester and Hampshire District who completed a highly competitive application process which included plans to improve traffic safety training, upgrade equipment and increase enforcement efforts.
The Senator stated, “The data shows that drivers continue operating at high rates of speed, distracted and impair driving puts lives needlessly at risk. ….I look forward to my towns and cities being able to take action to keep our communities safe.”
Area communities receiving funding include Barre, Gardner, Oakham, Princeton, Rutland, and Westminster.
- Cronin Book (9/17/2022)
Former Gardner MA Police Chief Edward Cronin Writes “Just Policing; My Journey to Police Reform.”
The self-published book is dedicated “For Sue, My love and partner.” and acknowledges a number of individuals. Cronin states, “Writing this book has been a very long process that began several years ago. It wasn’t until I met and talked with my co-author Dayna Kendall, that this book finally came to life. “ Cronin met often with Kendall at various coffee shops.
The forward to the book was written in March of 2022 by Dr. Sayra Pinto, the Chief Practitioner of Moon Jaguar Strategies, who writes in part, “I think you should read this book because I had goosebumps the entire time that I read it….story of a man who taught me, over four years, the difference between the police in Honduras and what the police can be in the United States….This book tells the story of what America can be: A land where laws, votes, relationships, and visions count….a teaching tool in the creation of the America that will belong to all of us.”
The kindle version with a short preview of the book is available on Amazon. CLICK HERE
There is also a website for the book: CLICK HERE
Revealing is who Cronin thanks. Chair of the Criminal Justice Program, Dr. Eve. Buzawa at Umass. For inspiring his critical thinking. Friends including Renee Berrian from Project Harmony in Waitsfield, Vermont. Former Fitchburg Police Department supervisor, Captain Joseph Carbone for quietly mentoring, encouraging, and guiding Cronin. Attorney Ed Ryan for critical assistance in becoming a a police officer and for supporting and assuring Cronin’s appointment as Fitchburg Police Chief. To Systems thinking expert Carol Sharicz who he credits to helping reduce crime in Fitchburg. To Board Chair of Moon Jaguar Strategies and Chief Restorative Practitioner Syra Pinto for helping him understand the consequences of systemic racism and applying corrective methods. His daughter Jessica for her birth, love, presence, enjoyment, helping to sustain him and inspire him to lead a life of growth and support of others. To his stepchildren Aaron and Cicely. And to his wife Susan, who has been at his side for 37 years.
Chapters in the book include: 1. Epiphany: A Christmas Nightmare 2. Growing Up: Sorting Through Bedlam 3. Learning Policing: The Real Story 4. Umass Lowell: Putting in the Extra Effort 5. Learning the Job: Trying to Organize Chaos 6. Oxford: What I Thought I Knew 7. Russia: Shock and Awe 8. Gardner Police: Careful What You Ask For 9. Project Harmony: Taking it to the International Community 10. Return to Fitchburg; Executing the Plan 11. Bag Job: Or Who Stole My Cheese! 12. Sayra and Systems: Finally, There was hope! 13. Searching for Answers: Unexpected Results 14. In the Shadows: Negotiating the Pain 15. A Virus Takes Leave: Back to the International Arena 16. My Stay at the Lodge: More Success for Fitchburg 17. Moldovan Life and Politics: Proving Myself Again! 18. The Plan and the Mission: From Corruption to Success! 19. Just Police Reforms: History Tells Us So!
- SK Pierce Mansion (9/16/2022)
SK Pierce Mansion 4 West Broadway Gardner MA Complete Property Record Card, CLICK HERE Architectural Digest has a listing of the most beautiful haunted places in the world, CLICK HERE
Reportedly Haunted 150 Year-old SK Pierce Mansion Renovated and Open for Tours
Built in 1875, the SK Pierce Mansion was purchased on July 22, 2015 by Robert J. and Allison M. Conti of Manalapan, New Jersey for the purpose of eventually opening it as a Bed and Breakfast while also offering Historical/Haunted tours. While many original features of the property were intact, it has taken 7 years of renovation to restore the place.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on September 15, 2022, and now the SK Pierce Mansion is now open for tours which cost $25. According to Robert Conti, “The Pierce Mansion is considered the most haunted house in Massachusetts and the 9th most haunted house in America.” The Mansion employs caretaker Marion Luoma, Curator Ken Watson, resident psychic Memie Watson, and a recently hired staff of 11 tour guides. Bookings can be made through the website, CLICK HERE.
- Genuine Gardner Today (9/15/2022)
It was a time to celebrate what is genuinely Gardner on the beautiful day of September 15, 2022
This is our regular feature, “Genuine Gardner.” What is special about the Chair City.
Patriotism is Genuine Gardner
Work continued at 42-52 Parker Street, but only the eagle eye would spot the United States flag on the building.
Undoubtedly, the owner put it there out of a sense of respect, not knowing it would be noticed. But it was. And it is this sense of goodness which is Genuine Gardner. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Education is Genuine Gardner
The pristine and majestic new Gardner Elementary School stood as a testament to Gardner’s bright future. This hall of learning welcomed students on September 15, 2022 and is Genuine Gardner.
Monument Park
Monument Park was utilized over the summer for concerts enjoyed by many. In fact, it was a summer with no Saturday rain outs. On this day, Monument Park was a source of information from the Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center.
Supporting our veterans is also Genuine Gardner.
Embracing Gardner’s Heritage
The Chair was hardly noticed by most who passed it by. But this Chair in the sign at Parker Street and West Lynde Street serves to illustrate the wonderful heritage of furniture making which has graced Gardner MA over the course of time.
This heritage is Genuine Gardner.
View our article on Gardner’s Big Chair, CLICK HERE
Learning and Knowledge is Genuine Gardner
Serving those who thirst for knowledge was the Levi-Heywood Memorial Library, also proudly displaying the Star Spangled Banner.
This wonderful repository of culture and learning is Genuine Gardner.
Transit Man The new Maki Park will be using a terraced approach due to the slope of the terrain. It is expected to be a beautiful addition to Downtown Gardner.
The Start of Maki Park
The Transit Man and his fellow Surveyor became part of the cycle of Gardner MA History on September 15, 2022 as they marked off part of the future Maki Park on Parker Street. It will be another way for Gardner to be a great place to Live, Work, Play, and Visit.
Surveying Future Maki Park Nature is Genuine Gardner
While everyone in Gardner did their thing, the creatures of Crystal Lake enjoyed a beautiful day quacking about.
Yes, even the ducks of Crystal Lake are Genuine Gardner.
More Crystal Lake photos, CLICK HERE
Paramount Cafe 46 Main Street, Gardner MA
Launched in the 30s about a decade after Gardner became a City, the Paramount Cafe is Genuine Gardner.
With a 4.5 and 55 reviews on Google, customers generally love the place. Some comments, “Been going to this place for over 40 years…”, “…great grill cook and friendly server, this is your place.”, “Small Town diner with hearty meals at reasonable prices.”, “…good old fashioned breakfast and lunches”, “Real old school diner good food great prices”, “We go here almost once a week”, “First cafe in town to open up shop each morning, 5AM”, “Great classic diner food”, “The best place for breakfast and lunch”. The building housing Paramount Cafe is part of the 46-54 Main Street parcel and has been owned by Local 154 UFWA AFL CIO since 1977.
The Chair City of Gardner, Massachusetts is Genuinely Special. Visit our Gardner is a Great Place page, CLICK HERE. Our Share the Chair page, CLICK HERE.
- GFC 9-15-22 (9/15/2022)
Gardner MA Finance Committee September 15, 2022 Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen to it right here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 9-15-22 Gardner MA Finance Committee Goes Over a Wide Range of Topics
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson appeared before the Finance Committee regarding various funding requests. He also detailed that Tender Heart Veterinary Care is donating regular office visits for K-9 Rocky and discounting any future procedures by 30%, and went over his request to handle Senior Center finances in such a way that funds are available as unanticipated expenses come up.
The Mayor explained the Flower Pots in Downtown and South Gardner are featuring flowers from Valley Florists. Sponsorships are $75 for remainder of this year.
Inquisitive Counselors asked the Mayor to change his hat to that of Chairman of the School Committee for an update on the New Elementary School. Mayor Nicholson indicated that the inside was 98% done, explaining that hot lunches are now available. However, the outside construction will take an additional 8 months to a year and they are working on getting one playground operational. Student dropoff and pickup is getting better after a chaotic first day.
- Drought Outlook (9/15/2022)
NOAA Releases Seasonal Drought Outlook including Greater Gardner MA.
Gardner Massachusetts is currently in Severe Drought (D2), after having recently improved from a D3. Drought conditions are expected to remain but improve over the next 3 months.
Droughts come and go as you can see from the graph of the last 100 years. The graph links to an HD version of the graphic.
Greater Gardner Drought 1922 to 2022 – source CLICK IMAGE for HD view. - 40 under 40 Award (9/14/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Accepts Award
At the age of 27, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was recognized by the Worcester Business Journal as one of this year’s 40 under 40. Photo shown is the Mayor accepting the award at a recent banquet.
Natalia Oliver, Chief of staff for the City of Fitchburg, was also part of the group. To view the publication’s article on all of this year’s 40 under 40, CLICK HERE.
To view our previous article on this, CLICK HERE
- Art of Confusion (9/14/2022)
Gardner MA Conservation Commission Perfects Art of Confusion at “Something” of 9-12-22
It is presented as a meeting of the Conservation Commission, but it is more like a conversation. Watch it on YouTube. Or listen to it right here. Just click play.
Conservation Commission September 12, 2022 Rarely is a meeting of individuals a recipe for confusion. Gardner Magazine has no idea what the purpose of this gathering was. Was it to have a meeting, a discussion, complain about something, or were they putting on a play? It’s hard to tell. So we present the recording here for you to listen to, and we also had a transcription done of the entire conversation. View Transcript. CLICK HERE.
- City Council 9-19-22 (9/14/2022)
Gardner MA City Council to Address Fire Department Audit in Informal Session
The Gardner MA City Council will have two meetings on Monday September 19, 2022. The first will be an informal meeting at 6:30pm to go over the Fire Department Audit. Complete Packet and Agenda, CLICK HERE. The second meeting at 7:30pm will be the regular meeting. Complete Packet and Agenda, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner – People are Back (9/13/2022)
Gardner MA Population Highest in History: 21,499, but still more open space than elsewhere.
Annual Growth rate now .5%: 100 years ago, Gardner’s population was about 17,000, rising to over 19,000 by 1930. Population was up and down over the years, rising to over 20,000 by 1940 and back to just under 18,000 by 1980. By 1990, the number of people in Gardner was back over 20,000 again, 50 years after it first had that distinction. Over the next 20 years, numbers rose gradually, with a consistent annual growth rate of .5% since 2011. It is estimated that Gardner added just over 100 residents per year in the last decade. With a land area of 22.1 square miles, Gardner’s population density is 974 per square mile. In contrast, Fitchburg has 1519 per square mile, Leominster 1540 per square mile, Worcester 5,664 per square mile, Springfield 4,910 per square mile and Boston 14,217 per square mile. Gardner has more open space and more breathing room than any nearby City.
Labor Force: Over 90 percent of Gardner residents were born in the U.S. and more than ¾ were born in Massachusetts. Just under 3% of Gardner residents are not U.S. citizens. Just under 60 percent participate in the Labor Force with an Unemployment rate of about 5 percent – highest among youths 16-19, young adults 20-24, and those 60-64.
Veterans: Gardner has 1,266 veterans: Vietnam -448, Second Gulf War-211, First Gulf War-188, Korea-149, and World War II-70
Languages: 86% of Gardner residents speak only English, while 14% speak other languages. Spanish is spoken by just under 7% of the population.
Data source: World Population Review
- Women – Gardner PD (9/13/2022)
Gardner PD Celebrated Women in Law Enforcement Day on September 12, 2022
From Gardner PD, “The GPD is honored to have Officer Dorval, Officer Morgan and Officer Laderoute as members of this department. Thank you for your continued service and top notch professionalism. This picture was taken on September 3rd when all three women had worked their first shift together!”
Nationally and in Massachusetts, approximately 1 in 8 police officers are women. More on the history of Women in Law Enforcement in the United States from wikipedia. CLICK HERE.
- Go Forward Gardner (9/12/2022)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson September 12, 2022 Listen to this interview and discover the greatness of the Chair City and why Gardner is drawing so much interest from prospective residents, businesses, and industry. Read the entire interview and article, CLICK HERE. Or, Listen on any device.
Interview: Michael Nicholson – Go Forward with Gardner Go Forward with Gardner MA – An Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
In an interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson conducted by Publisher Werner Poegel on Monday September 12, 2022, the Mayor spoke candidly about how Gardner is meeting the challenges in its present and why the Chair City has become so attractive to individuals wishing to relocate, businesses interested in a place for success, and industries desiring a good place to make things. While in the process of evolving from its past, Gardner has inadvertently drawn a huge amount of attention and has even become a model to some for how a small City should operate. Our interview is with one of the City of Gardner’s greatest cheerleaders, Mayor Michael Nicholson. Entire interview and article text, CLICK HERE.
We asked the Mayor about apartments, jobs, family safety, open spaces and parks, culture including music and the arts, highway access, public transportation, restaurants, roads and bridges, infrastructure, schools, libraries, wellness/exercise, and even raising a family. We spoke about the increasing draw Gardner is having to bring in business and industry. And we spoke about Gardner’s future. Read the entire interview and article, CLICK HERE. Or, Listen on any device. Just click Play.
Go Forward with Gardner – Michael Nicholson 9-12-22 - GES Open (9/12/2022)
Gardner Elementary September 12, 2022 Gardner’s new Elementary School is now filled with students, ready to learn. Click on any image for larger view, also view complete Gallery.
Gardner Elementary Opens to Enthusiastic Students, Staff, and Faculty
On the day before the opening, Gardner Public Schools posted, “Are you ready?! We are! The last few weeks have seen construction, inspections, moving, cleaning, planning, furniture building; it’s been a nerve-wracking time for our team, but it will all be worth it tomorrow. Will there still be dirt and construction equipment? Yes. But will there be smiling students and teachers as well? Also yes, and we couldn’t be more excited. As an aside, thank you to everyone on our team who has worked overtime, going above and beyond to get this done. We wouldn’t be here without your passion and willingness to pitch in.”
View the complete Image Gallery, CLICK HERE
Buses at Gardner Elementary School September 12, 2022 From Nothing to a Beautiful School in 14 months!
- Blue Moon (9/11/2022)
- Balance Staffing (9/11/2022)
Balance Staffing Opening Soon at 40 Main Street, Gardner MA
The company had been in Gardner, moved to Orange, and now will be back in the Chair City. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Great to see all the new businesses opening up downtown, especially ones like these filling up storefronts….” Click on the photo for a large version and you’ll see Patti Bergstrom taking the picture amidst a very nice-looking part of Downtown Gardner.
- Opening Soon (9/11/2022)
New Gardner MA Breakfast – Lunch Eatery Close to Opening
Shown is a mockup of a sign presented at a recent ZBA meeting for the new Chair City Cafe. With plans to open around Columbus Day, staffing is reportedly up to 85% of what is needed. The diner will be operated by the Chair City Church and will be located on Lynde Street at the site of the former Sacred Heart School.
- You’ve Got This (9/9/2022)
Gardner Magazine Publishes Gardner Elementary – You’ve Got This Video – WATCH IT!
Sure, there’s construction and maybe even just a few challenges to go. But, You Got This Gardner! Enjoy the song in our new video, play out of the page or CLICK HERE for full screen.
- Community Health (9/9/2022)
Community Health Connections on track to open new facility in December
The new 20,000 square foot Community Health Connections building on Route 68 in Gardner MA is on schedule to open in December. The current facility at 175 Connors Street, Gardner was in need of expansion due to community need. Website The new facility will also serve as an Urgent Care Center and in total employ more than 3 dozen people.
According to their website, “Community Health Connections (CHC) is a safe haven to find compassionate care, regardless of income or insurance status. Founded on February 25, 2002, we have 20 years of experience as a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) serving low income, underinsured, uninsured, publicly housed, and homeless populations in 35 cities and towns in North Central Massachusetts.”
- School Starts (9/9/2022)
Gardner MA Elementary School Students return Monday, September 12th
Grades 1 to 4 are slated to start Monday September 12, 2022. Kindergarten starts September 15th and Preschool starts September 19th.
- September 11 (9/9/2022)
September 11, 2022 is the 21st anniversary of the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks against MA, NY, D.C. and the U.S.
More from CLICK HERE, CLICK HERE, from wikipedia CLICK HERE From Brittanica, CLICK HERE
- Mayor’s Update 9-9-22 (9/9/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE.
Listen on any device by clicking Play.
Gardner Mayor’s Update September 9, 2022 Edward Jones 9-9-22 School Street School AUDIO and articles of earlier Mayor’s Updates, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson speaks of Moving On, Moving In, and Moving Forward in Weekly Update
Moving On: Mayor Nicholson reflected on Blue Moon Diner changing hands this past week, stating the new owners plan to “continue its operations and keep it going there.” On former owner Jamie Floyd, Nicholson stated, “We want to take a moment to thank Jamie for all of the work she’s done in the City of Gardner over the course of the past 22 years.”
Moving In: Eric McAvene formally moves into the Chief of Police office following unanimous confirmation by the Gardner City Council of a full 3 year appointment. The Mayor thanked those who showed up for the swearing in.
Balance Staffing Moving In: The staffing service will be located at 40 Main Street, Gardner. It had been in Gardner and relocated to Orange for a time and now is back in the Chair City.
Verizon Moving In: Ribbon Cutting has been delayed due to some final construction. Edward Jones has moved in and will have a formal ribbon cutting on September 21, 2022.
Moving Forward: Following the City Council vote approving the Mayor’s proposal to sell both the Prospect Street and School Street Schools, the City will move forward with the request for proposals bid process. It’s a unique process whereby the bid gets separate scores on how the property will be used and the bid price. The Mayor explained, “Basically what happens is the city has to score and award those properties based on the highest and best use of that property,and then has to go back and review the price proposals that are put in.” He continued, “So the properties are ranked both on the highest and best use, and then on the price proposals that are submitted for the purchase of the property. And then once those are all open, we weigh those out. But the highest and best use does carry more weight than the price in this process, to make sure that we are truly being able to get the most out of the property that we can, and we’re really protecting our fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers to make sure that we’re getting these properties back on the tax rolls in the most effective and efficient way as possible.”
Mayor’s Update 9-9-22 - Drought Update (9/8/2022)
Drought Map September 8, 2022 (Data as of 9-6) View Source of this Map – from the National Drought Mitigation Center. Has more cool data and past maps there if you’re interested. Drought Conditions Improve in Greater Gardner MA and State
Greater Gardner is now back to a D2 (Severe Drought) according to the Drought Map released by the National Drought Mitigation Center (map shown here) and State of MA on September 8, 2022. What this means: Outdoor watering is permissible again in the evening and overnight.
More from the State of MA Drought Status, CLICK HERE.
Watering with hand-held hoses and watering cans can now be done again between 5pm and 9am. Under the previous Level 3 Drought, all non-essential outdoor watering use was prohibited.
- ZBA 9-7-22 (9/8/2022)
The Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Met on September 7, 2022
Meeting Agenda, CLICK HERE. The board took up the continuing project at 42-52 Parker Street, 2 driveways, a request to demolish and reconstruct a camp, a request for more parking for online shoppers at 21 Timpany Boulevard, and a sign for a breakfast and lunch cafe at 112 Central Street.
Zoning Board of Appeals 9-7-22 Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen to the meeting here, playable on any device. Just Click Play.
- September Council (9/8/2022)
Gardner City Council 9-7-22 Watch the Gardner City Council Meetings on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our City Council page CLICK HERE. Or listen on any device by clicking Play. (Our recording eliminated the silence before meeting starts and while in recess to do swearing in.)
Gardner MA City Council Met on Wednesday September 7, 2022
The Gardner City Council met on Wednesday September 7th due both to Labor Day and the Massachusetts Primary. Complete Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. Letter from Mayor Nicholson on establishing City Charter Drafting Committee, CLICK HERE. – Committee would eventually submit updates for approval by voters at a municipal election. – was referred to Council as a Committee as a whole.
Gardner City Council 9-7-22 First up was the Mayor’s requested confirmation of Eric McAvene to the position of Police Chief for a 3 year term. He started work as a Temporary Appointment on August 22nd and was confirmed at this meeting for a full 3 year appointment.
McAvene was one of 12 applicants for the position and the top pick of 3 finalists. He has served the City of Gardner for over two decades.
A request to confirm Sergeant Walter was also granted. Sergeant Walter had left his position for professional reasons and was eligible to return.
Action on School Buildings
The Council acted on whether to declare the Prospect Street and School Street Schools as surplus and authorize sale. Lengthy appraisal reports are included in the City Council Agenda and packet. After separate discussions and motions, declaration of Prospect School and School as surplus passed unanimously.
The Prospect Street School building is in relatively good condition with a 295k appraisal. However, the 53 School Street building is another story with an appraisal of $0. According to Building Commissioner Roland Jean in a communication to the Mayor, “Nearly every window…smashed by vandals, …holes in slate roof…, …prolific leaks in the flat roof, the portable classrooms are beyond their useful life and need to be demolished, ….two known underground oil tanks…, …burst pipes, ….no sprinkler system in the building…” “It is my opinion that the cost to rehabilitate the building would far exceed any worth that it might have.” The appraisal report recommends that the highest and best use of the property would be to “demolish and remove the building for future development with two residential lots.”
History of the School St. property shown in the appraisal indicates that a portion of the property was acquired by the City on March 3, 1858 from Levi Heywood for the sum of $232.80 and the rest of it from 7 other sellers in 1911 with parcel purchase prices ranging from $1 to $4700.
Lucky to Get Rid of It
The appraiser estimates that after the demolition of the School St. building, the value of the two residential lots created would be $134,000. However, the cost of demolition is estimated at $250,000. Therefore, the property actually has a negative appraised value of $116,000, rounded up to zero. In short, the City of Gardner, pricing the property at a starting bid price of $1 would be fortunate to get a buyer, get the headache off the City’s hands, and return the property to the tax rolls.
Use of Elm Street School
During the City Council meeting of 9-7, Mayor Nicholson also explained the use of Elm Street School: It will be used by the Superintendent’s office, Gardner Academy, and the Boys and Girls Club. He also explained that the city is required to use the building for educational purposes for 15 years – otherwise it is subject to paying back a $3 million grant.
Fire Department Audit
According to the Fire Department Audit, the Net income for the ambulance services provided by the Gardner Fire Department has almost doubled from $518,199 in fiscal year 2018 to $976,758 in fiscal year 2022. Part of the large increase in net income for the last two years occurred from participation in the Medicare CPE Reimbursement program which was instituted by the Commonwealth of MA to help cities and towns offset the very low Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement currently allowed. Item re the Fire Department Audit was referred to the Council as a Committee as a whole.
New Ambulance in the Works
An ambulance costs over 250k and is used for 5 years as a primary ambulance and another 5 years as a backup. According to the audit, the Gardner Fire Department is in the process of ordering a new ambulance at a cost of $290,500, which will be paid for with ARPA funds, with no cost to the City.
Headquarters and Staffing
“The city should investigate the needs for a new or substantially remodeled Fire Headquarters to meet current and future needs.” With respect to personnel, the audit states, “we would recommend the city looks at making a nonunion Deputy Fire Chief’s position.” There are other personnel recommendations as well.
City Centennial Celebration Ad Hoc Advisory Committee: Mayor Nicholson has appointed Michael Richard, Brad Heglin, Douglas Lepisto, Gladys Richardson, and Jessica DeRoy. The Council President has appointed Marion Knoll, Dawn Erickson, and Theresa Thompson. According to Mayor Nicholson, “These individuals will oversee the planning and fundraising of several events throughout the course of the coming year. Other individual volunteers will be participating in the planning and execution of these events, however, this will be the core committee to oversee the larger aspects of the year. Ms. Patricia Bergstrom will also be assisting with the planning of a parade for the Fall of 2023.”
Councilor Thanks During New Business
Those Councilors choosing to make statements during the New Business segment at the end of the meeting mostly made comments of thanks. Councilor Tyros thanked those involved in the Pleasant Street summer experiment and hopes the City tries again next year. Councilor Mack thanked everyone who helped make the new Gardner Elementary School a reality and wished students, faculty, and staff a great new year. Councilor Boone thanked the City Clerk Titi Siriphan for setting up the primary. Councilor Boudreau commented that Gardner has a wonderful live music scene. Councilor Walsh toured water and sewer facilities this summer and recommended other councilors take the same tour. Councilor Ronald Cormier commented on how fortunate the community was to have good water and sewer services. Council President Kazinskas also expressed thanks, congratulating City Clerk Siriphan for a job well done.
- Taco Rey (9/7/2022)
Popular Gardner MA Eatery Dazzles with New Signage and Awning
Taco Rey Coliman is a Downtown Gardner restaurant offering dine-in, pickup, or delivery. Visit their Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Square Two posted, “Look at the new sign and awning for Taco Rey Coliman! They went through the City’s sign and facade grant program to get this. Contact Jessica DeRoy, Economic Development Coordinator, for help with your business.”
- The Chief Speaks (9/7/2022)
Chief McAvene – Former Acting Chief Kearns – Mayor Nicholson Appointments Committee September 6, 2022 Appointments Committee Hears new Gardner MA Police Chief
Chief McAvene appeared before the Gardner Appointments Committee on September 6, 2022. Sitting with him in support was Mayor Michael Nicholson and former Acting Chief Phil Kearns. Both Nicholson and Kearns spoke in support of the appointment. Confirmation of the appointment was recommended unanimously.
Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen to it here by clicking PLAY.
Appointments Committee 9-6-22 The Gardner City Council takes up the appointment at its Wednesday September 7, 2022 meeting. CLICK HERE.
- Work for the City (9/7/2022)
Positions open with the City of Gardner MA
Deputy Chief of Police – apply by September 9, 2022 at 4:30pm. —- Local Building Inspector – apply by September 16, 2022 at 1pm —- Administrative Assistant for the Board of Health – apply by September 13, 2022 at 1pm –
Gardner MA has been a great place to work since 1785.
Want more details? Visit the jobs page on the City of Gardner website. CLICK HERE.
- Octoberfest in September (9/7/2022)
Gardner MA Ale House Getting Ready for Octoberfest Happening September 24th
The renowned local restaurant and brewery is participating in Gardner’s Fabulous Fall Festival on September 24, 2022 with an Octoberfest. Complete information, CLICK HERE. The Chair Luge is also back this year. – Details, CLICK HERE.
Meanwhile, Gardner Square Two is lining up Vendors, Food Trucks, Crafters, and Non-profits for what is projected to be one of the most Fabulous Fall Festivals in a long time. Deadline to book your participation is September 5th. Previous article with all details, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 9-2-22 (9/7/2022)
A thoughtful Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates Chair City 9-2-22
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Update for September 2, 2022: Just CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 9-2-22 CLICK PLAY Mayor Nicholson spoke about Substance Abuse Awareness Night, the need for ongoing efforts, and praised those involved.
The Mayor welcomed back students, thanked teachers and spoke about the School Calendar. Gardner Elementary will be ready for start of school, even though some grounds work will still need to be completed.
Votes coming up at City Council next Wednesday will include the Mayor’s requests to sell School Street School and Prospect Street School. School Street property appraises at $1 due to underground oil storage tank and other factors. Prospect Street School appraises at $295,000, however Mayor will ask that the minimum price be set at $100,000. Properties will be sold via a request for proposals to get the best price for the best use of the property. Photos of both in previous article. CLICK HERE.
Verizon Wireless Zone and Edward Jones at Timpany Crossroads will soon having ribbon cuttings. The Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center having Speakers at Monument Park. Fall Festival coming up in Gardner.
Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. or listen by CLICKING PLAY.
Mayor Michael Nicholson Update September 2, 2022 – Starts right away on any device .
- Two Buildings Sold (9/6/2022)
Central Street, Gardner Central Street, Gardner Central Street, Gardner About 100 Years Ago – Building purchased was built circa 1850 Shirley Company Purchases Two Downtown Gardner Buildings – Tied to over a Dozen LLCs
Two Buildings almost side by side on Central Street in Gardner (280-302 and 310-320) have been sold to a real estate holding and development company for a reported $2.3 million. It was not announced what plans, if any, the company has for the property.
Door Fund Central Street, LLC was formed on August 18, 2022 for the purpose of acquiring two Downtown Gardner Buildings located at 280-302 and 310-320 Central Street. It is listed as a real estate holding and development company. Under different LLCs, the same individuals own other buildings in Gardner including 101-105 Baker Street, Gardner and 68 Graham Street, Gardner, and did own 45 Greenwood Street, Gardner until selling it to Gardner Real Estate Holding Group, LLC managed by Jonathan Bombaci of Candor Realty.
Managers of the company include Michael Marchetti and Damon Amato, both of 6 Oakes Landing, Shirley, MA. Other parties to the company include Realtor Yun Rhee of Shirley and Ryan Corcoran of Warren, Rhode Island. Resident agent is Attorney Jay R. Peabody of Boston.
Other Companies Owned by the Principals
This is not the first venture for these individuals in real estate. According to the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office, there are a number of LLC’s involving Michael Marchetti of Shirley MA. 1002-1008A Main St LLC (for an apartment building complex in Worcester) formed May 2021 -Marchetti and Amato, 101-105 Baker Avenue LLC (5 unit building 101-105 Baker St., Gardner) – formed August 2019 – Marchetti and Rhee, 147 Oak Street LLC – formed October 2018 – Marchetti only , 16 Harvard Road Shirley LLC – (5 unit building in Shirley) formed September 2019- Michael and Samantha Marchetti , 21-23-25 Cottage Street LLC, (multi-unit Leominster property) – formed May 2018 -Michael and Samantha Marchetti, 45 Greenwood Street LLC – formed May 2019 – Samantha Marchetti, Michael Marchetti, Yun Rhee and Matthew Swierk , 46-48 E Main Street Ayer LLC – formed June 2020 – Michael and Samantha Marchetti, – Frontier Property Management LLC – Formed December 2017 -Marchetti, Anthony Lavalley , Hilltop Estate Door Fund Manager LLC – formed March 2022 – Marchetti and Rhee, Lakes Region MSR Management, LLC – formed February 2022 – Marchetti, Rhee, and Swierk, Marchetti Industries LLC – formed February 2019 – Marchetti, Marchetti PG Gardner 1 LLC – formed April 2020 – Marchetti, Marchetti Property Group, LLC – formed August 2017, MSR 3 Main Shirley LLC – formed March 2020 – Marchetti, MSR Monadnock Street LLC – formed August 2019 – Marchetti, MSRC Gardner Portfolio LLC (68 Graham St. Gardner)– formed October 2021 – Marchetti, New England Property Acquisitions Inc. -formed May 2020, See You Ayer LLC – formed April 2018 – Samantha and Michael Marchetti, Transcend Wellness Inc. – formed December 2019 – Samantha and Michael Marchetti, dissolved December 31, 2021.
According to a listing on the Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce, one of their companies defines exactly what they do “Frontier Property Management, LLC is a professional property management company based in the small town of Shirley, Massachusetts. It was started by a couple of best friends who call this area home, and are truly determined to improve not only the residents experience, but also the landlords. We service mostly central Massachusetts, with locations ranging from Gardner to Chelmsford, and everywhere in-between. With professional maintenance, apartment renovation, reliable resident-relations, or helping you find your next investment property, Frontier is your local gold-standard management team. “
- History of Gardner (9/6/2022)
History of Gardner MA in 5 minutes
With Gardner about to celebrate its 100th anniversary as a City on January 1, 2023, we thought it would be fun to create an AUDIO History of Gardner. Just click Play and learn a little bit about the Chair City of the World from our announcers Joe, Selene, and Kai.
The History of Gardner MA - Needed Rain (9/6/2022)
Precipitation Information 9-6-22\ Greater Gardner MA is getting much-needed rain, helping with the ongoing drought.
Absolutely Drenched is Great News for Greater Gardner MA
The region has been in a D3 – Extreme Drought with all unnecessary water use prohibited, browning grass everywhere, crops, and livestock affected. It is unknown how much progress towards emerging from the drought the rain of Monday 9-5 or Tuesday 9-6-22 will bring. The National Water Information System has a Web Interface showing up-to-date precipitation information. CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Tour (9/5/2022)
Gardner MA Alive with Promise Tour The Gardner MA Alive with Promise 4 Minute Video Tour
Gardner MA is a dynamic community with a welcome mat extended to business, industry, development, and incoming residents. Our 4 minute video tours several dozen Gardner features. Gardner will be a Century as a City in 2023 and is a great place to live, work, play, and visit. Play video right out of this page. Play full screen if desired.
- Pauly Potato Takedown (9/3/2022)
Gardner MA Facebook Group Moderator Pauly Potato Spreading Fake News
An Editorial by Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel – There are a number of very healthy Facebook Groups serving the Greater Gardner MA area. Most Admins make an effort to foster respectful speech and do not knowingly pass along false information. However, Pauly Potato is the exception. In his group, rather than simply moderating discussions among group members, the admin openly attacks political candidates and officials he doesn’t like, often taking portions of news items and twisting them into falsehoods. The result: people are getting FAKE NEWS.
On Transparency
For example, the Mayor was criticized for lack of transparency when Gardner MA has earned the reputation of being a model of municipal transparency: winning an award for its projects map, getting a perfect audit for 2021, and having one of only a handful of Mayors in the nation who do a regular Weekly update. CASE CLOSED, on this subject Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.
On Paving of the Roads
DPW has been criticized for its lack of paving roads when the truth is it would take more than 1 ½ times the entire City budget for the year to pave all the roads. CASE CLOSED, on this subject Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.
On Ovila Case Playground
There has also been criticism of the lack of maintenance of Ovila Case Playground. Actually, the City has invested the most money there in the last two years, adding basketball courts and a walking trail in May of 2021 and new picnic tables/charcoal grills in July of 2021. The electric system and lights are currently being upgraded. Around $115,000 in new equipment was added to the location from various funding to replace the deteriorating wood structures. Once free cash is certified by the Department of Revenue, additional expenditures on Ovila Case are planned. So the DPW, The Mayor, and the City are paying attention to Ovila Case. CASE CLOSED, on this subject, Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.
On the Proposed Sale of Two Schools
Now, the last example today is an especially misleading example of FAKE NEWS by Pauly Potato: The sale of Prospect Street School and School Street School. Prospect Street appraises at $295,000, but would need substantial investment for use other than a school, so the Mayor’s request is to set a minimum price of $100,000 for it. School Street School is a real nightmare, with an appraisal that ran into negative numbers. Therefore, a request to start bids at $1. In both cases. getting the properties back on the tax rolls would be to the advantage of the City. Is it a bad thing that Mayor Nicholson is actually taking his fiduciary responsibility seriously and thinking of the taxpayers? We think not. Once more, Pauly Potato, CASE CLOSED, on this subject Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.
While the City of Gardner is very lucky right now to have responsible officials in all facets of its government, we urge any citizen with questions about what any public official is proposing to simply ask for more information. Gardner MA is rare in its transparency with the City Council Agenda and Council packet made public before meetings, with meetings made public on YouTube, and of course Gardner Magazine makes most major meetings and Mayor’s Update available in AUDIO format, easily playable on any device. And, you can always seek an appointment with the Mayor. But, whatever you do, don’t take Pauly Potato’s word for it – Your brain will end up like french fries in a paper bag, SOGGY. And Pauly Potato, you have been mashed.
- Home Sales (9/3/2022)
With home prices and interest rates up, monthly payments are up. Here’s a link to an online mortgage payment calculator. CLICK HERE.
Prices Up, Home Sales Cooling, Interest Rates Double for Greater Gardner MA
In the City of Gardner MA, the median home price was just over 289k as of July 2021 and is up 14% to just under 330k as of July 2022. Interest rates have doubled since last summer.
The numbers: With a 10% down payment and 30 year fixed mortgage at 3%, that median-priced home had a payment of $1098. A year later, with interest rates doubling to 6%, the same home would have a payment of $1779, allowing for both the increase in home price and interest rate. That’s a payment increase of 62%. Payments do not include mortgage insurance for less than 20% down, real estate taxes, or insurance.
The Cooling: According to the Warren Group, “Increases in wages and salaries are not keeping pace with inflation that is now running at 8.5%. Plus, homebuyers face a very low inventory of homes for sale. All this leads to a cooler real estate market.”
In the State of Massachusetts, the median home price was 540K as of July 2021 and is up 8.3% to 585k as of July 2022. With same down payments and rates as quoted above, the monthly payment is up 42%.
Rents up as well. Local craigslist ads on September 3, 2022 show that a 1 bedroom can easily go for $1200/month, 2 bedroom $1400/month, and 3 bedroom $1600/month. However, the latest listing was on August 30th. Social Media posts frequently show people frustrated over availability when trying to find an apartment.
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