Greater Gardner MA Local News August 2024
- Hotline 8-31-24 (8/31/2024)
WGAW Has Special Hotline Radio Broadcast Featuring Speakers from a Night of Hope
On Saturday, August 31, 2024, WGAW featured a broadcast with highlights from this week’s Night of Hope which took place at Monument Park in Gardner. Following a live update from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, there were many speakers who have been affected by drug overdose deaths and powerful speakers urging others to get help. Listen to the entire show on any device. CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 8-31-24 The Night of Hope was held for International Overdose Awareness Day – “Together We Can” is this year’s theme. Listen to community leaders and local officials. Listen to interviews. Listen to people who have witnessed tragedy. Listen to messages of hope for those in recovery. A powerful broadcast originally aired Saturday, August 31, 2024 from noon to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere in the world.
- Sludge Review (8/31/2024)
Update September 3, 2024
Mayor Michael Nicholson explained: “MEPA stated they got enough complaints from individuals stating the 8 day notice was too short of a time, even though the minimum legal requirement is 7 days, so they have ordered the meeting be reposted with a 14 day notice.”
Meeting Postponed until a date can be reposted with at least 14 days notice.
Gardner to Hold Public Information Meeting on Sludge Landfill
The City of Gardner will hold a public information meeting on September 5, 2024 from 6 to 8pm at Gardner City Hall’s Perry Auditorium on 95 Pleasant Street in Gardner. The City of Gardner has a plan to expand the landfill and has published a flyer on the issue, called “What the Sludge”, CLICK HERE
According to the City of Gardner,, “Leachate management is a critical environmental safeguard incorporated into the expansion of the West Street sludge landfill. The project design includes a double-composite groundwater protection system, consisting of five impermeable barrier layers, a primary leachate collection system, and a leak detection and secondary leachate collection system.” For more information here is the page on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
The City has included regular inspections and contracted environmental monitoring in the landfill’s long-term operation and maintenance plan. At the Information Session, citizens can ask questions and provide feedback.
- Lafayette Square (8/30/2024)
Lafayette Square Looks Great After Help from Gardner Business and Staff
Gardner’s Boucher Funeral Home offered to clean up Lafayette Square and the City gladly accepted. Photos show the before and after.
Boucher Funeral Home posted, “It takes a village! After seeing the flower bed in Lafayette Square/ Franco-American Veteran Square, home to Gardner’s Spanish-American War Monument, being neglected, our staff contacted city hall and asked if we could clean it up. They happily accepted the help! Our team members at the funeral home spent part of our day landscaping the front of the square to help beautify the area once again! Thank you to JDH Landscape for helping by providing the mulch!”
Lafayette Square is located on Parker Street in Gardner.
- Commentary 8-30-24 (8/30/2024)
Commentary: Fentanyl, the Border, and Drug Overdose Deaths
A commentary with Publisher Werner Poegel. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Commentary 8-30-24 Featuring the Music of: Ekoh-Fentanyl, the Beatles -Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Eric Clapton – Cocaine, The Border – Little River Band, and Huey Lewis and the News – I Want a New Drug.
Need help? Call the Suicide and Crisis Line at 988 on any phone. Someone overdosing? Use narcan and call 911 for help.
- Maki Park Update (8/30/2024)
Publisher’s Note: As soon as he was made aware of the issues, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson reached out to the appropriate people so that an expeditious solution could be attained.
ADA Compliance Solutions in the Works for Maki Park
Gardner Magazine spoke with Gardner Mayor Nicholson on August 30, 2024. The Mayor followed up with us regarding the ADA compliance issues at Maki Park. Mayor Nicholson stated that the fault lies with the design engineers as the construction people just built it as designed. The City met with the design engineers this week and they are reviewing everything with the Building Department. They are working on coming up with a solution and how to fix everything. ADA compliant Issues include lack of appropriate ramps and the stone dust used. Stone dust will need to be replaced by concrete.
- School of Weeds (8/30/2024)
Mayor Takes Action – School of Weeds to be Saved from Overgrowth
The current overgrowth at GES will be soon be mowed to be City compliant, states Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson who had an in-person meeting with Superintendent Pellegrino on the matter Friday August 30, 2024. After required Fire and Building Department inspections are completed with the maintenance people, the goal is to get them up there and get it all mowed. Nicholson stated, “ I hate how it looks.:” Mayor Nicholson spoke with the Superintendent about the necessity of getting it mowed for the safety of the people.
On Monday of this week, Councilor Judy Mack contacted the Superintendent regarding the matter stating the following: “Do you remember the excitement of your first day of school? Or that of your children? The new outfit and taking pictures as they walk into school? As I drove around the schools on Saturday I thought of the impression that a child or student would be entering the Gardner Elementary School for the first day on September 3. Then I was totally appalled by the outside condition of the beautiful school we have built. Many citizens have voiced their concerns about the conditions of the grounds to me. The outside is beyond overgrown with weeds and is a disgrace. This has nothing to do with nature, it is an embarrassment to what was built as a multi-million dollar state of the art school at the taxpayer expense. It was sold by the architects as “school in the woods” but it has become in a short period of time as “a school in the weeds”. There is nothing attractive or appealing when your drive up and the lack of ground maintenance is nothing short of embarrassing. Not to mention these overgrown weeds harbors insects and rodents that not only violate state code (see attachment) but are dangerous to children playing outside, especially those with allergies. The road down to Pearl Street is no better and as I have pointed out previously the area in front of the school sign is just overgrown weeds. The school has a grounds crew capable of maintaining the facilities. Then as I drove in front of the high school, the high school principal and her husband were trimming overgrown bushes and cutting back things to make the front of the building look presentable for the beginning of the school year. This is one person going above and beyond to make sure her school looks presentable but this isn’t her responsibility.”
Mack continued, “We as a city are sometimes penny wise and pound foolish. If we spend millions of dollars of taxpayers money, those in charge elected and appointed have the obligation to not only maintain the daily ongoing of the buildings inside but maintain the outside and that is not being done. This isn’t a choice, it is a requirement, and an expectation that is placed on taxpayers money being invested in any and all city funded building projects. What we build, we must maintain. The citizens and most certainly a city councilor shouldn’t have to bring this to your attention and this isn’t my first time mentioning the conditions outside of GES. As one with more than the average knowledge of perennials, it is to a point it will cost more money as it is so overgrown with weeds the average person won’t know what is a plant and what isn’t. Weeds choke out the plants you want. Money spent on the initial landscaping is now wasted with the lack of upkeep. First impressions are important. A picture is not only worth a thousand words, it’s worth thousands of dollars.”
Superintendent Pellegrino had responded that nothing would be done about the issue: “Thanks for voicing your concern about the grounds. First, I want to say that I do not like the look of those areas either. However, the areas you pointed out are what’s called “Spring Meadow Mix.” It is part of the landscape architect’s design. Pictures of this mix are beautiful, but we are in the first year of this. So where there are weeds, it is the “meadow mix,” which is not supposed to be mowed until October. Mowing it will help kill the weeds (according to the architect), and help the other plants bloom.
Pellegrino continued, “While many have voiced that they do not like the look (including me), we are following the prescribed maintenance procedures. I just want to be clear that this is not lack care for the grounds, and your concerns are shared by others, (we have had several discussions here at central regarding what to do about the look of the landscaping). We are not going to re-do the landscaping at this point, but we agree that it looks off-putting. However, I have CC’s Mark Hawke on this email, as he can explain why this looks the way it does, what the maintenance procedures are, and what our plan is going forward.”
Publisher’s Note: Councilor Mack included with her email various photos of the conditions and a reminder that grass or weeds that are 12 inches or taller are a violation of MA State Health code because it is a harborage for rats, mice, insects, and ticks. It also conceals trash, debris, pools of stagnant water, and other items that can be injury hazards. It is also a violation of Gardner City Code. It is our prediction that this nonsense will not be repeated in future years. We took photos from our vehicle. Judy Mack’s photos show the danger extending right up to the school building.
- Update 8-30-24 (8/30/2024)
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 8-30-24 Why Mums in the Graphic?
Volunteers are needed to plant mums in the City’s flower pots for a few hours on September 13th and 14th. contact
In Pre-Labor Day Update, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Informs the City
Welcome: Teachers who had their first week back in school.
Thank You, “I just want to say a special thank you to everyone who was involved in the planning and execution of this past week’s International Overdose Awareness Night of Hope that we had here in Gardner. From the vigil that was done over at Monument Park to the Luminaria service that was done here at City Hall, it was really a beautiful night to remember and showed that together as a city, we really do come together to support each other and be there for each other during the highest of highs and the lowest of lows for anyone in this community.”
Events: Saturday is the Elks Riders 1426 Charity Motorcycle Race and Ride. More info, CLICK HERE. —- Labor Day is Monday and City offices are closed. —- School starting Tuesday, September 3rd for Gardner Public Schools. Primary election Day is also Tuesday, September 4th. —- City Council will meet Wednesday, September 5th. —- Yard Waste Collection will be September 3-6 —- Volunteers are needed to plant mums in the City’s flower pots for a few hours on September 13th and 14th. contact —- National Night Out is Tuesday October 1st in Perry Auditorium from 5:30 to 7pm
Projects: Paving will continue. See previous article with list, CLICK HERE. —- Demo of former Rome Showroom at corner of Main and Willow Streets to take place within the first couple weeks of October with a series of detours for traffic — Uptown Rotary Project is progressing, “We expect the construction crew to be out for just another two weeks. If you’ve noticed, they’ve already started to loam and seed the islands in the area and they should be done with that next week and then they’re going to come back and put the final coat of pavement on“
- Assessors 8-27-24 (8/28/2024)
Gardner Assessor Concludes City Should Meet New Growth Value
The Board of Assessors met with members Assessor Christine Kumar and Paulette Burns. Listen to the exciting meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Assessors 8-27-24 Assessor Kumar stated, “We do have a little update. So, the residential, commercial, industrial values have been adjusted. I can continue to make small adjustments based on building permits, as long as I’m not changing anything that was a 2023 sale. Because that’s what’s used for the analysis. We are waiting for RRSP to complete their analysis of personal property. I expect to hear from them within the next two weeks, letting me know that they’re done. Once they are done, I can submit the values, the LA-4, to the state for approval along with the new growth. We should be able to meet our estimate of $250,000 impact value for new growth. That’s what we were aiming for. I was a little skeptical as to whether or not we’d get there, but I think that we will. So, that’ll be good. If we do get that information submitted in the next couple of weeks, I would only expect the state to take less than a week, probably, to approve everything. So, again, we’ll be good. And then, I did give you this, which is just kind of the numbers on where we are with the exemption applications. We’ve mailed out a total of 192. We received 124 back. So, we’re at about 65% received. So, what I’ve done today, there are 68 envelopes going out, reminders to the people who haven’t sent things back yet. So, that’s plenty of time. I mean, technically, they have until April. Well, you know, it makes my life easier in the long run. And I’m old. I don’t remember everything.”
- Hazmat – Winchendon (8/28/2024)
The Winchendon Fire Department posted on the morning of 8-28-24 , “Spring St. will be closed to traffic between Glenallen St and the lights at Rt. 140 due to an ongoing HAZMAT incident. The road will be closed for an extended period of time please seek alternative routes of travel.” They followed up with the following post, “The incident is involving a compressed natural gas tank damaged in a motor vehicle accident following consultation with the district HAZMAT team there is no immediate danger to surrounding residents.” Gardner Magazine is awaiting more information from the Town of Winchendon.
UPDATE: Fire Chief Thomas Smith of the Winchendon Fire Department released the following statement:
On August 28, 2024 at 05:17 the Winchendon Dispatch Center received a 911 call reporting a multi-car accident in the area of 560 Spring Street. Upon arrival of initial units a two vehicle accident was discovered between a SUV and a CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) powered Amazon delivery truck. With the initial ambulance crew checking the occupants of both vehicles it was determined that only the SUV driver required transport to Heywood Hospital with minor injuries. The Driver and passenger of the Amazon truck were uninjured. During the accident the CNG tank on the delivery truck became detached except for the pressure lines and was sitting next to the vehicle in the roadway. Winchendon Fire crews immediately requested that Dispatch contact the District 6 HazMat Team through Fitchburg Mid-State Control. A perimeter was set up by crews and Winchendon Police and DPW set up a detour around the accident scene. Upon arrival of a Tier 1 response through District 6 HazMat it was determined to upgrade the incident to a Tier 2 response bringing in other units from District 4 HazMat as well as additional units from the Department of Fire Services, including Massachusetts State Fire Marshal Jon Davine to the scene. Winchendon Crews worked with District 6 HazMat Team Leader Chief Joseph Guarnera to locate an Emergency Response Crew in the state familiar with the situation at hand. Contact was made with Xpress Natural Gas (XNG) out of Andover,MA who sent a technical expert out of Stratham, NH. While response units were responding from various corners of the state the MA State Police deployed their robot as well as their drone and a drone from the Department of Fire Services to take photos of the tank connections in advance of the technician’s arrival. Once on scene, XNG assisted in determining that the pressure lines could be methodically removed allowing the tank to be loaded on to a trailer and brought to a same location where HazMat crews were able to safely off gas the CNG tank. Vehicles were then towed from the scene by Brooks Auto Service out of Winchendon and CO&S Garage out of Templeton opening the road at approximately 15:50.
- Free and Expanded (8/27/2024)
MART Expands Services in Gardner and Extends FREE Ride Period
FREE RIDES: The first 6 months of 2024 were free. Then an extension to the end of August. And now, MART is offering FREE Rides through the end of June 2025. MART explained, “This is part of our effort to build the new MART of the future by making our bus and ADA service experience better for our riders. We are also adding more bus shelters, created a new website, working on a MART App, and making our services easier to understand and use. Since the start of MART’s Fare Free period in the beginning of 2024, our bus ridership is up over 24%. We are looking forward to helping more people with the human right of transportation to get where they need to go to lead their lives.”
EXPANDED SERVICES IN GARDNER: Check out the new Gardner South Route 1, Gardner North Route 2, and Gardner Route 3! Don’t forget, connections are needed to travel between all 3 routes. For more information and schedules visit the MART website, CLICK HERE.
- Conservation 8-26-24 (8/27/2024)
Chair Greg Dumas stated, “I’ve asked a hundred times what retainers are left on that job and I get a zero response. They think I’m an idiot. If they take all their retainers out, shame on the city.”
Dumas 8-26-24
Gardner Conservation Commission Introduces Agent Justin EnrightJustin Enright was introduced as Gardner’s Conservation Agent at the meeting of August 26, 2024. Wetlands issues at various properties were on the agenda. Some were postponed to September. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Commission 8-26-24 Other discussions centered on questions brought up by citizens who attended the meeting. One issue is wetland replication at the bottom of the hill approaching the Gardner Elementary School. According to Conservation Commission Chair Greg Dumas the company used the wrong seed. It was supposed to be a wetlands mix but a different mix was used. Dumas asked Conservation Agent Justin Enright to hold on signing off until the commission could do a site visit.
Regarding Wetlands Replication at GES, Dumas stated, “Well, I don’t want to close out until they’re done. If they close out, then you lose all recourse. … Yeah. I’ve asked a hundred times what retainers are left on that job, and I get zero response. They think I’m an idiot. If they take all their retainers out, shame on the city. So I know the game. Yeah, they’ve got a lot of money left over because they didn’t spend it.”
- Paving Here (8/26/2024)
Paving Time is Here in Gardner – Schedule Announced
DPW Director Dane Arnold has announced the specific Gardner MA paving schedule for the end of August and all of September. The schedule is subject to change based on weather.
Paving Schedule – 8/29: Lower structures on Dinan Drive and Meadowbrook Lane — 9/3-9/4: Pulverize Hosley Road, Dinan Drive, and Meadowbrook Lane — 9/5-9/6: Binder Coat of asphalt Hosley Road, Dinan Drive, and Meadowbrook Lane — 9/9-9/10: Mill Washington st and Logan St — 9/11: Mill Timpany Boulevard and Main St from Walgreens to rotary — 9/11: Adjust Structures on Dinan Drive and Meadowbrook Lane — 9/12-9/13: Adjust Structures on Washington St and Logan St —- 9/16: Install berm on Dinan Drive, and Meadowbrook Lane —- 9/16: Adjust Structures on Timpany Boulevard and Main St from Walgreens to rotary —- 9/18: Install Top Coarse on Timpany Boulevard and Main St —- 9/19: Install Top Coarse on Washington st and Logan St —- 9/19-9/20: Adjust Structures on Parker St, Fredette, Wilkins —- 9/25: Install Top Coarse on Hosley Road, Dinan Drive, and Meadowbrook Lane —- 9/27: Install Top Coarse on Parker St, Fredette, Wilkins —-
The announcement of streets on the list, cost, and funding source was announced in May 2024. CLICK Graphic for larger view. Previous Article, CLICK HERE.
Why is paving so expensive these days? The simple answer is that the cost of asphalt per ton has increased significantly. If you’d like to calculate the number of tons required to pave a particular road or street, take advantage of this Asphalt Calculator, CLICK HERE.
- Night of Hope (8/25/2024)
International Overdose Awareness Day and Night of Hope
Overdose Awareness Day and Night of Hope in Gardner is Wednesday, August 28th. Monument Park Vigil is 6:30-8:30pm and the City Hall Luminaria Service is at 8:30pm.
Some facts: In the United States there are over 100,000 drug overdose deaths each year. 2/3 of the deaths involve synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl. In the State of Massachusetts, there are over 2000 opioid-related overdose deaths each year. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health put out a Data Brief in June 2024 which provides detailed statistics and more information, CLICK HERE.MA Overdose Deaths – CLICK for Larger Image
- Maki Park 8-24-24 (8/24/2024)
Maki Park Opens with Questions About Accessibility
Maki Park is a beautiful, 3 tiered park now open in Downtown Gardner. However, as we took photographs on August 23, 2024 it was immediately apparent that there are accessibility issues. Currently there are stairs, but the park is not ADA compliant as shown. While we were taking photos, there was a handicapped lady attempting to navigate with a motorized wheelchair and she was unable to do so.
As the original purpose of building the park included a desire to create an ADA compliant space due to the non-compliant 15 degree grade, we have reached out to the Mayor’s office to inquire. Mayor Nicholson immediately responded and is looking in to the matter with Planner Trevor Beauregard.
$180,000 of the $376,000 cost was paid via City of Gardner funds and the remainder was covered by American Rescue Plan Act monies. The park replaces the former Maki Building which was torn down years ago. SEE Photo, CLICK HERE.
Maki Park 8-24-24 View from the front Maki Park 8-24-24 View from parking lot
- Hotline 8-24-24 (8/24/2024)
Newsmakers on WGAW Hotline Radio August 24, 2024
Listen to the entire WGAW Hotline Radio program on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 8-24-24 Segments in this show included: Update with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson —- GAMMHA President/CEO Shawn Hayden on the Night of Hope and other Topics —- Commentary from Werner Poegel —-City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas on upcoming matters —- Hubbardston MA Town Meeting Results and Project Discussion with Administrator Nathan Boudreau —-Cornelius Shea – Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives running against James McGovern for the 2nd Congressional District.
- Update 8-23-24 (8/23/2024)
The Gardner City Clerk’s office is having a special Saturday voter registration session August 24th from 9am to 5pm in Perry Auditorium. Last day to register to vote for the upcoming September 3rd State Primary (other offices – Presidential Primary held earlier this year.)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City
On August 23, 2024, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson provided an update for residents of the Chair City. Listen on any device., CLICK PLAY.
Openings: Jersey Mike’s Sub Shop opened 15 minutes early and closed late due to the number of people waiting. Remaining storefronts at Timpany Crossroads will be filled by a dentist and a swimming pool company. According to Mayor Nicholson, “We’re almost at 40 businesses in 2024 alone.” In Downtown Gardner, Diamond Hearts Studios is having an opening on September 20th at noon.
Insurance: The Mayor reiterated that insurance was fully covering Fire Department roof damaged by a storm last February and fully covering damaged playground equipment at Ovila Case.
Longest Land Court Case: 94 Pleasant Street, Gardner is available for purchase after being declared surplus recently by the Gardner City Council. It took Gardner 30 years to take the property after a land court case was filed in 1992. Contact the City’s Purchasing Department if interested in the RFP process for the property.
Rear Main Street Project: Bids being opened on Wednesday August 28th. “The project for this includes the parking lot, the public park area, the food truck plaza, the water feature…. Phase two will be the residential part of it which will be you know some type of housing unit and parking for the people who live there...”
Events: International Overdose Day and Night of Hope is Wednesday August 28th. Saturday August 31st is the Elks Riders Lodge 1426 Charity Ride.
- GAAMHA 8-23-24 (8/23/2024)
GAAMHA plans to hold its 2nd annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser this Fall. Last year, over 500 Christmas trees were sold. This year visitors will be able to meet two of the rarest ponies on earth, Hope and Chestnutt.
GAAMHA’s Shawn Hayden on Pony Births and Ongoing Family of Services
Gardner Magazine spoke with GAAMHA President and CEO Shawn Hayden about the recent births of rare Newfoundland Ponies Hope and Chesnutt and about the many services offered by GAAMHA. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY
Shawn Hayden 8-23-24 About the ponies Shawn Hayden stated, “For the last couple of years, one of the groups of animals we’ve been caring for through our program are these Newfoundland ponies. And Newfoundland ponies are quite literally the rarest ponies in the world. It’s a breed that nearly went extinct a couple of decades ago…. A couple years ago we connected with the Newfoundland Pony Conservancy Center, a group of just hardworking people doing their best to save that breed. And so we’ve been home to anywhere between 9 and 11 ponies at different times and trying to support their network of rescues and breeders.” A stallion from Maine impregnated two mares, Dreamer and Shandy, resulting in the recent births. With only about 15 births worldwide each year of this breed, 2 births at one location is an extremely notable event.
We also spoke with Shawn about GAAMHA’s continuing services to the community and various programs offered for those with mental health and substance abuse disorders. For more information about any of the services, please visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Phase 1 (8/23/2024)
Hubbardston MA Town Meeting Overwhelmingly Approves Phase 1 of Project
According to the Town of Hubbardston website, “The 48 Gardner Road Phase 1 Proposal has officially passed, with strong support from the community—339 votes in favor to 33 against. This approval marks a critical milestone as we begin the much-needed renovations and upgrades to our public safety facilities, ensuring that Hubbardston remains a safe and thriving place for all residents.” Note that this vote was 91% YES and only 9% NO. Many supporters credited Hubbardston Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau for being completely transparent and detailed in presenting the idea which will have two more phases pending Town Meeting approval at future dates.
The project will bring Police, Fire, Emergency Services, and Town Offices to one facility over time and allow for modernization to current standards. The YES vote allows Hubbardston to proceed with the purchase of the 48 Gardner Road property. It will immediately start saving money as Hubbardston is currently a tenant on the property. Lease payments from other tenants are expected to more than cover any monthly costs.
- Always Ready (8/22/2024)
Gardner Fire Department Always at the Ready – To Respond – To Serve – to Praise Others
The Gardner Fire Department is always ready. “Always Ready” to respond to any of a number of emergencies throughout the year. On August 22, 2024 it honored two firefighters who work for the Town of Hubbardston but are often seen helping at fires in Gardner.
The Gardner Fire Department posted, “Congratulations to Captain Troy Casey and Chief Robert Hayes on reaching 30 years of Service with Hubbardston Fire. An Engine company from Hubbardston Fire is called to the scene on every second alarm fire here in Gardner, and both Captain Casey and Chief Hayes have worked many, many fires in Gardner with us over their 30 year careers. “
Just a few days ago, the Gardner Fire Department and so many individuals in the Chair City gave a send off to recently deceased Fire Department Chaplain Reverend David Cote who served for more than 30 years. The Gardner Fire Department makes frequent posts on Facebook. Here is their page.
- BOH 8-19-24 (8/22/2024)
Gardner Board of Health Discusses Solid Waste Landfill Concerns
Gardner Health Director Micah Blondeau informed the Board of Health that he is awaiting final plans for erosion repairs at the Landfill. Resident Alan Rousseau has property abutting the sanitary landfill site and spoke to the Board about his concerns. Other discussions revolved around plans for 827 Green Street. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 8-19-24 Not discussed at the Board of Health meeting was the Giving Greenhouse at 25 Baker Street in Gardner. With respect to the current setup which reportedly is not dispensing food, Blondeau stated to Gardner Magazine, “I can’t speak on behalf of other city departments, but the Health Department has no concerns.”
Publisher’s Note: At the beginning of the meeting, there was a lengthy discussion about how the meeting minutes are prepared by Micah Blondeau and his use of the word “we”. We found it rather cringeworthy, odd, and unfair to Blondeau. See for yourself – Aren’t they refreshingly complete and don’t they serve the public interest well? CLICK HERE.
- ZBA 8-20-24 (8/22/2024)
Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Tackles 3 Interesting Cases
The Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals had 4 members at its meeting of August 20, 2024 and 3 interesting cases. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Zoning Board of Appeals 8-20-24 At First there were 2 driveways: The applicant is trying to get its 2nd driveway back after it got curbed over when sidewalks were revamped.
The Mobile Home Debacle – The application was withdrawn without prejudice so that it could be refiled. The issue is relocating a mobile home on a property with proximity to wetlands and edges of the property.
Wall in the Wrong Place – A contractor putting an outside wall in the wrong place complicated compliance with a Special Permit. The Board is working with the applicant to get things back on track.
- GRA 8-21-24 (8/21/2024)
Gardner Redevelopment Authority: from left: Magnus Carlberg, Timothy Horrigan, Neill Jansssens, Trevor Beauregard and Paul Tassone (on phone)
For the opportunities presenting themselves in this article, please contact the Development Department at the City of Gardner. They’ll put you in touch with the appropriate broker and you can snap up one or both of the parcels. Website, CLICK HERE.
Progress Discussed at Gardner Redevelopment Authority Meeting
The Gardner Redevelopment Authority met on August 21, 2024 regarding Urban Renewal Plan including Downtown Gardner and the Mill Street Corridor. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Rear Main Street Project: The bid will be opened towards the end of August regarding the multi-million dollar Rear Main Street Project. Construction will be starting this Fall to include a large oval-shaped parking lot with about 100 public parking spaces and a large oval park in between. There will be a patio area with a water feature. The electrical infrastructure will be underground.
Mill Street Corridor: The cap on the former Garbose Metal site was recently checked. A new real estate broker was recently hired and the intent is to market the properly heavily. Trevor Beauregard told us that the property is currently zoned for industrial use. An opportunity awaits some business owner.
140 South Main Street: available and suitable for many activities.
- Jersey Mike Opens (8/21/2024)
Jersey Mike’s Opens in Gardner MA
Gardner now has another place for delicious subs as Jersey Mike’s opened on August 21, 2024 at Timpany Crossroads.
Elsewhere in Gardner, Five Below has been open a couple of weeks in the Timpany Plaza. Another place to eat, Chipotle is expected to open in the months ahead. The Chipotle Building construction continues to proceed.
In Downtown Gardner, Candor Realty reports that it is awaiting permits so that construction of Brilla Coffee’s new facility can proceed. At the Garbose Building, the developer reports that the lack of electric service is holding up construction. Note that there is a transformer shortage nationwide.
- Covid August 2024 (8/18/2024)
Overall Covid Case Numbers are Low – Other Published Reports Inaccurate
The charts we show demonstrate clearly that there is an ebb and flow to Covid cases where they go up and down over time. Overall, the numbers are very low. They are considerably lower than January of this year. But even those numbers can be misleading as the chart showing case numbers since the beginning of the pandemic show very low current numbers in comparison.
There are some local published reports which inaccurately describe Covid Case numbers as being on the rise. In truth, they go up and down and are considerably lower than January of this year. For the latest information you can look at yourself directly from, click here. In Gardner, the case rate this season is 122.1 per 100,000 residents. The website will give you detailed stats per City or Town., CLICK HERE.
Always seek vaccine advice from your own family doctor who knows your accurate history.
- Gardner Rail (8/17/2024)
Rail Service to Gardner a Real Possibility for the future
Right now, it’s a conceptual planning study requiring many more steps before any construction would occur. The Study was done by MassDOT as directed by the Massachusetts Legislature 4 years ago to examine the benefits, costs, and investments necessary to implement a new passenger rail service that would be a competitive travel option along the Northern Tier, connecting North Adams, Greenfield, and Boston. The attached 112 page document – CLICK HERE – details the study which documents various alternatives. In order for anything to proceed, it would need to be funded. The study anticipates many more steps along the way.
In a draft of the Northern Tier Passenger Rail Study Report, Gardner would get a station in a similar location to what it had years ago. At one time the parking lot on the west side of the former Jade II restaurant was the location of the original Union Station. The study notes that the track running between Pearson Boulevard-Chestnut Street and Route 2 would provide an opportunity for a 510 foot platform. Potential parking is noted as a small lot between the former D’Angelo’s Restaurant and the Tender Heart facility. The attached study outlines various possibilities and alternatives.
- Hotline 8-17-24 (8/17/2024)
WGAW Hotline Show Highlights Community Progress on Saturday August 17, 2024
WGAW Hotline Radio Host Steve Wendell and his guests highlight events, progress, and plans in the Greater Gardner area. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 8-17-24 WGAW Hotline Radio is heard Saturdays noon to 2pm on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere in the world.
Hotline featured Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson who reminded residents about the weed removal taking place in the Downtown area and upcoming street sweeping. The Mayor spoke about the progress of the monthly Farmers Market which had 850 attend last month and took place again on August 17th. Nicholson spoke of various events and openings. The Mayor was on live with remarks about services for the Reverend David Cote who served the City for decades.
Steve Wendell Commented Regarding Hotline and Today’s Show, thanking guests and listeners.
Steve Wendell 8-17-24 Hotline featured progress on the educational front with a segment outlining the agreement between Mount Wachusett Community College and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Mount students can transfer to WPI. Hotline featured various individuals including administrators, educators, and students.
Hotline featured progress in the Chair City during a discussion with City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas. Kazinskas reminded all that this is the first year that ARPA funding is gone but also stated, “We’ve done really well financially in the City, and we’re very lucky….People are looking at Gardner and say, well, they’ve managed their money well, so let’s give them a grant….in Gardner, we do a lot of grant work, we get a lot of grant money. It’s because we apply for it, we seek it out, and when we find something that’s a good fit, we pursue it responsibly…”
Hotline featured progress in the town of Hubbardston with a discussion concerning the proposal for purchasing 48 Gardner Road for eventual use as town offices, police, and fire. On the Hotline: Hubbardston Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau, Kari Sacramone, chair of the Public Safety Committe, and Selectboard Chair Jeff Williams.
Hotline featured a commentary by Werner Poegel who spoke about politics today turning good people into purveyors of nonsense and urged civil discussion.
- Update 8-16-24 (8/16/2024)
Detailed Mayor’s Update Highlights Projects, Events, and Openings
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updated the Chair City on August 16, 2024 in a detailed update. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 8-17-24 Happening in Gardner: National Night Out canceled due to weather for the 2nd time – a small resource fair will be held at City Hall in October —- The DPW is removing weeds from Downtown sidewalks using a white vinegar and dish soap mixture and sweeping the streets —- Band camp is fully underway and teachers are starting up in classrooms next week. —– Crews will be working on the Uptown Rotary on Monday. —- Salt Shed approved and construction will start soon at DPW.
This weekend: Saturday August 17, 2024 is the Farmers Market at Waterford from 9:30am to 1pm. —- Funeral services for Reverend David Cote on Saturday at Perry Auditorium. —- Concert at Monument Park is Saturday from 5-7pm.
Opening Next Week: Jersey Mike’s opens August 21, 2024. Get a free sub with a $3 donation to the Gardner High School Wildcat Band.
Replacement Tree: Temporary fix will be first with a permanent tree this Fall to replace the tree by the Spanish-American War Monument.
- Planning 8-13-24 (8/14/2024)
Planning Board Approves Salt Shed – Not Affecting Wetlands
The Gardner Planning Board on August 13, 2024 approved the Definitive Site Plan for the new DPW Salt Shed. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Planning Board 8-13-24 The 9100 square foot salt shed is identified by the rectangle on the property shown in our graphic. According to the site plan and the engineering report, the proposed project is not expected to have any impact on the environment. Engineering report stated that no work would be performed within jurisdictional areas of the Wetlands Protection Act. While a Gardner resident showed up at the last moments of the public hearing and voiced opposition, the Planning Board ignored his statements in favor of the objective data before it. The DPW Salt Shed Definitive Site Plan was approved unanimously. It is not known whether the Conservation Commission will even need to take up the matter.
- Night out…out (8/14/2024)
The rescheduled National Night Out in Gardner has been canceled.
This was the post from the Gardner Community Action Committee: “We have decided to cancel the event due to chance of inclement weather tomorrow afternoon. There was a lot of work and resources put into trying to make this event happen (twice), but I guess Mother Nature was not going to cooperate this year. We are planning on hosting a resource fair and free cookout in October at the Gardner City Hall Auditorium and hope to see you all there! Details will be posted soon! Thank you for your patience and understanding!” Event was originally scheduled last week and was rained out at the last minute only to be rescheduled for August 15th – NOW CANCELED.
- 48 Gardner Road (8/14/2024)
Hubbardston residents will gather at a Special Town Meeting, 7pm Thursday, August 22, 2024 at the Hubbardston Center School to decide on whether to proceed with Phase 1 of the project.
A new facility was rejected in a previous vote. Town Leaders are hoping this creative idea will have support of the public. The interview with Boudreau and Couture explains more.
Interview August 14, 2024 Out-of-Box Thinking Yields Solution to Hubbardston Crisis of Facilities
Gardner Magazine spoke with Hubbardston Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau and Hubbardston Police Chief Ryan Couture on August 14, 2024 about a 3 Phase Plan to Purchase and Utilize 48 Gardner Road, Hubbardston for Town Needs. It is the subject of a Special Town Meeting August 22nd at 7pm. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
The Town Hall, Police Station, and town-owned Fire Department facilities have space and structural issues. Population of Hubbardston 50 years ago was about 1500, increasing to 2800 in 1990, 3900 in 2000, and leveling off to about 4300 today. Town Hall in the 1970s was supposed to be temporary. The police station is in the basement of the library. Fire stations are split up and town-owned locations have issues. A new structure would cost $15 to $20 million due to prevailing wage laws. Purchasing 48 Gardner Road for $700k and then spending money incrementally at the location would end up being half the cost. Potentially, cost could be substantially reduced through grants.
Phase Action Contemplated Phase 1 Initial Renovation and Preparation including building purchase, code compliance and plans, new roof, siding, and window. Total up to: $1.4 million Phase 2 Creation of space for Town Hall, Meeting, Public Safety and Training, Fire Department, Police Department, and various Storage. Total up to: $7.576 million Phase 3 Additional Apparatus Storage and Sally Port, and Emergency Generator. Total up to: $887,500 COMPLETE DETAILS CLICK HERE The Town of Hubbardston Prepared Videos to Showcase the Issues to Residents. Have a look at the police and fire facilities and understand the need. Just CLICK PLAY.
- CMS Ratings (8/12/2024)
Heywood Healthcare Scores Big in CMS Hospital Quality Rating
When Heywood Hospital filed for Chapter 11 last Fall, it announced that priority was patient care. An objective rating of both Heywood and Athol Hospitals proves it has kept that promise and then some. Both Heywood Hospital and Athol Hospital have received a 4-Star CMS Hospital Quality Rating in July 2024 results. Just under 25% of all hospitals in the entire country (and there are 4,658) have this rating or higher. Only 8.2% of hospitals in the country have a higher rating. Hospital Quality Ratings measure Safety of Care, Mortality, Patient Experience, Readmission Rates, and Timely & Effective Care.
To learn more about the CMS Hospital Quality Star Rating, CLICK HERE.
More information on the distribution of ratings, CLICK HERE.
- Weed Removal (8/12/2024)
Environmentally Safe Weed Removal in Gardner MAGardner City Hall has announced that the Department of Public Works “will be working to remove the weeds from the sidewalks in areas of the Downtown beginning this week. To be environmentally friendly and safe to our pets, the solution used is a mixture of water, dish soap, and vinegar. As a result, areas treated may smell like vinegar for a brief period while the solution settles. This should fade shortly after applied.” Weed removal is week of August 12, 2024.
Gardner Magazine’s graphic shows an accurate before and after photo when this solution has been applied elsewhere.
Gardner’s Mayor, Michael Nicholson received an Environmental Endorsement in 2023. See previous article, CLICK HERE. At the time, the Mayor stated, “I’m proud of the work we’ve done in Gardner to reduce our carbon footprint, improve our energy efficiency, and be more green. I look forward to continuing that work in the future here in the Chair City.” In Gardner, the Conservation Commission and Planning Board take the lead on protecting the environment as projects come their way.
- Proactive 2024 (8/12/2024)
Residents who are interested can contact the Town Manager via email at
Winchendon’s Town Manager Takes Proactive Action in Advance of Budget Concerns
Inflation is causing budget problems for Massachusetts communities including Winchendon. Very simply, costs are going up quicker than tax levies can keep up. Solution is cutting costs or raising property taxes through Proposition 2 ½ overrides. Winchendon Town Manager Bill McKinney is attempting to get out ahead of a projected problem with the Fiscal 2026 Town Budget. Of the $35 million budget, $15 million comes from property taxes, and it’s off by at least $1.5 million for the next fiscal year. We spoke with McKinney about the ad hoc committee he is forming to study the budget in detail and we talked about some of the numbers. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Bill McKinney Interview 8-12-24 The ad hoc committee being formed to study the budget in detail will be composed of the Town Manager, representatives from Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Finance Committee, and 3 residents. Meeting schedule will be created once it has been formed and it will likely meet a couple of times per month. McKinney stated, “I want the residents to, you know, to have a say in what kind of town they want.”
McKinney told us about 3 big problems totaling a one million dollar increase. 1. Debt is increasing with principal payments due in Fiscal 2026. 2. Health insurance is going up 10%. 3. Pension contribution is going up 10%. Other items include the significant increase in school transportation costs. Town Manager Bill McKinney explained that “everything is out on our website” Visit Town of Winchendon website, CLICK HERE.
- Magazine Milestone (8/12/2024)
Gardner Magazine Starts 25th Year
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel stated, “Gardner Magazine was started as on August 4, 2000 with the Gardner Magazine name added later. We are proud to serve a circulation exceeding 20,000+ unique households. Businesses wishing to establish an advertising presence with our publication may leave a voicemail at (978) 632-6324. We can handle almost any desired ad format whether text, visual, AUDIO, or VIDEO.”
Are you a reader and wish to support us? We do not charge any subscription fees but do accept donations via this secure paypal link, CLICK HERE.
- Week of Meetings (8/12/2024)
Busy Work Week of Commissions, Boards, and Committees in Gardner MA – 7 Meetings
August 12th: Conservation Commission meets regarding Wetlands issues regarding various properties. AGENDA
August 13th: Gardner Planning Board meets regarding the Definitive Site Plan for the new Salt Shed at DPW. AGENDA
August 14th: Airport Commission meets regarding a runway and master plan update and hears the Airport Manager Report. AGENDA
August 14th: Capital Improvement Plan Meeting of the Capital Improvement CommitTee with the purpose of discussing and comments on revisions to the Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Project/Item List. AGENDA
August 15th: Public Welfare Committee meets regarding the addition of an “Agricultural Commission” . This item was first on the calendar back in March. AGENDA
August 15th: Historical Commission meets regarding the Old Burying Ground and tombstone replacement and resetting stones. AGENDA
August 20th: Zoning Board of Appeals meets regarding various properties. Agenda, CLICK HERE.
- One Dollar House (8/11/2024)
Gardner Has Rooming House for Sale – for $1 – So What’s the Catch?
The former rooming house is located at 94 Pleasant Street in Gardner, next to the Fidelity Bank parking lot and across the street from Gardner City Hall. An appraiser gave it an appraised value of $0 for two reasons: (1) Repairs needed on the property exceed its value (2) Cost to demolish the building exceeds the value of the lot.
If you’re very handy, perhaps you can make it work. You would submit the Request for Proposal. All of the RFP’s on this property will be reviewed. While the minimum bid is $1 due to the appraised value, approval would hinge on what you would do with the property. Gardner will approve whatever is deemed in the best interests of the City. So do you want your $1 Rooming House?
The property at 94 Pleasant Street in Gardner has been vacant for years. For more information, contact the City of Gardner.
- Ashburnham Rescue (8/11/2024)
Ashburnham Fire Department Trains with new Rescue Boat
On August 11, 2024, The Ashburnham Fire Department posted pictures and this statement online, “AFD’s new rescue boat (2B1) on its maiden training run. Crews practiced navigation and multiple water rescues utilizing new equipment including throw ropes, flotation devices and onboarding victims from the water. More training to come to be able to deliver appropriate resources to Ashburnham and surrounding towns. Shout out to FF/Medic Mark Vitale for managing the purchase and leading the training for this new resource.”
- August – Westminster (8/11/2024)
Westminster MA is Active in August 2024
The Town of Westminster held its Town Benefit Day on Sunday August 11, 2024. If you missed it, don’t miss the rest of the Westminster “South Street Sentinel” for August. It features a useful list of suggested supplies for Westminster Elementary School students which is helpful for students enrolled in any district. There is an extensive list of events coming up this Summer and Fall. The Ashburnham – Westminster National Night Out is being held August 13, 2024 from 5:30 to 89pm at Oakmont Reginal High School, 9 Oakmont Drive in Ashburnham. The Westminster Farmers’ Market is open Fridays from 3-6pm on Academy Hill. The Health Department has tips on preventing rats. There’s 15 pages of information in the August South Street Sentinel. CLICK HERE.
Westminster Parks and Recreation Summer Concert Series is presenting The Final Mike on August 24th from 5-7pm at Academy Hill. Admission is FREE. Food and Ice Cream available to purchase.
- Winchendon News (8/11/2024)
New Superintendent – New Ad Hoc Committee in Winchendon MA News
The Town of Winchendon has been making news this year with its budget challenges. The Town meeting overwhelmingly approved the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget at a July town meeting after rejecting it at a previous meeting. At the July 18th School Committee meeting it was suggested that the initial rejection was a rebuke of Superintendent Goguen who was not well-liked by residents and was the subject of a no confidence vote by teachers. Goguen opted not to continue in the role and at this July meeting new interim Superintendent Dr. Marc Gosselin was selected. Gosselin started work this past Monday August 5th. We have the AUDIO of the complete lengthy discussion. Listen on any device.
BOS – School Committee 7-18-24 Complete Because it is expected that the Fiscal Year 2026 budget will be challenging, Winchendon is acting proactively to start planning right now. The Board of Selectmen recently authorized the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to work with the Town Manager to work on the FY26 budget. This group will consist of 6 members. One each from the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and School Committee and three residents. The committee will discuss town finances including the need for a Proposition 2 ½ override. The recommendations from the committee will include the amount to be requested for an override, when to schedule the vote by the Town, and what would happen to the Town (including schools) budget if an override is not successful. Winchendon is looking for three residents to serve. If interested email Town Manager Bill McKinney:
- MWCC Fall (8/11/2024)
MWCC Gets Ready for the Fall
There are over 70 degree and certificate programs. —- MWCC offers quick semesters with 7 week courses, next one starts September 4th. —-Enrollment Express is August 13th in Gardner and August 15th in Leominster. MWCC website, CLICK HERE. Haven’t registered for classes yet? The time is now.
FREE Community College
A provision in the recently signed $58 billion Massachusetts budget provides free community college in Massachusetts. In addition to FREE tuition and NO fees, there is also an allowance of up to $1,200 per academic year for books, supplies and other expenses. Each student’s allowance amount is determined based on household income. The Governor’s office states that much of the $117.5 million for the initiative is coming from the so called “millionaires’ Tax” in Massachusetts. Last year, community college was made free for those 25 and older who did not yet have a college degree.
- Temple Stuart Hazard (8/11/2024)
EPA Removal Action to Take Care of Dangerous PCBs at Temple Stuart
The factory has been inactive for years, but the chemicals known as PCBs at the site remained. The site located at 24 Holman Street in Baldwinville was targeted in the Spring of 2023 for cleanup and the short-term cleanup began in July 2024 under the supervision of the Massachusetts Department of Environment Protection. Goal of EPA is to help communities safely and sustainably redevelop once used commercial property.
About PCBs from the EPA: “PCBs belong to a broad family of man-made organic chemicals known as chlorinated hydrocarbons. PCBs were domestically manufactured from 1929 until manufacturing was banned in 1979. …Exposure to high levels of PCBs or exposure for long amounts of time may cause health effects. Health effects that hav been associated with exposure to PCBs includew acne-like skin conditions in adults and neurobehavioral and immunological changes in children. PCBs are known to cause cancer in animals.”
- Dinghy 2024 (8/11/2024)
Cardboard and Duct Tape Utilized in Upcoming 7th Annual Hubbardston Dinghy Dash
The 7th Annual Dinghy Dash is Saturday, August 24, 2024 on Brigham Pond starting at 10am. This year there are 3 categories: Single Occupant Adult, Single Occupant Youth, and Group Vessel. Entry deadline is August 19th.
Rules specify that these boats can be made of nothing but cardboard and duct tape. Registration is $20 per dinghy. The fastest race time without sinking wins in each category. $750 in gift cards are awarded with a 1st prize of $150 and a 2nd prize of $100 in each category. Complete rules, CLICK HERE for printable pdf. Additional trophies will also be awarded.
The dinghy boats can have up to 4 occupants and all must wear life vests. Store-bought paddles are allowed. Captain and crew must still be in the boat when crossing the finish line to qualify as non-sinking. Rain date is the following day, August 25th.
- ADU 2024 (8/9/2024)
“This new policy replaces a patchwork of zoning regulations across the state with a uniform law that allows homeowners on single-family lots to add these small units without needing a special permit or variance unless they want to add more than one. Construction of ADUs is still subject to local building codes. The Healey-Driscoll Administration estimates that between 8,000 and 10,000 ADUs will be built across the state over the next five years due to passage of the law.”
Accessory Dwelling Units Allowed by Right Under New Law
The Affordable Homes Act has been signed by Governor Maura Healey. Intention is to build or save 65,000 homes through $5.1 billion in authorizations and 49 policy initiatives. More information, right here.
Part of the bill allows Accessory Dwelling Units under 900 square feet by right on single-family lots. According to the Press Release, “Often referred to as in-law apartments, accessory dwelling units can be attached or detached from a single-family home and often take shape as a basement or attic conversion, a cottage in a backyard or a bump-out addition to a home.“We spoke with State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik about the signing of the housing bill, ADU’s and the possibility of Tiny Housing Villages for the homeless. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jonathan Zlotnik on ADUs We spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about ADU’s and Tiny House Villages. Gardner already has had an organization reach out to it regarding land for a Tiny House Village. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor Michael Nicholson on ADUs
- Update 8-9-24 (8/9/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on August 9, 2024
It’s Tax Free Weekend this Saturday August 10th and Sunday August 11th and National Night out is postponed until August 15th. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update August 9, 2024 Events: Concert at Monument Park, 4EverFab will run from 6pm to 8pm. The earlier time will begin the following week. ===== Monthly Farmer’s Market at the Waterford Community Center will be held on Saturday, August 17th from 9:30am to 1pm ==== International Overdose Day and the Annual Night of Hope is Wednesday August 26th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Monument Park ====
Changes: MART Route changes take place on September 3rd
- 4Ever Fab Time (8/9/2024)
4EverFab Playing 6-8pm at Monument Park in Gardner this Saturday
There’s some confusion over the start time of the band on August 10, 2024. In his weekly update, Mayor Nicholson confirmed the start time as 6pm. City of Gardner website has a corrected time of 6pm. The band’s website still lists 5pm as of the publication of this article. Band website, CLICK HERE.
- City Council Meeting 8-5-24 (8/6/2024)
City Council Tackles Remainder of 700 page Agenda After Racetrack Vote
The Gardner City Council put the Racetrack issue behind it in the first portion of the meeting, took a short recess, and then resumed the agenda. Complete document, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council August 5, 2024 As to all of the communications on the agenda, please view previous article, CLICK HERE
Prior to the City Council Meeting on August 5th, the Finance Committee heard explanations from Mayor Michael Nicholson regarding upcoming items. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Finance Committee August 5, 2024 Finance Committee: Judy Mack, Elizabeth Kazinskas and Alek Dernalowicz with Mayor Michael Nicholson
- Zlotnik Votes (8/6/2024)
State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik Touts 100% Voting Record
State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik posted, “The very last roll call vote of the formal session was on the Housing Bond Bill. For me it marked 12 years without missing a vote, for 2,539 consecutive roll call votes.” We spoke with Jonathan Zlotnik about this achievement. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jonathan Zlotnik on Voting Record Is there something significant about the number 2,539 other than reflecting that Zlotnik has shown up for every vote in the last 12 years? Yes.
2,539 is a prime number from 2001-3000. 2,539 has 2 factors, 1 and 2,539. It is the 371st prime number, and the 68th prime number from 2001-3000. Interestingly, at the time of Zlotnik’s post it was 68 degrees in Gardner MA on August 6, 2024Jonathan Zlotnik has served since January 2, 2013 as the Representative for the 2nd Worcester District.
In Astrology, is there a significance to the number 2,539? Yes. In terms of money and career, the number 2539 indicates a period of abundance and prosperity. It suggests that your hard work and dedication will pay off, leading to financial rewards and career advancements. It is important to stay focused, maintain a positive mindset, and seize opportunities as they arise. For more information visit this page, CLICK HERE. Biblical Numerology: It signifies that you are being supported by divine forces and are on the right path towards fulfilling your purpose and destiny.
- Tax Free 2024 (8/6/2024)
Two Days to Beat the Tax Man in Greater Gardner MA
On Saturday August 10th and Sunday August 11th, most items under $2500 purchased for personal use in Massachusetts will be exempt from the 6.25% sales tax.
Great time to buy that TV you don’t need or that new washer and dryer you’ve been putting off. You’ll even save on renting a backhoe for the weekend.
How much can you save? On a $500 item, you save $31.25. On a $1000 item, you save $62.50. On a new $30 toaster, you’ll save $1.88. If you choose to put your purchases on a high interest credit card, the interest will soon wipe out any savings you get.
For specifics and exclusions direct from the State of Massachusetts website, CLICK HERE.
- 11 Nos (8/5/2024)
Councilors consistently referenced risks, concerns about items not addressed completely, and opposition of most constituents contacting them.
Gardner City Council Votes Unanimously Against the Horse Racetrack
Gardner City Council voted 11 to 0 against the Horse Racetrack proposal by BayState Racing LLC. The City Council discussed the matter before the vote. Listen to the beginning of the meeting, the discussion, and the vote on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Beginning of Meeting – Discussion – Vote 8-5-24 After the vote, the Host Community Agreement was taken off the calendar as it was now moot.
WGAW Radio carried the discussion and vote LIVE on AM 1340, 98.1FM, and streamed live to anywhere in the world.
Gardner Magazine will publish the entire August 5, 2024 City Council meeting when AUDIO is available.
BayState Racing LLC released the following statement on August 6, 2024: “While tonight’s vote isn’t what we had hoped for, we appreciate the City Council hearing our proposal. Tonight would have given us the opportunity to continue with the process and work with the city on Baystate Park. We will continue to work with the Massachusetts horse community on finding a welcoming location for them to breed, race and retire thoroughbred horses.”
- Electric – Library (8/5/2024)
Transformer at the Library Transformer at Levi Heywood Memorial Library needed to be reset by National Grid to restore full power to the building.
Gardner Library Closed due to Electrical Issues
Levi Heywood Memorial Library on Monday August 5, 2024 posted, “Important Notice: The Library will be closed until further notice due to electrical issues. Our team is currently assessing the problem and working hard to resolve it. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and will update you as soon as we have more information. Thank you for your patience and understanding!”
Update: It has been advised that we shut all power off in the building while we wait for National Grid. This means no phones, internet, or lights. We will be closed for the rest of today Monday, August 5. We will update everyone in the morning on the library’s open/closed status.Update August 6, 2024: Library Director Stephanie Young wrote to explain what happened. “National Grid’s transformer outside the library building experienced an error, causing internal systems to trip. Despite partial power to the building, National Grid needed to reset the transformer, likely due to Sunday’s storms. The main electrical panel did not have full power, affecting the elevator, some lighting, and HVAC systems. To prevent further damage, our electrician recommended shutting down the main breaker switch until National Grid resolved the issue. This problem was not fully resolved until late evening.”
- Night Out 2024 (8/5/2024)
11th Annual Greater Gardner Nation Night Out – August 8, 2024
The 11th Annual Greater Gardner National Night Out will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2024 from 5:30 to 8pm at Gardner High School, 200 Catherine Street in Gardner. Activities include bounce houses, obstacle courses, basketball hoops, hydro blaster, a new trackless train ride, charity dunk tank, live band entertainment, a reptile show, and more.
FOOD is FREE and includes hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream, and other refreshments.
ENTERTAINMENT is FREE and includes Live Band Entertainment
National Night Out is sponsored by the Gardner Community Action Team. For more information, CLICK HERE for their web page.
- Xerox Retraction (8/3/2024)
Copy of actual email sent to City of Gardner. At least 1 signer of Xeroxed Open Meeting Law Complaints verifies she did not know what she was signing.
At Least One of OML Xerox Complaint Signers Retracts, DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS SIGNING.
Kayla Halfrey wrote: “So also please take me out of this opening meeting law complaint i signed this without knowing what it meant and no longer interested in this complaint or fighting it.” Halfrey was apparently one of 13 individuals asked to sign an identical Open Meeting Law Complaint prepared by Paul DeMeo and then all filed by Paul DeMeo. DeMeo insisted live on WGAW Radio on August 3, 2024 that each individual wouldn’t have signed it unless they agreed with what it said. At least in this case, that is completely false as written by this person. Gardner Magazine can’t speculate on how many other signers “signed this without knowing what it meant“ See previous article on Complaint Xeroxing, CLICK HERE.
- Path from Here (8/3/2024)
The late, famous newscaster Walter C. voiced this editorial for us. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Editorial with Walter C. 8-3-24 Editorial Commentary – Path from Here – the Racetrack
BayState Racing LLC submitted a revised Host Community Agreement in which it substantially increased the financial rewards for Gardner. It answered every citizen and City Council mentioned concern in a considered, respectful manner. Accordingly, out of fairness, the City Council should allow more time for review. Certainly there are emotions involved whether it’s animal care or water, but in reality, those two issues have already been solved in concept and will be objectively addressed in any mandated obligations of the project proponent. What’s left is a bias against horse racing and/or gambling shared by many. But is that fair? Think of this: I personally don’t like animal racing, gambling, lottery tickets, alcohol sales, cigarette sales, cannabis establishments, and motorcycles. But, with that said, a consistent application of fairness would give this group due consideration. And who knows, upon review, even the staunchest opponents might just see “all the answers” and “all the rewards” for Gardner. Werner Poegel, Publisher.
- Hotline 8-3-24 (8/3/2024)
WGAW Hotline Radio takes Calls on August 3, 2024 – Program Extended by more than 1 hour
The program included Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, Veronica Patty regarding National Night out, an interview with John Stefanini, and numerous phone calls from the public which extended the program past 3 o’clock. Listen to the program on any device, CLICK PLAY
Hotline Radio August 3, 2024 Except for a few callers, all of the callers to the program were in opposition to the Racetrack. The biggest concern expressed was for the water supply. After a commentary by Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel, Paul DeMeo called in and complained that it contained what he termed a personal attack by “Judy Mack”. Other callers expressed their concerns for the AUDIO system in Perry Auditorium, saying it was shi**y and that the Open Meeting Law complaints were valid. The program was extended for over an hour. Hotline Radio is heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere in the world. For the 24/7 live stream, CLICK HERE.
- AMLP Rates (8/3/2024)
Many Electric Customers in Ashburnham to see Lower Rates
Effective September 1, 2024, the Ashburnham Municipal Light Plant is separating the Customer Charge, Distribution Charge, and Purchased Power Charge. The result creates a small decrease in the monthly bill for many customers. For example the total bill for a residential customer using 750 kilowatt hours is currently $146.03 and would decrease to $135.22. Details are shown in the graphic. Details can be found at the AMLP website, CLICK HERE. A helpful rate calculator is also provided so any customer can input their information and make a custom comparison. Rate calculator, CLICK HERE.
AMLP states on their website: “As a local non-profit, we are dedicated to ensuring our customers receive reliable power, affordable rates, and excellent customer service.”
- Upcoming 8-5-24 (8/2/2024)
Document may be digital but 700 Pages is still HUGE
The Gardner MA City Council Agenda and packet for the upcoming Monday, August 5, 2024 meeting is 700 pages. Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
The Council will consider various appointments. —The Council is scheduled to vote to determine if a track of land located at 827 Green Street be approved as the location of a running horse racing track. It is also scheduled to consider an Ordinance to add the “Agricultural Commission” which has been postponed at meetings since March. —– Perry Auditorium will be available as an overflow room should the City Council Chamber reach capacity.
Various communications from the Mayor include:
the Bay State Racing LLC Host Community Agreement, Ovila Case Playground, the City’s new Disc Golf Course, Gubernatorial Appointments, Upcoming Paving and Infrastructure Projects, Knowlton Street Parking Lot Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Project, City’s Solar Canopy Initiative, Storefront Revitalization Districts, Projects Currently Being Funded by Federal Grant Funds,……Intermunicipal Agreement between Gardner and Princeton for Veterans Services, Intermunicipal Agreement between Gardner and Westminster for Animal Control Services, Declaring Surplus for the Purpose of Disposal (Lease) 62 Waterford Street, Declaring Surplus for sale 94 Pleasant Street, Declaring Surplus for the Purpose of leasing to a solar photovoltaic array 100 Heywood Street and 21 acres of land at the Gardner Solid Waste Landfill, Information regarding Stone Field, A resolution in support of City Application to the Community Change for Environmental Justice Communities Grant Program by the US EPA, Accepting Donations of Picnic Tables and Flyers to Gardner Farmers Market, Ordinance changing fee for solid waste collections, ordinance re sewer rates, ordinance amending Non-union Compensation Schedule, Information on the RAISE Grant, information on the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program, Mass Trails Grant Wards, On-call grant writing services, CDBG Grant programs, Federal Earmarks for Gardner.
- Bargains and Bragging (8/2/2024)
Customers Bragging about Bargains Going Shopping in Gardner MA and Noticing Progress in the Chair City
The Date: Friday, August 2, 2024. The location: Gardner, Massachusetts. Observation: Consumer Activity.
In the Timpany Plaza: The sign at Big Lots said “Bargains to Brag About”. A few doors down, the new 5 Below Store opened to a healthy crowd of shoppers. In the same plaza, Construction gurus were inside evaluating and discussing next steps at the Chipotle site. While the Chipotle site has undergone significant progress, no opening date has yet been announced.
At Nearby Timpany Crossroads, the Jersey Mike’s Subs sign was up and electrical work was underway.
Last week, hiring at Jersey Mike’s was taking place under an outside temporary shelter. Jersey Mike’s has announced an August 21, 2024 opening.
- Update 8-2-24 (8/2/2024)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson’s Update from Maki Park in Downtown Gardner
On August 2, 2024, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Weekly Update was from Maki Park in Downtown Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Weekly Update 8-2-24 Backpacks Available through Gardner CAC Backpack program – preregister at CAC website, CLICK HERE —- Also, on Saturday August 17th between 9am and 12 noon, families can grab free school supplies and backpacks at the Family Resource Center, 205 School Street, Gardner Suite 302 —
Events: Greater Gardner National Night out is August 8th from 5:30 to 8pm at Gardner High School. — The Gardner Museum has released a list of Summer and Fall events. SEE SEPARATE ARTICLE. — Gardner Public Schools start on September 3rd and the new calendar is available —- Library Book Sale is September 26-28 —-
Mayor Nicholson mentioned the CDBG Press Conference. We previously published a separate article with AUDIO, CLICK HERE.
- Baystate Racing 8-1-24 (8/1/2024)
Addressing Concerns – All the Answers – All the Rewards – Interview with John Stefanini
With concerns of citizens and the Gardner City Council in mind, BayState Racing LLC today announced an updated Host Community Agreement which would give Gardner an upfront payment of $650,000 instead of $50,000 and guarantee even stronger environmental protection. Annual guarantee would be $700,000. Links to Documents are provided below. Gardner Magazine spoke with John Stefanini on August 1, 2024. We asked some tough questions and got thoughtful answers. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Interview with John Stefanini 8-1-24 “We heard loud and clear specific concerns. We took Councilors’ and residents’ input and re-evaluated the Host Community Agreement to be better partners with the City of Gardner,” said John Stefanini, Chair of the Baystate Racing Oversight Committee.
A letter outlining the changes was sent to the City Council today along with an updated Host Community Agreement.
Documents: Host Community Agreement 8-1-24 Proposal ==== BayState Letter to City Council 8-1-24 ==== HCA Summary 8-1-24
- Capital 7-31-24 (8/1/2024)
Capital Improvement Committee Discusses How to Spend $8 million
Faced with the good news that Gardner Elementary School is about $8 million under budget, the Capital Improvement Committee discussed how to spend the money. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Capital Improvement Committee 7-31-24 Committee was generally in agreement that $4 million of the amount should go towards needs of the School Department and some were discussed. In addition, the committee decided to communicate with all City Department Heads to see if there are any needs not currently on the Capital Improvement Plan which should be there given this development.
The alternative to spending any of the $8 million which is currently in the City’s bank account is to pay down the principal on the school loan. However, that would not reduce the City’s monthly payment obligation but would end the payments 2 years earlier. Mayor Nicholson would like to use the funds already borrowed to fund urgent needs of the School Department.
- Public Service 7-29-24 (8/1/2024)
Paving Update Given During Public Service Committee Meeting
The first half of the meeting on July 29, 2024 concerned citizen appeals of water/sewer bills. The Public Service Committee adjudicates the appeals and decides on the amounts of credit awarded. DPW Director Dane Arnold spoke about paving and other updates in the 2nd half of the meeting. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Public Service Committee July 29, 2024 Director Arnold spoke of paving near the industrial park off of Pearl Street which is expected next week. Also anticipated is Timpany Boulevard and a portion of Main Street from CVS down to the rotary. Currently Unitil is doing some work on gas lines ahead of the paving. Arnold stated, “Once they’re done, we’re going to come up in the island in front of Stasukelis that has two crosswalks, one on each side of the road. We’re going to extend the island up towards the police station slightly, maybe 10-15 feet.” Arnold explained the effort is so a pedestrian can be seen in the crosswalk. Arnold outlined other streets and also stated, “We have $30 million of road that we need to pave and we can only afford $1.5 million.”
In other matters, a $40,000 contract was finalized with an outside tree contractor to do tree trimming and removal in the City. Director Arnold anticipates hiring to be easier once the union contract is finalized. DPW is currently operating on 17 staff members with 8 vacancies. Design of the Route 140 Pedestrian Bridge is going to the next stage. Arnold also explained that “we have a draft storm water and erosion control regulation, which piggybacks on our storm water ordinance.” Arnold says there have been mixed reviews about the Uptown Rotary, explaining that once the top coat of paving is on, it will be easier to drive on the mountable burr if necessary.
- City Council 7-31-24 Meeting (8/1/2024)
Gardner Magazine published a previous article on this regarding “Complaint Xeroxing”. CLICK HERE.
City Councilor Judy Mack Responds to DeMeo OML Complaints in Spirited Statement
In a special City Council Meeting on July 31, 2024, Gardner City Councilors voted to send the response drafted by Assistant City Solicitor Vincent Pusiteri to the 14 Open Meeting Law Complaints filed by Paul DeMeo on behalf of himself and 13 others. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council 7-31-24 Councilor George Tyros read the complaint stating, “I read this complaint because I don’t believe this is the way we should talk and work with each other as a community. We’re better than this. I’ve also received many positive instances of feedback and how those meetings were held that the business conducted in this room was able to be clear concise and efficient and the overflow room was adequate and residents were able to watch the meeting live. This seems like a difference of opinions and a difference of opinions is not a violation of the open meeting law.”
Councilor Judy Mack had a lengthy statement in which she called out Paul DeMeo stating, “Vindictiveness is nothing but slanderous defamation, harassment, and slander“
Here is the complete statement made by Councilor Judy Mack “I just want to as this is the last item on our agenda. I just want to again discuss the purpose of the open meeting law is to ensure transparency and the deliberations on which public policy is based because the democratic process depends on the public having knowledge about the considerations underlying government action. The open meeting law requires with some exceptions that meetings of public bodies be open to the public. It also seeks to balance the public’s interest in witnessing the deliberations of public officials with the government’s need to manage its operations efficiently. Based on this, the open meeting law complaints filed are unfounded. Did anyone look up the 48-page open meeting law guide and read it to determine if there was any evidence of a violation before taking someone else’s word? The person who first complained wasn’t happy that he didn’t get his way when he emailed demanding the council president relocate the public hearing. So in his childish way, he resorts to filing a complaint with no merit. If you were in the auditorium, did you bring up any concerns at the time? I recall some of you who filed weren’t even seated in the auditorium on July 1st. For those of you who decided to believe this was a valid complaint and allow a photo copy of someone else’s complaint to be submitted to the city clerk with your name on it, I urge you in the future to think for yourself and do your own research. Don’t get misled by one person’s influence and perspective. He will take any opportunity to complain against the city and the city council, whether it be an open meeting law violation or a public records request. These laws were not put in place to be misused by a person with a personal grievance, but for valid reasons of accountability. He constantly copies the news media and the attorney general’s office in an attempt to get his way. As a person who is not even a registered voter in the city, he makes it his mission to spread conspiracy theories and false information to others. His shameful actions, false statements, and lies know no bounds. These insults and accusations he hurls are beyond egregious and disgraceful. Civil discourse is natural in politics. I value the opinion and insight of those who truly care for this city, and the people who can make their point without it being full of bias. I implore everyone, please ask yourself, what is the truth behind nonstop defamatory statements and one-sided rhetoric on social media? Don’t continue to be swayed by one person whose vindictiveness is nothing but slanderous defamation, harassment, and slander. Please continue to care and be involved in your city, but be your own advocate. Be your own person.”
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