Copy of actual email sent to City of Gardner. At least 1 signer of Xeroxed Open Meeting Law Complaints verifies she did not know what she was signing.
At Least One of OML Xerox Complaint Signers Retracts, DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS SIGNING.
Kayla Halfrey wrote: “So also please take me out of this opening meeting law complaint i signed this without knowing what it meant and no longer interested in this complaint or fighting it.” Halfrey was apparently one of 13 individuals asked to sign an identical Open Meeting Law Complaint prepared by Paul DeMeo and then all filed by Paul DeMeo. DeMeo insisted live on WGAW Radio on August 3, 2024 that each individual wouldn’t have signed it unless they agreed with what it said. At least in this case, that is completely false as written by this person. Gardner Magazine can’t speculate on how many other signers “signed this without knowing what it meant“ See previous article on Complaint Xeroxing, CLICK HERE.