Greater Gardner MA News February 2023
- Pickleball (2/28/2023)
New Playground Equipment Approved in Gardner MA
In speaking about an approval for the DPW to purchase $200,000 of playground equipment, Gardner Mayor Nicholson stated, there’s “tons of opportunities at our playgrounds.”
Among other things, Ovila Case will be getting a pickleball court and the new Bailey Brook Park, the 5 and under playground, will be getting a pickleball court as well.
It’s going to be an exciting year for kids in the Chair City of Gardner, Massachusetts.
- Aldi (2/28/2023)
Aldi Food Store Coming to Timpany Plaza in Gardner MA
Aldi has reportedly signed a lease to move in to the remainder of the old Stop and Shop space at the Timpany Plaza in Gardner. An opening date has not yet been announced.
Aldi has currently has stores within the region in Keene, Leominster, Shrewsbury, and Nashua. The Gardner store will put its products within easy local reach. Google reviews average a solid 4.4.
Aldi sells grocery items, meat, and dairy as well as some harder to find items. Customers generally compliment the prices and quality of the products.
- Kindergarten (2/28/2023)
Gardner MA Holding Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2023
In-person Kindergarten registrations are taking place at Gardner Elementary School on March 14th from 10am to 2pm, March 15th from 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 7pm, and March 16th from 10am to 2pm. Age requirement is 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2023.
Complete information in English PDF, CLICK HERE.
Complete information in Spanish PDF, CLICK HERE
- February Storm (2/27/2023)
Snowstorm Closes Schools in Greater Gardner MA Area
As of 7:30pm on February 27, 2023, the following schools had already announced they would be CLOSED on Tuesday, February 28, 2023: (current listings and complete State list click here)
Ashburnham, Athol-Royalston Regional, Gardner, Mount Wachusett Community College, Monty Tech, Narragansett Regional, Quabbin Regional, and Winchendon. Your town may be included, check above link.
- Health – Wellness (2/27/2023)
Health and Wellness Fair for Mind, Body, and Spirit in Gardner MA
The Greater Gardner Health and Wellness Fair is being held Wednesday, March 15, 2023 from 5 to 8pm at Perry Auditorium in Gardner City Hall. The event is being put on by the Gardner Community Action Team.
Resource tables for various area providers and vendors will give residents a rare opportunity to get information about many topics all in one place. This is the Health Fair which helps you stay healthy in many aspects. And you could even win a free prize from one of the free raffles.
RESOURCES Healthy eating: A dietician will be on hand, sponsored by Hannaford Supermarkets. Growing Places will focus on growing healthy foods. People’s place will speak of cooking classes. And, there will be information about Farmer’s Markets throughout the region. Also, nutritional products and nutrition counseling. Exercise: The North County Land Trust will be on hand to provide information on the various free hiking trails offered in the region. Other resources available will focus on yoga, martial arts, self defense, kick boxing, pilates, and line dancing. Even YMCA will be represented. Alternative Healing: Sound healing. art healing, accupressure as well as nutritional health. Mental Health: Resources on mental health and substance abuse prevention, recovery resources, anxiety and stress management, healthy relationships education, the YWCA, Heywood Hospital’s ‘Handle with Care’ program for children dealing with traumatic events, and resources for mental health counseling. Health Care and Nursing Services.
- Local aid (2/26/2023)
Proposed State Budget Contains Huge Increase in Aid to Gardner MA Public Schools
In a departure from past practice, the Healey – Driscoll Administration has released proposed numbers in advance of the full Fiscal Year 2024 budget. According to Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, “Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll followed through on their commitment to let cities and towns know what to expect for local aid….Gardner will receive $33,981,210 under their proposal, with $27,428,246 of that going to our schools. This represents a $4.1 million increase from last year.”
Increases by Year
In fact, Gardner saw a nice increase last year as well after seeing State aid flat for the 3 previous years. State Funding by Fiscal year: Proposed FY24: $27.4 million (an increase of over 17.5% over FY 23) , FY23: 23.3 million (an increase of 10.6% over FY22), FY22: 21.07 million, FY 21: $21million and FY20: $21 million.
Current School Budget
For reference, here is the current Fiscal Year 2023 Gardner Public Schools Budget, Click Here.
- Mayor’s Update 2-24-23 (2/24/2023)
Watch the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 2-24-23 Check Your Dates – Weekly Update with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Update of February 24, 2023 is filled with due dates, reminder dates, and event dates. For all the details, listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update February 24, 2023 Dates Mentioned in the Update
Levi Heywood Memorial Library Book Sale February 24 and 25 Wednesday March 1, 2023 at 9:30am – Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force event for Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month. Excise Taxes due March 2, 2023 – If needed, notify Registry of Motor Vehicles of new address and location where car is garaged. Dog Licenses due March 31, 2023 Charter Review Committee held first public hearing. Send citizen comments regarding the Charter to Louise Murphy of Gardner celebrates her 100th birthday on Saturday. This weekend – Gardner Wildcat Basketball and Ice Hockey players awaiting State Playoff schedules Issuance of official Proclamation for Black History Month – signed by Councilor Dana Heath, Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, and Mayor Michael Nicholson
- Review Begins (2/24/2023)
Review of City Charter Begins in Gardner MA
Get out the popcorn! Nothing gets more exciting than the nitty gritty of the language of the City Charter and the first public hearing was held on Wednesday February 23, 2023. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Note: In the article which follows, we give you an approximate time to forward to in the AUDIO if you’d like to listen to a specific speaker.
00:00 – 30:00 – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and Council President Kazinskas spoke on their joint suggestions and they are here in writing on pdf. CLICK HERE.
Elected Officials went first. Others were supposed to be allotted up to 3 minutes. However, the Committee allowed Scott Graves to speak as long as he desired and he took about 10 minutes.
31:10 – Councilor James Walsh stated that no many changes are needed. He was originally concerned about mischief, but given the makeup of the Committee, doesn’t have daily concerns.
37:10 – Councilor Judy Mack suggested there be a penalty for both City Councilors and School Committee members who miss meetings and suggested the Council President should be elected annually.
40:49 – Councilor Jim Boone spent a few minutes complaining that he wondered where citizens would get information on the Charter. (We say right here on Gardner Magazine, see previous article which gives you almost every suggestion ever made, CLICK HERE.) He suggested the Mayoral term be 4 years.
45:09 – Citizen Martin Gray rose to complain that the Gardner News doesn’t report local news
47:02 – Director of Purchasing Joshua Cormier spoke on the problem of contracts $1000 and up having to be signed.
49:30 – Attorney and Former City Councilor Scott Graves spoke for 10 minutes stating that none of the Mayor’s recommendations are necessary because state law controls. “It’s an obsession with nitpicking…Have suspicions what’s going on…I don’t think the Charter should be messed with.”
After the meeting adjourned, the cameras kept rolling and dates for the next meeting were discussed. The last thing that was said was May 4th. We will inform you of the next meeting date when officially announced. Gardner residents wishing to submit comments or suggestions for the Charter should email them to
- MEPA Ruling (2/23/2023)
MEPA Requiring Environmental Impact Report Regarding Proposed Gardner Landfill Expansion
The State of Massachusetts has ruled that an Environment Impact Report will be required for the proposed Gardner Sludge Landfill Expansion. See the 108 page ruling, CLICK HERE. Ruling is from the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency, MEPA.
Ivan Ussach, the Director of the Millers River Watershed Council spoke to us about the ruling and we asked some questions about a Press Release he gave us, See Press Release. Listen to our interview on any device. Click Play.
Ivan Ussach Interview 2-23-23
- Books on Sale (2/23/2023)
Book Sale Going on Friday and Saturday at Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA
With a new selection of donated books, the BOOK SALE by the Friends of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library is happening Friday, February 24, 2023 from 9 to 4:30pm and Saturday February 25, 2023 from 9 to 4pm. A Special Friends Preview was held Thursday February 23rd from 4pm to 7pm.
Gardner Magazine attended the preview and discovered State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik among the volunteers at the event who was even helping people out with their books. Thank you Jon!
An individual membership to the Friends of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library is only $7 for one year or $5 for seniors. There’s also other ways to contribute. Visit this link.
The Levi Heywood Memorial Library is located at 55 West Lynde Street in Gardner. Visit Website, CLICK HERE. —- The Library offers a number of services to the public. Here’s an overview, CLICK HERE.
- Fire Dept. (2/23/2023)
Gardner MA Fire Department Proactive Efforts
Proactive Efforts to Save Lives
The Gardner Fire Department wants to save lives by encouraging the use of working Smoke Detectors which cut your risk of dying in a fire by 50%. They posted this link of a Facebook video showing how fast a fire can spread. CLICK HERE. Here’s another video on YouTube giving Facts about Fire, CLICK HERE. Here’s a link to a page giving more information on Smoke Alarms by the National Fire Protection Association, CLICK HERE. In January 2023, the Gardner Fire Department announced they had received a $4,381 grant for fire education in schools and a $2277 Senior Safe Grant to support fire and life safety education for senior citizens.
Fire Equipment and New Trucks
The Gardner Fire Department will be getting new equipment to complement the new Fire Truck which is expected within the next year (takes a while due to supply chain issues) Chief Lajoy explains the needed equipment during a recent Finance Committee meeting. Listen here to just the Chief’s explanation on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Chief Gregory LaGoy 2-21-23
- Oops…Excise (2/23/2023)
Excise Taxes Due in Greater Gardner MA
Check your bills. Your Excise tax bill might be due today, depending on your town in Greater Gardner.
City of Gardner Excise tax bills are due by Thursday, March 2, 2023. Note, that if your City or Town does not have your correct address, it is your responsibility to contact your local Tax Collector so you can pay the bill. If you no longer have the vehicle, you may need to produce proof that you have disposed of it.
According to Jennifer Dymek, you must go through the RMV to change your address so it is correct in the future and in a format acceptable to USPS. Here’s a link from the State of MA with more info on Motor Vehicle Excise Taxes.
Questions in the City of Gardner? Call the Tax Collector at (978) 630-4008. And here is the link to the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax bill page. Even easier, if you have the bill in front of you. Here’s a link to the secure Unipay page. Just enter the info from your bill and pay it. Real easy!
- Zlotnik 2-22-23 (2/22/2023)
An Interview with Greater Gardner MA State Representative Jon Zlotnik
He has served for over a decade and shows no sign of his passion for area communities slowing down. Zlotnik is now Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Business and was gracious enough to do an interview with us. Listen here on any device. Click Play.
Jonathan Zlotnik 2-22-23 Representative Zlotnik describes his committee as “fact finding” stating, “We’ll spend a lot of our time actually going around the State meeting with different agencies, obviously small businesses, Chambers of Commerce….to get information, find out, as we always say, what’s working, what’s not working, what can we do better….” Zlotnik spoke of the various funding available due to recent Federal bills. He spoke of small business. And he spoke of the need for more housing in the area. He also let his constituents know how his office can help in various situations. Zlotnik described various specific projects in which he is currently involved.
- Employment Strategy (2/22/2023)
We spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about this Winning Strategy – Listen and learn why many consider Gardner a great employer. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nicholson on Jobs 2-24-23 The Gardner MA Winning Strategy to Attract Employees
Listen to the Win Win Promo created by Gardner Magazine on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winning – Working with Gardner The City of Gardner is looking for employees. Gardner pays by the hour with available overtime or via weekly salary depending on the position. The Winning Strategy: Give people more than just pay. Health, Dental, and Life Insurance premiums are covered 75%. Retirement is vested after 10 years. There’s education and training opportunities and other great options. There’s only one problem: There’s a limited number of positions, so you’ll want to get your application in today. As of this article, there are at least 6 positions posted. For more information, visit this page on the City of Gardner website.
“When we invest in people, we invest in ourselves and our future” – Gardner Mayor Nicholson
- Art Festival (2/21/2023)
First-Ever Art Festival to be Held in Downtown Gardner MA in May
From Jessica DeRoy and Sophie Dorow, “Join us for the first ever Arts Festival in Downtown Gardner to display and sell your artwork or showcase your musical abilities for all in attendance. There is no cost associated with the event and will provide an opportunity to have your talents seen and appreciated!”
Location: Orpheum Park, 34 Parker Street, Gardner
Artists who want to be involved in the event can set up a table to showcase and sell works and even paint, sculpt, or draw on site. Musicians or singers can perform during the event and bring business cards for attendees. Artists who are willing to teach a couple of workshops will have creation stations set up for small groups.
Contact or if interested or if you want more information.
- City Council 2-21-23 (2/21/2023)
City Council 2-21-23 View the packets which contain all of the items taken up at the various meetings.
Informal Meeting
Informal City Council 2-21-23 Regular Meeting
Regular City Council 2-21-23 Gardner MA City Council Meets February 21, 2023
Finance Committee packet —- Informal City Council packet —- Regular City Council packet
The Finance Committee met at 5:30pm and discussed the Mayor’s Proposal for $60,000 for person to help write grants and $150,000 for Fire Department Equipment – Both DPW Business Mgr. Coughlin and Fire Chief LaGoy appeared. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Finance Committee 2-21-23 An informal meeting of the Gardner MA City Council was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 6:15pm concerning a proposal to change to the following salaries on January 1, 2024: Mayor: $99,836, City Council President: $11,594.15, City Councilor: $7,933.01, School Committee Member: $5,414.28. Council President Kazinskas, “I support raises at this point.” Councilor Walsh pointed out that a City Ordinance has the Finance Committee making a recommendation and suggested that the matter be sent back to the Finance Committee. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Informal City Council 2-21-23 Regular City Council Meeting was Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 7:30pm. Confirmation of Attorney Robert Charland as Assistant City Solicitor – referred to Committee,… Mayor’s request for $60,000 to hire a dedicated person to “research the available opportunities that could benefit the City, write the applications, and administer the projects.” Referred back to Finance Committee on vote of 7-3 …. Mayor’s request for $150,000 for Fire Department equipment for new truck arriving in 2024 APPROVED.…Sports Betting Locations….Increasing Number of possible Cannabis establishments….Uptown Rotary Construction….Regan Street One Way referred back to Public Safety Committee…and Route 140 Zoning. Packet contains study from 2010. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
City Council Regular Meeting 2-21-23
- 100 at Museum (2/20/2023)
Next Gardner MA Centennial Event Is Coming to the Gardner Museum – March 1, 2023
Listen to the program of the season’s events on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Museum – 2-20-23 Opening March 1st The Gardner Museum opens again for the season on March 1, 2023. And right off the bat, there’s a great exhibit entitled, “Celebrating Gardner’s 100 Years as a City.” No reservation is needed. The exciting exhibit showcases memorable aspects of the City’s first 100 years – Bring the whole family! Highlighted are long-term, still existing businesses serving the Chair City today. Be among the first to see it.
For the entire season event brochure in pdf format, click here.
GO TO: Gardner MA Centennial News page
- Nino Hernandez (2/20/2023)
Gardner MA Resident Nino Hernandez to Play Pro Basketball
Mayor Nicholson stated in an email, “Gardner resident, Nino Hernandez, has been selected to play professional basketball in the Dominican Republic. The City is hosting a signing ceremony for Mr Hernandez in the City Hall Rotunda on Friday, February 24, at 12:00pm. Nino has been involved in our local sports programs….”
Nino Hernandez played basketball at Gardner High School from 2015 to 2016. Here’s a link to a video of him playing in a game against Narragansett in 2015 Here’s more of Nino in various games, CLICK HERE.
- 4 Great Schools (2/19/2023)
Interested in more about Gardner Schools, School Committee meetings, and more? Visit our Local Schools page. Learn why Gardner is becoming a model School District.
What’s Happening in Gardner MA Public Schools Anyway?
For those who don’t have kids in school anymore, you might not know of the strides of excellence occurring in Gardner’s Schools. At a recent School Committee Meeting, see article, the meeting agenda was filled with examples so profoundly wonderful it could even make an old geezer of 100 years old smile. Which reminds us of the beautiful Gardner Elementary School, the first building built as an Elementary School in a century and a real source of pride for the community. Gardner Middle School is a fine facility and the Gardner High School is a work of architectural art.
From a handle on the fundamentals of academics, to the nuances of Art, Music, and Drama, and the excellence of athletics, the School system has its houses in order – 4 houses. The Gardner Elementary School, the Gardner Middle School, and the Gardner High School, all located within a short distance form each other off Pearl Street in Gardner. And, Gardner Academy located at the Elm Street School campus on Elm Street in Gardner. And coming later this year, the Waterford Street School property is becoming a Community Center.
In his update of February 17, 2023, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson recognized the achievements of some Gardner Students. In a recent interview, Athletic Director Dan Forte described a successful Athletic Program in detail and spoke about Summer Recreation, CLICK HERE.
- Job of Verbs (2/19/2023)
DPW of Gardner MA has openings for “A Job of Verbs”
In good news for those looking for a job to reduce stress, exercise for health, and have pride in work, the Gardner DPW has openings for laborers on its team. This is a job where you’re always doing something whether it’s digging, cleaning sweeping, pushing, shoveling, loading, mowing, trimming, spreading, maintaining, lifting, removing, sawing, or clearing. And, overtime is a part of the job!
Full time benefits are included in this Union position. The City of Gardner pays 75% of Health, Dental, Life Insurance benefits and will even assist with obtaining a CDL. See complete details on this printable pdf, CLICK HERE. For more information, please visit the City of Gardner website You could get hired and be working in the fresh air very soon….
Looking for other positions with the City of Gardner? Just go to this page, CLICK HERE.
- Hiring for Rec (2/19/2023)
Gardner MA Hiring for Summer Program – 16 Year Olds Can Apply and Learn Leadership
This year’s Summer Recreation Program in Gardner (see previous article and interview) is expanding and Gardner is hiring. You must be 16 years of age or older with a “strong ability, patience, and desire to work with children in an outdoor environment…Ability to instruct children in an engaging, fun, and interesting manner…follow and enforce all safety rules…” You must apply by April 30, 2023. Here’s all the details on the City of Gardner website.
Jobs like these build strong leadership skills.
- Presidents Day (2/18/2023)
Presidents Day is Monday February 20, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA…
School Vacation Week is February 20-24
Gardner City Hall and various Town Offices are closed on Monday, February 20th.
Last year, we released Poem of the Presidents, CLICK HERE.
- GAAMHA (2/17/2023)
Shawn Hayden of GAAMHA in Gardner MA explains their 3 Important Services
Shawn Hayden detailed Developmental Services including S.T.R.E.A.M. and GAAMHA Employment Services. He spoke on their Substance Use Disorder Services including Residential Treatment programs and Community Recovery Services. Hayden explained GAAMHA Transportation services and went over how people can support GAAMHA. The website is, CLICK HERE.
The interview is comprehensive in that Shawn details exactly how GAAMHA could help someone you know, whether it’s Developmental Services which help individuals lead more fulfilling lives, to Substance Abuse Services including a unique program where women can have their children stay with them, to extensive transportation services.
- Mayor’s Update 2-17-23 (2/17/2023)
Mayor’s Update 2-17-23 February 17, 2023 is National Random Act of Kindness Day. Thank you for being kind.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Recognizes Progress in Weekly Update
Listen on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 2-17-23 In his weekly update of February 17, 2023, Mayor Nicholson recognized the progress of about a dozen students who were inducted this past week in to the Chair City Chapter of the National Honor Society. He also recognized the achievement of choral program students from Gardner’s Elementary, Middle, and High Schools who put on a joint concert together. For other progress in Gardner Public Schools, view this article.
Summer Camp Registration
The Mayor reported on the progress of the Summer Camp program registration which has about a 100 people already signed up. Registrations are still open. See Previous article for details, CLICK HERE.
Progress with Properties
Mayor Nicholson detailed the various properties the City has for sale and how you can buy one. See Previous article with complete contact details, CLICK HERE.
Progress with City Charter Review
The Mayor spoke of progress with the City Charter review and spoke of the Public Hearing taking place February 23, 2023 at 4pm. In advance of the hearing, citizens can mail ideas to the Mayor’s office or email See complete article on the topic, click here.
- Charter Hearing (2/16/2023)
Mayor Nicholson with 3 members of the Charter Review Committee on February 16, 2023 Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Charter Review Committee Meeting 2-16-23 Gardner MA Charter Review Committee Schedules Public Hearing for February 23, 2023
The City Charter Review Committee has scheduled a public hearing for Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 4:00pm in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. “to hear testimony with regard to potential amendments to the City Charter of the City of Gardner. Persons interested in this matter are encouraged to attend and offer testimony. View the complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
According to the “Rules of the Hearing”, testimony from current City Elected Officials will be taken first, followed by that of the general public who will be limited to 3 minutes each, and each petitioner will be granted the opportunity to reply to questions and comments. Proposed specific amendments must be submitted in writing. To submit written testimony in advance of the public hearing send to Gardner Mayor’s Office Att’n: Colin Smith, 95 Pleasant St. Gardner MA 01440 or email to Mayor Nicholson submitted some suggestions and they are in the packet for the 2-16-23 meeting, CLICK HERE. Also included are prior ideas from 7 years ago. Mayor Nicholson also provided additional info showing more of the previous work done on this topic. CLICK HERE.
The Committee met on February 16, 2023 to discuss how to proceed. During that meeting, they set the date for the public hearing we write about here.
Some History of How We Got Here
To view the current Gardner City Charter, CLICK HERE. The Gardner City Council confirmed the Charter Committee on 1-17-23. See Article and AUDIO of meeting. The issue of whether to create the Committee was debated at an informal meeting on 10-3-22, CLICK HERE. At that meeting, the issue was tabled to the 2nd meeting in November The Charter Committee was approved on a vote of 7 to 4 at its meeting of December 5, 2022, CLICK HERE. The Charter was previously reviewed 7 years ago but the review did not result in any ultimate changes. When this Special Act Charter Review Committee completes its work, it will send recommendations to the Gardner City Council. Whatever changes are approved, if any, will be sent to the Mayor for approval. Upon his approval, the voters will have to approve the changes at the polls.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson commented on the City Charter during our Lessons About History Interview. Click to go to section about the Charter.
- Non Profits Help (2/16/2023)
How Non-Profits in Gardner MA Affect Your Daily Life – with Colin Smith
Listen on any device. Click Play.
Colin Smith – Non-Profits in Gardner MA Gardner’s Executive Aide to the Mayor, Colin Smith, tells us about the impact of Gardner’s Non-Profits in your daily life. Some highlights:
The CAC – “their charitable involvement is, it’s really inspirational to see.” How to give back, “…volunteering their time, getting in touch with some of these organizations.” GALA – “plans to get them a bigger space in the community going forward.” MVOC – “That organization obviously fills a tremendous need in the City.” Local Sports Groups. “… it’s something that a lot of people have a lot of affection for here in the City.” PACC. “They’re incredibly generous with their time and resources.” Upcoming Community Center. “I think it’s gonna go really well.” The Homeless. “There’s a lot of dedicated people working within the City and outside of it to address the problem.” Gardner Golf Course, “We’re really blessed to have it.” Mental Health: “our Veterans Department here in City Hall….their skill in dealing with people who may be having a tough time is great to see.” Gardner Museum: “Marion Knoll is such a passionate person…tremendously knowledgeable…” Gardner Square Two: “…skill in bringing people together who have common interest to see Gardner become more vibrant place to start a business.” Gardner Chamber: “they way they continue to reinvent themselves and remain vital to the city is a tremendous resource.” Heywood Hospital: “ …something unique for the City of Gardner’s size to have that kind of resource and that kind of amenity.” Levi-Heywood Memorial Library – “probably one of my favorite buildings in Gardner…people truly love it.’ Food Truck Festival; “Saturday July 8, 2023, Be There.”
- Book Sale (2/16/2023)
Book Sale Coming Up at Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA
With a new selection of donated books, the BOOK SALE by the Friends of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library is happening Friday, February 24, 2023 from 9 to 4:30pm and Saturday February 25, 2023 from 9 to 4pm. A Special Friends Preview is Thursday February 23rd from 4pm to 7pm.
The Levi Heywood Memorial Library is located at 55 West Lynde Street in Gardner. Visit Website, CLICK HERE. —- The Library offers a number of services to the public. Here’s an overview, CLICK HERE.
A Sneak Peak at a Few of the Books and the Reasonable Pricing for the Sale
- Public Welfare 2-15-23 (2/15/2023)
Gardner MA Public Welfare Committee Hears About COA Members, Property Uses, and Cannabis Limit
Now chaired by Judy Mack, with member Dana Heath present, and member James Boone absent, the Gardner Public Welfare Committee heard from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. First up was a change to eliminate Golden Age and AARP permanent automatic seats with the Council on Aging so that all members go through same vetting process. Committee voted to recommend this to the City Council. Play AUDIO on any device.
The Committee is referring to the Planning Board a request from Mayor Nicholson to amend zoning from rural residential to commercial 2 for 12 parcels of land going from Green Street towards Winchendon line on Route 140, to avoid safety issues which could occur should hundreds of homes be built on the parcels. Regarding the Mayor asking the City to add Sports Betting to the Zoning Table of uses, Councilor Mack stated, “I appreciate you being proactive on this”. City Council will now vote on the matter which would allow the City to regulate just where in the City Sports Betting can take place.
A proposal to increase the number of possible Cannabis establishments in Gardner to 4 was sent to the Planning Board for review.
Next meeting with be March 9, 2023 at the Golf Course to see some newly acquired equipment. Other upcoming meetings will deal with various budgets.
- Summer Rec (2/15/2023)
Gardner MA Summer Recreation Bigger and Better This Year!
There are two locations this year at Gardner Elementary School and Gardner High School. Camp Experiences include Soccer, Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Track & Field, Dek/Field Hockey, Gardening, Art, Drama, Building/Robotics, and Nature.
We spoke with Gardner Athletic/Recreation Director Dan Forte about the Summer Recreation Program, The Success of Gardner Sports Teams, and the generosity of the community. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Dan Forte Interview 2-15-23 Registration is Now Open and is expected to fill quickly. General Camp Experience is $ 30/week for Half or $60/week for Full day for K-1, 2-4, and 5-7 — Full day is 9am to 4pm, for a fee of $5 per week , you can opt for early drop-off or late pickup. Complete Details here. City of Gardner Recreation page on Facebook, CLICK HERE
Programs are intended for Gardner Students and Residents. Grades are based on Fall 2023. So for example, if your child is going to attend kindergarten in the Fall, they can attend the Summer Program.
- School 2-13-23 (2/14/2023)
In Packet Released to Public, Gardner School Committee Reveals Compelling Evidence of Superior Gardner MA Education
Read the Entire packet, CLICK HERE. It’s apparent when reading this packet that Gardner Public Schools is trying to be the best at what they do, with so many educational alternatives offered to students. Publishers note: Parents who have any doubt of this should read the packet. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play
School Committee 2-13-23 Important Items from the School Committee Meeting of February 13, 2023:
Heard from Student Advisory Board – Junior Amber Cameron with an update. The School Committee voted to participate in School Choice, voted to limit Virtual school to a 1% cap, set its meetings to begin at 6:30pm for the rest of this year and the next fiscal year. School Calendar 2023 to 2024 was adopted with school to start the Tuesday after Labor Day. Printable PDF Discussion of Stop Arm Cameras on Buses to catch drivers who don’t stop, other updates on various topics. The State Legislature has discussed it in Committee, but it never made it any further. The School Committee voted to ask the State Delegation to advocate for a similar bill once again. Gardner MA School Committee February 13, 2023 Peter McMorrow Academic Items: The School Committee heard about various academic items including a presentation from Principal Peter McMorrow of the Gardner Academy who spoke of schedule adjustments, making headway on academics, the “standards based, competency program utilizing project-based learning as our driver,” and the importance of partnering with parents in students’ education. Superintendent Mark Pellegrino spoke on the “After Dark” program which would allow Juniors and Seniors to go to Monty Tech for a few career paths while remaining Gardner Students. He wants to continue to explore the possibility – doesn’t know yet how funding would exactly work.
Mark Pellegrino
- Valentine’s Day (2/14/2023)
Chair City of Heart – Valentine’s Day Poem
Welcome to the Chair City of Heart,
Community Spirit right from the start.
Formed from Land Parcels Coming Together
Home to proud people is Gardner forever.The love of its citizens shared with the region
Which comes to Gardner for its cohesion.
A spirit of teamwork had lead to success.
Of which many so joyfully profess.So much is its construct from ideas construed,
And common sense values is the City imbued.
Building upon excellence will carry it far.
The City is lit with an encouraging star.A place where solutions to problems are found.
A community of doers whose watches are wound
With the time and the patience to carry it far,
Because Diligence rewards those who care.Come people, come business, come industry too.
The City of Gardner is welcoming you.
This is the great Chair City of Heart
Each person important and playing a part.
- Junky Properties (2/13/2023)
Junky Buildings Interview with Nick Pelletier Offers Help to Those Seeking to Turn Blight Into Promise in Gardner MA
He’s an award-winning Realtor and he represents various properties for the City of Gardner, some with minimum offers of just $1. Listen to the short interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.
NIck Pelletier 2-13-23 Nicholas Pelletier can be reached at Mobile: (978) 674-7146 or Office: (978) 840-9000 Website
73 Stuart Street and other properties, CLICK HERE for article. 142 Parker Street Article, CLICK HERE.
- 73 Stuart (2/11/2023)
UPDATE 2/18/23: Upon further review, on this property it’s a $1 bid plus the $17,000 in back taxes. Mayor Nicholson stated, “It was brought to our attention that there was an error in the listing price for the property for sale at 73 Stuart Street. The property was erroneously listed at $1, when the minimum price set by vote of the City Council was $17,000- the amount owed to the City in back taxes from the previous owner.”
Completely Unsafe Junky Building For Sale in Gardner MA – Why You Should Buy It!
If you buy this “mansion”, (a former factory) you have to tear it down and build your dream structure. The City of Gardner got it through the tax title process and is accepting what they call “Request for Proposal” (RFP) through a Realtor with a minimum bid of one dollar. Here’s a link to the City’s on-call Realtor, Pelletier Properties, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted, “Last year, Councilor George Tyros and I proposed an ordinance that was unanimously approved by the City Council that gave our City Departments the tools they need to go after problem properties and turn blight into promise. Utilizing those tools, the City was able to expedite taking ownership of this property through the tax title court process. The City is now selling the property for demolition and redevelopment.”
The City of Gardner is making a proactive effort to get rid of blighted buildings by selling them in a way to get the properties back on the tax rolls for the benefit of all Chair City citizens.
UPDATE 2-12-23: Other properties available now include a Single Family Home at 478 Chestnut Street for $48,000 (amount owed in back taxes), a property shown in our previous article at the corner of Parker and Nichols Street for $1 and the following properties available starting Wednesday February 15, 2023: 75 East Broadway (Prospect St School) – $100,000 —-14 Leamy St – vacant land from an old factory that the Gardner Redevelopment Authority (“GRA”) utilized Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) funding to demolish —- 177 West St – vacant land where the City tore down the former Cosentino Finishing Factory. $20,000. Be sure to contact the City’s on -call Realtor, Pelletier Properties to get in the first offers on these deals.
- Plastics Recycling (2/11/2023)
Frustrated with Misinformation out there, Gardner MA Health Department Communicates about Recyling in Massachusetts
Gardner Health Dept. posted, “There’s a lot of talk out there about plastics recycling, and we’re here to set the record straight: plastic containers…really DO get recycled in Massachusetts.”
There are 9 materials recovery facilities in Massachusetts with the nearest ones to the Greater Gardner area located in Auburn and Westborough. For more information and the entire map of facilities, CLICK HERE – For a Recycle Smart Guide, click here. – For other questions, has a searchable Recyclopedia. – Gardner has a Trash and Recycling Calendar, CLICK HERE.
If you have questions for the Gardner Health Department, here is a link to the page on the City of Gardner website.
- Mayor’s Update 2-10-23 (2/10/2023)
View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page of listen here on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 2-10-23 Looking Forward, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Updates the Chair City in Optimistic Message
In a forward-looking update, Gardner Mayor Nicholson updated the Chair City on February 10, 2023. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 2-10-23 Forward with People: Mayor Congratulated Paul Tassone on his election to Ward 3 City Councilor, Patricia Bergstrom and Rick Walton to appointments as Trustees of Mount Wachusett Community College, and LUK Inc. on their 10th anniversary.
Forward with Zoning: Public Welfare Committee will have 3 Zoning proposals: (1) add Sports Betting to Zoning Code per State Law to allow “smart location within the City.” (2) consider increasing cap of cannabis establishments from 2 to 4 and (3) change zoning for safety reasons in small corridor of Route 140 in between Green Street and Winchendon border.
Forwarding Success: Will submit proposal to City Council to Get “most as we can” as it pertains to Grant Funds by hiring a grant consultant due to the sheer number of grants available right now.
Future Events: Downtown Banners and Flower Pots will open up sponsorships soon. City Wide Yard Sale taking place on May 20, 2023. Library Book Sale on February 24th and 25th. Gardner Museum programming starts back up on March 1st.
- Have a Heart (2/10/2023)
An Interview with Colin Smith about Gardner MA Non-Profits and Organizations
Introduction: The City of Gardner often partners with local non-profits for the benefit of the community. Executive Aide to the Mayor, Colin Smith is often the leader of this effort, forming personal relationships with a number of organizations and people, and knows first-hand how these organizations have contributed to the City. Listen on any device. Click Play. Complete Article, CLICK HERE.
Have a Heart – Colin Smith 2-10-23 We asked Colin various questions about interactions with local non-profit organizations including faith-based organizations, helping people with needs, Arts and Music, Veterans, Sports, Social and Service Clubs, Business, Health, History, and the Library. We have a page listing non-profit and public service organizations in Greater Gardner. CLICK HERE. – Send Press Releases to and we are also happy to interview someone from your organization.
Food Truck Festival 2023
Colin Smith also announced that the Food Truck Festival will be back on Saturday, July 8, 2023. A lot is happening in Gardner this year. Colin stated, “Keep your ears to the ground, and stay tuned!”
Complete Text of all Questions and Answers and more photographs, CLICK HERE.
- Water Main (2/10/2023)
From Dane Arnold DPW Director at 10am 2-10-23: “There is a water break on South Main St that will affect the residents between East Broadway and Pearson Boulevard. Water pressure dropped throughout the system but should be restored soon. The break caused a disturbance in the system that some may experience discoloration in their water. It should clear up soon. If this happens, we suggest running the water for a period of time until it clears up.”
From Gardner City Hall 2-10-23 8:22am: “Water Main Break on Pearson Blvd. Further information will be provided as it becomes available. Crews are working to resolve the issue but residents may experience low pressure to no water.”
- Slinging the Sludge (2/9/2023)
Slinging the Sludge – The Truth About the Proposed Landfill Expansion in Gardner MA
With any public issue, it is important that the facts be published with accuracy. The truth: Public officials in Gardner have shown great concern about the environment throughout all steps of considering the expansion of the Landfill. The truth: A third party report was commissioned. The truth: Afterwards, a decision was made to proceed and the public comment period with the state went through the end of January. The truth: Dane Arnold has commented on the issue – to the Public Service Committee to which he often reports on his Department. The truth: Mayor Nicholson has acknowledged that this is just a stop gap measure in need of a longer term solution. The truth: The Conservation Commission has met often on the issue and discussed it at length.
We do something other publications don’t do: We publish the actual AUDIO of meetings, so you can draw your own conclusions. The evidence below will show the issue has been carefully considered.
Starting in May 2022, We reported on the City moving forward with the Landfill Expansion, the discussions of the Conservation Commission, the discussions before the Public Service Committee, and various interviews with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. Our evidence is the AUDIO of the meetings and interviews themselves, demonstrating clearly that environmental concerns were clearly identified and studied, alternatives were explored, financial considerations were calculated, and the need for a longer term solution was acknowledged.
Chronology of Our Reporting on Issue
May 2022: Sewage Sludge Decisions in Gardner MA July 2022: Moving Forward on Landfill Expansion August 2022: Chairman of Conservation Commission stated he would “not be bullied, harassed, called, bamboozled, dumped on” stating we’re going to do the right thing.” Topic of Sludge has complete AUDIO of meeting. August 23, 2022: Sludge Again – Once again, issue at Conservation Commission. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. August 2022: We interviewed Gardner Mayor Nicholson in our Citizen Concerns Interview and he stated, “I think there’s just some misinformation that’s out there, not understanding the full project. …Like the fact that we’re even at this point means that everything’s had to be vetted as thoroughly as possible by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, the EPA. This is something that, we have to be remembering our fiduciary responsibility that we have for our rate payers. Article has complete AUDIO of the Mayor’s comments. September 2022: Conservation Commission took up the matter again on 9-26-22, approving $700 for a 3rd party opinion. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. October 2022: DPW Director Dane Arnold spoke at a meeting of the Public Service Committee on 10-13-22, saying, “The Sludge Landfill report by a 3rd party should be in soon and then next steps can be taken. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. November 2022: The Conservation Commission met on 11-14-22 regarding Tighe and Bond findings: Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. 11-21-22: We interviewed Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and he stated, “So those all go to the state now for a full review, to make sure that there’s no contaminants that could possibly leak out, that the liner is set to be, you know, sturdy and sustainable, to make sure that everything there , is above board , there’s probably at least six to eight months in that process, to make sure that all the eyes are dotted and the t’s crossed” Interview has complete AUDIO. December 2022: The Public Service Committee discussed the expansion of the Sludge Landfill on 12-2-22. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. January 2023: Mayor Nicholson spoke about the issue on WGAW’s Hotline Radio stating that the project was under MEPA review. And the Mayor stated, “We only have about 3 to 5 years to figure out something for this, otherwise we’re really gonna be up the creek in terms of potentially tripling our rate for our sewer rates in order to truck the sewage someplace else or some other type of really expensive alternative here.” February 2023: Lessons About History Interview: Mayor Nicholson stated, “We need to figure out the process right now so that we can have an immediate plan, but also plan ahead in the future, so that once that’s done, we’re not in the same spot we are again in the next fifteen to twenty years, but we have something already started, so once we can get through this very painful process, we already have something planned to go. Interview has complete AUDIO. We can’t find any important piece missing in this puzzle. A final decision on the matter should be known in the coming months.
- Flashback Dance (2/8/2023)
Gardner MA to Hold City Hall Flashback Dance Featuring Jimmy Jay – A City Centennial Event
From the Centennial Committee on February 8, 2023: “A Rockin’ Trip back in time! The City of Gardner Centennial Committee is planning a City Hall Flashback Dance featuring former WGAW Dee Jay Jimmy Jay. Special Guests – Gardner’s own Kenny and the Night Riders! Save The Date – Saturday Night – April 22 at Gardner City Hall’s Perry Auditorium. Stay tuned for more details!”
Note: The Gardner Museum has announced a Summer Exhibit “Celebrating Gardner’s 100 Years as a City” beginning March 1st and continuing through August 27th. More on the Gardner Museum’s 2023 schedule, CLICK HERE.
- Council on Aging 2-6-23 (2/8/2023)
The Gardner MA Council on Aging Covers Budget and other Progress in One Hour Meeting
The Gardner Senior Center is open the following hours: Monday and Tuesday: 7:30am to 4pm, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30am to 3;45pm, and Friday: 7:30am to 1pm. The Center operates various programs for the benefit of seniors in the Community. The Council on Aging meetings give you an inside seat to the budgeting process and to issues affecting Gardner seniors.
According to the Gardner Council on Aging, its mission consists of three core responsibilities: “ One is to identify the needs of the community’s elderly population and to know the resources that are available. Second is to educate the community at large in the needs of seniors. Last is to design, promote and implement needed services for the elderly and to coordinate with existing services for the elderly.” For more information visit the page on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE. or call (978) 630-4067
- Pres in Red (2/7/2023)
Gardner MA City Council President Takes Center in Raising Awareness of Women with Heart Disease
Gardner Mayor Nicholson posted: “Nearly half of women in their 20s and older are living with a form of cardiovascular disease. American Heart Association — Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators are working to change that. Rep Jon Zlotnik, Council President Lizzy Kazinskas, and I are wearing red today to help raise awareness and support the fight against stroke and heart disease.”
According to the CDC, “Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as a man’s disease, almost as many women as men die each year of heart disease in the United States.” Heart Disease Death Rates in Women 35+ are shown on the map.
For more information about heart attack symptoms in women (could save your life), we have tips from the American Heart Association. CLICK HERE
- City Council Meets 2-6-23 (2/7/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Elects New Ward 3 City Councilor
According to the City Charter, if there had been another candidate in the last election, the City Council would automatically “appoint” that person to fill the unexpired term. As Councilor Boudreau had run unopposed, the power changes to that of the power to “elect” any resident of Ward 3, and on a 9 to 1 vote, the Gardner City Council elected Paul Tassone. (The term “appoint” was erroneously used in the meeting.) Tassone had previously served as a City Councilor and will serve until January unless reelected in the Fall Gardner election. . Other candidates included Anthony Richard, Michael Cormier, and Jeffrey Palmieri. More on the Ward 3 Councilor below.
Listen to the Meeting on any device. Click Play.
Gardner City Council 2-6-23 Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
The Way of Regan Street – Council Decision
The Gardner MA City Council voted on motion of Coucilor Craig Cormier to take more time on the issue as Regan Street falls within Ward 3 and Paul Tassone was just elected.
Other Matters Before the City Council
Approve money for: $4,040 to Engineering Dept. for Uptown Rotary Projects – APPROVED — Authorization to borrow $5,380,000.00 for Airport Runway Improvement Project (ultimately covered by grants) and $134,500 directly from the City – APPROVED. Plan is to rescind the approval to borrow once grant funds are received.
Communications from Mayor Nicholson
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson communicated that in the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget, $300,000 was budgeted for snow removal and $384,000 has been expended to date, “mainly due to the costs of salting and sanding the roads.
On the Election of Ward 3 Councilor
Councilors made various statements. Councilor Boone thanked all the candidates and then nominated Paul Tassone stating, “He’s a former Ward 2 Councillor, former School Committee member, and current member of the Gardner Redevelopment Authority and Chamber of Commerce. I’ve known and worked with this candidate for many years, he’s thoughtful and carefully evaluates the facts to make his decisions. He works well with others.” Councilor Judy Mack nominated Anthony Richard stating, “Anthony is new to the area of wanting to run for political office. He has grown up in Gardner. He was brought up by his grandfather….He has a great interest in serving the citizens, and he is working as a Real Estate agent….I was hoping we would have new people run for this position… I would like to see younger people get involved in City Government.” Upon election on a vote of 9 to 1, Paul Tassone was immediately sworn in. He was later congratulated by various other councilors.
Note on spelling of Councilor: It is one of those words which has two correct spellings, councilor and councillor with two ls.
- Heywood Progress (2/6/2023)
Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA Making Progress with Surgical Pavilion
From explosions last summer when large amounts of rock were removed, to a new Parking lot and landscaping, to a groundbreaking on the new Surgical Pavilion, to the import of various construction materials, the Construction Team has been working to achieve the goal of building a state-of-the art Surgical Pavilion and fulfilling Heywood’s goal of having most services available close to home for Greater Gardner residents. Like many hospitals throughout the country, Heywood Hospital has been going through challenges the past couple of years due to revenue shortfalls caused in part by the Covid Pandemic. Nevertheless, it has pressed on with this project for the good of the community.
Heywood Vice President of External Affairs, Dawn Casavant recently told us about the Surgical Pavilion progress. She stated “All the site work has been completed. Steel is arriving. And we expect that the final piece of steel will be hoisted on or about March 30th”. A public event is planned at that time. Completion of entire project will be by the Spring of 2024.
Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Surgical Pavilion – Heywood Hospital
- Cameras Against Trash (2/6/2023)
Gardner MA “Cameras Against Trash” Program to Expand with Dumping Hotline
The program which we are calling “Cameras Against Trash” began under the direction of the Gardner Health Department in 2022 and according to Director of Public Health Lauren Saunders “was mostly a year of trial and error…..We have some ideas of hot spots in the City where we would like to set it up this spring…We will also work with some landlords that have expressed interest in catching illegal dumping on their properties in the past.”
Illegal Dumping Hotline
“In addition we are working on rolling out an illegal dumping hotline. Once this is up and running we will have a phone number to share with residents that they can call if they witness illegal dumping in the City. We are hoping this will also be a deterrent for illegal dumping. Once our phone lines are officially changed over we should be able to roll out this program.”
A 3 Prong Goal
“Overall our goal is to discourage littering and dumping through camera use, the hotline, and enforcing the new litter ordinance.” stated Lauren Saunders.
- Upcoming Elections 2023 (2/6/2023)
Coverage of Upcoming 2023 Elections in Greater Gardner MA
Our Government page has coverage of upcoming elections in Ashburnham, Ashby, Athol, Barre, Hardwick ,Orange, Petersham, Phillipston, . Princeton, Rutland, Templeton, Westminster, and Winchendon. Gardner MA Elections are coming up in the Fall of 2023. Hubbardston elections are in June, more details when available. No info yet on elections in New Salem, Oakham, Royalston, or Warwick. View our Government page here. Information is also available on the individual town pages of Gardner Magazine.
Attention Candidates: We publish Press Releases in their entirety. Just send to
- 142 Parker Street (2/5/2023)
City of Gardner MA on Quest to Market Valuable Corner Lot
Using a technique employed by eBay sellers who list an item at 99 cents and then end up getting hundreds, the Chair City is marketing a .3 acre lot on the corner of Parker Street and Nichols Street. Some 6 years ago, the City voted to set the minimum price at $1 but only recently retained an on-call realtor to market the property, Pelletier Properties, Keller Williams North Central. Gardner had previously obtained the property through tax title, demoed a fire-damaged structure, and planted grass on the lot.
Highest and best offers are due by February 15, 2023. It is expected the property will generate much interest due to its valuable location. Will it bring $1, $1000, or $1 million? We will know soon. For more information, contact Pelletier Properties – Keller Williams North Central at this link. Goal of the City is to get the property sold and back on the tax rolls. Nicholas Pelletier can be reached at Mobile: (978) 674-7146 or Office: (978) 840-9000
Would this be a perfect place to build your dream?
- Mayor’s Update 2-3-23 (2/3/2023)
View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page, or listen here on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 2-3-23 Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Delivers Warm Message on Cold Day –“Stay Warm Everyone”
Listen to the update on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 2-3-23 Gardner Mayor Nicholson thanked the students of Holy Family Academy stating, “They dropped off some thank you cards to my office. I had the pleasure of joining all of their classrooms this past week…” The Mayor is an alumnus of the school.
The Mayor extended warm wishes to Officer John Lawrence who is retiring as of today. Officer Lawrence served as the School Resource Officer.
A warm welcome was extended to incoming Airport Manager Isabelle Davis, who is a pilot and owns 2 planes herself and has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science.
The Mayor had a warm reminder that excise tax bills went out and it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to contact the Treasurer – Collector’s office if a bill is not received, and that dog license applications and the City’s annual census have been sent out by the City Clerk’s office.
Mayor Nicholson stated once again that the Building Department will be doing its multi-family inspections. For more information on that, here’s a link to the Gardner Building Department page, CLICK HERE.
- Ward 3 Election (2/3/2023)
Gardner MA City Council to select Ward 3 Councillor at Meeting of February 6, 2023
The Gardner City Council will select a Ward 3 Councillor to fill the unexpired term of Nathan Boudreau at its meeting Monday, February 6, 2023 from a field of 4 candidates. The person selected will have to run for election with the rest of the group in the Fall.
Letters of interest were due by noon on February 1, 2023. Candidates for the position must be from Ward 3 and include: Anthony Richard, Michael Cormier, Paul Tassone, Jeffrey Palmieri. Tassone and Palmieri previously served on the Council.
The candidates in brief below. To see their complete letter of interest submissions, view the City Council agenda and packet for 2-6-23. CLICK HERE.
Anthony Richard – 296 Parker Street – In a rather lengthy email, Richard states he is 21 years old and purchased his home in December 2021 along with his fiancee Hannah Boudreau. He detailed many occurrences in his life and stated, “I give loads of credit to the community and people of Gardner for everything they’ve done for me both physically and emotionally and I believe it is my turn to help and give back in any and every way I possibly can… one would work harder in trying to preserve and enhance everything Gardner has to offer…” Michael Cormier – 64 Jean Street – “I want to represent my fellow Ward 3 residents. Please take this email as my application for the open city council position.” Cormier also submitted a resume showing 21 years of experience with the Massachusetts Department of Correction and 24 years of experience with the US Department of Defense. Paul Tassone – 52 Church Street – “I have recently reached out to almost all of the council personally to express my interest in filling the position. I have worked with many of the council members in the past as the former Ward 2 City councilor and as a member of the school committee for six years. I believe my past experience understanding how we work together as a council would assist me in a smooth transition into the position….” Jeffrey Palmieri – Greenwood Street, “I ran against Nate 3 years ago. He prevailed as the winner but in my loss, I gained many peoples trust as they know my character. I have held the Councilor at Large position from 2015-2017. As my experience as a councilor was a great and humbling experience to see the way city government is run. I have lived in Ward 3 – Greenwood Street for 35 years with my wife and children. I am now retired with much time to help the citizens of Gardner Ward 3 and who ever needs help.” Palmieri details an extensive resume. Gardner City Council 7-5-2011 Last Time This Came Up was a Dozen Years Ago
The last time the Gardner City Council had to take up the issue of choosing a City Councillor was at the meeting of July 5, 2011. It’s interesting to hear how the process works. It took a few ballots and a selection was made. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Gardner City Council Meeting July 5, 2011 The video of the meeting is up on YouTube. According to City of Gardner IT Director Bob O’Keefe, it was obtained from a DVD and transferred to digital by his department.
- Busted 2-2-23 (2/2/2023)
4 Police Agencies Combine Forces to Take Down Drug Dealers in Greater Gardner MA
Dealing drugs in Greater Gardner is almost a guaranteed jail cell as area Law Enforcement is proving extremely adept at catching crooks. From the Gardner PD: “On 2/2/2023 the Gardner Police Department, along with the Hubbardston Police Department, North Worcester County Task Force, and the Massachusetts State Police Gang Unit executed a search warrant at 205 Gardner Rd in Hubbardston, MA. As a result of this, approximately 16 grams of suspected cocaine and $3904 of cash was seized. …. (2 individuals ) were arrested and charged with Possession with intent to Distribute a Class B Substance (cocaine)” Gardner Magazine prefers not to publish the names of individuals charged, even though, as in this case, police did release the names.
- Finance 1-30-23 (2/2/2023)
The Meeting included a discussion about possible City Council and Mayoral raises and expenditures of free cash. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Finance Committee 1-30-23 Gardner MA Finance Committee Takes up possible 2024 raises for City Council and the Mayor
According to City Councillor Ron Cormier who says he’s been around a long time, every time the subject of raises for the Council and Mayor come up, it’s not popular, so the City always falls behind. He suggests some sort of cost of living adjustment should be put in place, but for now, he wants the City Council to approve small raises. There’s also a provision to pay an Acting Mayor should that happen again. It was made clear that any raises would not take effect until after the next election. Councilor Cormier asked for the matter to be referred to the Council Committee as a whole. Cormier stated, ” I think it’s high time that the Council step up and address the fact that the Mayor’s position as well as the Council’s positions should be reimbursed for the amount of work they do . We’re looking for good candidates .We should encourage people to do so….it’s the pay structure ,it has to be taken care of, it’s been about eight or nine years since it’s been addressed. “
The City of Gardner last week signed on the company which will be doing a Salary Survey of City Employees and making recommendations. The goal is to keep the City competitive in hiring and results are expected in August. Should the City add a survey of City Council/Mayor salaries to the tasks of the company, a higher cost and later completion date would be anticipated.
In other matters, the Finance Committee recommended approval of $134,500 from free cash for the City portion of the Airport runway and taxiway system. From the FAA the City had received a grant of almost $5 million and from MA Dept. of Transportation just over $400k. The Mayor said he was being very careful with free cash requests until “we know what our full snow and ice removal costs are going to be, what the winter is going to do with us.” He has projects in mind, but he wants to make sure the City will have the money before making the requests. The Mayor did say he would be making a request for $150,000 for equipment for the new fire trucks that have already been purchased and are awaiting arrival.
- Public Serv 2-2-23 (2/2/2023)
- Lessons – Gardner (2/1/2023)
Lessons About Gardner History – An Interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
In a revealing interview, we interview Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson to learn more Lessons About Gardner History, how we can learn from the past to have more successes in the present and contribute to a better future. The entire interview is available to read in its entirety, CLICK HERE, or listen on any device. Click Play.
Lessons About Gardner History – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Topics covered include the storms of January 2023, Paving in the Chair City, the City Charter, updating Gardner City Hall, Fire Department needs, giving uses to unused City Buildings, Music Education in Gardner Public Schools, About the Covid Pandemic, Staff Development in the City of Gardner, Construction and use of school buildings, Signage in the City, Sludge Landfill Expansion, Lighting in the Chair City, Blighted Properties, Satisfaction in the Gardner Police Department, MMA and Grants, Things which didn’t turn out as well as expected, advice on purchasing a home, Spending money or waiting for grants, funding of Athletics, Gardner Disaster Preparedness, the Budget Process, Perfect Audit, Promotion of the Chair City, Growing Business in Gardner, Serving the Public, Gardner Events, Effectiveness of City Ordinances, Serving Senior Citizens, Visitors’ Center and Tourism, Downtown Gardner Traffic Flow, Funding Priorities, Environmental Concerns, Supporting Industry, Criticism from the Public, Topics of Phone Calls, Challenging Financial Times, and the Effectiveness of Various Approaches. Downloadable eBook 62 pages, CLICK HERE
We covered more than 3 dozen topics and Mayor Nicholson was good enough to answer every question and we very much appreciate it. Listen to the interview or read it right here.
Around the Towns – News

In the Community