Schools Greater Gardner MA Local News
Schools Around Greater Gardner MA
- School 3-10-25 (3/11/2025)
Gardner School Committee Meets on March 10, 2025
Teacher Joseph Lillie received recognition regarding his efforts in teaching English and life skills to those seeking to learn English. The Committee approved the Consent Agenda. Several members discussed progress on the Auditorium. Finance discussion included mention of the deficit due to out of control health insurance costs. The School Improvement Plan and various field trips were approved. Superintendent Pellegrino made a presentation on Progress Goals. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 3-10-25 For the complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
- Rockwell 2025 (3/7/2025)
Grants this year were more than double what was awarded last year and covered submissions from Gardner Elementary, Gardner Middle, Gardner High, and Gardner Academy.
Williams-Rockwell 2025 Grants Total over $208k
The Williams-Rockwell Educational Gift Fund Committee awarded $208,855.75 to 35 different projects this year compared to $82,831.60 to 15 different projects in 2024. Gardner Mayor Nicholson, Council President Tyros, and School Superintendent Mark Pellegrino all had positive comments. The Mayor stated in part “These grants will provide essential resources to help inspire and engage students, with positive contributions to their personal and academic growth. From advancements to our band programs, to field trips that enrich classroom lessons, to advanced academic materials- this year’s grant cycle provided some really cool initiatives for our students to take advantage of“
Background: The Williams-Rockwell Education Gift Fund was established in 2014 following the auction of Norman Rockwell’s “Willie Gillis in the Convoy” painting. The fund was set up to provide financial assistance to projects and programs requested by the faculty and administration of Gardner Public Schools to enrich the experiences of Gardner’s students. The grants are funded by the interest and capital gains earned from investments of the sale price of the painting. From the auction to the disbursement of the grants, the Williams-Rockwell Educational Gift Fund has been a collective effort in bringing about a way to give back to the city and its students for years to come. To date, the Committee has awarded almost 819k.
Here’s the complete list of grants awarded: 1. $3890 for magnetic communication boards at Gardner Elementary School to support kids with limited language skills. 2. $20,000 to Gardner Middle School to fund the transportation and subsidize the experience of the Outdoor Classroom Experience. 3. $10,046.32 to purchase the Gardner Middle School’s first set of theater microphones 4. $2036.90 for a fieldtrip to the Worcester Bravehearts for English Language and multilingual learners. 5. $4410.36 for new black art stools with backs for Gardner High School. 6. $1253.95 for ceramics classroom mobile cart, 7. $1050 for ceramics classroom kiln shelf cart 8. ceramics classroom mobile storage bins. 6,7,8 at Gardner High School at the High School. .9. $322.18 for Arts after School supplies at GHS 10. $1700 for It’s Electric STEM sets for GMS 11. $2454 for a Makerspace 3D printer at GMS 12. $3640 to send Grade 10 to the Hanover Theatre to see an in-person performance of “A Christmas Carol”. 13. $1523.98 for sensory light tables for GES 14. $10,000 to be able to maintain the elimination of user fees for athletics at GMS. 15. $4000 for DJ Equipment at GHS 16. $9500 for body microphones for GHS plays and shows 17. $4157.70 for drumline harnesses and bass drum stands for GHS. 18. $3750 to create a mural at the Gardner Elementary School. 19. $2500 for intramural, fitness, and recreation at the Gardner Academy 20. $3000 for the Joint Peer Mediation Initiative at GHS/GMS 21. $4954.50 for 60 music stands at GHS. 22. $1729.96 for a book repair machine for GMS. 23. $643 for baby carriers and hip packs for GHS 24. $1606.63 to replace spotlights at GMS. 25. $4500 for 2 flutes and 2 trumpets for GES 26. $43.740 for an outfield fence at GHS. 27. $16,844.75 to replace some percussion instruments at GHS 28. $6,999 for instruments etc. at GMS. 29. $13,475 for 45-50 GHS students to see a Broadway show in New York City. 30. $2600 for the STEM/STEAM curriculum at Gardner Academy 31. $3617.89 for Percussion instruments etc. at GHS. 32. $6242.26 to expand choral access at GMS 33. $2400 for a museum field trip and workshop for photography students at GHS 34. $2500 for photo equipment cabinets at GHS 35. $7339.88 for marching band uniform raincoats for GHS.
- MWCC Village Project (2/25/2025)
MWCC Launching MWCC Village Project
In an effort to support the basic needs of students, Mount Wachusett Community College is launching the MWCC Village Project funded by a Federal Grant in the amount of $874,420. View complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
The program is designed to provide basic needs resources to students with basic needs insecurity which studies have shown can hinder academic progress. The focus is multifold, focusing on food and hygiene assistance by expanding the MWCC Food Pantry with additional nutritious food and essential supplies, supporting physical and mental health services, providing child care support including free childcare for 2-3 hours, and filling gaps in housing, transportation, and technology services.
The Basic Needs for Postsecondary Students Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education, provides grants to eligible institutions of higher education to support programs that address students’ basic needs and report on practices that improve student outcomes. “By securing this grant, MWCC joins other institutions in a national effort to support students’ basic needs, enhancing their ability to succeed academically and beyond,” stated Jason Zelesky, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students.
- Council 2-18-25 (2/18/2025)
Listen to the entire City Council meeting of February 18, 2025 on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner City Council 2-18-25 City Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 18th to Have Impact for Years and Decades
The City Council waited about 10 minutes and then voted Councilor Elizabeth Kazinskas to fill in for Council President George Tyros who was absent. Councilor Tassone attended via telephone. Shown in the second row of the graphic are 3 individuals who were confirmed and then sworn in for 3 year appointments: Assessor Christine Kumar, Police Chief Eric McAvene, and Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni. Other appointments were also confirmed.
The Council voted to have new Director of Community Development and Planning Jason Stevens to brief the council with a 1 month update whereupon Jason Stevens said the following: Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Jason Stevens 2-18-25 Stevens Bombshell Report
Stevens who has been in the role for about 3 weeks went over and explained various problems which he is in the process of discovering, reviewing, and fixing. Good news “First, all money we have received from CDBG has been properly allocated and spent. No money is unaccounted for.” Stevens was highly critical of the previous director even stating that the Mayor and the Council did not get accurate reports. Stevens went over some errors previously made with respect to the Rear Main Street Project. Stevens stated, “I’m fully committed to getting things right and making sure the department runs correctly and effectively. Second, I’m willing to make tough calls for my department to make that that happens...”
The $8 Million Project – After considerable debate, the City Council approved the request from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson to reappropriate just over $8.1 million left over from the Gardner Elementary School project to go towards other 30 year projects. SEE COMPLETE LIST, CLICK HERE. The vote to approve was 9 to 1 which met the 2/3 vote threshold for approval. Allocation: 60% School Projects, 40% other City Projects.
- Finance 2-12-25 (2/14/2025)
$8 Million Project Gets Closer to Approval with Finance Committee Recommendation
The City of Gardner took out a 30 year loan to pay for its portion of the Gardner Elementary School which opened in the Fall of 2022. Recently, the project was deemed completed and went through an audit confirming that over $8 million was left. The Finance Committee voted on February 12, 2025 to recommend that the full City Council approve Gardner Mayor Nicholson’s proposal to utilize the remaining funds for other projects confirmed to have a 30 year or more useful life. If the full City Council votes to approve the plan, the monies would be spent rather than being put towards reducing the principal on the loan. In that event, however, the taxpayers would not be off the hook and would end up doling out more money per month as many of the items the Mayor outlined have been on the Capital Projects list for a decade or more and would likely need to be funded in some manner in the near future. The Mayor’s proposal keeps the City’s monthly payment the same as it is right now. Listen to the entire Finance Committee Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 2-12-25 Next Step: City Council discussion and possible vote on Tuesday February 18th. Complete Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. (Council meets a day later due to Monday holiday.)
Mayor Nicholson explained the criteria used to make the individual selections on the list: “Bond counsel informed us in order to get something that qualified for the reappropriation of these funds, we needed a project that had a letter stamped by a professional engineer. It was a certified engineer that took the state test and got the official professional engineering status to say that the lifetime of that project had a minimum 30-year lifespan. What that means is there’s different warranties that play into that, but there’s also different state laws that specify what projects fit into that 30-year category. For instance, paving by law can only have a loan taken out for up to 10 years. Outdoor recreational facilities can only have a loan taken out for 15 years, and equipment can only have a loan taken out for up to 20 years. Building improvements, however, are a 30-year, and other projects that meet certain engineer specifications or specifications of the general law are also 30 years.” Complete List, CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Note: What if the $8 million got added to next year’s budget instead?
This year, the Gardner’s $86 million dollar budget is composed of $41 million for the general fund, $34 million for the schools, and just under $11 million for enterprise funds. So at first glance, adding $8 million to next year’s budget would seem to add 10.7% or about $428 to the average property tax bill, right. (adding general fund + schools) Well, not so fast. Millions of dollars in Gardner’s budget comes from the State of MA such as the School funds, so the figure would be even higher. All of a sudden it is easily realized the Mayor is looking out for the taxpayers with the option he is proposing. Instead of smacking each taxpayer with an extra 500 bucks or more, it’s a sensible idea which helps in a big way to keep up Gardner’s existing buildings – which has been a problem in the past. Many of the outlined needs have been on the Capital Improvements list for years. Have a better idea? Email and give us your thoughts.
- $8 Million Project (2/12/2025)
Gardner Mayor Proposes School Surplus Fund $8 Million Dollar Project
Construction of the new Gardner Elementary School came in $8 Million under budget. The result is an $8 million surplus sitting in Gardner’s bank account. Gardner has 3 choices: (1) Put the amount towards principal which wouldn’t reduce current monthly payments but loan would be paid off 1-2 years early. (2) Wait until the end of the year and ask that the amount be added to FREE CASH so monies could be expended next year or (3) Utilize the funds in the spirit of the original loan and fund capital projects with a useful life of 30 years or more. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is asking the City Council to choose option 3 and he has a list. The exact amount is $8,161,000. Note that the amounts are good-faith estimates with actual costs known only after City goes out to bid and contracts are awarded.
The proposal puts a majority of the money back towards the schools including $1,500,000 for Gardner High School Auditorium upgrades, $2,000,000 for Gardner High School Locker Room Replacement, and $1,2000,00 for replacing the Gardner Middle School roof, plus $180,000 in other projects. Total for the schools: $4,880,000. In the City: $1,081,000 for various projects at the Community Center, $225,000 towards the Greenwood Pool Administration Building, City Hall improvements to include electrical, facade, bathroom, entryway, and Perry Auditorium windows and doors totaling $1,175,00, and $800,000 towards Rear Main Street construction. Grand Total $8,161,000 — Schools – 60% Other City Projects 40% See Graphic for individual breakdown, CLICK HERE.
Next steps: The Finance Committee will review the proposal at its February 12, 2025 meeting and make its recommendations to the full City Council. Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
- School 2-10-25 (2/11/2025)
“Kids who need more get more” – Elementary School Principal Earl Martin. Just one of the memorable statements from this informative School Committee meeting.
Gardner School Committee Holds Informative Meeting
At the Gardner MA School Committee Meeting of February 10, 2025, Behavioral and Academic presentations from various individuals took up more than 1/2 hour at the beginning of the meeting. Bottom line: Very good news about District performance and the big news – Gardner is recognized not only by the State but also by other communities for its successful progress. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee Meeting 2-10-25 Various policies were approved. School Committee members had various comments regarding the District. At the end of the meeting, Gardner Mayor Nicholson spoke about the District’s insurance and reported that the account was stable. The Mayor also reported on the $8 million surplus re the Gardner Elementary School project and various uses for the City. The Mayor noted that details will be discussed at the next City Council Finance Committee meeting and then the full Council will vote. The extensive more than 200 page packet contains some very good information and we urge you to read it. Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
School Calendars
- Committee 2-10-25 (2/9/2025)
Gardner School Committee Holds Meeting on Monday February 10, 2025
The Gardner School Committee is expected to accept grant funds in the amount of $100,000 and accept a donation in the amount of $75,000 to establish a scholarship. The committee is also expected to vote on various expenditures.
During the meeting, school policies will be discussed including non-discrimination and harassment, Cori policy, Committee powers and duties, relations with nonpublic schools, health policies and requirements, student photographs, public gifts to the schools, public solicitations, and advertising in the schools.
- Hotline 2-1-25 (2/1/2025)
Chapter 90 and Chapter 70 Funding Likely to Increase – Mayor Nicholson on Hotline Radio
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson appeared as the first guest on WGAW’s Hotline Radio on Saturday, February 1, 2025. Listen to the entire show on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Hotline Radio 2-1-25 Should the legislature approve, the Chair City of Gardner is slated to receive more money this coming year from the state for paving and for the schools. Mayor Nicholson stated “The governor released her budget last week, and it’s actually really good for us in Gardner. The Chapter 90 bill that was proposed has Gardner getting a 58 percent increase in what we’d be receiving for road paving for the year. This is the first time we’ve seen an increase in Chapter 90 funding since 2012. So if that gets passed by the legislature, that’ll be really positive for us here in Gardner. And then the Chapter 70 funding also came in a million dollars over what we were planning to expect. So that’s the funding that goes to our schools.”
The Mayor also spoke about other public and private projects in the City of Gardner.
Other segments included a Law Enforcement Ceremony at Fitchburg State – Gardner Fire Chief Lagoy on 2024 activity of the Department —a Deep Dive with Jack and Jill on Cancer in Massachusetts — Comedy One Liners
- MWCC Audio (1/30/2025)
MWCC Adds 6th AUDIO Studio to Facilities
For decades, Mount Wachusett Community College has trained students in the operation of AUDIO and Video equipment and most recently has maintained 5 AUDIO Studios. On February 7, 2025, the Mount will dedicate its 6th AUDIO studio to retiring Chief Engineer of Media Services, Arthur Collins.
“Robust audio programs with facilities like ours are rare in Communications and Media programs,” says Professor John Little, Media Arts & Technology Department Chair. “Equipment like we have here is almost only found in music recording schools. We’re thrilled to offer this level of audio training in a two-year school toward disciplines in television, film, and music. We know how lucky we are to be able to train at this level, and so do our students. Some of them commute an hour and a half to study here.”What’s Special About This Studio?
The new audio studio is unique in that it is built around a state-of-the-art sound board that is designed for shows in large arenas, concert halls, and stadiums. “No other school in New England is doing anything like this,” says Rick Scott of Pason’s Audio LLC in Woburn, MA who consulted in the studio’s design. The system is appropriate for stereo music production, 5.1 surround sound mixing in films, and training the concepts of high-end equipment used in mixing sound at live shows. A slightly smaller portable version of the same sound board will be used throughout the campus with various sound systems for training in the program’s brand-new course on Live Sound Reinforcement.
The Designers
The room was acoustically engineered by Lou Clark of Sonic Space, an architectural company in Portsmouth, NH, who also designed MWCC’s Audio Studio 5. Every surface, angle, color, and placement of every component is set to the architect’s design. The room was built by Dave Ruthart of Ruthardt Woodesign, in Sudbury MA. The equipment was installed and commissioned by MWCC’s Media Services team. For more information on the 4 curriculum paths offered at MWCC’s Dr. Vincent S. Ialenti Media Arts and Technology Center, visit the website, CLICK HERE.
- School 1-7-25 (1/8/2025)
Gardner School Committee Holds First Meeting of the Year
The Gardner School Committee elected Rachael Cormier as its Vice Chair during the meeting of January 7, 2025. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 1-7-25 View complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
The meeting began with Superintendent Mark Pellegrino honoring the recipients of the Abigail Adams scholarships. High School Principal Bulger spoke of the School Improvement Plan. Gardner Academy Principal Imperato spoke about progress at the school. College and Career Readiness Coordinator Paine also gave a presentation.
- Organization 2025 (1/5/2025)
Gardner City Council and School Committee hold first Meetings of New Year
Gardner City Council
The Gardner City Council meets Monday, January 6, 2025. The Council will elect its Council President. See agenda, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE: Councilor George Tyros has been unanimously elected as President of the Gardner City Council. He replaces Councilor Elizabeth Kazinskas who has served in the role since 2020.
Gardner School Committee
The Gardner School Committee meets Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Gardner Mayor Nicholson is the Chair of the Committee by law and the other officers will be elected. See agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
- School Committee 11-12-24 (11/13/2024)
School Committee Meets – Achievements Recognized
The Gardner MA School Committee met on November 12, 2024. At the beginning of the meeting, Superintendent Pellegrino recognized Retired Principal Cherie McComb (spelling corrected) and other retired teachers who have supported a program of education for immigrants. McComb spoke about the program and how people are learning English and getting assistance to obtain Driver’s licenses and employment. Doctor Catherine Goguen gave an MCAS update, details achievements and what work is ongoing to better student performance. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 11-12-24 Complete Meeting Packet and Agenda, CLICK HERE.
- Wooden Flags (11/11/2024)
Patriotism and Love for Veterans Is Alive at Gardner High School
Veterans protect our country from adversaries who would harm us and who would disrupt the lives of our youngest to our oldest. Students in a class at Gardner High took the time to salute our nation’s heroes by making unique wooden flags.
GHS posted, “Students in our Advanced Woodworking class made these beautiful wooden flags and presented them today to Cory Hasselmann, the Director of Veterans Services. It was a great project for our students and a nice way to thank our local veterans. Community at its best.”
Happy Veterans Day
- School 10-15-24 (10/18/2024)
Gardner MA School Committee Holds October Meeting
Meeting focused on the first reading of some school policies and the second reading of others. Other topics included the Superintendent Goals, District Improvement Plan, and various updates. See the complete agenda and packet for details and supporting information. CLICK HERE.
Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 10-15-24 During the meeting, School Committee member Shannon Ward Leighton spoke for several minutes on Ballot Question 2. Leighton supports the elimination of the MCAS requirement. See our article re Ballot Questions and link to full booklet.
Anne Hurst spoke in favor of the new cellphone policy. The student representative spoke regarding the cellphone policy. Rachael Cormier spoke on the cellphone policy. Robert Swartz urged people to vote. (and inspired our commentary on the subject, CLICK HERE.)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson congratulated the Gardner Wildcats.
- Distracting Phones (9/15/2024)
Proactive Cell Phone and Earbud Policy in 3rd week at Gardner Public Schools
Students talking, texting, or tempted to multitask are distracted and not completely paying attention. Learning losses resulted in a change to policy in Gardner Public Schools for the 2024-2025 School Year. Complete Student Handbook, CLICK HERE.
Policy states: Cellphone and Earbud/Headphone use is prohibited in classrooms, school offices, and any other academic area. Allowable time is when not in class and for emergencies.
During class, cellphones are stored in a designated cellphone holder. Violators get cellphone violated with return at the end of the school day. Frequent offenders are subject to accelerating consequences as specified in policy. Extreme behaviors that break the law or engage in bullying or harassment of other students may result in other disciplinary action and/or police involvement.
- Big Mowing (9/14/2024)
Before and After the Big Mowing at Gardner Elementary School
Much of the grounds at Gardner Elementary School have been mowed. The top photo shows how the grounds looked in violation of City Ordinance and State Law which contemplates the potential risk to children and adults from insects, rodents, and trash. Bottom photo shows the clean look after the mowing. Apparently the architect’s plan to use a “Meadow Mix” to align with a “School in the Woods” theme did not take other factors into account. Previous Article detailing issue, CLICK HERE.
- School 9-9-24 (9/10/2024)
View the complete agenda and packet for this meeting, CLICK HERE.
We have 3 other separate articles on this meeting. See Below.
Gardner MA School Committee Meets on September 9, 2024
Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 9-9-24 This was the first meeting of the entire School Committee since June. Absent were Mayor Nicholson and Committee member Lafreniere and a student representative has not yet been assigned. The Teachers Contract was ratified. Robert Swartz was appointed the MASC Delegate. Various policies were submitted for first reading.
We have 3 separate other articles on this meeting. Robert Swartz with a Facilities update, CLICK HERE, Dr. Catherine Goguen with a District Improvement Plan update, CLICK HERE, and Superintendent Mark Pellegrino with a goals update, CLICK HERE.
- Pellegrino Goals (9/10/2024)
Gardner MA School Superintendent Mark Pellegrino Speaks about Goals
Dr. Mark Pellegrino spoke about goals for Fiscal Year 2025. Listen on any device.
Superintendent Pellegrino 9-9-24 For District Improvement, goal 1 is fidelity to common planning time expectations and goal 2 is fidelity to tier 1 core instructional practices. With regard to student learning, goal 1 is the reduce academic equity gaps for students who are multiligual or have special needs and goal 2 is to have students in grades k-4 will be reading on grade level by May 31, 2025. View complete goals, CLICK HERE.
- Dr. Goguen Reports (9/10/2024)
Dr. Catherine Goguen Reports on the District Improvement Plan for Gardner Public Schools
Dr. Catherine Goguen stated that the District Improvement Plan has been updated for the next three years. It was presented to the School Committee for the first time at its meeting of September 9, 2024. Listen to her comments here.
Dr. Goguen 9-9-24 Goguen explained, “We collect, analyze, and respond to data regarding all of the work that we’re doing. We provide teachers and staff members with the time and the training and the support needed to do this work. And we work together in collaboration with community members and families that we will have students that can achieve success.“
View the complete District Improvement Plan, CLICK HERE.
- Swartz Report (9/10/2024)
Robert Swartz Provides a School Facilities Report
School Committee member Robert Swartz provided a School Facilities Report on September 9, 2024. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Robert Swartz 9-9-24 Swartz reported that a 50+ year PA system was replaced at the High School. All battery operated clocks at the High School were replaced and all are now kept running with a master clock. Other updates are to be completed by the middle of October. The Middle School front doors are also scheduled to be replaced in October. A contractor is being hired to determine the extent of roof repairs needed. A certificate of occupancy was issued in June for Gardner Elementary School
- Nature Grows (9/6/2024)
Nature Takes Over When Humans Aren’t Looking
Throughout the City of Gardner, the weather has allowed for accelerated foliage growth in some areas. For example, the barricade at South Main Street almost looks like a hedge. A retaining wall at Timpany Plaza is showing signs of structural infiltration by Mother Nature. The Mill Street Corridor sign is somewhat obscured by foliage as is the sign directing people to Superior Kitchen Design. While the humans have been busy, Mother Nature is taking over.
At Gardner Elementary School, the $90million building, parts of walkways, and some curbing has been infiltrated by un-mowed foliage.
- Rotary 9-2-24 (9/2/2024)
Gardner Uptown Rotary Construction Continues – Gardner School Begins
It is an inconvenient truth. Uptown Rotary Construction has reached a critical point with paving to occur within the next couple of weeks. The problem: School is starting right after Labor Day and any work might be disruptive. However, any inconvenience should be short-lived as the original completion date of the project was slated to be in November. An earlier completion means less interruption of traffic during the coming months.
Alternate routes include using Eaton Street to connect with Green Street, Route 140 and then Pearl Street from the other side. Or, utilize Route 2 to the Route 140 exit, take Betty Spring Road to Pearl Street. Or take Elm Street to Lawrence Street which comes out on Pearl Street.
- School of Weeds (8/30/2024)
Mayor Takes Action – School of Weeds to be Saved from Overgrowth
The current overgrowth at GES will be soon be mowed to be City compliant, states Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson who had an in-person meeting with Superintendent Pellegrino on the matter Friday August 30, 2024. After required Fire and Building Department inspections are completed with the maintenance people, the goal is to get them up there and get it all mowed. Nicholson stated, “ I hate how it looks.:” Mayor Nicholson spoke with the Superintendent about the necessity of getting it mowed for the safety of the people.
On Monday of this week, Councilor Judy Mack contacted the Superintendent regarding the matter stating the following: “Do you remember the excitement of your first day of school? Or that of your children? The new outfit and taking pictures as they walk into school? As I drove around the schools on Saturday I thought of the impression that a child or student would be entering the Gardner Elementary School for the first day on September 3. Then I was totally appalled by the outside condition of the beautiful school we have built. Many citizens have voiced their concerns about the conditions of the grounds to me. The outside is beyond overgrown with weeds and is a disgrace. This has nothing to do with nature, it is an embarrassment to what was built as a multi-million dollar state of the art school at the taxpayer expense. It was sold by the architects as “school in the woods” but it has become in a short period of time as “a school in the weeds”. There is nothing attractive or appealing when your drive up and the lack of ground maintenance is nothing short of embarrassing. Not to mention these overgrown weeds harbors insects and rodents that not only violate state code (see attachment) but are dangerous to children playing outside, especially those with allergies. The road down to Pearl Street is no better and as I have pointed out previously the area in front of the school sign is just overgrown weeds. The school has a grounds crew capable of maintaining the facilities. Then as I drove in front of the high school, the high school principal and her husband were trimming overgrown bushes and cutting back things to make the front of the building look presentable for the beginning of the school year. This is one person going above and beyond to make sure her school looks presentable but this isn’t her responsibility.”
Mack continued, “We as a city are sometimes penny wise and pound foolish. If we spend millions of dollars of taxpayers money, those in charge elected and appointed have the obligation to not only maintain the daily ongoing of the buildings inside but maintain the outside and that is not being done. This isn’t a choice, it is a requirement, and an expectation that is placed on taxpayers money being invested in any and all city funded building projects. What we build, we must maintain. The citizens and most certainly a city councilor shouldn’t have to bring this to your attention and this isn’t my first time mentioning the conditions outside of GES. As one with more than the average knowledge of perennials, it is to a point it will cost more money as it is so overgrown with weeds the average person won’t know what is a plant and what isn’t. Weeds choke out the plants you want. Money spent on the initial landscaping is now wasted with the lack of upkeep. First impressions are important. A picture is not only worth a thousand words, it’s worth thousands of dollars.”
Superintendent Pellegrino had responded that nothing would be done about the issue: “Thanks for voicing your concern about the grounds. First, I want to say that I do not like the look of those areas either. However, the areas you pointed out are what’s called “Spring Meadow Mix.” It is part of the landscape architect’s design. Pictures of this mix are beautiful, but we are in the first year of this. So where there are weeds, it is the “meadow mix,” which is not supposed to be mowed until October. Mowing it will help kill the weeds (according to the architect), and help the other plants bloom.
Pellegrino continued, “While many have voiced that they do not like the look (including me), we are following the prescribed maintenance procedures. I just want to be clear that this is not lack care for the grounds, and your concerns are shared by others, (we have had several discussions here at central regarding what to do about the look of the landscaping). We are not going to re-do the landscaping at this point, but we agree that it looks off-putting. However, I have CC’s Mark Hawke on this email, as he can explain why this looks the way it does, what the maintenance procedures are, and what our plan is going forward.”
Publisher’s Note: Councilor Mack included with her email various photos of the conditions and a reminder that grass or weeds that are 12 inches or taller are a violation of MA State Health code because it is a harborage for rats, mice, insects, and ticks. It also conceals trash, debris, pools of stagnant water, and other items that can be injury hazards. It is also a violation of Gardner City Code. It is our prediction that this nonsense will not be repeated in future years. We took photos from our vehicle. Judy Mack’s photos show the danger extending right up to the school building.
- Winchendon News (8/11/2024)
New Superintendent – New Ad Hoc Committee in Winchendon MA News
The Town of Winchendon has been making news this year with its budget challenges. The Town meeting overwhelmingly approved the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget at a July town meeting after rejecting it at a previous meeting. At the July 18th School Committee meeting it was suggested that the initial rejection was a rebuke of Superintendent Goguen who was not well-liked by residents and was the subject of a no confidence vote by teachers. Goguen opted not to continue in the role and at this July meeting new interim Superintendent Dr. Marc Gosselin was selected. Gosselin started work this past Monday August 5th. We have the AUDIO of the complete lengthy discussion. Listen on any device.
BOS – School Committee 7-18-24 Complete Because it is expected that the Fiscal Year 2026 budget will be challenging, Winchendon is acting proactively to start planning right now. The Board of Selectmen recently authorized the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to work with the Town Manager to work on the FY26 budget. This group will consist of 6 members. One each from the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and School Committee and three residents. The committee will discuss town finances including the need for a Proposition 2 ½ override. The recommendations from the committee will include the amount to be requested for an override, when to schedule the vote by the Town, and what would happen to the Town (including schools) budget if an override is not successful. Winchendon is looking for three residents to serve. If interested email Town Manager Bill McKinney:
- MWCC Fall (8/11/2024)
MWCC Gets Ready for the Fall
There are over 70 degree and certificate programs. —- MWCC offers quick semesters with 7 week courses, next one starts September 4th. —-Enrollment Express is August 13th in Gardner and August 15th in Leominster. MWCC website, CLICK HERE. Haven’t registered for classes yet? The time is now.
FREE Community College
A provision in the recently signed $58 billion Massachusetts budget provides free community college in Massachusetts. In addition to FREE tuition and NO fees, there is also an allowance of up to $1,200 per academic year for books, supplies and other expenses. Each student’s allowance amount is determined based on household income. The Governor’s office states that much of the $117.5 million for the initiative is coming from the so called “millionaires’ Tax” in Massachusetts. Last year, community college was made free for those 25 and older who did not yet have a college degree.
- Capital 7-31-24 (8/1/2024)
Capital Improvement Committee Discusses How to Spend $8 million
Faced with the good news that Gardner Elementary School is about $8 million under budget, the Capital Improvement Committee discussed how to spend the money. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Capital Improvement Committee 7-31-24 Committee was generally in agreement that $4 million of the amount should go towards needs of the School Department and some were discussed. In addition, the committee decided to communicate with all City Department Heads to see if there are any needs not currently on the Capital Improvement Plan which should be there given this development.
The alternative to spending any of the $8 million which is currently in the City’s bank account is to pay down the principal on the school loan. However, that would not reduce the City’s monthly payment obligation but would end the payments 2 years earlier. Mayor Nicholson would like to use the funds already borrowed to fund urgent needs of the School Department.
- CDBG Grants 7-29-24 (7/29/2024)
CDBG Grants Announced in Front of School Street School
School Street School has been vacant for almost 40 years, has fallen in to disrepair, often has vandals and police calls. Gardner applied for a Community Development Block Grant to demolish the building and received it along with others to benefit the City. Listen to the announcements and comments from officials on any device. CLICK PLAY.
CDBG Grants July 29 2024 Pictured are 2nd Row: Gardner Mayor Nicholson, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, and City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas. 3rd row: City Councilor George Tyros who serves as Chair of the CDBG Steering Committee, Julie Meehan of the Community Action Committee, Bernice Richard of Voices of Truth, and both James Deveau and Janet Stankaitis from the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission. The CDBG Grants will also benefit athletes as fees will be completely covered again this year. Demolition of the building will be the middle of next year. Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE
Breakdown of the $925,000 total funds: School Street School Demolition and Associated Costs 95% or $877,000 —- Gardner Emergency Housing Mission $5,000 — Gardner CAC $16,000 — Athletic Fees $15,000. Voices of Truth $12,000
- Budget 88% (6/18/2024)
Winchendon School Budget Passes Overwhelmingly at Town Meeting
Winchendon voters passed the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget at the Town Meeting of June 18, 2024. Yes: 88%.
School Committee Chair Karen Kast-McBride released the following statement: “To the Voters of Winchendon who voted to pass the Winchendon Public Schools FY25 Budget overwhelmingly (88% Yes!) tonight, thank you! To the Students, Staff and others who came out to join us tonight, a very special thank you for prioritizing education in Winchendon! Especially on such a hot night! Now, let’s move forward together and do our best to make our schools better for every single student. It won’t happen overnight or in a year, it will take time, but if we work together and are truly invested it can happen. I hope you will join me in this important work, because I’m not giving up on our students or district.”
Graphic Shows Town Meeting and the moment the vote came in at 88 percent YES.
The moderator called for questions and there were none. The vote followed and in less than 10 minutes, everyone could go home.
Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Town Meeting 6-18-24 School Budget approved: Just over $17.4 million
- School Committee Meeting 6-10-24 (6/11/2024)
Success of Students and District Progress Highlighted at School Committee Meeting
4th Graders were honored at the beginning of the meeting. Other speakers informed the public as to the success of students and district progress was highlighted. Details were announced as to the number of students getting college credits and receiving Associates Degrees. Progress on facilities was also discussed. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson recognized Courtney Dunn for her outstanding work in obtaining grants for the School District. List of Grants, CLICK HERE. The School Committee evaluated Superintendent Pellegrino with an overall rating of proficient.
Listen to this informative meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 6-10-24
- School 6-10-24 (6/8/2024)
Gardner MA School Committee to Meet on Monday June 10, 2024
A Grant Update to the School Committee being presented by Courtney Dunn includes funding from Entitlement Grants, Targeted Support Funds, and Competitive Grants. Total for Fiscal Year 2025 is $2,945,628. See detail on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Various warrant articles totaling about $2 million dollars will be considered. See agenda/packet for details, CLICK HERE.
Other items include the First Reading of certain proposed policies, approval of the 2024-2025 calendar amendment, see amended CALENDAR CLICK HERE, Superintendent Evaluation, College & Career Readiness Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator Update, Director of School Health Services, Grants Administrator Update, Special Education Update, and SEPAC Update.
- Winchendon 6-6-24 (6/7/2024)
Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. A simple majority of voters is needed to approve the School Budget.
Winchendon School Budget Heads Towards Town Meeting
The Winchendon School Committee met on Thursday, June 6, 2024 for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. Following the hearing, the regular School Committee meeting was held. Budget changes were approved. Next step is up to the voters with a Town Meeting scheduled for June 18, 2024. Listen to the hearing and meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winchendon School Committee 6-6-24 Winchendon must approve a School Budget before July 1, 2024. During the hearing, members of the Committee admitted they don’t like the budget because more funding is desired, However this current iteration of the budget makes the best use of the dollars available.
Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. It is important voters show up as often monetary items get defeated simply because a disproportionate number of naysayers attend.
- GES Dog (6/6/2024)
Grant of $10,000 to bring therapy dog to Gardner Elementary School
Woody is pictured as an almost 3 month old puppy. During the next year he will train to become the facility therapy dog for Gardner MA Elementary School. According to Gardner Public Schools, “He was chosen for his easy-going confidence through a series of temperament tests. He has a lot of hours of training ahead and lots to learn. But the impact he will make is going to be immense/ This entire endeavor was made possible by Coldsprings Healing Paws Foundation and the Williams-Rockwell Educational Grant. We are so thankful for their support. Welcome, Woody to the GES family!”
Current plans are to have Woody reside with GES Assistant Principal Henry.
For more information on all the 2024 Rockwell Grants, CLICK HERE for our previous article.
- GHS Graduation 2024 (6/1/2024)
Gardner High School Graduation 2024
Gardner High School and Gardner Academy Graduation ceremonies were held on June 1, 2024. Listen to Gardner High School Graduation on any device, CLICK PLAY
Listen to the Gardner Academy Graduation on any device. CLICK PLAY. (Note: First 6 minutes has distortion from a bad mic, once replaced rest of AUDIO was OK.)
- Great East (6/1/2024)
Gardner Middle School Music Program Honored with Medals at Great East Music Festival
The Gardner Middle School Band and Chorus got the following honors at the Great East Music Festival held at Six Flags on May 31, 2024. Gold Medal was received by the 5th, 6th, and 7th bands. Gold Medal was received by the 5th and 6th grade chorus. And, the 7th Grade Chorus received a Platinum Medal.
Scoring Criteria: The Show Choir Score Sheet evaluates 5 categories including Tone/Intonation, Technique, Musicianship, Overall Effectiveness, Staging/Choreography. Maximum number of points is 20 in each category for a total maximum of 100. Awards: Bronze – 0-59, Silver – 60-79, Gold – 80-94, Platinum – 95-100. The Jazz Band Score Sheet evaluates 5 categories including Tone/Intonation – 25 points , Technique – 25 points, Musicianship – 25 points, Overall Effectiveness 15 points, Improvisation/Soloists – 10 points. Awards: Bronze – 0-65, Silver – 65-79, Gold – 80-94, Platinum – 95-100.
For more information on the Great East Music Festival scoring rubrics, click here.
GMS Music posted, “Congratulations to all the students who worked so hard to earn these!”
- Winchendon Budget Update (5/30/2024)
Key Facts Regarding the Winchendon School Budget Issue
What is not disputed: Without having a Proposition 2 1/2 override, not all desired expenditures can be made and priorities must be decided. A school budget needs to be passed prior to July 1, 2024. Publisher’s note: While an override has not been requested this year, it has been suggested as a possibility for next year.
What is disputed: People have differing opinions as to priorities. Most everyone cares about the students of Winchendon and wants the best for them.
Progress Made: Discussions have been held between various interested parties resulting in the latest proposed budget.
Documents: Winchendon School Budget changes 1 sheet Latest copy of the budget dated May 29, 2024, CLICK HERE. —- Letter from Interim Superintendent of Schools Goguen Budget Fact Sheet —– Joint Statement from Winchendon Teachers Association and Superintendent.
Key Dates: Winchendon School Committee public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget is Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 5pm in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Warrant articles for the Town Meeting will be accepted until Monday June 3rd at 10am. Last day to register to vote for the upcoming Town Meeting is June 7th. Because, the town clerk’s office will be closed during 6-5 to 6-7, residents need to stop at the Police Dispatch Station at 72 Central Street to get voter registration forms.
Town Meeting is Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at Murdock Middle High School Auditorium.
- Early College (5/29/2024)
MWCC Announces Graduates of Early College and Pathways Programs
13 Pathways Graduates are pictured at top. MWCC’s Pathways Early College Experience offers motivated students interested in getting a head start on college the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and an associate degree while completing their junior and senior years in high school taking courses at MWCC.
Gateway to College graduates are pictured at bottom. MWCC’s Gateway to College program, established in 2006 as the first Gateway site in New England, provides a second chance for students ages 16 to 21 who have dropped out of high school, are at risk of dropping out, or experienced a setback, as well as an opportunity for home schooled students to complete high school and college studies.
Read the entire Press Release with all the details, including names of all the graduates CLICK HERE.
- Winchendon Budget (5/29/2024)
Town of Winchendon Working Towards Budget Resolution
With the initial School Budget rejected at Town Meeting, another Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. As a budget needs to be approved prior to July 1, 2024, sufficient attendance at this upcoming Town Meeting will be critical. Prior to Town Meeting, the Winchendon School Committee will be holding a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 5pm in the Town Hall Auditorium.
The Town Manager’s office will be accepting warrant articles and citizen petitions from now through Monday June 3, 2024 at 10am.
- GHS Grad ’24 (5/24/2024)
Important Gardner High School Graduation Events
Tuesday, May 28, 7pm Holy Rosary Church- Baccalaureate Ceremony
Thursday, May 30 5:30pm Gardner High School – Senior Awards Night
Saturday, June 1, 10am Watkins Field – Gardner High Graduation (remember to RSVP if you plan to attend graduation so they can have a seat available for you)
- Band Medal (5/23/2024)
Investment in Gardner Music Pays Off in Form of Gold Medal
Youngsters with musical talent were congratulated after winning a GOLD MEDAL. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson wrote about the honor stating” Congratulations to the 4th Grade Band at Gardner Elementary School for earning a Gold Medal at the Great East Festival last weekend! This is only the 2nd year since band has been back at Gardner Elementary for students in grades 3 and 4, and these students were in the first iteration of the band last year. To have them bring home a gold medal just one year later is a tremendous accomplishment, and I am so proud of these students.”
Investment in Music: “When I was first elected mayor, one of my priorities was to bring band back to our elementary school, and we did it in the first budget I was able to propose. The City Council also approved my proposal for $100,000 across the music programs in all of our schools for new equipment and programming upgrades last year. Today, over 200 students in 3rd and 4th grade are participating in the program- over 1/3 of the school’s overall population. Music education and music in our schools/community is so important, and I’m proud to see what we have accomplished in Gardner with the amazing team we have.”
Thank yous: “Thank you to Michelle Heffner and the Administration of Gardner Elementary School and Gardner Public Schools for your continued support of the arts and music- in particular this program! Go Wildcats!“
- City Council 5-20-24 (5/22/2024)
Council President Kazinskas Handles Disruptors with Class at City Council Meeting
During the Gardner City Council Meeting of May 20, 2024, supporters of defeated formal Mayoral Candidate Kimberly Blake attempted to illegally disrupt the proceedings. The Council President took a recess to handle the matter off camera after stating, “We can discuss at the end of the meeting, but right now we can’t disrupt the purpose of the meeting. Thank you.” and then resumed the proceedings after a few minutes. Meanwhile, Paul DeMeo disrupted the proceedings with flashes from a camera. He was not rebuked. (Publisher’s Note: DeMeo operates a Facebook Group in which he continually posts inflammatory negative statements about Gardner, public officials, Media outlets, and various people. When challenged about the truthfulness of his postings, DeMeo bans the individuals from his group.) Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council May 20, 2024 Regarding Helen Mae Sauter School Property
Councilor Brad Heglin spoke about the Helen Mae Sauter School property which the City Solicitor advised must remain under the jurisdiction of the School Committee due to deed restrictions and for which the School Committee is seeking an outside counsel’s opinion. “I just want to also add and make sure that we stress to the city and that we as City Council members that these two properties don’t continue to fall into further disrepair. So that while we seek these legal opinions and further information, hopefully we can still get our ad hoc committee set up and the city can look at options both for school uses and or private uses.” Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson advised, “The school department has contracted with the services of Attorney Christine Tree to provide an opinion to the city to show what options are available for the city, if there’s any way out of the deed restrictions that are there, if the deed restrictions are permanent, if so, what the impacts of that are in the long-term plan. So that report will be coming out soon once attorney Tree is able to complete that review and go over relevant documents.”
Stabilization Account for Capital Improvements
Councilor George Tyros spoke in favor of the proposal stating, “As one of the Council’s representatives on the Capital Improvements Committee, I fully support this measure. There’s a long list of capital improvement projects that the city just hasn’t gotten to because the funding was not there. There’s a long list of outdoor pools, buildings, things like making the bathrooms more ADA and modern in City Hall and other buildings and roofs and such nature. This is a great thing to establish and it will allow that committee to make some good decisions on improvements in our community.” The account was established by unanimous approval. A similar item establishing a stabilization account for the schools also passed unanimously.
Zoning Board Increase in Members
A measure increasing the number of Zoning Board members to 5 was adopted. It will go in to effect if passed again at the next meeting.
Budget Matters were granted more time without objection.
An informal City Council meeting was held prior to the regular meeting. Councilors received a presentation on the School Budget from Superintendent Mark Pellegrino and Mark Hawke. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Informal City Council Meeting 5-20-24
- MWCC 2024 (5/15/2024)
450 Degrees and 229 Certificates Conferred to 620 Students at MWCC 2024 Graduation
On May 15, 2024, the 59th Commencement was held at Mount Wachusett Community College in Gardner MA. Guests were welcomed by MWCC President James Vander Hooven. Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll shared words of welcome. Student speaker was Winchendon resident Katlin Bosworth, ” a mother of three and first-generation college student who received both a Human Services associate degree and a Liberal Arts and Sciences associate degree.
“MWCC will always be my safe place, the place where I am supported and encouraged, the place where I became an adult, the place that has helped me raise three children, the place that taught me success was within me, the place that supported me through the loss of my mother, the place that believed I was worth fighting addiction and the place that has given me acceptance and grace. The place that has picked me up time and time again through my own failures and struggles,” Bosworth told her fellow graduates.
For the complete Press Release listing the names of all the graduates, CLICK HERE.
- School 5-16-24 (5/12/2024)
Gardner School Committee Met on Monday May 13, 2024
The Gardner MA School Committee Met on Monday May 13, 2024. Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner School Committee 5-13-24 Robert Swartz detailed progress relating to various projects in the schools. pointing out that some estimated costs have been filled in (see packet). Pictures in the graphic at left show some of the progress. There is a listing of miscellaneous theatrical upgrades for $500,000. “I think everybody on the committee choked on that. So hopefully we’ll get more details as to what that miscellaneous means by next month or so.” Mayor Nicholson added that the City Hall flagpole should be fixed by the end of this week.
Various academic progress was detailed and policies were discussed. Dr. Pellegrino commented on improving attendance and what was discussed at an administrative council meeting, “But just tonight, we were talking about the high school and how the entire MTSS team really focused on improving attendance, and specifically, attendance of students with disabilities. Last year, there were 31 students with disabilities who were chronically absent at the high school. This year, working with the teachers, working with the administrators, everybody pulling together, that number dropped to 12. That’s a big deal, and those numbers sound like small numbers, but they’re huge wins.”
Anne Hurst spoke about Mental Health Month and had some stats on the subject for the meeting: “Thank you to everybody in the district for doing such a phenomenal job. When she was given the presentation and she talked about students with disabilities, you know, and being part of the college program and stuff like that, of course, that’s, you know, yeah. That’s, yeah. I also wanted to just say that May is Mental Health Month. I have a couple of statistics that I have from NAMI, which is the National Alliance of the Mentally Ill. 50% of all lifetime mental illnesses begin by the age of 14 and 75% by the age of 24. One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year and only half of them receive treatment. The average delay between the onset of a mental illness symptom and treatment is as high as 11 years. So we need to really recognize and take care of our friends and neighbors and relatives and really, really have mental illness be part of a discussion. I noticed that the trend now with a lot of family physicians is it’s all about the mind and the body and, you know, they’re understanding how that all goes together. And it’s just a really important thing to start really talking about and to never expect that someone’s gonna tell you they’re suffering“
- School Update (5/7/2024)
School Committee OK doing Voice Vote on Budget
In our article about the last School Committee meeting, we questioned the vote as it was not a roll call vote as the Mayor did last year. However, Mayor Nicholson has kindly informed us that only a voice vote is actually required, “The General Laws of the Commonwealth only require roll call votes on specific votes- mainly on borrowing loans or on appropriations (the final vote to actually spend money on something). Since the vote of the School Committee is technically to send their final recommendation to the City Council for their vote on the appropriation, this could be done by a simple voice vote, but the City Council’s vote must be done via a roll call vote.” However, according to City Solicitor John Flick, a roll call vote can be requested at any time by 2/3 of the members of the committee.
- Handle with Care (5/3/2024)
Handle with Care Conference in Gardner a Successful Cooperative Effort
May began with the 1st Annual Handle with Care Conference held at Gardner City Hall. Gardner PD stated, “Proud to say the 1st Annual Handle with Care Conference was a success! Our partnership with Heywood Hospital, the Montachusett Suicide Prevention Task Force, and our other collaborators helped promote this important school-community-based effort to support children exposed to trauma.” If you would like to learn more about the Handle with Care Initiative, click this link.
Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early’s office provided further information, “It was an honor to attend the North Central – North Quabbin 1st Annual Handle with Care Conference yesterday at Gardner City Hall, hosted by Gardner Police Department, Heywood Hospital and the Montachusett Suicide Prevention Task Force. This event featured Keynote Speaker Professor Heather C. Forkey of UMass Chan Medical School, Sue from our Outreach Team, JBS International, Inc.’s Edward Jacoubs, Anna Maria College Professor Tara Rivera, Fitchburg State University Professor Kyle Moody and special guest Bill Gardiner of L.O.V.E Is The Answer. Thank you for a fantastic conference!”
The Handle with Care Collaborative Partners of North Central and North Quabbin Massachusetts is a lengthy list of schools, agencies, government, and non-profit including: Ashburnham-Westminster School District, Ashburnham Police Department, Athol Area YMCA, Athol Police Department, Athol-Royalston School District, Barre Police Department, Boys & Girls Club – Gardner, Leominster/Fitchburg, CAPS Collaborative (Ashburnham, Orange, Westminster), Clinical Support & Options, Gardner Police Department, Gardner Public Schools, Heywood Healthcare, Holy Family Academy, Mahar Regional School District, MOC Early Education, Mount Wachusett Community College, Narragansett Regional School District, North Quabbin Community Coalition, Northwestern County District Attorney, David E. Sullivan’s Office, Parent Professional Advocacy League, Petersham Police Department, Phillipston Police Department,Quabbin Regional School District, Royalston Police Department, Templeton Police Department, Orange Police Department, Westminster Police Department, Winchendon Police Department, Winchendon Public Schools, and Worcester County District Attorney, Joseph Early’s Office
- Culture Festival (4/13/2024)
A Spotlight on Gardner High School in April 2024
Culture Festival at Gardner High School Celebrates Cultures and Resources
On Wednesday, April 10th from 5-7pm, students at the building shaped like a pentagon, Gardner High School at 200 Catherine Street in Gardner, hosted a Community and Culture Festival in the High School gym. Gardner Public Schools commented, “This event is always a fun way for the students and community to come together!…” Gardner High School commented, “Successful Community and Cultural Festival at GHS. We love celebrating our different cultural backgrounds and bringing community organizations together. Thank you to Ms. Ottino for all your hard work organizing this event.”
38 GHS Seniors Admitted to MWCC
Gardner High School Students recently met with Admissions staff at Mount Wachusett Community College. According to Gardner High School, “We had 38 seniors meet with admissions staff from the college and they were all accepted into different programs and majors of their choosing. We are very proud of these students as they begin making their post-secondary plans.” 1/3 of the Senior Graduating Class in 2023 also had a College Associates Degree.
Learning Real Life Skills
In addition to academics and culture, GHS students are exposed to real life skills. For example, the Reality Fair for juniors and seniors on April 3rd “gave them the opportunity to learn about real life experiences around budgeting, rental costs, insurance costs…”
Active in the Community
GHS students are active in the community and GHS recently posted, “Congratulations to Lia Montes de Oca and Norah Brun for being awarded $300 through Youth Venture to begin their Stray Cat Project. They did an amazing job presenting their project and were very excited to be rewarded with money to get started. Excellent job by them both!”
In just a few days, Gardner High School students show a maturity in appreciating the various cultures around them, show a love for learning in applying for college, apply real life skills in their daily experiences, and give back to their community. Is it fair to say we should all be very proud?
- School Committee 4-8-24 (4/10/2024)
Gardner Magazine downloaded the Budget Hearing notice and Meeting Agenda last night about 10:30pm. At that hour, the complete packet had not been posted. We thank Gardner Mayor Nicholson for getting the packet posted today. We post the complete agendas and packets as a public service to keep you better informed.
Screenshot of download Publisher’s Editorial Opinion: As the public did not have access to complete budget materials in advance of the hearing and the vote is in limbo until confirmed anyway, we have suggested that another Budget Hearing be scheduled so that public input could be heard. Yes, a do over. Note, however, that the budget gap is at $0 with this budget and no override has been contemplated.
Gardner MA School Committee passes Budget, but vote in doubt
UPDATE 5-7-24: City Solicitor John Flick has determined voice vote OK and Mayor Michael Nicholson has provided clarification, CLICK HERE. Bottom line: School Committee acted properly, vote was valid.
Gardner Magazine was waiting to publish an article with regard to this meeting until we had a complete packet with budget information to share with the public. Here is the complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 4-8-24 The School Committee passed the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, but only with a voice vote. We asked Mayor Nicholson if the vote was valid because a roll call vote was not taken and he responded “I will be checking the video of the meeting today. I believe the vote required a roll call, however, the open meeting law has a remedy for this when things like this happens. At the next meeting, the Committee will have to vote to confirm the vote taken at the 4/8 meeting. This has happened before on a few occasions with the City Council as well. It does not invalidate the vote, but puts the vote in limbo until the confirmation is completed. I’ll reach out to the school department about the packet materials as well.” Note: The Mayor had to view the video as he was absent from the meeting.
School Committee member Anne Hurst went on a self described rant about the public not showing up at the meeting, “I wanted to thank Dr. Pellegrino and Mark Hawke for their presentation tonight on the budget. It’s kind of a sad state of affairs throughout the Commonwealth. I do find it a little disappointing when no one shows up to listen to it but everybody seems to have an opinion on social media about how things should be run. You know, it’s so important to be involved and to understand how big of a budget this is, how it works. People should be here at this meeting advocating or at City Council, you know, I don’t know, that’s my rant. Listen yourself on any device, CLICK PLAY
Anne Hurst rant 4-8-24 Mark Hawke commented on the migrant influx stating, “Because of the migrant influx, there’s a $104 a day per student, I guess we call it a grant. It’s funding from the state. So we’re budgeting $160,000. We anticipated to be higher than that, but that’s a safe number to budget.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mark Hawke 4-8-24
- School 4-8-24 (4/10/2024)
Note to Readers: Gardner Magazine is awaiting further information regarding the Gardner School Committee Meeting of April 8, 2024 prior to publishing an article and AUDIO of the meeting. We apologize for the delay. However, in this case, we believe accuracy to be more important than expediency.
- Welfare 3-26-24 (3/26/2024)
Complete Agenda and Packet with Monty Tech Budget Information. Budget shows assessments for all participating communities. CLICK HERE.
Gardner Public Schools MVP Academy and Monty Tech FY 25 Budget Take Up Public Welfare Meeting
The Public Welfare Committee chaired by Councilor Judy Mack met on March 26, 2024. Presentations at the meeting included: Gardner Public Schools MVP Academy, Monty Tech Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Presentation, and a discussion on Ordinance to create an Agricultural Commission. Complete Agenda and Monty Tech FY 25 Complete Budget information is included, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY
Public Welfare 3-26-24 Agricultural Commission item is in separate short 2 minute AUDIO matching short 2 minute video posted by City of Gardner. It was agreed that more time that was needed before a recommendation was rendered. Listen to the exciting 2 minute meeting conclusion on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Exciting 2 minute conclusion of Public Welfare Committee Meeting on 3-26-24
- Bus – Hubbardston (3/21/2024)
Bus in the ditch – No Injures – in Hubbardston MA
A bus got itself in the ditch on New Templeton Road in Hubbardston on March 20, 2024.
According to a Press Release from Hubbardston Police Chief Ryan Couture, (SEE COMPLETE RELEASE, CLICK HERE), the bus operator attempted to pull over to the side of the road when a few children were acting up. The bus then became stuck in the mud and had to be pulled out. Hubbardston Police and Fire were on the scene. None of the 33 passengers on the bus were injured.
- Footsteps 2 Brilliance (3/12/2024)
Gardner Public Schools Posts About Pre-K to Third Grade Literacy Program
Gardner Public Schools posted about Footsteps 2 Brilliance posting, “is a great resource for our students and is absolutely FREE for families to use. The app helps students access literacy curriculum through games and reading materials that help make learning fun!” Parents can register their child at this link, click here to register:
The free literacy app is available in both English and Spanish and is directed to the pre-k to third grade group. The company’s trademark phrase is “Big Brains for Little People”.
Footsteps 2 Brilliance has a YouTube Channel with over 100 videos about the resource, some directed at parents, and some specifically for students. CLICK HERE.
The AUDIO of the Gardner School Committee meeting of March 11, 2024 contains the presentation of Gardner Elementary School Principal Earl Martin, CLICK HERE.
- School 3-11-24 (3/12/2024)
School Committee Hears from Principal Earl Martin of Gardner Elementary School
At a meeting of March 11, 2024, the Gardner MA School Committee heard a presentation from Earl Martin, the Principal of Gardner Elementary School. MTSS refers to Multi-tiered systems of support. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee March 11, 2024 In the packet and agenda for the Gardner School Committee meeting for Monday, March 11, 2024, CLICK HERE for pdf, extensive information is provided on the Program of Studies and Curriculum and various policies.
Gardner Magazine has a companion article on the Mission of the Gardner Public Schools, CLICK HERE.
- Rockwell 2024 (3/7/2024)
Williams -Rockwell Educational Gift Fund Providing $82,831.60 in grants to applicants
The Committee finalized the grants to 15 different items of applicants from the Gardner Public School System on March 7, 2024. View the complete Press Release containing comments from officials and recipients and more detail, CLICK HERE.
Background: The Williams-Rockwell Education Gift Fund was established in 2014 following the auction of Norman Rockwell’s “Willie Gillis in the Convoy” painting. The fund was set up to provide financial assistance to projects and programs requested by the faculty and administration of Gardner Public Schools to enrich the experiences of Gardner’s students. The grants are funded by the interest and capital gains earned from investments of the sale price of the painting. From the auction to the disbursement of the grants, the Williams-Rockwell Educational Gift Fund has been a collective effort in bringing about a way to give back to the city and its students for years to come. To date, the Committee has awarded $610,064.00.
View Large Image of Painting and details about it, CLICK HERE.
Description of Grant Awarded Amount 1. Learning Through Arts and Music $800 2. Attendance at Great East Band Festival for 4th Grade Band $3000 3. Attendance of Elementary Students to Showing of Finding Nemo the Musical $3000 4. Artwork Exhibition Display Panels for Art Shows at 3 Schools $13,000 5. Cost of Gardner Middle School students to attend Nature’s Classroom $20,000 6. Fitness and Recreation Supplies for Gardner Academy Intramural program $2000 7. Two (2) new spotlights for Gardner High School Auditorium $1900 8. To Fund Artist Bren Bataclan as Artist in Residence for a week at Gardner Elementary School $3750 9. New Concert Tuba for Gardner High School Concert Band $5420 10. Student Sound Lab Equipment for Gardner Academy $1300 11. State of the art laser cutter for Gardner Academy $5500 12. Train a service – emotional support – comfort dog to assist students at Gardner Elementary School $10,000 13. Baby Simulators and Software for Gardner High School $6594.60 14. Peer Mediation Training Materials for Gardner Middle School $2000 15. Study Space Creation at Gardner High School with purchase of furniture $4100
- School Mission (3/7/2024)
The emphasis on helping each individual student has been something for which the Gardner Public Schools has receiving ongoing praise from a number of circles.
Gardner Public Schools Showcases its core values of C.A.R.E. in Latest Proposed Curriculum
In the packet and agenda for the Gardner School Committee meeting for Monday, March 11, 2024, CLICK HERE for pdf, extensive information is provided on the Program of Studies and Curriculum and various policies.
One statement we’re singling out in the packet concerned Gardner High School: “Gardner High School provides an enriched academic environment fostered through relevance, rigor and relationships and ensures that each student learns at a high level.● In the classroom, we challenge all students in a supportive, positive environment that promotes scholarship and helps students develop the skills and characteristics to make them successful for their future. ● On the field, stage, or court, we create fun, engaging opportunities for students to excel in athletics, the arts, and co-curricular groups. ● We promote personal development and a sense of service to our community.”
CORE VALUES: C.A.R.E.● Community: We work together to achieve for all in a culture steeped in tradition ● Appreciation: We accept our roles, respect different perspectives, and acknowledge the good in others. ● Responsibility: We own our actions and honor our commitments by being prepared, involved community members. ● Excellence: We do our best and take pride in all we do in our community.
Gardner Magazine Artificial Intelligence Analysis of Core Values Statement Results in Very Positive Imagery (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE) – We used a specialized tool which generates detail.
Publisher’s Note: It is not easy to get an AI Image Generator to create such excellent representations of a positive learning environment. All we did is used the Gardner Public Schools well thought words to achieve this result, a testament to the thoughtfulness of those who are working in our Schools.
- Library Catalog (3/4/2024)
Shop the only catalog that’s FREE – Levi Heywood Memorial Library
The Levi Heywood Memorial Library announced on March 4, 2024 that the new catalog has been released. A great time for you to get your FREE library card. Visit this website, CLICK HERE.
New books. New large print books. New audio books. New film and tv. New e books. New e audio.
The library posted, “Our new and improved catalog launched this morning!! If you have the old catalog bookmarked on your PC or device you might need to update the link to the new web address:“
For more information in general including the various ongoing programs, visit the Levi Heywood Memorial Library website, CLICK HERE.
- Bullying Prevention (2/26/2024)
Gardner MA Public Schools asks for Feedback on Draft Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
The Gardner Public School District is asking for public feedback on its draft Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. It’s very easy to participate. Read the draft, here’s a copy of the plan on printable pdf, CLICK HERE. Here’s a copy in Microsoft Word format, CLICK HERE.
Once you’ve read the draft policy, go to this link and submit your feedback comments, CLICK HERE.
The draft policy includes a complete list of definitions, a section on leadership, prohibitions against bullying and retaliation, policies and procedures for reporting and responding to bullying and retaliation, training and professional development, access to resources and services, academic and non-academic activities, collaboration with families, relationship to other laws, a list of resources, school telephone numbers, and links to other resources.
- Winchendon 2-12-24 (2/18/2024)
Town of Winchendon Holds Meeting with Select Board, School Committee, and Finance Committee
The lengthy meeting on February 12, 2024 concerned many budget matters and included a presentation by Interim Town Manager Bill McKinney on historic & projected expenses and revenues of the town. The amount of the increase in State Aid will be far less than usual and expenses are up considerably, so the Town Manager was there to share the figures with the various Boards so decisions could be made on how to proceed. The meeting also heard from School Superintendent Goguen on the School Budget. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winchendon Select Board, School Committee, and Finance Committee 2-12-24 Moonlit Hikes in Winchendon, February 24th 7pm: “Join us at the Winchendon Community Park for our Moonlit hikes! Hikes to take place under the full moon! Meet at the parking lot and be lead on a trail hike.“
Winchendon Fall Festival – complete information on Town of Winchendon website, CLICK HERE.
- SC 2-12-24 (2/13/2024)
View the Complete 261 page Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
Approved: 2024-2025 School Calendar will be option 2 which was the choice of about 3/4 of respondents to a Staff and Family survey. First day of school in Fall 2024 will be the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend. Printable pdf — Jpeg Image
School Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024 Shows Progress in the District
The Gardner School Committee heard a presentation by GMS Principal Rebecca Leyva and a Progress Report by Superintendent Mark Pellegrino. (included in meeting AUDIO but separated below as well). The School Committee approved a resolution to support the process to get a grant for a new Middle School roof and voted to accept School Choice for next year.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 2-12-24 Gardner Middle School Principal Rebecca Leyva gave a presentation on progress towards the School Improvement Plan goals and answered some questions from the School Committee. (This is in the full meeting, but separated here for convenience) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Rebecca Leyva – 2-12-24 Leyva went over all of the goals in detail, the process for assessing progress, and the plan to work on various areas. “We have worked on having family newsletters to improve communication and more presence on social media. The areas that we want to continue to grow is strengthen our PTO and parent councils.”
Gardner School Superintendent Dr. Mark Pellegrino gave a Progress Report to the School Committee. (This is in the full meeting, but separated here for your convenience.) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY
Dr. Mark Pellegrino 2-12-24 Dr. Pellegrino spoke about District Improvement including the effort to reduce academic equity gaps for students. Pellegrino gave some detail on each school’s progress. He highlighted especially good improvements in reading levels in grades two, three, and four. “We doing better than we ever have, in terms of our reading scores.”
- Schools 2-12-24 (2/12/2024)
School Committee Reviewing Policies and Curriculum at Monday Meeting
The packet contains extensive information about the School Curriculum and courses. View agenda and 261 page packet, CLICK HERE. REPORT on the meeting including AUDIO, CLICK HERE.
The vision of the School system includes the following statement: “Every child, in every classroom, every day, will: feel welcomed, safe and included in our community. Adults will personally welcome each child as they enter the school and each classroom. The layout of the school and each classroom will be inviting and conducive to learning. Students will learn social-emotional skills through direct instruction, supports, and institutional practices. Our school will actively engage families in the education of their children and community…” The plan goes into great detail as to the strategic objectives in academic, behavioral, social-emotional learning, and collaboration with families and community partners.
Options for the 2024-2025 calendar are included in the packet. The School system got 488 responses to a survey regarding calendar options. Option 1 was favored by 27.3% and Option 2 was favored by 73.4 %. Last year, the School Committee accepted the option most favored in the survey. Option 2 has September 3, 2024 as the first day of school with full day professional development for faculty and staff training on August 26 to August 29. Option 1 which was not favored would have school starting earlier on August 28th.
- Summer Recreation 2024 (2/2/2024)
City of Gardner MA Recreation Announces Registration Open for Summer Program
The City of Gardner Recreation Department has announced that registration is now open for the 2024 Summer Program. This year, the program will be using Gardner Elementary School and Gardner Middle School. Gardner High School will not be used.
Parents are reminded that the student’s grade level as of the next school year is what to use. For example, if your student is currently a 3rd grader, you would use the 4th grade registration.
Gardner Recreation has separate pages and links for the various programs by age. Here is the overall page, CLICK HERE. Any questions, email Director Dan Forte via
6 week Programs begin in July. “Dedicated to creating engaging experiences for our community’s youth through sports, arts, STEM, and more.” This year, the Kindergarten and Grade 1 group will be housed at Gardner Elementary School. Extended drop off and pickup will be available. Meals and snacks are also provided. Registration deadline is 6-10-24. For details on specific age groups and other details, click on the appropriate link.
Registration by Grade: Kindergarten and first grade —- Grades 2/3 —- Grades 4-6 — 7th Grade —- Volunteers (8-10)
- Delays 1-29-24 (1/28/2024)
UPDATE: A Facebook post now lists Gardner Public Schools as being CLOSED on Monday, January 29, 2024
Some School Delays on Monday, January 29, 2024 due to weekend storm
2 hour delay: Ashburnham-Westminster, Gardner, Lunenburg, Monty-Tech, Narragansett (and no AM Preschool)Athol-Royalston
Closed: Winchendon, Fitchburg, Leominster
In addition, MWCC posted on Facebook, “Due to inclement weather, all MWCC campuses will be closed on Monday, Jan. 29th. All day, evening, and remote classes are canceled.” MWCC confirmed the above information via Facebook messaging. However, they informed us that the Fitness Center handles things separately, and they are planning to be open at 8am as of this writing. We did not find info posted on the Boston TV station closing pages as stated on the MWCC Weather and Other Closings page .
For the latest throughout the state, visit this CBS Boston Link:
- Bus Safety (1/25/2024)
An Article at Request of School Bus Driver Concerned About Kids
A conscientious school bus driver approached us on Social Media about an article on Bus Safety so here it is. It is very important that vehicles stop for a school bus for the safety of our most precious cargo: our children. The bus driver posted, “I have had numerous people run my reds! Please note that when I activate my red lights and stop sign EVERYONE MUST STOP. Please remember that we are transporting the most precious cargo, YOUR CHILDREN.”
Avoid stiff fines. Stop for the bus. Massachusetts Law requires you to stop for a bus with flashing lights and an extended stop sign, whether driving behind or toward the bus. You can drive past when the lights stop flashing or the sign folds back in. Similar rules apply to any smaller vehicles transporting students with flashing red lights and School Bus signs on top of the vehicle. So stop and save a life.
About 400,000 Massachusetts students are transported by school buses every year. The majority of school bus-related injuries are to pedestrians who are boarding or exiting a bus. Children ages 4 to 7 are at the highest risk. Mass.Gov has a School Bus Safety fact sheet, CLICK HERE.
- Trahan 1-23-24 (1/23/2024)
Congresswoman Lori Trahan visits Gardner MA to view some projects on January 23, 2024
In the photos: Congresswoman Trahan is shown presenting a ceremonial check for $350,000 to Mount Wachusett Community College, standing outside of Community Health Connections with a group of people including local officials, and presenting a ceremonial check for $5,052,810.00 to the Gardner Municipal Airport for Runway and Building Improvements.
Mayor Nicholson posted, “Thank you to Congresswoman Lori Trahan for spending most of the day in Gardner to see some of the projects receiving federal funding. From the new Community Health Connections facility to discuss their growth and services, to Mount Wachusett Community College’s new automotive location where a $350,000 grant was presented for new lessons on electric vehicle technology, to the Gardner Municipal Airport for the ribbon cutting and grand re-opening with new runway system and upgraded administration building…”
The Gardner Municipal Airport Project received about $5 million in Federal funding and about $500,000 from the State and the City of Gardner. Completed are runway improvements and an upgraded administration building. In process is a new Master Plan for which public input is still being sought. Chapters 1-3 were made available in October, and Chapters 1-4 were made available on January 18, 2024. View the 52 page draft plan here:
View Airport Commission page on City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
- Great Students (1/13/2024)
Seniors Help Unload Food at Gardner CAC Students Attend Conference on Early College GHS Student Success Assembly At MWCC Open House for Early College Program GHS Alumni Talk about College Experiences Gardner High School posts reflect Successful Students making positive impact in Community
Gardner High School students help with non-profits in Greater Gardner including the CAC. Gardner High students show their willingness to participate in programs which will facilitate future success. And Gardner High School alumni come back to help current students.
GHS posted, “Thank you to this group of seniors who helped unload a truck full of food today at the Gardner CAC.”
GHS posted, “Thank you to this group of students who went to a conference on Early College Programs at Worcester State University. They represented GHS well and are great examples of why our Early College Program is so successful. “
GHS posted, “Our annual Student Success Assembly was held today. Thank you to our student panel who shared their experiences about how it’s never too late to turn things around and get back on track. They are proof that anything is possible if you work hard and get some help when needed along the way. It was great for some of our younger students to hear their stories. Thank you also to our schools counselors for organizing this event.”
GHS posted, “Excellent attendance at the open house at MWCC for our Early College Program. We are so proud of this program and to be able to offer FREE college credits to our students. Reach out if you have any questions or need any information. “
GHS posted, “Thank you to these GHS alumni who took time out of their busy schedules to talk about their college experiences with our seniors. Great information sharing about college classes, managing their time, living in dorms and navigation college life.”
- School 1-2-24 (1/3/2024)
Jennifer Pelavin Gets Vice Chair Nod Again
Jennifer Pelavin once again was selected by the other School Committee members to serve as Vice-Chair at the meeting of January 2, 2024. Mayor Nicholson serves as the Chair of the Committee per the City Charter. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 1-2-24 John Lafreniere was elected Finance Officer, Robert Swartz and Jennifer Pelavin were elected alternate finance officers and Rachael Cormier was elected Secretary.
- Free College (12/28/2023)
Greater Gardner MA Residents 25+ Can Get Free College Degree
MassReconnect is a Massachusetts program which funds FREE community college for adults 25 and older who don’t already have a college degree. You need to enroll in at least 6 credits per semester, be a Massachusetts resident, and complete the FAFSA form. For more details visit the Mount Wachusett Community College website page, CLICK HERE.
According to the State of Massachusetts, “Almost two million Massachusetts residents are over the age of 25 and do not have a college degree. There is now a path forward. MassReconnect is a new program that can help you earn a degree or certificate for free and put you one step closer to your dream career. MassReconnect, led by the Department of Higher Education in partnership with Massachusetts’ public community colleges, will make higher education more affordable and accessible to students across the Commonwealth. If you are 25 or older, MassReconnect will pay for all your tuition and fees and will provide you with an allowance to cover your books and supplies.” For more information from the State of MA, CLICK HERE.
FREE Early College Gets Support of $1.3 million in State Grants
The Fiscal Year 2024 Early College Support Grant of $400k was announced by State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik. It supports collaboration between Mount Wachusett Community College and Fitchburg State University with the following schools: Athol High School, Fitchburg High School, Gardner Academy for Learning & Technology, Gardner High School, Leominster High School, Narragansett Regional High School and the Sizer School. In a related grant, additionally, Mount Wachusett College also received $791,694 that will help to fund projects that advance decarbonization efforts, address deferred maintenance, and increase the overall climate resilience of the campus. In a Press Release from Zlotnik, various local officials expressed gratitude and a statement from Gardner Superintendent of Schools Mark Pellegrino provides some details on the number of, and how students are impacted. PRESS RELEASE, CLICK HERE. We have reached out to Representative Zlotnik’s office with additional questions.
- School 12-11-23 (12/12/2023)
Gardner School Music Concerts
Gardner Middle School Winter Band Concert, Tuesday, December 12th at 6pm
Gardner High School Winter Concert, Wednesday December 20th at 7pm at Gardner High School Landry Auditorium Facebook page.
Achievement of Excellence Focus of Gardner MA School Committee
The Gardner MA School Committee met on December 11, 2023. We have the agenda, CLICK HERE, and the complete 71 page packet is available CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 12-11-23 Superintendent of the Winchendon Public Schools appeared in the public comment section at the beginning of the meeting to thank Gardner Public Schools for making Elm Street School available during their recent boiler issue.
Students receiving Abigal Adams scholarships were honored.
The Complete Packet includes the complete Gardner High School, Gardner Academy, Gardner Middle School, and Gardner Elementary 2021 – 2024 Improvement Plans. CLICK HERE.
Principal Bulger gave a presentation regarding the High School. She spoke of increasing MCAS scores, Tier 1, better attendance, and increasing early college and career readiness. Referencing the plan begun 3 years ago, she stated, “Wow, we’ve been doing a lot of work over the last few years…payoff with concrete results.” Superintendent Pellegrino commented, “Goals were lofty and you just achieved them.”
Principal McMorrow from the Gardner Academy went over similar achievements in a presentation.
School Committee members reminded people that there are concerts this week at the schools.
- GHS – Disney (12/3/2023)
GHS posted “The GHS band performing at Disney Springs. Such a wonderful experience for them and they sounded amazing!” The Field Trip request for the Gardner High School Band and Chorus to go to Florida from November 29th to December 4th was approved by the School Committee at a November meeting.
- Exploding Boiler (11/28/2023)
Update December 1, 2023: Learning to take place at 2 locations, 1 in Gardner and 1 in Winchendon
Exploding Boiler Watch the complete Emergency Winchendon School Committee Meeting, CLICK HERE.
Winchendon School Committee met in an emergency meeting on Thursday, November 30th
Facilities Manager Brian Croteau’s statement to the School Committee characterized the boiler incident as a “malfunction” rather than an explosion even though a Facebook post from the School District to the community indicated the boiler had “blown up” See screenshot. During the Emergency School Committee meeting, Croteau explained that this particular boiler was a “summer boiler”, providing hot water when the heating boilers were not being used. Therefore, as they are now being used, there is no shortage of hot water. Insurance company is still investigating, and the plan is to replace the malfunctioning boiler with an electric one to avoid a repeat of this problem in the future.
Dozens of air scrubbers are working round the clock to clean the air in the school and duct work is being cleaned as well. Plans are to return students to the school when an industial hygienist certifies an air quality test that the school passes.
Learning for now: The State of Massachusetts denied Winchendon’s request for remote learning. Plans are to utilize the the 3rd floor of the Elm Street School in Gardner for Murdock Middle High School students and the Murdock High School students will use the basement of the Cornerstone Church.
Publisher’s Note: An emergency School Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 4pm at Winchendon Town Hall regarding the situation. Here is the complete meeting agenda, CLICK HERE.
We have reached out to Karen Kast-McBride, Chair of the Winchendon School Committee to gather further information.
Exploding Hot Water Boiler Closes Middle and High Schools in Winchendon MA
Winchendon Interim Superintendent Dr. Ruthann Petruno-Goguen informed the District that school is canceled for at least the rest of the week of November 27, 2023 at Murdock Middle and Murdock High School. According to Goguen, the hot water boiler blew up and filled the building with soot. Building will be reopened after officials are satisfied with the results of an air quality test.
Last week, Goguen stated, “Facilities Director, Brian Croteau, immediately contacted the insurance company, utilized the assistance from Fire Departments from other communities, and has Servpro on site for the clean-up.”
In a communication on November 28, 2023, Dr. Goguen stated, “I regret to inform you that school will be cancelled for the rest of this week at both the middle and high school. Even though we have a large crew of contractors working on the clean up, the building is not ready for us to return. I have reached out to the Commissioner of Education and he will not approve remote learning. We have secured adequate off site spaces for both the middle and high school for possibly the next two weeks. The detailed plans will be shared as soon as they are finalized. It will be required for the middle and high school students and staff to make up for this week of missed learning time, and we are looking at time during the February Vacation week (Tuesday thru Friday) and the day after the last day of school. We understand this is a disruption for the middle and the high school. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we maneuver through this crisis.”
- GES Pedestal (11/14/2023)
Superintendent Dr. Mark Pellegrino Reveals GES Singled Out as a Model School
The Gardner MA Public School Superintendent was at an International Conference in Chicago. In the opening keynote, they had 14,000 schools to choose from in deciding what data to talk about. They chose Gardner Elementary School. Listen to what Dr. Pellegrino said on November 13th on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Dr. Mark Pellegino – 11-13-23 Dr. Pellegrino stated, “the work that we’re doing there has been unbelievable.”
The superintendent also spoke of a recent visit from the Disability Law Center who came to look at everything and described Gardner Elementary as a model school.
- School 11-13-23 (11/14/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Meets on November 13, 2023
Agenda and Complete packet is found here. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 11-13-23 Donation: The Gardner MA School Committee voted to accept a donation of $2,000 from Yen Yen Chinese Restaurant. Later in the meeting it was announced that there was a second donation of $100,000 to create a perpetual charity donation scholarship for a Gardner High School student applying for a degree in Marine Engineering or Civil Engineering.
Wasted Electricity: School Committee member Robert Swartz reported that every Sunday he makes a “tour of the district just to make sure all the buildings are there. And on the Gardner Elementary School, lights continue to burn on all three floors, on the connecting tunnels on the north side of the building…” He reported on the other buildings as well and said Mr. Anderson is looking in to the problem.
Various policies were discussed for first or second reading. The Field Trip request for the Gardner High School Band and Chorus to go to Florida from November 29th to December 4th was approved. Various academic progress items were discussed.
- Parker Generosity (11/4/2023)
Chair City Generosity on Full Display at Parker House of Pizza
The Gardner Elementary School PTO had a fundraiser with the Parker House of Pizza on Wednesday, October 29th.
The restaurant went above and beyond as stated by the PTO: “Thank you again to Parker House of Pizza for their AMAZING support this past Wednesday! Not only did they share a percentage of their sales for people who specified that they were calling in for the GES fundraiser, they donated a percentage of ALL of their sales on Wednesday. Then to top it off, Parker House donated an additional $411 to the GES PTO in order to round up the check to $1,000!!! We are in awe of their support and so thankful for Parker House! Thank you Chris and the rest of Parker House for your generosity! This will definitely help pay for a field trip for our students this year!“
During the holiday season, Christmas Carolers participating in “Caroling with the Mayor” have stopped in and received free pizza after that event. Have a great story to tell about a Gardner business? Email
- GES Postcard (10/24/2023)
Gardner MA Elementary School a Picture Postcard in the Chair City
Landscaping is shaping up, kids are enjoying the playground, and parents – teachers – staff – administrators are getting compliments every week about Gardner’s investment in its future. As far as learning? Reading scores are up as was brought up in a recent School Committee Meeting, CLICK HERE. And in 2023, Gardner Public Schools moved from tier 3 status to TIER 1.
- PTO Partners (10/19/2023)
Two Gardner MA Businesses Partner with Gardner Elementary PTO
The Gardner Elementary School PTO will be receiving $5 from every car washed Saturday October 28th and Sunday October 29th at Alltown Carwash located at 17 Pearson Boulevard in Gardner. PTO gets another $10 for Unlimited Club signups.
Then, on November 1st, a portion of all proceeds from Parker House of Pizza on 17 Pleasant Street will go to the GES PTO. Patrons just mention they are there in support of GES PTO Fundraiser when ordering lunch or dinner for take out or eat in. Parker House has a history of supporting the community including providing FREE pizza for the carolers at Christmas. The Parker House number is (978) 632-9383
- School 10-10-23 (10/11/2023)
TOP: School Committee — Left to Right Dr. Catherine Goguen, GES Principal Earl Martin, Nurse Becky, Grants Director Courtney Dunn, Student Representative Zayvian Rowe Class Members of the School Committee heard from Dr. Catherine Goguen and from GES Principal Earl Martin regarding the much higher reading scores which once again are higher than before. They detailed achievements and future goals.
Pictures were shown of the play area at the rear of Gardner Elementary School.
Nurse Becky highlighted progress in training staff for medical emergencies, “The nurses have been busy. The nurses have been busy. … I wanted to highlight a few things that we got done between last spring and now. we’ve done a lot of CPR, AED, first aid trainings in the district.” The advantages of the Heywood Telemedicine availability was described and the partnership with Price Chopper to provide vaccines was explained.
School Committee Focuses on Academic Success and other Positive Progress in Meeting of October 10, 2023
In its Mission Statement, the Gardner Public School System identifies its Core Values as “Academic Excellence, Creativity, Respect, and Responsibility.” To that end, the School Committee approves funding, sets policies, and hears updates regarding objectives. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee October 10, 2023 In the Meeting Agenda – Packet and Agenda, CLICK HERE for pdf Recognition by the Superintendent of K-1st and 2nd Grade DIBELs Teachers Acceptance of Grant Funds Approval of Expenditures Acceptance of Donations Reports of Facilities Subcommittee and Policy Subcommittee Student Advisory Board – Zayvian Rowe-Class – a Gardner High School Junior and in the Mount Wachusett Early College program. School Policies – Some first reading, and some second reading Superintendent Goals MOA Agreement between the School Committee and AFSCME Various Updates - Watkins Shelving (10/7/2023)
Ticket Booth at Watkins Field Benefits from Talented Students in Gardner MA
Gardner High School posted, “Thank you to Mr. Jacobson and some of his woodworking students for building and adding some new shelving units to the ticket booth at Watkins Field. Great project for the kids and the shelves with be very helpful. Love the Wildcat paw prints! “
Other woodworking students in Gardner Public Schools are now making those small chairs Gardner gives away as souvenirs to those outside the City.
- Lego Club (10/2/2023)
Like Legos? Every Monday 4-5pm is Lego Club in Gardner MA
The Levi -Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner is noted for its child-friendly programs including Lego Club every Monday from 4 to 5pm for ages 6-12. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 4-5pm it’s Gamers Club with board,card, and word games for ages 6-12. On various dates in October, there’s Wicked Fun Wednesdays from 4-5pm.
This is just a sampling; For more information about Youth Programs at the Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA, CLICK HERE.
- The Conductor (9/28/2023)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson has been called one of America’s most effective Small City Mayors, even being invited to the White House to speak about Gardner’s success. We asked him about everything in detail.
We came away from the interview realizing that it was hard to document all that has been accomplished in Gardner in 3 years and that Mayor Nicholson still has the energy and desire to do even more in the next couple of years.
Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.
The Conductor – The Serious Business of Government in Gardner Massachusetts – An Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
We had the honor of speaking with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with an in-depth interview concerning his time in office so far. It showcases the serious business of government and it reveals exactly what has been achieved and what it takes to lead a small City like Gardner. And, it reveals Mayor Nicholson’s vision of Gardner’s positive future trajectory. Listen to the interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.
The Conductor – Mayor Michael Nicholson 9-26-23 We asked the Mayor about: 3 perfect Federal Audits — New Businesses —- Going after Junky Buildings — Public Safety Improvements —- Impactful People Policies — Enviro Champ — Respecting Taxpayers — Improving Education — Being tested as a leader — Delegating while remaining in the know — Getting Gardner noticed — Blight to Promise — Increase in Amenities — Company Success — Housing Needs — Setting transparency standard — Parks and Recreation — As the Conductor — Projects in the Works —- 2 dozen areas where there’s MORE of a good thing — A dozen areas where’s there LESS of a bad thing — Live Music — Continuing Momentum — Future Business — Continuing Efforts on behalf of Gardner Citizens. Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.
- Hotline 9-23-23 (9/23/2023)
Hotline Radio is heard Saturdays from noon to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and on the internet from anywhere in the world. Listen Live.
Waterford Street School Explained on WGAW – Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
The Mayor stated, “I’d rather get the information out there correctly than have someone read something wrong on Facebook.”
Regarding the $550,000 approved by the Gardner City Council, WGAW host Steve Wendell asked, “What’s that money going to be used for?” Mayor Nicholson responded, “It’s renovations for the building. It’s things like new HVAC systems. It’s things like handicapped ramps in the building. No room in that building had light switches. Every room had their own individual circuit breaker that you had to go and flip the breaker in order to turn lights on in the room…so it’s fixing that now because that’s not currently up to code..”
The announcement to turn Waterford Street School in to a Community Center was made in October 2022. Read original article, CLICK HERE.
Mayor Nicholson also stated, “I think what people have to realize is we stopped using it as a school for a reason, and it’s because there was just a lot of work that needed to be done in it that didn’t meet the needs of our students. Now the building’s bones are good, but there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. There’s plumbing work, there’s electrical upgrades, there’s flooring work, there’s ramps, work to get the building ADA compliant which is currently isn’t. So that funding is going towards that work there.” The mayor also spoke about other funding. “We did receive 400 thousand dollars from the Commonwealth through an earmark in the state budget that Representative Zlotnik was able to include in last year’s budget. So it’s all just part of the work. The roof needs to be replaced at some point, or at least some patching for some leaks that we have there if we’re going to make it the center that we want to have at the City. And we’re not gonna have a situation like the Greenwood Pool where nothing was done to that building for so long, that we didn’t invest in it that it’s now falling in on itself. We have to make that investment in that building, and we have to do it now.”
The Mayor affirmed that the money is not going to pay GAAMHA for what GAAMHA had already put in to the building. As far as selling the building, the Mayor stated, “We have to put it out to bid, just like we do any other time we lease or sell land. So we can do a license agreement, but a long-term lease is what we’re looking for. That does have to go out to bid, just like anything else does. It would be an RFP process. It’s a very public process every step of the way.”
Regarding the delay the Mayor stated, “We do have to go to the state for them to ratify the city’s decision to no longer have it as a school building, but as a municipal building. Under the Public Land Protection Act. That is something that is required every time a school building is changed from educational to general municipal purpose, the legislature just has to ratify that decision.” The Mayor explained that similar approval is needed for Helen Mae Sauter School and any time use changes from educational to general municipal.
Regarding renting Waterford, the Mayor stated, “If we rent the building now, we’re going to get a dime, put this investment in it, we’re going to get a dollar. You really get what you pay for. Projected tenants are GAAMHA, Growing Places, the Gardner Senior Center, and the Gardner CAC.
More information: City Council Meeting at which funding was approved, AUDIO and article, CLICK HERE —- original announcement from October 2022 with AUDIO and article, CLICK HERE.
- Public Safety 9-14-23 (9/14/2023)
Gardner Public Safety Committee stars the Councilors and the Department Heads – Complete Details!
The Gardner Public Safety Committee heard from Police Chief Eric McAvene, Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa, and Health Director Micah Bondeau. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Public Safety 9-14-23 Police Department – Website
Chief Eric McAvene spoke about staffing levels, parade preparation, the Junior Police Academy, use of drones, School Resource officer, a $100,000 911 reimbursement grant to help replace servers, Animal Control, Building maintenance issues, and very few issues with cannabis establishments.
Building Department – Website
Tom Zuppa spoke about staffing levels, City Hall building and auditorium updates and renovations, rearranging the offices at the Building Department for improved staff safety, Capital Improvements City Hall and Annex, various issues with School Buildings both former and current he is addressing, safety issues at the new Gardner Elementary School, and the need for a vehicle replacement.
Health Department –Website
Director of Public Health Micah Bondeau spoke about drug abuse prevention efforts, various quotes for pumps, vaccine clinics being discussed, housing and nuisance complaints, immigrant families, and issues at the Dog Park.
- Wardrobe September (9/7/2023)
Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store Back Again in Gardner MA
The Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store is Friday, September 22, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30pm. It will be held in the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria. UPDATE 9-14-23: Event has been moved to the upstairs library of Gardner Middle School.
FREE clothes for all ages, sizes, and styles. FREE hygiene kits and FREE school supplies.
The event is sponsored in part by Heywood Healthcare school based services in conjunction with Gardner Public Schools.
There was a similar event back in April which drew over 200 attendees.
All items are absolutely FREE!
- Schools September (9/7/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Meeting Monday September 11, 2023
The meeting packet contains a large amount of information regarding the upcoming School Year, CLICK HERE.
Academic Excellence
Gardner Public Schools is way ahead of the curve on academic excellence including Early College programs. Early College Academy: 64 students, Pathways Early College Experience: 29, and Gateway to College: 95. An Intro to Auto Technology course currently has 12 of the 15 seats full. Details, CLICK HERE.
In addition to the Early College programs, Gardner High School will be offering 4 dual credit courses on the GHS campus to include English 101 and 102 through MWCC and Principles of Marketing and Principles of Management through Fitchburg State University.
1/3 of the Gardner High School graduating class of 2023 also graduated with a College Associates Degree. A number of districts within Massachusetts and beyond have sought out Gardner to find out how Gardner is achieving its level of excellence. Earlier this year, it was announced that Gardner is now a Tier 1 School. Online reports even when titled as if data is recent still do not reflect the stellar performance of Gardner Public Schools.
Grant Approval
School Committee is being asked to approve some Grants obtained by Courtney Dunn, the Grants Guru at GPS. Just under 900k for Title 1 Program involving an early literacy program and professional development —- Just under 900k to ensure students with disabilities receive education and services that protect their rights and prepare them for the future. Complete list of grants, CLICK HERE.
Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar, CLICK HERE
- Levi – September (9/6/2023)
Levi Heywood Memorial Library says, “Storytime is Back and better than ever!”
The library located on West Lynde Street in Gardner is once again telling residents what it has to offer.
Storytime back starting September 12th and all sorts of activities scheduled during the Fall.
There’s so much going on for people of every age. Best thing to do is visit their website and take it all in. CLICK HERE.
Did you know there’s even a new app for IOS and Android?
The website was freshly updated on September 5, 2023. Check it out!
- CDBG Audio (8/28/2023)
AUDIO of CDBG Grant Awards
Various newsmakers are heard in the AUDIO of the grant awards. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
CDBG Grant Awards 2023 The YouTube video is the most compelling presentation in that it identifies the speakers clearly. CLICK HERE.
- CDBG Social (8/26/2023)
Editorial – Social Service Programs impacted by CDBG
Gardner Magazine noticed. Even in the CDBG application and eventual award, there was a consideration of people, not just buildings.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson, the entire Team at Gardner City Hall, and various agencies in the Chair City are putting people first. It is this strength of character, resolve, and community spirit which is often referenced by others interested in Gardner. Thank you and keep it up!
Impact: Homelessness in Gardner, Boys and Girls Club, and Athletic User Fees. COMPLETE ARTICLE
- GMS Music (8/23/2023)
Gardner Middle School Music Program Shining Ray of Sunshine on Any Day
Music Brings Sunshine from Pre-school to Adult. Gardner Magazine had the distinct honor of speaking with Gianni Davilli and John Mellish of the Gardner Middle School Music Program. What a treat to hear about the joy of music being taught each and every day in Gardner Public Schools and the positive impact MUSIC is having on each and every young life.
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
GMS Music August 23, 2023 Giannia Davilla speaks about the type of instruction provided to 3 choruses and how they are taught to sing using proper vocal technique and how to read music. John Mellish speaks about the 3 bands for Gardner Middle School. Both will be involved in the Spring Musical. The appreciation these teachers have for community support was evident in their remarks. And we learned how music can be an integral part of Social/Emotional learning and how it is one of the few things which stimulates both halves of the brain.
- The Saxman (8/21/2023)
Gardner MA Middle School Welcomes the Saxman
Music and Art has gained a renewed focus in the Gardner Public School System and today we profile only one of its numerous local stars. On August 21, 2023, the Gardner Middle School Music Department announced that John Mellish will be a new band teacher at the school.
Mr. Davilli from GMS Music posted, “I’m very happy and excited to tell you about our new band teacher at GMS, Mr. John Mellish! Mr. Mellish is a graduate of UMass Amherst (2020) where he studied Music Education and his main instrument is the saxophone . During his time there he was also a drum major for the famous UMass Minuteman Marching Band. He had previously been working as a high school music teacher in New Hampshire, teaching Band, Chorus, Music Theory, Piano, and Guitar. He plays most woodwind instruments, brass instruments, and is knowledgeable with percussion instruments. I’m more than happy to welcome Mr. Mellish to the GMS music team, he is a fantastic educator and friend.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson posted, “Congratulations Mr Mellish! Can’t wait to see the great work you do with the GMS band program!
- The Weeds (8/18/2023)
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
GES Finance 8-16-23 A Fictional Sentient Weed An answer regarding the weeds at Gardner MA Elementary School
The Gardner Elementary School Finance Sub-committee met on August 16, 2023 to discuss and approve various items relating to the school. The subject of the weeds came up.
Citizen Steve Rockwood stated, “A couple of things have come up in the community, and one of them was why the outside property looks so bad.” Dr. Mark Pellegrino responded, “Actually, it’s a good question to answer and publicly because it’s a question out there. Can someone succinctly address that?” Kristian Whitsett agreed to answer the question stating, “Are there specific items are concerns?” Steve Rockwood responded, “….it has to do with the landscaping and the fact that there are, let’s call them weeds, growing everywhere, sort of out of control, and people think that looks lousy…”
Kristian had a lengthy response. “It’s a good question and a bit of a complicated answer in that, well, it’s a large site,so different portions of this site are going to be treated differently. In general.I guess I’ll start off by saying that the weeds got out of hand, and the design team was not very happy with it. It was an issue with the weeds getting out of control during the last growing season, the contractor not quite being ready to start weeding and watering. At the time when we all expected that that would happen. They were managing some of the other portions of the project. And just couldn’t get to that scope. So we’re right now approaching a fall growing season, and our landscape architect has been out there quite a bit recently, working with the contractor and their subs, and they are doing a much better job of leading an effort now. In anticipation of that fall growing season, we’ll be planting a lot of things. Down towards the Pearl Street entrance, there’s a wetland replication area, and the Conservation Commission Commission is quite interested in how that process goes out, what seed mix they use, how it’s dispersed. And so we’re working on that with the contractor right now. So I think that area down there will look a lot better in the coming. In the coming months. so I think, in general,on kind of, like, maintenance, upkeep, and how the site in general looks. I would say that that’s the overarching issue, is that we just didn’t have time last year. And a contractor didn’t have time last year. And we’re making much more of a considered effort right now. Before the fall growing season, which we’re happy to see. And took quite a bit of pressure from the design team. To achieve those results….So certainly the massive weeds that we’re seeing, you know, a few months ago, that’s not the unkept idea that we’re striving for. But at the same time, I just want to, you know, put it out there that it was envisioned as a school in the woods. And some of the approaches of the planting were more kind of native in approach, and not just kind of a manicured, high maintenance area throughout the site. “
Kristian went on to explain that the City and School Department aren’t being asked to keep it up because it’s still a construction project. He also stated, “also, the plantings, once they are accepted by the landscape architect, they have have a one year warranty period. So even after, the site’s looking finished, the contractor will still be involved to some degree.”
- SC Turmoil (7/28/2023)
The most recent Winchendon School Committee Meeting available is that of July 13, 2023. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
We will publish the July 25th meeting should it become available.
Winchendon MA School Superintendent Controversy
New Winchendon MA School Committee Chair Karen Kast-McBride Alleges an Unauthorized Payout was illegally authorized by Former Chair Ryan Forsythe to Superintendent Thad King in an amount over $180,000. The entire Press Release is attached, CLICK HERE. McBride states that “We have contacted legal counsel of the Winchendon School Committee and legal counsel for the Town of Winchendon. All possible and appropriate action will be taken in the coming days.” Chair McBride states that the School Committee at a July 25, 2023 meeting voided the Separation Agreement, “which should have saved the District, and taxpayers’ that money.”
- School Start (7/26/2023)
School starts for grades 1-12 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. However, Kindergarten is different: 9/6: Kindergarten orientation last names A-J 9:30-11am, 9/7: Kindergarten orientation last names K-Z 9:30-11am, and 9/8: First full day for all Kindergarten 9am-3:15pm. Preschool starts Monday, September 18, 2023.
We have the entire 2023-2024 School Calendar in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA School Start Times for Fall 2023 are Announced
According to the School District, times have been adjusted to ensure buses run more smoothly. Gardner Magazine recommends you confirm these times on the official page prior to the start of school. CLICK HERE.
(PreK-4)Gardner Middle
(5-7)Gardner High
(8-12)Gardner Academy
Open8:45am 7:00am 7:35am 7:35am Start
Time9:00am 7:15am 7:50am 7:45am Dismissal 3:15pm 1:55pm 2:35pm 2:45pm 1/2 Day 11:30am 10:00am 10:35am 10:35am Preschool
AM 8:45-11:15
PM 12:30 – 3:00
No Preschool on half days
- Brandon Hughey (7/23/2023)
For more information on the Boys and Girls Club, please visit their website, CLICK HERE.
Director of Gardner MA Boys and Girls Club Explains Program
We spoke with Director Brandon Hughey at the Gardner Summer Centennial on July 22, 2023. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Brandon Hughey July 22, 2023 The Boys and Girls Club operates out of the Elm Street School on weekdays from 2 to 6pm. The program centers around S.T.E.A.M. and serves youth from age 8 to age 18 in Gardner. Steam is Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Program gives kids something to do after school. Cost is $30 per month. (You can also apply for a waiver of this cost.) To register, visit the website. — For questions, you can contact Brandon at
Brandon Hughey just recently became Director of the Gardner Clubhouse. Previously, he had been an Elementary School teacher. Boys and Girls Club says of him, “With an exceptional track record in youth development and a steadfast commitment to the community, Hughey brings a wealth of experience and innovative ideas to lead the organization into a brighter future. … Hughey was identified as a dynamic individual who embodies the values and mission of the organization and exemplifies an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of young people. … He has a proven ability to cultivate partnerships, engage the community, and drive impactful programming that meets the diverse needs of children and teenagers.”
- Winchendon Mgr. (7/21/2023)
Town of Winchendon MA has interim Town Manager while Search is on…
The Town of Winchendon posted on its website, “The Town of Winchendon is pleased to welcome Bill McKinney as the interim Town Manager. Bill has many years of public and private sector experience, including running two State agencies, the Metropolitan District Commission and the Department of Labor Standards. He also served as the CFO for the Town of Weymouth. Bill has a BA from the College of the Holy Cross and an MBA from Babson College. Please stop in and say hello when visiting Town Hall. Bill is eager to meet the folks of Winchendon.” The town has had some recent challenges with administrators as Justin Sultzbach left after just 2 years on the job (final day was July 7th) and a Search Committee is looking for his permanent replacement.
Superintendent of Schools Thaddeus King and the School Committee recently agreed that he will step down as of the end of July 2023. Therefore, the town will be simultaneously looking for a new person for that job as well. Gardner Magazine conducted a recent Social Media poll which showed 79% of the public wanted King to be terminated for poor performance and only1% thought he should be praised for good performance. See previous article, CLICK HERE.
- Slime (7/14/2023)
Levi Heywood Memorial Library has “Slime Day” in Gardner MA
Children ages 5 to 12 enjoy making SLIME in the Children’s Room at 10am on Friday July 14, 2023. It’s just another unique and fun program at this popular Gardner spot for parents and kids.
The library has a number of programs for kids this summer including the Summer Reading 2023 program called, “Find Your Voice”. For more details, CLICK HERE. There is a list a page long at the posted link so check it out.
The library has a Fairy House Exhibit until the end of July writing “The fairy houses in this exhibit were crafted by several artists at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Gardner. They created these houses to set the theme for their annual Spring Fair and Fairy House Stroll. They love to gather and create art together and to share those creations with the community. In addition to their creations, they have also incorporated a variety of chairs into the exhibit, in honor of Chair City’s Centennial celebration. These fairy houses will be on display in the Library’s Exhibit Gallery until the end of July.”
- Summer Eats 2023 (7/2/2023)
Summer Eats Program Underway in Greater Gardner MA
Project Bread offers free breakfast at 8:45am – 9:15am weekdays and free lunch from noon to 1pm weekdays at Gardner High School and Gardner Elementary School. Also lunch at Old English Village from 1pm to 1:45pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Free meals to all kids and teens, no identification or registration is required. Brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Education and local school and community meal providers.
Other sites are available in the area: Link for Map, CLICK HERE
- School Committee 6-12-23 (6/13/2023)
View the entire agenda and packet in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA School Committee Wraps Up Before Fall
In its last meeting before September, the Gardner MA School Committee met on June 12, 2023. The meeting was unique in that many students were recognized by Superintendent Mark Pellegrino in the first 10 minutes or so of he meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee June 12, 2023 Reports were presented regarding facilities and finances. Grant Director Courtney Dunn went over various grants in detail.
The Superintendent was deemed by the Committee to have made significant progress on his goals with a performance considered proficient or exemplary. He was then given a 5 percent raise. Last year he was offered the same and announced he was taking only 2 percent. With the absence of such a declaration this year, it is assumed the honored Superintendent is going to accept the larger amount.
The Helen Mae Sauter School and other nearby property was declared surplus, with ownership transferred to the City of Gardner as a whole. This will allow the City to proceed with agreements such as one contemplated with GALA, the Gardner Area League of Artists which is considering the facility for its new home. It is the dream of some for the facility to become the Chair City Arts and Music Center.
- GES Ribbon (6/8/2023)
Official Ribbon Cutting at Gardner MA Elementary School
Gardner’s New Elementary School opened in September, 2022, but the official ribbon cutting was held on Thursday, June 8, 2023. On-hand were local officials and of course Principal Earl Martin. For more information on the Gardner Public Schools system, please visit our Schools page, CLICK HERE.
- Graduation 2023 (6/3/2023)
Gardner High School and Gardner Academy Graduation Ceremonies in Gardner MA
On Saturday June 3, 2023, students went on to the next chapter in their lives. There were 110 GHS Graduates. More than 1/3 also had graduated with Associates Degrees from MWCC. Gardner High School (Video Link) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner High 2023 Gardner Academy (Video Link) – There were 20 Gardner Academy Graduates. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Academy 2023 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted, “It was an honor to be a part of your special day as the Mayor of this City and the Chair of its School Committee and I am very proud of each and every one of you.”
- Accomplished (5/26/2023)
The Interview you’ll want to explore: Accomplished in Gardner MA
Much has been accomplished in Gardner Massachusetts. We cover 2 dozen categories of success concerning the Chair City of Gardner MA. Mayor Michael Nicholson became Mayor in 2020 after a Special Election. He was reelected in 2021 and will be on the ballot this Fall seeking another term. Page with text of all questions and answers, plus AUDIO for each category, CLICK HERE.
Listen to the entire interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Accomplished in Gardner MA – May 2023 We have the entire text of the interview available on this page, CLICK HERE. For your convenience, we also have jump links below so you can go directly to read any section of greatest interest and/or listen just to that section.
Jump to: Aesthetic Improvements — Alert Service — Amenities Betterment — Benefitting Arts — Blight to Promise —- Boosting Athletics — Business Growth —- City Transparency — Community Events — Easy Voting — Elder Concerns — Educational Achievements — Fiscal Responsibility — Future Planning — Improving Recreation —Infrastructure Upgrades — Interactive Services — Life Issues Headway — Medical Advancements — Planet Awareness — Public Safety — Supporting Music — Veterans Services — Wayfinding Focus — Recognition by Others — Running for Mayor
THANK YOU Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson for putting in the effort to complete this project.
- Yard Sale Talk (5/21/2023)
Gardner MA Yard Salers Speak About the Chair City
Gardner Magazine made the rounds to some of the dozens of Yard Sales held in the Chair City on Sunday May 21, 2023 and we asked these wise individuals for their opinions on what’s going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Yard Sale Talk May 21, 2023 Sometimes when you want to know what people really think, just ask, and that’s exactly what we did. In general, people like the direction Gardner is pursuing. The subject of the roads kept coming up. However, when we told people that Gardner was putting more in to roads now than ever before, they preferred doing what Gardner is doing rather than seeing a big tax increase in order to do things faster. There were also other positives and other negatives and we thank all who participated. Your opinions matter.
As for the Yard Sales themselves, 87 homes participated according to the map and from what people told us, traffic was brisk and the customers were buying. Alphabetical List by street of 87 participants: JPG Image PDF.
- MWCC Grads (5/18/2023)
Mount Wachusett Community College of Gardner MA Holds 58th Commencement
Mount Wachusett Community College held its 58th Commencement on May 17, 2023. The National Anthem was sung by Whitney Doucet from the class of 2013. The Commencement Address was made by Mattie Castiel, MD, the Commissioner of Health and Human Services for the City of Worcester. Scots Highland Pipes and Drums performed the processional and recessional. Listen to the graduation on any device. CLICK PLAY.
MWCC Graduation 5-17-23 Dozens of Curriculum Awards were made in every category.
Of the hundreds of total graduates, approximately 76 students graduated with a Nursing Degree.
- Art Show (5/17/2023)
“All- School Art Show” at Gardner MA Elementary School Draws Parents, Grandparents, and Kids
The “All-School Art Show” was held on May 17, 2023. We spoke briefly with Gardner Elementary School Principal Earl Martin about the Art Show, Music Programs, and more. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Earl Martin at Art Show May 17, 2023 Some of the students proudly showed parents their own artwork or that of their friends. The event attracted people of all ages who came to see the art. There were hundreds of works comprised of art from students of Gardner Elementary School, Gardner Middle School, Gardner High School, and Gardner Academy. The displays filled the gym.
Principal Earl Martin stated, “The teachers do a great job incorporating the standards into artwork the kids also find engaging….the best part of my job is interacting with the kids daily, seeing their growth, seeing their joy, and seeing their appreciation for our new school.”
- All Art (5/15/2023)
Update: 5-15-23 – The May 17, 2023 Art Show is going to be much larger than previously expected, with hundreds of pieces of art in various media. With FREE ADMISSION, it’s a “Don’t Miss” event. Gardner Elementary School 5 to 7pm on Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Gardner MA Talented Artists to Be Revealed May 17th 5-7pm
In an unprecedented show of 4 schools of Art Talent, the All-School Art Show takes place May 17, 2023 from 5 to 7pm at the NEW Gardner Elementary School. FREE ADMISSION.
Selected student artworks will be displayed at this awesome exhibition and simultaneous convergence of some of the best young artistic talent of the Chair City. Note: The planning of Gardner Elementary School included the ability to easily display art.
Gardner Schools posted, “Come look at students’ amazing artwork…”
Included: Art from students of Gardner Elementary School, Gardner Middle School, Gardner High School, and Gardner Academy.
One Location: Gardner Elementary School, May 17, 2023 from 5 to 7pm
- Planning Board 5-9-23 (5/11/2023)
Gardner MA Planning Board Approves 22 more Parking Spaces for GES as Minor Modification
The Gardner Elementary School will be getting 22 more parking spaces after a presentation was made to the Gardner Planning Board. Questions have arisen as to why more parking spaces were not in the original plan and a couple of reasons were given. First, the Massachusetts School Building Authority wants to keep the number of parking spaces at schools to a minimum. Second, the increased number of staff and students at Gardner Elementary were not part of the initial forecast in 2019. It was also suggested in jest that if functions such as Open Houses are held, perhaps a yellow limo could be used to ferry people back and forth to make up for the lack of parking.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Planning Board 5-9-23 Parking availability will soon be tested as an after school open house is coming up in June.
- School Committee 5-8-23 (5/9/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Approves FY’24 Budget
Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee May 8, 2023 Complete Meeting Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
Gardner High School Cheerleaders were recognized by the Superintendent and by their coach.
Dr. Pellegrino made a budget presentation.
School Budget for FY24 was unanimously approved.
Various programs involving students were discussed.
Tiered-Focus Monitoring – Gardner is 100% in compliance with standards and indicators.
Dr. Pellegrino, Mayor Nicholson, and the members of the School Committee praised the Teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
- Teacher Appreciation (5/7/2023)
Greater Gardner MA Teachers Creating Tomorrow’s Super Hero Leaders
The week of May 8 -14, 2023 is Teacher Appreciation Week. In the City of Gardner, parents have a long list of thank yous to make as students of every grade level are succeeding at levels much higher than expected. As a result, the Gardner Public School District has gotten noticed, as is documented in the Great Schools Interview with Superintendent Mark Pellegrino. He gives credit to all staff members from teachers to administrators and has expressed his appreciation to all. CLICK HERE for the Great Schools Interview. We also have a Schools page, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Magazine recognizes all teachers this week with a big Thank You. See article on the thank you that the Gardner Museum is offering to all educators next weekend. CLICK HERE.
- Teachers FREE (5/7/2023)
Gardner MA Museum to Open its Doors to All Educators
On Saturday May 13th from 1-4pm and Sunday May 14th from 1-4pm, the Gardner Museum on Pearl Street in Gardner is offering FREE ADMISSION to all Educators stating, “Every year, the first full week of May is set aside as Teacher Appreciation Week. It is a time to recognize the teachers who have made a difference in our lives and to thank them for all that they do. Teachers work tirelessly to provide their students with the best possible education, and we owe it to them to take a moment to show our gratitude. We celebrate the wonderful work of our educators who help shape the future of the world by granting them free admission on May 13 and 14, and a chance to win a door prize.”
The Gardner Museum wrote, “The Museum is a treasure trove of Gardner history. Drop by and see all we have to offer.” Website: For more resources on Teacher Appreciation Week, CLICK HERE.
- Great Schools (4/28/2023)
Graphic shows the Parent Communication Flow: Individual Teacher – School Counselor – School Principal – Superintendent of Schools. The idea is to solve any issues earliest in the flow. It’s working. Superintendent Pellegrino reports few phone calls.
Gardner has one of the only Calculus with Physics programs. Gardner is strong on the traditional 3Rs while providing a 21st Century Education.
The Great Schools Interview with Gardner MA Superintendent Mark Pellegrino
Listen on any Device. CLICK PLAY.
Great Schools Interview with Dr. Mark Pellegrino 4-27-23 A huge transformation has taken place in Gardner Public Schools. Gardner has progressed from a past with a concern about meeting standards to the present in which Gardner is setting standards. For the 2nd year in a row, Gardner School Superintendent Dr. Mark Pellegrino has been asked to speak to the City of Chicago schools so that they might benefit from the initiatives which Gardner has in place. Every student is considered as important as every other. Proactive efforts are in place to make sure each student rises to the level of his/her ability. Data is analyzed to see what works and what doesn’t. Administrators have been coached to step up. Teachers are expected to be excellent. And, students are achieving what some other districts would describe as almost miraculous success. 37 students, or more than 1/3 of the graduating class will also have a 2 year college degree upon graduation from High School. This is unheard of elsewhere. But it is being achieved in Gardner. And now the “Chair City” is becoming the “Share City”, sharing its model of success with other communities so that students nationwide can benefit. It’s an incredible true story Gardner Magazine is proud to share.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel had the honor of interviewing one of America’s most consequential School Superintendents, Dr. Mark Pellegrino speaking with such an enthusiasm and love for students the positive vibe is contagious. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Great Schools Interview with Dr. Mark Pellegrino 4-27-23 About the Learning Process and Test Results
“When you focus on making sure kids have what they need in the classroom for support, so they’re available to learn….even last year, our MCAS scores, our growth scores, were very strong, which was somewhat of an anomaly for the state….we had some very strong outcomes…and our internal results of testing show that kids are further along than one might expect…So we’ve really turned a corner in making Gardner actually an anomaly.” Gardner made sure students had internet access during the pandemic so each could participate in learning, often providing internet hot spots for the kids to take home. What Gardner also did during the pandemic. “We focused a great deal on helping teachers, giving teachers more time to review their lessons and work collaboratively to design solid lessons that align with our state standards.”
Gardner has added 50 positions in the District in the last 6 years (out of 360 total positions) to enhance the learning process. “Many of these positions are support physicians, whether its a second teacher in the classroom, or supports like school psychologists, school adjustment counselors or school counselors. Putting folks where they can have direct contact to support our students. I think that’s made a huge difference.”
Gardner’s outcomes show a low dropout rate, a low discipline rate, and no disparities in learning among students with disabilities, students from low income families, or students of different races. “That’s what gets you to level one is those outcomes, those positive outcomes.” While not revealing names for reasons of confidentiality, Superintendent Pellegrino says “some pretty big districts are now coming out to interview us, to say, what are you doing, how are you doing this, and how can we replicate it in our district? So that’s been a really positive thing for the district, and something I’m very proud of. It’s all the work that, ultimately the teachers and staff are doing in the schools to make it so Gardner is actually having those outcomes.”
Reading at early grades a priority
“My teachers have been absolutely wonderful, making sure that kids are learning to read at those early grades, so later on, they can read to learn at the upper grades. And so we’ve really made that a priority for the district. And with added staff members, with added supports, and again, through our model of this tiered system of supports, we make sure that kids are reading by the 3rd grade.”
Help When Needed
Superintendent Pellegrino explained that his phone doesn’t ring off the hook like at other districts. The reason he gives is the proactive support which starts with the individual teacher, school counselor, principal, and if needed, he as the Superintendent. “I have very strong leadership and I have a very strong team at each school that then responds to any parents needs. So they’re not calling me because they know if they call the school, the school will help them.”
Gardner has strong partnerships including Early College with 37 students this year graduating with an Associates Degree from Mount Wachusett Community College with “many others having close to an Associate’s Degreee or most of their prerequisites done, which only prepares them better for college.” He also points out this this saves parents considerable amounts of money. Other partnerships with Monty Tech and others and the manufacturing program provides students with immediate skills upon graduation so they can immediately go into a career. About 120 high school juniors and seniors are currently taking college courses.
Advanced Ideas and Learning
In Gardner, there is a calculus-based physics course which is unique and it even counts as their college class for calculus. “No other school I know of provides that course.” The difference, Gardner talks with “the folks who work with our students after graduation, and talk to them about, well what do our kids need?…. We’re talking with them to say, well, what do kids need upon graduation. That gives us a much more reliable indication of are we going in the right direction or not.”
The approach is clearly different
“So our history teachers are talking to kids about being historians, not just learning history. Our math teachers are teaching kids to be mathematicians.”
Gardner makes the SAT test free so every student takes it. “I think we’re the only district around that pays for all of our students.” And why are students continually doing better whether it’s the SAT or the MCAS? “We teach to the standard…we get our kids to master that standard…..Well you are trying to figure out if you are actually teaching them, and when you figure that out, then they are actually getting a better learning environment.” “So I think were doing a lot of the right things for our families and that is something of which Im extremely proud.”
Learning to write and think on their own
“We all are supposed to be able to read, inform our own informed opinions based on fact. And you know, I think for a long time we lost sight of that in education.”
Math Program
Just this year, the District has launched an even more successful math program “First of, I believe math teaches us logic, so what helps us make informed decisions in life. The math program we have called “Into Math” helps kids understand the concepts of math, rather than just rote memorization of formulas…Because if you understand math, it informs higher level math, and it also informs your logic later on when you’re making decisions.”
Analyzing Data – How they do it
“So we have a lot more data, and we’ve purchased some … software programs that help give us the data in a user-friendly format, so we can read and actually use the data. So it’s great to have data like, we have a lot of data, but it’s how we take that data and use it to inform how were moving forward, that’s what makes the difference.”
Superintendent in the Trenches
Something else Superintendent Pellegrino does is spends a week here or there at each school so he can observe first-hand what’s going on. “Almost all my meetings are at the school itself. I’m operating out of the school. I’m walking around, I’m seeing the culture, the practices, the rituals in the schools. All of that is data for me to inform.”
Regarding Art and Music
Superintendent Pellegrino plays the guitar. “I’m actually a musician, so I believe very firmly… My math skills, I think, were developed because of my music abilities. And so I’m a huge proponent for developing your artistic abilities. And even if you’re not going to be an artist, to develop some of those skills, and understanding again, creates well rounded individuals as they graduate.”
About Sharing with Other Communities
“We’ve been asked to speak in Chicago, California, Ireland, a bunch of conferences here in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, because of the things that were doing. Again, these national and international conferences put us together with some of the brilliant minds that are at the forefront of leadership on MTSS, and were a part of that group. Now we’ve been asked again to speak at the National PBIS conference, which is Positive Behavior Interventions in sports. Its part of our FTSS process that happens in Chicago annually. We’ve been asked to come back again and present on the leadership part of this and how were doing it district wide, because schools are fascinated with how quickly we’ve come very far.”
- Budget FY24 (4/23/2023)
Fiscal Year 2024 Budget to be in line with Fiscal 2023 in Gardner MA
“There’s not much new in there”, says Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. “We’re always a lot more fiscally conservative when we propose the budget just because of the situations that are happening around us. While gas prices are starting to come down, there’s still some prices that are still high, there’s still some concerns about how interest rates are going to be going. So this is a very fiscally conservative budget. Its got the regular tax increases that we would see annually under the provisions of proposition 2 and 1/2. But there’s not much new in there.” The plan is to have a bare bones budget now and then do a supplemental budget in the November – December time frame. The Mayor stated that the increase of 4 million dollars from the State going towards education will “free up some of those tax dollars to help us on our city side.” Hear all of the Mayor’s comments in the Gardner Going Great Interview, CLICK HERE.
In the next month or so, the budget will be discussed in City Council and School Committee meetings and details will be released. For the current 2023 Fiscal Year budget, we refer you to a May 2022 article which included all of the Mayor’s submissions last year, CLICK HERE. Budget must be approved by the City Council prior to the start of the 2024 fiscal year on July 1, 2023. One item we know won’t be in the budget – close to $20,000 for the cost of a Federal audit, the savings the City of Gardner will realize after having a Perfect Federal Audit for the 3rd year in a row and now not having to undergo one for at least 3 years.
- Library Week (4/23/2023)
National Library Week is April 23 -29, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA
The theme this year is “More to the Story” as most libraries offer more than books including the Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner, the Beal’s Memorial Library in Winchendon, the Hubbardston Public Library, the Boynton Public Library in Templeton, the Steven’s Memorial Library in Ashburnham, and the Forbush Memorial Library in Westminster. From various media to technology, your local public library is a terrific resource and membership is FREE.
Some Library Facts
There are over 123,000 libraries in the United States of which 85% are located in schools. Some of the more notable libraries in the United States include the Library of Congress at #1 with almost 40 million volumes, the New York Public Library at #2 with over 36 million volumes, the Boston Public Library at #3 with almost 32 million volumes, and Harvard University at #4 with over 20 million volumes. The number of public libraries was 8.946 in 1992, and 3 decades later, that number is 9,057.
“More to the Story” at Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA
Gardner’s library is more than a beautiful building. Besides books, you can borrow music and movies, download audio and e-books, research databases, study in a quiet space, use the free WI-FI and/or public access computers, or take advantage of any number of programs for various ages and different displays throughout the year. The story is: Gardner’s library is ALIVE, vibrant, and much more than books, although it has an extensive collection to please almost any palate. Website.
- Library News (4/17/2023)
Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA offers Huge Amount of Content and Programs
For Example: On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, the Library features “Artful Mechanisms with Playful Engineers”, a program for ages 6-13 happening from 3-5pm with drop-ins welcome. The library supplies the materials and is supported in part by a grant from the Gardner Cultural Council. Kids learn about mechanical linkages and automate prototypes.
For the younger set, more than 3 dozen new children’s books have arrived just in time for April vacation.
You can sign up for a weekly email letting you know about the newest books, movies, and music at the library. CLICK HERE —- Library Facebook page —- Library Website, CLICK HERE.
- Recreation ’23 (4/17/2023)
There’s plenty to do in Greater Gardner MA
Chair City Soccer – The Chair City Soccer Club provides spring & fall soccer programs for Gardner, Templeton, Baldwinville, Phillipston and surrounding communities. Chair City Soccer has teams for both girls and boys from grade 3 through high school. Website —– Greater Gardner Street Hockey – The 2023 season will run from April 24, 2023 through June 24, 2023 with Finals and Cookout. Website —– Gardner Youth Baseball and Softball.– Children between 4 and 18 can play baseball or softball at both developmental and competitive levels. —- Website Ice Sports – Opportunities to Learn to Skate and/or play Youth Hockey. —- Website Scouting – Gardner Boy Scouts – Website —– OR Gardner Area Girl Scouts – Website
- GHS Cheer (4/16/2023)
Gardner High School Cheerleaders Win National Championship and Judges Choice Award in Florida Competition
This picture is worth a 1000 words – CONGRATULATIONS!
The event was held at Florida Live Arena in Sunrise, Florida on April 16, 2023. Take a look at the entire lineup of schools and you’ll understand why this is such a huge achievement, CLICK HERE.
- Update 4-14-23 (4/14/2023)
Gardner Magazine Updates the City on Friday April 14, 2023
With the Mayor’s Update not available, Gardner Magazine AI’s Toby White and Sarah Lepley stepped in with an update. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Magazine Update 4-14-23 Items Covered
The huge change in weather —- April Vacation —- Jobs in Gardner —- Food Truck Festival Band —- Flashback Dance —- Downtown Gardner Improvements —- Mayor Nicholson’s bid for reelection —- Zoning Matters —- Gardner School Committee —- GHS Concession Stand —- Gardner Youth — High School Trip —- Art Classes —- Sports Teams and Coaches —- Thanks and Congratulations.
- School Committee 4-10-23 (4/11/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Met on Monday, April 10, 2023
Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK Play
Gardner MA School Committee 4-10-23 The Gardner School Committee reviewed various policies, took up various articles, reviewed various reports, and heard various updates. The Committee took a vote on the Gardner High School Cheerleaders trip to Florida for Nationals happening April 15-18, 2023 and APPROVED it.
Notable Items: 4 more John and Abigail Adams scholarship recipients were announced – Hannah Gauss, Ivy Lynn, John Dixon, and Roland Larson. —- 128 Kindergarten students are already enrolled which is 40 to 45 ahead of last year at this time. —-Watkins Field Concession Stand restroom work is almost complete and they are waiting for the asphalt plants to open up and for an electrical panel which was ordered over a year ago. —- 2 Run- Hide- Fight Drills have already occurred. —- Information was given about the telemedicine at the schools provided by Heywood Hospital. — A GPS Employee Wellness Guide was unveiled at the meeting. Publisher’s note: Reviewing the packet will help in understanding the references to items brought up at the meeting.
Revised Agenda adding authorization vote for GHS Cheerleaders Trip – Original Agenda with packet
The official Ribbon Cutting at Gardner Elementary School will be held June 8, 2023 at 5:30pm. Public Tours will be included.
Dr. Catherine Goguen took Superintendent Pellegrino’s place at the meeting as he has been on vacation this week.
April vacation will be next week April 17 through April 21. Students will have the week off.
- Youth – Gardner (4/8/2023)
To the Youth of Gardner: Thanks for being great! Your efforts at being great people has been noticed. And thank you to the adults in the Gardner Public School system for being great mentors to Gardner’s kids – and all the parents for your support.
Youth: What Gardner MA Is Getting Right – A Few Examples
Gardner Youth are getting noticed and recognized. Gardner High School has a periodic “Wildcat Winner” to showcase various student achievements.
40 Gardner High School Sophomores and Juniors went to Umass Lowell to get a tour of the campus. According to Gardner High School, their tour guides said,” “This was the nicest, best behaved group of students we’ve ever had.”
Grade 8 and Art 1 classes are making May baskets to bring to Wachusett Manor and Gardner Rehab the first week in May. “Making May Baskets with all donated materials from Seaman Paper in our Grade 8 and Art 1 classes. Seaman Paper is going to collect them when we are done and fill them, and then we will deliver them to the two long-term facilities in town “
Gardner Sports Teams and coaches have put in a considerable amount of work over the past year and it showed with various levels of success. Jeanny Sainvil put together a Clothing Drive. Students launched a United Way Youth Venture Project. Other students from the woodworking program helped to fix tables in the library. There was a successful Community and Culture Festival. Diversity was celebrated with a Flag Parade. There was excellence in Music and in Art. And best of all, there has been so much student enthusiasm and support for each other.
- Accomplished (4/6/2023) Launches to Showcase Accomplishments of City of Gardner MA
It’s now there for all in the nation to see, the accomplishments of Gardner, Massachusetts in 24 different categories including Aesthetic Improvements, Alert Service, Amenities Betterment, Benefitting Arts, Blight to Promise, Boosting Athletics, Business Growth, City Transparency, Community Events, Easy Voting, Elder Concerns, Educational Achievements, Fiscal Responsibility, Future Planning, Improving Recreation, Infrastructure Upgrades, Interactive Services, Life Issues Headway, Medical Advancements, Planet Awareness, Public Safety, Supporting Music, Veterans Services, and Wayfinding Focus.
Visit the Website at, CLICK HERE.
Downtown Gardner
For information on Downtown Gardner including events throughout 2023, visit . For information on the Downtown Association including memberships, visit
- Active Drills (4/2/2023)
Watch a video recognized by Homeland Security as an excellent training resource, CLICK HERE, or listen to the AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Active Shooter Preparedness – Run – Hide – Fight Gardner MA Public Schools Running Active Shooter Drills in April 2023
In a letter to the Gardner Public School Community, Superintendent Mark Pellegrino and Director of Health and Safety Rebecca McCaffrey wrote of the “Run, Hide, Fight” drills being run during the month of April “through collaboration with the Gardner Police Department, Gardner Fire Department, District Administrators, Building Administrators, and Building staff….”
According to the letter, drills and announcements will be conducted in an age-appropriate way and teachers will lead students in practicing “hide” in the classroom and “run” by exiting the building. The “fight” component will not be practiced. Read the entire letter on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Pellegrino suggests parents can prepare children for these drills by talking to them beforehand and assuring them that drills help school staff and students be prepared and that it’s a routine drill just like a fire drill. Plans are to conduct the drills in the Fall and Spring of each year.
In this article, we have included the AUDIO taken from a video recognized by Homeland Security. It is an excellent guide for educators, parents, and students.
- Tiered Focus (3/27/2023)
Gardner MA Public Schools up for Reviews through Department of Secondary and Elementary Education.
Review 1: English Language Learners – During the week of April 3, 2023, DESE will have its Office of Language Acquisition conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of Gardner Public Schools which is done every 6 years in this category. The purpose is to monitor compliance with Federal and State English learner education laws and regulations. For the complete Press Release, click here.
Gardner Public Schools to Tier 1
Review 2: Regarding Students with Disabilities – (last done in 2020) According to Gardner Superintendent Mark Pellegrino, the City has historically always been designated a Level 3 District, requiring “Correction Action to address our issues, and the areas of concern include both compliance and student outcomes – moderate risk.” With a Tier 1 designation, the improvement plan will be self-directed, and “data points indicate no concern on compliance and performance outcomes.” Pellegrino stated, “This was really big news for GPS as our staff have worked hard to ensure that we are meeting students’ needs and the requirements and expectations set by DESE.” Press Release on Tiered Focus Monitoring Review Process
See our previous article from January when we first reported on the upcoming review, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Disney Video (3/23/2023)
Gardner Goes Disney – A video for the Magical Chair City of Gardner MA
Listen to the soundtrack on any device. Click Play
Gardner Goes Disney Soundtrack of Songs The City of Gardner has a future history which is unwritten. It is a magical City where almost anything is possible. Where its people reward ideas and support each other… Where business and industry are welcome… Where families thrive and children learn… This is a day in the Chair City. This is going to be the best day ever.
Featuring the licensed songs “Today is the Best Day”, “It’s Beautiful Now” which speaks of a rainbow soon to come…ready when the sunshine comes again, it’s beautiful now where once it was hollow.. , “I wanna be your Super Hero,” stating I want to be everything you need and be of service, “It’s My Lucky Day,” and of course, “You’ve Got This”. The video speaks to the future promise of Gardner and its positive trajectory.
Truly the best is yet to come in Gardner MA. This is an uplifting video of love and a reminder that all it takes to achieve success is a dream and a place to make that dream happen. That place is the Chair City of Gardner.
By rendering the places and people in a fantastical Disney-like image, we aim to demonstrate the emotion involved in the day to day lives of people in Gardner and for those who hope to succeed in the City. Thank you Gardner people, Gardner businesses, and the entire Gardner Team at City Hall for your inspiration.
- Schools Spring 2023 (3/18/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Expected to Learn Budget Info at April 10th Meeting
The Gardner MA School Committee is expected to review Budget information presented to it at the upcoming Monday April 10, 2023 meeting. Other meetings coming up before the start of the Fiscal 2024 year include Monday May 8th and Monday June 12th. Per the City Charter, no meetings are held in the months of July and August. Fall Meetings will be Monday September 11, Tuesday October 10 (because Columbus Day is October 9), November 13, and December 11.
April vacation is April 17 to 21 including the day off April 17 for Patriot’s Day. High School Graduation will be Saturday June 3, 2023.
Kindergarten Registration
Will your child be 5 or older on August 31, 2023? Then, don’t forget about Kindergarten registration coming up on March 29, 2023 from 10am to 2pm and 5 to 7pm at Gardner Elementary School. This date is a makeup for times which had to be canceled due to the recent mid-March storm.
Middle School Performance of Beauty and the Beast Junior takes place March 31, 2023 and April 1, 2023 at 7pm both evenings.
Local News by Topic: Arts & Entertainment – Business & Growth – Covid – Geography – Government – Health – Holidays – Life – Money & Finance – Musings – Non-profits – Public Safety – Schools – Weather.
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