Greater Gardner MA Local News February 2024
- Fictional Theater (2/29/2024)
Gardner Magazine Releases First Episode of Fictional Theater
Our publisher has lost his marbles once again and presents this fictional skit featuring our friends Joe, Don, and special guest Trickie Dickie. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Fictional Don and Joe No real politicians were used in the course of this fictional production. That would just not be right.
- Tiny Art 24 (2/29/2024)
Learn more: Levi Heywood Memorial Library, visit their website, CLICK HERE.
FREE Kits Available now for Levi Heywood Tiny Art Show
The Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner is having its 3rd Annual Tiny Art Show in April. To be included, pick up your FREE Tiny Art kit from the Reference Desk or the Children’s Room at the library. The library posted, “Return your tiny masterpieces by March 23 to be included in our third annual Tiny Art Show in April!“
Kit is shown at top of graphic. Bottom two photos are of last year’s Tiny Art Masterpieces. For more on the various programs, options, and resources available at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Roof Blows Off (2/29/2024)
Gust of Wind Blows Off Roof of Gardner Fire Department
According to a post by Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson, high winds early on the morning of February 29, 2024 blew off the roof of the Gardner Fire Department Headquarters on City Hall Avenue.
This is what the Mayor posted, “Last evening, at approximately 1:50am, the roof of the Gardner Fire Department blew off. Around the same time, the wind gauge at the station recorded a gust of 60mph. Crews are at the site for emergency repairs being made in the short term, with a full replacement being reviewed with the City’s insurance company. No one was injured and no equipment was damaged as a result. The City’s Administration had been looking at replacing this roof for the last 4 years. In fact, just last week, our design engineers were creating a report on how to best replace the roof to fix the leaking issues it had been having. The roof is original to the building’s 1978 construction and was substantially patched in 2001.”
Top photo is a screenshot from a video taken of the moment this occurred.
- Magazine Tour (2/29/2024)
Famous Voices “Mel” and “Orson” with an AUDIO tour of Gardner Magazine
Can you recognize the imitation of the famous voice doing the AUDIO tour of Gardner Magazine? The tour explains how and where to find certain items and how to use them. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Audio Tour – Voice of Mel What if it were possible for the the late Orson Welles to voice this instead? Well, here he is. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
These voice imitations are made possible through the advances in Artificial Intelligence technology.
- Power 2-29-24 (2/29/2024)
Thousands of Massachusetts Customers Without Power – 200 per outage
As of 8am on February 29, 2024, there were approximately 348 active outages in Massachusetts affecting a total of approximately 7324 customers.
The problem was the high winds in the last 24 hours which caused trees to fall.
Westminster, MA Police Department posted at 7:13am on February 29th: “**Bragg Hill Road UPDATE** 7:13am 2/29/24 Bragg Hill Road is closed from the intersection at South Ashburnham Road to number 49 Bragg Hill Road.”
“The primary electrical lines are down in the street for approximately 5 telephone pole lengths. For the time being until these repairs are made by National Grid all residents in the area will need to take Bragg Hill Road into Ashburnham to get around these temporary closures. As we are provided additional information we will update you. “
Lake and Pond Ice is Not Safe
Gardner Fire Department posted about the danger of thin ice, “Due to the warm temps and strong South winds, the ice is no longer safe on our area ponds and lakes. Please stay off the ice!!”
- Housing Crisis (2/28/2024)
RCAP Solutions Resource for Housing Assistance for Greater Gardner MA
Eligible households can get financial assistance funds for rent arrears, utility arrears, short-term rental stipend, security deposits, start-up costs (if moving to a new apartment), or first and last month’s rent. Listen to a short explanation from RCAP Solutions and hear from people who have been helped on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Eligible households include: Individuals, families with or without children, and unaccompanied youth. Household income must be at or below 50% area median income (AMI) For example, for the City of Gardner, the program eligibility limits based on number of person in household are: 1 person: $37,150, 2 persons: $42,450, 3 persons: $47,750, 4 persons: $53,050 and so on… Visit the following link to get the exact limit for your community. Household must provide proof that they are currently experiencing a housing crisis. Various documents are needed to apply. Information, CLICK HERE: As of July 1, 2023, the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program is available to eligible homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure. Information at this linked page as well.
- Health 2-26-24 (2/28/2024)
Gardner Director of Public Health Micah Blondeau Gives Report at Board of Health Meeting
The Gardner Board of Health met on February 26, 2024. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 2-26-24 Vaccination Clinics are being set up for children sheltered in Gardner who need them. Director Blondeau has received public information requests regarding PFAS testing. He stated that the City doesn’t currently do that. “It’s not a legal requirement to fill, and they did request all water testing results, which I sent to them.”
Blondeau stated that the April Wellness Fair is April 17th from 5 to 7pm at Gardner City Hall Perry Auditorium. Publisher’s note: Last year the event was originally scheduled in March, but had to be postponed to April due to a March 15th snowstorm. Last year’s article, CLICK HERE.
The Annual Report on the Transfer Station had a few concerns. Two groundwater monitoring wells have been broken since 2017. “and they’re really wanting to get those fixed. We’re going to be working on that. And then we have more erosion on the south side of the landfill.” He is also having some lab testing changed. Blondeau stated cost of repairing wells at $20,000 and cost would be $50,000 for the erosion control project.
The Housing Inspector who was hired is no longer working for the City. Blondeau plans to leave it vacant until after the union negotiations happen. “finished by the end of March.”
Director Blondeau met with Assistant Attorney General Janice Beatty last week regarding abandoned properties. “And we did go look at five abandoned houses that they offered us to do an inspection on. So they’re going to evaluate those for suitability to either put them into a receivership or get the property owner to come back into compliance.”
An inspection was scheduled this week at the Waterford School kitchen licensed to Growing Places “so they can start running test batches and figure out how things go.” And, he reported that some residents are putting trash in the recycle bin. E.L. Harvey has been dumping it in the trash truck, “What they’re supposed to do is tag it and mark it and not pick it up so that the resident knows they can’t be doing that.”
- Bullying Prevention (2/26/2024)
Gardner MA Public Schools asks for Feedback on Draft Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
The Gardner Public School District is asking for public feedback on its draft Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. It’s very easy to participate. Read the draft, here’s a copy of the plan on printable pdf, CLICK HERE. Here’s a copy in Microsoft Word format, CLICK HERE.
Once you’ve read the draft policy, go to this link and submit your feedback comments, CLICK HERE.
The draft policy includes a complete list of definitions, a section on leadership, prohibitions against bullying and retaliation, policies and procedures for reporting and responding to bullying and retaliation, training and professional development, access to resources and services, academic and non-academic activities, collaboration with families, relationship to other laws, a list of resources, school telephone numbers, and links to other resources.
- Status – Women (2/26/2024)
MWCC Public Hearing Event Seeks Input on Issues Facing Women, Children, and Families
Mount Wachusett Community College will host the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women for a public hearing on March 28, 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Register Here. The hearing will be held in the South Cafe at Mount Wachusett Community College. There is also a remote Zoom option
Testimony is being sought from women on issues that matter most to them and their families. “Our Public Hearings provide a safe and open space for all women in their communities to be heard and to share their lived experience, and the issues that impact their daily lives,” said MCSW Chairwoman Dr. Sarah Glenn-Smith. “The power of testimonies comes from sharing personal stories. Any subject surrounding issues that women face, or obstacles that hinder the ability for all women to experience equity are welcome topics.” Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- Sully at Show (2/25/2024)
Could Gardner’s “Sully” be any more lovable? – Went to event in Springfield MA
The Hulettes from Gardner brought Gardner’s “Sully” or “Mr Sullivan” as he’s always called to the Springfield Sportsmen’s show held at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts. TV station WWLP reported that they brought him to get him adjusted to larger crowds. And of course, he got the attention and loved the attention too.
In an interview with the station, Firefighter Eric Hulette said, “I’ve always seen a need after critical incidents for some type of stress relief or, you know, some type of debriefing just for the guys and the girls, you know, on the really bad calls. And everybody loves dogs and a mastiff just loves everybody. So it only made sense to us at this time that we trained him to be a first responder dog.” Eric Hulette is a lieutenant with the Gardner Fire Department, the EMS Coordinator, and Group 2 Shift Commander.
Last summer, Sully was sworn in as the Gardner Fire Department’s therapy and comfort dog.
Here’s our article from Sully’s swearing in on August 7, 2023, CLICK HERE.
- Beautiful 2024 (2/25/2024)
Keep Gardner Beautiful Announces Spring Cleanup Day
Keep Gardner Beautiful has announced that Saturday, May 4, 2024 will be its official Litter Clean Up and “Nip Hunt” Fundraiser. Dianne “Neon” Leblanc posted on the Keep Gardner Beautiful Facebook page that “Picked up 900 nips today! From Timpany Blvd to the Hubbardston line, on both sides of Route 68. That was a gold mine”
The photographs in this article are from last Spring’s event. Keep Gardner Beautiful has picked up hundreds of thousands of nips and tons of trash in its efforts to clean up Gardner over the years. Facebook page, click here. Webpage, CLICK HERE.
The organization states “Keep Gardner Beautiful is a volunteer-led organization that is working to clean up and green up the great city of Gardner…We are currently seeking volunteers to join our steering committee. We meet periodically to coordinate community litter cleanups, educational events, and beautification projects around Gardner…We are currently seeking donations from Gardner’s generous business community. Specifically, we are seeking supplies and cash donations to help offset the cost of cleanup supplies, safety t-shirts for our volunteers, and other supplies. “
- Two Arrested (2/24/2024)
Two Men Arrested in Gardner and Charged in Fatal Worcester Shooting
Two Gardner men were arrested on February 23, 2024 and charged with various offenses related to a shooting incident which occurred two weeks ago in Worcester and left a 17 year old victim dead. Attached is the Press Release with details from the Worcester Police Department, CLICK HERE.
- Hotline Radio (2/24/2024)
WGAW is heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and from anywhere in the world on its 24/7 live stream, CLICK HERE.
Hotline Radio aired Saturday February 24, 2024 from noon to 2pm on WGAW Radio
Gardner Mayor Nicholson appeared on Hotline Radio and discussed various projects in the Chair City. Various grant applications are being pursued and decisions on those applications are awaited. City is awaiting a decision on a grant application for a new playground at Ovila Case. The City has already appropriated its matching portion.
The first stage of the Rear Main Street Project will include an oval park with raised benches, water fountain, a food truck parking area, and events plaza as well as numerous parking spaces. When the 5 story, 100 unit housing development is eventually built, additional parking specific to that structure will be constructed.
Much misinformation is being put out on Social Media with regard to the Waterford Street School and the Mayor wanted to provide correct information. For example, no City check is being written to GAAMHA or will be written to GAAMHA. Minutes of the Executive Session regarding Waterford are available at the City Clerk’s office or via email with a records request. Gardner has been in communication with the Attorney General’s office and the Inspector General’s office to make sure all construction is in compliance with applicable law.
Regarding plans for the School Street school: current plans are to eventually tear down the building and create an additional parking lot for the adjacent park and playground – grant funding is being sought.
A long highlight from the recent Breanne Pennington vigil was aired.
At the beginning of the second hour of the show, host Steve Wendell announced that there were some technical difficulties and that it appeared that the computer system at the radio station might have been hacked. Programming did continue with an ABC Perspectives presentation on the status of Ukraine, various matters concerning Donald Trump, cellular phone disruption this week, IVF treatments, and SORA by Open AI which can produce realistic video fakes.
- Rogers – Kindness (2/24/2024)
Lessons of Kindness for Greater Gardner from Mr. Rogers – Delivered 55 Years Ago
With so much inflammatory language out there in Greater Gardner MA and beyond, I thank the person who chose to post a reference to the moving words of Mr. Rogers so that we could run this article. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mr. Rogers 1969 Mr. Fred Rogers appeared before the United States Senate 55 years ago regarding the budget for Public Television. Result: The budget for Public Television was not cut. In fact, it was increased a couple of years later.
Here’s what Happiness Heroes posted about this a few years back. “In 1969, Mr. Rogers gave the following emotional plea to a Senate Subcommittee. Nixon was trying to cut funding for PBS. Mr. Rogers was trying to save it. This speech is one of many fantastic memories that remind us just how fantastic a happiness hero this man really was. Somehow using nothing but a few minutes of gentle words, Mr. Rogers was able to convince them not to pull funding from public television. The transition of the committee’s chairman from skeptical and dismissive at the beginning to having an attitude of outright admiration at the end is beautiful to behold. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when kindness and the happiness of others is your goal. “
- Recycling Update (2/24/2024)
An Update on Recycling in Greater Gardner MA
There are 9 materials recovery facilities in Massachusetts with the nearest ones to the Greater Gardner area located in Auburn and Westborough.
For more information and the entire map of facilities, CLICK HERE – – For other questions, has a searchable Recyclopedia.
The City of Gardner has a Recycling Calendar. CLICK for PDF If you have questions for the Gardner Health Department, here is a link to the page on the City of Gardner website.
- Update 2-23-24 (2/23/2024)
An Update on the City of Gardner – February 23, 2024 with Publisher Werner Poegel
The Gardner Emergency Housing Mission — Presidential Primary —- Various projects and results of meetings. Upcoming meetings for the week of February 26th. Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Update – Gardner – Werner Poegel 2-23-24 Actions of the Gardner City Council, Zoning Board, Planning Board. Public Safety matters.
The City of Gardner did not release an update this week .
- GEHM Fundraiser (2/23/2024)
Gardner Emergency Housing Mission – Fundraiser for Homeless at Gardner Ale House
The Gardner Emergency Housing Mission kicks off the first of 2 restaurant fundraisers on Tuesday March 19th from 5pm to 8pm at the Gardner Ale House, Parker Street, Gardner. A full 20 percent (20%) of your check (pre-tax) will be donated to the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission by the Gardner Ale House. Simply print out a copy of this graphic or scan the QR code. If you forget, bring up Gardner Magazine on your smartphone. The easy mobile address is
About GEHM from their website, CLICK HERE. “The focus of the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission is providing short-term (3-6 months), transitional housing for families with children in the Gardner schools system. The structure is unique because it eliminates families being relocated or split up to receive shelter. This keeps families in their established, local community and near schools, while maintaining work-life consistency in their time of need. Our goal is to provide temporary shelter while educating families on how to navigate and utilize programs and services in place to help obtain affordable housing within Gardner and/or surrounding areas.:
- Elections 2024 (2/23/2024)
Key Dates and Info for Elections 2024 in Greater Gardner MA
March 5, 2024: Presidential Primaries Statewide – Polling Hours 7am to 8pm
September 3, 2024: State Primaries for U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Governor’s Councillor, State Senator, State Representative, Register of Deeds, Clerk of Courts, County Commissioner (certain counties only) Polling Hours 7am to 8pm
November 5, 2024: State Election for Electors for President and Vice President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Governor’s Councillor, State Senator, State Representative, Register of Deeds, Clerk of Courts, County Commissioner (certain counties only), and additional local offices (certain cities and towns) Polling Hours 7am to 8pm
Visit your City or Town website for the latest and most accurate information specific to you regarding early voting etc. Here is a statewide list of election offices by City and Town with addresses, contact emails and phone numbers, CLICK HERE. Or view pdf, CLICK HERE.
- Planning 2-20-24 (2/22/2024)
Final Recommendations YES on Sports Betting and Marijuana Zoning Articles
The Gardner MA Planning Board is sending a final recommendation of YES for both zoning articles: adding Sports Betting to the table of uses, and allowing additional cannabis dispensaries in Gardner. Next step: City Council will approve or reject the changes at its next meeting.
Other Items: Private Oversight LLC was continued to next month. The public meeting regarding the definitive site plan of Rear Main Street off Derby Drive was discussed – the Rear Main Street Development Project. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Planning Board 2-20-24 - Zoning 2-20-24 (2/22/2024)
Previous Articles with meeting AUDIO on this matter:
Planning Board October 10, 2023
Planning Board November 14, 2023
In December, Private Oversight LLC requested an extension to the January meeting.
Planning Board January 9, 2024
The Planning Board met on February 20, 2024 and put the matter on the next month’s calendar.
Multi Family Proposed Project Facing Abutter Opposition
Private Oversight, LLC is proposing to build a project of 52 units of Multi family housing, 42 in Gardner, and 10 in Templeton. Attorney for the proponent, Christine Tree indicated that a Planning Board decision on the site plan is being sought first. Chairman Lafond agreed that resolving any Planning Board issues would make sense so there are no conflicts between boards. “We will wait for the Planning Board to go through their site plan review.” However, even after that was stated, various opposing abutters wanted to be heard and were heard. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Zoning Board of Appeals 2-20-24 Various abutters oppose the project. One reason is a general opposition to having multi-family housing in a single family area. Another reason concerned the potential for the project to affect drainage. According to one abutter opposed to the project, another developer who clear cut land in the same area on the Templeton side caused drainage issues for abutters. At the meeting, the attorney for Private Oversight LLC offered to email project plan details to abutters if desired.
The Board voted to take up the matter again at its April 16, 2024 meeting.
- Breanne Pennington Vigil (2/21/2024)
Vigil held for Breanne Pennington – and Domestic Violence Resources
The Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force sponsored a vigil on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 for Breanne Pennington who died from gunshot wounds at her home last October. Her husband Aaron Pennington is being sought for the murder.
The Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force is committed to “keeping our community safe.’ They state “Our vision at Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force is to create a world where everyone has access to the support services they need to thrive. We believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy and fulfilling life, and we are committed to working towards this goal every day.” Their website features a number of resources for those in need. Please visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Double Council 2-20-24 (2/21/2024)
With the video of these meetings uploaded, the City of Gardner achieved a milestone of 1000 video uploads on February 21, 2024. City of Transparency Article, CLICK HERE.
Gardner City Council meets in Meeting Double Feature
The Gardner City Council met on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 for both an informal and a formal meeting. At the Informal meeting, the Council heard from Mayor Michael Nicholson, DPW Director Dane Arnold, and City Auditor John Richard regarding a request for $625,000 for a new DPW Salt Shed. The Mayor went over the various funding options which were considered. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Informal City Council 2-20-24 At the regular City Council meeting, various appointments were certified. City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas announced that Brad Heglin is willing to fill the vacant City Council seat – will be taken up at the next City Council meeting. Heglin was eligible for the vacant at-large seat because he got the next highest number of votes at the last election. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
City Council 2-20-24
- 1000 Videos (2/21/2024)
Gardner MA Reaches Milestone of 1000 Videos
The City of Gardner YouTube page has reached a milestone of publishing 1000 videos as of February 21, 2024.
The City of Gardner is noted for its transparency in government, providing videos of meetings, complete meeting packets, and an open online checkbook.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel prepared this commentary about the “City of Transparency”, Gardner, Massachusetts.
- Truck Fire (2/20/2024)
Gardner Fire Department Extinguishes Truck Fire and Saves old Rome Furniture Building
From Gardner Fire Department on 2-20-24 “Around 9:00 A.M. this morning, Gardner Fire Group 3 responded for a reported truck fire on Main St. Fire crews arrived to find a fully involved pickup truck, just mere feet away from the old Rome building. Crews were able to knock the fire down just as heat from the fire was beginning to melt siding and break windows on the Rome building. No injuries on scene. “ No further details are available at this time.
While they have not yet opened a furniture store at the location and it is unclear if they will, Manzel Furniture and Rugs out of Peabody stores a significant amount of inventory in the building which could have been lost had the Gardner Fire Department not gotten the fire under control.
We wrote about Manzel in 2021,but the furniture store they said was coming did not come to pass. View our original article, CLICK HERE.
- Appointments 2-16-24 (2/20/2024)
Top from left: George Tyros, Judy Mack, Dana Heath. Middle from left: PD Chief Eric McAvene, FP Chief Greg Lagoy, Paul Topolski, Mayor Michael Nicholson. Bottom from left: Nathan Galisano, Frimpong Antwi, Alana Meserve, and Cheryl Slack.
Publisher’s Editorial Comment: What a joy to post the AUDIO and info from this meeting. It was impressive. Congrats to all involved.
Public Safety Staff and Leaders Praised at Appointments Committee Meeting & Interviews
The Gardner MA Appointments Committee consists of George Tyros, Judy Mack, and Dana Heath. On Friday, February 16, 2024 the appointments covered were Public Safety. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Appointments Committee 2-16-24 Interviews were conducted with appointees of 2 officers who were praised by Chief of Police Eric McAvene – Frimpong Antwi and Nathan Galisano. 2 more candidates will be sent to the training academy in May (graduation November) . That would put the Gardner PD at full staffing.
Cheryl Slack, Autmn Brown, and Alana Meserve to the positions of Animal Control Officer.
Cheryl Slack has served Gardner and 3 other communities for 10 years and indicated she plans to retire in the job. Autumn Brown was out sick but was praised by Mayor Nicholson and Chief McAvene. Alana Meserve has served the City for 4 years and was also praised by the two.
Paul Topolski to the position of Civil Defense Director – has been serving in the role for 28 years.
Gregory Lagoy to the position of Fire Chief – Mayor Nicholson: “Couldn’t ask for a better partner at the Fire Department.”
Resignations were covered: There were no resignations, but it was noted that Assistant City Solicitor Charland passed away this past week.
- Local Music (2/19/2024)
“Local Music of New England” is a new Facebook Group. Click here to join and promote your local music group.
Christopher Guerra Creates new Facebook Group for “Local Music of New England”
Gardner’s Christopher Guerra has created a new Facebook Group as a place “where local musicians can gather and promote themselves and their events.” On Monday, February 19, 2024 the group quickly had 74 members. To Join the group, visit it. CLICK HERE. Gardner Magazine is committed to promoting local musicians and local music events. The same with local artists and art events. Email any details to and we will at least get you on our 2024 Events Calendar, CLICK HERE.
Publisher Werner Poegel said, “Music and Art are the threads which bring the impossible to reality and sooth the soul on its journey through life.”
- New Business (2/19/2024)
New Businesses Coming to Gardner MA in 2024
A variety of new businesses are expected to come to Gardner in 2024. In the Downtown, Timpany Plaza, Timpany Crossroads, Gardner Plaza, elsewhere in the City, and other types of commercial business including manufacturing and industrial. Please visit our New Businesses in Gardner page for 2024 expectations and helpful links. CLICK HERE.
- Council 2-20-24 (2/18/2024)
Gardner City Council Holding Informal and Regular Meetings on Tuesday, February 20, 2024
The Gardner City Council meeting is Tuesday February 20th due to the Presidents Day Holiday. The Informal Meeting at 7pm concerns a request from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson to appropriate $625,000 from Stabilization for a new DPW Salt Shed. The current shed is literally falling apart. Proposal is to build a new, 3 times larger shed across the street from the DPW administration building at 50 Manca Drive. DPW Director Dane Arnold wrote, “Having this additional storage volume will enable the DPW to stockpile enough salt to treat 12-15 storms. The DPW has already contracted with an engineering firm to complete the site plan design….” He also stated that the DPW would plan to do as much of the work in-house to reduce costs. View the Informal meeting agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
The Regular Meeting of the City Council at 7:30pm will cover various appointments, approval of various items brought before the Finance Committee and a decision on the Salt Shed. View the Regular meeting agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
The Gardner Finance Committee met on February 14th on establishing a special revenue fund for Waterford, the $50,000 grant received for putting a new hood in the kitchen and Veterans Services municipal agreements. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY at right.
Finance Committee 2-14-24
- Presidents 2024 (2/18/2024)
Presidents Day 2024 in Greater Gardner MA
Presidents Day is Monday, February 19, 2024 in Greater Gardner MA. It is also the start of School Vacation Week. While the Post Office and most government offices are closed, most services such as trash pickup in area towns will continue as usual. Retail and restaurants will be open as usual.
We wrote on article last year on Presidential Speculations, CLICK HERE.
- Sunday M.A.R.T. (2/17/2024)
MART New Sunday Schedule in Gardner MA
The Montachusett Area Regional Transit Authority has expanded service in Gardner in the past year with additional stops. The latest expansion includes Sunday bus service. The 1 hour route is completed 6 times beginning at 10am and ending at 4pm. All service is Fare FREE until July 1st (paid for by a State Grant.) For all MART information, please visit their website.
Sunday M.A.R.T. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is the Chair of the MART Advisory Board for the 2nd year in a row. He previously posted in part, “MART has re-vamped its marketing and outreach work, implemented student fare free travel, studied the effectiveness of current routes, invested in shelters and electric vehicles, and more. The Administration, staff, drivers, and all employees of MART are doing great work and I’m glad to be serving in this role again while this progress is happening“
- Update 2-16-24 (2/16/2024)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson Updates the Chair City on February 16, 2024
The Mayor addressed the number of calls his office has received regarding the apartments at 42-52 Parker Street – They are market rate units. They are not being used for migrant housing.
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Events: Friday Fish Fry During Lent at Holy Spirit, corner of Lovewell and Metcalf in South Gardner. 5 to 7pm or until food runs out Separate Article, CLICK HERE —- City Hall closed Monday, February 16th for Presidents’ Day, City Council meeting will be on Tuesday. — It will be February vacation week next week in Gardner and Levi Heywood Memorial Library has plenty of programming options, and museum passes are available too. —- Music Man at MWCC starting February 23rd. —- Vigil for Breanna Pennington to be held Wednesday February 21st at 6pm. —- Presidential Primaries March 5, 2024.
News: Gardner Fire Department Awarded Safety Grant of $19,000. Separate Article, CLICK HERE. MART now offering Sunday services in Gardner. —- Assistant City Solicitor Attorney Charland passed away this week. — The Mayor explains a new resource available for grandparents who are raising grandkids.
- Fish Fry (2/16/2024)
Dreaming is Over – Annunciation Parish Announces the Friday “Fish Fry” at Holy Spirit is Back!
Annunciation Parish of Gardner posted on Friday, February 16, 2024, “Stations of the Cross will be held weekly at 4:30 during Lent at Holy Spirit. They will be followed by our Fish Fry from 5 to 7 down stairs. Meals include Baked or Fried Fish, Baked Potato or French Fries, Clam Chowder, Dessert & a Drink. The Cost is $13 for adults and $6 for children 12 and under.” It is EAT IN or TAKE OUT.
Holy Spirit is located at 50 Lovewell Street in Gardner.
- Trucks 2024 (2/16/2024)
City of Gardner Announces Date of 2024 Food Truck Festival
From Gardner City Hall, “SAVE THE DATE! The 7th Annual Gardner Food Truck Festival returns to Gardner City Hall on Saturday, July 13th, 2024! The City and WooTrucks have partnered to bring a great event back to Gardner this year!“
This year’s event is being done in partnership with the Worcester Food Truck Alliance, Wootrucks. Questions can be directed via email to
Here’s our article on last year’s event, CLICK HERE.
Recently, we ran an article on what people would like to see at this year’s event, CLICK HERE.
We will provide you more details on this event as they become available.
- Fire Response (2/16/2024)
Gardner and Area Fire Departments Respond Quickly, Save Dog and Other Units
On February 10, 2024, the Gardner Fire Department responded to a fire at 172 Blanchard Street in Gardner. According to the Gardner Fire Department, “Heavy fire on arrival. Fire was contained to one unit due to the rapid attack. Westminster, Winchendon, Ashburnham and Hubbardston to the scene mutual aid. Athol, Barre and Templeton covered.”
As is seen in the photo, a firefighter holds a dog in his arms. The quick response from the Fire Department units saved the rest of the building.
- Housing – Augustus (2/14/2024)
Secretary Ed Augustus Reflects Proactively on Housing in Massachusetts and Greater Gardner MA
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel spoke with Ed Augustus, Secretary for Housing and Livable Communities for the State of Massachusetts. We spoke about housing issues including the proposed Affordable Homes Act. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Interview with Secretary Ed Augustus Secretary Augustus explained that Massachusetts is the only state with a large portfolio of state-owned public housing, over 43,000 units. The bill would fund much needed updates to roofs, windows, heating systems etc. to “make those units attractive, healthy, and really dignified.” The bill has several components intended to increase the amount of affordable housing in the state.
We spoke about the possibility of Tiny Houses for the homeless, accessory dwelling units, affordable housing, and even touched on how the reality of Climate Change will affect building in the future because it’s “not, you know, 100 years off, it is in front of us today, and we need to act with some sense of urgency.” He also stated, “Governor Healey has appointed the first climate chief in the country, and she’s been very focused on, you know, really putting together some new policies and plans to make sure that we’re really thinking about how to build redundant resiliency into projects that we’re funding.”
The Secretary explained Accessory Dwelling Units (ACUs) which would be allowed by right. “Accessory Dwelling Units can be a number of things. They could be a space above a garage, they could be a walkout basement, they could be an attic, or they could be a standalone building if you have a big enough, you know, plot of land that your home sits on or a tiny home. And this, we think, is a very, you know, quick way to create a large number of units. We estimate that just that policy change alone could create between 8 and 10,000 units over the first five years across Massachusetts. And the good news about that is it’s no cost to the Commonwealth. Those are costs that individual property owners, if they decided to build one of these ADUs, would take on themselves.“
It’s Possible: Gardner Could Have First Tiny House Village for Homeless in MA
According to the Secretary, the City of Gardner could allow a Tiny House village for the homeless with a Zoning Change and it might actually get grant funding, “You know, we’d have to look at the proposal and see how it fits, but we do have various parts of funding that do support everything from supportive housing for formerly homeless individuals that can be part of the solution to ending homelessness in a particular community. And we do have pots of money that could be available to fund those types of things. So I think it’s plausible. We haven’t seen something yet anywhere in Massachusetts along those lines, so we’d have to look at the particulars. But I think at a high level, the theory of a tiny homes village that is designed to meet the needs of the homeless population of the area, you know, would be something that potentially could receive some funding from existing programs that we have.”
Significant Praise for the City of Gardner and its Shared Vision
Secretary Augustus was impressed on his last visit to the City of Gardner stating in this interview, “Everybody was kind of coordinated and pulling in the same direction. Just my experience from Worcester, I know what a difference that makes. If everybody’s got a shared vision, moving in the same direction, it makes it so much easier to get things done. The mayor has really crafted that strategy, and he showed me, I think it was six or seven different projects that they had in the pipeline that they were hoping to get funded over the next couple of years to bring more housing of different types to Gardner. So I was just impressed. They knew what they wanted to do. They knew where they wanted to do it.They knew what programs that they needed to take advantage of for that, and they were very proactive in asking me to come out and educate myself about what their plan was and how we could help. I think having a plan, working together as a cohesive unit, and then really bringing in all the partners that you need to make it happen, and Gardner’s checked all those boxes.”
- Interesting Rules (2/14/2024)
The Mayor is required each year to issue a proclamation proclaiming Patriot’s Day as Colonel Thomas Gardner Day. From the City Code, “Whereas history is prologue, and it is important that our children be cognizant of our past, especially the early sacrifices that established the freedom and democracy we enjoy today, annually, on or before the 19th of April, the Mayor shall officially designate Patriots Day as Colonel Thomas Gardner Day in the City of Gardner and shall cause a proclamation to be issued and read in all the schools of Gardner, to honor this patriot who died of wounds received during the Battle of Bunker Hill and for whom our beloved community was named.” Did you know that Gardner died at Bunker Hill on July 3, 1775 and his funeral services were attended by General George Washington. City Code
You Can’t be in a City Park from Sunset until 8am without permission from Director of Public Works. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Interesting Rules in Gardner – 2-14-24 Interesting Rules in the Chair City You May Not Know About
There are usually rules to cover almost everything and the City of Gardner is no exception. However, we thought it would be interesting to highlight some you might not know or think about.
Interesting Rules in Gardner Giving your dog junk food may subject you to a fine. (unless it’s in addition to good food)
“No owner of any dog shall fail to provide such dog with a sufficient quantity of wholesome, nutritious food and potable water; adequate shelter from inclement weather; a humane means of exercise; and the necessary veterinary care upon sickness, disease or injury.” City CodeThe City Engineer is the official authorized to issue numbers for houses and other buildings. Numbers must be at least 3 inches in height. If you don’t display a house number properly, you could be fined $20. City Code. Every March the Mayor appoints someone to measure lumber in the City. City Code The Chief of Police is the “Keeper of the Lockup” City Code The City Clerk is the Keeper of the City Seal. All deeds given by the City shall be sealed with the City Seal. City Code You can’t wear roller skates or user roller blades in the City of Gardner while visiting a cemetery. Fine is $5. If you get caught 3 or more times, the fine increases to $25 each time. City Code After you bring something to the dump, it becomes the property of the City of Gardner. So don’t throw away your gold bars by mistake. You can’t get them back! City Code You need a permit for a harangue in any street or public way within the City. A harangue is defined as lecturing someone at length in an aggressive and critical manner. Therefore, parents pay attention. If you’re going to lecture your child at length in public, get that permit first. It’s also needed for a parade or a public address. City Code Only 1 temporary storage unit can be placed on a property at any one time. So no more getting 10 dumpsters at a time folks! However, if the area is zoned industrial, the rule doesn’t apply. City Code If a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces dies, the U.S. Flag shall be flown at half mast on all City Buildings until burial. City Code Like to have a yard sale every week? Can’t do it. You’re limited to 4 days each year between the hours of 8am and 4pm. Register at least 48 hours prior to the sale with the Building Commissioner. And you can’t sell stuff for a neighbor, only your own stuff is allowed. However, recognized charitable, religious, or benevolent organizations are exempt. City Code You are not allowed to offend someone in public. “No person shall address any offensive, derisive or annoying word to any person who is lawfully in any street in the City of Gardner, or any other public place, nor deride, offend or annoy him, or prevent him from pursuing his lawful business, occupation or duty.” The fine is $50. City Code Graffiti Removal must be Supervised by the Police Chief or someone the chief designates. Fines for placing graffiti on property carries steep fines. City Code There is a list of streets on which any vehicle exceeding 2 ½ tons in weight can’t go except for local deliveries. The fine for not complying is $25 City Code You can’t be in a City Park, recreational area, cemetery, or land owned by the City of Gardner from sunset until 8am of the following day unless you get permission from the Director of Public Works. So don’t forget your “Dane Arnold Letter.” However, if the land is under the control or jurisdiction of the School Committee, you need written authorization to go there (from the School Committee) between the hours of 8pm and 7am. Given they meet about once a month, you’d have to plan ahead. City Code - Conservation 2-12-24 (2/13/2024)
Conservation Commission Discusses Proposal on Property near Wetlands
Most of the meeting involved discussion regarding a subsurface sewage disposal system within 100 feet of a wetlands buffer zone at 122/128 Wampanoag South Road. A representative from Mass. Audubon was there to share thoughts on the project. It was stated by Chairman Greg Dumas that no vote could take place on items at the meeting because they did not have a quorum.
Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Agent Douglas Dillon gave an update to the Conservation Commission. North Country Land Trust did not have the funds to restore natural habitat near Keyes Road so they withdrew their request for determination of applicability. More information needed on other items.
- SC 2-12-24 (2/13/2024)
View the Complete 261 page Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
Approved: 2024-2025 School Calendar will be option 2 which was the choice of about 3/4 of respondents to a Staff and Family survey. First day of school in Fall 2024 will be the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend. Printable pdf — Jpeg Image
School Committee Meeting of February 12, 2024 Shows Progress in the District
The Gardner School Committee heard a presentation by GMS Principal Rebecca Leyva and a Progress Report by Superintendent Mark Pellegrino. (included in meeting AUDIO but separated below as well). The School Committee approved a resolution to support the process to get a grant for a new Middle School roof and voted to accept School Choice for next year.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 2-12-24 Gardner Middle School Principal Rebecca Leyva gave a presentation on progress towards the School Improvement Plan goals and answered some questions from the School Committee. (This is in the full meeting, but separated here for convenience) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Rebecca Leyva – 2-12-24 Leyva went over all of the goals in detail, the process for assessing progress, and the plan to work on various areas. “We have worked on having family newsletters to improve communication and more presence on social media. The areas that we want to continue to grow is strengthen our PTO and parent councils.”
Gardner School Superintendent Dr. Mark Pellegrino gave a Progress Report to the School Committee. (This is in the full meeting, but separated here for your convenience.) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY
Dr. Mark Pellegrino 2-12-24 Dr. Pellegrino spoke about District Improvement including the effort to reduce academic equity gaps for students. Pellegrino gave some detail on each school’s progress. He highlighted especially good improvements in reading levels in grades two, three, and four. “We doing better than we ever have, in terms of our reading scores.”
- Ban Lifted (2/13/2024)
Update 10am 2-13-24: From City of Gardner: “The parking ban that was called for Tuesday, February 13th, has been lifted and on street parking is available on all streets where on street parking is allowed.”
- Ribbons Four (2/13/2024)
With Four Season Cutting Ribbon, Gardner Officially has 4 Chinese Restaurants Again
Roughly 2 months after opening, the Four Season Chinese Cuisine located at 19 Union Square in Gardner had its official ribbon cutting on February 12, 2024. MENU AND WEBSITE. You can order online. The owners, Tom and Emily Cheung also run Long Long Noodle restaurant in Baldwinville and last year purchased the vacant lot located across the street from Kenny’s Chinese Restaurant on Parker Street, Gardner. Plans for that lot are unknown at this time. The Cheungs actually used to own Kenny’s.
The 3 other Gardner Chinese Restaurants
Kenny’s, Parker Street, Gardner. Here’s the MENU AND WEBSITE for Kenny’s – you can order online.
Yen Yen located in the Gardner Plaza. Online ordering is offered, CLICK HERE
SawaAsian Cuisine & Lounge located in the Timpany Plaza. Online ordering and website, CLICK HERE.
- Grow Valentine (2/12/2024)
A Valentine’s Wish for the Chair City and the Greater Gardner Area
To Grow a Valentine Plant the seeds of abundant love
Flying down from an Eternal Dove
A Plant in Bloom just once a year
The Valentine with love so dear.Let us grow more Valentines
So love brightly shines
Upon a landscape so encumbered
That its love had slumbered.Wake up the seeds of passion
So love is more in fashion
Enduring words so softly spoken
May love itself not be broken.Find the way to spread the word
Valentine’s Day is unfurled
With a message of emotional might
Shining love’s bright light.It’s time to grow a Valentine.
The seed is spoken anytime.
Love itself makes its own fuel.
When Valentine’s is the rule.
- Roads 2-12-24 (2/12/2024)
Gardner MA Is Awarded $230k in Safe Streets and Roads Grant Funding
The City of Gardner will receive $230,000 for implementation, planning, and demonstration projects to improve safety and help prevent deaths and injuries on its roads. The complete Press Release from Gardner Mayor Nicholson outlines details, CLICK HERE.
“In the last three years, Gardner has invested heavily in our infrastructure –however, there’s still more we need to do,” said Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. “The funding received from this grant will help us plan for what our next steps should be in making sure our streets are safe for all methods of travel for the people who visit the Chair City.”
According to the Press Release: Since 2020, the City of Gardner has invested nearly $25 million in infrastructure upgrades. These upgrades have included installations of new sidewalks, new lighting fixtures, ADA compliant crossing ramps, water mains, and repaved over 20% of the roads in the City. Additionally, the City has installed several miles of bicycle travel infrastructure. This funding will help guide the City’s actions in the future to ensure that increased travel methods are done in a safest and most effective way for Gardner’s growing population.
- Schools 2-12-24 (2/12/2024)
School Committee Reviewing Policies and Curriculum at Monday Meeting
The packet contains extensive information about the School Curriculum and courses. View agenda and 261 page packet, CLICK HERE. REPORT on the meeting including AUDIO, CLICK HERE.
The vision of the School system includes the following statement: “Every child, in every classroom, every day, will: feel welcomed, safe and included in our community. Adults will personally welcome each child as they enter the school and each classroom. The layout of the school and each classroom will be inviting and conducive to learning. Students will learn social-emotional skills through direct instruction, supports, and institutional practices. Our school will actively engage families in the education of their children and community…” The plan goes into great detail as to the strategic objectives in academic, behavioral, social-emotional learning, and collaboration with families and community partners.
Options for the 2024-2025 calendar are included in the packet. The School system got 488 responses to a survey regarding calendar options. Option 1 was favored by 27.3% and Option 2 was favored by 73.4 %. Last year, the School Committee accepted the option most favored in the survey. Option 2 has September 3, 2024 as the first day of school with full day professional development for faculty and staff training on August 26 to August 29. Option 1 which was not favored would have school starting earlier on August 28th.
- Storm 2-13-24 (2/12/2024)
UPDATE 8:30am 2-13-24: Where is the forecast storm? Levi Heywood Memorial Library has announced it will open at 11am on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. It is possible other items in this article have changed. We will update as we have information.
Forecast Update: National Weather Service now calling for 1 to 3 inches.
For complete forecasts (a variety of them from different sources), weather maps, the National Weather Service, and Airport Reports, please visit the Greater Gardner Weather Center, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday Storm Could Bring Plowable Snow and Some Wind
WINTER STORM WARNING: From February 13th 1am to February 14th 1am:
From a sunny day on Monday to a snowy day on Tuesday: As of Monday, February 12, 2024 at 9am, the National Weather Service is predicting an all day storm on Tuesday, February 13th with heavy snow before 4pm. And wind gusts as high as 31mph Currently, 7 to 11 inches is predicted. UPDATE: National Weather Service now stating 3-5 inches expected. (We’ll know the 100% accurate forecast the day after the storm)
Valentine’s Day on the 14th will be below freezing with a high of 28 and the wind gusts will continue. Another storm is possible on Thursday in to Friday with the weekend forecast to be storm free at this point.
Expect a parking ban announcement at some point.
UPDATE: 6PM February 12, 2024: This Statement was released by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson: “Due to the predicted inclement weather, there will be an on-street parking ban beginning this evening, Monday, February 12, at 10pm and expiring tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, February 13th, at 6pm. There will be a municipal parking lot ban in effect from 6pm to 8pm tomorrow, Tuesday February 13th. All trash collection will also be operating on a one-day delay for the remainder of the week. The Levi Heywood Memorial Library will be closed on Tuesday, Feb 13th.” UPDATE: 6:55PM – Note that Gardner Public Schools plan to be OPEN.
From Mount Wachusett Community College: Due to the impending weather, all MWCC campuses will be closed Tuesday, February 13, 2024. All day, evening and remote classes are canceled. Students should check their email for details. Please refer to the Mount Fitness Facebook Page for status on their operations.
Mayor Nicholson continued, “At this time, City Hall will have a 2 hour delay and open at 10am. In the event that a full closure has to happen at City Hall, all public meetings schedule will have to be postponed. Due to the fact that it appears every weather station and app have different predictions for this storm, we will monitor the radar throughout the night and the day tomorrow and adjust as needed.
DPW crews are currently responding to a water main break on Pearl Street by the Ashburnham town line. Due to their working on this repair and the union contractual and general safety guidelines for hours of sleep needed between work, this may cause some delays in plowing operations, solely dependent on what time the snow starts to fall- which again differs depending on which weather news source you look at. “
In addition the Mayor wrote, “At this time, City Hall will have a 2 hour delay and open at 10am. In the event that a full closure has to happen at City Hall, all public meetings schedule will have to be postponed.
Due to the fact that it appears every weather station and app have different predictions for this storm, we will monitor the radar throughout the night and the day tomorrow and adjust as needed.
DPW crews are currently responding to a water main break on Pearl Street by the Ashburnham town line. Due to their working on this repair and the union contractual and general safety guidelines for hours of sleep needed between work, this may cause some delays in plowing operations, solely dependent on what time the snow starts to fall- which again differs depending on which weather news source you look at. “
- Farmers 2024 (2/11/2024)
Gardner Farmers’ Market Setting Up to Impress Greater Gardner Area in 2024
The Gardner Farmers’ Market will be held the 3rd Saturday of every month from 9:30am to 1pm beginning in June 2024 at the Waterford Street School, 70 Waterford Street in Gardner. Vendor applications are being taken now. For more information, CLICK HERE.
Areas of focus include locally grown produce including fruit and vegetables, locally grown flowers, locally made baked goods, local meat and eggs, and locally made crafts. Website, CLICK HERE.
From the website: “The Gardner Farmers’ Market aims to improve access to high quality local produce for the Gardner community and bolster local producers by promoting locally grown and/or produced products.”
Open 9:30am to 1pm on these important dates: Grand opening: June 15, 2024 —–Summer Market: July 20, 2024 —- Harvest Festival: August 17, 2024 —- Fall Harvest Market: September 21, 2024
- Hotline 2-10-24 (2/10/2024)
A limited number of interview slots are available on Hotline Radio each week. Please contact Host Steve Wendell at (978) 632-1340 or email Wendell also tells us that the station provides slots for FREE Public Service Announcements to promote community organizations.
News from the HIT Hotline Radio Show on WGAW
On Hotline Radio, Saturday, February 10, 2024, host Steve Wendell spoke with Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas. She spoke about the Ribbon Cutting in Downtown Gardner at 42-52 Parker Street. She noted that Mass Ave Rentals was the company which had renovated the Goodnow Pearson Building years ago. Regarding other projects, “there just so much coming on the horizon…it’s really nice to see so much completion….if you build it, they will come.” Kazinskas confirmed that Brad Heglin will be offered the seat vacated by the death of Ronald F. Cormier as Heglin was the next highest vote getter for Councilor at Large in the last election. If he accepts, Heglin could be sworn in as early as the next meeting.
State Senator Peter Durant spoke regarding the State budget. “Revenues are falling short by a significant amount, doesn’t look good for the upcoming budget.” He also spoke about an issue regarding EBT cards because individuals can withdraw cash and use the funds to buy liquor and cigarettes instead of food for the family. Durant believes that the U.S. is heading towards a recession.
During a segment on the U.S, Border crisis, Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel commented on solutions for the Border Crisis, listen on any device, CLICK HERE.
Commentary on the Border – Werner Poegel Host Steve Wendell commented that we did have a period in our history where immigration was halted for a time so that the nation could adjust to existing new citizens.
Hotline Radio also covered topics regarding Joe Biden this week, Security at the Super Bowl, and the wild weather in California.
Fitchburg Mayor Sam Squailia appeared on the program and spoke about wells. PFAS contamination is a concern in many communities, but not in Fitchburg. Another publication had to issue a retraction. Recently, the Board of Health in the town Westminster lifted the moratorium on new wells. Regarding the proposed Anaerobic Digestion Plant: Cost is estimated to be about $270 million and is still in the discussion stage. The Mayor stated she would like to collaborate with the City of Gardner to help Gardner reduce costs.
- Aldi Progress (2/10/2024)
Aldi Getting Ready for Spring – Summer Opening in Gardner
Gardner is abuzz with discussion about when Aldi will open in the Timpany Plaza. Gardner Magazine visited the location on February 7th. We were able to find out that construction has progressed to indoor shelving and a Spring opening is forecast.
For those who wish to sample ALDI, there is a store in Leominster Massachusetts. Aldi carries most of what a conventional grocery store carries including fresh meat and produce. It claims to have low prices. Gardner area residents will soon be the judge.
For more information, visit their website
Some stores in the Timpany Plaza, Gardner
- Housing Downtown (2/10/2024)
Downtown Gardner is undergoing a period of positive transformation as a number of buildings are being renovated including the historic Garbose Building and the Bullnose Building. Work on the former Bank of America building and the Gardner News building is expected in the near future.
29 New Housing Units Officially Open in Downtown Gardner
The building was vacant for years and taken over by the Gardner Redevelopment Authority to sell to a private investor. Mass Ave Rentals purchased the property at 42-52 Parker Street and invested millions to create 29 new Market Rate housing units. A $900,000 underutilized property grant also helped with the project. Now, the building is an integral part of an increasingly beautiful Downtown Gardner. SEE PHOTO.
According to a Press Release: “The need for housing is at an all-time high and a pressing issue in our community. Projects like this development address that need head-on,” said Ali Lorden of Mass Ave Rentals. “We are so happy to be bringing 29 units to the downtown area of Gardner, a city that has been working tirelessly to improve for its residents and future residents.”
“Gardner, like every other community across Massachusetts needs more housing,” said Gardner Mayor Mike Nicholson. “This project gets us one step closer to getting us where we need to be. We know there are over 225 market rate housing units currently being planned for the downtown and we know our population in this area is continuing to grow. Over the last five years, our population has grown by over 10%, and that trend is continuing, with the biggest demand being for one- or two- bedroom units for young professionals or families who are just starting out on their own. This project really starts the City working to meet that demand and launch ourselves forward.”
- Airport Boost (2/10/2024)
Documentation on why regional airports like Gardner Municipal Airport help the Economics of the Greater Gardner Area
The Gardner Municipal Airport is located in Templeton, MA on land owned by the City of Gardner. It recently received millions in grants to fund brand-new runways and more. So what’s the big deal, what can an airport do to help the community? We have some facts below and AUDIO of the recent Gardner Airport Commission from 2-7-24 is right here. Progress at the airport is discussed. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Airport Commission 2-7-24 Airport has a big impact: To quote Aviation Pros “Some tend to overlook a significant economic driver for many less-populated areas of the country – regional general aviation airports. While these airports are small compared to those found in major cities, their economic impact is extremely significant. In fact, the general aviation industry generates $219 billion in total economic input and contributes $109 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product. The airports support 1.1 million jobs and allow America’s smaller communities to attract business and tourism.” Here’s the complete article, CLICK HERE.
To quote RAA News: ““The main finding is that small community air service generates a significant amount of economic activity in the U.S.,” Bill Swelbar, chief industry strategist for Delta Airport Consultants and the lead researcher for the Economic Impact of Small Community Airports study, told RAA’s Regional Horizons. “The numbers are pretty compelling. [Air service] is a really important driver of economic activity and jobs.” There are 570 small community airports in the U.S., and air service to these airports generates $134 billion of economic activity in the respective communities, according to the study. In addition, the 570 small community airports create 1 million jobs that generate $36 billion in wages and commensurate tax revenue to the states and communities that receive commercial air service. Here’s the complete article:
Research from North Carolina State University about the critical role general aviation airports play in driving economic growth, investment, jobs, and tourism. CLICK HERE:
From The article documents the advantages of a municipal airport. CLICK HERE:
From about how commercial air service facilitates economic growth: CLICK HERE:
A lesson on how airports help local communities prosper from CLICK HERE
From the New Hampshire Municipal Association about how local airports offer many benefits to New Hampshire residents: CLICK HERE.
From the FAA: FAA Support to Rural Communities including an explanation of the Airport Improvement Program, CLICK HERE.
And a lengthy report from over 30 years ago from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics estimating the regional economic significance of airports. We have it available here in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
- Good Things (2/10/2024)
Keep up on the “So Many Good Things” every week with the Mayor’s Updates, City Council, School Committee, various Committees and Commissions, and our interviews.
EDITORIAL: So Many Good Things in the City of Gardner MA
So many good things are happening in the City of Gardner. Did you know that the Waterford Street School Community Center Project is proceeding. Soon the City will have a great Community Center instead of another failing building, AND, it will have an income stream from tenants. Did you know that at this week’s Appointments Committee meeting that mounds of praise were given to the Council on Aging and Senior Center Director Mike Ellis? And the star of the week, Mayor Michael Nicholson whose proposal for the City Council to approve $60k for a 3rd party grant contractor a while ago may pay back 250 times in the form of a RAISE Grant?
I am overwhelmed by a feeling of great gratitude.
The City of Gardner is run by some very good decent people who have shown in their words, deeds, and successes how much they care about the City. Each Committee of the City Council has proven invaluable and skilled in their oversight. The Mayor has excelled in his leadership. City Employees go above and beyond every single day. Yes, there are So Many GOOD Things happening in the City of Gardner. Sometimes, you just have to say it!
So Many GOOD Things, and I am grateful to write about a City with a great big heart of community spirit. Thank you for this great feeling of joy.
- Garage Payoff (2/9/2024)
Mayor Nicholson indicated that if this first stage $3.6 million RAISE grant was approved, then next year the City would apply for the remainder of the $15 million for the full project. Details are on pages 39 to 51 of the City Council Agenda of 2-5-24
Meanwhile, the plan Mayor Nicholson has put in place is for the 3rd party contractor to search for other available grant funding. More grants means less cost to taxpayers.
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson’s Bet for the City may pay off BIG
If approved, the $15 million RAISE discretionary grant from the United States Department of Transportation would mean the $60k bet the City Council made on a 3rd party grant contractor would pay back 250 times the approved budget on this project alone. The City of Gardner has received tens of millions of dollars in grant funding since Michael Nicholson became Mayor and more miles of road have been paved in the last 3 years than in a decade. It’s is a trend the current Mayor is hoping will continue with this 2 stage grant for a West Street multi-level parking garage intended to solve expected parking issues due to growth in Downtown Gardner.
The City Council on February 5th approved a resolution which takes the City to the first step, a $3.6 million dollar grant. According to Mayor Nicholson, “ What this covers is a full parking study of the downtown. This goes from everything to do we stay with parking meters, do we move with kiosks, is there a different type of technology out there that we can use or should we move through just free parking in general? Additionally, the completion of the work on Rear Main Street. We do anticipate that the groundbreaking for the project will take place sometime this calendar year. However, there are some cost overages that we are anticipating with that, so applying for the funds to finish out that project so that the additional items that were cut from the original design can now be added back into that design, and, the funding of a full design of a four-story parking garage above the West Street parking lot.”
- Appointments 2-9-24 (2/9/2024)
Gardner Appointments Committee – Council on Aging Members Doing Terrific Job
Taking up appointments and re-appointments to the Council on Aging at its meeting of February 9, 2024, the Appointments Committee heard praises from all of its members including City Councilors Dana Heath, George Tyros, and Judy Mack. Also speaking positively were Senior Center Director Michael Ellis and Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson.
Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Appointments Committee 2-9-24 The Appointments Committee speaks with those who are seeking or who would like to continue positions within the City . Recommendations are then forwarded to the full City Council. Chair Councilor Tyros stated,“The purpose of this committee is to oversee the flow of appointments made by the mayor to various positions in city government in a thorough and transparent manner. Our aim is to ask questions and have discussions of these critical appointments, their duties, the work they do for the city, to better inform city councilors when this committee presents on recommendations to the council for their consideration.”
Mayor Nicholson said of Barbara Leblanc, “Mrs. LeBlanc has been a very strong member of the community. I remember her growing up when she was a lecturer at Holy Spirit Church and then has continued to really see her involvement with her family over at John’s Sports Shop and as a former school teacher. It’s really someone who I think is very fitting of the role, who knows the community and just understands Gardner.”
The Mayor said of Kathy O’Brien, “I’ve heard nothing but good feedback based on what Mrs. O’Brien has done in her tenure on the Council on Aging. It’s something like the director said, it’s a more active group now. And as we start moving towards planning for the eventual move to Waterford Street School, but still remembering that we still have a senior center that’s active before that move takes place. So things still need to happen now before the move happens. So it’s a planning and an action group at the same time.”
The Mayor said of Theresa Hillman (not present, so photo not shown) , “I don’t know when Mrs. Hillman started on the Council on Aging because I feel like she’s been there forever with all the work that she’s done. She’s continuously been re-appointed by several mayors in the past to serve on this role, and she continues to make an active part of the community. You saw that she is my appointee to the CAC’s board. She’s still the Recording Secretary for the School Committee, and she takes an active part over at the Senior Center through her role on the Council on Aging. So, I would really highly recommend her re-appointment to this role.”
The Mayor said of Gloria Tarpey, “Ms. Tarpey is very active in the community. She was, under the previous ordinance, a member through her role as the president of the Golden Agers Club. You saw my appointment of her as the president of the Golden Agers come through last week, as is required by their bylaws. But where we changed the ordinance,now she does have to come before the council for recommendation and approval. She’s really someone who’s been an active voice over at the Senior Center, active voice with the Golden Agers Club and the programming that runs through the Golden Agers Club.”
Councilor Judy Mack stated, “I just want to make a statement in general because we are concentrating on the appointments for the Council on Aging. That Gardner is extremely fortunate to have such a robust senior center with a myriad of programs. This along with a very strong Council on Aging. The Council on Aging role is to advocate for our senior population. It should be comprised of citizens who are committed to actively promoting and fostering the programs for our elderly and the community. Identifying the needs and interests of our seniors, encouraging them to attend programs, and educating them to different resources within the community. I want to applaud Mr. Ellis and Ron, the Chair of the Council on Aging, as well as the Mayor for his appointees that he has selected because we are very fortunate and I’m confident that our Council on Aging is in very good hands. So, I just want to appreciate that, you know, every appointee to this group in your role is very much appreciated by myself and the city.
- POEDM Launches (2/9/2024)
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel launches Visit the website, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Launches, Online AUDIO Commentary and Cool Art
This is a website in which I’ll feature AUDIO commentary which cuts through partisanship, presents solutions with simple common sense, and preserves the dignity of all people. We also feature some cool art for each subject. POE DM is AUDIO that matters. The goal: Present an opinion which contains a common sense solution to an existing problem or issue and provide fun visuals to see along the way.
Right now, you’ll see some COOL ART in dozens of categories. AUDIO commentary will be added gradually as I write and record it.
Right now, Enjoy dozens of categories of cool 3D Hologram Art in the categories of all things Government, Human Behavior, People Issues, Economics, the Planet, Policy, Oversight, and much more. Visit the Website, CLICK HERE.
- Safety Equipment (2/8/2024)
Many Area Communities Receiving Fiscal Year 2024 Firefighter Safety Grants
The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services has announced awardees for the Fiscal Year Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant Program: Ashburnham: $5,936.05, Ashby – $12,500, Barre – $15,500, Gardner- $19,000, Hubbardston – $12,500, New Salem – $6,762.47, Oakham – $10,443, Orange – $15,500, Petersham – $7649.02, Phillipston – $10,500, Princeton – $12,500, Royalston – $7,702.87, Templeton – $15,500, Warwick – $10,500, Westminster – $15,500, and Winchendon – $19,000
Complete list from the State of Massachusetts, CLICK HERE.
According to the State of Massachusetts, “This program is offered annually to fire departments of every city, town, fire district, and authority of the Commonwealth. $5 million of funding is available through this program to provide fire departments with equipment that makes the dangerous job of firefighter safer.”
UPDATE February 20, 2024 – PRESS RELEASE from the City of Gardner on how $19,000 grant will be spent, CLICK HERE. – “This competitive grant program from the State provides much needed funding for critical equipment that allows Firefighters to safely perform their jobs,” said Gardner Fire Chief Greg Lagoy. “Firefighting equipment is very expensive to purchase and maintain, and can often be damaged in the hazardous environments it is used. The City has limited funds to keep up with purchasing all equipment needed, and this grant award really helps us meet those needs.” Here’s how the City of Gardner will use the funds: Four (4) Lifting Vehicle Air Bags will replace the four devices that were taken out of service due to 1 of the current bags failing during a training event in 2023 and the rest being beyond service life. —- One (1) Battery-Powered Positive Pressure Ventilation Fan will replace an older gasoline Positive Pressure Ventilation that was taken out of service due to engine problems. —- Two (2) Battery-Powered Portable Scene Lights will be replacing a generator-mounted light that was damaged & not repairable due to the model being discontinued, and a 110-volt halogen scene light that was also damaged and not repairable. —– Two (2) Cold Water Immersion Suits will be replacing previous cold-water suits that were recently removed from service due to leaks that were noticed during a training exercise. Both of current suits are well over 10 years old, repairs are not practical. —- Two (2) Hydrant Gate Valves will replace two taken out of service due to leaks in the valve bodies, making repairs impractical. —- Three (3) Pike Poles (1- 8ft., 1- 10ft., 1- 12ft.) will replace like ones with damaged fiberglass handles, the cost of repairs would exceed their value. —- The City also received funds for a new apparatus-mounted, radio/intercom wireless headset system for our primary, first-out Engine. According to Chief Lagoy, firefighters have expressed concern about not being able to hear radio transmissions both in the apparatus and on the fireground. This system will improve communication, and protect firefighters operating in loud environments from hearing loss. The need for this piece of equipment came after representatives of the Gardner Fire Department attended a recent training where the benefits of this communication system was almost immediately recognized.
- Council 2-5-24 (2/6/2024)
View Complete Meeting Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
Swearing in and Fire Chief Lagoy taking a picture Gardner MA City Council Meets on February 5, 2024
The Gardner City Council paid tribute to long-time Councilor Ronald F. Cormier who recently had passed away. At the beginning of the meeting. some firefighters were sworn in and it was noted that the Fire Department was now at full capacity. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The City Council approved taking the first step towards the possible grant for a 4 story West Street Parking Garage. The first grant request includes additional funding for the Rear Main Street Project. It also approved the first step towards the replacement of the roof of Gardner Middle School – a resolution in support of a State grant. Decision on funding for the Salt Shed, $625k, was referred to the Council as a Committee of the whole for further study and discussion.
With respect to the Open Meeting Law Complaint regarding Executive Session minutes, it was noted that the minutes are currently available.
The two Zoning articles were given more time as the final recommendation of the Planning Board will not be received until they meet on the issue.
Gardner Five Star Auto Sales got its license approval conditioned upon submitting a requested plan to the Building Department within 120 days.
- Safety 2-5-24 (2/6/2024)
Public Safety Committee Hears from Tom Zuppa Regarding Auto Dealers and Zoning Compliance
Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa was heard regarding the Class II Dealer License application of Gardner 5 Star Auto Sales. The Committee voted to recommend to the full City Council that the business be given 120 days to comply with certain requirements. Apparently, this was something not enforced in the past as other dealers in the City also need to be brought into compliance. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Zuppa stated, “Generally, when parking plans, site plans are submitted, there are some criteria that we look for specific to zoning outside of the city code for dealer parking. That site plan should include specific dimensions for the actual vehicles for sale, which is no greater than 180 square feet, and that’s part of the city code. A couple of other things that we look at as far as zoning goes is access in and out of the parcel of land based on the business use, the number of employee and guest parking spaces, how those are delineated from the spaces for sale for vehicles. So we need those shown on the plans. We need to know where they are, the dimensions. Things like maneuvering aisles, interior driveways. We have a few different categories. They all require their own separate sets of dimensions.This particular application, as I stated, is lacking that level of detail. So that is something that we are going to look for moving forward, and it’s something that we’re going to hopefully try to bring the rest of the dealers within the city into compliance as well.”
- MVP Barber (2/5/2024)
MVP Barber Studio 2 Has Ribbon Cutting to Large Group of People
MVP Barber Studio held is official grand opening and ribbon cutting on February 5, 2024 at 66 Main Street in Gardner. It is the second location for Vincent Santana who has a similar shop in Leominster.
Santana posted online, “Huge thanks to Mayor Michael J. Nicholson and the City of Gardner for supporting me! Come on down and give us a visit…Also a big thank you to my family and friends for believing in me! Here’s to a new journey.”
We had the honor of speaking with owner Vincent Santana. Meet him here. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
MVP Barber Studio II
- Insta Minutes (2/5/2024)
Editorial: Again, More Nonsense Allegations by Pauly Potato
Meeting Minutes: The Gardner City Council Meeting Agenda and Packet for February 5, 2024 contains an an Open Meeting Law violation complaint made by Paul Demeo, known colloquially as “Pauly Potato.” He alleges that the meeting minutes are not provided in a timely manner. He complains about Executive Session minutes not being available.
We’d like to point out what we call the “Insta Minutes”. Meetings are posted within 24 hours via YouTube videos. Click on Show Transcript and you’ve got Instant Minutes in text of the meeting. Now maybe Pauly Potato wants them in a specific font and maybe even on parchment paper using a specific ink, but come on, in a City which goes above and beyond in its transparency, enough is enough. Every one of these ridiculous nonsense complaints simply costs the taxpayers money. And if something isn’t shared with the public because it’s still a pending legal matter, well, that’s how you’re supposed to handle things.
Complete City Council Agenda and Packet for February 5, 2024, CLICK HERE.
“Insta-Minutes” Procedure: Go to the City of Gardner page on YouTube, CLICK HERE. Choose a video. Click on Show Transcript. Highlight the text. Paste in a document. Save it and/or print it. Instantly!
Salacious Allegations: On a Gardner Community Group, some very serious falsehoods about a City official were allowed to remain for a short period of time on February 4th until the Admin, Kimberly Blake was contacted by legal counsel. It is disgusting what that group has allowed to be posted over the last year. Those who commented to Blake that the post should be taken down because it was slander were actually banned from the group. You will recall that Gardner Magazine had to call out various falsehoods stated by Blake during the campaign. This behavior is not helpful. Here is an article from September on a certain portrait. CLICK HERE.
Waterford False Allegations: A new thread in the same group was started regarding the Waterford Street School conversion, under the misrepresentation of showing evidence of something improper. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even the posted emails, (if even genuine) when taken in the proper context show communications about how the City should proceed legally. What I don’t understand is this: If the Mayor of a City seeks advice about how to proceed properly on any matter and then does so to conform with the requirements of the law, isn’t that a good thing? And by the way, in a recent interview, Mayor Nicholson revealed that about $700,000 has already been spent. The building is well on its way towards becoming an awesome Community Center. And by the way, the City has an Open Checkbook – any citizen can see exactly what checks have been written going back an entire decade. From our interview with Mayor Nicholson, CLICK HERE.
Here’s the irony: At the same time certain elements attempt to disparage its officials, the City of Gardner has established a great reputation for doing things the right way. I understand the disappointment some people feel about not being elected to the office of Mayor. But that’s no excuse for the continual false attacks and made-up scandals.
- About Ron (2/4/2024)
Craig Cormier Shares Words About Ronald F. Cormier
Ronald F. Cormier passed away on Sunday, January 28, 2024. His son, Craig Cormier posted a poignant statement with words of reflection about his father. Here it is in its entirety. CLICK HERE.
Craig Cormier wrote about his father, “As I’ve been thinking about him this week and how it’s at all possible to sum up a life so full, so well lived, one word kept coming to my mind. Better. Dad’s whole life was an endeavor towards Better.”
“How do we fill this gaping void he left in our hearts, in our community? The answer’s right there. We do what he’d do. Be better. Find better. We don’t need to be best. Best is hard. Best is narrow. Better. Better is easier. Better is attainable. A better parent. A better friend. A better son, a better daughter, cousin, colleague, teachers, leader. What better way to remember him.”
Read the tribute Craig Cormier wrote. Here it is in its entirety. CLICK HERE.
- Summer Recreation 2024 (2/2/2024)
City of Gardner MA Recreation Announces Registration Open for Summer Program
The City of Gardner Recreation Department has announced that registration is now open for the 2024 Summer Program. This year, the program will be using Gardner Elementary School and Gardner Middle School. Gardner High School will not be used.
Parents are reminded that the student’s grade level as of the next school year is what to use. For example, if your student is currently a 3rd grader, you would use the 4th grade registration.
Gardner Recreation has separate pages and links for the various programs by age. Here is the overall page, CLICK HERE. Any questions, email Director Dan Forte via
6 week Programs begin in July. “Dedicated to creating engaging experiences for our community’s youth through sports, arts, STEM, and more.” This year, the Kindergarten and Grade 1 group will be housed at Gardner Elementary School. Extended drop off and pickup will be available. Meals and snacks are also provided. Registration deadline is 6-10-24. For details on specific age groups and other details, click on the appropriate link.
Registration by Grade: Kindergarten and first grade —- Grades 2/3 —- Grades 4-6 — 7th Grade —- Volunteers (8-10)
- Update 2-2-24 (2/2/2024)
Reminders: MART is Fare-FREE until July 1st — Excise taxes are due March 4th, contact tax collector’s office if you haven’t received a bill — Dog licenses need to be renewed by April 1st
In Weekly Update – Remembering and Reflecting on City Councilor Ronald F. Cormier
While he did cover some reminders and events, (see below), in his Weekly Update of February 2, 2024, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson devoted much of the time to remembering and reflecting on the public service of Councilor Ronald F. Cormier who passed away on January 28th. The Councilor had 4 decades of public service. Complete Article on Councilor Cormier, CLICK HERE. Listen to the update on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 2-2-24 Events: Health and Wellness Fair is April 17th — Gardner is setting up a brand-new Farmer’s Market at Waterford Street School, more information on this Facebook page, CLICK HERE. — Various ribbon cuttings are taking place in February.
- Serious Accident (2/1/2024)
FATAL ACCIDENT February 1, 2024: Serious motor vehicle accident on Thursday, February 1, 2024 on Route 140.
Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene wrote: “It was a fatality. One female operator was pronounced deceased at the scene. Almost the same location as the last one up there. It’s under investigation by the Gardner Police Department and Massachusetts State Police Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Section (C.A.R.S. Unit). “
- Assessors 1-30-24 (2/1/2024)
Lean (But Not Mean) Gardner Board of Assessors Releases Not one Lien, but Two
City Assessor Christine Kumar and Member Paulette Burns met on January 30, 2024. It was a “lean” meeting without Chairman Charles LeBlanc. However, they had the means to release 2 “liens” on a property which according to Kumar“ has not been in Chapter land for a few years, but the two liens remain. John Flick contacted me and we both agreed that there is no reason that the liens need to remain on the property.” The release documents were 14 pages long would would be recorded at the Registry of Deeds after being notarized. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Assessors 1-30-24 In addition, the meeting included “warrants and commitments for the auditor and then for the treasurer collector’s office.” And they said to each other, “You did pretty good, girl. Well, thank you, ma’am. Sometimes it’s tough to keep everything straight, I will admit.”
Publisher’s note: No assessors or Board members were harmed in the writing of this story. However, we are certain that readers will never recover from our ridiculously silly humor, as “lean” as it is. When you see Christine Kumar, tell her how much you appreciate her important work.
Other News from Area Towns and the Region
- Winchendon 2-12-24 (2/18/2024)
Town of Winchendon Holds Meeting with Select Board, School Committee, and Finance Committee
The lengthy meeting on February 12, 2024 concerned many budget matters and included a presentation by Interim Town Manager Bill McKinney on historic & projected expenses and revenues of the town. The amount of the increase in State Aid will be far less than usual and expenses are up considerably, so the Town Manager was there to share the figures with the various Boards so decisions could be made on how to proceed. The meeting also heard from School Superintendent Goguen on the School Budget. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winchendon Select Board, School Committee, and Finance Committee 2-12-24 Moonlit Hikes in Winchendon, February 24th 7pm: “Join us at the Winchendon Community Park for our Moonlit hikes! Hikes to take place under the full moon! Meet at the parking lot and be lead on a trail hike.“
Winchendon Fall Festival – complete information on Town of Winchendon website, CLICK HERE.
- Royalston – Whitney Hall (2/18/2024)
Royalston – Whitney Hall Study Complete
From Town of Royalston: “Keen Independent Research has completed its months-long marketing study of Whitney Hall. Please plan to come hear their final report at a public meeting on Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 6:30 in the Upstairs Hall, Town Hall, 13 On the Common.”
- Petersham Open Space (2/18/2024)
Town of Petersham Holds Meeting on Open Space and Recreation Update
Meeting is Saturday March 2, 2:30pm to 4:30pm at Petersham Center School. It is a second round of input on the Open Space and Recreation Plan Update. Flyer and Meeting details pdf, CLICK HERE. The 2023 Survey Results of 209 residents, CLICK HERE.
- Hubbardston Safe Roads (2/18/2024)
The Hubbardston Select Board Seeking Input on Safe Roads Plan
From the Town of Hubbardston: “The Hubbardston Department of Public Works has developed a draft 5 year road plan for repairs and improvements in town. Before the Select Board considers endorsement of this plan, they would like to gather questions, suggestions and feedback from Hubbardston residents.
Please review the proposed projects that the DPW has prioritized based on engineering data and analysis. As community members, you have valuable perspectives on which roadwork should be highest priority from a neighborhood livability and daily use standpoint.
Your input will help guide the Select Board as they assess the proposed 5 year plan and decide whether to provide formal endorsement on March 4th. Thank you for voicing your views on project timelines, work needed on specific streets, overall priorities, or any other aspects of the proposal.
Please provide your feedback to by February 29th. Community guidance alongside engineering priorities helps ensure our road dollars are invested wisely.”
- Athol 2-17-24 (2/18/2024)
Athol MA Proud of Its Water and the Community – Athol Update
Upcoming election information: Presidential Primary information and information on the Annual Town Election April 1, 2024. Complete Upcoming Athol Election information on printable pdf, CLICK HERE.
Athol January Properties for Sale Report, CLICK HERE for pdf. For lease report, CLICK HERE . Athol document on why I should locate a business in Athol, CLICK HERE.
The Waterwise Newsletter of April 2023 is prominently showcased on the website of the town of Athol. In it, Athol beams with pride over its water stating, “The Super Says….Drink Athol’s water: it’s better than bottled.” Read the 8 page Waterwise Newsletter on pdf, CLICK HERE.
The town of Athol has every reason to be proud as it won recognition in a Taste Test. Second Place was awarded to Athol on September 14, 2022 in the Seventeenth Annual Water Taste Competition by the Rural Water Association.
Here is a convenient Government Contacts Directory for the town of Athol, CLICK HERE.
- Ashby Electricity (2/16/2024)
Save on Electric Automatically in Ashby MA
The Town of Ashby released information on the Electricity Program. See attached pdf, CLICK HERE. Residents are automatically enrolled unless they opt out by March 20, 2024. The program saves about 8 cents per kilowatt hour.
- Ashburnham Master Plan (2/16/2024)
Ashburnham MA Working on Master Plan
As shown by these photos we took on February 15, 2024, the town of Ashburnham is a beautiful community. However, it is planning for its future in a big way. The Town of Ashburnham MA is working on its Master Plan. It has published a worksheet which asks interested citizens to “Please list any important needs, goals, or objectives that will define the future you want for Ashburnham (for each chapter of the Master Plan) PRINTABLE PDF.
Categories are: Services & Facilities, Circulation (Roadways and Transportation), Economic Development, Natural & Cultural Resources, Housing & Housing Production Plan, Land Use, and Open Space & Recreation.
The Town of Ashburnham Released the 2022 Raw Data in a 147 page pdf, CLICK HERE.
Here are pdfs of chapters being considered: Transportation —- Economic Development —- Services and Facilities —- Historical and Cultural —- Natural Resources —- Land Use — Master Plan Strategy
- Templeton 3-13-24 (2/14/2024)
Attorney General’s decision on warrant articles from November 2023 Town Meeting, CLICK HERE.
Warrant for the 2024 Templeton Annual Town Meeting Opened
The Select Board voted to open the Warrant for the 2024 Annual Town Meeting to Citizen’s Petitions at their meeting of February 14, 2024, and to close the Warrant on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 4 p.m.
Citizens wishing to submit petitions need to do so on or before March 13, 2024, at 4 p.m at the office of the Select Board. After it is delivered & time-stamped, the signatures shall be confirmed by the Town Clerk. More info will be posted by the town of Templeton here:
- Winchendon – Water Main (2/2/2024)
from town of Winchendon at 4pm on 2-1-24: ATTENTION-EMERGENCY SITUATION-LARGE WATER BREAK-CONSERVE WATER Crews are actively looking for the large water break. Please be visual. Call dispatch with any information pertaining to the water break. 978-297-1212
Around the Towns – News

In the Community