Greater Gardner MA News August 2023
- Exact Route (8/31/2023)
Exact Centennial Parade Route Released
City of Gardner Centennial Celebration Parade is Sunday, September 17, 2023 beginning at 1pm. Map includes route, road closures, and detours. No on-street parking beginning at 7am. Roads to close that day around 12:30pm, reopening after UMASS Band travels back on way to GHS.
- Parking Vision (8/31/2023)
Potential West Street Parking Garage at Earliest Stages of Thought Process in Gardner MA
In order to have an eventual successful project, there must be an initial idea conceived sometimes years before. Such is the story with the potential West Street Parking Garage. There are 3 types of layouts in the process. 1. Conceptual (really just a potential idea) 2. Preliminary (with plans) 3. Design Development (lots of work). The City of Gardner had Tighe and Bond come up with a a few Concepts for a parking garage.
The Ledge
Because the West Street Parking lot is built on a ledge, it is projected it would cost about $500,000 just to deal with excavation. Heywood Hospital found this out when it excavated a ledge at the site of its new Surgical Pavilion and removing the rock cost much more than planned. So this cost could vary considerably and would be better estimated if the project would go to a preliminary stage.
The Garage
It could be as much as a 4 level structure and hold anywhere from 124 to 138 vehicles depending on design. There would be provisions for electric charging stations. Total cost is projected at somewhere around $5,000,000.
Who Would Pay For It?
The City of Gardner is very carefully eyeing the possibility of grants for many of its projects. The recent CDBG grant of over $1.6 million dollars is covering 92% of the cost of those endeavors. So if there’s a grant out there to fund this idea, it will happen much sooner. Gardner is replacing its main water line with a million dollar grant. A multi-million dollar grant is funding the new runway at the Gardner Airport. And in addition to what the Department of Development and Planning can do, the City Council at the request of Mayor Nicholson is investing up to $60,000 in a 3rd party grant writer – potential payoff is in the millions for Gardner.
Why Would You Want It?
Simple. A need for parking for a number of reasons. 1. Storefronts in Downtown Gardner are being filled which will eventually result in more need for parking. 2. A large number of housing units are being completed in Downtown Gardner which adds to the need. 3. People have asked for more parking in the past.
As this is currently just a potential idea, no specific time frame can really be pinned down at this time.
- City Council 8-29-23 (8/30/2023)
City Charter was taken up at the meeting and will be going on the ballot in November as a non-binding vote. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
City Council August 29, 2023 City Council passed Charter changes on a vote of 9 to 2. However, only Councilors Jim Boone, Craig Cormier, Ronald Cormier, Paul Tassone, and Jim Walsh voted to mandate the City Council to go by the will of the voters.
Pictured are the Councilors who voted to respect the will of the people.
City Council Vote Leaves Some Councilors Vulnerable in Upcoming Gardner MA Election
The only item taken up was whether the changes to the City Charter would be approved by the Council – Approval was expected as at a prior meeting, the Council simply requested they have a copy in final format to approve. But, then a question came up. As the vote of the Council puts the question on the ballot in November, should the will of the voters be automatically respected? In other words, if the voters SAY NO, should the Council be required to VOTE NO. Councilor Walsh put forth an amendment which would require the vote of the people to be binding upon the Council, believing that the will of the people should be respected. His amendment was defeated by a vote of 6 to 5.
Binding: Must go by the will of the voters: Councilors Jim Boone, Craig Cormier, Ronald Cormier, Paul Tassone, and Jim Walsh – all pictured at left
Non-Binding : Whatever, the voters say, the City Council does not have to go along with it: Councilors Alek Dernalewicz, Karen Hardern, Dana Heath, Judy Mack, George Tyros, and Elizabeth Kazinskas. Notably, Council President Kazinskas was the last vote and could have committed the City Council to go with the will of the voters, but she chose to allow the City Council the flexibility to do what it wants.
How would other candidates for City Council have voted? Councilor at Large Candidate Carolyn Kamuda stated that her vote would have been for binding, “because the will of the people is important and when you have a ballot question and go through the time and expense, citizens want to know that their vote counts.” Other candidates are welcome to email and we’ll add their statements to the article.
- Ethics – Transparency (8/30/2023)
How important is this issue?
Kamuda Candidate for City Council AUDIO Interview: 10,887 listens as of 8/29/23
Mayor Nicholson 8-11-23 AUDIO Update: 8,548 listens as of 8/29/23
3 Years Mayor Nicholson AUDIO interview: 4,101 listens as of 8/29/23
Bay State Racing AUDIO Interview: 3,888 listens as of 8/29/23
These numbers include listens from August 2023 only. Based on our records from the past 2 years, this issue is a very important one for both those in favor and opposed. Our pages and articles regarding the issue and anything related have received a high amount of traffic.
Editorial – The Ethics of Transparency Playing Out in Gardner MA
On August 29, 2023, this Publisher did not hesitate to call out the CEO of a local business organization when the information imparted to us was not accurate or fair to a member business. This is the role of a trusted publication like Gardner Magazine. We try to tell it like it is. Unfortunately, that sometimes ruffles some feathers.
Local Land – Zoning Issue
I’m writing this at 4:20am on August 30, 2023 . I woke up really troubled by another example of the ethics of transparency. The citizens of Gardner are awaiting information regarding a local land issue. The same business impacted above wants to build in Gardner and is spending money towards that effort. At the same time, citizens opposed are spending money making lawn signs, creating graphics, and taking time away from friends and family on an issue which concerns them.
What if the outcome is known? What if there is information given to City Officials which would immediately settle the issue, one way or the other? We say the ethics of transparency call for immediate disclosure to the public. No waiting until the next City Council meeting even if its only a few days away. No waiting until the next Planning Board meeting even if its only a couple weeks away. The Ethics of Transparency call for immediate disclosure, even if it’s not convenient. Disclosure is not a choice, it’s an obligation. And we urge that obligation be taken seriously without deliberation and without consideration of what timing would be best. True and pure transparency does not a jury need – it only needs to value the public’s right to know more than personal convenience.
Werner Poegel, Publisher.
- Wonder of Potholes (8/29/2023)
The Wonder of Potholes in the City of Gardner MA
What if there was a certain wonder to your friendly neighborhood pothole? Maybe it could be a portal to some “open space” everyone could agree on. Or, maybe it’s just a pesky pothole causing grief to you and other motorists.
When you see a pothole in Gardner, you don’t have to petition the City Council for a change in zoning. You don’t need to apply for a private grant. When you see a pothole in Gardner, just use the Pothole Portal provided by the City of Gardner to report the pothole. It will be fixed, you will save the vehicles of your neighbors, and you’ll be an unsung hero. To report a pothole in Gardner, CLICK HERE.
- Membership Mystery Article (8/29/2023)
View the Membership Mystery Article, CLICK HERE.
- CDBG Audio (8/28/2023)
AUDIO of CDBG Grant Awards
Various newsmakers are heard in the AUDIO of the grant awards. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
CDBG Grant Awards 2023 The YouTube video is the most compelling presentation in that it identifies the speakers clearly. CLICK HERE.
- Unscientific Polls (8/28/2023)
Unscientific Polls show support for change to Commercial Zoning is Weak
There are only 273 votes reflected in the chart, so the results need to be treated with extreme caution. However, with just over 32% of the votes supporting a change to commercial for those Route 140 parcels and about 68% favoring to leave them as residential or change to some form of “open space”, more discussion will certainly take place.
The Gardner Planning Board will be meeting again on this issue and 2 other proposed zoning changes (increasing number of marijuana establishments and adding Sports Betting to zoning table) on September 19, 2023. At its short 12 minute August meeting, the Board asked for some legal guidance from the City Law Department and will most likely reveal those opinions at the September meeting. Once the Planning Board gives its preliminary recommendations, a joint public hearing with the Gardner City Council will be held at a date to be announced. Citizens will most likely be allowed to speak up to 3 minutes each in favor of or in opposition. Matters will then be sent back to the Planning Board for final recommendations. City Council then votes on the matters.
- National Dog Day (8/27/2023)
Gardner MA City Hall Honored Sully and Rocky on National Dog Day
Rocky is the hero dog of the Gardner Police Department who helps them catch crooks. He had cemented his legacy by helping nab a burglar on his first day and continues to make criminals think twice before striking in Gardner.
Sully is the hero dog of the Gardner Fire Department who is poised to act as a comfort and therapy dog when called upon by the Department. He was recently sworn in at a Gardner City Council meeting.
National Dog Day was August 26, 2023 and is a day established to celebrate all dogs and encourage adoption. For more info click here.
To all the dogs out there. We love you.
- Simple Polls (8/26/2023)
Polls underway on 2 Gardner MA Facebook Groups Regarding Route 140 Zoning
In an effort to find out what people really think and to cut through all the info clutter, I have 2 polls underway thanks to the graciousness of 2 Gardner Facebook Groups: Gardner MA: Uncensored, and Gardner, Ma – #1 What’s going on Page! We will report results when a significant number of votes come in.
Simple Poll 1: 2 Parcels on Route 140 should be: Left as residential —– Changed to commercial —- changed to some wording of “open space”
Simple Poll 2: In Favor of Racetrack —- Opposed to Racetrack
Publisher’s Note: It’s always a great thing when the public makes its voices known to their elected officials. It informs their decisions in a positive way. To reach the Mayor’s office or any City Councilor via email, just visit the City of Gardner website at where they are all listed.
Poll Update Results as of August 27, 2023 Noon Vary Considerably Between Groups
Results Vary Considerably
Out of 99 votes in the Gardner MA: Uncensored Facebook group as of noon August 27, 2023, 49% favored change to commercial, 51% Residential or Open Space.
Out of 122 votes in the Gardner, Ma – #1 What’s Going on Page! as of noon on August 27, 2023, 24% favored change to commercial, 76% Residential or Open Space.
These votes were made from about 10pm on August 26, 2023 to noon on August 27, 2023. A simple poll regarding In Favor or Opposed to Racetrack drew much less interest. Note that on any given day, only 12% of people go to Facebook. Therefore, the percentage of an individual group’s membership going to a Group’s page on any given day is somewhere in the ballpark of 3%. That is why when something seems very popular locally, it may get 300 or so likes. In contrast, the internet is used by 85% of the public on any given day and 92% listen to the radio every week. Note: Paid advertising on and/or on local WGAW Radio is a great way to reach many more people and get much more measurable increases in brick and mortar traffic and traffic to a business website.
Considerable Interest in The Zoning and/or Racetrack Issue on Gardner Magazine
Up to August 26, 2023: Just over 20,200 unique circulation so far this month. Interview with Carolyn Kamuda has had 9,382 listens which is a record on Gardner Magazine. Also a record, Mayor Nicholson’s Update of 8-11-23 has had 7,013 listens with an additional 2,431 listens to a separate file featuring just the Zoning Clarification portion of the update. The Bay State Racing interview has had 2,138 listens. Gardner City Council meetings of August 7, 2023: Informal – 3,087 listens, regular – 3,136 listens.
- Aldi Coming (8/26/2023)
Aldi Store Gets Green Light in Gardner MA – Opening 1st Quarter 2024 or sooner
On August 15, 2023, representatives of Aldi Stores went before the Gardner Planning Board and met all of their conditions for the store to be located at the site of the old Stop and Shop in the Timpany Plaza. A decision in favor of Aldi was rendered on August 21, 2023. The approximately 20,000 square foot space will have about 13,000 square feet as actual retail space. The store plans to be open 7 days a week from 9am to 8pm and employ about 25 people. Some construction needs to be done on the inside in order to open by January 2024 or sooner. Gardner Magazine will keep you posted. To find out more about the store, here’s their website, CLICK HERE.
The company claims to be “#1 in Price for six years running.” Soon, shoppers in Gardner will be able to judge for themselves as the grocery store opens.
- CDBG Social (8/26/2023)
Editorial – Social Service Programs impacted by CDBG
Gardner Magazine noticed. Even in the CDBG application and eventual award, there was a consideration of people, not just buildings.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson, the entire Team at Gardner City Hall, and various agencies in the Chair City are putting people first. It is this strength of character, resolve, and community spirit which is often referenced by others interested in Gardner. Thank you and keep it up!
Impact: Homelessness in Gardner, Boys and Girls Club, and Athletic User Fees. COMPLETE ARTICLE
- CDBG 2023 (8/26/2023)
Mayor Nicholson said, “The funds received from this grant program are going to make a big difference in moving Gardner forward,”
City of Gardner MA Formally Awarded Community Block Grants Totaling $1,650,000
On Friday, August 25, 2023, the funding was ” awarded for demolition of Greenwood Pool and Rome Building, Construction of new Greenwood Pavilion, Downtown Infrastructure Improvements, and social service programming in Gardner.” See Social Services Impact below.
Gardner City Hall stated in a Press Release, “On Friday, Mayor Nicholson, State Representative Jon Zlotnik, and City Council President Lizzy Kazinskas welcomed Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Ed Augustus, and officials from around the Commonwealth to Gardner City Hall for the announcement of the latest round of Community Development Block Grant Awards from the Commonwealth and Federal Government. Gardner was awarded $1.65 million in funds for various projects to take place throughout the City in the coming year.”
Application for the grant funds was endorsed and approved by the Gardner City Council in November 2022.
The Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant Program is a federally funded, competitive grant program designed to help small cities and towns meet a broad range of community development needs. This program helps eligible cities and towns with a population under 50,000 who do not receive direct funding from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development to meet a broad range of community development needs in housing, infrastructure, revitalization, economic development and public social services.
Additional Impact on Social Services Including to Help the Homeless
Besides the ‘Big Ticket’ items, the funding will eliminate all athletic user fees at Gardner High School and Gardner Middle School, assist the Boys and Girls Club of Gardner with its “STEAM” program – after school and summer programs in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics, and assist the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission to help combat issues of homelessness in the Gardner area. “Gardner Emergency Housing Mission (GEHM) wishes to thank Mayor Michael Nicholson and all who were involved in distributing the Block Grant monies,” said Mary Tourigny, Secretary of GEHM’s Board of Directors. “GEHM relies on the support of the community. GEHM’s mission is to support and strengthen the community by providing temporary, transitional housing and support services to families that are homeless. Thanks to the City of Gardner’s Block Grant money, GEHM is able to continue our mission.”
- Mayor’s Update 8-25-23 (8/25/2023)
Progress and Development Focus of Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Update from Greenwood Site
The Mayor’s Update of August 25, 2023 is filled with good news of the Chair City from progress, development, new business and exciting events. Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update August 25, 2023 Mayor Nicholson thanked a number of people involved in various activities in the City. And, the Mayor says the revitalized interest coming through the City right now is really refreshing to see.
New Gardner Businesses in 2022: 33
New Gardner Businesses so far in 2023: 15
Good News in the Update…. Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals fully approved Aldi’s application for their new location in the Timpany Plaza. Projected opening January or sooner. Another 4 to 5 businesses have also shown an interest in Timpany Plaza The Mayor welcomed Golf RX to the old Wheelen Supply Building. It is set to open December 1st. And the Flicker Hill Farmhouse which sells online or through Farmer’s Markets in the area. Maki Park construction with a 3 tiered approach will take place after the Oktoberfest and feature cornhole facilities and an outdoor stage. Uptown Rotary Project work will take place after the Centennial Parade in September.
The Mayor also spoke of other sidewalks and crossing ramps being fully installed and paved.
The work on the outer side of the Gardner Municipal Golf Course connecting Park Street to Green Street.A chapter 90 reimbursement request was put in to the Commonwealth for the work done over on Partridge Street and South Gardner. Keys Road is the next stop on the paving program for this year. Intersection of Elm Street and Cross Street is getting drainage repairs. DPW will start line painting in the City which has been delayed due to a shortage in the paint supply. Groundbreaking occurred for the new runway at the Gardner Municipal Airport. Spray park functions at Greenwood Pool, but will reopen next year. Upcoming Events: Thursday, August 31st is the Overdose Awareness Vigil at Monument Park. —- Citywide Yard Sale is Saturday, September 23rd. —- The Centennial Parade on Sunday September 17th will begin at the Big Chair at 1pm with over 100 acts ending with the UMASS Marching Band of 350 people. After the parade, there will be a 3pm show at Gardner High School. —–The Mayor spoke of the upcoming demolition of the Indoor Greenwood Pool Building — Note: Community Development Block Grant Awards and City Share totaled $1.8 million – City is fortunate to be receiving $1.65 million towards that total. (About 92% State Funding, 8% City Funding)
- UMASS Show (8/24/2023)
UMASS Minuteman Marching Band Coming to Gardner MA for Fall Parade and LIVE Show
The UMASS Minuteman Marching Band will be marching in the Centennial Parade which begins at 1pm on Sunday September 17, 2023. Later, UMMB will perform a LIVE show on the grounds of Gardner High School at 3pm. View the band’s website, CLICK HERE.
One of the Best in the Nation
The origins of the UMASS Marching Band date back to 1873 when an 11 member MAC Drum Corps was at Massachusetts Agricultural College. View the complete history, CLICK HERE The band’s first performance of “My Way” was in 1978. The first of 3 appearances in a Presidential Inaugural Parade occurred in 1981. The UMMB has been recognized as one of the nation’s most outstanding college bands. It played at the 2013 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, did the Patriots halftime show in 2018, and showed off its new uniforms during the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California on New Year’s Day, 2018.
- Overdose Awareness (8/24/2023)
Various links to contact information for various organizations are found on the City of Gardner Community Action Team page, CLICK HERE.
Night of Hope at Monument Park on Thursday August 31, 2023
A FREE Community event featuring Music, Speakers, Memorial Video, and Luminaries will take place from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Monument Park in Gardner on Thursday, August 31, 2023. The International Overdose Awareness Day & Night of Hope will also feature Luminary Lighting at the City Hall Lawn immediately following the event.
According to the CDC, International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest campaign to end overdose. It’s a day to remember loved ones, acknowledge grief, take action to encourage support and recovery, and spread awareness of overdose prevention strategies. More from the CDC, CLICK HERE.
According to the CDC, the goals of the day are: “To provide an opportunity for people to publicly mourn loved ones. —- To send a strong message to people who use drugs and people in recovery that they are valued. —- To inform people around the world about the risk of drug overdose. —-To provide basic information on the range of support services that are available. —-To prevent and reduce drug-related harms by supporting evidence-based practice.
How to recognize an overdose: Recognizing an overdose can be difficult. If you aren’t sure, it is best to treat the situation like an overdose—you could save a life. Call 911 immediately. Administer naloxone, if it’s available. Do not leave the person alone. Signs of an overdose may include: Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils” —- Falling asleep or loss of consciousness —- Slow, weak, or no breathing —- Choking or gurgling sounds —- Limp body —- Cold and/or clammy skin —- Discolored skin (especially in lips and nails)
- GMS Music (8/23/2023)
Gardner Middle School Music Program Shining Ray of Sunshine on Any Day
Music Brings Sunshine from Pre-school to Adult. Gardner Magazine had the distinct honor of speaking with Gianni Davilli and John Mellish of the Gardner Middle School Music Program. What a treat to hear about the joy of music being taught each and every day in Gardner Public Schools and the positive impact MUSIC is having on each and every young life.
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
GMS Music August 23, 2023 Giannia Davilla speaks about the type of instruction provided to 3 choruses and how they are taught to sing using proper vocal technique and how to read music. John Mellish speaks about the 3 bands for Gardner Middle School. Both will be involved in the Spring Musical. The appreciation these teachers have for community support was evident in their remarks. And we learned how music can be an integral part of Social/Emotional learning and how it is one of the few things which stimulates both halves of the brain.
- Flowers (8/23/2023)
Editorial: The Gardner Magazine Zoning Plan – It’s a Blooming Nutty Idea
OK, so everyone is talking about zoning for the parcels on Route 140 in Gardner MA. So we’re throwing out another idea, rather nutty, and I’m the one who thought of it.
Zone the parcels as “Beautiful Flowers Only” – Get the most beautiful flowers from everywhere in the country and plant them there. It will drive tourism to Gardner and what a beautiful sight for hikers.
Do you and 9 other citizens have a better idea as to how these parcels should be zoned? Well, make a request to the Gardner City Council and the Planning Board will then have to consider it.
- Gardner Park (8/23/2023)
To get everything in context, listening to the interview in full is best. We asked about proposal specifics. John Stefanini gave us details. We asked about specific concerns and about the opposition to the facility and he responded respectfully. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Bay State Racing LLC – John Stefanini 8-23-23 Bay State Racing LLC – The Concept for Gardner MA
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel spoke with John Stefanini of Bay State Racing regarding their proposal to build a thoroughbred horse festival racing facility in Gardner called Gardner Park. Our interview took place the morning of August 23, 2023 – we agreed to hold it until their information event at William’s Restaurant on August 23rd had begun. John respectfully answered all of our questions so the interview is quite informative. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Bay State Racing LLC – John Stefanini 8-23-23 According to their Concept Plan, Gardner Park would have thoroughbred festival racing two weekends a year (in the interview John stated 2-3), community concerts, farmers’ markets, a restaurant featuring local craft beverages. They also promise to preserve and maintain the integrity of surrounding trails and outdoor recreation. The vision does not mention that most of the revenue would come from the Sports Betting part of the business which according to John Stefanini would be 92% online outside of Gardner. John’s pitch is that the City of Gardner would receive considerably more tax dollars from their operation than any other due to the lucrative nature of gambling. No slots or casino are planned.
Bay State Racing also made their Initial Concept Plan available for our readers in PDF format. CLICK HERE.
Next Steps and the Process
The next step in the process is first for the Gardner Planning Board to make a recommendation to the Gardner City Council. It met on August 22, 2023 and decided to get some legal opinions from the Gardner Law Department. The Planning Board will meet again on September 19, 2023 to take up the matter of whether 2 parcels in question should having zoning changed from residential to commercial to even allow consideration of the Bay State Racing proposal. Some citizens have stated that they may very well petition the City Council to change the zoning to some form of “Open Space”. If such a request were to be ruled valid by the City Council and sent on to the Planning Board, it could possibly have 2 competing proposals before it. In any case, the procedure once the Planning Board makes a recommendation is to have a public hearing. Subsequent to the public hearing, the Planning Board would meet again to render a final recommendation and only then would the matter be sent back to the City Council for approval by 8 out of 11 Councilors to be effective. If zoning were to get changed to commercial, a separate measure would seek proposals for use of the property based on criteria requested by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. In that eventuality, Bay State Racing LLC would be expected to submit their proposal. In the event zoning stays residential, the City could sell the parcels to developers wishing to build homes. And in the event zoning changes to or is found to already have protected status, the land would stay as is.
- Planning 8-22-23 (8/23/2023)
The crowd showed up in apparent opposition to either the Zoning Change in general or to one proposal of a Racetrack. It was a short night as the meeting ended in 12 minutes.
Gardner MA Planning Board Will Meet Again on Zoning Issues – Information Sought
At a meeting attended by an overflow crowd and a Boston TV station, the Gardner Planning Board voted unanimously to postpone any action on 3 proposed Zoning Articles until the next meeting on September 19, 2023. Up for discussion was whether or not to recommend the rezoning of 2 parcels on Route 140 from residential to commercial, to increase number of possible marijuana establishments, and to add Sports Betting to Zoning table. Listen to this meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Planning Board August 22, 2023 Chairman Mark Schafron opened the meeting recommending the Planning Board get clarification from the City Law Department on a number of items related to the Route 140 land. He stated, “I would like a determination on spot zoning, because I think the argument could be made on both sides of the coin. Is this spot zoning? Maybe, Maybe not.” With regard to the status of the land he stated, “…with regard to article 97.. Article 97 of the amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution, which, and I quote, speaks to residents having a right to the quality of life that clean water and undeveloped open space can provide. There’s also some. I read it, and there’s also some parameters cited that are open to interpretation…. Is article 97 in play with this particular requested zoning change? Could be, maybe not. I don’t know.”
The Chairman stated he wanted to give an informed opinion to the City Council rather than guessing. The other 2 items relating to increasing the number of possible marijuana establishments and of adding Sports Betting to the Zoning Table were also postponed to September. It was noted that the proponent of all 3 articles, Dana Heath, was not in attendance, nor did the Board receive any additional materials. Trevor Beauregard responded in the affirmative when asked by Committee Chairman Schafron if the presence of Councilor Heath should be requested for the next meeting.
All 3 zoning articles had been under discussion before. First time, Mayor Nicholson made detailed presentations, but his request was deemed out or order as apparently it can’t come from the Mayor. 2nd time, it didn’t get further than the City Council as a request by 5 City Councilors was deemed a violation of the Open Meeting Law because they had expressed an opinion in their request and it was shared to a quorum of the Council via the packet prior to the meeting. So, the request from Councilor Dana Heath started the process all over again. He didn’t make submissions because the Planning Board already had the detailed information from before.
- Electric Update (8/22/2023)
National Grid to Update over 100 Year-Old Transmission Lines
In 1909, the 69 kilovolt transmission lines were constructed and materials were brought in at the time by horse and buggy. Today, modern equipment will be used to bring this part of the grid up to date before there are problems due to the aging system.
National Grid is proposing the A1/B2 Asset Condition Refurbishment project to replace these lines “as they are approaching the end of their asset life. The scope to rebuild these lines includes structure replacements, structure foundations, new conductor, and right-of-way access improvements where necessary along the approximate 61 miles of existing right-of-way.” An Open House is scheduled at Gardner City Hall on Thursday August 24, 2023 at 5pm. National Grid will have team members present from a variety of departments to answer questions. Note that the new infrastructure will be built, put into service, and then service to the old lines will be discontinued with the old structures subsequently removed. In that manner, power remains up during the project duration which is expected to take from 2024 to 2028.
National Grid has a short, informative video on a website put up for this project. There are also additional details on the page, CLICK HERE.
This 61 mile project originates in Vernon, Vermont, travels through Hinsdale and Winchester, New Hampshire then continues through a number of towns within Northern Massachusetts including, Warwick, Royalston, Winchendon, Gardner, Westminster, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Sterling.
Coming off the mainline, this project also includes the Athol Tap and the Crystal Lake Tap. The Athol Tap runs from Royalston Substation to Chestnut Hill Ave Substation in Athol, Massachusetts. The Crystal Lake Tap runs from Gardner Switching Station to Crystal Lake Substation in Gardner, Massachusetts.
- The Saxman (8/21/2023)
Gardner MA Middle School Welcomes the Saxman
Music and Art has gained a renewed focus in the Gardner Public School System and today we profile only one of its numerous local stars. On August 21, 2023, the Gardner Middle School Music Department announced that John Mellish will be a new band teacher at the school.
Mr. Davilli from GMS Music posted, “I’m very happy and excited to tell you about our new band teacher at GMS, Mr. John Mellish! Mr. Mellish is a graduate of UMass Amherst (2020) where he studied Music Education and his main instrument is the saxophone . During his time there he was also a drum major for the famous UMass Minuteman Marching Band. He had previously been working as a high school music teacher in New Hampshire, teaching Band, Chorus, Music Theory, Piano, and Guitar. He plays most woodwind instruments, brass instruments, and is knowledgeable with percussion instruments. I’m more than happy to welcome Mr. Mellish to the GMS music team, he is a fantastic educator and friend.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson posted, “Congratulations Mr Mellish! Can’t wait to see the great work you do with the GMS band program!
- WGAW Growth (8/21/2023)
Gardner MA WGAW Radio Has Audience Growth – Here’s Why
The growth of WGAW’s audience can be attributed to a number of factual factors, not just lucky sevens as the station celebrates its 77th year. (founded 1946)
Consistency: Current owner Steve Wendell has provided a consistent News/Talk format for over a decade now.
Pandemic: Audience Growth was fueled by the station’s proactive efforts in keeping the public informed during the entirety of the pandemic. The station provided the latest information to the public on a daily basis.
Technology and Accessibility: Originally just on AM 1340, the station can be heard on 98.1FM and from anywhere in the world through a live stream. Live Stream, CLICK HERE.
Programming: The station is known for its variety of talk programming and news which is aired 24 hours a day,7 days a week including the morning news from 6am to 9am weekdays and the popular Hotline Radio interview show which airs on Saturday from noon to 2pm. The station has a website, CLICK HERE.
Subsidized Advertising Rates: Station Owner Steve Wendell has been offering advertising at much lower than market rates, effectively subsidizing advertisers. The rate for a sixty second commercial is actually lower today than 40 years ago which is a huge benefit not every local business is taking advantage of. Not everyone in the community knows just how much the current owner has helped local business through his generosity.
Just how much has the audience grown? One indicator is website traffic is up 53% July 2023 vs July 2022. For the year 2023, total website traffic so far this year has already exceeded last year by 20%, and a third of the year is left to go. Gardner Magazine wishes WGAW well on its continued upward trajectory and thanks the station for its 77 years of service to Gardner and North Central Massachusetts.
- Golf Rx (8/20/2023)
On August 25, 2023, Golf RX posted on their Facebook page, “renovations coming along nicely here at Golf RX!”
On Saturday August 26, 2023, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson revealed on WGAW’s Hotline Radio (Saturdays noon to 2pm) that the layout of the Gardner Municipal Golf Course will be programmed into the simulators. This will make the business very useful for Golf Course members who want to practice their game.
Golfers to Have a “Rainy Day” Solution with the opening of Golf Rx in Downtown Gardner MA
Golf Rx joins the ranks of about a dozen new businesses to open in Gardner this year and is planning a Fall 2023 Grand Opening. Modern golf simulators will be available to the public.
Golf Rx Indoor Golf is currently hiring for a number of positions. They prefer those with extensive golf knowledge and experience but that is not necessarily required. “We are looking for people who are skilled in customer service and it is imperative that the possess initiative, integrity, and are dependable.
Interested individuals can email a resume to Golf Rx has a Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
- Bombaci Boost (8/19/2023)
The Bombaci Boost – An Update on Some Downtown Gardner MA Buildings
Jon Bombaci reports that 2-10 Parker Street, the Garbose Building construction drawings are 95% complete.(construction completion in 2024) 25 Main Street is proceeding but awaiting a structural and final set for the Restaurant on the first floor. The 5000 square foot taproom and lounge will use the historic safe as a focal point and may be named, “The Vault.” 104 Parker Street is another building getting the “Bombaci Boost” with grey siding on 3 sides and an attractive fake brick vinyl on the front side. Jon Bombaci states, “We think this will give that building, and the entrance into downtown from Parker Street a significant face lift”
The company is calling the real estate project, Downtown Gardner Crossing. Bombaci has announced a successful refinancing effort for 25 Main Street with an appraised value of $2.8 million. More importantly, the bank has agreed to finance 89 percent of the construction budget.
For those interested in just how large a Bombaci Boost these buildings are getting, we are making the floor plans for 2-10 Parker and 25 Main available to you. 2-10 Parker Street Complete Plans, CLICK HERE. — 25 Main Street, Complete Plans, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Magazine has used the phrase “Bombaci Boost” as a term of endearment as we have noticed Jon Bombaci seems to make himself available for any event affecting Downtown Gardner. This effort is critical in drawing attention to the efforts in Downtown and showing others what can be done when a professional company comes to town.
Jon Bombaci has also been buying local windows just like Gary Lorden who is renovating 42-52 Parker Street. And so local companies and local jobs are boosted too by the Downtown Revitalization effort.
In the interests of fun for our readers, we have created the fictional BOMOT which instantly transforms a building and the Bombroi II which magically creates building plans.
The actual work Jon Bombaci has done is the product of actual human ingenuity, and not science fiction. But nevertheless, it has resulted in what we are calling the “Bombaci Boost.”
- Mayor Who Helps (8/19/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Personally Helps Food Pantries and the Homeless
On August 15, 2023, Mayor Nicholson hosted MA Cabinet Secretary regarding housing in the community. 3 days earlier, he personally handed out food at the Gardner CAC. On July 23, 2023, the Mayor announced Cooling Centers for people including the homeless. On November 26, 2021, the Mayor spoke of helping homeless veterans in his Weekly Update, CLICK HERE. The Gardner Emergency Housing Mission lists Mayor Nicholson as a supporter on its website, CLICK HERE. The issue was also covered in our Accomplished interview on Life Issues Headway, CLICK HERE.
Kimberly Blake, an opponent of the Mayor in the upcoming election made some false statements on this issue. This should set the record straight.
- Campaign (8/19/2023)
Blake Makes Big Campaign Flub – Attacks Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson and then Doubles Down – Also Attacks this Publisher
Just follow Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Facebook page for a week and you’ll see a man deeply involved with his community, its organizations, and its people. So when Kimberly Blake attacked the Mayor about using an Alzheimers event as a photo opportunity and made other unfounded accusations regarding motivations, the Mayor was taken aback and released a statement. See below:
Gardner Magazine reached out to Blake to find out exactly what she meant. Blake stated, “In response to what? I asked for help and he ignored me. I left it alone. …. “ In further statements she doubled down on what she stated originally and even accused the Mayor of not helping food pantries and the homelessness crisis. We interviewed Blake today via Facebook. We provide the Facebook interview in the public interest, CLICK HERE. Note that we did an interview with Kimberly Blake some weeks ago and she became rattled when asked some very basic questions and in an interview today via Facebook messaging, Blake accused us of using an unflattering photo. It is a big Campaign Flub to personally attack a man who for years has been involved with the Alzheimer’s Association, and, as the Mayor points out, had a beloved grandfather who died of the disease.
Mayor Michael Nicholson stated, “Normally I don’t respond to the ridiculous things my opponents say about me, but something this week I feel crossed the line.
My opponent made statements online concerning my involvement with the Alzheimer’s Association MA/NH Chapter, misrepresenting my involvement with the organization and alleging that involvement is solely political and my attendance at the event I spoke at solely for a photo op after declining any involvement before a camera was in the room.
As stated in the post she was referring to, I have been involved with the Alzheimer’s Association in some capacity since 2011, when my grandfather died of the disease. I have served on its board, subcommittees, and Walk Planning Committee since 2018. I have also captained and maintained a team for their fundraising walk.
To take something personal about a late family member for a political jab is just not something I’ll entertain. However I will keep supporting the great work that this organization does every day.
I’ll also keep supporting and working with the other organizations the City is in contact with almost daily, Gardner CAC, Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center, Inc., GAAMHA, Inc., Wachusett Veterans’ Services District, and so many others to support the work they are doing and the people who live here.
I take my role as mayor very seriously. I take all of the volunteer positions I hold seriously. If I post something or you read a post or publication from me, I promise the information will be checked for its accuracy and be above personal attacks for political one-liners.
I ask for and look forward to your support on Oct 10 and Nov 7.
If you or a loved one is dealing with this dreadful disease, I highly recommend speaking with someone at the Alzheimer’s Association regarding the important resources they provide, advocacy work they undertake, and helping hands they are always willing to extend.”
- Stolen Lift (8/18/2023)
Work Resumes After Apparent Lift Theft from in front of Garbose Building
Jon Bombaci posted the photo and this post on Friday, August 18, 2023 “Someone jacked our lift last night in downtown Gardner!! After quite a bit of run around and video camera review we figured it out it was a disgruntled employee at the rental company. Apparently he stole a truck and our lift .We have a new lift on site and more windows have been put in. Thank you too all our neighbors and the City of Gardner for helping us figure out what happened. And to anyone else thinking of going Grand Theft Auto on our lift which goes 5mph, we’re watching!”
- Update 8-18-23 (8/18/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Focuses on Housing and Some Events
In his Mayor’s Update of August 18, 2023, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson focused on the visit from MA Cabinet Secretary Ed Augustus regarding the 222 housing units planned in the Downtown area over the next year and a half. He also spoke about the September 17th Centennial Parade, Sports Teams and Marching Band, the September 23rd City -Wide Yard Sale, and the International Overdose Awareness Day on Thursday August 31st. Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 8-18-23
- The Weeds (8/18/2023)
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
GES Finance 8-16-23 A Fictional Sentient Weed An answer regarding the weeds at Gardner MA Elementary School
The Gardner Elementary School Finance Sub-committee met on August 16, 2023 to discuss and approve various items relating to the school. The subject of the weeds came up.
Citizen Steve Rockwood stated, “A couple of things have come up in the community, and one of them was why the outside property looks so bad.” Dr. Mark Pellegrino responded, “Actually, it’s a good question to answer and publicly because it’s a question out there. Can someone succinctly address that?” Kristian Whitsett agreed to answer the question stating, “Are there specific items are concerns?” Steve Rockwood responded, “….it has to do with the landscaping and the fact that there are, let’s call them weeds, growing everywhere, sort of out of control, and people think that looks lousy…”
Kristian had a lengthy response. “It’s a good question and a bit of a complicated answer in that, well, it’s a large site,so different portions of this site are going to be treated differently. In general.I guess I’ll start off by saying that the weeds got out of hand, and the design team was not very happy with it. It was an issue with the weeds getting out of control during the last growing season, the contractor not quite being ready to start weeding and watering. At the time when we all expected that that would happen. They were managing some of the other portions of the project. And just couldn’t get to that scope. So we’re right now approaching a fall growing season, and our landscape architect has been out there quite a bit recently, working with the contractor and their subs, and they are doing a much better job of leading an effort now. In anticipation of that fall growing season, we’ll be planting a lot of things. Down towards the Pearl Street entrance, there’s a wetland replication area, and the Conservation Commission Commission is quite interested in how that process goes out, what seed mix they use, how it’s dispersed. And so we’re working on that with the contractor right now. So I think that area down there will look a lot better in the coming. In the coming months. so I think, in general,on kind of, like, maintenance, upkeep, and how the site in general looks. I would say that that’s the overarching issue, is that we just didn’t have time last year. And a contractor didn’t have time last year. And we’re making much more of a considered effort right now. Before the fall growing season, which we’re happy to see. And took quite a bit of pressure from the design team. To achieve those results….So certainly the massive weeds that we’re seeing, you know, a few months ago, that’s not the unkept idea that we’re striving for. But at the same time, I just want to, you know, put it out there that it was envisioned as a school in the woods. And some of the approaches of the planting were more kind of native in approach, and not just kind of a manicured, high maintenance area throughout the site. “
Kristian went on to explain that the City and School Department aren’t being asked to keep it up because it’s still a construction project. He also stated, “also, the plantings, once they are accepted by the landscape architect, they have have a one year warranty period. So even after, the site’s looking finished, the contractor will still be involved to some degree.”
- Nomination Papers (8/17/2023)
Who is Actually Running in Gardner MA City Election?
There will be a preliminary election on October 10th (to coincide with Senate primary) and a regular election on November 7, 2023. There are 3 candidates for 1 Mayoral position, 10 candidates for Councilors at Large, Ward 1 has 2 current candidates, Ward 3 has 2 current candidates, and Ward 4 has 2 current candidates. Ward 2 and Ward 5 Councilors run unopposed. There are 7 candidates for 3 School Committee seats.
View details on this Communication received from the City Clerk’s office, CLICK HERE.
August 15th was the deadline to submit nomination papers to the City Clerk.
UPDATE 8-18-23 – A question has come up whether Paul Tassone can be considered an incumbent as he was elected by the City Council to fill a vacancy, but was not elected by the voters. City Clerk says “I” can’t be used. As we’re not lawyers here, we’ll provide you with the MA State Law on the subject, CLICK HERE. What is true is Paul Tassone has been serving as Ward 3 Councilor since February and is running to retain the position. FYI: State Law reads “candidates for re-election to any such office of which they are the elected incumbents or the incumbents chosen by vote of the board of aldermen or city council in a city.”
- First Window (8/17/2023)
First Window Goes into Historic Garbose Building in Gardner MA
In an act symbolic of Gardner’s spirit, a window made in Gardner Massachusetts is installed in the Garbose Building in Downtown Gardner. (They are made by SWS, a division of Maki Corp.)*
Jon Bombaci posted, “First window in at 2-10 Parker in Gardner! Now only 55 more openings to go”
Further down Parker Street, local MAKI Windows are also being used at 42-52 Parker Street.
Construction in Gardner is not only benefitting the community visually, but also by supporting local companies and local jobs.
*The DuraGuard XT – From company website, “SWS’s DuraGard XT family of windows has been engineered to exceed today’s tough energy standards as well as being designed for aesthetic appeal. Learn more at their website, CLICK HERE.
Other buildings in Downtown Gardner are being renovated as well.
- 222 Housing (8/15/2023)
According to City Hall, “all of the 222 proposed housing units highlighted during the Secretary’s visit are 100% fully market rate units, as opposed to income restricted or deed restricted affordable units. In sum, this is the largest investment in market rate housing the City has seen in decades.”
The Press Release provides details on all of the housing units referenced. See PRESS RELEASE.
Massachusetts Cabinet Official Tours Downtown Gardner MA with Mayor Nicholson
According to City Hall, 222 Housing Units are slated to be constructed in Downtown Gardner over the next 12 to 18 months. On Tuesday, August 15, 2023, the Mayor and other local officials welcomed Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities, Edward M. Augustus Jr. to view the numerous housing developments, look at plans for future development, and discuss how the state can encourage other communities to do the same. View the Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson said “Gardner has seen unprecedented growth and development in the last three years, and it’s always great to be able to show our partners at the state level what we are doing here. It also helps that as the former City Manager of Worcester, Secretary Augustus understands what dealing with these issues on a local level looks like and what tools are needed to get the job done.”
According to the Press Release, “Tuesday’s agenda highlighted the approximately 222 housing units in the Downtown area that are set to either be newly constructed or renovated after decades of neglect and decay. The properties included 25 Main Street, 2-10 Parker Street, 280-320 Central Street, 14-24 Parker Street, 309 Central Street, and 42-52 Parker Street among others. In addition to the properties which are to open their doors imminently in the city, there are also plans to construct a 5-story, 100-unit residential apartment building with a roof top restaurant/bar on Rear Main Street, as part of the redevelopment plans for that site. This project also includes a 160-space public parking lot, event plaza, food truck court, and other amenities.”
- Parade Deadline (8/15/2023)
Gardner Magazine Discovers “You” Haven’t Signed Up for Centennial Parade
Deadline is looming to sign up for the much awaited Centennial Parade coming up Sunday September 17, 2023 at 1pm. It all starts at Elm Street and ends up at Waterford Street.
Registration Forms are due August 21st so make sure they get yours. Registration form pdf, CLICK HERE. Here’s how “you” can get in on the fun. Email or visit the Centennial Committee’s Facebook page CLICK HERE.
Fees: Businesses – $100, Non-profit – FREE, Antique cars – FREE
We knew “you” hadn’t registered so we are giving you this reminder. With so many people going, it’s great exposure for your business or non-profit. Or you can show off your Antique Car!. See you at the parade.
- Candidate Kamuda (8/15/2023)
Carolyn Kamuda August 15, 2023 Gardner Magazine would like to make the views of any candidate for City office available to the public. Email and we’ll set something up.
Gardner MA Council Candidate Kamuda Calls for More Facts on Route 140 Zoning – Speaks on Horse Racing
Carolyn Kamuda is a candidate for Councilor at Large in Gardner. She has expressed concerns about the proposed change of zoning on Route 140 from residential to commercial. Kamuda has also detailed concerns about a proposed Horse Racing business which has expressed a clear interest in the property should it become available.
In our interview, we speak about the possible change in zoning, her specific concerns regarding a Race track, Kamuda’s own research on the matter, and her call for greater transparency in City Government including her pledge to be “an open book” if elected. She also supports DPW Director Dane Arnold’s request to increase DPW pay to attract more people. Kamuda says Mayor Nicholson “has done a pretty decent job.” She hopes people will take a serious look at what is going on with this Zoning Change as well as the possibility of Racing and Gaming coming in to Gardner and whether they want that to be the focal point of Gardner.
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Carolyn Kamuda 8-15-23 Publisher’s note: We have confirmed that Bay State Racing LLC is a Massachusetts corporation formed in March 2023 and that they have joined the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce. Regarding the North County Land Trust, here is a link to their opinion page regarding the Route 140 proposed zoning change. I provide this information in the interest of fairness. For the record, this publisher, Werner Poegel, was the only citizen outside of Gardner City Government who spoke in favor of the Route 140 Zoning Change at a public hearing in the Spring. Here’s a link to our original editorial.
- Parcels – Rumors (8/13/2023)
So Many Possibilities of Commercial Businesses Wanting to Come to Gardner MA
Should commercial land become available in Gardner, there are dozens of businesses which may be interested. Our Business Wish List page now has a gallery of possibilities. CLICK HERE If you’d like to hear the Mayor’s Update at the starting point of his explanation on the Zoning Process – the complete and correct explanation, CLICK PLAY on any device.
Zoning Process 8-11-23 Mayor Michael Nicholson
- Nicholson on Ballot (8/11/2023)
There is also a website which we created to showcase Team Gardner’s accomplishments to prospective residents, businesses, and industry. CLICK HERE for Accomplished.US.
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Officially on the Ballot – Plus Election Information
Having been officially notified by the City Clerk’s office that he has enough signatures, the Mayor announced he is on the ballot. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Thank you to everyone who signed my papers. I’m asking for your vote in the Preliminary Election on October 10, and the General Election on November 7 to continue that progress and keep Gardner moving forward!” In July we spoke with Mayor Nicholson about the last 3 years. If you haven’t heard this interview yet, listen to it on any device. CLICK PLAY
3 Years – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson All those running in the upcoming election must have their signatures in to the City Clerk by August 15th.
Complete Election Information from the City of Gardner, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Magazine Candidate Policy: We will publish Press Releases in their entirety from qualified candidates. Complete Submissions Policy, CLICK HERE.
- Fiber Grant (8/11/2023)
Representatives of the various Cities and Towns are shown as well as Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with Massachusetts Rural Affairs Director Anne Gobi.
About the Grant Program
The Municipal Fiber Grant Program offers competitive grants to support the closing of critical gaps that exist in municipal networks. Awards are focused on connecting municipality-owned facilities and assisting municipalities in achieving critical goals associated with their fiber networks, including protection from the growing risk of cyber security exploits targeting local government, the expansion of remote work and meeting the expectations of constituents who enjoy the convenience of interacting with government online.
City of Gardner MA Awarded $200,000 Grant for Expansion of Municipal Fiber Networks
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson issued a Press Release on Friday, August 11, 2023 announcing a $200,000 grant was approved as part of the State’s Community Compact Municipal Fiber Grant Program. The money will pay for a technological upgrade streamlining IT infrastructure by connecting the School Department, Police Department, and the new location of the Waterford Street School to a single fiber optic network. For complete details, here is the Press Release, CLICK HERE.
In brief, here’s what local officials said about the grant: Mayor Nicholson stated, “This funding will do a lot of good in helping us improve our public safety efforts and our work to create a new community center at the Waterford Street School location.”
Gardner IT Director Bob O’Keefe stated,”The fiber connection to the former Waterford School will bring Internet Service without a monthly recurring cost. This will save our Senior Center approx. $60,000 over the next ten years. The savings will also be available for the non-profits that will be in that building. With the fiber the City’s Tech Dept will be able to monitor and maintain its computers, phones, and security without leaving City Hall.”
State Representative Jon Zlotnik stated, “The funds from the state are important to make sure Gardner’s IT infrastructure is caplable of serving its purpose to the fullest, and is secure.”
Gardner Fire Chief Greg Lagoy,“…will provide a dedicated, reliable connection for radio, data, and security systems from the repeater site to the City’s Public Safety agencies…”
Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, “…receipt of this grant is a financial and operational win for our City.” Complete comments in Press Release.
A total of $4 million was given as grants to 32 municipalities and school districts across the state.
- Racetrack Angst (8/11/2023)
Publisher believes the reality of Horse Racing in Gardner is a longshot. Other business ideas probably would rate higher on “best interest of City” scale.
Editorial – Why Council Members and the Mayor Can’t Pre-judge a Proposal
Whether it’s a Horse Racing Track, a space museum, or robot factory, any business has a right by law to respond to a request for proposal. Part 1 covers what they propose to do with the property and Part 2 covers how much they’re willing to pay for it. Massachusetts Law requires the Mayor to consider proposals based on what is in the best interests of the City. If he were to publicly say YES or NO in favor of one idea or another, it would not be fair to all bidders who rightly expect a complete and fair review. With that said, there is a history of Horse Racing proposals being rejected by many communities for a variety of reasons so my suggestion is this: If ultimately the property becomes available as commercial land, make sure other parties propose something which is better for the City and you won’t have to worry about Horse Racing. Additionally: They should consider what businesses residents think we actually need and what’s in the best interest of the City – and, they are already required to do that under the law. So, is there really a problem or is it Social Media nonsense yet again?
- Mayor’s Update 8-11-23 (8/11/2023)
Listening to this update would be very helpful to those who want to better understand the process involved regarding the land on Route 140. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner MA Events and Clearing Up Confusion Regarding Route 140 Land and Processes
Ever since it was revealed that Suffolk Downs is interesting in bringing Horse Racing to Gardner, the Mayor’s office has received many calls, particularly because certain misinformation has been shared on Social Media. In this week’s update, Mayor Nicholson goes over events in the Chair City and then explains the process in an effort to Clear Up Confusion by presenting fact. Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update August 11, 2023 Events and Updates in the City of Gardner
A lot of work in Downtown including at the Garbose Building, having a brand new roof and with new windows coming soon Former Buffer Zone Building get new siding in next week or 2 Centennial Anniversary Parade taking place on Sunday September 17, 2023 at 1pm with a performance by the UMass Marching Band later at Gardner High School City received a $200,000 grant from the Commonwealth Compact program to extend fiber optic cable in Gardner. Gardner Museum having its Craft Fair on Saturday August 12, 2023 from 10am to 4pm Over 400 students participated in the Summer Camp this year Clearing Up Confusion Regarding Route 140 Zoning
Mayor Nicholson explained that the parcels in question can right now only be used for housing. The proposal is to switch the designation to commercial which is a long list of possible businesses in the City Zoning table. City Council recently voted to send the proposal to the Planning Board for an “initial recommendation.” Then, a joint public hearing will be held with the City Council and Planning Board, where residents can voice their opinions. After that hearing, the Planning Board will meet again and vote on its final recommendation. Then the City Council has 90 days to vote yes or no on the recommendations. Once it votes a second time, the decision goes into effect. The Mayor detailed other particulars including the number of councilors who must vote in the affirmative. Upon approval, the Mayor would request the City Council to set a minimum price for the land which is currently appraised at $4.3 million. Once the City Council approves a price, an announcement is setup on the City of Gardner requesting proposals. Just like the 7 properties sold by the City last year, interested parties would need to follow the “Request for Proposal” process where the technical proposal (what you want to do with the land) is actually considered and rated before the bid amount is considered. The technical proposal carries a higher weight than even the price bid. If a Horse Racing proposal is received, it is considered just like all other proposals.
- Airport 8-9-23 (8/11/2023)
Gardner MA Airport Commission with Update on Plans
The Gardner Airport Commission discussed an update on the Runway Project, the Airport Managers Report, and Airport Maintenance and Projects. Discussion was around particulars of the project. On Monday, August 14th, some work will start on putting up fencing around where the project will be.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Airport Commission will meet again on September 6th.
Publisher’s Note: Nice tee shirt. I think he wasn’t late and he did want to come.
- Water Main 8-10-23 (8/10/2023)
Gardner City Hall posted at 10am 8-10-23, “There is a water main break in the area of Pearl St, Nelson St, and Elizabeth St. DPW Crews are responding to this at this time. Water service in the area may be impacted as repairs are made. Thank you for your patience during this time.”
- Horse Racing (8/9/2023)
Horse Racing or Not in Gardner MA?
A number of businesses have inquired about coming to Gardner, including representatives from Suffolk Downs, a horse racing Track.
Councilor Dana Heath told Gardner Magazine that the City of Gardner does not have a preference of one business over another, but that any business can inquire about coming to Gardner. Suffolk Downs is just one business interested. Mayor Nicholson had initially stated in his original proposal for the Route 140 Zoning Change that dozens of businesses had expressed interest in coming to Gardner, but that there was insufficient land available.
City Council candidate Carolyn Kamuda has expressed concerns as she is alarmed by thoughts of a horse racing track in Gardner, does not feel it would be an appropriate business for the City. She wrote a letter to the Gardner City Council about her concerns.
This issue came about as Route 140 Zoning is once again before the City Council. Planning Board will discuss and there will eventually be another public hearing on the subject. Councilor Walsh expressed his concerns at the August 7, 2023 meeting. Councilor Dana Heath responded to those concerns. View article on August 7, 2023 City Council Meeting which also has AUDIO of entire meeting. CLICK HERE
How do people feel about horse racing in their communities?
In a May 2022 referendum in Plymouth MA, 88% of voters said NO. A racing proposal in the town of Hardwick was rejected 830 to 312 earlier this year. In Sturbridge in 2021, a proposal got positive support of 449 to 325, but was rejected as a 2/3 majority was required. In 2020, in Rowley a horse racing track proposal was not pursued further due to a roadblock in buying land and significant opposition by residents. Given these statistics, it is likely that another type of commercial business would have an easier chance for approval in the City of Gardner and that significant opposition to a Horse Racing track should be anticipated.
- Sully Sworn (8/8/2023)
It’s Official! Gardner MA Sully is Gardner Fire Department’s First Therapy and Comfort Dog
Sully was officially sworn in at the Gardner MA City Council meeting of August 7, 2023. In one of the photos, you’ll see Sully’s friend, K-9 Rocky, who has been a valuable member of the Gardner Police Department.
From the Gardner Fire Department: “It’s official! Sully was sworn in last night at the Gardner City Council meeting. Sully will be Gardner Fires first Therapy/Comfort dog. His main purpose will be to support Gardner and surounding area First Responders after stressful and traumatic incidents that they respond to. A big thank you to Gardner’s First Responder family who came out last evening to support Sully as he was sworn in. Also a big thank you to Mayor Nicholson and the City Council for supporting Sully. And last but not least, a big thank you to the Gardner DPW “signs and lines” department for making Sully’s badges!”
- Council 8-7-23 (8/6/2023)
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Regular City Council Meeting August 7, 2023 Gardner MA City Council Meets on August 7, 2023
The City Council takes up a number of matters at the regular meeting. View complete packet and agenda. Sullivan “Sully” Hulette was confirmed at the Gardner Fire Department Therapy dog.
The Gardner City Council has a public hearing regarding a petition by National Grid to install a single pole on Manca Drive. —- Executive Session regarding collective bargaining or litigation —- Communications from the Mayor include 5 requests to accept donations and a memorandum from the Director of Public Works regarding staffing levels. See Public Service Committee Meeting Article —- Among authorizations requested would be to allow the City to borrow $550,000 for Waterford Street School Renovations. —- Measures include various appointments by the Mayor.
Councilor Dana Heath has submitted an ordinance to amend the code of the City of Gardner regarding certain parcels on Route 140, an ordinance to increase the number of allowed marijuana establishments, and an ordinance to add Sports Betting to the Zoning Table of uses. All 3 were referred to the Planning Board and a Joint Public Hearing will be scheduled. Concern was raised about possible use of Route 140 land by horse racing business. Councilor Heath explained his comments to a Gardner resident who subsequently emailed Councilor Walsh were taken out of context.
The Council as a Committee of the whole reviewed 2 recommendations: The Charter Review Committee Recommendations will be sent to the Law Department for the change to gender neutral pronouns. Open Space and Recreation Plan was granted more time and may be taken up in September.
- Informal 8-7-23 (8/6/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Informal Meeting on August 7, 2023
The item was given more time at a July 3rd meeting. Very few major changes were recommended and a letter the Committee sent to the City Council stated, “…took a most conservative approach to its charge and made suggestions that it deemed necessary rather than desired.” Agenda and Packet for meeting describing proposed changes.
However, it recommends the complete deletion of sections 34, 35, and 51. Section 34 deals with contracts for construction work and appears to be not needed due to its language having been modified by law. Section 35 deals with the amount of transactions requiring contracts and may not be needed due to Massachusetts law on the subject. Mayor Nicholson had pointed to this section as one reason for modifying the Charter as some vendors won’t deal with the City because signatures have been required for relatively small purchases. Section 51 deals with voting and states that “no measure shall go into effect unless the affirmative votes of at least a third of the whole number of registered voters. This section is a problem as sometimes not even a third of the voters show up at the polls. View the entire current City Charter here.
The Charter Committee proposes mostly minor language changes. The proposed change to section 32 would allow an Acting Mayor to serve for the last 12 months of an unexpired term instead of just 6 months without requiring a special election to fill the remaining term. The change to section 12 would hold preliminary elections 3 weeks earlier. In addition, a proposed change would provide for the City Council President to actually get paid for the duties of Mayor with 75% of the Mayor’s compensation in addition to pay as Council President. In 2020, James Walsh and Elizabeth Kazinskas got paid nothing extra for those duties as Acting Mayor.
In the complete packet for the regular meeting, there is communication from the Law Department in which it gives its opinion on the proposed changes. The City Council discussed the proposed changes and a vote on how to proceed is in the Regular City Council Meeting.
- DPW Mowing (8/5/2023)
DPW Director Arnold appeals for funding in letter to Mayor and City Council. View letter, CLICK HERE. – See Public Service Committee Article, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA DPW Director Appeals to Mayor and City Council for Funding to Increase Pay
DPW Director Dane Arnold wrote that to mow and weed whack every property in the City of Gardner takes about 256 hours which means a 64 hour work week for Municipal Grounds Employees or the parks, playgrounds, and cemeteries become overgrown. “Just to mow and weed whack” the MGD needs 7 full-time employees” He explained that the City currently only has 4 MGD employees.
Regarding other areas of responsibility: “The Highway Division currently has 9 employees, including 2 foremen, 2 employees typically work on “Specialty Projects” that are assigned to them, such as the Lawrence St. sidewalk project, various downtown beautification projects, drainage projects etc. This only leaves 7 employees, including the foreman, to patch potholes, repair drainage structures….”(he continued with a long list)
Director Arnold bottom lined the situation. “The City must become more competitive with their salaries. Cumberland Farms, McDonalds, Walmart all have walk in the door starting salaries between $16-18 per hour, the DPW’s is $16.24. These are positions not out in the elements, heat, cold, rain, snow, and a lot less physically demanding than an employee at the DPW.” Attached is the DPW Director’s letter along with the detail on hours needed to mow and weed whack. CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Editorial Comment: DPW, the City HR Department, and Media like Gardner Magazine have promoted these positions. So if applicants turn jobs down due to pay, there’s only one responsible answer: Vote to increase the pay now and fill the positions before the situation has a detrimental effect on the citizens of the City. And while you’re at it, pay a bonus to existing staff and say THANK YOU!.
- Public Service 8-3-23 (8/5/2023)
Gardner MA Public Service Committee With Various Topics on August 3, 2023
During the Public Service Committee meeting of August 3, 2023, DPW Dane Arnold went in to detail regarding the labor needs DPW. The Committee passed a resolution endorsing salary increases advocated by Arnold. Next step is input from various stakeholders including the unions, a specific request from Mayor Nicholson, and subsequent approval by the City Council. Other matters included water/sewer abatements and other reports.
Listen to the complete meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
- Museum Fair (8/5/2023)
HUGE Craft Fair Comes to Gardner MA Museum on Saturday, August 12, 2023 – 10am to 4pm
The 2nd Annual Craft Fair at the Gardner Museum on Pearl Street in Gardner is Saturday, August 12, 2023 from 10am to 4pm (rain date August 13th). A huge assortment of craft vendors is sure to draw a crowd and includes jewelry, handmade ceramics, handmade wreaths and decorations, wooden floral arrangements, hand-carved wood caricatures, dungaree bags, sport towels, dog bandanas and collars, gnomes, soy candles and framed pebble art, lap blankets and holiday items, quilts, pot holders, totes, yarn wreaths, tabletop items tshirts, and hair items.
There will be a Museum Gift Shop table and a raffle table with donated items including a wide assortment of gift certificates.
Tata’s Fonda will be there at lunch time (11:30-2:30) with their delicious food truck.
Dog Bandanas and Collars to be sold at Craft Fair
- Water 8-5-23 (8/5/2023)
Streamflow Above Normal – Shouldn’t be any Water Restrictions in Greater Gardner MA
In the Greater Gardner MA area, there shouldn’t be any water restrictions. So if your community has one, ask some questions as to why. Here is the objective Stream flow from 10:15am on August 5, 2023 and the long-term Drought Forecast map. Logic says there’s plenty of water, but there have been reports this year of ongoing restrictions when there shouldn’t be, so here are the facts
- Ashbrook Haynes (8/4/2023)
Change of Artist for Saturday’s performance at Monument Park in Gardner MA
Ashbrook Haynes plays Monument Park on Saturday August 5, 2023 from 6pm to 8pm. Rain Date is August 6th from 2-4pm.
Ashbrook Haynes is a last minute entry, as the original band scheduled can’t make the date.
Plenty of parking at Park Street Park and on 1 side of Park Street.
- Mayor’s Update 8-4-23 (8/4/2023)
A Gardner MA Update from the Site of National Night Out
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson updated the Chair City. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update August 4, 2023 The Mayor spoke about National Night Out, the sidewalk paving occurring on Lawrence and Pearl Street, Progress in Downtown Gardner, launch of Wood’s Plus “Swift Ride”, the Craft Fair at The Gardner Museum on Saturday, August 12th, and congratulated Sarah Chesley for 5 years service as a dispatcher.
- Bruce Chester (8/4/2023)
Candidate for State Senate Bruce Chester Interviews with Gardner Magazine
Background: Chester is a 20 year military veteran, educator, and author. He like Jon Zlotnik and 2 others is vying for the Massachusetts State Senate seat made vacant when Ann Gobi took a position in the Healey Administration. We spoke at first about Bruce Chester’s qualifications for the position. We asked Bruce Chester about his views on the issues and he spoke with us on August 3, 2023. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Bruce Chester August 3, 2023 Chester says this is the 3rd time he has run against Jon. Chester says he is a better candidate because “John’s only ever done this job, and I have a myriad of experiences, a myriad of situations. It would make more sense for me to be in this position because I’ve been a family man, I still am….I am more reliable because I’ve gone through stuff….I’m not a career politician and have no desire to be.”
We asked Chester for specifics. He stated that in April 2022, Zlotnik voted against suspending the gas tax for 2 months stating, “I would have voted for that, we are in a wealthy state. We should be spending our money better.” He also criticized Zlotnik for voting against increasing the estate tax threshold from one million to two million, stating, “Once people hear the word million, they think, well, that’s a lot of money. When you’re a small business owner, it really isn’t. It’s not really a lot of money.” Chester thinks the sales tax should go back down to 5%. He also believes train service should come back to Gardner.
We asked Bruce Chester about the past 3 years, what’s been wonderful and what hasn’t been great. He praised efforts re Downtown stating, “always great to see that Downtown Gardner is beginning to come alive again….I’m not here to talk badly about the Mayor. As far as negatives, he stated that “one of the investors is kind of cash strapped, and unfortunately that makes it very precarious for people that want to move in to those apartments…” He spoke about renovating existing buildings in Gardner.
On the Bruce Chester for Senate website he states, “ I need your help to bring back family values and prosperity to Central Massachusetts!” so we asked, “What weaknesses do you currently see in this area with respect to family values And how exactly do you propose to strengthen them?” Chester contradicted his own website stating, “Well, it’s not so much family values that are the issue…I as an educator…is very important for us to service our education and I’ll call it the education industry in a positive manner.”
Bruce Chester emphasized during the interview that he is for the lowest taxes possible and stated of Jon Zlotnik, “So let’s make sure we’re not wasting that tax money And unfortunately, my opponent, I don’t, based on his voting record, doesn’t really look at that way. They just tax and tax and tax and tax, and people. People are suffering because of it” So we followed up asking “Well, let’s be specific. How are people suffering as a result of his voting record?” Chester again spoke of the gas tax and of the extra 4% tax on millionaires, and of raising fees on rideshare services. He did not detail any suffering.
Chester spoke of money being spent which shouldn’t be. He spoke of reading in the paper about a City Council member somewhere who hired her son and gave him a big raise, but he didn’t say where. He stated there was an unneeded position created in City government, “an educational auditor or something, I used to know,”, but didn’t provide any details. He also stated that he’s talked to 5000 people and “only 2 people had good things to say about my opponent.” Before the interview, we had explained to Chester that not only is Zlotnik well liked, but our #1 listened to AUDIO in July was an interview with him. Chester made it very clear that he was against building the new Gardner Elementary School and related a story where he says a teacher had to retire because she had trouble making it from one end of the school to the other. He also stated, “I’m not sure this scooter program they installed in the town was necessarily a good idea.” We explained to Chester that no tax dollars were expended as the scooters are a private business regulated by the City and he changed his opinion stating, “So that’s another business that’s in town, and that’s a good thing. So that’s a good thing.”
Bruce Chester said that if people are happy with Jon Zlotnik, then they don’t understand what is going on, “And again, I don’t want to sit here and disparage John, but I’m just looking at the facts of what he’s actually voted on, and if people are happy with that, I’m not sure they really understand whats going on because Im not happy with it”
We asked Chester how the first year of him as State Senator would be different from the first year of Jon Zlotnik and he stated, “There’s going to be more money in people’s pockets.” A preliminary election is scheduled for October with the regular election in November.
- Night Out After (8/4/2023)
Gardner PD Takes Photos and posts, “What a night out! Our Department and partnering agencies were excited to be with our community for the 10th Annual Greater Gardner National Night Out. Thanks to all the vendors that came out and the Gardner Community Action Team for their amazing work putting this together!” Thanks for the great photos, and more importantly for all the Gardner PD does every day to help save lives in the Chair City!
- Paving Sidewalks (8/3/2023)
Gardner MA Sidewalk Work on Friday August 4, 2023
The Gardner Department of Public Works will be paving the sidewalks on Lawrence Street and Pearl Street on Friday, August 4, 2023. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Please expect traffic delays and use CAUTION around construction area!”
- Electric 2023 (8/3/2023)
Options for Electric Rates in Gardner MA
As of November 1, 2023, the new negotiated rate drops to 14.18 per kWH. See letter from Mayor Michael Nicholson to Gardner City Council, CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner negotiated a 1 year contract last year as Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson believed rates would fall again by this year. Current rate is just under 24 cents, but will drop to 14.18 cents when a new 2 year contract begins on November 1, 2023 and goes through October 31, 2025. By way of historical comparison, from 2019 to 2022, the rate was 13 cents per kWh.
Other rates: A number of options at have 10 companies with rates from 13.57 cents per kWh to about 15 cents per kWh. Note that the slightly lower rates are for a shorter term than the City of Gardner guaranteed rate for 2 years.
To get electric rate options for any community, simply go to the State of MA website, CLICK HERE.
- Tax Holiday (8/2/2023)
Sales Tax Holiday in Greater Gardner MA 2023
On the weekend of Saturday August 12, 2023 and Sunday August 13, 2023, individuals will skip the Massachusetts 6.25% sales tax on items for personal use priced less than $2500. For Complete details from the State of MA, CLICK HERE. All retailers are participating. Meals, gas, tobacco, booze, and pot are still taxable.
So if you’ve been thinking about buying an appliance, television, lumber for your project, or any item costing up to $2500, this is your weekend. And remember, you can spend a Zillion dollars if you want and not pay any sales tax as long as no individual item costs more than $2500 and if the items are for personal use.
- Chesley Honored (8/2/2023)
Gardner MA Officials Honor Dispatcher Sarah Chesley
For the past 5 years, Sarah Chesley has been the lifeline of many people who have called 911. Sarah is on the front lines of public safety as a dispatcher. Thank you Sarah and all of the dedicated people who serve in the Gardner Police and Fire Departments.
Gardner PD posted, “Today, Mayor Nicholson, Chief McAvene, Chief LaGoy, and Communications Director Rossi, presented Dispatcher Chesley with her 5 Year Service Award. Dispatcher Chesley, Congratulations on 5 years of dedicated service to the Citizens of the City of Gardner. We look forward to many more!”
- Wood’s Plus (8/2/2023)
UPDATE: August 2, 2023: Wood’s Plus Services have begun under the service name “Swift Ride.” Wood’s President and CEO Jennifer Wood: “….starts in the city we love with “Swift Ride”, and we are excited about the endless possibilities this has to offer. Stay tuned!” Complete Press Release with details, CLICK HERE.
Call for a “Swift Ride.” (978) 400-9338.
Here’s how “Swift Ride” Works
Call (978) 400-9338 to request same-day service. Service runs 9am to 9pm 7 days a week. Pay $10 total per ride, regardless of the number of passengers picked up from one location Pay with cash, credit and debit cards, Cash App, Google Pay, and Apply Pay. Reserve a ride anywhere within the city limits of Gardner. From City Hall: “Quick to coalesce, the emergence of ride share options in Gardner was the product of months-long, deliberate action on the part of the City’s leaders. In December of last year, the City Council unanimously approved Mayor Nicholson’s proposal to make operating ride share services in Gardner easier, formally codifying the new ordinance into the City Code, and making this week’s developments possible. “
For more information on this company which has served Gardner for almost 7 decades and is 3rd generation family-owned, CLICK HERE for their website – To apply for the driver position, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA is Getting at Least one Taxi from Wood’s Plus
Wood’s Plus is the newest division of Wood’s Ambulance Inc. which currently offers EMT Emergency Ambulance and Chair Car/Med-Van transport services for Gardner, Athol, and surrounding communities in North Central Massachusetts. Wood’s gets our Genuine Gardner designation for paying attention to community needs and creating Wood’s Plus.
Wood’s Plus promises to be a unique model offering a flat fee – UPDATE 8-1-23 from Woods, ” on-demand non-medical transportation available now. Pickup and Destination must be in Gardner.$10.00 Flat fee- Cash, Credit – Hours: 7 days a week | 9:00am – 9:00pm – To request pickup call: (978) 400-9338″ Drivers are getting $15 per hour plus tips.
Based on initial response from the public on Social Media and posts of the past couple of years, there is some need for this service in the community. It is unclear what the vehicles will look like – so we created something cool.
- Circ July 23 (8/2/2023)
Gardner Magazine Releases Circulation Data
Gardner Magazine Unique Circulation exceeds 20,000+ and AUDIO continues to be popular. We have details on this page, CLICK HERE.
- Real 2023 (8/1/2023)
Greater Gardner MA Real Estate Market Update: August 1, 2023
At the end of August last year, Gardner Magazine wrote about home prices and interest rates being up. See article from last year.
Right now while nearby communities are seeing double digit increases in home prices, Gardner prices are similar to last year. And, not all reports are the same as the periods pulled for various statistics at various sources appears to vary slightly. Best advice: If you’re selling, get yourself a good realtor who can pull realistic comps. If you’re buying, know that you are still buying at the top of a market and will be incurring some of the highest interest rates, which means a higher monthly payment, the highest perhaps in more than 2 decades. There are economists who project a market adjustment pushing house prices lower at some point and others who forecast a more stable market. If you buy less house than you can afford, you’ll put yourself in a better spot in case your individual financial circumstances change.
In Gardner, the median home price 2 years ago was $289,000 and $330,000 1 year ago. Today, the median home price is very close to 1 year ago. According to Zillow, the average Gardner MA home is worth $329,763, down .3% over last year. Prices are projected to increase 4.3% in the next year.
According to, the median listing home price in June 2023 was 329.9k, trending up 3.1%. According to Rocket Homes, homes in Gardner have sold for 5% more than they did a year ago. Here are the increases in median sold price in nearby communities: Westminster, 21.2%, Winchendon 18.2%, Baldwinville 4.4%, and Templeton 2.7%.
Interest Rate Changes in the Last Couple of Years Pushing up payments
Interest Rate July 2021: 3% —- Interest Rate July 2022: 6% —- Interest Rate July 2023: 7.25%
Monthly cost of buying a home has increased due to much higher interest rates. With the Feds recent increase in the rate charged to banks during the last week of July 2023, it is possible mortgage rates will increase further. Payment is only principal and interest and does not include any possible mortgage insurance, home insurance, and real estate taxes. July 2021 – 289,000, down payment of 28,900, 30 yr. mortgage of 260,100 at 3 % = 1096.59 —– July 2022 – 330,000 down payment of 33,000 30 yr. mortgage of 297,000 at 6% = 1559.43 —- July 2023 – 329.763, down payment of 32,977 30 yr. mortgage of at 296,786 7.25% = 1774.34
If interest rates were to go to 8%, monthly payment would be: 1905.42 – This is likely the range at which rates will settle based on historical rates around the year 2000 when the Fed rate was similar. However, to put things in perspective, the payment at 17% interest (which was the rate for a period in the 1980s would make the payment on this home 3705.18 monthly.)
- Dinghy Dash (8/1/2023)
Cardboard Boat Regatta Comes to Hubbardston MA in August
Got plenty of cardboard and duct tape? Can you build something which floats? Then you can enter the 6th annual Dinghy Dash Cardboard Boat Regatta coming Saturday August 26, 2023 to Brigham Pond in Hubbardston at 10am
There are 3 categories: Single Occupant Adult, Single Occupant Youth, and Group Vessel. Entry fee of $20 and deadline to enter is August 21st. Each category has a 1st Prize of a $150 gift card and 2nd Place of a $50 gift card.
Dinghy must be made from cardboard and duct tape. No flex seal, styrofoam, or plastic. Must be fashioned after some style of boat. Inspections will be 9-10am. Store bought paddles are allowed. Up to 4 persons in dinghy
Complete Rules and Entry Forms on the Town of Hubbardston website, CLICK HERE. —- For questions, email
- Fall Yard Sale (8/1/2023)
Gardner MA Fall City Wide Yard Sale to be Saturday September 23, 2023
The Gardner Massachusetts Fall City Wide Yard Sale date has been announced as the first Saturday of Fall, September 23, 2023. That day is in fact the first day of Fall this year! This event will be held rain or shine with no rain date like the Spring. Yard sale permit requirement is waived per Mayor Nicholson for 9-23-23 only. To add your name to the map, email organizer Julie Mazza: The deadline to sign up so you get on the map is Thursday September 21st.
We interviewed some Yard Salers in the Spring, CLICK HERE for article
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