Horse Race Track Gardner MA
Proposed Rezoning Gardner MA 4 9 23 vibrant

Horse Racing or Not in Gardner MA?

A number of businesses have inquired about coming to Gardner, including representatives from Suffolk Downs, a horse racing Track.

Councilor Dana Heath told Gardner Magazine that the City of Gardner does not have a preference of one business over another, but that any business can inquire about coming to Gardner. Suffolk Downs is just one business interested. Mayor Nicholson had initially stated in his original proposal for the Route 140 Zoning Change that dozens of businesses had expressed interest in coming to Gardner, but that there was insufficient land available.

City Council candidate Carolyn Kamuda has expressed concerns as she is alarmed by thoughts of a horse racing track in Gardner, does not feel it would be an appropriate business for the City. She wrote a letter to the Gardner City Council about her concerns.

This issue came about as Route 140 Zoning is once again before the City Council. Planning Board will discuss and there will eventually be another public hearing on the subject. Councilor Walsh expressed his concerns at the August 7, 2023 meeting. Councilor Dana Heath responded to those concerns. View article on August 7, 2023 City Council Meeting which also has AUDIO of entire meeting. CLICK HERE

How do people feel about horse racing in their communities?

In a May 2022 referendum in Plymouth MA, 88% of voters said NO. A racing proposal in the town of Hardwick was rejected 830 to 312 earlier this year. In Sturbridge in 2021, a proposal got positive support of 449 to 325, but was rejected as a 2/3 majority was required. In 2020, in Rowley a horse racing track proposal was not pursued further due to a roadblock in buying land and significant opposition by residents. Given these statistics, it is likely that another type of commercial business would have an easier chance for approval in the City of Gardner and that significant opposition to a Horse Racing track should be anticipated.