Editorial – Opinion – Reflection

  • Election Apology
    Album Cover Election Apology Song
    Election Apology Song

  • Threshold of 3
    The Threshold of 3 1380

  • Throne of Shame
    Throne of Shame
    NOVELTY SONG – Throne of Shame

  • 18 HR. Commentary
    18 Hour Trade War
    18 Hour Trade War Commentary
    18 Hour Trade War song

  • Bring Critical
    Gardner Magazine Editorial Collage

  • City of Grace
    Gardner City of Grace 1380

  • Homeless Commentary
    Homeless Resources 1380 green
    Homeless Resources 12-19-24

  • The Grants
    75k vs 20 million investment
    Nicholson on Grants

  • Pinocchio Paul
    Pinocchio Paul The Lying SOB
    Pinocchio Paul is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER which bears no resemblance to any person, living or dead.

  • Election Editorial
    Election Editorial Collage
    recount percentage

  • Fake Social
    Fake News Social Media An Editorial

  • Waterford Fact
    Scott Graves at Council Chamber in July 2024

  • No Teleprompter
    No Teleprompter Commentary with Werner Poegel

  • Heywood 2107
    Heywood Hospital Future Rendering

  • GAAMHA 9-27-24
    gaamha college 9 27 24
    Gaamha Commentary 9-27-24

  • Compliments
    Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Rachael Roberts Katherine Jablonski
    Rachael Roberts – Michael Nicholson – Katherine Jablonski
    Commentary 9-19-24

  • Social Ridiculous
    Journey to Ridiculous Social Media Undercover

  • Commentary 8-30-24
    Commentary Fentanyl and Drug Overdoses Werner Poegel
    Commentary 8-30-24

  • Magazine Milestone
    WebTech Online Neon

  • Path from Here
    Commentary Path from Here with Werner Poegel
    Editorial with Walter C. 8-3-24

  • Route 140 Survivor
    Traffic on Route 140 July 26 2024

  • 5 Years
    Commentary the 5th Year

  • Commentary 7-21-24
    Horse Racetrack Commentary 7 21 24
    Racetrack Commentary – Making Sense of It

  • Commentary 7-12-24
    Commentary Common Sense on the Racetrack
    Commentary: Common Sense on the Racetrack 7-12-24

  • Fake Social Meda
    Werner Poegel 6-5-24

  • Commentary – Excellence
    Commentary Excellence in Gardner
    Commentary on Excellence 5-24-24

  • Blake 5-17-2
    Kimberly Blake
    Editorial re Blake 5-17-24

  • Crazy Social Media
    WGAW Hotline Radio 5 11 24
    Steve Wendell 5-11-24

  • Facebook Commentary
    Commentary on Problem Facebook Posts
    Commentary – Werner Poegel 5-2-24

  • Editorial – Facebook
    Fake News Victim

  • Scales of Justice
    Scales of Justice Werner Poegel Commentary
    Scales of Justice – Werner Poegel

  • Happy Puppy
    National Puppy Day March 23 2024

  • The Twenty
    Fake Bill

  • Freebies 2024
    Freebie King or Queen 2024
    Commentary FREEBIE “King” or “Queen” 2024

  • Common Sense
    Commentary Energy Border Cyber Security 1200
    Commentary – Common Sense – Werner Poegel

  • Fictional Theater 2
    Gardner Magazine Fictional Theater Episode 2 The Confessional

  • Magazine Tour
    Gardner Magazine AUDIO Tour
    Audio Tour – Voice of Mel

  • 1000 Videos
    City of Transparency Gardner MA 1200 rev wider res

  • Interesting Rules
    Interesting Rules in Gardner
    Colonel Thomas Gardner 1200
    Crystal 11
    You Can’t be in a City Park from Sunset until 8am without permission from Director of Public Works.
    Interesting Rules in Gardner – 2-14-24
  • Good Things
    So Many Good Things The City of Gardner MA without text

  • Insta Minutes
    Editorial Insta Minutes False Allegations

  • January 20th
    January 20 2024 Collage
    January 20th – a Day of Many Days

  • Pennington Search
    Aaron Pennington Photo 10 11 23 enhanced

  • Homeless Help
    Homeless Merry Christmas

  • Share City
    Share City

  • Mashed Potato
    Story of Pauly Potato

  • Birthday Mike
    Birthday cake for Mike

    The Mayor of Gardner Massachusetts, Michael Nicholson is 29 on September 24, 2023. He has helped the City of Gardner become well-known across Massachusetts and the nation. Gardner has become a Model City for America.

    Editorial – Happy Birthday from Gardner MA to Mayor Mike

    To the Mayor of Twenty-Nine
    Who’s helped his City Shine.
    Known in the State and D.C. too.
    This was because of you.
    3 Years a Perfect Federal Audit
    Citizens say thanks and applaud it.
    A cheapo you are with taxpayer money
    At finding grants like a fertile bunny.
    You attacked the blight with a surgical sword
    A more beautiful Downtown just one reward.
    You welcomed companies wanting to invest.
    Now the City of Gardner is truly blessed.
    To people under served you gave attention
    From Schools to Violence to Drug prevention.
    You prepared Gardner for future development
    Upgrading technology and daily management
    Using the hands of multi-project juggler
    Music to completion as an expert bugler
    From one side of the City to the other
    Each person treated like sister or brother.
    Happy Birthday to the Mayor who gets things done.
    Some projects, some measures are not yet won.
    So to all who will see this posted right here.
    Best gift to Mayor Mike is a vote this year.

  • Explaining Confusion
    Route 140 Zoning and Water Protection Area
    Route 140 zoom in
    Route 140 is the black line – parcels were not shown on City map as protected.

    Editorial – Clarity Needed for Future

    With the recent debate over Route 140 Zoning on 2 parcels, there is some ambiguity left as to other parcels. We suggest a careful inspection of every parcel as to “Open Space” protection . For example, we just pulled up this map from the City of Gardner database. The purple line is around the water protection area. You’ll notice some areas not within the line are claimed to be protected. That may very well be why the original proposal was made with the honest belief the land could be used as commercial even though others thought differently. Solution now is update official records accurately after researching data. Review all parcels in City as to intended use and document for benefit of future generations.

    The Mayor is right. Councilor Dana Heath and other Councilors are right. Gardner needs more business to help lower taxes for its residents. It needs to make the best use of its existing buildings. The current Mayor has helped to bring in business and get blighted properties back on the tax rolls. And the citizens are right. Land needs to be examined and used for the highest, best use. In some cases, that would be a new commercial business. In other cases, that may be nothing but open space with a view to the sky. We are so fortunate the City of Gardner has room for both visions.

    Who owns What in Route 140 area? (Near Winchendon line) – City owns 653 acres – GAAMHA Inc. owns 115 acres – Private Homes are marked as HOME and small parcels of vacant land are marked as LAND. The online Map database can be explored. CLICK HERE.

    Land Parcels near Route 140 in Gardner MA

  • Marijuana Deadly
    Marijuana Grim Reaper

    The Gardner City Council has before it a measure which would increase the number of allowed marijuana establishments in Gardner. Benefits to Gardner would include increased tax revenue from the added establishments. However, approval would almost certainly result in harm to the public health, considering the studies profiled by respected DailyMail.com which we have quoted here.

    So there is no doubt: Here’s the official U.S. Government source listing the dangers of marijuana: CLICK HERE.

    Need more proof? From the National Institute of Drug Abuse: CLICK HERE.

    Need even more proof of the dangers. This is from Web MD: CLICK HERE

    A reader shared this link to an article in the Worcester Business Journal – CLICK HERE.

    Teens Losing IQ Points —- Florida Deaths from Cannabis —- Marijuana Overdose Fatalities —- Legalization, more opioid deaths —- From the CDC

    Recent Studies May Affect City Council Vote on Increasing Number of Marijuana Establishments in the Chair City of Gardner MA

    Before the truth was known, television, radio, and magazine ads touted the health benefits of cigarettes. Similarly, marijuana has been touted a a benign drug. Turns out studies show this is a lie too. According to DailyMail.com, the number of adults using marijuana has doubled to 40 million in the last 10 years.(about 1 in 8 members of the U.S. population) Partly because of the increased potency in the current drug, its use has become increasingly dangerous and “can be a death sentence in pregnant users” The article lays bare the health effects of weed and why expanding the number of marijuana establishments in Gardner would be foolish and dangerous to public health. CLICK HERE. Information is confirmed by 3 other sources. See left column.

    Aside from the very real benefits to cancer patients and MS patients, marijuana has been proven extremely dangerous.

    The List of Proven Marijuana Dangers
    Marijuana is behind 3 in 10 schizophrenia cases
    Chronic use quadruples risk of bipolar disorder
    Regular use disrupts balance of neurotransmitters which regulate mood and motivation
    High-potency marijuana vapes have been causing psychotic breaks, suicidal thoughts, and deaths by suicide
    Those with depression who use it for calming abilities often get opposite effect.
    Research shows over 20 percent of users become addicted
    Marijuana users have double the rate of insomnia
    Pregnant users have 70 percent higher risk of having baby with major birth defects and 15% increased risk of stillbirth, and 85% higher risk of premature birth.
    Marijuana use contributes to coronary artery disease because it causes heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. Also increases risk of clots.
    Three quarters of marijuana smokers get emphysema which is worse than the 2/3 of tobacco users who get the disease. Only 5% of non-smokers get emphysema.
    Teens who smoke marijuana heavily lose IQ points – literally becoming dumber. And those who quit as adults don’t get all their smarts back. Read more.

    Publisher’s note: There are contrary studies out there presumably funded by the industry which tout the safety of marijuana. There are even those who propose the legalization of all drugs. But as the battle against drug overdose deaths continues locally, the dangers of any drug must be taken seriously. Addiction is a lifelong illness. Help is available. GAAMHA is an excellent local resource. —- The Gardner Community Action Team can also help, CLICK HERE.

  • Big Picture
    Work the Big Picture on Labor Day

    Happy Labor Day to all who work on behalf of their communities or their families. Many work very hard under the radar, while we benefit from their labors. On Labor Day, we hope you take a few minutes to relax a bit and crack a smile.

    Editorial: Understanding the Big Picture on Occasion of Labor Day

    To the Mayor of Gardner, Michael Nicholson who is constantly pushing ahead for the benefit of Gardner and has the courage to proceed knowing some ideas may fail. To the businesses who put in the work to become successful in the Chair City. To the masters of local industry who have put Gardner on the map. To members of the Gardner Team such as the DPW workers who worked overtime this summer to keep the grass mowed. To the Moms and Dads who provide for their families. To the volunteers out there who receive no compensation for their efforts. To Police and Fire for keeping us safe. To healthcare workers for keeping us well. To those with the courage to try, as positive impact to the community comes from those who care enough to make the effort in spite of criticism and who realize that the price of great success is a few failures along the way. Happy Labor Day, Monday, September 4, 2023.

    Gardner is succeeding because of hard work in being transparent with citizens such as availability of documents, meetings, and weekly updates. Gardner is succeeding because of hard work to get noticed by those who can benefit the City whether at the State or Federal level. Gardner is succeeding because even its leaders are willing to help others via work with non-profits. This is the Big Picture of hard work in Gardner. A day off for Labor Day is well deserved. Thank you all. You are appreciated!

  • Ethics – Transparency

    How important is this issue?

    Kamuda Candidate for City Council AUDIO Interview: 10,887 listens as of 8/29/23

    Mayor Nicholson 8-11-23 AUDIO Update: 8,548 listens as of 8/29/23

    3 Years Mayor Nicholson AUDIO interview: 4,101 listens as of 8/29/23

    Bay State Racing AUDIO Interview: 3,888 listens as of 8/29/23

    These numbers include listens from August 2023 only. Based on our records from the past 2 years, this issue is a very important one for both those in favor and opposed. Our pages and articles regarding the issue and anything related have received a high amount of traffic.

    Editorial – The Ethics of Transparency Playing Out in Gardner MA

    On August 29, 2023, this Publisher did not hesitate to call out the CEO of a local business organization when the information imparted to us was not accurate or fair to a member business. This is the role of a trusted publication like Gardner Magazine. We try to tell it like it is. Unfortunately, that sometimes ruffles some feathers.

    Local Land – Zoning Issue

    I’m writing this at 4:20am on August 30, 2023 . I woke up really troubled by another example of the ethics of transparency. The citizens of Gardner are awaiting information regarding a local land issue. The same business impacted above wants to build in Gardner and is spending money towards that effort. At the same time, citizens opposed are spending money making lawn signs, creating graphics, and taking time away from friends and family on an issue which concerns them.

    What if the outcome is known? What if there is information given to City Officials which would immediately settle the issue, one way or the other? We say the ethics of transparency call for immediate disclosure to the public. No waiting until the next City Council meeting even if its only a few days away. No waiting until the next Planning Board meeting even if its only a couple weeks away. The Ethics of Transparency call for immediate disclosure, even if it’s not convenient. Disclosure is not a choice, it’s an obligation. And we urge that obligation be taken seriously without deliberation and without consideration of what timing would be best. True and pure transparency does not a jury need – it only needs to value the public’s right to know more than personal convenience.

    Werner Poegel, Publisher.

  • Flowers
    Flowers which are red and yellow

    Editorial: The Gardner Magazine Zoning Plan – It’s a Blooming Nutty Idea

    OK, so everyone is talking about zoning for the parcels on Route 140 in Gardner MA. So we’re throwing out another idea, rather nutty, and I’m the one who thought of it.

    Zone the parcels as “Beautiful Flowers Only” – Get the most beautiful flowers from everywhere in the country and plant them there. It will drive tourism to Gardner and what a beautiful sight for hikers.

    Do you and 9 other citizens have a better idea as to how these parcels should be zoned? Well, make a request to the Gardner City Council and the Planning Board will then have to consider it.

  • Parcels – Rumors
    Business Wish List

    So Many Possibilities of Commercial Businesses Wanting to Come to Gardner MA

    Should commercial land become available in Gardner, there are dozens of businesses which may be interested. Our Business Wish List page now has a gallery of possibilities. CLICK HERE If you’d like to hear the Mayor’s Update at the starting point of his explanation on the Zoning Process – the complete and correct explanation, CLICK PLAY on any device.

    Zoning Process 8-11-23 Mayor Michael Nicholson

  • Racetrack Angst

    Publisher believes the reality of Horse Racing in Gardner is a longshot. Other business ideas probably would rate higher on “best interest of City” scale.

    Editorial – Why Council Members and the Mayor Can’t Pre-judge a Proposal

    Whether it’s a Horse Racing Track, a space museum, or robot factory, any business has a right by law to respond to a request for proposal. Part 1 covers what they propose to do with the property and Part 2 covers how much they’re willing to pay for it. Massachusetts Law requires the Mayor to consider proposals based on what is in the best interests of the City. If he were to publicly say YES or NO in favor of one idea or another, it would not be fair to all bidders who rightly expect a complete and fair review. With that said, there is a history of Horse Racing proposals being rejected by many communities for a variety of reasons so my suggestion is this: If ultimately the property becomes available as commercial land, make sure other parties propose something which is better for the City and you won’t have to worry about Horse Racing. Additionally: They should consider what businesses residents think we actually need and what’s in the best interest of the City – and, they are already required to do that under the law. So, is there really a problem or is it Social Media nonsense yet again?

  • Circ July 23
    gardner magazine circulation 1200

    Gardner Magazine Releases Circulation Data

    Gardner Magazine Unique Circulation exceeds 20,000+ and AUDIO continues to be popular. We have details on this page, CLICK HERE.

  • Observed from Afar
    Observed from Afar

    Editorial: Everyone Has Their Eyes on Gardner MA and what this man is up to….

    This man was often masked during his first days in office in 2020. People could not see his smile as Gardner conducted one of the most effective vaccine operations in the State. And behind closed doors, this man made a list and used his time efficiently in planning to fix some long standing issues: A Downtown with buildings in need of revitalization. City-owned buildings which were off the tax rolls and falling apart. Projects in need of funding. Roads in need of more money. Citizens in need of services. Students at risk from not being in school. Now unmasked, the positive progress is quantifiable and transparently viewable, even from afar. People know where Gardner is and speak of the Chair City fondly.

    Gardner is in the 4th year of a better age. Its success is fueled by common sense, competency, and a willingness to think outside of the box. Gardner is being seen on viewscreens very far away, and what they see is good. Our best wishes to Mayor Michael Nicholson and the Team now and in the years ahead.

  • Gardner Fix It 2

    Gardner MA Still Has “Fix It Fever”

    In July 2022, we reported on this contagious condition and are pleased to report that there has been no cure. Show your support and post this on your wall. “I Caught Fix It Fever Gardner MA” Printable pdf

    Positive Consequences of the “Fix It Fever” Phenomenon in the Chair City.
    A growing list of Projects are in progress with grant, investor, and taxpayer money with great results.
    Roads, sidewalks, and storefronts, and lighting have seen physical and aesthetic improvements.
    Entire buildings and facades have been getting complete overhauls to the delight of the community.
    Parks are being constructed and more work is planned. Example, Park Street Park.
    Art and Music support has increased and an Art and Music Center is in the works.
    A decline in Business Growth has been reversed with positive increases reported.
    A proactive effort is being made to improve various life issues in tangible ways..

    What’s happening in Gardner one year later? “Fix It Fever” is more contagious than ever. Everybody’s noticing it and everybody likes it. Gardner MA doesn’t need a cure for “Fix it Fever.” The blessings it brings continue to improve Gardner as a great place to Live, Work, Play, and Visit.

  • DPW Openings
    Exciting DPW Job Openings

    Gardner MA Acclaimed DPW Department has Openings

    It is Gardner’s “Much Loved” Department because it fixes the roads, plows the streets, mows the lawns does the digging, changes the bulbs, makes the signs, and helps so many. And good news, there are openings! There are currently 3 types of positions open: DPW Mechanic who performs skilled repair and maintenance of motor equipment and more, DPW Laborer who performs a variety of labor duties and gets to be outside in the fresh air a lot, DPW Truck Driver who operates any piece of motor driven equipment.

    These are prestigious positions which help keep the City of Gardner going at so many levels, offering tremendous job satisfaction, and come with benefits which increase the effective hourly rate. View the jobs with links to full descriptions and how to apply right here.

  • Bristles on the Backside
    Bristles on the Backside Fictional Play

    Gardner Magazine Debuts “Bristles on the Backside” Fictional Play

    The short play follows a Fictional City Hall scandal from beginning to resolution. No backsides were harmed in the production of the play. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Bristles on the Backside – Fictional Play – 7-4-23

    Included are characters playing people from the Mayor’s office, City Councilors, Chiefs McAvene and Lagoy, Conservation Agent Sophie Dorow, Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa, City Auditor John Richard, City Solicitor John Flick, Directors Dane Arnold, Trevor Beauregard, and Mike Ellis, Prevention Coordinator Veronica Patty, and City Clerk Titi Siriphan.

    hard toilet paper
    Bristles on the Backside

  • Aliens – City Hall
    Aliens at Gardner City Hall 6 29 23

    Aliens Shown in Photo of Summer Kickoff in Gardner MA Weren’t There…

    Yes, it looks like the child at left and the woman are looking at the alien. However, the extra-terrestrials are there only through our use of technical wizardry.

    With today’s technology, photos, videos, and audio can be created of events which never happened.

    So if you encounter something which looks fishy, don’t believe it right away. Healthy skepticism has saved many people from being scammed.

    View a High Res version of image to see if you can spot the edits. CLICK HERE.

  • Penguins
    King Penguins in Falkland Islands

    Penguins Spotted Having Conversation – Is it about Gardner MA?

    Gardner Magazine is willing to concede that these King Penguins may not be talking about Gardner. However, with everyone else praising the progress in the Chair City, is it really that much of a stretch?

  • Sizzling Summer
    Sizzling Summer Saturday 2023

    Coming Up: Chair City Summer Kickoff Thursday June 29, 2023 —- Food Truck Festival Saturday July 8, 2023 —- Summer Centennial Celebration Saturday July 22, 2023.

    Our Reflections on a Sizzling Summer Saturday in Gardner MA

    The weather was far from perfect on Saturday, June 24, 2023, but the people couldn’t have been closer to perfection.

    Downtown Businesses showed their Yankee strength and strove on with enclosures for the rain. Downtown restaurants served delicious meals to eager customers.

    The Gardner CAC collected jars of peanut butter for their Food Drive.

    The Kendall Pond Betterment Association put on a Fireworks show to celebrate Gardner’s 238th birthday and Centennial as a City.

    Gardner Mayor Nicholson was in Downtown playing with a huge snake. Gardner Magazine wonders what is harder? Handling a real snake or navigating the outside agencies he must in order to bring funding in to the City.

    Of course, a big highlight of Saturday was the absolutely sizzling artwork presented by hundreds of students from Gardner Elementary School. It graced the Downtown. Theresa Thompson of the Centennial Committee took a photo of the contest winners who each took home a gift basket.

    It may not have been a perfect weather day, but when Gardner gets together as a community, it’s about as close to perfect as it can get. And that is always worth celebrating….

  • Corner Disney
    Disney Portraits of the Corner Office rev

    Disney Portraits of Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, Executive Aide Colin Smith, and Executive Assistant Rachael Roberts

    Editorial: A Week in Gardner MA out of a Disney Script

    In Disney Movies, everything seems to go right sometimes. Such was the week in Gardner Massachusetts. Straight off the 3rd year of a perfect audit, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and his team including City Auditor John Richard prepared the budget so well it received no opposition from the Gardner City Council despite the scrutiny of various Committees. A job well done. The Ribbon Cutting at the Gardner Elementary School was a cause for celebration as the City has its first school in 100 years built for kids k-6. Various Park Improvements continue. Renovations are underway in Downtown as flowers are blooming. Upcoming music events were highlighted. And behind the scenes the team in the corner office is working on greater support for Art in the Chair City. Yes, some weeks things just seem to go right….

  • Light On
    The Light is On in Gardner

    The Light is On in Gardner MA and the Future is Bright

    The Gardner DPW is Hanging Lights in Downtown Gardner to brighten it up for the summer. This action inspired the Gardner Magazine production of “The Light is on in Gardner” featuring over a dozen different musical artists and an uplifting narrative. Listen on any device to this CD quality production. CLICK PLAY

    The Light is On in Gardner

    The City of Gardner is a shining beacon of promise in Central Massachusetts and this production literally in vocals of light showcases the Chair City’s positive values. More is coming to the Great Chair City of Gardner. From parks and recreation, to arts and music. Increased health care. Businesses you want. Industries providing jobs.

    Spread the word. Gardner is in the light. And the future is bright. So much is within reach. So much is within sight.

  • Accolades
    Accolades Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson

    Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Accumulating Accolades

    Mayor Nicholson of Gardner has a long list of adjectives, nouns, and verbs to his credit. The latest is being named one of this year’s Power 50 by the Worcester Business Journal. See Press Release, CLICK HERE.

    The Mayor stated, “I’m extremely proud of all we’ve accomplished in Gardner in just a few short years. My team and I have worked to turn distressed areas into the promise of tomorrow, brought life into areas that were run down, invested in our education and infrastructure more than we ever have before, and we’ve put Gardner on the map as an up and coming community, one that will bring a revitalized area, a place people will want to live and work. But we still have a lot of work left to do- and I can’t wait.”

    Mayor Nicholson has announced his intention to run for reelection.

  • Confirmed 2023
    Only Candidate So Far

    Gardner MA City Clerk’s office Reports No Candidates Yet

    As of Friday, May 5, 2023, there are no official candidates for any office in the upcoming Gardner election. Positions coming up for vote are Mayor, City Council, and School Committee. 50 certified signatures are required to get on the ballot. So far, according to the Gardner City Clerk’s office, there are no candidates. If this trend continues, the only thing in the voting booth this Fall might be a cuddly teddy bear.

    Don’t worry, candidates have until 5pm on August 15, 2023 to submit signatures. In 100 years as a City, we don’t know of Gardner ever having had an election without candidates. Gardner Election and Candidate Details on pdf, click here.

    Previous article on Elections 2023, click here

  • Meeting Sense
    Common Sense Meetings

    Common sense is sound, practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by nearly all people.

    EDITORIAL – Common Sense Solution to Open Meeting Law Concerns and Worries

    Gardner Magazine reached out informally to a contact at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office. In my view, for some time, Gardner has opened itself up to potential violations when a few simple changes could avoid ALL problems. Based on an exchange with my contact, here’s my suggestions.

    Councilor Walsh was simply being prudent. Most likely there is NO PROBLEM. However, I make the following common sense suggestions 1. If a group of Councilors want an item on the agenda (5 or less so it’s not a quorum) send the request to the Clerk’s office for inclusion on the agenda and discuss only at the Open Meeting. Don’t even email a meeting agenda, make Councilors get it from the same section on the website as the public. 2. Get rid of the very silly “New Business” and have an “Unanticipated Topics” section instead. If someone attempts to speak on something which clearly could have been anticipated, either the Council President or another Councilor could raise a point of order, suggesting that the matter be posted for discussion at the next meeting. Simple common sense changes, NO MORE POTENTIAL PROBLEMS. Sometimes a little common sense is the easiest solution. And common sense doesn’t cost anything.

  • Paraphrased in Error
    Paraphrasing Is Not Fact

    Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel Victim of Paraphrasing

    There is a difference in our journalism here. It is fundamentally positive. But more than that, it is intended to be 100 percent accurate. We publish the actual AUDIO of meetings and the entirety of Press Releases so there is no question as to the intent of the people involved. However, at a Joint Public Hearing of the Gardner Planning Board and City Council, I spoke in support of the Mayor’s Route 140 Zoning Proposal stating, “The Planning Board did not act with common sense in this matter”. However, in an article authored by Stephen Landry in the Gardner News the following false statement was made “Werner Poegel of Templeton said the Planning Board, which had previously voted unanimously to not recommend the proposed zoning changes, did not act with the city’s best interests in mind when coming to its decision.” I reached out to the reporter stating that in my opinion, “People can exercise what in the opinion of others is bad judgment while still in their view acting in the City’s best interests.”

    The Reporter’s Response

    The reporter emailed back and wrote, “I didn’t quote you, I paraphrased you. You said Winchendon and Templeton acted too slow, ergo it would be in the city’s best interest to vote the other way. “I wrote back to the reporter, “Give me a break.  You didn’t use quotes but you said I said something I didn’t say.  You used the words “Werner Poegel of Templeton said…” You made it seem that I said the Planning Board did not act with the city’s best interests in mind and I disagree with that statement.   What you don’t understand is people can believe they are acting in the best interest of the City, but be taking the wrong action in the opinion of others. I wrote to the reporter,”So where do we go from here?   Do you issue a retraction or do I have to call you out on my site?” The reporter responded in an email,” Do what you have to do” Had the position been reversed, we would have immediately corrected our error and don’t understand why he would not do so.

    Publisher’s Comment

    At Gardner Magazine, we believe in accurately quoting people. We make every effort not to paraphrase, as just in the case of my own situation here, it can result in inaccuracy. In this case, I had to reach out to the Planning Board to make them aware I was not criticizing their intentions, but only disagreeing with their conclusions. There is a fundamental difference as I believe all of the members of the Planning Board have the best interests of Gardner in mind when making their decisions. We do hope that their final recommendation is to support Mayor Nicholson’s position on the Route 140 Zoning change when they reconsider and reevaluate the facts.

    Responsible Paraphrasing

    Now how would my statement have been responsibly paraphrased? There is an online AI tool called quillbot.com which took my statement, “ The Planning Board did not act with common sense in this matter” and restated it as “The Planning Board handled this situation without using common sense.” As you can see, it is not exactly the same, but it does not erroneously change my statement to make it appear I was judging the intent of the Planning Board.

    Final Comment

    We believe the Gardner News is a fine publication and that Stephen Landry is a fine reporter. However, we fundamentally disagree with some of their approaches and would have preferred not to be forced into making a public big deal of this. I am smart enough to recognize that I approach life with my unique lens and have a built-in bias even though I don’t intend it. Therefore, I believe that by publishing Press Releases in their entirety,(usually in PDF format) and by publishing the actual AUDIO of interviews and the AUDIO of various meetings, we do a much better public service. Werner Poegel, Publisher.

  • Zoning Change
    Route 140 Zoning Change Editorial

    Editorial – Gardner MA – Route 140 Proposed Zoning Change Is Common Sense Choice

    Approval of Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Route 140 Zoning Change proposal is simple common sense. Since being sworn in, the Mayor has looked at properties throughout the City in an effort for them to have their “best use”. The Development Department has been active in recruiting new property owners to renovate blighted properties. Unused City properties have been put up for sale to get them back on the tax rolls. Maki Park and Park Street Park have been authorized to provide additional recreational space. The City is getting State help to market the former Garbose Metal site.

    Business Interest in Gardner

    There’s been lots of interest from companies who want to come to Gardner, but need more land than is currently available. This change would not only mitigate that problem, but also allay concerns over too much potential future residential development in the Route 140 area which would have an actual adverse environmental and safety impact, and create a strain on City resources. In our opinion, the Planning Board erred in not recommending the Route 140 zoning change. This is something the Gardner City Council can correct on Monday. To the citizens of Gardner: Mayor Nicholson has proven he has your back – we all can see the changes for the better. Show your support by showing up at the Public Hearing Monday, April 3, 2023 at 6:30pm and speak in favor of Common Sense.

  • Official SuperHeroes
    Superhero Officials 3 26 23

    Editorial: Who Are They Really – Gardner’s Top Officials & Staff of the Corner Office

    Sometimes you just have to sit back and think a little bit. And then, like a light bulb emanating intelligence it becomes clear. Things are not what they seem. Mere humans could not have aided Gardner’s phenomenal growth and entrance into new found prosperity and excellence in the past couple years.

    So I ask, who are they really? Is Council President Kazinskas really Batwoman, is Mayor Michael Nicholson Superman, is Executive Aide Colin Smith, the Flash, and is Rachael Roberts Wonder Woman? It can’t possibly be that they are simply good at their jobs and are part of a team of everyday SuperHeroes, answering the Chair City call to success. No that can’t be it. Who are they…I mean…really?

    When you see each of these people this week, ask them, who are they really?

  • Comics Page
    Comics page collage

    Gardner Magazine Comics Page Makes Fun of Well Known People and More….

    President Trump as an Athlete. President Biden as an Oilman. Kamala Harris and her Yellow School Bus. Trump and Putin. What if Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden opened a burger joint or a hot dog stand? See President Trump as a Nanny. See Ronald Regan, the Past – Present – and future together. Jimmy Carter. A Super K9 Dog. President Biden and his clone. Of course, President Trump with a huge burger and fries. Alex Trebek. Abraham Lincoln. All in good fun, some completely ridiculous! All and more on our Comics page. CLICK HERE

  • $6,000,000 Yes
    The 6 Million Dollar Yes

    EDITORIAL: Gardner MA City Council Funding Approval

    EDITORIAL: In what could be the biggest investment bargain in Municipal Government History, the Gardner City Council has approved Mayor Michael Nicholson’s request for $60,000.

    The money will be used to hire a 3rd party to go after EXTRA grants which current staff does not have sufficient manpower to pursue.. The City will pay for the time involved. With so many grant opportunities out there which could have fallen through the cracks, we predict this could be a $6 million Yes and a potentially huge return on investment. The City will receive monthly updates so we’ll all know very soon whether the idea is a stroke of genius like we think or a big flop. My bet is on the Chair City every time. We applaud the Gardner City Council for carefully considering and ultimately approving the Mayor’s idea. Werner Poegel, Publisher Detailed in City Council meeting article of March 6, 2023Here is the Scope of Assistance Plan

  • Shoe Sizes
    Impact of Shoes

    EDITORIAL: Impact of Shoe Sizes on the City of Gardner MA

    Gardner Magazine chooses not to publish the salaries of all City Employees because we see no useful purpose in it. However, we will say that it is great that Gardner is finally getting close to having competitive pay for talented individuals such as Gardner’s School Superintendent who arguably has done an awesome job in lifting up Gardner Education to its highest level in decades, those in Public Safety who keep residents safe everyday, those talented in Government who have helped to lift Gardner out of its malaise, and those gifted teachers who have earned higher pay by staying with the Gardner School system. Worth every penny in my opinion.

    More important is the Impact of Shoes. My freedom of information request would be to get the shoe size of everyone in the employ of the City. After all, bigger feet must wear City floors and carpets more and perhaps these individuals should be taxed for this benefit. (LOL). Positive reporting is what you’ll get out of Gardner Magazine. And we make no apologies for it. Werner Poegel, Publisher.

  • Watermelon
    The Wonder of Watermelon

    The Wonder of Watermelon in Greater Gardner MA

    A cup of it is less than 50 calories, has Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and more of the powerful antioxidant lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. And watermelon is 92 percent water.

    So why randomly think about the Wonder of Watermelon in the middle of January? Well, some of our readers are having pizza today, snacking on chips, or scoffing down a burger. So why not think of watermelon anyway? It just might make you think of something else which is healthy, nutritious, and awesome.

  • Uncensored 1000
    Gardner MA Uncensored 1000 Members

    Gardner MA: Uncensored Reaches Membership Goal of More than 1000 Members

    When one popular Facebook group shut down last Fall, Gardner Magazine promised to promote a replacement. On January 3, 2023, at the time of our article on Gardner MA: Uncensored, the group had 731 members. It now has 1000 as of January 16, 2023 about 10am. Want to join? Here’s a link to the group.

  • Lessons: Gardner History
    City of Gardner Dates

    Gardner MA History has many Lessons for its Future

    Our article covers key dates in Gardner’s history, the business of chairs from 1805 to today, the location of Gardner Government, the Changing Schools, Pride in the Schools including Gardner’s Class Song lyrics of 1923, Recreation, Music in the Community and in the Schools, the Changing Library, the Changing Police Station and Fire Station needs, Getting the mail, Medical in the Community, Transportation, Business, and the Environment. Complete Article, click here.

    Listen to the presentation on any device, Click Play.

    Lessons of Gardner History

  • Single Tax Rate

    Editorial: Support of Single Tax Rate for Chair City of Gardner Massachusetts

    I support a Single Tax Rate for the City of Gardner because I believe success should be rewarded.

    Throughout the State of Mass, some cities have allowed a split rate to pass. However, the only thing I see, is this has caused many businesses to flee. Where others have closed doors to progress, Gardner is open for success. Mayor Nicholson and his team. City Council members, to public acclaim.
    The Commonwealth and Uncle Sam, have released grants like an open dam. Because the Chair City gets it. If you want business, you must earn it. Gardner Public Schools is drawing companies, by enhancing kids opportunities. And Gardner has not been greedy, levying less, with thanks from the needy.
    When the business climate is strong, it’s always a winning song.
    Please stick with a single rate, success will reward you from this date. If this City were a movie, an Academy Award would come from its story. Support the Board of Assessors wishes. It’s like stocking a pond with business fishes. It’s simply better bait, so say yes on this date, to a single rate.
    And one more thing, Gardner’s a pretty great place. Thank you.
  • Gardner City “All”
    Gardner City Hall All 11 22 22
    Gardner MA City Hall as Gardner City “All”

    Editorial: Thanks to All

    In our What’s Next interview, Mayor Nicholson tells a story about how a simple changing of light bulbs restored some lighting ,”is there actually a lot simpler resolution to the problem than we thought it was?.” So I decided to follow his example and let a simple picture tell me everything. Where it not for Gardner Square Two arranging for these lights and decorations, I would not have realized that Gardner City Hall is actually “Gardner City All”. The angle of the picture I needed to take to show the lights revealed everything about people working together in this great community.

    In this week of Thanksgiving, we thank all, including Almighty God for revealing life’s most important mysteries to us – sometimes it’s just that simple. Werner Poegel, Publisher.


  • Corner Office
    Corner Office Colin Smiths Notes
    Colin Smith’s Notes

    What Really Goes on in the Gardner MA Mayor’s Office?

    We have it bugged with a comic strip camera which records some elements of reality. It’s a salute to the hustle and bustle and a Happy Thanksgiving wish to the Corner Office. Here’s our list of 50 specific thank yous.

    CLICK on any IMAGE for larger view.

    Corner Office Mayor Nicholson ponders
    Nicholson Ponders
    Corner Office Remember as we work
    Remember as We Work
    Corner Office The Leader
    The Leader
    Corner Office Team Check In
    Team Check In
    Corner Office Nicholson says
    You’re Halfway There
    Corner Office Resident Says Thank You
    Resident Thank You.
  • Public Schools

    Editorial: Gardner MA Should be Very Proud of Its Public Schools and its Teachers

    From Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel: Residents of Gardner should be extremely proud of Gardner Public Schools. Included in our article of the November 14, 2022 School Committee Meeting is the complete packet featuring reports from each school. There was clearly good news to tell. Unknown to many was the progress made in the District on so many levels over the past few years. And even with the challenges of the pandemic, Gardner has made progress in its MCAS Scores. Now you know. Gardner has a School System which is the envy of others.

    At the end of October, we interviewed Superintendent Pellegrino. See complete article right here. We spoke at length and with specifics on how Gardner has managed to draw the attention of other Districts in the United States and abroad for its record of accelerated improvements to Education in Gardner. So when people ask you where your kids go to school you can proudly say, my kids go to Gardner Public Schools, and they are very lucky to be sure. CONGRATULATIONS to all who have made this extraordinary achievement possible.


  • GardnerVerse
    GardnerVerse Enter the GardnerVerse
    The GardnerVerse

    Just for Fun – Enter the GardnerVerse of the Chair City of Gardner MA

    Visit the GardnerVerse page and see some more of your local favorites including the Gardner City Council. CLICK HERE.

    Cartoon Zlotnik Nicholson
    The GardnerVerse

  • Political Signs
    Political Signs Gardner 10 28 22
    Political Signs

    Editorial: Signs Caught Talking to Each Other in Gardner MA

    In these days of political incivility, we give credit to the makers of these particular signs. If you listen very closely, you’ll hear calm, respectful discussions of the issues taking place among the various signs. A fantasy, but what a refreshing idea!

  • Gardner Connection
    Making the Gardner Connection 1
    Gardner Connection

    More and more Businesses are Making the Gardner MA Connection

    With 4 additional businesses in Downtown Gardner, according to Mayor Nicholson “This makes 27 NEW businesses in Gardner since January!” He also stated, “5-12 are in the pipeline to be opening in the next few months.” The Mayor also enumerated that “7 existing businesses have expanded their locations and increased their offerings, 12 buildings downtown have new landlords that are renovating their properties, 175ish apartments are being either renovated or newly constructed in the Downtown alone.”

    Here are just 4 of these new businesses (click image for larger view)

    Aleksa Fashion 98 Main Street
    Aleksa Fashion 98 Main Street
    Chair City Diner Front with Sign 2
    Chair City Diner – Lynde Street
    Dot Line Curve Creations 10 22 22
    Dot Line Curve Creations Parker Street
    Shower Glass of Central Mass 10 18 22 1
    Shower Glass of Central Mass opening soon on Main Street
  • Taxi Service?
    Taxi Gardner
    Taxi in Gardner MA
    Taxi on Pavement
    Taxi Service?

    As far as Uber or Lyft, there is a listing online which quotes basic rates, but we don’t know if there are available drivers. Let us know your experience by sending an email to News@GardnerMagazine.com

    Social Media Poll: 89% Would Like Taxi Service in Gardner MA

    The question asked in a post was “Would you like to see a taxi company in the Gardner, Templeton, Phillipston area?” There were 99 total votes. 89% responded yes, 7% responded no, and 3% responded unsure.

    Online search results are not reliable on this subject as a previous company, Smileys Taxi, which used to operate from Central Street in Gardner some years ago is still listed. Fortunately, the number listed is not in service so no Gardner resident is getting calls for a taxi at that number. The regional bus company, MART, is the first search result on Google. Seniors and disabled individuals are those who typically have the most trouble with driving. The City of Gardner has information on transportation on its website, CLICK HERE.

    Opening a Taxi Company

    So what do you do if you want to open a taxi company in Gardner? According to the Records Department at the Gardner PD, the company would go through the Building Department for a particular physical location just like any other business. Each taxi vehicle and each taxi driver also goes through a licensing process through the Gardner Police Department.

  • Respectful Teenagers
    Jackson Skate Park 9 27 22 closeup
    Jackson Skate Park Gardner MA

    Respectful Teenagers in Gardner MA are Genuine Gardner Assets

    Our ongoing “Genuine Gardner” feature showcases what is genuinely good about Gardner. In this case, an observation of Genuinely Respectful Teenagers (GRT’s) at the Jackson Skateboard Park off School Street. These teenagers invited us to take a picture of their activities. They were kind to one another and it was another proud moment for Genuine Gardner MA. We were actually there to take a photo of the place where the portable ice skating rink will be located this winter, by the basketball courts at Jackson Playground.

    Jackson Playground Basketball 9 27 22 2
    Site of Portable Skating Rink this Winter
  • Vote November 8th
    Vote Election 2022
    Election November 8, 2022

    Gardner MA Magazine Election Center

    Gardner Magazine has a special page dedicated to the upcoming November 8, 2022 election. Visit our Election Center 2022 page for lists and links for all you want and need to know. CLICK HERE.

  • Happy Birthday
    Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
    Happy Birthday

    Editorial: A Happy Birthday Wish to Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson

    There was a Mayor of Gardner at age 28
    Who more than most would carry his weight.
    Often worked his tail off through the night
    To rid his Chair City of any blight.
    Bad Buildings were seen as impossible tasks
    But Nicholson lifted these felonious masks
    He beckoned the savvy to take on the work
    Never his duties any day he would shirk.
    Now two years after taking the reins,
    And handling those stubborn water mains.
    The City is poised with construction anew,
    A switch has been flipped from blight to renew.
    A promising future awaits the Chair City,
    Downtown Gardner awake with activity.
    Businesses lining up to open their doors.
    Prosperity Evident no one ignores.
    Happy Birthday, Mayor Michael Nicholson
    Your City and its people are now one.
    With your leadership today and tomorrow.
    Joy will abound and others will follow…

  • Pauly Potato Takedown

    Gardner MA Facebook Group Moderator Pauly Potato Spreading Fake News

    An Editorial by Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel – There are a number of very healthy Facebook Groups serving the Greater Gardner MA area. Most Admins make an effort to foster respectful speech and do not knowingly pass along false information. However, Pauly Potato is the exception. In his group, rather than simply moderating discussions among group members, the admin openly attacks political candidates and officials he doesn’t like, often taking portions of news items and twisting them into falsehoods. The result: people are getting FAKE NEWS.

    On Transparency

    For example, the Mayor was criticized for lack of transparency when Gardner MA has earned the reputation of being a model of municipal transparency: winning an award for its projects map, getting a perfect audit for 2021, and having one of only a handful of Mayors in the nation who do a regular Weekly update. CASE CLOSED, on this subject Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.

    On Paving of the Roads

    DPW has been criticized for its lack of paving roads when the truth is it would take more than 1 ½ times the entire City budget for the year to pave all the roads. CASE CLOSED, on this subject Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.

    On Ovila Case Playground

    There has also been criticism of the lack of maintenance of Ovila Case Playground. Actually, the City has invested the most money there in the last two years, adding basketball courts and a walking trail in May of 2021 and new picnic tables/charcoal grills in July of 2021. The electric system and lights are currently being upgraded. Around $115,000 in new equipment was added to the location from various funding to replace the deteriorating wood structures. Once free cash is certified by the Department of Revenue, additional expenditures on Ovila Case are planned. So the DPW, The Mayor, and the City are paying attention to Ovila Case. CASE CLOSED, on this subject, Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.

    On the Proposed Sale of Two Schools

    Now, the last example today is an especially misleading example of FAKE NEWS by Pauly Potato: The sale of Prospect Street School and School Street School. Prospect Street appraises at $295,000, but would need substantial investment for use other than a school, so the Mayor’s request is to set a minimum price of $100,000 for it. School Street School is a real nightmare, with an appraisal that ran into negative numbers. Therefore, a request to start bids at $1. In both cases. getting the properties back on the tax rolls would be to the advantage of the City. Is it a bad thing that Mayor Nicholson is actually taking his fiduciary responsibility seriously and thinking of the taxpayers? We think not. Once more, Pauly Potato, CASE CLOSED, on this subject Pauly Potato, you spread FAKE NEWS.


    While the City of Gardner is very lucky right now to have responsible officials in all facets of its government, we urge any citizen with questions about what any public official is proposing to simply ask for more information. Gardner MA is rare in its transparency with the City Council Agenda and Council packet made public before meetings, with meetings made public on YouTube, and of course Gardner Magazine makes most major meetings and Mayor’s Update available in AUDIO format, easily playable on any device. And, you can always seek an appointment with the Mayor. But, whatever you do, don’t take Pauly Potato’s word for it – Your brain will end up like french fries in a paper bag, SOGGY. And Pauly Potato, you have been mashed.


  • Vibrant Downtown
    Central Street to Downtown Gardner MA
    Vibrant Downtown Gardner MA

    Publisher’s Editorial – Downtown Gardner MA Showing Vibrancy

    With all of the positive improvements in Downtown Gardner, it’s no wonder there’s renewed enthusiasm.

    Downtown Gardner MA is truly a special place, about to begin a period of renewed vitality.

    Here’s what I think needs to happen going forward:

    1. Efforts should continue to spearhead rehab efforts where ever they are needed. No detail should be overlooked. —- 2. Gardner Square Two should get in the habit of listing its events with at least minimal details at least one year out. —- 3. Downtown Merchants need to get behind the newly revitalized Gardner Square Two. They are now ready for action and need your support. The best way to do that is to become an active member if you have a business. If you’re an individual Gardner citizen, show your pride in Downtown by getting an individual membership. —- 4. We should make a big deal out of this Christmas season. As Gardner became a City in 1923, this Christmas 2022 is Gardner’s 100th Christmas as a City. —- 5. Efforts should continue to fill up available storefronts. There are so many monetary incentives in place, you’d have to find a reason not to open a store or other business location in Downtown Gardner. —- 6. Downtown Gardner. This is the year its greatness really starts to take off again!


  • Gardner Magazine
    Gardner Magazine 23rd
    Gardner Magazine 19 communities

    Gardner Magazine Says Thank You!

    Gardner Magazine has entered its 23rd year of service to 19 Greater Gardner MA communities. Around the Towns page. Watch our 30 second thank you video on YouTube, CLICK HERE.

    We love info from any group having events in the area and any info from local government. Also, something you think we should cover? Let us know. Email: News@GardnerMagazine.com

  • Nicholson vs Robot
    Mayor Nicholson age progression

    Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson shown at age 40 with hypothetical U.S. Senate run and at age 50 as U.S. President. (Age Progression software used)

    Editorial: Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson preferred over a robot.

    On August 19, 2022 we tried an experiment – putting together our own Chair City Update because the Mayor’s version was unavailable due to staffing issues. We can confidently say citizens overwhelmingly prefer Mayor Nicholson to the robot. While the Mayor’s AUDIO update of August 5, 2022 has been listened to 3,654 times, August 12th update 3,039 (correction: 2,839) times, our AI voiced update got only 90 listens since 2pm yesterday. Next time the film crew is unavailable Mr. Mayor, please take us up on our offer to record an AUDIO update. The Chair City is really interested in what you have to say.

    The popular Gardner Mayor got 80 percent of the vote in the last election. When asked in April, 2022 about his political future, Nicholson appeared satisfied with his current role as Mayor stating he’ll keep the job as long as the voters will have him. If he continues to have successes in moving the Chair City forward, we predict the Mayor’s political future has much more potential than he now realizes.

  • 988 Lifeline

    Nation including Greater Gardner MA has new number for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    The new number, 988, is easy to remember and is designed to save lives. The number is accessible across the United States and will connect callers with a trained counselor at any time. You can even text the number and get a response.

    Gardner Magazine found it difficult to find a high quality image, so we’re making it available here in a pdf you can print for the office or workplace. CLICK HERE. Note: even if you have only a B/W laser printer, print and display this and you may just save a life.

    Note: To avoid confusion, we are not publishing the old longer number which is still working for now.


  • Gardner Cloud
    The so called “Gardner Cloud” above Pulaski Park

    Editorial: Is Mother Nature Delivering Gardner MA a Loving Message with the Gardner Cloud?

    Think about it.  The  June 25, 2022 Gardner Birthday Celebration had perfect weather.   The Gardner Food Truck Festival had perfect weather.   This Saturday looks to be rain free.   Do you think the cloud in Gardner on July 13, 2022 depicts Gardner’s Outline, or is it just whimsical thinking.  You decide.  I for one am willing to say thank you to God for all of Gardner’s good fortune of late.  For more beautiful Gardner clouds today, CLICK HERE.

  • Strength of Character

    A Gardner Magazine Editorial, Mayor Nicholson, Strength of Character.

    During the course of holding Political Office, every office holder encounters that moment when character is tested.  Mayor Nicholson is having his moment with the Gardner Police Department situation.  

    Despite enormous pressure to speak more openly about various details involved in the ongoing Police Department challenges, the Mayor has elected to stick with his plan – protect the taxpayers of Gardner, honor the due process rights of all involved, and stay the course with untold patience.    While the Press may be irritated with the lack of information and citizens speculate about the who, what, when, where, and why, the Mayor is doing what a great manager does – the right thing as he sees it on a daily basis, making sure that the citizens of Gardner have a well-functioning Police Department which serves their daily needs and keeps the citizenry safe.    In our opinion, the Mayor’s actions in this process including his unwavering resolve to handle the situation without giving in to political pressure shows a tremendous strength of character.    It would be easy to do a tell-all interview and it would get lots of attention.   It is much harder to be reserved with information, but in the end what is important is the best interests of the City of Gardner.   So our advice to the community and other members of the press is this:  Be vigilant, hold your leaders accountable, but also recognize when you’ve finally got someone with Strength of Character who doesn’t take the easy way out, but who’s actually looking out for you:  Mayor Michael Nicholson.    

    We reached out to the Mayor’s office on May 18, 2022 and spoke with the Mayor’s aide Colin Smith at length.    The Mayor is committed to following the process to its conclusion and will provide more information when it is in the best interest of the City to do so.   We will publish any Press Release in its entirety when available.  

    Werner Poegel, Publisher.

  • Navigating the Personal Conscience of Covid

    Unfortunately during the past couple of years, so much around the subject of Covid has become political when it really should simply be about health.   Advocates for masks, vaccines, social distancing, and lockdowns have over sold their wares, with the result being a less-informed, often confused, and sometimes angry public.   Our GardnerMagazine.com article on the Real Risk of Dying from Covid attempts to deliver truthful data to you and has several important conclusions: For that article, CLICK HERE.

    1. Getting a vaccine reduces your chances of getting Covid by a lot.   And if you get the disease, the most protected are those with a booster dose.  Bottom line: The infinitesimal risk of vaccine side effects are not a good reason to avoid getting the vaccine as the statistics prove vaccinated people are much more likely to survive Covid-19.  Any questions, ask your doctor.
    2. Masks are helpful in reducing viral transmission, but there’s so much more to it.  Our article includes an 11 page PDF going into great detail about the math and science of droplet transmission.
    3. The simple act of washing your hands reduces your risk of contracting Covid and other contagious diseases.
    4. Knowing that vaccines are not perfect and you still have a chance of getting the virus, and knowing that masks are definitely not perfect, you reduce your risk of Covid exposure by simply not being around a lot of people.  For some of us, this is possible.  For others, it would require avoiding life, which has its own risk of consequences from the dangers of isolation.
    5. This pandemic has taught us a very important lesson:  If you are sick with anything such as a common cold or the flu, staying away from people is a great kindness on your part.  Each person you don’t infect can’t infect someone else.    We used to praise people for having a 100% attendance record at work.  If you truly weren’t sick, that’s great. But if you were, you probably cost your employer quite a bit of money from the other workers who got sick, but didn’t have as strong an immune system and so absolutely had to stay home for work.   Common sense should apply in each individual circumstance.  And now we know, if you have a cold or flu, but still have to shop at the grocery store, wear a mask as an act of kindness to someone else.
  • Increasing Fees?

    Increasing Fees a HUGE MISTAKE

    Dear Mayor Nicholson,      A while back I wrote an article on efficient Gardner City government when I confirmed with the City Clerk that the December 2013 posted City fees were still in effect.   Today, I’m objectively reporting on the City Council’s plans to bring Gardner’s Fire and Building fees up to that of area communities.      However, I can’t help wonder if this is a HUGE MISTAKE.    As you are well aware, many decisions are market driven and Gardner has been a very favorable place to do business, arguably the lower fees have actually made money for Gardner and contributed to Gardner’s success.   So many wonder, what is Gardner’s secret ingredient for success?  Arguably, the current fee structure is one of several favorable ingredients.  I urge you to leave well enough alone and convince the City Council not to increase any fees.  In fact, publicizing your realization that maybe leaving fees as is until at least 2030 would be a great move.

    Werner Poegel, Publisher.

  • Gardner YouTube

    Subscribe FREE to Gardner’s YouTube Channel

    Today Gardner’s FREE YouTube channel has 517 subscribers. Let’s have a Goal: 2000 subscribers by February 1 and you can help by subscribing.  So why subscribe to the City of Gardner FREE YouTube channel?  Are there Superheroes? Well, sometimes you hear about heroes around the Chair City.   Is there conflict?  Well, sometimes City Councilors discuss various issues, but they are usually very civil.   Is there news?  Sure, lots of info about what’s going on in Gardner. Is there romance? Not really.  But many times various officials compliment one another. Is their action? Yes, every week on various issues affecting you. Is there drama? Sometimes the excitement of various issues unfolding is the vote of  yeas and nays.  Is there encouragement? Yes.  Is there prayer? Yes, usually at the beginning and end of City Council meetings. For the channel, CLICK HERE

  • Compliment
    Gardner MA Team

    Compliment to Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and his entire TEAM.

    For National Compliment Day which is Monday, January 24, 2022, I’d like to pay a HUGE COMPLIMENT to Mayor Michael Nicholson and his entire TEAM in all of the various departments for the various hard work, guidance, patience, and kindness during the past year. I’ve also noticed that meetings open and close with a prayer which indicates a certain gracious humility on the part of our local officials. Public Safety Police and Fire are top notch. And everybody seems to work well together with the medical community and area non-profit organizations. Keep up the good work and best wishes and good health to all in 2022!

  • Business Card
    City of Gardner MA Business Card
    City of Gardner Business Card CLICK for larger view.

    Gardner MA Business Card

    Each person in Gardner doesn’t really have a paper business card of course, but each citizen of Gardner represents the Chair City every day. Share the Chair City, you’ll be glad you did.

  • The Gardner Vortex
    Gardner MA - Route 2 Corridor
    Gardner MA – Route 2 Corridor CLICK for larger image.
    People Gardner MA
    Massachusetts map with Gardner
    Massachusetts Map with Gardner. CLICK for larger image.

    Gardner MA – Positioned for Success

    Wonder why the City of Gardner MA draws so much attention?   Much of it is meritorious, based on many successes.  And, there is another contributing factor.  We call it the Gardner Geographic Vortex, reflecting Gardner’s location on the Massachusetts Route 2 Corridor.  When Gardner is singled out on the map, its importance is revealed.   It is the beating heart of the region.  Positioned for being noticed.  Poised for excellence.  On its way to success in 2022 and beyond!