Observed from Afar

Editorial: Everyone Has Their Eyes on Gardner MA and what this man is up to….

This man was often masked during his first days in office in 2020. People could not see his smile as Gardner conducted one of the most effective vaccine operations in the State. And behind closed doors, this man made a list and used his time efficiently in planning to fix some long standing issues: A Downtown with buildings in need of revitalization. City-owned buildings which were off the tax rolls and falling apart. Projects in need of funding. Roads in need of more money. Citizens in need of services. Students at risk from not being in school. Now unmasked, the positive progress is quantifiable and transparently viewable, even from afar. People know where Gardner is and speak of the Chair City fondly.

Gardner is in the 4th year of a better age. Its success is fueled by common sense, competency, and a willingness to think outside of the box. Gardner is being seen on viewscreens very far away, and what they see is good. Our best wishes to Mayor Michael Nicholson and the Team now and in the years ahead.