A great site to use in looking for work is Indeed.com as you can easily search by area and type of job desired. CLICK HERE. Another great source for employers and job seekers is the MassHire North Central Career Center. CLICK HERE Gardner MA Employers Competing for Workers If youContinue Reading

Gardner MA February 22, 2022.  – Presidents’ Day Our Special Presidents’ Day page Chronicles all of the U.S. Presidents. CLICK HERE. Our “Poem of the Presidents”  is a tribute to the service of all of U.S. Presidents.   CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

Read 2/28/22 letter from Gardner Superintendent of Schools Mark Pellegino. CLICK HERE. Not so Fast! Greater Gardner Mask Mandate only Partially Rescinded. While on February, 28, 2022, masks will no longer be required in Gardner Public Schools and other schools in area communities, all students and staff must still wearContinue Reading

From Concept to Reality – Real new Gardner MA Elementary School getting closer to Artist’s drawing. We have a progress photos page using screenshots from publicly provided drone video. To view the exciting page of photos of the school slated to open to students in Fall 2022, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson releases weekly update View on YouTube or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE. Mayor Nicholson did not address the Police Department situation in this week’s update. Community Development Block Grant The Mayor reports that the City has received a $825,000 Community Development Block grant. Continue Reading

Gardner MA Police Chief Braks and Deputy Police Chief Trifiro out on paid Administrative Leave According to published reports, the two men were placed on leave following a group of no-confidence votes by Gardner PD members represented by all four unions in the Department.  Jennifer Law, who served as GardnerContinue Reading

Want to improve short-term memory? Some studies show doing jigsaw puzzles can improve cognition, visual-spacial reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Greater Gardner MA Residents engaged in PUZZLE SWAPPING. Some of us can’t even put a simple item together despite accurate directions. Then there are the elite of us who can putContinue Reading

With Dog Licensing now FREE in Gardner MA for residents over age 70, Gardner Magazine posts all MA Dog Laws. For a PDF of Massachusetts General Laws in Effect on February 17, 2022 concerning dogs, CLICK HERE. Good info to know. Note: It appears that Service Animals are included inContinue Reading

Last Minutes Gift and Flowers of Gardner MA Gets Perfect Score Gardner Magazine publisher Werner Poegel wrote this on Social Media, “Not sure how they did it, but Gardner’s Last Minute Gifts and Flowers has a perfect customer review score on Google. I don’t know them myself, but I planContinue Reading

The Gardner MA School Committee meetings can be watched on YouTube or on our School Committee page. CLICK HERE. The meeting ended with positive comments by School Committee members: Shannon Ward-Leighton thanked the Central office staff for getting her up to speed. Impressed with school improvement plans. Anne Hurst –Continue Reading

(We credit the Boston Herald for a records request from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health which shed light on the issue.) The Real Risk of Dying From Covid in MA is Finally Out First, direct from the Covid Dashboard, there have been 22,188 deaths in MA as of FebruaryContinue Reading

Gardner MA Positive Covid Cases down 91 percent from the last report one month ago. View report from last month The State of Massachusetts also does Covid-19 Response Reporting. Information was just updated as of 5:30pm 2/14/22. Chart below. Here’s the link if you want to view more data. CLICKContinue Reading

Watch the Gardner MA Mayor’s Updates on YouTube or via our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Delivers List of Reminders This Week Dog Licenses now available. Fees waived for residents who are 70 or turn 70 this calendar year. However, all must register dogs by MarchContinue Reading

Gardner Public Schools is currently not making any data available as to the number of staff and students afflicted with Covid. No word as to why. Gardner MA Schools go DARK on Covid Data, Mum on Masks Gardner Public Schools Covid Dashboard hasn’t been updated in a month. The currentContinue Reading

More of the Diner Experience Other diners in the area with decent Google reviews include Blue Moon Diner, Gardner MA Facebook Directions – Kellies, Athol MA Website Directions – Ruschioni’s Cruisin 12 Diner, Winchendon MA Website Directions – Hometown Cafe, Winchendon MA Directions – Hubb Town Diner, Hubbardston MA WebsiteContinue Reading

Cannabis Business – Grand Opening Winchendon MA 2-12-22 At the site of what was the Cozy Cupola Gift Shop for over a decade, Co-owner Marla LaGrassa is now in the POT business. The Bud Barn, located at 682 Spring Street Winchendon has a website for more information. CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

For the Massachusetts Covid Dashboard, CLICK HERE. Covid Reports are a Mixed Bag for the Greater Gardner MA Area The Covid Incidence Rate per 100,000 is still high for the past two weeks in the Greater Gardner MA area. However, cases in Massachusetts as a whole are plummeting to theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Dog Licenses Now Available From the City of Gardner, “2022 Dog Licenses are now available. For more information please call the Clerk’s Office at 978-630-4058 or visit https://www.gardner-ma.gov/702/Dog-License.” Please note: Due to a City Council vote 2 days ago, if you’re over 70, your dog license(s) are FREE.Continue Reading

Watch Gardner MA City Council meetings on YouTube or on our City Council page. CLICK HERE. Complete Meeting Agenda and Complete Packet, CLICK HERE. Read our Editorial opposing Fee Increases. CLICK HERE. Gardner MA City Council Bunch Has Busy Monday Meeting The Gardner City Council met virtually on 2-7-22. JimContinue Reading