Health Greater Gardner MA Local News
Health Around Greater Gardner MA
- Health 3-24-25 (3/25/2025)
At the end of the meeting, 2 citizens spoke to the Board of the Health regarding the Sludge Landfill. At the beginning of the segment, Chair Avallone was seen looking at her phone rather than at the residents. Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo made extensive comments.
The Gardner Board of Health met on March 24, 2025
The Board of Health spent about 19 minutes at the beginning of the meeting discussing meeting minutes including updates, corrections, and errors. Member Geoffrey Tobia expressed concern at various inaccuracies.
Director Micah Blondeau spoke about new model regulations from the state regarding Private Wells. Blondeau also updated the Board regarding groundwater monitoring, erosion control, and leachate systems. The public bidding for the leachate system will be at a future date. Blondeau stated that $143,000 was encumbered before, but some funds had been expended for preparation. Additional funds would be needed to proceed. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Entire Meeting BOH 3-24-25 During public comments at the end, Director Micah Blondeau, Chair Susan Avallon, member Michelle Parker and DeMeo got in to a back and forth discussion.
BOH Public Comments 3-24-25 Paul DeMeo also requested that the Board of Health adhere to the spirit of the Open Meeting Law by including various documents brought up during the meeting with the meeting agenda.
Publisher’s Note: The practice of including documents and draft minutes is followed by the Gardner City Council and the Gardner School Committee and has been very helpful to our readers with some City Council packets being up to 500 pages long.
- Burger King 3-14-25 (3/15/2025)
Update 3-14-25: Article in another publication alleges ongoing issues at Gardner Burger King. Our previous article showed food prep areas clean with other issues, CLICK HERE. Gardner Magazine will publish a new inspection report when it is made available to us from the Board of Health so our readers can see for themselves if there are any issues of concern. Publisher’s Note: It is our belief that any reports or Press Releases referenced in a news story should be published along with the story in the interests of transparency and we will continue to do so. As soon as we have new information regarding this story, we will publish it.
- Health Hiring 3-12-25 (3/12/2025)
Local Healthcare Providers Are Hiring – What Positions are available…
Community Health Connections is located right next to Walmart off Route 68 in Gardner. Here are some of the positions: LICSW/LMHC – $3000 sign on bonus, Family Physician with a $20,000 sign on bonus, RN or LPN for Substance Use Programs $2000 sign on bonus and an FNP or PA for Urgent Care. Website, CLICK HERE.
Heywood Healthcare has facilities throughout the region. Here are some of the positions available at Heywood Hospital on Green Street in Gardner: Surgical Technician, Registered Nurse, Registered Nurse per Diem, Registered Nurse 24 Hours, and Administrative Unit Coordinator. Website, CLICK HERE.
- Maki Park 3-12-25 (3/9/2025)
Wide view of Maki Park clearly shows the slope of the site. Maki Park has been mentioned in dozens of articles on Gardner Magazine. CLICK HERE for list.
Mayor Nicholson previous December statement regarding this issue, CLICK HERE.
Council President George Tyros statement to City Council, CLICK HERE Investigation Launched September 2024, CLICK HERE. COMPLETE INVESTIGATION REPORT, CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Note: The reason criticism of the project failures has been so harsh is because the park was proposed as a solution to the ADA compliance issue of having a City-owned parcel with a 15 degree slope. Ironically, the constructed Maki Park created more ADA compliance issues than it solved.
Disability Commission to Review Status of Maki Park Repair Plan
The Gardner Disability Commission meets on March 12th. One of the items on the agenda is discussing the status of the repair plan for Maki Park. The photo in this article clearly shows the problem – lack of accessibility for individuals with disabilities. There is access to the 3rd level (shown on left) via the parking lot. However, there is no ADA access to the 4th level (grassed area), 2nd level, or 1st level.
Problems with the project have been the subject of a Gardner City Council investigation, the termination of former Director Trevor Beauregard, and the creation of a new Sub-Committee. Gardner Magazine can confirm there is strong public interest in the oversight of the Development Department as in just the first 8 days of March, there were 1390 March + 821 February listens to the Economic Development Committee meeting of February 18th. (Total 2,211). The repair plan will receive extensive review before implementation.
- New Patients (2/28/2025)
Heywood Healthcare Releases List of Physicians Accepting New Patients
If you’re looking for a physician for any reason, the list in the graphic might be of help. Just click the image for a larger view. Heywood Healthcare publicized this list of physicians in the region who are accepting new patients. Here’s a printable pdf of the graphic at left.
Sometimes you’ll need a very specific provider for a specific need. Heywood also advises the public that it has a very useful tool: a provider search engine on its website. Here’s the direct link, CLICK HERE.
If you’d like the information by making a phone call, you can also call the Physician referral line at (978) 630-6248.
- Burger King (2/27/2025)
Fact-Based Account of Actual Clean Conditions at Gardner Burger King
The Gardner Burger King has been a victim of some cruel attacks on Social Media. So Gardner Magazine reached out to the Gardner Board of Health to get the truth for our readers and we are publishing its statement here and the inspection report.
Assistant Director of Public Health Angela DiPrima asked us to remind the public that the best way to make a complaint about an establishment is by contacting the Board of Health directly.
Publisher’s Note: We also are publishing the actual Food Establishment Inspection Report of 2-26-25 showing that the Gardner Burger King is IN COMPLIANCE regarding food safety concerns. The public should feel confident in enjoying their favorite Burger King foods at the Gardner Burger King.
The detailed inspection report attached shows an overall clean establishment with some very small or specific issues which the report details and of which the owner has been made aware. Report is 12 pages long and includes photos.
Gardner Board of Health Statement:
The Health Department received a voicemail on 2/25/25 from an anonymous person stating that they saw a video on Facebook about the Gardner MA Burger King which were concerning for potential food code violations. The caller did not identify the name the Facebook group where the video could be found and was not the original poster of the video. Our staff entered the complaint into our software and after a bit of a search was able to locate 2 videos in the afternoon of 2/25/25 which the Director and I reviewed.
On 2/26/25, I conducted an inspection of the establishment, which is attached. Several previous inspections had been completed by Edward Montgomery on 12/11/24, 10/22/24, 8/12/24, and 7/2/24, which I reviewed prior to my inspection yesterday. Most of the concerns in those inspections were for non-food contact surfaces; Inspector Montgomery’s reports show steady improvement in the cleanliness, and he had marked all the previous violations as corrected on 12/11/24. The next inspection for this establishment would have been in March 2025.
On yesterday’s inspection there were also several concerns about non-food contact surfaces, such as floors under equipment, which need to be cleaned more thoroughly and/or more frequently. After my inspection, I did reach out to Brek Kohler, who purchased this location in 2024, to ensure that he was aware of a few building maintenance issues and about my concerns about the ongoing cleaning issues. He will be speaking with his local staff and regional manager about our concerns.
I hope this helps to answer your question and provide a fact-based account of the conditions in the establishment.
I would also like to ask, if I can, that you please encourage that anyone wishing to make a complaint about an establishment in Gardner do so by contacting the Health Department office directly, by phone, email or in person, so that an inspector can ask appropriate questions and start an investigation as swiftly as possible to ensure the best possible outcome for public health. We do handle a large volume of cases, and we do not have the capacity to monitor social media for complaints. I appreciate your assistance getting the word out!
Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of additional service. – Thank you, Angela M. DiPrima -Assistant Director of Public Health – City of Gardner -Phone: 978-630-4013 – Email: – 95 Pleasant St. Rm. 29 Gardner, MA 01440
- Pantry Needs (2/26/2025)
Gardner CAC Running Low on Food Pantry Staples – Donations Needed
The Gardner Community Action Committee put out a message to the community on February 26, 2025 stating, “We are running low on some food pantry staples. If you’re heading to the store, would you grab an extra jar of peanut butter and a jar of spaghetti sauce to donate. Thanks in advance!”
The Gardner CAC food pantry program includes the towns of Ashburnham, Hubbardston, Westminster, and of course, the City of Gardner. The location is 294 Pleasant Street in Gardner. The Food Pantry is a valuable resource to the area and is open Monday through Thursday from 10am to 1pm plus extra hours on Tuesday from 2-4:30pm. However, the agency itself is open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 4pm so donations can be dropped off during those hours. In addition, cash donations allow the Gardner CAC to purchase food. SECURE DONATION LINK IS RIGHT HERE. CLICK HERE.
- BOH 2-24-25 (2/25/2025)
Gardner Board of Health Has Dispute on Minutes – Has Presentation re 1,4 Dioxane
Attorney Tobia questioned the accuracy of the meeting minutes concerning a recent hearing. Upon discussion, Chair Susan Avalone acknowledged that changes should be made to accurately reflect the reason for the Board’s decision at that hearing. For details, listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 2-24-25 A presentation was made to the BOH by Civil Environmental Consultants regarding landfill groundwater monitoring exceedance of 1,4-Dioxane. Guidelines were exceeded at several monitoring wells utilizing a very low threshold. The consultants opinion was that it was possible that the 1,4-Dioxane could be coming from the landfill. However, given the extremely low levels, the consultants would like to see more data before suggesting that the City of Gardner do anything. They also suggested going to Massachusetts Division of Environmental Protection for further advice.
- Opioid Funds (2/22/2025)
Gardner and 3 towns Lead Opioid Funds Commitment
Opioid Distributors, Manufacturers, and Retailers had reached a settlement a few years ago which allowed funds to be distributed to Massachusetts cities and towns. The only problem: Most communities haven’t spent the funds, with Gardner and 3 local communities being notable exceptions. Early on, Gardner, Westminster, Winchendon, and Templeton came up with a plan to fully utilize the funding regionally, fully spending it to help combat the epidemic of fatal overdoses. Funds are expended in categories such as connections to care, criminal justice support, family support, harm reduction, opioid misuse prevention, and opioid use disorder treatment.
After the local achievement was highlighted on Boston television, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted, “I’m proud to see that Gardner is one of only four communities in Massachusetts to have fully spent and committed the funds we received through the Opioid Settlement from opioid distributors, manufacturers, and retailers. When the Opioid Settlement funds were announced, I called Rep Jon Zlotnik and then City Council President Lizzy Kazinskas to come up with a plan for the funding. Rep. Zlotnik then set up meetings with our surrounding communities to come up with a regional plan to pool our funding together and partner with GAAMHA to hire a regional Recovery Support Navigator to assist our local police departments in responding to overdose calls. This bachelor’s level clinician helps those struggling with addiction by performing assessments of the individuals needs, their family situations, and come up with a recovery plan.“
Nicholson: “Thank you to Representative Zlotnik for bringing Gardner, Winchendon, Westminster, and Templeton together for this partnership, Shawn Hayden and GAAMHA, Inc. for the work they do in partnership with the Gardner Police Department, and Senator John Velis for his advocacy on this statewide. The opioid epidemic has impacted so many in our City, our region, and the Commonwealth. Every number listed and statistic stated is a person- someone’s relative, friend, co-worker, classmate, etc. Gardner will continue to do all we can to combat the opioid epidemic.”
Publisher’s Note: Statewide, the total funds received by 336 participating municipalities in fiscal year 2023 and fiscal year 2024 was just over $91million. Total Funds expended by 208 municipalities required to submit a report, only $6.7 million. The issue: Funds are sitting in municipal coffers and are thus not serving the intended purpose. Once again, The City of Gardner has taken a lead on an issue, along with Winchendon, Westminster, and Templeton through proactive leadership. There is a dashboard maintained by CARE MASSACHUSETTS, The Opioid Abatement Partnership which provides detailed information. CLICK HERE.
- Flu 2-14-25 (2/14/2025)
MA Respiratory Dashboard Shows Spike in Influenza
According to the State of Massachusetts Respiratory Dashboard, CLICK HERE, the current estimated severity of influenza is VERY HIGH as reported for the week of 2/2/25 to 2/8/25. Data is updated weekly for the prior week. MA reports 139 influenza deaths so far this season. The entire state is reported as VERY HIGH. So how does that compare to prior years? For much of January through March last year, the classification was HIGH. CLICK on image for larger view.
Color code: Minimal: Blue, Low: Green, Moderate: Yellow, High: Orange, Very High: Red.
Provider visits are showing a spike, 2-3x last year at this time.
- Dynamic Duo (2/10/2025)
Penney and Bujak Honored as Successful Dynamic CEO-CFO Duo
Heywood Healthcare stated, “Heywood Healthcare is excited to announce that Rozanna Penney, CEO, and John Bujak, CFO, have been named to Becker’s Top 30 Highly Successful CEO-CFO Duos!”
From Becker’s Hospital Review: Rozanna Penney, CEO & John Bujak, CFO of Heywood Healthcare (Gardner, Mass.). Under Ms. Penney and Mr. Bujak’s direction, Heywood Healthcare successfully navigated a Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring from October 2023 to September 2024, achieving financial stability and operational growth. Their strategic cost reduction initiatives saved $14 million annually, while service line optimization generated an additional $2 million in savings. Despite financial restructuring, they expanded critical services, including reopening the inpatient mental health unit to full capacity for the first time since 2017, increasing inpatient, surgical and ambulatory volumes, and boosting labor and delivery by 15% and perioperative volume by 17%. They also launched a doula program, adding 11 new doulas, and introduced a non-emergency medical transportation program to improve patient access. Employee satisfaction also improved by 6.4% for the first time in five years under their tenure. See the complete list, CLICK HERE. View 100 great community hospitals, CLICK HERE. Healthcare related news from Becker, CLICK HERE.
From the Heywood Healthcare website: Maternity Information – Virtual Tour —- Behavioral Health Services —- Listing of all services
- This Week 2-7-25 (2/7/2025)
This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine
Gardner Magazine on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
This Week in the Chair City 2-7-25 Business Openings —- Fundraisers — Budget News —- Gardner Super 8 —- Black History Month —- Events —- Registrations — Sponsorships —- Health and Wellness Fair —- Gardner Farmers Market —- Various Upcoming Meetings in Gardner – Levi Heywood Memorial Library
If you’d like to have your event on the periodic “This Week in the Chair City” just email
- Super 8 (2/4/2025)
State says: Gardner Super 8 use as Migrant Shelter ends June 30th
Tyler Newhall, the Legislative Director for Emergency Assistance & Director of Municipal Relations for the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities has informed the City of Gardner that this is part of the State’s efforts to phase out the use of hotels as Emergency Assistance shelters by the end of 2025. The City of Gardner has had no control over migrant placements. A check of Trip Advisor shows that the last public review of Super 8 Gardner was February 2023 and before that numerous ones from 2022 indicating just how long the facility has been utilized as an EA shelter.
Here’s exactly what Tyler Newhall wrote in an email sent simultaneously on February 3rd to Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, State Senator Peter Durant, and State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik:
“I am writing to inform you of the planned closure of the Gardner Super 8 as an Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter site by Monday, June 30th, as part of our efforts to phase out the use of hotels as EA shelters by the end of 2025.
In the coming months, service provider Making Opportunities Count (MOC) will continue to support families with case management and to secure permanent housing. It is our shared goal to support as many families as possible to exit the shelter system into safe and stable housing prior to the site closure. For many families, this will include utilizing rental assistance through the HomeBASE program, and we appreciate the community’s support in identifying potential landlords and available apartments. EOHLC will support any families that remain eligible for EA who have not successfully exited shelter for stable housing by the site closure to transfer to an alternative family shelter location.
In the coming days, we will notify partners of these site closure plans and take the following steps to support the transition:
EOHLC and the contracted shelter service provider will communicate directly with families at the shelter location to inform them of the planned closure date and resources and services available to support them. This will include resource materials translated to multiple languages and an in-person town hall for all shelter residents.
The Department of Elementary & Secondary Education will contact your superintendent to inform them of the planned closure date and help prepare the district for any potential changes to enrollments or transportation needs.
EOHLC and state partners will directly contact community-based organizations and local partners to inform them of the planned closure date.
On behalf of the Executive Office of Housing & Livable Communities (EOHLC) and the Healey-Driscoll Administration, I’d like to express enormous gratitude for your partnership and commitment to serving children and families placed in emergency shelter in your community during this extraordinary time.
Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or if I can be of assistance in any way.
All the best,
- Health 1-27-25 (1/28/2025)
UPDATE 1-28-25 8pm: Gardner Magazine reached out regarding this matter to Board of Health Chair Susan Avallone, Director Micah Blondeau, and Mayor Michael Nicholson. We will update this article should any or all provide comments to us.
Board of Health Hears Spirited Appeal of Tobacco Suspension
The Gardner Board of Health heard an appeal from James Kraskouskas of Anthony’s Liquor Mart regarding an alleged under age tobacco sale. Kraskouskas emphasized the spotless record of Anthony’s Liquor Mart in a lengthy presentation in which he also raised the issue of entrapment and the unfairness of the suspension. Kraskouskas pointed out that the individual was 18 and not 16 or 17 as preprinted on the form. Kraskouskas was frequently interrupted during his testimony by the Chair of the Board of Health and by a member of the Tobacco Alliance. Kraskouskas also related a past situation in which he alleged that the Tobacco Alliance was headhunting for him, noting 2 visits on the same day in October 2023 – Tobacco Alliance denied the allegation at the hearing and stated that they had never gone to a store 2 times in the same day since 1994. The Board of Health reduced the suspension to 1 day which will be February 7th. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.Board of Health 1-27-25 Other discussions in the meeting concerned the landfill. Paul DeMeo appeared and Micah Blondeau stated that DeMeo was overstating the urgency of the matter. Avallone was reelected Chair of the Board.
Publisher’s Note and Editorial Comment: Anthony’s Liquor Mart is a long-time successful Gardner business and James Kraskouskas is a well-respected Gardner business owner. In my opinion, Chair Avallone displayed an inappropriate hostile attitude towards Kraskouskas and allowed him to be unfairly interrupted by the Tobacco Alliance representative during a hearing regarding an alleged tobacco violation. Gardner Magazine has spoken to James Kraskouskas who was clearly disturbed by what he described as the “pompous attitude of Avallone” and in the public interest we have offered to publish all of the materials Kraskouskas was not allowed to present to the Board of Health. Listen to the meeting and or watch it on Youtube and see if you agree with our assessment. We also suggest that the City of Gardner cut ties immediately with the Leominster Tobacco Control Alliance due do concerns we have about statements made during the hearing. When the subject of Homeless Resources came up: We were also dismayed that Avallone as the Chair of the Board of Health did not know at what temperature warming centers are made available, she wrongly stated that maybe it is 30 degrees – factually the Community Room at the Police station is made available with temperatures below 20 degrees and then the Library and Senior Center are made available when less than 10 degrees. In my opinion when lives are at stake, it is very important to state the facts accurately.
- Heywood – Forward 2025 (1/4/2025)
Normalcy Fully Arrives – Heywood Healthcare Looking Forward to 2025
After its unprecedented and highly praised independent emergence from Chapter 11 in 2024, Heywood Hospital now has a year of normalcy ahead. Heywood Healthcare will now be able to participate in normal audits, will not have a court looking at every speck of dust on the floor, and will not be tangled up with prior contemplated transactions. Heywood Hospital’s Lachance Maternity Care unit will most likely deliver more babies than ever before as some patients are also coming from the Fitchburg – Leominster area. With the Mental Health Unit fully operational again, the hospital will have a full year of helping those who need them the most. During 2024, the hospital was actually adding to its staff and is expected to post additional positions in 2025.
Heywood Stands Out From the Pack
Heywood Healthcare stands out from the pack. While some hospitals were actually fined for failing to provide audited financials, Heywood was not fined as it was proactively addressing financial issues in its Chapter 11 process. See State Report, CLICK HERE. Re audits from State, CLICK HERE.
Heywood provided us with a history of the process and a positive look to 2025 in a statement: “”Heywood and Athol hospitals were not able to provide audited financial statements for the years 2021 through 2023 due to a failed EMR transition initiated in February 2021. The hospitals’ EMR was integrated with the system’s revenue cycle, compromising the overall financial performance and records. This was one of the several contributing factors to the system filing for Chapter 11 protection on October 1, 2023, following a transition in key leadership.
Though the system was unable to provide audited financials, unaudited internal financial reports, and any other obtainable operational data were made available to state officials and regulatory agencies prior to the filing of Chapter 11, and the organization maintained transparency throughout the bankruptcy process.
Following a year of restructuring efforts, on September 30, 2024, the system successfully and independently exited Chapter 11, marking a significant step forward in its financial recovery and operational stability. The system will be filing FY25 audited financials, the first post-bankruptcy year.” – Rozanna Penney, President and CEO
What is an EMR?
Dawn Casavant of Heywood Healthcare was kind enough to explain: “An EMR (electronic medical record) system is a system that stores all aspects of patient care, including clinical documentation and claims data which is fully integrated with the hospitals’ operations and financial systems. Heywood Healthcare underwent a transition from Meditech Magic to Meditech Expanse in 2021. The transition was sub-optimal disrupting the system’s revenue cycle and financial reporting capabilities. “
- First Baby 2025 (1/3/2025)
A Photo of the First Baby of 2025 born at Heywood Hospital
Alexandra Hunt is the proud mother of baby girl Adyline Hunt born at the Lachance Maternity Center at Heywood Hospital on January 1, 2025 at 7:39am. Adyline weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and measured 21 inches long.
Heywood Hospital offered congratulations in a post “Congratulations to Alexandra Hunt on the arrival of her New Year’s baby! Welcome to the world, baby girl Adyline!… Wishing you and your family all the best as you begin this new chapter!”
Heywood Hospital has one of the lowest c-section rates in the state of Massachusetts. It also describes itself as a “birthing friendly” hospital.
For more information about the Lachance Maternity Center at Heywood Hospital, please visit their website for all the details, CLICK HERE.
- Health 12-9-24 (12/10/2024)
Board of Health to Coordinate Joint Meeting Regarding Landfill
Director Micah Blondeau stated he will be scheduling a meeting between Health, DPW, and Conservation departments to compare notes on the landfill. He also stated that mitigating the landfill erosion is projected to cost over $173k with the work to be done in the Spring. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 12-9-24 In other matters, Chipotle has been inspected and will be opening soon with both dine-in and take out service. The former Crown Chicken location in Downtown is being taken over by Tata’s who will be serving Puerto Rican Food. Tata’s has had a mobile location.
- Liver Awareness (10/30/2024)
Susan Avallone and Dr. Molakatalla speak on Liver Health Awareness Month
Gardner’s Prevention Coordinator Veronika Patty had both Avallone and Molakatalla as guests during a segment aired on a local Gardner cable show. Listen to the AUDIO on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Magazine is grateful to both for providing us with valuable information to help save lives in our coverage area with the following written by Dr. Phani Molakatala and RN Susan Avalione.
Do You Know About Fatty Liver Disease? Here’s What You Need to Know
Did you know that 4.5 million adults in the U.S. are living with known liver disease? That’s about 1 in 50 Americans. Liver disease is actually the 9th leading cause of death; but many people don’t feel symptoms right away. As a result, liver diseases kill about 33,000 Americans by causing cancer, each year. One major concern is Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), which affects an estimated 80-100 million Americans—though only a few have been diagnosed. The newer term for this condition is MASLD (Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease). October is National Liver Awareness Month, and we want to help you understand the importance of liver health. The liver is our largest internal organ and plays a crucial role in keeping our body healthy. It helps break down nutrients from food, stores energy, filters toxins, helps with blood clotting, and fights infections. Unfortunately, while doing all this important work, the liver can be exposed to a variety of harmful substances and diseases. Fatty liver disease or MASLD is often caused by excess body weight, diabetes, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol/lipid levels. Although it’s more common in adults, it’s becoming increasingly prevalent among children and teenagers. In fact, it’s now the most common liver disease in children in the U.S., and its rate has more than doubled in the past 20 years. In severe cases, fatty liver disease can lead to inflammation and scarring of the liver, a condition known as cirrhosis. This process can take decades, and symptoms typically do not appear until it’s too late. Once the liver fails, a transplant may be the only option, and the number of liver transplants needed for liver failure is comparable to those for hepatitis C.
The good news is that early diagnosis can help reverse fatty liver disease, even if there is some scarring. Testing options include blood tests, special ultrasounds or MRI scans, and sometimes a liver biopsy. Once diagnosed, lifestyle changes are crucial. This includes gradually losing weight, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables (Mediterranean diet being one option), reducing processed carbohydrate intake, and exercising regularly. Medications may also be an option in certain cases. The key takeaway is that liver disease can affect anyone, even those who drink little or no alcohol. Many people don’t show symptoms; so getting screened is vital. Please talk to your doctor. Early diagnosis is essential to create an individualized treatment plan and prevent serious complications like liver failure. For more information on liver health, prevention, and resources, visit the American Liver Foundation’s website, CLICK HERE. American Liver Foundation . You can also take a simple liver health quiz, to see if you’re at risk and learn what steps to take next CLICK HERE. by visiting .Take control of your liver health today—your future self will thank you!
-Susan Avallone, MSN, RN, NCSN-E and Phani Molakatalla MD MPH, Gastroenterology physician
- Zlotnik 10-11-24 (10/11/2024)
Running on His Record – Interview with Jonathan Zlotnik
Gardner Magazine spoke with State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik about his record. Listen to the entire interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Jonathan Zlotnik 10-11-24 Zlotnik describes how he has put working families first. He speaks about fighting for the wallets of his constituents. Zlotnik talks about fighting for our schools, fighting for fundamental freedoms, and running to be the people’s champion. He explains exactly what he means and draws on his record.
Jonathan Zlotnik speaks in great detail about his efforts to directly help the non-profits in his district including a description of his extensive efforts on behalf of Heywood Hospital. He speaks of fostering economic development, supporting small businesses, and making sure taxpayer funds have the most impact. Representative Zlotnik is running for reelection on his record and he gave us specifics regarding his efforts over the past 12 years.
- Pink 2024 (10/10/2024)
Gardner City Hall and Staff Go Pink Again
Dressed in pink, staff at Gardner City Hall stood at the steps of Gardner City Hall for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There will be an estimated 310,720 new U.S. cases of breast cancer in women in 2024. 42,250 will die from the disease. The best defense is to get regular screenings.
Some statistics to think about:
About 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. About 1 in 39 women will die from breast cancer. Breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in women exceeded only by lung cancer. 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of the disease. Men can get breast cancer as well but accounts for less than 1% of all cases. More information, click here.
Some helpful ebooks you can download right here: Most Asked Questions – Signs and Symptoms —- The Cancer Caregiver Guide.
- EEE Warning (10/10/2024)
Gardner Board of Health – EEE Positive Mosquito in Gardner
BOH Statement: “A EEE positive mosquito was identified in a trap in Gardner, please use precautions to prevent mosquito bites! Please be aware that as the temperatures drop, mosquito activity will lessen.”
According to an October 8th Press Release from the Gardner Board of Health, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced that the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus was detected in mosquitoes collected from Gardner. EEE is a rare but serious illness spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. People under 15 or over 50 are at greatest risk for serious illness. The Press Release gives advice on how to reduce mosquito risk, CLICK HERE.
- Heywood Stakeholder Meeting (10/3/2024)
Heywood Healthcare Holds Stakeholder Meeting and Moves to Next Chapter
The October 3, 2024 meeting concerned the road forward for Heywood Healthcare as it exited Chapter 11 on September 30th. It was noted that Heywood achieved what only 5 percent of similar healthcare systems are able to do – coming out of bankruptcy as a stand-alone organization.
Dawn Casavant, Vice President Heywood Healthcare MC was Dawn Casavant who introduced everyone and later spoke about Heywood’s Community Services. Speakers were: Heywood President and CEO Rozanna Penney, Undersecretary Chris Harding of EOHHS , Kirby Lecey Division of Community Health, Jake Mastrandrea, Outreach Director for Congresswoman Lori Trahan, State Senator Peter Durant, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, – President of the Health and Hospital Association Steve Walsh, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, and Chairman of the Heywood Board of Directors Robert Chauvin. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Stakeholder Meeting 10-3-24 Heywood Healthcare is stronger with less debt, restructured commitments to achieve savings, and renegotiated payor agreements. During the next 6 months, Heywood is expected to negotiate a successful agreement with the developers regarding the incomplete Surgical Pavilion. During the past year, Heywood has added medical professionals and staff with a total of 100 new hires. It has made investments in the Obstetrics Infrastructure and restored the Mental Health Unit to full capacity. Heywood’s deep engagement with the community was also highlighted with 30 employees dedicated to delivering services outside the hospital walls such as school-based health centers, telebehavioral health services, and a myriad of community programs.
- Heywood 2107 (10/2/2024)
Editorial: Heywood Healthcare on its way towards Positive 200th anniversary
In just 83 years, Heywood Hospital will have been in Gardner 200 years. It is likely the future will include building modifications to reflect the advances of the time.
An exterior with rounded corners utilizing fusion energy for lighting. Operating rooms with state of the art equipment appearing to be straight out of a Star Trek episode. A landing pad near the emergency room for a high-tech flying ambulance. A modern interior with amenities right out of a dream.
This future will be made possible by a committed team who turned their unrelenting focus on patient care into a victory over a short-term, financial obstacle. A future of many hundreds of babies being born in the Maternity Center. A future of many lives saved in a Surgical Pavilion eventually completed after a short-lived wait and a subsequent expansion in 2044. A future with many varied suites for treatment of the ailments of the time. Parking issues solved with a futuristic expansion utilizing as yet unknown technology. Life-saving stasis chambers in the Emergency Room making even the impossible, possible. To the staff of 1907, today’s team in 2024 and today’s facilities would appear just as amazing.
A future made possible by the actions of today. Congratulations!
Werner Poegel, Publisher.
- Chapter 11 Exit (9/30/2024)
BREAKING NEWS: Heywood Healthcare has announced its official stand-alone exit from Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
President and CEO Rozanna Penney stated, “We are proud to exit Chapter 11 bankruptcy as an independent community-owned and community-governed organization.,”
- GAAMHA 9-26-24 (9/26/2024)
GAAMHA Contractor Quits, Blames Social Media Harassment
According to GAAMHA President and CEO Shawn Hayden, a contractor working on septic system improvements at the 827 Green Street facility quit abruptly via email, sending a screenshot of a Social Media posting allegedly by Paul DeMeo and informing GAAMHA that they did not want to complete the job as a result.
According to Hayden, the contractor wrote, “Please see attached. We need to talk first thing early tomorrow morning. We will be on site just before 7am. I do not feel comfortable to move forward with this project. This is really too bad but I can not deal with this kind of situation.” Photos were allegedly taken by DeMeo of the contractor’s equipment and included in the Social Media post.
The Gardner Board of Health discussed the above GAAMHA issue as part of its September 23, 2024 meeting. Health Director Micah Blondeau stated, “The contractor has decided to quit the job based on harassment by the public and potential online defamation of himself and his business.” Blondeau emphasized that the plans for the septic system have been approved. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 9-23-24 About 18 minutes into the meeting, BOH member Attorney Geoffrey Tobia said, “Can we circle back quickly to 827 Green Street?…I’m not sure I fully understand. There was a contractor, he was hired, and now he’s not there anymore?” Chair Susan Avallone stated, “He left, he refused to do it because of harassment.” Attorney Tobia asked, “Why is the contractor being targeted?…” Michael Blondeau stated, “He’s had photographs being taken of him and his employees.” Chair Susan Avallone stated, “…which is also very disturbing.” Avallone said she called Shawn from GAMMHA to confirm that’s why happened, “and he did confirm that.” She stated, “It’s also very disturbing that pictures are taken from the outskirts of the property. It’s a private healthcare facility, and pictures are being taken and posted.”
In a twist of irony, at the very moment the Board of Health was discussing the subject of a contractor quitting the GAAMHA septic job due to Social Media and harassment, Paul DeMeo was in attendance at the meeting, sitting just several feet from the members.
The subject was also discussed at a meeting of the Conservation Commission on September 23, 2024. This time, Jeanne DeMeo, wife of Paul DeMeo spoke saying, “Just wondering if anything has come to the Board of Health regarding 827 Green?” Chair Greg Dumas turned around and ask Paul DeMeo if he was good and DeMeo stated, “I’m good, except minutes.” A visibly irritated Dumas explained they were looking for someone to take minutes. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Commission 9-23-24 GAAMHA has been working with various City Departments including the Board of Health to appropriately address repairs and improvements needed to its Septic System. Interference with companies contracted to do the work delays the process.
Gardner Magazine will provide further details on this story as they become available. It is likely the GAAMHA Board of Directors will vote on what action(s), if any, are taken to protect its relationships with 3rd parties, protect the security of its grounds, and to protect the privacy of its patients.
- Rozanna – Chair Luge (9/25/2024)
Heywood Super-Hero CEO Rozanna Penney to Participate in Chair Luge
On Saturday, September 28, 2024, Heywood Healthcare CEO Rozanna Penney will cross the finish line at some point during the Chair Luge at the Gardner Fall Festival and Oktoberfest in Downtown Gardner. It will also symbolize another anticipated finish line coming up on Monday, September 30th as Heywood has its Confirmation Hearing for its exit from Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. We are sure the smile on Rozanna’s face reflects her tremendous pride in the entire Heywood Team during a period of challenges in which Heywood expanded patient care and service to the community.
Prior to the Chair Luge, the Heywood entry will be decorated in accordance with the “Cheeseburger in Paradise” theme by a talented group of employees. The Chair Luge begins at 2pm on Parker Street in Gardner.
Upcoming Event: The Healthy Harvest 5k on October 26th. Complete details, CLICK HERE.
- Hyperbaric Heywood (9/15/2024)
Heywood Hospital to hold Hyperbaric Open House
Heywood Hospital will be holding an Open House at the Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 4 to 6:30pm.
The Open House will give interested individuals the opportunity to meet the Medical Director, Provider Panel, and Clinic Support Staff. Attendees will learn about advanced modalities including hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
This event will also serve as a celebration of distinction awards for Athol and Heywood Centers for Wound Care. Heywood Healthcare has had a history of good outcomes for patients who utilize wound care services. For more information, please call (978) 669-5690
For more information about Heywood Hospital, please visit their website at
- Brooks 9-4-24 (9/6/2024)
Gardner MA City Councilor Calvin Brooks Speaks about the Demand side of the Drug Equation
Brooks spoke of the law of Supply and Demand in the Drug Trade. The Councilor believes Gardner is helping to lessen demand in various ways he outlines. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Calvin Brooks 9-4-24 Brooks stated, “At the national level, the politics of addiction seems to focus on stopping the flow of fentanyl from Mexico and on calls to better secure the border from drug traffickers. The rationale seems to be that if the flow of fentanyl is stopped and the border secured, then the addiction problem is solved. Frankly, in my opinion, that rationale is a pipe dream. Anyone who has taken basic economics has learned about the law of supply and demand.”
Councilor Brooks also stated, “I am proud of this community for the support we give to those fighting for sobriety or recovery.”
- Hotline 8-31-24 (8/31/2024)
WGAW Has Special Hotline Radio Broadcast Featuring Speakers from a Night of Hope
On Saturday, August 31, 2024, WGAW featured a broadcast with highlights from this week’s Night of Hope which took place at Monument Park in Gardner. Following a live update from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, there were many speakers who have been affected by drug overdose deaths and powerful speakers urging others to get help. Listen to the entire show on any device. CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 8-31-24 The Night of Hope was held for International Overdose Awareness Day – “Together We Can” is this year’s theme. Listen to community leaders and local officials. Listen to interviews. Listen to people who have witnessed tragedy. Listen to messages of hope for those in recovery. A powerful broadcast originally aired Saturday, August 31, 2024 from noon to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere in the world.
- Commentary 8-30-24 (8/30/2024)
Commentary: Fentanyl, the Border, and Drug Overdose Deaths
A commentary with Publisher Werner Poegel. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Commentary 8-30-24 Featuring the Music of: Ekoh-Fentanyl, the Beatles -Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Eric Clapton – Cocaine, The Border – Little River Band, and Huey Lewis and the News – I Want a New Drug.
Need help? Call the Suicide and Crisis Line at 988 on any phone. Someone overdosing? Use narcan and call 911 for help.
- Night of Hope (8/25/2024)
International Overdose Awareness Day and Night of Hope
Overdose Awareness Day and Night of Hope in Gardner is Wednesday, August 28th. Monument Park Vigil is 6:30-8:30pm and the City Hall Luminaria Service is at 8:30pm.
Some facts: In the United States there are over 100,000 drug overdose deaths each year. 2/3 of the deaths involve synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl. In the State of Massachusetts, there are over 2000 opioid-related overdose deaths each year. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health put out a Data Brief in June 2024 which provides detailed statistics and more information, CLICK HERE.MA Overdose Deaths – CLICK for Larger Image
- BOH 8-19-24 (8/22/2024)
Gardner Board of Health Discusses Solid Waste Landfill Concerns
Gardner Health Director Micah Blondeau informed the Board of Health that he is awaiting final plans for erosion repairs at the Landfill. Resident Alan Rousseau has property abutting the sanitary landfill site and spoke to the Board about his concerns. Other discussions revolved around plans for 827 Green Street. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 8-19-24 Not discussed at the Board of Health meeting was the Giving Greenhouse at 25 Baker Street in Gardner. With respect to the current setup which reportedly is not dispensing food, Blondeau stated to Gardner Magazine, “I can’t speak on behalf of other city departments, but the Health Department has no concerns.”
Publisher’s Note: At the beginning of the meeting, there was a lengthy discussion about how the meeting minutes are prepared by Micah Blondeau and his use of the word “we”. We found it rather cringeworthy, odd, and unfair to Blondeau. See for yourself – Aren’t they refreshingly complete and don’t they serve the public interest well? CLICK HERE.
- Covid August 2024 (8/18/2024)
Overall Covid Case Numbers are Low – Other Published Reports Inaccurate
The charts we show demonstrate clearly that there is an ebb and flow to Covid cases where they go up and down over time. Overall, the numbers are very low. They are considerably lower than January of this year. But even those numbers can be misleading as the chart showing case numbers since the beginning of the pandemic show very low current numbers in comparison.
There are some local published reports which inaccurately describe Covid Case numbers as being on the rise. In truth, they go up and down and are considerably lower than January of this year. For the latest information you can look at yourself directly from, click here. In Gardner, the case rate this season is 122.1 per 100,000 residents. The website will give you detailed stats per City or Town., CLICK HERE.
Always seek vaccine advice from your own family doctor who knows your accurate history.
- CMS Ratings (8/12/2024)
Heywood Healthcare Scores Big in CMS Hospital Quality Rating
When Heywood Hospital filed for Chapter 11 last Fall, it announced that priority was patient care. An objective rating of both Heywood and Athol Hospitals proves it has kept that promise and then some. Both Heywood Hospital and Athol Hospital have received a 4-Star CMS Hospital Quality Rating in July 2024 results. Just under 25% of all hospitals in the entire country (and there are 4,658) have this rating or higher. Only 8.2% of hospitals in the country have a higher rating. Hospital Quality Ratings measure Safety of Care, Mortality, Patient Experience, Readmission Rates, and Timely & Effective Care.
To learn more about the CMS Hospital Quality Star Rating, CLICK HERE.
More information on the distribution of ratings, CLICK HERE.
- CDBG Grants 7-29-24 (7/29/2024)
CDBG Grants Announced in Front of School Street School
School Street School has been vacant for almost 40 years, has fallen in to disrepair, often has vandals and police calls. Gardner applied for a Community Development Block Grant to demolish the building and received it along with others to benefit the City. Listen to the announcements and comments from officials on any device. CLICK PLAY.
CDBG Grants July 29 2024 Pictured are 2nd Row: Gardner Mayor Nicholson, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, and City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas. 3rd row: City Councilor George Tyros who serves as Chair of the CDBG Steering Committee, Julie Meehan of the Community Action Committee, Bernice Richard of Voices of Truth, and both James Deveau and Janet Stankaitis from the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission. The CDBG Grants will also benefit athletes as fees will be completely covered again this year. Demolition of the building will be the middle of next year. Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE
Breakdown of the $925,000 total funds: School Street School Demolition and Associated Costs 95% or $877,000 —- Gardner Emergency Housing Mission $5,000 — Gardner CAC $16,000 — Athletic Fees $15,000. Voices of Truth $12,000
- BOH 7-22-24 (7/26/2024)
- Surgical 13 (7/25/2024)
Surgical Pavilion at Heywood Hospital – 13 Months after PAUSE
The construction was paused at the end of June 2023. 13 months later, the site is frozen in time awaiting the future. If Heywood Hospital emerges from Chapter 11 as expected, future prognosis of this project may then be forecast.
A hearing held on July 24, 2024 has been continued to August 9, 2024 involving various aspects of the Heywood Bankruptcy case. The matter is complicated with 38 pages of various filings available here. The original Chapter 11 filing was initiated last Fall in order to put Heywood Healthcare on a better financial footing.
- BOH 6-17-24 (6/18/2024)
Resources explaining 1,4-Dioxane. NCBI, CLICK HERE, Wikipedia, CLICK HERE., CLICK HERE.
Health Director Micah Blondeau Provides Info to the Board of Health
The Gardner Board of Health met on June 17, 2024. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 6-17-24 Director Blondeau spoke about the Health Department’s involvement in mental health and suicide prevention, plans for National Night Out, a grant application for a recycling program, a grant application to provide an area at the transfer station for a Swap Shop. various property complaints, isolated foodborne illness complaints, and the activities of inspectors.
Director Blondeau informed the Board of Health about excessive 1,4-dioxane levels at the landfill. “At the landfill, starting this year we were required to test at a lower detectable limit for, it’s called 1,4-dioxane. So we did our first test with the new lower limit in April and the test results came back as exceeding the new lower limit. So we just did a resampling last week and we’ll see what those results look like and send those out to the DEP and coordinate from them as far as if and what we would need to do for those results.” Blondeau continued, “it could be something that’s not an issue that we don’t need to do anything or it could be something where there would be some remediation. We’re just kind of waiting to go through the steps from having an overage on the initial test to resampling now and then we’ll go from there based on the resampling results. So we’ll keep working with them.”
- GAAMHA 6-17-24 (6/17/2024)
Information Release in PDF format, CLICK HERE.
A Conceptual Drawing supplied by Bay State Racing LLC shows the proposed use of the property:
For more information on the Carl E. Dahl House CLICK HERE.
For more information on any of GAAMHA’s programs, CLICK HERE.
An Information Release: “GAAMHA Transparency Statement”
Text of an Information Release by GAAMHA 6-17-24
GAAMHA is in the preliminary stages of a potential opportunity that would involve the sale of our property located at 827 Green St. Please understand that this is a complicated transaction with many contingencies and regulatory processes. In the interest of transparency with our stakeholders and keeping the community discussion based on factual information, we would like to share the following.
1. GAAMHA operates two programs at the 827 Green St location. The Carl E. Dahl House is a 16-bed Co-Occurring Enhanced Residential Recovery Home for adult men diagnosed with substance use and mental health disorders. ROOTS at Evergreen Grove is an outpatient program for young people ages 12-24 seeking support for challenges related to mental health and substance use. The success of these unique programs has created an overwhelming demand for expanded services.
2. GAAMHA is in the preliminary stages of a potential opportunity that would involve the sale of our current farm, but only if we are able to relocate to another nearby property and build larger facilities for both Dahl House and ROOTS allowing us to expand capacity.
3. GAAMHA exists to create a world where people can get help when they ask for it, no matter who they are. This mission is what drives our decision making and is our singular interest in this matter.
4. If for any reason this deal does not materialize, we will continue our work at the current location, and continue to redefine what community support should look like.
5. GAAMHA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and our sole purpose is the fulfillment of our mission. This real estate transaction is not an endorsement of any future use for the land. GAAMHA cares deeply about the trust placed in us by the communities we serve. We will continue to work with persistence to uphold the high standard of service and integrity that GAAMHA is known for.
- Heywood – Independent (5/29/2024)
Heywood Healthcare to Emerge Independent by Summer
Heywood Healthcare will remain independent according to a Press Release announcing its filing to Exit Chapter 11 (Filing occurred just before midnight on May 28, 2024). Heywood has expanded services since its inception over a century ago in 1907. Now, Heywood Healthcare has taken a major step towards providing excellent patient care for the next century. Heywood will officially emerge from Chapter 11 upon court approval of this latest filing, CLICK HERE. which is expected in early to mid summer. In a Press Release received by Gardner Magazine, – CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE PRESS RELEASE – Heywood Healthcare stated, “In the nearly 8 months since the filing, the system has optimized multiple service lines, re-opened its inpatient mental health unit, and experienced growth in inpatient, surgical, and ambulatory volume, including a 16% increase in labor and delivery. Equally critical to its success, the system retained and expanded the medical staff.” The final status of the Surgical Pavilion will be addressed at a later date. This Exit Plan as an independent community-governed Healthcare System envisions a continuation of its programs and services to meet the needs of the community.
The plan articulates the system’s readiness to emerge independently. Rozanna Penney, President and CEO states,” Heywood Healthcare’s progress is attributed to its dedicated medical staff and employees, along with strong financial and operational prudence. We will proceed thoughtfully and planfully, maintain focus on patient care, and continue to forecast potential risks. The board and leadership team extend our gratitude for the steadfast support of our federal, state, and local representatives, as well as our appreciation for the patients who continue to choose Heywood Healthcare.”
The Press Release also addressed the initial filing stating, “On October 1, 2023, the Heywood Healthcare system filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code. This deliberate and strategic approach allowed the system to address numerous historic contractual agreements swiftly, seek commercial rate enhancements, reorganize its finances, and focus on service optimization.”
For all of the filings in this case visit this official court website, CLICK HERE. For the latest filing on pdf, CLICK HERE. OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson commented on the news. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor Nicholson stated, “For more than a century, Heywood Hospital has been providing quality health care services to the residents of the City of Gardner and the surrounding region in North Central Massachusetts and the North Quabbin region. I’m very happy and excited to hear the latest good news coming from Heywood Hospital about the process to exit the bankruptcy process as an independent health care organization. I’m sure they will succeed in their efforts and continue to strive as they move forward. In the over 100 years that Heywood Hospital has been servicing our area, they’ve met countless challenges along the way, but they’ve come out stronger each and every time those challenges have arisen. I’d like to thank President Rozanna Penney and the staff of Heywood Health Care for the continued support and dedication to the residents who live here in providing quality health care services to those who call this place their home. Congratulations on making it to this point and I look forward to your continued partnership in the future. Thank you.“
- Letter Released (5/23/2024)
Gardner MA Board Of Health Releases Cease and Desist Letter
The Gardner Board of Health has been praised for acting swiftly when they discovered the illegal food pantry being operated at 25 Baker Street in Gardner. A local resident had not obtained permits or inspections as required. Board of Health Director Micah Blondeau released the actual Cease and Desist letter to Gardner Magazine.
See letter on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Blondeau wrote, “I encourage anyone considering any activities that involve distribution of food to the public to contact their local health department prior to doing so.”
Gardner Board of Health Director Micah Blondeau provided this explanation.
MA food code is a set of minimum standards, which incorporates the 2013 FDA Model Retail Food Code and its 2015 supplement, and is intended to protect the public from foodborne illnesses or injury. These minimum standards are set to ensure that all individuals, regardless of financial means, are being provided with food that is stored, inspected, and handled properly.
A food establishment is defined as: (1) “Food establishment” means an operation that: (a) stores, prepares, packages, serves, vends food directly to the consumer, or otherwise provides FOOD for human consumption such as a restaurant; satellite or catered feeding location; catering operation if the operation provides FOOD directly to a CONSUMER or to a conveyance used to transport people; market; vending location; conveyance used to transport people; institution; or FOOD bank; and (b) relinquishes possession of FOOD to a CONSUMER directly, or indirectly through a delivery service such as home delivery of grocery orders or restaurant takeout orders, or delivery service that is provided by common carriers. (2) “Food establishment” includes: (a) An element of the operation such as a transportation vehicle or a central preparation facility that supplies a vending location or satellite feeding location unless the vending or feeding location is permitted by the REGULATORY AUTHORITY; and (b) An operation that is conducted in a mobile, stationary, temporary, or permanent facility or location; where consumption is on or off the PREMISES; and regardless of whether there is a charge for the FOOD.
6-202.111 Private Homes and Living or Sleeping Quarters, Use Prohibition. A private home, a room used as living or sleeping quarters, or an area directly opening into a room used as living or sleeping quarters may not be used for conducting FOOD ESTABLISHMENT operations.
I encourage anyone considering any activities that involve distribution of food to the public to contact their local health department prior to doing so. We have many great properly permitted resources available for those in need including but not limited to;
Gardner CAC – Gardner CAC food pantry provides groceries for families and individuals (
Gardner MVOC –
Gardner COA – Food Services | Gardner MA (
Bethany Baptist Church –
Mount Wachusett Community College –
- BOH 5-20-24 (5/22/2024)
Publisher’s Note; Kimberly Blake’s illegal food pantry has been shut down. However, what continues is her inaccurate posts about the issue. The Board of Health took action based on Massachusetts Law and to protect the public. Gardner Magazine and WGAW simply inquired about the issue and were immediately informed the activity was not allowed. If you’re still not convinced, listen to the Food Safety portion of the meeting and you’ll understand the Board of Health and its inspectors act on their own to protect the public good. There’s no politics involved. Only a concern for public safety, period. As noted during the meeting, if you’re ever concerned whether a place has been inspected, just ask the Board of Health.
Gardner MA Board of Health Routinely Has Concerns About Un-permitted Food
The Gardner Board of Health has been concerned for a time about un-permitted food being sold in the community and routinely takes action when required. There was about an 11 minute discussion about the Blake illegal Food Pantry and concerns about pop-up bakeries and other unpermitted activities at the May 20th meeting. Listen on any device to food safety section of meeting, CLICK PLAY.
BOH Food Safety 5-20-24 Bottom line: What Kimberly Blake did in opening a food pantry in a residential area is not allowed based on Massachusetts law and food safety protocols and the Board of Health decided on its own to take action. There was no involvement by the Mayor. Note that most people are obtaining permits as required for activities and locations which are allowed. The Board of Health and Gardner does not get rich on permits either. A permit and the inspection requiring about an hour of a staff member’s time costs $25 which means the City actually loses money on the transaction. Note: A legit non-profit food pantry is not even charged an inspection fee under Massachusetts Law.
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
BOH Meeting 5-20-24
- Relay Interview (4/30/2024)
Details on the Gardner Relay for Life – Interview with Sandra Long
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with Relay for Life Committee member Sandra Long on April 30, 2024 about the upcoming June event. Listen on any Device, CLICK PLAY.
Sandra Long Interview 4-30-24 Sandra Long gave us a brief history of the Relay for Life and told us that this year’s goal is $185,000. Teams have already raised over $40,000. In our interview, Long explained what the Relay for Life is all about. For the 2024 Gardner Relay for Life official event page with all information, CLICK HERE.
Previous articles: Cancer Research —- First Lap 2024. —- 2023 Event —– 2022 Event
Relay for Life is June 7-8, 2024 at Mount Wachusett Community College, Gardner MA
- Health 4-22-24 (4/26/2024)
Board of Health Receives Updates and Discusses Local Health Issues
Health Director Micah Blondeau updated the Gardner Board of Health on April 22, 2024. Board of Health consists of Susan Avalone, RN, Chair and members Michele C. Parker, MD and Attorney Geoffrey Tobia. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 4-22-24 The Gardner Health and Wellness Fair had hundreds of attendees with about 70 participating vendors. The Purple Paw Walk is taking place on Saturday April 27th.
Health Director Micah Blondeau stated that areas needing repair at the transfer station will cost more than expected. “Looks like it’s going to be a lot more than what I requested in the budget….And there’s actually one area that wasn’t included in the report to repair, but it is going to be a problem down the line.” The Keep Gardner Beautiful Trash Cleanup and Nip Hunt is May 4th “So they have a little area up there now with a container of their supplies, and we’re going to have an extra container delivered for any trash items that they find. We’re going to have a way to take care of that without causing any problems with the normal transfer operation.” Blondeau also stated that “We will be applying for some small grants to add some structures to the transfer station. They’re mainly for increasing recycling capacity.”
Housing and Nuisance complaints are coming in a a pretty increasing rate, “We’ve had 20 of those complaints since the last Board of Health meeting.” Blondeau had some specifics: “We do have some cases that are pretty difficult to resolve and aren’t really going away. Nobody specific is working on any particular repeat problems. We are working on that along with any kind of property that has a lot of junk and trash. So we’re going to start hitting those harder and trying to get more traction on those.“
The Health Department has a new food inspector and inspections will increase.” He’s still in the training process, but we’ve gone out and taken him on several food inspections. He’s been doing a lot of online training. Pretty soon we’re going to transition him to where he takes the lead on the inspection that we observe, and if that goes well, we’ll cut him loose and put him on his own routine. So we are actually currently inspecting food establishments on a minimal scale, which is twice a year, and we’re going to be moving towards more of a risk-based category. So every place will be inspected two, three, or four times a year, depending on past performance, population surge, complexity of menu, all that kind of stuff. So there will be some places that will be getting four or more inspections a year, depending on how they do, and we’ll adjust that as we move along.”
Regarding regulations on paint: “So the goal is that they can get more municipalities to support it. And we hope we can get more attention in the legislature, just because there’s so many bills they’re looking at. o they’re just looking to get more support for basically a program that’s going to charge a fee, $25 a piece, less than $1 a gallon, and then that money would be used to set up a system to recycle the paint or at least collect the paint and recycle what can be recycled and dispose of the rest kind of on a universal level, kind of like the topics we were talking about. They were at the Household Hazardous Waste Day last fall, I think.” It was explained further, ” So I know that there’s a communication here from here about recycling the paint right now with what it’s costing the municipality. So my understanding from reading it is that passed in this legislation, the municipality will have to have different types of recycling processes for the paint, and that’s going to be costly. And so by having that deposit or stewardship amount attached to it, increasing it when it’s at sale would supplement some of those costs.” By collecting paint and recycling it, other states have saved taxpayers money, “So you have a lot less trucking and everything, and you have a lot less, hopefully, disposal in landfills and places where it should be going. So they’re doing it in Maine, Vermont, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, and it’s saving taxpayers nearly $300 million to date. So it saves the town a lot of money because they’re paying them to buy the paint and not paying it for the disposal.”
- Homeless – Nicholson (4/22/2024)
Taking the lead is something Mayor Nicholson does by meeting with the private sector and encouraging housing development, by meeting with officials and agencies to help with affordable housing, by being at the forefront of the homeless crisis, and by being proactive with respect to needed parking.
How Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Has Taken the Lead on Housing & Homeless Issues
Himself a Staunch Housing for the Homeless Advocate, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson recently highlighted a meeting of the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance. The 29th Annual meeting held earlier in April brought many together and the Mayor posted, “Congratulations to the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance on a great annual meeting earlier this month. Great to hear about the work they’re doing to combat issues of homelessness across Worcester County.”
Nicholson has created a “People are Policy” initiative since he took over as Mayor and often gets in the trenches himself. He has help hand out food at the CAC Food Pantry, supported grant funding for the Gardner Emergency Housing Mission, and he previously expressed a desire to take the lead against homelessness, even being open to the idea of a Tiny House Village for the homeless in Gardner to be a model for helping others in the State and the country. We spoke with the Mayor last month and he detailed his thoughts about housing and needed parking in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor Nicholson on Housing and Parking The Mayor said he would be in favor of Gardner being the first city to come up with a tiny housing village or something similar for the homeless, but he didn’t stop there focusing also on the general housing crisis in the state, “I think anything we can do to help one, the homeless situation that we have right now,but also just the general housing crisis that we have, not only in Gardner, not only in Worcester County, but in Massachusetts. The housing production report from the state let us know that we’re short about 250,000 housing units in Massachusetts right now to meet the population we currently have. If we can set that example and move forward with that, I think it’s all for the better. Whether it’s tiny houses, which I think would be great to start that example.”
Mayor Nicholson indicated he would be in favor of looking at whether multi-family units should be allowed by right in Gardner instead of needing a special permit – as a way to add more needed housing.” The only thing we can do here on the city’s end is try to find ways to increase our housing stock so that demand goes up, prices tend to go down. Find ways for all people to live here. Seniors need to find a place to go, and if that means they need to downsize instead of mothballing floors in their houses, as I’ve said in several of our interviews before, that’s something that we need to find ways to make more senior housing available, more housing available for people who are my age and younger who are just getting out of college, looking to start something new, get on their own two feet, and a single-family home may not be the right fit for that type of a person. It may be an apartment. It may be sharing a multifamily unit with someone else, just things like that. One of the things that the state and I have also been talking about is do we need to look at ways to make accessory dwelling units easier, so in-law apartments, so that if seniors are looking to downsize, maybe they put an addition onto their home and have an in-law apartment there while their younger generation of their family moves into the regular house, and you keep things in the family and you keep the family close together. Housing is something that we’ve been working on consistently since I got sworn in on July 14, 2020, and it’s something we will consistently work on.”
We spoke with Mayor Nicholson about a grant application for a four story parking garage in Gardner. Initially, the grant would fund a study to see what would be appropriate but the Mayor does have his eye on one particular location stating, “Right now, the current location that’s theorized is the West Street parking lot.” He explained what a feasibility study would help determine, “This is the first feasibility study to see, can that parking garage go there? If so, what does it need to look like? What features does it have to have? Does it have to have an elevator? Does it have to have so many spots reserved for bicycles? And if it does, how many spots? Does it have to have motorcycle parking? Does it have to have electric vehicle parking? All of this stuff goes into studies like this when you work with the federal government. And it may seem over the top, but that’s just the requirements there to make sure you have the fullest picture that’s there. And then if we get that study done this year, we can apply next year for construction of that parking garage.”
- Health Fair 4-17-24 (4/18/2024)
Health and Wellness Fair in Gardner Draws Hundreds
In a radio interview with Steve Wendell of WGAW, Veronica Patty confirmed that the turnout to the 2nd Annual Health and Wellness Fair held April 17th was double that in 2023. Hundreds were able to interact with more than 70 vendors. There was no charge for each of the vendor spaces, but each was asked to provide something for the FREE raffles which were held every half hour during the event.
We spoke with Veronica Patty before the event. COMPLETE ARTICLE, CLICK HERE. There were resources for adults and young people on the subjects of mental health, substance use, healthy relationships, wellness, nutrition, services, and programs. Veronica Patty is already thinking about next year.
- Health 2024 (4/10/2024)
Health and Wellness Fair – April 17, 2024 from 5-7pm at Perry Auditorium, Gardner City Hall
We spoke with Veronika Patty about the event in a short interview. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Over 70 vendor and resource tables are anticipated and admission is FREE! There will be FREE raffle drawings at 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30pm, FREE refreshments, and various family activities. Prestige Hair Salon is providing free hair cuts for kids on a first-come, first served basis.
Veronica Patty stated, “We have a lot of resources around mental health, recovery centers, any other substance use issues, resources for adults and young people. We have organizations that are going to have information about healthy relationships and domestic violence, wellness coaching, nutrition, a lot of youth services and programs that are offered to the community. We have things like art therapy and self-defense.
- Heywood 4-5-24 (4/5/2024)
The event was attended by legislators Senator Jo Comerford, Senator Peter Durrant, and Susan Templeton representing Senator John Cronin, and Representatives Jon Zlotnik, Susannah Whipps, Natalie Higgins, and Kimberly Ferguson, city officials Mayor Michael Nicholson, Shaun Suhoski, and Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, former and current members of the Board of Trustees, and community stakeholders.
COMPLETE Press Release on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Gathering at Heywood Hospital Attended by City – State Officials and Community Stakeholders
According to its Press Release, Heywood Healthcare celebrated Milestones and Community Commitment. CEO Rozanna Penney spoke for about 10 minutes with an update on Heywood. Other officials and community members spoke and there was a roundtable discussion. State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik gives a short introduction followed by CEO Rozanna Penney, other speakers, and an open discussion. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Healthcare Event and News Conference 4-5-24 Penney now CEO: “In June, Heywood Healthcare initiated a reorganization effort, appointing Rozanna Penney and Tom Sullivan as co-CEOs and subsequently transitioned Ms. Penney to the singular CEO, entrusted with navigating the system through challenges towards stability. Sullivan transitioned to the role of Chief Transformation and Restructuring Officer.”
Heywood Took a Strategic Approach for the best outcome: “In October 2023, the Heywood system filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code. This deliberate and strategic approach allowed the system to address numerous historic and problematic contractual agreements, reorganize its finances, and focus on service optimization.”
In a Press Release, Heywood Healthcare was specific about positive benchmarks which have been reached. “Significant progress has been made through the optimization of service lines, expense reductions, and revenue enhancements. Achievements over the past 10 months include an increase in in-patient and out-patient system-wide volumes, citing diagnostic imaging (+ 1.2%), surgical services (+14%), and newborn deliveries (+16%), in addition to expanding behavioral health services by reopening its inpatient Mental Health Unit in January. The inpatient Mental Health Unit is currently capped at nine beds, with plans to return to a full 12-bed license in May.“
Heywood Employees are staying. “In addition to the growing volumes, Penney touted the retention and expansion of the Medical Staff and Heywood’s ongoing commitment to the community.”
Heywood Healthcare exists for the community: “At the event, Heywood Healthcare reaffirmed its commitment to meeting the needs of its community, as evidenced by its many program and service investments in mental health, maternity care, transportation, and palliative care, further citing the re-initiation of the Doula Program to support maternal care, the launch of the transportation partnership with Woods Ambulance (Woods Plus) which has provided 95 patient rides from September to February, ensuring access to essential medical services, and the expansion of Palliative Care to include Chronic Disease Palliative Care, providing additional support to patients.”
Heywood Healthcare has been proactive with regard to safety: “Penney also noted significant enhancements in security over the last six months, including metal detectors, wand screening, staff training in MOAB (management of aggressive behaviors) and collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, and city and state leadership to provide the safest environment possible for staff and patients.”
Heywood Healthcare is active in the community and the Press Release addressed this as well. “Additionally, Penney spoke to the successes of a myriad of community programs taking place. The system provides school-based acute care, telemedicine, behavioral health, substance use disorder treatment, and trauma support to hundreds of youth within the five districts of Heywood’s primary service area. In closing, Penney stated “Heywood Healthcare remains steadfast in its commitment to exceptional patient-centered care and local access to essential health services. We are grateful to our medical staff, employees, Board, community stakeholders, legislators, and city and state officials for their unwavering support.”
- Warren 4-2-24 (4/3/2024)
Community Health Connections Highlighted in visit by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren
The Community Health facility on Route 68 near Walmart in Gardner got a high profile visitor on Tuesday April 2, 2024 when U.S. Senator Warren toured the facility and sat down for a roundtable discussion regarding the many challenges of providing patient care.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted, “Thank you U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren for visiting Gardner today to discuss access to healthcare in the region and the great work being done by Community Health Connections.”
The South Gardner facility added dozens of jobs and opened in June 2023. See previous article, CLICK HERE. – For more about the facility including what services are offered, CLICK HERE.
Urgent Care Center is open to the public, 7 days a week. Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 7:30pm, Saturday & Sunday, 9:00am – 5:00pm. Urgent Care Phone: 978-410-6111
- Health 3-25-24 (3/26/2024)
Gardner Health Director Micah Blondeau Updates City at Board of Health Meeting
Gardner Board of Health met on March 25, 2024. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 3-25-24 Abandoned Housing – The Director has a plan in place for handling abandoned housing with the ACO’s office of the State, “Whenever we identify a new house that we think they would find suitable, we’re going to refer that to them.”
Landfill – Director Blondeau stated, “I’m going to be meeting with our environmental consultants at the landfill so we can get a clear view of the sort of work that we need to do. And then we’ll start getting close and working on figuring out how to pay for those projects. …We did get a quote to install some precast concrete steps where the residents throw the trash into the bagel containers. So that was about $3,000 for pre-made steps. And then we would be able to install them. And we probably need railings. So we’re still exploring our options with that.”
E.L. Harvey – No complaints “since the last meeting, we haven’t had any complaints regarding E.L. Harvey and co-handling trash recycling or anything like that.”
Norovirus at a restaurant – “We did get one complaint about potential food borne illness, but we don’t have a lot of details on it other than two different people ate at a restaurant at two different times, and they both had norovirus, but we don’t know what they ate or when they ate. We did do a preliminary inspection today and just went with it as far as making sure they’re following the procedures for restricting or excluding employees, hand-washing, educating about norovirus, all that good stuff. So we will keep working on that as much as we can.” What is norovirus? Here’s the detail from the CDC, CLICK HERE.
Vaccine Clinics – “We are still waiting on a schedule for the next clinics, where the vaccinations go.”
Health and Wellness Fair – So far, there are 54 vendors for April 17th.
Gardner Health Department on Facebook:
- Homeless Help (3/25/2024)
Report: Research Finds at Least 4 Successful Examples of Tiny House Villages for Homeless
The Concept is to provide a small shelter to a homeless person with other needed services on-site. There might be 20 or more such tiny shelters on the same parcel of land. We found 4 successful examples from Oregon, Washington, and Texas – links are included below. With appropriate zoning, this could be done on City or town-owned property of as little as 1 acre in size which could be leased to a non-profit for a nominal $1 a year. In the links below, you will be able to read in detail about what has worked, what associated services are provided to help with some of the challenges the homeless face, and what details are involved. The pending MA housing bill and other grant opportunities might provide startup funding.
Square One Villages —- Community First —- Quixotec Communities —- Dignity Village.
- Council 3-18-24 (3/19/2024)
Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas Invokes Section 24 at Gardner City Council Meeting
Based on Section 24 of the City Charter (shown in graphic here) Council President Kazinskas clarified that a majority of City Council is required for 1st printing, thus the vote of 7-3 at meeting of March 4, 2024 was sufficient to get Marijuana Zoning Article to next step. For convenience, here is her explanation and apology from the March 18, 2024 meeting. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. (Entire meeting AUDIO is further below)
Kazinskas re Section 24 of City Charter 3-18-24 While the CDBG Block Grant Resolution was approved, Councilor George Tyros objected to the lack of the informal meeting which had been scheduled but was subsequently canceled. —- Cyber Security item and Grant writer item were sent to Finance Committee for study and report —- The $625,000 request for a new salt shed was approved by a unanimous vote. —- Adopted and sent to 2nd printing were the Two Zoning Articles: adding Sports Betting to the table of uses and increasing the quota of Marijuana Establishments to 35% of the total liquor licenses allowed. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Complete City Council Meeting March 18, 2024 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS
The Complete Gardner MA City Charter on pdf from which the above screenshot was made, CLICK HERE. —- Massachusetts Law Relating to Zoning Changes, CLICK HERE. —- Gardner City Code, CLICK HERE.
- Update 3-8-24 (3/8/2024)
Proclamation pictured is for Sudden Unexplained Death in Children Awareness Month. Here is information at, CLICK HERE.
Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on March 8, 2024
The Mayor reminded listeners about various events. Daily Savings Time starts on Sunday, March 10th and the Fire Department recommends checking your smoke detectors as well. —- Vietnam Veterans Day taking place March 29th at 10am on front lawn of Gardner City Hall. —- Deadline to get Dog License is Monday, April 1st because March 31st is a Sunday. —- Various events are going on at the Gardner Museum including a display by landscape artist Mark Lore. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 3-31-24 Mayor Nicholson spoke about paving in the Chair City and that the City’s asphalt contractor opens their plant on May 1st. He also went over a major water break on Leo Drive which will mean some paving will need to be redone. Repair of Gardner roof will cost about 1.2 Million with all but a deductive of $5,000 being covered by insurance.
The Mayor concluded by asking for citizen input regarding parking meters in Downtown. Currently most of the meters don’t work, but there still is a 2 hour parking limit. Some options are no meters, new meters, or a kiosk. What do you want? Call the Mayor’s office at (978) 630-1490 or email
- Cancer Research (3/3/2024)
Massachusetts has 2.1% of the U.S. Population. However, it gets 4 times that, or 8.5% of the American Cancer Society grant funding. Support the Gardner Relay for Life.
Massachusetts Gets 8.5% of all American Cancer Society Research Funding
The Gardner Relay for Life and other relays throughout the state may support the American Cancer Society, but that money is coming right back to the State of Massachusetts in the form of research grants to find cures for cancer.
Support the Relay for Life. All the details,, CLICK HERE.
Of all U.S. States, the Massachusetts population is about 7 million, or 2.1% of the U.S. population of 332 million. However, the American Cancer Society on its website shows Massachusetts with a total of 92 grants worth $40.4 million out of a total of $472.6 million awarded nationwide. That’s 8.5% of the total. That means Massachusetts gets nearly 4 times the money you would expect by population. Visit this page: Here’s the latest research news:
- Health 2-26-24 (2/28/2024)
Gardner Director of Public Health Micah Blondeau Gives Report at Board of Health Meeting
The Gardner Board of Health met on February 26, 2024. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 2-26-24 Vaccination Clinics are being set up for children sheltered in Gardner who need them. Director Blondeau has received public information requests regarding PFAS testing. He stated that the City doesn’t currently do that. “It’s not a legal requirement to fill, and they did request all water testing results, which I sent to them.”
Blondeau stated that the April Wellness Fair is April 17th from 5 to 7pm at Gardner City Hall Perry Auditorium. Publisher’s note: Last year the event was originally scheduled in March, but had to be postponed to April due to a March 15th snowstorm. Last year’s article, CLICK HERE.
The Annual Report on the Transfer Station had a few concerns. Two groundwater monitoring wells have been broken since 2017. “and they’re really wanting to get those fixed. We’re going to be working on that. And then we have more erosion on the south side of the landfill.” He is also having some lab testing changed. Blondeau stated cost of repairing wells at $20,000 and cost would be $50,000 for the erosion control project.
The Housing Inspector who was hired is no longer working for the City. Blondeau plans to leave it vacant until after the union negotiations happen. “finished by the end of March.”
Director Blondeau met with Assistant Attorney General Janice Beatty last week regarding abandoned properties. “And we did go look at five abandoned houses that they offered us to do an inspection on. So they’re going to evaluate those for suitability to either put them into a receivership or get the property owner to come back into compliance.”
An inspection was scheduled this week at the Waterford School kitchen licensed to Growing Places “so they can start running test batches and figure out how things go.” And, he reported that some residents are putting trash in the recycle bin. E.L. Harvey has been dumping it in the trash truck, “What they’re supposed to do is tag it and mark it and not pick it up so that the resident knows they can’t be doing that.”
- Status – Women (2/26/2024)
MWCC Public Hearing Event Seeks Input on Issues Facing Women, Children, and Families
Mount Wachusett Community College will host the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women for a public hearing on March 28, 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Register Here. The hearing will be held in the South Cafe at Mount Wachusett Community College. There is also a remote Zoom option
Testimony is being sought from women on issues that matter most to them and their families. “Our Public Hearings provide a safe and open space for all women in their communities to be heard and to share their lived experience, and the issues that impact their daily lives,” said MCSW Chairwoman Dr. Sarah Glenn-Smith. “The power of testimonies comes from sharing personal stories. Any subject surrounding issues that women face, or obstacles that hinder the ability for all women to experience equity are welcome topics.” Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- POEDM Launches (2/9/2024)
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel launches Visit the website, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Magazine Publisher Launches, Online AUDIO Commentary and Cool Art
This is a website in which I’ll feature AUDIO commentary which cuts through partisanship, presents solutions with simple common sense, and preserves the dignity of all people. We also feature some cool art for each subject. POE DM is AUDIO that matters. The goal: Present an opinion which contains a common sense solution to an existing problem or issue and provide fun visuals to see along the way.
Right now, you’ll see some COOL ART in dozens of categories. AUDIO commentary will be added gradually as I write and record it.
Right now, Enjoy dozens of categories of cool 3D Hologram Art in the categories of all things Government, Human Behavior, People Issues, Economics, the Planet, Policy, Oversight, and much more. Visit the Website, CLICK HERE.
- Health 1-22-24 (1/24/2024)
Interesting Board of Health Meeting Reveals New Septic System Technology
The Gardner MA Board of Health met on January 22, 2024. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 1-22-24 Much of the initial discussion revolved around Local Upgrade Approval for a Septic System and Well at 128 Wampanoag South. The new technology is called Geomat. For more from the manufacturer, CLICK HERE. Brandon Duchamp appeared on behalf of the homeowners who have an existing 2 bedroom house and need a Title V system on the property. He also described the proposed drilled well, going down several hundred feet to an aquifer. “We’re looking at a drilled bedrock well, what has a sealed casing all the way up.” Board of Health approval was obtained with a referral to the Conservation Commission for their opinion.
Health Director Micah Blondeau informed the Board about various matters regarding the landfill, stating, “We completed the erosion control project, the pump cleaning projects, all the brush and airways, grinding, and the metallurgy, so we’re just working on the next phase, …plan to improve the drainage and transfer station, and hopefully the facility.”
Blondeau spoke about trash. He stated “We’re also looking at costs for curbside recycling. So we’re most likely going to have to raise the costs to keep up with our costs. And just trying to get people to move more into the AFC throw bags rather than an additional toter.”
The Health Director spoke about various properties of concern and what the Board of Health was doing. He also spoke of the Abandoned Housing Initiative, ” take a house that has been abandoned, get it into a receivership, and then try to get it back into the housing market eventually. So we are coming up with a list of maybe 3 to 5 houses for now.”
Blondeau spoke about shelter for migrants and issues regarding trash and food. “right now they’re getting meals catered in. But it seems like they’re different from what they have been normally eating So, the people in the shelter are looking for more means to make their own food, which is kind of a problem.” He also remarked that having public transportation (MART) free for 6 months helps.
- Henry’s Heroes (1/23/2024)
Fundraiser Continues… Benefits son of Gardner City Councilor
Battling Cancer: Henry’s Heroes is a fundraiser for Henry, a 3 year old boy who is the son of City Councilor Alek Dernalowicz and his wife Angela. Henry is undergoing chemotherapy after having had surgery in December for a Stage 2 Wilm’s Tumor (also known as a nephroblastoma) . According to information on the Go Fund Me, CLICK HERE, the tumor was very large, about the size of a softball. Funds will go towards medical expenses, stay-at-home necessities, and anything else that might come up on his journey.
Fire Department Fundraiser: Gardner Fire Department Local 2215 is asking for donations. And they are selling t-shirts as a fundraiser to benefit Henry. They can be purchased at the Fire Station at 70 City Hall Avenue between the hours of 8am to 5:30pm. Tee shirts are $25 each. Cash and venmo accepted.
Please consider making a donation towards this worthy cause. To understand more about what a Wilm’s Tumor is, please visit this website, CLICK HERE.
- Palliative Care (1/13/2024)
Wendy Coutu Leads Team as Heywood Expands Palliative Care
For adults facing advanced serious illnesses, promoting quality of life and addressing distressing symptoms is of great importance. Often, the focus of this care has been only on cancer patients. Heywood Healthcare is fulfilling a goal to help more people by expanding what is called “palliative care” services.
Nurse Practitioner Wendy Coutu leads a Heywood Healthcare team dedicated to this type of care, focusing on improving the quality of life for patients and their families by addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients dealing with complex health issues. The team may include attending medical providers, nurses, social workers, case managers, pharmacists and nutrition staff. Bottom line: If you have an advanced, serious illness, there’s now more help for you. Coutu stated, “Heywood Healthcare is committed to providing holistic and patient-centered care, and the expansion of outpatient palliative care services reflects this commitment to meeting the needs of our community.” For additional information visit this page on the website.
- Kamuda Explains (1/7/2024)
Hotline Radio airs Saturdays from 12:10 to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and live streamed to anywhere.
Carolyn Kamuda Explains Abrupt Resignation from Gardner MA City Council in Hotline Interview
Carolyn Kamuda won election to the City Council in November, was sworn in on January 1st, but resigned on January 3rd. She appeared on WGAW’s Hotline Radio on January 6, 2024 where host Steve Wendell stated, “Tell us whatever you want to say about what happened.’
Kamuda stated, “I know there’s been a lot of rumors out there and it’s a good way to put it out to the public to somewhat clear up any rumors that may be going around. I kind of was very vague when I was talking to Lizzie Kazinskas as well as the City Clerk and a few other people about what actually was going on, but a lot of people watching my Facebook page since Thanksgiving know what I’ve been going through.”
Kamuda went on to explain that her friend Norman has a sister who had surgery at the beginning of December which turned very bad. “She had sepsis, she had blood transfusions, she’s now on a feeding tube and right now we’re just waiting to talk to another surgeon on Monday… it’s been quite an ordeal…taken a toll on my health as well as being stressful for him.”
Kamuda explained that she has a sister who became ill “and she was rushed to the hospital actually a couple of days ago with a pulmonary embolism. Those two things added a lot of stress to my life and I was actually looking forward to serving as councilor.”
And lastly, Kamuda explained that she has some personal health issues. “I also got a letter from my doctor saying that I have to see another rheumatologist because of some blood tests that I had. Many of the things that I’ve had in my life that have been fairly debilitating have been autoimmune diseases and it seems like that has come back again. Anything that has to be addressed and reducing stress is one of the major factors in that kind of reemerging in my life. I had gone into remission and now it’s come back again. So that’s the story in a nutshell.”
Our best wishes to Carolyn Kamuda, to her family, and to her friends. May 2024 end better for all.
- Baby 2024 (1/4/2024)
Gardner MA Hospital Identifies First Baby of the Year
In a Press Release, Heywood Hospital stated, “An Athol couple celebrated the start of the New Year by welcoming a healthy and happy baby girl to the world, at Heywood Hospital’s LaChance Maternity Center.
Katelyn and Tim Nault were the first parents to have a child in the local area at precisely 7:47 pm on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.At birth, Eva Lynn was delivered weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces and was 18.5 inches long.
The family is doing well and Heywood Hospital’s LaChance Maternity Center wishes them a safe, healthy and happy New Year.”
- Respiratory Rise (1/3/2024)
Rise in Respiratory Cases Across Massachusetts Forces ER restrictions
There’s a rise in respiratory illness cases across the State of Massachusetts. Included is Covid, RSV, and the Flu. For example, the percentage of emergency department visits related to acute respiratory diseases was just over 8 percent in early July 2023 and up to about 17 percent just before Christmas. In Worcester County it was just under 15 percent. Very young patients seem to be the most susceptible with a rate of over 500 visits to the ER per 100,00 for those 5 and under, with the next highest category being those 80 and over with just under 400 visits per 100,000 people. Here is the Massachusetts Respiratory Illness Dashboard, CLICK HERE
Locally, Heywood Hospital has placed restrictions on visitation in the Emergency Room due to the increase posting, “restricted to parents of pediatric patients (one parent at a time) and caregivers for adult populations (one caregiver) as well as those on comfort measures only. Facemasks are strongly recommended.”
For those needing Covid Test kits for future use, you can obtain them free. Here is the link to
- Mental Health (1/2/2024)
Heywood Hospital to Re-open Inpatient Mental Health Unit
Heywood Hospital of Gardner MA has received approval from the Department of Mental Health to reopen 6 beds of the proposed 12 bed adult Mental Health Unit on January 11, 2024. Plan is to add additional beds at a future date. Unit has been closed since October of 2021 due to lack of qualified personnel.
The Mental Health Unit at Heywood will operate 24/7 and will feature several upgrades including a sensory room, various other resources, enhanced security, and additional staff training.
A Partial Hospital Program already serves about 40 adult patients on a daily basis with outpatient psychiatric and counseling services.
View the complete Press Release here.
For more about Heywood Healthcare including information about available services and also various job openings, visit the website, CLICK HERE
- Heywood Busy (12/26/2023)
Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA with a Busy Lot
On the day after Christmas, Heywood Hospital showed signs of a brisk business. Gardner Magazine observed parking lots throughout the City of Gardner. At the time of the photographs on December 26, 2023, the parking lots at Heywood Hospital were about the busiest of all. Services were being accessed. Patients were being assisted with their needs. No one would know that Heywood Healthcare was in the midst of any financial uncertainty. In fact, the evidence shows clearly that the business of Heywood is itself – healthy.
While challenges remain and certain things are up in the air, 2024 is poised to be a positive year for Heywood Healthcare and Gardner’s Heywood Hospital which has served the Chair City since 1907.
- Covid Tests (12/24/2023)
Covid Tests Available FREE to Greater Gardner MA households
We hope you don’t need it, but there’s no need to pay for Covid-19 tests as is making as many as 8 tests available per household. The program began again on November 20, 2023.
Anyone can order 4 tests, and if you did not order tests this fall, you may place two orders for a total of 8 tests. Your order of COVID tests is completely free, you won’t even pay for shipping.
Here is the website to get your FREE tests, CLICK HERE.
- Heywood Hiring (12/5/2023)
Heywood Hospital in Gardner Thriving and Hiring Despite Other Issues
Here’s a comment from Renee Eldredge, a community health worker and a liaison with the “Handle with Care” initiative. She speaks on the positive impacts of Heywood in the community. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Healthcare 12-5-23 Here’s a comment from Christine Cutting,Program Manager, CLICK PLAY
Christine Cutting – Heywood Healthcare Here’s a comment from Hailey Girard, a phlebotomist, CLICK PLAY
Hailey Girard – Heywood Healthcare According to Heywood Healthcare, “From patient care to operations, there’s a role for everyone in healthcare. Check out this one-stop shop to find the position in your area that’s right for you. Website with Job Openings, CLICK HERE. — 20 Opportunities were listed here, CLICK for page.
There were also provider opportunities listed including Emergency Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Family or Internal Medicine Physician Opportunity, OB/GYN, Orthopedic Surgery Advanced Practice Provider Opportunity, and Advanced Practice Provider Opportunities in Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Psychiatry, and Urgent Care. CLICK FOR OPPORTUNITIES.
- Urgent Care (11/21/2023)
Urgent Care Services Availability in Gardner MA
According to Heywood Healthcare,Heywood Urgent Care, Main Street, in Gardner is operating differently as of December 1, 2023 with urgent care services suspended to the general public, but available to Heywood primary care provider patients. Heywood Medical Group will enhance access to same day urgent sick visits for HMG patients (those with primary care providers within the Heywood Medical Group). An advanced practice provider specifically for same day urgent patients will be located at Heywood Primary Care on Main Street in Gardner. Patients are asked to call their primary care provider’s office, who will schedule them in their office, if there is availability, or at the Main St. location. HMG patients will be able to access urgent care Monday – Friday. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Bottom Line: Patients of Heywood Medical Group have additional options as outlined above. Other members of the General Public advised to utilize Community Health Connections which has more than sufficient capacity.
Community Health Connections (next to Walmart on Route 68) is open Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 7:30pm and Saturday & Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, and July 4th. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Public access to regional urgent care services is available at Tully Walk In Center located at 81 Reservoir Drive in Athol, Monday through Friday 8am to 7:30pm and Saturday & Sunday from 9am to 4:30pm.
- Clinic 11-1-23 (10/19/2023)
Gardner MA Board of Health Holding Covid and Flu Vaccine Clinic
Gardner Health Department posted,”COVID & FLU VACCINE CLINIC —- Wednesday, November 1st – Gardner City Hall, 98 Pleasant St., Gardner – 9:00AM – 12:00PM —-
To Register: Call the Montachusett Public Health Network at 978-602-2356. Registration strongly encouraged; Walk-ins accepted. COVID and flu vaccines available for 5 years old+ . Please bring insurance card if you have one. *Anyone who received their most recent COVID vaccine more than 2 months ago is eligible for an updated fall 2023-2024 COVID vaccine dose.”
- BCAM 2023 (10/18/2023)
Gardner MA City Hall Pink to Raise Awareness of Breast Cancer
On October 18, 2023, Gardner City Hall was colored pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Officials from the Gardner Team are pictured. Women in particular should get screenings as recommended by their physicians.
Some statistics to think about:
About 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. About 1 in 39 women will die from breast cancer. Breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in women exceeded only by lung cancer. 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of the disease. Men can get breast cancer as well but accounts for less than 1% of all cases. More information, click here.
Some helpful ebooks you can download right here: Most Asked Questions – Signs and Symptoms —- The Cancer Caregiver Guide.
- Great Leaders (10/13/2023)
Baby Deliveries at Heywood Hospital were up in the first 3 quarters of 2023 versus the same 3 quarters in 2022 and even the current month of October 2023 is on track to be higher than last year. Interview with Two Great Leaders of Heywood Healthcare in Gardner MA
A very important event happened in Gardner on June 27, 1907. Heywood Hospital opened its doors. Over the years it has grown from a staff of 100 to more than 1000. Heywood has sought to expand facilities and services at every turn. That recently led to some financial challenges which Heywood has met head-on with its usual competency and focus on patient care.
In fact, with the current challenges of a post-pandemic world, Heywood Hospital opted to be led by 2 Chief Executive officers. One with greater skills on the clinical side, Rozanna Penney, and one with greater skills on the financial side, Tom Sullivan. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Healthcare 10-13-23 Both Co-CEO’s were completely transparent about their extensive qualifications. Both are highly qualified and complement each other.
Rozanna Penney spoke about the Emergency Department and the safety of staff and patients, provided details on how Heywood is a true community hospital with the focus on serving its community, the hospital’s community work including the schools, getting the job done for patients in all areas of the hospital, and what hiring is going on right now.
Tom Sullivan spoke about the positive financial aspects of filing for Chapter 11 Protection, how daily operations have been positively affected, about a few bumps in the road, and how steps are taken so nothing is disrupted. He explained the various challenges of expenses and revenue. He emphasized that the focus is on good patient care.
Mini Baby Boom Begun?
While not by a huge amount, baby deliveries at Heywood Hospital were actually up by a total of 11 in the first 3 quarters of 2023 versus 2022. (This was reported inaccurately in another local publication.) The Lachance Maternity Center is described as an immaculate, beautiful unit with private labor recovery suites with nice, roomy queen beds. Heywood is noted for its excellent maternity care and notably has the 2nd lowest rate of c-sections in the entire state of Massachusetts. Heywood opened its first maternity center over 100 years ago.
- Respiratory Illness (10/7/2023)
Massachusetts Respiratory Illness Dashboard, CLICK HERE. —- Covid 19 Data Dashboard, CLICK HERE —- Influenza Dashboard, CLICK HERE.
Massachusetts Launches Respiratory Illness Dashboard
Acute Respiratory Disease currently represents about 10% of all emergency room visits. Back in July, it represented about 8% of all emergency room visits. Based on past year’s data, the trend is down. A year ago, in October 2022, 15% of ER visits were related to acute respiratory disease, by the end of December last year, it was almost 24%, falling to 14% by the end of January 2023, and back under 10 percent by the end of June 2023.
From the State of MA, “The viral respiratory illness dashboards will streamline the previous weekly flu reports, which DPH has produced for many years during flu season, and the COVID-19 data updates, which DPH has provided daily and weekly since the early days of the pandemic in March 2020. COVID-19, flu, and RSV are the three viruses that are more likely to cause severe disease resulting in hospitalization and sometimes death.
State of MA on new dashboards: “The new dashboards build on our ongoing commitment to sharing comprehensive public data reports and align with increased recognition of the need to share data on viral respiratory diseases more broadly as illustrated by last year’s COVID-19, flu, and RSV ‘tripledemic,’” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Catherine Brown. “Our goals are to focus on metrics that are useful at this time for public health action and for individuals to make informed decisions about their choice of activity and use of prevention tools.”
Where we Were:
During the week of April 5, 2020, more than 1/3 of the 9,327 hospital admissions were for acute respiratory disease. More than half were Covid-19 related. In January 2022, over 20 percent of hospital admissions were related to Covid 19 with that falling to under 9 percent by the end of last year. Currently, only 3% of hospital admissions are related to Covid-19, but a total of about 13% are related to acute respiratory disease. This explains why the State of Massachusetts has chosen to make this additional information available to the public.
What is Acute Respiratory Disease?
The online dashboard specifically tracks Covid-19, influenza (the flu) and RSV. However, here’s a complete list of respiratory diseases from the CDC.
What is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome?
This is a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention. According to the American Lung Association, “Patients with ARDS are short of breath, often to a distressing level. They are breathing faster and their heart is beating faster. They may have pain as they try to take a breath. As the oxygen in the blood falls, their fingernails and lips may have a bluish color. “ More information from
- Editorial – Heywood (10/5/2023)
EDITORIAL: Heywood Hospital Unfairly Profiled in Another Publication
In any Chapter 11 filing, there is likely to be debt and tons of it. Otherwise, there would be no need to file. With a non-profit entity like Heywood Healthcare, it’s especially true. Why? Because it’s not set up to make a profit. It is set up to serve the community and provide great health care. So with the challenges of the pandemic and other issues related to the effort to provide patient care improvements and save more lives, Heywood ran in to trouble. It tried to do too much to help you, but it’s smart enough to reorganize so patient care is not affected. That should be the story.
The GN, a small local paper printed a list of large creditors as if it was an emerging story or revelation. It wasn’t. In truth, Heywood Hospital made all the information available to the public and its vendors transparently from its website. And it put forth a well-thought-out plan. Therefore, the public should have full confidence in its ability to provide continued service as it has been 100% honest in everything else. Be glad it is not a for-profit hospital or things might be different. In fact, the National Institutes of Health devoted a 24 page publication to the ethical issues with for-profit hospitals. You can read that here and be grateful for what we have: an institution which has always cared more about you than the almighty buck.
Gardner is fortunate to have a hospital so devoted to patient care for well over 100 years. We are going to report on the accurate story of how it’s entire team is devoted to its core mission as indicated in a corporate filing on June 4, 1986 when it took on Athol Hospital and described its purpose, “To support the advancement of the knowledge and practice of, and education and research in, medicine, surgery, nursing and all other subjects relating to the care, treatment and healing of humans, to improve the health and welfare of all persons, and to sponsor, develop and promote services and programs which are charitable, scientific or educational and which address the physical and mental needs of the community at large….” And that’s exactly what it has done. Heywood Healthcare is a non-profit not set up to make money. It spends money to save lives. For over 100 years it has supported the community. Let us give it the trust it has earned.
Werner Poegel, Publisher.
- Heywood Filing (10/2/2023)
Heywood Healthcare of Gardner MA Takes Major Step to Ensure Operational Stability
Heywood Healthcare has sought the protection of Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to address financial challenges and regain stability. This comes as good news to the many patients of Heywood Hospital, Athol Hospital, and Heywood Medical Group who have observed management changes this year and a halt to the construction of the new Surgical Pavilion. Heywood Hospital – 116 years of patient care. Athol Hospital – 73 years of patient care.
Co-CEO Tom Sullivan stated, “Though our health system has stood the test of time, we are not impervious to financial challenges. “ Co-CEO Rozanna Penney stated, “In the days and weeks ahead, Heywood Healthcare will continue to provide exceptional patient-centered care and remain laser-focused on operational stability.”
What exactly does the Chapter 11 filing do? Co-CEO Thomas Sullivan explains, “Reorganization is a strategic business measure that provides the necessary framework and process to address historical and pressing fiscal challenges. This path enables us to continue to provide essential healthcare services to our community, while restructuring historical financial obligations.”
The National Institutes of Health did a comprehensive study of what factors influence hospital bankruptcies. See article, CLICK HERE.The study concludes, “Based on our exploratory analysis, we contend both sound financial structure as well as supportive accreditation and quality performance all meaningfully insulate an organization against long-term economic under performance. In the case of Heywood Hospital according to their Press Release, “Strong volume, responsible fiscal management, excellent operational stewardship, robust revenue cycle work, and a dedicated workforce.”
A challenging operational period began 3 years ago when “in the midst of the pandemic, Heywood Healthcare and community hospitals across the Country were adversely affected by workforce and supply chain challenges and the revenue shortfalls in caused.” Athol Hospital recently received a 5 star rating. See previous article. According to the National Institutes of Health study, quality performance helps meaningfully insulate an organization against long-term economic under performance.
What is responsible for the increase in healthcare industry bankruptcies? According to the Gibbins Advisors research report, healthcare bankruptcy filings in the first six months of 2023 are on the rise with 40 in the first half of the year, with 46 filed in the full year of 2022. Complete report in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Complete Heywood Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- Heywood Rehab (9/19/2023)
Heywood Hospital Quickly Taking Over Rehabilitation Services After 3rd Party Issue
Heywood Hospital had to spring in to action quickly when it was notified Sunday evening September 17, 2023 that its contracted provider of Heywood Rehabilitation Services was immediately suspending services. While this affected services and patient appointments at least on Monday, September 18th, the Hospital took immediate action according to CEO Rozanna Penney to “continue the provision of these services and is looking forward to growth and operational improvements in this valuable service line. Heywood is working individually with the current rehabilitation professionals who have been working with our patients to ensure an orderly transition….Heywood has a moral and legal obligation to care for our patients, and has assumed full management of these services.”
- Public Safety 9-14-23 (9/14/2023)
Gardner Public Safety Committee stars the Councilors and the Department Heads – Complete Details!
The Gardner Public Safety Committee heard from Police Chief Eric McAvene, Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa, and Health Director Micah Bondeau. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Public Safety 9-14-23 Police Department – Website
Chief Eric McAvene spoke about staffing levels, parade preparation, the Junior Police Academy, use of drones, School Resource officer, a $100,000 911 reimbursement grant to help replace servers, Animal Control, Building maintenance issues, and very few issues with cannabis establishments.
Building Department – Website
Tom Zuppa spoke about staffing levels, City Hall building and auditorium updates and renovations, rearranging the offices at the Building Department for improved staff safety, Capital Improvements City Hall and Annex, various issues with School Buildings both former and current he is addressing, safety issues at the new Gardner Elementary School, and the need for a vehicle replacement.
Health Department –Website
Director of Public Health Micah Bondeau spoke about drug abuse prevention efforts, various quotes for pumps, vaccine clinics being discussed, housing and nuisance complaints, immigrant families, and issues at the Dog Park.
- Wardrobe September (9/7/2023)
Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store Back Again in Gardner MA
The Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store is Friday, September 22, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30pm. It will be held in the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria. UPDATE 9-14-23: Event has been moved to the upstairs library of Gardner Middle School.
FREE clothes for all ages, sizes, and styles. FREE hygiene kits and FREE school supplies.
The event is sponsored in part by Heywood Healthcare school based services in conjunction with Gardner Public Schools.
There was a similar event back in April which drew over 200 attendees.
All items are absolutely FREE!
- Marijuana Deadly (9/4/2023)
The Gardner City Council has before it a measure which would increase the number of allowed marijuana establishments in Gardner. Benefits to Gardner would include increased tax revenue from the added establishments. However, approval would almost certainly result in harm to the public health, considering the studies profiled by respected which we have quoted here.
So there is no doubt: Here’s the official U.S. Government source listing the dangers of marijuana: CLICK HERE.
Need more proof? From the National Institute of Drug Abuse: CLICK HERE.
Need even more proof of the dangers. This is from Web MD: CLICK HERE
A reader shared this link to an article in the Worcester Business Journal – CLICK HERE.
Teens Losing IQ Points —- Florida Deaths from Cannabis —- Marijuana Overdose Fatalities —- Legalization, more opioid deaths —- From the CDC
Recent Studies May Affect City Council Vote on Increasing Number of Marijuana Establishments in the Chair City of Gardner MA
Before the truth was known, television, radio, and magazine ads touted the health benefits of cigarettes. Similarly, marijuana has been touted a a benign drug. Turns out studies show this is a lie too. According to, the number of adults using marijuana has doubled to 40 million in the last 10 years.(about 1 in 8 members of the U.S. population) Partly because of the increased potency in the current drug, its use has become increasingly dangerous and “can be a death sentence in pregnant users” The article lays bare the health effects of weed and why expanding the number of marijuana establishments in Gardner would be foolish and dangerous to public health. CLICK HERE. Information is confirmed by 3 other sources. See left column.
Aside from the very real benefits to cancer patients and MS patients, marijuana has been proven extremely dangerous.
The List of Proven Marijuana Dangers Marijuana is behind 3 in 10 schizophrenia cases Chronic use quadruples risk of bipolar disorder Regular use disrupts balance of neurotransmitters which regulate mood and motivation High-potency marijuana vapes have been causing psychotic breaks, suicidal thoughts, and deaths by suicide Those with depression who use it for calming abilities often get opposite effect. Research shows over 20 percent of users become addicted Marijuana users have double the rate of insomnia Pregnant users have 70 percent higher risk of having baby with major birth defects and 15% increased risk of stillbirth, and 85% higher risk of premature birth. Marijuana use contributes to coronary artery disease because it causes heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. Also increases risk of clots. Three quarters of marijuana smokers get emphysema which is worse than the 2/3 of tobacco users who get the disease. Only 5% of non-smokers get emphysema. Teens who smoke marijuana heavily lose IQ points – literally becoming dumber. And those who quit as adults don’t get all their smarts back. Read more. Publisher’s note: There are contrary studies out there presumably funded by the industry which tout the safety of marijuana. There are even those who propose the legalization of all drugs. But as the battle against drug overdose deaths continues locally, the dangers of any drug must be taken seriously. Addiction is a lifelong illness. Help is available. GAAMHA is an excellent local resource. —- The Gardner Community Action Team can also help, CLICK HERE.
- Help Karen (9/3/2023)
Gardner Woman Holding Yard Sale to Support Kidney Transplant
Karen A. Rocheleau of 864 Timpany Boulevard in Gardner is getting a donation of a kidney from her husband. It’s a costly operation and she’s having a yard sale where all proceeds are going towards her kidney transplant. Yard sale is Sunday September 3, 2023 until 3pm
If you’d like to support Karen, stop down to her yard sale and maybe give her $10 for a $1 item if you know what I mean. Or send a check to Karen A. Rocheleau, 864 Timpany Boulevad, Gardner MA 01440
Gardner Magazine wishes Karen, her husband, and her family best wishes during this challenging time.
- Overdose Awareness (8/24/2023)
Various links to contact information for various organizations are found on the City of Gardner Community Action Team page, CLICK HERE.
Night of Hope at Monument Park on Thursday August 31, 2023
A FREE Community event featuring Music, Speakers, Memorial Video, and Luminaries will take place from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Monument Park in Gardner on Thursday, August 31, 2023. The International Overdose Awareness Day & Night of Hope will also feature Luminary Lighting at the City Hall Lawn immediately following the event.
According to the CDC, International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest campaign to end overdose. It’s a day to remember loved ones, acknowledge grief, take action to encourage support and recovery, and spread awareness of overdose prevention strategies. More from the CDC, CLICK HERE.
According to the CDC, the goals of the day are: “To provide an opportunity for people to publicly mourn loved ones. —- To send a strong message to people who use drugs and people in recovery that they are valued. —- To inform people around the world about the risk of drug overdose. —-To provide basic information on the range of support services that are available. —-To prevent and reduce drug-related harms by supporting evidence-based practice.
How to recognize an overdose: Recognizing an overdose can be difficult. If you aren’t sure, it is best to treat the situation like an overdose—you could save a life. Call 911 immediately. Administer naloxone, if it’s available. Do not leave the person alone. Signs of an overdose may include: Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils” —- Falling asleep or loss of consciousness —- Slow, weak, or no breathing —- Choking or gurgling sounds —- Limp body —- Cold and/or clammy skin —- Discolored skin (especially in lips and nails)
- National Night Out (7/31/2023)
National Night Out – August 3, 2023 from 5:30 to 8:00pm at Gardner High School
We spoke with Veronica Patty, who gave us more details about this event. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY,.
Veronica Patty – National Night Out 7-31-23 10th Annual Greater Gardner MA National Night Out is Thursday August 3, 2023
The National Night Out event is August 3, 2023 from 5:30 to 8pm at Gardner High School, 200 Catherine Street, Gardner. Rain date is August 10th.
“The Ultimate Community Experience” featuring a Pizza Contest —- Live Band – The Big Random featuring “Girls Night of Rock” with Danielle and Amanda with songs by Janis Joplin, Tina Turner, Linda Ronstadt, Joan Jett, Pat Benatar, and more. —- Free Raffles —-Giveaways —- Scavenger Hunt —- Story Walk —- Resources and Vendors —- Helicopter Landing —- Touch a Truck —- Free Ice Cream —- Bounce Houses and Games —- Obstacle Course —- Charity Dunk Tank —-Gardner Cheerleaders Performance
While Gardner is celebrating a decade doing this event, National Night Out was actually started 40 years ago and is generally celebrated throughout the country on various dates in the early part of August each year as a community-building campaign promoting partnerships to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. It provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
- Small vs. Bigger (7/28/2023)
Smaller Athol Hospital Wins Rating Contest Within Heywood Healthcare Family
With 159 hospitals in the state of Massachusetts, most get a 3 star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, just like Heywood Hospital. However, Athol Hospital got 5 stars in 2023, an honor only 11 other hospitals in Massachusetts and only 482 other hospitals in the entire country received.
The CMS star rating system is the gold standard for measuring quality and safety. The ratings, from one to five stars, summarize a variety of quality measures across five areas: mortality, safety of care, readmission, patient experience, and timely and effective care. “This is a testament to the dedication of our physicians, nurses, clinical staff, patient facing staff and all those who work behind the scenes to provide exceptional care to our community. “ – said Tina Griffin, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Athol Hospital
- Tracy Hutchinson (7/23/2023)
GAAMHA CEO Celebrating A Decade in Role in September 2023
Gardner Magazine had the honor of speaking with Tracy Hutchinson, the Chief Executive Officer of GAAMHA Incorporated. Come this September she will have been in the role 10 years. Some may not know that Hutchinson served a dozen years as Business Manager of GAAMHA starting in 1993. When the Community Center proceeds at Waterford Street School, GAAMHA plans to expand services and hire more people Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Tracy Hutchinson – 7-22-23 From the GAAMHA website, “GAAMHA is an organization dedicated to providing a wide range of services to individuals throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Our local service area includes Northern Worcester County, the North Quabbin Region and Eastern Franklin County.” Services of the organization include developmental day services, school to community for students with developmental – intellectual disabilities, employment services, substance use and mental health disorder treatment, supportive housing, and transportation. For more complete information, visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Farmers Market (7/18/2023)
Future of Waterford as Community Center has Begun – Hosting Gardner Farmers Market on Thursdays
The Gardner Farmers Market will be located at 62 Waterford Street, Gardner every Thursday from now until October – Hours are 8:30am to 12:30pm. Gardner Magazine had the distinct honor of speaking with Market Manager Nadine Smith about all the details. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Vendors are urged to contact Nadine Smith at (978) 413-1859. This year, not only fruit and vegetable vendors, but also crafters are welcome, so look for the Gardner Farmers Market to grow into a local goods marketplace.
- Air Quality 7-18 (7/18/2023)
Regional Air Quality July 18, 2023 National Air Quality Map July 18, 2023 Check Air Quality at any time through this official page.
Greater Gardner MA Air Quality Continues to be Affected by Canadian Wildfires
Air quality on July 18, 2023 is 60, which is in the moderate category. EPA advises that if you are unusually sensitive to particle pollution, consider reducing your activity level or shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.
For reference, Good, GREEN color is 0–50, Yellow, MODERATE IS 51-100, Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, ORANGE, is 101-150, Unhealthy, RED, is 151-200, Very Unhealthy, PURPLE,is 201-300, and Hazardous, RED BROWN, is 301-500.
Current conditions are much improved over what they were at the beginning of July. And on June 7, 2023, Gardner Magazine published an article in which there were Unhealthy (151-200) and Very Unhealthy(201-300) conditions in the area and Northeast. It has depended on the nature of the fires in Canada and the direction of winds.
- MART Geyser (7/18/2023)
Water Main Break creates Unwanted Geyser near MART Building on Main Street in Gardner
On the morning of July 17, 2023, DPW crews were handed a challenge as a water main broke near the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority building on Main Street. Water is off while repairs are being made potentially affecting nearby restaurants as well as other nearby businesses. Timeline for restoration of service is unknown.
Gardner City Hall posted, “Crews are responding to a significant water main break at the MART Bus Depot. Traffic in the area may be interrupted during repairs and water service will be shut off in the area while repairs are made.”
The City of Gardner has been making as many proactive replacements to water lines as possible since being hit with a number of water main breaks about a year ago. The problem: When aging water lines are repaired, the increase in pressure often causes additional water main breaks in pipes near the original break, creating a cascade effect.
- Sully Dog (7/13/2023)
According to the posting, Sully lounges on the couch in front of the air conditioner at his family’s home in Gardner while not on duty.
City of Gardner MA Welcomes “Sully” the Dog to the Gardner Fire Department
Both the Gardner Fire Department and the Gardner PD are shown welcoming Mr. Sullivan, “Sully”, a first responder therapy and comfort dog. It is expected that Sully will be sworn in (pawed in) at the August Gardner City Council Meeting.
Gardner Fire Department posted, “Sully is a 1 year old AKC registered Old English Mastiff and is owned by Gardner Fire Lt. Eric Hulette and his wife Denise. Sully attended training classes at Gardner Animal Hospital lead by Claudia Hoffman and Karen Rich, and has passed all four levels of obedience training, is a certified Canine Good Citizen, and is a certified Therapy dog through the Alliance of Therapy dogs. He specializes in therapy work for first responders, Fire, EMS and Police after stressful/critical emergency incidents. He will be serving Gardner, and area Fire/Police/EMS departments to support the staff. Sully will also be available for visits to Gardner city offices and will be appearing at city events. If any First Responder Agency would like to have Sully visit, or need his services as a therapy dog urgently after a critical incident, they can contact Gardner Fire Dispatch at (978-632-1616). They will get a hold of Lt. Hulette and Sully, or non emergent, Email Lt. Hulette,“
- Summer Eats 2023 (7/2/2023)
Summer Eats Program Underway in Greater Gardner MA
Project Bread offers free breakfast at 8:45am – 9:15am weekdays and free lunch from noon to 1pm weekdays at Gardner High School and Gardner Elementary School. Also lunch at Old English Village from 1pm to 1:45pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Free meals to all kids and teens, no identification or registration is required. Brought to you by the Massachusetts Department of Education and local school and community meal providers.
Other sites are available in the area: Link for Map, CLICK HERE
- Air 7-1-23 (7/1/2023)
Air Quality to Improve Sunday in Greater Gardner MA
Canadian Wild fires continue to affect air quality in the area. Current Air Quality at 142 for July 1, 2023 is unhealthy for sensitive groups. People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children, and teens are advised to choose less strenuous activities (like walking instead of running) so you don’t breathe as hard. Shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors. Be active outdoors when air quality is better. Air quality forecast for Sunday July 2, 2023 is 90 – moderate.
Everyone else: Enjoy your outdoor activities. Data is courtesy of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Check latest data, CLICK HERE.
- Surgical Pause (6/27/2023)
Editorial Note: During the pandemic, community hospitals across the United States were affected adversely by the revenue shortfalls it caused. While Heywood Hospital has been a responsibly managed institution, it is not impervious to financial challenges. In the days ahead, Heywood Hospital is taking the proactive approach to make sure it can meet what’s most important: the delivery of excellent patient care. That necessarily entails prioritizing their expenditures and being open to new partnerships for the good of Heywood Hospital and the community. As we find out more, we will share with our readers. Note that Heywood is still hiring. Here’s a link to the Careers page.
Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Surgical Pavilion on Pause – Heywood Discussing Financial and Legal Options
Heywood Hospital has announced that it paused construction on its new Surgical Pavilion. According to a Press Release dated 6-26-23, “Heywood Hospital is in discussions to adjust the project’s legal and financial structure to better position itself for the future and for negotiation with potential strategic partners.” View entire Press Release in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
According to co-CEO Tom Sullivan of Heywood Healthcare, “Construction of the the state-of-the-art surgical platform is critically important to our community and to our health system. However, we must proceed responsibly and cautiously in light of the challenging healthcare environment in order to protect the investments made by all partners and members of our community. The stability of our healthcare system and financial viability of this project is in the best interest of our community.”
Site work began last summer and expected completion was sometime in the Spring or Summer of next year. Essentially, the need arose because Heywood’s current operating rooms dated from the 1960s when they didn’t need to be as large to handle some modern equipment. When complete, the Surgical Pavilion would substitute 6 much larger operating rooms for the current 4 along with other improvements.
Heywood Healthcare includes 9 satellite facilities in Massachusetts including Ashburnham Family Medicine, Heywood Rehabilitation Center, Summit Family Medicine, Heywood Primary Care and Urgent Care, Winchendon Health Center, Murdock School-based Health Center, Tully Family Medicine and ACES. Visit
- Heywood 6-19-23 (6/19/2023)
Proactive Heywood Hospital of Gardner MA Holds Press Conference Focused on Staff and Patient Safety
In the aftermath of an Emergency Room incident in which one of their ER nurses sustained a serious injury while caring for a patient, Heywood Hospital held a Press Conference on Monday, June 19, 2023 featuring CEO Rozanna Penney and ER Head Dr. Ellen Ray. Listen to the entire Press Conference on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Press Conference June 19, 2023 A Spike in Violence
Heywood CEO Rozanna Penney stated that “This is a systemic problem, the problem that community hospitals cannot solve on our own. For years, the behavioral health system in Massachusetts and nationally has struggled with serious challenges relating to patient access and adequate reimbursement, and workforce vacancies. The long-term effects of COVID 19 pandemic and increased need for behavioral services continue to exacerbate these issues.” The CEO also stated that “reopening the mental health unit is a priority for our organization.” Citing statistics regarding violence she also said, “Every 38 minutes in a Massachusetts healthcare facility, a clinician or an employee is either threatened or assaulted, physically or verbally. A poll conducted by the American College of Emergency Physicians noted a 45 percent spike in violent incidents in the past 5 years.”
Working in the Trenches
Chief of Emergency Medicine Dr. Ellen Ray has seen it all, working at Heywood Hospital for over 3 decades as an ER physician, in the role of ER Director for 6 years. She spoke about the problem of violence, “And over the past few years, our emergency department has seen a significant increase in violence. Verbal abuse, threats, physical attacks, an increasing amount of weapons within our safe workplace. We see it each and every day. We work kind of in the trenches, as we call it. And basically on a daily basis we are exposed to physical threats and violence.” Dr. Ray related how the recent incident had an effect on the entire ER staff stating, “Our main concern is the safety of our staff, the safety of our patients, and the safety of our community.”
Zero Tolerance Policy Now in Effect
Dr. Ray stated, “We have instituted a new code of conduct policy to ensure our hospitals and locations are as safe as possible. To this end, violence, verbal, physical assault, physical threats will not be tolerated. Weapons of any kind will not be tolerated on our property. ….Offensive comments about race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or personal traits are not acceptable, and neither is the refusal to see a clinician. Based on these traits, all patients and visitors are expected to use respectful, appropriate language and behavior. Physical or verbal threats or assaults, suggestive or explicit words, phrases, gestures or actions will not be tolerated. “
- E.D. Protocols (6/15/2023)
Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Institutes Safety Protocols in Emergency Room
Vice President of External Affairs Dawn Casavant issued a Press Release regarding what patients need to know about New Emergency Safety Screening Protocols for the Emergency Department. Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
This change comes in the wake of a nurse getting stabbed by a patient in the Emergency Room last week. CLICK FOR STORY. Patients will be screened with a security wand and provided with a gown when entering the ED treatment area. Visitation is suspended in the ER with limited exceptions. “Restricted Visitation will continue until more permanent safety infrastructure is in place.”
- Heywood Incident (6/13/2023)
Gardner MA PD and Heywood Hospital Release Joint Statement on Stabbing Incident
A nurse was stabbed in the Emergency Room of Heywood Hospital on June 12, 2023 and sent to UMass in Worcester for further treatment. The perpetrator was arrested and charged. Here is the complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- Relay 6-9 & 6-10 (6/8/2023)
Gardner MA Relay for Life 2023 has 77 Teams
The Gardner Relay for Life is June 9 to June 10, 2023, taking place once again at Mount Wachusett Community College on Green Street in Gardner. The 2023 theme is “Every Step brings hope.” In a milestone, this is Gardner’s 30th Relay for Life.
There are 77 Teams Each team has from 2 to dozens of members. To join a team or donate to a team, CLICK HERE.
Teams include the Oakmont Peer Leaders with 31 members, Rosa’s Warriors with 20 members, the Oakmont Student Council with 28 members, LCU Crusaders with 24 members, Kindred Hope for a Cure with 26 members, and dozens of others. As of the day before the event, already $110,000 has been raised out of a $140,000 goal.
The Gardner Relay for Life is one of 2500 similar events held yearly in the United States. Last year’s goal of raising $100,000 was exceeded by the time the event began. This year, local cancer survivors will once again be celebrated and Cancer Survivors will take a victory lap to kick off the event. The Relay for Life event also features various music groups and food vendors.
- Heywood CEO (6/7/2023)
Heywood Hospital is expanding services such as the upcoming Surgical Pavilion, a state-of-the art facility opening in 2024.
CEO at Heywood Hospital – Gardner MA – The Facts
Gardner Magazine has confirmed that Win Brown is no longer the CEO of Heywood Hospital, the organization he has led for 12 years. According to a Press Release, Heywood Hospital has appointed Rozanna Penney and Tom Sullivan as co-CEOs.
Heywood Healthcare Board Chair Robert Chauvin stated, “This is an untraditional model, but one that capitalizes on the internal strength of the leadership team and the work before us, focused on community healthcare accompanied by financial and operational excellence. The Board is highly confident that this leadership structure, along with the help of our dedicated employees, will carry forward the Heywood Healthcare mission, to provide exceptional patient-centered care.”
Gardner Magazine has a policy of publishing Press Releases in their entirety. Heywood Press Release CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Comment: When any organization loses a key employee it’s a source of stress for the staff. But one person leaving does not take away from the tremendous good and the accomplishments that Heywood Hospital continues to make in the community. In my opinion, the real story here is that Heywood is responsibly staffed so that in a situation like this, business continues as usual and patient care is unaffected, and for that they should be praised, not criticized.
- Community Health (5/29/2023)
Community Health Connections Opening New Location in Gardner MA
They are calling it the South Gardner Community Health & Urgent Care Center. It’s located at 529 Timpany Boulevard in Gardner next to Walmart. And it’s opening on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
According to a company post they “will be offering medical, dental, behavioral health and Urgent Care Services – including X-ray. Two hiring events and three open houses/new patient registration events are planned for June. See our FB page for event dates, times and details! We can’t wait to see you.” Website CLICK HERE. Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
Community Health Connections has other locations in Fitchburg and Leominster. It plans to keep open the current facility on 175 Connors Street in Gardner which they call the Greater Gardner Community Health Center.
The facility has been under construction for well over a year and Gardner residents have been passing by the progress every day as the location is right on Route 68.
- Accomplished (5/26/2023)
The Interview you’ll want to explore: Accomplished in Gardner MA
Much has been accomplished in Gardner Massachusetts. We cover 2 dozen categories of success concerning the Chair City of Gardner MA. Mayor Michael Nicholson became Mayor in 2020 after a Special Election. He was reelected in 2021 and will be on the ballot this Fall seeking another term. Page with text of all questions and answers, plus AUDIO for each category, CLICK HERE.
Listen to the entire interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Accomplished in Gardner MA – May 2023 We have the entire text of the interview available on this page, CLICK HERE. For your convenience, we also have jump links below so you can go directly to read any section of greatest interest and/or listen just to that section.
Jump to: Aesthetic Improvements — Alert Service — Amenities Betterment — Benefitting Arts — Blight to Promise —- Boosting Athletics — Business Growth —- City Transparency — Community Events — Easy Voting — Elder Concerns — Educational Achievements — Fiscal Responsibility — Future Planning — Improving Recreation —Infrastructure Upgrades — Interactive Services — Life Issues Headway — Medical Advancements — Planet Awareness — Public Safety — Supporting Music — Veterans Services — Wayfinding Focus — Recognition by Others — Running for Mayor
THANK YOU Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson for putting in the effort to complete this project.
- Beautiful Gardner (5/17/2023)
Keep Gardner MA Beautiful Event More Extensive in Spring 2023
Highlights of Event Date: Saturday May 20, 2023 beginning at 8:30am Movie for Volunteers: Pre-registered Volunteers receive matinee movie tickets Litter Cleanup: Goal is to pick up trash in the community Nip Hunt: Goal is to collect as many nips as possible to clean up the community Electronics Dropoff; Staples is accepting electronics FREE (old box TVs are excluded) Cleanup Equipment: Available at Gardner Plaza “Keep Gardner Beautiful” posted, “Join Gardner residents, businesses, and government as we take action to make our city a cleaner, greener place to live, work, and play.” More info on Facebook page, click here.
- Year – Progress (5/11/2023)
A Year of Progress on Surgical Pavilion at Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA
Construction of the new Surgical Pavilion has progressed from nothing to the last metal beam in just a year. Heywood Hospital features a page on this project where you can see daily progress, CLICK HERE.
Current operating room facilities were constructed in the 1960s, so the project is expected to significantly increase Heywood Hospital’s ability to serve the community and retain providers. Completion is anticipated sometime next year.
According to the website, “Our premier Surgical Pavilion will be approximately 22,000 square feet and will include six Operating Rooms…..”
- Covid 5-11-23 (4/19/2023)
The National Covid Emergency was declared on March 13, 2020. It had been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization 2 days before. For the Massachusetts Covid Dashboard CLICK HERE.
Covid-19 Public Health Emergency to End May 11, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA and Massachusetts
The State Health Emergency end date will coincide with the Federal Government. For more details from the State, click here. Governor Healey stated, “We know that we have the tools to manage this virus – vaccines, masking, testing, getting treatments and staying home when sick – and we’ve reached the point where we can update our guidance to reflect where we are now. I’d also like to acknowledge the leadership of Governor Baker and his administration, who saved countless lives by putting these important measures in place in a time of immense crisis.”
There have been over 22,500 deaths from Covid in Massachusetts since the start of the pandemic. One year ago at this time there had been 19,000 deaths, so while there are still cases, the number of deaths has been declining. As of April 11, 2023, there were less than 300 patients hospitalized with Covid in Massachusetts hospitals and about 10% of those were in ICU’s.
Massachusetts Confirmed Covid Cases by Age March 26, 2023 to April 8, 2023
- 2 Events (4/6/2023)
Health and Wellness Fair for Mind, Body, and Spirit in Gardner MA
The Greater Gardner Health and Wellness Fair is being held Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 5 to 8pm at Perry Auditorium in Gardner City Hall. The event is being put on by the Gardner Community Action Team. It was originally scheduled earlier during the Storm of 2023. Now it has a total of 48 Vendors and Resources covering many topics in how to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit including Healthy eating, Exercise, Alternative Healing, Mental Health, & Health Care and Nursing Services, . Admission is FREE and there’s FREE raffles with prizes. Jump to complete list of 4 dozen vendors
Dog Park Event Gardner MA Domestic Violence Task Force and Gardner Community Action Team Organizes Dog Park Event
“The Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force is planning its first Annual Purple Paws Walk/Event. The event will be held on April 29th, 2023, in Gardner MA, and all funds raised by this event will go directly to support the Purple Paws Foster Project. This pet fostering project was created to help support victims of domestic violence by assisting them and their pets, who would otherwise be left behind when the victim decides to leave their abuser.
9-10am: Walk Day of Registration, check-in, vendors and resources, Raffles. 10-11am: The Purple Paw Walk – Info and Registration, click here. 11-noon: K-9, Blood Hounds, Service Dog demonstrations, Pet Costume Contest registration Noon-1pm: Pet Costume Parade, Winners Announced. 1-1:30pm: Raffle Winners Announced List of Vendors (Health and Wellness Fair): Wachusett Medical Reserve Corps, Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership, Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline, Thrive Occupational Therapy, Many Gifts Speech & Language Therapy, Supernatural All Stars, H.E.A.L., Adaptive Disability Solutions Inc., Gardner Police Department, Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center, Gardner CAD, North Central WIC, SNAP-Ed, Juice Plus, Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force, Girls on the Run Worcester County, Heywood Wakefield Commons, Mount Wachusett Community College, EZ Steam Club, Care Central VNA & Hospice, Growing Places, Open Sky Community Services, Heywood Hospital, Ajna Sound Healing, Line Dancing with Cathy Garland, Good Body LLC, MOC Youth Services, North County Land Trust, Health Equity Partnership of North Central Mass Inc., YWCA Central MA, Hannaford Supermarkets, Community Health Connections , Nourish by Aly, LLC, GAAMHA, Clark Memorial YMCA, Care Central VNA & Hospice, COBRA Self-Defense & Cobra Fit, Borges Martial Arts, District Attorney Joseph Early’s Office, Simply Grounded Yoga/Pilates, Parent Professional Advocacy League, Spinfit Kickbox Fitness, Heywood Hospital/Handle with Care, LUK Inc. Crisis Center, Recovery Centers of America, Healthy Families, and Open Sky Crystal House
- Accomplished (4/6/2023) Launches to Showcase Accomplishments of City of Gardner MA
It’s now there for all in the nation to see, the accomplishments of Gardner, Massachusetts in 24 different categories including Aesthetic Improvements, Alert Service, Amenities Betterment, Benefitting Arts, Blight to Promise, Boosting Athletics, Business Growth, City Transparency, Community Events, Easy Voting, Elder Concerns, Educational Achievements, Fiscal Responsibility, Future Planning, Improving Recreation, Infrastructure Upgrades, Interactive Services, Life Issues Headway, Medical Advancements, Planet Awareness, Public Safety, Supporting Music, Veterans Services, and Wayfinding Focus.
Visit the Website at, CLICK HERE.
Downtown Gardner
For information on Downtown Gardner including events throughout 2023, visit . For information on the Downtown Association including memberships, visit
- PfAs in Fish (3/8/2023)
Fish Consumption Advisories Affect Lake Dennison in Winchendon MA and Dunn Pond in Gardner MA as well as 11 other Bodies of Water
Complete Press Release in pdf format from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, CLICK HERE.
Elevated levels of PFAs were found in tested fish. Surface water at same locations did not detect levels of PFAs unsafe for swimming or other recreational activities. However, the Press Release linked to above details the health risks of eating the contaminated fish with recommendations ranging from 2 fish meals per week to none at all, depending on location. In Gardner, the Board of Health recommends no fish consumption from Dunn Pond for those under 12, pregnant, nursing mothers etc. Should you have any questions for the Gardner Health Department, here is a link to contact information, CLICK HERE.
- March to Success (3/5/2023)
March to Success – Projects and Progress Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
With so much happening in the Chair City, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of it all. Fortunately, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson agreed to help us out. This interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is March to Success – Projects and Progress. – Things happening in Gardner which directly affect your life. We will cover Notable Past Projects, Current Projects, Future Groundbreaking, and Future Planning and what’s on the capital planning list in 2023. Play on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete Interview with text of all questions and answers plus graphics, CLICK HERE.
March to Success – Projects and Progress – Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson What you will learn: The medical services and resources being added in Gardner this year…. The status of public and private sector projects started in 2022 and what’s upcoming this year…. The projects affecting people in the Chair City directly…. The focus on Education which will benefit your kids…. What events are happening this year…. Really cool additions to existing parks and the new parks…. How Gardner is meeting people needs…. It’s a deep dive into what’s happening this year in Gardner! Complete Text
Jump to a Text Topic Section in the Interview: Notable Past Projects **** Medical Care **** Ongoing Private Sector Projects **** Work at the Schools **** Future Groundbreaking **** Future Planning **** The On-call Realtor **** Infrastructure Projects of the Past **** Good Impressions at City Hall **** Infrastructure Projects Being Discussed **** Infrastructure Projects in the Works **** Spaceport in the Future **** Future Planning **** People Projects **** The Cost of Cuts **** Education An Ongoing Project **** Strategic Use of Resources **** Event Projects **** Community Amenities **** Business Recruitment **** Grants – Past, Present, and Future **** Peoples Needs in the City of Gardner **** Addressing Project Needs Effectively **** Greatest Challenge Going Forward **** Setting Gardner Apart **** What Citizens Should Know.
- Health – Wellness (2/27/2023)
Health and Wellness Fair for Mind, Body, and Spirit in Gardner MA
The Greater Gardner Health and Wellness Fair is being held Wednesday, March 15, 2023 from 5 to 8pm at Perry Auditorium in Gardner City Hall. The event is being put on by the Gardner Community Action Team.
Resource tables for various area providers and vendors will give residents a rare opportunity to get information about many topics all in one place. This is the Health Fair which helps you stay healthy in many aspects. And you could even win a free prize from one of the free raffles.
RESOURCES Healthy eating: A dietician will be on hand, sponsored by Hannaford Supermarkets. Growing Places will focus on growing healthy foods. People’s place will speak of cooking classes. And, there will be information about Farmer’s Markets throughout the region. Also, nutritional products and nutrition counseling. Exercise: The North County Land Trust will be on hand to provide information on the various free hiking trails offered in the region. Other resources available will focus on yoga, martial arts, self defense, kick boxing, pilates, and line dancing. Even YMCA will be represented. Alternative Healing: Sound healing. art healing, accupressure as well as nutritional health. Mental Health: Resources on mental health and substance abuse prevention, recovery resources, anxiety and stress management, healthy relationships education, the YWCA, Heywood Hospital’s ‘Handle with Care’ program for children dealing with traumatic events, and resources for mental health counseling. Health Care and Nursing Services.
- MEPA Ruling (2/23/2023)
MEPA Requiring Environmental Impact Report Regarding Proposed Gardner Landfill Expansion
The State of Massachusetts has ruled that an Environment Impact Report will be required for the proposed Gardner Sludge Landfill Expansion. See the 108 page ruling, CLICK HERE. Ruling is from the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency, MEPA.
Ivan Ussach, the Director of the Millers River Watershed Council spoke to us about the ruling and we asked some questions about a Press Release he gave us, See Press Release. Listen to our interview on any device. Click Play.
Ivan Ussach Interview 2-23-23
- GAAMHA (2/17/2023)
Shawn Hayden of GAAMHA in Gardner MA explains their 3 Important Services
Shawn Hayden detailed Developmental Services including S.T.R.E.A.M. and GAAMHA Employment Services. He spoke on their Substance Use Disorder Services including Residential Treatment programs and Community Recovery Services. Hayden explained GAAMHA Transportation services and went over how people can support GAAMHA. The website is, CLICK HERE.
The interview is comprehensive in that Shawn details exactly how GAAMHA could help someone you know, whether it’s Developmental Services which help individuals lead more fulfilling lives, to Substance Abuse Services including a unique program where women can have their children stay with them, to extensive transportation services.
- Summer Rec (2/15/2023)
Gardner MA Summer Recreation Bigger and Better This Year!
There are two locations this year at Gardner Elementary School and Gardner High School. Camp Experiences include Soccer, Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Track & Field, Dek/Field Hockey, Gardening, Art, Drama, Building/Robotics, and Nature.
We spoke with Gardner Athletic/Recreation Director Dan Forte about the Summer Recreation Program, The Success of Gardner Sports Teams, and the generosity of the community. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Dan Forte Interview 2-15-23 Registration is Now Open and is expected to fill quickly. General Camp Experience is $ 30/week for Half or $60/week for Full day for K-1, 2-4, and 5-7 — Full day is 9am to 4pm, for a fee of $5 per week , you can opt for early drop-off or late pickup. Complete Details here. City of Gardner Recreation page on Facebook, CLICK HERE
Programs are intended for Gardner Students and Residents. Grades are based on Fall 2023. So for example, if your child is going to attend kindergarten in the Fall, they can attend the Summer Program.
- Plastics Recycling (2/11/2023)
Frustrated with Misinformation out there, Gardner MA Health Department Communicates about Recyling in Massachusetts
Gardner Health Dept. posted, “There’s a lot of talk out there about plastics recycling, and we’re here to set the record straight: plastic containers…really DO get recycled in Massachusetts.”
There are 9 materials recovery facilities in Massachusetts with the nearest ones to the Greater Gardner area located in Auburn and Westborough. For more information and the entire map of facilities, CLICK HERE – For a Recycle Smart Guide, click here. – For other questions, has a searchable Recyclopedia. – Gardner has a Trash and Recycling Calendar, CLICK HERE.
If you have questions for the Gardner Health Department, here is a link to the page on the City of Gardner website.
- Slinging the Sludge (2/9/2023)
Slinging the Sludge – The Truth About the Proposed Landfill Expansion in Gardner MA
With any public issue, it is important that the facts be published with accuracy. The truth: Public officials in Gardner have shown great concern about the environment throughout all steps of considering the expansion of the Landfill. The truth: A third party report was commissioned. The truth: Afterwards, a decision was made to proceed and the public comment period with the state went through the end of January. The truth: Dane Arnold has commented on the issue – to the Public Service Committee to which he often reports on his Department. The truth: Mayor Nicholson has acknowledged that this is just a stop gap measure in need of a longer term solution. The truth: The Conservation Commission has met often on the issue and discussed it at length.
We do something other publications don’t do: We publish the actual AUDIO of meetings, so you can draw your own conclusions. The evidence below will show the issue has been carefully considered.
Starting in May 2022, We reported on the City moving forward with the Landfill Expansion, the discussions of the Conservation Commission, the discussions before the Public Service Committee, and various interviews with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. Our evidence is the AUDIO of the meetings and interviews themselves, demonstrating clearly that environmental concerns were clearly identified and studied, alternatives were explored, financial considerations were calculated, and the need for a longer term solution was acknowledged.
Chronology of Our Reporting on Issue
May 2022: Sewage Sludge Decisions in Gardner MA July 2022: Moving Forward on Landfill Expansion August 2022: Chairman of Conservation Commission stated he would “not be bullied, harassed, called, bamboozled, dumped on” stating we’re going to do the right thing.” Topic of Sludge has complete AUDIO of meeting. August 23, 2022: Sludge Again – Once again, issue at Conservation Commission. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. August 2022: We interviewed Gardner Mayor Nicholson in our Citizen Concerns Interview and he stated, “I think there’s just some misinformation that’s out there, not understanding the full project. …Like the fact that we’re even at this point means that everything’s had to be vetted as thoroughly as possible by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, the EPA. This is something that, we have to be remembering our fiduciary responsibility that we have for our rate payers. Article has complete AUDIO of the Mayor’s comments. September 2022: Conservation Commission took up the matter again on 9-26-22, approving $700 for a 3rd party opinion. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. October 2022: DPW Director Dane Arnold spoke at a meeting of the Public Service Committee on 10-13-22, saying, “The Sludge Landfill report by a 3rd party should be in soon and then next steps can be taken. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. November 2022: The Conservation Commission met on 11-14-22 regarding Tighe and Bond findings: Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. 11-21-22: We interviewed Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and he stated, “So those all go to the state now for a full review, to make sure that there’s no contaminants that could possibly leak out, that the liner is set to be, you know, sturdy and sustainable, to make sure that everything there , is above board , there’s probably at least six to eight months in that process, to make sure that all the eyes are dotted and the t’s crossed” Interview has complete AUDIO. December 2022: The Public Service Committee discussed the expansion of the Sludge Landfill on 12-2-22. Article has complete AUDIO of meeting. January 2023: Mayor Nicholson spoke about the issue on WGAW’s Hotline Radio stating that the project was under MEPA review. And the Mayor stated, “We only have about 3 to 5 years to figure out something for this, otherwise we’re really gonna be up the creek in terms of potentially tripling our rate for our sewer rates in order to truck the sewage someplace else or some other type of really expensive alternative here.” February 2023: Lessons About History Interview: Mayor Nicholson stated, “We need to figure out the process right now so that we can have an immediate plan, but also plan ahead in the future, so that once that’s done, we’re not in the same spot we are again in the next fifteen to twenty years, but we have something already started, so once we can get through this very painful process, we already have something planned to go. Interview has complete AUDIO. We can’t find any important piece missing in this puzzle. A final decision on the matter should be known in the coming months.
- Dumb and Dead (2/7/2023)
Greater Gardner MA Students at Risk of Death from Dumb Challenges
The challenges run the gamut from misusing medications, altering the body using permanent materials, putting any of a number of dangerous substances on the body, physical stunts resulting in injury, and even driving erratically to result in killer accidents. There’s even a challenge where kids choke themselves and many die around the world. Gardner School Health Services of Gardner Public Schools sent out a letter to parents warning that a couple of students had adverse reactions “after inappropriately using over the counter medications.” The FDA has warned this “can lead to serous heart problems, seizures, coma, or even death.” Bottom line: Be smart, don’t be Dumb and Dead…
- Pres in Red (2/7/2023)
Gardner MA City Council President Takes Center in Raising Awareness of Women with Heart Disease
Gardner Mayor Nicholson posted: “Nearly half of women in their 20s and older are living with a form of cardiovascular disease. American Heart Association — Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators are working to change that. Rep Jon Zlotnik, Council President Lizzy Kazinskas, and I are wearing red today to help raise awareness and support the fight against stroke and heart disease.”
According to the CDC, “Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as a man’s disease, almost as many women as men die each year of heart disease in the United States.” Heart Disease Death Rates in Women 35+ are shown on the map.
For more information about heart attack symptoms in women (could save your life), we have tips from the American Heart Association. CLICK HERE
- Heywood Progress (2/6/2023)
Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA Making Progress with Surgical Pavilion
From explosions last summer when large amounts of rock were removed, to a new Parking lot and landscaping, to a groundbreaking on the new Surgical Pavilion, to the import of various construction materials, the Construction Team has been working to achieve the goal of building a state-of-the art Surgical Pavilion and fulfilling Heywood’s goal of having most services available close to home for Greater Gardner residents. Like many hospitals throughout the country, Heywood Hospital has been going through challenges the past couple of years due to revenue shortfalls caused in part by the Covid Pandemic. Nevertheless, it has pressed on with this project for the good of the community.
Heywood Vice President of External Affairs, Dawn Casavant recently told us about the Surgical Pavilion progress. She stated “All the site work has been completed. Steel is arriving. And we expect that the final piece of steel will be hoisted on or about March 30th”. A public event is planned at that time. Completion of entire project will be by the Spring of 2024.
Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Surgical Pavilion – Heywood Hospital
- Lessons – Gardner (2/1/2023)
Lessons About Gardner History – An Interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
In a revealing interview, we interview Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson to learn more Lessons About Gardner History, how we can learn from the past to have more successes in the present and contribute to a better future. The entire interview is available to read in its entirety, CLICK HERE, or listen on any device. Click Play.
Lessons About Gardner History – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Topics covered include the storms of January 2023, Paving in the Chair City, the City Charter, updating Gardner City Hall, Fire Department needs, giving uses to unused City Buildings, Music Education in Gardner Public Schools, About the Covid Pandemic, Staff Development in the City of Gardner, Construction and use of school buildings, Signage in the City, Sludge Landfill Expansion, Lighting in the Chair City, Blighted Properties, Satisfaction in the Gardner Police Department, MMA and Grants, Things which didn’t turn out as well as expected, advice on purchasing a home, Spending money or waiting for grants, funding of Athletics, Gardner Disaster Preparedness, the Budget Process, Perfect Audit, Promotion of the Chair City, Growing Business in Gardner, Serving the Public, Gardner Events, Effectiveness of City Ordinances, Serving Senior Citizens, Visitors’ Center and Tourism, Downtown Gardner Traffic Flow, Funding Priorities, Environmental Concerns, Supporting Industry, Criticism from the Public, Topics of Phone Calls, Challenging Financial Times, and the Effectiveness of Various Approaches. Downloadable eBook 62 pages, CLICK HERE
We covered more than 3 dozen topics and Mayor Nicholson was good enough to answer every question and we very much appreciate it. Listen to the interview or read it right here.
- Phoenix Problem (1/31/2023)
Last September, Heywood Hospital had the groundbreaking of the New Surgical Pavilion set to open next year. Dawn Casavant – Heywood Hospital Gardner MA Heywood Hospital of Gardner MA Responds to the Phoenix Problem – Ignore the Letter
Concerned about patients – Heywood took immediate and decisive action.
It didn’t take long for Social Media Internet to be loaded with comments after many area residents received letters from Phoenix Financial Services, a collection agency claiming to have purchased debt people originally owed to Heywood Hospital. The problem as many Social Media users pointed out, the debts never existed, are already paid, or are inaccurate. We reached out to Heywood Hospital about the issue. They have advised people to simply ignore the letters. We reached out to Phoenix and they would not talk to us unless we gave them a birth date and when we objected to giving out personal information, a Phoenix spokesmen abruptly hung up.
Considerable Complaints about Phoenix
According to an article on published in 2020, Phoenix has a large number of complaints about it. Their article gives advice on getting Phoenix removed from your credit report. Article, CLICK HERE. The Better Business Bureau of Indianapolis has more than a dozen pages of consumer complaints about inaccurate credit reporting and other issues from Phoenix, CLICK HERE.
Heywood Hospital Responds
Heywood Hospital was quick to respond to the issue and is very concerned about its patients. Dawn Casavant, Vice President of External Affairs very graciously agreed to an interview with Gardner Magazine. Listen here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Dawn Casavant Interview 1-31-23 Heywood Explains Procedures and Takes Immediate Action
Heywood Hospital issued a Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE, in which it stated, “We are aware that patients have been receiving collection notices sent in error, from the Phoenix Financial Group. We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience this may have caused you. These notices may be disregarded. Heywood made the decision to sell some old receivables (visits prior to 2/2021) to a company called Pendrick. This is a common practice in the healthcare industry and Pendrick is a reputable firm. Pendrick utilized a collections agency, Phoenix Financials, who began aggressive collections tactics. This is inconsistent with the intent of the sale, and we asked them yesterday to cease all patient collections efforts on these receivables. You may be contacted by this company if you had an insurance or patient balance in our system from 2/1/21 and prior. We have asked Phoenix/Pendrick to stop all collections efforts and will no longer be doing business with these organizations. What are the next steps/what do I do? If you have been contacted by Phoenix Financial, please disregard the notice. As we are discontinuing work with them, we have also asked them to send a notice that all collections efforts will cease. Will this collection attempt affect my credit? We have received confirmation that no one’s credit will be impacted.
Please listen to the AUDIO interview with Dawn Casavant. In it, she also tells us of Heywood’s commitment to improving Surgical Options as the new Surgical Pavilion continues construction with a projected opening in 2024.
- Free Tests (1/20/2023)
Every Greater Gardner MA Household can get 4 FREE Covid-19 Tests Shipped Free
Yes, they are doing it again. At, CLICK HERE, you can at free-athome Covid-19 tests this winter. Every U.S. household is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. Click Here.
- Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 (1/20/2023)
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 State of the City 1-10-23 Seaman Bridget McLean receives award. Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson with 20 Minute Important Update on 20th of January, 2023
This week Mayor Nicholson’s update is filled to the brim with useful information for all citizens of Gardner Massachusetts. “A substantial update for you here today.”
Here’s a list of topics covered this week:
Thanks for everyone who was involved in making last week’s State of the City Address as successful as it was. To listen, here’s the article. A completely filled Council Chamber and 2nd floor hallway. Director of Public Health Lauren Saunders is now a registered sanitarian, passing the exam on the first try. Gardner resident Seaman Bridget McLean receipt of Military Excellence Award from Navy boot camp, placing first in graduating class. Congratulations to new officers of Gardner Golden Age Club Congratulations to Centennial Committee on successful kick-off event. Here’s our article. Congratulations to new Crown Chicken franchisee on reopening the store in Gardner. View our article. Fire Department Grants for badly needed hoses and Fire Education in schools and for seniors. View our article. Grants for Dispatcher Training. Grants and other funding for improvements at Gardner Airport. Report on the usage of facade grants and available funding still available for other businesses. Almost 3 dozen businesses have opened in Gardner in the past 2 years. Start of the work with Department Heads to develop fiscal 2024 budget. Property Cards have been updated – abatement applications are due by February 1st. View your property card, CLICK HERE. News on reports due and inspections forthcoming for multi-family properties. View our article on inspections, CLICK HERE. Listen to the Update on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23
- Heywood Challenges (1/6/2023)
Gardner MA Heywood Hospital to Remain Independent for now
In May, Heywood Hospital announced that it had signed a non-binding letter of intent to explore affiliation options with Umass Memorial Health. Umass announced on January 5, 2023 that the merger has been called off.
Heywood has had its share of challenges in 2022, receiving a hospital safety grade of B in Fall 2022, down from an A in 2021 and patient satisfaction issues with a google review average of 2.4. We did find one notable positive review: “My family received excellent care at Heywood Hospital. The check in was easy and quick. My Mom saw three different Dr’s during her ER visit and all of them were superb…” The hospital is in the process of expanding services in 2023 with the construction of a new Surgical Pavilion underway.
View grade at click here. View Heywood’s Leapfrog ratings, click here.
- MA Covid (12/3/2022)
MA Covid Dashboard While restrictions have been relaxed and society has somewhat moved on, Covid is still with us. Since April 14, 2022, there have been an additional 1,837 deaths from the disease in Massachusetts, for a current total of 20,896. CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
Covid Deaths Drop 95% in Massachusetts from 2020 peak
Putting Covid in perspective: On April 24, 2020, the 7 day average of confirmed deaths in Massachusetts was a high of 175.6. On November 27, 2022, this had dropped to 8.1, a percentage decrease of over 95% from the peak.
Covid Still a Factor in Greater Gardner MA lives: Right now, the average 14-day incidence rate in the City of Gardner is 7.7 per 100,000 residents per day, which is about 2 incidents per day in Gardner. While there were just over 5000 new Massachusetts confirmed cases in the week covered by the report, there are 650 total patients in the hospital with Covid with 72 (11% of patients) in ICU units.
- What’s Next Interview with Michael Nicholson (11/21/2022)
We have a dedicated page for the What’s Next Interview which shows all of the questions. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson commits to running again and explains What’s Next in a fast-paced interview.
On November 21, 2022 Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviewed the Chair City Mayor about What’s Next… The Mayor answered more than 40 questions. If you want to know what great things to look forward to in Gardner, give it a listen on any device. You’ll learn What’s Next… Click Play.
What’s Next Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson 11-21-22 We have a page dedicated to the interview and plan to transcribe it in its entirety. For now, you’ll see most of the questions and some of the answers. We’re releasing the interview prior to Thanksgiving because there is so much to be thankful for in the progress made due to the Mayor and his entire City Team, the support of the City Council, the proactive efforts of the Gardner School Committee, the cooperation of the State and Federal Government, and the valuable partnerships fostered with business leaders, industry, and developers willing to invest in Gardner. Gardner has so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and the good news is, more Good News is coming. Don’t miss, What’s Next.
Interview Specifics
We asked the Mayor if he was committed to running again and continuing the transformative work and he said yes. We asked the Mayor about plans for the Schools, Athletics, Recreation, Buildings, Projects, Keeping Gardner Beautiful, Public Safety, Transparency and Finances, Employment, Technology, Health, Music and the Arts, the Public Schools Curriculum, Climate Change, City Charter, Faith, Bugs, Covid, Business, Industry, Technology, Infrastructure, the South Main Street Bridge, City Needs and Facilities, and the Mayor’s daily priorities. It was as a state official recently addressed the Mayor, “Very Impressive.”
Local News by Topic: Arts & Entertainment – Business & Growth – Covid – Geography – Government – Health – Holidays – Life – Money & Finance – Musings – Non-profits – Public Safety – Schools – Weather.
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