According to the posting, Sully lounges on the couch in front of the air conditioner at his family’s home in Gardner while not on duty.
City of Gardner MA Welcomes “Sully” the Dog to the Gardner Fire Department
Both the Gardner Fire Department and the Gardner PD are shown welcoming Mr. Sullivan, “Sully”, a first responder therapy and comfort dog. It is expected that Sully will be sworn in (pawed in) at the August Gardner City Council Meeting.
Gardner Fire Department posted, “Sully is a 1 year old AKC registered Old English Mastiff and is owned by Gardner Fire Lt. Eric Hulette and his wife Denise. Sully attended training classes at Gardner Animal Hospital lead by Claudia Hoffman and Karen Rich, and has passed all four levels of obedience training, is a certified Canine Good Citizen, and is a certified Therapy dog through the Alliance of Therapy dogs. He specializes in therapy work for first responders, Fire, EMS and Police after stressful/critical emergency incidents. He will be serving Gardner, and area Fire/Police/EMS departments to support the staff. Sully will also be available for visits to Gardner city offices and will be appearing at city events. If any First Responder Agency would like to have Sully visit, or need his services as a therapy dog urgently after a critical incident, they can contact Gardner Fire Dispatch at (978-632-1616). They will get a hold of Lt. Hulette and Sully, or non emergent, Email Lt. Hulette, Ehulette@gardner-ma.gov“