Greater Gardner MA News October 2022
- Love Local (10/31/2022)
42-52 Parker Street Gardner MA Project Supporting Local
Local Masonry Contractors in an Atmosphere of LOVE.
Windows purchased from Local Manufacturer SWS Corp. Gotta LOVE It!
When local businesses purchase locally or sub-contract locally, the entire community benefits.
- Daily Juggles (10/30/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Featured in Comic Strip
Today, just for fun Gardner Magazine is honoring Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Comic Strip depicting all of the juggling he does during a typical day.
When you see the Mayor today, give him a thanks and a pat on the back. So often, Mayor Nicholson congratulates, thanks, and recognizes people in his weekly Updates and various Interviews. Today we honor the Daily Juggles of the Chair City Mayor.
View a page listing all of the Mayor’s Updates Articles and AUDIO you can play on any device.
- Hot News (10/29/2022)
Rear Main Street Project to break ground in April 2023 The Greenwood Pool House which has fallen into a state of disrepair. There was HOT news on WGAW’s Hotline Radio Saturday October 29, 2022 in Gardner MA
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson stated that the design of the Rear Main Street Project is nearly complete with groundbreaking to be this coming April 2023. Plans include almost 200 Downtown parking spots, a water feature, outdoor seating locations, a food truck parking area, and the construction of 110 apartments. A new contractor is being sought for the residential portion.
The Greenwood Pool revitalization project is closer to moving forward with the announcement by the Mayor that the City Council will be presented with a proposal for its November 7, 2022 meeting to use this year’s Community Block Grant funding to demolish the indoor pool building and construct a new pavilion. This year, the City has been awarded a total of $1.6 million in funding for 3 projects. The funding is larger as it covers more than 1 year in a change from past procedure.
The Gardner MA radio station which was founded in 1946 has recently been enhancing its local news. For example, WGAW is the only radio station in the state to show up and air the debate between Congresswoman Lori Trahan and challenger Dean Tran. WGAW can be heard at AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and you can listen live 24/7 on almost any device, CLICK HERE. Hotline Radio airs Saturdays from noon to 2pm and there’s plenty of local news throughout the broadcast day.
- Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 (10/28/2022)
Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 Successes in the City of Gardner View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 Cooperation and Teemwork Leading to Gardner’s Success Smiling from Ear to Ear, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Treats Chair City to Great News in Weekly Update
The Mayor spoke about some local events, but the Big News in this update was positive business and development news for Gardner. Nicholson mentioned the large number of businesses which have opened in the past year and those which have opened recently. He told of the revitalization efforts in Downtown saying, “I’m really excited to see what Gardner looks like in three years as a result of all of these different revitalization projects, these businesses opening and everything else that’s happening in the City right now. It really is an exciting time for us all .”
Mayor’s Update 10-28-22 Grant Announcements
Mayor’s Nicholson really lit up as he explained the City’s good fortune in being awarded various grants this past week from the Commonwealth’s Community One Stop Program.
$155,500 Site Readiness Grant for a feasibility study to see where the City could put a new industrial business park and how successful that would be as other industrial parks in Gardner are full. $40,000 Technical Assistance Grant to explore whether or not Gardner should be looking to implement a District Increment Financing Program. $30,000 Commonwealth Places Grant to buy parklets to create barrier seating areas to be put in parallel parking spaces as rented by a restaurant. $25,000 Mass Downtown Initiative Grant for Wayfinding Signs to make it easier for residents and visitors to find what’s available in Downtown. $17,000 Collaborative Workspace Grant for the Wachusett Business Incubator to revamp the incubator’s work to help local businesses grow. Various Items Covered
In various items, the Mayor spoke of the Yard Waste pickup being on residents’ normal pickup days in the coming week and that tax bills are due November 1st. He reminded everyone that the next two bills should be lower as the tax rate is adjusted in December, and that new growth was recently certified as $415,000. He also stated the he will propose $875,000 in initial spending of the $2.6 million in certified free cash with the remainder reserved for later in the year when needs are better known such as extra snow and ice which is projected to be just under $600,000. The Mayor also stated that this year’s Tree Lighting will be a bit more special as it is Gardner’s 100th Christmas as a City. He also reminded the City of Early Voting hours and congratulated the Gardner High School Wildcat Marching Band which received the Silver Medal at the Statewide Marching Band finals.
- Free Library (10/28/2022)
Even with High Inflation, Borrowing from the Library is still FREE
Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner reminds residents, “Prices are on the rise, but ours aren’t….We’ve got it and it’ll cost you $0 to borrow it…” Cost of Borrowing Various items listed below:
New Movie that just came out – FREE Hot new best-selling book – FREE Reading that E-Book – FREE Listen to an AUDIO book – FREE Read the latest magazine – FREE Use the library’s wi-fi – FREE There are still fines for overdue items and there’s a charge of 10 cents per page for printing or 15 cents per photocopy. What do you need to take advantage? Bring in your library card or get one when you’re at the library. Real simple, inflation-busting freebies at your local library.
- Falloween (10/28/2022)
Falloween Stroll in Downtown Gardner MA Cast of Characters
Over 200 Pre-school kids had a blast in Downtown Gardner on October 28, 2022 during the Falloween Stroll. Dozens of participating stores and even City Hall handed out candy. Costumes were colorful and creative.
Patti Bergstrom of Gardner Square Two posted, “Very fun day in the City that we love! Fall-o-Ween Stroll was a big hit with nearly 200 children attending. And we think the grownups chaperoning their children and the shopkeepers and businesses had as much fun as the kids!”
Learn more about Gardner Square Two and upcoming Downtown Events. Website — Facebook
According to Gardner Square Two, the next stroll is November 27th for everybody, “Holiday Stroll and Tree Lighting Ceremony brings together the entire community to celebrate the holidays in Downtown Gardner. Visit Downtown Gardner shops and restaurants to shop, eat, sip, and support your local businesses during the holiday season.”
- Great Teachers (10/28/2022)
Why Gardner MA has Schools of Great Teachers
The City of Gardner MA is proud of its achievement in providing students with some of the nation’s best educators. What is the secret formula? It may be a great recipe, but it appears to be based on simple common sense. First, Gardner tries to hire the very best teacher for any opening which comes up. Then it follows a 17 page Professional Development Plan which goes into detailed descriptions of the manner in which the high caliber of teaching will be maintained in the Gardner Public Schools through very specific proactive efforts. Expectations are clearly defined. Resources are provided to teachers. And teachers themselves are constantly working on improvement. The result: Great Teachers, and ultimately more successful students from kindergarten to graduation. To view the actual Professional Development Plan, click here.
In a recent interview, Gardner Superintendent of Schools Mark Pellegrino credits the School Committee and City Council for being supportive of funding for District needs, contributing to the more successful Educational Environment existing in Gardner today. Complete interview, click here.
- Election Day (10/27/2022)
Early Voting Election Day is Now in Greater Gardner MA
Check with your community town offices as to Early Voting days, hours, and voting places.
In Gardner MA, early voting started on October 22nd and runs through November 4th. Hours are Friday 10/28: 8am to 1pm, Saturday 10/29 9am to 5pm AND Mon. 10/31, Tues. 11/1, Weds. 11/2, & Thurs. 11/2 8am to 4:30pm and Friday 11/4: 8am to 1pm. Location is Perry Auditorium at City Hall.
The entrance to Perry Auditorium is located along the side of City Hall adjacent to the City Hall Annex (the former Police Station – Court House). You may park in the front of City Hall or in the designated lot adjacent to the Auditorium. Entrances to the parking lot are from Knowlton Street and from Connors Street, directly across from the Binnall House. For information on candidates running in this State election, Click here for our Election Center.
- Drought Zero (10/27/2022)
Greater Gardner MA Moves to Drought D0
Drought Moves to D0 from D1 and Water Supply in Worcester County shows Streamflow at Normal or Above in Good News for area.
Worcester and points South are out of drought completely. The Greater Gardner area suffered with Extreme Drought conditions this summer.
- Arts Gardner (10/27/2022)
Art is Alive in the Chair City of Gardner MA
Dot Line Curve Creations on 33 Parker Street in Gardner. The store showcases the work of many local artists. Studio 4 Potters and Gallery (978) 895-0227 According to their website, “In 2010, the need to move our studio gave us a reason to recreate ourselves. Turning our challenge into an opportunity, we found the perfect space in Downtown Gardner, at 4 West Lynde Street, with a storefront for a gallery and workshop in the back rooms. The birth of Studio 4 Potters & Gallery coincided with Gardner’s struggle to revitalize its downtown. We were very much welcomed by other downtown businesses and the community as a whole. “ Website Kamuda Gallery – Carolyn Kamuda showcases her photos daily on Facebook to the delight of her online visitors. (978) 630-1953 The Website showcasing her fine art and photography “photography that captures natures diverse beauty, and brings it to another level.” Website: — Facebook page. Lori MacDonald Fine Art 205 School Street Rear (978) 407-9333 — In the Greater Gardner Artists Association 33rd Annual Spring Show of 2022, “Bessie in the Garden” received the People’s Choice Ribbon and the Mayor’s Award. There’s a history of recognition dating back over a decade. Website. on Recognition. Surroundings Gallery is located at 377 Main Street. Co-owner Chuck Heidorn is known for his Railroad Art and other area art is on display and for sale at the gallery which also does framing. Website Gallery System Art Displays is a business located at 213 School Street Suite 208 in Gardner.(781) 237-8856 Website School Street Art Studio – They’re a growing community of artists who rent & maintain studios & galleries at the Urquhart Family LLC Complex off Chestnut St. (205 & 213 School St.) It is home to a variety of businesses and is sometimes referred to the New England Woodenware building. Facebook page. Crafts, Crafters & Creations is located at 149 Washington Street #1, Gardner. (978) 400-7555 The Gardner Museum is a great source to learn about the history of art in Gardner and to see the work of its craftsmen throughout time. Right now through December 18, the museum is having a fall exhibit on the Gardner Theatre Guild which produced Broadway style shows until the early 1960s. (978) 632-3277 Website: Gardner Area League of Artists GALA on Facebook: Website: Mayor Nicholson is working on a plan to bring the Gardner Area League of Artists home base back to Gardner. Recently, GALA lost its Arts Center in Winchendon when the owner of the property it was renting converted it to an Air B&B Art Support: The Mayor, School Committee, Superintendent, and Educators in Gardner have expressed greater support for the Arts in recent months. The new Gardner Elementary School is proactively set up to more easily display the art of students. - Diner Opens (10/26/2022)
Chair City Diner opens in Gardner MA
The Diner opened on Lynde Street in Gardner on October 26, 2022. On the day of opening, patrons could not order online, but could view the menu. Breakfast options include a plate sized pancake, chicken and waffles, many egg dishes including a steak and cheese omelet. Lunch options include homemade chili, hot pastrami and cheese, varieties of burgers and a Steak Bomb grinder. Online Menu, CLICK HERE
- Take Back (10/26/2022)
Gardner PD Drug Take Back Listen to this 30 second PSA on any device. CLICK Play.
DEA Public Service Ad You may save the life of someone you know or a stranger you might never meet.
Gardner MA Police Department Participating in National Drug Take Back
The Gardner Police Department will be set up in front of the station at 200 Main Street , Gardner this Saturday October 29, 2022 from 10am to 2pm. They will take any expired or unwanted medications be be destroyed safely. For a collection site near you, please visit . In the Greater Gardner MA area, other participating Police Departments include Templeton and Ashby. Nearby Fitchburg, Leominster, and Lunenburg are also participating.
Treat for Visitors to Gardner PD
- Gardner Connection (10/26/2022)
More and more Businesses are Making the Gardner MA Connection
With 4 additional businesses in Downtown Gardner, according to Mayor Nicholson “This makes 27 NEW businesses in Gardner since January!” He also stated, “5-12 are in the pipeline to be opening in the next few months.” The Mayor also enumerated that “7 existing businesses have expanded their locations and increased their offerings, 12 buildings downtown have new landlords that are renovating their properties, 175ish apartments are being either renovated or newly constructed in the Downtown alone.”
Here are just 4 of these new businesses (click image for larger view)
- Mark Pellegrino (10/25/2022)
Dr. Mark Pellegrino – Superintendent of Gardner Public Schools Gardner’s Public Schools are now arranged close to one another off of Pearl Street.
Gardner MA Elementary on first day of class September 12, 2022 Gardner MA Middle School Gardner MA High School Gardner MA Superintendent Mark Pellegrino on Progress in the Schools, the Gardner Success Story
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviewed Dr. Mark Pellegrino, Superintendent of Gardner Massachusetts Public Schools. We spoke about Accelerated Development in Gardner Education – Progress in the Schools, the Gardner Success Story. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Accelerated Development – Interview with Dr. Mark Pellegrino We of course spoke about the New Gardner Elementary School and other physical changes throughout buildings in the District. We spoke at length and with specifics on how Gardner has managed to draw the attention of other Districts in the United States and abroad for its record of accelerated improvements to Education in Gardner. The rigorous curriculum begins with Kindergarten and continues throughout all the grades, culminating in some very unique programs for High School students including Innovative Pathways and various means of taking college courses and getting college credits.
Dr. Pellegrino credits the teachers, the other administrators, and staff for their contributions to Gardner’s momentous achievement, although he does admit coming up with some ideas on his own. He also thanks the Mayor, City Council, and School Committee for making investments in the School System.
One of the chief differences in Gardner Public Schools has been the recent success in tailoring education to students’ specific needs, to assess progress based on data, and make adjustments to ensure student achievement. The Superintendent admitted that it is the goal of Gardner Public Schools to be a model for other communities in the Nation and it appears Gardner is well on its way towards that benchmark.
We discussed Art, Music, and Athletics as well. And another difference with Gardner Public Schools which should please parents – One of the goals of the School District is to foster greater parental involvement. For anyone in the Greater Gardner area, this is a great interview. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Progress in the Schools – The Gardner Success Story – Interview with Dr. Mark Pellegrino 10-25-22 For more information about Gardner Public Schools visit the District website, CLICK HERE
- Conservation 10-24-22 (10/25/2022)
Gardner MA Conservation Commission Meeting ends with Comedic Line
The Conservation Commission briefly took up the matter of the Landfill Expansion, continuing the matter to November 14th. It then took up the remainder of the agenda. At the end, and while the camera and audio was still rolling, the public got the comedic line, “Steve what was the name of that bar in Union Square, did you ever answer me on that one?” to which the Chairman did not reply. (and his name is Greg.)
Listen to the meeting here on any device. CLICK Play.
Conservation Commission October 24, 2022 - GHS Concert (10/24/2022)
Gardner High School Fall Concert – Facebook page Gardner MA High School Fall Concert to start earlier
The Gardner High School Fall Concert will be starting at 6:30pm on Tuesday October 25, 2022.
Admission is $4 adults and $3 students at the door.
Concert Order: Marching Band, High School Chorus, and Select Choir.
Gardner High School Music stated on Facebook, “Thanks for being flexible. Hope to see you there!”
- Gardner GES Meeting (10/24/2022)
Gardner MA Elementary School Building Committee on Parking Crunch and Punch lists
When the new school project was initiated some 4 years ago, the number of increased students and staff was not anticipated.
Dr. Pellegrino Now, the number of parking spaces quickly has become an issue and School Superintendent Dr. Mark Pellegrino made it very clear in an October 19, 2022 meeting, he wants the new school project concluded with the parking crunch solved rather than leaving it to be an ongoing issue for later.
Gardner GES Meeting Punch List and Bills
During the meeting, various items relating to construction were covered including the Punch List Plan utilizing some very modern software. Gray items indicate items already addressed and the blue items are items to be addressed.
The architect complimented the construction company for taking care of some punch list items with subcontractors before the Architects even started to go through them.
Invoices approved for payment included about $1.5 million to the construction company.
Gardner GES Meeting October 19, 2022 CLICK Play. It was noted that asphalt paving and striping of roads and parking lots has been completed. Landscape plantings is on-going. Sod has been placed on the north side of Building A. The stone bases of entry and digital signs have been completed. Fencing is complete. Gates need to be hung. Guardrail to be installed at A west. Site lighting and electric vehicle charging stations are installed and operational. Plantings will continue as will playground construction. The rubber play surface may have to wait until next year due to temperature requirements (above 40 degrees).
Stage Set for Music
Other notable items: The gym flooring is complete and the wall padding is partially done with bleacher waiting on some revisions to the sprinkler system. The stage floor is installed and waiting for polyurethane. Acoustic clouds rise above the stage to help with sound. One of the two elevators is operational.
Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen here on any device. Click Play.
Gardner GES Meeting 10-19-22 - Winchendon Fall Festival 2022 (10/24/2022)
Worth the Wait – Winchendon Fall Festival 2022 a Huge Success!
The 6th Annual Fall Festival in Winchendon Massachusetts on Saturday October 22, 2022 from 10am to 4pm drew lots of people. With over 200 vendors, there was something for everyone.
It was held at later date than usual to allow for Downtown work to be finished. And with the Central Street Reconstruction Project complete with a newly paved street, new sidewalks, and more, the town looked good.
It was a fun family event with plenty of food and kids activities in Winchendon MA.
- Cars (10/23/2022)
Gardner MA Cars
Popular Vehicles Throughout the Decades in Greater Gardner MA include many iconic models we can all remember. Cars serve as a reminder on how technology and styles change, but basic needs are still the same.
The history of most of the 2020s and all of the 2030’s has yet to be written. Go to our Go Forward with Gardner page.
- Sludge Update (10/23/2022)
Other meetings this week include the Gardner Bandstand Committee which is slated to elect a Chairman, The Gardner Board of Health which will go over upgrades at 2 addresses and go over Covid Updates, and the Public Safety Committee.
Gardner MA Conservation Commission to Take Up Sludge
The Gardner Conservation Commission will have its regular meeting on October 24, 2022 at 6:30pm at the City Hall Annex 2nd Floor meeting Room 203. It will hold a joint Public Hearing on the proposed expansion of the Sludge Landfill and discuss the Tighe and Bond findings of peer review. It will also hold hearing on a proposal by Mark Harasimowicz to construct a contractor’s building and perform associated site work at 170 Mill Street, Gardner. 170 Mill Street was also brought up at a Development Review Committee on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at which there was also discussion of the upcoming Park Street Park and Parking Lot.
- Gardner 1920s (10/23/2022)
- Free Cash (10/22/2022)
Free Cash Certified Fiscal Year 2022 Free Cash Expenditures Fiscal Year 2022 Free Cash Expenditures included Financial Policy Requirements, Grant Matches (Meaning the City applied for funding to stretch the money), Budgetary Corrections, Capital Projects, Planning Expenditures, and Unanticipated Expenditures.
Gardner MA “Free Cash” Fiscal Year 2023 certified by State at $2.6 million
According to the State of MA Division of Local Services, free cash should be restricted to paying one-time expenditures, funding capital projects, or replenishing other reserves. It is recommended that free cash not be used to supplement current departmental operations so that department heads produce accurate and realistic annual appropriation requests.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has stated he favors allocating 13% of free cash towards paving projects and earlier this year he stated he wanted to do something about the Greenwood Pool Building. In different interviews, various City officials have made various use suggestions. City Council must approve whatever proposed uses the Mayor puts forward.
In Fiscal Year 2022, (shown in chart), almost $600,000 was spent on road resurfacing, just under $200,000 went to Stabilization, over $300,000 went to Snow and Ice, over $100,000 went to Fire Department overtime, over $200,000 went to a Street Sweeper, over $100,000 went to athletic field renovations, $100,000 went for Music Support at the Schools, $100,000 for the upcoming Centennial celebration, and over $400,000 was allocated to new parks. As you can see, most of the expenditures match the exact scope of the uses the Division of Local Services suggests.
Free Cash History from 2015 to 2022 is covered in this article. CLICK HERE. Mayor’s communication to Council re Free Cash Regulations, click here. —- Complete guidance on free cash from the Division of Local Services, CLICK HERE
- Halloween (10/22/2022)
Trick or Treat Hours Greater Gardner MA
Our page has Trick or Treat Hours for Greater Gardner MA. Some communities have not posted hours yet. If you know the hours please email so we can update. Trick or Treat Hours page.
- Energy Assistance (10/21/2022)
Energy Assistance Home Heating and Energy Assistance for Greater Gardner MA
Homeowners and renters, including households whose cost of heat is included in the rent can apply in person at the agency in their area. Eligibility is based on household size and the gross annual income of every household member 18 years of age or older. Household income can’t exceed 60% of estimated State Median income. Program provides assistance for such expenses as oil, electricity, natural gas, propane, kerosene, wood, and coat. At this link, you will select your community to get a list of providers, CLICK HERE.
- Early Voting (10/21/2022)
Vote Early Gardner MA Early Voting
Gardner MA has published an Early Voting Schedule, CLICK HERE. Early voting runs from October 22nd through November 4th.
- Mayor’s Update 10-21-22 (10/21/2022)
Mayor’s Update 10-21-22 View on our Mayor’s Update page, or Listen here on any device. Click Play.
City of Gardner Mayor’s Update 10-21-22 Mayor Nicholson Holding Up City of Gardner Power Supply Program Postcard recently mailed out to residents. Electric Postcard Infrastructure, Gardner PD, Electricity, and Voting Focus of Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Update of October 21, 2022
Infrastructure: Kendall Street to be paved Wednesday, October 26th. Concrete Crossing ramp being laid out in the Douglas -Robillard -Wickman area beginning October 22nd. Uptown Rotary project on track for March 2023. The Mayor thanked various individuals at DPW. Bridge over 140 on track for 2025 construction date. Mayor NIcholson stated, “Really a lot to look forward to in the next couple of years in terms of our infrastructure.”
Events: The Falloween Stroll for Pre-School: children is October 28th. Details from Square Two. and Halloween Time is October 31st from 5 to 7pm
Gardner PD: The Mayor congratulated new Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni who has been with the Gardner PD over a decade and spoke about the desire of the City to get out of Civil Service to open up more hiring opportunities to get officers. He also spoke of upcoming internal promotions and the fact that there are currently 4 vacancies within the Gardner Police Department.
Electricity: Mayor Nicholson explained that a postcard in the mail from City Hall is “a legitimate piece of mail that was sent from the city.” The new electrical rate beginning on November 1, 2022 is 23 cents per kilowatt hour “as compared to the rate that National Grid recently released at 35 cents per kilowatt hour.” He also explained why this time around, the City is only locking in the rate for 1 year in the hope rates will come down next year.
Voting: With the upcoming election, Mayor Nicholson stated that 2600 mail-in ballots have already been sent out by the city clerk’s office. Citizens can mail the ballot back in or use the dropbox in front of City Hall. The Mayor went out to detail early voting hours.
Listen to the update on any device. Click Play.
Gardner MA Mayor’s Update 10-21-22 - Zoning 10-18-22 (10/21/2022)
Zoning Board of Appeals 10-18-22 Proposed Inpatient Facility at School Street Zoning Board of Appeals 10-20-22 You can’t put a fence on City Property, explains City Solicitor Flick at Gardner ZBA Meeting
In an interesting Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting on October 18, 2022, the panel took up a half dozen different cases including one involving a fence to be placed on City property.
Also, an existing business at 205-213 School Street will get a site visit by the ZBA to further explore their request to operate an inpatient care center as an addition to their existing outpatient services. Agenda, click here. Listen to the meeting here on any device. CLICK Play.
Zoning Board of Appeals 10-18-22 An additional meeting for 10-20-22 concerned the remand from the courts relating to the proposed Clark Street Housing project. A variance was initially denied and the Attorney for the petitioner stated that he believed the Zoning Board had rendered a decision inconsistent with other previous decisions. Listen to the meeting here on any device. CLICK Play.
Zoning Board of Appeals 10-20-22 - Disaster Plan (10/20/2022)
Why is this sign in Gardner MA?
It’s a filler for the Outdoor Billboard provider who doesn’t have a paid client for the spot at the moment. But it’s also a Thought Starter. What type of Disaster Plan do you have for your family? FEMA has a website called We have some valuable reference materials for you.
The Emergency Financial First Aid Toolkit pdf —- The Family Communications Plan for Parents — Safeguarding Critical Documents and Valuables — 12 Ways to Prepare — Know Your Alerts and Warnings. —- Document and Insure Your Property
You can receive certain Emergency Alerts from Gardner MA by signing up for Code Red.
- Drought Update (10/20/2022)
Good News – Greater Gardner MA Downgraded to Drought 1, Removal Likely Soon
According to the National Integrated Drought Information System, the City of Gardner Massachusetts is currently in Moderate Drought (D1) and drought removal is likely over the next 3 months
Just over a month ago, Gardner was downgraded to a D2(Severe Drought). It has been at a D3, (Extreme Drought) after a record dry summer in which even outdoor watering was prohibited. Right around Labor Day 2022, Gardner began to get much needed rain and the subsequent month has seen significantly more precipitation than previous months. MEMA had to issue a statement back in early August on Oppressive Heat and Fire Danger. Article here. And, on August 26, 2022, the Gardner Fire Department had alerted the area to a severe Fire Danger after having responded to Ashby. Article here.
- St. Paul’s (10/20/2022)
Gardner MA St. Paul’s Church Holding Harvest Festival on Saturday October 22, 2022 from 5pm to 8pm
Free Entertainment begins at 5:30pm with Magician Eddie Raymond and concludes with Live Music at 6:30pm with Brett Moulton plus Pam Harris and her band.
Website, CLICK HERE More than 70 items at Silent Auction, CLICK HERE. St. Paul’s Church is located at 79 Cross Street, Gardner. Directions, CLICK HERE.
- Deputy Chief (10/19/2022)
And the Deputy Police Chief Seat in Gardner MA Goes to…..
The choice has been made. The new Deputy Chief of Police in Gardner MA is…. Nicholas Maroni
Nicholas Maroni will be filling the chair in the Deputy Chief’s office. He will assume the job on Monday, October 24, 2022.
Maroni has been serving as a Lieutenant in the Gardner Police Department. He and Chief Eric McAvene were praised for their outstanding work of filling in during the period when both the Chief and Deputy Chief positions were vacant earlier this year. This means that both top positions were filled with internal candidates. Mayor’s email to City Council re appointment.
Announcement was made LIVE on local radio station WGAW
Mayor Nicholson stated, “Yeah, you know we finally have a Deputy Chief of the Gardner Police Department, so now we’ve finally filled all the positions and kinda ended that chapter with us here in the City and ready to move on and move forward. We are here today with our Police Chief Eric McAvene and our new Deputy Chief Nick Maroni, for the Gardner Police Department. Happy to announce that here today. I’m really excited. I couldn’t ask for 2 better people to be on the same team with. I’d take a bullet for these two any day because I trust them with everything. I couldn’t be prouder of this team we have here and really happy to start the progress and working forward.”
Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene stated, “If you custom-built a Police Officer and a Deputy Chief, I couldn’t build anything, better than, in my mind anything better than Nick. He’s a fantastic ambassador to the community for the Police Department and the City. He’s well-respected in the community and the Department, across the board, he’s a man of his word, strong integrity, I can’t think of a better partner for me to work with.”
New Deputy Police Chief Nicholas Maroni stated, “I’ve been here since 2010. I came from Athol PD. I’ve served as a patrolman, shift sergeant, and my most recent one was Community Policing Lieutenant, now the Deputy Chief. I’ve got to know the community very well. I’ve been heavily involved in a lot of community stuff. I really enjoy it here. I consider Gardner more my home than where I live. I spend a lot of my time here in Gardner. My son plays sports here in Gardner. We’re here all the time, and I look forward to this new adventure, and continuing the progress that we’ve started here. ”
Radio Station WGAW – Website Link, is heard at AM 1340 and 98.1 FM and you can LISTEN LIVE anytime, CLICK HERE.
- Public service Committee 10-13-22 (10/19/2022)
Public Service Committee 10-13-22 Listen to the Meeting on Any Device. CLICK Play.
Public Service Committee 10-13-22 Gardner MA Proactive Planning, Rink, Sludge, and Labor Issues Before Committee
In a Public Service Committee meeting of October 13, 2022 the City Engineer announced that the City of Gardner has been awarded a $50,000 Community Compact Grant from the State to look at Crystal Lake. The proactive study is to look at options for protecting lower lying sections of the Chair City including Downtown in the event of a major Hurricane event. Extensive Details on this and the real risk of a rare Hurricane/flood, CLICK HERE. — Full Details – Flood & Rain Maps – Gardner Elevations, CLICK HERE.
DPW Director Dane Arnold spoke of the 60×100 portable skating rink coming to Jackson Park and the desire to get electric down there to be able to have evening hours.
The Sludge Landfill report by a 3rd party should be in soon and then next steps can be taken. Conservation Commission meets on October 24th.
Director Dane Arnold spoke of the trouble keeping staff. The problem as he explained is that the City hires a laborer and then pays for CDL training. The person gets a license and then leaves to make more money elsewhere. He would like Gardner to pay more for CDL certified drivers. And for winter plowing, the problem is state pays contractors $90 per hour, while Gardner pays only $60 per hour.
- Chair City Diner (10/18/2022)
Chair City Diner Opens Monday October 24, 2022 in Gardner MA
It’s been in the works for months. Staff is being trained and the whole place is getting ready for the official opening on Monday October 24, 2022. CORRECTION: The date the Manager gave us was incorrect, opening day is Wednesday October 26, 2022. The Chair City Diner will be open from 6am to 2pm 7 days a week and serve popular Breakfast and Lunch fare including a reported 12 inch pancake, scrumptious burgers, and one of the area’s biggest portions of macaroni and cheese. Another update 10-23-22: Chair City Diner advises that due to staffing issues, they will initially be open only Wednesday through Sunday instead of 7 days a week.
- City Council 10-17-22 (10/18/2022)
City Council 10-17-22 Watch the meeting on our City Council page or listen right here on any device. CLICK Play.
City Council October `17, 2022 Free Cash History 2015 to 2022
Free Cash History 2015 to 2022 CLICK IMAGE for larger view Certified at $2.6 million for fiscal year 2023 on 10-17-22. New growth certification will be coming.
Properties and Finances Topics at Gardner MA City Council Meeting of October 17, 2022
The Gardner City Council reviewed communications from the Finance Committee relating to the declaration of 14 Leamy Street and 177 West Street as surplus for the purpose of disposal of land and buildings. In a letter to the City Council, Mayor Nicholson stated, “Over the past two years, the City has undertaken substantial work to revitalize neighborhoods, remove vacant and abandoned buildings, prevent blight, and get problem properties back on the tax rolls.” Minimum price requested for Leamy Street was $51,000, and a revision to the minimum price for 177 West Street to $20,000 as so far there have been no takers at $43,200. Council approved both.
Mayor Nicholson communicated to the City Council regarding Municipal Finances and Free Cash Regulations. It’s in the packet, but here’s the single page. CLICK HERE. And here’s the guidance on Free Cash from the State Department of Local Services, CLICK HERE. Mayor Nicholson appeared in the meeting and reported that Free Cash for Fiscal Year 2023 has been certified at $2.6 million. Within the packet, there’s a complete description of the upcoming election including various ballot questions. Complete packet, CLICK HERE.
Election officers were approved. Review appointments including another 3 year term for Joshua Cormier as the Director of Purchasing/Civil Enforcement and Tax Title Custodian.
Zoning Matter: In an item granted more time during the meeting of October 3, 2022, the Council took up the petition of PrivateOversight, LLC, for an Ordinance to Amend the Code of the City of Gardner regarding zoning. The Planning Board voted on October 11, 2022 to recommend the City Council consider approving the proposed zoning map amendment, moving 20 parcels from Commercial 2 to General Residential 3. Most are already residential and approval would allow residential uses by the petitioner. Council voted to have a joint public hearing with the Planning Board on the matter.
Councilor Comments: Councilor Boone spoke about an email he sent to the Mayor’s office and DPW Director regarding the bridge on South Main Street and asked for clarification on what’s going on. He also spoke about the electric rate postcard received in which rates went up to 23 cents. He also commented on various charges on electric bills. Councilor Boudreau recommended anyone at home check DPU website regarding rates and commended Mayor Nicholson for choosing to go with a 1 year rate rather than locking the City in for 3 years.
Complete packet, CLICK HERE
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
City Council October 17, 2022 - Ask Blue Elephant (10/17/2022)
New Feature: Ask the Blue Elephant
When the Blue Elephant is in the room, your questions get answered. If you have a question for the Blue Elephant, email
Question: Where do I get information in Gardner about Marriage Licenses, Dog Licenses, or Business Certificates?
Answer: The Office of the City Clerk. Here’s the Link.
Physical Address
95 Pleasant Street
Room 121
Gardner, MA 01440Phone: (978) 630-4058
Fax: (978) 630-2589
Ask the Blue Elephant page, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Churches (10/17/2022)
Gardner Churches Gardner MA Faith is Evident by Churches Active on Social Media
Since its founding, Gardner has been an actively faith-based community. To this day, prayer opens and closes Gardner City Council meetings. In a world plagued often by bad news, we thought we’d share some good news about Gardner Houses of Worship, with easy links to their Facebook pages and websites. Complete Article
- Opening Business (10/16/2022)
Opening A Business in Gardner MA
It’s happening more and more every day. People go to bed thinking about opening a business in the City of Gardner MA. They wake up wondering who to call. We have the info right here for you.
Economic Development Coordinator Jessica DeRoy can answer many of your questions and can be reached at (978) 630-4074 ext. 1 or via email at
Director of Community Development and Planning Trevor Beauregard can help you coordinate your efforts and can be reached at (978) 630-4014 ext 2 or via email at
Building Commissioner Roland Jean can be reached at (978) 630-4007 or via email at
Mayor Michael Nicholson can be reached at (978) 630-1490 or via email at
These people are just four members of the Chair City’s ‘A-Team’, ready to help you get started. Make the call. It’s Time. City Website
- Gardner 100th (10/15/2022)
Gardner MA to Hit Milestone on January 1, 2023
Gardner celebrates 100 years a City in just….
Europeans first settled what would be named Gardner in 1764. It received land grants from surrounding towns of Ashburnham, Templeton, Westminster, and Winchendon to become an incorporated town in 1785. Two decades later, it became a center for lumber and furniture. Gardner was incorporated as a city in 1923.
Gardner City Centennial is January 1, 2023
- Pumpkin Festival (10/15/2022)
Kimberly Blake brings out the Pumpkins at the Eagles 10-16-22
The privately organized event is open to the public and takes place at the Gardner Eagles Club, 71 City Hall Avenue, Gardner on Sunday October 16, 2022 from noon to 5pm. FREE Pumpkin Carving Event (Bring your own carved pumpkin) with prizes and FREE Trick or Treating 2-4pm from various on-site vendors.
Other attractions at the event include lots of food including Caribbean favorites and pastries, beers and other adult beverages, face painting, crafters, plus general merchandise and gifts including Holiday merchandise.
- Winchendon Festival (10/15/2022)
6th Annual Winchendon MA Fall Festival is Saturday October 22, 2022
The 6th Annual Fall Festival in the Toytown of Winchendon, Massachusetts is Saturday October 22, 2022 from 10am to 4pm. It’s described as a fun, family event with over 200 vendors, local food, and kids activities. Winchendon has been spruced up for the event by the Central Street Reconstruction project which has seen a newly paved street, all new sidewalks, new curbing and ADA curb ramps, new crosswalks, and LED street lights.
- Cracker Festival (10/15/2022)
Westminster MA held Cracker Festival October 15, 2022 from 10am to 5pm
The Festival took place at 10 Village Square in Westminster from 10am to 5pm. FREE Admission. Featured a 5K road race, food and craft vendors, Live Music, Kids Activities, Wachusett beer, wine, and Westminster crackers. For more information visit the official Cracker Festival website, click here
- (10/15/2022)
Greater Gardner MA Chamber of Commerce Announces Winners of Chili Chowder Contest
The Chamber held its event on October 13, 2022 at the Red Apple Farm in Phillipston, MA. Winners: Best Chili – Great Wolf Lodge, Best Chowder – Gardner Ale House, Best Table Decor – Blue Moon Diner, and ticket #105 won the Chicken Poo Bingo.
- Roundtable (10/14/2022)
Gardner MA Gets Invite to Housing Crisis Roundtable
Representing the Chair City at a private roundtable meeting with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren in Boston was Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on Friday, October 14, 2022. It was convened to discuss the housing crisis faced by the Commonwealth. Others were from the Mass Housing Initiative and the Mass Council on Aging. “All I’m doing is providing a prospective on what we’ve done in Gardner to help increase our housing stock and meet the needs of people in the area,” said Nicholson, who also stated, “I just think it’s neat that Gardner was the only community that was asked to send a representative to a discussion about statewide policy.”
In an interview with Gardner Magazine, Mayor Nicholson said he was “proud of the reputation we’ve built for the Chair City. I’m really excited to see how Gardner has stepped up to meet the challenges of a changing society in our modern world…..We’ll continue to do what we can to make sure that Gardner is a place that people know, people recognize, and people have heard of our reputation as a place that really is setting the standard for other communities to follow. See complete article on Accelerated Development.
- Accelerated Interview (10/14/2022)
Gardner Magazine has a treat for you. Feel great about Gardner MA
On October 14, 2022, we interviewed the Chair City Chief Executive about Gardner’s successful and transformative program of Accelerated Development, an unprecedented partnership of Government, Business, Community, and Private collaboration to achieve an expedited prosperity. Thank you, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. Complete article, CLICK HERE. Or, listen on any device. Click Play.
Accelerated Development Interview 10-14-22 - Mayor’s Update 10-14-22 (10/14/2022)
Mayor’s Update 10-14-22 Watch the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or Listen here on any device. Click Play
Mayor’s Weekly Update 10-14-22 Alyssa’s Place has expanded to the full building Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Speaks of Voting, Expansion, Manufacturing Program, and Events in Interesting Update
Mayor Nicholson went over the many early voting opportunities for the upcoming election and spoke of another voting opportunity: The ability to vote for Gardner High School in the St. Gobain Challenge in which you can vote over and over again to help Gardner win a $50,000 infusion for the Gardner High manufacturing program. Here is the direct voting link: CLICK HERE. Voting is free, don’t forget, it helps Gardner so do it now.
The Chair City Mayor congratulated Alyssa’s Place on its expansion to the full Gardner Travel Building. He also announced that there is interest in taxi companies coming to Gardner and that Gardner collects about 3 grand a year from ride share companies at a nickel a ride. The Relay for Life has started its campaign for the new year. In other events, the 6th Annual Prevention Conference will be October 21, 2022 from 8:30am to noon in Perry Auditorium of Gardner City Hall – Preregistration is desired. And this weekend 10-14 to 10-16 is the Annual Bazaar at Annunciation Parish. More details on all of this in this week’s update. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 10-14-22 - Cultural Council Apps. (10/14/2022)
Mass Cultural Council Gardner MA Deadline Approaches for Cultural Council Applications
The application deadline is October 17, 2022 for Artists, Musicians, Performers, etc. who are seeking funding for an event. According to Chair Jessica DeRoy, “Gardner Cultural Council (GCC) provides funding for public programs that promote access, education, diversity, and excellence in the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences in Gardner and the surrounding area.” GCC Fiscal Year 2023 allocation is $28,100. Complete Info pdf with contact info. — Website link with online application
- Quadruple Meetings (10/13/2022)
Gardner MA Busy with Meetings – Listen to one or all on any device
Planning Board 10-11-22 Agenda, CLICK HERE Petition Submitted by PrivateOversight LLC to amend an ordinance
Finance Committee 10-12-22 Agenda, CLICK HERE Discussion of Upcoming November 8th elections and declaring 14 Leamy and 177 West St. as surplus and correspondence relating to Municipal Finances.
Appointments Committee 10-12-22 Agenda, CLICK HERE Mayor Nicholson states appointment of Deputy Chief imminent.
- Kazinskas Go Forward (10/12/2022)
Gardner MA Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE.
Go Forward with Gardner MA Series, We Interview Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas
As City Council President, Elizabeth Kazinskas presides over meetings, is precluded from being part of the debate during meetings, but is a voting member. We asked Kazinskas about what issues she feels most impact the constituents of the City of Gardner and about various topics of concern. The Council President had a lot to say in a 59 minute interview which covered many topics of interest as Gardner Goes Forward. Listen here on any device. Click Play.
Elizabeth Kazinskas – Go Forward with Gardner Interview - School Committee 10-11-22 (10/12/2022)
School Committee 10-11-22 View the School Committee meetings on our dedicated page, or listen here on any device.
Gardner MA School Committee 10-11-22 Gardner MA School Committee Approves Spending Warrants, Heard Reports, Approved Policies, and declared Waterford Surplus
The School Committee was scheduled for a vote: to approve spending articles, accept donations, approve for first reading various school policies, declare Waterford Street School surplus so that it can be used as a Community Center by the City of Gardner, accept the goals of the Superintendent, hear a progress report on the new Gardner Elementary School, and review various communications.
School Committee agenda still does not contain the complete packet. Agenda pdf. We understand this is in the works for the future.
Included was a great presentation by GES Principal Earl Martin and we have photos below.
Listen to the meeting here on any device. CLICK Play.
School Committee 10-11-22 .
The Gardner School Committee welcomed student representative Amber Cameron who spoke at both the beginning and end of the meeting. We learned from various reports that the new Middle School lockers have been installed, the foundation of the Concession Stand at the High School has been poured. Approved were 7 policies which we don’t yet have available to show you. Waterford Street School was declared surplus and Superintendent Pellegrino stated that it will take until December 1st for the School District to get stuff out of the school (declared surplus at last meeting of 9-12-22) An account limit of $30,000 was set for student activity accounts. Mayor Nicholson arrived during Principal Earl Martin’s Elementary School presentation. The Mayor had been in Boston with a meeting with the Lieutenant Governor.
Gardner Elementary School Presentation by Principal Earl Martin
The Elementary School Principal stated that the motif is “School in the Woods” and he spoke of challenges at the beginning of the year stating, “staff embraced beautiful building and they did it with a smile.” The original traffic pattern for drop-off and pick-up of students didn’t work – the current pattern involves using the length of the access road by the High School to advantage with a goal of making it a 15 minute dismissal and arrival window.
Earl Martin stated outside work in certain areas is nearly complete. In the presentation, he showed the sod put in the area near the playground. He stated his wife was excited about the swing sets as they are a benefit to kids with sensory issues. Martin says his favorite sport is basketball and he was excited to see the hoops.
Principal Martin showed various photos in his presentation including the cafeteria with cool light fixtures, the media center room, the beautiful glass work filling the school with light which Martin says has “a positive effect on the kids.” He also showed pictures of classrooms in action. Various Photos below. CLICK on any image for larger view.
Principal Earl Martin referenced the Multi-Tiered Level of Support in his presentation. It states, “All community members will experience Joy, Achievement, and CARE through… a rigorous and engaging curriculum, Positive Relationships/Compassionate Care, Social Emotional Learning curriculum and strategies for all tiers, and Frequently looking at DATA to get kids what they need, whey the need it.”
- Covid Update 10-11-22 (10/11/2022)
UPDATE 10-13-22: There will be a Covid-19 and Flu Vaccine Clinic Wednesday October 19, 2022 from 2pm to 6pm at the Polish American Citizens Club (PACC) 171 Kendall Pond Rd. W, Gardner MA. While Walk-ins are accepted, you can register by calling the Montachusett Public Health Network Covid-19 Response Team at (978) 602-2356. Please bring vaccine card and insurance card.
Covid Still Around, But Manageable in Greater Gardner MA
To put things in perspective, in the State of Massachusetts, there have been 20,341 confirmed Covid deaths so far. That’s like wiping a small City like Gardner right off the map. While the death rate has dropped, there are still over 2 deaths from Covid per day in the State. Average age of patients who die of Covid in MA is now 80. Right now in the State there are 72 patients in ICU’s with 22 patients intubated. On October 4, 2022, there were a total of 758 people in the State of MA hospitalized with Covid-19. So if you’re wondering why medical offices, clinics, and hospitals still want you to wear a mask, it’s because for them Covid has not yet gone away.
Covid Cases in Massachusetts – Last 2 weeks of September 2022 - Ellis – Go Forward (10/11/2022)
Michael Ellis Gardner MA Complete Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE.
Go Forward with Gardner MA Series, We Interview Michael Ellis
Michael Ellis has worked with the City of Gardner in Planning and Grants and was the President of the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce for over 16 years. Currently Ellis serves as Gardner’s Senior Citizens Director. As Gardner has a substantial Senior population, we thought his unique perspective would be invaluable to our ongoing “Go Forward with Gardner” interview series. We asked Mr. Ellis about the services provided by the Center and what can be expected as its space grows when it moves to the old Waterford Street School by sometime next year. What we got was a treasure trove of valuable information you will want to hear. Listen here on any device, CLICK Play.
Michael Ellis – Go Forward with Gardner MA Interview - 2023 (10/11/2022)
- Fall Bazaar (10/10/2022)
FRIDAY/SATURDAY/SUNDAY EVENT! Poutines, Rapees, Clam Chowder, Chili, and more at Annual Fall Bazaar in Gardner MA
The Annunciation Parish Annual Fall Bazaar is Friday October 14th through Sunday October 16th., held daily from 10am to 3pm. Besides loads of food available for eat in or take out, there’s a number of featured booths, various activities, and a Chance Auction. Location: 135 Nichols Street, Gardner MA Flyer in printable pdf format, click here.
- Reflections (10/10/2022)
Reflections of a City: Gardner MA is URBAN, but it’s also very RURAL and beautiful.
Growing Industry and Business. Blossoming Education. Abundant Recreation. And, all close to the Lake Wampanoag Area… Gardner, the Chair City, but also a City to “Share”
All Photos taken on Columbus Day: October 10, 2022 Complete Gallery, click here.
Reflections on Lake Wampanoag Gardner MA October 10, 2022 - Top 40 Projects (10/10/2022)
Chair City of Gardner MA Top 40 Hit Projects
Gardner MA is undergoing what we are calling “Accelerated Development.” Sometimes it’s hard to remember all the projects going on. So we created a page for the purpose and we’ll keep adding to it. Top 40 Hit Projects page, CLICK HERE.
- Safety Issue (10/10/2022)
Gardner MA Safety Committee Draws Great Interest from Gardner Magazine Readers
Gardner’s Safety Committee meeting of 9-28-22 has been heard 2,428 times including October 9, 2022. Article and AUDIO, CLICK HERE. Here are other listener numbers up to 10-9-22: Mayor’s Update 10/7: 713, 9/30:1,081, 9/23:1.190 —-City Council: 10/3 Reg: 785 Informal: 788 Go Forward Interviews: Nathan Boudreau: 1,175, Dana Heath: 1,252, Carolyn Kamuda: 1,082, Joshua Cormier, Purchasing: 879, Dianne “Neon” Leblanc: 1,205. School Committee 9-12-22: 1,069 Community Center Announcement: 831 – Song – Ain’t Cheap Being Poor pretty much a dud so far at only 181 listens
Gardner Magazine publishes an article and AUDIO of most meetings including Mayor’s Updates, City Council, School Committee, important meetings, and carries various interviews. also carries these meetings etc. 24/7. So listen to an individual meeting by pressing play in the news story or listen online to the continuous stream. And, in our website menu, you’ll find links to our Vintage Audio pages where you’ll find some interesting programs and clips from as long as 100 years ago.
- Cheap Inflation (10/8/2022)
It Ain’t Cheap Being Poor – Everyone Feeling Inflation in Gardner MA
The Mayor of the Chair City just bought a home and is paying hundreds of dollars more per month than he would have just a year ago. Rents have skyrocketed – a recent post on recently renovated properties showed 1 bedrooms starting at $1100 with larger units going for more. The negotiated electric rate for Gardner is 10 cents more per kilowatt hour beginning November 1, 2022. Fuel for cars and homes has been high all year. Groceries create shockwaves for shoppers as they see the prices going up with almost every stop to the store. We can’t do anything about all of that, but since we’re ALL feeling poor, we licensed a song to play here on any device. CLICK Play.
It’s Ain’t Cheap Being Poor – The Inflation Song - Area Foliage (10/8/2022)
Leaves are Turning and the Colors are Showing in Greater Gardner MA
The leaves are turning sooner due to less precipitation during the growing season this year as Greater Gardner suffered through a D3 Drought condition.
Peak foliage is almost upon us on Columbus Day Weekend 2022, but in an unusual contradiction, there’s no consistency in color.
- Music Program (10/7/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson posts about Band Night
According to Mayor Michael Nicholson on October 7, 2022: “Gardner Public Schools music students in grades 4-12 took the field together for a combined performance tonight.”
Also according to the Mayor, “The Gardner Elementary School Bands are up to 200 students in grades 3 & 4.” Nicholson is a music supporter, requesting and receiving approval earlier this year from the City Council for $100,000 to purchase needed band instruments to help bring the program up to par.
- Mayor’s Update 10-7-22 (10/7/2022)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson 10-7-22 Watch on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Weekly Update: Mayor Nicholson 10-3-22 Elm St. School Situation Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Reports on “Crazy Week Here in Gardner” in Weekly Update
In an update jam-packed with valuable information, the Chair City Mayor thanked the first responders who skillfully handled the small electrical fire at Elm Street School. While the situation did affect classes at Gardner Academy and the after-school program of the Boys and Girls Club, local officials, the Building Department and Inspectors immediately assessed the situation. Mayor Nicholson stated, “I want to thank everyone for their patience and the effective manner in which everything that was handled was done that day . So thank you very much to everyone who was involved in that and for keeping the community safe.”
FREE Meals and Dinner Kits
Dinner Kits Mayor Nicholson reminded Gardner residents that Gardner Public Schools is doing free meals this year and added that FREE DINNER KITS are now being offered. For more information, Website, CLICK HERE, or Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
Annunciation Parish Event
Mayor Nicholson spoke of the Annual Fall Bazaar coming up October 14, 15, and 16 at Holy Family Academy and Annunciation Parish stating, “It really is a great community event that we can anticipate every fall here in Gardner.” The Mayor thanked those at Holy Family Academy and Annunciation Parish “for continuing that tradition here in Gardner.” Image CLICK HERE —- Printable pdf, CLICK HERE
Gardner Police Headquarters Gardner MA will soon fill the position of Deputy Chief of Police as the pool of candidates is narrowed to final candidates.
Police Department News
The Mayor welcomed new Chair City Police Officer Angel Estrada who is getting a temporary appointment while he attends the Police Academy and then will get a full permanent appointment to be confirmed by the City Council. He also had news about the Deputy Chief’s position which has had 8 to 10 applicants, 4 of which will be interviewed next week by the Committee, followed by a final selection.
Mayor Nicholson thanked those involved in putting on the recent Health Fair at Waterford Street School which had over 100 vendors and went over the announcement that Waterford Street School is slated to become the new community center by next summer benefitting several organizations. View video Press Release.
In other good news, the Mayor stated that Congresswoman Lori Trahan personally delivered a check for $500,000 to Heywood Hospital to go towards the new Surgical Pavilion. He mentioned the just under 3 million dollar loan just received by Mass Ave Rentals to finish the project at 42-52 Parker Street and the other projects to be going on at the former Gardner News building and former Bank of America building.
Listen to this week’s update on any device, Click Play
Mayor’s Update October 7, 2022 - Money Comes In (10/6/2022)
Rendering of 42-52 Parker Street Gardner MA Progress at 42-52 Parker Street 10-6-22 Rear 42-52 Parker Street 10-6-22 Mass Ave Rentals LLC Gets Rest of Money For 29 Unit Apartment Project in Gardner MA
5 years ago, the Gardner Redevelopment Authority got a $400,000 grant to acquire the buildings at 42-52 Parker Street. Mass Ave Rentals purchased the buildings and used a $900,000 grant from the State of MA Underutilized Properties Program to begin renovations and improvements. Now, MassDevelopment and Fidelity Bank have partnered to provide a $2.9 million dollar loan to fund the balance of the project. Principal of Mass Ave Rentals Gary Lorden was assisted similarly in 2008 when he converted the former Goodnow Pearson Building in Downtown Gardner into 27 apartments.
In a Press Release on October 6, 2022, Mayor Nicholson stated, ““The work being done in downtown Gardner through MassDevelopment and Mass Ave Rentals is going to change the face of our downtown and have a positive impact on Gardner for years to come,” said Gardner Mayor Michael J. Nicholson. “This is the first time a project like this has been done in Gardner in well over a decade and I look forward to seeing people call Gardner their new home through this project. I would like to thank MassDevelopment for their continued investment in our community and Mass Ave Rentals for investing in our City.” Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
Anticipated Completion is July 2023.
- Road Safety (10/6/2022)
Road Safety Grand Awards National Road Safety Initiatives
Child Safety: A safe car with the right car seat. More info.
Teen Driving: Help them learn how to drive. More
Adapted Vehicles: Safer for people with disabilities More
Vehicle Theft Prevention: 800,000 victims yearly. More
Pedestrian Safety: Tips to keep walkers safe More
Bicycle Safety: Reducing fatalities More
Older Drivers: Learn to recognize changes More
Motorcycle Safety: Learn how to anticipate and respond. More
School Bus Safety: Child’s greatest risk is getting on and off the bus. More
School Bus Safety Road Safety Grant Funding to Greater Gardner MA Communities
In September, the Baker-Polito Administration announced nearly 11 million dollars in federal grant funding to improve road safety across the state. There were 186 municipal and agency applicants and area communities fared pretty well in the competitive process which saw 11 of the 19 communities we cover receiving monies.
Area towns, cities, and organizations receiving funds include: Ashburnham Police Department: $14,763.36, Athol Police Department: $19,920.00, Barre Police Department: $19,952.00, Gardner Police Department: $23,311.50, Oakham Police Department: $4,572.00, Princeton Police Department: $19,998.00, Royalston Police Department: $11,520.00, Rutland Police Department: $17,752.00, Warwick Police Department: $4,670.00, Westminster Police Department: $15,020.20. Notably absent: Ashby, Hardwick, New Salem, Orange, Petersham, Phillipston, Templeton, and Winchendon but it is unclear whether or not these communities applied for funds.
The Merit Rating Board of the Mass DMV is receiving $550,000, the Massachusetts District Attorney’s Assocation gets $196,797, and the State Police get $3,398,021.38. And in order to provide Judicial Education relating to highway safety strategies, the Massachusetts Trial Court receives $18,135.00
“Safe roadways are achieved through strong federal, state, and local partnerships. These grants support our shared goal of reinforcing good driving behavior, deterring impaired and distracted driving, enhancing law enforcement training, and identifying data-driven solutions,” said Massachusetts Public Safety and Security Secretary Terrence Reidy. “
Massachusetts Hands Free Law
Are you aware of this? Massachusetts law prohibits operators of motor vehicles from using any electronic device, including mobile telephones, unless the device is used in hands-free mode. Fines Up To $500
- Board of Assessors (10/5/2022)
Gardner MA Board of Assessors Board of Assessors Meeting 10-4-22 Gardner Property Valuations Chart 10-5-22 Gardner MA Receives Preliminary Certification of Property Values by Department of Revenue
According to the Assessor’s office: “The preliminary assessed values for FY2023 will be available for public review beginning Monday October 3, 2022, through Friday October 7, 2022, at the Assessor’s Office and on the Assessor’s page of the City of Gardner website. Contact the Assessor’s office during the public disclosure period to ask questions, review, discuss and request changes in proposed values. The Assessor’s Office is open from, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Friday.” Printable pdf of announcement
Some will be happy and some will not be pleased with the valuations as they vary by property type. On average, the increases by class are approximately as follows: Single-Family – 22%, Condominiums – 33%, Two & Three-Family – 23%, Apartments (4+ Units) – 38%, Commercial Class – 13%, Industrial Class – 12%, Vacant Land – 26%.
The Board of Assessors met briefly on 10-4-22. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Board of Assessors 10-4-22 Once the valuations and numbers such as New Growth are approved, Gardner’s tax rate can be set and exact tax bills can be sent out for the 3rd and 4th payments of the tax year. Our previous article describes the unique circumstances this year which led to the “Tax Inversion” phenomenon. We also have links to informative info on how Property Taxes work in MA. For article, CLICK HERE.
- Elm St. School (10/5/2022)
Small Electrical Fire at Elm Street School in Gardner MA
From the Gardner Fire Department: “10/5/22 07:07 -1st Alarm Box 543 – 160 Elm St. Elm Street School 1st alarm struck for a small electrical fire in an outside wall.”
- Taxi Service? (10/5/2022)
Taxi in Gardner MA Taxi Service? As far as Uber or Lyft, there is a listing online which quotes basic rates, but we don’t know if there are available drivers. Let us know your experience by sending an email to
Social Media Poll: 89% Would Like Taxi Service in Gardner MA
The question asked in a post was “Would you like to see a taxi company in the Gardner, Templeton, Phillipston area?” There were 99 total votes. 89% responded yes, 7% responded no, and 3% responded unsure.
Online search results are not reliable on this subject as a previous company, Smileys Taxi, which used to operate from Central Street in Gardner some years ago is still listed. Fortunately, the number listed is not in service so no Gardner resident is getting calls for a taxi at that number. The regional bus company, MART, is the first search result on Google. Seniors and disabled individuals are those who typically have the most trouble with driving. The City of Gardner has information on transportation on its website, CLICK HERE.
Opening a Taxi Company
So what do you do if you want to open a taxi company in Gardner? According to the Records Department at the Gardner PD, the company would go through the Building Department for a particular physical location just like any other business. Each taxi vehicle and each taxi driver also goes through a licensing process through the Gardner Police Department.
- Council on Aging (10/4/2022)
- Community Center Announcement (10/4/2022)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson Makes Announcement Waterford Plan CLICK IMAGE for larger view Waterford Street School Gardner MA Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Announces Waterford Street School Redevelopment
Gardner will have a Community Center, pending City Council approval. At a public announcement on October 3, 2022, Mayor Nicholson stated Waterford would become a Community Center. Press Release pdf, CLICK HERE. State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik said they would ‘fill the space in a symbiotic way. He is a former student and son of a former teacher. Center would include the Senior Center, Community Action Committee, Growing Places, and GAAMHA Inc. Mike Ellis, Director of the Senior Center said he is “excited about the project.” CAC Director Julie Meehan said it would allow their programs to be centrally located. Amy Yeagle, the Executive Director of Growing Places would retrofit the school kitchen and create a processing center to help distribute food to the needy. Tracy Hutchinson, President and CEO of GAAHMA stated, “We were so excited about partnering at Waterford Street School. We’ll be able to double to triple people we currently serve.”Shawn Hayden, VP at GAAMHA says that their existing facility on Coleman Street could then be used to expand outpatient behavioral and mental health services. “Looking to provide up to 100 new jobs in the next 2 years.” City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas thanked Representative Zlotnik and the community partners. “A great utilization of the space for the City.” Watch on YouTube or listen to the announcement and the various speakers on any device. Click Play.
Waterford Announcement - City Council 10-3-22 (10/4/2022)
Informal City Council Meeting 10-3-22 Regular City Council Meeting 10-3-22 ARPA Funds Letter to City Council Proposed Zoning Map Amendment – details in packet Gardner MA City Council Monday October 3, 2022
Informal Meeting 6:45pm – To consider “An Act Relative to Establish a Special Act Charter Drafting Committee” Agenda and Packet The Gardner City Council met informally to discuss the proposal by Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson to create the Charter Committee.
Councilor Walsh expressed his opinion that he felt the Charter Committee was not needed. Councilor Ronald F. Cormier suggested the City investigate whether there was another process to clean up the process rather than proceed with the Charter Committee. Councilor Hardern stated that change was good, but change just for the sake of changing, “I don’t understand that.” Councilor Boudreau expressed concerns about the scope of the Committee. Mayor Nicholson explained that changes would be voted on by City Council prior to anything being sent to the ballot. Councilor Mack expressed her support for review of the City Charter because “there are aspects of the City Charter which needs to be changed with the times.” She explained further than 2 acting mayors in 2020 did not receive any compensation because the charter does not provide for it. “This needs to be updated.” Councilor Boone had concerns about having a short period of time to consider the proposal, but he was not opposed. Councilor Tyros said he was wondering why this was such a contentious thing. Mayor Nicholson explained that the minimum size of the committee was 3 members. Councilor Dana Heath said that he believed the Charter should be looked at. Councilor Dernalowicz said “maybe it’s time we made some amendments to ours.” Councilor Nathan Boudreau stated that if any group of councilors needs more time, they should be granted that. Would be interested in seeing the makeup of the committee. Suggested 5 people appointed by a couple appointing authorities. Council President Kazinskas stated that the Council would be voting on whether to establish a committee. Wants to do it in a thoughtful way. Mayor Nicholson said his main goal was collaboration and that means having the time to fully understand. Watch on our City Council page or play AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY
Informal City Council Meeting 10-3-22 Regular Meeting 7:00pm – Various communications, appointment confirmations, whether or not to establish a Committee to review the City Charter, and a zoning amendment. Agenda and Packet – The Council voted to table the City Charter proposal to the 2nd meeting in November. City Council will keep Zoning item on calendar to give Planning Board time to review.
Watch on our City Council page or play AUDIO on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Regular City Council Meeting 10-3-22 New Business: In the new business section of the Regular meeting, Councilor Boone expressed concern over whether funds would be available to take care of potential pump costs at the landfill which could total up to $200,000. He was assured by Mayor Nicholson there would be sufficient funding once FREE CASH was certified later in the year. Councilor Boudreau complimented everyone on the Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest.
- 2nd Perfect Audit (10/3/2022)
Gardner MA Perfect AUDIT Complete Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE
2nd Perfect Audit – Communication from Mayor – CLICK IMAGE for larger view Gardner MA is Fiscally Responsible Gardner MA Does It Again! Perfect Financial Audit 2nd Year in a Row.
The Mayor sets the budget. The City Council approves it. The Auditing Department performs audits of all invoices and payrolls submitted for payment by the City Departments The Purchasing Department Helps the City Buy things. And a third party audits the City of Gardner. Last year, for the first time in recorded history, Gardner got a PERFECT AUDIT. And then, defying the odds, Gardner did it again, proving it is one of the most fiscally responsible City governments in America. View a communication from the Mayor to the City Council regarding the audit.
We interviewed Joshua Cormier, Gardner’s Chief Procurement Officer on who gets credit for the Perfect Audit, about the role of the purchasing department, and about how to save money in our daily lives. He also spoke about his role as Gardner’s Movie Liaison, predicting more movies will be made in Gardner MA in the coming years. Listen to the interview on any device. Click Play
Joshua Cormier – The Perfect Audit – Go Forward with Gardner MA - John’s Sport (10/3/2022)
Gardner MA John’s Sport Shop entering 60th year of business in the Chair City.
Celebrating its 59th birthday and now entering it’s sixth decade of business, the Gardner Downtown business at 38 Main Street has almost perfect reviews on Google. Rachael says, “Excellent service and quality products. They make great custom designs on clothing! I’ve had many T shirts made here. I always enjoy coming here.” Felicia says, “Great mom and pop sports store with everything I’ve needed so far. Love the embroidery service for my kids’ sport equipment/uniforms.” CC says “This is the best place locally to get all your sports gear, and boy scout and Girls cout uniforms and supplies. Ann is amazing! Every time I go in she is there to help.” Sarah says, “Best place in town. We go to John’s for all our needs. Great people.” Christine says, “Always very personable and knowledgeable about what’s being purchased. Always loved this place since I was little. “ Nicole says, “Love to buy local and the owners are awesome. “
In a statement on their Facebook page, John’s Sport shop stated, “Thank you to All our Wonderful Customers through the Years!!! Many Generations of Families & Customers, Who became Our Friends!! Thank You!!” Website Link – More Downtown Gardner
- Kamuda Go Forward (10/2/2022)
Carolyn Kamuda Gardner MA Kamuda Gallery Gardner MA Complete Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE.
Go Forward with Gardner MA Series, We Interview Carolyn Kamuda
As a Gardner icon, Carolyn Kamuda is unique. She has been a Real Estate Broker for decades, has an art gallery, projects a love for the arts and culture, and showcases a deep toolbox of common sense. The interview puts the positives of Gardner’s future in an analytical light with Kamuda’s insight providing valuable considerations for Gardner City Council, the Mayor, and businesses coming to the City. According to Kamuda, Gardner’s best asset of all is ‘its people.”
Watch the embedded YouTube video or Click Play to play the AUDIO in any device.
Go Forward with Gardner – Carolyn Kamuda AUDIO – Interview with Carolyn Kamuda - Gas Leak (10/1/2022)
Gardner Fire Department and DPW Cooperate Regarding Possible Gas Leak
Another example of Genuine Good Gardner Employees. (GGGE’s). On October 1, 2022 the Gardner Fire Department and DPW cooperated to investigate a possible gas leak at a residence on Foss Road in Gardner. They help Gardner residents all the time, but rarely get recorded in the act of being awesome. They are “Genuine Gardner.”
- Yard Sale (10/1/2022)
Rain Holds Off, Some still hold Yard Sales in Gardner MA, Many to Hold Sales Sunday October 2, 2022
It will end up being a Weekend Yard Sale Event in Gardner MA as this family at 47 Parker Street, Gardner will have bargains Sunday October 1, 2022 as well as others.
Visit for all links.
And the Pumpkin Patch at the First Congregational Church was open as well with beautiful orange Pumpkins enhancing the landscape.
- Keep Gardner Beautiful (10/1/2022)
Dianne “Neon” Leblanc in TV Interview with Gardner Magazine on Successful Event October 1, 2022
Dianne Leblanc and many volunteers helped Keep Gardner MA Beautiful on October 1, 2022. Weather cooperated for the annual event which once again attracted civic-minded individuals to do their part in cleaning up the Chair City. Gardner Magazine interviewed Dianne in an uplifting Go Forward with Gardner interview on the event and Gardner’s future. Watch the video by clicking play or listen to the AUDIO on any device.
AUDIO: Keep Gardner Beautiful – Go Forward with Gardner Keep Gardner Beautiful Complete Go Forward with Gardner page, CLICK HERE.
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