Greater Gardner MA News March 2023
- Centennial Events (3/31/2023)
Gardner MA Centennial Committee Announces More Events
Many events are happening in Gardner this year, Visit our Centennial page, and 5 of them are presented by the Centennial Committee. Event 1 was an introductory event in January. Event 2 is the Flashback Dance taking place Saturday April 22, 2023 at Perry Auditorium from 6:30 to 10:00pm. See Flash Dance Article, Click Here. Event 3 is the Summer Centennial Celebration taking place Saturday July 22, 2023 at Mount Wachusett Community College from noon to 6pm on the occasion of the college’s 60th anniversary. Event 4 is the 2 mile long Centennial Parade which starts at Elm Street and ends up at Waterford Street. Time listed is 1pm on Sunday September 17, 2023 with of course various times along the way of the route which we have pictured here. As many participants will be walking, it should last well over an hour, maybe longer. Event 5 is the Winter Ball taking place at Perry Auditorium from 6pm to 10pm on Saturday December 30, 2023. We will have more details of these and other events as they become available. For our complete 2023 event listings, visit our Centennial page. If you have an event which you feel should be listed, send info to
The Centennial Parade Route
The parade route has meaning. It begins on Elm Street where Gardner’s Giant Chair is located. It passes by the corner of Pearl Street where the Gardner Museum is located, a repository of Gardner’s history from its earliest settlement in 1764, on Central Street near Monument Park where by that time a summer of excellent concerts will have been heard and many memories made, through Gardner’s iconic Downtown, waving at the historic Garbose building and by the renovated 42-52 Parker Street, past the beloved Gardner Ale House, and finishing on Waterford Street where Gardner’s 101st year becomes special as the new Community Center is realized. It will be a wonderful parade.
- Mayor’s Update 3-31-23 (3/31/2023)
Mayor’s Update on last day of March 2023 packed with Important Information
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY
Mayor’s Update March 31, 2023 Zoning and Properties
Zoning Items include matters coming before the City Council at a Public Hearing Monday April 3, 2023 at 6:30pm involving Regulating Sports Betting, More Cannabis Establishments, and Changing the Route 140 Zoning. See Editorial. See Article re City Council.
Mayor Nicholson separately wrote to the City Council for Monday’s meeting, ““If we as a City want to revitalize our economy, grow our tax base, lessen the tax burden on our residents, provide jobs for those who live here, and provide resources to meet our growing population, then something like this must be done or the City will soon be left behind without reaching its true and full potential” – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson
Public Safety
Mayor Nicholson advised that no Public Safety issues have arisen with existing Marijuana establishments and a cap of 4 will allow the market to direct itself. ” Since 2019, the city’s collected about $1.5 million in fees from these companies.” In another matter, he stated that the section of Route 140 he wants to restrict from residential development in favor of commercial has had about 193 accidents in the past 10 years with 20 of them resulting in some type of injury. A change to commercial “alleviates those safety concerns for our public safety departments and then allows the City to open itself up to more job creation, more economic growth in an area of the City that’s really underutilized.” Much more in detail in our Article regarding upcoming meeting.
Public Input
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is conducting 2 virtual meetings: One for Fitchburg’s phase 2 of their bike path and the other for the bike path which will eventually go over Route 140. Links on City of Gardner Website. Economic Development Coordinator Jessica DeRoy is conducting an online public survey regarding signage in the City from now through April 10th. To complete the survey, CLICK HERE.
Local Events
It’s past time to register your dog. See the City Clerk’s office. Yard Waste is being collected from April 4 to April 7th. Heywood Hospital has their Surgical Pavilion Topping Off ceremony Wednesday April 6th at 9:30am. Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt is at City Hall Saturday April 8, 2023 from 10am to noon – bring your own basket. Health Resource Fair is April 12, 2023 from 5pm to 8pm at Perry Auditorium. The Flashback Dance is April 22, 2023 from 6:30pm to 10pm at Perry Auditorium. Various business tours are being conducted by Jessica DeRoy.
- Zoning Change (3/31/2023)
Editorial – Gardner MA – Route 140 Proposed Zoning Change Is Common Sense Choice
Approval of Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Route 140 Zoning Change proposal is simple common sense. Since being sworn in, the Mayor has looked at properties throughout the City in an effort for them to have their “best use”. The Development Department has been active in recruiting new property owners to renovate blighted properties. Unused City properties have been put up for sale to get them back on the tax rolls. Maki Park and Park Street Park have been authorized to provide additional recreational space. The City is getting State help to market the former Garbose Metal site.
Business Interest in Gardner
There’s been lots of interest from companies who want to come to Gardner, but need more land than is currently available. This change would not only mitigate that problem, but also allay concerns over too much potential future residential development in the Route 140 area which would have an actual adverse environmental and safety impact, and create a strain on City resources. In our opinion, the Planning Board erred in not recommending the Route 140 zoning change. This is something the Gardner City Council can correct on Monday. To the citizens of Gardner: Mayor Nicholson has proven he has your back – we all can see the changes for the better. Show your support by showing up at the Public Hearing Monday, April 3, 2023 at 6:30pm and speak in favor of Common Sense.
- Eating Cake (3/30/2023)
Alan and Anne at John’s Sport Shop in Gardner MA Eat Cake
In a delicious breach of workplace decorum certainly to result in a loss of several minutes pay, Alan and Ann ate cake today at John’s Sport Shop in Downtown Gardner MA. They did so to celebrate the perennial 25th birthday (we’re off by a couple of years) of fellow business owner Patti Bergstrom of the Velvet Goose posting, “Happy Birthday, Patti! Hope you have a Fabulous Day. Anne and Alan love birthday cake. Thanks for sharing your Birthday Cake with your neighbors.”
Our reports indicate that after eating cake, they promptly went back to work selling quality sporting goods. Website….. Good thing there wasn’t any more cake.
Downtown Gardner Business Owners had a big reason to celebrate this week as the historic Garbose Building was purchased by a company willing to restore it to its former glory. See Article, CLICK HERE. The Garbose building has its 140th birthday and will celebrate its 40th anniversary of being designated an historic building on April 12, 2023.
- The Crossroads (3/30/2023)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson at Planning Board on March 29, 2023 “If we as a City want to revitalize our economy, grow our tax base, lessen the tax burden on our residents, provide jobs for those who live here, and provide resources to meet our growing population, then something like this must be done or the City will soon be left behind without reaching its true and full potential” – Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson
City of Gardner MA at Critical Crossroads at Meetings of City Council April 3, 2023
Following Meetings, listen here on any device.
Let’s take you through this as thoroughly as we can. The Gardner Planning Board on March 22, 2023 recommended the Mayor’s proposal regarding Sports Betting and Pot Shops. See previous article. However, the matter of proposed Zoning changes along Route 140 towards Winchendon was continued to the Meeting of March 29, 2023 and they voted to NOT RECOMMEND the changes despite a detailed presentation by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson documenting advantages to Gardner and addressing concerns. Agenda, CLICK HERE. Watch Meeting on Youtube or listen to it here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Planning Board March 29, 2023 Next Step Public Hearing
The City Council will hold a joint Public Hearing with the Planning Board on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 6:30pm on the 3 Zoning Matters. Citizens who wish to express their support or opposition can show up and provide their opinions. Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
Written Testimony by the Mayor
Mayor Nicholson has provided us with his written testimony and documentation for the Public Hearing for your review. Marijuana Zoning —- Sports Betting Zoning —- Route 140 Zoning.
Regular City Council Meeting
The City Council with hold its regular meeting at 7:30pm and will vote on the Zoning Matters and discuss Communications, Appointments, Finances, Safety, Service, and Welfare. Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
- Elections 2023 (3/30/2023)
Are you running in the Gardner MA 2023 Election?
The following positions are up for grabs: Mayor, 6 Councilor at Large, 5 individual Ward Councilors, and 3 of the School Committee posts. Details in this pdf, CLICK HERE.
Interested candidates need to obtain nomination papers from the City Clerk’s office starting April 12th, obtain the certified signatures of a minimum of 50 registered Gardner voters, and return the papers by 5pm on August 15th.
A preliminary election will be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 if any of the following are true: More than 2 candidates for Mayor, more than 12 candidates for Councilor at Large, or more than 6 candidates for School Committee and/or in Wards with more than 2 candidates for Ward Councilor.
How Much Will You Get Paid
Annual pay beginning January 1, 2024: Mayor – $105,904.22, City Council President – $12,298.98, City Councilor – $8415.27, and School Committee – $5743.43.
Elections in other communities 2023: Templeton —- Westminster —- Rutland —- Winchendon — Princeton —- Phillipston —- Petersham —- Orange —- Hardwick —- Barre —- Athol —-Ashby —- Ashburnham
- What’s Going On (3/30/2023)
An Interview with the Admins of Gardner MA – #1 What’s going on Page
Listen on any device. Click Play.
Gardner MA What’s Going On 3-30-23 We spoke with Laura Pelletier and Shelly Thibeau, admins of the number one Gardner MA What’s Going on Page. The ladies also want to credit Cindy Leblanc who also serves as a moderator for the group.
Both Laura and Shelly spoke of the group’s function as a conduit of information about things going on in Gardner. Because they approve each post, the content is generally respectful and more relevant. To Join the Group, CLICK HERE.
- Levi Heywood – Arts (3/29/2023)
For more information about what the Levi Heywood Memorial Library has to offer, please visit their website, CLICK HERE.
Levi Heywood Memorial Library of Gardner MA Supports the Arts
Tiny Art Show
For the second time, the library has held its Tiny Art Show which runs through March 31, 2023. “The library provides kits that include a 3″x3” tiny canvas, paint, and a paintbrush at the Reference Desk and in the Children’s Room. Patrons of all ages are asked to use their imaginations and create their own tiny masterpieces. We ask that they return the canvases to the library so that they can be included in our Tiny Art Show which is on display in the Library’s Exhibit Gallery….The Library’s Exhibit Gallery is a beautiful space that features the artwork of local artists. In April and May we will have the artwork of John Gabrieli on display for all to see. “
Photography of the Great Blue Heron
In an event sponsored by the Friends of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, local wildlife photographer and author Dale Monette will be presenting “Genius of the Swamp, the Great Blue Heron” on Wednesday April 5, 2023 from 6:15 to 8:00pm. “Dale is retired from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and is the author of three wildlife photography books. Flyer, click here.
- Rietta Opening (3/28/2023)
Rietta Flea Market in Hubbardston MA Opens for Season on Sunday April 2, 2023
Since the 1960’s, the popular Sunday Flea Market has opened in the Spring and stays open until late Fall. For more information for vendors or the public, please visit the website, CLICK HERE.
The Rietta slogan is “For Pleasure or Treasure” and Rietta Flea Market is a spacious complex of multiple acres located on Route 68 in Hubbardston, Massachusetts. New and used merchandise is sold. They are also known for their Food Concession where they are known for the “Best Fried Dough”, hamburgers, hot dogs,and grilled cheese.
- Downtown Wayfinding (3/28/2023)
Gardner MA Wants Your Opinion on What Signage Works for You
The City of Gardner posted, “Whether you rely on wayfinding signage, GPS, or instinct to navigate to and through Gardner, we want to hear from you! “ The City of Gardner has been developing a wayfinding study in Downtown Gardner to: establish an inventory of existing signage, ensure signs serve various types of users, identify locations for new signage to better direct visitors to Downtown and nearby destinations, use signage to improve visibility of parking and access to parking, and create a sense of arrival with a distinct sign style that reflects the character of Downtown.
Gardner is asking for your input through a 5 minute online survey CLICK LINK – You’ll tell about your experience when visiting Gardner, your thoughts on the current signs, and other input that will directly inform where new signs should be located and how they might be designed. Survey runs until April 10, 2023 so do it today.
The City will be using this wayfinding plan to develop and fabricate simple signs in the near future as a short-term approach, with the potential of evolving the complexity and detail of the signs in the long-term through a future, more comprehensive community process.
- Conservation 3-27-23 (3/28/2023)
Conservation Commission Says “Fix the Fence by Friday!”
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Commission March 27, 2023 The Commission is noted for its informal meetings and off-the-cuff comments made by its members and this meeting was no exception. Some notable quotes, “Where’s the Meeting Minute Taker?”, “114 Topaz Terrace, the Fence is Down”, “They’ve got the big pile up”, “We’re not supposed to talk about it,” and “Fix the fence by Friday, just in case Paul Demeo is watching.” Here’s a copy of the agenda, CLICK HERE.
Topics included compliance with a previous order relating to 114 Topaz Terrace, the contract for the Alisauskas Conservation Area Mowing, and a discussion regarding the Route 140/Green Street rezoning request. And a request to approve boots at a cost of less than $130. The commission approved a slightly higher $150.
The Conservation Commission also indicated it would be looking for some new members who don’t necessarily have to be residents of Gardner.
- Monument Park 2023 (3/28/2023)
Monument Park Concerts Back in Gardner MA for Summer 2023
The sidewalks around the park will be getting an upgrade this Spring, and sometime in 2023, the extra parking may be available at Park Street Park on Park Street. Also in 2023, the Greenwood Pool Indoor Pool Building will come down and a new Outdoor Pavilion will go up.
Date/Time Band with Web Link Type of Music 6/17/23 6pm The Green Sisters Folk 6/24/23 6pm Viva Las Elvis Elvis 7/1/23 6pm Holdin Back The 60’s 7/8/23 at Food Truck Festival The Remedy – View our Article and sample the band’s music – Facebook page. Duo playing Country Rock – Classic Country, Blues, Classic Rock 7/15/23 6pm Gold Dust Refugee Tom Petty/Fleetwood Mac 7/22/23 6pm Timeless Family Fun Concert 7/29/23 6pm Boothill Express Rockin’ Country 8/5/23 6pm Traveling Jones County/Classic 8/12/23 5pm 4 Ever Fab Beatles 8/19/23 5pm Retro Stew 60s/70s/80s 8/26/23 5pm Big Random Classic Rock For a complete list of the events going on this year in Gardner Massachusetts, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE
- Hubbardston 3-28-23 (3/28/2023)
Hubbardston Happenings – A Conversation with Nathan Boudreau
We had the opportunity to speak with Nathan Boudreau, the Town Administrator of Hubbardston Massachusetts. Mr. Boudreau has his share of work in front of him in dealing with Hubbardston’s very real budget challenges affecting the ability to provide much-needed services, fund the School System, and carry on various projects throughout the community. Boudreau discusses it all with us. Listen to the conversation on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Hubbardston Happenings March 28, 2023 During the interview, we learned that Hubbardston has openings for business and industry to come to town. We also found out that Nathan Boudreau likes to go to the Rietta Flea Market which is opening for the season this coming Sunday, April 2, 2023
- Garbose Building (3/27/2023)
Garbose Building Gardner MA Garbose Building as featured in Gardner Magazine Video short “Gardner Goes Disney” Garbose Building Closing on 3-20-23 Commercial space is currently available in this building in Downtown Gardner. Jon Bombaci Interview March 27, 2023 Historic Garbose Building in Gardner MA Has New Owner with Big Plans
We spoke with Jonathan Bombaci about this project and about his other transformative work in Downtown Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jonathan Bombaci March 27, 2023 According to a Press Release, Candor Realty, led by Jonathan Bombaci has purchased the Garbose Building located at 2-10 Parker Street in Gardner. Bombaci stated, “We’re excited to double down on our investment in Downtown Gardner and are looking forward to turning this building into something useful again.” Plans include: “18 market rate residential one-bedroom and studio efficiency units catering to residents looking for condo quality accommodations at an affordable price on the upper floors of the building, as well as retaining all retail space on the buildings’ ground level.” Funding is being provided by GFA Federal Credit Union. Positive comments about the transaction by local Government and Business leaders can be found in the Press Release, CLICK HERE.
History of the Garbose Building
Built in 1883, the Garbose Building stands prominently in West Gardner Square at the Corner of Pleasant and Parker Streets, (2-10 Parker Street). 100 years after its construction, the building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on April 12, 1983 after having been nominated in February of that year. Address listed in the historic register is 3 Pleasant Street, Gardner MA. The property closing actually occurred on March 20, 2023 with the recording of the deed being held up by the historic registration of the property. In 2015, the building was closed for a week beginning March 15, 2015 while then owner Dean Marcus addressed building code violations discovered during an inspection following a complaint. Therefore the new owners are welcome as their press release is entitled, “Historic Downtown Getting a New Lease on Life”
Plans for the Buildings
During our interview, Bombaci, spoke of great finishes like granite countertops, nice modern designs, “it will be a Grade A asset by the time we’re done with it.” And about 25 Main Street he stated, “We hope to attract some sort of food, coffee shop, bakery, something like that.” And regarding his other purchase on Main Street he stated it is one hundred percent occupied which “proves that there is a demand for these types of spaces in the Downtown.” Candor Realty has a storefront at 88 Main Street where it runs its Downtown operations.
- Yard Waste ’23 (3/27/2023)
Yard Cleanup Season to Begin in Greater Gardner MA
Time to get those yard tools ready as April Yard Waste pickup will be the week of April 4-7, 2023 for Gardner residents on their regular trash pickup day. Grass clippings and leaves can be placed in paper yard waste bags or loose in open barrels with no lid – NO cardboard boxes. Sticks less than 2 inches thick and up to 3 feet long can be placed out in bundles. Bundles and containers must weight less than 50 pounds each, but there is no limit to the number of containers or bundles you can put out. NO rocks, gravel, sod, or dirt.
For more details and further information from the City of Gardner, CLICK HERE.
- Tiered Focus (3/27/2023)
Gardner MA Public Schools up for Reviews through Department of Secondary and Elementary Education.
Review 1: English Language Learners – During the week of April 3, 2023, DESE will have its Office of Language Acquisition conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of Gardner Public Schools which is done every 6 years in this category. The purpose is to monitor compliance with Federal and State English learner education laws and regulations. For the complete Press Release, click here.
Gardner Public Schools to Tier 1
Review 2: Regarding Students with Disabilities – (last done in 2020) According to Gardner Superintendent Mark Pellegrino, the City has historically always been designated a Level 3 District, requiring “Correction Action to address our issues, and the areas of concern include both compliance and student outcomes – moderate risk.” With a Tier 1 designation, the improvement plan will be self-directed, and “data points indicate no concern on compliance and performance outcomes.” Pellegrino stated, “This was really big news for GPS as our staff have worked hard to ensure that we are meeting students’ needs and the requirements and expectations set by DESE.” Press Release on Tiered Focus Monitoring Review Process
See our previous article from January when we first reported on the upcoming review, CLICK HERE.
- Officer Espada (3/27/2023)
Gardner MA Police Department Welcomes Officer 3-27-23
Gardner PD posted, “The Gardner PD would like to welcome our newest member, Officer Angel Espada. Officer Espada graduated Friday from the Boylston Police Academy as a member of the 31st Recruit Officer’s Course (ROC). During his 23 weeks of training at the academy he learned many aspects of the job including criminal Law, deescalation techniques, criminal procedure, motor vehicle law, along with physical fitness training.
Officer Espada will continue his training as he starts his 10 week Field Training program. This is where a new officer learns the community and how to apply what they have learned in the academy, while a veteran officer helps coach them on the day to day operations of the department and handling calls on shift.
Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Officer Espada to the Gardner Police Department!”
- Easter Bunny (3/27/2023)
Easter Bunny Brings Families to Gardner MA Museum on Sunday March 26, 2023
The Gardner Museum posted “The museum was buzzing with families today. Many children who visited the Easter Bunny and Cinderella on our front porch came inside, and wanted to sit on our big chair. It was heartwarming to see so many happy little faces! “
The Gardner Museum located on Pearl Street in Gardner MA began an exhibit on March 1st celebrating Gardner’s 100 Years as a City. Here’s a complete listing of the Museum’s events. CLICK HERE. Previous article with AUDIO of the Season’s Events, CLICK HERE.
For more information on the Gardner Museum, you can also visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Vietnam Vets (3/27/2023)
National Vietnam War Veterans Day celebrated at Gardner City Hall March 29, 2023 at 10am
The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was signed into law by 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump, designating every March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. More on this day, CLICK HERE
50 years ago on March 29, 1973, the last combat troops left Vietnam. Thank you all for your service.
- Official SuperHeroes (3/26/2023)
Editorial: Who Are They Really – Gardner’s Top Officials & Staff of the Corner Office
Sometimes you just have to sit back and think a little bit. And then, like a light bulb emanating intelligence it becomes clear. Things are not what they seem. Mere humans could not have aided Gardner’s phenomenal growth and entrance into new found prosperity and excellence in the past couple years.
So I ask, who are they really? Is Council President Kazinskas really Batwoman, is Mayor Michael Nicholson Superman, is Executive Aide Colin Smith, the Flash, and is Rachael Roberts Wonder Woman? It can’t possibly be that they are simply good at their jobs and are part of a team of everyday SuperHeroes, answering the Chair City call to success. No that can’t be it. Who are they…I mean…really?
When you see each of these people this week, ask them, who are they really?
- Clothing Drive (3/26/2023)
Gardner MA High School Student Fights Clothing Insecurity
Gardner High School student Jeanny Sainvil is leading a service project as a Project 351 Ambassador. Jeanny is joining hundreds of others throughout the Commonwealth in collecting clothing for children age birth to 12. New or gently used clothing can be dropped off the week of March 27 to March 31, 2023 at Gardner High School, Gardner Middle School, Gardner Elementary, and City Hall. The clothing drive benefits Cradles to Crayons, a non profit seeking to eliminate clothing insecurity so children, “can go to school feeling confident and cared for….I am inspired to lead Spring Service because I want to give back to the community that raised me. Growing up my parents taught and showed me to always help out as much as I can….I am grateful for your consideration and for the opportunity to spread awareness about clothing insecurity in our community!”
- Chewing Gum (3/25/2023)
Veteran Broadcaster Steve Wendell of Gardner MA WGAW gives valuable advice on chewing gum
On his hit Saturday Radio Show, “Hotline Radio”, March 24, 2023, host Steve Wendell spoke of the dangers of chewing gum in a public meeting or public speaking setting, saying when he taught classes in public speaking, he would fail those who showed up to speak chewing gum.
In a stroke of irony, the popular Gardner Radio Station will appeal to the bubble gum generation as it headlines internationally renowned and WGAW Alum Jimmy Jay from 2 to 4pm on April 22, 2023 for an oldies show on the radio. WGAW is heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, or live from anywhere via the internet, click here. For more information about the Centennial celebration and associated events, visit our page, CLICK HERE.
Promo for the Flash Dance – Listen on any device.
Flashdance Promo with Jimmy Jay Promo for WGAW Appearance – Listen on any device.
Jimmy Jay WGAW Promo Here’s some information on Bubble gum music. CLICK HERE. Invented in 1906, Bubble gum has been around before Gardner became a City. Here’s some history, CLICK HERE
- Paul Tassone (3/24/2023)
An Interview with Gardner MA Ward 3 Councilor Paul Tassone
Listen on any device. Click Play.
Paul Tassone Interview 3-24-23 On Friday, March 24, 2023 we interviewed Gardner Ward 3 Councilor Paul Tassone. We asked him what changes he has noticed since last on the City Council and what his priorities are for Ward 3. We asked “What for you is the most important role of a City Councilor?”. Councilor Tassone spoke about the Council and how he would like to see the City of Gardner build upon its success. He also let us know what he likes most about being a resident of Gardner and described his future vision for the Chair City.
Tassone stated, “I want to see this City become more of a destination, more of a place where people come and they spend some time here in the City, they spend time here in the businesses in our City, enjoy the recreation we have, and just enjoy and understand what it is to be here in Gardner.”
- Mayor’s Update 3-24-23 (3/24/2023)
Spring Happenings Focus of Gardner MA Mayor’s Update of March 24, 2023
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update March 24, 2023 In an update jam-packed with information, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of various Veterans matters including the recent visit of MA Secretary of Veterans Services John Santiago and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day Ceremony to take place on Wednesday March 29, 2023 at 10am on the front steps of City Hall. He also spoke about the Daughters of the American Revolution scholarship of which he is an alum and wished the John Joslin Chapter a Happy 50th Anniversary.
Some Spring Happenings
A Rabies Vaccination Clinic is taking place at the Gardner Animal Shelter on Sunday April 2nd from 9am to noon and pre-registration is required. That same day the Eagles Club will be having their meat raffle at noon. And the Lions Club will be having their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 8th from 10am to noon on the front lawn of City Hall. The Health and Wellness Fair is reschedule to April 12, 2023 from 5 to 8pm. And coming April 22, 2023, the Centennial Committee is holding the Flashback Dance from 6:30 to 10pm at Perry Auditorium.
MART Survey
MART is conducting a survey regarding their service to area communities. Link to Survey. There’s a QR Code so you can easily do the survey with your phone.
The Mayor spoke of flower pot and banner sponsorships, and he also spoke of the fundraising of the Gardner Centennial Committee stating, “The City Centennial Committee has also released sponsorship opportunities for the several different events that are happening this year in relation to the Centennial Celebration. What these sponsorships go towards is paying for different acts to perform in the parade that we have. I think the most expensive act that we have is coming at a cost of $20,000…..You’ll see that the Centennial committee is going to be putting out a mass mailer as well, that really shows off the different events that are happening throughout the course of the year.”
Business Openings
Mayor Nicholson also noted that Gardner Spirits is open at its new location on East Broadway, JPs Barber Shop is open on Pleasant Street, and Scott’s Nutrition is open on Main Street.
- ZBA 3-21-23 (3/24/2023)
Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Discusses Dwellings, Driveways, Storage, and Rentals
At a meeting on March 21, 2023, the Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals took up a continued case from November of last year regarding the conversion of an office building on Walnut Street to a seven residential unit, a case of converting an accessory building to a 5th dwelling, a continued matter from January regarding a driveway, a item concerning storage pods, and a matter concerning an Airbnb. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Zoning Board of Appeals March 21, 2023
- Gardner Disney Video (3/23/2023)
Gardner Goes Disney – A video for the Magical Chair City of Gardner MA
Listen to the soundtrack on any device. Click Play
Gardner Goes Disney Soundtrack of Songs The City of Gardner has a future history which is unwritten. It is a magical City where almost anything is possible. Where its people reward ideas and support each other… Where business and industry are welcome… Where families thrive and children learn… This is a day in the Chair City. This is going to be the best day ever.
Featuring the licensed songs “Today is the Best Day”, “It’s Beautiful Now” which speaks of a rainbow soon to come…ready when the sunshine comes again, it’s beautiful now where once it was hollow.. , “I wanna be your Super Hero,” stating I want to be everything you need and be of service, “It’s My Lucky Day,” and of course, “You’ve Got This”. The video speaks to the future promise of Gardner and its positive trajectory.
Truly the best is yet to come in Gardner MA. This is an uplifting video of love and a reminder that all it takes to achieve success is a dream and a place to make that dream happen. That place is the Chair City of Gardner.
By rendering the places and people in a fantastical Disney-like image, we aim to demonstrate the emotion involved in the day to day lives of people in Gardner and for those who hope to succeed in the City. Thank you Gardner people, Gardner businesses, and the entire Gardner Team at City Hall for your inspiration.
- Planning Board 3-22-23 (3/23/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson spoke to the Planning Board about 3 Important Issues
Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Planning Board March 22, 2023 The Mayor spoke about rezoning an area near 140 – could result in more houses than would be good for public safety, zoning would change to disallow residential in certain areas and allow for commercial. Concerns were raised regarding whether some of the land is in a watershed area as the local and state maps differ as to what is considered watershed. In order that clear data can be gathered, the Planning Board decided to table the matter for another meeting on March 29th in advance of a public hearing to be held in conjunction with the City Council on April 3rd.
The Mayor spoke on Sports Betting and being proactive to set aside areas of the City in advance. Planning Board voted to recommend Zoning change on Sports Betting.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson also addressed the proposed increase in marijuana establishments from 2 to 4 through a change in ordinance. Recommended by the Planning Board.
Other matters taking up the last half of the meeting included the new marijuana establishment and a proposed housing development.
- Media Landscape (3/23/2023)
How you can support Gardner Magazine – Gardner Herald.
Gardner Magazine could use your support of whatever amount to support our Journalism. I thank you, our readers for any support you choose to make. We have a secure page for this purpose, CLICK HERE. For businesses, advertising is available on our pages.
Media Landscape in Greater Gardner MA is Evolving and Changing for the Better!
The Gardner News: The oldest media concern in Gardner is the Gardner News, first established in 1869. Over the past months, the local paper has made a concerted effort to cover more local stories. Long-time reporter Steve Landry is known for his quality insightful serious and people stories. Newcomer Emily Cardona is notably covering Winchendon in detail. And John Ballou’s sports coverage is legendary. Here are some links: You can support the Gardner News by subscribing. Website —- Obituaries — Local News —- Sports
WGAW Radio: The radio station has been around since 1946 and has been owned by experienced broadcaster, military man, and newsman Steve Wendell for over a decade. The radio station is on-the-air 24/7 with a News – Talk format and can be heard at AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and from anywhere in the world via its online stream. The station starts its day at 5am with America’s First News with Gordon Deal, features the Morning News with Steve Wendell from 6am to 9am when Steve covers what’s happening in Gardner and surrounding communities, and continues throughout the day with various talk programming. Weekend audiences love the highly popular “At Home with Gary Sullivan” and the iconic treat of Saturday is the local interview show “Hotline Radio” from noon to 2pm. You can support the station by advertising – reportedly a monthly schedule of 50 sixty second ads is about a $100 bill. (1/3 of the cost 40+ years ago) Website.
Gardner Magazine – Gardner Herald: Gardner Magazine first launched as in 2000 at a time when high-speed internet hadn’t even penetrated everywhere like today. A few years later we adopted Gardner Magazine and added Gardner Herald to demonstrate that while we are a magazine, we are also a newspaper of record. Gardner Magazine is notable in covering local government in detail including making AUDIO available from the Mayor, City Council meetings, School Committee meetings, various other meetings and events, Newsmaker interviews, and original content. While local news is our main focus on the home page, we feature state, local, and international news in detail aggregated from sources across the state, nation, and world. We make an archive of our news available by month as well as an archive of AUDIO. As of March 23, 2023, our monthly unique circulation is around 20,000. You can support Gardner Magazine by a voluntary donation as we don’t use a subscription model. Any amount is appreciated to support our journalism. CLICK HERE.
Other local media sources with links: Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce, Gardner Square Two Downtown Organization, City of Gardner website, Gardner Public Schools
- Gardner Goes Disney (3/21/2023)
Gardner MA Goes Disney – The Magic of the Chair City
Gardner Magazine has undertaken to capture the Magic of the Chair City in the eyes of the Disney Universe. It’s a page with over 100 images sure to delight or surprise you. CLICK HERE.
We also have pages just for fun with a Cartoonized Gardner City Council and School Committee – Additional Comics page.
- City Council 3-20-23 (3/20/2023)
View the complete packet and agenda, CLICK HERE.
Prior to the City Council Meeting, there is a Joint Public Hearing of the City Council and Planning Board on Zoning issues. Packet and agenda, CLICK HERE. Hearing was continued until April.
An Informal Meeting which was to be held for the purpose of a District Improvement Financing presentation was canceled, but the information packet was still made available, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA City Council Meets March 20, 2023
Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
City Council March 20, 2023 The Gardner City Council approved meeting Minutes of 8 prior meetings and discussed the OML Complaint of Paul DeMeo who alleges they don’t do the minutes fast enough. A proposed response to be reviewed by the City Council states that there is good cause for the delay due to staffing issues at the City Clerk’s office. Gardner Magazine researched this issue and found for example, that an Ohio State Supreme Court ruling stipulated that AUDIO recordings of meetings made available to the public can be called “minutes”. Gardner makes YouTube recordings of every City Council meeting and most other Committee meetings available, often within 24 hours of the meeting. SUGGESTED RESPONSE of Law Dept. APPROVED.
The City Council also reviewed communications from Mayor Nicholson regarding Chapter 90 Funding, a proposed Intermunicipal Agreement between the City and Ashburnham for Wastewater – FURTHER STUDY ORDERED, and a proposed Intermunicipal Agreement between the City and Hubbardston for Animal Control Services. – APPROVED.
Other matters are to confirm appointments and to address matters which have come before the Public Safety, Public Welfare, and Public Service Committees. An approval to send the pay raises to 2nd printing will give raises to Mayor, City Council, and School Committee effective January 1, 2024. Mayor: $105,904.22, City Council President: $12,298.98, City Councilor: $8415.27, and School Committee: $5743.43. It has been some time since raises were authorized. The Mayor for example, will still make about 40% less than the highest paid City employee. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
- Fiscal 2024 (3/19/2023)
Fiscal Year 2024 – What’s Coming for Investments in the Chair City?
The City’s Master Plan for the next 5 years makes it very clear: Gardner is going to continue to improve in a big way. Note that some items are funded directly by local taxpayers, some by state and federal grants, some by enterprise funds, and some are on the list simply so they can legally be funded. We’ll continue to provide more details as they become available in the coming weeks or months.
Investments in Making You safer
The master plan calls for a replacement traffic signal at the intersection of Elm Street and Pearson Boulevard at a cost of $250,000. On the same note, there will be new Traffic Camera systems installed at the intersections of Route 2A and 68, and Dyer Street and 68.
Comfort and Looks
1st floor bathrooms at City Hall get an upgrade fiscal year 2024. 2nd floor bathrooms will have to wait another year. The badly needed upgrade to the main electrical service at City Hall at a cost of $150,000 is slated for the upcoming fiscal year as well.
Coming down and going up
The Indoor pool will be demolished and replaced by an outdoor pavilion. However, the full expansion of the outdoor pool complex is projected for fiscal year 2026. Other non-specific demolition is scheduled in each of the next 3 fiscal years and totals $1.6 million. $1.3 million in Downtown infrastructure improvements are planned in the next couple of years. Millions are planned for “Recreation Center/ Boys and Girls Club”, the Bike Path, Route 140 Business Park Planning/Acquisition, MVP Implementation, and Open Space and Recreation including Bailey Brook and Maki Park with some parts to be completed by a couple of years or so from now.
Engineering Department
Planned for the upcoming fiscal year are $1.5 million in dam repairs, $2,000,000 in structural repairs to the Mill Street Bridge. Funding for TIP List Roadway Design is spread over the next 4 fiscal years.
Fire Department Needs
The Fire Department’s major urgent need is the $500,000 repair to the roof at the Headquarters Building. On the plan for Fiscal Year 2025 is building an addition to the headquarters which would cost $5,000,000 and a stand alone 3 bay garage at a cost of $300,000. It is hoped that much of this could be covered by some grants which have yet to be implemented by the State in a similar proposal to how school buildings are funded.
The City is proactively planning for future truck replacements in phases, including Tower 1 in 2 years, Engine 1 in 3 years, rescue 3 in 4 years. In other improvements, portable radios and associated costs for the Building at Reservoir Hill come in a total of $400,000 for fiscal 2024.
Also this year: $200k to replace equipment at the golf course, $80k to replace network switches,
Public Works plans
The biggest item on the list is paving with a planned expenditure of $1 million dollars in each of the next 5 fiscal years. The attached plan details a long list of work, equipment, and buildings for Public Works with over 20 items listed.
Police Department
Funds are listed for the next couple of fiscal years to add a galley and to complete original construction totaling $545k
Sewer and Water
Under the Sewer Enterprise account, there are nearly $17 million in expenses planned in the next 2 fiscal years. Under Water Enterprise, nearly $18 million in expenses in the next 3 fiscal years.
School Department
On the plan of course is the new Elementary School which has a total price tag of $89 million, with the lion’s share covered by grants. And note that the City timed it so its loan payments for the Elementary School started when the payments for the Middle School ended in 2019 so that property taxes would not be affected by the new school. Other items include athletic fields, roof repairs, auditorium repairs, bathrooms, the concession stand, lighting, science labs, service equipment, intercom system and clocks, keying building, painting, carpeting, ventilation, and more.
For the complete Master Plan, click here.
- Schools Spring 2023 (3/18/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Expected to Learn Budget Info at April 10th Meeting
The Gardner MA School Committee is expected to review Budget information presented to it at the upcoming Monday April 10, 2023 meeting. Other meetings coming up before the start of the Fiscal 2024 year include Monday May 8th and Monday June 12th. Per the City Charter, no meetings are held in the months of July and August. Fall Meetings will be Monday September 11, Tuesday October 10 (because Columbus Day is October 9), November 13, and December 11.
April vacation is April 17 to 21 including the day off April 17 for Patriot’s Day. High School Graduation will be Saturday June 3, 2023.
Kindergarten Registration
Will your child be 5 or older on August 31, 2023? Then, don’t forget about Kindergarten registration coming up on March 29, 2023 from 10am to 2pm and 5 to 7pm at Gardner Elementary School. This date is a makeup for times which had to be canceled due to the recent mid-March storm.
Middle School Performance of Beauty and the Beast Junior takes place March 31, 2023 and April 1, 2023 at 7pm both evenings.
- Gas Prices (3/18/2023)
Average Gas Prices Greater Gardner MA
The average price of gas in Greater Gardner MA on March 18, 2023 is $3.21, down over a dollar from $4.26 1 year ago.
3 years ago the price was around $2.00. Data from Gas Buddy.
Fuel Oil prices 1 year ago were over $5 per gallon. Now the price is around $4.00 per gallon.
- Mayor’s Update 3-17-23 (3/17/2023)
View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page, or listen here on any device.
Mayor’s Update 3-17-23 Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Updates the Chair City with 3 R’s: Recapping, Reminding, and Recruiting.
Listen to the update on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update March 17, 2023 Recapping the Storm
Mayor Nicholson Recapped the recent storm, reported the hard work of the DPW, reflected on the large amount of snow stating, “We haven’t seen a storm like this in a couple of decades in Gardner where we’ve gotten close to 1 yard of snow over a 24 hour period.”
Reminding Dates
Sunday March 19th at 11am – Easter Egg Hunt at the Gardner Fish and Gun Club
Community Action Team Health Fair will take place April 12, 2023 from 5 to 8pm at Perry Auditorium
Flashback Dance at Perry Auditorium on April 22, 2023 from 6:30pm to 10:00pm and adult beverages will be available.
American Cancer Society Annual “Light the Town Purple” Event Monday May 1, 2023 at 7pm in front of Gardner City Hall as a way of kicking off the “Relay for Life” which takes place in June.
Middle School Performance of Beauty and the Beast Junior takes place March 31, 2023 and April 1, 2023 at 7pm both evenings.
Recruiting Citizen Volunteers
Several storm drains and fire hydrants are still buried under the snow, “If you are able to, please feel free to go out and help us a whole City…to dig those out….Help the Gardner Fire Department by trying to shovel those out as best we can.”
Recruiting Sponsors
Flower pot program will consist of 250 flower pots throughout the City with sponsorships at $200 each for the 7 month period to cover costs – Sponsor gets name on a sign going in the pot. New Centennial themed banners also $200 and go up sometime in April and stay up for a year.
- St. Patrick’s 2023 (3/16/2023)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2023 in Greater Gardner MA and everywhere!
On Saint Patrick’s Day, it is customary to wear shamrocks, green clothing or green accessories. While not a legal holiday, it is a celebration of Irish and Irish-American culture. It has been observed in what is now the United States for over 400 years.
For more on St. Patrick’s Day, CLICK HERE.
- Kinder Makeup (3/16/2023)
Kindergarten Registration March 29, 2023
Due to the recent storm, additional Gardner MA Kindergarten registration for the Fall has been scheduled for March 29, 2023 from 10am to 2pm and 5 to 7pm at Gardner Elementary School. Age requirement is 5 years of age on or before August 31, 2023.
Enter through Early Childhood Entrance, Door #11. Please bring a copy of legal birth certificate, proof of Gardner residency, physical dated within the year, immunization records and lead test.
- Communicating (3/16/2023)
Gardner MA Reaches Living Rooms via TV – How are other communities communicating?
We’re not sure the area living rooms watching Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Weekly Updates are filled with as many people as this one, but we know the HD program is one of the few done weekly nationwide. And Gardner makes City Council, School Committee, and many other meetings available on Gardner’s FREE YouTube channel, CLICK HERE. Watch weekly on almost any device including your big screen TV.
How are other communities doing? The table below has links to the TV Videos from each, where available. Gardner is the most prolific, Winchendon has many but poor video quality (a $40,000 request has been made to upgrade equipment), and other communities vary in either quality or quantity of what is presented.
We could not find sources for the communities with ? marks. Please let us know by email to Thank you.
- After Storm Photos (3/15/2023)
Gardner MA Magazine with an After Storm Photo Gallery
Gardner Magazine explored the Chair City with a camera on March 15, 2023 after the Storm of 2023. More than 100 photos are in this Gallery, click here. The men in the center at left were my heroes as they helped me move my vehicle as I got stuck in the Municipal Parking Lot at the rear of Gardner City Hall. The gallery shows the owners and staff from John’s Sport Shop who were out clearing snow in front of their store. Downtown store owners did an excellent job doing a difficult task. We captured some of the trucks with workers who had been working on restoring power, residents using a snowblower, the schools, buildings, cars still covered, and even the Big Chair. View the Gallery here.
- After Storm 3-15-23 (3/15/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Issues After Storm Report to City Council and Community
View the complete report on PDF, CLICK HERE.
Mayor Nicholson stated that National Grid has assigned a generic time frame of tomorrow March 16, 2023 to restore power to all areas in the City, but expects different pockets to see restoration before that.
The Chair City Mayor explained that DPW Crews have been working 40 hours straight with just brief breaks in between and were dismissed at noon today for rest. Each individual plow driver has driven about 360 miles. A more detailed narrative is in the complete report.
Mayor Nicholson went over the 158 calls received by the City’s 911 Dispatch Center which included 16 instances of trees falling across the road and 3 instances of residents throwing shovels at DPW plow drivers as they drove by.
The Mayor expects the City of Gardner to expend in excess of $800,000 in snow and ice expenses this season. This would be under the total of what was budgeted and what was left aside as a contingency in free cash. Details in the complete report.
- Power Outages (3/15/2023)
Power Being Restored – Some Still Hard Hit in Greater Gardner MA
Area communities are still recovering from the Storm of 2023. Statewide, 29,215 are without power. Hardest hit as of 8:00am on March 15, 2023 are the following communities with the number of residents and percentage without power: Winchendon residents on Social Media have reported receiving texts from National Grid informing them that power will be back on by 11pm on March 16, 2023 (tomorrow)
UPDATE: 6:05PM 3/15/23: Considerable Improvement. We added a column which now shows the progress since the morning of March 15, 2023. Statewide: 9.979 still without power.
Community Number without
8amNumber Without 6pm %
6pmWinchendon 2259 606 14% Hubbardston 691 84 4% Ashby 1444 817 57% Townsend 2567 850 21% Lunenburg 1350 730 14% Gardner 281 18 <1% Westminster 320 2 <1% Royalston 90 68 11% Athol 32 0 0% Barre 321 1 <1% Rutland 158 56 1% New Salem 30 0 0% Petersham 103 13 2% Fitchburg 2929 1273 6% Leominster 748 159 1%
- Schools 3-15-23 (3/14/2023)
Another Day of No School for Some, Delays for Others in Greater Gardner MA
For the latest list of closings and delays, CLICK HERE.
2 Hour Delay 3/15/23: Ashburnham-Westminster, Monty Tech, Quabbin Regional,
Closed 3/15/23: Athol-Royalston Regional, Gardner Public, Mount Wachusett Community College, Narragansett Regional, The Village School – Royalson, Wachusett Regional, Winchendon
- From Snow to Fun (3/14/2023)
From Snowstorm to a More Fun Task – Gardner MA Playgrounds
With a snowstorm as powerful as the Storm of 2023, it’s hard to think of children playing on Gardner’s playgrounds. But it’s happening. DPW has been authorized to expend $200,000 on playground upgrades. Spring will mean more work on the playgrounds at the new Gardner Elementary School. And there’s no telling what joy will occur when the puzzle pieces come together with the construction of the multi-tiered Maki Park across from the Gardner Ale House, the Park Street Park bringing a park, more of the bike trail, and added parking to Park Street… And let’s not forget, Waterford becomes a Community Center this year. The storm has been bad, but Spring will be good. Oh, to be a kid again in Gardner MA! See our previous PIckleball Article.
- School Committee 3-13-23 (3/14/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Discusses Facilities and Academics on March 13, 2023
With a leaner School Committee meeting due to the absence of some members, the Gardner School Committee met on Monday, March 13, 2023 on the evening before the Big Storm of 2023 Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play
School Committee 3-14-23 View the entire packet and agenda in PDF, CLICK HERE.
Robert Swartz reported that they’ll have to check on the Gardner Elementary School electronic sign as it doesn’t seem to be working. Concession Stand construction is ongoing with electrical and plumbing being done. He also stated that solid waste removal figures came in higher than anticipated and will be made up from available funds at the end of the year.
Educational Programs and Academics
Superintendent Pellegrino informed the Committee about the After Dark program at Monty Tech which will offer electrical and carpentry to a total of 20 students. – PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAM APPROVED. —- He also spoke about this year’s kindergarten program and stated, “We’re pretty excited about this….we really wanted to try to do things differently to try to get more folks to sign up early.” Registration is March 15 and 16th and March 14th will be on a different day due to the storm, “probably next Tuesday.”
Chief Academic Officer Dr. Catherine Goguen spoke about progress in literacy and math across the district. She stated, “And for example, in grade 6, the percentage of students passing or meeting benchmark this year doubled from last year. So we’re really excited about those results.” In grades 3 and 4 there was a brand new curriculum in literacy implemented. Dr. Goguen spoke of other positive results and regarding the upcoming MCAS said, “So we’re very excited about MCAS, which is coming up really quickly, that we’re going to see some nice results, I think.” Also discussed were advances in math instruction in the schools.
- Out with the Plow (3/14/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Out with DPW Plow in Gardner MA
The Gardner Mayor was able to observe storm operations first-hand as he did a ride-along with DPW on the morning of March 14, 2023. The Mayor spoke to us from the road. Listen on any device. CLICK Play
Nicholson in Storm 3-14-23 While South Gardner was disproportionately impacted in the last storm, according to Nicholson, this storm is different with power outages in various neighborhoods throughout the City. The Mayor’s ride along caught the attention of Boston Television Station Channel 7 who interviewed Nicholson on the morning of March 14, 2023. Watch the Mayor’s appearance on YouTube, CLICK HERE.
- Proactive Storm Planning (3/13/2023)
UPDATE 3/14/23 10:21pm – There are some power outages in the area. As of the most recent update, 35,999 customers in Massachusetts without power including Gardner: 278 (3%), Westminster: 764, Hubbardston: 690 Winchendon: 4225 (95%), Ashby: 1306 (90%) Barre; 21 Latest Map, CLICK HERE. Most affected areas of the state include North Central Massachusetts and Counties to the West including Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, and Berkshire Counties. Power is being gradually restored to some areas in Western Massachusetts where earlier in the day many had 75% without power. Ashby has 90% without, Townsend 60% without, and Lunenburg has 60% without.
Hard hit by the storm, town of Hubbardston Town Administrator Nate Boudreau stated to us,”Hubbardston is usually hit pretty hard due to the lay of the land. There are NG contractors on the ground already. Town Public Safety and Emergency Management leaders are asking residents to have patience as they work to restore power as conditions allow. If residents have any concerns please call 978-928-4423 or 911 if it is an emergency.”
From the Town of Templeton 3/14/23 2:25pm. “”The town of Templeton has declared a state of emergency. The Nor Easter weather event is expected to bring additional heavy snow fall and 55 to 65 mph winds through the night and into tomorrow. The potential impact on heavily snow late and trees may cause power outages and Road blockages or closures as DPW buildings and grounds and power and light crews try to keep ahead of the storm you can help them by staying off the roads do not impact operations. Every community bordering Templeton is currently experiencing power outages to report down branches trees power outages or any other non-emergent request for assistance please call 978-939-5638. In the event of an emergency dial 911.”
Information on parking in Gardner, Area School closings, power outages, and our Weather Center.
City of Gardner MA Planning Proactively for Upcoming Storm
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson issued the following communication on March 13, 2023 at 11:28am: “The National Weather Service is currently predicting 12-21 inches of snow for our area as part of a Winter Storm Warning and Hazardous Weather Advisory that they have issued.
In consultation with the Department of Public Works and the Gardner Police Department, there will be an on-street parking ban beginning this evening, Monday, March 13, 2023 at 9:30pm, and expiring at 7:00am on Wednesday, March 15th, as authorized by §600-23(a) of the City Code.”
“Since this is one of the few instances in which the City will be implementing a daytime parking ban in addition to an all-night parking ban, we will be waiving the provisions of §600-23(D) and allow individuals to park in public parking lots throughout the duration of the parking ban, instead of having to remove the vehicles from 7am-9am following an all-night parking ban. As such, parking WILL be allowed ALL DAY in all public parking lots of the City through the duration of the on-street parking ban.”
For closings at any time, CLICK HERE for the latest across Massachusetts. As of 7:15pm on March 13, 2023, here are the closings for Tuesday March 14, 2023: Ashburnham-Westminster, Athol-Royalston Regional, Gardner, Monty-Tech, Mount Wachusett Community College, Narragansett Regional, Nashoba Regional, Quabbin Regional, Wachusett Regional, Winchendon.
Power Outages
The State of Massachusetts updates its MEMA Power Outage map every 15 minutes, CLICK HERE
Weather Forecast
While Gardner Magazine shows a basic forecast at the top of each town page, our Greater Gardner Weather Center utilizes a number of sources, has various weather maps, and provides reports from 4 different airports. Greater Gardner Weather Center, CLICK HERE.
- Countdown – Spring (3/13/2023)
- Not Dairy Queen (3/12/2023)
Chestnut Street United Methodist Church in Gardner MA is not Dairy Queen
While Chestnut Street United Methodist Church may not be an ice cream parlor, they reportedly have “Great Sundays.” Visit their website, CLICK HERE.
From their website, “It is our privilege to welcome and greet all who seek the kindness and love of Jesus Christ – to welcome to our church home and to our hearts you and the children who grace our lives….No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at the Gardner Chestnut Street United Methodist Church.“
The church also promotes that each one of us can make a difference, “We encourage you to take a minute to look around. Where do you see the brokenness and injustices in your community? How can God use you to bring healing? “
Is there something about a local church we can highlight? We’d love to. Send an email to
- Flashback Dance (3/12/2023)
Excitement Building Over City Hall Flashback Dance Being Held Saturday April 22, 2023
The Dance is presented by the Gardner MA Centennial Committee and will be held in Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall from 6:30 to 10pm on Saturday April 22, 2023. Admission is $10 per person (Cash only at the door). There will be delicious snacks, a cash bar, and various Centennial Merchandise will be on sale.
Featured will be “DJ of the Stars” Jimmy Jay who did a short stint as a popular DJ at WGAW in the 1970s and now is known Internationally via the syndicated radio shows he voices: Rewind, The Rewind Dance Party, the Rewind 1970’s Top 10 Countdown, and the Rewind 1980’s Top 10 Countdown. From the website, “From cruise ships to the Academy Awards Jimmy Jay has done it all. From Sock Hops to Hip Hop, his mind is a book of knowledge!” Visit the website
Also featured will be Kenny and the Night Riders, a group which originated in Gardner Massachusetts and is famous for the hit record, “Swamp Rat”. Official flier from Centennial Committee click here. —- Mike Richard has written a nice piece on the band, CLICK HERE.
- South Gardner Electric (3/12/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Long-term plan to Beautify South Gardner
Gardner Mayor Nicholson would like South Gardner to look more like the second photo without wires. The Mayor recently stated that he would like to convert the area from West Broadway Pizza and Seafood to the Gardner Martial Arts Academy to underground electricity to make it look more beautiful, to make it more marketable, and to make it look more like a traditional Downtown area. Because the expense could be in the range of $800 grand or so, it is expected grand funding will be sought. In any case, it’s on the wish list of Want-to-do projects in the Chair City.
Recent projects undertaken to beautify Gardner have included sidewalks, paving, and lighting upgrades in Downtown Gardner as well as a focus on getting blighted buildings sold to those willing to undertake badly needed renovations. 25 Main Street and 42-52 Parker Street are notable successes of this initiative. However, the Mayor has made it clear that his plan is for the whole City to look better. Flower pots coming out again this Spring include South Gardner. The area around Monument Park is slated to get wider sidewalks and work will begin this year on the Park Street park, once again turning blight into promise by transforming the old electric substation into a beautiful park.
- Weather Warning (3/12/2023)
Monday Through Wednesday Storm Could be Big in Greater Gardner MA
Gardner Fire Department posted on Sunday March 12, 2023, “Looks like we are going to get an old fashioned Nor’Easter. Heavy wet snow and high winds are forecasted for our area from Monday night into Wednesday morning. The potential is there for up to 20″ of snow and possible tree damage at elevations over 1000 feet. Gardners elevation is 1100 feet. Make sure you have everything you need to weather this storm that could last over 3 days. “
The National Weather Service has forecast that significant heavy wet snow is possible with total accumulations from Monday night through Tuesday night of from 12 to 20 inches over the high elevations of the Berkshires and Worcester Hills. Hazardous travel and power outages are possible. For the latest weather any time, please visit the Gardner Magazine Greater Gardner Weather Center, CLICK HERE. The Weather Center features a number of different forecast sources, Airport reports, and various interactive Weather maps.
- JPs Barber (3/11/2023)
A Genuine Gardner Story – The Opening of JP’s Barber Shop in Gardner MA
This is Genuine Gardner – when hard work and a great attitude pays off in a NEW Business. JP’s Barber Shop is located at 313 Pleasant Street in Gardner. The shop is welcoming and meticulously clean. Master Barber and Owner Junior Pisani is shown standing next to the Arcade Game Console he provides for his younger customers. Pisani states on his website that he has aspired to own his own barber shop for more than 20 years.
For the inside scoop including services, hours, prices, and contact information, visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 3-10-23 (3/10/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Focuses on FUN and more FUN in Weekly Update
Listen on any device. CLICK Play
Mayor’s Update 3-10-23 Mayor Nicholson spoke of the FUN in the Arts, Music, and Athletic programs and mentioned the Rockwell Grants which have helped make improvements possible including programs curriculum, and facilities upgrades.
The Mayor previewed the FUN happening at the Flashback Dance on Saturday April 22, 2023 from 6;30pm to 10pm in Perry Auditorium. And the FUN with health at the Health and Wellness Fair happening Wednesday March 15 from 5 to 8pm at Perry Auditorium.
And Mayor Nicholson spoke of the FUN of the first performance of a musical at Gardner Elementary School – “Musicman Junior.” And the FUN when the “Little Shop of Horrors” will be at Gardner High School March 16th through 18th. and more FUN when the Gardner Middle School puts on their performance of Beauty and the Beast on March 31st and April 1st.
And a reminder, have FUN setting your clocks forward on Sunday March 12th for Daylight Savings Time. And More FUN as Annunciation Parish is once again doing their Lenten Fish Frys in the City this year at Holy Spirit Parish in South Gardner – every Friday from 5 to 7pm until Easter.
- Comics Page (3/10/2023)
Gardner Magazine Comics Page Makes Fun of Well Known People and More….
President Trump as an Athlete. President Biden as an Oilman. Kamala Harris and her Yellow School Bus. Trump and Putin. What if Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden opened a burger joint or a hot dog stand? See President Trump as a Nanny. See Ronald Regan, the Past – Present – and future together. Jimmy Carter. A Super K9 Dog. President Biden and his clone. Of course, President Trump with a huge burger and fries. Alex Trebek. Abraham Lincoln. All in good fun, some completely ridiculous! All and more on our Comics page. CLICK HERE
- Spring Forward 2023 (3/9/2023)
Spring Forward in Greater Gardner MA on Sunday March 12, 2023
Daylight Savings Time runs from Sun, Mar 12, 2023 2:00 AM – Sun, Nov 5, 2023 2:00 AM. Clocks are set one hour ahead, losing 1 hour of daylight in the morning and gaining 1 hour of daylight in the evening.
Gardner Mayor Announces a Spring Forward Program – Sponsored Flower Pots and Banners
In perfect timing for shining more light on a rebounding Downtown Gardner, Massachusetts Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has announced the availability of banner and flower pot sponsorships. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Interested in sponsoring a flower pot or a banner in Gardner this year? Sponsorships are now open and are a great way to give back to the community. “ Flowers get planted Mid-May and get changed out for Fall Mums in early September with the flower pots up until right after Thanksgiving. Banners are put up in Mid-April and stay up for about a year until Spring 2024. Multiple sponsorships by individuals, businesses, or organizations are encouraged.
Locations are in Downtown Gardner, Elm Street and in South Gardner Center. Printable Signup Forms: Flower Pots —- Banners
- Beer O’Clock (3/9/2023)
At the Gardner Ale House and a Joint Proclamation for Mass Beer Week – Larger View of Proclamation It’s Beer O’Clock at Gardner Ale House as Gardner MA Celebrates Mass Beer Week
According to the joint Proclamation by the Mayor and City Council President, “Massachusetts Beer Week is celebrated with the goal of shining a bright light on all the wonderful craft beer made in the Commonwealth and to encourage traffic and tourism. Mass Beer Week is March 4 to March 11.
The Gardner Ale House operates Moon Hill Brewery, is known for its selection of locally produced beers, and is the force behind the annual Oktoberfest held in the latter part of September in Gardner. This year it will be Saturday, September 30, 2023 – Here’s our article recapping the 2022 event.
Gardner Magazine presents this song we have licensed in honor of this week. It’s called Beer O’Clock. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Beer O’Clock
- PfAs in Fish (3/8/2023)
Fish Consumption Advisories Affect Lake Dennison in Winchendon MA and Dunn Pond in Gardner MA as well as 11 other Bodies of Water
Complete Press Release in pdf format from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, CLICK HERE.
Elevated levels of PFAs were found in tested fish. Surface water at same locations did not detect levels of PFAs unsafe for swimming or other recreational activities. However, the Press Release linked to above details the health risks of eating the contaminated fish with recommendations ranging from 2 fish meals per week to none at all, depending on location. In Gardner, the Board of Health recommends no fish consumption from Dunn Pond for those under 12, pregnant, nursing mothers etc. Should you have any questions for the Gardner Health Department, here is a link to contact information, CLICK HERE.
- Interview with AI (3/8/2023)
Gardner Magazine Interviews Artificial Intelligence
So just how real is Artificial Intelligence? Well, we had an opportunity to interview an Artificial Intelligence from DeepAI, the same company which created this Gardner Bread Chair for us. It was a most interesting experience. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Artificial Intelligence Interview 3-8-23 The AI thought the Big Chair was located near a popular Downtown Restaurant and was off on a few other facts. We asked a number of questions relating to Gardner, emotions, training, and more. And it even did some calculations for us on the fly.
- $6,000,000 Yes (3/7/2023)
EDITORIAL: Gardner MA City Council Funding Approval
EDITORIAL: In what could be the biggest investment bargain in Municipal Government History, the Gardner City Council has approved Mayor Michael Nicholson’s request for $60,000.
The money will be used to hire a 3rd party to go after EXTRA grants which current staff does not have sufficient manpower to pursue.. The City will pay for the time involved. With so many grant opportunities out there which could have fallen through the cracks, we predict this could be a $6 million Yes and a potentially huge return on investment. The City will receive monthly updates so we’ll all know very soon whether the idea is a stroke of genius like we think or a big flop. My bet is on the Chair City every time. We applaud the Gardner City Council for carefully considering and ultimately approving the Mayor’s idea. Werner Poegel, Publisher Detailed in City Council meeting article of March 6, 2023 – Here is the Scope of Assistance Plan
- City Council 3-6-23 (3/7/2023)
City Council 3-6-23 Loan Order Rescission Requests – Mayor is asking to clean up the books on loan orders which could have been rescinded a while ago in some cases. Elm Street School Repairs, Pall Filter at Crystal Lake Water Treatment Facility, Watkins Field Renovations, DPW Storage Building Construction, Waterford Street School Feasibility Study, Snake Pond Well Repairs, Acquisition of the Omealia Property, Various Capital Expenditures, Water Infrastructure Paving Work, Omealia Property off Leo Drive, Downtown Improvement Project, GHS Lab and Boiler Upgrades, Water Treatment Facility Upgrades, Water Infrastructure Improvement Project, Water Storage Tank Repairs, Sewer Main Installation and Pump Station Upgrades, and Gardner Middle School Improvements. ALL OF THESE REQUESTS APPROVED.
Listen to the Meeting on any device. Click Play.
Gardner City Council March 6, 2023 Gardner MA City Council with Busy Meeting on March 6, 2023
Listen to the Meeting on any device. Click Play.
Gardner City Council 3-6-23 The Gardner City Council once again took up the request of the Mayor for $60,000 to help in securing grants. This was taken up at the last meeting and referred back to the Finance Committee where it was once again recommended. Complete 526 page Meeting Agenda and packet. And the City Council has a busy meeting here. Revised 539 page Meeting Agenda and Packet – UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED
Public Hearings held on various requests by utility companies. A citizen asked questions regarding the moving of poles and they were answered by a National Grid spokesman. Another citizen had concerns about the poles and wires. City Council members expressed unhappiness with the National Grid spokesman’s ability to provide answers. Money Order Requests – Just over $33,000 for Health Dept. vehicle – Judy Mack researched item, Lauren Saunders researched and got a $5,000 lower price – APPROVED , just under $3700 for City Clerk professional services account (Dog license software) APPROVED – , and $8,900 towards FAA Airport Master Plan –APPROVED. Authorizations: To allow Mayor to enter into 5 year contracts for School Food Services, School Custodial Services, and Golf Cart Rentals. Usually the Mayor may enter only into 3 year contracts, but feels this will save City money. ALL 3 APPROVED. Notifications: City to receive various funds from Opioid Lawsuit Settlement. Here is a listing of the amounts to be received over a period of time from the various companies: Teva: $101,632.12 …. Walmart: $76,128.90 … Walgreens: $146,184.84 …. CVS: $134,435.79 …. Allegran: $60,547.58. Request to Elect: John Richard to City Auditor for a term expiring February 23, 2026. — ELECTED. Request to Confirm Appointment: Robert Charland to the position of Assistant City Solicitor for a term expiring January 1, 2024 – CONFIRMED. Ordinances: To Amend Zoning for certain parcels of land around Route 140, allowing commercial and prohibiting residential to avoid potential unsafe traffic issues in the future. .. A request to amend Zoning to add “Sports Betting” to Zoning Table of uses. – And a request to increase quota of marijuana establishments effectively to 4. MORE TIME GIVEN, Planning Board to meet on a 3 items. City Code: To Make Regan Street a One-Way street – WILL WAIT and approach Chief of Police to do 60 day trial. Add a new section regulating Mobile Food operations – APPROVED. Salary Increases for Mayor, City Council, and School Committee – Take effect in 2024 – APPROVED.
- Future 2073 – 2123 (3/7/2023)
This was fun to put together. All of the images were generated by the latest Artificial Intelligence Technology. The realism will surprise you and the page might inspire some of your own creativity.
Gardner Magazine Shows the Gardner MA of the Future
We show a very different futuristic Main Street and Pleasant Street with a new High-Tech Flat-Iron Building, bright buildings with glass in Downtown Gardner, Space Age transportation, Concept vehicles, the Chair City Future SuperMart, a Downtown Bakery, spectacular outdoor music venue at the Mount, new indoor pool complex, people and fashion, Gardner High with a parking lot for landing spaceships, Heywood Hospital and Center for Holistic Healing, High-speed transportation, Business, Industrial, Gardner Household Robots, Concept Cars, and the Gadgetized Teenager. It’s all on this very fun page, Speculations on the Future of Gardner, 2073 to 2123. CLICK HERE.
- Public Safety 3-6-23 (3/6/2023)
Gardner MA Public Safety Committee Meets on March 6, 2023
Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Public Safety Committee 3-6-23 The Committee heard from Deputy Police Chief Maroni who stated that the Gardner PD was still in the hiring process for 6 officers. 1 is graduating from the Police Academy on March 24th, another who is academy trained starts on March 13th, 2 will go to the Holyoke Academy, 1 will go to the Wilson Academy at the end of April, and 2 are in the process of getting the background work done so they can go to the next academy. The K-9 has finished Drug School and is back on the street now. And, the Gardner PD is using scheduling software now instead of paper. The DARE program started last week in the schools.
Gardner Fire Chief Lagoy spoke about Fire Department staffing challenges. Of 3 new recruits, one was fully trained and began work. Of 2 others, they both withdrew from the Springfield Training Academy with one due to return after an injury. Due to vacancies, the Fire Department is still experiencing high overtime expenditures. An upcoming expense is $300,000 for Fire Department radios to replace antiquated 14 year old models – cost is high due to requirements to withstand fire conditions. The Chief is hoping a grant will be found to cover the expense.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke on the job posting of the Building Commissioner and the work with an interim commissioner. The Mayor was to interview another possible interim commissioner on March 6, 2023 after this meeting.
Councillor Paul Tassone found agreement from his fellow Committee members to try making Regan Street 1 way for a 60 day trial period. The measure will be brought back to the City Council after a couple of months. Prior to that beginning, signs will be posted at least a couple of days ahead of time to let citizens know.
Mayor Nicholson brought up the need for a Food Truck ordinance and the measure was recommended to the full City Council.
- March to Success (3/5/2023)
March to Success – Projects and Progress Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
With so much happening in the Chair City, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of it all. Fortunately, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson agreed to help us out. This interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is March to Success – Projects and Progress. – Things happening in Gardner which directly affect your life. We will cover Notable Past Projects, Current Projects, Future Groundbreaking, and Future Planning and what’s on the capital planning list in 2023. Play on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete Interview with text of all questions and answers plus graphics, CLICK HERE.
March to Success – Projects and Progress – Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson What you will learn: The medical services and resources being added in Gardner this year…. The status of public and private sector projects started in 2022 and what’s upcoming this year…. The projects affecting people in the Chair City directly…. The focus on Education which will benefit your kids…. What events are happening this year…. Really cool additions to existing parks and the new parks…. How Gardner is meeting people needs…. It’s a deep dive into what’s happening this year in Gardner! Complete Text
Jump to a Text Topic Section in the Interview: Notable Past Projects **** Medical Care **** Ongoing Private Sector Projects **** Work at the Schools **** Future Groundbreaking **** Future Planning **** The On-call Realtor **** Infrastructure Projects of the Past **** Good Impressions at City Hall **** Infrastructure Projects Being Discussed **** Infrastructure Projects in the Works **** Spaceport in the Future **** Future Planning **** People Projects **** The Cost of Cuts **** Education An Ongoing Project **** Strategic Use of Resources **** Event Projects **** Community Amenities **** Business Recruitment **** Grants – Past, Present, and Future **** Peoples Needs in the City of Gardner **** Addressing Project Needs Effectively **** Greatest Challenge Going Forward **** Setting Gardner Apart **** What Citizens Should Know.
- Hotline 3-4-23 (3/4/2023)
Hotline Radio on WGAW draws Captive Gardner MA Audience on Snowy Day 3-4-23
Heard on WGAW at AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and from anywhere with an Internet connection, Listen Live, Hotline Radio airs Saturdays from noon to 2pm and is hosted by Steve Wendell. Wendell frequently has a number of interesting guests.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson appeared at the beginning of the program as usual. The Mayor recently received a Music Advocate Award and spoke of his work promoting music programs in Gardner Public Schools. There are now 200 students in Elementary Band, “looking forward to seeing how this plays out in the next decade”. The Mayor also told the audience of the new Music Technology and Music Production classes. “We’re blessed to have the support of the community as a whole.” He also stated, “There’s a lot that we have going on in Gardner and I can’t wait to show it off.” Nicholson also spoke of increased funding in the Fiscal Year 2024 proposed State Budget. He also spoke of his strategy in getting policy makers to Gardner to aid in getting funding for various City needs.
Hotline Radio airs Saturdays from Noon to 2pm on WGAW, a radio station which has served Gardner since 1946. Interviews vary each week.
City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas was scheduled to appear, but was unavailable. Host Steve Wendell said it was because cell service was down due to the weather. An ABC special on the Alek Murdaugh Trial was aired instead.
Host Steve Wendell also spoke with Heather Romanoff of NEADS, World Class Service Dogs. Website, CLICK HERE.
Another guest was Hubbardston Town Manager, Nathan Boudreau. “Transparency in communications…a big priority in this role…I want Hubbardston residents to understand that they can come to me directly with an issue…” Boudreau stated he would be making his first budget presentation on March 20th. Town of Hubbardson website, CLICK HERE.
Another guest was Dave Manca, nephew of former Mayor Charlie Manca, Dave is fundraising for the Tunnel 2 Towers Foundation. Website for the Foundation, CLICK HERE.
- Concept 1934 (3/3/2023)
The entire photo above was created by Artificial Intelligence using our text input. We added the titling.
In an alternate timeline, what if Gardner MA was the “Car City of the World“ Instead?
Gardner Magazine put some of that new fangled Artificial Intelligence to the test. What if Gardner’s industry was quality cars instead of chairs? What would have happened? The AI result is shown here, a beautiful car with features of actual vehicles of the 1920s to 1940s with an obvious solid construction, just what Gardner would produce. With the vehicle on City Hall Avenue, the background shows a much taller set of buildings than what exists today. While an alternate past is pure fiction, an alternate future has yet to be written.
Something tells us Gardner can accomplish anything which is humanly possible. – Werner Poegel, Publisher Like the Gardner MA Spaceport in 2073, CLICK HERE.
- Trash Talk (3/3/2023)
- Update 3-3-23 (3/3/2023)
Colin Smith Updates Gardner MA with Congrats, Facts, and Dates
Listen to the Update on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 3-3-23 Congrats: Filling in for Mayor Nicholson and also congratulating him on the reason for his absence, (the receipt of the Music Advocate Award), Executive Aide to the Mayor Colin Smith updated the Chair City. Congrats to GHS Hockey Team on great season, Girls and Boys Basketball teams on winning first round of playoff, Magnus Carlberg of Wachusett Incubator, and Dr. Moses Dixon on appointment to Governor’s Advisory Council on Black Empowerment. And a thank you to the DPW.
Facts: City has spent $720,000 so far this year on snow removal. Salt is the major expense, now going for $95/ton versus $65/ton in 2020. 250 are already registered for Summer Camp, many great programs still available.
Dates: Dog License registration due by March 31st. Gardner Community Action Team putting on Health Fair on March 15, 2023 – vendor space still available. Gardner City Council meeting on March 6, 2023. Kindergarten Registration will be going on, need to be 5 years old on or before August 1, 2023. (See Kindergarten article for dates and complete information flyer.)
- Events ’23 (3/3/2023)
Events for 2023 are Shaping Up in the Chair City of Gardner MA
Visit our Centennial page for complete coverage of 2023 events. CLICK HERE.
Having an event not listed? Email and we’ll add it.
- Pub Serv 3-2 (3/3/2023)
- Chief Lagoy (3/1/2023)
Gardner MA Fire Chief Greg Lagoy Speaks on the Operations of the Gardner Fire Department
Listen to the Interview on any device. Click Play.
Fire Chief Greg Lagoy 3-1-23 Gardner Fire Chief Greg Lagoy spoke to us about the current operations of the Gardner Fire Department, future planning and possible funding opportunities, preventing and surviving fires, how the Mutual Aid system works, fire equipment, future expansion needs, the open burn permit process, fire education, fire calls, and the ongoing mission of the Gardner Fire Department.
The Gardner Fire Department has 40 firefighters with a minimum of 8 on duty at any time. The Gardner Fire Headquarters is about 50 years old and the Department is outgrowing the building. “We’re pretty cramped for space. Moving forward there’s going to be a need to look at the facility to see if it’s meeting the mission or if we need to expand or replace it. ” The City has asked if the State could explore providing some of the funding.
- Finance 3-1-23 (3/1/2023)
Gardner MA Finance Committee Once Again Recommends $60,000 Fund to Pay for Outside Grant Help
The Gardner Finance Committee met on March 1, 2023 in advance of the Monday, March 6, 2023 City Council meeting and considered a number of items. Complete 289 page Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Finance Committee March 1, 2023 On the agenda was a request for $33,139.00 so that a vehicle can be provided for the additional staff member at the Health Department.
Other Major items including a number of requests to rescind various loan orders to clean up the books.
The Mayor notified the Committee of the upcoming receipt of funds from City share of Opioid Lawsuit settlement from Allegran, CVS, Walgreens, Teva, and Walmart.
And once again, the Committee voted to recommend that $60,000 be appropriated from free cash to the Professional Services Account. This was previously taken up by the Finance Committee and referred back by the City Council for more information. Mayor Nicholson spoke and Trevor Beauregard spoke on the level of the workload in the Economic Development Department.
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