Emergency Alert Goes Out Regarding Unhealthy Air in Greater Gardner MA Here is the alert received on June 7, 2023: “Due to the current fires in the West and Canada the local air quality has been affected and is considered to be unhealthy for sensitive groups. This includes people withContinue Reading

Update: Streamflow now much below normal As of 11:15am on Sunday, May 28, 2023, the measured Streamflow was recorded as “Much below normal”. We don’t know why as other sites are green, but it explains Gardner’s concern over water usage. Just click on the image for a larger view ofContinue Reading

Gardner MA Landfill Expansion Update Ivan Ussach, the MRWC Director stated in a Press Release that “alternatives to Gardner’s proposed sludge landfill expansion are looking better than ever.” Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE. One of the alternatives suggested is the construction by the City of a Hydrothermal Carbonization facility whichContinue Reading

Diane “Neon” Leblanc Thanks All for Successful Gardner MA “Keep Gardner Beautiful” Event Once again, the Spring Event got trash off the street and into the dumpster. Organizer “Neon” Leblanc posted, “A heartfelt “thank you” to every May 20th VOLUNTEER and SPONSOR for another successful litter clean up and “NipContinue Reading

Super Heroes “Neon Leblanc’ and Conservation Agent Sophie Dorow Assist Volunteers in Gardner MA Earth Day Cleanup Gardner Mayor Nicholson thanked all the volunteers from “Keep Gardner Beautiful”, Seaman Paper and the City who got 6 one-ton dump truck loads of trash off the streets. DPW staff took the trashContinue Reading

No Drought – Greater Gardner Having Better Year in 2023 The United States Drought Map shows current conditions as being much better than last year in the Northeast with the some of the Greater Gardner area showing wetter than normal conditions – the opposite of last year. This is goodContinue Reading

Fish Consumption Advisories Affect Lake Dennison in Winchendon MA and Dunn Pond in Gardner MA as well as 11 other Bodies of Water Complete Press Release in pdf format from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, CLICK HERE. Elevated levels of PFAs were found in tested fish. Surface water atContinue Reading

MEPA Requiring Environmental Impact Report Regarding Proposed Gardner Landfill Expansion The State of Massachusetts has ruled that an Environment Impact Report will be required for the proposed Gardner Sludge Landfill Expansion. See the 108 page ruling, CLICK HERE. Ruling is from the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency, MEPA. Ivan Ussach, theContinue Reading

Frustrated with Misinformation out there, Gardner MA Health Department Communicates about Recyling in Massachusetts Gardner Health Dept. posted, “There’s a lot of talk out there about plastics recycling, and we’re here to set the record straight: plastic containers…really DO get recycled in Massachusetts.” There are 9 materials recovery facilities inContinue Reading

From Dane Arnold DPW Director at 10am 2-10-23: “There is a water break on South Main St that will affect the residents between East Broadway and Pearson Boulevard. Water pressure dropped throughout the system but should be restored soon. The break caused a disturbance in the system that some mayContinue Reading

Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK Play. Hazardous Waste at Gardner MA Landfill Increasing Cost of Disposal Ten-Fold At a meeting of the Gardner Public Safety Committee on Friday December 16, 2022, Public Health Director Lauren Saunders informed the Committee that the Gardner Landfill will not beContinue Reading

Why is this sign in Gardner MA? It’s a filler for the Outdoor Billboard provider who doesn’t have a paid client for the spot at the moment. But it’s also a Thought Starter. What type of Disaster Plan do you have for your family? FEMA has a website called Ready.gov.Continue Reading

Good News – Greater Gardner MA Downgraded to Drought 1, Removal Likely Soon According to the National Integrated Drought Information System, the City of Gardner Massachusetts is currently in Moderate Drought (D1) and drought removal is likely over the next 3 months Just over a month ago, Gardner was downgradedContinue Reading

Dianne “Neon” Leblanc in TV Interview with Gardner Magazine on Successful Event October 1, 2022 Dianne Leblanc and many volunteers helped Keep Gardner MA Beautiful on October 1, 2022. Weather cooperated for the annual event which once again attracted civic-minded individuals to do their part in cleaning up the ChairContinue Reading

Keep Gardner Beautiful Nip Hunt & Clean-Up It’s Going to be Tidy Up Gardner MA This Weekend City-Wide Yard Sale – On Saturday October 1, 2022 Gardner has its Fall City Wide Yard Sale with dozens of homes participating. 8AM TO 2PM Visit GardnerYardSale.com Update: Organizer Julie Mazza indicates eventContinue Reading