Consequences of Not Maintaining Yard

Avoid Citations By Maintaining Your Gardner MA Yard

City Standards require all property be maintained free of vegetation over 12 inches high and kept free of overgrown, decayed, dead, or hazardous trees and shrubs. The City of Gardner posted, “We ask that all residents follow and make changes if needed to their properties, to avoid any citations having to be issued.”

“With all of the recent rain we have been receiving, residents are reminded that the City Ordinances have standards in place for lawn and plant height and care, in order to avoid issues of infestations of mosquitos, rodents, vermin, or other animals, conceal pools of stagnant water, or the creation of a fire safety hazard. There are also requirements for maintaining plants, such as shrubs and bushes, in the vicinity of a public sidewalk.”

Chapter 500 of the Gardner City Code covers Nuisances, Vacant, Blighted, and Abandoned Properties, pdf, CLICK HERE.