Fictional Fun Greater Gardner MA Local News

Fictional Fun Around Greater Gardner MA

  • Information Game (3/26/2025)
    Information Game Album Cover
    Acoustic POP – Information Game

  • Rockin’ Springtime (3/19/2025)
    Rockin in the Springtime Album Cover
    Rockin’ in the Springtime by Werner Poegel

  • Luck of the Irish (3/16/2025)
    Album Cover Luck of the Irish
    Luck of the Irish – IRISH FOLK SONG

  • Welcome Back Birds (3/8/2025)
    Welcome Back Birds Inspirational Song
    INSPIRATIONAL POP – Welcome Back Birds

  • Daylight Savings Song (3/6/2025)
    Album Cover Daylight Savings
    FUNK – Daylight Savings

  • Talking TV (2/28/2025)
    My Talking TV Album Cover

  • The Sandwich (2/27/2025)
    Album Cover The Sandwich
    The Sandwich

  • Composing a Song (2/23/2025)
    Composing a Song 1380
    Composing a Song (Musical Tour Through Time)

  • Volunteer (2/21/2025)
    Volunteer Album Cover Duet
    Duet – Volunteer

  • Waiting in Line (2/16/2025)
    Waiting in Line 3
    Waiting in Line

  • Freezing Rain (2/15/2025)
    Freezing Rain 1380
    POP DUET – Freezing Rain
    POP – Freezing Rain (Frozen Crumbs)

  • City Hall (2/13/2025)
    City Hall Album Cover I ve Got a Lucky Job

  • Red Songs (2/9/2025)
    Tell Your Valentine I Love You 1380
    The Red Charger
    Tell Your Valentine ( I Love You)
    The Red Charger

  • Job Title 2-8-25 (2/8/2025)
    Job Title 1380 funny album cover
    FUNK – Job Title

  • Indecision 2025 (2/3/2025)
    Think About It

  • The Cannon (2/2/2025)
    CLASSIC ROCK – The Cannon

  • Comedy One-Liners (1/29/2025)
    Comedy One Liners with Werner Poegel
    Comedy One-Liners 1-28-25

  • Those Condiments (12/29/2024)
    Cover Don t Like Those Condiments 1380
    Don’t Like Those Condiments

  • Dump the Grump (12/14/2024)
    Dump the Grump 1380 red blue
    Dump the Grump

  • Trump Dance (12/9/2024)
    The Trump Dance 1380
    The Trump Dance

  • The Closet (11/13/2024)
    Fiction Kamala Don Joe In the Closet
    In the Closet – Kamala, Don, and Joe

  • Original Music (11/11/2024)
    Original Music by Werner Poegel Collage all Genres

  • Election Song (11/5/2024)
    Election Day Original Song
    Election Day – Soft Rock
    POP – Male
    POP – Female – Greatest Equation
    COUNTRY – Male
    COUNTRY – Female

  • Donald and Kamala 1 (10/6/2024)
    Donald and Kamala Questions and Answers Fictional Series
    Donald and Kamala – Questions and Answers

  • Councilor Comics (7/6/2024)
    Councilor Comic Book Characters 1200

  • Library Drone (5/25/2024)
    Library Drone Photo real 1200
    REAL Drone Photo of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA
    Library Done with AI 1200 1
    Fictional AI Enhancement
    Library Done with AI 1200 2
    Fictional AI Enhancement
    Library Done with AI 1200 3
    Fictional AI Enhancement
    Library Done with AI 1200 4
    FICTIONAL AI Enhancement
    Library Done with AI 1200 5
    Fictional AI Enhancement
    Library Done with AI 1200 6
    Fictional AI Enhancement

  • Fictional Theater 14 (5/8/2024)
    Fictional Theater 14 Joe and Don Take Calls
    Episode 14: Joe and Don at the Call Center

  • Fictional 12 (4/3/2024)
    Fictional Theater 12 Joe and Don Meet the Aliens
    Joe and Don Meet the Aliens

  • Fictional 11 (3/30/2024)
    Fictional Theater 11 Joe and Don Open a Junkyard
    Joe and Don Open a Junkyard

  • Fictional 10 (3/29/2024)
    Gardner Magazine Fictional Theater Episode 10 Joe and Don Form a Rock Band
    Joe and Don Form a Rock Band

  • Fictional 9 (3/28/2024)
    Gardner Magazine Fictional Theater Episode 9 Joe and Don Go to Mars
    Joe and Don Go to Mars

  • Fictional 8 (3/18/2024)
    Fictional Theater Episode 8 Joe and Don Do Plumbing
    Joe and Don Do Plumbing – Episode 8

  • Fictional 7 (3/17/2024)
    Fictional Theater Episode 7 Joe and Don Grocery Shopping
    Joe and Don 3-17-24

  • Fictional 6 (3/15/2024)
    Gardner Magazine Fictional Theater Episode 6 Whos on First
    Joe and Don – Who’s on First 2024

  • The Files (3/15/2024)
    Gardner Magazine Fictional Theater Episode 4 The Files
    The Files Episode 4

  • Fictional 5 (3/14/2024)
    Don and Joe at Gardner City Hall Fictional Theater Episode 5

  • Fictional Theater 3 (3/8/2024)
    Fictional Theater Episode 3 State of the Union
    Joe and Don – State of the Union

  • Introducing Chair Man (3/3/2024)
    The Chair Main Introducing the AI Voice
    The “Chair Man” Introduction

  • Fictional Theater 2 (3/1/2024)
    Gardner Magazine Fictional Theater Episode 2 The Confessional

  • Fictional Theater (2/29/2024)
    Gardner Magazine Fictional Theater
    Fictional Don and Joe

  • Magazine Tour (2/29/2024)
    Gardner Magazine AUDIO Tour
    Audio Tour – Voice of Mel

  • POEDM Launches (2/9/2024)
    poe dm logo 1380
  • Filmed – Gardner (1/11/2024)
    Filmed in Gardner MA

  • Chair Veggies (1/10/2024)
    Genetically Engineered Vegetable and Fruit Chairs

  • Renaissance Cars (1/2/2024)
    Renaissance Cars of the 1500s

  • The Rizz (12/10/2023)
    Rizz Collage
    The word Rizz
    People with Rizz
    Animals with Rizz

  • Famous Claus (11/21/2023)
    The Famous as Santa Claus

  • Career Buddies (11/10/2023)
    Trump and Biden Career Buddies

  • Fantasy Cars (9/25/2023)
    Fantasy Car Gallery Collage Explore the Fun

    Just for Fun – Explore the Gardner Magazine Fantasy Car Gallery

    From the first motorized vehicles in the 1800s to the most advanced automobiles of today, people have fantasized about the perfect car.

    Our gallery has practical styles and vehicles which are really just for fun. Vehicles span all decades.

    Enjoy the Fantasy Car Gallery, CLICK HERE.

    Other Galleries: 100 Years of MusicWinter Storm 2023Comic PixDogcatcher Fantasy — AnimalsFestival-Oktoberfest 2022BarbieDisneyHistorical AUDIO MountainsLandmarks National Parks ScenicAquarium ZooAviaryFlower GardenCruise Night WorldVintage Radio AUDIO. — Christmas CardsComedy GraphicsFamous ArtTrains GHS Graduation 2023City Council CartoonBig ChairSchool Committee CartoonCompliment DayProgress ComicFuture of Gardner Speculations Comic GardnerverseNovelty: ChairsComics Gallery including Politicians

    Centennial Parade and Band Performances Gallery

  • Gardner Goes Barbie (7/29/2023)
    Gardner Goes Barbie Collage 7 29 23

    Gardner MA Goes Barbie in Fictional Photo Ensemble

    What if some of the people you know in Gardner were transported to the fictional world of Barbie and changed into Barbie or Ken figures? What would they look like? Gardner Magazine explored the concept.

    Top left is Mayor Nicholson. 2nd left is the Gardner PD with Dog Sully changed into Barbie. 3rd left are the ladies from GAAMHA. Bottom left is Earl Martin. Top right is Elizabeth Kazinskas. Bottom right is Colin Smith running a 5k.

    View the complete Gardner MA Goes Barbie Gallery, CLICK HERE.

    Gardner Magazine covers and publishes the AUDIO of Mayor’s Updates, City Council Meetings, School Committee Meetings, and many other meetings – all serious stuff, so this is just a little fun! None of the politicians or individuals were harmed in the transformation.

    For a serious article on the upcoming election in Gardner, CLICK HERE.

  • Bristles on the Backside (7/4/2023)
    Bristles on the Backside Fictional Play

    Gardner Magazine Debuts “Bristles on the Backside” Fictional Play

    The short play follows a Fictional City Hall scandal from beginning to resolution. No backsides were harmed in the production of the play. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.

    Bristles on the Backside – Fictional Play – 7-4-23

    Included are characters playing people from the Mayor’s office, City Councilors, Chiefs McAvene and Lagoy, Conservation Agent Sophie Dorow, Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa, City Auditor John Richard, City Solicitor John Flick, Directors Dane Arnold, Trevor Beauregard, and Mike Ellis, Prevention Coordinator Veronica Patty, and City Clerk Titi Siriphan.

    hard toilet paper
    Bristles on the Backside

  • Aliens – City Hall (7/2/2023)
    Aliens at Gardner City Hall 6 29 23

    Aliens Shown in Photo of Summer Kickoff in Gardner MA Weren’t There…

    Yes, it looks like the child at left and the woman are looking at the alien. However, the extra-terrestrials are there only through our use of technical wizardry.

    With today’s technology, photos, videos, and audio can be created of events which never happened.

    So if you encounter something which looks fishy, don’t believe it right away. Healthy skepticism has saved many people from being scammed.

    View a High Res version of image to see if you can spot the edits. CLICK HERE.

  • Dogcatcher Art (6/30/2023)
    Dogcatcher 35

    Original Dogcatcher Art from Gardner Magazine

    In our Budget Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, the subject of Animal Control Officers came up and I promised the Mayor I would get some Dogcatcher Art of the 1950’s. Well, we’ve done one better, we have an entire original Dogcatcher Fantasy Gallery, CLICK HERE.

    Thank you to our Animal Control Officers for all the work they do in the community.

  • Penguins (6/28/2023)
    King Penguins in Falkland Islands

    Penguins Spotted Having Conversation – Is it about Gardner MA?

    Gardner Magazine is willing to concede that these King Penguins may not be talking about Gardner. However, with everyone else praising the progress in the Chair City, is it really that much of a stretch?

  • Corner Disney (6/9/2023)
    Disney Portraits of the Corner Office rev

    Disney Portraits of Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, Executive Aide Colin Smith, and Executive Assistant Rachael Roberts

    Editorial: A Week in Gardner MA out of a Disney Script

    In Disney Movies, everything seems to go right sometimes. Such was the week in Gardner Massachusetts. Straight off the 3rd year of a perfect audit, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and his team including City Auditor John Richard prepared the budget so well it received no opposition from the Gardner City Council despite the scrutiny of various Committees. A job well done. The Ribbon Cutting at the Gardner Elementary School was a cause for celebration as the City has its first school in 100 years built for kids k-6. Various Park Improvements continue. Renovations are underway in Downtown as flowers are blooming. Upcoming music events were highlighted. And behind the scenes the team in the corner office is working on greater support for Art in the Chair City. Yes, some weeks things just seem to go right….

  • Light On (5/10/2023)
    The Light is On in Gardner

    The Light is On in Gardner MA and the Future is Bright

    The Gardner DPW is Hanging Lights in Downtown Gardner to brighten it up for the summer. This action inspired the Gardner Magazine production of “The Light is on in Gardner” featuring over a dozen different musical artists and an uplifting narrative. Listen on any device to this CD quality production. CLICK PLAY

    The Light is On in Gardner

    The City of Gardner is a shining beacon of promise in Central Massachusetts and this production literally in vocals of light showcases the Chair City’s positive values. More is coming to the Great Chair City of Gardner. From parks and recreation, to arts and music. Increased health care. Businesses you want. Industries providing jobs.

    Spread the word. Gardner is in the light. And the future is bright. So much is within reach. So much is within sight.

  • Welcome Mat (5/3/2023)
    City of Gardner Welcome Mat
    42 52Parker bright light in Downtown Gardner
    42- 52 Parker Street Renovations Shining a Bright Light on Downtown Gardner

    For more information on what’s Going Great in Gardner here are some resources on Gardner Magazine: Gardner Going Great Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson —– Great Schools Interview with Superintendent Mark Pellegrino —- and a list of dozens of accomplishments for the world to see at

    City of Gardner MA Rolls Out Welcome Mat to Highlight Downtown Progress

    Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson is rolling out the welcome mat to State and Local Leaders and Congresswoman Lori Trahan for a tour of Downtown Gardner on Monday, May 8th. Gardner leaders are proud to show off Gardner as an attractive place to live, do business, and bring industry.

    On the tour will be the Mayor, Trahan, State Rep. Zlotnik, State Senator Gobi, Council President Kazinskas and other City Councilors, CDPT Director Beauregard, and GEDC Coordinator DeRoy. Also expected, Gary Lorden of Mass Ave Rentals which is renovating 42-52 Parker Street, Jonathan Bombaci whose company purchased 25 Main Street and recently the Garbose Building, Tony Molina of the Molina Realty Group which purchased the Gardner News and Bank of America Buildings and most recently was awarded the old Prospect Street School for Condominium Development, Jenna Hartman of Empire Management which purchased their building, and various other Downtown business owners. Progress of various improvements will be showcased.

    Gardner received $6.1 million from the American Rescue Plan Act, using $2.6 million of the funds directly for Economic Development and Infrastructure Improvement Projects ranging from small commercial sign grants to larger long-term investment projects. 17 buildings in Downtown Gardner have changed hands in the past year with many slated to undergo extensive renovation and beautification. (And last year, a total of 33 businesses opened their doors in Gardner.)

    The event is a way for the leaders to walk in the Downtown and hear from local business leaders about the positive changes over the past couple of years and to demonstrate that provided funding is making a noticeable difference.

  • Pretzel Day (4/23/2023)
    National Pretzel Day Gardner MA

    National Pretzel Day is April 26, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA

    Pretzels are available almost everywhere food is sold in the Greater Gardner area. What do you know about the history of the pretzel? says, “On April 26th, millions of pretzel lovers across America come together to celebrate their favorite twisted treat. This special holiday is the perfect opportunity for you to honor your passion for pretzels, and with today’s variety of forms and flavors, there are so many ways to celebrate!“

    According to the site, pretzels came about in the 7th century as a creation by a Christian monk in Italy who gave them as rewards for children who had learned their prayers. Called “pretolia”, or “little rewards”

    In the 18th Century, pretzels were made in bakeries started by German immigrants and to this day, 80% of all pretzels in America are made in the state of Pennsylvania which declared “National Pretzel Day” in 1983. And what do put on your pretzel? Well, there is actually a National Mustard Museum in Wisconsin. CLICK HERE.

  • Official SuperHeroes (3/26/2023)
    Superhero Officials 3 26 23

    Editorial: Who Are They Really – Gardner’s Top Officials & Staff of the Corner Office

    Sometimes you just have to sit back and think a little bit. And then, like a light bulb emanating intelligence it becomes clear. Things are not what they seem. Mere humans could not have aided Gardner’s phenomenal growth and entrance into new found prosperity and excellence in the past couple years.

    So I ask, who are they really? Is Council President Kazinskas really Batwoman, is Mayor Michael Nicholson Superman, is Executive Aide Colin Smith, the Flash, and is Rachael Roberts Wonder Woman? It can’t possibly be that they are simply good at their jobs and are part of a team of everyday SuperHeroes, answering the Chair City call to success. No that can’t be it. Who are they…I mean…really?

    When you see each of these people this week, ask them, who are they really?

  • Gardner Disney Video (3/23/2023)
    Johns Sport Shop 2
    A Scene from “Gardner Goes Disney”
    Gardner City Hall as Castle 2
    Rendering of City Hall in “Gardner Goes Disney”

    Gardner Goes Disney – A video for the Magical Chair City of Gardner MA

    Listen to the soundtrack on any device. Click Play

    Gardner Goes Disney Soundtrack of Songs

    The City of Gardner has a future history which is unwritten. It is a magical City where almost anything is possible. Where its people reward ideas and support each other… Where business and industry are welcome… Where families thrive and children learn… This is a day in the Chair City. This is going to be the best day ever.

    Featuring the licensed songs “Today is the Best Day”, “It’s Beautiful Now” which speaks of a rainbow soon to come…ready when the sunshine comes again, it’s beautiful now where once it was hollow.. , “I wanna be your Super Hero,” stating I want to be everything you need and be of service, “It’s My Lucky Day,” and of course, “You’ve Got This”. The video speaks to the future promise of Gardner and its positive trajectory.

    Truly the best is yet to come in Gardner MA. This is an uplifting video of love and a reminder that all it takes to achieve success is a dream and a place to make that dream happen. That place is the Chair City of Gardner.

    By rendering the places and people in a fantastical Disney-like image, we aim to demonstrate the emotion involved in the day to day lives of people in Gardner and for those who hope to succeed in the City. Thank you Gardner people, Gardner businesses, and the entire Gardner Team at City Hall for your inspiration.

  • Gardner Goes Disney (3/21/2023)
    Gardner Goes Disney Collage

    Gardner MA Goes Disney – The Magic of the Chair City

    Gardner Magazine has undertaken to capture the Magic of the Chair City in the eyes of the Disney Universe. It’s a page with over 100 images sure to delight or surprise you. CLICK HERE.

    We also have pages just for fun with a Cartoonized Gardner City Council and School CommitteeAdditional Comics page.

  • Food Chairs (3/11/2023)
    Food Chairs

    An Attempt at Making Chairs

    I’ve tried all types of materials. Pizza, Pretzels, Bread, Blueberries, and Chicken to make Chairs. What am I doing wrong?

    Complete page, CLICK HERE.

  • Comics Page (3/10/2023)
    Comics page collage

    Gardner Magazine Comics Page Makes Fun of Well Known People and More….

    President Trump as an Athlete. President Biden as an Oilman. Kamala Harris and her Yellow School Bus. Trump and Putin. What if Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden opened a burger joint or a hot dog stand? See President Trump as a Nanny. See Ronald Regan, the Past – Present – and future together. Jimmy Carter. A Super K9 Dog. President Biden and his clone. Of course, President Trump with a huge burger and fries. Alex Trebek. Abraham Lincoln. All in good fun, some completely ridiculous! All and more on our Comics page. CLICK HERE

  • Interview with AI (3/8/2023)
    Gardner Bread Chair

    Gardner Magazine Interviews Artificial Intelligence

    So just how real is Artificial Intelligence? Well, we had an opportunity to interview an Artificial Intelligence from DeepAI, the same company which created this Gardner Bread Chair for us. It was a most interesting experience. Listen on any device. Click Play.

    Artificial Intelligence Interview 3-8-23

    The AI thought the Big Chair was located near a popular Downtown Restaurant and was off on a few other facts. We asked a number of questions relating to Gardner, emotions, training, and more. And it even did some calculations for us on the fly.

  • Future 2073 – 2123 (3/7/2023)
    Future of Gardner 8 scenes

    This was fun to put together. All of the images were generated by the latest Artificial Intelligence Technology. The realism will surprise you and the page might inspire some of your own creativity.

    Gardner Magazine Shows the Gardner MA of the Future

    We show a very different futuristic Main Street and Pleasant Street with a new High-Tech Flat-Iron Building, bright buildings with glass in Downtown Gardner, Space Age transportation, Concept vehicles, the Chair City Future SuperMart, a Downtown Bakery, spectacular outdoor music venue at the Mount, new indoor pool complex, people and fashion, Gardner High with a parking lot for landing spaceships, Heywood Hospital and Center for Holistic Healing, High-speed transportation, Business, Industrial, Gardner Household Robots, Concept Cars, and the Gadgetized Teenager. It’s all on this very fun page, Speculations on the Future of Gardner, 2073 to 2123. CLICK HERE.

  • Concept 1934 (3/3/2023)
    Gardner MA Alternate Timeline 1934

    The entire photo above was created by Artificial Intelligence using our text input. We added the titling.

    In an alternate timeline, what if Gardner MA was the “Car City of the World Instead?

    Gardner Magazine put some of that new fangled Artificial Intelligence to the test. What if Gardner’s industry was quality cars instead of chairs? What would have happened? The AI result is shown here, a beautiful car with features of actual vehicles of the 1920s to 1940s with an obvious solid construction, just what Gardner would produce. With the vehicle on City Hall Avenue, the background shows a much taller set of buildings than what exists today. While an alternate past is pure fiction, an alternate future has yet to be written.

    Something tells us Gardner can accomplish anything which is humanly possible. – Werner Poegel, Publisher Like the Gardner MA Spaceport in 2073, CLICK HERE.

  • Presidential Speculations (1/20/2023)
    Presidents 1923 to 2049 1
    Presidents Including Those of the Future

    What will the future hold? Let us know in 2050!

    Speculations on the Future – Greater Gardner MA Presidents 1923 to 2049

    Warren G. Harding – 1921-1923Calvin Coolidge – 1923 – 1929
    Herbert Hoover – 1929 – 1933Franklin D. Roosevelt – 1933- 1945
    Harry S. Truman – 1945 – 1953Dwight D. Eisenhower – 1953 – 1961
    John F. Kennedy – 1961 – 1963Lyndon B. Johnson – 1963 – 1969
    Richard M. Nixon – 1969 – 1974Gerald R. Ford – 1974 – 1977
    Jimmy Carter – 1977 – 1981Ronald Reagan – 1981 – 1989
    George Bush – 1989 – 1993Bill Clinton – 1993 – 2001
    George W. Bush – 2001 – 2009Barack Obama – 2009 – 2017
    Donald J. Trump – 2017 – 2021Joseph R. Biden – 2021 – 2025
    Ron DeSantis 2025-2033Nikki Haley – 2033-2041
    Michael J. Nicholson 2041 – 2049 (U.S. Senator from MA since 2033, Winning election in November 2032 upon retirement of Ed Markey who will be 86 on that date). Wins Election to U.S. Presidency in 2040. CLICK on large version of photo of the Presidents. That’s how Mayor Mike will look in 2041.

  • Watermelon (1/16/2023)
    The Wonder of Watermelon

    The Wonder of Watermelon in Greater Gardner MA

    A cup of it is less than 50 calories, has Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and more of the powerful antioxidant lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. And watermelon is 92 percent water.

    So why randomly think about the Wonder of Watermelon in the middle of January? Well, some of our readers are having pizza today, snacking on chips, or scoffing down a burger. So why not think of watermelon anyway? It just might make you think of something else which is healthy, nutritious, and awesome.

  • 100 Songs (1/14/2023)
    100 years of song
    100 Years of Song – Music from Every Year Gardner Has Been a City

    100 Years of Music Since Gardner MA has been a CityEven 100 yr. old songs sound good!

    We review the Top Songs from 1923 to 2022, the first 100 years of Gardner MA as a City. As you listen to some of the songs you’ll notice that as society has changed over time, so has the music. Popular music styles have varied widely and song topics run the gamut. There’s nothing like Uncle Dave Mason’s “Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy” from 1924 or “Tie a Yellow Ribbon..” released during the year of Gardner’s 50th in 1973.

    Hope you enjoy it. 100 Years of Song, CLICK HERE.

  • AUDIO Play (12/21/2022)
    Audio Play Making of the State of the City r
    The Making of the State of the City Address

    Gardner Magazine Releases AUDIO Play – The Making of the State of the City Address

    In the tradition of Gardner Massachusetts, Gardner Magazine is using new technology to create this short 6 minute AUDIO drama featuring fictional voice actors playing Mayor Nicholson, Colin Smith, Rachael Roberts, Jim Boone, Craig Cormier, James Walsh, Judy Mack, and Police Chief Eric McAvene.

    Listen on any device. Click Play.

    AUDIO Play: The Making of the State of the City

    This light-hearted Holiday play is meant to showcase that despite differing opinions, Gardner MA City government works well together to get things done. Mayor Nicholson will chronicle these achievements in his State of the City Address, January 10, 2023 at 7pm.

  • Comic Edition (12/9/2022)
    Progress at City Hall Comic Cover

    Gardner MA Magazine Releases Progress at City Hall – the Comic Edition

    Some think that Super Heroes exist only in Science Fiction. This is not so. Throughout the entire Chair City of Gardner MA, Men and Women of good character are every day battling the negative forces and restoring the balance. While they might not wear capes or fly in the skies, everyday citizens in Gardner amount to hundreds of Super Heroes. This progress is chronicled in “Progress at City Hall, the Comic Edition” – View the comic image by image here on this page, or download the pdf here.

    While this may only be a COMIC, the real City of Gardner MA is welcoming to business, industry, and new residents. Questions? Try Gardner City Hall at (978) 630-1490 or visit the great Chair City of Gardner MA website at

  • Corner Office (11/17/2022)
    Corner Office Colin Smiths Notes
    Colin Smith’s Notes

    What Really Goes on in the Gardner MA Mayor’s Office?

    We have it bugged with a comic strip camera which records some elements of reality. It’s a salute to the hustle and bustle and a Happy Thanksgiving wish to the Corner Office. Here’s our list of 50 specific thank yous.

    CLICK on any IMAGE for larger view.

    Corner Office Mayor Nicholson ponders
    Nicholson Ponders
    Corner Office Remember as we work
    Remember as We Work
    Corner Office The Leader
    The Leader
    Corner Office Team Check In
    Team Check In
    Corner Office Nicholson says
    You’re Halfway There
    Corner Office Resident Says Thank You
    Resident Thank You.
  • AI Art (11/13/2022)
    Michael Nicholson at fields van gogh
    Van Gogh? At the Fields
    actual Van Gogh Starry Night 1
    Van Gogh? Starry Night

    Was Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson in a Genuine Van Gogh?

    As famous painter Van Gogh passed away more than 100 years ago, the real Van Gogh is Starry Night. The new Van Gogh is a deep fake created by Artificial Intelligence. See our Van Gogh page, right here.

    On the Van Gogh page, you’ll see three we created, At the Fields, At the Office, and the Big Chair. And of course, you’ll see the famous Starry Night by the real Van Gogh. CLICK HERE.

    AI has been used to create Deep Fake videos which have created problems. AI is used as voiceovers as some of the voices in TV ads and radio commercials. A question on one of the vendor’s sites asked, “Are the voices real.” The response, “Define real.” No matter whether you like it or not, Artificial Intelligence is already part of our present, never mind our future.

  • GardnerVerse (11/10/2022)
    GardnerVerse Enter the GardnerVerse
    The GardnerVerse

    Just for Fun – Enter the GardnerVerse of the Chair City of Gardner MA

    Visit the GardnerVerse page and see some more of your local favorites including the Gardner City Council. CLICK HERE.

    Cartoon Zlotnik Nicholson
    The GardnerVerse

  • Daily Juggles (10/30/2022)
    Daily Juggles of Mayor Nicholson
    The Daily Juggles of Mayor Nicholson

    Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Featured in Comic Strip

    Today, just for fun Gardner Magazine is honoring Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Comic Strip depicting all of the juggling he does during a typical day.

    When you see the Mayor today, give him a thanks and a pat on the back. So often, Mayor Nicholson congratulates, thanks, and recognizes people in his weekly Updates and various Interviews. Today we honor the Daily Juggles of the Chair City Mayor.

    Mayors Updates Glass 300

    View a page listing all of the Mayor’s Updates Articles and AUDIO you can play on any device.

  • Gardner 1920s (10/23/2022)
    Main Street Gardner MA 100 Years Ago
    Gardner MA Main Street 1920s

    Gardner MA Celebrates its 100th year as a City on January 1, 2023. There some Downtown storefronts left. Reserve yours now.

    Gardner MA 100 Years Ago & Today

    Shoppers on Main Street 2022

    100 Years after Main Street looked like the Postcard at left, shoppers are still shopping Main Street in Gardner.

    Interested in opening a Downtown Business?. Can you bake? Many people have talked about wanting a bakery. Downtown Gardner wants you…

    Fall Festival and Oktoberfest 33
    Gardner MA Fall Festival and Oktoberfest 2022
  • Pizza Polka (7/31/2022)
    Charles Magnante – Pizza Polka More Info, CLICK HERE

    Parker House of Pizza of Gardner MA Reopens in time for Polka, offers $3 Discount on every order….

    On Thursday, August 4, 2022 the Parker House of Pizza may just be the most popular pizza place in town. That’s the day they reopen after vacation. In a radio ad run on WGAW, the restaurant is offering a $3 discount on any order for a whole week.  That’s just in time for the Monument Park Polka Concert on Saturday August 6, 2022 at 6pm so patrons can literally have pizza and polka. 

    To put you in the Pizza and Polka spirit, we are featuring the Pizza Polka right here.   Just click play.    And so you can take advantage of getting your pizza whether you take out or eat at the outdoor dining area at Pleasant Plaza, here’s a link to their site.   CLICK HERE.   FREE Concert info here.

  • Chair City Chair Bear (7/21/2022)
    Chair City Chair Bear Gardner MA
    Chair City Chair Bear – Good Idea or Bad Idea?

    Editorial: Input Wanted – Chair City Chair Bear, Good Idea or Bad Idea?

    I found a cover for a plush animal being sold online.   What’s the chance there’s someone in Gardner who could make an original Chair City Chair Bear design which could be made into a custom cover?  The Chair City Chair Bear could be an item for the City’s 100th.   The seat on this particular item is 20 inches square and is available on Amazon for $14.99.  That’s just for the cover, it would have to be filled with PP cotton batting.  Obviously, the City would want something made locally if possible. Your thoughts on this. Good idea or bad idea? Email:

  • Time Travel (4/18/2022)
    Center of Gardner MA 100 years ago
    Center of Gardner 100 years ago
    Main Street, Gardner mid to late 20th century
    Main Street Gardner Mid 20th Century
    Main Street Gardner MA 2020s
    Main Street Gardner MA in the 2020’s
    Gardner MA Circa 2200s
    Gardner MA Circa 2200s

    Fictional Time Traveler Journeys to Gardner MA Past and Future

    1900: Our time traveler is on a mission to find the perfect time in Downtown Gardner, Massachusetts. Journeying incognito to the Center of Gardner 100 years ago, he finds commerce in full swing. Some of the buildings exist to this day, some have been replaced.

    1950/60: Turning the crank of his time machine, our Time Traveler finds himself viewing a Gardner police officer directing traffic over 60 years ago, near the intersection people have been fussing about. Traffic existed then as it does now, but ideas of how to handle it have evolved and changed over time. Notice a thriving business district in Downtown Gardner.

    2020s: Our Time Traveler journeys to present day and finds an attractive Downtown Gardner MA with a different traffic pattern and different businesses. The future of Gardner MA is only limited by the imagination and fortitude of its residents, community leaders, and government officials. With the recent progress made and additional projects announced, who knows what the future could hold for Gardner MA.

    2200: Our Time Traveler ends up in the year 2200. History shows that a forwarding-looking Gardner Mayor, City Council, and Business Community in 2022 continued to foster a period of positive growth in the Chair City. By the way, it is said that in the year 2200, Gardner MA is once again the undisputed Furniture Capital of the World.

    Residents of Gardner MA have every reason to believe the future of the Chair City is going to be bright as the community works together.

  • Furniture Turnings (4/13/2022)
    Furniture Turnings Plaza

    Furniture Turnings Plaza Conceived for Gardner MA

    Furniture Turnings Plaza is an inspirational concept. CLICK HERE.

  • Alternate Universe (1/8/2022)

    Gardner MA in Alternate Universe

    What would Gardner MA look like in an alternate universe?   If such a city exists, could we actually see it, make comparisons, and learn from it?  Complete Article, CLICK HERE. 

    Gardner Magazine has uncovered such a City right here in the United States, a city by the same name in another state with some interesting parallels to our reality.   For details, CLICK HERE.


  • January Jabbery (1/4/2022)

    Gardner MA Jabbery

    As many of us spend more time indoors during winter, it’s time for January Jabbery.   Time to seek out new social media groups to communicate just about anything to just about anyone.  Time to flex your ideas and discover new subject matter.  

    January Jabbery is sometimes about utter gibberish, nonsense, or idle chatter.  Or it could morph into intelligent communication to further your positive goals for the rest of the year.   You could take your January Jalopy and drive to the corner store for January Java.  In any case, we wish you January Joy with your January Job, your after work January Jog, if you get the vaccine – your January Jab, warmth in your January Jackets, and we hope you stay out of trouble so you’re not a January Jerk in a January Jam.  January, we’ll jet through it in a jiffy. (31 days)  Jot that down. Jeez… That’s January journaling, justifiably!


  • Aliens at the Gardner MA Dog Park (12/13/2021)
  • Journey to the Future (12/13/2021)
  • Aliens at Dog Park (11/11/2021)
    Aliens at Gardner MA Dog Park
    Aliens at the Gardner Dog Park – Finnegan Saves the World with Kindness.
    World Kindness Day is Saturday, Nov. 13th. Save the World. Be Kind!

    Aliens at the Gardner Massachusetts Dog Park

    Dogs show us so much love and as the Dog Park shows, much love for fellow dogs. This fictional sci-fi movie short produced by our own 101.3 Studios explores what happens when aliens visit planet Earth at the Dog Park and hero dog Finnegan saves the World with Kindness. Visit video page to play video.

  • Phrases Said in Gardner (9/12/2021)

    Just a little bit of humor to break up your day a little bit!
