For our original article published prior to the meeting, click here. – Watch the 2 City Council meetings of this date on our City Council page or listen here on any device. Click Play.
Joint Meeting with Planning Board
Regular Meeting
Readers Please note: This article contains a huge amount of referenced information. The links go to a pdf file on the subject matter which opens in a new window for convenience.

Councilors Nathan Boudreau and Alek Dernalowicz were critical of Councilor James Boone using new business to bring up certain issues. Dernalowicz stated that he had pertinent information on the bridge item Boone had brought up during new business at the last meeting, but was unable to speak on it as his turn had already passed. Despite the objections of his fellow councilors, Councilor Boone used New Business time at this meeting of 11-7-22 to bring up matters which could have been put on the Council calendar.
The Gardner City Council considered various matters at its two meetings on Monday November 7, 2022
The joint meeting of the City Council and the Planning Board at 6:30pm related to proposed changes in zoning for a proposed condominium development on West Broadway. Various recommendations in the packet favored approval. Complete packet click here. In the Regular meeting, the Gardner City Council did not take action, allowing for more time on the issue.
The Regular City Council Meeting at 7:30pm had an agenda packed full of items to be considered and the packet was almost 500 pages. Complete packet click here.
Councilor James Boone Issue
One of the items concerned a communication regarding the conduct of Councilor James Boone and the documents regarding the issue took up 89 pages, CLICK HERE. –
Gardner Magazine had corresponded with Councilor Boone prior to the meeting, offering him various ways to respond and asking him if he was going to resign as former Councilor Scott Graves had suggested in an email to Boone on 10-24-22. Here is Councilor Boone’s response in its entirety. At the City Council meeting of November 7, 2022, Councilor Boone had a lengthy statement on this topic and other councilors spoke about it. Play on any device, Click Play.
During the New Business time, Councilor Boone brought up additional items including complaining about electrical rates and complaining about the City’s electronic payment system.. He was criticized by Councilor Nathan Boudreau for doing, “what your fellow councilors just asked you not to do.” He suggested that Councilor Boone should place matters for consideration by the Council on the Council calendar.
Financial Orders
In financial orders, the Mayor proposed expenditures from free cash: $300,000 towards paving, $200,000 towards a ladder truck for the Fire Department which will eventually cost over $1.6million, $35,000 to a School Improvement project for the purpose of re-keying the doors at Gardner High School to allay potential safety concerns including special locks on classroom doors to assist in the event of an incident, $35,000 towards the City taking ownership of the former Gardner Visitors’ Center building, and other expected requests. The packet once again included the complete Fire Department Audit wherein the need for equipment is stipulated. Items were referred to various committees.
Complete Meetings
Joint Meeting of Planning Board and City Council
Regular City Council Meeting
At the Landfill
The packet included communications regarding the Leachate Collection system at the landfill including 6 pumps, buried piping, power, and control wiring with a cost estimate in total of $145,000. Mayor is requesting an initial $72,500 from free cash to landfill repair and maintenance.
Various Communications
Communications included notification of the SK Pierce Mansion application to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, certification of property values, new growth, free cash, and fiscal year 2022 retained earnings, PD appointments and staffing, Animal Shelter staffing to include the addition of a full time Administrative Coordinator position, Recent Grant Awards from the Commonwealth, Block Grant Mini Entitlement Plan, Supplemental Budget, Comments on Electrical rates, comments on the South Main Street bridge including 89 pages of documentation regarding Councilor Boone. The Mayor included a letter regarding the total valuation of all taxable real and personal property in the City which is just under 2 billion dollars, New Growth Certification, and Free Cash Certification, and a request for the City Council to ratify the Community Development Block Grant Plan. Block Grant project details. Block Grant Plan, click here. The proposal is to build a 60×40 Wood pavilion with Shingle roofing after the existing Greenwood Pool building is demolished. Think your vehicle fuel bill is high? – See this communication from DPW Director Arnold, CLICK HERE.
Taxis and Ride Sharing
Ordinance proposal to amend the City of Gardner Code which governs taxis and ride-sharing services. CLICK HERE