Readers Please note: This article contains a huge amount of referenced information. The links go to a pdf file on the subject matter which opens in a new window for convenience. The article will be updated once the Gardner City Council acts on the various items being brought before it.
Regarding Councilor Boone:
We have contacted him and offered him the opportunity to do an unrestricted interview regarding the documents Mayor Nicholson has included in the packet for the November 7, 2022 City Council meeting. We will inform you of Councilor Boone’s response and will post an interview with him if that is his wish. 89 pages regarding this issue. Update; Councilor Boone responded as of 11:26am. 11-7-22 Here is his response in its entirety

“Resign, and I’ll take your seat” was a statement made by former Councilor Scott Graves to Councilor Boone in an email on 10-24-22
The Gardner City Council considers various matters at its meeting on Monday November 7, 2022
The joint meeting of the City Council and the Planning Board at 6:30pm relates to proposed changes in zoning for a proposed condominium development on West Broadway. Various recommendations in the packet favor approval. Complete packet click here.
Regular City Council Meeting Agenda is packed full of items to be considered and is almost 500 pages, literally a book full. Complete packet click here.
In financial orders, the Mayor is proposing expenditures from free cash: $300,000 towards paving, $200,000 towards a ladder truck for the Fire Department which will eventually cost over $1.6million, $35,000 to a School Improvement project for the purpose of re-keying the doors at Gardner High School to allay potential safety concerns including special locks on classroom doors to assist in the event of an incident, $35,000 towards the City taking ownership of the former Gardner Visitors’ Center building, and other expected requests. The packet once again included the complete Fire Department Audit wherein the need for equipment is stipulated.
Update 11-7-22 Gardner City Councilor James Boone has responded to the 89 pages included in the agenda for this City Council meeting. CLICK HERE.
Update from the Publisher: Councilor Boone has complained to us after his statement, indicating he was insulted by our inclusion of the resignation option in a list of possible responses. We noted to him that it was former Councilor Scott Joseph Graves who suggested Boone resign in an email dated October 24, 2022. See it here. We also wrote back to Councilor Boone stating, “What I don’t comprehend is that you don’t understand that the Mayor only put out the information because he was fed up with you pretending you had no info. You knew all along that the issue had to do with the Federal law regarding railroads and that Mayor Nicholson and even the Governor of the State of MA have very few options.“
The packet included communications regarding the Leachate Collection system at the landfill including 6 pumps, buried piping, power, and control wiring with a cost estimate in total of $145,000. Mayor is requesting an initial $72,500 from free cash to landfill repair and maintenance.
Communications include notification of the SK Pierce Mansion application to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, certification of property values, new growth, free cash, and fiscal year 2022 retained earnings, PD appointments and staffing, Animal Shelter staffing to include the addition of a full time Administrative Coordinator position, Recent Grant Awards from the Commonwealth, Block Grant Mini Entitlement Plan, Supplemental Budget, Comments on Electrical rates, comments on the South Main Street bridge including 89 pages of documentation regarding Councilor Boone. The Mayor included a letter regarding the total valuation of all taxable real and personal property in the City which is just under 2 billion dollars, New Growth Certification, and Free Cash Certification, and a request for the City Council to ratify the Community Development Block Grant Plan. Block Grant project details. Block Grant Plan, click here. The proposal is to build a 60×40 Wood pavilion with Shingle roofing after the existing Greenwood Pool building is demolished. Think your vehicle fuel bill is high? – See this communication from DPW Director Arnold, CLICK HERE.
Ordinance proposal to amend the City of Gardner Code which governs taxis and ride-sharing services. CLICK HERE