Greater Gardner MA News September 2023
- Festival -Oktoberfest (9/30/2023)
Gardner MA Holds Festival and Oktoberfest For Hundreds of Partying People
Amidst cloudy skies but no rain, the Gardner Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest drew hundreds from Gardner and surrounding communities on Saturday, September 30, 2023.
Attendees enjoyed merchandise displays, vendor booths, food, beer, and a number of bands. The Chair Luge drew a crowd.
Gardner Magazine has assembled a Photo Gallery of this year’s event. CLICK HERE.
This year, the Fabulous Fall Festival, Gardner Festival Committee’s Oktoberfest, and Gardner Chair Luge were combined into one big Downtown Festival. The Downtown Festival started at 10am in Downtown and went right to 8pm with music and more near the Gardner Ale House. Another Bandstand was at Orpheum Park.
Photo Gallery – 2023 Festival – Oktoberfest. CLICK HERE.
View our previous article with all details, click here.
- Reg Deadline (9/30/2023)
Deadline for Voter Registration is Monday Oct. 2nd in Gardner MA
Last Day to Register to vote for the primary in Gardner is Monday, October 2, 2023 and you can register online. CLICK HERE.
Voters who wish to vote in the primary by mail must apply for a mail in ballot by October 2, 2023 on or before 5pm. Vote by mail application, CLICK HERE. Note that you must fill out the application, sign it, and return it to City Hall by Monday October 2nd at 5pm. So at this date, you’ll need to bring it in to be safe.
Primary and Preliminary Election is October 10, 2023. State and Municipal Election is November 7, 2023
- Bailey Brook (9/29/2023)
Bailey Brook Park in Gardner MA another Chair City Amenity
In our recent interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson he stated, “The Bailey Brook Park also is home to our new age 5 and under playground. That’s the first playground that’s meant for infant to 5 year old ….at Bailey Brook Park, we now have pickleball courts. That’s the first time the cities had pickleball options available, something other than basketball.”
According to the City of Gardner, “Bailey Brook Park & Conservation Area is a 121 acre site located off Leo Drive. The City submitted a PARC grant application in FY20 to design and develop an open space, multipurpose park and conduct site work associated with site access driveways, parking, construction of an ADA accessible trail, and 1-mile, healthy-heart, wellness walking loop trail with a scenic overlook and sitting & resting area. Both trails will include interpretive nature learning signage and other experiential, nature-based learning components. The accessible, ADA compliant trail will also include tactile, sensory, playground equipment elements for nature-based play and learning for children with social-emotional learning and development disabilities.” For more information from the City of Gardner, CLICK HERE.
- MART’s Mike (9/29/2023)
Chairman Mike Gets Another Term at MART
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has been unanimously re-elected to serve as Chair of the MART Advisory Board for another year. The board is composed of the Chief Elected officials of all 25 communities served by the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority. In his first year as Chair, the number of MART stops in Gardner have been doubled.
Mayor Nicholson posted, “Thank you to the members of the MART Advisory Board for unanimously re-electing me to serve as chair….In the last year, MART has re-vamped its marketing and outreach work, implemented student fare free travel, studied the effectiveness of current routes, invested in shelters and electric vehicles, and more. The Administration, staff, drivers, and all employees of MART are doing great work and I’m glad to be serving in this role again while this progress is happening.Congrats also to Mayor Dean Mazarella on his election as vice chair.”
- Ron Cormier (9/29/2023)
Ronald Cormier – Candidate for Councilor at Large in Upcoming Gardner MA Election
Ronald F. Cormier, of 55 Wickman Drive, announced that he is a candidate for re-election as a City Councilor at Large in the upcoming City of Gardner election.
Mr. Cormier has had the honor of serving ten terms as a Councilor at Large, and previously served Ward three as its councilor for sixteen years. During his tenure he has served on all council committees and served several terms as Council President.
Mr. Cormier has also served the city in a number of other capacities over the years. He was a member of both the Airport Commission and the Municipal Grounds Commission. He has been a long time member of the Gardner Redevelopment Authority and currently serves as the Chairman of the Authority. Mr. Cormier is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library and serves as the Clerk of the corporation. He previously served in the capacity of Chairman of the Board for the House of Peace and Education (HOPE).
Mr. Cormier also serves as the City Council’s representative to the School Building Advisory Board that built the first new elementary school in over 100 years to safely serve the needs of our elementary school population. As a member of this group his goal has been to see it through to its successful completion. His experience as a teacher, school administrator and government service have given him the skills needed to assist in this vital task. Mr. Cormier, a retired educator, is also a member of a number of local organizations.
After attending local schools, Mr. Cormier received Bachelor and Master Degrees from Fitchburg State College and did additional Graduate work at Worcester State College and Boston College. He served many years as an elementary classroom teacher in the Fitchburg Public School System and retired as an administrator in the Fitchburg System. Following a brief attempt at retirement Mr. Cormier and his wife Marcelle, served as the administrators of the former Holy Rosary School for two years.
Mr. Cormier is married to the former Marcelle Coulombe who retired as an educator in the Gardner School system after many years. They have two adult children, Pamela Cormier Autery of Centerville, MA and City Councilor Craig Cormier of Gardner, and are the proud grandparents of five wonderful grandchildren.
Mr. Cormier stated that Gardner is seeing number of new and exciting changes that are revitalizing our city. With a healthy financial outlook, Gardner has made a large number of improvements to its infrastructure, and a significant number of changes are coming to our downtown through its urban renewal efforts. He wishes to continue to serve and be an experienced participant in those endeavors as Gardner moves forward. PRESS RELEASE in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Candidates: Send your info to
- Update 9-29-23 (9/29/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on Various Topics and Events
Mayor Nicholson went over many items in his weekly update. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Waterford Street School is an active construction site. The Mayor explained what type of work is going on. —- Electrical Rate contract begins November 1st and offers a 14 cent rate for 3 years. —- Gardner Police Department has a new drone which has new features: a searchlight, infrared camera, and two-way AUDIO to communicate with someone. —- Free Cash has been certified at just over $2.5 million, the Mayor will be asking the City Council to spend 10% of it on more paving. —- Voters will be asked to vote YES or NO on a non-binding question regarding changes to the City Charter.
Senior Center Health Fair at the Waterford Street Community Center October 4th from 10am to 4pm. with over 100 vendors. —- Monday October 2nd at 6:30pm the Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Vigil on the front steps of Gardner City Hall. —- Levi Heywood Memorial Library Book Sale Friday 9/29 9am to 4;30pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm. — Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest is Saturday September 30th. —- Falloween for youngers is Friday, October 27th from 10am to noon. Halloween in the City is October 31st from 5 to 7pm. City Primary Election and Preliminary Election is October 10th – The Mayor went over the poll locations in the update. General Election is Tuesday, November 7th. – Sunday, October 1st is the Walk to End Alzheimers. – Gardner is the community with the highest rates of dementia in Worcester County.
- Festival Saturday (9/28/2023)
Gardner MA Downtown Festival This Saturday September 30th
This year, the Fabulous Fall Festival, Gardner Festival Committee’s Oktoberfest, and Gardner Chair Luge are combined into one big Downtown Festival. The Downtown Festival starts at 10am in Downtown and goes right to 8pm with music and more near the Gardner Ale House. Event is on Main, Central, and Parker Streets.
Highlights include the various vendors including 4 food trucks, the Hofbrahaus Bavarians at 1pm, the Gardner Chair Luge at 2pm, Free Birthday cupcakes from Parker House of Pizza at 3pm, Cornhole Tournament at 3pm, and Live Music on 2 Stages from 3pm to 6:45pm located at Orpheum Park and West Street Parking Lot.
West St. Parking Lot Stage —- 3:30 PM The Bill Price Band – Nationally Recognized Blues —- 5:15 PM Seth Rosenbloom – Another big Blues Name —-6:45 PM Point The Finger – Local Boys Done Good
Orpheum Stage – up the street —-3:00 PM Cara & Val —- 4:00 PM Scott Alan Savoy —- 5:00 PM Route 2 Revolution —- 6:00 PM Bodega Dog
Gardner Square Two event information, CLICK HERE —- Gardner Ale House Oktoberfest page, CLICK HERE
Downtown Gardner will be transformed into a giant pedestrian shopping and entertainment zone. Merchandise will be displayed by downtown merchants and outside vendors. Non-profit agencies will be on hand. Food Trucks will have delicious offerings. Entertainment includes games, music, inflatable jumping structures, and costumed characters. There will be a German Beer Garden at the Gardner Ale House from 11am to 8pm and a German folk band, Hofbrahaus Bavarians will be performing. The Gardner Chair Luge will be at 2pm.
Huge Photo Gallery from 2022, CLICK HERE.
An Event So Big and So Worthy of Your Attendance it Has a Map!
- The Conductor (9/28/2023)
Gardner Mayor Nicholson has been called one of America’s most effective Small City Mayors, even being invited to the White House to speak about Gardner’s success. We asked him about everything in detail.
We came away from the interview realizing that it was hard to document all that has been accomplished in Gardner in 3 years and that Mayor Nicholson still has the energy and desire to do even more in the next couple of years.
Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.
The Conductor – The Serious Business of Government in Gardner Massachusetts – An Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
We had the honor of speaking with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with an in-depth interview concerning his time in office so far. It showcases the serious business of government and it reveals exactly what has been achieved and what it takes to lead a small City like Gardner. And, it reveals Mayor Nicholson’s vision of Gardner’s positive future trajectory. Listen to the interview on any device, CLICK PLAY.
The Conductor – Mayor Michael Nicholson 9-26-23 We asked the Mayor about: 3 perfect Federal Audits — New Businesses —- Going after Junky Buildings — Public Safety Improvements —- Impactful People Policies — Enviro Champ — Respecting Taxpayers — Improving Education — Being tested as a leader — Delegating while remaining in the know — Getting Gardner noticed — Blight to Promise — Increase in Amenities — Company Success — Housing Needs — Setting transparency standard — Parks and Recreation — As the Conductor — Projects in the Works —- 2 dozen areas where there’s MORE of a good thing — A dozen areas where’s there LESS of a bad thing — Live Music — Continuing Momentum — Future Business — Continuing Efforts on behalf of Gardner Citizens. Complete Interview page with text of all questions and answers, CLICK HERE.
- Conservation 9-25 (9/28/2023)
Gardner MA Conservation Commission Meets re Wetlands, Dam, and Riverfront
In the meeting of September 25th, the Gardner Conservation Commission held a public hearing regarding the proposed project at 143 Colony Road which entails extension of the existing storage facility including 7 storage containers, 4 of which are located within the buffer zones of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
In a matter continued from August 28th, the DPW was scheduled for plans for vegetation maintenance for Cowee Pond Dam.
A Joint Public Hearing was continued regarding 170 Mill Street and plans to construct a contractor building and associated site improvements. The project is located within the riverfront area.
- Templeton Hotel (9/28/2023)
Building in Templeton MA heavily damaged by fire
The old Otter River Hotel in Templeton MA was the site of a major fire on September 27, 2023. The building at 29 Main Street was heavily damaged. It had just undergone renovations. No injuries were reported.
The original building dates from the 1880s and is known in recent years for being home to the Red Onion. At the time of the fire, patrons were attending Open Mic Night. Cause of the fire is under investigation.
The Town of Templeton sent out an emergency communication at 11:42pm informing residents that due to the major fire in town, intermittent power losses would occur throughout the night. Power did go out in East Templeton for a short period of time.
I am proud to share a link to a story done by local historian Mike Richard on the Red Onion, CLICK HERE.
- Zoning 9-26-23 (9/27/2023)
Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Holds 3:40 Meeting
The Zoning Board of Appeals held their September 26, 2023 meeting at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall. Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Matters before the Board
David & Linda Page, 107 Century Way regarding Chickens and Roosters
Timothy Slocum, 400 Matthews Road regarding Motor vehicle general repairs and other business uses.
Edwin Veliz, 210 Nichols Street – Renovation of an existing building
James & Health Lesieur, 99 Church Street – Construct an attached garage to the existing dwelling unit
Ryan & Amanda Clepper, 124 Edgell Street – Construct an addition on the property for an accessory dwelling unit
Industrial Tower & Wireless, 827 Green Street – Construct a 190’ telecommunications facilities & compound
Murilo Silva, 4 Stuart Street – Renovate Building
Cody Dural, 64A Street – Motor vehicle general repairs
Sure House Solutions LLC – 20 Graham Street – Convert all 5 units to condominiums
- Books – Fall (9/27/2023)
Book Sale at Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA
The Friends of the Levi Heywood Memorial Library Book sale is being held on Friday September 29th 9-4:30 and Saturday September 30th from 9-4. Members can attend early at the preview sale on Thursday, September 28th from 4-7pm. (Memberships can be obtained at the preview event and are only $7 per year for an individual, $5 for Senior (60+) or student. Members get entrance to the book sale preview and museum passes. The Friends of the Library support the library including programs for adults and children. More information, CLICK HERE.
Pricing ranges from 25 cents for a Children’s/Tween soft cover, 50 cents for a Children’s/Tween Hardcover, to $1 for a non-fiction hardcover, and $2 for a fiction hardcover. Also for sale: Music cds and movie dvds for $1 each, Music, CD, or DVD collections at $3 each. Vintage Records and miscellaneous items such as games, puzzles, and Super Heroes are as priced.
- Fantasy Cars (9/25/2023)
Just for Fun – Explore the Gardner Magazine Fantasy Car Gallery
From the first motorized vehicles in the 1800s to the most advanced automobiles of today, people have fantasized about the perfect car.
Our gallery has practical styles and vehicles which are really just for fun. Vehicles span all decades.
Enjoy the Fantasy Car Gallery, CLICK HERE.
Other Galleries: 100 Years of Music — Winter Storm 2023 — Comic Pix — Dogcatcher Fantasy — Animals — Festival-Oktoberfest 2022 — Barbie — Disney — Historical AUDIO — Mountains — Landmarks — National Parks – Scenic — Aquarium — Zoo — Aviary — Flower Garden — Cruise Night — World — Vintage Radio AUDIO. — Christmas Cards — Comedy Graphics — Famous Art — Trains — GHS Graduation 2023 — City Council Cartoon — Big Chair — School Committee Cartoon — Compliment Day — Progress Comic — Future of Gardner Speculations — Comic Gardnerverse — Novelty: Chairs — Comics Gallery including Politicians
- Nicholson ELM (9/25/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Receives Environmental Endorsement
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has received the endorsement of the Environmental League of Massachusetts. ELM posted, “The ELM Action Fund is proud to endorse Mike Nicholson for reelection as Gardner Mayor. He is an Enviro Champ who is committed to expanding Electric Vehicle infrastructure, creating green space and improving solar energy.”
The Mayor posted, “I’m proud of the work we’ve done in Gardner to reduce our carbon footprint, improve our energy efficiency, and be more green. I look forward to continuing that work in the future here in the Chair City!”
As part of his platform, the Gardner Mayor states, “Increase and promote electric vehicle infrastructure throughout the city. Create green spaces and community gardens. Improve solar energy and green infrastructure.”
About the ELM: The Environmental League of Massachusetts states, “Over our 125 year history, we’ve shaped nation-leading policies for conservation and climate change.” For more information about this organization, please visit their website.
The Gardner Preliminary Election is October 10th and the General Election is November 7th.
- Man Shot (9/24/2023)
Man Shot at Gardner MA Business
A man was shot on Saturday September 23, 2023 inside Gardner Spirits Liquor Store in South Gardner and was taken to UMASS Worcester with serious injuries. A suspect in the shooting was apprehended a short time later by police. We will provide additional information if it becomes available.
UPDATE 9-25-23: The Gardner Police Department posted the following on 9-25-23 ” On September 23,2023 at approximately 7:02 PM, Officers we’re dispatched to 5 East Broadway (Gardner Spirits) for a report of a person inside the store who had been shot. Life saving measures were conducted by GPD, Gardner Fire and EMS. One adult male victim was transported to UMASS in Worcester with serious injuries. A short time after police located and placed …, into custody. …. appeared in Gardner court today for charges of Attempted Murder, Assault & Battery w/ Dangerous weapon, Discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a Dwelling and Carrying a loaded firearm without a license. This incident is being investigated by the GPD and Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit. There is no threat to the public at this time.” Gardner Magazine has a policy of not publishing the names of victims and suspects. However, official Press Release contains the suspect information.
Complete Press Release includes name of suspect, CLICK HERE.
- K9 Rocky Tee (9/23/2023)
Support the K9 Program in Gardner MA by Getting a Rocky Tee shirt
On his very first day, K-9 Rocky helped catch a burglar with his unique skills and has continued to be an asset in keeping the City of Gardner safe. The K-9 program needs continued support. By special arrangement with Shoe Fly graphics, the Gardner PD along with Athol PD and Orange PD are making tee shirts available.
According to the Gardner PD, “When you purchase a shirt, $10 from the purchase goes to the respectable K9 program. Shirts are $20 each until September 30th, then go up to $25 each.”
Purchase can be made online at this secure link. CLICK HERE. To support Gardner, be sure to choose Rocky in your checkout options. Otherwise, choose the Athol or Orange K9 options.
Rocky says thank you!
- Hotline 9-23-23 (9/23/2023)
Hotline Radio is heard Saturdays from noon to 2pm on WGAW AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and on the internet from anywhere in the world. Listen Live.
Waterford Street School Explained on WGAW – Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
The Mayor stated, “I’d rather get the information out there correctly than have someone read something wrong on Facebook.”
Regarding the $550,000 approved by the Gardner City Council, WGAW host Steve Wendell asked, “What’s that money going to be used for?” Mayor Nicholson responded, “It’s renovations for the building. It’s things like new HVAC systems. It’s things like handicapped ramps in the building. No room in that building had light switches. Every room had their own individual circuit breaker that you had to go and flip the breaker in order to turn lights on in the room…so it’s fixing that now because that’s not currently up to code..”
The announcement to turn Waterford Street School in to a Community Center was made in October 2022. Read original article, CLICK HERE.
Mayor Nicholson also stated, “I think what people have to realize is we stopped using it as a school for a reason, and it’s because there was just a lot of work that needed to be done in it that didn’t meet the needs of our students. Now the building’s bones are good, but there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. There’s plumbing work, there’s electrical upgrades, there’s flooring work, there’s ramps, work to get the building ADA compliant which is currently isn’t. So that funding is going towards that work there.” The mayor also spoke about other funding. “We did receive 400 thousand dollars from the Commonwealth through an earmark in the state budget that Representative Zlotnik was able to include in last year’s budget. So it’s all just part of the work. The roof needs to be replaced at some point, or at least some patching for some leaks that we have there if we’re going to make it the center that we want to have at the City. And we’re not gonna have a situation like the Greenwood Pool where nothing was done to that building for so long, that we didn’t invest in it that it’s now falling in on itself. We have to make that investment in that building, and we have to do it now.”
The Mayor affirmed that the money is not going to pay GAAMHA for what GAAMHA had already put in to the building. As far as selling the building, the Mayor stated, “We have to put it out to bid, just like we do any other time we lease or sell land. So we can do a license agreement, but a long-term lease is what we’re looking for. That does have to go out to bid, just like anything else does. It would be an RFP process. It’s a very public process every step of the way.”
Regarding the delay the Mayor stated, “We do have to go to the state for them to ratify the city’s decision to no longer have it as a school building, but as a municipal building. Under the Public Land Protection Act. That is something that is required every time a school building is changed from educational to general municipal purpose, the legislature just has to ratify that decision.” The Mayor explained that similar approval is needed for Helen Mae Sauter School and any time use changes from educational to general municipal.
Regarding renting Waterford, the Mayor stated, “If we rent the building now, we’re going to get a dime, put this investment in it, we’re going to get a dollar. You really get what you pay for. Projected tenants are GAAMHA, Growing Places, the Gardner Senior Center, and the Gardner CAC.
More information: City Council Meeting at which funding was approved, AUDIO and article, CLICK HERE —- original announcement from October 2022 with AUDIO and article, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 9-22-23 (9/22/2023)
On Last Day of Summer, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Does Update from Orpheum Park
Mayor Nicholson updated the City from Orpheum Park on Friday, September 22, 2023. Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 9-22-23 Thank yous: Mayor Michael Nicholson thanked everyone involved in the Centennial Celebration Parade and band performances, saying “it was really something that made me really proud to be from Gardner….” Next Centennial Celebration will take place at the Winter Ball on December 30th to be held at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall.
New Court: The Mayor spoke of the Veterans Treatment Court being created anew at the request of Judge Mark Goldstein, the First Presiding Justice over at the District Court. Veterans at this court avoid jail by getting sentenced to treatment and even get paired with a volunteer who will check in on them to make sure they are following through on treatment plans. This is only 1 of 7 such courts in Massachusetts and the only one in Worcester County.
Congratulations: The Mayor congratulated Veterans Agent Lynette Gabrila on her appointment to the new Veterans Equality Review Board. He also complemented Empire Management for the work they are doing to enhance their building next to Orpheum Park.
Events: City-Wide Yard Sale is Saturday, September 23rd. Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest is Saturday, September 30th. A Domestic Violence Awareness Vigil will be held on the steps of City Hall October 2nd at 6:30pm. Halloween will be held on October 31st from 5 to 7pm.
- Fall Begins (9/22/2023)
Fall Begins While We’re Sleeping in Greater Gardner MA
On Saturday, September 23, 2023, Fall will begin at 2:50am, Eastern Daylight Time. It is also called the Autumn Equinox.
Also happening on Saturday: The Gardner City-Wide Yard Sale with a total of 82 homes participating. Current Map and List of Addresses
No Drought in Sight – a Wet Period
From – Wet Conditions this Fall
- Parade – Performance (9/21/2023)
AUDIO of Gardner MA Centennial Parade and GHS – UMASS Performance
For our readers and listeners, we are making AUDIO available for you to listen to on any device. CLICK PLAY. If you missed it, or just want to enjoy the parade and performances again, here they are:
Centennial Parade 9-17-23 GHS – UMASS Band Performance 9-17-23
- Mariachi Delight (9/21/2023)
Mariachi Band Delights Listeners at Gardner City Hall Sept. 21, 2023
Listen to the band on any device, CLICK HERE.
Mariachi Band at City Hall 9-21-23 This was all part of the 3rd Annual Celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month organized by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. The Mariachi Band was delayed in traffic and began about 6pm. Hispanic Heritage Month information, CLICK HERE.
- Airport Master (9/21/2023)
Future of Gardner MA Municipal Airport
5 Years after Gardner became a City, the Gardner Municipal Airport was dedicated on November 17, 1928. The airport is actually located in the town of Templeton with the land owned by the City of Gardner. Over 2 dozen aircraft are based at Gardner Municipal Airport which is at an elevation of 955 feet. The current runway which is being replaced is 75 feet wide by 3000 feet long.
Listen to the 9-6-23 Gardner Airport Commission Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
The Gardner Airport Commission met just after Labor Day to discuss various matters including the Master Plan. Construction on the runway replacement began on August 14, 2023. Ongoing work includes the removal of existing pavement and basement materials, radiant excavation, electrical dust installation, and demolition and removal of designated materials. Expected completion is on November 11, 2023. The futuristic aircraft depicted is one from the airport’s future, years down the road. $5 million in Federal Funding and $500k in State Funding is being used to pay for the upgrades.
Airport Manager Isabelle Davis went over some details regarding the Master Plan. The Master Plan involves working with the FAA and there is a public participation component in which the public has an opportunity to comment on the master plan as it’s being developed. Draft chapters will be posted online for the public to review as available. First step is preliminary data collection. The FAA will assist in determining what type of aircraft currently use the Airport and help forecast a prediction of future aeronautical activity operations. Davis also went over various grants for which Gardner may be eligible to fund some airport costs, estimating 100k to 150k per year in entitlement funding and other possibilities. The last airport master plan update was in 2008. Last renovations were decades ago.
Other improvements to be considered are what’s needed for the physical facilities over the next 5 to 10 years in addition to the renovations going on now. Some members expressed concern that cell phone service was not good at the airport which makes it difficult to call 911 and the need for City water at the airport.
- Veterans Equality (9/21/2023)
Gardner MA Veterans Agent Lynette Gabrila Sworn in to Veterans Equality Review Board
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted about the event after attending with Gabrila, “Congratulations to Gardner’s Director of Veterans’ Services for being appointed and sworn in yesterday by Governor Maura Healey to the Commonwealth’s new Veterans Equality Review Board!”
Under Chapter 115, Section 53, Subsection 16: the Veterans Equality Review Board was established to ensure veterans who received a less than honorable discharge under 10 U.S.C. 654, also known as the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, or on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, may be eligible to receive state-based veteran benefits. More, including an application for Veterans from, CLICK HERE.
- Planning Board 9-19-23 (9/20/2023)
Gardner MA Planning Board votes to “not recommend” Marijuana and Sports Betting Zoning Articles
To listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Planning Board 9-19-23 The Planning Board held 2 meetings in one. A public hearing was held regarding the Final Draft of Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land. This is to comply with State and local regulations that have changed since the last update in 2005. After a presentation by Trevor Beauregard’s the new subdivision regulations were unanimously approved by the Board.
A local storage company, All Purpose Storage LLC, spoke to the Planning Board about expansion plans for its facility at 143 Colony Road in Gardner. They wish to construct 6 additional buildings to provide a total of 25,050 square feet of new storage space. A site visit is planned.
2 Zoning Articles were discussed. Increasing number of marijuana establishments and adding “Sports Betting” to Zoning Table. At first, the Board was inclined to table both until the next meeting as once again, proponent Councilor Dana Heath did not show up to provide any information. However, Trevor Beauregard suggested an alternate approach: Simply vote to “not recommend” both items and then a public hearing could be held in conjunction with the Gardner City Council within the time limit specified by law. On both the proposal to increase the number of marijuana establishments in the City and also the proposal to add “Sports Betting” to the Zoning Table of uses, the Board voted to “not recommend due to lack of information.” Chairman Mark Saffron stated that based on what will come out at the public hearing, the Planning Board can then issue a final recommendation of whether to recommend or not. Date of the joint public hearing will be announced.
- Hispanic Heritage (9/20/2023)
Hispanic Heritage Month to be Celebrated at City Hall
From Gardner City Hall – Join us and celebrate! Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 5:30pm, Gardner City Hall front steps. For the 3rd year in a row, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson will welcome all who wish to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
Last year, residents were delighted with exciting Hispanic Food Trucks, live Mariachi music (planned again for this year), and Gardner High School Senior Nelli Esquedero wrote a special poem for the event. The event was originally scheduled for last week and was rescheduled to this date.
Here’s a small taste of the Mariachi Band from last year.
- Heywood Rehab (9/19/2023)
Heywood Hospital Quickly Taking Over Rehabilitation Services After 3rd Party Issue
Heywood Hospital had to spring in to action quickly when it was notified Sunday evening September 17, 2023 that its contracted provider of Heywood Rehabilitation Services was immediately suspending services. While this affected services and patient appointments at least on Monday, September 18th, the Hospital took immediate action according to CEO Rozanna Penney to “continue the provision of these services and is looking forward to growth and operational improvements in this valuable service line. Heywood is working individually with the current rehabilitation professionals who have been working with our patients to ensure an orderly transition….Heywood has a moral and legal obligation to care for our patients, and has assumed full management of these services.”
- Gardner City-Wide (9/19/2023)
Gardner MA City-Wide Yard Sale Preparations Underway
The Gardner MA City Wide Yard Sale is Saturday, September 23, 2023. Event is rain or shine and permits have been waived. Deadline to get on the Google map is Thursday the 21st. As of Tuesday September 19th, there were 75 houses signed up.
Any questions email Facebook page. Current Map of participating homes.
Cluster of Bargains in Gardner MA
Yard Sale Map as of 8pm on September 19, 2023 shows a cluster of bargains waiting to be had in Gardner, Massachusetts. Gardner’s Julie Mazza has started a tradition of a Fall and Spring Yard Sale.
While browsing Yard Sales in the community, many shoppers enjoy eating at various Gardner establishments.
View the current map, CLICK HERE.
Coming up on September 30, 2023 is the Fall Festival in Gardner. For more information, CLICK HERE. There will be the Fabulous Fall Festival in Downtown Gardner, the Oktoberfest, and the Chair Luge.
- City Council Sept 18 (9/19/2023)
For the Council meeting agenda and packet, CLICK HERE
Mayor Michael Nicholson at Community Center Announcement October 3, 2022 Progress Towards Community Center as $550,000 loan approved by Gardner MA City Council
The Gardner City Council on September 18, 2023 approved Mayor Michael Nicholson’s request to borrow $550,000 for work at the Waterford Street School on a vote of 10 to 1. Councilor Walsh cast the lone dissenting vote objecting to the lack of a current income stream. The City is moving towards turning the school into the Gardner Community Center. However, certain repairs are needed before the building is suitable for tenants.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Other matters including a couple of pole hearings regarding the placement of poles on Park Street, various appointments, , and Upcoming Elections.
The Potato Factor
In response to an Open Meeting Law Complaint by Paul DeMeo who objected to what the Council members believe was an appropriate Executive Session to discuss leases etc. regarding Waterford, Council members voted unanimously to authorize City Council President Kazinskas to send a response.
DeMeo, who is known by some as Pauly Potato, is the admin for a Gardner Facebook group who frequently makes disparaging remarks about various public officials and has been caught up in frequent inaccuracies. Those who have a different opinion from his are often immediately removed from his group. It is unknown why DeMeo acts in this manner. Emails to DeMeo from Gardner Magazine asking about what is behind his conduct have gone unanswered. Gardner Magazine has reached out to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office to find out if there are any penalties planned against DeMeo.
For our original article including AUDIO of the announcement on October 3, 2022 and which organizations will be tenants in the building, CLICK HERE.
- Parade Held (9/17/2023)
Gardner MA Holds Centennial Parade – September 17, 2023
The Gardner Centennial Parade with 72 participants kicked off at 1pm on Sunday, September 17, 2023. The event was broadcast live on radio station WGAW which is heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and live on the internet. Master of Ceremonies was Ed Atter. MCs were Patti Bergstrom and Mike Richard who provided the voices for the broadcast. Highlights included the various floats, antique cars, and the marching bands including the UMASS Minutemen who concluded with a performance at Gardner High School at 3pm.
A recording of the WGAW Live Broadcast may be heard through the radio station home page, CLICK HERE. —– YouTube Video of Parade. —– YouTube Video of performance at GHS of GHS and UMASS Marching Bands.
Gardner was settled in 1764, was incorporated as a town in 1785. Gardner became a City on January 1, 1923 and was 100 years a City on January 1, 2023. A Centennial Committee was established and various events have been held throughout the year to celebrate Gardner’s 100 Years as a City. A winter ball is planned for December.
The parade started out with a number of Public Safety Departments and lots of sirens representing about 10 communities in the region. Patti Bergstrom estimated more than 1000 people were marching in the parade. She read a congratulatory letter from the White House and noted that a celebration flag given by the State is now at City Hall. Mike Richard gave a shout out to the Gardner High School class of 1973 which is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Parade itself was about an hour and 15 minutes long.
- Election Final (9/17/2023)
Candidates are invited to submit Press Releases to
Voters Take Note:
To vote in the primary by mail, you must apply for a mail in ballot by October 2, 2023 at or before 5 p.m.
To vote in the election by mail, you must apply for a mail in ballot by October 31, 2023 at or before 5 p.m.
To request a Vote by Mail Application, CLICK HERE.
Less than a Month Before Preliminary and Primary Election in Gardner MA
The list of certified candidates has been provided by the Gardner City Clerk’s office. The Mayor has asked the City Council to approve all Gardner Police Officers as able to serve during the election with actual staffing decisions to be made by Chief Eric McAvene. A slate of election official appointments has also been submitted for approval. This is the official slate of candidates from the City Clerk’s office, CLICK HERE
For Mayor: On October 10, 2023, Gardner voters will take to the polls. There are 3 candidates for Mayor including Kimberly Blake, Martin Gray, and current Mayor Michael Nicholson. This will be narrowed down to 2 candidates for the November election.
Councilor at Large: There are 9 candidates for Councilor at Large including Calvin Brooks, Craig Cormier, Ronald Cormier, Brad Heglin, James Hunt, Carolyn Kamuda, Elizabeth Kazinskas, Judy Mack, and George Tyros. These candidates will not be on the preliminary ballot (that would take 12 total). Voters will choose 6 in the November election.
Wards: Ward One is contested between David Munoz and James Wallgreen. Ward Two has Dana Heath running unopposed. Ward Three is contested between Jeffrey Palmieri and the current Councilor Paul Tassone. Ward Four has Karen Hardern running unopposed. Ward Five has Aleksander Dernalowicz running unopposed. Voters will choose in the November election.
School Committee: Because there are 7 candidates for School Committee, that will be narrowed down in the Preliminary election. Running are Margaret Bissonnette, Ayesha Coaxum, Rachael Cormier, Brandon Hughey, John Lafreniere, Stephen Sandoval, and Robert Swartz. Those chosen will move on to the November election.
- 104 Parker (9/16/2023)
Downtown Gardner MA Gets Another Bombaci Boost
Jon Bombaci of Candor Realty announced the progress at 104 Parker Street in Gardner. From a carefully prepared surface shown at left, to beautiful interior floors, to a special color treatment at left, and some brick work at the front, another Gardner building has received the “Bombaci Boost”
Soon the Black Dove Studio will be another tenant at the location and stated, “What I’m bringing to the city is different and I definitely want to change the art scene in the future. I have a background in sales and marketing, and I worked at an art gallery in Las Vegas so I’m so excited to get going and bring something different to the table…”
Jon Bombaci posted, “Big thanks to the City of Gardner and Michael J. Nicholson for welcoming us 18 months ago when we first came to the city.”
- City Council 9-18-23 (9/16/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Meeting of September 18, 2023
The Gardner City Council – various items including Telephone Poles, appointments, another Open Meeting Law complaint by Pauly Potato, a suggested amendment to the City Charter by Councilor Jim Boone, an item on Gardner’s Disaster Response, Wage Protection, and various actions regarding the Preliminary and Primary Elections. When the meeting is held, listen to the AUDIO here on any device.
Note: The Waterford Street School request is $600k vs the previous $550k in this agenda. UPDATE: Agenda was amended to reflect the original amount.
Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. Amended Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
- 20 20 Vision (9/16/2023)
Editorial – Cosmic Significance of 20th Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson and his very clear 20/20 Vision for the Chair City
Crisis Vision: As a Mayor in his 20’s, Michael Nicholson was at the top of the decision chain regarding many of the tough issues of 2020 including protecting citizens during the pandemic and the highly-praised vaccine roll out. He has supported advances in Public Safety including upgraded equipment and technology, a K-9 unit, and a change to a more effective management style.
People Vision: Working with the Gardner Team, Mayor Nicholson’s 20/20 vision with “people issues” is worth mentioning. Gardner has an effective Prevention Coordinator. Gardner has a Domestic Violence Coordinator. Gardner Public Schools are now “Tier 1” instead of “Tier 3” . 1/3 of the graduating class of 2023 also had college Associate Degrees. He also has involvement in, interest in, or has assisted many more than 20 non-profits, directly helping people of the Chair City.
Business Vision: Working with the Gardner Team, Mayor Nicholson’s 20/20 vision has extended to providing a more welcoming environment to business and industry. The number of new businesses coming to Gardner and the improving look of Downtown is evidence. A number of tools have been put in place to make it easier to open a Gardner business.
Project Vision: Working with the Gardner Team, Mayor Nicholson’s 20/20 vision has impacted various projects, often juggling more than 20 projects at any one time. Aggressive pursuit of grants has resulted in more improvement to Gardner’s infrastructure than has occurred in previous years. (Tens of millions in Grants during the Mayor’s time in office) More attention has been paid to roads with more miles paved in the last couple of years than at least the late 1990s. Water, sewer, technology, and even sidewalks have been impacted.
Contact Vision: Mayor Nicholson has made it a practice to cultivate valuable relationships with other officials in local, state, and the Federal government, resulting in a few visits to the White House in Washington, D.C. of all places. On a number of occasions, State officials including the Governor have come to Gardner to make announcements regarding Gardner and other communities. He has helped put Gardner ‘on the map.”.
Fiscal Vision: Working with the Gardner Team, Mayor Nicholson has cleaned up the books. For example, loan orders dating back many, many years which should have been rescinded were taken care of by the City Council’s approval of the Mayor’s request. Budget increases have been lower in percentage than similar size Cities despite financial pressures of inflation. Most notably, Gardner has had a perfect Federal Audit for 3 years in a row which has never happened before. Many things have gone electronic to save paper and improve efficiency.
Ordinance Vision: Working with a City Councilor, Mayor Nicholson put forth an ordinance which allows the City to more quickly and effectively deal with blighted buildings. No longer will unsightly buildings in Downtown or other sections of the City hold Gardner back from success. Other ordinances have been responsibly reviewed for needed changes, proposed, and implemented.
Education Vision: Working with the Gardner Education Team including highly acclaimed Superintendent Mark Pellegrino, Mayor Nicholson aided in unprecedented support for student meals, the music programs, technology, educational programs, and more on a long list. Increasingly, Gardner is being sought out by other districts who ask, “How are you accomplishing this?”
- Mayor’s Update 9-15-23 (9/15/2023)
A Proud Moment for Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson in advance of Centennial Parade
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update September 15, 2023 Gardner as Good Regional Citizen: Mayor Nicholson detailed efforts to support the city of Leominster which experienced unprecedented challenges due to flood this week. Gardner was in contact contact with that City’s Mayor. Nicholson detailed some of the Gardner damage and thanked Gardner Dispatchers and the Gardner Fire Department “For all the work that they did during that storm to help those that did have issues and called with flooding in their basements and roofs leaking and things of that nature” .
Gardner Support of Non-Profits: The Mayor congratulated Care Central VNA on their fundraiser ‘I wanna thank them for their commitment to our residents here….they’ve really continuously stepped up to the plate.” “The Gardner ARC is a nonprofit based in the city that host social events for those who have developmental disabilities.”
Gardner Support of Open Space and Parks: “There will be an official ribbon cutting for the Baiey Brook Park pickleball courts….as well as Park Street Park this coming Tuesday at 1pm. Within the next month, DPW will start to begin work on new Disc Golf Course and Frisbee golf course at Bailey Brook Park.
Gardner Support of Yard Sales: Permit requirement waved for City-wide Yard Sale on Saturday September 23rd.
Gardner Support of Gold Star Famiies. Mayor Nicholson stated, “The city is working together to put an event on to thank our Gold Star families for their sacrifice of their loved ones here in Gardner. And we are working on some, announcements that will come later related to that.
Hispanic Heritage Night moved to next Thursday, September 21st (there had been a scheduling conflict) Real Mariachi Band will be there
Support of Voting Process – City Clerk reminds deadlines are approaching to register for preliminary election and primary on October 10th.
DETAILS ON THE PARADE – Mayor Nicholson gave details of the Sunday September 17, 2023 parade at 1pm including 70 acts, the parade route, Best places to view is Central Street and Parker Street. The Mayor thanked all local media for helping to promote the parade. Here’s the official program, CLICK HERE.
- Public Safety 9-14-23 (9/14/2023)
Gardner Public Safety Committee stars the Councilors and the Department Heads – Complete Details!
The Gardner Public Safety Committee heard from Police Chief Eric McAvene, Building Commissioner Tom Zuppa, and Health Director Micah Bondeau. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Public Safety 9-14-23 Police Department – Website
Chief Eric McAvene spoke about staffing levels, parade preparation, the Junior Police Academy, use of drones, School Resource officer, a $100,000 911 reimbursement grant to help replace servers, Animal Control, Building maintenance issues, and very few issues with cannabis establishments.
Building Department – Website
Tom Zuppa spoke about staffing levels, City Hall building and auditorium updates and renovations, rearranging the offices at the Building Department for improved staff safety, Capital Improvements City Hall and Annex, various issues with School Buildings both former and current he is addressing, safety issues at the new Gardner Elementary School, and the need for a vehicle replacement.
Health Department –Website
Director of Public Health Micah Bondeau spoke about drug abuse prevention efforts, various quotes for pumps, vaccine clinics being discussed, housing and nuisance complaints, immigrant families, and issues at the Dog Park.
- Parade Details (9/13/2023)
Logistics: Centennial Parade for Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 1pm.
Parade Coverage: WGAW Radio has announced plans to broadcast the entire parade live featuring MC’s Patti Bergstrom and Mike Richard. (AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and Live Stream OFFICIAL PARADE PROGRAM, CLICK HERE – pdf —- OFFICIAL PARADE PROGRAM, JPEG IMAGE, CLICK HERE Various floats, participating businesses, Antique cars, and Marching Bands are expected. – Notable Participants include: Public Safety vehicles from Gardner PD and Gardner Fire, Grand Marshal Ed Atter and others in antique cars, 50 marchers from Holy Family Academy, Gardner Boy Scouts Troop 4, a GAAMHA fall theme float, Horse-drawn hearse from Boucher, Gardner Relay for Life with float and dozens of marchers, Gardner DPW Little Big Chair, SK Pierce with mansion theme, TTT Family Farm Horse drawn carriage with princesses Cinderella and Belle. Marching Bands: Gardner High School Wildcat Marching Band, Oakmont Regional Marching Spartans, Ancient Mariners Fife and Drum Corps, Aleppo Shriners and Clowns, Hispanic Community of Gardner, Great American Marching Band, UMASS Minutemen Marching Band. Parade is scheduled to begin at 1pm. OFFICIAL PARADE PROGRAM, CLICK HERE – pdf —- OFFICIAL PARADE PROGRAM, JPEG IMAGE, CLICK HERE
More Details have been released regarding the logistics of the upcoming Gardner MA Centennial Parade for Sunday, September 17, 2023. Complete Press Release from Mayor Michael Nicholson, CLICK HERE. —- Complete Map in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Route Preparation – Trimming: DPW has weed-wacked and trimmed growth along the parade route. The City reports that the Department of Public Works utilized a mixture of white vinegar and dish detergent as a weed killer due to MassDEP regulations and then came back and cut the remnants.
Parking: The Press Release details the “No Parking” areas. Public parking is allowed at the Gardner Veterans Skating Rink on Veterans Drive, Park Street Park, and the municipal lots on Knowlton Street, Nichols Street, and Connors Street. West Street Parking lot will not be available as its only entrance is on the parade route.
Divisions: The 7 Divisions of the parade with a total of 70 participants are staging at different locations prior to parade start. Elm Street is closed to traffic at 11:30am, other streets on parade route close at 12:30pm
Security; All 30 Gardner Police Officers and the Chief and Deputy Chief have been called into duty and will be spread throughout the parade route. Additional support has been secured from the Massachusetts State Police. Officers will be on foot patrol, bicycles, and unmarked throughout the route as well as in cruisers at certain intersections. The K-9 and Drone units will also be in operation at the event.
Food: Six Food Trucks will be at the event, located on Cottage Street behind the Monument Park bandstand, former Bank of America parking on on Parker Street, and the GFA Federal Credit Union parking lot on Parker Street. Port-o-Potties: 1 additional at Monument Park in addition to the 2 already there and 1 in the West Street Parking lot. Additional at performer setup and breakdown locations.
Show After Parade: Following the parade’s completion, our police department motorcycle unit (2 bikes) and 2 cruisers will escort the 8 busses of the UMass Band and the 1 bus of the GHS band from Waterford Street School to Gardner High School. The show is scheduled to start at 3pm, but is flexible depending on the parade time. The GHS Band will perform their show, The Music of Stevie Wonder, followed by the UMass Marching Band. There will be a brief presentation between acts. Free food (burgers and hot dogs) will be provided at the newly completed concession stand by the Montachusett Suicide Prevention Taskforce. Free ice cream products will also be provided by Fidelity Bank.
- Boudreau 9-13-23 (9/13/2023)
Hubbardston MA Happenings with Nathan Boudreau – September 13, 2023
We spoke with Hubbardston Town Administrator Nate Boudreau about various Hubbardston issues. The Downtown is in the middle of a major improvement project expected to be completed by June of 2024. We also spoke of other happenings in the town.
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Work has begun on the Fiscal 2025 Capital Budget and Boudreau asked for citizen input as well as the usual department heads, town boards, and committees —- There is a Structural Deficit Working Group assembled to study Hubbardston’s finances going forward with meetings starting next week. We spoke of the town’s plans in dealing with emergencies and other staffing issues.
- Cultural Deadline (9/13/2023)
Gardner MA Cultural Council is Seeking Funding Proposals
This year, the Gardner Cultural Council will distribute about $28,000 in grants. It is accepting proposals for community-oriented arts, humanities, and science programs until the deadline of October 17, 2023. Organizations, schools, and individuals are eligible to apply for grants that support cultural activities in the community.
Jessica DeRoy wrote, “These grants can support a variety of artistic projects and activities in Gardner — including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artist residencies, or performances in schools, workshops, and lectures.”
The Gardner Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all cities and towns in the State of MA. The State legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Mass Cultural Council which in turn allocates funding to each local council.. For local guidelines and complete information, contact Jessica DeRoy via phone at (978) 630-4074 or via email at
- Portrait Truth (9/12/2023)
When It Comes to Discretionary Spending, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson is Careful with the Taxpayers’ Money.
So how much did the Mayor spend on his portrait after he took office? A total of $350. That included a session fee of $150 and 36 edited high resolution digital images for $200. Total cost: $350. Why are we bringing this to your attention? Because one of the Mayor’s opponents, Kimberly Blake has made a number of egregious false statements on Social Media and elsewhere. She stated the Mayor did only photo ops for Alzheimer’s so we showed his decade-long record of service and that his interest grew out of of love for his grandfather who had the disease. She stated the Mayor didn’t care for the homeless so we showed his efforts there. She stated he didn’t care for the food insecure, so we showed him actually loading food at the CAC Food Bank. This time, Kimberly Blake falsely stated that the Mayor spent thousands on a portrait. Not true. He spent a total of $350 and we’re going to show you the actual invoice and payment voucher to prove it. Publisher’s Note: Disagreeing on issues is one thing, but shame on Kimberly Blake for consistent false statements. Is the Mayor perfect? No. But who is? Look at the last 3 years and all the progress on almost every single issue people care about and the objective score would be a high A.
- Rapid Response (9/11/2023)
In the overnight period of Monday, September 11, 2023 and Tuesday, September 12, 2023 the various departments in Gardner are all actively assessing the situation in the community and prioritizing tasks. It is part of the coordinated Rapid Response of Gardner MA. Listen to this short statement from Mayor Nicholson on 9-11-23:
Flash Flooding – Mayor Nicholson – 9-11-23 Gardner MA Is Coordinated for Rapid Response
Gardner Police, Gardner Fire, Gardner DPW, the Mayor’s Office, the School Department, and Emergency Management – all are part of a highly coordinated setup designed to offer rapid response in the event of emergencies. This proactive effort is so critical when there are unanticipated events like the Flash Flooding of September 11, 2023.
Each area has been bettered over the last few years by training and education, equipment upgrades, and infrastructure upgrades. A recent $200,000 fiber grant will assist coordination through technology. Investments have been made in the Police Department in the last decade including a new headquarters. The Fire Department is awaiting new trucks and upgraded equipment and a renovated structure has been identified as needed. While a formal salary study is still underway for Gardner in general, members of the Gardner City Council recently responded positively to a letter from DPW Director Dane Arnold documenting the need to increase the pay offered to attract badly needed staff. The School Department has been upgrading its protocols including building locks and proactively does Active Shooter Drills. The new Gardner Elementary School has specially built-in safety features. Emergency Management has been on top of ensuring Gardner has the most effective communications in the event of an emergency.
All of these efforts have been discussed transparently, revealed publicly, and supplemented by information in Press Releases by the Mayor, City Council Packets, and School Committee packets. Further information is available on the City of Gardner website.
- Flash Flood 9-11-23 (9/11/2023)
SERIOUS SITUATION: Flash Flood Warning Extended to 11pm
9-11-23 6:30pm Flash Flood Warnings have been issued for the Greater Gardner area.
There are reports of flooding on Route 2. There are reports that the Leominster Hospital exit is flooded. Numerous posted photos show cars stuck and under water. Flash Flood Warnings have been issued along the southern New Hampshire border past Greenfield and including Nashua NH and Londonderry. THIS IS A LIFE-THREATENING SITUATION.
Flash Flood Warnings have been issued for the entire Greater Gardner area. Please be careful.
A statement from Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nicholson re Flash Flood 9-11-23 Claude Vautour just sent us this photo of Pulaski Park in Gardner. Very much flooded. Gardner Police Dispatch tells us that Clark Street should be avoided due to flooding. There is flooding throughout the City, even a small sinkhole near the library. Note: This is a life-threatening situation. DO NOT GO OUT in the flooding.
Flash Flood 9-11-23
- 9-11 – 22 years (9/10/2023)
22 years later – 9/11 Remembered in Greater Gardner MA
September 11, 2001: Both the South and North Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were destroyed by terrorist planes. The Pentagon was hit and damaged. A 4th plane crashed in Pennsylvania due to brave passengers. Total immediate loss of life was over 3 thousand with many later deaths from health conditions related to debris from the fallen buildings. First responders are credited with saving thousands of lives and many hundreds of public safety personnel perished on that day and later.
Resources for more information: Wikipedia —- —- 911Memorial —- Britannica.
Recent National Geographic Video on YouTube
Pentagon Attack from Dept. of Defense – Video
We will never forget those who perished or were injured. We will never forget all of those affected including their families. We will never forget the unselfish sacrifice of first responders on one of the worst days in American history.
- Issues Poll (9/10/2023)
To view each chart better, simply click on the image for a larger view.
Poll was conducted 9-9-23 to 9-10-23 utilizing 2 Gardner Facebook Groups. All of the options in the Poll were created by group members, not us. We published results when the poll began to get very few additional votes.
Simple Gardner MA Poll “What Gardner Issues are most important to you?
“Simple Poll: What Gardner Issues are most important to you?: Please add your own options as you see fit. I want more accurate results. I’m simply putting in the word “Ignore” as a topic because you need at least one when you add a poll.” Once someone added another option, I deleted “ignore.” Therefore, every option on both sites was added by a group member of their own volition.
Each poll yielded different results. Notable on both were the issues of Water and Roads.
Poll: Gardner, Ma – #1 What’s Going on
Water/Heating Coil Issues and Water Quality was top item at a total of 24%, Road Conditions 18%, Affordable Housing 17%, Taxes 7%, and Using/Repair of abandoned buildings 7%
Poll: Gardner MA: Uncensored
Transparency on how tax dollars are spent: 29%, New businesses coming to Gardner: 27%, Quality Tap water 18%, Safe Schools 10%, and Road Infrastructure Improvements 7%. We left in one category: “Mayor and New Administration” even though it came in at 0% with 1 vote. Reason: It’s significant nearly all members did not see current Mayor as an issue, reasonable assumption is overwhelmingly support for current Mayor Michael Nicholson.
- Gabrilla Barbie (9/10/2023)
In the spirit of the movie, we show a real photo and AI version showing Veteran’s Agent Gabrilla and Mayor Nicholson as a Barbie and Ken.
Private Barbie Showing Held for Vets
On September 6, 2023, 100 Years of Health Care for Women Veterans had a private movie showing of the Barbie movie at Gardner Cinemas. Gardner Mayor Nicholson is shown in attendance with the City’s Veteran’s Agent Lynette Gabrilla at the event and thanked the VA of Central and Western Massachusetts for hosting the event.
- Airport Underway (9/9/2023)
With New Airport Master Plan in the Works, Gardner Airport Runway Renovations Begin
For the first time in more than 50 years, the Gardner Airport is getting a major makeover. Runway is getting a complete reconstruction. The main building will get substantial renovations. For the future, an Airport Master Plan will be created. With a relatively small amount of local funding, there is $5 million in Federal Funding and $500,000 in State funding.
Per the Press Release, “In December of 2021, Mayor Nicholson put forward a proposal that was unanimously approved by the City Council to create an Airport Manager position in order to make sure that the operations performed at the Gardner Municipal Airport were being done in the most efficient and effective way possible. Isabelle Davis was hired to fill this role and working with the City’s Airport Commission, has overseen this project at the facility.”
View the entire Press Release in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
- Explaining Confusion (9/8/2023)
Editorial – Clarity Needed for Future
With the recent debate over Route 140 Zoning on 2 parcels, there is some ambiguity left as to other parcels. We suggest a careful inspection of every parcel as to “Open Space” protection . For example, we just pulled up this map from the City of Gardner database. The purple line is around the water protection area. You’ll notice some areas not within the line are claimed to be protected. That may very well be why the original proposal was made with the honest belief the land could be used as commercial even though others thought differently. Solution now is update official records accurately after researching data. Review all parcels in City as to intended use and document for benefit of future generations.
The Mayor is right. Councilor Dana Heath and other Councilors are right. Gardner needs more business to help lower taxes for its residents. It needs to make the best use of its existing buildings. The current Mayor has helped to bring in business and get blighted properties back on the tax rolls. And the citizens are right. Land needs to be examined and used for the highest, best use. In some cases, that would be a new commercial business. In other cases, that may be nothing but open space with a view to the sky. We are so fortunate the City of Gardner has room for both visions.
Who owns What in Route 140 area? (Near Winchendon line) – City owns 653 acres – GAAMHA Inc. owns 115 acres – Private Homes are marked as HOME and small parcels of vacant land are marked as LAND. The online Map database can be explored. CLICK HERE.
- 3 Tons Food (9/8/2023)
Once again Gardner CAC is equipped to make a difference in Greater Gardner MA
Volunteers loaded up the truck at the Worcester County Food Bank and volunteers unloaded it at the Gardner CAC on September 8, 2023. Food will be distributed through the food pantry at the Gardner CAC. Theresa Thompson posted, “I wanted to take this time to thank the two amazing human beings who helped me today to pull and load over 6,000 lbs. of food at the Worcester County Food Bank! Christopher Wheeler and John Burns were my true hero’s! Thank you also to the small group of wonderful people that showed up at the Gardner CAC to help us unload it all.”
Thompson also included this quote, “Never Doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
For more about the Gardner CAC, visit their website, CLICK HERE. Note that every $1 donated gets the CAC $5 in food from the food bank, Here’s the secure donate link, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 9-8-23 (9/8/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on 9-8-23
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY
Mayor’s Update 9-8-23 The Mayor met with representatives from Unitil and National Grid – Rate increases are expected. —-Some work at Waterford Street School continues. City working with the Commonwealth to remove the Article 97 restrictions. —- 3rd Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration including a real Mariachi Band taking place Thursday, September 14th 5:30pm on the front steps of Gardner City Hall —- Reminder of Upcoming Preliminary Election on October 10th. Mail-in balloting will be available. —– Video and written material is available regarding Charter Changes —-City Centennial Parade Sunday September 17, 2023
- Wardrobe September (9/7/2023)
Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store Back Again in Gardner MA
The Wildcat Wardrobe Free Thrift Store is Friday, September 22, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30pm. It will be held in the Gardner Middle School Cafeteria. UPDATE 9-14-23: Event has been moved to the upstairs library of Gardner Middle School.
FREE clothes for all ages, sizes, and styles. FREE hygiene kits and FREE school supplies.
The event is sponsored in part by Heywood Healthcare school based services in conjunction with Gardner Public Schools.
There was a similar event back in April which drew over 200 attendees.
All items are absolutely FREE!
- Festival 2023 (9/7/2023)
Gardner MA Downtown Festival Coming up on Saturday September 30, 2023
This year, the Fabulous Fall Festival, Gardner Festival Committee’s Oktoberfest, and Gardner Chair Luge are combined into one big Downtown Festival. The Downtown Festival starts at 10am in Downtown and goes right to 8pm with music and more near the Gardner Ale House.
Downtown Vendor Information, CLICK HERE. (deadline to register is September 23rd) —- Gardner Square Two event information, CLICK HERE —- Gardner Ale House Oktoberfest page, CLICK HERE
Downtown Gardner will be transformed into a giant pedestrian shopping and entertainment zone. Merchandise will be displayed by downtown merchants and outside vendors. Non-profit agencies will be on hand. Food Trucks will have delicious offerings. Entertainment includes games, music, inflatable jumping structures, and costumed characters. There will be a German Beer Garden at the Gardner Ale House from 11am to 8pm and a German folk band, Hofbrahaus Bavarians will be performing. The Gardner Chair Luge will be at 2pm.
- Schools September (9/7/2023)
Gardner MA School Committee Meeting Monday September 11, 2023
The meeting packet contains a large amount of information regarding the upcoming School Year, CLICK HERE.
Academic Excellence
Gardner Public Schools is way ahead of the curve on academic excellence including Early College programs. Early College Academy: 64 students, Pathways Early College Experience: 29, and Gateway to College: 95. An Intro to Auto Technology course currently has 12 of the 15 seats full. Details, CLICK HERE.
In addition to the Early College programs, Gardner High School will be offering 4 dual credit courses on the GHS campus to include English 101 and 102 through MWCC and Principles of Marketing and Principles of Management through Fitchburg State University.
1/3 of the Gardner High School graduating class of 2023 also graduated with a College Associates Degree. A number of districts within Massachusetts and beyond have sought out Gardner to find out how Gardner is achieving its level of excellence. Earlier this year, it was announced that Gardner is now a Tier 1 School. Online reports even when titled as if data is recent still do not reflect the stellar performance of Gardner Public Schools.
Grant Approval
School Committee is being asked to approve some Grants obtained by Courtney Dunn, the Grants Guru at GPS. Just under 900k for Title 1 Program involving an early literacy program and professional development —- Just under 900k to ensure students with disabilities receive education and services that protect their rights and prepare them for the future. Complete list of grants, CLICK HERE.
Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar, CLICK HERE
- Levi – September (9/6/2023)
Levi Heywood Memorial Library says, “Storytime is Back and better than ever!”
The library located on West Lynde Street in Gardner is once again telling residents what it has to offer.
Storytime back starting September 12th and all sorts of activities scheduled during the Fall.
There’s so much going on for people of every age. Best thing to do is visit their website and take it all in. CLICK HERE.
Did you know there’s even a new app for IOS and Android?
The website was freshly updated on September 5, 2023. Check it out!
- Proposal Withdrawn (9/6/2023)
For the article on the entire Gardner City Council meeting of 9-5-23 scroll down the page, or CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA City Councilor Dana Heath withdraws proposal to change zoning on the 2 Route 140 parcels
Dana Heath withdrew his proposal to change the zoning classification to commercial following an opinion by City Solicitor John Flick who stated the land was protected under Article 97. Listen to exactly what Councilor Heath said on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Councilor Heath Parcel Withdrawal 9-5-23 Note that the protection applies no matter what the zoning classification is, so as Flick put it, changing to commercial would be “an academic exercise”. Any sale of the land for purposes other than for use as open space would have considerable roadblocks as the classification would have to be challenged. Change in use of property in Massachusetts requires a 2/3 vote of the City Council and a 2/3 vote of each house of the legislature. The City may decide for clarity purposes to designate those parcels and others in that area as open space so the issue does not come up again and so that citizens are satisfied that the land is permanently protected. Gardner Magazine will keep you informed.
Getting the Facts Straight
While public outcry over the zoning change came about because of a Racetrack concept unveiled by Baystate Racing LLC, a headline in another local publication was factually wrong. They stated, “Thoroughbred horse racing proposal withdrawn by City Council, here’s why the plan is dead.” There was no racing plan before the council, simply a proposal to change zoning from residential to commercial. If that had gone through after review by the Planning Board, public hearing, and approval by the City Council, a request for proposal would be drawn up by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Then, and only then, Bay State Racing and other interested parties could submit proposals to purchase the property. Only one City Councilor (who is not running for reelection) even attended the Bay State Racing info session where 15 people showed up. Fact: Mayor Nicholson publicly stated that he would not attend as he would be involved in reviewing any proposals and felt it might be a conflict. (We have reached out to the editor of the other publication just in case the error was an unintentional oversight. The publication has since corrected their error. We hope they will extend the same courtesy to us when we screw up.) And by the way, we are not perfect either. Report any errors to and we will respond with gratitude.
Future of Bay State Racing LLC in Gardner?
Gardner Magazine has reached out for comment. At this time, we don’t know if Bay State Racing LLC plans to check out the possibility of utilizing any other available parcels for their Racing concept. We’ll let you know when we have actual facts to report. Mary Kate Feeney of Bay State Racing LLC gave us this statement via email: “After discovering a document in the archives from a 1937 Gardner Town (sic) Meeting, the City Solicitor has determined the land we were considering for our project is likely protected by Article 97 owing to the use of water funds to purchase it. We have stated from the beginning that we want to be good neighbors and our proposal is in the very early stages. We respect the decision of the Solicitor. We look forward to continuing our discussion with community leaders on how we can partner with the City of Gardner in the future.”
- Park Seating (9/6/2023)
- Charter Changes (9/6/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Explains Charter Changes
The City Council recently approved changes to the City Charter and is putting the issue before the citizens of Gardner as a non-binding ballot question on November 7, 2023. Mayor Nicholson prepared a video in which he explains what the changes would mean. To watch Video CLICK HERE. If you would prefer to listen to the explanation on any device, CLICK PLAY
Mayor Explains Proposed Charter Changes The original City Charter was approved prior to Gardner becoming a City in 1923 and has been amended 5 or 6 times since then. A Charter Drafting Committee was appointed and met regarding changes before providing a final recommendation to the City Council. Mayor Nicholson has promised that if voters say NO, he will veto charter changes if City Council does not abide by wishes of the voters and passes anyway.
For more written information from The City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
Highlights of Proposed Charter Changes Entire Document is gender neutral per requirements of Massachusetts State Law. Primary election will be held 8 weeks before the general election to allow for more time for a number of reasons. Changes give the City more flexibility in how legal items are posted which will save City money and reach more citizens with the information. Special elections to fill a mayoral vacancy could be held at a normal election time instead of having a separate election and separate costs. Acting Mayor would get 75% of Mayor’s pay. Previously had to serve without pay. Some sections to be removed if conflicting with State law. Example: Contracts over $1000 need signature of Mayor – causes problems with vendors. State law says it has to be $10,000. - Television Viewing (9/5/2023)
Streaming TV at a new record – options for Greater Gardner MA
Nielsen measures television viewing. By July 2023, Nielsen reports the following share of viewing: Broadcast TV 20 percent, Cable TV 29.6%, Streaming 38.7%, and Other Sources such as unmeasured video on demand, audio streaming, gaming, and devices such as DVD and Blu-Ray players at a total of 11.6% Note: Nielsen states that live tv apps such as Hulu Live and YouTube TV are not included in the Streaming numbers. Complete Nielsen info, CLICK HERE.
A typical household in Greater Gardner has a need or desire for some sort of internet service, some sort of TV programming, and cellular phone service. So what are your friends and neighbors doing? Some bundle all of it with their cable company such as Comcast. Savings are usually greatest for a new customer and go back to higher rates after a period of time. Other people have separate internet with either cable, 5g service through a cell phone company, satellite, or dsl. Streaming television is easy through either a Smart TV or a streaming player where traditional cable channels can often be had for less money and many services such as Tubi, Pluto TV and the Roku channel are completely free. Consumer Cellular and other similar companies offer cellular phone service on traditional networks, but for less money.
- SK Mansion Featured (9/4/2023)
S.K. Pierce Haunted Mansion in Gardner MA featured in Yankee
The S.K. Pierce Haunted Victorian Mansion of Gardner MA is featured in the September/October 2023 edition of Yankee Magazine. It is highlighted first in an article about 3 different houses entitled, “Ghost Story” and “how the stately Victorian mansion became the blueprint for haunted houses.” Gardner Magazine found out about this from an online posting by the Mayor of Gardner, Michael Nicholson who frequently posts about businesses, people, and organizations in Gardner.
Article starts on page 26. View an electronic version of the Yankee Magazine here:
The S.K. Pierce Haunted Victorian Mansion has a website, CLICK HERE
- Marijuana Deadly (9/4/2023)
The Gardner City Council has before it a measure which would increase the number of allowed marijuana establishments in Gardner. Benefits to Gardner would include increased tax revenue from the added establishments. However, approval would almost certainly result in harm to the public health, considering the studies profiled by respected which we have quoted here.
So there is no doubt: Here’s the official U.S. Government source listing the dangers of marijuana: CLICK HERE.
Need more proof? From the National Institute of Drug Abuse: CLICK HERE.
Need even more proof of the dangers. This is from Web MD: CLICK HERE
A reader shared this link to an article in the Worcester Business Journal – CLICK HERE.
Teens Losing IQ Points —- Florida Deaths from Cannabis —- Marijuana Overdose Fatalities —- Legalization, more opioid deaths —- From the CDC
Recent Studies May Affect City Council Vote on Increasing Number of Marijuana Establishments in the Chair City of Gardner MA
Before the truth was known, television, radio, and magazine ads touted the health benefits of cigarettes. Similarly, marijuana has been touted a a benign drug. Turns out studies show this is a lie too. According to, the number of adults using marijuana has doubled to 40 million in the last 10 years.(about 1 in 8 members of the U.S. population) Partly because of the increased potency in the current drug, its use has become increasingly dangerous and “can be a death sentence in pregnant users” The article lays bare the health effects of weed and why expanding the number of marijuana establishments in Gardner would be foolish and dangerous to public health. CLICK HERE. Information is confirmed by 3 other sources. See left column.
Aside from the very real benefits to cancer patients and MS patients, marijuana has been proven extremely dangerous.
The List of Proven Marijuana Dangers Marijuana is behind 3 in 10 schizophrenia cases Chronic use quadruples risk of bipolar disorder Regular use disrupts balance of neurotransmitters which regulate mood and motivation High-potency marijuana vapes have been causing psychotic breaks, suicidal thoughts, and deaths by suicide Those with depression who use it for calming abilities often get opposite effect. Research shows over 20 percent of users become addicted Marijuana users have double the rate of insomnia Pregnant users have 70 percent higher risk of having baby with major birth defects and 15% increased risk of stillbirth, and 85% higher risk of premature birth. Marijuana use contributes to coronary artery disease because it causes heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. Also increases risk of clots. Three quarters of marijuana smokers get emphysema which is worse than the 2/3 of tobacco users who get the disease. Only 5% of non-smokers get emphysema. Teens who smoke marijuana heavily lose IQ points – literally becoming dumber. And those who quit as adults don’t get all their smarts back. Read more. Publisher’s note: There are contrary studies out there presumably funded by the industry which tout the safety of marijuana. There are even those who propose the legalization of all drugs. But as the battle against drug overdose deaths continues locally, the dangers of any drug must be taken seriously. Addiction is a lifelong illness. Help is available. GAAMHA is an excellent local resource. —- The Gardner Community Action Team can also help, CLICK HERE.
- City Council 9-5-23 (9/3/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Regular Meeting 7:30pm on Tuesday September 5, 2023
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
City Council 9-5-23 Items on the Agenda Various Appointments by the Mayor – approved National Grid and Verizon Pole Petitions for Park Street project – Withdrawn at utility request Waterford Street School order to borrow $550,000 – to be given more time Communication re Open Space and Recreation Plan – Endorse by City Council Zoning: Increase # of Marijuana Establishments – Granted more time as item is before Planning Board Zoning: Route 140 Land Parcels to Commercial – Withdrawn by Councilor Dana Heath and referred to Law Department for further options Zoning; Add Sports Betting to Table of Uses – Granted more time as item is before Planning Board In an interview conducted around 5pm on September 1, 2023, Councilor Dana Heath confirmed he would be moving to withdraw the Route 140 Land Parcels item, but would be moving forward with the Marijuana Retail Establishments and Sports Betting items. See other article regarding City Solicitor opinion. See other article regarding Withdrawal of Land Parcels item
- D.I.F. (9/3/2023)
Informal City Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 Covers District Increment Financing
The districts involved include the Downtown Development District of 142.07 acres and the Mill Street Development district of 56.88 acres. The entire City of Gardner has 14,145 acres of land.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Informal City Council 9-5-23 The financing method allows some or all of future property tax revenues from development to be dedicated to support infrastructure, projects, and programs related to economic development. Once DIF expires, all revenues go to general fund. In the proposed plan, the timeline of the DIF Management Plan would be 30 years with a DIF advisory committee made up of the Economic Development Coordinator, Director of Community Development and Planning, Gardner Assessor, a representative from DPW, and the Gardner treasurer or auditor. Important note: It is not a new tax, simply an allocation of existing property taxes. The packet included in the agenda for the meeting includes the DIF presentation and explanation. CLICK HERE.
- Help Karen (9/3/2023)
Gardner Woman Holding Yard Sale to Support Kidney Transplant
Karen A. Rocheleau of 864 Timpany Boulevard in Gardner is getting a donation of a kidney from her husband. It’s a costly operation and she’s having a yard sale where all proceeds are going towards her kidney transplant. Yard sale is Sunday September 3, 2023 until 3pm
If you’d like to support Karen, stop down to her yard sale and maybe give her $10 for a $1 item if you know what I mean. Or send a check to Karen A. Rocheleau, 864 Timpany Boulevad, Gardner MA 01440
Gardner Magazine wishes Karen, her husband, and her family best wishes during this challenging time.
- Big Picture (9/1/2023)
Happy Labor Day to all who work on behalf of their communities or their families. Many work very hard under the radar, while we benefit from their labors. On Labor Day, we hope you take a few minutes to relax a bit and crack a smile.
Editorial: Understanding the Big Picture on Occasion of Labor Day
To the Mayor of Gardner, Michael Nicholson who is constantly pushing ahead for the benefit of Gardner and has the courage to proceed knowing some ideas may fail. To the businesses who put in the work to become successful in the Chair City. To the masters of local industry who have put Gardner on the map. To members of the Gardner Team such as the DPW workers who worked overtime this summer to keep the grass mowed. To the Moms and Dads who provide for their families. To the volunteers out there who receive no compensation for their efforts. To Police and Fire for keeping us safe. To healthcare workers for keeping us well. To those with the courage to try, as positive impact to the community comes from those who care enough to make the effort in spite of criticism and who realize that the price of great success is a few failures along the way. Happy Labor Day, Monday, September 4, 2023.
Gardner is succeeding because of hard work in being transparent with citizens such as availability of documents, meetings, and weekly updates. Gardner is succeeding because of hard work to get noticed by those who can benefit the City whether at the State or Federal level. Gardner is succeeding because even its leaders are willing to help others via work with non-profits. This is the Big Picture of hard work in Gardner. A day off for Labor Day is well deserved. Thank you all. You are appreciated!
- Parcels Protected (9/1/2023)
John Flick wrote, “If the Council desires to seek a change in use of these Parcels, then the Law Department recommends that the Council reconsider its referral of the zoning petition to the Planning Board and commence with a PLPA change in use analysis. This will allow the Council to determine the likelihood that a change in use may be approved, and the potential cost to the City of obtaining a change in use. Without this knowledge, any consideration of a change in zoning is simply an academic exercise.”
In consideration of the City Solicitor’s opinion, and after further conversations with him, Councilor Dana Heath will be moving to withdraw the matter at the City Council meeting of Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Dana Heath confirmed to Gardner Magazine at 5pm on September 1, 2023 that he will move to withdraw the petition to change the zoning of the Route 140 parcels. He also stated that he will continue with proposed changes to add to the number of allowed marijuana establishments and to add Sports Betting to the Zoning Table of Uses.
Complete Packets for upcoming Tuesday, September 5, 2023 City Council meetings:
Informal re District Improvement Financing
Regular including various requests and the City Solicitor findings on the parcels as well.
Zoning Change Request Likely to be Withdrawn at Tuesday City Council Meeting – Parcels are “Open Space” – UPDATE – Confirmed.
City Solicitor John Flick wrote, “The evidence in favor of Article 97 protection of the Parcels is unequivocal.”
While the analysis is lengthy and may appear complicated, the conclusions drawn by City Solicitor John Flick regarding the 2 parcels in question are very clear: Read complete opinion in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
John Flick on re 140 Zoning Petition Involves Parcels M47-22-4 and M47-24-1 – both likely protected under Article 97 – Acreage largely untouched for 100 years and identified as conservation land in City’s Open Space plan for 40+ years. Original intent when reviewing 1937 City Council minutes shows intent to keep as protected. (specifically to protect the city’s drinking water) Change of zoning classification itself from residential to commercial does not constitute a change in use protected by Article 97 Change of use would apply if Gardner decided to sell, lease, or license the land or develop it for public purposes which results in a change of use from one to another. Article 97 protection is premised on the doctrine of “Prior Public Use” – in this case, as “protected open space.” How land is used can only be changed by action in the Massachusetts Legislature and it’s a complicated process involving a 2/3 vote of City Council and a 2/3 vote of both the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives. Includes a requirement to first identify other parcels and /or value which could instead be dedicated to Article 97 uses. Public Lands Protection Act Analysis should be conducted before any zoning change is considered. Our reasoning: If for some reason the request were not withdrawn at Tuesday Council meeting, the Planning Board will offer a recommendation at its meeting of September 19, 2023 after hearing from Dana Heath. As it voted to “Not Recommend” the last time around without the knowledge the parcels are protected, it would be expected that a unanimous vote to “Not Recommend” could be anticipated. Then the City Council would have to explain the lack of a withdrawal at an upcoming Public Hearing at which a significant number of people could be anticipated.
Deja Vu: At the Planning Board Meeting of March 22, 2023 and to his credit, Director Trevor Beauregard stated, “that whole area is in the watershed. Just so everybody understands….” Upon being challenged by the Mayor in the meeting who presented a conflicting state map, Mr. Beauregard continued, “Maybe we have different definitions of watershed, but, we have a watershed plan that shows that whole area as watershed.” As it turns out, Mr. Beauregard was correct 6 months ago. Conversation occurs about 23 minutes into this meeting, CLICK HERE
- Mayor’s Update 9-1-23 (9/1/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on September 1, 2023
The Mayor covered various events, explained the happenings of the Centennial Parade Day, went over City Charter on the ballot, and explained Route 140 Zoning issues. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Mayor’s Update 9-1-23 Events: A welcome to Faculty and Staff at Gardner Public Schools with Schools opening on Tuesday. —- Gardner Housing Authority and Gardner CAC held a back-to-school Backpack giveaway this past week. —- City Hall closed Monday September 4th for Labor Day. —- Fabulous Fall Festival and Oktoberfest taking place on Saturday September 30th. —- Citywide yard Sale is Saturday September 23rd – City not requiring a permit, contact private organizer Julie Mazza to get on the map.
City Centennial Celebration Parade on Sunday September 17th at 1pm. The Mayor described the event plans in detail including road closures and parking restrictions. He also showed a map of the parade in the video, CLICK HERE to see the UPDATE VIDEO. Click here to see an expanded map page so you can read it.
Route 140 Parcels: Mayor Nicholson confirmed that the two Route 140 parcels proposed for rezoning from residential to commercial are under Protection of Article 97. He stated the Gardner City Council has several different options that it could take.
Regarding the City Charter appearing on the ballot, the Mayor stated that “the recommendations from the secretary of state’s office came as a non binding vote solely because the actual act of amending the charter does not come from the vote of the election, but as a result of the vote of the house and the Senate and the governor’s signature. So since that’s the final action that takes place, that’s why they recommended a non binding measure on the ballot. “ The City Council did in fact vote 6 to 5 for non-binding at its last meeting. Publisher’s note: If the City Council had voted for “binding” it would simply mean that they would be mandated to follow the will of the voters whether the voters approved or rejected the Charter changes. In any case, the Massachusetts Legislature and Governor must also approve after the City Council vote.
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