Greater Gardner MA Local News June 2024
- Maki Park 6-30-24 (6/30/2024)
Maki Park Project Continues to Progress in Gardner MA
The Maki Park on Parker Street has continued construction. Seen now are stairways which will lead visitors to various tiers of this so called pocket park. When complete, the location will allow for seating, cornhole game play, and a bandstand.
CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
- Progress Puzzle (6/30/2024)
- Fireworks 6-29-24 (6/30/2024)
A Collage of Gardner’s Birthday Fireworks
Gardner’s 239th Birthday was celebrated on June 29, 2024 with food, music, and vendors at both the PACC and the Lithuanian Club.
Fireworks lit up the evening sky just after 9pm and hundreds of people enjoyed the show.\
This was the second weekend in a row that Gardner celebrated its birthday. The weekend before was Small Business Saturday with a large event in Downtown Gardner.
Gardner was settled in 1764, became a town in 1785, and became a City in 1923. It now enters its 240th year as an incorporated entity.
- Ambulance 6-30-24 (6/30/2024)
Gardner Fire Department Gets Ambulance
Gardner Fire Department posted, “The new Rescue 3, a 2024 Ford F550/Horton ambulance was delivered to the city this week by Greenwood Emergency Vehicles of Attleborough, MA. Over the next few weeks, radios & equipment will be installed along with an OEMS licensing & inspections will be completed. The new ambulance will be on the streets responding to emergencies within one month.”
- Council 6-29-24 (6/29/2024)
The Gardner City Council to Meet July 1st
The Gardner City Council will meet in the Ronald F. Cormier Council Chamber on Monday, July 1, 2024. It is expected to decide whether or not to schedule a public hearing regarding the use of land at 827 Green Street which is proposed to be sold to BayState Racing LLC to be used as a horse racing track. The complete agenda and packet contains a large amount of information including NEW information since the June 2024 agenda and packet was released last month.
Here we go again: A couple of days ago Paul DeMeo filed another Open Meeting law complaint alleging this time that the Gardner City Council went in to Executive Session improperly to discuss a matter relating to the Waterford Street School project, stating that the City didn’t discuss possible legal action against the City. Ironically, it was for that very purpose that the Executive Session was entered so that a matter discovered by the City could be handled properly in accordance with the law so that the City’s legal exposure was minimized or avoided all together. Based on this fact, it is likely the complaint will be seen as meritless by the AG’;s office.
- Hotline 6-29-24 (6/29/2024)
WGAW Radio is heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streaming to anywhere in the world. Stream is available 24/7. LISTEN LIVE NOW. Hotline Radio airs Saturdays noon to 2pm.
Hotline Radio Featuring Discussions About Funding, Racetrack Topic, and City Council Procedures
The WGAW Radio program aired Saturday, June 29, 2024. Will play seamlessly from WGAW website. Just CLICK PLAY.
Mayor Nicholson: On speaking about Gardner in Washington D.C. — Additional Grant Funding for the City of Gardner — Uptown Rotary Ahead of Schedule —- Racetrack Topic —- WooSox Takeover Day
GAAMHA President CEO Shawn Hayden – Regarding false statements made on Facebook about the organization and speaking about some work on the property. The Baystate Proposal and GAAMHA programs
John Stefanini and others in portions of the BayState Racing LLC presentation made this week in Gardner.
City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas on the procedures involved with the BayState Racing LLC proposal and a comprehensive explanation of how to get your views to Council members.
- Food Truck List (6/29/2024)
7th Annual Gardner Food Truck Festival to be Big Event
The 7th Annual Gardner MA Food Truck Festival is Saturday July 13, 2024 from noon to 7pm near City Hall in Downtown Gardner. Food Trucks, Vendors, and entertainment are planned.
The food will be varied as the roster of about 2 dozen trucks is designed for many different appetites: Potato Potato — Uncle Joey’s Cannoli — Kona Ice of Shrewsbury — Birds Nest Italian Street Food —Sabrosa Venezuela —-BerrySweets (formerly Shishkaberrys)— The Grub Guru — Nom Nom Hut — Moe’s sweet eats —Clyde’s Cupcakes Mobile Bakery and Ice Cream— Travelin’ Bones — Travelin’ Pizza — Sugarcane Hut — Uncle E’s BBQ Express — T.C. Scoops — Smokestack Roasters —- The Dogfather —- Mac Daddy — Simmy’s Polish Express — Minuteman Kettle Corn — SHANES HOT DOGS — Wacky candy shack
- Harassment 6-28-24 (6/28/2024)
Paul DeMeo made this statement “Mike Nicholson’s Fan Club parked outside Gardner Massachusetts City Hall.” He also falsely stated, “The publication that keeps attacking residents and doing Nicholson’s dirty work while praising Nicholson. Sad to say, Steve Wendell, WGAW is part of this scheme who bad mouthed Kimberly Blake” Gardner Magazine and WGAW had truthfully reported on Blake’s food pantry for which she received a Cease and Desist order by the Gardner Board of Health. No permits had been sought as required by law.
Gardner Magazine redacted the plate ;number to protect the Mayor’s privacy. The original posting on the DeMeo Facebook group showed the license plate number.
Concern Grows as Harassment Occurs
WGAW’s Steve Wendell is the latest person to be harassed by a person reportedly supporting Kimberly Blake. After Wendell aired a report about his ordeal, we spoke with him about what happened. Listen on any device, CLICK HERE.
Steve Wendell – WGAW Official and Legal: Kimberly Blake and Paul DeMeo are defendants in an initial legal matter brought by a Gardner City official in the Massachusetts Court system. Matter is related to posts and comments made in a Facebook group of which Blake and DeMeo are currently admins. We have noted previously that a number of untruthful statements have been made against Werner Poegel and Steve Wendell in the same group for simply reporting accurately when newsworthy. A number of other officials have also told us that untruthful statements have been made about them.
Past Article: Gardner Magazine recently published an article regarding disruption and harassment by Blake at a recent City Council meeting. See previous article for further information.
DeMeo is known to irritate officials at meetings by coming close to them and taking photos with a flash camera. Both DeMeo and Blake on numerous occasions have encouraged group members to speak up at public meetings knowing that the legislative setup in Gardner only allows members of the public to speak during specific public hearings. DeMeo also posted a photo of Gardner Mayor Nicholson’s vehicle and encouraged group members to look out for it. We have redacted the license plate number from the vehicle shown in the photo. This is concerning as after an interview in May 2024, I came home to find a caravan of vehicles lying in wait on my street and then passing by me. making hand gestures, only to find that DeMeo had posted the whereabouts of my van at City Hall apparently to alert the group. Because of the harassment incident, multiple police reports were filed.
In my opinion, the actions of these individuals have evolved to an organized criminal conspiracy without regard for the damage which could be done to reputations, life, or property. The City of Gardner is very fortunate to have a group of honest, hard-working, God-loving people serving as City Councilors, the Mayor, and various employees. The constant almost broken-record like rhetoric in the Facebook Group is very simply hate speech, some of it protected by the first amendment and much of it very much actionable either civilly or criminally due to the numerous salacious and false allegations either posted directly by the admins or allowed to stay up as comments by group members. In addition, the continued harassment being carried out is despicable.
With respect to the aforementioned Facebook Group, numerous anecdotes exists of members who have been banned from the group for criticizing an admin, for faulting them when untruthful statements are made by them, or for making statements trying to correct false posts or comments in the group.
History of the Two Groups
The Group noted above was even known as Paul DeMeo’s Hate Group for a period of time on March 24, 2023. We captured a screenshot utilizing records made available by Facebook. We do not know the reason why DeMeo changed the name to that or why he changed it back, but it does accurately describe the content and my perceived intent of the group.
Bait and Switch: On a related note, Kimberly Blake now has an anti-racing group which was first established as a group relating to the City of Gardner, used for a short time as a campaign group when she ran for Mayor presumably as a shortcut to obtain members, reverted to a group relating to the City of Gardner, and now recently an anti-racetrack group. Whether members of the group are opposed to the racetrack or not, they instantly became members of a group unrelated to the original title. In my opinion, that approach is unethical and wrong. Another Anti racetrack group is in existence and was created by Carolyn Kamuda – the difference: when created, the purpose and title of the group was transparently disclosed, first relating to Route 140 Zoning-Racing last year and updated recently..
UPDATE: June 28, 2024 10:02pm: Harassment of GAAMHA.
A poster named “Gardner Daily” was allowed to post on the DeMeo group regarding a septic issue already addressed by GAAMHA. There’s a long list of accusations regarding the Board of Health and GAAMHA. Bottom line from Shawn Hayden, President of GAAMHA: “The system was permitted and installed back in 2021 when we renovated the property. The installation was witnessed by the engineer and BOH, and certified to be compliant with Title V according the the engineer’s stamped affidavit and stamped as-built plans. A problem was discovered several weeks ago, we immediately called in engineers and began weekly pumping. The system was scoped, the soil was sent to a lab and determined to be fine, and now parts of it are scheduled to be replaced.” Micah Blondeau, Director of Gardner Public Health has already made a visit and confirmed the truthfulness of what Shawn Hayden posted, yet the harassing post remains at this hour.
- Update 6-28-24 (6/28/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the City on June 28, 2024
In this week’s update, the Mayor goes over various events and concludes with a statement on the Racetrack which we have also included separately in another article. Listen to the update on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update June 28, 2024 Gardner – Fitchburg – Leominster WooSox TriCity Takeover Day at Polar Park – Tickets are now on sale for the Saturday, July 6th event. Tickets are discounted for the event. A Gardner resident will be singing the National Anthem. 3 Mayors will throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the same time.
Events: Saturday June 29th – Fireworks at Kendall Pond, – events at PACC and Lithuanian Club and Mr, Strickland plays Classic Rock at Monument Park. Fireworks rain date is June 30th. July 13th – Food Truck Festival noon to 7pm in Gardner near City Hall. July 13th from 7am to 3:30pm – Mental Health First Aid Training Seminar at the Gardner Senior Center.
- Mayor- Racetrack (6/28/2024)
Mayor Nicholson, “I do think this is a benefit to the City.”
The Gardner City Council will meet on July 1st to decide whether or not to schedule a public hearing. If they vote No, the matter and transaction effectively ends. If the vote is yes, a public hearing will be held.
Mayor Michael Nicholson Issues Statement Regarding Racetrack Proposal
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has issued a complete statement regarding the Racetrack Proposal. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Nicholson Regarding Racetrack 6-28-24 This statement was also included in the Mayor’s Weekly Update of June 28, 2024. Mayor Nicholson explained that the proposal started out as a private transaction between GAAMHA Inc. and BayState Racing LLC for the land at 827 Green Street in Gardner. The Mayor stated, “There’s a lot of misinformation that’s out there.”
With respect to the transaction, “This is not something the city went out and recruited, this is not something the city went out and started. This is something that under state law, two private business entities can certainly enter into an agreement to sell and purchase whatever they’d like, and that’s exactly what happened. However, under state law, Chapter 128A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth say that in order for a horse track to be put here in Gardner, the City Council has to have a public hearing, and then from that public hearing, vote whether or not to allow racing to take place on this parcel of land or not.”
- Kamuda 6-28-24 (6/28/2024)
An Interview with Carolyn Kamuda regarding the proposed Racetrack in Gardner MA
We spoke with Carolyn Kamuda on June 28, 2024 about the proposed Racetrack in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Carolyn Kamuda 6-28-24 Carolyn Kamuda is opposed to the proposed racetrack at 827 Green Street in Gardner. Kamuda is concerned about the Water Protection Overlay District. Kamuda is concerned about the revenue estimates in the host agreement and outlines why.
Carolyn Kamuda suggests that more industry should be found to come in to the City. “I think industry is much better than a racetrack, which in my opinion would drain the community.”
With respect to the City Council, “What I’m hoping is our City Council will take more time, will, you know, create a subcommittee to get more information. I think it would be irresponsible of them to move this forward, even to a public hearing. I believe that they should give more study to this, create a subcommittee, and really do their homework. I think they really need to do that..”
- Debate 6-27-24 (6/27/2024)
- Kendall Pond Fireworks (6/26/2024)
Fireworks, Music, and Fun Coming June 29th to Gardner MA
Such an exciting event we made a stamp out of it! – It’s a day of fun Saturday, June 29th at two nearby locations both culminating in Fireworks over Kendall Pond just after dusk:
Polish American Citizens Club (PACC) – All day, FREE, family friendly event. Corn hole tournament, food trucks, brews, live music with Point the Finger from 2 to 5pm and Maximum Recoil from 6-10pm. RAIN DATE is Sunday, June 30th. Location is 171 Kendall Pond Rd W, Gardner MA. FLYER, CLICK HERE.
Meanwhile in the same area, the Lithuanian Outing Association will have a rock and roll music performance by Whiskey Johnson, food trucks, and raffles. There’s free parking and no cover charge. FLYER, CLICK HERE.
- Downtown 6-25-24 (6/25/2024)
Complete Press Release with comments from local and Federal officials, CLICK HERE.
“I am very excited about Gardner receiving this grant award,” said Gardner Mayor Mike Nicholson. “To be one of only three communities in Massachusetts to be selected is a testament to the work we have accomplished and the growth we have seen in Gardner over the last few years. One of the main concerns people have had in the downtown lately is how do we deal with the issue of parking. By creating the possibility of us having a new parking garage downtown, it allows for continued business and housing growth in the area without further congestion concerns. I can’t thank our federal delegation enough for their support of the Chair City and also congratulate Salem and Boston on their awards as well.”
4 Story Parking Garage now possible – As Significant Grant is Approved
$1.2 Million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding for Gardner was announced on June 25, 2024. The money will be used to advance critical infrastructure projects in the Downtown Area.
Gardner was awarded this federal investment through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program, a competitive program that supports local infrastructure projects that will significantly improve communities. The $1.2 million in funding will support Gardner’s efforts to make the downtown area more accessible, including improving parking and safety infrastructure as well as the planning and engineering of a new four-story parking garage on West Street. The project complements the work that the City has done already to support 32 commercial storefront renovation projects and 225 new housing units, which are expected to be completed in the coming months and years.
Congresswoman Lori Trahan, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Senator Edward Markey supported passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in 2021. Massachusetts is slated to receive at least $9.5 billion in funding through the package between 2022-2027, and as of May 2024, $7.4 billion has been announced for 310 projects across the Commonwealth. Last year, the lawmakers secured $21.4 million in RAISE grant funding to support the rehabilitation of four bridges in Lowell.
In order for the City of Gardner to advance the idea of the 4 story parking garage beyond the planning and design stage to the construction stage an additional grant would be sought.
- Community PD (6/24/2024)
Gardner Police Department Involved with Community
Gardner PD posted this Photo and stated “We want to wish future Officer Samuel a Happy 6th Birthday!! Samuel told us his birthday wish was to work at the Gardner PD when he gets older. Happy Birthday Samuel and we look forward to working together!”
Gardner PD posted about Kids Safety Day. “What a great day at the Gardner Elks Lodge for Kids Safety Day. Thank you Daren the D.A.R.E. Lion and Elroy the Elk along with Gardner Police, Fire, and Hope’s Room All for Parents promoting Kids and Bicycle Safety!!! “
- Racing Yes or No (6/23/2024)
Yes or No to Horse Racing? A Check of Facts
Which poster will reflect the decision of the Gardner City Council who decides on July 1st whether or not to schedule a public hearing regarding the possibility of horse racing at 827 Green Street in Gardner?
Our Chart Lists the publicized positives from proponents and negatives from opponents and a corresponding Fact Check.
Review Proposed Host Agreement. Review additional info on proposal from packet.
Statement Fact Check Sale of Land Benefits GAAMA TRUE. GAAMHA would receive $1.6 million for the land at 827 Green Street in the transaction, plus an additional unspecified multi-million dollar donation. City of Gardner to receive $500,000+ annually Possibly TRUE. As City of Gardner would receive a percentage of revenues, exact annual amount would depend on success of the business.
Clarification 6-26: BayState Racing LLC states to us, “The approximate $500,000 is calculated as the PILOT payment, revenue from simulcasting, meal and hotel tax. It may be more than $500,000 some years..”Can benefit other local businesses TRUE. Increased people traffic to Gardner could mean additional customers for existing businesses. Next Step is City Council 7-1-24 TRUE. City Council will vote on whether to schedule a public hearing. Mayor Michael Nicholson is in favor of the project TRUE. He was skeptical at first, had Assistant City Solicitor negotiate Host Agreement to make sure all concerns and impacts adequately addressed. Mayor has stated he is in favor of proposal. After Public Hearing, City Council can vote to approve Racetrack FALSE. City Council can only approve that 827 Green Street is suitable for a Racetrack. Mayor must also approve. Thereafter, anyone owning that land could apply for license with Gaming Commission. If City Council and Mayor approve of land use, item goes forward to Gaming Commission FALSE. City Council and Mayor must first approve a Community Host Agreement. CLICK HERE TO REVIEW AGREEMENT Next Step is approval from Gaming Commission FALSE. Massachusetts Gaming Commission will first schedule a public hearing prior to granting a gaming license. Gardner completely loses control once license is granted FALSE. Gaming Commission holds a hearing every year on renewal of the license Additionally, the Mayor will appoint a Gardner resident to serve as a member on BayState’s Oversight Committee which will report yearly to Mayor and Council. Manure from Race Horse a positive for environment Possibly TRUE. Each horse produces about 9 tons of manure each year. Off-site companies can process this into safe and clean fertilizer Comprehensive Proposal Provided by Bay State Racing LLC. TRUE – Here is the 187 pages of information on the proposal included in the City Council packet, CLICK HERE. BayState Racing LLC claims site has a history of
breeding, training, and racing of horsesTRUE – BayState Racing LLC has launched a website providing their view of the project. Website, CLICK HERE Statement Fact Check Manure from Race Horses an environmental concern FALSE, manure would be collected, kept on a concrete slab, and disposed of properly off site. Horse Manure itself contains a high amount of phosphorus which would contribute to excess nitrates in the environment. However, concern is addressed upfront. Shady Business Going on Behind the Scenes FALSE, Agreement with GAAMHA disclosed, proposed agreement between Bay State Racing LLC and Gardner disclosed. BayState Racing LLC turned down for similar project elsewhere TRUE. Town of Hardwick voters voted NO in January 2023 on having a racetrack in their community. Majority of Gardner Against Racetrack Probably FALSE. A meeting of those opposed was held on Sunday, June 23, 2024 and less than 100 people attended. This represents under 1 percent of Gardner’s approximately 14,000 registered voters. Lack of Oversight FALSE, if this moves forward, the MA Gaming Commission would hold public hearings every year prior to license renewal. No oversight re Surface Water Protection FALSE. Conservation Commission will review site for buffer zones and surface water protection. BayState Racing LLC claims project improves stormwater management and environmental concerns. Site Plan can be whatever Bay State Racing LLC wants FALSE. Gardner Planning Board will have final site plan approval. A court could override a decision of the Planning Board TRUE. Any applicant not satisfied with a decision of the Planning Board can appeal the ruling in court where both sides would be represented. Racing is Cruel Partially TRUE – Anecdotal reports in recorded history exists of horses mistreated elsewhere in the industry. However strict regulations and laws now on the books would make animal cruelty unlikely here. BayState Racing LLC publicly states its love for horses. MSPCA oversight is mandated by regulation. Gambling to Take Place TRUE – Part of the Appeal of the venture to BayState Racing LLC is the revenue to be derived from wagers from online gambling. Clarification from BayState LLC: Gambling only takes place on festival race days in temporary kiosks. There is no wagering on site beyond those days. Overwhelmingly amount of wagering will take place on cellphones. There will be no expanded gaming on site. Proposed Racetrack would have additional costs to the City PARTIALLY TRUE – Proposed host agreement mandates BayState Racing LLC pay for all police, fire and EMS details on festival days, and any other impacts on the city BayState Racing LLC stated the following: “What you see today from Route 140 is what you will see as Bay State Park. —- Renovate: the barns and the current house —– Build: gazabo and pads for food trucks—- Grandstands for the track will be built into a hill, as a natural seating —- Event parking will be off-site to remediate traffic issues on Route 140.”
- Weather 6-23-24 (6/23/2024)
Possibility of Severe Weather in Greater Gardner MA for Sunday June 23rd
The Map is from the National Weather Service Boston office and warns of a severe storm risk from 1pm to 10pm on Sunday June 23, 2024. Numerous severe storms are possible with damaging wind and possible tornadoes. The Greater Gardner MA area falls within the warning zone.
For more information, visit the National Weather Service website here, or visit the Gardner Magazine Weather Center with numerous forecasts, maps, airport conditions and more, CLICK HERE.
- Event 6-22-24 (6/22/2024)
Downtown Gardner Welcomes Visitors on Small Business Saturday Birthday Celebration
On Saturday, June 22, 2024, Downtown Gardner merchants, vendors, and event participants welcomed visitors to the Chair City in celebration of Gardner’s 239th birthday. The weather held out for hours and people came from miles around. Merchandise was sold by Downtown businesses and outside vendors. Delicious food was eaten. Local non-profits provided valuable information.
The Gardner Community Action Committee held a Peanut Butter Challenge and due to the last minute donation of 130 jars of peanut butter from Fidelity Bank over 333 jars of Peanut Butter were collected. The Gardner CAC stated, “So love our kind and generous community! It truly takes a village and so grateful we all help each other!”
Next Saturday, the celebration continues with Fireworks on Kendall Pond.
- MART Routes (6/22/2024)
MART Proposing Shortening Route Travel Time by About Half
The Montachusett Regional Transit Authority, MART, is proposing to amend Gardner’s bus routes to shorten the full loop time from about 1 hour 10 minutes to approximately 35 to 40 minutes.
How Would This Be Accomplished?
Current Routes 1 and 2 would be split in half and a NEW north loop and NEW south loop would be created.
Public Input Needed First
In order for such change to occur, a public meeting must first be held to obtain public input. That public meeting regarding proposed service changes will be held July 10, 2024 from 6pm to 7pm at the Gardner City Hall Council Chamber, 95 Pleasant Street, Gardner.
- Hotline 6-22-24 (6/22/2024)
WGAW’s Hit Show “Hotline Radio” with Great Guests on 6-22-24
Hotline Radio Show of June 22, 2024 features Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson speaking from Small Business Saturday in Downtown Gardner, sound from the Downtown Gardner Festival, City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas, a commentary by Werner Poegel, and an update with Civil Defense Director Paul Topolski. Kazinskas gives a comprehensive explanation of the procedures required of the Council regarding the proposed Racetrack.
Listen to the entire Hotline Show from the WGAW and learn more about the radio station and its programming on its website, CLICK HERE.
For your convenience, the AUDIO is embedded here and plays from WGAW website. CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 6-22-24
- Downtown Look (6/21/2024)
Downtown Gardner Looking Good
Downtown Gardner is “Picture Perfect” for Small Business Saturday, June 22nd from 10am to 4pm. Many events, activities, shopping, food. Don’t Miss It!
Complete List of events from Gardner Square Two website, CLICK HERE.
- Uptown Rotary Progress (6/21/2024)
- Summer Reading 2024 (6/21/2024)
Summer Reading Program To Begin at Levi Heywood Memorial Library
Library Director Stephanie Young Provided some more information. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Stephanie Young 6-21-24 The Summer Reading Program Kickoff Event is Wednesday, June 26, 2024 from 5 to 7pm at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library on West Lynde Street in Gardner MA. Event HIghlights: FREE ice cream treats, guests, activities, lawn games, tips, and resources. The Summer Reading program rewards readers with the opportunity to win prizes all summer long
- Fiduciary Responsibility (6/20/2024)
Fiduciary Responsibility – An Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson – The Challenges of Waterford, the Whole Story and Racetrack Details
Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about various efforts on behalf of the public. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Text of the entire interview and some supporting documents provided at this page, CLICK HERE.
The Interview is about making decisions which look out for the residents of Gardner such as doing something about blighted buildings including unused City Buildings, taking bold steps like Park Street Park and Maki Park, the challenges of Waterford and details on the Horse Racing proposal.
Re blighted buildings “The blighted building ordinance that we put together, and I co-proposed with Councilor George Tyros, really, you know, set the standard…” Mayor Nicholson detailed progress with various City Buildings. Re Park Street Park, “a lot of people are quite in favor of it now and actually once you can actually see it, it becomes a tangible item that people are, you know, really excited about” Re Maki Park, “for every person who may criticize that project or call or email or mainly Facebook posts, we probably had two for every one also say that it was a good idea and they’re actually looking forward to seeing it in the city”. Re Waterford “The product that’s going to be in there I think is probably one of the best things that we’re going to see in the city for quite some time. There’s, you know, it increases capacity for so many important groups that we have in the city” Re challenges at Waterford, “We found out that there was a problem that happened in the way that certain bills were getting paid to certain people and we immediately corrected it.” Re Horse Racing Proposal for 827 Green Street, “I am in favor of the project, and I would urge the city council to vote to approve the aspects before them of the project, both in approving me to sign into the host community agreement and to allow racing to occur on this parcel.” In the full text of the interview, Mayor Nicholson gives a lengthy explanation of various possible concerns and the various protections which would be in place. The mayor explains how he at first was very skeptical. The Mayor believes the project would be a benefit to the City and he explains why.
- ZBA 6-18-24 (6/20/2024)
Lengthy Zoning Board of Appeals with Approvals Consequential to Gardner MA
In an almost 4 hour meeting with a full house, the Zoning Board of Appeals heard a number of cases and came to several decisions. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
There will be additional housing units in the City and a larger, modernized sign at the Gardner Ale House, Moonhill Brewing Co. on Parker Street.
- Assessors 6-18-24 (6/20/2024)
No Huge Crowd at Exciting Board of Assessors Meeting in Gardner MA
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Assessors 6-18-24 Sometimes the shortest meetings are the most exciting and the most revealing about how efficient a City is run. In this meeting, learn why Chair Chuck Leblanc has a new signature. Find out about the number of forms approved by the State. Get updates from Assessor Christine Kumar. Learn about 2 dozen boxes headed for the shredder. Meeting adjourned at 2:11pm.
- Working for Gardner (6/19/2024)
Working for Gardner – Pay Raises at DPW – An Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson
Gardner Magazine spoke with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson about the topic “Working for the Chair City of Gardner“. Pay is going up for DPW. Other opportunities too. Now is the time to apply. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
If you’re reading this and you’ve thought about working for Gardner at the DPW, now’s the time before the whole world finds out about the increases in pay. Mayor Nicholson provides details in the interview. “So I do believe that the rates are going to be a lot more competitive in terms of the job market that we have and really see a lot of things changing for the city so that we can get people in those positions. Because quite frankly, in the end, it’s a public safety concern too. If we don’t have people plowing the roads during the wintertime, then people can’t get out and about. So I think we’re going to see a lot of benefits from those adjustments that we’ve made as a result of those union negotiations.” The City of Gardner pays 75% of health insurance. There are other time off benefits and the big one: a vested pension after 10 years.
Mayor Nicholson spoke of the Gardner Team and the pride he has in public safety personnel. The mayor told us of other opportunities in serving the City such as Board and Commissions. Nicholson outlined how he manages the Gardner Team. The City of Gardner website is always a great place to start: Visit the jobs page, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner’s Birthday (6/19/2024)
Celebrating Gardner’s Birthday – Mayor Nicholson Comments
Small Business Saturday is June 22, 2024 with events in Downtown Gardner from 10am to 4pm and Fireworks are Saturday June 29, 2024 with events at the PACC. We spoke to Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY
Mayor Nicholson on Gardner’s Birthday Both Dates also feature Concerts at Monument Park from 6-8pm which is right near expanded parking at the beautiful Park Street Park. Complete Monument Park Schedule.
More on this topic: Interview with Patti Bergstrom —- Small Business Saturday – Fireworks in Gardner.
- Appointments 6-17-24 (6/19/2024)
Men in Blue Praised at Appointments Committee Meeting
The Gardner Appointments Committee met on June 17, 2024 and heard from Gardner Mayor Nicholson, Chief McAvene, Deputy Chief Maroni and the officers themselves. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Appointments Committee Meeting 6-18-24 The Committee recommended Roger Cormier and John Braun be confirmed to Permanent Sergeant positions.
The Committee recommended the appointments of John Czasnowski and Matthew Arseanault to Permanent Lieutenant positions.
Officers were praised for the quality of their work and their high test scores were also noted. Gardner leaves Civil Service on July 1, 2024.
In other matters, Mayor Nicholson announced that Conservation Agent Douglas Dillon had resigned. The job is now posted with a salary of $64,189.94, CLICK HERE.
- Budget 88% (6/18/2024)
Winchendon School Budget Passes Overwhelmingly at Town Meeting
Winchendon voters passed the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget at the Town Meeting of June 18, 2024. Yes: 88%.
School Committee Chair Karen Kast-McBride released the following statement: “To the Voters of Winchendon who voted to pass the Winchendon Public Schools FY25 Budget overwhelmingly (88% Yes!) tonight, thank you! To the Students, Staff and others who came out to join us tonight, a very special thank you for prioritizing education in Winchendon! Especially on such a hot night! Now, let’s move forward together and do our best to make our schools better for every single student. It won’t happen overnight or in a year, it will take time, but if we work together and are truly invested it can happen. I hope you will join me in this important work, because I’m not giving up on our students or district.”
Graphic Shows Town Meeting and the moment the vote came in at 88 percent YES.
The moderator called for questions and there were none. The vote followed and in less than 10 minutes, everyone could go home.
Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Town Meeting 6-18-24 School Budget approved: Just over $17.4 million
- 911 Outage (6/18/2024)
UPDATE 4PM 6-18-24 It is reported that the 911 system is back in operation.
911 Outage Affecting State of Massachusetts
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, a 911 outage is reported in the State of Massachusetts. Many area police and fire departments maintain regular and/or non-emergency phone numbers which residents can use in an emergency during the 911 outage.
Gardner: Police – (978) 632-5600, Fire – (978) 632-1616
Winchendon: (978) 297-1212, Templeton (978) 939-5638 Westminster: (978) 874-2900 Ashburnham: (978) 827-4413 Hubbardston: 508-886-4033 ext 0
The cause of the disruption is being investigated. Gardner Magazine will provide an update when available.
- City Council 6-17-24 (6/18/2024)
Gardner City Council Meets at What is now the “Ronald F. Cormier City Council Chamber”
By objection of City Councilor David Thibeault-Munoz, consideration of the Racetrack matter was put off to the next meeting in July. According to the City Charter, if a single Councilor objects, the item is put off to the following meeting. The Council could then decide to schedule a public hearing regarding whether 827 Green Street is suitable for a Racetrack facility. If the Council ultimately decides yes after the hearing and the Mayor also says yes, the private transaction between Bay State Racing LLC and GAMMHA Inc. could proceed. The Council could also say no to a hearing which could effectively kill the sale. The City Council would also have to approve a Community Host Agreement and the State Gaming Commission must also give its approval. GAAMHA’s contract with Bay State Racing LLC is also contingent on its finding a location for a larger facility, if they don’t, they could pull out of the transaction and also end the deal.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
City Council Chamber: A councilor objected to more time being given to the City Council naming measure, so it came up for a vote. An amendment was debated and defeated. In the end, the Gardner City Council voted 6 to 4 with 1 abstention to name the City Council Chamber “Ronald F. Cormier City Council Chamber.”
Parking Meters: Councilor Karen Hardern spoke against the parking meters, stating that other cities have successfully done away with them. Hardern stated, “we have a foot problem everyone likes to park right in front of where they work or where they own” referring to the ongoing issue of people either parking in front of their own stores or people simply not wanting to walk very far. Hardern also expressed concerns about the cost of monitoring the meters. However, after stating her objections, Hardern said she would support the item because business owners in her ward have expressed support for the meters. The City Council unanimously approved $55,000 for new parking meters.
Disruptive Crowd: During the meeting, Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas had to admonish members of the public who were disrupting the meeting with excess noise.
- BOH 6-17-24 (6/18/2024)
Resources explaining 1,4-Dioxane. NCBI, CLICK HERE, Wikipedia, CLICK HERE., CLICK HERE.
Health Director Micah Blondeau Provides Info to the Board of Health
The Gardner Board of Health met on June 17, 2024. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Health 6-17-24 Director Blondeau spoke about the Health Department’s involvement in mental health and suicide prevention, plans for National Night Out, a grant application for a recycling program, a grant application to provide an area at the transfer station for a Swap Shop. various property complaints, isolated foodborne illness complaints, and the activities of inspectors.
Director Blondeau informed the Board of Health about excessive 1,4-dioxane levels at the landfill. “At the landfill, starting this year we were required to test at a lower detectable limit for, it’s called 1,4-dioxane. So we did our first test with the new lower limit in April and the test results came back as exceeding the new lower limit. So we just did a resampling last week and we’ll see what those results look like and send those out to the DEP and coordinate from them as far as if and what we would need to do for those results.” Blondeau continued, “it could be something that’s not an issue that we don’t need to do anything or it could be something where there would be some remediation. We’re just kind of waiting to go through the steps from having an overage on the initial test to resampling now and then we’ll go from there based on the resampling results. So we’ll keep working with them.”
- Beach Status (6/17/2024)
Most MA Beaches Open – A few Greater Gardner Beaches are Closed
According to the State of MA, bacterial contamination has closed the following beaches: Beaman’s Pond Campground, Templeton —- Dunn Pond, Gardner —- Damon Pond Beach, Ashby —-mentioned on state site in a list, but not shown on map: Lake Dennison Winchendon
The Massachusetts Interactive Beach Water Quality Dashboard is updated 7 days a week at 9:30am and 12:30pm. CLICK HERE.
- Cooling Center (6/17/2024)
Communities Open Cooling Centers Because of Heat Advisory
Greater Gardner is bracing for intense heat this week and cooling centers have been announced.
Gardner: Due to the current heat advisory the Community Room at the Gardner Police Station located at 200 Main Street will be open as a cooling center from Tues. June 18th 9:00 am until Thursday, June 20th 11:45 pm.
Winchendon: There will be a cooling center at the Clark Memorial/YMCA located at 155 Central Street. It will be Tuesday June 18th-Thursday June 20th. The cooling center will be open from 9am-5pm. Update 6-19-24: Hours extended to 9am-8pm
Your Community: Check with your local town hall.
Visit our Greater Gardner Weather Center for multiple forecasts, airport reports, and various maps, CLICK HERE.
- GAAMHA 6-17-24 (6/17/2024)
Information Release in PDF format, CLICK HERE.
A Conceptual Drawing supplied by Bay State Racing LLC shows the proposed use of the property:
For more information on the Carl E. Dahl House CLICK HERE.
For more information on any of GAAMHA’s programs, CLICK HERE.
An Information Release: “GAAMHA Transparency Statement”
Text of an Information Release by GAAMHA 6-17-24
GAAMHA is in the preliminary stages of a potential opportunity that would involve the sale of our property located at 827 Green St. Please understand that this is a complicated transaction with many contingencies and regulatory processes. In the interest of transparency with our stakeholders and keeping the community discussion based on factual information, we would like to share the following.
1. GAAMHA operates two programs at the 827 Green St location. The Carl E. Dahl House is a 16-bed Co-Occurring Enhanced Residential Recovery Home for adult men diagnosed with substance use and mental health disorders. ROOTS at Evergreen Grove is an outpatient program for young people ages 12-24 seeking support for challenges related to mental health and substance use. The success of these unique programs has created an overwhelming demand for expanded services.
2. GAAMHA is in the preliminary stages of a potential opportunity that would involve the sale of our current farm, but only if we are able to relocate to another nearby property and build larger facilities for both Dahl House and ROOTS allowing us to expand capacity.
3. GAAMHA exists to create a world where people can get help when they ask for it, no matter who they are. This mission is what drives our decision making and is our singular interest in this matter.
4. If for any reason this deal does not materialize, we will continue our work at the current location, and continue to redefine what community support should look like.
5. GAAMHA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and our sole purpose is the fulfillment of our mission. This real estate transaction is not an endorsement of any future use for the land. GAAMHA cares deeply about the trust placed in us by the communities we serve. We will continue to work with persistence to uphold the high standard of service and integrity that GAAMHA is known for.
- Small Business 6-22-24 (6/17/2024)
Greater Gardner MA Eagerly Awaits Small Business Saturday – Latest Info
There will be at least 37 outside vendors with a variety of foods and merchandise. Patti Bergstrom was kind enough to update us with more details on the exciting event occurring Saturday June 22nd from 10am to 4pm in Downtown Gardner MA. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Patti Bergstrom 6-17-24 The latest information is on this page of the Gardner Square Two website, CLICK HERE.
- City Council 6-17-24 (6/16/2024)
The Gardner MA City Council meets on Monday June 17, 2024.
Decisions will be made on various money requests from the Mayor including over $250k to demolish the unsafe factory building on Stuart Street, $55k for a new parking meter expense account, and various routine transfers. A large increase in sewer rates is proposed to cover increased costs.
Two Items are expected to result in the scheduling of a public hearing: The Mayor’s request to authorize a Host Community Agreement with Bay State Racing LLC as well as whether the land located at 827 Green Street be approved as the location for a running horse racing track. Should the City Council not opt to schedule a public hearing, the matter would effectively be shot down. Related article regarding WGAW Hotline Show, CLICK HERE. Related article regarding the Horse Racing proposal, CLICK HERE.
Complete packet and agenda, CLICK HERE.
- Hotline 6-15-24 (6/15/2024)
WGAW’s Hit Show “Hotline Radio” Hits It “Out of the Park” on Saturday, June 15, 2024
So you’re wondering what’s up with the possible Horse Racing Track. You want to know what’s going on with various City projects. Host Steve Wendell of WGAW’s Hotline Radio had a hugely informative program on Saturday, June 15, 2024 featuring Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on a range of issues including the Waterford Community Center and the possible Horse Racing Track, Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas on the procedures with the City Council, and Shawn Hayden of GAMMHA explaining how, GAAMHA, not the City of Gardner, originated this process. GAAMHA was approached multiple times and Hayden states GAAMHA believes the current proposed agreement will help GAAMHA and the City of Gardner. Listen to the entire Hotline Show from the WGAW and learn more about the radio station and its programming on its website, CLICK HERE.
For your convenience, the AUDIO is embedded here and plays from WGAW website. CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 6-15-24
- Week of GFD (6/14/2024)
A Small Snapshot into a Week of the Gardner Fire Department
As shown in the photos at left, during the past week of June 9 2024, Gardner Fire Department Group 2 with Lieutenant Meagher responded to lower West Street in Gardner for baby ducks trapped in a storm drain. According to the GFD, “Fire crews along with Gardner Animal Control were able to safely rescue the ducklings and reunite them with their mother.”
Otherwise, the GFD responded to a Gardner restaurant when careless disposal of smoking materials caused a small fire. The GFD is shown helping at a Rutland scene. During the 75th anniversary of Maki Building Centers, the GFD stood by during the Fireworks just in case. At the beginning of the week, fallen firefighters were honored at GFD headquarters.
These photos were posted on the GFD Facebook page – a small snapshot in to a week of service. Thank you Gardner Fire Department for all you do…
- Race Track Item (6/14/2024)
Horse Racing Track a Possibility Again in Gardner MA
Bay State Racing LLC has entered into a contingent Purchase and Sale Agreement with GAAMHA, Inc. for 114.7 acres of land at 827 Green Street in Gardner. “Baystate wishes to locate and operate an Equine Center providing for the breeding, housing, riding, showing, studying, treatment, training, retirement, and racing of horses and other equestrian and agricultural related uses, which also includes wagering on live and simulcast horse racing as authorized by Massachusetts General Laws…” In other words, it would be a horse racing track. An extensive amount of information is provided in the packet and agenda for the Gardner City Council meeting on June 17, 2024. CLICK HERE for 472 page pdf..
The Purchase
GAAMHA would receive payment of $1,675,000 plus a multi-million dollar donation to their organization to facilitate the construction of a larger farm program. The agreement with Bay State Racing LLC would also lease back the current facilities to GAAMHA for free for an initial 12 month period. Transaction is subject to layout approvals from Conservation Commission and the Planning Board on the local level and the Massachusetts Gaming Commission with regard to the gaming license.
According to Mayor Nicholson, “Since the General Laws of the Commonwealth exempt this use from Zoning – negating any requirements for special permits, zoning relief, approval hearings before the Planning Board of Zoning Board of Appeals, etc. – the only real authority that the Executive Branch agencies, departments, or commissions can do is regulate the layout of the facility, but not its existence in the City.” The Mayor also stated, “while the General Laws prohibit the City from placing any conditions on the approval to race at the site, the Gaming Commission has full authority to issue any conditions, regulations, restrictions, etc. that they choose to, based on the input and evidence received at their public hearing.”
Projected Revenue
Bay State Park Projected revenue to the City would be about a half million dollars per year. According to Bay State, approximately 25 full-time jobs would be created. The City Council will initially take up the matter at its June 17, 2024 meeting and may choose to schedule a public hearing which possibly may be June 27, 2024.
Public Outcry Last Year – Will it Affect Decision of City Council?
Last year when a parcel of land was identified by Bay State Racing LLC as being of interest if it was suitable for a commercial purpose, there was substantial public outcry. It is possible that if the matter was put to a vote it would be defeated resoundingly, although such a vote is not contemplated. It is unclear if the Gardner City Council will summarily vote down the proposal based on the previous perception and/or knowledge of overwhelming public opposition, or if it will vote in favor placing heavy consideration on the large amount of revenue potential for the City and the current desire for new revenue sources to keep property taxes as low as possible. The City Council Packet contains an extensive marketing pitch by Bay State Racing LLC.
Opposition in 1950’s Overwhelming
In the 1950’s, the issue was opposed by 67% of voters who cast ballots in a November 1955 election, even though according to the law just like today, the will of the voters would not come in to play. The Gardner City Council and Mayor make the decision. More detail is below on what happened at the time.
This has Happened Before in 1950s
According to current City Solicitor John Flick, a racetrack was proposed on the identical site by Gardner Raceway Inc. in December 1954. The Mayor did not approve the City Council vote at the time. The City Solicitor at the time wrote an opinion to the City Council that only the City Council and Mayor could make the decision and could not pass it on to the voters. However, in spite of this opinion, The Gardner City Council at the time voted 8 to 2 to place the question on the ballot at the next regular City election. Of 10,082 registered voters, 2,185 voted in favor of the measure and 5,609 voted against. 587 people did not vote either way. A total of 8381 people appeared at the election to cast ballots. Opposition was 67%.
Specifics on Opposition at the Time – 70 years ago
At the time only 1 out of 18 members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce were in favor of the track. 15 were opposed. 2 had no opinion. A survey was conducted by Forrest C. Knight of the Mercantile Division in the square, “and they certainly do not want a race track here.” Chris Watkins, the Chairman of Simplex Time Recorder at the time “pointed all fully to you all the sordid evils that will come with a race track in Gardner. Let us face our facts honestly, raise our money legitimately. Let us have a good clean community in Gardner now and in the future.” Richard N. Greenwood, President of the Heywood-Wakefield Company stated he was against it and that it was unfortunate form the view of the welfare of the City of Gardner to have a race track located in the City of Gardner. Howard Ferguson, Chairman of the Mayor’s Industrial Committee and President of the Gardner Trust Company stated he knew about horse racing and dog racing, it was a lot of grief and we want no part of it.
John Flick: The Past Has No Bearing on Current Options
City Solicitor Flick states that the vote of November 8, 1955 has no binding effect on the current Council and Mayor. He also indicated that it is within the jurisdiction of the City Council to vote on whether or not there would be a public hearing on the matter and whether 827 Green Street is an appropriate location for horse racing. Gardner Magazine will update you as we have more information on the issue.
- Update 6-14-24 (6/14/2024)
Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Covers June Events in Weekly Update
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY
Saturday June 15th: Farmers Market at Waterford 9:30am to 1pm (20+ vendors) and Kayak Rat Race 1pm at West End Beagle Club
Saturday June 22nd: Small Business Saturday, Downtown Gardner 10am to 4pm COMPLETE article, CLICK HERE.
Saturday June 29th: PACC Fireworks and More, Complete Article, CLICK HERE.
Dogs must be licensed by end of the month to avoid a $50 fine.
- Flag Day 2024 (6/14/2024)
Flag Day is June 14, 2024 in Greater Gardner MA
By resolution of the Second Continental Congress, the flag of the United States was adopted on June 14, 1777. “That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”
The first flag day was in 1916 by Presidential Proclamation until it was officially established by an Act of Congress in 1949. While it is not an official federal holiday giving everyone a day off, it is a day to celebrate one of the greatest symbols of what is now 50 United States of America.
- Restaurant Issues (6/14/2024)
On Thursday, June 13, 2024, 3 different Gardner MA restaurants had 3 very different issues.
McDonald’s had to close for a time due to a malfunctioning fire suppression system. It reopened after the system was refilled. Burger King was closed for a time for renovations. It reopened. Friendly’s had a small fire due to a cigarette which was carelessly disposed of outside, rolled under siding and caused a slow, smoldering fire in the wall of a bathroom. Fire was put out by the GFD. Friendly’s reopened.
- Pool 2024 (6/13/2024)
Gardner’s Greenwood Pool to Open June 22nd – Splash Park OPEN
UPDATE June 18, 2024: The City of Gardner writes, “Greenwood Memorial Outdoor Pool will tentatively open on Saturday, June 22nd.” According to the website, the Splash Park will be in operation this season. Pool hours are listed as noon to 5pm. Swim Lessons will begin on June 22nd. For more details including 2024 prices, Swim Lesson Schedules and Registration, CLICK HERE.
Pool 2024
- Planning 6-11-24 (6/12/2024)
Planning Board Meets – Honors Robert Bettez
The Gardner MA Planning Board met for a short session on June 11, 2024 and reappointed Robert Swartz as the Planning Board member representative to both the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission and the Montachusett Joint Transportation Committee. The Board approved the withdrawal requested by PrivateOversight, LLC of the Definitive Site Plan for a 52 unit multi-family development off West Broadway.
Robert Bettez Honored
Robert Bettez who recently opted to leave the Board was honored for 39 years of service. He joined the Planning Board in the mid 1980s.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Planning Board meets again in July.
- Fireworks 2024 (6/12/2024)
PACC – City of Gardner – Fireworks on Kendall Pond
The 2nd weekend of celebration for Gardner’s 239th birthday will be Saturday June 29th (rain date Sunday, June 30th)
The Fireworks show begins just after dusk. Fireworks are lit over Kendall Pond. Last year parking was not allowed on Route 2A.
There’s a full day of fun activities with Food Trucks and a Vendor Fair at the PACC. The Cornhole Tournament starts at noon. Musical Entertainment is Point the Finger from 1 to 5pm and Maximum Recoil from 6-10pm.
Regarding the Cornhole Tournament – according to the PACC, “To get the day started we have a set teams tournament (social and competitive divisions), $50 per team, with 4 round robin games into a multiple tier double elimination tournament, and tiers to be determined by wins and points. The payout will be 80%, mini trophy boards to the top first place team and cash payout.”
This year the celebration is split among two weekends: The first weekend of the 239th Birthday celebration is on Saturday June 22nd with Small Business Saturday in Downtown Gardner. See Separate Article, CLICK HERE
- Progress 6-11-24 (6/11/2024)
Progress in Downtown Gardner, Timpany Plaza, and Timpany Crossroads
25 Main Street Construction soon to be in full swing after a $250,000 loan was approved for developer.
Construction of the 3 tiered Maki Park continues with preparation of the site. Storefronts available.
- School Committee Meeting 6-10-24 (6/11/2024)
Success of Students and District Progress Highlighted at School Committee Meeting
4th Graders were honored at the beginning of the meeting. Other speakers informed the public as to the success of students and district progress was highlighted. Details were announced as to the number of students getting college credits and receiving Associates Degrees. Progress on facilities was also discussed. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson recognized Courtney Dunn for her outstanding work in obtaining grants for the School District. List of Grants, CLICK HERE. The School Committee evaluated Superintendent Pellegrino with an overall rating of proficient.
Listen to this informative meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 6-10-24
- Water Ban 2024 (6/11/2024)
Thank you: To the City’s vendor, Veolia and Dane Arnold.
The streamflow varies from day to day. For example, it was down on June 8th and 9th, went up to approximately 34 cubic feet per second on June 10th, and today down again. And remember, it must be consistently up above 33 cubic feet per second for 7 consecutive days to come out of the restriction. Here’s a link to the map used by the City’s vendor, CLICK HERE.
Gardner Issues Water Restriction – The How and Why
A Water Use Restriction is now in effect for the City of Gardner. No nonessential Outdoor water use from 9am to 5pm. See pdf of Notification from the City to the MassDEP Water Management Act Program. CLICK HERE. Effective date of restriction is June 8, 2024.
Department of Public Works Director Dane Arnold explained that a Water Ban is implemented this time of year when the measured stream flow (at Otter River) is below 33 cubic feet per second for 3 consecutive days. To come out of the restriction, the measured stream flow has to be above 33 cubic feet per second for 7 consecutive days. Starting July 1st, the restricted level becomes 11 cubic feet per second. Arnold believes “we will most likely be in a Water Ban in July-August as well if things remain the same.”
Dane Arnold explained it all has to do with restrictions implemented by the State of Massachusetts, “The State has become very strict on water usage during the summer to try and prevent a water crisis. Yes, I understand to a point we want to avoid one, but on the other hand I think it’s far too restrictive. When you think back years ago, the City only had 1 water source, Crystal Lake, and the restrictions were far less strict with multiple factories with far more demand. Today we have 2 water sources, Crystal Lake and Snake Pond Well with the capacity to produce 4.33 million gallons a day and 4.75 million gallons of storage, but we are restricted from our own water supply to produce for the community.”
- Small Biz Event (6/9/2024)
Gardner Gearing Up for Huge Small Business Saturday Event
Small Business Saturday is June 22, 2024 from 10am to 4pm in Downtown Gardner. It’s an event so big Don and Joe did a 60 second ad you can hear on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner’s WGAW will play it on AM 1340, 98.1FM, and stream it to all the countries of the world. With Downtown Gardner regaining its vibrancy, business and vendors will provide a variety of merchandise, food, and services. Chris Guerra will be the DJ/MC for the day. Other events include a touch a truck, dunk tank, reptile shows, introduction to the Summer Reading program, belly dancing, line dancing, intro of new business owners, FREE cupcakes, Rocky the K-9 meet and great, pottery throwing, and a live concert by “Out of the Blue” More information, CLICK HERE.
We had the honor of speaking to Patti Bergstrom who gave us details about the event. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Interview with Patti Bergstrom In the interview, Bergstrom described the events and also reflected on Downtown Gardner, “Every day when I drive to downtown, I am impressed and so happy about all the work that is going on. The flowerpots were planted this weekend, the parks were planted this weekend. It looks beautiful. There is work going on on so many buildings downtown. I don’t know if I ever recall it looking better, but it does get exciting to see so many people putting improvements and investing in our downtown.”
In honor of Gardner’s 239th Birthday, goal is to collect 239 jars of peanut butter for the Gardner CAC Booth on Main Street.
- School 6-10-24 (6/8/2024)
Gardner MA School Committee to Meet on Monday June 10, 2024
A Grant Update to the School Committee being presented by Courtney Dunn includes funding from Entitlement Grants, Targeted Support Funds, and Competitive Grants. Total for Fiscal Year 2025 is $2,945,628. See detail on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Various warrant articles totaling about $2 million dollars will be considered. See agenda/packet for details, CLICK HERE.
Other items include the First Reading of certain proposed policies, approval of the 2024-2025 calendar amendment, see amended CALENDAR CLICK HERE, Superintendent Evaluation, College & Career Readiness Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator Update, Director of School Health Services, Grants Administrator Update, Special Education Update, and SEPAC Update.
- Hotline 6-8-24 (6/8/2024)
Council President Kazinskas with Valuable Information on Citizen Participation – Hotline Radio Interview
Gardner MA City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas appeared on WGAW Hotline Radio with host Steve Wendell on Saturday, June 8, 2024. We thank WGAW for making it available to Gardner Magazine. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Kazinskas explained that each City Council meeting has a section for Public Hearings with public input when required stating, “We do have public hearings built right into our City Council meeting regular meeting agenda, and so if there is a public hearing on a particular item, it will fall under that section. I entertain the public hearing. We open it. We have the hearing. We close it, and then we continue through the next item on our agenda.”
Some meetings don’t have hearings, “if I should announce that there are no public hearings, it simply means that there are no public hearings at that particular meeting because there was nothing scheduled, there was no reason to have a hearing, there was no item that needed a hearing, and so then I move on to the next item..”
Contact: Council President Kazinskas spoke about how easily it is to get in contact with each of the City Councilors via email or phone and that the contact information is posted on the City Council page on the website, CLICK HERE.
Gardner gets compliments on how it does business. “We get complimented all the time from other cities and towns, other elected officials, other people working in other departments of the state and city all the time who are aware of Gardner, who are aware of what we do here, or have worked with us. And you know, we get their hats off to us often about the work that we do. And it really takes a whole team, takes a whole city, takes all the employees, it takes all the elected officials, it takes all the department heads to get on the same page to realize that transparency is required, it is important, and it is something that is a regular practice here in the city, not to mention a best practice here in the city.”
- Winchendon 6-6-24 (6/7/2024)
Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. A simple majority of voters is needed to approve the School Budget.
Winchendon School Budget Heads Towards Town Meeting
The Winchendon School Committee met on Thursday, June 6, 2024 for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. Following the hearing, the regular School Committee meeting was held. Budget changes were approved. Next step is up to the voters with a Town Meeting scheduled for June 18, 2024. Listen to the hearing and meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winchendon School Committee 6-6-24 Winchendon must approve a School Budget before July 1, 2024. During the hearing, members of the Committee admitted they don’t like the budget because more funding is desired, However this current iteration of the budget makes the best use of the dollars available.
Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. It is important voters show up as often monetary items get defeated simply because a disproportionate number of naysayers attend.
- Templeton No Trespass (6/7/2024)
Templeton Development Center Off Limits – No Trespassing Signs Posted
Templeton Police Department issued this statement, “Effective today 06/07/2024 the Templeton Developmental Center (TDC) formally known as the Fernald State School, and all surrounding roadways have been posted NO TRESPASSING. Yes that includes driving through the property. All entrance ways have been properly posted with signs on both sides of the roadway. Criminal penalties could be issued for anyone who is on the property without PROPER JUSTIFICATION or PERMISSION. This does not include the Norcross Hill WMA. This is due to the increase in vandalism, destruction of property and theft that has been occurring in the area recently. Some of the involved parties have been identified and investigations are on going. Freight Shed Road and surrounding roadways are NOT PUBLIC WAYS and are State Property. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.”
- Mayor’s Update 6-7-24 (6/7/2024)
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City
Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update June 7, 2024 Introductions: New Executive Aide Katherine Jablonski and new intern Julia.
Confusion re Farmers Markets: Mayor Nicholson stated, “We’d also like to take an opportunity to clear up some confusion that’s been happening in the past couple weeks regarding our farmers’ markets. That is correct. There are two farmers’ markets, if you heard that S on the end of that. We have our traditional Thursday morning farmers’ market that is taking place at the Waterford Street Community Center every Thursday morning from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Additionally, our new farmers’ market is scheduled to have their grand opening on Saturday, June 15th at Waterford Street Community Center from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. This second market will feature 20 vendors at the Rain or Shine event featuring family-friendly activities and will be held on the third Saturday of every month.”
Events: Relay for Life June 7th and June 8th at MWCC —- Firefighters Memorial Sunday June 9th —- June 13th – Gardner Museum Hosts stone wall builder Kevin Gardner —- Theater at the Mount Broadway Feud Saturday June 15h —-West End Beagle Club Kayak Rat Race Saturday, June 15th —- June 22nd is Small Business Saturday, “This year’s Small Business Saturday Celebration and Happy Birthday Gardner Festival is taking place on Saturday, June 22nd from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The downtown shops, restaurants, local nonprofits, food trucks, crafters, and other vendors will display their merchandise in the streets. The roads are open to pedestrian traffic only that day, so make sure you do plan for that if you’re planning on traveling through the area. There’ll be a variety of performances and demonstrations as well. The event is free and family-friendly, and we look forward to seeing you there. The deadline for vendors to apply is June 12th, and you can visit for the application and the details on how to register for that event. And then after that is done, you can enjoy our first concert in the park for the Summer Series, Holden Back, and that will take place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on that same Saturday, and again, that’s Saturday, June 22nd.” —- Summer Reading Program at Levi Heywood Memorial Library, “This year’s theme is Read, Renew, Repeat. The program runs from June 26th to August 16th, and Wednesday, June 26th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., there will be a special kickoff party on the front lawn of the Gardner Library. Come and join us for fun, games, free books, and so much more. It’s going to be a great time.”
Dog Licensing: Renew or obtain by June 30th to avoid additional $50 penalty.
Community Alert —- “The Gardner Police Department has seen an increase in the number of cases regarding theft of delivered packages on citizens’ doorsteps recently. In most cases, there are expensive items such as cell phones that have been delivered and stolen within minutes. Suspects often wear Amazon vests and approach the house carrying a box and then swap it out for the actual package that was originally delivered. So the Police Department is urging the public to keep an eye out, be observant, and if possible, note any identifying information of suspicious persons or vehicles, license plates, vehicle make, model, etc., if it’s safe to do so. Please contact the Gardner Police Department with any suspicious, similar activities as well.”
Remembering D-Day – The Mayor closed the update with a reflection on D-Day which was June 6, 1944. “a moment of remembrance for all of those who participated in that event 80 years ago.”
- MART – more FREE (6/7/2024)
MART Free Rides Extended Through August 2024 in Greater Gardner MA
The following is from MART “MART is pleased to announce that our Fare Free transit services have been extended through the summer to August 31st, 2024. Ride MART buses and ADA service FREE. No Fares, No Passes – Just Ride!”
Here are the years member communities became members of M.A.R.T. — Ashburnham: 1980, Ashby: 1986, Athol: 2013, Barre: 2021, Gardner: 1978, Hardwick: 1988, Hubbardston: 1983, Phillipston: 2022, Royalston: 1984, Templeton: 1985, Westminster: 1986, and Winchendon: 1985. Other member communities include Ayer, Bolton, Boxborough, Fitchburg, Harvard, Lancaster, Leominster, Littleton, Lunenburg, Shirley, Sterling, and Stow. Visit the website, CLICK HERE.
- GES Dog (6/6/2024)
Grant of $10,000 to bring therapy dog to Gardner Elementary School
Woody is pictured as an almost 3 month old puppy. During the next year he will train to become the facility therapy dog for Gardner MA Elementary School. According to Gardner Public Schools, “He was chosen for his easy-going confidence through a series of temperament tests. He has a lot of hours of training ahead and lots to learn. But the impact he will make is going to be immense/ This entire endeavor was made possible by Coldsprings Healing Paws Foundation and the Williams-Rockwell Educational Grant. We are so thankful for their support. Welcome, Woody to the GES family!”
Current plans are to have Woody reside with GES Assistant Principal Henry.
For more information on all the 2024 Rockwell Grants, CLICK HERE for our previous article.
- Fake Social Meda (6/5/2024)
Social Media Hits new Low in Gardner MA
This week I published an accurate report on the disruptive conduct of Kimberly Blake and others which occurred the night of the Gardner City Council meeting. Earlier in May, I posted an accurate article about Blake’s illegal food pantry. Fast forward to now: All week there have been false allegations levied against local public officials leading up to Kimberly Blake and Paul DeMeo urging people to go to City Hall to somehow take their City back. It’s a small group which has been misled, but it is unfortunate for the City. There’s nothing to take back. The City is well managed and has had perfect State and Federal Audits for 4 years. Other posts have shown court reports about cases in which the people have been found innocent or acquitted, all in an effort to besmirch the reputations of some very good people. False allegations have been made about abuse, you name it, they’ve put up the nonsense posts. The owner of WGAW has been attacked verbally simply for reporting accurately on what is going on. And the latest, someone posted nonsense about me, the Publisher of Gardner Magazine stating falsely that I was not able to rent out an apartment at my residence due to some bad act. Nothing like that ever occurred. I can rent it out anytime I choose, but currently it’s used for a family member and storage and badly needs updating before I could get market rent for it. I urge anyone who really wants to be involved in change to run for City Council, the 6 top vote getters are elected to Councilors at large. That would be the right way to do it, not making up false things about good people.
Werner Poegel. Publisher
- Shawn Hayden – President (6/4/2024)
Shawn Hayden – President of GAAMHA GAAMHA operates 15 locations in North Central Massachusetts from Leominster to Greenfield and is considered a leader in the battle against substance use disorders. For more information about the organization, visit the website, CLICK HERE. or call (978) 632-0934
GAAMHA Chooses Shawn Hayden as President – Has Been with Non-profit for 13 years
The Board of Directors chose Shawn Hayden to succeed Tracy Hutchinson who resigned from the post earlier this Spring. When asked about the change in title to President, Hayden stated, “The opportunity to lead this organization, which I credit with helping to save my life when I was struggling to find my own path to recovery from substance use disorder, is incredibly humbling and an honor far beyond what I would have dared to wish for when I entered GAAMHA’s Pathway House program on June 4, 2009. Going through that program, and the assistance I received from people in this organization who had been with GAAMHA for decades, is what made me want to change careers and enter the nonprofit human services world. I think my experience as both a consumer, and a provider, of GAAMHA’s services has given me an invaluable perspective that I’ve been able to integrate into our programs and service portfolio“
- PD Alert (6/4/2024)
Gardner Police Department Warns of Increase in Theft of Delivered Packages
This is the message from the Gardner PD: ” The Gardner Police Department has seen an increase in the theft of delivered packages on citizen’s doorsteps recently. In most cases, there are expensive items such as cell phones that are delivered and then stolen within minutes. The suspects are often wearing an “Amazon” vest and approach the house carrying a box, then will swap it out with the package that was originally delivered. We are urging the public to keep an eye out, be observant, and if possible note any identifying information of suspicious persons or vehicles (license plates, vehicle make/model etc) if safe to do so. Please contact GPD with any suspicious similar activity.“
- Budget Passed 6-3-24 (6/4/2024)
Gardner City Council Passes Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
The Gardner City Council held the regular meeting and passed the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Zoning Board of Appeals will now have 5 members, 4 must be from Gardner.
The Complete Budget as submitted by Mayor Nicholson is available here on pdf, CLICK HERE.
Revolving Funds approved. Councilor Dernalowicz moved each of the fiscal year 2025 budget items which were approved. The ordinance change required to increase non-union pay by 3% was approved and sent to first printing.
There was an audible amount of disruption at times during the meeting, but none loud enough to require any action by the Chair. After the meeting was a different story which we documented in another article, CLICK HERE.
In May, Gardner Magazine spoke to Mayor Nicholson about funding the City. Hear the interview about the various challenges, CLICK HERE for the article and AUDIO interview.
- Informal Meeting (6/4/2024)
Gardner MA City Council Scrutinizes Budget Line by Line in Informal Meeting
Council President Kazinskas presided over an informal City Council meeting on June 3, 2024 for the purpose of going over the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Informal Meeting 6-3-24 The City Council took a methodical approach which took them about 1 hour to review the budget, line by line and ask questions of Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson who was on hand in person at the meeting. Previous to this meeting, subcommittees had already met to go over various items in detail concerning the different City Departments. Actual vote on budget is during the regular City Council meeting which followed this one.
- Council Drama (6/3/2024)
Fiance of City Councilor Dana Heath speaks to us after City Council Meeting – Kimberly Blake and others accused of harassment
Kimberly Blake in Aggressive Stance towards Tiffany Blake was recorded making several bizarre statements in several different rants. None are worth repeating.
According to City Councilor Dana Heath’s wife(fiance) Tiffany, Kimberly Blake and others allegedly harassed her at the City Council meeting of June 3, 2024. Kimberly Blake had openly recruited disruptors ahead of the meeting via Facebook posts. When Gardner Magazine views the video and publishes the AUDIO of the meeting, we’ll see what effect, if any, the disruptors had on the meeting itself. We present the moving interview here with Tiffany. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Tiffany 6-3-24 Gardner MA City Council Meeting was held on Monday, June 3, 2024 – We will publish details on that meeting as soon as available.
Update: 6/3/24: 11:48pm – Gardner Magazine has obtained video proof of the verbal harassment by Kimberly Blake showing her aggressive stance. Screenshot shows the police officers needed to be there to keep the peace. After that, Blake made her way in to the hall, and then came back to harass City Councilor Dana Heath. Blake finally left without needing to be arrested. Gardner Police were observed to be calm throughout the incident, advising people to go in separate directions. Video has AUDIO of what was said. Gardner Magazine does not think the public interest would be served by making a fool out of Blake by playing the AUDIO. A citizen posted the actual video of what occurred after the meeting. Here is the link, CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Note: In my opinion, It doesn’t get much more bizarre than this. In my opinion, the behavior is certainly concerning. Blake allegedly verbally attacked Tiffany in public with bizarre comments about a relationship Heath had with an ex-spouse which ended many years ago. Blake has consistently posted, or as an admin of the Facebook group, allowed to be posted, various false and salacious statements about City Councilor Dana Heath who is a well respected role model for youth in the community and a well-respected City Councilor.
Note: The DeMeo/Blake Facebook Group supposedly has 16.1K members. However, posts Blake puts out regarding disrupting meetings generally are getting from 1 dozen to 4 dozen likes and even less comments, showing that 99.99% of the group does not participate in the nonsense. Those who disagree in comments are generally banned from the group – no dissent is allowed. The problem is that Blake is conspiring to cause conflict. In my opinion, it only takes one nutcase to do harm and it is a shame that anyone has to be escorted out of a meeting for their own safety. It is awful that Tiffany’s business is put at risk due to false statements being made on Social Media. The truth is that Gardner has a City Council composed of individuals with integrity and a Mayor who has integrity. The Objective proof: For 4 years in a row, the State and Federal government have given Gardner a perfect AUDIT score. Would someone please kindly tell Kimberly Blake that her actions are not helpful to neither the City nor the people of Gardner?
- Relay Countdown (6/3/2024)
Gardner MA Relay for Life this Weekend
The Gardner Relay for Life takes place at Mount Wachusett Community College from Friday June 7th at 6pm to Saturday June 8th at 2pm. Event kicks off with a celebration of local cancer survivors. Complete 3 page listing of all events, CLICK HERE.
Enjoy Food Trucks Friday and Saturday including: Maddie’s Ice Cream — Simmy’s Polish Express — Shane’s Hot Dogs — Uncle Joey’s Canolis —- Victoria Coffee — In addition, Chick fil A will be there on Saturday. Various groups will also offer baked goods for sale as fundraisers.
Enjoy Musical Entertainment. — Participate in Raffles: Support the Relay by taking a chance of the raffles of dozens of theme baskets.
- Zlotnik 6-3-24 (6/3/2024)
The State Budget covers funding from the state to cover school lunches for all students, $6.68 billion for Chapter 70, and other public school funding programs including Circuit Breaker Special Education reimbursement and Charter School reimbursement, as well as Regional School Transportation reimbursement.
State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik Provides Helpful Budget Information
Jonathan Zlotnik represents the communities of Ashburnham, Gardner, Templeton, and Winchendon. The State Representative provided us with an overview of what can be expected from the new Fiscal Year Budget which starts July 1, 2024 or when approved. View complete overview, CLICK HERE.
Community Local Aid Transfers Ashburnham $960,002 Unrestricted General Government Aid Ashburnham $15,928,887 Chapter 70 Gardner $5,116,463 Unrestricted General Government Aid Gardner $29,677,210 Chapter 70 Templeton $1,683,719 Unrestricted General Government Aid Templeton $12,479,169 Chapter 70 Winchendon $960,002 Unrestricted General Government Aid Winchendon $14,135,502 Chapter 70 Other Local Funding Highlights
- $150,000 to support civic engagement and community service activities at Mount Wachusett Community College
- $1,500,000 for On-Site Academy, located in Westminster, to provide post traumatic incident stress counseling to first responders and corrections officers
- $125,000 for the Operation of “Cathy’s House” in Winchendon by Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center for female veteran’s housing
- $25,000 for GAAMHA in Gardner to support capital improvements to their residential substance use disorder facilities
- $100,000 for the operation of the Gardner CAC
- $50,000 for the operation of the Wachusett Business Incubator
- $100,000 for Growing Places for the Operation of the North Central Food Processing Center
- Full Team (6/1/2024)
Gardner MA Mayor’s Office Is Full Team Ahead
On Monday, June 3, 2024, Katherine Jablonski begins her role as Executive Aide. Jablonski joins the team already consisting of Executive Assistant Rachael Roberts and the Mayor of Gardner, Michael Nicholson.
Jablonski is a former intern in the Mayor’s office and her appointment was announced in January. Katie Jablonski is a recent graduate of Endicott College. Jablonski replaces Colin Smith who left the City of Gardner on December 1, 2023 to take a position with Boston Children’s Hospital.
Katherine “Katie” Jablonski can be reached at the Mayor’s office at (978) 630-1490
- City Council 6-3-24 (6/1/2024)
Gardner MA City Council to Meet Monday, & Tuesday if needed.
The City Council has an informal meeting on Monday, June 3, 2024, see agenda and packet, CLICK HERE, and a regular meeting on Monday, June 3, 2024. see agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. The biggest topic of discussion and decision is the fiscal year 2025 budget.
If needed, the City Council will continue the formal meeting and the regular meetings to June 4, 2024. If all business is concluded, those meetings will be canceled. It must be done this way due to meeting notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law.
- GHS Graduation 2024 (6/1/2024)
Gardner High School Graduation 2024
Gardner High School and Gardner Academy Graduation ceremonies were held on June 1, 2024. Listen to Gardner High School Graduation on any device, CLICK PLAY
Listen to the Gardner Academy Graduation on any device. CLICK PLAY. (Note: First 6 minutes has distortion from a bad mic, once replaced rest of AUDIO was OK.)
- Great East (6/1/2024)
Gardner Middle School Music Program Honored with Medals at Great East Music Festival
The Gardner Middle School Band and Chorus got the following honors at the Great East Music Festival held at Six Flags on May 31, 2024. Gold Medal was received by the 5th, 6th, and 7th bands. Gold Medal was received by the 5th and 6th grade chorus. And, the 7th Grade Chorus received a Platinum Medal.
Scoring Criteria: The Show Choir Score Sheet evaluates 5 categories including Tone/Intonation, Technique, Musicianship, Overall Effectiveness, Staging/Choreography. Maximum number of points is 20 in each category for a total maximum of 100. Awards: Bronze – 0-59, Silver – 60-79, Gold – 80-94, Platinum – 95-100. The Jazz Band Score Sheet evaluates 5 categories including Tone/Intonation – 25 points , Technique – 25 points, Musicianship – 25 points, Overall Effectiveness 15 points, Improvisation/Soloists – 10 points. Awards: Bronze – 0-65, Silver – 65-79, Gold – 80-94, Platinum – 95-100.
For more information on the Great East Music Festival scoring rubrics, click here.
GMS Music posted, “Congratulations to all the students who worked so hard to earn these!”
Other News from Area Towns and the Region
- Budget 88% (6/18/2024)
Winchendon School Budget Passes Overwhelmingly at Town Meeting
Winchendon voters passed the Fiscal Year 2025 School Budget at the Town Meeting of June 18, 2024. Yes: 88%.
School Committee Chair Karen Kast-McBride released the following statement: “To the Voters of Winchendon who voted to pass the Winchendon Public Schools FY25 Budget overwhelmingly (88% Yes!) tonight, thank you! To the Students, Staff and others who came out to join us tonight, a very special thank you for prioritizing education in Winchendon! Especially on such a hot night! Now, let’s move forward together and do our best to make our schools better for every single student. It won’t happen overnight or in a year, it will take time, but if we work together and are truly invested it can happen. I hope you will join me in this important work, because I’m not giving up on our students or district.”
Graphic Shows Town Meeting and the moment the vote came in at 88 percent YES.
The moderator called for questions and there were none. The vote followed and in less than 10 minutes, everyone could go home.
Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Town Meeting 6-18-24 School Budget approved: Just over $17.4 million
- Winchendon 6-6-24 (6/7/2024)
Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. A simple majority of voters is needed to approve the School Budget.
Winchendon School Budget Heads Towards Town Meeting
The Winchendon School Committee met on Thursday, June 6, 2024 for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. Following the hearing, the regular School Committee meeting was held. Budget changes were approved. Next step is up to the voters with a Town Meeting scheduled for June 18, 2024. Listen to the hearing and meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Winchendon School Committee 6-6-24 Winchendon must approve a School Budget before July 1, 2024. During the hearing, members of the Committee admitted they don’t like the budget because more funding is desired, However this current iteration of the budget makes the best use of the dollars available.
Town Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7pm in the Murdock Middle High School Auditorium. It is important voters show up as often monetary items get defeated simply because a disproportionate number of naysayers attend.
- Templeton No Trespass (6/7/2024)
Templeton Development Center Off Limits – No Trespassing Signs Posted
Templeton Police Department issued this statement, “Effective today 06/07/2024 the Templeton Developmental Center (TDC) formally known as the Fernald State School, and all surrounding roadways have been posted NO TRESPASSING. Yes that includes driving through the property. All entrance ways have been properly posted with signs on both sides of the roadway. Criminal penalties could be issued for anyone who is on the property without PROPER JUSTIFICATION or PERMISSION. This does not include the Norcross Hill WMA. This is due to the increase in vandalism, destruction of property and theft that has been occurring in the area recently. Some of the involved parties have been identified and investigations are on going. Freight Shed Road and surrounding roadways are NOT PUBLIC WAYS and are State Property. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.”
Around the Towns – News

In the Community