Summer Eats with Project Bread in Gardner MA Feeds Kids The Summer Eats Program at Gardner High School provides FREE breakfast from 8:15 to 9:00am and FREE lunch from noon to 1pm Monday through Friday through August 12th   Anyone 18 years of age or younger can enjoy breakfast and lunchContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson – The Projects Interview – July 6, 2022 Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviews Mayor Nicholson. The Chair City Mayor speaks about the new Gardner Elementary School, taxes, projects, and paving. In the complete article, we now have in writing the complete section on theContinue Reading

While any discussions of budgets can conjure up visions of the “Fat Budget Man”, Gardner residents should know that Mayor Nicholson’s proposed budget has the lowest proposed increase of comparable cities. See our article. Gardner MA City Council Facing Busy Week – Focus on Budget Fiscal Year 2023 The GardnerContinue Reading

Gas Prices Appear to Vary Substantially by Region of the Country ($4 to $8) on June 11, 2022 Massachusetts Los Angeles, California New Orleans, Lousiana CLICK any of the Images for Larger ViewContinue Reading

Gardner MA Gas Prices Cross $5 threshold on Sunday 6-5-22 With the highest posted price in Gardner MA being $509.9 per gallon for a credit sale, most prices were at or near the $5.00 mark. The least expensive gas at the 2 o’clock hour on Sunday, June 5, 2022 wasContinue Reading

Complete FY 2023 Budget Information in pdf format: FY23 Compensation Schedule —- FY23 Public Service Committee Submissions —-  FY 23 Public Welfare Committee Submissions —- FY23 School Budget Presentation of 3-14-22 —– FY 23 Public Safety Committee Submissions —- FY23 Finance Committee Submissions —- FY 23 City Budget Submission. GardnerContinue Reading

Who’s at fault? ASPHALT. Gardner MA Finance Committee Confronts Asphalt at 4-13-22 Meeting The Gardner MA Finance Committee met on Wednesday 4-13-22 and approved various recommendations  to the City Council including $10,000 in additional funding for Downtown trash receptables due to price increases, the $75,000 annual amount to maintain theContinue Reading

It’s a seller’s REAL ESTATE market in the Greater Gardner area. Real Estate in Gardner MA On January 26, 2022, there are less than 20 real estate listings for Gardner MA. For the 01440 Zillow page, CLICK HERE. On the Worcester County Craigslist Real Estate page, there were less thanContinue Reading

Supply Chain Issues Not Affecting Consumer to Consumer Used Junk in Greater Gardner MA We’ve all heard about the Supply Chain issues affecting New car and electronics prices.  But what about junk?  Is regularly priced junk now high priced junk?  A cursory look on Craigslist says no.  For example, on theContinue Reading

Moving to the Greater Gardner MA area If you’re relocating to the Greater Gardner MA area, you’ll likely want to know about the availability of various needs in your community. Our Moving to the Area Guide covers utilities, housing and home, transportation and taxes, municipal services, financial services, education, vices,Continue Reading