Gardner Public Schools is currently not making any data available as to the number of staff and students afflicted with Covid. No word as to why. Gardner MA Schools go DARK on Covid Data, Mum on Masks Gardner Public Schools Covid Dashboard hasn’t been updated in a month. The currentContinue Reading

For the Massachusetts Covid Dashboard, CLICK HERE. Covid Reports are a Mixed Bag for the Greater Gardner MA Area The Covid Incidence Rate per 100,000 is still high for the past two weeks in the Greater Gardner MA area. However, cases in Massachusetts as a whole are plummeting to theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Ocean State Job Lot offers FREE Hand sanitizer and wipes for Educators Now through February 16: Teachers, School Management, and school support personnel as well as homeschoolers can come in to the store and pick up hand sanitizer, hand wipes, and disinfectant wipes for FREE while supplies last.Continue Reading

Rutland MA Vaccine Clinics Rutland is offering vaccine clinics on Mondays at the lower level of the Rutland Public Library.  Pediatric is 2-4pm and adults are 4:30-7pm.  All brands are offered.   For dates on PDF, CLICK HERE.  Occasional additional popup dates may occur.  More information at  Town of Rutland BoardContinue Reading

Gardner MA Heywood Hospital CEO Win Brown – Covid Update Mr. Brown spoke of the current Covid challenges including a 7 day positivity rate of 36 percent and a high hospitalization of 43 Covid inpatients (down from a peak of 48 in the last week) Brown emphasized Central Mass hasn’tContinue Reading

UPDATE: Free Covid-19 Test Kits and Reimbursement for Greater Gardner MA The Federal Government has a website in effect NOW from which Americans can order free COVID-19 tests. This began on January 19th. For the site CLICK HERE. These kits are absolutely free (limited to 4 tests per address) andContinue Reading

MA COVID-19 Digital Vaccine Card Massachusetts now has a new option for residents to access their COVID-19 vaccination record from the state’s immunization registry and obtain a ‘SMART Health Card’ QR code to indicate proof of vaccination.  Massachusetts residents can visit a web portal that follows national standards for securityContinue Reading

In other matters: Gardner Fire Department: The Mayor reported that the Fire Department received an 11 thousand dollar State grant to replace portions of their breathing apparatus. Police Dog for Gardner PD: The Stanton Foundation is providing funds through a grant to purchase a new Police Dog for the GardnerContinue Reading

With Covid still challenging, Gardner MA School District releases Helpful updated COVID Protocol Flow Chart As of January 14, 2022 – Covid Cases reported by Gardner Public Schools are a total of 114 current Positive Cases consisting of 9 Staff and 105 students.  See chart.  This is up from 75Continue Reading

No Tree Pickup in Gardner MA – Transport D.I.Y. to Transfer Station The Gardner Board of Health issued this Christmas Tree update on 1-13-22: “Due to ongoing & increasing staff at EL Harvey being impacted by COVID illness, Christmas tree pickup has been delayed again.  There will be no treeContinue Reading

As of January 4, 2022: “Effective Immediately  Due to the rapid spread of the omicron variant and the advisories issued by the CDC and MassDPH,   Face Coverings are Required  Regardless of vaccination status, for any persons entering this Town building.  Face coverings will not be required for children under 5Continue Reading

COVID Testing Change for Monday January 10, 2022 According to the Gardner Health Department, effective Monday, January 10, 2022, COVID testing will only be performed at Main Street Urgent Care, Gardner and Tully Walk In Care, Athol for “patients who need to see a provider.” In order to accommodate theContinue Reading

Test Kit Distribution Time Change Gardner MA sent out an emergency message via the Community Alert system informing residents that test kit distribution time has been changed to 3pm to 6pm this Wednesday December 29th. Gardner Board of Health states, “Please remember this is not a testing site. Kits willContinue Reading

Gardner Board of Health – Free Covid 19 Test Kit Distribution UPDATE: “FREE COVID-19 test kits (2 tests per kit) were successfully distributed to Gardner residents at the Gardner Police Station on Wednesday, December 22nd. Allocation for that day was all distributed. Next distribution date is Wednesday, December 29th fromContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine has a Vaccine News page containing automatically updated stories. CLICK HERE “The Math of Covid”. Read our article. CLICK HERE Gardner MA and Massachusetts Covid Cases Up With Covid Cases up, what’s the best advice for you and your family? Most experts still advise that vaccines provide theContinue Reading

Covid 19 Test in Gardner MA area Gardner Magazine has the following links for those needing Covid 19 tests. Walgreen’s: CLICK HERE, CVS: CLICK HERE, Price Chopper: CLICK HERE, Walmart: CLICK HERE. Chair City Pharmacy indicates they usually refer patients needing testing to CVS, Walgreen’s, or Walmart.Continue Reading