Gardner Magazine was first established as August, 4, 2000. Gardner Magazine Circulation at All time High in Gardner MA In the first 23 days of July, Gardner Magazine eclipsed its Unique Households record achieved in June 2022 which was 14,000 unique households.   We will report this month’s total whenContinue Reading

I CAUGHT FIX IT Fever Gardner MA printable pdf. Gardner MA Hit with “Fix It Fever” The condition is highly contagious and is prevalent throughout the Chair City.   Grant money, Investor money, Taxpayer City money – it’s being spent.   First it’s the roads and the sidewalks.  Then entire buildings areContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Publishing AUDIO of Gardner MA Meetings, Updates, and Events. Now you can listen to AUDIO on any device. Gardner City Council Meetings – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too.) Gardner Mayor’s Updates – all 2022 Meetings available, CLICK HERE. (links to articles too) GardnerContinue Reading

Unlimited Satellite Internet now available in Gardner MA and some area towns Elon Musk’s venture Starlink Satellite Internet is available to Gardner residents, and other area towns such as Winchendon, Phillipston, and Templeton.  Currently, the price is $110 per month for residential plus the cost of equipment.  Other satellite servicesContinue Reading

Press Release: MART expanding services and Bus stops in Gardner MA In a Press Release dated July 13, 2022, the City of Gardner is formally announcing the expansion of services and bus stops in Gardner. View Press Release According to the Press Release, the shelter above was only the firstContinue Reading

Costs involved Because of the relatively low power involved, cost would not be a huge factor as the transmitter and antenna would be fairly inexpensive. Engineering is relatively simple and the F.C.C. engineers in Washington D.C. could help for FREE. Gardner already has a television studio at the High SchoolContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson – The Projects Interview – July 6, 2022 Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviews Mayor Nicholson. The Chair City Mayor speaks about the new Gardner Elementary School, taxes, projects, and paving. In the complete article, we now have in writing the complete section on theContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Centennial marks halfway point in Urban Renewal Often Social Media posts reflect the impatience of Gardner residents. Whether it’s paving, rundown buildings, or desired improvements, the comments are numerous.   So Gardner Magazine thought it would be a great time to remind our readers that there is aContinue Reading

More Event Photos, CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Residents and Visitors Share FUN on Gardner’s Birthday Saturday June 25, 2022. It was a super day in Gardner MA with perfect weather. The food was abundant throughout the Chair City. Smiles were to be found on many a face as residents andContinue Reading

From left to right in above photo: Mike Wright, Global Chief Operating Officer, Seaman Paper  —- Jo Pagnotta, Corporate Human Resources Director, Seaman Paper —- Dana Heath, Gardner City Councilor —- Jessica DeRoy, Gardner Economic Development Coordinator —- Michael Nicholson, Mayor, City of Gardner MA —- Zack Lawrence, Mayor’s InternContinue Reading