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Gardner Magazine is also Gardner Herald, and a newspaper of general circulation for Greater Gardner MA. Easy URL for Mobile is —- Jump to News of Nearby Communities — LIVE TV NEWS News & Events:
- GALA Lawsuit
GALA Wins Lawsuit – WCHC Responsible for Damages
The graphic is a screenshot of a Facebook post made by the Gardner Area League of Artists after a jury verdict in their favor. Jury found that the Winchendon Cultural History Center had breached a contract under which GALA was leasing space in Winchendon. A subsequent proceeding will be held in the next few weeks to determine the amount of damages to be awarded. GALA had made improvements to the area it was using as its gallery at the Winchendon Cultural History building. The lawsuit was filed almost 3 years ago after GALA’s tenancy was terminated with a 30 day notice from the WCHC.
- Information Game
Gardner Magazine Releases “Information Game” Original Song
We do it every day. We play the information game. Some of it’s accurate. Some of its not. Some of it’s biased. Some of it’s not. It’s the “Information Game” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Acoustic POP – Information Game From the song, “Facts are facts but can be skewed, when information’s misconstrued. When looking through a biased lens, Confused is what the media sends.”
Information, information…so much information!
- Conservation 3-24-25
Conservation Commission Speaks About the Sludge
Discussion at the Conservation Commission meeting of March 24, 2025 revolved around the problems at the Gardner Sludge Landfill. Chairman Greg Dumas asked questions of DPW Director Dane Arnold and City Engineer Rob Oliva regarding options at the site. Dumas stated that he would like to see Viola (the vendor) at a meeting. Item was continued to the next meeting on the 14th Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Commission 3-24-25 Other matters on the agenda included 36 Nicole Terrace, 282 Brookside Drive,125 Snake Pond Road, Betty Spring Road, the New England Power A1/B2 Transmission Line, the Ebenezer Keyes Conservation Area, Old Duck Pond Dam and 170 Mill Street. Some items were continued due to non attendance of the relevant people.
Brian Hall was welcomed to the Conservation Commission under a 60 day temporary appointment.
Please note: AUDIO is missing from approximately minute 32 to minute 34 and around minute 40 and 42 as there was a technical issue in the YouTube video. Also note: The YouTube video froze and there was no video for all but the first minute or so of the meeting.
- Health 3-24-25
At the end of the meeting, 2 citizens spoke to the Board of the Health regarding the Sludge Landfill. At the beginning of the segment, Chair Avallone was seen looking at her phone rather than at the residents. Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo made extensive comments.
The Gardner Board of Health met on March 24, 2025
The Board of Health spent about 19 minutes at the beginning of the meeting discussing meeting minutes including updates, corrections, and errors. Member Geoffrey Tobia expressed concern at various inaccuracies.
Director Micah Blondeau spoke about new model regulations from the state regarding Private Wells. Blondeau also updated the Board regarding groundwater monitoring, erosion control, and leachate systems. The public bidding for the leachate system will be at a future date. Blondeau stated that $143,000 was encumbered before, but some funds had been expended for preparation. Additional funds would be needed to proceed. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Entire Meeting BOH 3-24-25 During public comments at the end, Director Micah Blondeau, Chair Susan Avallon, member Michelle Parker and DeMeo got in to a back and forth discussion.
BOH Public Comments 3-24-25 Paul DeMeo also requested that the Board of Health adhere to the spirit of the Open Meeting Law by including various documents brought up during the meeting with the meeting agenda.
Publisher’s Note: The practice of including documents and draft minutes is followed by the Gardner City Council and the Gardner School Committee and has been very helpful to our readers with some City Council packets being up to 500 pages long.
- Bridge Hit
Quick Action by Gardner Fire Department Averts Contamination
The railroad bridge on Lower Parker Street in Gardner with a clearance of 12 feet 6 inches was hit on March 24, 2025 by a flat bed truck which was carrying a fork lift. Hydraulic oil spilled but was handled before it reached storm drains on the street.
Gardner Fire Department wrote, “Gardner Fire Group 4 responded to the lower Parker St. RR bridge for a flat bed truck that hit the bridge with its payload. Crews arrived to find that the payload ( a fork lift) had hit the bridge and was knocked off the truck into the road and leaking hydraulic oil. Crews were able to stop the hydraulic oil spill before it reached any of the nearby storm drains.”
Photo shows incident response and a stock photo of the bridge showing the sign about the “Low Bridge”.
- Fire Risk 3-23-25
Special Weather Advisory for Sunday, March 23, 2025
The National Weather Service has issued a Weather Advisory due to Elevated Fire Concerns in effect until 7pm on Sunday March 23rd. “The combination of low relative humidity values near 20 percent and northwest winds gusting 20 to 30 mph in the morning will create an elevated risk for fire spread across the region on Sunday. Exercise caution handling any potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches. Any fires that ignite will have the potential to spread quickly.”
- Deep – Biosolids
Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Landfilling Biosolids
In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers an EPA report on Landfilling Biosolids, featuring the Pros and Cons as laid out by the EPA. With all of the discussion and public comment on the possible expansion of the Gardner MA Sludge Landfill, we thought it was a great topic to explore. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Deep Dive – Landfilling Biosolids Gardner Magazine published the actual report this Deep Dive is based on , CLICK HERE.
Gardner Magazine had a previous article on Sludge Facts covering additional aspects of the Sludge issue, CLICK HERE.
- Hotline 3-22-25
Projects – Events – Veterans – Budgets – Pets Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Show
The WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 22, 2025 was filled with great interviews. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY.
WGAW Hotline Radio 3-22-25 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on projects in Gardner including the Rome Building at Willow and Main, Gardner Spray Park, the Mayor speaks about a large number of events in Gardner. — Jim Benton, Vietnam Veterans of America about various programs and events such as annual Memorial Ride — Abbott and Costello with famous baseball routine “Who’s on First”
2nd Hour: Big budget problems Winchendon and Templeton. —- Templeton: interview with Matthew Rivard who is resigning from the Templeton Board of Selectmen. Rivard speaks on his reasons for resigning and concerns about the Templeton budget. Rivard criticizes the mentality of the people of Templeton with respect to funding the town and “their inability to be forward looking”. Winchendon: Deep Dive with Jack and Jill: Winchendon School Budget —- Werner Poegel Commentary on People and Pets in the Chair City.
- Deep Charter
Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Gardner City Charter
In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers the Gardner City Charter as updated as of January 2, 2025. The discussion lays out the Chair City’s operating system and explains how things work under the hood. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Deep Dive – Gardner City Charter Review the actual Gardner City Charter profiled in this “Deep Dive – Gardner City Charter”. CLICK FOR PDF.
- CDBG 3-21-25
Members of the CDBG Committee include Chair Evan Cudmore who is the Assistant Director of Community Development, Council President George Tyros, Jason Stevens who is Director of Community Development, Micah Blondeau who is Director of Public Health, Thomas Zuppa who is Building Commissioner, Shawn Hayden who is CEO of GAAMHA, and Krishonna Murray, who is Director of the Gardner Housing Authority.
CDBG Updates City on Projects and More
The Gardner Community Block Grant Committee met on March 21, 2025 and went over various project details to update each other and the public. Gardner Magazine enhanced the AUDIO as original volume was low. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
CDBG 3-21-25 Item Update Greenwood Pool Demolition Next step is working with City Engineer Rob Oliva who currently has the storm water permit submission. Demolition of structure and construction of new Outdoor Pavilion will be 2 separate bids 213-215 Main Street Demolition An extra week of abatement is expected. Once abatement is done permit can be obtained to proceed with demo. PD will be involved to close streets as needed. 12 mattresses have to be removed from the building. Boys and Girls Club Award amount to be distributed after getting needed documentation
- Blake 2025
The City of Gardner has 6 Councilors at Large. To be elected, a person needs to be in the top 6 of vote getters for the position. Nomination papers are available starting April 1st.
Gardner Political Machine to Face Kimberly Blake Once Again
Gardner resident Kimberly Blake has announced that she will be running for Gardner City Council and explained in an answer to a question on Social Media that it will be for Councilor at Large.
The following is the statement from Kimberly Blake “We’ve had it all wrong…While there’s a lot of focus on who will run for mayor, it’s crucial to remember that the city council is what truly matters. Every action taken by the mayor must first pass through the city council. Sadly, our current council is filled with individuals who simply agree without question. But imagine if we revamped the city council and brought in members who can’t be swayed in their voting? What if we had a council that genuinely advocates for the residents and isn’t afraid to stand up for them, individuals who won’t be intimidated or coerced? What we really need are people who are willing to say no to the mayor! And people who are willing to hold the mayor and others accountable when their actions negatively impacts our city. You guys have always had my back, and i’ll continue to have your backs. I will be pulling papers to run for City Council. The fake accounts, misleading narratives, and attempts at retaliation have failed. I’m still here..” Blake ran for Mayor in the 2023 Gardner Municipal election, but was defeated by incumbent Mayor Michael Nicholson, who has been Mayor since July 2020.
GOOGLE analyzes Blake candidacy. A Google “Deep Dive” tool analyzed the candidacy of Kimberly Blake and rendered the AUDIO at right.
“Deep Dive” – Blake Candidacy
- This Week 3-21-25
This Week in the Chair City – March 21, 2025
The Gardner Magazine update can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY.
This Week in the Chair City 3-21-25 This Week: Various Local issues including Sewage Sludge, Budget Process, Drought, Election Dates, Projects and Progress, Various Events, Various Meetings, and a list of Songs.
Email any events or news tips to
- ZBA 3-18-25
Zoning Board of Appeals Hears Options at Interactive Meeting
Attorney Christine Tree represented Jonathan Bombaci regarding 163-165 Pine Street and the effort to resolve parking issues. Several options were presented including a potential plan to designate dedicated parking spaces at another property down the street with an easement. The Board will take the matter up again in April with the applicant expected to submit a more detailed plan including an order of desired preferences among the various solutions being considered.
Other matters included an applicant seeking relief on a rear setback yard to add two egresses on a Two-Family residence and the proposal regarding a single family home on Acadia Road.
Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
ZBA 3-18-25
- Election Apology
Editorial: Gardner Magazine Publisher to be Publicly Flogged for Election Story Screwup (no flogging please)
Gardner Magazine published an incorrect date in an Election story.
The correct date to obtain nomination papers in Gardner is beginning April 1st.
We regret the error so much we have released an official apology song. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Election Apology Song Here is our story with the correct information, CLICK HERE. Complete Schedule included.
- Drought 3-19-25
Find out factual DROUGHT CONDITIONS anytime by visiting, CLICK HERE.
Drought Conditions Improving – NOT CRITICAL – as reported elsewhere.
Gardner Magazine has alerted another local publication that its article re the Drought is incorrect. Actual conditions in this area are predicted to improve with areas just East of Gardner forecast to have the drought end completely.
- Rockin’ Springtime
Gardner Magazine Releases 50’s Rockabilly song “Rockin’ in the Springtime”
This original song is designed to capture the joy of Spring in a classic 50’s Rock style. It’s a fun, feel-good number. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Rockin’ in the Springtime by Werner Poegel From the song: “Animals wake from hibernation, creatures increase their population. Blooms become the “NOW” sensation. All part of the Spring equation.“
“I’m Rockin’ in the Springtime, Hoping for some sunshine, Fun times are all mine, Rockin’ in the Springtime.”
- Council 3-17-25
Top: City Council 3-17-25 2nd row: Economic Development Director Stevens, Assistant Clerk Kumar and City Council President Tyros. 3rd row: Tyros, Kazinskas, and Nicholson 4th row: Swearing in of Rob Oliva and Cory Hasselmann
Council President George Tyros commented on the Budget Process, Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
George Tyros Comments 3-17-25 Gardner City Council Met on St. Patrick’s Day
The Gardner City Council confirmed various appointments, authorized items related to he easements needed for improvement of sidewalks between Cherry and Temple Street, and authorized the mini-entitlement resolution. Full packet, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner City Council 3-17-25
As many of the matters discussed in the meeting originated in Sub-Committee, we are including various Subcommittee meetings here. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.Appointments 3-12-25 Appointments 3-17-25 Finance 3-12-25 Development 3-14-25 At the Economic and Community Development Committee meeting of 3-14-25, Director Jason Stevens detailed progress and various projects.
Note to readers: The last meetings of the Public Safety, Public Service, and Public Welfare Committees were in December 2024. By this date last year Public Safety had met 3 times, Public Service had met 2 times, and Public Welfare had met 2 times. Gardner Magazine will bring those meetings to you once they are held.
- Templeton 3-15-25
Templeton Holds Budget Hearings – a Select Board member steps down.
The Town of Templeton held its budget hearings on March 15, 2025. While the entire budget hearing is available on You Tube, Part 1 view here, – Part 2 view here, Gardner Magazine has chosen to highlight AUDIO of Templeton Police Chief Bennett who explains various budget issues. Many area cities and towns are experiencing the same challenges and the Chief explains matters very clearly and very frankly. Listen to the Chief’s testimony and interaction with the Selectmen before the Budget Hearing on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Templeton Police Chief Michael Bennett explained some of the budget issues of making arrests and why summons are often issued instead of arrests requiring suspects to be placed in custody. The Chief also stated that Templeton should have 1.5 officers per thousand but barely has 1. Chief Bennett explains the challenges of the budget stating several times “We will make it work.”
After the Budget hearing it was reported that the acting Chair, Mathew Rivard submitted his resignation as a member of the Board of Selectmen. Town Administrator Lamontagne’s resignation was effective 3-18-25 as his last day as 3-17-25. Holly Young is serving as Interim Town Administrator. The Board of Selectmen will reorganize at its meeting of 3-26-25
- Elections 2025
Official Election Dates in the City of Gardner MA
Up for election this year are several offices including Mayor, ward councilors, councilors at large and 3 of the 6 School Committee members. Subject to the approval of the City Solicitor the dates are as follows: Obtain nomination papers beginning April 1st, Return papers by July 15th, Preliminary election (if needed) will be September 16th, and the regular election will be November 4th. OFFICIAL ELECTION SCHEDULE, CLICK HERE.
A preliminary election is required if any one of the following conditions occurs: If there are more than 2 candidates for Mayor, more than 2 candidates for any one ward councilor position, or more than a dozen candidates for councilor at large or more than 6 candidates for School Committee.
First step: Get the nomination papers and obtain 50 signatures. Many candidates strive to get more than the required signatures just in case some don’t qualify.
- Dogs 3-17-25
D Fido Says “Please” Renew My Dog License Before March 31, 2025
Gardner City Hall on March 17, 2025 reports that about 1/3 of Dog Owners still have not renewed or obtained Dog Licensees for the new year. The Deadline is March 31st. A group of dogs got together and had Gardner Magazine write an original song and an AI vocalist and band produce the following number to embarrass these dog owners. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
POP – Dog License From the song: “So whether in a City or town, get it now so I don’t frown, if I don’t get my license I’ll go on strike, I’ll poop in the house or on your bike.”
Fines and penalties may apply if dog license is not obtained or renewed on time and vary by community.
Bonus: Jingle: “Take Me Out to the Dog Park”
- Drought 3-17-25
Graphic shows drought conditions in the United States (top) and the 3 month outlook showing improving drought conditions in Northern Worcester County.
Greater Gardner MA Still in Moderate Drought – Fires Discouraged
The U.S. Drought Monitor shows Gardner in a moderate drought as of 3-11-25. While the seasonal forecast is for the drought to improve in Northern Worcester County, dry conditions make the immediate forest and brush fire danger very real. The probability of above normal precipitation in the next couple weeks is about 40%. Area fire officials discourage burning. Reminder: Most communities including Gardner require you to obtain a burn permit for burning. You must also call daily to activate the permit each and every day and obtain permission to burn. Gardner MA Burning permit page, CLICK HERE. Check with your individual community for guidance.
Precipitation has been inconsistent. For example, it was the 37th wettest February on record over the past 131 years with .65 inches above normal. However, it has been the 30th driest year to date over the past 131 years with the total being 1.45 inches less than normal. Currently in Worcester County MA, 98.7% of people are affected by drought. Rain is in the forecast locally for Monday, March 17th with mostly sunny and mild weather forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday, showers possible Thursday, and a touch of snow and/or rain on Friday. For further reference: U.S., CLICK HERE.
- Luck of the Irish
Gardner Magazine Releases “Luck of the Irish” for St. Patrick’s Day.
Our original Irish Folk Song for St. Patrick’s Day is “Luck of the Irish”. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Luck of the Irish – IRISH FOLK SONG From the song’s chorus, “The Luck of the Irish, will grant your wish, the Luck of the Irish, on Saint Patrick’s Day.”
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2025. Good luck to you and yours in the coming year!
- Hotline 3-15-25
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates City with Hotline Radio Interview
First up on the show, Gardner Mayor Nicholson, discussing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Process already started with Department Heads “I always ask for two numbers. I ask for their wish list, and I ask for a more realistic budget, where we can just see where we have to build up to. You know, we’ve compiled all those together now. We’re working on our revenue projections right now. Just to be safe, what we do is we take all the revenue that the city receives that’s not taxation. We call those local receipts. That’s everything from, you know, fines to contract payments that we have to lease agreements to actually motor vehicle excise and meals tax falls into that, too, because that’s not regular property taxation that’s subject to Proposition 2 1⁄2. So we take all those together, take the average of the last three years, and take 96 percent of that average. And that’s how much we can estimate that we’re going to get in revenue“ On other matters; 25 Main Street is progressing, just not as quickly as anticipated. Negative social media posts are not true. — The Mayor spoke more about budget issues and on projects around the City of Gardner. Listen to the entire show on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Hotline Radio 3-15-25 Also on the show: Candace Graves on Templeton Recreation, a Deep Dive on Helping MWCC students with Childwatch, Werner Poegel with a report on Immigration, Sandy Long on the Relay for Life, and a Deep Dive on Healthcare.
- Sludge Facts
Top: Land Application. Middle: Landfill Bottom: Incineration.
For additional EPA technical resources, visit the website, CLICK HERE.
Some Sludge Facts for Greater Gardner MA
It just so happens that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has produced some very interesting Fact Sheets on the basics of sewage sludge and biosolids. 3 options are covered (1) Land application in which the stuff is used on parks, golf courses, home lawns, and gardens. For that use, there are contaminant limitations which are detailed in this Fact Report on land application, CLICK HERE. —– (2) Landfilling such as disposal in a Sewage Sludge landfill. For that use, there are known advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages noted is a possible danger to groundwater. Read the details in the Fact Report on Sludge Landfills, CLICK HERE. —– (3) Incineration. Essentially the sludge is burned at high temperatures in an enclosed device. The main disadvantage is the high cost. Read the details in the Fact Report on Incineration, CLICK HERE. There may be other alternatives not listed here.
Bottom Line: What has people so concerned in Gardner and the abutting town of Templeton is the possible contamination of groundwater and/or wells. This is a risk noted in the EPA’s report which we have made available to you. Experts would have to tell you whether Gardner is utilizing all of the options to minimize risk which are detailed in the Fact Report on Sludge Landfills, CLICK HERE.
Gardner’s plan is to expand the existing Sludge Landfill. There has been significant public opposition. Alternatives such as trucking it elsewhere or building an incineration plant are expensive. Soon, there will be a public comment period. Gardner Magazine will publish information as it is known to us.
- Burger King 3-14-25
Update 3-14-25: Article in another publication alleges ongoing issues at Gardner Burger King. Our previous article showed food prep areas clean with other issues, CLICK HERE. Gardner Magazine will publish a new inspection report when it is made available to us from the Board of Health so our readers can see for themselves if there are any issues of concern. Publisher’s Note: It is our belief that any reports or Press Releases referenced in a news story should be published along with the story in the interests of transparency and we will continue to do so. As soon as we have new information regarding this story, we will publish it.
- 25 Main 3-14-25
The building shown 4 years ago before Jon Bombaci embarked on the transformation. Soon to be home to Brilla Coffee. Other plans for the building await a transformer. Recent work done was to prepare for National Grid.
25 Main Street Gardner – Progress and the Wait for Electricity
Gardner Magazine Spoke with Jon Bombaci of Candor Realty on the project at 25 Main Street. Photo shows the building from 4 years ago. Listen to the short interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Jon Bombaci 3-14-25 Any negative social media posts suggesting nonsense are obviously just that… nonsense.
Work continues at 25 Main Street. George Sweeney Park was closed off recently as the pad was installed for the transformer awaited from National Grid. Framing done on the interior. Jon Bombaci says they are just waiting for power. 25 Main shown at right.
- This Week 3-14-25
This Week in the Chair City – March 14, 2025
The Gardner Magazine update can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY.
This Week in the Chair City 3-14-25 This Week: Various Local issues including the Sludge Landfill — School Committee – Assessors —- Gardner Museum — Events Coming Up – Around the Chair City — Upcoming Meetings
Email any events or news tips to
- Assessors 3-12-25
Board of Assessors consists of Assessor Christine Kumar, Chair Charles “Chuck” Leblanc, and member Paulette Burns.
Gardner Board of Assessors meets with Charles in Charge
The Board met on March 12, 2025. Listen to the exciting 5 minute meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Assessors 3-12-25 Assessor Christine Kumar stated that “as of today, the map updates are done. I have sent them over to the GIS Coordinator.” Kumar also explained the supplemental bill process and procedure. This week’s Kumar quote from the meeting “It’s all about being considerate.”
- Conservation 3-10-25
The Gardner Board of Health sent Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson a letter regarding concerns about the Gardner Landfill, CLICK HERE.
Conservation Commission Discusses Problems with Sludge Landfill
Residents Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo spoke about alleged ongoing issues at the Gardner Sludge Landfill. Members discussed the possibility of modifying its enforcement order and a letter will be drafted requesting presence of appropriate City officials at the next meeting. It voted to modify the enforcement order to ask for more information, attendance at DEP meetings, various inspection reports and test results, and timeline for repairs. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Conservation Commission 3-10-25 Other items included other properties in the City which are on the agenda, CLICK HERE.
- Sludge 3-13-25
Gardner Magazine Releases “We’ve Got the Sludge” – A Funky Environmental Song
Debate and comments regarding the proposed Sludge Landfill Expansion in Gardner Massachusetts continue on almost a daily basis at Gardner Committee meetings and even at the Templeton Select Board Meeting of March 12th. Supporters cite economics and the high cost to ratepayers for alternatives. Opponents are concerned about the environment. According to our song “We’ve Got the Sludge and it won’t budge. It sticks to the environment like some rear-end ointment.” and the Chorus “We’ve Got the Sludge, Are We That Crazy.” Listen to the song on any device. CLICK PLAY.
For news stories on Gardner Magazine relating to the Sludge Landfill, CLICK HERE for the search.
- Templeton Select 3-12-25
A number of topics and some resolutions at nearly 4 hour Templeton Select Board Meeting.
Summary: During the lengthy (nearly 4 hour) Select Board Meeting, the following occurred: Citizen comment was heard, Selectman Tim Toth criticized the media including Mass Live and Gardner Magazine for our inquires into the Adam Lamontagne – Chris Casavant – Select Board situation, —- Selectman Jeff Bennett explained his proposed action to remove Mike Currie as Chair of the Select Board for cause including the alleged mishandling of meeting agendas and his demeanor with others — the consideration of the Town Administrator Letter of Resignation resulted in the acceptance of the resignation on a 3-2 vote with members Bennett and Griffis voting against, —- the appointment of Holly Young as an interim Town Administrator for a six month period after a lengthy discussion with both positive and negative comments,—– funding issues with Templeton Community TV, —– discussion of concerns regarding the environmental impact of the Gardner Landfill to the Town of Templeton including a lengthy statement by Gardner abutter Alan Rousseau, —– and other matters detailed on the agenda, CLICK HERE. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Templeton BOS 3-12-25 Moving forward: Vice Chair Mathew Rivard will serve as Chair until a reorganization of the board at the next meeting March 26th. Holly Young will serve as interim Town Administrator for a period of 6 months from March 18th through 9-17-25. A written agreement will be entered into as well.
Publisher’s Editorial Note: Gardner Magazine obtained the Casavant complaint and Lamontagne response through appropriate channels. Selectman Toth’s criticism of both Mass Live and WebTech Online – Gardner Magazine is unfortunate as America is built on the foundation of a FREE PRESS. In my opinion, asking questions so the actual facts can be presented to the public is always a good thing, especially as in our email, we stated we would publish any of the Select Board members comments. That is why Gardner Magazine publishes complete Press Releases, complete AUDIO of meetings, and various other documents including agendas, packets, and reports, so you the public, can see and hear the raw facts rather than get just our take on it.
For future reference: Templeton Community Television has a Facebook Group, CLICK HERE. Many Templeton meetings are available through TCTV.
- Health Hiring 3-12-25
Local Healthcare Providers Are Hiring – What Positions are available…
Community Health Connections is located right next to Walmart off Route 68 in Gardner. Here are some of the positions: LICSW/LMHC – $3000 sign on bonus, Family Physician with a $20,000 sign on bonus, RN or LPN for Substance Use Programs $2000 sign on bonus and an FNP or PA for Urgent Care. Website, CLICK HERE.
Heywood Healthcare has facilities throughout the region. Here are some of the positions available at Heywood Hospital on Green Street in Gardner: Surgical Technician, Registered Nurse, Registered Nurse per Diem, Registered Nurse 24 Hours, and Administrative Unit Coordinator. Website, CLICK HERE.
- Templeton 3-12-25
Update: 3-12-25 8:56pm: During the Templeton Select Board Meeting. a motion to remove Board Chair Michael Currie was discussed and Currie resigned as Chair prior to a vote. Vice Chair Mathew Rivard will serve as Chair until a reorganization of the board at the next meeting March 26th. The resignation of Adam Lamontagne was accepted on a 3-2 vote with members Bennet and Griffis voting against. After a discussion with both positive and negative comments, Holly Young was appointed unanimously as interim Town Administrator for a period of 6 months through 9-17-25. A written agreement will be entered into as well. As of this update, the meeting which started at 6:30pm was still ongoing after more than 2 hours. Gardner Magazine will publish the complete AUDIO when available. Meeting Agenda, CLICK HERE.
In this article: Interview with Adam Lamontagne on 3-12-25. and original complaint which led to Lamontagne’s resignation, and interview with Chris Casavant on 3-12-25.
Templeton Town Administrator and School Superintendent on Issue which led to Lamontagne Resignation.
Gardner Magazine spoke with Adam Lamontagne on March 12, 2025. Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Lamontagne 3-12-25 According to Lamontagne, the Templeton Board of Selectmen have scheduled a hearing March 18 regarding a complaint by Superintendent of Schools Christopher Casavant. However, as Lamontagne resigned effective March 17th, the status of the hearing is unknown.
According to the formal complaint by Superintendent Casavant, Lamontagne’s creation of a “working group” to examine “efficiencies – restructuring up to and including withdrawal or partial withdrawal from the Narragansett School District” and posting of a related document on Facebook has created “unnecessary angst within the school community.” Casavant’s letter accuses Lamontagne of “inconsistent and unprofessional behavior”.
In response to the complaint, Templeton Town Administrator Lamontagne wrote, “My efforts to advocate for increased involvement and transparency should not be mischaracterized as erratic but instead recognized as a necessary step to ensure that the town’s interests are adequately represented… I strongly reject the assertion that my actions constitute erratic behavior.”
Read both complete complaint and response, CLICK HERE.
This is what School Superintendent Chris Casavant said about this issue. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Casavant 3-12-25 Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne Responds to Casavant Interview
Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne responded to the Chris Casavant Interview stating, “I listened to your interview with Chris Casavant. He stated he was not aware that the working group was going to be started. See email from February 8th below showing that he was told. The working group was formed on February 10th.” See Image of that email in which Casavant and members of the Select Board were included, CLICK HERE.Gardner Magazine Publisher Reaches out to Select Board for further answers:
The following email was sent to the entire Templeton Select Board just before 2pm on 3-12-25: “Dear Select Board, I did an interview today with Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne and with School Superintendent Chris Casavant. In the Casavant interview, Chris stated he didn’t get a heads up about the working group. However, I have published an email in which not only he, but members of the Select Board were informed. Can somebody tell me why this thing has so evolved? It appears you are losing a very good Town Administrator who is simply watching out for the taxpayers. Anyone have a comment? Am I missing something? Apparently Lamontagne was concerned about his family after interacting with Casavant. Please help me understand what is going on. I will publish any of your statements on my platform. I also plan to publish the AUDIO of the meeting this evening.”
- School 3-10-25
Gardner School Committee Meets on March 10, 2025
Teacher Joseph Lillie received recognition regarding his efforts in teaching English and life skills to those seeking to learn English. The Committee approved the Consent Agenda. Several members discussed progress on the Auditorium. Finance discussion included mention of the deficit due to out of control health insurance costs. The School Improvement Plan and various field trips were approved. Superintendent Pellegrino made a presentation on Progress Goals. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee 3-10-25 For the complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE.
- Hotline Hive
Contact Gardner Magazine
To add events to Gardner Magazine or to give us a news story lead, email Our voicemail line is (978) 632-6324
Contact WGAW
To contact WGAW Radio and Hotline Host Steve Wendell email or call (978) 632-1340. Local officials, organizations etc. should contact ahead of time to assure time availability.
Follow up Editorial: The Hotline Radio HOTLINE HIVE
On the Hotline Radio Show of March 8, 2025, my commentary spoke of “real advertising” and the reason many businesses fail. The past few days of Social Media Drama has simply reinforced what I said. I’ve seen a Downtown Gardner business which just opened up not update its website or Facebook with its current location. I’ve seen one Facebook Group cease amid some drama and businesses complaining about the lack of a place to promote. Since Saturday, Gardner Magazine has reached 5x more people than all of the Social Media groups combined. Also, in the meantime, WGAW has been airing local news stories to thousands and 24/7 News/Talk Programming. And its busy-as-a -bee radio waves have been pollinating the growth of a number of local businesses with “real advertising.”
Gardner Magazine produced a Jazz piece for the upcoming 3-15-25 Saturday Hotline Show called the “Hotline Hive” Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Hotline Hive – JAZZ And here’s the commentary from the March 8th program. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Threshold of 3 – Werner Poegel
- Election Countdown
One Week Countdown for Winchendon Nomination Papers
Nomination Papers are available in Winchendon Town Clerk’s office for Annual Town Election to be held on May 5, 2025, BUT, they must be obtained and turned in on or before Monday, March 17, 2025 at 5pm.
Available Terms: ONE-3-year term for Moderator, TWO – 3-year terms for the Board of Selectmen, ONE – 3-year terms for the School Committee, ONE – 1-year unexpired term for School Committee, and ONE – 3-year term for the Board of Health
- Westminster 3-10-25
Westminster Town Administrator Stephanie Lahtinen Launches Podcast
The Town of Westminster has launched an informative podcast to keep “Westminster residents informed one episode at a time.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Lahtinen states the podcast will be released every couple of weeks. From the town of Westminster, “Welcome to The Town Crier, Westminster’s official municipal podcast! Hosted by Town Administrator Stephanie Lahtinen, this podcast brings you the latest town news, upcoming projects, and behind-the-scenes insights straight from the people who help keep Westminster running. Whether you’re curious about town decisions, want to hear from local leaders, or just love staying in the know, The Town Crier is your go-to source for reliable and engaging updates. “ Podcast page, CLICK HERE.
Residents can submit questions to
Episode 2 Featuring Select Board Member Mike Cooley. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Town Crier – Episode 2 – Mike Cooley
- Parks 3-9-25
Parks Await Visitors in Gardner MA
Park Street Park is shown accessible with no snow after warm temperatures this week. It boasts a beautiful view of Crystal Lake.
The Monument Park Bandstand is shown empty. Soon, it will be home to a band during one of the Summer Band Concerts. The Bandstand Committee meets on April 24th to finalize the 2025 schedule.
CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
- Projects 3-9-25
- Maki Park 3-12-25
Wide view of Maki Park clearly shows the slope of the site. Maki Park has been mentioned in dozens of articles on Gardner Magazine. CLICK HERE for list.
Mayor Nicholson previous December statement regarding this issue, CLICK HERE.
Council President George Tyros statement to City Council, CLICK HERE Investigation Launched September 2024, CLICK HERE. COMPLETE INVESTIGATION REPORT, CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Note: The reason criticism of the project failures has been so harsh is because the park was proposed as a solution to the ADA compliance issue of having a City-owned parcel with a 15 degree slope. Ironically, the constructed Maki Park created more ADA compliance issues than it solved.
Disability Commission to Review Status of Maki Park Repair Plan
The Gardner Disability Commission meets on March 12th. One of the items on the agenda is discussing the status of the repair plan for Maki Park. The photo in this article clearly shows the problem – lack of accessibility for individuals with disabilities. There is access to the 3rd level (shown on left) via the parking lot. However, there is no ADA access to the 4th level (grassed area), 2nd level, or 1st level.
Problems with the project have been the subject of a Gardner City Council investigation, the termination of former Director Trevor Beauregard, and the creation of a new Sub-Committee. Gardner Magazine can confirm there is strong public interest in the oversight of the Development Department as in just the first 8 days of March, there were 1390 March + 821 February listens to the Economic Development Committee meeting of February 18th. (Total 2,211). The repair plan will receive extensive review before implementation.
Nearby Communities and the Region
Templeton – Phillipston – Winchendon – Ashburnham – Westminster – Hubbardston
Most recent stories of nearby communities , visit individual town page.
Looking for an older story? Or just want to read them? CLICK HERE for more Greater Gardner MA Local News Stories.
News Around the Region – Massachusetts – New England – Nation
Local News by Topic

Odyssey of First Responders Page – Songs Saluting our First Responders – Direct Links to Individual songs –Singing the Blues – Men and Women in Blue — Firefighters with Pizzazz — EMT’s Who Rock — Ain’t No Ordinary Public Works — Lifeguards We Need You — Men and Women of Our Forces –

Around the Towns – News

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More News Around Gardner MA

Gardner MA is a growing City with incredible upside potential. Gardner Magazine’s Go Forward with Gardner series gives a voice to those who will influence Gardner Going Forward. CLICK for Complete page.

- Community Spotlight
‘ Spotlight on Communities Greater Gardner MA
Gardner MA is known as the Chair City, and the other communities covered by Gardner Magazine all have something special: Ashburnham– Town of Lakes, Ashby – smallest town, Athol-the Tool Town, Barre – Town of Patriots, Gardner – The Chair City, Hardwick – Oldest Fair, Hubbardston -1015 above sea level, New Salem – Home of Quabbin Reservoir, Oakham – Coldbrook Springs, Orange – Home of Peace Statue, Petersham – Conservation, Phillipston – Historic Town Center, Princeton – Mt. Wachusett, Royalston – Forests and Falls, Rutland – Geographic Center of MA, Templeton – Town of 4 Villages, Warwick – Mt. Grace & Forest, Westminster – Historic Places, Winchendon – the Toy Town.
- Check It out
Check It Out!
Check out the pages on Gardner Magazine including Local Area Attractions, the Moving to the Area page, and Fun Photo Galleries. Kiddingly we say, ,Don’t play the fun games too long. Let us know what you like and what you’d like to see on Gardner Magazine.
- Public Meetings
Public Meetings Calendars
Gardner Magazine has a new page highlighting Public Meetings Calendars. Most communities list all upcoming meetings in handy formats. Some communities either have few meetings or are not as comprehensive. Being aware of Public Meetings is a great way to be involved in your community.
- Event Machine
Easily find Greater Gardner Events
Click on the name of a town for an EASY Google Events Search for events taking place in that community. ASHBURNHAM – ASHBY – ATHOL – BARRE – GARDNER – HARDWICK – HUBBARDSTON – NEW SALEM – OAKHAM – ORANGE – PETERSHAM – PHILLIPSTON – PRINCETON – ROYALSTON – RUTLAND – TEMPLETON – WARWICK – WESTMINSTER – WINCHENDON. A great tool to quickly find out what’s going on in the Greater Gardner region.
Massachusetts News This Week

Greater Gardner MA News Extras
- Gardner Tops 21K
Complete Gardner Census Data from 2020. Gardner MA Population Statistics
According to the U.S. Census, Gardner has a population of 21,287. Median Household Income is about $50,000. Those with a Bachelor’s Degree or higher is close to 1 in 5. More than half of the population is employed. 98% have health care coverage. There’s 9,411 total housing units with 691 vacant according to the Census Bureau. Gardner’s median estimated age of 41 is slightly above the median age in Massachusetts. One statistic to note: Average Gardner commute time is just under ½ hr. so there’s room for more local employers. For the complete census data, click here.
- Visit Gardner
Visit Downtown Gardner Video Released
To celebrate a great place to shop, Gardner Magazine has released a Downtown Gardner MA video. Watch it in full HD. CLICK HERE.
- Expanded News
Gardner Magazine news pages are generally updated twice per day and contain about 10 news stories per page. Let us know how we are doing. Contact Us.
Announcing Expanded NEWS Coverage
Added News pages include: About the U.S.: Breaking, FDA, Top Showbiz Stories, Top U.S. Stories, U.S. Economy News, U.S. News Alternate Sources: CNN, Fox, BBC. Countries of Interest: Australia, Canada, China, European Union, Mexico. Health: Health, Cancer, CDC, Climate, Covid. Neighboring States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York. Politicians and Politics: Bernie Sanders, Capitol Hill, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, U.S. Politics. Topics: Aliens, Money, Science, Travel, UFOs.
All News pages are listed under the tab LOCAL-STATE-U.S.-WORLD NEWS
News around Boston MA
Boston Herald Boston news, sports, politics, opinion, entertainment, weather and obituaries
- Thursday’s high school scoresby Boston Herald staff on March 28, 2025 at 1:13 am
BASEBALL Abington 4, Cardinal Spellman 1 Lynn Tech 8 Salem Acad. Charter 3 BOYS LACROSSE Lincoln-Sudbury 10, Billerica 7 Shawsheen Tech 6, Milton 4 Swampscott 16, Ham.-Wenham 3 GIRLS LACROSSE Arch. Williams 18, No. Quincy 8 Marblehead 16, Woburn 10 SOFTBALL Boston Latin 10, Minuteman 4 Randolph 20, Neighborhood Charter 4 BOYS TENNIS Silver Lake
- Suffolk Law grad accused of drunken driving, killing Boston man not a ‘gang kid’: Attorneyby Lance Reynolds on March 28, 2025 at 12:10 am
An attorney for a Suffolk Law graduate accused of driving drunk and crashing into a 73-year-old Boston man who later died from his injuries said his client is “not an 18-year-old gang kid,” when recommending conditions for her potential release.
- Judge says heat in Texas prisons unconstitutional as states face mounting lawsuitsby Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 11:51 pm
Texas is one of several states facing mounting complaints over scorching conditions in prisons.
- Trump executive order on Smithsonian targets funding to programs with ‘improper ideology’by Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 11:46 pm
Trump's order puts Vice President JD Vance in charge of the effort.
- Kristian Campbell caps off meteoric rise with Red Sox debutby Mac Cerullo on March 27, 2025 at 11:44 pm
After a meteoric ascent that saw him rise from afterthought to one of baseball's top prospects, Kristian Campbell made his highly anticipated MLB debut for the Red Sox.
- Child slips through fencing at White House and is intercepted by Secret Serviceby Michael Mahar on March 28, 2025 at 2:18 am
WASHINGTON (AP) — A child slipped through fencing outside the White House on Wednesday and was intercepted by Secret Service officers. Secret Service spokesperson Anthony...
- Mass Appeal: Clay Loungeby Michael Mahar on March 28, 2025 at 1:48 am
If you enjoy getting your hands dirty, this week’s Mass Appeal is for you. There’s a place in the South End where you can get...
- New Jersey woman faces judge, accused of killing 73-year-old in drunk driving crashby Michael Mahar on March 28, 2025 at 1:38 am
A 32-year-old New Jersey woman faced a judge in connection to a deadly drunk driving crash in Cambridge. Lauren Mullins is accused of hitting and...
- Police investigation in Manchester, NHby Michael Mahar on March 28, 2025 at 1:30 am
Police are investigating at Pine Island Park in Manchester, New Hampshire The investigation began just after 4 p.m. as police not only canvased the park...
- Police investigating smoke shop break-ins in Beverly, Middletonby Michael Mahar on March 28, 2025 at 1:23 am
Police in two towns are investigating break-ins at smoke shops. Surveillance video shows several people breaking into I-Vape on South Main Street in Middleton early...
In-Depth Massachusetts News Stories
National News
The Washington Times stories: News The Washington Times stories: News
- Trump order targets 'divisive ideology' in Smithsonian Institutionby Mallory Wilson on March 28, 2025 at 12:42 am
President Trump aims to "eliminate improper, divisive, or anti-American ideology" from Smithsonian Institution facilities.
- Trump strips security clearances from attorneys at firm that had employed Robert Muellerby Jeff Mordock on March 27, 2025 at 11:31 pm
President Trump signed an executive order Thursday revoking the security clearances for attorneys at WilmerHale, a high-powered Washington law firm that once employed former special counsel Robert Mueller.
- Trump establishes task force to broadly boost D.C.'s law enforcementby Mallory Wilson on March 27, 2025 at 11:14 pm
President Trump established a task force Thursday to revitalize and "beautify" the nation's capital.
- Narrow Republican House majority leads Trump to pull Stefanik's U.N. nominationby The Washington Times Newsroom on March 27, 2025 at 11:09 pm
President Trump has asked Rep. Elise Stefanik to remain in the House of Representatives rather than proceed with her nomination as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
- Brazilian prosecutor tosses ex-President Bolsonaro's COVID-19 vaccine status caseby Mauricio Savarese on March 27, 2025 at 10:50 pm
Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro scored a legal win on Thursday after the country's prosecutor-general tossed a federal police investigation that accused him of falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination status.
NPR News
NPR Topics: News NPR news, audio, and podcasts. Coverage of breaking stories, national and world news, politics, business, science, technology, and extended coverage of major national and world events.
- Trump executive order seeks to 'restore' American history through Smithsonian overhaulby Chloe Veltman on March 28, 2025 at 1:45 am
The "Restoring Truth and Sanity to American History" order removes "divisive, race-centered ideology" from Smithsonian museums, educational and research centers, and the National Zoo.
- The woman who killed Tejano music icon Selena in 1995 has been denied paroleby The Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 11:37 pm
Yolanda Saldívar, the woman convicted of killing Selena Quintanilla-Perez, has been denied parole after spending decades behind bars for fatally shooting the young singer at a Texas motel in 1995.
- Trump's new tariffs on imported cars could have a clear winner: Teslaby Scott Neuman on March 27, 2025 at 11:36 pm
President Trump's newly announced 25% import tariffs on foreign cars will increase vehicle prices by thousands of dollars, experts say, but Tesla is likely to fare better than other carmakers.
- Judge accuses Trump administration of trying to undermine judiciaryby Ryan Lucas on March 27, 2025 at 9:49 pm
The Justice Department accused Howell of repeatedly demonstrating "animus" toward President Trump, after she paused enforcement of an executive order.
- GOP leaders accused of making threats to block bill to let new moms vote remotelyby Deirdre Walsh on March 27, 2025 at 9:23 pm
Lawmakers from both parties teamed up to force a House vote on a measure allowing new parents to vote by proxy for 12 weeks, but House Speaker Mike Johnson opposes it on Constitutional grounds.
North County MA News
- Judge says heat in Texas prisons unconstitutional as states face mounting lawsuitsby Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 11:51 pm
Texas is one of several states facing mounting complaints over scorching conditions in prisons.
- Bulldogs win crosstown battleby Michael James Leclair on March 27, 2025 at 11:47 pm
FITCHBURG — The Fitchburg and Monty Tech girls tennis teams officially opened the 2025 spring campaign with an inter-city matchup at Fitchburg High School on Thursday afternoon. The traveling Bulldogs made a winner out of first-year head coach Liz Raymond as the guests secured a 3-2 win. “I’m so proud of them, they are such
- Trump executive order on Smithsonian targets funding to programs with ‘improper ideology’by Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 11:46 pm
Trump's order puts Vice President JD Vance in charge of the effort.
- Wilyer Abreu homers twice as Red Sox beat Rangers 5-2 on Opening Dayby Mac Cerullo on March 27, 2025 at 10:42 pm
Wilyer Abreu was unstoppable out of the gate Thursday, hitting two home runs to lead the Red Sox past the Rangers on Opening Day.
- The woman who killed Tejano music icon Selena in 1995 has been denied paroleby Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 10:40 pm
Yolanda Saldívar is serving a life sentence in Gatesville, Texas.
Northeast MA News
- Local roundup: Shawsheen Tech boys lacrosse team opens season with victoryby Staff Report on March 28, 2025 at 12:52 am
It’s not even April, but the spring high school sports season has officially begun. Zack Timmons netted two goals, including the game-winner in the fourth quarter, to power the Shawsheen Tech boys lacrosse team to a 6-4 non-league win over Milton on Thursday. Timmons added an assist. Jack Martins also collected two goals. Adding a
- The Five Minute Readby Staff Report on March 27, 2025 at 11:55 pm
The Five Minute Read highlights things to do, places to go and people to know in the Greater Lowell area. Have news to share? Send it to
- Judge says heat in Texas prisons unconstitutional as states face mounting lawsuitsby Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 11:51 pm
Texas is one of several states facing mounting complaints over scorching conditions in prisons.
- Trump executive order on Smithsonian targets funding to programs with ‘improper ideology’by Associated Press on March 27, 2025 at 11:46 pm
Trump's order puts Vice President JD Vance in charge of the effort.
- Dave Nangle reflects on career, reputation lost to gambling addictionby Colin A. Young on March 27, 2025 at 10:54 pm
BOSTON — When he was 17 years old, David Nangle found himself $800 in debt to a bookie. Reflecting on the situation as a 64-year-old, the former representative wishes he had not managed to get out of that jam.
Around the Towns
In the Community
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