Greater Gardner MA News June 2023
- Update 6-30-23 (6/30/2023)
- Dogcatcher Art (6/30/2023)
Original Dogcatcher Art from Gardner Magazine
In our Budget Interview with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, the subject of Animal Control Officers came up and I promised the Mayor I would get some Dogcatcher Art of the 1950’s. Well, we’ve done one better, we have an entire original Dogcatcher Fantasy Gallery, CLICK HERE.
Thank you to our Animal Control Officers for all the work they do in the community.
- Budget Interview (6/30/2023)
There’s a reason why the City of Gardner has received 3 perfect Federal Audits in a row. Relating to revenue forecasts, Mayor Nicholson stated, “We want to make sure we’re still living within our means and we’re not in a spot that if we hit a recession, or an economic downtown or something happens, we’re not in a spot where we’re caught off guard.” Coincidentally, Gardner Mayor Nicholson was elected in a special election exactly 3 years ago on June 30, 2020.
Right Down to the Toilet Paper, Mayor Nicholson watches out for taxpayer dollars, “ The state actually says we aren’t allowed to use brand name items unless it’s the only thing that comes in lowest. From that we have to make every effort to find a generic name at the lowest cost first.” And then he joked, “We’ll try out best to make sure that paper over there is measured in ply instead of in grit count.“
City Council packet of 6-5-23 containing complete Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, CLICK HERE.
Where Does the Money Go? – An Interview with Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson
We went through Gardner’s budget in detail, right down to the toilet paper. Mayor Nicholson explained the 3 elements of the budget including Schools, General Government, and Enterprise Accounts. He spoke of the 94% Rule relating to planning for incoming revenue. We learned a lot about every department and we hope you do too. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Budget Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson 6-29-23 The Schools
How proper funding has helped Gardner become a Tier 1 School. Budget was first approved by the School Committee and then is approved again by the Gardner City Council. Gardner was also smart with one-time grant funding, using it for one-time expenditures and capital improvements such as an HVAC rather than salaries – therefore Gardner does not have a school financial cliff to worry about like other districts in the state.
General Government
Explanations of Items on the wish lists of various departments. The Mayor understands the importance of being efficient with taxpayer dollars, “That the people who are paying these taxes are also paying more for groceries and gas and everything else in their daily lives. That we have to be able to respect what they have on there and live within our means, because we’re asking other people to live within their means as well.” The Mayor explained why he asks each Department Head for a wish list so that Gardner can plan for the future as funds become available. We went through various departments. The Mayor is in favor of bringing Gardner’s police force up to the staffing levels of 20 years ago.
Enterprise Accounts
How it Works. The best example is water and sewer where funds are segregated because not every resident has water and sewer so regular tax dollars can’t be used for improvements.
The 3rd Party Grant
The Gardner City Council had approved up to $60,000 for a third party grant service. Mayor reports that about $3 million in applications have been submitted so far on behalf of the City. If even a small fraction of that is approved, the return on investment will be huge. And more grants are still being sought.
- Kickoff Concert (6/29/2023)
Chair City Summer Kick Off Concert Scores Big Notes at Gardner MA City Hall
Mother Nature cooperated to turn the perfectly planned event into the perfect evening as the First Annual Chair City Summer Kick Off Concert was held in front of Gardner City Hall on Thursday, June 29, 2023. Listen to Mayor Nicholson’s opening remarks and a snippet of the music on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Kickoff Concert Snippet 6-29-23 The event drew people of all generations who came for the music and enjoyed the Food Trucks and beverages. Opening act was Brandon Furtado and the main act was 7 Day Weekend. Watch a snippet video, CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner is having its 6th Annual Food Truck Festival July 8, 2023 from noon to 8pm featuring almost every type of food imaginable, adult beverages and 2 music acts, AK Cody and The Remedy.
- Greenwood Update (6/29/2023)
Gardner MA Greenwood Pool Will Open Without Spray Park – Spray Park May Open Later
Greenwood Pool season begins Friday June 30, 2023 again without the Spray Park in operation. However, Debra Pond responded to our inquiry with the following: “We are first concentrating on opening the pool on June 30, 2023 with the installation of the new filtration system. Once we are confident that everything is operating properly we will turn our attention to the spray park operations. It is our attention to open it however, whereas it has not been open for the past three summers for a variety of reasons, we cannot turn it on at the same time as the pool becomes operational. Updates will be posted as they become available.”
Gardner Magazine will update our readers as appropriate. See our previous article for other information, CLICK HERE.
The City of Gardner has a page dedicated to the Greenwood Pool and will post updates on that page as they become available, CLICK HERE.
- Penguins (6/28/2023)
- Water Problem or not? (6/28/2023)
What Water Problem? Greater Gardner MA Streamflow Status Much Above Normal
Some nearby areas notably have all-time highs for this day. Many are much above normal. Some are above normal. So when will the water restrictions by lifted? Gardner Magazine would like to know. See the latest streamflow readings for yourself, CLICK HERE.
- CAC Gets Van (6/28/2023)
Gardner MA Community Action Committee Rolls Out New Van
The local non-profit posted, “This past Saturday, we picked up our NEW vehicle for our Medical Transportation Program! This was made possible through a grant from a local foundation. Pictured are Bruce Kelley and Gerry DeGrace, our Medical van drivers. They are ready to help transport ambulatory senior citizens to and from their medical appointments both in-town and out of town in a shiny, brand new vehicle! Call early to book a ride at 978-632-8700.”
In addition to the City of Gardner, the CAC service area includes the towns of Ashburnham, Baldwinville, Hubbardston, Otter River, Templeton and Westminster. It is focused on serving the needs of economically disadvantaged individuals throughout the Greater Gardner community. For more information, visit their website, CLICK HERE.
The Gardner CAC accepts donations through a secure portal, CLICK HERE.
- 3rd Graders (6/27/2023)
Gardner MA Assessor Gets High Marks But is Interrupted by 3rd Graders on Tour
Gardner Assessor Christine Kumar had her act together with a comprehensive report praised by both Chair Charles LeBlanc and Member Paulette Burns. Listen to the meeting and her report on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Board of Assessors June 27, 2023 Simultaneously with the meeting going on, City Hall received a visit from over 60 nine year olds from the Third Grade who apparently were filled with enthusiasm in meeting Mayor Nicholson and getting a tour of Gardner’s government building. A reference is made to the 3rd graders in the meeting. Who says a Board of Assessors Meeting can’t be exciting?
- Surgical Pause (6/27/2023)
Editorial Note: During the pandemic, community hospitals across the United States were affected adversely by the revenue shortfalls it caused. While Heywood Hospital has been a responsibly managed institution, it is not impervious to financial challenges. In the days ahead, Heywood Hospital is taking the proactive approach to make sure it can meet what’s most important: the delivery of excellent patient care. That necessarily entails prioritizing their expenditures and being open to new partnerships for the good of Heywood Hospital and the community. As we find out more, we will share with our readers. Note that Heywood is still hiring. Here’s a link to the Careers page.
Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Surgical Pavilion on Pause – Heywood Discussing Financial and Legal Options
Heywood Hospital has announced that it paused construction on its new Surgical Pavilion. According to a Press Release dated 6-26-23, “Heywood Hospital is in discussions to adjust the project’s legal and financial structure to better position itself for the future and for negotiation with potential strategic partners.” View entire Press Release in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
According to co-CEO Tom Sullivan of Heywood Healthcare, “Construction of the the state-of-the-art surgical platform is critically important to our community and to our health system. However, we must proceed responsibly and cautiously in light of the challenging healthcare environment in order to protect the investments made by all partners and members of our community. The stability of our healthcare system and financial viability of this project is in the best interest of our community.”
Site work began last summer and expected completion was sometime in the Spring or Summer of next year. Essentially, the need arose because Heywood’s current operating rooms dated from the 1960s when they didn’t need to be as large to handle some modern equipment. When complete, the Surgical Pavilion would substitute 6 much larger operating rooms for the current 4 along with other improvements.
Heywood Healthcare includes 9 satellite facilities in Massachusetts including Ashburnham Family Medicine, Heywood Rehabilitation Center, Summit Family Medicine, Heywood Primary Care and Urgent Care, Winchendon Health Center, Murdock School-based Health Center, Tully Family Medicine and ACES. Visit
- Library 2023 (6/27/2023)
A Magical Summer at Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA
It’s off to a great start as the “Find Your Voice” Summer Reading Program at Levi-Heywood Memorial Library launches with Stories and Crafts with Mayor Michael Nicholson June 28th at 5:30pm. Register now for the Summer Reading Club to read books and earn prizes or just show up for any activity. For a complete list of summer reading, craft activities and programs, here’s the page on the Levi-Heywood website, CLICK HERE. The program runs all summer long with various story time dates, craft activities, nature, puppets, music, and science. A Magical Summer Place for kids of all ages!
From the library, “During the month of July, the library will host a range of free activities for children and a fun reading challenge for all ages. Participants can win prizes for reaching their reading goals and attending in-person programs.”
The best way to find out about all of the resources available at the Levi-Heywood Memorial Library is to visit the website, CLICK HERE.
- Sizzling Summer (6/26/2023)
Coming Up: Chair City Summer Kickoff Thursday June 29, 2023 —- Food Truck Festival Saturday July 8, 2023 —- Summer Centennial Celebration Saturday July 22, 2023.
Our Reflections on a Sizzling Summer Saturday in Gardner MA
The weather was far from perfect on Saturday, June 24, 2023, but the people couldn’t have been closer to perfection.
Downtown Businesses showed their Yankee strength and strove on with enclosures for the rain. Downtown restaurants served delicious meals to eager customers.
The Gardner CAC collected jars of peanut butter for their Food Drive.
The Kendall Pond Betterment Association put on a Fireworks show to celebrate Gardner’s 238th birthday and Centennial as a City.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson was in Downtown playing with a huge snake. Gardner Magazine wonders what is harder? Handling a real snake or navigating the outside agencies he must in order to bring funding in to the City.
Of course, a big highlight of Saturday was the absolutely sizzling artwork presented by hundreds of students from Gardner Elementary School. It graced the Downtown. Theresa Thompson of the Centennial Committee took a photo of the contest winners who each took home a gift basket.
It may not have been a perfect weather day, but when Gardner gets together as a community, it’s about as close to perfect as it can get. And that is always worth celebrating….
- Summer Kick-off (6/25/2023)
Chair City Summer Kickoff Concert in Gardner MA Thursday June 29, 2023 – Music and Food!
The street closes at 4pm. Food and Beverages start at 5:30pm. Opening Act Brandon Furtado starts at 6pm. And, Headliner 7 Day Weekend starts at 7pm. There are 4 food trucks and 2 beverage vendors.
Gardner Magazine has music samplers and interviews with both acts.
Brandon Furtado Music Sampler
Brandon Furtado Interview
Brandon Furtado is a top-notch artist with a single out now and a new EP coming out soon. Complete Article, CLICK HERE.
7 Day Weekend Sampler
7 Day Weekend Interview
7 Day Weekend’s slogan is “the party never stops” and they aim to satisfy all ages and lovers of all different styles of music. Complete Article, CLICK HERE.
Event Layout from Gardner City Hall – June 29, 2023
Shows Food Truck Parking Area, Stage Location, Beverage Area, Event Parking, and Restroom Facilities.
Come and enjoy the show!
CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
- Update 6-23-23 (6/23/2023)
Gardner MA Executive Aide Colin Smith with a Reminder on Upcoming Events
Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY
Colin Smith speaks about the events of June 24th, June 29th, July 8th, and July 22nd.
Gardner Magazine has a detailed page featuring details on all of these events, CLICK HERE.
- Birthday 6-24 (6/22/2023)
A City-Wide Event – Complete Event page, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Celebrating Birthday on Saturday, June 24, 2023
238th Birthday and Centennial as a City Small Business Saturday in Downtown and City – Detailed Flyer Music: Downtown 21 piece brass band at 2pm, Monument Park Viva Las Elvis at 6pm, and Whiskey Johnson from 7-11pm at PACC Fireworks: Begin at Dusk at PACC Complete details of all the day’s events in this article, CLICK HERE.
- Winchendon Food (6/22/2023)
Town of Winchendon Holds Food Truck Festival
The 2nd Annual Food Truck Festival at GAR Park located at 52 Murdock Avenue is Friday June 23, 2023 from 4pm to 9pm. There are more than 18 trucks from around the state and there will be music with the “Battle of the Bands” competition reportedly featuring a variety from punk rock to classic rock to dance
The Winchendon Food Truck Festival event page also mentions crafters, artists, authors, games, and live entertainment. CLICK HERE.
It is a rain or shine event with a 20 by 40 foot tent provided and popups by vendors in case of rain.
- Ed Atter (6/22/2023)
Upcoming Events: Gardner’s Birthday June 24th, Chair City Summer Kickoff Music Event June 29th, Food Truck Festival July 8th, and the Summer Centennial Event July 22nd.
Well-Known Gardner MA Resident Edward Attar to be Grand Marshal of Centennial Parade
The Centennial Parade is scheduled for September 17, 2023 with a route from Elm Street to Waterford Street and the Grand Marshal will be none other than Ed Attar.
Centennial Committee member Theresa Thompson stated, “Thank you, Mr. Atter, for dedicating your life to your community. We are truly honored to have you serve as the Grand Marshal at our 100-year celebration parade. It is most fitting for sure.”
If you think you’ve heard the name before, it’s because you have. His military buddies would have known him as a 1st Lieutenant and Staff Finance Officer. In the banking community he is known for being a director of the Colonial Cooperative Bank for almost 50 years and for a 30 year tenure as its Board Chairman. A lover of the environment, Ed Atter started the local Millers River Chapter of Trout Unlimited to help ensure a cleaner Millers River. And lovers of great meats and home-grown apples remember Ed Atter from a family grocery store – Atter’s Market. Mr. Atter has also been a big supporter of youth in the area through Scouting and Sports Leagues.
For more on Gardner Centennial events, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE.
- Zoning 6-20-23 (6/22/2023)
- Coverage 4 (6/21/2023)
Public Service Committee Agenda, Details, Packet, Article, and AUDIO of all 4 meetings are in this article.
A Series of 4 Related City Council Meetings in Gardner MA
Public Service Committee
Public Service Committee met on June 15, 2023. Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Public Service Committee June 15, 2023 Finance Committee Meeting
Various Housekeeping Items were taken up in a short meeting – Agenda/Packet, CLICK HERE
Listen to the Meeting on any device. Listen on Any Device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee June 20, 2023 Chief Lagoy spoke about the Fire Department. 37 positions filled, 4 at academy, 1 graduates in July, 3 in August, plus 3 more applicants.
Informal City Council Meeting had DIF City Workshop
DIF is District Increment Financing – Agenda/Packet has information, CLICK HERE
The Camoin Associates Representative showed what has been done so far and spoke in detail about the subject. The Agenda and packet above has the slides from the presentation.
Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Informal City Council Meeting 6-20-23 Regular City Council Meeting
City Council Packet and Agenda, CLICK HERE.
There was a Public Hearing regarding poles. One citizen spoke against the moving of a pole which he says is in his backyard. He says this was after a previous situation in which he suffered thousands of dollars in damage due to the negligence of National Grid, stating his insurance company got the money back from National Grid, and now he says the moving of the pole to his front yard would once again cost him thousands. He stated National Grid has an easement so they could maintain the existing pole. Matter was referred to the Council as a Committee of the whole.
Open Meeting Law Complaint: Councilor Walsh stated that Paul DeMeo’s latest Open Meeting Law Complaint was without merit and the City Council approved his motion that the City Council authorize the City Council President send a response stating so.
Councilor Comments: There was a new Councilor Comments and Remarks section. Councilor Tassone stated, “I just want to wish everyone a happy, warm, safe summer starting tomorrow.”
Listen to the Meeting on any device. Listen on Any Device. CLICK PLAY.
Regular City Council Meeting June 20, 2023
- Heywood 6-19-23 (6/19/2023)
Proactive Heywood Hospital of Gardner MA Holds Press Conference Focused on Staff and Patient Safety
In the aftermath of an Emergency Room incident in which one of their ER nurses sustained a serious injury while caring for a patient, Heywood Hospital held a Press Conference on Monday, June 19, 2023 featuring CEO Rozanna Penney and ER Head Dr. Ellen Ray. Listen to the entire Press Conference on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Heywood Press Conference June 19, 2023 A Spike in Violence
Heywood CEO Rozanna Penney stated that “This is a systemic problem, the problem that community hospitals cannot solve on our own. For years, the behavioral health system in Massachusetts and nationally has struggled with serious challenges relating to patient access and adequate reimbursement, and workforce vacancies. The long-term effects of COVID 19 pandemic and increased need for behavioral services continue to exacerbate these issues.” The CEO also stated that “reopening the mental health unit is a priority for our organization.” Citing statistics regarding violence she also said, “Every 38 minutes in a Massachusetts healthcare facility, a clinician or an employee is either threatened or assaulted, physically or verbally. A poll conducted by the American College of Emergency Physicians noted a 45 percent spike in violent incidents in the past 5 years.”
Working in the Trenches
Chief of Emergency Medicine Dr. Ellen Ray has seen it all, working at Heywood Hospital for over 3 decades as an ER physician, in the role of ER Director for 6 years. She spoke about the problem of violence, “And over the past few years, our emergency department has seen a significant increase in violence. Verbal abuse, threats, physical attacks, an increasing amount of weapons within our safe workplace. We see it each and every day. We work kind of in the trenches, as we call it. And basically on a daily basis we are exposed to physical threats and violence.” Dr. Ray related how the recent incident had an effect on the entire ER staff stating, “Our main concern is the safety of our staff, the safety of our patients, and the safety of our community.”
Zero Tolerance Policy Now in Effect
Dr. Ray stated, “We have instituted a new code of conduct policy to ensure our hospitals and locations are as safe as possible. To this end, violence, verbal, physical assault, physical threats will not be tolerated. Weapons of any kind will not be tolerated on our property. ….Offensive comments about race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or personal traits are not acceptable, and neither is the refusal to see a clinician. Based on these traits, all patients and visitors are expected to use respectful, appropriate language and behavior. Physical or verbal threats or assaults, suggestive or explicit words, phrases, gestures or actions will not be tolerated. “
- Juneteenth 2023 (6/18/2023)
Juneteenth to be celebrated Monday, June 19, 2023 in Greater Gardner MA
City Hall and Town Halls will be closed and U.S. mail will not be delivered. Juneteenth commemorates the emancipation of enslaved Black Americans. It became a Federal Holiday when the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act became law in 2021. More on Juneteenth, CLICK HERE. – Original Poem below.
The Sentient Soul of American Freedom The sentient soul is only free amidst absolute equality.
White, black, brown, or blue, every color of the rainbow too.
Differences embraced as perfect creations of a loving God.
Discrimination disgraced as perpetrating the ultimate fraudEach of us with an inner glow, a sentient soul to show.
Beauty transcending physical form whatever it may be.
True love of others practicing no visible discernment
Instead cherishing the joy of what always lies within.View those around you with a much more careful eye.
Appreciating the unlimited variety of human existence.
Upholding our freedoms with determined persistence.
Understanding that rights for the one is rights for us all.No one being is less and all of us together are more.
Loving what is different as much as what is the same.
Brings energy to the equality of the sentient soul.
Achieving freedom for all as the American Werner Poegel 2022
- Update 6-16-23 (6/16/2023)
An Update with Gardner Magazine’s Toby White and Sarah Lepley for Gardner MA
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY
Gardner Magazine Update June 16, 2023 Update was updated at 8:45pm on 6-16 to add details regarding June 24th in Downtown Gardner.
Host Dylan Martin introduces Toby White and Sarah Lepley who offer:
Thanks, appreciation, and congratulations to a number of people, officials, and organizations.
Updates on Important Things Happening in Gardner including actions of the City Council and School Committee, Safety Protocols at Heywood Hospital, and Job Opportunities with the City.
Important Gardner Events such as Gardner’s Birthday on June 24th and the Fireworks, the FREE Rock Concert at City Hall on June 29th, the Food Truck Festival on July 8th, and National Night Out in August.
Due to a scheduling conflict, the Mayor was not able to do an update this week.
- Birthday 2023 (6/16/2023)
June 24, 2023
UPDATE: June 15, 2023 – Fireworks Parking Restrictions – Jump to Info.
UPDATE: June 16, 2023 – Complete Downtown Gardner Schedule including 21 piece Brass Band – Jump to Info Art at the Fireworks – Jump to Info
Gardner MA Big Birthday Celebration on Saturday June 24, 2023 – COMPLETE DETAILS
The City of Gardner is celebrating its 238th birthday and its CENTENNIAL as a City. Events include: Small Business Saturday throughout the City and Downtown, Fireworks at Dusk, Concert in Monument Park at 6pm with Viva Las Elvis (Complete Monument Park Schedule), and a concert at the site of the Fireworks sponsored by the Lithuanian Club featuring Whiskey Johnson (Complete Schedule).
In addition, there’s entertainment the night before at the PACC, with a Cruise Night and their Friday Night Band – Perfect Alibi (Complete Schedule)
Downtown Gardner Complete Information
Gardner Square Two kindly provided us with the details of all of the goings on and we are sharing this entire schedule with you. CLICK HERE.
Downtown Gardner Celebrates
Where: Downtown Gardner on Parker, Pleasant, and Main Streets plus merchants on Central, West Lynde, and Connors Streets.
Event is FREE, Family Friendly, and Open to the Public. Everyone is welcome! And you can see how great Downtown Gardner looks…
Celebration at a Glance Downtown Shops have inside and outside specials and promotions including Hoola Hoop Party by Witches Wardrobe. The Velvet Goose and John’s Sport Shop will offer top quality merchandise. Fun for Kids: Kids Center includes games, inflatables, costume characters, selfie station, and face painting. Local Non-profits provide information – includes Gardner CAC collecting jars of peanut butter. Restaurants please hungry customers including Free Cupcakes from the Parker House of Pizza Food Trucks satisfy comfort food desires – TBD Art in full Force: Crafters Display their wares – also GES student art displayed in Downtown business windows – Pottery Throwing Demonstration – Paint a Ceramic Tile for Free Vendors offer merchandise – Check out the selection. Performances are Scheduled by the Wolfshager Hexenbrut Witch Dance Group, The Super Natural All Stars Cheerleaders, and a masterful performance by a 21 piece brass band – the Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Band doing American Marches, Patriotic favorites, Armed Forces songs performing from 2-4pm at the center of Downtown – Viva Las Elvis performs at Monument Park at 6pm Demonstrations Take Place- meet the WooSox Mascots and Win Prizes! – Gardner PD offering hands-on impaired driving demonstration (a big hit last year!) Meet K-9 Rocky – Reptiles Shows of New England brings live animals. Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Band Performance – an iconic 21 piece brass band performs from 2 to 4pm Celebrating the 4th of July, the 238th year since Gardner was incorporated as a town, the City’s Centennial as a City.
Fireworks at Dusk
Event is FREE, Family Friendly, and Open to the Public. Everyone is welcome! Shuttle buses will be bringing people to and from parking at the Gardner Airport. (no parking on Route 2A)
The Gardner Fireworks Display begins at DUSK on Saturday June 24, 2023 at the Polish American Citizens Club (Rain Date is June 25th at dusk)
Fireworks at a Glance Fabulous Fireworks Display at Dusk Featuring Food Trucks at the PACC Featuring Raffles including on great artwork from GALA Featuring various vendors Music Entertainment featuring Whiskey Johnson The Kendall Pond Betterment Association and the Gardner League of Artists hosted outdoor painting sessions around Kendall Pond until June 2023. Artists created works based on views around the pond and a mini art show with all works for sale and awards will be held on June 24, 2023
Fireworks Event is sponsored and supported by the City of Gardner, the Kendall Pond Betterment Association, The Lithuanian Outing Association, The Polish American Citizens Club, and various local business donations. Donations are still accepted and corporate sponsorships for the 2024 Fireworks are available. Visit this secure site, CLICK HERE.
Art at the Fireworks
20 GALA Artists Participated in Year-Long Gardner MA Painting Contest
Artwork to be sold at Fireworks this year…
In a partnership with the Kendall Pond Betterment Association begun last year, the GALA artists were asked to paint, photograph, and otherwise portray Kendall Pond by visiting the pond during the 4 seasons. This culminates in a display of the artwork during the Saturday June 24, 2023 festivities at the PACC. Prizes will go to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and two honorable mentions.
The 1st place winner will be auctioned off to the public with the winning bid split between the artist and KPBA. All of the other artwork will be on sale with the proceeds split between the artists and KPBA. Art from a second contest will also be sold with the same split – in this case the artists were given a mystery box of organic materials with some paint and asked to create a picture.
To participate in the auction, place bids at the GALA booth during the fireworks festivities. To buy the art, come to the event. Photographs are just a small sampling of the art at the event. Click on any image for larger view.
Fireworks Parking Restrictions: Posted by Gardner Police Department “There will be parking restrictions in place for the upcoming Fireworks at the PACC on Saturday June 24, 2023. Areas that will be posted as no parking are: Both Sides of 2A (West Broadway) near Airport Rd. This is a highway and marked with no parking. There are new sidewalks between the PACC and Airport Rd on the east bound side of 2A, there is no parking on sidewalks at any time. North Side of Mohawk Dr – South Side of Snake Pond Rd -Entire Length of the West Side of Airport Rd – These areas will be clearly marked as no parking with no parking signage. If vehicles are parked in no parking areas, they will be towed. These restrictions are for public safety to allow safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians. The Gardner PD appreciates everyone’s anticipated compliance with these restrictions to make it a safe and fun event.”
- Biking Extended (6/15/2023)
Park Street Park Progresses including Bike Path Extension and More in Gardner MA
Shown is work on the Park Street Park a couple of weeks ago and on June 15, 2023. Monument Park is shown with the completed sidewalks ready for concerts to begin on Saturday June 17, 2023 with the Green Sisters, a folk group. SEE 2023 SCHEDULE. Work continues on Park Street. It’s all part of Phase III of the Downtown Improvements Project. See Press Release from Mayor Nicholson regarding Gardner receiving $500,000 in funds for Bike Path Extension, CLICK HERE. – Trail will extend from Greenwood Memorial Pool, through Crystal Lake Cemetery, to Park Street. Various enthusiastic government officials are quoted in the Press Release. Illustration below shows Bike Path work 2023 and 2024 which connects to work done in the last couple of years.
- E.D. Protocols (6/15/2023)
Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Institutes Safety Protocols in Emergency Room
Vice President of External Affairs Dawn Casavant issued a Press Release regarding what patients need to know about New Emergency Safety Screening Protocols for the Emergency Department. Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
This change comes in the wake of a nurse getting stabbed by a patient in the Emergency Room last week. CLICK FOR STORY. Patients will be screened with a security wand and provided with a gown when entering the ED treatment area. Visitation is suspended in the ER with limited exceptions. “Restricted Visitation will continue until more permanent safety infrastructure is in place.”
- Planning Board 6-13-23 (6/14/2023)
Gardner MA Planning Board Meets Regarding Concord Crossing Open Space Residential Development
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Read the meeting agenda, CLICK HERE.
- Food 7-8-23 (6/14/2023)
A Wacky Interview on the Gardner MA Food Truck Festival with Colin Smith
Gardner Magazine interviewed the Mayor’s Executive Aide Colin Smith regarding the upcoming Gardner Food Truck Festival coming up Saturday July 8, 2023 from noon to 8pm. This year it has the “Wow Factor” WARNING: This interview might make you hungry. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
We spoke to Colin about the extensive selection of foods at this year’s Food Truck Festival, the beverages, the musical entertainment, the location of the trucks, the places to park, and more. See previous article regarding the Food Truck Festival, click here.
View the Complete Gardner Food Truck Festival 2023 page
- Conservation Commission 6-12-23 (6/13/2023)
Conservation Commission Meets on June 12, 2023
Conservation Commission Agenda, CLICK HERE. Listen to the Meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.
The Commission met to discuss pertinent issues on various properties.
- Heywood Incident (6/13/2023)
Gardner MA PD and Heywood Hospital Release Joint Statement on Stabbing Incident
A nurse was stabbed in the Emergency Room of Heywood Hospital on June 12, 2023 and sent to UMass in Worcester for further treatment. The perpetrator was arrested and charged. Here is the complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- School Committee 6-12-23 (6/13/2023)
View the entire agenda and packet in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA School Committee Wraps Up Before Fall
In its last meeting before September, the Gardner MA School Committee met on June 12, 2023. The meeting was unique in that many students were recognized by Superintendent Mark Pellegrino in the first 10 minutes or so of he meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
School Committee June 12, 2023 Reports were presented regarding facilities and finances. Grant Director Courtney Dunn went over various grants in detail.
The Superintendent was deemed by the Committee to have made significant progress on his goals with a performance considered proficient or exemplary. He was then given a 5 percent raise. Last year he was offered the same and announced he was taking only 2 percent. With the absence of such a declaration this year, it is assumed the honored Superintendent is going to accept the larger amount.
The Helen Mae Sauter School and other nearby property was declared surplus, with ownership transferred to the City of Gardner as a whole. This will allow the City to proceed with agreements such as one contemplated with GALA, the Gardner Area League of Artists which is considering the facility for its new home. It is the dream of some for the facility to become the Chair City Arts and Music Center.
- En Pleine Aire (6/12/2023)
20 GALA Artists Participated in Year-Long Gardner MA Painting Contest
Artwork to be sold at Fireworks this year…
In a partnership with the Kendall Pond Betterment Association begun last year, the GALA artists were asked to paint, photograph, and otherwise portray Kendall Pond by visiting the pond during the 4 seasons. This culminates in a display of the artwork during the Saturday June 24, 2023 festivities at the PACC. Prizes will go to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and two honorable mentions.
The 1st place winner will be auctioned off to the public with the winning bid split between the artist and KPBA. All of the other artwork will be on sale with the proceeds split between the artists and KPBA. Art from a second contest will also be sold with the same split – in this case the artists were given a mystery box of organic materials with some paint and asked to create a picture.
To participate in the auction, place bids at the GALA booth during the fireworks festivities. To buy the art, come to the event. Photographs are just a small sampling of the art at the event. Click on any image for larger view.
- Gardner Jobs (6/12/2023)
For a current list of jobs available in Gardner Massachusetts, CLICK HERE.
Chair City of Gardner MA has Job Opportunities
Gardner Massachusetts is a growing City being recognized by others in the State and the Country. Working for a municipality like Gardner has its benefits well beyond the wage the position pays and its a relatively secure job. As of June 12, 2023, there are a number of openings. In addition to the positions listed below, both the Gardner PD and Gardner FD have openings which must be filled only from civil service lists if and until that requirement is removed by a vote of the Massachusetts legislature.
Current Opportunities with Link to Complete Details on City of Gardner Website Assistant City Clerk Domestic Violence Advocate DPW Mechanic DPW – Laborer Seasonal Lifeguards – Greenwood Pool Staff Librarian – Local History/Archives DPW – Temporary Seasonal DPW – Truck Driver
- Parker Featured (6/11/2023)
Gardner MA Parker House of Pizza is Featured on New England Perspective TV
The Television Show segment aired on June 11, 2023 and profiles great places to eat throughout New England. Parker House Owners Chris and Reno showcased their various pizzas to host Lika. Watch the entire segment. Click PLAY.
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson commented that “one of my favorite events is…right around Christmas time, we go Christmas Caroling throughout the Downtown, and there’s always free pizza at the end here….They’re really active and involved and the food is just really great.”
Parker House of Pizza has been in business for 21 years. Visit their website, CLICK HERE.
- Corner Disney (6/9/2023)
Disney Portraits of Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, Executive Aide Colin Smith, and Executive Assistant Rachael Roberts
Editorial: A Week in Gardner MA out of a Disney Script
In Disney Movies, everything seems to go right sometimes. Such was the week in Gardner Massachusetts. Straight off the 3rd year of a perfect audit, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and his team including City Auditor John Richard prepared the budget so well it received no opposition from the Gardner City Council despite the scrutiny of various Committees. A job well done. The Ribbon Cutting at the Gardner Elementary School was a cause for celebration as the City has its first school in 100 years built for kids k-6. Various Park Improvements continue. Renovations are underway in Downtown as flowers are blooming. Upcoming music events were highlighted. And behind the scenes the team in the corner office is working on greater support for Art in the Chair City. Yes, some weeks things just seem to go right….
- Update 6-9-23 (6/9/2023)
Completion – Gardner MA Mayor’s Update of June 9, 2023
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updated the Chair City on various items which have been completed including approval of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, High School Graduation, Construction at Community Health Connections,, the Ribbon Cutting at Gardner Elementary School, and Sidewalk Improvements at Monument Park. Listen to all the details on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update June 9, 2023 Mayor Nicholson explains how the budget is divided among various Departments and how the enterprise funds work and thanked everyone including City Auditor John Richard for “the quickest Gardner has ever had a budget done since at least 2000.” He thanked those involved in the process of constructing the new Gardner Elementary School.
Various Events: Relay for Life June 9th and June 10th. —- Concerts at Monument Park return June 17th. —- Fireworks and Gardner’s Birthday on Saturday June 24th. —- Brandon Furtado opens for 7 Day Weekend for a concert at City Hall on Thursday, June 29th. —- Summer Centennial Celebration on July 22nd.
- GES Ribbon (6/8/2023)
Official Ribbon Cutting at Gardner MA Elementary School
Gardner’s New Elementary School opened in September, 2022, but the official ribbon cutting was held on Thursday, June 8, 2023. On-hand were local officials and of course Principal Earl Martin. For more information on the Gardner Public Schools system, please visit our Schools page, CLICK HERE.
- Relay 6-9 & 6-10 (6/8/2023)
Gardner MA Relay for Life 2023 has 77 Teams
The Gardner Relay for Life is June 9 to June 10, 2023, taking place once again at Mount Wachusett Community College on Green Street in Gardner. The 2023 theme is “Every Step brings hope.” In a milestone, this is Gardner’s 30th Relay for Life.
There are 77 Teams Each team has from 2 to dozens of members. To join a team or donate to a team, CLICK HERE.
Teams include the Oakmont Peer Leaders with 31 members, Rosa’s Warriors with 20 members, the Oakmont Student Council with 28 members, LCU Crusaders with 24 members, Kindred Hope for a Cure with 26 members, and dozens of others. As of the day before the event, already $110,000 has been raised out of a $140,000 goal.
The Gardner Relay for Life is one of 2500 similar events held yearly in the United States. Last year’s goal of raising $100,000 was exceeded by the time the event began. This year, local cancer survivors will once again be celebrated and Cancer Survivors will take a victory lap to kick off the event. The Relay for Life event also features various music groups and food vendors.
- Brandon Furtado (6/7/2023)
UPDATE: Article now also includes an interview with the artist. Scroll Down.
Brandon Furtado is “The One” Opening at 6pm on June 29, 2023 at Gardner City Hall
Brandon Furtado hails from Somerset MA and has been writing music for almost a decade, creating both pop and acoustic tracks. We’ve captured some of his catchy hooks in this Furtado Sampler. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Brandon Furtado Music Sampler Creating both pop and acoustic tracks, Brandon’s first single “Jems” is available now and he’s gearing up for the release of his new EP “Songs About Jules”. Enjoy his diverse and energetic performance FREE at Gardner City Hall, June 29, 2023 from 6pm to 7pm followed by 7 Day Weekend which plays from 7pm to 9:15pm.
Food Trucks and Beverages will be available.
Gardner Magazine interviewed Brandon Fortado in a revealing interview. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Brandon spoke about the creative process in creating songs from scratch. He also spoke of the artists who have inspired him and about one particular celebrity actress who has especially influenced his music. About writing songs, Brandon stated, “So basically what you’re doing when you’re writing songs is you have your own personal experiences, and you’ll hear these melodies in your head Like, you might think of something that rhymes Like, it’s usually a rhyme scheme that starts And then you’ll go, okay, but, like, how does this song sound And all of your inspiration and all the music you really like, you can think about it like a bank, and you can say, Okay, I have this idea.”
- Greenwood 2023 (6/7/2023)
Season Begins Friday, June 30, 2023 at Greenwood Outdoor Pool in Gardner MA
The sight of smiling kids’ faces, happy families, and avid swimmers will be seen again beginning Friday June 30, 2023 at Greenwood Pool on 69 Park Street in Gardner. Pool hours are noon to 5pm. Public Swim is $4 adults, $3 17 and under, and $2 Seniors. 20 visit pass: Adults $60, 17 and under: $40. Passes can be purchased directly at the pool or at the Human Resources Department at Gardner City Hall, Room 226. More information is available on the pool page of the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
A variety of Swim Lessons are offered from Water Bug up to Intermediate. The schedule and registration form are on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
A shortage of staff continues to prevent the opening of the Splash Park again this year due to its proximity to the deep end of the pool. According to the City of Gardner, ” As the pool garners the most use, the best and most beneficial use of the Greenwood Pool lifeguards is the actual pool assignment. ” UPDATE: June 29, 2023. Spray Park may open, CLICK HERE.
- Unhealthy Air (6/7/2023)
Emergency Alert Goes Out Regarding Unhealthy Air in Greater Gardner MA
Here is the alert received on June 7, 2023: “Due to the current fires in the West and Canada the local air quality has been affected and is considered to be unhealthy for sensitive groups. This includes people with heart or lung disease such as asthma. Older adults children teenagers and people who are active outdoors people with lung disease are at greater risk from exposure to ozone while people with either lung disease or heart disease are at greater risk from exposure to particle pollution the same standards can be applied to pets and animals people in sensitive groups should reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exhaustion(?) take more breaks and do less intense activities and follow asthma action plans and keep quick relief medicine handy watch for symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath.”
- Heywood CEO (6/7/2023)
Heywood Hospital is expanding services such as the upcoming Surgical Pavilion, a state-of-the art facility opening in 2024.
CEO at Heywood Hospital – Gardner MA – The Facts
Gardner Magazine has confirmed that Win Brown is no longer the CEO of Heywood Hospital, the organization he has led for 12 years. According to a Press Release, Heywood Hospital has appointed Rozanna Penney and Tom Sullivan as co-CEOs.
Heywood Healthcare Board Chair Robert Chauvin stated, “This is an untraditional model, but one that capitalizes on the internal strength of the leadership team and the work before us, focused on community healthcare accompanied by financial and operational excellence. The Board is highly confident that this leadership structure, along with the help of our dedicated employees, will carry forward the Heywood Healthcare mission, to provide exceptional patient-centered care.”
Gardner Magazine has a policy of publishing Press Releases in their entirety. Heywood Press Release CLICK HERE.
Publisher’s Comment: When any organization loses a key employee it’s a source of stress for the staff. But one person leaving does not take away from the tremendous good and the accomplishments that Heywood Hospital continues to make in the community. In my opinion, the real story here is that Heywood is responsibly staffed so that in a situation like this, business continues as usual and patient care is unaffected, and for that they should be praised, not criticized.
- Wow Factor (6/6/2023)
Almost every type of food you could imagine is represented giving this year’s Food Truck Festival the “Wow Factor”. Food Truck Festival page
Evolving Gardner MA Food Truck Festival has the “Wow Factor”
Wearing the “Wow Factor” crown is the Prince of the Food Truck Festival, Mayor’s Executive Aide Colin Smith. A very limited number of Food Truck spots are still available. If you serve great food, contact Colin Smith at
Now in its 6th year, the Gardner Food Truck Festival has evolved to be a source of great community food indulgence. For 8 hours, residents and visitors alike will be surrounded by flavor, feel good foods you could never get all in one place, except you can on this day, July 8, 2023 from noon until 8pm in Downtown Gardner. It’s “the Wow Factor” for those who love food and it’s designed to appeal to people of every age.
According to Gardner City Hall, “With over 20 trucks there is bound to be something for everyone in your family. Gardner Ale House will be on site to provide your favorite beverage. The trucks will be parked along the front of City Hall on Pleasant Street and will continue along City Hall Avenue. Live entertainment with the Remedy!”
- City Council 6-5-23 (6/6/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Unanimously Approves Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
The Fiscal Year 2024 Budget approved covers the period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 and includes both Municipal and School Budgets. An informal meeting was held first. Listen here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Informal City Council June 5, 2023 Following the informal meeting, the regular City Council meeting was held. Listen here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Regular City Council June 5, 2023 View the complete agenda and packet in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
Easy Links to FY 2024 Gardner MA Budget Articles and AUDIO – Finance Committee – Public Service Committee – Public Safety Committee – Public Welfare Committee. City Council Meeting with Budget info (5-15-23) – School Committee Meeting with Budget (5-8-23) Because the City Council was able to finalize the budget on June 5, 2023, meetings scheduled for June 6th were canceled.
- Open Space (6/5/2023)
Gardner MA Open Space and Recreation Plan Public Meeting June 1, 2023
Complete Plan in pdf format, CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
Public Meeting: Open Space/Recreation 6-1-23 The Meeting: This specific meeting concerns updating the initial 1986 Open Space Recreation Plan for the City of Gardner which has had various updates in 1994, 2000, 2006 and 2015. This is the plan dated April 2023 for which eventual City Council approval will be sought. The City of Gardner uses the Tighe & Bond firm for this plan as well as plans for Monument Park, the Park Street Park, Maki Park. Etc. This specific meeting involved a presentation by Arica McCarthy, a planner with Tighe & Bond. The first part is her presentation followed by questions and answers and comments from the public. Link to video
Interactive Map: Current Parks, Open Space, and Trails, CLICK HERE.
Conservation page, City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
Background: Gardner Massachusetts periodically updates its open space and recreation plans based on input from citizens. Important facts to note: The Gardner City Council is the approving authority for the plan and no property is considered “permanent open space” unless and until the actual property deed has a mandatory conservation provision on it. Therefore, the parcels Mayor Nicholson proposed to be changed from residential to commercial are not currently open space, even though they might be used as such simply because they are not used for anything specific at the moment. And lastly, any Zoning change would have to be approved by the City Council. Also, any proposed building must go through the permitting process which involves the Building Department and perhaps the Conservation Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Persons having any questions regarding the status of specific parcels are suggested to inquire via the Building Department. The Department of Economic Development and Planning can answer questions regarding businesses and industry who wish to locate in Gardner.
CPA: Gardner can participate in the Community Preservation Act by raising money through a surcharge of up to 3 % of the real estate tax levy and using the funds for open space protection, recreation, historic preservation, and the provision of affordable housing. When it does so, there is a significant matching fund from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue which can be used to purchase land to protect existing and future water supply areas, purchase land for active and passive recreational uses, and park equipment and other capital improvements.
The Committee’s work: Members of the OSRP Committee include David Orwig, Norman Beauregard, Trevor Beauregard, Rob Oliva, Steve Cormier, Sophie Dorow, Anna Wilkins, Ron Cormier, and Steve Rockwood, plus Gordon Leedy and Arica McCarthy from Tighe & Bond. Meetings this time around were held beginning in April 2022 with an initial 4 committee meetings on different dates, a public meeting in August 2022, 4 committee meetings between December 2022 and March 2023, and this meeting with the Planning Board, City Council, Conservation Commission and Public Hearing on June 1, 2023.
Survey: As part of the process, a resident survey was conducted asking people to select the top 3 recreation facility improvements “you feel are needed in Gardner” — The Top 10 items were:#1: Additional/Improved City Sidewalks – 104, #2: Additional/Improved Children’s… – 90, #3: Additional natural conservation – 85, #4: Improvements to Greenwood Pool – 79, #5, Additional neighborhood parks: – 69, #6: Access to Camp Collier/Lake Wampanoag – 63, #7: Improvements to Dunn Pond – 42, #8 Additional bike paths – 42, #9: Better access to Otter River – 34, and #10: Mountain biking trails – 22.
- Sensible Sludge Statement (6/5/2023)
A Sensible Statement on Sludge from Gardner MA DPW Director Dane Arnold
Among requests before the City Council is one from DPW Director Dane Arnold regarding the Sludge Landfill. He is asking that $307,000 be transferred from surplus -retained earnings to be used for Sludge Landfill Expenses. This will cover the expenses of the City’s consultant (Woodard and Curran) to respond to the MEPA decision requiring an Environmental impact Report and also respond uniquely to every comment received from the public during the process. The letter from DPW Director Lane Arnold, click here, goes into great detail about alternatives which have been considered by the City of Gardner and the various associated expenses.
Bottom line: No solution is cheap and citizens should review Dane Arnold’s well-written and well-considered statement to the Mayor on the subject. CLICK HERE. The issue was also discussed at a recent meeting of the Public Service Committee, CLICK HERE.
- Graduation 2023 (6/3/2023)
Gardner High School and Gardner Academy Graduation Ceremonies in Gardner MA
On Saturday June 3, 2023, students went on to the next chapter in their lives. There were 110 GHS Graduates. More than 1/3 also had graduated with Associates Degrees from MWCC. Gardner High School (Video Link) Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner High 2023 Gardner Academy (Video Link) – There were 20 Gardner Academy Graduates. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
Gardner Academy 2023 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted, “It was an honor to be a part of your special day as the Mayor of this City and the Chair of its School Committee and I am very proud of each and every one of you.”
- 7 Day Interview (6/3/2023)
Gardner Magazine Interviews Adam DeSousa of the Band “7 Day Weekend”
Listen to the interview on any device. CLICK PLAY
The Band is playing at City Hall on Thursday, June 29, 2023 beginning at 7pm. Admission is FREE. Food Trucks and beverages will be available. The music actually starts at 6pm with opener Brandon Furtado.
The band was founded about a decade ago. According to DeSousa, the band has “kind of tightened up and made it a show that…satisfies all ages and lovers of all different styles of music….country music to 80s to 90s to pop to punk to rock…” “We very much brand ourselves and promote ourselves as a party band, 7 Day Weekend, the party that never stops.”
We talked to Adam about the band’s music passions, various venues, and how the band is famous for playing non-stop. Adam described the members of the band and what they do when not playing music. The band has played everywhere and fans pay good money for tickets. Adam DeSousa was very excited that the concert was FREE to people in Gardner saying, “I think it’s awesome.”
This concert was the brainchild of both Gardner Mayor Nicholson and his Executive Aide Colin Smith. Nicholson is a lover of music (he plays the trumpet and sings) and has been a big supporter of music in the public schools, even winning a recent award for music advocacy.
- Council 6-6 (6/2/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Meets on Budget – June 5/6, 2023
Amended June 5, 2023 Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
Complete Agenda and Packet with City Budget, CLICK HERE. Depending on action taken on Monday, June 5, 2023 such as FY 24 budget approval, other meetings of the Gardner City Council may end up being canceled.
- Update 6-2-23 (6/2/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on June 2, 2023
Listen to the Update on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Mayor’s Update 6-2-23 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke of the Remembrances during the Memorial Day Celebrations and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ride.
Mayor Nicholson spoke of various items concerning the schools: The DARE program graduation at Gardner Middle School, The ribbon cutting taking place Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 5:30pm at Gardner Elementary School followed by public tours. He congratulated this year’s graduates of Gardner High School and Gardner Academy.
The Mayor stated the “ different committees of the City Council, the Finance Committee, the Public Safety Committee, the Public Service Committee, and the Public Welfare Committee have all reviewed their sections of the budget, and the council will be meeting as a committee of the whole this coming Monday, June 5th, to review the budget…” Also if needed, the Council will meet on Tuesday, June 6th.
The WooSox organization is interested in partnering with Gardner such as having a Gardner Day at the park.
Events: Relay for Life will be June 9th and June 10th at Mount Wachusett Community College. —- Happy Birthday Gardner Downtown Celebration and Gardner Fireworks taking place again this year on June 24th. —- 7 Day Weekend 7-9:15pm on Thursday June 29th with 4-5 food trucks, various beverages. Opener at 6pm with Brandon Furtado.
- Finance 5-31-23 (6/2/2023)
Gardner MA Finance Committee Takes up Budget Items
The Finance Committee Held Budget hearings regarding the following: City Council, Mayor, Mayor’s Unclassified, Assessor, Contributory Retirement Board, Purchasing, Civil Enforcement, Information Technology, Community Development and Planning, Human Resources, Employee Benefits, Auditor, Treasurer – Collector, Debt Service, Insurance, Law, City Clerk, and Election. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Finance Committee 5-31-23
- Public Service 6-1-23 (6/2/2023)
8 Areas Focus of Public Service Committee in Gardner MA
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Inflation is still impacting the budget for the City of Gardner. However, many areas are being level-funded and non-union salaries are being increased by 2 percent. The Public Service Committee heard from Dane Arnold who gave one example: Line painting which was $18,000 came in at $35,000, nearly double. If he could have all the funding he really wanted, Arnold said he’d ask for another one million dollars for road surfacing expenses and he does have some big ticket items coming up regarding DPW facilities. Mayor Nicholson says the City is rotating working parking meters in to more used areas. Annual parking meter revenue used to be $90,000, now it’s about $30,000. The Mayor stated he won’t look at buying new meters until free cash is certified in November of this year.
The Committee heard reports regarding Public Works, Engineering, Conservation, the Airport, Water, Sewer, Recreation, and Municipal Rec. The Gardner City Council has a series of scheduled meetings coming up regarding the budget and its approval.
- Ovila Case Case (6/1/2023)
UPDATE: 6-2-23 – According to DPW Director Dane Arnold, the Fantasy Playground has been closed off due to broken boards on the wooden structure and will be taken down during the course of the summer. According to Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, it will take at least $150,000 to replace it. He plans to ask the Gardner City Council for funds from free cash.
Gardner MA “Ovila Case Playground” Case – Case
As usual, Social Media is filled with conjecture. However, Ovila Case IS OPEN to the public for everything except the Wooden Structure. In front of the Wooden Structure, the City of Gardner has placed a sign saying, “Please Keep Off”. We are awaiting word on what the next steps will be regarding the wooden structure named “the Fantasy Playground.”
The City of Gardner has expended a considerable amount of money on Ovila Case over the years. This year, Ovila Case is slated to get a new pickleball court. In the long-term, it is planned to repair and replace the nighttime lights over the baseball diamond at Ovila Case (as well as Bickford Playground). Besides the baseball diamond, Ovila Case has a beautiful walking – running track and the park had received new charcoal grills within the past couple of years. Other upgrades: walking trail, parking lot, and picnic trail, and new basketball court.
One thing we do know. The “You Wreck It! We Remove It! You Don’t Have It!” sign is still up at this time. However, it is clear the problems with the wooden structure are “wear-related” and not sabotage.
- Fence on Park (6/1/2023)
“For Love of a Dog” – Park Street Fence Craftsmanship is Genuine Gardner MA
Brian McGuirk earns our Genuine Gardner distinction for this handcrafted fence he built on his Park Street property. He was branding it on June 1, 2023 with two symbols for protection, and others for energy, health, love, and intellect. And it was all for the love of his dog, a Siberian Husky known as Lady Isis Moon. We interviewed Brian and his girlfriend about how this unique fence came to be and what it means to them: Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Brian got a friend who is a hobby blacksmith to make the brands for him. And the math, well, Brian is a mechanical engineer who works with steam turbines so that was right up his alley. The fence will be painted purple because it is the color of protection according to Brian’s girlfriend, Lizzie. Plans for the fence were done via CAD and approved by City Hall.
Our Genuine Gardner feature showcases people, organizations, businesses, and officials who represent the best of Gardner. If you have an idea for this feature, please email
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