Greater Gardner MA News January 2023
- Phoenix Problem (1/31/2023)
Last September, Heywood Hospital had the groundbreaking of the New Surgical Pavilion set to open next year. Dawn Casavant – Heywood Hospital Gardner MA Heywood Hospital of Gardner MA Responds to the Phoenix Problem – Ignore the Letter
Concerned about patients – Heywood took immediate and decisive action.
It didn’t take long for Social Media Internet to be loaded with comments after many area residents received letters from Phoenix Financial Services, a collection agency claiming to have purchased debt people originally owed to Heywood Hospital. The problem as many Social Media users pointed out, the debts never existed, are already paid, or are inaccurate. We reached out to Heywood Hospital about the issue. They have advised people to simply ignore the letters. We reached out to Phoenix and they would not talk to us unless we gave them a birth date and when we objected to giving out personal information, a Phoenix spokesmen abruptly hung up.
Considerable Complaints about Phoenix
According to an article on published in 2020, Phoenix has a large number of complaints about it. Their article gives advice on getting Phoenix removed from your credit report. Article, CLICK HERE. The Better Business Bureau of Indianapolis has more than a dozen pages of consumer complaints about inaccurate credit reporting and other issues from Phoenix, CLICK HERE.
Heywood Hospital Responds
Heywood Hospital was quick to respond to the issue and is very concerned about its patients. Dawn Casavant, Vice President of External Affairs very graciously agreed to an interview with Gardner Magazine. Listen here on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Dawn Casavant Interview 1-31-23 Heywood Explains Procedures and Takes Immediate Action
Heywood Hospital issued a Complete Press Release, CLICK HERE, in which it stated, “We are aware that patients have been receiving collection notices sent in error, from the Phoenix Financial Group. We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience this may have caused you. These notices may be disregarded. Heywood made the decision to sell some old receivables (visits prior to 2/2021) to a company called Pendrick. This is a common practice in the healthcare industry and Pendrick is a reputable firm. Pendrick utilized a collections agency, Phoenix Financials, who began aggressive collections tactics. This is inconsistent with the intent of the sale, and we asked them yesterday to cease all patient collections efforts on these receivables. You may be contacted by this company if you had an insurance or patient balance in our system from 2/1/21 and prior. We have asked Phoenix/Pendrick to stop all collections efforts and will no longer be doing business with these organizations. What are the next steps/what do I do? If you have been contacted by Phoenix Financial, please disregard the notice. As we are discontinuing work with them, we have also asked them to send a notice that all collections efforts will cease. Will this collection attempt affect my credit? We have received confirmation that no one’s credit will be impacted.
Please listen to the AUDIO interview with Dawn Casavant. In it, she also tells us of Heywood’s commitment to improving Surgical Options as the new Surgical Pavilion continues construction with a projected opening in 2024.
- K-9 Birthday (1/28/2023)
K-9 Rocky of the Gardner MA Police Department Already Turns 2
From the Gardner PD: “Today is K9 Rocky’s 2nd birthday! He had his cake and ate it too! Happy birthday K9 Rocky!!”
K-9 Rocky and his handler, Officer Josh Willis are valuable members of the Gardner Police Department. From his first day on the job until now, the team has helped take the bite out of crime.
- Boys – Girls (1/27/2023)
Gardner MA Boys and Girls Club Expresses Thanks to Gardner MA City Councillor Dana Heath
The Boys and Girls Club posted, “A very heart felt thank you to this amazing community leader, mentor and extremely kind human being! The members at the boys and girls club Gardner are enjoying all of your generous donations!!! A ps5!!!! A 55” tv and the endless snacks!!! These smiles say it all.”
Councillor Dana Heath represents Ward 2 on the Gardner City Council. We interviewed the Councilor in our Go Forward with Gardner series. CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 1-27-23 (1/27/2023)
View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-27-23 Click Image below to go to relevant page on City of Gardner website:
After the Storm – Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City and has various reminders.
Mayor Nicholson reviews the storms of the past week, explains Gardner’s response, and goes over the process. The Mayor also covers various important reminders and we have easy page links in the list of topics below.
Here’s a list of topics covered this week:
Thanks DPW, Police, Fire, Dispatch Personnel – “I want to thank our DPW workers for really working around the clock to keep the streets clear, picking up the trees as they started to fall, making sure National Grid could get to where they need to go…and our first responders for answering those 911 calls and responding to situations….” 2300 properties in Gardner lost power at same time including the Mayor’s, some for well over 24 hours. Reminded residents to sign up for the City’s Code Red Calls. Signup link, CLICK HERE. “That’s really the most important way that we can get out information to the public…” Explained how State regulations govern the activation of overnight shelters in the City and explained City’s plan in case the “second storm was gonna cause another power outage.” Described Emergency Management Director Paul Topolsky as the “brainchild behind all of our emergency plans…” City Emergency Management page…click here. Talked about visit of Commander BJ Farrell of the USS Constitution to Gardner Reminded residents of Ward 3 that they have until February 1st to submit letter of interest for the vacant Council seat. – Council to vote at February 6th meeting. Contact City Clerk’s office if interested in position. Burning season has begun but you need a permit. Link for permit. Property Taxes due February 1st. Treasurer/Collector page. Reminded residents that it is the individual’s responsibility to get excise tax bill stating, “Every year we always have an issue with excise taxes, in particular with people who don’t notify us that….address has changed…” Make sure to fill out City Census forms which have been mailed out by the City Clerk’s office. Free dog licenses for residents over age of 70 still require you to register your dog. Dog License page. Building Department to do multi-family inspections this year. Mayor explained what they will inspect. Building Department Link Listen to the update on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-27-23
- Dodging Bullet (1/26/2023)
Shown are Before and After Rain pictures of Gardner Police Headquarters and trees at MWCC. Previous Half dozen stories about this storm and earlier in the week are on our Public Safety page, CLICK HERE.
Region “Dodges Bullet” as Angelic Pouring Rain Washes Away Ice & Snow from Trees
Saying he’d issue a more formal statement later, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson stated, “We seem to have dodged the bullet with this storm and are de-mobilizing our shelter units. Most places in the City have power restored…” The Gardner Mayor had a detailed plan in place should the conditions have required it and now has a definitive blueprint should another storm of this type occur in the future. This was yesterday’s Press Release, Click Here.
At 3:45pm on 1/26/23 the following numbers of customers are without power: Gardner: 1, Westminster: 7, Winchendon: 32, Hubbardston: 1, Phillipston: 3, Royalston: 65, Athol: 8.
Update 8:45pm on 1/26/23: MEMA is showing no power outages in the above communities. MAP
- Public Safety 1-25-23 (1/26/2023)
Gardner MA Public Safety Committee Holds Hearing on Reagan Street Proposal
The Committee heard testimony both in favor and opposed to making Reagan Street one-way. After hearing from all parties who wished to speak, the vote was to recommend approval of the proposal. However, Chairman Craig Cormier noted that Reagan Street is in Ward 3 and currently without a Councillor. In light of that, he intends to ask for more time from the City Council so the new Ward 3 Councillor has an opportunity to weigh in on the issue before a vote. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
Public Safety Committee 1-25-23
- GPS 1-24-23 (1/25/2023)
Gardner MA Public Schools Posted a Message of Gratitude on January 24, 2023
From GPS: “We are so grateful to our Gardner DPW and District Facilities staff for working tirelessly to ensure we could open school today. There are many families without power. When so many are without power at home, it is even more important that we open our doors to our children who need somewhere to be safe and warm and to get a hot meal. Many of our families had to go out to their running cars to stay warm last night; it is not lost on us how important schools are in times like these.
We’d also like to thank our school staff for driving in from places where the roads may not be as clean. Your dedication to our students never goes unnoticed. And to our families – thank you for your patience as we navigate another snow-filled winter. Stay safe out there, and please reach out if you or your family need support.”
And thank you, Gardner Public Schools. We are sure City of Gardner residents appreciate what you do every single day.
- Drugs 1-24-23 (1/24/2023)
Gardner MA Police Investigation Leads to Drug – Cash – Weapons Seizure and 5 Arrests
From the Gardner PD. “On 1/24/2023 the Gardner Police Department, along with the North Worcester County Drug Task Force and the Worcester DEA executed a search warrant at 42 Main street apartment 8. As a result of this the following were seized-50 grams fentanyl, 54 grams crack cocaine, $895 in cash, Loaded 9 mm handgun, 5 Arrests were made.”
- Fire Stations (1/22/2023)
Elm Street Fire Station 1920 Gardner MA Fire Headquarters 100+ Years Later Investing in the Gardner Fire Department paid off in the 1920s. It will pay off in the 2020’s as well.
Gardner MA Fire Station Progress of 100 Years in the Chair City
In the Past
Prior to Gardner becoming a City, fires needed to be fought with gear transported via horse and buggy. In Mayor Chester Pearson’s Inauguration speech of 1923, he spoke of a desire to have a fully motorized Fire Department. Of course, this eventually happened.
In the Present
Today, the Gardner Fire Department is a proud force of men and women who everyday keep the City of Gardner safe, fighting fires, doing rescues, and so much more. Once again, the Fire Department is in need of funding for upgrades and/or repairs to the Headquarters building and upgrades to equipment.
In the Future
With aging equipment, the Gardner Fire Department recent audit revealed a need to plan for future purchases to include a new Fire Truck – It’s on the radar of the Mayor and City Council and already discussed at meetings.
- Swamp Rat (1/22/2023)
Gardner MA City Centennial Celebration Highlights Local Recording Group of the 60’s
According to “Mr. History” Mike Richard, local recording group, Kenny and the Night Riders released a local hit called “Swamp Rat” on January 22, 1964, some 59 years ago. According to Richard, the group’s appearance on a Boston TV Show called “Community Auditions” eventually led to a recording contract with Bristol Records in Connecticut.
For much more interesting detail on this, visit the City of Gardner Centennial Celebration Facebook page, click here.
You can review the song right here. Play on any device. Click Play.
Kenny and the Night Riders – Swamp Rat
- Winter Wonderland (1/21/2023)
Gardner MA Winter Wonderland
On Saturday afternoon, January 21, 2023, previous snow made the City look beautiful. We show Gardner High School, the Big Chair, the big Tree on Parker Street, Gardner City Hall, the fields at GHS, Gardner Elementary, and the Gardner PD.
And the National Weather Service issued a Winter Weather Advisory from 7pm Sunday to 4pm Monday.
Looks like more of the white stuff is coming! Drive Safely..
- Kazinskas Speaks (1/21/2023)
Gardner MA Council President Kazinskas on the Budget Process
Gardner Mayor Nicholson is beginning to meet with Department Heads to prepare for the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Fiscal Year 2024 starts on July 1, 2024. According to Council President Kazinskas who appeared on WGAW’s Hotline Radio, “The City Council’s piece of the budget typically comes in the end of April to mid May, that’s when we start. The Mayor will submit his budget to us, and that’s after he’s certainly done plenty of pre-work along with his department heads to go over what their budget asks are. He’ll present his budget to the Council, we’ll also get a presentation from the School Department, and then from there we break off into our subcommittees and each subcommittee oversees different departments within the City or areas of the City….”
“We will meet with Department Heads, have them explain their budget asks, look at the difference, if any, between theirs and what the Mayor put forward….And after all those meetings happen, we need to vote on the FY2024 Budget by the end of the fiscal year…” Kazinskas also stated that since the appointments of the members of the Special Act Charter Review Committee have been confirmed by the City Council, that their meetings will begin. She expects their work to be completed in time for approval by the voters at this year’s November election.
- News on Hotline (1/21/2023)
Gardner’s Mayor Spoke of the Sludge on WGAW’s Hotline Radio
The popular Hit Show on WGAW Radio airs Saturdays from noon to 2pm on AM 1340 and 98.1 FM. There’s also a live stream of the station 24/7, Click Here.
Walk-Through of the Proposed Landfill Expansion
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson commented that the proposed project was under review by MEPA. According to MEPA, “The MEPA review process provides meaningful opportunities for public review of potential environmental impacts of certain projects for which certain actions by state agencies are required. It requires state agencies to study the environmental impacts of projects requiring state permitting, financial assistance or land disposition, and to use all feasible measures to avoid, minimize, and mitigate damage to the environment or, to the extent damage to the environment cannot be avoided, to minimize and mitigate damage to the environment to the maximum extent practicable.”
We could be “Up the Creek”
The Mayor warned that “We only have about 3 to 5 years to figure out something for this, otherwise we’re really gonna be up the creek in terms of potentially tripling our rate for our sewer rates in order to truck the sewage someplace else or some other type of really expensive alternative here.” Referring to the proposed expansion, the Mayor continued, “this was the most cost feasible and just quite frankly safe.” According to Nicholson, the comment period ends at the end of January. The Mayor also confirmed that the City had taken a look at a number of alternatives and determined the current proposal was the best option. He also confirmed a willingness to take a deep look when new technology pops up.
Other Sewer News
Mayor Nicholson stated, “We run sewage operations for Gardner, Ashburnham, and Templeton.” He confirmed that as of Thursday, Ashburnham is caught up with its fees – apparently they had been late for some time. “We’re back on track now for the close to half a million dollars that they owed us since 2015 in sewer payments.”
Other matters discussed were spoken about by the Mayor in his substantial Mayor’s Update of January 20, 2023, CLICK HERE. Nicholson did speak of the $1million Federal earmark the City will receive to proceed with the water transmission line this year, stating, “we’re happy to secure that funding.”
- Presidential Speculations (1/20/2023)
Speculations on the Future – Greater Gardner MA Presidents 1923 to 2049
Warren G. Harding – 1921-1923 Calvin Coolidge – 1923 – 1929 Herbert Hoover – 1929 – 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt – 1933- 1945 Harry S. Truman – 1945 – 1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower – 1953 – 1961 John F. Kennedy – 1961 – 1963 Lyndon B. Johnson – 1963 – 1969 Richard M. Nixon – 1969 – 1974 Gerald R. Ford – 1974 – 1977 Jimmy Carter – 1977 – 1981 Ronald Reagan – 1981 – 1989 George Bush – 1989 – 1993 Bill Clinton – 1993 – 2001 George W. Bush – 2001 – 2009 Barack Obama – 2009 – 2017 Donald J. Trump – 2017 – 2021 Joseph R. Biden – 2021 – 2025 Ron DeSantis 2025-2033 Nikki Haley – 2033-2041 Michael J. Nicholson 2041 – 2049 (U.S. Senator from MA since 2033, Winning election in November 2032 upon retirement of Ed Markey who will be 86 on that date). Wins Election to U.S. Presidency in 2040. CLICK on large version of photo of the Presidents. That’s how Mayor Mike will look in 2041.
- Free Tests (1/20/2023)
Every Greater Gardner MA Household can get 4 FREE Covid-19 Tests Shipped Free
Yes, they are doing it again. At, CLICK HERE, you can at free-athome Covid-19 tests this winter. Every U.S. household is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. Click Here.
- Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 (1/20/2023)
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23 State of the City 1-10-23 Seaman Bridget McLean receives award. Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson with 20 Minute Important Update on 20th of January, 2023
This week Mayor Nicholson’s update is filled to the brim with useful information for all citizens of Gardner Massachusetts. “A substantial update for you here today.”
Here’s a list of topics covered this week:
Thanks for everyone who was involved in making last week’s State of the City Address as successful as it was. To listen, here’s the article. A completely filled Council Chamber and 2nd floor hallway. Director of Public Health Lauren Saunders is now a registered sanitarian, passing the exam on the first try. Gardner resident Seaman Bridget McLean receipt of Military Excellence Award from Navy boot camp, placing first in graduating class. Congratulations to new officers of Gardner Golden Age Club Congratulations to Centennial Committee on successful kick-off event. Here’s our article. Congratulations to new Crown Chicken franchisee on reopening the store in Gardner. View our article. Fire Department Grants for badly needed hoses and Fire Education in schools and for seniors. View our article. Grants for Dispatcher Training. Grants and other funding for improvements at Gardner Airport. Report on the usage of facade grants and available funding still available for other businesses. Almost 3 dozen businesses have opened in Gardner in the past 2 years. Start of the work with Department Heads to develop fiscal 2024 budget. Property Cards have been updated – abatement applications are due by February 1st. View your property card, CLICK HERE. News on reports due and inspections forthcoming for multi-family properties. View our article on inspections, CLICK HERE. Listen to the Update on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-20-23
- Chicken Talk (1/20/2023)
Important Chicken Talk Delayed in Westminster MA
The Westminster Agricultural Commission has announced that the “Backyard Talk on Chickens” Event to be held at the library will now be on January 24, 2023 at 7pm. According to the Commission, “This really is important information for anyone who wants to have farm animals – specifically chickens – in town.”
Now, what is the chicken response to this? We have an excerpt from the “Chicken Song”. Listen on any device. Click Play.
Chicken Song Excerpt
- Music Award (1/19/2023)
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Gets Music Advocacy Award
Long known as a strong supporter of music in schools and stating “I’m proud of the work we’ve been able to accomplish to advance music education in Gardner”, Mayor Michael Nicholson has been named this year’s recipient of the Music Advocacy Award from the Massachusetts Music Educators’ Association. Click here for their website
Mayor Nicholson also posted, “Most importantly- thank you to all of our Music Teachers in Gardner Public Schools- I can only support the fantastic work that you all are doing every day in your classrooms. I’m lucky and blessed to be able to work on the same team as you all.”
- Gardner 500 (1/19/2023)
Gardner MA Multi-Family Property Inspections Inspections will be of Apartment Houses, Boarding Houses, and Dormitories looking at Fire Escapes, Exterior Porches, Egress Doors and Hardware, Stairways and Handrails, Smoke – Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Fire Alarms, and Emergency Lights and Exit Signs. Owners would do well to check on these things and solve the issues ahead of time.
New Gardner MA Building Inspector Tasked with 500 properties
Gardner’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget allowed for the hiring of an additional full-time building inspector. Tony Whitman has been in the position since November 2022 and starts inspections of multi-family properties this Spring. Press Release to City Council by Mayor Michael Nicholson, CLICK HERE.
Time for Inspections
According to Mayor Nicholson these inspections have been needed for many years stating,”The 9th Massachusetts Building Code, 780 CMR 310.4, (Effective 10/20/2017) requires that the Building Department periodically inspects multifamily properties in the City on a five (5) year basis. However, while required by law, due to time constraints and staffing levels, our building department has been unable to get to these inspections due to other required inspections needing to be performed, since the early 2000s.”
Questions? Contact the Gardner Building Department at (978) 630-4007 or visit this page on the City website. Inspection Fee is $95 plus $10 for each unit with over 500 properties subject to this inspection.
- Electricity 23 (1/19/2023)
Electric Bill High in Greater Gardner MA? There may be something cheaper… allows you to shop for an electric supplier for your home or business. You put in your zip code and a list of suppliers and rates pops out.
Electric Angst in the Toytown of Winchendon
For example, the basic service rate in Winchendon MA may be as high as 34 cents. However, at the site there’s a supplier under 17 cents (saving 50%) and several others in the 17 to 20 cent per kilowatt hour range. Click here.
Electric Frustration in the Chair City of Gardner MA
In Gardner, basic service has a supply rate of about 34 cents. The City of Gardner negotiated rate is just under 24 cents. However, there’s a supplier for 17 cents and a number well under 20 cents per kilowatt hour. Click here. For example IGS Energy offers a 16.99 cents per kilowatt hour with a 12 month contract or a 17.99 cents per kilowatt hour rate with a 36 month contract. Click here.
For your community, go to, select Home or Business, put in the zip code, and get the results instantly. CLICK HERE.
- Genuine – Tanguay (1/19/2023)
Tanguay Jewelers is Genuine Gardner in Gardner MA
Local jeweler Brian Tanguay’s business has been located on Connors Street in Gardner for decades and currently his son Seth is the main jeweler at the iconic store and according to the website, “…. has become known for his delicate, intricate, unique work and expert craftsmanship. He also has his signature engraving skills that certainly stand out, earning him a loyal base of repeat customers.”
There is a history of the business on the website which can be found here. Tanguay Jewelers, is known for watchmaking, watch repair, and beautiful jewelry like what was posted on Facebook on January 19, 2023. According to the store, it’s “18k white gold Celtic design engagement ring set with a beautiful 1ct crown jubilee center diamond. In stock and ready to go!” Tanguay Jewelers is certainly “Genuine Gardner.”
- ZBA 1-17-23 (1/19/2023)
Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Holds 3 Hour Meeting
In a meeting considered lengthy even for a Board which often has a calendar needing a considerable amount of time, the Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals held a 3 hour meeting on January 17, 2023. View the complete agenda, Click Here.
The meeting concerned 6 cases:
1. An access roadway to a property on Clark Street. 2. The proposed conversion at 63 Walnut Street of an office building to 7 residential units. 3. Construction of a wireless tower at 440 West Broadway. 4. Conversion of an accessory building to a 5th dwelling unit at 20 Graham Street. 5. An extension of a special permit case at Kinzer Drive. 6. An amendment to an existing Special Permit case at 163-165 Pine Street.
Listening to the Meeting
Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play. Note that our site gives you the option of downloading the meeting to play locally on your computer which might be helpful in the case of this long meeting.
Zoning Board of Appeals 1-17-23
- 9 minutes – Nate (1/18/2023)
We have another article on the Ward 3 candidates known as of January 17, 2023. Click Here.
9 Minutes with former Gardner MA Ward 3 Councillor Nate Boudreau
Current Hubbardston Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau graciously spoke with us about his former Ward 3 which he served from 2014 to December of 2022. He offered suggestions to his successor, noting that each person will approach the position differently stating, “There’s many different ways to be successful in these roles, but I hope that someone gets in there with the heart and passion that I took to the role.” Boudreau had an open door and open cell phone policy and often had 2 to 5 communications with constituents per day. Boudreau says the following 3 things are vital: “Provide a voice at the table, stay transparent in communications, and listening.”
Listen to the entire interview on any device. Click Play
Nate Boudreau 1-18-23 Nathan Boudreau will be featured soon in a new series called Hubbardston Happenings.
- City Council 1-17-23 (1/18/2023)
Gardner MA City Council Meets Tuesday, January 17, 2023 – Charter Committee Confirmed
At this meeting: Meeting Agenda and Packet click here. Ward 3 Councillor position is vacant, Councillor Judy Mack was absent.
Various Appointments, some not requiring confirmation. – Charter Committee was confirmed. Vote on appropriating $134,500 for City portion of Airport Runway and Taxiway System – APPROVED Various petitions and an ordinance The One Way Street Measure – A public hearing will be held on January 25, 2023 to get input from the public Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Gardner City Council 1-17-23 Councillor Comments
The Councillors each have an opportunity to make comments at the end of the meeting. Dana Heath stated, “I just wanna give a big shout out to the Gardner Wildcat Cheerleaders going off to Nationals…” Craig Cormier reminded residents about the Public Hearing regarding whether Reagan Street will be one way stating, “If there are any residents in the area that would like to make their opinions known, now’s the time to do it.” James Boone complimented Craig Cormier for scheduling the hearing so that “the residents on Reagan Street have a chance to express their opinions.” Ron Cormier stated, “Even though I did not vote in favor of the Charter Review Commission(sic) I do commend the appointments committee on the review of the excellent individuals that have been selected by the Mayor and City Council President to perform this task…”
- Tina Griffin (1/18/2023)
Gardner MA Appointments Committee Questions Tina Griffin by Phone
Tina Griffin was the last appointee to the City Charter Drafting Committee to be interviewed by the Appointments Committee and they voted to recommend her appointment. Listen to the 5 minute meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
Appointments Committee 1-17-23
- Welcome Crown (1/17/2023)
Gardner MA Welcomes Back the Crown of Chicken
Open Again! Crown Fried Chicken is open again at 68 Main Street. They are offering Chicken, burgers, gyros, seafood, wings, kabobs, and salads among items on their menu which is shown below.
Their phone number is (978) 410-7858. CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
In a welcoming message, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted,”…They opened last week and have been doing great! Food is also very good. Welcome back to Downtown!”
- Focus on Sports (1/17/2023)
Gardner MA Focus on Sports
Interested in Gardner Sports and Recreation information? Athletic Director Dan Forte says that the Summer Recreation Schedule will soon be published. Gardner Magazine will provide it when available.
A schedule of Sports Events in Gardner is sent out to parents on a regular basis. There is also a live schedule link which is the most up-to-date. Here’s the Gardner MA Sports Schedule Link, CLICK HERE. – Remember that any schedule is subject to change for various reasons including weather.
For the Gardner Recreation Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
For the Gardner Wildcats Athletics Facebook page, CLICK HERE.
- Ward 3 Candidates (1/17/2023)
Gardner MA Ward 3 Councillor Contest Missing One Candidate – You!
Gardner Magazine confirmed at noon on January 17, 2023 that “You” haven’t submitted a letter of interest yet for the Ward 3 Councillor position which became open with the resignation of Nathan Boudreau back in December. (Boudreau is now the Hubbardston Town Administrator.) We know you haven’t applied because applications have come in from Anthony Richard, Michael Cormier, and previous Councillor Paul Tassone. You must submit a letter of interest via the City Clerk’s office by February 1, 2023. The City Council may elect one of the candidates as early as its first meeting in February. Any resident of Ward 3 may apply, including “You”.
- Watermelon (1/16/2023)
The Wonder of Watermelon in Greater Gardner MA
A cup of it is less than 50 calories, has Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and more of the powerful antioxidant lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable. And watermelon is 92 percent water.
So why randomly think about the Wonder of Watermelon in the middle of January? Well, some of our readers are having pizza today, snacking on chips, or scoffing down a burger. So why not think of watermelon anyway? It just might make you think of something else which is healthy, nutritious, and awesome.
- Uncensored 1000 (1/16/2023)
Gardner MA: Uncensored Reaches Membership Goal of More than 1000 Members
When one popular Facebook group shut down last Fall, Gardner Magazine promised to promote a replacement. On January 3, 2023, at the time of our article on Gardner MA: Uncensored, the group had 731 members. It now has 1000 as of January 16, 2023 about 10am. Want to join? Here’s a link to the group.
- Gardner Past (1/15/2023)
The Gardner MA of the Past Comes to Life Via Neural Processing
Through a process known as a neural filter, Gardner Magazine has created color photos from the original black and white. These are all from about 100 years ago. Remember, the people of the time did not live in a black and white world. They lived in color just like all of us.
Top is a closeup of the Gardner Trolley and the Trolley on its route. Middle photos show the Gardner High Football Team from 1922 and the Gardner Basketball Team from 1933. Note the formal dress code of the time for coaches was suit and tie. Must have been hot sometimes! Bottom is sledding on Kendall Hill in South Gardner in 1923 and the very first Gardner City Council in 1923.
If you have a black and white photo of Gardner MA you’d like us to colorize and put up on Gardner Magazine for all to see, please email to Gardner is celebrating its 100th Centennial as a City this year. Visit our Centennial page, click here.
- Mr. History (1/15/2023)
Gardner MA “Mr. History” Mike Richard Has a New Home – Here’s where it is…
Beloved Local Columnist Mike Richard has a new home. Due to cutbacks at another publication, Mike Richard is no longer writing fresh material for their pages. However, if you’re looking for him, we know where you can find him.
Mike Richard has a new website and you can feed your daily history addiction easily by entering your email address. Once you confirm it, you’ll get daily updates. The Gardner Scene by Mike Richard, CLICK HERE. Mike Richard is also contributing daily updates to the Gardner Centennial. Our Centennial page has all the links, click here.
From “Mr. History” Mike Richard’s website, “Mike Richard’s first professional byline came on Jan. 30, 1978, when he covered Steve Hancock’s Gardner High girls’ basketball team in a game at Fitchburg’s famed “Brickyard.” Over the next four-plus decades he’s had the honor of documenting, reporting on and researching the local sports scene, as well as the Greater Gardner area with hundreds of columns and stories. In 1985, his “The Sporting Goods” column debuted. His “The Gardner Scene” column followed in 2003 and continues here today.” Website.
- Centennial Event 1-14-23 (1/15/2023)
Event at Perry Auditorium Kicks Off Gardner MA Centennial Celebration on January 14, 2023
Various City of Gardner Centennial merchandise will be on sale throughout the year at various events. An announcement of some of the upcoming events will be forthcoming soon, according to Committee Chair Brad Heglin.
- Dog Park Event (1/15/2023)
Gardner MA Domestic Violence Task Force and Gardner Community Action Team Organizes Dog Park Event
According to the Task Force: “The Gardner Domestic Violence Task Force is planning its first Annual Purple Paws Walk/Event. The event will be held on April 29th, 2023, in Gardner MA, and all funds raised by this event will go directly to support the Purple Paws Foster Project. This pet fostering project was created to help support victims of domestic violence by assisting them and their pets, who would otherwise be left behind when the victim decides to leave their abuser. In many cases pets are the reason victims delay leaving their abusers, keeping themselves in often dangerous situations. Pets are like a family member, and it’s difficult to leave them behind. This carries the same emotion. The Purple Paws Foster Project enables those looking for refuge to leave and know their pets are safe. Voices of Truth has taken on this project as a 501c3 organization who services victims and survivors through support groups and referrals.”
Schedule of Events
9-10am: Walk Day of Registration, check-in, vendors and resources, Raffles. 10-11am: The Purple Paw Walk – Info and Registration, click here. 11-noon: K-9, Blood Hounds, Service Dog demonstrations, Pet Costume Contest registration Noon-1pm: Pet Costume Parade, Winners Announced. 1-1:30pm: Raffle Winners Announced The coordinator of the event is Veronika Patty. She can be reached at (978) 413-9782.
- R.E. Taxes 2-1 (1/14/2023)
City of Gardner MA Real Estate Taxes Due the First of February
The tax rate was certified at $16.13, 3 cents lower than the $16.16 anticipated. This is the 3rd quarter bill and should be considerably lower than the 1st and 2nd quarter bills which were based on a higher rate due to the way Massachusetts State Law operates.
Should you have any questions regarding your tax bill, the Gardner Treasurer-Collector’s office can be reached at (978) 630-4008. If you’d like to check your property record card, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner F.D. (1/14/2023)
When Emergencies Arise, the Gardner MA Fire Department Responds with Skill
According to the Gardner Fire Department: “Last night around 5:30 P.M. GFD crews responded for a possible oil truck rollover. On arrival they found an oil delivery truck loaded with 2800 gallons of home heating oil had hit a soft spot in the road and sunk on the corner of Keyes Road and West St. Luckily the truck did not completely rollover as it was very close to Parkers pond.”
And in another incident, the Gardner Fire Department posted: “1/14/23 09:05 hrs. – Full Department recall – MVA on West Lynde St. with two occupants. Struts and cribbing were used to stabilize the vehicle. One party self extricated with the assistance of firefighters The second injured party was entrapped and extricated using hydraulic rescue tools. Both parties were transported to UMass-Memorial Hospital University Campus via Wood’s Paramedics. Westminster Fire responded mutual aid with additional struts.”
Due to some issues on their Facebook page with isolated individuals, the GFD posted, “A strict reminder to all of our followers of this page. We post action pictures and video from time to time of emergency scenes to show the actions and hard work of the Gardner Fire Department. The pictures are not posted so followers can speculate and guess at what caused the Emergency situations we are working at. Anyone who posts any misleading or judgmental comments about the emergency situation will have their comments removed, and continuation of that type of commenting will cause you to be removed from our page. We appreciate kind and good will comments. Please be kind and respectful to everyone, thats all we ask.”
If you notice, each community in the area helps each other. When Gardner needs assistance, other towns respond. When other communities need help, Gardner assists. This Mutual Aid system is the Angelic Force which is so critical to helping us in these situations. When you see a Firefighter, please thank them for their service.
- 100 Songs (1/14/2023)
100 Years of Music Since Gardner MA has been a City – Even 100 yr. old songs sound good!
We review the Top Songs from 1923 to 2022, the first 100 years of Gardner MA as a City. As you listen to some of the songs you’ll notice that as society has changed over time, so has the music. Popular music styles have varied widely and song topics run the gamut. There’s nothing like Uncle Dave Mason’s “Keep My Skillet Good and Greasy” from 1924 or “Tie a Yellow Ribbon..” released during the year of Gardner’s 50th in 1973.
Hope you enjoy it. 100 Years of Song, CLICK HERE.
- Winter Library (1/14/2023)
Gardner MA Library has FREE PROGAMS for Winter Fun
Budget Tight? The Levi-Heywood Memorial Library is FREE! Website, CLICK HERE.
Creative Writing Workshops with Chad Lorion through March Drawing Club for Teens & Adults through Mid-March Coloring Club for Teens & Adults through March Bruins Raffle for Readers 13 and under through the end of January Youth Programs including Lego Club, Jr. Book Clubs, Storytimes, Family Craft Nights, and more… FREE Wireless Hotspot at the Library. For more details and more information, visit the website, CLICK HERE
- Open Burning (1/13/2023)
Open Burning Season is January 15 to April 30th in Greater Gardner MA
If you’re in Gardner, go to the MassFire website and apply now for a burning permit. Then call (978) 630-7019 between 8:30am and 1pm to activate the permit each day you plan to burn. Burn from 10am to 4pm only. There are limits on what you can burn, restrictions on how the fire must be supervised, and permission is needed every day as there may be days when the Fire Department says NO due to weather conditions even if you have a permit. For more information, please visit this page on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE.
Not in Gardner? No problem. Check with your local fire department.
- Update 1-13-23 (1/13/2023)
Gardner Magazine Update of 1-13-23 Mayor Michael Nicholson did not provide an update this week. However, he did update the City during his State of the City Address. We have details and AUDIO. Click for article.
Gardner Magazine Releases Update for January 13, 2023
The Update with our Toby White details the Mayor’s Speech, Good news for the Fire Department, Budget Dog, Slippery Roads, Martin Luther King Day, National Law Enforcement Appreciation, License Commission, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Water Main Breaks, Heywood Hospital Merger called off, Fire Department incident report, and the City Centennial Kickoff.
Listen to the update on any device. Click Play
Gardner Magazine Update 1-13-23
- Fire Dept. Grant (1/13/2023)
City of Gardner MA Fire Department Receives Equipment and Safety Grants
Gardner City Hall announced that the following were received: $19,000 to replace all hoses and nozzles on the 1988-1991 Fire Trucks which according to safety standards should have been replaced 20 years ago, over $4,000 to assist with fire education in schools, and over $2,000 to support fire and life safety education for senior citizens in the community.
Regarding fire education in schools, Gardner Fire Chief Greg Lagoy stated, ““This program was started in 1996 and has been very successful reducing the number of child fire fatalities in the State…Gardner Firefighters trained as instructors teach students to recognize the danger of fires through both school and community-based programs.”
Read the complete Press Release, CLICK HERE.
- Budget Dog -2023 (1/12/2023)
Gardner Magazine’s Budget Dog will Save you Money!
Our Budget Dog Page, CLICK HERE – has tips to save you money in the following categories: Cable TV – Streaming, Internet, Electricity, Heating, Water and Sewer, Phone service, Car buying, Grocery savings, Clothing, Furniture, Yard Sales – Flea Market, Savings, Real Estate Taxes, House Insurance, Transportation, and FREEBIES.
Budget Dog wants to save you money, CLICK HERE.
- License 1-10-23 (1/12/2023)
- Lessons: Gardner History (1/11/2023)
Gardner MA History has many Lessons for its Future
Our article covers key dates in Gardner’s history, the business of chairs from 1805 to today, the location of Gardner Government, the Changing Schools, Pride in the Schools including Gardner’s Class Song lyrics of 1923, Recreation, Music in the Community and in the Schools, the Changing Library, the Changing Police Station and Fire Station needs, Getting the mail, Medical in the Community, Transportation, Business, and the Environment. Complete Article, click here.
Listen to the presentation on any device, Click Play.
Lessons of Gardner History
- State of the City 1-10-23 (1/11/2023)
State of the City 1-10-23 Left to right: Representative Zlotnik, School Committee Vice Chair Pelavin, Council President Kazinskas, Lieutenant Governor Driscoll, and Mayor Michael Nicholson in front. State of the City 1-10-23 – A packed Council Chamber Rear Main Street Plans shown in State of the City Address 1-10-23 Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Delivers State of the City Address January 10, 2023
State of the City 1-10-23 Mayor Nicholson took office in 2020 after a Special Election right in the middle of Covid and won his first regular term in 2021. He presided over a successful vaccine rollout which was touted as a model for the rest of the State of MA. During his tenure thus far, the City of Gardner has had success in the key areas of bringing in new businesses, addressing the need to renovate properties, finding the best uses for City property, and focusing on improving Gardner’s Educational system.
In his speech, the Mayor opened with a reflection that Gardner was right in the middle of Covid two years ago, “When I stood here to deliver this speech for my first time, there were only ten people in the room…I concluded those remarks by stating that despite the uncertainty of the time I was optimistic about the next years for our City…”
Progress and Success
The Mayor stated, “I’m proud to stand here today and say that we’ve stayed on that path and have set ourselves on a trajectory for continued success as we enter the next century in our city’s history…” Mayor Nicholson detailed the improvements in Gardner’s financial standing, the concerted efforts to return blighted and underutilized properties to the tax rolls, investing in the schools, investments in the City’s infrastructure including paving and water pipes, the success of economic development efforts as “our commercial base continues to grow”, increased recreational opportunities, and various plans for the future including various groundbreaking to occur in 2023 including the Rear Main Street Project.
Future Vision
Mayor Nicholson stated his vision, “Gardner needs to be, and thrives as a well oiled machine when we all work together for the same goal. As we move into this new year and the next chapter in our in our city’s history, I look forward to us continuing to work together and setting the example for others to follow.” Entire Speech on pdf. CLICK HERE.
Listen here on any device. Click Play
State of the City January 10, 2023
- Pot Review (1/11/2023)
Gardner MA Planning Board Reviews Retail Marijuana Application
The City of Gardner Planning Board met Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 7pm to consider the Special permit and Site Plan Review Application for a retail marijuana establishment to be located at 320 West Broadway in Gardner. The applicant is Seven Point of Massachusetts Inc. with a state of Illinois address.
Gardner is slotted to have 2 total retail Pot establishments, one being the existing Sanctuary at 16 Pearson Boulevard, Gardner.
Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Planning Board January 11, 2023
- Conservation 1-9-23 (1/11/2023)
- Airport Commission 1-4-23 (1/11/2023)
- L.E.O. Appreciation (1/9/2023)
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in Greater Gardner MA
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is January 9, 2023. It has been observed since 2015. On this day, Gardner Magazine salutes current, retired, and deceased members of the Greater Gardner law enforcement community. It is a profession in which men and women of good character serve their communities, sometimes at great risk to themselves. Law enforcement officers are some of the kindest, most selfless individuals you will meet. This week when you see an officer, please thank them for their service.
Canine Officers an Integral part of the L.E.O. Team
Officer Josh Willis and his Canine partner, Rocky have become a force to be reckoned with at the Gardner Police Department. And for years, Officer James Wironen and his partner Clyde served the Town of Winchendon until the canine retired in August 2022 after his cancer went into remission. Winchendon now has a new canine named Blitz, a Belgian Malinois.
Winchendon PD Sad at Clyde’s Passing.
From the Winchendon PD, “It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Winchendon’s first canine, “Clyde”. K9 Clyde served the Winchendon community dutifully for seven years alongside his partner Officer James Wironen. Clyde served with selfless enthusiasm whenever called upon; assisting in drug raids, criminal apprehensions, and tracking lost citizens. We owe him a debt of gratitude and will always remember the example he set for the Winchendon Police K9 program. Thank you for your loyal service Clyde. May you rest in peace, you’ve earned it.End of watch January 5, 2023.”
To all the members of law enforcement. A big THANK YOU for your service. Your commitment to the safety of the public is very much appreciated, not just today, but every minute of every hour of every day. Gardner Magazine has a dedicated public safety page. CLICK HERE.
- State of the City 2123 (1/7/2023)
What will happen 100 years after Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson’s State of the City Address?
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson delivers the State of the City Address on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 7pm. Undoubtedly, he will cover the accomplishments of the past couple of years and what’s in the works going forward. Our photo is of a place which doesn’t exist, anywhere…. It is a photo generated by highly sophisticated Artificial Intelligence based on various keywords we input – generating a possible future view of Gardner in 2123. It shows a larger Gardner City Hall, Chair City Energy handling Gardner’s municipal power needs, a 30+ story building replacing the Binnall House called Connors Commons, the Telemail Center replacing the U.S. Post Office, and a Public Safety Complex.
Population Projection
At Gardner’s current population growth rate of ½% per year, the population of the Chair City in 2123 will be over 35,000 people. Keep in mind, however, that if Gardner had a growth rate of .5% in the last 100 years, the current population would be over 28,000 instead of approximately 21,500. Our calculations did not account for any downturns in the economy or society.
- Heywood Challenges (1/6/2023)
Gardner MA Heywood Hospital to Remain Independent for now
In May, Heywood Hospital announced that it had signed a non-binding letter of intent to explore affiliation options with Umass Memorial Health. Umass announced on January 5, 2023 that the merger has been called off.
Heywood has had its share of challenges in 2022, receiving a hospital safety grade of B in Fall 2022, down from an A in 2021 and patient satisfaction issues with a google review average of 2.4. We did find one notable positive review: “My family received excellent care at Heywood Hospital. The check in was easy and quick. My Mom saw three different Dr’s during her ER visit and all of them were superb…” The hospital is in the process of expanding services in 2023 with the construction of a new Surgical Pavilion underway.
View grade at click here. View Heywood’s Leapfrog ratings, click here.
- Fire Department 2022 (1/6/2023)
Gardner MA Fire Department Incidents up 3.3% overall in 2022
Gardner Fire Department had 3.3% more incidents in 2022 vs. 2021 with a total of 5430 incidents. 71% of the calls were rescue calls. 217 calls were for fires or explosions, up 8 from 2021. Unfortunately, the number of false calls remained relatively high at 565 versus 563 in 2021.
Notably Mutual Aid Calls were up 40% in 2022 to 223.
There were 117 Cooking/Stove Fires, 25 calls for unauthorized burning, and 4 vehicle fires.
View the complete Gardner Fire Department 2022 Incident Activity Report in pdf format, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 1-6-23 (1/6/2023)
Mayor’s Update January 6, 2023 Watch the Mayor’s Update on our Update page or listen here on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update 1-6-23 Pointing to the Official Document Creating the “City” of Gardner MA, Mayor Michael Nicholson delivers 1st Update of 2023.
With his first update of Gardner’s 2nd Century as a City, Gardner Mayor Nicholson spoke on various topics.
Congratulated incoming Governor Healy and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll and the Governor’s Council and reminded Gardner residents of the importance of working with “our new elected officials in every branch of the State and Federal Government to make sure that Gardner does get our fair share and a voice at the table.” It is dog licensing time and that residents over 70 who don’t pay a fee must still register their dogs. Third Quarter Property Tax bills have been sent out and to contact the City Clerk’s office if you haven’t received it so a fine and penalty can be avoided. Ward 3 City Council position still vacant and letters of interest are still being accepted until February 1st. City Centennial kickoff event will be January 14, 2023. State of the City Address will be January 10, 2023 at 7pm followed by the Council President’s response and catered reception.
- Weekly Update 1-6-23 (1/6/2023)
- Gardner DESE (1/6/2023)
Gardner MA Public Schools Up 2 Tiers since 2019
The State Department of Secondary Education evaluates Public School Districts every 3 years. Gardner was assigned a Tier 3 designation in 2019. Now, Gardner has been upgraded to a Tier 1 designation for its review the week of April 3, 2023. Just the latest in a notably strong Gardner Public School System.
This was Really Big News
According to Gardner Superintendent Mark Pellegrino, the City has historically always been designated a Level 3 District, requiring “Correction Action to address our issues, and the areas of concern include both compliance and student outcomes – moderate risk.” With a Tier 1 designation, the improvement plan will be self-directed, and “data points indicate no concern on compliance and performance outcomes.” Pellegrino stated, “This was really big news for GPS as our staff have worked hard to ensure that we are meeting students’ needs and the requirements and expectations set by DESE.”
Some of What the State Evaluates in determining tier assignments
Annual drop-out rate for students with disabilities — Five-year cohort graduation rate for students with disabilities —- Public School Monitoring compliance data from the previous reviewed —Problem Resolution System data, specificially findings of noncompliance —Special Education SPP/APR compliance indicator data in various areas
Unprecedented Efforts and Notable Success
The Gardner Public School District has made unprecedented efforts in improving student outcomes through a data driven approach. Progress is shared openly and transparently with the public at School Committee meetings. Gardner Magazine has run several articles outlining the significant advantages students have who attend Gardner Public Schools ranging from positive reading score outcomes at the Elementary School level to the early college credit and Innovative Pathways programs at the High School level. It is another documented way the City of Gardner is making itself known and another example of its positive trajectory as it enters its second century as a City.
Press Release on Tiered Focus Monitoring Review Process
- Lines Down (1/6/2023)
Lines Gardner MA City Hall having phone line trouble on January 6, 2023
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has advised the public to use the (978) 632-1900 number to make all calls to the City until the problem is resolved.
- Gardner Art (1/5/2023)
Art is in for Gardner MA in 2023
From working galleries to creators and fundraisers, Art is ALIVE in Gardner. Here are just a few. Studio 4 Potters Gallery at 4 West Lynde Street is a “collaborative pottery studio. The camaraderie among our potters is reflected in their work and in the warm reception visitors feel…” Website. Dotline Curve Creations at 33 Parker Street opened in 2022 and showcases various local works. Lori MacDonald is still painting fine art acylics out of the School Street Art Studios. Website. School Street Art Studios has a Facebook page.
Art can also be a fundraiser: The Kendall Pond Betterment Association and the Gardner League of Artists are hosting outdoor painting sessions around the pond until June 2023. Artists are creating works based on views around the pond and a mini art show with all works for sale and Awards will be held at the next fireworks celebration slated for June 24, 2023. For more information, CLICK HERE. The Gardner League of Artists (GALA) itself is still looking for a new gallery location. One location considered has been the Helen Mae Sauter School – however it is not known if that is still under consideration or discussion. However, the GALA Annual Spring Art and Music Festival is scheduled to take place from May 19th to May 21st at the Red Apple Farm. Vendors are still being sought. For more information, check out the GALA newsletter for January 2023, CLICK HERE.
Schools Supporting Art
The Gardner MA School System has expressed greater support for Art in recent months. With the new Gardner Elementary School proactively set up to easily display the art of students, we expect some sort of Art Show will be announced during 2023. For example of art instruction, here’s the Arts Curriculum for Gardner High School (pdf)
- Employment (1/5/2023)
A report on the Status of the Greater Gardner MA Work Force
According to the State of MA, the Labor Force in Gardner consists of just under 9800 people with 374 unemployed. The unemployment rate dropped by close to half or more than half in 6 area communities. Gardner was at 6.2% in January 2022 and dropped to 3.8% almost a year later. 4 communities contiguous to Gardner are under 3 percent.
To find your community unemployment info, visit this state website and click a town on the map for data. CLICK HERE.
Need a job? lists various positions open with 10 miles of Gardner, Massachusetts. CLICK HERE.
- Repeating Weather (1/4/2023)
Freezing Rain Repeats One Year Later in Greater Gardner MA
One year ago: On January 5, 2022 Gardner Magazine reported, “Wednesday, January 5, 2022 was a busy morning for Gardner MA first responders as freezing rain caused extremely icy conditions leading to numerous accidents. As Gardner MA Fire Department reported, “As they came upon the first accident scene, they could look further down Rt 2 into Templeton and see multiple accidents and cars off the road.”
Weather for January 5, 2023 calls for a possibility of freezing drizzle in the morning, during the day, or evening (depending on when cold air arrives) and various schools have called for a 2 hour delay including Gardner MA.
- Dog Licenses 2023 (1/4/2023)
Dog License Information for Greater Gardner MA Communities
Once again it is Dog License time in area communities. In Gardner, those over 70 do not have to pay a fee, but still need to verify rabies vaccination and obtain the license.
Communities require an updated rabies certificate from the dog owner. License fees vary whether dog is spayed or neutered or not. Late fees vary considerably by City or town.
Community name below links to official license page. Some communities have online license forms. Click on the link for your community to find out details.
Ashburnham – due by May 31st – fine of $50 if not licensed by June 30, 2023 —- Ashby – due January 1st —- Athol – due by February 28th – late fee after that is an additional $15 —- Barre – new license period starts April 1st – late fee on or after June 1st is $20 per dog —-Gardner – by March 31st – Late fee of $10 April 1st or later —- Hardwick – from 2/1/23 to 3/31/23 unspecified late fee after April 1st —- Hubbardston – license period runs from January 1 to March 31. $25 late fee after May 1st —- New Salem – Date not specified —- Oakham – licenses run April 1 to March 31 – late fee is $25 after June 1st —-Orange – by March 31 – late fee of $50 April 1st or later —- Petersham – by January 1st —- Phillipston – by March 31st, late fee of $5 after April1st, fine of $25 after May1st —- Princeton – by last business day of April. Late fee of $25 after April 27th —- Royalston – Date not specified —- Rutland – due by March 31st —- Templeton – by March 31st, late fee is $25 —- Warwick – date not specified —- Westminster – by April 15th , late fee of $15 after April 15 —- Winchendon – by March 31st, $50 late fee after March 31st.
- City Council 1-3-23 (1/4/2023)
Gardner MA City Council with First Meeting of 2023
The first item on the agenda was the election of the City Council President. Elizabeth Kazinskas was reelected unanimously and stated, “I value and appreciate your support and confidence in me to serve as Council President in the best interests of the City Council and the City of Gardner, and I take it very seriously.”
The City Council did not confirm the appointments of the City Charter Drafting Committee as more time was requested and there were no objections to that request.
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
City Council 1-3-23
- School Committee 1-3-23 (1/4/2023)
School Committee 1-3-23 1st row: Chair Mayor Michael Nicholson, Vice Chair Jennifer Pelavin, Superintendent Mark Pellegino 2nd row: John Lafrieniere, Anne Hurst, and Rachael Cormier 3rd row: Robert Schwartz, Amber Cameron, and Shannon Ward-Leighton Gardner MA School Committee with First Meeting of 2023
The meeting opened with its reorganization and Jennifer Pelavin was elected Vice Chair. John Lafreniere was elected Finance Officer. Rachael Cormier was elected Secretary of the School Committee.
Wasted Energy?
Robert Schwartz noted that there were some windows open at the High School went he drove by on Sunday and that Mr. Anderson would take care of that issue with the cleaning contractor. He also stated that we may have an active and usable concession stand in the Spring as the contractors are working on the interior of the building. Schwartz also stated that he was shocked when he saw the electric bill for the Elementary School saying, “We need to turn the lights off in the daytime.”
Student Representative Amber Cameron reported on the athletic season, the success of the winter concert, the annual toy drive, and auditions for the spring musical.
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
School Committee 1-3-23 Open Windows Confirmed – These and many others were open on Weds. January 4, 1923. We have reached out to ask whether this is really the cleaning company’s fault or what else might be going on.
Windows Mystery Solved – A statement by Superintendent Mark Pellegrino
“Mr. Swartz informed us that some windows were open during non-school times, which is a drain on our resources. We have already spoken with our cleaning service director who has assured us that they are double-checking that windows are closed each night. Your pictures seem like they were taken while folks were still in the building. Many teachers open their windows to increase the fresh air flow to the room, reducing the risk of airborne transmission of viruses. While this makes the heating system work harder, it also keeps folks safer. Additionally, second and third floor rooms often get hot as the heat rises from the rooms downstairs, so they may be trying to cool off their room. In the end, we are concerned with wasting energy, but not at the expense of the safety and comfort of the learning environment while students are in the building.”
- Registered Pierce (1/3/2023)
Almost Torn Down at One Time, Now the S.K. Pierce Mansion in Gardner MA is a Registered Community Fixture
Admitted to the National Register of Historic Places in early December 2022, the SK Pierce Haunted Victorian Mansion is here to stay, possibly adding the option of a bed and breakfast in the near future. SK Pierce claims to be the “most haunted house in Massachusetts.”
The building looks great today because it has undergone 7 years of extensive renovations after being purchased by the Conti family in 2015. Last September, the mansion opened its doors for historical and architectural tours. Tours are $25 per person and can be arranged through the website. The “Stay the Night” tab on the website states Coming Soon.
To book a tour or book a night at the mansion, visit the website. CLICK HERE.
- Leadership (1/3/2023)
Leadership of 3 Leaders in Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson: “I am looking forward to our continued collaboration and partnership in working to move Gardner forward.”
Leadership to remain stable in Gardner MA for the New Year
According to a Facebook post by Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, City Council President Elizabeth Kazinskas and School Committee Vice Chair Jennifer Pelavin were both unanimously reelected during their respective meetings on January 3, 2023. The three leaders worked together in 2022 during a year in which Gardner made unprecedented progress and the City became noticed for its Success as a City including an influx of Business and Development plus improvements in Education benchmarks.
Mayor Nicholson Comments
With respect to Kazinskas the Mayor posted, ” I look forward to continuing to work with you for the betterment of our City and am excited to see what we can accomplish over the next year.” And with respect to Pelavin, Nicholson posted, “I look forward to continuing the great work we’ve done to invest in our schools and am excited to see what we can accomplish in the next year.”
Gardner Magazine will report on both meetings in their entirety when they are published on YouTube.
- Gardner MA: Uncensored (1/3/2023)
Interview with Alison Parker New members to the group are welcome. Here’s a link to Gardner MA: Uncensored.
An Interview with Alison Parker about Gardner MA: Uncensored
Alison Parker is a paralegal and an Admin of the Facebook Group – Gardner MA: Uncensored, which has 731 members as of this article being published. Alison decided to start the group after Gardnerites United shut down. Posts in the group are largely uncensored, but have been mostly respectful. Alison stated, “We’re trying to have it open for community members to voice their opinions on different matters without being shut down for mostly political reasons….” According to Parker, new members are generally approved within a couple of hours and 90 percent of them are from Gardner. We did a short interview with Alison Parker. Listen on any device.
- S.A.C.D.C. (1/3/2023)
A confirmation vote will be held at the scheduled Gardner City Council meeting of January 3, 2023.
Gardner MA City Council may confirm Charter Committee
On a 7 to 4 vote, the Gardner MA City Council approved the measure to create a Special Act Charter Drafting Committee for the purpose of meeting and then recommending changes to the City Charter of 1923. CLICK HERE. At its January 3, 2023 meeting, it may vote to confirm the members of that committee.
Council President Kazinskas has chosen to appoint the Vice Chair of the School Committee Attorney Jennifer Zlotnik Pelavin and former Mayor Alan L. Agnelli. Mayor Nicholson has chosen to appoint former City Councillor Neil Janssens, Heywood Hospital Vice President Tina Griffin, and retired Attorney Robert Rice. If confirmed, their terms would expire upon submission of their recommendations to the City Council.
Proponents of establishing this committee argued that housekeeping changes should be made to a 100 year old document. Opponents expressed concerns that there are no limits as to what changes could be recommended. However, no changes would be effective until and unless approved by the City Council, the Mayor, and the voters of Gardner.
- Gardner Hits 600 (1/2/2023)
City of Gardner MA Attains 600 subscribers on YouTube Channel
Last January 24th, Gardner Magazine ran an editorial about Gardner’s FREE YouTube Channel. At that time, the City had 517 subscribers. Just under a year later, the milestone of 600 has been reached.
Gardner Massachusetts is one of the few small cities in America which has regular weekly Mayor’s Updates. The recordings look great on a Smart HD TV or with a streaming player, or can be accessed on any device with Internet access. It’s a great way to keep informed about what’s going on in the community and how your tax dollars are being spent. Also available are City Council Meetings, School Committee Meetings, and meetings of various Committees.
Getting people to actually watch the meetings and updates is another matter. The Gardner City Council Meeting of 12-19-22 got 49 views, the Mayor’s Update of 12-23-22 has had 114 views, and the School Committee meeting of 12-12-22 has had 16 views. It turns out most people simply like listening to the meetings and that’s why we make them available on Gardner Magazine with various meetings, updates, and interviews we publish having from hundreds to even thousands of listens. However, if you haven’t checked out the superior picture quality of the Gardner MA YouTube channel, maybe give it a try?
Nearby cities Leominster and Fitchburg don’t put in the same effort as Gardner to make meetings available online. So our advice: Take advantage of a valuable opportunity to observe the process. Become a subscriber to the City of Gardner YouTube Channel for FREE right here. And if you’re not a watcher, don’t worry, you can listen right here on any device.
- A Tale of Two Mayors (1/1/2023)
Mayor Chester Pearson (left) and Mayor Michael Nicholson (right) Listen to a reenactment of the Inaugural Address (using AI technology) on any device. CLICK Play.
Chester Pearson – Inaugural Address – Reenactment 1923 The Gardner MA Mayor of the 1st and 2nd Centuries as a City
Inaugurated in 1923, Gardner Mayor Chester Pearson was the Chief Executive of the Chair City of about 17,000 people. 100 years later, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson serves about 21,500 people.
100 years ago in his Inaugural Address, CLICK HERE, . Mayor Pearson spoke of the “advancement of the community as a whole.” and that the town had progressed to being “one of the model towns of the Commonwealth. ….it is quickly evidenced that we have not forgotten, in the midst of our labors, the finer and nobler thought of community life and spirit.” Pearson speaks of parks and playground, and the necessity of either an addition to the present high school or a new building. He spoke of the motorization of the Fire Department. He also stated, “Gardner is a fast growing City.”
Using AI technology, Gardner Magazine has created a reenactment of Chester Pearson’s Inaugural Address which is presented here.
Today, the parallels to 100 years ago are uncanny. Again, the community is advancing. Gardner is being showcased as one of the model cities in the Commonwealth due to its recent progress. Community life and spirit continues to be evident. Parks and playgrounds continue to be constructed. There is discussion once again of needing perhaps a new High School in 10 or 15 years. And once again, the Fire Department is slated to be further modernized. And Mayor Michael Nicholson would also say that with the number of new businesses which have opened in Gardner in the last 2 years, Gardner is a fast growing City.
That is the tale of two mayors, 100 years apart, dealing with similar issues across the expanse of time.
- Supporting Local (1/1/2023)
SHOP LOCAL – It really matters Supporting Local Listen to this report voiced by Toby White on any device. CLICK Play.
Supporting Local – Greater Gardner MA Supporting Local Greater Gardner MA Businesses in 2023 – Shop Local, It Really Matters!
The suggestions are always there… support your local businesses, and Gardner Magazine has made these suggestions too. Let’s delve more into why it is so important and how exactly it matters. 23 Reasons for 2023!
1. Local and small businesses are the lifeline of every community. Preserving one-of-a-kind businesses and their distinctive character provides an economic advantage to the community. 2. Local businesses pay either real estate taxes or pay rent to landlords who do and those monies support the community. 3. You can feel good knowing that by supporting local small shops, you are helping to feed and nourish your neighbors, growing families, towns, and cities from the inside. Purchasing local helps grow other businesses as well as the local tax base. 4. Local contributes to community well-being. Vibrant town or city centers are sustained, linking your neighbors in a web of economic and social relationships, and contributing to local causes. 5. Local ownership ensures that important decisions are made locally by people who live in the community and who will feel the impacts of those decisions. 6. A greater share of the dollars spent at locally owned businesses recycle back in the local economy and that benefits everyone. 7. Non profits tend to get greater support as local business owners generally donate more to local charities than non-local owners. 8. Unique Businesses Create Character & Prosperity. The unique character of your local community is defined in large part by the businesses that reside there, and that plays a big factor in your overall satisfaction with where you live and the value of your home and property. 9. Supporting local supports entrepreneurship which fuels America’s economic innovation and prosperity and serves as a key means for families to move out of low-wage jobs and into the middle class. 10. A marketplace of many small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation over the long term. 11. Local businesses contribute to product diversity because each small business selects products based on the needs of their local customers and their own interests rather than pushing a national sales plan. 12. Small businesses bring timeless traditions, creativity, and originality. 13. Small business owners have lots of heart and deeply care for their customers. 14. Small business owners greatly appreciate and notice every order. 15. Small business owners deeply care about providing quality products for your hard-earned dollars. 16. You are supporting real, genuine people with real dreams, that have put their blood, sweat, tears, and money into these small businesses. 17. Your local business is the bread and butter of the world’s economy. 18. Supporting a local business helps you fund a better tomorrow. Local Business Owners invest in Community. Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s welfare and future. 19. Supporting small and local is the best way to support local jobs. Most new jobs are provided by local businesses. 20. Supporting small business means supporting your local community. It guides your community to be more sustainable and it gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to succeed. When you support small businesses, you put smiles on the faces of your neighbors 21. A small business values happy customers more than the revenue or profits. And that relationship goes a long way. 22. Customer service is often better. When you look at google reviews for Gardner Massachusetts, for example, it is the locally-owned small businesses who have the highest scores. 23. Local businesses often hire people with more specific product expertise for better customer service. You are also going to see these people around town and they are less likely to blow you off or be rude because they have to face you day after day. Bottom Line: You Matter more to a local business. So for all 23 these reasons, Shop Local in 2023.
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