Oil Truck Keyes Road Gardner
Gardner F.D.
Motor Vehicle Accident West Lynde Street Gardner
Gardner F.D.
Firefighters West Lynde 2
Gardner F.D.

When Emergencies Arise, the Gardner MA Fire Department Responds with Skill

According to the Gardner Fire Department: “Last night around 5:30 P.M. GFD crews responded for a possible oil truck rollover. On arrival they found an oil delivery truck loaded with 2800 gallons of home heating oil had hit a soft spot in the road and sunk on the corner of Keyes Road and West St. Luckily the truck did not completely rollover as it was very close to Parkers pond.”

And in another incident, the Gardner Fire Department posted: “1/14/23 09:05 hrs. – Full Department recall – MVA on West Lynde St. with two occupants. Struts and cribbing were used to stabilize the vehicle. One party self extricated with the assistance of firefighters The second injured party was entrapped and extricated using hydraulic rescue tools. Both parties were transported to UMass-Memorial Hospital University Campus via Wood’s Paramedics. Westminster Fire responded mutual aid with additional struts.”

Due to some issues on their Facebook page with isolated individuals, the GFD posted, “A strict reminder to all of our followers of this page. We post action pictures and video from time to time of emergency scenes to show the actions and hard work of the Gardner Fire Department. The pictures are not posted so followers can speculate and guess at what caused the Emergency situations we are working at. Anyone who posts any misleading or judgmental comments about the emergency situation will have their comments removed, and continuation of that type of commenting will cause you to be removed from our page. We appreciate kind and good will comments. Please be kind and respectful to everyone, thats all we ask.”

If you notice, each community in the area helps each other. When Gardner needs assistance, other towns respond. When other communities need help, Gardner assists. This Mutual Aid system is the Angelic Force which is so critical to helping us in these situations. When you see a Firefighter, please thank them for their service.