Greater Gardner MA News December 2022
- Past and Future (12/31/2022)
Gardner MA City Centennial Compares Past and Future
In our segments, Gardner ” The Past and The Future”, Gardner Magazine will give you a glimpse of the past with a view to the future.
What is important in any historical journey is to focus on how the past has steered the City of Gardner into positive future outcomes. For 2023, The Chair City is on a great trajectory of success and that will be our focus and context as we showcase various aspects of Gardner’s history.
Gardner was first settled in 1764, incorporated as a town in 1785, and became a City in 1923. January 1, 2023 marks Gardner’s Chair City Centennial. For info throughout the year about various upcoming events, visit our Centennial page, CLICK HERE.
- 2023 Calendar (12/31/2022)
Basic Greater Gardner MA Printable Calendar
Here is the basic 2023 Calendar with Holidays, CLICK HERE.
The Radio Advertising Bureau puts out a 12 month Promotional Calendar. It gives you every promotional week and day throughout the year. CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 12-30-22 (12/30/2022)
Gardner Magazine Releases Weekly Gardner MA Update for 12-30-22
A Mayor’s Update was not released as usual on Friday December 30, 2022 so Gardner Magazine’s Toby White voices an update for our readers. We cover upcoming meetings, various news in the City, Successes of 2022, and what’s to come in 2023. Listen on any device. Click Play
Gardner Magazine Update 12-30-22
- Double Meeting (12/29/2022)
Gardner MA to have “Double Feature” of Meetings on Tuesday, January 3, 2023
School Committee
The School Committee will have its regular meeting beginning at 6:45pm. The Reorganization of the Committee will take place with selection of Vice Chair, Finance Officer, 2 alternate Finance Officers, and Secretary. A vote will take place to affirm various policies including background checks, local wellness policy, powers and duties, and those policies relating to grants, proposals, and special projects. For the agenda click here.
City Council
The City Council will have its regular meeting beginning at 7:30pm. The Gardner City Council will elect a Council President for the coming year. They could reelect Elizabeth Kazinskas or choose another Councillor. The Council will also vote on recommendations of the Appointments Committee and the Safety Committee and various other matters. For the agenda, click here.
- Rink Celebration (12/29/2022)
UPDATE 12/29/22: from the Centennial Committee: “The Centennial Celebration Kick-off Event scheduled for 12/31/22 is going to be postponed until Saturday, January 14, 2023. Other event details remain the same…..Due to the high temperatures, the ice rink cannot be completed as the water cannot freeze.”
New Gardner MA Skating Rink Kicks off Centennial Celebration
On New Year’s Eve, Saturday December 31, 2022 from 1pm to 3pm, Gardner will hold a Centennial Celebration Kick-off Event at Jackson Playground on 155 Cross Street, Gardner in conjunction with the new Outdoor Ice Skating Rink.
Those wishing to skate must bring their own skates. In event of bad weather, gathering will occur at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall on the same day and time.
There will be various vendors, cookies, hot cocoa, coloring station for kids, and ice skating. Remarks by Mayor and Local Officials.
The Chair City of Gardner MA celebrates its 100th Birthday as a City on January 1, 2023 on which date it will enter its 101st year. Various activities and events for 2023 are still being planned by the Centennial Committee.
Skating Rink at Jackson Park
- City Councillor (12/28/2022)
An opening was created when long-time Ward 3 City Councillor Nathan Boudreau resigned effective at the end of the December meeting. He is currently the Town Administrator in Hubbardston.
Encouragement – Becoming a Gardner MA City Councillor
So you’ve heard about the City Councillor opening in Gardner MA, you’re a resident of Ward 3, can add 2+2, and care about the community. So what’s stopping you from applying for the unexpired term of Nathan Boudreau?
There are various resources available for new City Councillors including from the Massachusetts Municipal Association, CLICK HERE.
Interested in learning about the Open Meeting Law? We have links to AUDIO, Video, and written training materials, CLICK HERE.
You must apply for the Ward 3 Gardner MA City Councillor position by noon on February 1, 2023 by sending a letter of interest to the City Council via the City Clerk’s office, Room 121, Gardner City Hall. More info. The City Council will elect a new Councillor at its meeting of February 6, 2023.
- Winter Fires (12/26/2022)
8 Ways to Prevent Winter Fires in Greater Gardner MA
1. Take Note – Half of all home heating fires take place in December, January, and February. 2. Take Note – 1 in every 7 home fires and 1 in every 5 home fire deaths involves heating equipment 3. Keep anything that can burn at least 3 feet away from any heat source like fireplaces, wood stoves, radiators, or space heaters. 4. Keep portable generators OUTSIDE, away from windows, and as far away from your home as possible 5. Install and test carbon monoxide alarms at least once a month. 6. Plug only 1 heat-producing appliance (like a space heater) into an electrical outlet at a time. 7. Have a qualified professional clean and inspect your chimney and vents every year. 8. Store cooled ashes in a tightly covered metal container and keep it outside at least 10 feet from your home and any nearby buildings. Printable PDF, Put a FREEZE on Winter Fires – More info from FEMA More info from NFPA.
- 2023 – Outlook (12/26/2022)
2023 the Year Ahead 42-52 Parker Street Notable Project of 2022 25 Main Street Downtown Gardner MA Openings at Timpany Crossroads Downtown Paving and Sidewalks Gardner Elementary September 12, 2022 2023 – The Year Ahead in the Chair City of Gardner MA
On January 10, 2023, Gardner Mayor Nicholson will deliver his State of the City Address in which he will detail the last year and the next year or so to come. This article profiles the past year and what is ahead. Last December, we wrote about 2022, the Year Ahead, CLICK HERE
Progress of 2022
Overview: Gardner’s path to excellence has now been noticed by State officials and other communities due to significant proactive efforts by the City in finding ways to meet its needs and solve its problems. Citizen engagement in voting was up with a significantly higher percentage of voters participating in the Fall Election vs. the Municipal election of 2021. Interest in public meetings and Mayor’s Updates is strong with thousands listening to AUDIO via Gardner Magazine. On the health front, Covid 19 has become manageable while still around and the Health Department has become even more proactive in tackling Drug and Addiction issues. Management of the Gardner Police Department has changed. The School District is continuing to build upon its curriculum improvements and had positive MCAS news to report as well as significant anecdotal evidence of Educational progress. Infrastructure projects in the City continue. Progress with Private projects, particularly in Downtown, have resulted in a year which can truly be described as transformative. The City had a banner year in reviewing ‘Best uses’ of land and buildings in the City including City-owned properties and private parcels. A noticeable increase in Arts and Music focus occurred in 2022. Gardner celebrated its 100th Christmas as a City.
Notable Successes of 2022
Many projects were either initiated or completed with a record amount of Grant funding obtained and private partnerships secured. Some of these included: Ryan Block at 42-52 Parker Street, Flat Iron Building at 25 Main Street, Timpany Crossroads, new Surgical Pavilion at Heywood Hospital begun, new facility begun by Community Health Connections near Walmart, the sale of various buildings to new owners willing to undertake renovation projects, progress on design – planning – funding for the eventual pedestrian/bike bridge over 140, completion of locker replacements at Gardner Middle School with gym floor and auditorium improvements at Gardner High School, financial support of Art and Music in the Schools, proactive efforts to catch those improperly disposing of trash, and infrastructure improvements to cable and internet. View our Thanks for Progress list which we published in November A record amount of paving work was completed in 2022 resulting in a much-improved look in Downtown, coming in to the City via Pearl Street and Central Street, and various residential streets. Gardner Public Schools managed to delay school opening by a very short time given the significant delay in construction completion of the new Gardner Elementary School. Opening of new Gardner Elementary School with residents generally pleased with the project. Groundwork was made for Gardner’s future of increased manufacturing capacity as funding was obtained to study the possibility of a new Industrial Park off Matthews Street. Dozens of new businesses opened in the Chair City in 2022. A record $7million grant was obtained for runway improvements at the Gardner Airport. Gardner City Council approved moving a Building Inspector position from part-time to full-time and a new hire was recently announced. Other staff improvements approved included additions to the Health Department, Animal Control, and bringing back the Domestic Violence position to the Gardner PD. Unprecedented success in obtaining grant funding for various City/School initiatives. Gardner has had a very successful 2022 and the Outlook for 2023 looks very positive. See below for a Look Ahead to 2023, What’s Upcoming…
Notable Failures of 2022
Not fixing Bickford: Rusty Chain Link Fence remains at Bickford Playground. Goofy Pavilions: Two Pavilion additions to The Gardner Dog Park a disappointment – structures tiny, not functional as shade or weather protection, and rarely used, installed in odd locations. Water puddling issues not addressed. Shade issues still outstanding. Outdoor Dining experiment in Downtown Gardner actually negatively affected businesses. Was a closed-off street without any covering to pavement and little shade. Bad Traffic Advice: With so much spent on the new Gardner Elementary School and so much planning, the initial parent pickup/dropoff was a flop, but was quickly corrected to be a well-oiled machine. However, insufficient parking may be an issue in years to come.
Publisher’s Note: It was hard to find any failures in Gardner MA this year. So for those who think we are nit-picking, you’re right…Rear Main Street Gardner MA Groundbreaking Community Center to Open Waterford Street School to be new Community Center Pool House to be demolished – Pavilion built in its place. Gardner to Celebrate Centennial in 2023 Gardner Fire Headquarters Improvements Interacting with Gardner MA Municipal Elections to be held in Fall 2023 A Look Ahead to 2023 – What’s Upcoming for the City of Gardner MA
Groundbreaking at new Maki Park and Park Street Park Upcoming construction of Bailey Brook Park, the first playground in Gardner for infants through five years old. Groundbreaking at Rear Main Street Project, which is slated to include housing units, parking, an events plaza, and maybe a rooftop restaurant. Repurposing of Helen Mae Sauter School – notable ideas including making it an Art Center. Opening of new Community Center which was Waterford Street School Gardner Public Schools to move District offices to the Elm Street School. Upcoming demolition of Greenwood Pool House and the construction of a new Pavilion Uptown Rotary paving to be undertaken Spray Park to reopen at Greenwood Pool if a way can be found to hire sufficient staff. Formal opening of Concession Stand at Gardner High School Work on the stage at the Middle School Opening of Community Health Center building near Walmart to offer Urgent Care, doctor’s offices, and behavioral health care. Further Sports Team related improvements Completion of various construction projects in Downtown Gardner. Beginning of some construction projects in Downtown including renovation of former Bank of America and former Gardner News buildings. Filling of various storefronts in the City which are vacant now but will be home to new businesses in 2023. Working with Wachusett Business Incubator to help potential businesses complete formal business plans. Sale of the 10 acre former Garbose site which is now also being marketed by the State of MA. Getting a buyer for the former run-down factory on Nadeau Street. Various Centennial events in 2023 including perhaps, even Fireworks, to celebrate Gardner’s completion of 100 years as as a City and entry in to a new Century. District-wide Art Show coming sometime this year. Finances: Goal of getting a 3rd perfect Financial Audit. Completion of Gardner’s Salary review utilizing approved Grant funds – process expected to take 6 to 8 months. Landfill Expansion: Decision on how Gardner will or will not proceed on its plans for the expansion of the Gardner Landfill to handle sludge depending on the decisions of various State environmental agencies. The further sale of City-owned and privately owned blighted buildings so that best use can be achieved and optimal tax dollars can be obtained for the City. Work on the Gardner Fire Station headquarters building to eliminate health risk to staff and weather exposure to valuable equipment. Roof replacement urgently needed. Replacement of Gardner’s main water line from funding in the Federal Budget. Work on upgrading electrical system at Gardner City Hall. The addition of a few dozen radios needed by the Gardner Fire Department. Increasing lighting at vulnerable areas such as the intersection of Routes 2A and 68 Increased availability of online services on the City of Gardner website. Responsible review of the City Charter and recommendations made to the City Council. Beginning of comprehensive study through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program. Municipal elections for the Mayor, City Council, School Committee etc. to be held in Fall 2023. Various Projects which Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson will announce in his State of the City Address on January 10, 2023 at 7pm Read and/or listen to our Turn of the Century or What’s Next Interview with Mayor Nicholson, any of the Go Forward with Gardner Interviews.
- Caroling 2022 (12/24/2022)
Caroling with the Mayor 2022 Click the middle Play button to play the video right out of the page, or play the AUDIO only version provided here as well. We also have a page with photos from the video, CLICK HERE.
Caroling with the Mayor Video 2022 Released just in Time for Gardner MA Christmas
The 3rd Annual Installment of “Caroling with the Mayor” with host Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson features lots of joyful singing including at the end, the song “Believe” from the Polar Express sung by the Mayor, who happens to be able to sing. It’s a great program. If you’d prefer to listen to just the AUDIO, play on any device.
Caroling with the Mayor 2022
- Merry Christmas to You (12/24/2022)
- Mayor’s Update 12-23-22 (12/23/2022)
Mayor Michael Nicholson 12-23-22 Watch the update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. Click Play.
Mayor’s Update December 23, 2022 AUDIO of previous updates, CLICK HERE.
Historical photos and info on upcoming Centennial events, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Michael Nicholson with a Christmas Wish
First, Mayor Nicholson wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Mayor Nicholson congratulated students at Holy Family Academy and Gardner High School “for two phenomenal Christmas Concerts they put on this past week….the best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear.” Residents of Gardner Ward 3 interested in the vacant City Councilor position can submit letters of interest or resume through the City Clerk’s office. State of the City Address – January 10, 2023 at 7pm in City Council chambers with reception to follow at Perry Auditorium. Centennial Celebration Kickoff on December 31st:
“There will be a special kickoff event for the city’s centennial celebration over at Jackson Playground on Cross Street, the centennial committee put together an event with our new city outdoor skating rink …it should be a fun day for all” Facebook pageCode Red: The Mayor once again reminded residents of the free service. Signup link, CLICK HERE.
- Wires Down (12/23/2022)
Wires Reported Down in Greater Gardner MA on December 23, 2022
from Gardner Fire Department, “Please use extreme caution if you have to go out and drive in the City today. There are Multiple Trees and wires down across the City. Please slow down and use caution and give our Fire, Police, and DPW Emergency crews plenty of room to work.”
And Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted around 10am on 12-23-22: “There are trees down on Pearl Street, Edgell Street, Kelton Street, and Jackson Park (that we are aware of). Please use caution in driving around the City today during the storm. DPW crews are getting to these locations as quickly as they can, while working with National Grid on trees that took down power lines.”
There may be other down wires throughout the Gardner Magazine coverage area. Please be careful.
- Carriage Rides (12/21/2022)
REMINDER: Horse Drawn Carriage Rides are ON – Downtown Gardner MA on Thursday, December 22, 2022 from 5 to 7pm – Start at Gardner City Hall and see the lights. TOTALLY FREE!!!
“Meet at City Hall and ride through Downtown to see the beautiful lights and store windows and Lafayette Square and Monument Park! FREE!”
- Happy Howladays (12/21/2022)
Happy Howladays from Gardner MA resident Devin Abramo
Devin Abramo says,” This picture took a lot of time and patience to finally capture, but we did it!” The animals in the picture are mine as well! Kaizer, Jewel, Binx, Sprout and you can even see our bearded dragon in the back, Randall!
Abramo operates a pet care service out of Gardner called Trail Tails. She offers dog walks and hikes, drop-in visits, and adventure excursions. Stating she has always had a deep love and passion for animals, Devin has been working with dogs for over 7 years. Abramo says, “I like to think I have a very special connection with them, but I also continue to educate myself everyday on behaviors and basic knowledge of animals! I love learning about how they think and function and how we can improve their quality of life as owners!”
Visit Devin’s Facebook page, CLICK HERE. Call her at (978) 895-1801
These animals all wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and of course, Happy Howladays!
- AUDIO Play (12/21/2022)
Gardner Magazine Releases AUDIO Play – The Making of the State of the City Address
In the tradition of Gardner Massachusetts, Gardner Magazine is using new technology to create this short 6 minute AUDIO drama featuring fictional voice actors playing Mayor Nicholson, Colin Smith, Rachael Roberts, Jim Boone, Craig Cormier, James Walsh, Judy Mack, and Police Chief Eric McAvene.
Listen on any device. Click Play.
AUDIO Play: The Making of the State of the City This light-hearted Holiday play is meant to showcase that despite differing opinions, Gardner MA City government works well together to get things done. Mayor Nicholson will chronicle these achievements in his State of the City Address, January 10, 2023 at 7pm.
- Art on the Rocks (12/20/2022)
Another New Business to Open in Gardner MA
Art on the Rocks will be coming to the Timpany Plaza of Gardner in late Winter or Early Spring. Lease signed today. We spoke with owner Stacy Sparrow for a 1 minute quick interview. Listen here on any device.
Art on the Rocks 12-20-22 Currently, Art on the Rocks has a location in the Twin City Mall in Leominster. Website.
- Christmas Concert (12/20/2022)
Christmas Concert at Annunciation Parish in Gardner MA Features Proud Alum
Yes, that’s Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson (inset) playing the trumpet during the Holy Family Academy performance of Silent Night on December 19, 2022. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Congratulations to all of the students who performed in last evening’s Christmas Concert.” The Mayor returned to the place he attended in his younger days saying, “it was great to see all the talented students and even join the band with my trumpet for the playing of Silent Night!”
- Gardner MA City Council 12-19-22 (12/20/2022)
‘Twas the Gardner MA City Council Meeting Before Christmas
Listen here on any device. Click Play.
Gardner MA City Council December 19, 2022 Note: YouTube version has almost 6 minutes of blank screen at beginning. Our AUDIO version has the silence removed for easier Play.
Here is the agenda and packet from the meeting. CLICK HERE.
Appointments Committee Met First
Prior to the City Council meeting, the Appointments Committee met regarding the appointment of Anthony Whitman to the full-time position of local Building Inspector for a 3 year term. The Department has been trying to hire someone part-time for the past 4 years to no avail. This year, the position was reposted as full-time. Listen to this meeting of the Appointments Committee on any device. Click Play. City Council approved at meeting.
Appointments Committee 12-19-22 In new business, the various City Councillors complimented the outgoing Councillor Boudreau who has served the City of Gardner for the past 9 years. The City Council will be electing a replacement as Boudreau ran opposed in the last election. A Ward 3 resident will be selected.
Gardner City Council Meeting
The Gardner City Council met on a recommendation from the Finance Committee to approve $27,000 for the IT Department for Cyber Security Software renewal – APPROVED, declaring 73 Stuart Street surplus for the purpose of getting rid of it – APPROVED, and approving an Intermunicipal Agreement between City of Gardner and Town of Ashby for Veterans Services. – APPROVED. Also, it was meeting on the Approval of various licenses recommended by the Safety Committee – APPROVED, Confirmation of Jennifer Zlotnik Pelavin and Alan L. Agnelli as the City Council’s choices to the Special Act Charter Drafting Committee – REFERRED TO COMMITTEE, and Notification of Ward 3 Councillor Vacancy – placed on file.
- Turn of Century (12/18/2022)
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on the Turn of the Century in the Chair City
Turn of the Century Interview with Mayor Michael Nicholson What you’ll hear about:
Learn about new Technologies, Perceptions of Gardner, Employment for women, the new “Roaring Twenties”, use of radio, an item on the Mayor’s bucket list, protection against hard times, drug enforcement and addiction prevention & treatment, Gardner’s Credit Rating, Utility services, love of the Flag, Speed limits, what approaches stay and what changes, Youth in Gardner, Things about Gardner companies, new online services with Gardner, successful voting processes, City structures, Centennial events tease, and Gardner values.
Complete Interview page with text of all the questions, all the answers, and all the graphics. Turn of the Century Interview, CLICK HERE.
- Mayor’s Update 12-16-22 (12/16/2022)
Mayor’s Update 12-16-22 Watch the Mayor’s Updates on our Mayor’s Updates page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update December 16, 2022 For all the Mayor’s Update AUDIO, Click Here.
Mayor Nicholson getting in to the Spirit of Christmas in Downtown Gardner MA on December 15, 2022 Festive and full of Holiday Fervor, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Updates the Chair City
Mayor Nicholson mentioned various Christmas Concerts in the update. He thanked the Stevens family for holding the 4th annual Christmas light contest and thanked participants. The Mayor also announced that a Christmas Light Tour of Downtown will be held via Horse-drawn carriage rides on Thursday, December 22, 2022 from 5 to 7pm. City Hall will be closed both Friday December 23rd and Monday December 26th in observance of Christmas.
Flag at City Hall
The Flag is missing at City Hall due to a malfunction on the flagpole due to a stuck string. A bucket truck is being employed to rectify the situation and the Flag is stored properly in the meantime.
State of the City Address
Mayor Nicholson’s State of the City Address will take place at Gardner City Hall on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 7pm with a reception to follow at Perry Auditorium. RSVP not required, but requested so proper amount of food can be ordered.
Code Red is a FREE Emergency Alert service for citizens. The Mayor reminded citizens to sign up. Here is the signup link, CLICK HERE
- Waste Hazard (12/16/2022)
Hazardous Waste Affecting Gardner Landfill Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
Public Safety Committee December 16, 2022 Hazardous Waste at Gardner MA Landfill Increasing Cost of Disposal Ten-Fold
At a meeting of the Gardner Public Safety Committee on Friday December 16, 2022, Public Health Director Lauren Saunders informed the Committee that the Gardner Landfill will not be accepting waste oil for the time being. Apparently someone put an extremely hazardous liquid in the waste oil drum. Cost to the City will be over $6,000 for the drum instead of the usual $620, 10 times the usual cost. Saunders also spoke about the City’s Drug Prevention efforts, the textile and mattress situation, the efforts to wrap up licensing – 126 permits complete, 34 to go and the Covid resources being made available to Gardner including a mobile clinic.
Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene reported on various matters including drunk driving enforcement, crosswalk enforcement, distracted driving offenses, the domestic violence advocate, and a possible mental health clinician in the offing to respond with officers to certain calls.
Gardner Fire Chief Gregory Lagoy spoke of the 3 new firefighters that started in October and the filling of other vacancies in the Department. He also spoke about Fire Headquarters, various equipment, and other challenges.
- Boudreau Resigns (12/16/2022)
Gardner MA Ward 3 Councillor Nathan Boudreau Resigning, Leaving an Opening
Ward 3 Councillor Nathan Boudreau is resigning as of the end of the upcoming Gardner City Council meeting on Monday, December 19, 2022. Had the Councillor been opposed in the last election, the person from the same ward who received the next highest vote total would automatically get the position for the balance of the unexpired term. However, since he ran unopposed, the Gardner City Council will need to elect a Gardner resident of Ward 3 to fill the post.
Councillor Boudreau recently became the Hubbardston Town Administrator. In his resignation letter he stated, “I love this community and have been honored to serve as Ward 3 City Councillor for the past nine years….I plan to stay involved and continue to serving our City in other capacities.” Read both the Councillor’s entire resignation letter and the notification from the City Clerk to the City Council, click here.
- Finance Committee 12-14-22 (12/16/2022)
Finance Committee 12-14-22 – a light moment with Veterans Agent Lynette Gabrila (left) Mayor Nicholson (center), Council President Kazinskas (right) Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK Play.
Finance Committee 12-14-22 Gardner City Council to Meet on Monday December 19, 2022 to vote on the recommendations of the Finance Committee and other matters including the approval of various licenses recommended by the License Committee
Listen to the License Commission Meeting of December 13th on any device. Notably, the Southside Grille is closing on December 31st and is not renewing its licenses. CLICK Play.
License Commission 12-13-22 City Council Packet for December 19, 2022 meeting, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Finance Committee Discusses Veterans Services and other Matters
Veterans Services: The Finance Committee discussed Veterans Services which the Gardner Veterans Agent is providing to an increasing number of contiguous communities. Permission is being sought to add the town of Ashby to the roster. Soon there will be full-time staff of 3 including Gabrila if City Council votes approval. Additional communities could be added with a population totaling no more than an additional 40,000 people before a 4 staff member would be mandated. Ashburnham, Westminster, and Princeton are already served by Gardner. Funding City Clerk’s Office: Funding for the City Clerk’s office was discussed to ensure adequate staffing levels since both Assistant City Clerks are retiring within the next calendar year. Mayor Nicholson stated, “I don’t think we’ve had a time where we’ve had both assistant department heads retire within a week of each other, so this would be able to just help with that continuity there.” Airport Manager sought: Gardner MA is still looking for an Airport Manager. Security Software Renewal Needed: IT Director Robert O’Keefe appeared requesting funds for the renewal of security software. Abandoned Factory: The Mayor is requesting authorization to sell the abandoned factory at the corner of Stewart and Nadeau Street which has a zero appraised value due to condition.
- Grants (12/16/2022)
Courtney Dunn Gets it Done at Gardner MA Public Schools – Update with Interview
She’s been in the job just under 4 years, but the grants manager at Gardner’s Schools is really bringing in the grants. So much so that the agenda for the Gardner School Committee had to be amended on the day of the December 12, 2022 meeting because there was another grant to announce.
Dunn submitted more than a dozen grants to be approved by the School Committee at the meeting of 12-12-22.
Courtney Dunn – Grants, Communications & Compliance Manager at Gardner Public Schools was kind enough to answer our questions. Listen to the interesting interview on any device by Clicking Play.
Courtney Dunn – Interview 12-16-22 A Collaborative Effort of Talented Colleagues and Community Partners
Courtney Dunn advised that one reason the number of grants was high is because of a new State policy requiring School Districts to formally accept all grant funding prior to the money being expended. With respect to the competitive grants, Dunn stated, ” I want to be clear that without these, our committed staff and the leadership….that have these amazing ideas and put in a lot of work towards these programs before we’re eligible for the grants, the district would not even be eligible to apply….The work that goes in to the programming…happens a long time before.” Dunn added, “We have really good staff who are very committed to the services for our kids, and they’re very excited about this new programming that’s being offered….It’s collaboration between a lot of departments within the school and then a lot of partnerships outside of the school as well….” Courtney Dunn spoke about various grants in detail and even answered where she’d put the funds from a whimsical million dollar grant. In essence she stated, “To really grow the programming to sustain the number of students and the number of opportunities that we want to give our students.”
Dunn’s Report to the School Committee
According to Dunn’s report to the School Committee, “The district has been awarded the Innovation Pathways Implementation and Support Grant in the amount of $50,000. The funding will help provide Certified Nursing Assistant certifications to more than 20 students, a new curriculum in the advanced manufacturing program, and promotion and marketing materials for the Innovation Pathways Program at GHS. The district has also been awarded $186,000 through the Early College Support Grant to help provide mental health support programming, transportation costs, course seats, curriculum development, and sustaining the College & Career Readiness position. Beyond that, the funding will help to promote the program through professional marketing services in addition to more robust recruitment efforts Grant Report to School Committee. More info on the grants.
- Winter Safety (12/15/2022)
Tips on Keeping Your Family Safe on the Road and in Your Home from Gardner MA Police Chief Eric McAvene
Gardner’s PD Chief was kind enough to speak with Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel about Winter Driving Safety and other Safety issues. The chief stated, “You can’t drive as fast on the roadways even when they’re treated….I’ve run into several times where people at a crash say, ‘I was doing the speed limit’, well…during these events you kind of have to adjust your driving behaviors for the road conditions.” The Chief also explained that there are two speeding laws in Massachusetts affecting drivers, the exact speeding law and a greater than reasonable law which takes affect when people should be driving slower. Chief McAvenue advises people to pay attention to the danger of hydroplaning with a heavy rain and with snow take the extra minute to clean your car off. And remember that with snow or ice or anything like that it obviously takes a lot further to stop. Listen here on any device. Click Play.
Interview with Gardner Police Chief Eric McAvene 12-15-22 For more information about Winter Driving Safety from the National Safety Council, click here.
Other Community Safety Issues
We also spoke with Chief McAvene about other safety issues including officer safety, The North County Drug Task Force, the prevalence of fentanyl, the fact that narcan has saved at least scores but maybe hundreds of lives just in this area in the past year, the Domestic Violence Program, the help of home cameras to prevent property crime or catching perpetrators, and the effectiveness of the K-9 program.
Winter Safety from AAA Winter Driving Tips
- Scenes of the Event (12/15/2022)
Scenes from the Main Event There’s FREE PARKING in Downtown Gardner MA for the entire month of December.
Public Enjoys Main Event in Downtown Gardner MA on December 15, 2022
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson led Christmas Caroling. Gardner City Departments including Fire, PD, and DPW collaborated for extra lighting, managing traffic, providing safety cones, and valuable assistance. Holy Family Academy and Principal Colette Goguen served hot cocoa and cookies. John’s Sport Shop and the Velvet Goose hosted Santa Claus and Sasha the Snow Queen. Parker House of Pizza treated carolers to party pizza after the event and posted, “How wonderful it was to see such joy and happiness in our community tonight. The Carolers were amazing. Thank you for making our night special. Happy holidays to all.” It was announced that Carriage Rides will be happening Thursday, December 22nd from 5 to 7pm.
- Great 100th (12/15/2022)
The Great Downtown Countdown is Happening Now in Gardner MA
It is a “Great December” as Gardner celebrates its 100th Christmas as a City. Whether you Shop Downtown, Drive Around and enjoy the lights, Watch a Movie, or patronize any of the businesses in the Chair City, you’ll know the feeling that it’s a special time of year. From its beginnings in 1764 to a town in 1785 and a City in 1923, Gardner has come a long way. It is because of you, the people who have businesses, work in, or live in the Great Chair City of Gardner MA that its future 2nd century as a City will not only be possible, but filled with even brighter days ahead. Merry Christmas to all!
Remember, there’s FREE PARKING in Downtown Gardner the entire month of December, 2022
- School Committee 12-12-22 (12/13/2022)
School Committee 12-12-22 School Committee 12-12-22 Students Appearing to Receive Scholarships Core Values SEPAC Attendees (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) These are the 11 representatives from Gardner Public Schools. Gardner MA School Committee Met Monday, December 12, 2022
Listen to the Meeting on any device. Click Play.
School Committee December 12, 2022 The meeting began with Superintendent Mark Pellegrino recognizing students who were receiving John and Abigail Adams scholarships. Info from the State of MA on this scholarship.
The Gardner School Committee Agenda:
Various expenditure articles totaling about $3 million First reading of policies: Background checks, Local Wellness, School Committee Powers and Duties, – Grants, Proposals, and Special Projects Second reading of policies: Tobacco Product prohibition on school grounds, Student Discipline Approvals for Grand Funding and GHS Cheerleaders trip to Dallas, Texas for Nationals in January Presentations on School Improvement Plans/Program of Studies for GHS and Learning Walks Information from or about College & Career Readiness Coordinator, Curriculum Coordinator, Director of School Health Services, Grants Administrator, Special Education, SEPAC Update, and MSBA New Building Project Update Students in Gardner Public Schools: (Residents), GES: 980, GMS: 479, GHS: 719, GALT: 33. School Choice in is 72 and Special Education (outplacements) is 20. Total Public School students is 2411. The packet linked to below has complete details.
Here is the complete packet and Agenda, CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Gardner MA School Committee 12-12-22
- Electric Bills (12/12/2022)
Gardner MA Consumers Using National Grid feeling pinch of 64% rate increase
Social Media is buzzing with people not very happy about the higher electrical rates. If you are living in the City of Gardner, there is a plan which the City negotiated which will save you some money. The rate is higher than last year, but lower than National Grid.
View info on the plan on the City of Gardner MA website, CLICK HERE
In addition, The state of Massachusetts has a page with great advice on Help paying your utility bill, CLICK HERE.
- Genuine Gardner Museum (12/10/2022)
The Gardner MA Museum is Genuine Gardner
What could be more genuine Gardner than the Gardner Museum, a place of history? The Gardner Museum is open through December 18, 2022 and then reopens March 1, 2023.
The Gardner Museum is open Sunday December 11th from 1-4pm and then Wednesday December 14 through Sunday December 18th from 1-4pm. 2023 memberships are available now: Individual is $20, Family is $30. Membership includes unlimited visits.
While many will wait until March to get their 2023 membership, we have inside info that you can enjoy visits for FREE in the next week if you sign up now. How can you pass that up?
- Snow Ready (12/10/2022)
Gardner MA Ready for the Snow with Equipment, Salt, and Staffing
Appearing on WGAW’s Hotline Radio on Saturday, December 10, 2022, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson stated that Equipment is ready, he’s satisfied with the City’s new SALT vendor, and staffing has openings but the plowing will get done.
For our complete Greater Gardner Weather Center page, CLICK HERE.
The Mayor stated, “We actually have set routes for all of our DPW drivers….the priority routes are…the fire station, the police station, the hospital…we branch off after that. ….There are about 3 plow routes we are short, just because we are down 7 DPW workers….We’re rehired back our seasonal golf course workers to help us plow..” According to the Mayor there are about 13-14 plow routes with about 3 plows assigned per route. The Mayor stated, “We do hire a lot of contractors to help us go out and plow…Our contractors also go out and plow all of our school buildings, our school parking lots, and the City and municipal parking lots too once the roads are done. We do prioritize the roads over the parking lots..
- Tax Rate Certified (12/10/2022)
- Comic Edition (12/9/2022)
Gardner MA Magazine Releases Progress at City Hall – the Comic Edition
Some think that Super Heroes exist only in Science Fiction. This is not so. Throughout the entire Chair City of Gardner MA, Men and Women of good character are every day battling the negative forces and restoring the balance. While they might not wear capes or fly in the skies, everyday citizens in Gardner amount to hundreds of Super Heroes. This progress is chronicled in “Progress at City Hall, the Comic Edition” – View the comic image by image here on this page, or download the pdf here.
While this may only be a COMIC, the real City of Gardner MA is welcoming to business, industry, and new residents. Questions? Try Gardner City Hall at (978) 630-1490 or visit the great Chair City of Gardner MA website at
- Fitness Court (12/9/2022)
Gardner MA Launches Fitness Court with Ribbon Cutting
Executive Aide to the Mayor Colin Smith introduced Mayor Michael Nicholson, Athletic Director Dan Forte and Blue Cross Spokesman Jeff Bellows at the launch of the new Fitness Court located at Gardner High School. The Fitness Court allows for various types of exercises depending on the individual.
Watch the video on YouTube, or listen here on any device. CLICK Play.
Fitness Court Launch December 8, 2022
- Mayor’s Update 12-9-22 (12/9/2022)
Mayor’s Update 12-9-22 View the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page, or listen here on any device. Click Play
Mayor’s Update 12-9-22 revised 12-10-22 Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson announces Single Tax Rate, Lower Tax Bills and Study of City Charter to Commence
Mayor Nicholson announced that the City Council had approved a single tax rate in the last meeting and explained that tax bills should go down in the next 2 quarters with an average savings of $400 per bill. Tax rate is expected to be $16.16.
City Council also approved traffic sensor lights, the new Charter Review Committee with some members appointed by the City Council President and some by the Mayor, The State of the City Address will be Tuesday January 10, 2023 at 7pm (We have confirmed that WGAW plans to air the address live). The Mayor spoke about the launch of the new fitness court at Gardner High School featuring different lanes for various types of exercises – one of 15 of these types of courts in the entire state of Massachusetts. See Separate article, CLICK HERE.
A Magical Christmas Night in the Offing
The Mayor said the “Main Event” will take place on Thursday. in which nighttime Christmas light tours will take place around Downtown Gardner by horse drawn carriage. *UPDATE: 12/10/22: “Main Event” is taking place on December 15, 2022 from 5pm to 7pm – We have updated our AUDIO file, however the YouTube video version may still have old date. Event is simply one week sooner than originally announced due to scheduling availabilities.
- 42-52 (12/8/2022)
This is how Construction is done in the City of Gardner MA
The 42-52 Parker Street project has been ongoing for a few months now. With every passing day, the progress is noteworthy. The quality of the build, the use of local area contractors – even local windows made in Gardner MA, and how clean they leave it as they work! This is the way it’s done in Gardner. More projects coming soon to the Chair City near you….
Interested in more Gardner MA Projects. Visit our Top 40 Projects page, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Gov’t (12/7/2022)
Just how does Gardner MA Government Work in the Chair City?
Just how does Gardner MA City Government work and how do they organize what they need to get done?
We have a page on the City of Gardner explaining some of it. CLICK HERE.
- Christmas Cards (12/7/2022)
National Christmas Card Day is Friday, December 9, 2022 in Greater Gardner MA
Christmas is a joyful Holiday, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. We have a page of Christmas cards which you can download and email to family and friends to spread around the Holiday Sentiment.
May the blessings of the season be yours,
Even more joy than shopping the stores,
The price of admission is always free
Where the spirit of the Lord brings glee.
Werner Poegel, 2022A blessed Holiday season to you and yours…
- Mill Street Focus (12/7/2022)
Mill Street Corridor Gardner MA Sign unveiled last December at Gardner Industrial Park Matthews Street, Gardner – possible new Industrial Park site Gardner MA Focuses on the Mill Street Corridor
Good news may be coming sooner than later in efforts to restore Mill Street in Gardner to the status of being worthy of a scenic drive. Recently, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts added the 10 acre Garbose lot to a new marketing platform featuring 100 properties statewide that are shovel ready and prime for strong development. Read more in our What’s Next Interview.
Contractor’s Building
Next month, the Gardner Conservation Commission will meet on January 9, 2023 to hold a Public Hearing continued on a request relating to 170 Mill Street. Contractor Mark Harasimowicz wishes to construct a contractor’s building on the property. Because the proposed work is located within the riverfront area, it falls under the purview of the Conservation Commission.
Other Sites on Mill Street
There are other sites available on Mill Street. For opportunities and more details, please visit the Economic Development page on the City of Gardner website. Or call Jessica DeRoy at (978) 630-4074 ext. 1 for more information. About her office, “Our Office can provide you a variety of resources and technical assistance for business. Our team of dedicated professionals can assist you to relocate, to start or to invigorate your current Gardner business by connecting you with resources and people with expertise. Some of our resources or services include site selection, traditional and non-traditional financing, tax incentives, and workforce development programs. The office can also assist with business plan and loan proposals, local and state permitting guidelines, and other general business assistance you will find valuable. The Economic Development team for the City of Gardner is dedicated to creating a dynamic business community that is diverse and innovative.”
New Industrial Park
Gardner MA is studying whether it is feasible to locate a new Industrial Park on Matthews Street in Gardner near Route 140.
- Detective Retires (12/6/2022)
Chief Eric McAvene and Detective Kolimaga – Inset: Detective Kolimaga with his wife and last radio transmission. Gardner MA Police Detective Eugene Kolimaga Retires
The Gardner Police Department celebrated the retirement of Detective Eugene Kolimaga who wrapped up his 25 year career with his wife by his side as he did his last radio transmission.
From the Gardner PD, “….a bitter sweet day for the GPD as we celebrated Detective Eugene Kolimaga retirement. Detective Kolimaga had a great 25 year career and will be deeply missed. Detective Kolimaga celebrated his day with past and current officers, friends and family. Congratulations Detective! Enjoy retirement, but don’t be a stranger!”
- City Council 12-5-22 (12/6/2022)
City Council Meeting December 5, 2022 City Assessor Christine Kumar – Executive Aide Colin Smith – Mayor Michael Nicholson City Council 12-5-22 The Special Act Charter Drafting Committee will consist of 2 members appointed by the City Council President and 3 members appointed by the Mayor. Any changes recommended by that Committee must be approved by the City Council and the Mayor, the State of MA, and then in order to go into effect by the voters at the ballot box.
Gardner MA City Council Opts to Preserve Single Tax Rate at Meeting of December 5, 2022 – Approves Charter Committee 7-4
Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK Play
The Gardner MA City Council started its evening with an informal session and public hearing on whether a single tax rate for all properties would continue. That meeting, begun at 7pm, lasted 13 minutes with testimony only from the Mayor and the Tax Assessor. Agenda CLICK HERE. Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Public Hearing 12-5-22 The regular meeting of the City Council was held at 7:30pm. Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
Appropriations from Free Cash: Traffic Lights Repairs – $57,485 – APPROVED , $156,180 for the City portion of the Greenwood Pavilion Project – APPROVED , $6,000 to the City Assessor Department to continue cloud services which had been FREE during a 5 year revaluation period and has been proven to be quicker in the cloud – APPROVED, $10,000 to City Clerk temporary staffing – REFERRED TO COMMITTEE . Other orders; $107.96 for Airport unpaid Verizon bills from last year – REFERRED TO COMMITTEE . The total bill had grown to $242.91 without services being turned off. Monthly bill is $26.99. , a transfer order of $36,500 from Veterans Department to bring an Assistant’s position to full-time and covering associated expenses for the remainder of the Fiscal year. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE
Personnel Compensation Schedule – , Amendment to Hawkers and Peddlers so that City-sponsored events are exempt – , Amendment to One way Street – , REFERRED TO COMMITTEES
State of the City Address – will be scheduled.
The City Charter
The Council heard reports of committees and took up the matter of the creation of a Special Act Charter Drafting Committee which action has been postponed several times since September. Amended to include 2 members to be appointed by the City Council President and 3 members appointed by the Mayor. There was opposition by Councilors Hardern , Walsh, Craig Cormier and Ronald Cormier. Passed 7 to 4.
Single Tax Rate
Approved unanimously by the City Council.
New Business included; Dana Heath encouraged donations throughout the Holiday season. Nathan Boudreau hopes everyone stays safe out there.
Listen on any device. CLICK Play.
Gardner MA City Council 12-5-22 - Christmas Video (12/5/2022)
Gardner Magazine releases Downtown Gardner MA Christmas Lights Video
Enjoy the Christmas Lights of Monument Park and the rest of Downtown Gardner set to the music of a “Downtown Christmas”.
Throughout the month of December, there is FREE PARKING in Downtown Gardner MA.
- Unclaimed Property (12/5/2022)
You may have FREE Money due you in Greater Gardner MA! – It’s Easy to check…
After a period of time, certain unclaimed financial assets get turned over to the State, but you can easily get the money back. According to the State of MA, it has returned over $735 million in the last 5 years. Simply go to the State Website, CLICK HERE. or for any state in the Country, CLICK HERE.
It is very common for people to be owed small amounts of money from various refunds such as from utilities. We checked and the Mayor of Gardner is owed money, certain City Councilors are owed money, and many Gardner citizens are owed money. How do you get your money? Just fill out a simple claim form at the link above.
Unclaimed property consists of unclaimed financial assets such as checking and savings accounts, unpaid wages, securities, uncashed dividends, life insurance policies, uncashed checks, safe deposit boxes, etc that are without activity for a certain period of time. It does not include real estate or vehicles. Typically assets become unclaimed when the owner cannot be contacted for a three-year period by the holder of the asset, or for fifteen years in the case of traveler’s checks.
- Tree Lighting 12-4-22 (12/4/2022)
Gardner MA Holds Tree Lighting Ceremony
Filled with the spirit of Christmas in sight and in song, the City of Gardner Massachusetts drew hundreds of people on Sunday December 4, 2022 for the Tree Lighting held at Monument Park. Gardner Mayor Nicholson arrived on the horse-drawn carriage with Santa Claus who delighted the crowd with his Red Suit and iconic white beard. Gardner Square Two President Patti Bergstrom thanked all of those who had contributed to the Annual Memorial Light campaign, personally reflecting on how much remembering those she has lost means to her. The band played, the choir sang, and there was even a solo of “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. Meanwhile, homes like the one on Vernon Street participated by lighting up their homes for the season in truly beautiful displays.
This is just the beginning of the Holiday season in Gardner. There’s FREE parking in Downtown Gardner for the entire month of December, and Downtown Shopping opportunities are abundant. Gardner MA Churches will be having various services throughout the month, including Christmas Eve. For our Churches page, CLICK HERE. Non-profit organizations have functions and many could use your Christmas donations. For our Greater Gardner Public Service Organizations page, CLICK HERE.
- MA Covid (12/3/2022)
MA Covid Dashboard While restrictions have been relaxed and society has somewhat moved on, Covid is still with us. Since April 14, 2022, there have been an additional 1,837 deaths from the disease in Massachusetts, for a current total of 20,896. CLICK IMAGE for larger view.
Covid Deaths Drop 95% in Massachusetts from 2020 peak
Putting Covid in perspective: On April 24, 2020, the 7 day average of confirmed deaths in Massachusetts was a high of 175.6. On November 27, 2022, this had dropped to 8.1, a percentage decrease of over 95% from the peak.
Covid Still a Factor in Greater Gardner MA lives: Right now, the average 14-day incidence rate in the City of Gardner is 7.7 per 100,000 residents per day, which is about 2 incidents per day in Gardner. While there were just over 5000 new Massachusetts confirmed cases in the week covered by the report, there are 650 total patients in the hospital with Covid with 72 (11% of patients) in ICU units.
- 2022 Emergency Kit (12/3/2022)
Make your Own Greater Gardner MA Emergency Kit
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) suggests residents in the Greater Gardner MA area put together at least a 10 item Emergency Kit consisting of a flashlight in case the power is out with extra batteries, a whistle for signaling in the event you get stranded, a dust mask to help protect against contaminated air, a local paper map to use in case you have no power or access to the internet, a manual can opener to open those canned food items in case power is out and you can’t use the electric one, a battery-powered or hand cranked radio, activities for the children including puzzles, games or books, a first aid kit, and supplies for your pet. We have a more detailed supply list available for 2022, CLICK HERE for a printable pdf.
- Wreaths Winchendon MA (12/3/2022)
Wreaths Across America Planning for Laying of Wreaths in Winchendon MA
Veterans will be honored at the Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon on December 16, 2022 at 9am. According to Wreaths Across America “to Remember and Honor our veterans through the laying of Remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country’s fallen heroes and the act of saying the name of each and every veteran aloud.” The cemetery is home to the graves of thousands of veterans.
For more information, please visit this page. Click Here.
- Gardner Airport (12/3/2022)
Gardner Airport to Receive about $7 million in Funding for Runway
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson announced on the Saturday, December 2, 2022 WGAW Hotline Radio Show that he found out Friday evening about great news for the Gardner MA Airport facility: about $7 million in grant funding. About $5 million will come from the Federal Government and about $2 million from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Transportation. According to the Mayor, The City of Gardner will have to layout zero with 100 percent being covered by grants. Plans will be to completely dig up the existing runway and put up new paved runway. The Mayor said, “I’m actually really excited for that one….I was very happy to get that notification last night.”
- Tree Lighting – 12-4-22 (12/2/2022)
Gardner MA Tree Lighting Ceremony Taking Place Sunday December 4, 2022 at 5pm at Monument Park
Highlights include performances by the Gardner Middle School Chorus, the Gardner High School Band, refreshments provided by Holy Academy, glow light sticks provided by Gardner Square Two, a visit from Santa Claus, and the availability of horse-drawn carriage rides.
Gardner Mayor Nicholson also offered, “Thank you to GFA Federal Credit Union for sponsoring the team of Belgian Draft Horses and carriage from Triple T Family Farm that will bring Santa into the event and then offer rides around the downtown after the ceremony!”
Christmas Lights on around the Chair City this year include Monument Park, Downtown Gardner, and South Gardner.
- School Survey (12/2/2022)
Gardner MA Public Schools Actively Seeking Parental Input – Survey Closes December 15, 2022
Here’s your chance to have valuable input on your child’s education, but you must submit the survey by December 15th. There’s a separate survey for each school:Gardner Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, and Gardner Academy. Here’s the link to get started. CLICK HERE.
From Gardner Public Schools: “Calling all Families! -Would you be willing to share your experience with Gardner Public Schools? Help us improve our schools by providing your honest feedback on our short School Climate Survey. Surveys are available in English and Spanish. Please fill out a survey for each school your student(s) attend.” Survey Link
The survey is anonymous, so there’s no reason to not participate. School District Web Links: Facebook Website:
What the Survey Asks of Parents
Survey asks participants to select from 4 possible responses to various statements: Strongly Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Somewhat Agree, or Strongly Agree on each of about 20 items including – Teachers at my student’s school have high standards for achievement. Teachers at my student’s students school work hard to make sure that students do well. Teachers at my student’s school promote academic success for all students. My student’s school sets clear rules for behavior. My student feels safe at school. My student feels safe going to and from school. School rules are consistently enforced at my student’s school. My student feels successful at school. My student is frequently recognized for good behavior. I feel comfortable talking to teachers at my student’s school. Staff at my student’s school communicate well with parents. I feel welcome at my student’s school. All students are treated fairly at my student’s school. Teachers at my student’s school treat all students with respect. My student’s school building is well maintained. My student’s textbooks are up to date and in good condition. Teachers at my student’s school keep their classrooms clean and organized. I attend parent/teacher conferences at my student’s school. I am actively involved in activities at my student’s school. I frequently volunteer to help on special projects at my student’s school.
- Public Service 12-1-22 (12/2/2022)
Gardner MA Public Service Committee: Variety of matters December 1, 2022
The committee decided a request for water/sewer bill abatement, requests for electric polls, discussed problems with a sump pump from a business putting water on street and a possible safety issue with wet cars from the Car Wash causing ice on Elm Street, the skating rink going up at Jackson Park, discussion of adding solar panels to City facilities, and the expansion of the sludge landfill proceeding. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click Play.
Public Service Committee 12-1-22 - Mayor’s Update 12-2-22 (12/2/2022)
Mayor’s Update 12-2-22 Watch the meeting on our Mayor’s Update page, or listen to it right here on any device. CLICK Play.
Mayor’s Update 12-2-22 City Council Agenda and packet for December 5, 2022, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on Lower Tax Rate in Weekly Update
Due to the way State Law is written, the 1st and 2nd quarter tax bills were sent out, knowing that a portion of those bills would in essence prepay 3rd and 4th quarter tax bills. With the tax rate falling to $16.16, the only remaining issue is whether Gardner stays with a single rate where residential, business, and industrial properties receive the same tax rate. Mayor Nicholson in this week’s update stated he was in favor of continuing the practice, stating, “I do believe that a single rate is what’s best for the city,especially as we’re seeing all the growth that we’re seeing in the downtown and across the city to get more businesses in.”
Other Matters
The Mayor once again congratulated Gardner’s Eagle Scouts, congratulated Detective Eugene Kalamaga on his retirement after 25 years with the Gardner Police Department, described a few Holiday events, FREE tax services for Seniors, and thanked various groups and organizations for helping out citizens in the City in various ways.
Tree Lighting
Info in after the update was recorded: The Tree Lighting Ceremony has been rescheduled to Sunday December 4, 2022 at Monument Park. According to City Hall: “The event will start at 5pm. Performances by the GMS chorus, GHS Band, and horse-drawn carriage rides will be offered. Holy Family Academy will be providing refreshments at the event. It is still up in the air whether Chair City Church will be doing hot chocolate and meet Santa directly after the event. Glow sticks will be dispersed. “
Tax Bills were inverted for 1st and 2nd quarters, resulting in a lower tax bills for 3rd and 4th quarters Gardner MA Taxes Explained
Gardner Magazine published an article on the Property Taxes in July 2022 with a complete primer on Prop 2 1/2. It’ll get you up to speed on what the lower tax rate means now. For the article, CLICK HERE.
Public Hearing on Tax Rate
The Gardner City Council will hold a Public Hearing on whether or not to go with a single rate on Monday December 5, 2022 during a Public Hearing at 7pm. Regular Meeting is at 7:30pm. Mayor Nicholson stated his position, “We’ve recently been approved for vacant storefront revitalization programs .Thirteen buildings have been purchased in the downtown .There’s a lot of work that’s being done. So we want to make sure we’re not doing anything to deter a new business from coming into Gardner, but rather compliment and give those businesses a reason to come to Gardner. So my administration is going to be testifying in favor of a single tax rate at that public hearing.” Note that even if a higher or lower tax rate is selected for business and industry, there would be only a small difference in residential tax bills due to the much larger total value of all residential properties in the City compared to business/industrial property. Section on Taxes from the 12-5-22 City Council packet, click here.
Mayor Nicholson reminded that the entire month of December is Small Business Month in Gardner with FREE PARKING, stating, “The parking meters are all a hundred percent waived for the month of December, and we’re really encouraging people to get out and support our local businesses, not just the twenty seven who have opened or expanded in Gardner this year alone, but really all the small businesses that we have here while you’re doing your Christmas shopping or you’re just shopping for anything this season
- Questions – Answers (12/1/2022)
Questions and Answers – What’s Next? Read all the Questions and Answers on the What’s Next Interview page, CLICK HERE.
Gardner City Hall Gardner MA City Centennial 1923 – 2023 Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson in Questions and Answers about What’s Next…
CLICK PLAY on any device Listen to the Interview and find out the answers to the following questions and Citizen Concerns:
Schools: When is Gardner MA looking to build a new High School? What’s on the horizon for the Helen Mae Sauter School? Will Gardner have a new Arts Center? What’s happening with the Schools’ Curriculum? Recreation and Parks: How will the athletics programs be enhanced? What’s happening with Bailey Brook Park and what is it? When is disc golf happening? What is the timeline on Maki Park, Park Street Park, and the new Greenwood Pavilion. Blighted Buildings: What rundown factory did Gardner just take ownership of? Projects: What are the next big projects and where is Gardner getting FREE advertising? When does work start on Rear Main Street? What’s happening on the paving front? Why will there be divers in Gardner? When the final version of the Federal budget gets passed, what does that mean for Gardner water? When and how on the Sludge landfill…? What’s the future of the South Main Street Bridge? What about City needs? Public Safety: Is Gardner catching trash crooks? What improvements are planned for Gardner PD and Gardner Fire? Online Interactive: When will you be able to do more online with the City of Gardner? Jobs with the City: How long will it take to study salaries so Gardner is in parity with others. Technology: What is Gardner doing to keep on top of technology? What’s the scoop on extending cable and internet? Health: What is the future of all types of health care in Gardner? Several topics discussed. What’s happening with Bugs? What’s the future of Covid? Music and the Arts: What are the future plans for Music, Theater, and Art programs in the Schools? Community Events: What’s in the works for events in 2023 especially given the City Centennial? Disaster Protection: What is the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program? City Charter: What suggestions are there for changes in the 100-year-old document? Faith: How do Gardner’s churches factor in to various goings-on in the community? Business: What’s happening with vacant storefronts, and what’s available to help businesses? What’s next on the effort to bring more business and industry to Gardner? Gardner Mayor Nicholson answered questions affecting your future. Listen on any device. Click Play.
What’s Next Interview November 2022 - Water Main Break (12/1/2022)
Gardner MA DPW working to fix Water Main Break on Pelley Street
On the morning of December 1, 2022, the City of Gardner reported a water main break at Pelley Street and West Street in Gardner.
Gardner City Hall posted, “In that surrounding area the water is off due to the emergency. Public Works hopes to have it restored as soon as possible.” DPW was still working on the problem as of the afternoon of December 1st.
Gardner MA DPW working on Water Main Break DPW working on Water Main Break
Around the Towns – News

In the Community