Greater Gardner MA News December 2021
- Saluting Covid Progress (12/31/2021)
Greater Gardner MA Covid 19 Progress
We made substantial progress with Covid 19 in 2021. Just how much impact did the efforts of so many have? Please read our complete article crediting efforts of the heroes who helped so many survive. CLICK HERE.
- New Year’s Eve (12/31/2021)
The public inauguration ceremony is taking place January 6, 2022 6pm at Perry Auditorium, Gardner MA City Hall. Governor Baker and other official are expected to attend. (Official swearing in takes place January 3rd)
Play the video of the Mayor’s update anytime on our Gardner MA Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE.
Last Gardner Mayor’s Update of the Year
The mayor addressed water main breaks in Gardner during the past week, saying most of the fault was that of contractors. For example, contractors working at the new Community Connections site near Walmart accidentally hit the water line. (Walmart actually closed for a couple of hours). Gardner Water Department quickly made a repair. The mayor reiterated that as the City proactively replaces old water lines, he hopes the incidence of water main breaks will decrease and understands citizen frustration.
The Gardner MA School Department is having its second Covid vaccine clinic open to both students and parents on Tuesday January 4, 2022 at Gardner Middle School.
The Gardner MA Board of Health has issued a municipal buildings mask mandate requiring masks in all City buildings. A mask advisory is in effect advising mask wearing in other indoor settings such as retail stores.
- 24/7 (12/31/2021)
Gardner MA News Magazine available 24/7 has been available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all of this year with continuously updated News, Sports, Weather, Articles, and interesting information. Access our resources anytime. Thank you to the over 13 thousand unique households who have read our pages this month, with over 75,000 pageviews and over 550,000 hits.* For more about us, including Advertising Rates, CLICK HERE.
*source Awstats
- New Year’s Eve 2021 (12/30/2021)
OTM What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve in Gardner MA?
We’re spotlighting just a few of the choices to celebrate the coming of the New Year in Gardner MA.
OTM plays the Gardner MA Eagles #747. New Year’s Eve Show starts at 8:00pm. More details, CLICK HERE
Max Recoil at Southside Grille Bowling Challenge Gardner Ten Pins Please be safe. Please don’t drive while under the influence of any substance. You will save a life.
New Year’s Eve with Max Recoil at the Southside Grille and Margarita Factory. FREE show starts at 9:00pm Call ahead seating for dinner is encouraged. More details, CLICK HERE
New Year’s Eve Bowling Challenge at Gardner Ten Pins Starts at 9:30pm. 24 lanes with lounge and snack bar. More details, CLICK HERE For more details on the Friday Night Classic League, CLICK HERE
- State of MA Covid 19 Data (12/28/2021)
Covid 19 Cases including occupied and available ICU beds. CLICK IMAGE for larger view. 12-29-21 County data pdf, CLICK HERE
DATA from State of MA. View more information and download data from source. CLICK HERE - Theater at Mount (12/28/2021)
Little Shop of Horrors canceled, new Covid 2022 protocols in effect
Gardner MA Theater at the Mount performance of Little Shop of Horrors performance scheduled for February 2022 has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. A notice on the website states, “We are working on plans for our next production and hope to make an announcement soon.”
However, effective January 1, 2022 there are new Covid 19 protocols including a proof of full vaccination, negative PCR test within 72 hrs, or negative antigen test within 24 hrs. Details at link. CLICK HERE
- City Fees (12/28/2021)
Efficient City Government or what?
Even with rising costs, the City of Gardner has endeavored to keep its fees the same. In fact, the Gardner MA City Clerk’s office confirms that the schedule of fees dated 12/1/13 (over 8 years ago) is still accurate. In these days of rising costs and inflation, we thought it was appropriate to acknowledge the efforts of Gardner City Government in keeping costs down for citizens and the business community. Here’s a copy of current fees. CLICK HERE.
- Guardsmen Deployed (12/27/2021)
Guardsmen to Assist Gardner MA Heywood Hospital
Gardner Mayor Nicholson and Council President Kazinskas were part of the welcoming team at Heywood Hospital on Monday December 27, 2021 as 9 members of the Massachusetts National Guard were deployed to the facility for the next 12 weeks. The guardsmen who are all from the North Central MA area will assist in operations due to Hospital staffing shortages.
- Joint Convention (12/27/2021)
A “joint” convention in Gardner MA and it’s not marijuana!
The Mayor-Elect, City Councilors- Elect, and School Committee Members-Elect will meet in Joint Convention for the purposes of taking the Oaths of Office for the term beginning on January 3, 2022 and ending on January 1, 2024. This takes place January 3, 2022 at 10am – Gardner City Council Chambers at Gardner City Hall, 95 Pleasant Street, Gardner MA where the Gardner High School Select Choir will sing “God Bless America”. Ceremonial swearing in will take place on January 6, 2022 at 6pm
- 2022 Ahead (12/26/2021)
Gardner MA – The Year Ahead
The year ahead: What we see happening and what is possible. Our piece explores some of the priorities of 2022. For our complete article CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Elementary (12/26/2021)
Gardner MA Elementary Building update
Considerable progress is being made on the new Elementary School for Gardner MA. The School Building Committee held a recent meeting in December. For more details, CLICK HERE
- Travel Safety (12/22/2021)
Gardner MA Travel Safety
Wherever you travel within the Greater Gardner MA region or beyond this Holiday, you can take certain precautions. It may be relatively safe locally, but that’s not true everywhere. Here’s a few travel tips:
Pay attention to your surroundings, not your phone. Lock valuables in your car trunk. Keep your phone, purse, or wallet out of easy reach. Have copies of important legal documents and upload scanned digital copies to a secure online location you can access if ever needed. Be aware of possible safety risks at your destination in advance. Keep money in multiple locations. Let your family know where you are going. And because of the pandemic, bring along a supply of masks. Have a safe trip!
- Fire Safety (12/20/2021)
Best Winter Fire Safety Practices
This time of year is a good time to write about best Fire Safety practices. The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services “provides the fire service, regulated industries, and citizens with training, education, prevention, investigation, and emergency response services.” Download Winter Holiday Safety pamphlet. CLICK HERE. For more information on the Department of Fire Services, here’s a link to the official website, CLICK HERE.
- Wreath Laying (12/18/2021)
Wreath Laying Winchendon MA
Wreaths Across America was at the Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon MA on Friday December 17, 2021 for the laying of wreaths to honor our country’s fallen heroes. Students from area schools and other area volunteers participated. The organization states, “Remember the Fallen…HONOR those who Serve…TEACH our children the value of Freedom.” Wreaths Across America coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies each December at Arlington National Cemetery as well as more than 2500 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad. For more details on the organization, CLICK HERE. Winchendon details, CLICK HERE
- Life-saving Tool (12/17/2021)
Advisory: Get the Covid Vaccine or Booster. Advisory: Wear a mask indoors in public to protect others. Advisory: Covid testing is generally FREE at area pharmacies.
Save a life!
This Gardner MA mask tool may just save your life or the life of someone you know. Mayor Mike Nicholson addressed the Gardner Board of Health’s indoor mask advisory in this week’s update. It is well-known that those contagious with Covid 19 can help prevent spreading it to others by wearing a mask. With many people not knowing they are contagious, the mask becomes a life-saving tool.
“The Math of Covid”. Read our article. CLICK HERE
Mayor Nicholson put this in perspective in his weekly address noting Gardner MA Heywood Hospital has 23 active Covid patients as of 12/17/21 and ICU is full. Leominster Hospital ICU is also full and has shipped ICU patients as far away as Philadelphia PA. Another 2 to 3 dozen hospitals are FULL. Heywood has cut elective procedures in half. There is also a statewide blood shortage with the Red Cross rationing blood in Massachusetts.
- Covid Cases (12/17/2021)
Gardner Magazine has a Vaccine News page containing automatically updated stories. CLICK HERE
“The Math of Covid”. Read our article. CLICK HERE
Gardner MA and Massachusetts Covid Cases Up
With Covid Cases up, what’s the best advice for you and your family? Most experts still advise that vaccines provide the best ammunition and the CDC now favors Pfizer and Moderna over J&J. Vaccines are readily available.
For those desiring Covid testing, Gardner Magazine has the following links for those needing Covid 19 tests. Walgreen’s: CLICK HERE, CVS: CLICK HERE, Price Chopper: CLICK HERE, Walmart: CLICK HERE. Chair City Pharmacy indicates they usually refer patients needing testing to CVS, Walgreen’s, or Walmart.
The MA Covid Dashboard shows current Covid Cases.
- Gardner Schools (12/17/2021)
Gardner MA School Covid Cases
Gardner Public School Covid Cases up again in 12/16/21 Bi-Weekly Dashboard to 52 positive cases after falling in the previous two weeks. See reports at left.
Other Covid Resources:
City of Gardner Covid 19 page (not actively updated)
Heywood Hospital YouTube update 12-8-21
Gardner Magazine Vaccine News page
State of MA Covid information page
CDC Covid Information page including information on new variants.
- Winchendon Schools (12/16/2021)
Winchendon High School Goes Remote
The Winchendon MA School system cites the number of positive Covid 19 cases for the return to remote learning for Murdock High School students effective now through at least after the start of the new year. Current Covid data as of 12/13/21 shown at left. It is unknown whether similar steps are being considered for other schools in the system if those cases also rise.
- Planning Board (12/14/2021)
Gardner MA Planning Board Takes up Slocum
Board met December 14, 2021 to receive presentation by Slocum Inc. and approved site plan for 6 commercial buildings off of Matthews Street. Watch the meeting, CLICK HERE.
- Christmas Wish (12/14/2021)
Gardner MA Christmas Wish
Publishing an original poem for you entitled, “Gardner Christmas Wish.” CLICK HERE
- School Improvement (12/14/2021)
Elementary School Principal Earl Martin School Strategic Objectives
CLICK IMAGE for larger view “Create a School where all members experience JOY, ACHIEVEMENT and CARE”
School Vision
CLICK IMAGE for larger view Gardner MA Students are getting Smarter!
Principal Earl Martin Highly Praised in Gardner MA School System
Affectionately called “The Earl of Martin” by one school committee member, the Waterford Street and Elm Street School principal discussed the Gardner Elementary School Improvement Plan which seeks to make learning engaging and thought provoking, allowing students to experience JOY and actually look forward to coming to school. The plan emphasizes academic, emotional, and social achievement. School Superintendent Mark Pellegrino indicated reading scores are already way up. Principal Martin is tasked with aiding in the transition to the new Gardner Elementary School which is slated to open in the Fall of 2022.
It was noted at the meeting that next year 10 buses may be needed instead of the current 9. Governor Baker may come out to the next vaccine clinic in January (182 were vaccinated at last clinic). Mask policy in place through January 15, 2022 and most likely will continue. Mayor Nicholson indicated Gardner will get at home antigen kits, but is uncertain of the number as of yet.
Learning Success
In a telephone report, Dr. Goguen reported that the Learning Walks to all 5 schools revealed a 74% increase in higher order thinking and a 37% increase in student engagement since 2018. See Math.
- Roundtable Discussion (12/14/2021)
Infrastructure Roundtable
Congresswoman Lori Trahan was in the Chair City of Gardner MA Wednesday December 15, 2021 for a roundtable discussion regarding how the Federal Infrastructure bill will affect the city such as Internet connectivity etc. Underserved areas of Gardner MA which currently only can get internet from satellite will benefit.
- School Committee (12/14/2021)
School Committee Meets
The City of Gardner School Committee met on December 13, 2021 for about 80 minutes. Watch the complete meeting on our Gardner School Committee page. CLICK HERE
- Math (12/13/2021)
Gardner MA Math in the News
Why Does Gardner MA recommend Eureka Math? According to the company website linked from Gardner’s official site it’s because “Eureka Math set a new standard for rigor, coherence, and focus in the classroom so students gain a deeper understanding of the why behind the numbers, all while making math more enjoyable to learn and teach.”
Maybe Gardner teachers are actually creating smarter students in all subjects. At a December 13, 2021 Gardner School Committee meeting, Dr. Goguen reported on “Learning Walk” results. From 2018 to 2021, she is reporting a 74% increase in higher order thinking and a 37% increase in student engagement with a 17% increase in all categories. And we thought you’d like to know the Why behind the math. For more information on Eureka Math, CLICK HERE
- Making Gardner Memories (12/13/2021)
Poster behind Gardner Mayor Mike Nicolson courtesy of students at Holy Family Academy who all signed it. Nicholson attended the school as a child when it was called Holy Rosary. Watch Gardner MA Mayor Mike Nicholson’s December 10, 2021 address on YouTube. CLICK HERE
Sign up to receive Gardner MA notifications re parking bans, snow removal, or severe weather. CLICK HERE.
Subscribe to the City of Gardner’s FREE YouTube channel and get a front-row citizen’s seat to Mayor’s updates, City Council meetings, and more! CLICK HERE
Caroling with the Mayor happens in two formats this year. 1. Virtual Caroling via video 2. Caroling in person starting on the front steps of Gardner City Hall Saturday, December 18, 2021 at noon.
Thanks from the Mayor to retiring Airport Commission Chairman Ken Bonk who has a long history of helping out , having started at 16 years old with airport grounds maintenance.
Highlights of the Season, Public Safety, and Focus Towards the Future captured in Weekly Update
The Season
Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson praised generosity of contributors to various Toy and Coat Drives and announced various private initiatives to help families in need during the holidays. — Masonic Lodge has more Christmas Trees and is selling them at corner of Central and Chestnut.
Public Safety
Gardner will proactively have a police detail at the School Department’s next vaccine clinic in January due to concerns about vaccine protestors at the last clinic. — $10,000 to $15,000 damage caused by an accidental small materials fire at the new Elementary School has already been repaired. Fire Department’s prompt response was praised. — The ability for citizens to sign up for Code Red was discussed.
Focus Towards the Future
The new updated sign at the Gardner Industrial Park now accurately reflects the businesses there. — Gardner is seeking to determine whether state grant funds for “safe routes to school” can now be used in a different area of the City as funds earmarked re Elm Street School were put on hold because those students will soon be going to the new location. — City’s upcoming inauguration ceremony for November election winners taking place Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 6pm in Perry Auditorium at City Hall. (Actual swearing in will occur January 3rd at 10am)
Watch the update, CLICK HERE
- Carriage House (12/12/2021)
Photo posted on Facebook Saturday Dec. 11, 2021 Update: 12/12/21 – The restaurant is having a soft opening and released a statement on Facebook which we publish in full here. CLICK HERE.
Winchendon Carriage House Restaurant Opens
The local favorite dining spot reportedly opened Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021. It wasn’t announced on their website which still says, “We are currently remodeling and will be reopening beginning of December.” It may have been a soft opening. Watch their website for further details, CLICK HERE. The restaurant had closed almost 2 months ago, citing a lack of ability to find help. We’ll keep you posted.
- Industrial Park (12/11/2021)
Pictured from left to right are: Jessica DeRoy (Economic Development Coordinator), Neil Janssens (Assistant Treasurer – Gardner Redevelopment Authority), Ronald Cormier (City of Gardner – Councilor At Large), Rob Swartz (Rob’s Dyno Service & Energica of New England Electric Motorcycles owner), Michael Nicholson (City of Gardner Mayor), Trevor Beauregard (Director – Dept. of Community Development & Planning), and Carol Jacobson (President & CEO – Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce A Sign of the Times
New signage recently erected at the Gardner Industrial Park is celebrated with officials and business leaders. The 132 acre site features such businesses at Rob’s Dyno Service and Energica of New England whose owner Rob Swartz is in the picture at left. Energica of New England is setting the trend of Gardner being home to Eco-friendly companies. Energica is a 100% solar facility and claims to sell the world’s most advanced zero-emission motorcycle. Visit the very interesting Energica website. CLICK HERE.
- Premium Quality (12/11/2021)
Are you aware of the increasing number of awesome products being made in Gardner MA and the surrounding area by some very talented people?
Gardner MA Premium Quality
Since 1785, Gardner MA has stood for premium quality. Premium quality products. Premium quality, caring people. And in the years ahead, premium quality potential. It is a 5 star City, on the way up, towards a new trajectory of unparalleled success. It is a welcoming Chair City and a generous “Share City.” As we celebrate the Holiday season, let us reflect on what is GOOD all around us. And let us make it even BETTER together. Want to print a HIGH RES image. CLICK HERE
- Water Main (12/11/2021)
Water was out for some Gardner MA residents on Saturday, December 11, 2021 due to a water main break.
Water Main Breaks in Gardner MA
Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson posted the photo at left on Facebook along with the following statement “Crews are repairing a water main break at the intersection of Ruby Road and Pearl Street. Water is shut off from Ruby Road to Robert Drive and throughout Sapphire Park while repairs are being made. Thank you for your patience.” Residents report that water is now back in service.
- Santa’s Property List (12/10/2021)
Santa’s Property List
For those thinking about a new business or expansion, we present Santa’s Property List, maintained by the City of Gardner Office of Community Development and Planning. Chief Elf is Jessica DeRoy who can be reached at (978) 630-4074 ext. 1. Some space for part of Gardner’s Business Wish List. View the complete article. CLICK HERE
- Ashburnham results (12/10/2021)
Earlier, Gardner Magazine featured a lengthy Safety Zones article. CLICK HERE
Ashburnham MA Town Meeting Approves All Articles
On Tuesday, Ashburnham voters approved the acceptance of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 90, Section 18B permitting the establishment of designated safety zones, in the interest of public safety….such safety zones shall have a posted speed limit of 20 miles per hour. Other articles regarding public safety vehicles also passed. Complete results, CLICK HERE
- Top 10 Best (12/9/2021)
Home Fruit Wine of Orange MA Gets Award
Made with locally grown fruit and berries, their wine has just been recognized as one of the 10 best wineries in Massachusetts. According to the review, “these wines will rock your tastebuds with concentrated flavors and nicely defined textures.” See the award review. Go to Home Fruit Wine website, CLICK HERE.
- FREE TV (12/8/2021)
The City of Gardner MA’s YouTube channel is a great source of information about the Chair City. Residents find out about things almost as fast as they happen. CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Free TV Deal
It’s time to tell you about the City of Gardner FREE TV deal! Yes, the City of Gardner has a FREE TV channel on YouTube. Monthly cost: FREE. You receive instant updates whenever new content appears. You get access to Gardner City Council meetings to learn where your money’s going, a front-row seat to the Weekly Mayor’s update, Freebie extras like the MassWorks Grant Awardees Ceremony, and intriguing FREE nuggets like the Finance Committee, Zoning Board, License, Golf, Airport, Aging, New Building Committee, and so much more! It’s worth 100’s, but to you it’s FREE! You can even give a FREE gift subscription, just share the link, CLICK HERE
- Papa Gino’s d’angelo (12/8/2021)
Sharing the Store
The shuttered d’angelos in Gardner MA has reemerged as a combo location with Papa Gino’s in the Timpany Plaza, Apparently the location has been remodeled to make the change and as of today they are hiring. Corporate was kind enough to provide us this PRESS RELEASE
- Slocum (12/7/2021)
Quoting from the company website, Tim Slocum says, “This company is faith-based regarding the way we do business. The core values of honesty, integrity and selfless service are what we are committed to. We are dedicated to the basic principle of doing our best on every contract. I believe that a satisfied client will be my partner in helping to grow T. Slocum Incorporated.”
Quoting from Monique Connor, “Growth is always good, especially in the right percentages of what is needed in the community.”
Eco-Friendly Winter Company Coming to Gardner
If all goes well at a Gardner Planning Board Public Review Meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 7pm, Slocum Inc. of Ashburnham will be well on its way towards building six commercial buildings to be located off Matthews Street in Gardner. According to Slocum Business Manager Monique Connor, each of the buildings will be approximately 124 feet by 61 feet and feature big bays suitable for commercial companies who need storage for large equipment or would like to open offices. Construction would begin after all approvals are obtained and progress would depend on weather. Slocum plans to use one building as their office and training area.
Slocum is known in the area as a contractor specializing in the winter management of snow and ice. With all the complex chemistry involved in the eco-friendly management of roads and parking lots, Slocum is proud to make their own brine which includes rock salt and a non-corrosive additive, so salting is less harmful to equipment. The company is also a distributor for winter-related products which are eco-friendly. The company has a comprehensive website for more information. CLICK HERE.
- City Council (12/7/2021)
Free Parking through Dec. 31
The Gardner MA City Council met in virtual session on December 6, 2021, extending free parking through the end of the year. In other actions, the 2021 re- precincting plan was approved. Various new, used, and junk auto license renewals were sent to the public safety committee for further study and report. A donation of $2000 from Yen Yen Restaurant was accepted and directed to the Gardner High School backpack program which seeks to help undernourished youth. View complete meeting.
- Gardner Business (12/6/2021)
Gardner MA Business Wish List
We know Gardner citizens would like more businesses in Downtown Gardner MA and the rest of the Chair City. The question is, what types would you like to see? In our article you can download our spreadsheet of over 2000 business categories and see our list of dozens of potential new retail, restaurant, industrial, manufacturing, education, and attractions we’ve dreamed up. For complete article, CLICK HERE.
- Emergency CheckList (12/5/2021)
Build a Gardner MA Emergency Kit
It’s always a good idea to be prepared for a possible emergency, even in the Greater Gardner MA area. You may need food, water, and other supplies to last several days. We have a downloadable version on PDF from FEMA which you can take with you to the store. CLICK HERE.
- Small Things (12/5/2021)
Want to see more Snowflake photos? CLICK HERE
Small Things Reveal Big Things in Greater Gardner MA
At left is a macro photograph of a snowflake, a small part of our lives which reveals the undeniable Intelligent Design behind all of our lives. Proof of God’s existence is all around us. It’s a fitting topic as the Greater Gardner MA region celebrates the birth of Jesus during the Christmas season. And a joy explained further in a great book, the Bible. Would you like a free printed Bible? We have multiple sources. CLICK HERE. You can also read the Holy Bible on Gardner Magazine. CLICK HERE. We have a page of local churches. CLICK HERE.
- Gardner MA (12/4/2021)
City of Gardner Website Reviewed
An important component of a City’s interaction with the public and business is its website. We’ve taken a look and encourage you to do the same. We’ll screenshot the various sections; the home page, Covid 19, Gardner MA Community, Business, City Services, City Hall, and How Do I and have suggestions for better mileage. Complete Article, CLICK HERE.
- Gardner Bus Safety (12/4/2021)
Gardner MA Bus Safety
Appropriate Bus Safety in Greater Gardner MA is important to protect children from death and injury. While on the bus, children are very safe, but there is great risk to children when approaching or leaving buses. We have tips for parents and children and best safety practices for drivers. Read complete article, CLICK HERE.
- Winter Weather (12/4/2021)
Gardner Magazine has a Complete Weather Center for the Greater Gardner area.
Greater Gardner MA Winter Weather Outlook
Will Greater Gardner MA be colder or warmer this winter? Will we get more snow or less? And how do we know. We have the answers including NOAA maps and an informational video in our complete article. CLICK HERE
- Mayor’s Update (12/3/2021)
Submissions for Caroling with the Mayor video need to be received by 12/13/21 at
Gardner MA Mayor updates City
Gardner Mayor Mike Nicholson speaks of many of the topics already in the news including grant and loan programs impacting Downtown Gardner, other plans in the works, and the opportunity for citizens to send in Christmas/winter pictures and/or short videos to be included in Caroling with the Mayor video. Watch update on you tube CLICK HERE.
Gardner Police and Fire Departments will be running a toy drive at 250 Brookside Drive December 4, 2021 from 5pm to 8pm in conjunction with the Christmas Light show at that address. Or residents may bring toys, clothes or hygiene items to Gardner PD by Dec. 15th.
- Operation Storefront (12/3/2021)
Gardner MA Operation: Storefront Explained
Others have put in the effort. We are giving it a name and encouraging greater participation in Operation: Storefront. Read the complete article, CLICK HERE
- Lights List (12/3/2021)
Friday Night Lights List
We have updated our article to include a link to the list of Gardner MA homes and driving directions. For the complete article, click here.
- Christmas with the Animals (12/2/2021)
Gardner MA Christmas with the Animals Video has licensed video of animals from all over the world and Christmas music to produce our 101.3 Studios presentation of “Gardner MA Christmas with the Animals’, a heartwarming tribute to nature’s most beautiful creatures. This 12 minute Full HD production is our Merry Christmas card to you. CLICK HERE to watch.
- Christmas Caroling (12/2/2021)
Submissions for this year’s Caroling with the Mayor 2021 video need to be received by 12/13/21 at Caroling with the Mayor Video Still A Big Hit!
Last year’s Virtual Caroling with the Mayor has been viewed almost 1000 times. It’s a real treat, And here’s a hint, you’ll hear Mayor Mike sing, you’ll be joyful, and you will believe! Here’s the YouTube link.
- Local Artist (12/2/2021)
Local Artist featured at Library
Carolyn A, Kamuda’s work will be on display for the Month of December at the Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA during normal library hours. Kamuda is known for her beautiful photography and has on online portfolio. CLICK HERE
- Free Parking (12/1/2021)
Save your Quarters for the Kettle!
Mayor Nicholson signed an Executive Order suspending Parking Meters in the City of Gardner MA from Dec. 1st to Dec. 7th. The City Council will consider a further suspension at its regular meeting on Dec. 7, 2021. VIEW PDF of Mayor’s order.
- Heywood A (12/1/2021)
Editor’s Note:
Reading the complete Leapfrog Safety Report will provide you with a complete understanding of what the score actually covers. Read the complete report, CLICK HERE.
Gardner MA Excellent Medical Affirmed
In the G.N.A.M.G.A. Week (Good News About Gardner MA Week) which keeps on giving, Heywood Hospital received its Leapfrog Safety Grade. The Grade: an A, for the third consecutive time, a gigantic achievement considering the challenges of the pandemic. Other area hospitals did not score as well. Complete 11 page Heywood Report in pdf, CLICK HERE
Other hospitals scoring an A included Nashoba Valley Medical Center in Ayer, Marlborough Hospital, Emerson Hospital, Baystate Wing Hospital, Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Milford Regional, Lahey Hospital, Newton-Wellesley, Holyoke Family, Beth Israel Deaconess, Winchester, Mercy Medical Center of Springfield, Holy Family, Massachusetts General, and Tufts Medical Center. View grades of hospitals within 50 miles, CLICK HERE
Some Health and Medical Links
Heywood Hospital, 242 Green Street, Gardner Website Link
Heywood Urgent Care, 266 Main Street, Gardner Website Link
Community Health Center, 175 Connors Street, Gardner Website Link
Cornerstone Family Direct (subscription model) 250 Green Street, Suite 200, Gardner Website Link
Around the Towns – News

In the Community